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NEO: Help in the Head (T-Verse Platinum)

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Good thing we're wrestling for the one thing I don't have! :p


Wrestling for Pants - 8.27.14

Kellie Swimmer & Leonardo Rhodes vs. Mai-Li Kato & Marcus Franklin

Blaze Tanner vs. The Masked Grappler

Jeremy Griffin vs. Shadow Darkside

Wonder Tic II vs. Darnell Smalls

Harris Carter vs. Seung Zhi


Following Michigan!

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Good thing we're wrestling for the one thing I don't have! :p


The next couple of shows aren't going to be for you then. ;)


Following Michigan!

Always a bad idea! :p


This is a correct statement.


I'm very confused, but in a good way...I think.


This is a 4 level diary that contains me, foolinc, playing the game, the kayfabe world inside the NEO shows, the world of James Heatly, Sophie, and all of the workers in the T-Verse universe, and the world inside James Heatly's brain which may or may not break the 4th wall.


What's not to get? :p

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Kellie Swimmer & Leonardo Rhodes vs. Mai-Li Kato & Marcus Franklin

NEO's very own Miley n' Poppa combo.


Blaze Tanner vs. The Masked Grappler

- Flame on!


Jeremy Griffin vs. Shadow Darkside

- The only wrestling foolinc knows how to write for and has a pseudo promo.


Wonder Tic II vs. Darnell Smalls

- What's smaller than a Tic? A Darnell, that's what!


Harris Carter vs. Seung Zhi

- Pandering to the Chinese market, it is what's best for business.

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NEO Show #1: Wrestling for Pants - 8.27.14








NEO Wrestling for Pants

Saturday, Week 4, August 2014

Mid City High School

(11 ringside seats sold)


Announce Team


Tony Moone | James Heatly | Rodney Swick



Jeremy Griffin vs. Shadow Darkside


In an extremely poor match, Shadow Darkside defeated Jeremy Griffin in 12:31 by pinfall with an Enter The Darkside.


Rating: D-


Match Notes: Griffin tried to stick and move in the early going, sneaking in a submission when he could. While it seemed to work for a bit, it was only a matter of time before Darkside was able to get a hold of Jeremy with a vicious strike. From that point on, Shadow controlled the rest of the match, at one point extending the match just to inflict a bit more pain on his opponent.





Pre-Taped Promo


Standing alone in a darken room, the man known as Shadow Darkside lets everyone know just who he is.


"Nine years. For nine years I have lived with the torment of taking the career of a man. Do you know how it feels to take food off of a man's plate? Do you understand what goes on in the mind of a man in that ring when he knows that one wrong move could end their opponents' career or even their life? Well I do! And you know what? That pain, that doubt, that uncertainty has caused me to be in a state of Living Hell.


But I've come to realize that all of that self doubt was wrong. There is no use in dwelling in the past. You can only look towards the future.


I have seen the light! And that light has told me to take my pain and turn it back on to the rest of the world. For nine years I've been in a living hell. But now, that Living Hell is coming for you."


Rating: D





Harris Carter vs. Seung Zhi


In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Harris Carter defeated Seung Zhi in 8:04 by pinfall with an Orange Crush Bomb.


Rating: E


Match Notes: While this matched featured some nice back and forth action, it might have been a bit too serious for the some of the younger members in the audience. The good news is that the older members, aka the ones that could one day pay to see a "real" NEO sho,w seemed to dig the match, even though they didn't know who Harris and Zhi were.





Darnell Smalls vs. Wonder Tic II


In an extremely poor match, Wonder Tic II defeated Darnell Smalls in 9:20 by count out.


Rating: E


Match Notes: The fans of POW would have been right at home with this match. Wonder Tic II frustrated the larger Darnell Smalls from bell to bell, toying with the big heavyweight and playing to the crowd. The finish saw Wonder Tic II evade a spear outside of the ring, causing Darnell to crash into the ringside steps. Hurt, dazed, and confused, the big man was unable to reach the count of ten earning the masked man his first victory here in NEO.





In-Ring Segment


After the match, an enraged Darnell Smalls looked to take his pent up frustrations out on the celebrating Wonder Tic II. The big man goes to assault the not so capped crusader, however Wonder Tic sees Smalls from the corner of his eye and swiftly evades Darnell's ill intentions.


Rating: D





Blaze Tanner vs. The Masked Grappler


In an extremely poor match, Blaze Tanner defeated The Masked Grappler in 14:18 by pinfall with a You And Your Sins.


Rating: E


Match Notes: The Masked Grappler attempted to frustrate Blaze with standard heel tactics, however Tanner didn't take the bait. Once our referee put a stop to The Masked Grappler's dog and pony show, Blaze was able to put away the masked heavyweight away relatively easily.





In-Ring Segment


Marcus Franklin and Mai-Li Kato come out from the back, slapping the hands of everyone in the front row before hitting the center of the ring. The two quickly mention their upcoming match with Kellie Swimmer and Leonardo Rhodes, but mainly focus on thanking everyone for coming out for tonight's charity event. The duo start to hand out some free Mid City High and NEO Championship Wrestling swag to the crowd before eventually being interrupted by their opponent's theme music.


Rating: E+





Kellie Swimmer & Leonardo Rhodes vs. Mai-Li Kato & Marcus Franklin


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Mai-Li Kato and Marcus Franklin defeated Kellie Swimmer and Leonardo Rhodes in 22:58 when Mai-Li Kato defeated Kellie Swimmer by pinfall with an Easter Surprise.


Rating: C-


Match Notes: The main event was a fast paced, even affair in what could be considered a very “clean” wrestling match. All four participants had their time to shine with Mai-Li shining brightest at the end. The second generation wrestler, countered a DDT attempt from Kellie with an Easter Surprise (Victory roll) to pick up a win for her team while the men brawled outside of the ring.


Not long enough to be considered it’s own segment, after the match Kato tried to help Kellie up, only to have her hand slapped away by the young Aussie.




Overall Rating: D

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Wrestling for Shoes - A Card Revealed






"YES! Did you see that main event! I can't believe it was so good."


"I know and did you see those crowd reactions?"


"And the money? Did you see all of the money we made!?"


"But what about the backstage antics? Those can't be good."


"Backstage antics aside, I see big things for us. Big things. Here's where I see us going next year-"




"No? No, what?"


"We already promised not to pay attention to the promotion, good or bad, until after the 2nd show. Then we'll review and plan out the next three shows. And IF, and I do mean IF, those shows go well, THEN we can think about next year."


"Aww man, you're no fun."


"I know. Now let just put up these flyers so that we can at least give ourselves a chance at having shows in 2015."


*Looks at the flyer*


"Wait a second, if we aren't worrying more than the upcoming show, then why is the main event..."


"Not another word. Remember the card is 'Subject to Change'."







Wrestling for Shoes - 9.27.14

NEO Heavyweight Qualifer: Leonardo Rhodes vs. Wonder Tic II

Kellie Swimmer vs. Mai-Li Kato

Marcus Franklin vs. The Masked Grappler

Blaze Tanner & Jeremy Griffin vs. Darnell Smalls & Seung Zhi

Harris Carter vs. Shadow Darkside

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Great first show Foolinc! Though, with a crowd that big, you might end up being able to name your fans individually :D


NEO Heavyweight Qualifer: Leonardo Rhodes vs. Wonder Tic II

Kellie Swimmer vs. Mai-Li Kato

Marcus Franklin vs. The Masked Grappler

Blaze Tanner & Jeremy Griffin vs. Darnell Smalls & Seung Zhi

Harris Carter vs. Shadow Darkside

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Great first show Foolinc! Though, with a crowd that big, you might end up being able to name your fans individually :D


To be honest, I've always role-played the "Wrestling for.." shows to be part of a charity event where the show is free and an option to buy a ticket to sit where you want. With all of the sponsorship money that the game gives you, I never bought that only 11 people would show up to an event.

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To be honest, I've always role-played the "Wrestling for.." shows to be part of a charity event where the show is free and an option to buy a ticket to sit where you want. With all of the sponsorship money that the game gives you, I never bought that only 11 people would show up to an event.


Great idea!

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Wrestling for Shoes - 9.27.14

NEO Heavyweight Qualifer: Leonardo Rhodes vs. Wonder Tic II

Rhodes is one of your most over stars so I would expect him to get past Tic II.


Kellie Swimmer vs. Mai-Li Kato

Kato is more talented (at least as far as I know) and bit more popular so she would be logical pick as winner. However, with these two being the only two women in the promotion, they do make logical feuding partners (which also seems to be the case judging by the first show) and with Kato pinning Swimmer in the tag match, I think that some kind of cheaty win for Kellie will happen here to even the score.


Marcus Franklin vs. The Masked Grappler

I didn´t find The Masked Grappler in the database so I have no real idea about him but Franklin is big star in company as small as this one and with Grappler losing his debut match I would assume that he doesn´t have the popularity to beat Franklin.


Blaze Tanner & Jeremy Griffin vs. Darnell Smalls & Seung Zhi

Tanner is another guy I didn´t manage to find but he´s the only guy here who won in the first show while Griffin´s loss was against opponent I rank higher than either Smalls or Zhi´s opponent so based on that, I give this one to Tanner and Griffin.


Harris Carter vs. Shadow Darkside

Shadow is another of those more popular guys, not to mention the 1st pick and surely he´s going to be one of the main guys at least for the first year.

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NEO Heavyweight Qualifer: Leonardo Rhodes vs. Wonder Tic II

- Nothing says heavyweight than a pink masked grappler called the Tic.


Kellie Swimmer vs. Mai-Li Kato

- The Aussie with Attitude cheats to win. Best diva feud in the 'verse today.


Marcus Franklin vs. The Masked Grappler

- Grappler seems to be here to stare at the lights. He should sell some logos for his mask, and the soles of his boots.


Blaze Tanner & Jeremy Griffin vs. Darnell Smalls & Seung Zhi

- Small Seung went 0-2 last month. That's my reasoning.


Harris Carter vs. Shadow Darkside

- He's Mr. Daaaaarkside!

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Great thing we're wrestling for shoes now, I lost mine. THE SHOES ARE MINE! ALL MINE! HAHAHAHAHA!


Wrestling for Shoes - 9.27.14

NEO Heavyweight Qualifer: Leonardo Rhodes vs. Wonder Tic II

Kellie Swimmer vs. Mai-Li Kato

Marcus Franklin vs. The Masked Grappler

Blaze Tanner & Jeremy Griffin vs. Darnell Smalls & Seung Zhi

Harris Carter vs. Shadow Darkside

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