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WWF 85: The Birth of WrestleMania

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Great Supercard, I already expressed many of my reactions to you, but Martel's win had me jumping out of the sofa. Savage debuted in a great way, and I'm looking forward to more surprises on the Road to WrestleMania! Congratulations on this, bro.
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Very good show Packerman.


Thank you man! Always great to hear it from a great diary writer such as yourself!


Great Supercard, I already expressed many of my reactions to you, but Martel's win had me jumping out of the sofa. Savage debuted in a great way, and I'm looking forward to more surprises on the Road to WrestleMania! Congratulations on this, bro.


Expect big from Martel and Savage :D WrestleMania'll be great for sure!


Also, I will put up another CW tomorrow, as I've been busy with the project with Ayden :D That'll be a fun one for sure! Expect our first show previews tomorrow-ish.

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WWF Championship Wrestling

Week 1, February 1985

Grade: 74 (B-)



In the interview area:

To begin our first show after SuperCard, we go to the interview area where Gorilla Monsoon is standing by with Hulk Hogan! Hogan says that he is proud that he beat evil last night and made all the little Hulkamaniacs proud, brother! Hogan says that he is going to make all of them proud, and that Hulkamania will last forever in the hearts of the little Hulksters! Monsoon thanks Hogan for his time as we cut to the ring for some wrestling action!

Grade: 75 (B-)


Owen Hart vs. Rick Rude

Our first match of the night features the two men who interfered in the opening match at SuperCard. The two went back and forth trying to prove that their team was better. Hart represented "The Hart Brothers", known as himself and Bret, and Rude represented "The New Breed", which is composed of Rick Rude and Jake Roberts. It looked as if Owen was going to win the match, but Rude resulted to dirty tactics, using the ring bell from ringside to smack Owen in the face with the cheapshot! The ref didn't see it either, so it is an easy one two three for Rick Rude.

Winner: Rick Rude

Grade: 26 (E)


On the video screen:

After Rude picked up his quite rude victory over Owen, we see Bret Hart appear on the screen. Hart says that he has talked to the WWF staff and they have made it official that The Hart Brothers will be wrestling The New Breed at War to Settle the Score! Bret warns Rude and Roberts that him and Owen have been together since birth and that himself and Owen will be giving it their all come the end of February!

Grade: 41 (D)


Randy Savage vs. King Tonga

Our second match of the evening featured the newly debuted "Macho Man" Randy Savage taking on King Tonga. Tonga looked to use his size and strength to his advantage and it worked for around three minutes. However, from then it was all Macho. Savage looked to show Hansen that he is the next big thing. The Macho Man toyed with Tonga and hit him with a variety of impressive moves. Savage ended it by hitting a big clothesline and then climbing up to the top and delivering a big flying elbow for the win.

Winner: Randy Savage

Grade: 58 (C-)



Savage grabs a mic after the match and hypes himself up. He says that while everybody expected him to hit Hansen, he proved them wrong. He says that Hansen brought him into the WWF to kick some butt. Savage tells the fans to expect a lot more Macho Man in the future because he is here to stay!

Grade: 57 (C-)



We cut the the camera to a graveyard. The noise of a faint crow is heard ringing out in the background. Cameras roll across the screen showing various tombstones. Spooky music plays in the background as we zoom into a particular grave. It reads: Bruiser Brody: 1946- WrestleMania I. We then fade to black as the words Coming Soon appear on the screen in the color of blood.

Grade: 56 (C-)


Roddy Piper vs. Tony Atlas

The co-main event of the evening featured great wrestling action as Roddy Piper took on Tony Atlas. Before the match began, Piper announced that Snuka is in the hospital recovering from the brutal beatdown Piper gave him on Sunday. Piper seemed to still have his mojo in this match as he dominated Atlas. The only offense Atlas got in was a couple of elbows whilst Piper was deciding how to inflict more pain. After many numerous holds and attacks, Piper ended the one-sided affair with a swift sleeper hold seven minutes in.

Winner: Roddy Piper

Grade: 78 (B)



Roddy Piper grabs a mic after the match as he is coming off his dominance of Tony Atlas. Piper took his time to mainly address Hulk Hogan. Piper delivers a barrage of insults to Hogan. He tells the crowd that Hogan left the building after his interview because he believes that he is too good for the WWF universe. He accuses Hogan of being a fake man, only here for a paycheck. It helps further Piper's cause as he starts getting nuclear boos. The promo ends with Piper telling the fans that eventually Hogan will show his true colors and they will regret not listening to Rowdy Roddy Piper.

Grade: 80 (B)


Bruiser Brody vs. Big John Studd

Closing off the evening we see the "true giant" of the WWF taking on the man who has defeated Roddy Piper and Nikolai Volkoff who is known as Bruiser Brody. This was a brawl that the fans loved. Brody looked to prove that he was on top of his game even after the vignette that was directed towards him that was aired earlier tonight. However, it appeared that Studd was the better man as he started to outdo Brody. Studd slammed the bruiser and looked to finish him off with a Powerslam. But as Studd picked up Brody, Andre The Giant's voice blared out across the arena! In fact, it was Andre signing a Valentine's Day love song to the ladies backstage! However, Studd did not realize this as Brody ran towards him and kicked his skull in! Brody grabs ANOTHER huge victory here! After the match, Gorilla Monsoon announced that Andre The Giant will face Big John Studd at War to Settle the Score! We will see you next week for another edition of WWF Championship Wrestling!

Winner: Bruiser Brody

Grade: 77 (B-)

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WWF Championship Wrestling

Week 2, February 1985

Grade: 78 (B)




In the interview area:

To open the show, The Macho Cowboys: AKA Stan Hansen and Randy Savage join Gorilla Monsoon in the interview area. Hansen does most of the talking as Savage spends most of the segment checking out his large biceps. Hansen says that he and Savage challenge Martel and Santana to a match at War to Settle the Score, and to get their butts out here now. Hansen gives Strike Force ten seconds before he sends Savage after them. They don't respond as the duo leaves the interview area very angry.

Grade: 70 (C+)


King Tonga vs. Jake Roberts

To open up the show, two young guys battled it out in the ring. King Tonga, better known as Haku, fought Jake Roberts in a pretty decent brawl. They went back and forth for about five minutes with neither gaining a clear advantage. However, Tonga could not pick up the win for the second week in a row as he fell to Jake Roberts' DDT after about seven minutes.

Winner: Jake Roberts

Grade: 51 (D+)



We now show cut to the video screen for a vignette. It appears to look very similar to the one we saw last week. A man with a high pitched voice spoke on the video. He mainly focused on saying that "he" will debut at the War and that we should all be scared. This man is something that we have never ever seen before. Come the time, this man will rule the WWF. You have been warned.

Grade: 52 (D+)


The Macho Cowboys vs. The Brisco Brothers

More wrestling here as we see the debut of the tag team known as The Macho Cowboys. In this match, they take on the highly experienced Brisco Brothers, who always fit nicely as tag team jobbers. In this match, The Briscos made the cowboys look good, selling their moves well and making them look like real threats. This match also thrilled the crowd as all four men gave it their all to put on a good match. The end game when Randy and Stan isolated Jerry long enough to hit him with a Lariat and a Flying Elbow for the three.

Winner: The Macho Cowboys

Grade: 69 (C+)



After the match, The Macho Cowboys head back to their locker room to pack up and leave for the night. However, they are not allowed to get there as they are ambushed by Strike Force! The fan favorites Martel and Santana snuck through the crowd and are now brawling with Hansen and Savage. After a good brawl, the road agents come out to break it up as Martel locks Savage in the Boston Crab whilst Santana has Hansen in a nasty looking figure four. After the brawl is over, Gorilla Monsoon announces two tag team matches for war. We will see Strike Force vs. The Macho Cowboys in one match, and The US Express vs. The North South Connection for the tag titles! The War to Settle the Score is shaping up to be a great night of fun wrestling action!

Grade: 67 (C+)


Mike Rotundo vs. Dick Murdoch

In this match, we see one half of the challengers taking on one half of the champions. Rotundo and Murdoch were told to go all out and get the crowd excited and they certainly did so. This match served it purpose of getting the fans excited about the title match at WTSTS and did so with several near falls. After Rotundo took Murdoch's greatest, he retaliated and nailed Murdoch with a skull cracking Flying Lariat for the victory.

Winner: Mike Rotundo

Grade: 64 ©


In the backstage area:

Before his semi main event match, Andre The Giant does some self-promotion backstage. For being a man who can barely utter words that are understandable to the common fan, he sure cut a darn good promo here. He mainly taunted Big John Studd, but he also mentioned Hulk Hogan. He tells Hogan that he and Hogan will be friends for life and that he has his back when he needs it.

Grade: 80 (B)


Andre The Giant vs. Greg Valentine

In this co-main event, we saw a giant take on the former IC champ Greg Valentine. Since losing his title, Valentine has been in a total rut, never coming out on top. For Valentine, the future is bleak. However, for Andre, the future is nothing but up. After an open match that made Andre look good, the big man picked up the win with a big body slam that made the ring shake after 9 and a half minutes.

Winner: Andre The Giant

Grade: 74 (B-)


Hulk Hogan vs. Roddy Piper

We have no more behind the scenes action as we go straight to the ring for the main event of the evening. It's an epic one, as wee Hulk Hogan taking on Roddy Piper! Hogan and Piper had a good match here using a variety of different wrestling moves and styles. It looked like Hogan was going to win until Orndorff came out to try and distract the world champ. However, Mr. T then came out and came face to face with his foe. Before long, Orton, Snuka, Richter and Lauper were also out and this turned into a massive brawl! The ref has no chance but to stop the fight, as we will have to wait and see who is the better man for another day.

Winner: None (Referee Stoppage)

Grade: 82 (B)


At ring side:

After he escapes the brawl, Hulk Hogan grabs the mic and begins to yell at Piper. He tells him that Hulkamania will crush Piper and his friends who never let all the little Hulksters get what they wanted. Hogan says that he has it confirmed that we will see Team Hogan vs. Team Piper in a four versus four match at War! This will be a battle for the ages, and we can only wait in anticipation until we see this epic clash between greats. That's all for this weak, and we hope you tune in next week for WWF Championship Wrestling!

Grade: 74 (B-)


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WWF Championship Wrestling

Week 3, February 1985

Grade: 76 (B-)



In the interview area:

We are joined by Roddy Piper in the interview area to begin the show. Piper takes the time to put his over his men (and woman), and to put down every one associated with Hogan, including Andre The Giant. Piper then moves on to his next agenda. He has pent up frustration after not beating Hulk Hogan and he wants a fight tonight. He wants to fight Mr. T. Instead of T, we are then joined by Hulk Hogan! Hogan goes face to face with Piper and accepts his challenge on behalf of his friend. Hogan then rips into Piper as the two almost come to blows but they are held apart by various backstage officials.

Grade: 82 (B)


Barry Windham vs. Adrian Adonis

For the first match of the evening, we see the second singles match between the US Express and The North-South Connection. Windham looked to make it 2-0 for the Express whilst Adonis tried to recover momentum for the champions. In various points in the match, it looked like Adonis was going to put the match away, including when he hit his signature DDT. However, Windham's willpower was the true winner in this match as he took Adonis' punishment and won with a Super-Plex.

Winner: Barry Windham

Grade: 68 (C+)


On the wrestle-tron: (Yes, that's what I'm calling it now)

After the match, we see a short clip video that the producers backstage put together to hype up the tag title match at War. We call it war because nobody has time to say the full name. It mainly recaps the two singles matches as well as The Connection winning the titles. It ends with a graphic that shows the two next to each other with "Who will win?" spanning across the screen.

Grade: 58 (C-)


The Hart Brothers vs. The Moondogs

For the second match, we saw The Hart Brothers take on the more experienced tag team in the Moondogs. At first, the Moondogs used their chemistry to isolate Owen effectively keeping him away from Bret using various tag team maneuvers and frequent tags between the two. To keep it brief, the brotherly bond between the two brothers prevailed and the two got in the share of offense and put it away when Owen made Spot submit to the Sharpshooter.

Winner: The Hart Brothers

Grade: 58 (C-)



Afterwards, we had an attack that made the crowd a tad angry with the booking team. The New Breed did a quick run in and brawled with The Hart Brothers. The four young prospects brawled around the ring and within the ring, and it ended when Roberts nailed Owen with a DDT and Rude nailed Bret with another DDT that looked spot on to Roberts' DDT. You can tell that the chemistry between the two has been growing. Breaking the fourth wall, I think this segment was brought down by Roberts' and Rude's drug habits. Don't do drugs kids, as they make you get E rated segments!

Grade: 26 (E)


Bruiser Brody vs. Brutus Beefcake

Brody treated Beefcake like he was a hamburger from the local McDonalds in this match. The big man used his strength to physically dominate Beefcake in every aspect of the match. Backstage officials report Beefcake as hitting one move in this match, whilst Brody used many. After Brody was contempt with the damage he had done, he put Beefcake away with a King Kong Knee Drop. Looks like Brody wants to prove to the shadowy figure that he won't lose easily. If that was his intention, then he certainly proved that tonight.

Winner: Bruiser Brody

Grade: 69 (C+)


At ring-side:

After the match, we are joined by Freddie Blassie and The Iron Sheik. Blassie does most of the talking, as Sheik stands at ringside looking menacing. Blassie informs the crowd that Volkoff has a broken arm and that he is in Mother Russia recovering with the advanced medical tactics that were previously reserved for only Stalin himself. On behalf of Sheik, Blassie challenges Brody to a match at War. Brody quickly accepts, promising to break BOTH of Sheik's arms like he (accidentally) did to Volkoff.

Grade: 63 ©


Randy Savage vs. Tito Santana

In this match, Savage looked for revenge after being stuck in Martel's Boston Crab last week. The effects of the submission maneuver showed on Savage's body, but they didn't keep Savage from his best. In a good back and forth match that the crowd were fairly into, Randy Savage managed to pick up a clean victory after knocking Santana down with a mini lariat and leaping off the top rope and landing a nasty elbow to the gut of Santana that allowed Savage to pick up the victory.

Winner: Randy Savage

Grade: 65 ©



After the match (I use that transition a lot...), Hansen joins Savage in the ring. The duo use their allocated time to cut a promo on Strike Force. They bring up the point that Martel thinks he's too good to be here tonight and that is why he is not present at this very moment. Savage tries to convince the crowd that they are for the fans by trying to rid the WWF of scoundrel like Strike Force. The promo ends as Hansen leaves the crowd thinking was some philosophy stuff that half of the fans probably don't even understand. Next, please.

Grade: 70 (C+)


Roddy Piper vs. Mr. T

We deciced to trust Mr. T enough to be in a singles main event. Surprisingly enough, he didn't bomb it. It was clear in this match that Piper was going to win. Piper simply was able to use his technical wrestling to outdo the television star. However, the crowd was pleased as the A-Team star made a comeback with some nice martial arts to the ribs of the Scotsman. T almost looked like he had this one in check, but as T lifted Piper up for the spin, Piper caught T with an illegal shot to the groin! T slowly crumpled as Piper made the cover for the victory.

Winner: Roddy Piper

Grade: 75 (B-)



Hulk Hogan has had enough. He was screwed last week and this week, T was screwed. Hogan joined T in the ring as the two layed the smack down on Piper, much to the fans appeal. The show ended on a high note, as T layed Piper down with an Airplane Spin and Hogan dropped a big leg on Piper as the two posed to make the fans happy as we close our second to last show before War.

Grade: 75 (B-)

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WWF Championship Wrestling

Week 4, February 1985

Grade: 78 (B)




At the announce desk:

The final show before War begins at the announce table, where Gorilla and Jesse sit hyping up the WWF in general. Gorilla Monsoon makes a huge announcement, as he has received word that Andre The Giant will team up with the world champion Hulk Hogan taking on Roddy Piper and Big John Studd. Tonight is sure to be a great one. We now go to the interview area where Mean Gene is standing by with Roddy Piper.

Grade: 73 (B-)


In the interview area:

We are now joined by Gene Okerlund as he is standing by with Roddy Piper. Piper is happy at this announcement, because he gets to take out as many pukesters as he can before two factions war at The War to Settle the Score. Piper is excited and is happy to team with Studd claiming that Studd is a true giant, unlike that fake known Andre. We are now joined by Bobby Heenan, who seems to sweet talk Roddy Piper. Heenan and Piper rip into Hogan and find that they have much in similar, including a common hatred of Hulkamania. Okerlund ends the interview as Piper and Heenan shake hands, forming a temporary alliance. Will this play into effect later tonight?

Grade: 74 (B-)


King Tonga vs. Rick Rude

Surprisingly, the crowd didn't crap on a match that Rude was involved with. We went back and forth for both of the match, including seeing both men get in their finishing maneuvers. It looked like Tonga was going to put it away, but the lights go out. Ten seconds later, Rude is on top of Tonga and the referee counts the three count needed for victory.

Winner: Rick Rude

Grade: 42 (D)


In the locker room:

Cameras are rushing backstage, as we have reports of an attack. As the cameramen rush backstage, we see EMT's rushing to the locker room. We enter the locker room to see blood on the ground and David Sammartino against the wall. It appears he was attacked quite good, as he has a noticeable gash on his forehead. The announcers seem concerned about David and most importantly, who is carrying out these attacks? First Tonga, now Sammartino, this man is one to watch out far.

Grade: 46 (D)


The Macho Cowboys vs. George Wells and Jose Luis Rivera

The Macho Cowboys fought jobbers in this thrilling contest. We should note that these two jobbers were chosen at random amongst the jobbers hanging out by the local catering backstage. After a dominant performance, Savage and Hansen put Wells away with the lariat-elbow combination. The cowboys are at the top of their game going into the War.

Winner: The Macho Cowboys

Grade: 54 (C-)



After their match, The Macho Cowboys grab a mic to cut yet another promo. They tell the fans that their quest to rid scoundrels like Strike Force from the WWF continues this Sunday. After this War, we will not see Strike Force together ever again in this ring. Because after this War, neither Martel nor Santana are going to be able to step into a ring ever again. Savage ends their promo was a convincing "Ohhhhh yeahhhhhh!" as the cowboys walk to the back to presumably leave the arena and go prep for their match on Sunday.

Grade: 68 (C+)


Bruiser Brody and Junkyard Dog vs. The Iron Sheik and Ken Patera

In this match, we saw Bruiser Brody and JYD taking on Sheik and Patera. As the matchmaker was making this match, he completely forgot that JYD was even on the WWF roster. The match mainly focused on Brody and Sheik, although JYD and Patera got their fair share of action. After a very nice back and forth contest, Brody connected with a vicious running boot that made the Sheik's mind scatter as the team of Brody and the dog picked up the win here tonight.

Winner: Bruiser Brody and JYD

Grade: 73 (B-)


At ringside:

The cameras now show Freddie Blassie and Bobby Heenan bickering at ringside. Heenan says that he is ashamed that he allowed one of his men to be in the same ring as a client of a loser like Freddie Blassie. Both men get awful angry with each other, as both men get progressively angrier. Eventually, Blassie isn't hearing it anymore, as he slaps Heenan in the face! The crowd laugh as Blassie and Heenan have a slap fight around ringside as Patera and Sheik pull their managers off each other and walk to the back in shame.

Grade: 81 (B)


Jimmy Snuka vs. Bob Orton

The co-main event of the evening serves as a match to hype up the faction war at War to Settle the Score. Snuka gained the early advantage working Orton over with punches and a headbutt. Snuka leaps off the top rope and nails Orton with a nice top rope elbow drop for the two count. Snuka continues to work over Orton, nailing with big elbows to the chest. Orton reverses and gains the advantages. The two stand up and they grapple. Orton grabs Snuka, nails him with the belly to back suplex! Orton works Snuka over, but not for long as Snuka reverses and weakens Orton with an armbar. Snuka stands up and climbs, superfly splash! Snuka hops on Orton and gets the count as he picks up the victory here.

Winner: Jimmy Snuka

Grade: 79 (B)


Roddy Piper and Big John Studd vs. Hulk Hogan and Andre The Giant

No more messing around here folks as we will see our main event with Piper and Studd facing off with Hogan and Andre. Studd and Hogan started this one off, as they brawled for a fair amount of time until Hogan managed to trip the giant followed up by landing a nice elbow to the midsection of Studd. Hogan picks up Studd and tags in Andre. The two giants clash for a bit until Andre slams Studd, picks him up, and slams him again. But this time, Studd caught Andre with a low blow on the way down. Hogan and Piper are in, Hogan's hulking up! Hogan takes the punches, completely no selling. Hogan points, bounces off the ropes, takes down Piper! He bounces again and drops the big leg! Hogan makes the cover, and after three seconds, he picks up the victory! Will this be the result come the War on Sunday?

Winner: Hulk Hogan and Andre The Giant

Grade: 80 (B)


On the Wrestle-Tron:

After the match, we see a short hype video that was taped at WWF headquarters earlier this week. It shows Hulk Hogan in a room addressing his Hulkamaniacs! He tells them to eat their vitamins and say their prayers, because this Sunday, he's going to make all the Hulksters proud and take away the evil from the WWF! He ends the video by telling the fans to watch the War this Sunday by calling their local cable providers today!

Grade: 79 (B)

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WWF War to Settle the Score Preview:




-An epic faction war featuring Hulk Hogan, Roddy Piper, Mr. T and more!


-A clash between two giants as we see Andre The Giant fighting Big John Studd!


-Two young tag teams fight; it's the Hart Brothers fighting The New Breed!


-The Iron Sheik looks to avenge Nikolai Volkoff in his match with Bruiser Brody!


-King Tonga will face the mystery man who has been tormenting him these past weeks.


-Also featuring stars such as Stan Hansen, Randy Savage, Rick Martel, and The North-South Connection! WWF The War to Settle the Score is NOT a show you want to miss!



Prediction Listing:




Team Hogan (Hulk Hogan, Mr. T, Jimmy Snuka and Wendi Richter) vs. Team Piper (Roddy Piper, Paul Orndorff, Bob Orton and The Fabulous Moolah)




The Hart Brothers vs. The New Breed (Rick Rude and Jake Roberts)




WWF Tag Team Championships:

The North-South Connection © vs. The US Express




Strike Force vs. The Macho Cowboys




The Iron Sheik vs. Bruiser Brody




Andre The Giant vs. Big John Studd




King Tonga vs. Mystery Man




Bonus Questions:


Who is the mystery man?:


What will open the show?:


What will be the highest rated match:?


Will there be any turns?:




Comments on last month of shows/dynasty in general:

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Prediction Listing:


Team Hogan (Hulk Hogan, Mr. T, Jimmy Snuka and Wendi Richter) vs. Team Piper (Roddy Piper, Paul Orndorff, Bob Orton and The Fabulous Moolah)

Comments: Unless someone turns


The Hart Brothers vs. The New Breed (Rick Rude and Jake Roberts)

Comments: Have a feeling that this one will go on after this match



WWF Tag Team Championships:

The North-South Connection © vs. The US Express

Comments: With the harts winning, I can see the heels retaining



Strike Force vs. The Macho Cowboys

Comments: Ooohhh yeahhh



The Iron Sheik vs. Bruiser Brody

Comments: Toss-up


Andre The Giant vs. Big John Studd

Comments: Never liked Studd



King Tonga vs. Mystery Man

Comments: The Mystery Opponents always win!



Bonus Questions:


Who is the mystery man?: Mean Marc Calloway/The Undertaker?


What will open the show?: Strike Force/Macho Cowboys


What will be the highest rated match:? Team Hogan vs Team Piper


Will there be any turns?: No

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Team Hogan (Hulk Hogan, Mr. T, Jimmy Snuka and Wendi Richter) vs. Team Piper (Roddy Piper, Paul Orndorff, Bob Orton and The Fabulous Moolah)




The Hart Brothers vs. The New Breed (Rick Rude and Jake Roberts)




WWF Tag Team Championships:

The North-South Connection © vs. The US Express




Strike Force vs. The Macho Cowboys




The Iron Sheik vs. Bruiser Brody




Andre The Giant vs. Big John Studd




King Tonga vs. Mystery Man




Bonus Questions:


Who is the mystery man?: King Kong Bundy


What will open the show?: Tonga v mystery man


What will be the highest rated match:? Team Hogan v Team Piper


Will there be any turns?: Yes

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Team Hogan (Hulk Hogan, Mr. T, Jimmy Snuka and Wendi Richter) vs. Team Piper (Roddy Piper, Paul Orndorff, Bob Orton and The Fabulous Moolah)

Comments: Because Hogan.


The Hart Brothers vs. The New Breed (Rick Rude and Jake Roberts)

Comments: Cheap win to make a WM rematch.


WWF Tag Team Championships: The North-South Connection © vs. The US Express

Comments: I just see a title change happening for some reason.


Strike Force vs. The Macho Cowboys

Comments: Easy one.


The Iron Sheik vs. Bruiser Brody

Comments: Brody is on a bigger path.


Andre The Giant vs. Big John Studd

Comments: Maybe by DQ?


King Tonga vs. Mystery Man

Comments: lol King Tonga.


Bonus Questions:

Who is the mystery man?: Vader.

What will open the show?: Tag title match.

What will be the highest rated match:? Main event.

Will there be any turns?: Nah.

Comments on last month of shows/dynasty in general: Keep up the good stuff Packo!

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I'm enjoying the diary and everything you've done with it so far. Just curious though, have you decided to delete the two house shows or just one or just not post them on here and same with the B show? Considering how little money I made in my first month with just one house show, are you making money? That is by far the biggest challenge for me in that game.


And with JYD's stats in this mod, he is very, very forgettable/useless. That's why I hired Ricky Steamboat to give him the Intercontinental Title feud and eventually the title while jobbing JYD out. Good to see U.S. Express fighting for the Tag Titles since I brought in Martel so Strike Force would take those so I could get rid of Murdock (on time decline in my game).

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I'm enjoying the diary and everything you've done with it so far. Just curious though, have you decided to delete the two house shows or just one or just not post them on here and same with the B show? Considering how little money I made in my first month with just one house show, are you making money? That is by far the biggest challenge for me in that game.


And with JYD's stats in this mod, he is very, very forgettable/useless. That's why I hired Ricky Steamboat to give him the Intercontinental Title feud and eventually the title while jobbing JYD out. Good to see U.S. Express fighting for the Tag Titles since I brought in Martel so Strike Force would take those so I could get rid of Murdock (on time decline in my game).


I am on the version of Risky that did not have house shows. Therefore, those didn't exist and to be honest I have no intention of using them. In regards to the B-Show, I cancelled it. Why?: Because I didn't enjoy booking it. This game isn't about a challenge to me, it's about putting up a story for the forum users. No, I am not making money, but I won't be going out of business anytime soon. Sorry if that isn't your cup of tea, but in the end, your experiences are all still the same.

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Woah. Chill the hell out a little bit. I was just curious about how you were running your game especially since Matt's biggest challenge in the mod was keeping WWF and JCP from going broke. If you wanted to give yourself $10 million, fine. It's your game. I'm never going to criticize someone who does a diary on here because it is hard work and time consuming. Sorry that's how you took it.
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Woah. Chill the hell out a little bit. I was just curious about how you were running your game especially since Matt's biggest challenge in the mod was keeping WWF and JCP from going broke. If you wanted to give yourself $10 million, fine. It's your game. I'm never going to criticize someone who does a diary on here because it is hard work and time consuming. Sorry that's how you took it.


Nah man I'm cool :p sorry for making you seem like I was angry haha. Show should be up in 2 days or 3.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Team Hogan (Hulk Hogan, Mr. T, Jimmy Snuka and Wendi Richter) vs. Team Piper (Roddy Piper, Paul Orndorff, Bob Orton and The Fabulous Moolah)

Comments: Rule #1 of the 80s, never bet against Hogan



The Hart Brothers vs. The New Breed (Rick Rude and Jake Roberts)




WWF Tag Team Championships:

The North-South Connection © vs. The US Express




Strike Force vs. The Macho Cowboys

Comments: OOOH YEAH



The Iron Sheik vs. Bruiser Brody

Comments: BRUISER BRODY GOT DA RAISIN BALLS. *hock-ptooey*



Andre The Giant vs. Big John Studd

Comments: Brighter future for Studd



King Tonga vs. Mystery Man

Comments: Mystery Man=???=win



Bonus Questions:


Who is the mystery man?: No clue. :p


What will open the show?: Tag titles


What will be the highest rated match: Team Hogan vs Team Piper


Will there be any turns?: No

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WWF War to Settle the Score


Week 4, February 1985


Grade: 79


Match of the Night: Andre The Giant v. Big John Studd (82)






Now now now, settle down little children. What you all are about to see is the next future of the business! This man comes from deeeep down under. He comes from Death Valley, where he rules over his druids like no other. This man is unstoppable. This man is unbreakable. And without proper leadership, this man is dooooooomeddd. But that my friends, is why I am here. My name is Paul Pringle, and I am the one who controls this beast of a man. You see, the power of this monster is controlled by an urn. This urn that I possess in my hands right now is what gives this monster his power. It’s what helps him eat sad wrestlers for breakfast. Now you all may hate me and my client as much as we like, but weeee are here to stayyy! And there is nothing you can do about it, because with me at his side, there is NOOOTHINGGG you can do about it! All you can do is sit back, and watch the futureee of the business take form. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my monster. Welcome to; THE UNDERTAKERRRRRRR!






Grade: 44



Match #1:


King Tonga vs. The Undertaker



[The opening match featured King Tonga taking on the mystery man known as The Undertaker. The announcers had no clue who The Undertaker was, but he certainly looked like a force to be reckoned with in this match. Despite being called a King, Tonga had little offense in this match. Taker hit slam after slam, suplex after suplex, Taker beat the crap out of Tonga in this one. Taker showed the crowd what he can do, showcasing his Hell’s Gate submission hold, also known as a modified gogoplata hold for the technical wrestling fans. After Tonga miraculously escaped this, The Undertaker picked up the self-proclaimed king, clasped his throat and lifted him up and slammed him down, knocking the big man unconscious. Taker puts his hands on Tonga’s chest and sticks out his tongue as the ref counts the victory. This was a simple victory for Taker tonight, but if this is the man from the vignettes, what on earth could he want with Bruiser Brody?]



Winner: The Undertaker

Grade: 44



Match #2:


The Iron Sheik vs. Bruiser Brody



[Next, we had two grizzled veterans clash in the ring. The Iranian Iron Sheik took on the big man Bruiser Brody in this one. The two clinched up to begin, as Sheik and Brody slowly punch one another in the ribs. Sheik lifts Brody up, drops him with a beautiful suplex! Sheik continues the offense, as he looks to “make Brody humble” in this match. Sheik whips Brody against the ropes, drops him with a big boot for the two. The fight continues, both men not giving ground. Sheik looks to shoulder tackle Brody, but Brody moves out the way as Sheik gets caught up in the ropes. Brody smirks now as he throws some kicks to the defenseless Sheik. As Brody was looking to land a dropkick to the head, Blassie wisely untied his client and the action continued with the two as equals again. Brody grabs the Iranian, drops him with a big Piledriver. The action now moves to the ground as the two competitors scramble for position. Brody keeps control as he locks in an armbar to inflict as much pain on Sheik as possible. Brody tells Sheik to get up, as Brody goes up high! King Kong Knee Drop from the top rope! Is it all over for Sheik?






NO! He kicked out at the last second. Blassie lets out a sigh of relief as Sheik would be not be happy with a loss here. Brody looks to hit another Piledriver, but Sheik cheapshots his way out of it! Why! Sheik now attacks the big man, whipping him against the ropes and getting some air after hitting a dropkick! 1, NO! He kicked out at one and a half, and Brody has been overcome by a surge of energy. He rushes across the ring looking like a monkey as he completely ignores Sheik’s attacks. He lifts him, Piledriver! The climb, the slow struggle to the top! KING KONG KNEE DROP! Blassie jumps on the apron, the ref can’t count the pin! What’s this! IT’S THE UNDERTAKER! THE MAN FROM EARLIER TONIGHT! He has a chair, and by golly he just smacked Brody in the head with it! Sheik now makes the cover. One! Two! Three! The Undertaker has come true on his word to make Brody’s life hell! What will happen next in this saga is unbeknownst to us, but for now Sheik just earned a huge victory against the monster known as Bruiser Brody!]



Winner: The Iron Sheik

Grade: 79






[And The Undertaker hits the ring for the second time tonight after he just cost Bruiser Brody his match against The Iron Sheik! The Undertaker locks eyes with Brody, neither man wanting to give an inch. Taker swings and connects with the cheapshot! The brawl Is on, if you can call it that. Taker puts Brody through hell here as Brody is already damaged from his loss to Sheik. Taker pounds away on Brody whilst Brody is unable to defend himself. Taker then grabs a chair from the announce desk. He folds it up, swings it at Brody and he connects! Brody is now busted open as Taker does the eye roll back and the slit throat motion. Brody stumbles up, Taker lifts him, CHOKESLAM! Brody is unconscious as Taker leaves the ring with Paul Pringle. EMT’s are rushing to help Brody but the message is clear after tonight. Don’t mess with The Undertaker.]



Grade: 36


Match #3:


Andre The Giant vs. Big John Studd



[Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to a clash of two giants. Andre and Studd came into this match looking to prove that were superior to the other in every single way known to man. By this match, they proved that as they tore the house down against each other. Now to the match itself; Andre and Studd clinch up to begin. John tries to gain footwork but Andre stops him. Andre picks Studd up, Powerbomb! Andre for the cover; 1, no! The kick out at 1, Andre goes in on the attack, punching Studd whilst he is down and slipping an arm underneath Studd’s throat to cut off air from the rest of the body. Studd, however, has different ideas. Whilst in the choke hold, Studd stands up and flails Andre off of him with his pure shoulder muscle. Studd punches Andre into the corner, as Studd rams him looking to take Andre down. Andre finally falls into a rear position as Studd moves to the outside and uses an illegal move on Andre that had the ref angry. Once inside, Studd tried to drag Andre but he was unable to. Andre retaliated, tripping Studd’s legs and re-emerging from the floor. Andre kicks away at Studd whilst deciding what to do next. Andre then decides to bounce off the ropes and absolutely squash Studd! He sits on top of Studd, going for the pin.







Thr! No! He kicked out at the last second, Andre is amazed! Andre now rolls over and off as he waits for John to stand. He picks Studd up, locks him in the Bearhug! But again, Studd uses his strength and fights out of it as Andre can’t keep Studd contained for long periods of time. Studd now has the momentum, as he chops away at the Mt. Andre. Andre does not fall, but Studd has him woozy. Studd realizes he needs a different approach as he whips Andre into the ropes, he bounces off, clothesline! A brain busting clothesline has sent Andre to the ground! By gosh, Andre is grounded, what will Studd do from here? Studd looks satisfied with his work as he slowly decides what to do next as the crowd cheer Andre to get up, but the big man is struggling. Andre stumbles up, as Studd simply watches and waits. Studd looks for it, he’s going to try the body slam! He grabs Andre, but he simply can not lift him up! Andre capitalizes, kneeing Studd in the ribs! Studd is now reeling, Andre picks him up! Body slam! 1, 2, 3! Andre picks up the huge win, proving that he is for now the best giant in the World Wrestling Federation.]



Winner: Andre The Giant

Grade: 82






[After the match, Bobby Heenan grabs a mic and begins to cut a promo.]


Andre, Andre, Andre, only you could win like that. You truly can’t be happy with that right. My client would have won if you weren’t so damn fat. In fact, you’re only a giant because you can’t stop eating pizza! Slice after slice, pepperoni and sausage, all you are is fat! Andre, this isn’t over! Don’t think that you have won this battle! In fact, I have just received word from someone known as the WWF President. At WrestleMania, it will be Andre vs. Studd, and Andre, if you don’t lose 20 pounds by Mania, you will be disqualified! So we will see you then Andre, and from my mouth to your small head, stop eating so much damn pizza!



Grade: 80


Match #4:


The Hart Brothers vs. The New Breed



[Next, we have a highly anticipated tag team matchup between two teams that are undoubtedly enough the future of our business. The Hart Brothers team up to take on the newly formed New Breed, composed of Rick Rude and Jake Roberts. Owen and Jake start this one, locking up in the center of the ring. Jake takes Owen down and begins to work on his head at a methodical pace. This continues as Roberts locks in a chinlock before picking the inexperienced Hart Brother up and hitting him with a picture perfect arm drag. Roberts picks Owen up and whips him to the opposite corner of Bret as he tags in Rude. Rude and Roberts use a tag team maneuver that inflicts more damage on Owen that Bret is pained to watch in his corner of the ring. Rude begins to generate some heat as he poses while simply keeping Owen down with underhanded tactics, making the crowd start a roar of disapproval whilst trying to rally the Hart brother. It appears that if Owen has caught a new breath of fresh air, as he catches Rude with a small package as he was posing!






He kicks out at 2! The match continues as Owen is in control now. Owen goes up top, delivers a beautiful missile dropkick. He whips against the ropes and delivers a beautiful knee drop that was draped across the chest of Rude. 1, Kick out at 1 and a half! Action slows down now as both competitors major priority is to tag their partners in. Hart and Rude both stand up, sizing each other up. As if on cue, both of them spring into action. They clinch up, and Owen gains the upper hand by whipping Rude into the ropes and catching him with a beautiful super kick straight to the chest of Rude. Owen makes his way to his corner and tags in his brother Bret, much to the crowd’s approval. Bret looks to finish Rude off, as he slowly stomps away on Rude. However, Rude capitalizes on Hart’s lack of action and catches him with a poke to the eye! The ref didn’t see it, as Earl Hebner is wondering why Bret is suddenly in pain! Rude catches the hot tag and Roberts comes in and the two clinch up! Hart works Roberts down but Roberts retaliates with a big muay thai-esque knee to the gut. But Roberts’ advantage will not last long as Bret gains the advantage after reversing Roberts’ attempt at his prized DDT that has put an end to so many careers in the past. Hart manages to grab Roberts and nail him with a big Northern Lights Suplex! Owen goes to take down Rude as the two brawl on the outside! Hart goes down, he crosses the legs, the sharpshooter is locked in! Roberts looks like he will have no choice but to submit to the older Hart brother! However, Rude comes up on the apron, looking to distract Earl Hebner. It works, as Hebner’s eyes are completely off of Bret Hart’s devastating Sharpshooter submission that is currently locked on Jake Roberts. Roberts looks to submit, but a mystery invader comes in! It’s Curt Hennig from the AWA! What is he doing here with that chair? He slips into the ring, and he smacks Bret in the back with it! He quickly leaves as Hebner once again is left wondering how Bret’s position has suddenly changed! Roberts picks up Bret, DDT! Not like this, not like this! One, Two, THREE! The New Breed wins after interference from AWA superstar Curt Hennig. One question is left posed after this one; that being why on earth is Curt Hennig here in the WWF?]



Winners: The New Breed

Grade: 50






[After the match, Jake Roberts grabs a mic to cut a promo on behalf of the New Breed.]


What you just saw is the future of the business. Me, Jake “The Snake” Roberts, the future and mouthpiece of the future. The man to the left of me, Rick Rude, the most handsome star in wrestling today! And the man to the right, Curt Hennig, the star! He is the man who sells the tickets, the one who is destined for greatness! Together we are unstoppable. On our own, we are unstoppable. What you are looking at is the evolution of the business. We won’t stop until we’ve hit the top. Remember this day, because from here on out, the world of wrestling will never be the same.


Grade: 40




Match #5:




WWF Tag Team Championships

The North-South Connection © vs. The US Express



[This match came out of a growing rivalry between the grizzled veterans and the upcoming youngsters Barry Windham and Mike Rotundo. The fight started out between Rotundo and Murdoch. The two clinch up, with Rotundo gaining the advantage. Rotundo looks to be attempting to wear down the knees of Murdoch with a variety of kicks. He successfully kicks Murdoch’s knees out as the veteran falls down in the ring. From here, Rotundo focuses on Murdoch’s head with various holds and grapples. Rotundo lets him stand before picking him up and delivering a big airplane spin! Adonis is angry on the outside as Rotundo tags in Windham. Windham looks at Adonis and simply smirks. Windham bounces against the ropes and drapes a big knee across the chest of Murdoch. 1, Kick Out! Windham waits for Murdoch to stand, grabs Murdoch, and hits a big Superplex into a pin!






Thr- No! Kick out at two and a half! Windham is frustrated as he goes down and puts a Sleeper onto Murdoch. Murdoch, however, is prepared as he elbows Windham in the gut and takes over the momentum! Murdoch now shows Windham how to work this business with his veteran expertise. Various holds and grapples are exchanged as the two try and work their way out of the mid-match feeling out process. Murdoch and Windham stand, as Murdoch hits a Brainbuster on Windham! Murdoch taunts Windham, as he goes to tag in Adonis. Murdoch goes to the corner, but HE IS MET BY A CHAIR! ADONIS JUST BETRAYED HIS FRIEND MURDOCH! WHAT JUST HAPPENED!? Windham charges it up, hits him with a lariat! 1, 2, 3! WE HAVE NEW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS!]




Grade: 71






[After the match, The Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff come to the ring, Volkoff with a sling on his arm. Sheik and Volkoff lay the boots to the champs, as Sheik and Volkoff beat them down to the fans disapproval. After a brief beatdown, Sheik locked in a Camel Clutch on Windham to make him pass out, followed by another Camel Clutch that makes Rotundo pass out. Sheik and Volkoff celebrate with the belts as Windham and Rotundo lay unconscious in the ring as EMT’s rush to the ring.]



Grade: 63



Match #6:


Strike Force vs. The Macho Cowboys



[Another tag team match here as we will see the upstart team of Stan Hansen and Randy Savage take on Intercontinental Champion Rick Martel and Tito Santana, collectively known as Strike Force. Savage and Santana start this one off, both of them their team’s respective high fliers. Savage begins by bouncing off the ropes and catching Santana with a surprise Springboard Lariat! Santana is grounded as Savage takes the quick advantage. Savage locks in a chokehold but Santana powers through it and hits Savage with an armdrag. Santana tags in Martel as Martel hits the ground and tries to wear down Savage. Martel whips Savage into the Cowboys’ corner, but this was a mistake as Hansen tags himself in! Hansen and Martel brawl, as Hansen charges up, LARIAT! LARIAT OUTTA NOWHERE!






NO! The kick out at two! Hansen and Martel continue their brawl until Martel climbs up the ropes and springboards off of them, taking Hansen down! Martel stands up and bounces off the ropes before dropping a leg on Hansen. Martel takes it to the ground and locks Hansen in the Boston Crab! Will Hansen submit? He’s trying to reach the ropes and he does so, earning the way out of Martel’s submission. Hansen gets up, as Martel climbs up top for the Splash! He jumps and Hansen catches him! Hansen throws Martel against the ropes, the two go back and forth bouncing as eventually Hansen catches Martel with a HUGE LARIAT! THAT’S IT, 1-2-3! The Macho Cowboys win after a HUGE Lariat from Stan Hansen!]



Winners: The Macho Cowboys

Grade: 75



Main Event:


Team Hogan vs. Team Piper





Hulk Hogan, Mr. T, Jimmy Snuka and Wendi Richter vs. Roddy Piper, Paul Orndorff, Bob Orton and The Fabulous Moolah



[The rules of this match were simple. Once a wrestler entered the ring, they could not leave until they were eliminated. The match started out with Wendi Richter and The Fabulous Moolah facing off. The two grappled as Moolah gained the advantage and took Richter down. Moolah punches away on Richter as the two women brawl as if they were two men, completely showing that here in the WWF, women are equal to men. Moolah waits and waits as she gets some crowd heat by stomping away on the WWF Women’s Champion. Moolah climbs to the top rope and hits a missile dropkick for the two count. Moolah continues to slowly wear down Richter, but this eventually gets to her as Richter gains a sudden burst of momentum! Richter stands up, delivers the kicks before hitting a Powerbomb on Moolah! Wendi celebrates with a small dance as Moolah works her way up. Richter grabs her, sitout DDT! 1-2-3! Just like that, The Fabulous Moolah was eliminated!]




Hulk Hogan, Mr. T, Jimmy Snuka and Wendi Richter vs. Roddy Piper, Bob Orton and Paul Orndorff



[bob Orton now enters the ring, as Richter immediately shows a look of concern. However, she does not let this bother her as she sends Orton tumbling down after a big dropkick! Richter jumps on Orton, landing many clean shots before Orton shoved her off! Richter is on the ground now as Orton gets up and simply smirks at his current situation. Orton kicks away, as he picks Richter up and hits her with a Bulldog! He picks up Richter, piledriver! Orton covers, 1-2-3! The tides have shifted as each team has three members left!]




Hulk Hogan, Mr. T and Jimmy Snuka vs. Roddy Piper, Paul Orndorff and Bob Orton



[Jimmy Snuka comes in next, with a thundering impact. Instead of entering the ring through the ropes, he entered by landing a Superfly Splash on Orton! 1-2, kick out! Orton is still in a surprised state as Snuka pounds away on Orton. Snuka stands up, drops a leg from the middle rope, but Orton catches it. He grabs this leg and twists it as he lands a HUGE kick to the head of Snuka! 1- kick out before 2. Orton and Snuka brawl in the ring now, as Orton lands a nice clean shot to Snuka’s ribs that makes Snuka crumble down. Orton goes down, puts Snuka in the sleeper hold! Snuka struggles, looking to reach the ropes. However, Snuka can simply not escape this as he is forced to submit to Orton giving Team Piper the advantage.]




Hulk Hogan and Mr. T vs. Roddy Piper, Paul Orndorff and Bob Orton



[Hogan and Mr. T are left, as Hogan tells T to go into the ring to clean up the fools. T goes in and starts to brawl with the worn down Orton. T gains the advantage as he lands a nice punch to the face for the two count. T is frustrated as he doesn’t have much more to finish an opponent than his signature punches. T lets Orton stand up, as he picks him up for the Airplane Spin! Orton however, catches T with an elbow to the jaw! T falls as Orton covers, 1-2- Kicks out before the ref’s hand hit’s the ground. Orton picks T up, and lands an elbow to the spine of Mr. T. Orton goes for the Piledriver, but Mr. T shows his exorbitant strength as he throws Orton off of him! Orton stands as T picks him up for the airplane spin! Airplane spin connects, T covers. 1-2-3! This is now a 2 vs. 2 match up!]




Hulk Hogan and Mr. T vs. Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff



[Orndorff enters, as the two share some deja-vu from their match last month at SuperCard. They feel each other out before eclipsing in an all-out brawl. T picks Orndorff up for an Airplane Spin, but Orndorff counters. Orndorff goes for the Spike Piledriver, but T counters. Orndorff then works T to the ground before hitting him with a nice elbow for the two count. T gets up but goes right back down after Orndorff kicks out T’s knees. Orndorff works T over on the ground by nailing various punches to the head and chest of T. Orndorff slaps on an Armbar, but T escapes after a short amount of time in the hold. However, soon after marked the end for T, as Orndorff put him away with a Spike Piledriver that swayed favor back in Piper’s direction. Will Hogan be able to overcome the odds?]




Hulk Hogan vs. Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff



[Here comes Hogan as the crowd goes wild! Hogan immediately starts punching Orndorff, as he whips him against the ropes before dropping him with a big clothesline! Hogan lands an elbow drop before doing his trademark taunts which visibly agitates Roddy Piper. Orndorff capitalizes, catching Hogan with a rollup for the two count. From here, Hogan enters a state of no-nonsense as he pounds away at Orndorff. Hogan is hulking up! Orndorff punches, but there’s no effect! Hogan points! He bounces and takes Orndorff down! Elbow drop! He listens to the crowd’s applause! HE DROPS THE LEG! 1, 2, 3! IT IS NOW ONE VS. ONE, HULK HOGAN VS. RODDY PIPER!]




Hulk Hogan vs. Roddy Piper



[Piper comes in as the crowd are chanting for Hogan to prevail against evil. This match has been back and forth so far and if Hogan wins here, he overcame the odds yet again. Piper comes in and chops away at the tree of Hulk Hogan. Hogan counters and kicks Piper straight in the gut! Hogan drops an elbow on Piper. He goes up, looking for the leg! He drops it, but Piper grabs it and stomps on it! Piper stomps on Hogan with aggression now as the fans start trying to rally Hogan. Piper goes down and puts Hogan in the sleeper! Hogan tries to fight out of it, as Piper wrenches harder each second. Hogan looks to submit, but he catches a lucky elbow to the head of Piper! Piper falls! Hogan stands up, he listens to the fans, shows his muscles! He bounces, drops the elbow! He rallies the crowd as he drops the big leg! 1-2-3! Team Hogan has done it! Hulk Hogan has overcome the odds, as the fans are going rabid with excitement!]



Winners: Team Hogan

Grade: 81






[Hogan: Piper! I told YOU Jack, and you wouldn’t listen. So what we just did brother, you should have known about it! But that’s not my point. My point is this here WWF Championship of the world brother! This big shiny gold belt, all mine for me and all the little Hulksters in that sold-out crowd brother! But I have been informed of something. Something that you will be pleased at Piper, but as always, Hulkamania will prevail brother! At WrestleMania 1, for this here piece of gold, it will be HULKAMANIA taking on YOU, Roddy Piper! Hogan vs. Piper, a clash of epic proportions. Brother, you better start preparin’, because when WrestleMania I comes around live around America on PPV, Hulkamania will win and continue forever! And guess what Piper, at Mania’, I will honor all of those who eat their vitamins, say their prayers, for they I fight for. Whatcha gonna do brother, when Hulkamania runs wild on you at WrestleMania BROTHERRR!?!?]



Grade: 77

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I made a boo-boo and accidentally double-clicked when closing a tab, resulting in my show to go bai-bai. As a result, results will be simple this week. Also on the show was a segment where Heenan weighed Andre and revealed that Andre had lost 2.1 pounds so far. Results will be back to normal next time, sorry for the inconvenience :/



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Yes, it's been a week's wait. I realized over this week my lack of motivation to continue this diary for the time being. It is with deep sadness that I will announce that this diary will be going on a hiatus. Will it be back? Yes, it will, but not for a period of time. For now however, I introduce you all to WCW 1999: Putting Butts In Seats, starting later tonight or tomorrow! Woooooo! The project I've wanted to do for a long time and it is now here :D
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