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[Tverse Platinum] Power Packed Pro Wrestling - Bigger is Better

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OOC Note: I decided to try something a bit less involved while I try to get my mojo back with POW.



Power Packed Pro Wrestling

The Company:

Founded: August 2014

Owner: Bobby Valentine II

Location: New England

Size: Local


The Product:

Big Man Wrestling

Key Feature: Mainstream Traditional (Up from Heavy)

Medium: Comedy

Low:Hardcore, Realism

Hiring Rules: Nobody under Middleweight


The Roster:

Main Eventers:

Badd News Brewer (Heel)

The Stomp Master AKA Big Daddy Stomp (Heel)

Colt Kirchart (Face)

Erik Wayne (Face)


Upper Midcarders:

Captain Olympia II (Face)

Graham Orwell Lewis-Dickens (Heel)

Harrison Forbes (Heel)

Leo Krivenoff (Heel)



Hades (Heel)

Joshua Marsters (Face)

Major Damage (Face)

Martin McClane (Face)


Lower Midcarders:

G.I Rogers (Face)


Enhancement Talent:

Brick Hauzer (Heel)



Dr. Danger (Heel, Manager of Badd News and Stomp)



Referee Cody Bowen (Face)



Royce Valentine (Face)


Color Commentators:

Bobby Valentine II (Face)


The Titles:



PPPW World Heavyweight

Current Holder: Colt Kirchart (Defenses: 1) (Won at: PPPW Mat Mania)



PPPW Tag Team

Current Holder:Vacant


The Tag Teams:

The Bone Grinders (Badd News and Stompmaster)

The Blazing Saddles (Erik Wayne and Colt)

Solid Gold Excess (G.O.L.D and Forbes)

Real American Heroes (G.I Rogers and Major Damage)

Mayhem (Hades and Krivenoff)

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When: Saturday, Week 4, August

Where: CT- Bridgeport Firehouse


Main Event

10 Man Battle Royal for the PPPW World Heavyweight Title


Badd News Brewer, Captain Olympia II, Colt Kirchart, Erik Wayne, G.I. Rogers, G.O.L.D, Harrison Forbes, Hades, Leo Krivenoff, and Major Damage


Exhibition Match:

Martin McClane vs The Stompmaster w/Dr. Danger


Innaugural Match:

Joshua Marsters vs Brick Hauzer


Plus: Bobby Valentine II welcomes fans to PPPW!

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Main Event

10 Man Battle Royal for the PPPW World Heavyweight Title


Badd News Brewer, Captain Olympia II, Colt Kirchart, Erik Wayne, G.I. Rogers, G.O.L.D, Harrison Forbes, Hades, Leo Krivenoff, and Major Damage


Exhibition Match:

Martin McClane vs The Stompmaster w/Dr. Danger


Innaugural Match:

Joshua Marsters vs Brick Hauzer

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Main Event

10 Man Battle Royal for the PPPW World Heavyweight Title


Badd News Brewer, Captain Olympia II, Colt Kirchart, Erik Wayne, G.I. Rogers, G.O.L.D, Harrison Forbes, Hades, Leo Krivenoff, and Major Damage


Exhibition Match:

Martin McClane vs The Stompmaster w/Dr. Danger


Innaugural Match:

Joshua Marsters vs Brick Hauzer

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PPPW Mat Mania

CT - Bridgeport Firehouse

Attendance: 60


Segment 1 - Bobby Valentine II welcomes a 'Sell Out'(?) Crowd


"Macho Man" By the Village People blared through the speakers next to the merch table of the Firehouse, heralding the arrival of PPPW owner Bobby Valentine II, who poses for the crowd who...being primarily made up of parents and children probably don't remember him that much. But hey, it's an affable old man posing in a suit, what's not to like?


Bobby: Hello wrestling fans! Welcome to this, the very first show of Power! Packed! Pro! Wrrrrrrrestliiiiiing! I am honored to be having it here in the Bridgeport Firehouse in front of this, a sell...out...crowd?


Bobby blinks, so do the crowd, both looking around to see that the building is faaaar from sold out.


Bobby: I uh...the heck's going on here?! We sold all our tickets, I figured I'd be lookin' out at all kiiiinds of smiling faces here tonight, not just you fine folks.


Voice: Pardon me...


Out from the back comes a taciturn pair, one a finely dressed African American gentleman in a suit, the other a long haired blonde man in black spandex and boots. The latter poses and pantomimes as the former speakers.


Man: Good evening, Mr. Valentine, my name is Graham Orwell Lewis-Dickens, and this is my associate Harrison Forbes. As you can see, we've taken it upon ourselves to give your little wrestling promotion a helping hand. A nice, generous, tax-deductable helping hand.


Valentine: The heck're you talkin' about, buddy? You got somethin' to do with this?


G.O.L-D: Why yes, Mr. Valentine, Harrison and I saw your humble little federation and thought it only right to give it a nice large cash injection, so we bought up all the seats we could! It was just the right thing to do.


Valentine: Wh-what!? You can't do that!


G.O.L-D: Oh no need to thank us, Mr. Valentine, we're only happy to help! But don't worry, we look forward to a bright future of helping PPPW become the most financially successful company in the world! Have a nice day!


Before Valentine can retort, the two affluent individuals laugh and exit to a chorus of boos.


Valentine: Well folks, it looks like those two sneaks cheated a lotta folks out of a night of great wrestling action! Luckily we got you all here, and you're in for a treat! So let's get to it!


Rating: D+


Joshua Marsters vs Brick Hauzer


Bobby joins up with PPPW announcer, Royce 'The Voice' Valentine as the two combatants for PPPW's first match make their entrances. The first, Hauzer, storms out to no music and poses, but heaps abuse on the 'Stupid American' fans, as a foreigner is wont to do before entering the ring. Meanwhile his opponent, Joshua Marsters of Chaos Wrestling Academy fame, enters to Volbeat's 'A Warrior's Call'.


The match...well, it's less of a match, more of a rout as Marsters fights off some early brawling offense from Hauzer before dominating the other big man with various slams, suplexes, and strikes before putting away the German with his Marster of the Ring (Jackhammer) finisher for the pinfall win.


Winner: Joshua Marsters

Rating: E-


Dr. Danger Debuts His First Client


As Marsters leaves post-celebration, he is passed by a squat gentleman in a black suit, hat, and...eyepatch, who gives him a cursory glance before entering the ring. The mysterious man produces a microphone and begins to address the audience.




The crowd boo the extremely evil and extremely shouty Danger.


Danger: Yes, yessss, fill me with your anger, your hatred, I revel in it! You see, I am a man who has seen the dark side of humanity, the foul and despicable underbelly beneath the armored carapace of RIGHTEOUSNESS! To this end I have gathered about me the lost and discarded refuse of this world, together we shall CRUSH your hopes and dreams...well...*I* will crush them...THIS MAN WILL STOMP THEM! FOR HE IS...THE STOMPMASTER!


Rating: C-


The Stompmaster vs Martin McClane


They said it was impossible for Big Daddy Stomp's gimmick to get even more absurd, but the addition of a cheap looking mask from a costume shop and a somehow even sillier name can do the trick. Still, the guy's huge and his entrance is marked by him actually dragging his opponent for this encounter, Martin McClane, out from the back and throwing him into the ring.


With the bad Dr. looking on proudly, Stomp demolishes his opponent with slam after slam, blow after blow, looking almost effortless in his every bone-breaking movement. Finally, Stompmaster puts his opponent on the mat and hits...THE BIG STOMP (Leaping Stomp)! The referee winces, but the Stompmaster isn't done! He goes to bounce off the ropes and gives McClane the HUGE STOMP (Running Leaping Stomp)! The Stompmaster looks to the ropes but Danger gets up onto the apron and waves him off, sinisterly remarking 'Leave something to the imagination!' before Stompmaster pins McClane for the pin and the win!


Stompmaster beats his chest as Danger chases off the ref to raise his clients hand, sending him to the back as he stays at ringside, arms folded and smirking.


Winner: The Stompmaster

Rating: E+




The reason for Danger's loitering becomes apparent as he's also the manager of participant, Badd News Brewer. The match is a chaotic brawl as soon as it starts, with everyone tryring to eliminate whoever they can. Early on one man distinguishes himself: The tremendous super heavyweight, Hades, who manages to eliminate both of the Real American Heroes, Harrison Forbes, and Leo Krivenoff, before a team of the remaining competitors finally toss him over.


With half of the pack decimated, it falls to five men, who quickly become four as Captain Olympia II (looking to have bulked up a bit post-signing) is thrown over the top by G.O.L-D following a distraction from Forbes still at ringside. Lewis-Dickens primps and preens for a bit, until he turns into a clothesline from Erik Wayne that sends him to the apron! Wayne looks ready to finish him off, but he's blindsided by Badd News, who manages to send both men crashing into each other and the floor!


Just like that it's Kirchart and Brewer in the final two, the young upstart and the curmudgeonly veteran. Colt, crowd on his side, brawls with Brewer around the ring, but Badd News' experience proves out as he rakes his younger opponent's back, thumbs his eyes, and stomps his toes! Brewer brutalizes the second generation Kirchart, seeming to be poised to toss him over the ropes, but as Colt is thrown, he grabs the ropes and lands on the apron! Brewer is alerted to his opponent's survival by Danger, and runs in to finish him off-but Colt ducks and pulls down the ropes and Brewer tumbles to the outside!


The bell dings and 'Rawhide' blares over the speakers, Bobby Valentine II getting into the ring to hand Colt the World Heavyweight Title. The crowd cheers as Colt holds it up, grinning wide for the crowd...


Winner: Colt Kirchart, First PPPW World Heavyweight Champion

Rating: E+


The Stompmaster Ambushes Colt Kirchart!


Danger angrily shouts to the back, causing the Stompmaster to slam through the door and make a bee-line to the ring! Colt seems ready for a fight, but the Stompmaster shrugs off the cowboy's punches, grabbing him and smashing him to the mat with a chokeslam! Bobby tries to intervene, but gets shoved right out of the ring as Danger screams for 'THE MAMMOTH! THE MAMMOTH! THE MAMMOTH!' The Stompmaster slowly climbs to the second rope and delivers the killing blow: THE MAMMOTH STOMP (second rope leaping stomp)! Danger and a recovered Badd News enter the ring, standing over the fallen Kirchart and raising their arms as Mat Mania comes to a close.


Rating: D-

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WHEN: Saturday, Week 4, September

WHERE: CT - Bridgeport Firehouse


Main Event

PPPW World Heavyweight Title Match

Colt Kirchart © vs Badd News Brewer


#1 Contender Match

Captain Olympia II vs The Stompmaster


Tag Team Title Match

Solid Gold Excess vs Real American Heroes


Exhibition Match

Hades vs Martin McClane


Exhibition Match

Joshua Marsters vs Leo Krivenoff

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Main Event

PPPW World Heavyweight Title Match

Colt Kirchart © vs Badd News Brewer


#1 Contender Match

Captain Olympia II vs The Stompmaster


Tag Team Title Match

Solid Gold Excess vs Real American Heroes


Exhibition Match

Hades vs Martin McClane


Exhibition Match

Joshua Marsters vs Leo Krivenoff

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PPPW Slam Jam

CT - Bridgeport Firehouse

Attendance: 53


Segment 1 - Bobby Valentine welcomes another 'Sell Out' Crowd


"Macho Man" once again seranades the crowd as Bobby Valentine struts out from the back to a hefty ovation, nodding and posing for the crowd before climbing into the ring, mic in hand. The owner of PPPW nods to the fans in the stands before beginning to speak.


Bobby: Welcome ladies and gentleman to another...sold...out...now hang on just a second!


Bobby squints and jabs his finger towards the crowd a few times, mouthing numbers to himself.


Bobby: How'n in the...there's even less people here than last time! I don't-why!?


Voice: Allow me to answer that question, Mr. Valentine.


The crowd boo heavily as G.O.L-D comes out, mic in hand and flanked by Forbes.


Valentine: You again!? What gives!?


G.O.L-D: I'm happy to announce, Mr. Valentine, that through some truly extraordinary dilligence, my colleague and I have managed to buy a full seven more ticket's worth of seats here tonight for our purposes!


The crowd boos again as G.O.L-D and Forbes shake hands with grins plastered on their faces. Valentine glares at the duo.


Valentine: Now you two listen here, you can't just go out here and take the chance to see our wrestlers away from the good people of Bridgeport!


Forbes leans into the mic.


Forbes: Who's gonna stop u-?


G.O.L-D yanks the mic away.


G.O.L-D: While we appreciate your...enthusiasm for our doings, Mr. Valentine, I believe you'll find what we're doing is one hundred percent legal, and besides, you're getting money either way, I don't see why you'd care.


Valentine: Money isn't the poi-


G.O.L-D: It was nice speaking with you again, Mr. Valentine, we look forward to continuing this fantastic and lucrative partnership as tonight we will take for ourselves the PPPW Tag Team Championships! Have a nice night!


The two turn to leave, Forbes looking back to flick off the legend as he goes. Valentine glares at them as they escape.


Valentine: Folks, mark my words, I'm gonna figure out how to make them knock this off if it's the last thing I do! 'til then I hope those of you that managed to get tickets-before those two bought them all up-enjoy a night of wrestling unlike any other! Now let's get the show started!


Valentine leaves the ring to join the commentary table.


Rating: D+


Match 1: Joshua Marsters vs Leo Krivenoff


Our first match of the night sees these two bruisers after each other with all they have. The smaller Marsters makes up for the height and weight different with fireplug brawling and a never say die attitude! He responds to every big move with one of his own, refusing to submit to the Manhunter from Kenya's onslaught! Marsters slowly gains momentum, smashing a forearm into the big man's belly, peppering him with clubbing blows and forceful kicks before attempting to hoist him up for the Marster of the Ring (Jackhammer)!


However, a rake to the eyes keeps Krivenoff in the game! Incensed, Krivenoff tosses Marsters out of the ring and chases him outside, causing the two to enter a brawl on the outside that sees the two exchange fists all over the firehouse before the ref declares the match a double count out! The two fighters don't appear to mind as they crash through to the locker room area and presumably keep oup their fight all the way to the parking lot!


Winner: Draw

Rating: E+


Match 2: Hades vs Martin McClane


The man who impressed at last month's battle royal makes a return here tonight as he takes on the action movie star! McClane tries to use the ring to his advantage, hitting and running like an outmatched protagonist of one of his movies, but Hades seems to invariably shut him down! Not to say Hades doesn't break a sweat. He does...a big one, as a matter of fact, but that's probably not related to his opponent. Finally, Hades puts his opponent away with a Drop to the Underworld (Powerslam) for the pin and the win!


Winner: Hades

Rating: E-

Note: Think I maaaay need to scoot the match length down. Just a tad.


Match 3: PPPW Tag Team Title Match

Solid Gold Excess (Forbes and G.O.L-D) vs Real American Heroes (Major Damage and G.I. Rogers)


To say the crowd is biased in this one is an understatement, with the soldiers (? They could just be military surplus enthusiasts, posits Royce) taking on the two jerks out to seemingly 'improve' the show by making sure no one ever sees it. The American Heroes start out brutalizing the two rich boys with tough, no-nonsense brawling, pausing every so often to declare their love for the U-S-A! The two dastardly rich guys finally garner some momentum with an trip-up to G.I. Rogers from G.O.L-D which allows Forbes to blindside the marine! From there it's a game of Rogers trying to get to his corner while SGE beat on him.


Sadly, when Major Damage finally gets the G.I's tag, the ref is preoccupied with a distraction from G.O.L-D and doesn't see it! As the ref attempts to get things back under control, Forbes rolls up Rogers and hikes up his tights for an extremely dirty victory for our first ever tag champions! The Excess hold up their titles and flash smiles to Bobby Valentine II at ringside before retreating to the back.


Winners: Solid Gold Excess

Rating: E+


Segment 2: Dr. Danger Hypes Big Daddy Stomp


The crowd's booing only intensifies as the next face they see is that of Dr. Danger, accompanied by his masked associate, The Stompmaster. The Dr. laughs evilly at the crowd as the Stompmaster folds his arms.


Danger: Well well well, I bet you all were thinking I had lost my step after being so wrongly robbed of the PPPW World Heavyweight Championship...well you thought WRRROOOOONG! No, no I'm GLAD that walking anachronism, Colt Kirchart, won the title. Now I can enjoy slowly destroying this miserable federation piece by piece, pulling it apart like a bug.


The crowd continue their booing at the malicious manager's declaration.


Danger: Doubt me if you will, but look at the men that I manage, the Bonegrinders are the dominant force in PPPW, and tonight they will prove it by crushing your heroes! First the Stompmaster will bring down this Captain Olympia Part 2, and then the living embodiment of misfortune, Badd News Brewer puts the cowboy out to pasture before his title reign even begins!


Danger laughs and leaves the ring, showered with boos, as Stompmaster roars and awaits his challenger!


Rating: D+


Match 4: PPPW World Heavyweight Title #1 Contendership Match

The Stompmaster vs Captain Olympia II


Captain Olympia II enters to a decent ovation from the fans. The light heavyweight is severely undersized compared to his massive masked opponent, but he makes up for it with technical prowess and agility. Unfortunately, Stompmaster has an edge with Danger at ringside and a trip from the devious doctor allows Stompmaster to clobber him with a clothesline from behind! Stompmaster takes control with clubbing blows and power moves, smashing the other masked man to the mat again and again.


However, there's a sign of life from the Captain, as he reverses a rather slow-moving body check from Stompmaster with a drop toe hold! The Captain traps Stompmaster in the Olympia Lock (Ankle Lock), wrenching and twisting at the ankle until...he notices something happening at the merch table.


It's Harrison Forbes! He's angrily arguing with the merch vendor, trying to outbid a nine-year-old child for a PPPW t-shirt! Captain Olympia releases the lock and begins yelling at Forbes to leave the kid alone! Forbes thumbs his nose at the Captain, leading to the masked man makign to leave the ring and argue with the rapscallion on the apron! Forbes comes near the ring, whipping the t-shirt he was trying to buy over his shoulder.


Before either can make a move, Olympia is sent flying off the apron by a tackle from behind by Stompmaster, colliding with Forbes on the floor! The ref admonishes Stompmaster as Olympia tries to get up, but is ambushed from behind by an incensed Forbes, who wraps the t-shirt around Olympia's neck behind the ref's back and chokes him out before slamming his head on the apron and throwing him back inside! This sadly leaves him open to a HUGE STOMP (Running Leaping Stomp) from the Stompmaster and the big masked man makes himself next in line for a World Heavyweight Title shot!


Forbes smirks at Olympia in the ring, strutting away as Valentine heaps abuse on the cocky rich kid. Olympia slowly gathers himself and glares, limping to the back as Stompmaster (huffing and puffing) and Danger stay in the ring.


Winner: Stompmaster

Rating: E+

Note: ...Yep, may need to just adjust that match length...


Segment 3: Danger Hypes Badd News vs Colt


Danger: You see!? You see what I said!? My monsters are unstoppable! They are forces of nature! This is just a taste of what's to come because...heh...heh heh heh...the World Title Match begins...NOW!


Rating: E


Main Event: PPPW World Heavyweight Title Match!

Colt Kirchart © vs Badd News Brewer


Colt Kirchart is sent stumbling out of the locker room, his hat falling to the ground as Brewer stomps out after him, grinning and brandishing the title! Brewer grabs the young champ from behind and throws him bodily into the ring, taking of his top hat and throwing the belt to the referee, who can only hold it up and call for the bell as the big man enters the ring and starts beating on the champ! Brewer gives no quarter to the beaten down Kirchart, clubbing his back, cranking his head in excruciating chin locks, and stomping him while he's down (a move he's obviously learned from his partner)!


Badd News looks primed to make this a rout, but Kirchart ducks a clothesline from Brewer that leaves him open to one of his own! Kirchart turns the tide quickly and emphatically by pummelling Brewer with big Texas lefts, rights, and lariats! So taken aback by this is Brewer that he starts sucking down air from all the attacks Kirchart is laying in to him (we promise)! Brewer looks almost out to pasture as a second rope axe handle by Kirchart, but Danger gets on the apron to distract the ref, allowing Stompmaster to get into the ring!


The #1 Contender slams into the champ from behind, clubbing him and beating him down to the mat! Brewer gets up and-for no other reason than to ensure the move goes off without a hitch-opts to keep Kirchart in place with his boot while Stompmaster goes for a HUGE STOMP that could end Colt's career!


But Colt rolls out of the way at the last second and the STOMP connects with Brewer's foot! Brewer shouts out in pain, clutching his foot in agony as Stompmaster gets low-bridged out of the ring by Colt, who capitalizes on the STOMP by turning Badd News around for the Magnum DDT! Danger drops off the apron to check on Stompmaster, leaving Brewer open to be pinned and the champ to retain!


Colt holds up his belt as Rawhide blares over the speakers, the fans going crazy as Kirchart holds the title to his chest, until...


Winner: Colt Kirchart (Still Champion)

Rating: E

Note: Dropping that time, oh god, I am dropping that time!


Segment 4: Stompmaster attacks Colt!


Stompmaster climbs back into the ring and assaults Colt from behind once more, beating him into the mat as Danger yells for the big man to 'DESTROY HIM!' Brewer gets up and begins laying the boots to him as well, it looks like the fleeting victory of Good tonight cannot compare to Evil's might!


Rating: E


Segment 5: Erik Wayne Saves Colt!


But riding in on a white horse comes none other than Erik Wayne! The other half of Blazing Saddles runs into the ring like a house of fire and clears both of the Bonegrinders out with punches, kicks, and a double clothesline that send them tumbling out of the ring onto Dr. Danger on the outside! Kirchart gets to his feet and nods to his tag partner, the two modern cowboys raising their arms as the event comes to a close!


Rating: E-


Overall Rating: E+

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