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Black Canvas Grappling:- Defenders of Poruresu

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Hi everyone. Welcome to my diary. This is my first diary, so friendly critics are welcomed. I wanted to try playing in Japan. I wanted to go with Golden Canvas Grappling, but the Story of the Black Canvas grappling was much more appealing. Here is the in game story


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I will be playing as Kazu Yoshizawa under Yoshi Fuza Maeda


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Having two people with 90+ psycology is massive for a regional promo. Maeda also has good mic skill which will make him our color commentator.



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I will have to reduce the match length of minor and medium matches to 10 and 20 or maybe drop all three to 10, 15, 30. Your thoughts???


Now, onto our wrestlers.




The popularity given is our popularity in Chubu and Kinki Regions.


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Popularity:- F+, F+

Remarks :- A 24 year old who is loyal, strong in physical and performance. He is going to work his way up the ladder.


<iframe src=" Screenshot (9) width="800" height="597" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe>


Popularity:- E,E

Remarks:- Another young player who is loyal. He is already an Upper Midcarder. With Strong performance and very strong Physical, he is definitely going to become a main eventer soon.


<iframe src=" Screenshot (10) width="800" height="565" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe>

Popularity:- E-,E-

Remarks:- Although not as young as the first 2, he still has a lot of time to improve. He could become a useful player in the team. He also holds the BGC challengers series belt which I am probably going to give to some one better.


<iframe src=" Screenshot (11) width="800" height="646" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe>


Popularity:- D-,D-

Remarks:- Another young player who is loyal. He going to become the face of the company. He is already a main-eventer, with excellent stamina and very strong performance, it is probably going to stay that way.


<iframe src=" Screenshot (12) width="800" height="642" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe>


Popularity:- E,E

Remarks:- A big trouble in the backstage. But a 26 year old with strong stamina and very strong Performance and a member of the most experienced tag team is hard to release. What are yor take on this guy?


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Popularity:- E+,E+

Remark:- Just as his bio says, he is a good tag team player and he is going to remain that way. At the age of 51, he does not have the stamina to play main-events.


<iframe src="https://www.flickr.com/photos/86501214@N06/15560486688/in/set-72157649140110836/player/" width="800" height="593" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe>


Popularity:- D+, D+

Remarks:- Another veteran Player. At 48 years of age and with only 52 stamina, he is definitely going to be a tag team player.


<iframe src="https://www.flickr.com/photos/86501214@N06/15126514193/in/set-72157649140110836/player/" width="800" height="595" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe>


Popularity:- E+, E+

Remarks:- Once again, another Veteran. Just like the other two he is also going to be a tag team player. But with 67 stamina, he might be useful in some big Annual Matches if we drop the main event length.


<iframe src="https://www.flickr.com/photos/86501214@N06/15560037729/in/set-72157649140110836/player/" width="800" height="629" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe>


Popularity:- E-,E-

Remarks:- One of the only two players who are in their 30s, but does not have the stamina to perform in our main events. He is also going to be a tag team player. He is also the current Tag team Champion


<iframe src="https://www.flickr.com/photos/86501214@N06/15560486398/in/set-72157649140110836/player/" width="800" height="560" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe>


Popularity:- E,E

Remark:- Another future prospect who is also the other half of our most experienced tag team.


<iframe src="https://www.flickr.com/photos/86501214@N06/15560037499/in/set-72157649140110836/player/" width="800" height="599" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe>


Popularity:- C,C

Remark:- The most popular star of our company. Sadly he is 52, with stamina to last only 30 mins. If we don't shorten the length , he can no longer hold the belt for us and will drop the belt to some one worthy.


<iframe src="https://www.flickr.com/photos/86501214@N06/15744007871/in/set-72157649140110836/player/" width="800" height="436" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe>


Popularity:- E,E

Remarks:- With around 25-30 years left in him, he is probably going to be a future face of the company.


<iframe src="https://www.flickr.com/photos/86501214@N06/15125962544/in/set-72157649140110836/player/" width="800" height="433" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe>


Popularity:- E-, E-

Remark:- A loyal Big Heavy weight. Could have been one to be the future Pete Hall, but with so low stamina, I doubt he could become that good. With the squad in dire need of some main-eventers, I might release this guy to make room for some one who could of use now.


<iframe src="https://www.flickr.com/photos/86501214@N06/15722204486/in/set-72157649140110836/player/" width="800" height="597" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe>


Popularity:- E,E

Remark:- One of the four players who has the stamina and performance to play in our main event. He still has a few years to develop.


<iframe src="https://www.flickr.com/photos/86501214@N06/15560037139/in/set-72157649140110836/player/" width="800" height="441" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe>


Popularity:- F+, F+

Remarks:- At 26 years of age, with strong Physical and very strong Performance, I tend to disagree with his description. He could become a star.


<iframe src="https://www.flickr.com/photos/86501214@N06/15561084270/in/set-72157649140110836/player/" width="800" height="567" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe>


Popularity:- E,E

Remarks:- Another great future player. Holder of the Tag team Championship.


<iframe src="https://www.flickr.com/photos/86501214@N06/15747454632/in/set-72157649140110836/player/" width="800" height="599" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe>


Popularity:- E,E

Remark:- He is one the 4 players with the stamina to play in a main-event. At 45, I doubt he is going to stay that way for long.


<iframe src="https://www.flickr.com/photos/86501214@N06/15561084040/in/set-72157649140110836/player/" width="800" height="598" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe>


Popularity:- F+,F+

Remark:- A 40 year old with low popularity and psychology = going to get fired before playing a single match.


<iframe src="https://www.flickr.com/photos/86501214@N06/15722203926/in/set-72157649140110836/player/" width="800" height="443" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe>


Popularity:- E-,E-

Remark:- Has the potential to take over from his dad, but will take some time before he does so.


<iframe src="https://www.flickr.com/photos/86501214@N06/15722203856/in/set-72157649140110836/player/" width="800" height="435" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe>


Popularity:- F+, F+

Remarks:- Has the Potential to become an useful member of the Team.



As you can see, this team is filled with potential players and players who can pas the torch. But sadly, there are very few players perform at the present. So expect 1 or 2 players to be released and we need reinforcements.


And by the way, I'm playing the the Cornelverse XL mod.

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BCG Challenger's series:- Only on weekly events.

BCG World Heavy Weight Championship:- My main belt

BCG Jr World Heavy Weight Championship:- For players below the age of 30.

BCG World Tag Team:- Self explanatory



BCG Yoshifusa Maeda Grand Prix:- My most prestigious tournament with an A in Prestige. It will be held in the month of April.

BCG Kazu Yoshizawa's Young Lion:- The tournament is for every one under the age of 30. It will be held in December.

BCG Maeda and Yosizawa Tag Championship :- Tag team tournament in the month of September.




Winter:- from December to February.

Spring:- from April to June.

Fall :- from August to October.



The Weekly show Challenges of Pride are held twice every week on Mondays and Tuesdays.


The Annual Events are held on Friday, week 4 of the first month; Friday, week 3 of the Second Month and Sunday week 4 of the third month of every tour.

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Good start to your diary. I've played as BCG myself in a game of my own, actually got to October 2016 in the game before I stopped playing. I look forward to your take on the promotion, and I hope you don't mind if I share my take on your roster/guys to look at.


Loyalty: One of the biggest benefits (or annoyances if your trying to steal wrestlers from your rivals) of playing a Japanese promotion is that any Japanese wrestlers you sign who are under 25 years old and working for no one else will become loyal to you. This is especially important for BCG since your regional, and are at war with GCG who will likely hit cult soon go on a hiring spree.


I would also suggest re-negotiating the contracts of all the wrestlers with Loyalty to you to exclusive PPA deals. I say this because with non-Exclusive PPA deals they will also accept PPA deals with other companies, including companies your at war with and therefore leave despite being loyal to you. This might have been fixed in a patch, but better safe then sorry.


Veterans: I think you have the right idea about putting your veteran guys in tag teams, preferably with younger guys to pass on some of their performance skills. In addition most of your veterans are locker room leaders backstage which should keep you from having too many issues in that area.


Stars/Near Future Stars:

Funakoshi is great, and he's probably the guy you want to put the world title on next.


Razan Okamoto: is a very good all rounder, is only 21, and has a fantastic look so he could really become a mega-star if all things go right. His main issue is that he isn't loyal to you in the starting data, but if you offer him a new contract he should become loyal to you right away.


Bunrakuken Torii will probably need a year or 2 before his performance skills are quite at a top level, but is otherwise right up there with Funakashi and Razan as guys to build your company around.


The Rest:


Dynamite Narahashi, Roku Sotamuru, Sojuro Sen, Nobuharu Yokakowa: All of these guys are solid in the ring and could be in the main event mix, but these 4 seem to always get signed by GCG when they hit cult; so don't count on them being with you long term.


Yoshinaka Taku: He's another guy who will become loyal to you if you re-sign him. He's also very young and there's a chance he could develop into a star for you down the line; though that's maybe 3 or 4 years down the road. I should also warn you that in my experience he tends to become a slightly negative influence if his father leaves the promotion.


Rokuemon Matsushida: I would advise against firing him. He's nowhere close to ready to be a top level guy, but he's loyal, has a great look, and is still pretty young. I would suggest pairing him up with one of your veterans and have him do tag team work.



I had intended to also suggest some guys to look at hiring, but this post has already gone on a lot longer then I intended it too, so I'll do that in another post.

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My main goal in the beginning is to attain a D+ importance in Kinki and Chubu in order to get to cult. It is impossible to get a TV contract otherwise. There are only 2 Channels that deal with regional promotion and there are 3 regional promotions including us. To make matters worse, we are the only ones who do not satisfy the requirements.


Played a week in game and finished my first two shows. I have reduced the match length to 15,20,30.


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This show went much better than I expected.

Pete Hall and Funakoshi seems to have good chemistry working together.

Okamoto and Narashi on the other hand have poor chemistry working together.


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Wasn't as good as the previous one, but helped our cause none the less.

Had to use Funakoshi again due to the lack of main-eventers.

Matsushita and Fukazawa seems to have awful chemistry working as a tag team partner.

On the other side, Shiga became the mentor of Ikoma


I have also given contract offers to 2 players. 1 of them have joined and the other will join within this week.


Here are the players


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Popularity:- C+, C+

Remarks:- Even though he is going to be our Star, I don't think I am going to build my foundation on him. As he is loyal to WLW, he would leave us anytime he is offered a written deal. I'll try to leech as much popularity as possible from him.


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Popularity:- D+,D+

Remarks:- Due to the fact that he was unemployed, I got him on a fairly low wage of 1400


I have also fired Ippitsusai.

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<iframe src=" Screenshot (37) width="800" height="334" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe>


Another good show for us. Nothing special to note here.


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A good enough show given our standards. It turns out that Funakoshi has great Tag team Chemistry with Matsushita. I will form a team for them but can't play them often.

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Got a C and C- in the next two shows. Okamoto great Chemistry fighting Sotomura. Yoshinaka Taku has taken Murkami as his Mentor.


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Up next we have our first Annual Event BCG WARFARE [\B]

Here is the card, predictions are welcomed.


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By the way, is anyone reading or am I just writing to my self?

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I have played a 3 or 4 year BCG game in the past that sadly ended with Maeda firing me over some stupid owner goal even though I took his company to strong Cult level. It was fun though and I'm looking forward to see where you will go with this very interesting starting roster.


Have to agree with Tiberious on all he wrote. And since he left out the pointers: Take a good look at Tanyu Toshusai, Kadonomaro Kamisaka and Lion Genji. All of them work a Puroresu style that fits perfectly into BCG, have boatloads of potential and will become loyal to your company if you get them to sign Exclusive PPAs.

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thanks for the feedbacks. I'll explain the important ones. If you have questions feel free to ask. This is the first time I'm writing a dynasties, so feedbacks are really appreciated.


Since most of you want to see how I handle this promotion in the long run. I think I'll quicken up the pace and do a whole tour each update.


@Shinsuke They seem like really good prospects. But I already have a lot youngters at the moment and am interested in wrestlers with popularity. I'll definitely consider the wrestlers you mentioned once we hit cult.

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Here is the results from the last PPV


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I felt Funakoshi is not ready to become our champion and Kobe is too new. So Pete keeps the Belt for now. The main event would have been Pete vs Kobe but added Funakoshi to get him some popularity.


At the end of the month we came 1st in all the regional battles.


<iframe src=" Screenshot (44) width="800" height="334" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe>


Okamoto was relieved of our midcard belt inorder to fight against higher level opponents. And in the next match, Funakoshi was defeated in a match where he was to look strong against Kobe; in order to gain popularity.


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After ending this show we have gained D- popularity in Chubu and Kinki. As a result we fulfill the minimum requirements for a TV show. WLW didnot apply for any program despite fulfilling the requirements.


We got the show to be shown on Monday afternoons for 20% split of Ad revenue.


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The same goes here.


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I decide to give Hidekazu the win over Kobe as I'm not sure how long Kobe is going to be with us. He is loyal to WLW. Hidekazu on the other hand, is probably going to finish his career in our promotion.


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I have played Funakoshi in a tag team match in order to gain tag experience . He has a good chemistry with Matsushita. I could play them against a team with a veteran in the future.


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Fukazawa was unwilling to lose to Matsushita even after I asking him to look strong. Then I asked Matsushita to dominate and he even got the win.


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Ikoma's win against Sotomura should give him some popularity. Torii too should gain some popularity after losing to Kobe in a match where he was made to look strong.


The next three shows are filled with shows to gain popularity/skills.


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I fired Yoshizawa after his second consecutive negative act.


<iframe src="https://www.flickr.com/photos/86501214@N06/15596208297/in/photostream/player/" width="800" height="279" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe>


With Pete's declining physicals, he cannot perform that good. As a result, the main title match was held in the Co-Main. The main event had a negative buff due to title prestige.


That was the end of our first tour. We finished second in all our regional batles.

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The TV show has been very disappointing, its selling only .01%. I think it has to do with the fact that I have E- popularity everywhere except Chubu and Kinki. I think i'll hold shows in the other areas in the upcoming tour.


In the first month of the upcoming tour, we are going to hold the BCG YOSHIFUSA MAEDA GRAD PRIX tournament. The tournament is going to start with a round-robin of 2 groups. The first and second from each group are going to advance to the semis.


The Goups are as follows.














Yoshinaka Taku


So who do you think will advance to the next round and who will win the tournament?

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  • 4 weeks later...

<iframe src=" Screenshot (55) width="1024" height="441" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe>


Okamoto lost to Pete in a match where he was kept strong.


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I could have got a better rating in this card, but it turns out that kobe has poor chemistry playing against Taku.


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<iframe src=" Screenshot (58) width="1024" height="441" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe>


I wanted Hidekazu vs Kobe to be the main event, but it seems I have played that match too many times.


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<iframe src=" Screenshot (59) width="1024" height="438" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe>


So the Group Results are








Funakoshi advance due to completing his matches quicker.





Yoshinaka Taku.....3




I'll explain my reason for these match ups after the end of the tournament.

So, coming up next are the semi-finals for the BCG YOSHIFUSA MAEDA GRAD PRIX tournament


Hidekazu vs Funakoshi

Okamoto vs Kobe

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I forgot to mention that CGC has grown to Cult Popularity. Dynamite Narahashi has already signed for them and I feel more are going to follow him. So, any suggestion for new wrestlers are welcomed. I'm looking for already established wrestlers as I have a lot of future prospects at the moment.
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I forgot to mention that CGC has grown to Cult Popularity. Dynamite Narahashi has already signed for them and I feel more are going to follow him. So, any suggestion for new wrestlers are welcomed. I'm looking for already established wrestlers as I have a lot of future prospects at the moment.


Hidekazu is decent. Hitomaro Suzuki will pay dividends once you get behind him. Grabbing Shingen Miyazaki and Harumi Okazaway from GCG in a counter-raid will give you a good main event scene for the time being, though they'll be a little expensive I imagine.

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The semi-final cards are as follows


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As I said in my last post, I'll explain the match ups in the group stages and the reason for he selection of players in each group.


Let me start with the second group as it is more straight forward. I had my two best wrestlers in this group. Taku was added to this group as he can gain a lot even from defeats against the top 2. Murkami was added as he was willing to take a defeat against Taku. I gave Hidekazu a win against Kobe as Kobe was far ahead of the rest of the players. He accepted to lose to Hidekazu only after making him look strong.


In the first group I had 3 of the best future stars in Torii, Funakoshi and Okamoto. Torii and Okamoto have low psychology. So, I added Pete to the group so that he along with Funakoshi could help carry the matches. Pete is the only veteran who can play 15+ mins. Funakoshi and Torii were my first choice. But I felt that Okamoto would gain far more than Torii from defeats against Kobe/Hidekazu. Hence I decided to give Okamoto the bye. I had to make Okamoto lose to Pete as he was unwilling to lose to Okamoto even after protecting him and making him look strong.


In the semis, Kobe won in a match where Okamoto was made to look strong. He didn't need it but I called it so that Okamoto could gain some valuable popularity in exchange for some match ratings.

I decided to give Funakoshi a win ahead of Hidekazu as I didn't want another Hidekazu vs Kobe Match. Moreover, I need to make another player capable of defeating my top 2. In order for Funakoshi to win, I had to make Hidekazu look strong and protect him at the same time. This probably took out a chunk of the match rating. But in the long run, I hope its worth it.


Ikoma was made to dominate in a match against Dynamite Narahashi as he is leaving.


Torii was relieved of his challengers series belt as I have better plans for him.


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I gave Funakoshi the win in the final to further reduce the gap between my top 2 and the rest. I was surprised Kobe accepted to lose just by making him look strong.


I tried grabbing the GCG players, but they are not willing to leave GCG and I am not willing to give them a crazy offer. I went for this guy instead


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I think I'll sign Hitomaro in the near future as more of my players might join GCG.


Moreover now I think I'll be bit less biased against Kobe as he prioritizes my company over WLW. He is sill loyal to them though and priority will have no effect if he signs a exclusive deal though.


I came 3rd in all of my regional battles. I no longer have D- importance in Chubu. All those keep strong/ protect orders finally cost me. Will they pay dividends in the future? Let's see.

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  • 5 weeks later...

In the following weeks I continue to shift the popularity from the veterans to the youngsters. Razan Okamoto performed beyond my expectations and I'm going to give him some limelight in the following weeks.


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Yoshinaka Taku seemed to have developed well, so I decided to give Taku the belt. I continue stripping Torii of titles despite him being a future main eventer as I want him off the main event scenes. That way he can play shorter matches against the veterans and develop his poor psychology. Hidekazu was the only older player whom I gave wins (in which the opponents usually looked strong) to build his momentum for the next Big Event.


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I finished third in all the regional battles. This is worrying as WLW as and 5SSW are only real competitors. I am not very concerned about 5SSW but if WLW hits cult before us, then we will be in deep trouble. Murkami's contract ends at the end of the month and I don't think I am going to extend his contract.


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Yoshinaka Taku and Razan seems to have the same problem as Torii, he has poor psychology. Moreover, Razan has poor chemistry playing against Maita, Funakoshi and Torii. Since these three are the backbone of our company, I can't figure where Razan will fit in my roster. Miura and Matsuzawa had a very good tour. They performed well in long matches and seemed to have better psychology than Razan, Yoshinaka and Torii. Muira seems ready for big matches but Matsuzawa needs a lot more popularity. Tag team champion; Sen decided to leave my company in the last week and I couldn't sap on his popularity since I decided to transfer the title instead. I finished as first in every regions for the month.

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  • 1 month later...

Even though I did not extend Murkami's deal, the owner extended his deal. I am not going to dismiss him as it is a PPA deal and he has decent psychology to transfer. I have made two tour signings.


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Popularity:- D-, D-.

A very good performers. I had him in other saves but I don't recall seeing his style as Puroresu. Looking at his stats I might even sign him for a longer deal. But at the moment, I need some temporary momentum.


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Popularity:- C+, C+


A crappy worker, but I the popularity can be transferred to my other workers.


In the first month we have our Maeda & Yoshizawa tag team tournament, its going to have a round-robin group stage followed by a knockout round.


The groups are as follows,


Group A


Funakoshi & Matsushita

Muira & Yokokawa

Shiga & Ikoma

Okimasa & Sotomura


Group B

Hidekazu & Okamoto

Kobe & Matsuzawa

Team Taku

Torii & Maita


The matches are going to be scheduled for 1 fall. Time limit per match is 30.

2 pts are going to be awarded for every win and 1 pt for a draw


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So the group results are;

Group A

Okimasa & Sotomura 6

Funakoshi & Matsushita 4

Muira & Yokokawa 2

Shiga & Ikoma 0


Group B

Torii & Maita 4 (virtue of head to head)

Hidekazu & Okamoto 4

Kobe & Matsuzawa 2

Team Taku 2


So the Semis are going to be


Okimasa & Sotomura vs Hidekazu & Okamoto

Funakoshi & Matsushita vs Torii & Maita


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I let Sotomura & Okimasa reach the finals as they have great chemistry fighting together. They are going to be a very good tag team for a long time. But I didnot let them win as I feared that may bring down the prestige of the Tournament.

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I did not want Funakoshi to win, it was a mistake in the road agent notes. Speaking of mistakes, getting Fuji was a bad decision, his stamina of 29 wouldn't let him last 6 mins without getting tired. Moreover, my attempt to get Matsushita up quickly backfired, he has now become egostical. This tour I've dropped my match lengths to 6,15 and 30 mins. By the way, does rumble and technical skills effect match ratings or is it just to determine the style of wrestler?

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  • 4 months later...

Hi guys, I am back. I think I'll continue this save on another thread this holiday. As someone suggested that I give more in-depth info of the matches, I will write as I play. I have played another tour before. So, I will end this thread with the summary of that tour.


Fuji(Everest) finished his tour as the worst wrestler of the lot. It was a mistake signing him. I'd rather have someone who can transfer his skills to the youngsters. I'll keep that in mind for future.


Hell monkey has signed with me on a permanent basis now.


Yokokawa and Sotomura left us to join GCG. I don't care much about Yokokawa but I had plans for Sotomura. And his good chemistry fighting alongside Okamisa, will be missed for sure. I wish they had poached him before so that he would have been on a PPA rather than a written deal.


To replace them, I brought Jimmy Cox ( who was recently shown the exit door at GCG.), Kimitada Yanagita ( an ex-mid carder in the now defunct INSPIRE) and Samoan Machine on tour.


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A solid performer atleast who will be jobbing to my younger players.


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A decent guy who can teach Puroresu while jobbing. He might even join us on a permanent basis like Hell Monkey. B+ and B- in Basics and psychology is pretty standard in our fed. But that C+ selling is one of the highest in our company. (Yes, we suck at it.)


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Kimitada is another Puroresu wrestler. He is average at his very best. He is going to join for a jobbing tag team along with Samoan Machine.

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In the first month. we are going to have the Kazu Yoshizawa Young Lions Championship. The players participating in this tournaent are not exactly going to be young lions. Anyone below the age of 30 is going to compete.


The tournament has 8 participants. First round is a group stage. Two participants from each of the two groups will qualify for the Semifinals.

In case of a tie, head to head will be taken into account. If head to head was a draw, then it will be settled with a coin toss.


Group A

Blast Ikoma

Magnum Kobe

Razan Okamoto

Rkuemon Matsushita


Group B

Bunrakuken Torii


Sharaku Okimasa

Yoshisada Matsuzawa


The group stages unfold as follows.


<a href=" Screenshot (28) title="Screenshot (28) by Hades420, on Flickr"><img src="https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/259/19237852601_e14a3b8644_c.jpg" width="800" height="276" alt="Screenshot (28)"></a>


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I gave all the new-comers a win. This allows them to start with a good momentum. Momentum is hard to get in a promotion with no angles. Hence, every bit helps.


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I decided to give Blast Ikoma a slight push. He has been developing quite well for me. Bunrakuken and Funakoshi were no brainers.


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Enough push for Ikoma at one time. Magnum's little run also comes to an end.


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I believe Bunrakuken needed the win more than Funakoshi. And moreover, Funakoshi is already too hyped. Anything more might hit me back in the future.

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I have played this save around four months ago. So please pardon the details of the matches.


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Looking back at it, I feel it was a mistake not letting Maita have the belt. It was a good time for Funakoshi to relieve the belt and it would have been the much needed push for Maita. Maybe I wasn't sure about his future at BCG or didn't want to boost WLW 's rating with his enhanced overness.

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The rest of the tour goes like this


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And that kids is how I ended the tour. But the best new was


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I actually had to grow 3 shows earlier. I had met the requirements 7 weeks before the end of the tour but didn't want to grow in the middle of the tour. I was hoping to avoid the amateur penalty. But Funakoshi'scontract came to an end and he felt he was too big to sign for us. The Finale might have been much better without the penalty.

Toshinobu Taku is leaving the company. He doesn't have much to offer now.


A lot of question about how I am going to continue from here.

GCG has change to a full time schedule. Should I follow them. A TV show would allow me to expand quicker but less money overall. If not, do I increase the number of shows per week to 3?

I will need 10 more wrestlers. So list the ones you want to see.

Moreover PGHW have hit National and I am expecting a raid on my company. Who all should I tie down to a written contract? Should I sign the ones loyal to me for a cheap price now? Or shall I wait.

I am expected to reach $2 mil. over the next 10 months by the owner. By the end of the month I expect my finance to go down to $1.2 mil. Should I open up a low-level local development territory now? or shall I wait and build a bigger one once the expectation is met? I personally think we should open up the company now as I don't see popularity as a big issue. The big problem with waiting is, a lot more of the workers are going to get loyal to their companies and I can no longer hire them on a dev deal.

Thinking about long-term, should we start women's wrestling once we hit national? We are currently sharing the same pool of wrestlers with PGHW and GCG. BHOTWG and WLW wouldn't say no to our wrestlers either.

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