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Taking the LOL out of LOLTNA

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TNA World Heavyweight Championship

'The Phenomenal One' AJ Styles © vs. ???



TNA World Tag Team Championship

Bad Influence © vs. The Wolves



TNA X-Division Championship

Austin Aries © vs. Rockstar Spud



Madison Rayne & ODB vs. Tara & Velvet Sky



Tigre Uno vs. Jesse White



Tables Match

Gunner vs. James Storm


Bonus Questions

1) Who will the mystery opponent be? Yellow Manik

2) Last week's match clocked in at 2:16, how long will Uno vs. White be this week? 2:15

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TNA World Heavyweight Championship

'The Phenomenal One' AJ Styles © vs. ???



TNA World Tag Team Championship

Bad Influence © vs. The Wolves



TNA X-Division Championship

Austin Aries © vs. Rockstar Spud



Madison Rayne & ODB vs. Tara & Velvet Sky



Tigre Uno vs. Jesse White



Tables Match

Gunner vs. James Storm


Bonus Questions

1) Who will the mystery opponent be? Bobby Roode

2) Last week's match clocked in at 2:16, how long will Uno vs. White be this week? 2:21

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IMPACT Wrestling

Thursday, Week 2, May 2014

5000 fans are in attendance at sold out Mercer Arena!


Before we went live, the three Maniks got the better of The Bro-Mans in six-man tag action. Grade: D




Tables Match

Gunner vs. James Storm


These two are currently tied up at one a piece in singles competition, and thus, here we are. Just like Lockdown, this one was hardly a wrestling match. Lots of stiff clotheslines, nasty right hands and bruising power moves filled the first eight minutes or so. It wasn't until way after the half way mark that a table was finally bought into play and both wrestlers managed to avoid close calls. Gunner nearly put himself through a table in the corner when attempting a Spear that Storm side-stepped and at one point, Gunner was setting up Storm for an F5 through the table...








But Roode interjected, delivered a punishing low blow to Gunner before doing the honors, slamming Gunner through a table with a Roode Bomb.


Winner: James Storm via interference from Bobby Roode at 13:01

Grade: C




Post-match, Beer Money stand tall in the ring and celebrated together. Taz didn't know what to make of this, 'is this a permanent Beer Money reunion or what?' he asked. Referee Keith Harris attended to Gunner and helped him from the ring, although truth be told, he could still walk away of his own accord. At just gone 15 minutes of the broadcast so far, we headed for a commercial break.


Grade: C


<iframe width="500" height="281" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/OAxO6KEbTiI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


And we're back!


Beer Money came through the curtain backstage as Desmond Wolfe was standing by for a little chit-chat.




It's hardly an interview, Roode snatches the microphone and just berates MVP. Roode is sick and tired, just like Storm, of being walked all over. MVP won't give them what they want and rightfully deserve and thus, now it's time for Beer Money to simply start taking. Nobody is off-limits, not Kurt Angle, not AJ Styles... not even that crybaby Bully Ray. At this point, Storm starts mocking him pretending to cry as Roode finishes up by saying that what the Master Plan has done to TNA will be nothing compared to what him and Storm plan to do.


Grade: C


Writer's Note: A dominating first quarter for Roode and Storm and they delivered on all fronts. All three segments hovered at around 60 with very few penalties. Good stuff. I hope you guys like their new pictures.




Tigre Uno vs. Jesse White


Tigre once dealt with Knux by using his pace and agility but Jesse White is a different monster altogether. All it takes is two moves here: a clothesline and a Power Bomb and just like that, it's all over.


Winner: Jesse White via Power Bomb at 0:35

Grade: E+


Desmond Wolfe has a camera man in tow once again, this time he's backstage paying a visit to MVP's office.




Detective Wolfe is here to reveal his findings, he can't find a single person that believes Kurt Angle deserves a title shot at Slammiversary and it is a biased, unfair ruling against the Master Plan. Wolfe argues they did nothing wrong at Lockdown, they simply thought a step ahead. 'What's your problem? Are you in on this? Are you with them or something?' asks MVP. The two argue back and forth about Wolfe's motives, which mainly seems to


before finally, Wolfe drops the bombshell that he just plain doesn't like MVP and thinks he's doing a terrible job as the Director of Wrestling Operations. Wolfe is out for his job and just like everybody else in the locker room right now, MVP needs to watch his back too.


Grade: C-




Madison Rayne & ODB vs. Tara & Velvet Sky


Taz remarks how strange it is to see Tara and Velvet Sky on the same team given their history as rivals, but it's no more odd than the pairing of Rayne & ODB given the latter's troubles with The Beautiful People many years ago. Both pairings work very well though. Tara & Velvet quickly pick out ODB as the potential weak link, and despite Rayne's best efforts, she can only watch as Tara delivers the Widow's Peak and picks up the all-important three count.


Winner: Tara & Velvet via Widow's Peak from Tara on ODB at 8:34

Grade: C




The victory isn't enough, Tara and Velvet continue their attack post-match. Rayne attempts to save her tag team partner but Velvet quickly knocks her off the apron. Tara brings the Knockouts Championship into the ring. Velvet holds up ODB just so Tara can drive the gold into her face. They begin setting up to do the same to Rayne...




When, of all people, Gail Kim charges down the ramp!


Tara and Velvet aren't sticking around, they quickly exit the ring and decide to fight another day. And in a very strange turn of events, we head to a commercial break with Gail Kim as the hero.


Grade: D-


We return from the break at the announce table as Mike Tenay and Taz start hyping our next match as Austin Aries will take on Rockstar Spud. They go quiet as Tenay relays some information he was getting through his headset, something is going on backstage and a camera man charges down the corridor to try and catch the action.




A flock of medical officials are surrounding Kurt Angle who is clutching his right arm swearing revenge against the Master Plan. Al Snow is on hand to try and convince Angle to seek medical attention but the Olympic Gold Medalist is having none of it. He continues causing a fracas until MVP arrives and forcefully has Angle ejected from the arena, probably for his own safety more than anything else.


Grade: C






TNA X-Division Championship

Austin Aries © vs. Rockstar Spud


Conspicious in his absence is EC3, Spud is on his lonesome here. And truth be told, he's never really in this one. He takes every shortcut in the book though and comes close to a three-count once or twice, mostly on roll-ups and quick pins. Aries is having none of Spud's antics though, the Champion is out to prove his class and avoids a major upset by spiking Spud on his head with a Brainbuster.


Winner: Austin Aries via Brainbuster at 9:38

Austin Aries makes defence number 5 of his TNA X-Division Championship

Grade: C


As Spud departs swearing revenge...




The Master Plan head out onto the ramp, strolling out with all the confidence in the world. Aries invites them to enter the ring...









But it's all just a trap! Lethal slides in and clatters Aries from behind. He viciously stomps away at the X-Division Champion as the rest of the group join him in the ring. Brian Hebner looks to interject but he quickly gets shoved away, even he's too intimidated to continue his protestations. Shelley, Sabin & London bring Aries back to a vertical base just so Lethal can deliver a Lethal Injection and send him back to the canvas again. And just to add insult to injury, Jay Lethal takes Aries' X-Division title belt with him as the group depart, happy with their work.


Grade: C-






TNA World Tag Team Championships

Bad Influence © vs. The Wolves


These two teams have delivered two very good matches so far in their series and obviously, this one was no different. The Wolves in particular, were more aggressive than in their previous outings, you might say they were hungry to regain their tag team gold. Bad Influence were equally game though and the match was just heading into a hot finishing sequence...









When the Motor City Machine Guns made their presence known. Before long we had an all-out brawl between these three tag teams and referee Brian Hebner was forced to throw this one out.


Winner: No Contest due to interference from MCMG at 9:47

Bad Influence make defence number 1 of their TNA World Tag Team Championships

Grade: C+


But it's not over there, the brawl continues. No number of road agents or security guards can separate the two teams as they spill out all over the outside and over the announce table. Eventually, however, we have peace in the form of some security reinforcements and the three teams are separated before being ejected from the ring area one by one.


Grade: D


Tenay and Taz return to their desk and finally, it's time for our main event!




welcomes the reigning and defending TNA World Heavyweight Champion, AJ Styles. And he's alone, just like at Lockdown.


The Champion stands in the ring, somewhat impatient judging by his body language.


































And Jeff Hardy is back! He charges straight to the ring as Earl Hebner calls for the bell!


Grade: B-




TNA World Heavyweight Championship

AJ Styles © vs. Jeff Hardy


Hardy takes the fight to the Champion straight away. As if he wasn't unprepared enough, Styles definitely wasn't ready for this. The Champion tries to bail to the outside and take a timeout but Hardy is having none of it. The returning Challenger is out to give Styles a receipt for everything he's done wrong, everything the Master Plan have done wrong. Head-first goes The Phenomenal One into the ringside guardrail - Hardy takes time to showboat and taunt to our capacity crowd and just so happens to buy Styles valuable time. A kick of questionable placement has Hardy hunched over and Styles tosses him into the steel steps, gaining valuable respite in the process.


And here's where the joy ends for a while. Styles isn't about to let Hardy use his explosive aerial offence and thus, he keeps his challenger grounded. He goes to work mainly on the left leg on Hardy, it's actually becoming something of a signature now. Even when Jeff does make some offence, Styles is quick to shut him down immediately. But just like Hardy, The Phenomenal One will make a mistake too. The Styles Clash comes too early and Hardy still has the where with all to transfer his weight upwards before sending Styles flying across the ring with a Hurricanrana. From here, our capacity crowd rallies behind Hardy, who is favouring his left leg but fights through the pain.


Styles tries to stop this train from leaving the station, but Hardy can sense victory. He starts setting up the twist of fate, but Styles pushes him away to the ropes...








As EC3 blindsides Hardy with AJ Styles' Championship belt! And Earl Hebner didn't see it!


A dazed and confused Styles probably didn't either, but it doesn't matter, he makes the most of this opportunity. He brings a seemingly unconscious Jeff Hardy back to his feet just to send him down to the canvas face first with the Styles Clash. Earl Hebner has no choice but to count the one, the two... and the three.


Winner: AJ Styles via Styles Clash at 15:08

AJ Styles make defence number 2 of his TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Grade: B




EC3 is backing up the ramp, albeit slowly.




Earl Hebner is standing in the ring wondering what the heck is going on.




Styles is perched in the corner looking relieved holding his TNA World Heavyweight Championship.




And Jeff Hardy... he's just coming to senses and as you can well imagine, he's not a happy man. In fact, he's livid. Hardy rolls out the ring and quickly sprints up the ramp in pursuit of EC3, who runs just as quickly around the corner and through the curtain to get away.


And thus, IMPACT closes just like last week, AJ Styles standing tall in the middle of the ring. His match with Kurt Angle at Slammiversary now all but a certainty, but what kind of condition is Kurt Angle even in right now?


Grade: B-


Show Rating: B-

TV Rating: 4.77

This show increased our popularity in 23 regions.

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Prediction Results




Thanks to the no contest, everybody was awarded a point for the Tag Team title match.


Nobody got the mystery opponent correct, which doesn't surprise me, Hardy hasn't even been mentioned in this diary before. Smwilliams was closest to guessing the match time, which means he gets the bonus point and leaves Kijar as the only person not to earn 6 points, unlucky pal. :p

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Awesome pic backgrounds for Storm and Roode! It looks like Benjamin Franklin got the DWI! :p

MCMG, Wolves, Kaz & Daniels... man, I wish I had a tag team division like that in my save for WCW. Great job as always, too bad I missed the predictions. :(

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IMPACT Wrestling

Thursday, Week 3, May 2014

5000 fans are in attendance at the sold out Cocoa Beach Expo Center!


An all-babyface affair saw Mr. Anderson defeat young Cody Hall in tonight's dark match.


as the Director of Wrestling Operations, MVP, makes his way down the ramp fully suited and booted.




The man in charge has been feeling the pressure lately, he's got the Master Plan running rough shot and Desmond Wolfe sounding off about his inadequacy to manage TNA. Certainly, the boss needs to up his game and stop the rot.


Addressing last week's main event, MVP promises Jeff Hardy a future rematch after interference from EC3 cost him his match. God only knows why EC3 got involved in that one, a sentiment echoed by Mike Tenay and Taz at the announce table. MVP addresses the Kurt Angle situation and lets our audience know that although Angle isn't seriously hurt after last week's hit and run attack, the Olympic Gold Medalist has been given the night off so as to not further jeopardise the Slammiversary main event.




Almost, right on queue,
welcomes the TNA World Heavyweight Champion to a mixed reaction from the Cocoa Beach Expo Center. The Master Plan have their fans, that's for sure. Styles begins the bragging almost immediately and jumps on the anti-MVP bandwagon. It was an easy victory last week, says Styles, and the Master Plan won't stop until TNA is ran by the inmates. The Champion really strikes a nerve when he brings up Eric Young and predictably, MVP has simply heard enough. 'You're here because of me and I can make your life a living hell' claims the boss, but Styles quickly retorts that he could walk out tomorrow with the TNA World Heavyweight Championship and MVP would have to explain that to his superiors. It's bargaining time, what do the Master Plan really want? That's the question posed by the boss. Every Championship in the company claims Styles, the Master Plan want full control.


MVP hesitates as though his worst fear had just been confirmed. He saw the Motor City Machine Guns poking their nose where it doesn't belong last week and Jay Lethal has been a thorn in Austin Aries' side for some time, so how about this, says the boss: 'I'll give Jay Lethal an X-Division title shot. I'll give the Motor City Machine Guns a Tag Team title shot, but on one condition.' Another brief pause again as tension fills the ringside area. 'You have to give TNA one shot at getting Eric Young reinstated!'


A shake of the head from Styles seems to deny the proposal, but MVP plays some mind games of his own. Slammiversary is his event, TNA is his company and he can have the Master Plan ejected any time he wants, 'take it or leave it.' Perhaps confident in Paul London, his one remaining card not already being played at Slammiversary, Styles agrees, but he finds out London's opponent next week. 'Any later and the deal is off' is the closing note from the Champion.


MVP finally puts his foot down and gets a little bit of what he wants. Or did he just put the first nail in his coffin?


Grade: C




The Manik Spectrum vs. Petey Williams, Sonjay Dutt & Tigre Uno


If that opening segment was a little overwhelming, this X-Division 6-man clash probably didn't help matters. At least the fans didn't have to think, this contest was worked at a thousand miles per hour and there was very little story to follow. Flips a-plenty, the veteran Petey Williams looked to slow the pace and book his ticket to victory, but the Manik Spectrum was leaving him seeing stars. Blue Manik demonstrated some insane athleticism with a standing Shooting Star Press on Tigre Uno that the original Manik quickly followed up on with a top rope Frog Splash for the win.


Winners: The Manik Spectrum via Frog Splash from Manik on Tigre at 7:55

Grade: C-


Mike Tenay:
"Later tonight, in our main event, Bobby Roode takes on 'The Monster' Abyss in a Tables Match!"




We head backstage where Jeff Hardy can be seen...




He's charging down the corridor grabbing production assistants, caterers, basically anybody in sight. He's shouting in their faces asking about the whereabouts of one Ethan Carter III and whether or not he has arrived yet. Naturally, his questions fall on deaf ears.


Grade: C+




Gail Kim vs. Brooke Tessmacher


Gail had a rather sudden change of heart last week, charging down the ramp to save Madison from Velvet & Tara. The fans seem to think she was genuine and they seem fully behind her this week too. Even with Brooke's rule-bending and showboating, Gail keeps her cool and wins this contest clean as a whistle with the Eat Defeat.


Winner: Gail Kim via Eat Defeat at 7:45

Grade: D+


We shoot over to Tenay and Taz, who show a short video of last week's footage when Angle was attacked backstage. Obviously, the cameras only caught the aftermath.




A pre-recorded video package shows Taz paying Angle a visit at his Pittsburgh home over the weekend. Sporting a sling, Angle claims that the group jumped him from behind before one of them smashed him in the arm with a lead pipe. Angle claims that he actually got lucky, because there was every chance they could have fractured his elbow or broke a bone but they only hit his flesh instead and he expects to make a full recovery in time for IMPACT next week.


When asked about Styles, Angle has an interesting perspective. It's survival of the fittest in the TNA locker room, it's a competitive locker room and being a nice guy gets you nowhere. But Styles has taken it a step too far. He's spat in the face of everybody, all his ex-friends, all of the people that showed him support through his toughest times and now he simply has no respect for anybody. Angle didn't expect niceties, he didn't expect a handshake but he certainly didn't expect to get jumped backstage. Styles has no integrity according to the #1 Contender and he made the biggest mistake of his life last week, because Kurt Angle is a wrestling machine and he's going to destroy the TNA World Heavyweight Champion at Slammiversary.


Grade: B-




Jesse Sorensen vs. Jay Lethal


Lethal comes down with the TNA X-Division Championship around his waist with Tenay quickly noting that obviously, he stole it from Aries last week.


A one-sided contest on paper, one would reasonably expect Lethal to make short work of Kurt Angle's protege. But Sorensen has other ideas. He's smartly scouted Lethal and although he can hardly deal with the speed and fluidity of Lethal's combination moves, he does smartly roll out the way of a Diving Elbow Drop leaving Lethal to crash and burn. Sorensen is probably never hitting his Shooting Star Press, truth be told, he simply doesn't have the arsenal to hurt Lethal enough. But he fights on either way, countering a Lethal Injection with a beautiful Reverse DDT for a close two-count. Lethal has to survive some quick pinning combinations but the Lethal Combination, a STO Backbreaker quickly proceeded by a Reverse STO, has Sorensen down and out. With the opportunity to put the troublesome Sorensen away, Lethal climbs up top and nails a Diving Elbow Drop, landing right on Sorensen's chest for the three count.


Winner: Jay Lethal via Diving Elbow Drop at 8:25

Grade: C


Referee Brian Hebner raises Jay Lethal's hand, who holds up the TNA X-Division Championship rather smugly…




When the actual Champion, Austin Aries charges down the ramp!


Lethal doesn't catch a glimpse at him until the last minute and drops the TNA X-Division Championship in his moment of panic. No time to spare though, Lethal wants none of Aries after that tough match with Sorensen and makes a swift exit through the crowd, leaving Aries frustrated. He so badly wants to get his hands on Lethal, but he may have to wait until Slammiversary XII.


Grade: C


We head backstage, into MVP's office to be precise.




He's having a rather amicable chit-chat with The Wolves, it's all business but it's friendly enough. Richards and Edwards are asking for a rematch after the no contest last week, but MVP tells them his hands are somewhat tied considering he has to deal with the Master Plan.




In walks Kenny King, much to the surprise of everybody. 'Your door was open' says King, but that's not the reason he's walked in obviously. King is looking for an opportunity of his own, he wants a shot at tag team gold too. Davey postulates, does King even have a tag team partner? In fact, he does. He's lost some matches due to this guy sitting in the front row, he didn't know what he was doing there but now he knows.




In walks the mystery man. 'This is Rhett Titus and want a shot at Bad Influence' says King. MVP already has the solution though, a tag team match. And the winners? They'll be entered in a three-way tag team match at Slammiversary XII alongside the Motor City Machine Guns and the champions Bad Influence. And that tag team match… is next!


Grade: D+




The Wolves vs. Kenny King & Rhett Titus


Naturally, The Wolves were caught a little more off-guard by this than King & Titus, which leads to the latter taking the early advantage. Quick tags are the name of the game, The Wolves are an explosive duo and are best kept grounded. This strategy only works for so long though and once The Wolves start gaining momentum, it's almost impossible to shut them down. The two move around the ring at the speed of the light, kicking everything that comes into their path. King & Titus can do very little, although they do try to set up some kind of Powerbomb double-team move on Edwards, it's quickly shut down by Richards. The Hammer of the Gods gets The Wolves back on track.


Winners: The Wolves via Hammer of the Gods at 10:54

Grade: C+


As Taz wonders if Styles will accept MVP's offer next week now that The Wolves are involved...




descends on the arena, welcoming Ethan Carter III. The man himself has some explaining some to do. Microphone in hand he…




… tries to talk but Jeff Hardy charges down the ramp!


EC3 backs into a corner begging for mercy. Hardy stands over him with his fist clenched and his teeth gritted with 5,000 fans screaming for him to punch EC3 square in the face. But Hardy relents and lets the man talk, curiosity has simply got the better of him. Carter composes himself as the two stand in opposing corners. At Lockdown, EC3 lost his undefeated streak. It's true, in the middle of the ring he tapped out to Kurt Angle's Ankle Lock. He didn't mind the defeat, although he was in pain, Carter knew that on the day, Angle was simply the better man. But EC3's biggest fear was irrelevance, he didn't want to be forgotten. He heard people talking about Angle this, Angle that, but now... they're talking about him... at this point, EC3 smugly strolls over to Hardy, and right in his face he proclaims, 'I am the man that screwed Jeff Hardy!'


And he eats a right hand! Carter falls to the mat! Hardy is on top of him wailing away, right hand after right hand after right hand! But EC3 gets a cheeky little eye poke in and buys himself enough time to roll out the ring. Backing up the ramp favouring the right side of his face, EC3 tells Hardy that he had a little chat with MVP earlier and when he goes backstage, Hardy will find a contract to sign.


"If you want a date with destiny, you'll see me at Slammiversary XII and you'll play by my terms, Jeff."


Grade: C


We return from a commercial break straight to a video package announcing that next week, the Samoan Submission Machine, Samoa Joe will be returning to IMPACT Wrestling!


Grade: C




Gunner vs. Magnus


These two six-lettered athletes are fighting to regain some valuable momentum. Gunner has come out on the wrong end of a rivalry with James Storm and Magnus has been on a downward spiral ever since losing the TNA World Heavyweight Championship in March. Gunner has the power advantage and uses it to good measure, looking to simply incapacitate Magnus long enough for the comprehensive pinfall victory. It's a good strategy for the most part, but Magnus finds it way too easy to outsmart him. Gunner charges for a spear for Magnus pulls referee Earl Hebner into his path. Gunner slows down just enough to miss the referee but he can do little about Magnus pushing him face first into the corner. A school boy roll-up soon follows as Magnus pulls the trunks for good measure and the clueless Hebner counts the one, the two and the three.


Winner: Magnus via underhanded tactics at 11:21

Grade: C


It's time for our main event! Mike Tenay and Taz run over the rivalry and the events leading into this one. That is, until,




"He isn't even booked tonight!" explains Taz. Bully isn't here to cut a promo though, he isn't here to wrestle, he's simply here to watch the upcoming tables match with our two commentators.


Grade: B




Tables Match

Abyss vs. Bobby Roode


Just like Storm and Gunner last week, these two are also tied at 1-1 in singles action. Early on, Taz notes that both guys wanted this match, but for different reasons. Abyss is looking to do the right thing and knock Beer Money down a peg or two, Roode is looking to put Abyss behind him and move on to more rewarding challenges. Unlike last week, Abyss brings the table into play straight away and looks for the early victory, but Roode is far too cute to fall for that. That said, how can a guy like Roode feasibly put Abyss through a table? He can't get the big man up for the Roode Bomb, so he has to play it smart instead. At one point, with a table set up at ringside, Roode simply tries to knock Abyss off the apron, but the big man drops the top rope down when Roode charges. Fortunately, The IT Factor is able to grab the bottom rope and stop his momentum just short of crashing through the wood.


Almost as if the team are telepathic…




James Storm makes his way down the ramp to provide assistance.


Bully notes that it's easier to put somebody through a table if you have a friend, drawing obvious ironic laughter from Taz and Tenay. Although Abyss still had plenty of fight left in him, the numbers game very quickly came into play. The Monster was sent to the ropes and with Bully Ray watching on from ringside, Beer Money took the big man up for the 3-D and put him straight through a table in the middle of the ring.


Winner: Bobby Roode via 3-D after interference from James Storm at 14:44

Grade: B-


Post-match, Beer Money celebrate in the ring.




Once the two are done soaking up the boo's, cheers and jeers from our capacity crowd, they turn to Bully Ray, who had stood up and sarcastically applauded their victory. Storm takes a step back as Roode takes a step forward and motions for Bully to enter the ring. The two start exchanging verbals, our microphones don't catch exactly what is being said, but the words are obviously not complimentary.


Bully moves towards the ring slowly, taking baby steps up the steel stairs. Once inside the ring, both Roode and Bully stand in the middle of the ring, face-to-face, eyes locked in a cold, steely stare. The fight will come another day though, because with a smug grin etched across his face, Roode calmly swaggers across Bully and departs with The Cowboy as we fade to black.


Grade: B-


Show Rating: B-

TV Rating: 4.69

This show increased our popularity in 23 regions.

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I remarked on the strength of your tag team division...and then you added the ANX? And maybe the Dudleys are about to be in there too, if the vibe I got from the end of that show is on the money? You're stacked, dude!


Incidentally, I was in the first row for an ROH match between the Wolves and ANX that I really enjoyed. It may well have been the only time those two teams have wrestled each other anywhere.

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I remarked on the strength of your tag team division...and then you added the ANX? And maybe the Dudleys are about to be in there too, if the vibe I got from the end of that show is on the money? You're stacked, dude!


Incidentally, I was in the first row for an ROH match between the Wolves and ANX that I really enjoyed. It may well have been the only time those two teams have wrestled each other anywhere.


Considering I started the save with just The Wolves, Bad Influence and The Bro-Mans, yeah, it's pretty insane right now. :p I still have the possibility of a Hardyz reunion to do at some point too.


Was that November 6th 2011? Gateway to Honor? I've checked two wrestling databases and that's the only time they've faced each other, which I didn't actually know considering both teams were around at the same time for quite a while weren't they?

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Considering I started the save with just The Wolves, Bad Influence and The Bro-Mans, yeah, it's pretty insane right now. :p I still have the possibility of a Hardyz reunion to do at some point too.


Was that November 6th 2011? Gateway to Honor? I've checked two wrestling databases and that's the only time they've faced each other, which I didn't actually know considering both teams were around at the same time for quite a while weren't they?

Yep, that's the one. I believe it was the last time the Wolves teamed together for about a year, at least in ROH.

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I had no idea The Maniks were so over. Sorry they weren't booked for this show. :(:p






IMPACT Wrestling

Thursday, Week 4, May 2014

5000 fans are in attendance at the sold out Timmons Arena!


Before the show went live, Christopher Daniels defeated Cody Hall. Grade: D+




Petey Williams & Sonjay Dutt vs. Kenny King & Rhett Titus


Last week was hardly the introduction that King & Titus wanted, but Taz defends them early on by saying that there's no shame in losing to The Wolves. There's shame in losing here though, Williams & Dutt are hardly even a tag team, just two guys that seem to insist on tagging up together. King & Titus are a step ahead from start to finish and even though Williams & Dutt are probably the better wrestlers, tag experience prevails here. They isolate Sonjay Dutt and put him away with a Powerbomb & Diving Neckbreaker double team move.


Grade: D+


Mike Tenay: "Later tonight, it's a Beat The Clock Challenge! AJ Styles will face off against Eddie Edwards and Kurt Angle will be put to the test against Jay Lethal. The winner gets to pick the stipulation for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship match at Slammiversary!"




We go backstage where AJ Styles is standing by with Desmond Wolfe. It's a little too pally-pally for comfort as instead of maintaining a level of professionalism, Wolfe is simply having a conversation about the Beat The Clock Challenge later tonight. Both Wolfe and Styles are more than familiar with Angle and are discussing the potential stipulations that Styles could choose. Wolfe laughs and claims that there's no way Angle beats him in a pinfalls-only match. But generally, the two just seem happy that Styles will be facing the "weak link" of The Wolves and not Davey Richards.


Grade: C+


Taz: "Just signed for Slammiversary, straight from MVP's office, a 20-man Battle Royal for the opportunity to earn a contract for a shot at any TNA championship!"

Mike Tenay: "Yeah, the likes of Gunner, Abyss, Hernandez, Kenny King and Rockstar Spud are set for this one. Who's your favourite Taz?"

Taz: "I can't look any further than Abyss my friend, that size, that power, he's the definite favourite, he's my man."




ODB vs. Tara


We return from a commercial break to find that the TNA Knockouts Champion, Madison Rayne, has joined us on commentary. Early on, Taz explains that ODB is looking for a measure of revenge and, of course, a chance to improve her fortunes in the Knockouts Division. Tara is on her game though and knows just how important momentum is to ODB, she likes to string her moves together and simply beat her opponents with brute force. Tara simply continues slowing the pace all the way until she's worn ODB down enough to hit a Widow's Peak for the decisive victory just past the eight minute mark.


Grade: C




Post-match, Tara confidently strolls over to the announce table as Madison removes her headset and stands to meet her. Verbals are exchanged between the two, until Tara shoves Madison... who shoves right back! Moments later, the two are exchanged in an all-out brawl around the announce position. They scrap over the table into the near ringside area. Madison delivers a thunderous kick to Tara's stomach, leaving the #1 Contender hunched over. Rayne grips her hands tightly in a front facelock and looks to be setting up for a DDT.




That is until Velvet Sky makes her presence known, sneaking down the side of the ramp before clattering Rayne from behind with a heavy double axe handle to the back. There's no assistance this time though, Tara & Velvet continue their assault and for the third week of the last four, Madison is left down and out.


Grade: D


We return from a commercial break as Mike Tenay and Taz are still tidying up their table. It seems they have their paperwork in order when
sends the Timmons Arena into a fever pitch.




For the return of Samoa Joe! Fully clad in a suit, Joe looks surprisingly fresh. He soaks up the usual 'JOE! JOE! JOE!' chants and strolls happily down the ramp and into the ring. Christy Hemme hands the man a microphone.




But before he can even talk,
as the ex-TNA World Heavyweight Champion interrupts with a microphone in hand. He says that Joe failed at Lockdown and he's wanted to talk to him ever since. Magnus claims that ever since Joe poked his nose in his business, it's been downhill for the both of them. Magnus lost his championship, Joe lost his battle with the Master Plan and now look at both of them, losers.
'We've been forgotten Joe, don't you see it?'
asks Magnus.


Joe doesn't, unfortunately. Because unlike Magnus, Joe wins matches and although he tasted defeat at Lockdown, he knows that when he gets his second chance, he will sure as hell take it! Joe has learned from his mistakes, he showed his weakness and he let himself fall into Styles' trap, but that won't happen the second time around. Magnus cuts him off and argues that it will, because just like last time, Joe will be all alone. He can fight off one, maybe two, maybe three but not five.
'You're getting weak Joe and I'll prove it to you when we go one-on-one at Slammiversary.'


Grade: C


Mike Tenay: "I think beating Joe has become an obsession for Magnus, don't you agree?"

Taz: "Certainly, but I guess we'll see what happens at Slammiversary. Maybe Magnus sees something we don't Mike."




Abyss vs. Hernandez vs. Jesse White vs. Rockstar Spud


These four competitors will be part of the recently announced Slammiversary Battle Royal. There's a real clash of styles in this ring, Abyss, the big lumbering powerhouse. Hernandez, much of the same, but substitute some of the power for a small modicum of speed and agility. Jesse White, a slender, but tall 250lbs, a complete package of size, speed, athleticism and technical ability. And, Rockstar Spud's in this match too. Strangely enough, these styles gel well and it makes for an entertaining spectacle. As the powerhouses do battle and shake the ring with every impact, Spud looks to ascend to the top and make his move from there, with limited success. After ten minutes of entertainment - truly, this contest was never dull - Abyss hits the Black Hole Slam on Spud and picks up the win.


Grade: C




We go backstage where Desmond Wolfe welcomes the TNA World Tag Team Champions, Bad Influence. Unlike earlier, this is actually a proper interview. Kazarian says little, as per usual, it's Daniels that does most of the talking. In a slightly babyface move, the promo is mainly about Motor City Machine Guns and their interference, something Daniels didn't appreciate because Bad Influence were well on their way to proving once and for all, exactly why they are the best tag team in the biz-i-ness.


But now they have to wait until Slammiversary, where they will face not one, but two teams. The odds are stacked against the greatest TNA World Tag Team Champions in history, but they will prove once and for all that there are no equals. The Wolves will return to the back of the pack and the Master Plan will be sent back to the drawing board.


Grade: C-


We go back to ringside where
descends on the Timmons Arena.




Welcoming Ethan Carter III, who Taz explains, is set for a match against Gunner. Before his opponent can make his entrance though, Carter has a few words to say. He lets us know that Jeff Hardy signed their contract and they will face off at Slammiversary. This announcement draws a modest pop, but there's one condition. Until Sunday, the 15th of June, when the bell rings for their match,
'Jeff Hardy is forbidden from making physical contact with Ethan Carter the Third. And if he breaks this agreement... I'm afraid you won't see Jeffrey in a TNA ring ever again.'


Grade: C+




Gunner vs. Ethan Carter III


Taz explains just how important a match this is for Gunner, after defeats to James Storm and then Magnus last week, Gunner's stock is falling sharply. He's game here, his intensity has the classy EC3 reeling at times, but Dixie Carter's nephew always seems to have something up his sleeve. After a picture-perfect dropkick, truly GIF worthy, Carter has Gunner in prime position for the One Percenter.


Until the lights dim and
bellows throughout the arena. Carter takes a step back and looks around, the titantron video is playing but the man himself is nowhere to be found.


Around twenty seconds later, the lights come back on. A confused Carter turns around... and Gunner hoists him up for an F5... and connects! Carter's face hits the canvas and referee Brian Hebner is in prime position to count the one, the two and the three!


Grade: C-


sounds out, meaning only one thing, as the Timmons Arena welcomes Bully Ray with a thunderous ovation!




The one-time TNA World Heavyweight Champion steps in the ring with a microphone in hand, and promptly calls out Beer Money Inc. No nonsense and straight to the chase, Bully gets what he wants.




Both Roode and Storm stand confidently as Bully makes a passing mention about their last two tables matches and the fact they called him a crybaby and last week when they were face-to-face. There's bad blood there, Bully can sense it. He'd kick Beer Money's ass right now! But two on one isn't exactly fair...


It's not fair, no, Roode agrees. But when you open your big fat mouth, sometimes you have to back it up... and with that Roode and Storm jump on Bully with big thumping right hands! Ray backs into the corner and tries to make a fight of it, but it's not long before he's grounded in the corner as both Roode and Storm stomp away with vicious right boots. Roode puts his foot square on Ray's throat as Storm heads outside and brings a table into play.
'This is what you wanted Bully!'
shouts Roode, as the two begin setting Bully up for a 3D...



























Until Devon enters the ring from out of nowhere!


"Devon is back!"

Mike Tenay:
"Oh I bet Beer Money weren't expecting this!"


Roode promptly bails, leaving Storm to take the brunt of the onslaught. What's a Team 3D reunion without one of the most famous double team moves in wrestling history? Bully pushes Devon... Devon pushes Bully! But there's already a table there! Storm is sent for a ride and crashes through the table with the 3D! Roode backs up the ramp looking at what is surely now his two opponents for Slammiversary XII.


Grade: B-




The TNA World Heavyweight Champion is strolling down the corridor backstage. A hooded leather jacket covers his face as he looks down but everything about this picture just screams
The man has a presence, that's for sure.


"He's facing Eddie Edwards, don't go anywhere, we'll be right back!"


Grade: B




Beat The Clock Challenge

Eddie Edwards vs. AJ Styles


Truth be told, one couldn't reasonably expect Edwards to win this match, but time is obviously a very important factor here. That's why instead of engaging Styles in an all-out wrestling match, Edwards instead just wrestles smartly and looks to prolong this contest as long as possible. The comment about him being the weak link has seemingly fired one half of The Wolves up as he fires away on the TNA World Heavyweight Champion with stiff kicks to the midriff before a Falcon Arrow brings a close two-count. Edwards wastes no time, locking Styles in a Dragon Sleeper immediately after. The Phenomenal One lives up to that name though, pulling himself to his feet before flipping backwards straight over Edwards and dropping him down on the back of his head with a Reverse DDT. It's a spot that brings the Timmons Arena to their feet, but Styles couldn't care less about that, he has a match to win.


Edwards slips out of a Styles Clash attempt - and goes for a clothesline - but Styles ducks underneath and catches him straight in the face with the Pele Kick. And finally, at 14:12, Styles drops Eddie down stomach-first with the Styles Clash and picks up the pinfall victory. Hardly an impressive time...


Grade: B-




A camera shows Kurt Angle backstage. Wearing a red, white and blue jacket, compared to Styles who is always quietly confident, Angle is a picture of sheer intensity, a man that runs at 60 miles per hour at all times.


Mike Tenay:
"14:12 is the time to beat, don't go anywhere, Angle vs. Lethal! And it's next!"


Grade: C+




Beat The Clock Challenge

Kurt Angle vs. Jay Lethal


If that first contest was impressive, this one was fantastic. Just like Eddie Edwards, Jay Lethal produces an awe-inspiring performance as he looks to hang with one of the greatest wrestlers the business has seen in the last 20 years. But the only Jay Lethal has going for him is that he's quicker than Angle and he also doesn't care much for the rules. Lethal doesn't even look to prolong the time in this one, he's trying to beat Angle, he's trying to pin him! Styles looks beside himself at ringside as Lethal engages Angle at every opportunity. In probably the spot of the match, Lethal handsprings off the ropes looking for the Lethal Injection but Angle catches him in mid-air and tosses him over his head with a brutal, beautiful Release German Suplex that leaves Lethal face-first flat on the canvas. That was a death knell, Lethal has nothing left to give as Angle slaps on the Ankle Lock! Lethal fights for a few seconds, but quickly taps out as Angle wins at 12:08 and wins the Beat The Clock Challenge!


Grade: B+




Post-match, Angle stands tall in the ring as Styles' face on the outside is a picture of calm frustration, he's not angry, just very very disappointed. Angle takes a microphone and contemplates his choice of stipulation, but not before thanking Eddie Edwards for lasting 14 minutes with the Champ.


"So, I get to choose. Hmm, let's see, how about a Submission match...?"


A mixed response from the fans, certainly Angle can do better than that.


"Falls Count Anywhere?"


Once again, a mixed response.


"I know. I'll see you AJ Styles at Slammiversary XII in AN I QUIT MATCH!"




Angle's joy is cut short as the Motor City Machine Guns and Paul London join Jay Lethal and AJ Styles at ringside. The Phenomenal One simply nods, as his four soldiers of fortune all jump on the apron, surrounding Kurt Angle. Slowly but cautiously, they all enter the ring before charging at Angle in the middle. Before long, the Olympic Gold Medalist is reduced to a cowering heap, covering up as best as possible as the Master Plan stomp him into oblivion.


Grade: B-


buys Angle some time (no pun intended).




As MVP makes his way down the ramp. He orders the group to stop their attack, which literally just translates to, they let up a little bit but still make sure they keep Angle grounded. MVP is out for an answer, he laid out the proposition last week and now it's time to make it official. Styles is given a microphone from Christy Hemme, who he doesn't even bother acknowledging.
'So, you're willing to give my boys a shot at your titles and you're willing to put your position as Director of Wrestling Operations on the line just to get Eric Young reinstated?'


"When he puts it like that I have to ask what MVP is thinking here Mike.'

Mike Tenay:
"Surely he has something up his sleeve Taz."


That's exactly what MVP is doing, 'so do you accept?' he asks. 'We do' replies Styles, who now wants to know who Paul London's opponent will be.












'Well, I'm glad you asked. Because... it's me.'









And with that, MVP charges to the ring with Austin Aries and The Wolves in tow!


Styles quickly bails up the ramp as he watches eight men go back and forth in the ring, right and left hands are flailing everywhere. Aries delivers a discus elbow to Lethal and then tosses him over the top rope to the outside! The Wolves drop Chris Sabin with a Double Superkick before simultanously dumping Shelley over the second rope to the outside. Paul London is left alone, still scrapping away with MVP, but a prompt left-right combo to the midriff leaves London bending over as MVP takes him out with the Playmaker (Overdrive)!


By this point, Angle has made it back to his feet as IMPACT closes with TNA standing tall over the Master Plan for the first time ever. A minor victory only, but an important one with Slammiversary just two weeks away.


Grade: C


Show Rating: B

TV Rating: 4.76

This show increased our popularity in 23 regions.


This show was a 78, 1 higher than Victory Road, making it my second best show ever.

Kurt Angle vs. Jay Lethal was an 83, making it my second best match ever behind AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe.

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  • 2 weeks later...



IMPACT Wrestling

Thursday, Week 1, June 2014

5000 fans are in attendance at the sold out Comerica Theatre!


Before the show went live, Magnus defeated Cody Hall in 7:34. (D+)


We kick off the broadcast with the sound of "Gold Medal", which can mean only one thing - Kurt Angle!




Wearing a red, white and blue jacket over his usual wrestling singlet, the #1 Contender is in fairly good spirits. Christy Hemme hands him a microphone as Angle soaks up the plaudits of our capacity crowd. He thanks them for their support last week because without them and Eddie Edwards, there's no way he would have had the choice of stipulation. Angle believes everybody is unanimous in wanting the Master Plan far away from the TNA World Heavyweight Championship and considering Styles has to make him quit, Angle is more confident than ever of his chances. He's never gave up anything and come two weeks on Sunday, Styles is going to have to physically kill him if he wants to retain his Championship.




'Evil Ways' brings out the interrupting AJ Styles, clad in his now-signature hooded leather jacket. Keeping his distance on the entrance ramp, Styles dumbs his defeat last week down to luck, it was a fluke; plain and simple. Styles doesn't mind that its an I Quit match because just like Lockdown, he has something up his sleeve. Angle tries to press the issue, but obviously, he's getting nothing out of AJ. He does antagonize the Champion a little bit though, neither guy wants to wait until Slammiversary, they want to get their hands on each other right now!


"But not this week", says Styles, "Next week, because a little birdie has told me that MVP has signed a little eight-man tag team match for us, his idea of punishment or something" Styles finishes, rather sarcastically, before telling Angle that he's not booked tonight and he doesn't want to spend another minute in his hell-hole, and thus, he's heading off home now.


Grade: B-


Mike Tenay: "He's going to have stick around longer next week Taz, it's AJ Styles, Jay Lethal & the Motor City Machine Guns teaming up..."

Taz: "to take on Kurt Angle, Austin Aries & The Wolves! I can't wait to see Kurt gets his hands on AJ next week Mike!"

Mike Tenay: "But first, later tonight, Eddie Edwards will take on Christopher Daniels and Chris Sabin in a three way match."

Taz: "But not before their respective tag partners face off in one too. Those two matches should be incredibly exciting, a lot of combustable elements at work there."




Gunner, Rob Terry, Jesse Sorensen & Tigre Uno vs. Kenny King, Rhett Titus, Jesse White & Rockstar Spud


A circus act tag team match, these eight guys really have very little in common, other than the fact that they will all be competing in Slammiversary's Battle Royal for a future title shot. Referee Keith Harris did his best to keep control and was actually semi-successful in the early going. The villainous team did their best to keep Gunner at bay, but truly, he looked like a star here. However, once the match started to descend into chaos, it did so very quickly. It wasn't long before bodies were going to and fro on the inside and the outside. But somehow, amidst the chaos, Keith Harris managed to keep track of the two legal men and was in prime position to count Jesse Sorensen's shoulders down after the Five Stone Spud Splash from the Rockstar.


Grade: D+




We go backstage where Desmond Wolfe is standing by. As punishment for seemingly being in cohorts with the Master Plan, he will be interviewing three fan favourites tonight. The first of these 'reprehensible gentlemen' is Jeff Hardy.


He's not allowed to make physical contact with EC3, but Hardy says last week, he and his creatures fought the mental game. He knows that Carter is scared, he's prey and Hardy is the predator. Like a beast lurking in the night, he was able to strike fear into EC3 last week. He was abandoned in the middle of the ring, in the dark, all alone to face his destiny. Come Slammiversary in two weeks, Hardy will wear his war paint and strike EC3 down with a terrible vengeance.
"Retribution is coming Mr. Carter, be prepared."


Grade: C-


From the interview room and back to the arena, where 'Return Of The Ronin' welcomes MVP.




He's dressed a lot more casually this week, a t-shirt over his singlet. He does not look like the 'suit' that runs this place. He explains that two weeks ago, he put pen to paper on a new contract with TNA Wrestling which meant he was allowed to return to active competition. He's spoke to the Board of Directors and they were happy to sign on the dotted line, because truth be told, sometimes you simply have to lead by example. At Slammiversary, MVP is fighting for Eric Young. He's fighting for Samoa Joe, he's fighting for every man in the back that doesn't appreciate the Master Plan, but more importantly, he's fighting for TNA's future. Because, if MVP loses, he's no longer the Director of Wrestling Operations and the only candidate to replace him is Desmond Wolfe.




His Slammiversary opponent, Paul London, has heard enough. Speaking on behalf of "his boys", London says he can't wait for June 15th. The Master Plan are a) going to drive MVP out of town, and then b) take home every championship in the company. They might even rename them!
"TMP World Heavyweight Champion sounds pretty good, huh?"
and as for Eric Young, London says MVP made his bed for him and now the two have to sleep together, which draws the necessary immature laughter from the crowd, as was London's intention.


MVP says that the Master Plan don't care for rules, they don't care for anything but themselves, but the boss can mix it up too. He announces that yes, if he loses, he will no longer be the Director of Wrestling Operations and god knows what happens to TNA then, but all he does know is that he won't be disqualified and he won't be counted out because now, him and Paul London will face off in a No Disqualification Match!


Grade: D


Taz: "I'll tell you something, MVP is signing away his future here. There's no way he can beat the numbers game."

Mike Tenay: "There's more TNA guys than Master Plan guys Taz, you have to bet MVP has something up his sleeve."

Taz: "But I wouldn't be surprised if this bites him on the ass though, I don't care how tough you are, it always helps to fight smart."




Madison Rayne, Gail Kim & ODB vs. Tara, Velvet Sky & Brooke Tessmacher


Early on in this one, Mike Tenay explains that next week, Gail Kim will face Velvet Sky with Madison Rayne and Tara in their respective corners. Brooke has trouble trusting her two tag partners from the get-go here, it seems she doesn't trust them, but it's not long before they start working like a well oiled machine. The pace quickens as Rayne, Gail, Velvet and Tara start brawling on the outside. In the ring, ODB gets the upper hand on Tessmacher and surprises everybody by picking up the pinfall with a Fireman's Carry Cutter, a move that Taz calls the "Bam".


Grade: C-


With Rayne, Gail & ODB celebrating in the ring, we shoot backstage where Desmond Wolfe is standing by with a right asshole, Mr. Anderson.




Ever since Lockdown, Anderson has been a little irrelevant. Wolfe's words, not mine and in fact, Anderson agrees with him. The two have some banter back and forth because truthfully, their personalities gel quite nicely. But Anderson claims he's stepping into that 20 man battle royal because he hasn't had his shot at Styles yet. He could fight tooth and nail to prove his credentials, but that queue is just getting longer and longer. At this point, Anderson takes the microphone from Wolfe and gets close and personal with the camera, his face filling nine tenth's of the frame. Anderson intends to take a shortcut and if necessary, he'll toss all 19 guys out by himself, because
"nobody wants a title shot more than this asshole..."


Grade: C-




Jeff Hardy vs. Zema Ion


Ethan Carter III has joined us on commentary for this one. He explains that last week, he was only distracted because he doesn't like surprises and he's not intimidated by Hardy at all. And neither is Zema Ion it seems because he actually hangs pretty well with the Charismatic Enigma during this contest. Hardy simply can't keep Zema Ion down long enough for the Swanton Bomb and that's really the only move he's going to win a match with. Carter pulls for Zema and gets his hopes up for an upset, but he ultimately succumbs to a Twist Of Fate and finally, the Swanton Bomb wraps this one up just short of the ten minute mark.


Grade: C




With Hardy celebrating in the ring, Carter slowly rises from the ringside announce desk and takes his sweet time entering the ring. Both men come face-to-face, with Carter arrogantly trying to provoke Jeff into doing something he'll most certainly regret. Hardy turns and motions to the crowd, he asks them if they want to see him knock Carter out right here, right now. With his fist clenched...












Al Snow, Hector Guerrero and our three contracted referees slide into the ring and pull Hardy away before he violates the terms of his Slammiversary contract.


The Charismatic Enigma has his head bowed in shame as he has to be escorted back up the ramp, EC3 is left in hysterics as we head to commercial.


Grade: C-




Blue Manik & Green Manik w/ Manik vs. The Bro-Mans w/ Zema Ion


The Bro-Mans come out dragging Zema with them, even though he's favouring his ribs. Half way through this contest, he has to bail on his boys to seek medical attention and this seems to throw The Bro-Mans off their game. They never get any serious momentum going and a lack of communication results in Jessie accidentally knocking his partner off the apron. The two Maniks quickly capitalize, Green hits a Belly to Belly Suplex and Blue quickly follows up with a Standing Shooting Star Press for the pinfall victory.


Grade: D




Desmond Wolfe is standing by backstage for his third and final interview of the night, this time he's standing by with the TNA X-Division Champion, Austin Aries. The topic of conversation is Jay Lethal, who will of course be challenging for Aries' title at Slammiversary. Aries has had to deal with the Master Plan since April and he's still a little angry about what happened at Lockdown but there's a reason he's the Greatest Man That Ever Lived and that's because he keeps his focus. He knows that Lethal has to beat him. Jay Lethal has to be better than greatness. Aries explains that he wasn't even angry when Lethal stole his title because he knew he would have the opportunity to get it back and look, the title is where it belongs, over the shapely vegan shoulders of the self-proclaimed greatest X-Division Champion of all time.


Aries says he isn't walking into Slammiversary with revenge on his mind, he's walking in as the X-Division Champion, he's triumphing over the Master Plan and he's walking out of the Toyota Center still the X-Division Champion.


Grade: C




Davey Richards vs. Alex Shelley vs. Kazarian


The first of two back-to-back three way matches, we started with the mandatory spot fest. This was just three athletes throwing their best punches so to speak, trying to hit a move so devastating that not only could they pin their opponent, they could also stop them from breaking up their latter pinfall attempts too. Heading towards the ten minute mark, Alex Shelley decided he had exerted himself enough tonight and decided to leave Davey Richards and Kazarian alone to do battle, probably anticipating that this contest would go one for some time. He was wrong, Davey hit the DR Driver and waltzed out with the victory just shy of 12 minutes.


Grade: C


As the ring is cleared ready for our next three way match.




The sound of the word
followed by the word
interrupts the broadcast, bringing out the two men in question and boy are they not happy. Addressing Devon's return last week, and Storm being put through a table, Beer Money request the presence of Team 3D
"right here, right now!"
and promise that they won't leave the ring until they get their wish.


However, there's no response. No music, no Team 3D big screen video and most importantly, no Bully Ray and no Devon. Beer Money claim that if they don't come out here immediately, they will instead charge backstage and find them. There's still no response and thus Beer Money have to go back on the promise they made about, uhh... three minutes ago, and head backstage to try and find their Slammiversary opponents.


Grade: C+


Mike Tenay: "Next week, the Samoan Submission Machine makes his in-ring return when he faces off against Paul London!"

Taz: "And that's just three days short of his clash with Magnus, who I'm sure will be watching with an eagle eye Mike."




Eddie Edwards vs. Chris Sabin vs. Christopher Daniels


A marginal improvement over the first three way match. The story of this was mostly centered around how much both Edwards and Daniels wanted to get their hands on Sabin and thus, every time Sabin was standing, the two would double team to take him out... and then go right back to beating each other up. Sabin got understanderably frustrated and decided it was time to pick his moment to strike. After Daniels and Edwards had both stunned each other with stereo Enzuigiri's, Sabin hopped in and hit a weary Daniels with the Cradle Shock, but Edwards made a timely interjection to save the match. Just like Shelley before him, Sabin decided enough was enough and promptly departed. Edwards and Daniels would do battle for slightly longer than Richards and Kazarian, only this time it was Bad Influence's Christopher Daniels notching up the victory with a B.M.E. after an Angel's Wings.


Grade: C+


Show Rating: C+

TV Rating: 4.65

This show increased our popularity in 7 regions.


OOC: I'm super happy that I don't need the big guns to pull off a popularity raising show. No Roode, no Hardy, no Bully, no Angle and no Styles in the main event, and yet a C+. Slammiversary predictions will go up soon, along with THE OFFICIAL SLAMMIVERSARY POSTER!!!~ There's one more Impact to go and it will be a short recap as opposed to a full write-up largely because nothing of note is set to happen on this show and I just want to get my skates on. Last but not least, thank you very much for the 9 votes in the DOTM, it's much appreciated.

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Slammiversary is shaping up great, but I respectfully boo you for having ODB pin Brooke.


Thanks, glad you're enjoying it.


I thought that was a nice twist, especially considering the other four women are feuding. :p That and ODB has eaten four pinfalls in a row (I think, she's lost four matches in a row) so I thought I'd give her a rare victory.


What a fantastic show man, I really cannot wait for Slammiversary. :D


Thank you man, it's very much appreciated. :D


Will follow this,just because The Master Plan's name reminds me that Oasis classic. :D


Also i did the same thing with AJ and if AJ returns to TNA/i believe he will/ he needs to be heel like this.


I was waiting for somebody to mention that! Yeah, I like that song and the album. Acquiesce is one of my all-time favourite Oasis songs :)


I agree with your second sentiment too, I don't think he could come back as a face, especially considering how fantastic he's been in the Bullet Club. I've really enjoyed writing him here, probably more so than my New Japan diary.

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I was waiting for somebody to mention that! Yeah, I like that song and the album. Acquiesce is one of my all-time favourite Oasis songs :)


I agree with your second sentiment too, I don't think he could come back as a face, especially considering how fantastic he's been in the Bullet Club. I've really enjoyed writing him here, probably more so than my New Japan diary.


Too many forgotten gems for Oasis. I can sit down and talk about their B-Sides for hours. :D


I never watched him in Japan/commentary ticks me off/,but how he sent off and how he talked about company after he leaved,he gotta be heel.


Also i was the one who thanked for that NJPW diary in disqus.

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