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Prime Time Wrestling

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Author’s Note:

I must precede this diary with a warning. This is my first ever diary, and I do not claim to be any good at them at all. I have very little knowledge on how to book well, or how to write well. Especially in the beginning, expect write-ups to be relatively short and perhaps uninteresting while I learn the ropes. I am mostly doing this for my own benefit, and I figured if anybody actually enjoys it, let me know, and if you have any constructive criticism, please tell me that as well and I will try to improve. That all being said, let’s go! (The inspiration for this diary is Golden Boy Wrestling on ewbattleground.com from way back in the day, so if you have ever read that you may notice that I base my style around that. If you have not read it, it’s excellent, I recommend it)


Prime Time Wrestling



I will be assuming the role of Rick Mitchell, a college dropout in New York who just made the terrible decision to spend every penny he owns on a wrestling ring in hopes of starting a wrestling promotion. With no skills apart from being a naturally charismatic person, the road ahead is bound to be challenging. The entire diary will be written from my perspective as the owner of the company, match write-ups and all, and my character’s opinions will be injected into it the entire time.


November 2014:

I have officially committed to this, the big opening show is finally tonight! I sold my car and took all of the money my parents gave me for my failed college degree and found a guy on eBay willing to sell an old wrestling ring for a reasonable price.


My first task was of course to find a name for this promotion. For weeks I have pondered this, and I have settled on “Prime Time Wrestling”. After getting all the paperwork sorted out with and buying a wrestling ring, next was hiring some workers to actually wrestle for me. It took some hard work and effort, but I managed to carve out a small roster with which I could host my first show.


Rick Mitchell


Well, this is me. Due to the fact that I once cried after stubbing my toe, I don’t think I’m cut out to be a wrestler. I can, however, act as the General Manager of the show with my natural talent on the mic.


Worker Ant


I needed somebody to work as a Road Agent to keep track of the backstage area, and to co-ordinate the matches. This guy was literally the only guy who wanted the job. He refused to take off his mask, and he refused to tell me his real name. Whatever, at least he is willing to do his job.


Gary Miller


Hey look, somebody who is a ref. Good for them! He’s not really good at it, but that`s not really an issue. He’s cheap and I’m poor.


Alex Plexis


This 24 year old just moved to New York from Calgary, AB in Canada, and is thus completely unknown in the area. He is not particularly good at anything, but he is really consistent. I decided to give him a shot, and packaged him with a character named The Human Snowshoe, a stereotypical rural Albertan redneck who will be fitting as a Lower Midcard Face.


Chase Del Monte


This 28 year old wrestler was not overwhelmingly impressive in any one faucet, but he is definitely solid in most aspects of the game. I let him keep his name, and packaged him as a loudmouth who is seemingly never around to back up his words, and he will be a Midcard Heel.


Barbi Hayden


This 25 year old wrestler is pretty mediocre in-ring and on the mic. She does have the benefit of being really hot though, so I hired her, naturally. Hey, I'm shallow. Her character will be packaged as a seductress-type who manipulates others for her gain. She will be a Heel in the Womens Division.


Mandy Leon


Relatively impressive in-ring skills and entertainment skills considering that she is relatively unknown in the area and is only 22 years old. Definitely someone to keep around for the future. I gave her the character of the Old School Face, nothing too flashy. She will be a Face in the Womens Division.


Michael Facade


This was an interesting guy. He has an interesting look in the ring, is relatively young at 27, and has an impressive grasp of the basics in the ring. He had a weird request though, he wanted to work as a Martial Artist, however he has zero knowledge of any martial arts. Luckily, since I’m the genius I am, I figured I’d make that all part of the character. Meet Façade, the lunatic who thinks he’s an expert at Tai Chi, when in reality he’s just some guy who has no idea what he’s doing. He will fill an Upper Midcard Heel role.


Axel Deiter, Jr.


He is only 24 years old so will likely improve, and he is surprisingly good on the mic and in the ring. He needs a gimmick though, so I allowed him to play up his German heritage as Hans Hoffman, the abnormally nice German guy. He will fill a Midcard Face role.


Mike Mondo


Remember the Spirit Squad from WWE way back in the day? Yeah, I know you tried to repress it, but this is Mikey from then. Since those days, he’s been around the block a bit and has rounded into a very solid wrestler. At 31 years old, he has the look to be a star here, and very impressive in-ring skills, especially technical skills, as well as excellent entertainment skills. His popularity has really dropped since his WWE days, so he won’t be able to start for us in the main event. His character won’t have a special gimmick, but I will leave that up to him how he decides to roll with it. He will start as an Upper Midcard Face.




Interestingly enough, this is his actual name. It just said “VSK” on his driver’s licence. Isn’t that weird? He’s 27, pretty charismatic, and relatively uninteresting apart from that. I packaged him as Alex Rothwell, an equally uninteresting character. He will be an Upper Midcard Heel.


Rich Swann


I can’t believe I landed this guy. He currently works for three other promotions in the area, and apparently needs a bit more extra cash. He is 23, a very good entertainer, and pretty good in the ring. The best part about him though is that from his experience in other promotions in the area, he’s by far my most popular wrestler. The character I packaged him with is a guy who looks down on this company, and likes to brag about his achievements in larger companies, and is only here due to accidentally signing a contract thinking it was an autograph. He will be a Main Event Heel.


Jimmy Olsen


Another good signing by myself. At 28 years old, this guy is a jack of all trades. He is quite popular here in the Tri-State region, so he will help draw some crowds hopefully. His role will be the big old “good guy” of the promotion, filling a Main Event Face role.



I wrote myself a quick summary of the company, with some estimates I made from my skills I learned in my Business courses before I dropped out. Huh, who would have thought they would come in handy?


Company: Prime Time Wrestling


Founded: November 2014

Owner: Rick Mitchell

Size: Local (0 Popularity in Tri-State Region)

Size Ranking: 57th worldwide (Dead Last)

Money: $0



Main Event:

Jimmy Olsen (F)

Rich Swann (H)


Upper Midcard:

Alex Rockwell (H)

Façade (H)

Mike Mondo (F)



Chase Del Monte (H)

Hans Hoffman (F)


Lower Midcard:

The Human Snowshoe (F)


Womens Division:

Barbi Hayden (H)

Mandy Leon (F)



PTW World




PTW Womens




Tonight’s show is going to be hosted at the George Washington Elementary School gymnasium. I ran into the principal at a urinal once and we became good friends, so he’s letting me use his school’s gym at a discounted cost. I have arranged some local sponsors to put up ads at the event, and have named this event “Prime Time Wrestling Live”, as something simple to get people introduced to the product.


Next Show (Tonight!): Prime Time Wrestling Live!

Chase Del Monte Vs. The Human Snowshoe

Barbi Hayden Vs. Mandy Leon – PTW Womens

Hans Hoffman Vs. Facade

Mike Mondo Vs. Alex Rothwell

Jimmy Olsen Vs. Rich Swann – PTW World

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November – Prime Time Wrestling Live!

Despite myself feeling like this was the biggest moment of my life, the show itself was the complete polar opposite of big. We have a grimy old wrestling ring and a stage made out of unpainted plywood that looks eerily unstable due to my shoddy craftsmanship, all inside the gym of an elementary school. Well at least my marketing worked, and I got a massive crowd of, erm, 14 people. Well, 13 people if you don’t count my buddy Tim who I forced to come. (The sponsors who paid me $9000 for this show will probably be rethinking their investment after this beautiful turnout)


Rick Mitchell Interview


I went out there and thanked the crowd for coming to the opening show of PTW. I was a bit nervous out there since it was my first ever promo in front of real people, but luckily the tiny crowd seemed to enjoy what I had to say. (42)


Chase Del Monte Vs. The Human Snowshoe


In PTW’s first ever match, we saw Chase Del Monte’s skills definitely carrying the match, however the crowd had pretty much no interest in what was going on. Even my buddy Tim was yawning throughout it. Chase Del Monte won the match by using the ropes to sneak out a pinfall. (24)

Winner: Chase Del Monte


Barbi Hayden Vs. Mandy Leon


PTW Womens Championship


This match was actually not that bad. Both women performed well in the ring, and the crowd was relatively involved, even if it was just because the crowd was mostly male, and they liked seeing hot women fight. Hey, whatever draws in the fans! Barbi Hayden got the victory to become the first ever PTW Womens Champion after hitting Mandy Leon with a Barbi Blaster. (34)

Winner: Barbi Hayden


Façade Interview


Façade hosted an interview before his match where he discussed his Martial Arts background. He said he was trained in the arts of Tan Chi in a place called Haroliki, Japan by a guy named Shwii Shwii. I couldn’t tell if he actually realized or not that none of those things are real things, and the crowd apparently didn’t like him at all. (12)


Façade Vs. Hans Hoffman


In a pretty bad match, Hans Hoffman got the crowd behind him relatively well, perhaps because they were just completely sickened with Façade’s earlier interview and wanted to see him lose. Or maybe they like happy German guys, who knows. Either way, Façade won the match after hitting him with what he calls the “Taroluto” (He claimed it was an ancient Japanese move done by Samurais, it looked to me like a sequence of two German Suplexes, ironic that it’s performed against an overly German wrestler).(26)

Winner: Façade


Mike Mondo Vs. Alex Rothwell


I actually somewhat expected more out of these two. The match itself was pretty good, due to Mondo’s really good in-ring skills and Rothwell’s above average skills, but the crowd just didn’t see Rothwell as enough of an interesting character to get into the match. Mike Mondo ended up winning cleanly after hitting the Facebuster. (33)

Winner: Mike Mondo


Rich Swann Vs. Jimmy Olsen


PTW World Championship


The guy at the trophy store actually managed to make a pretty sweet looking World Championship for us. As far as first ever main events go, this one was pretty good. Rich Swann came out laughing at the attendance, and gained some heat by doing so. The match itself was definitely carried by Rich Swann’s natural high flying talent. Jimmy Olsen did his best to get the crowd behind him, and his efforts worked alright. My buddy Tim really liked him, so that’s good. Rich Swann got the victory to become the PTW World Champion by hitting Olsen with a Rich Kick. After the match, he didn’t even bother to take the title with him. (34)

Winner: Rich Swann


Show overall rating: 33

Honestly, I’m happy with the way this show went. I talked to my buddy Tim at the end of the show and he told me that all in all the crowd enjoyed this event much more than they expected. Because of my great business negotiations, the sponsors’ money actually gave us a profit this month! $307 bucks! I guess I can afford to pay my rent this month. Next month I will be tasked with finding more workers though, I barely had enough wrestlers to fill out an hour and a half show. If I want people to start showing up, I’ll need a more varied roster with more colorful characters and some more interesting storylines. I have some interesting plans, ones which may shape the direction that the promotion takes for the future.


Next Show: All Out Assault

Confirmed Matches:

Rich Swann © Vs. Jimmy Olsen – Rematch for PTW World Championship

Mike Mondo Vs. Façade - #1 Contender's Match

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Through the first week of December, my task is to expand my roster. My Women’s Division is a whole two people, and lots of my roster is pretty boring. As a small company, we have some ability to have some fun with the rosters. I met with some wrestlers, and this is what I ended up with.


David Finlay Jr.


This 21 year old is the son of Dave Finlay. He’s a complete unknown and has pretty mediocre stats all around, but is athletically excellent. Huge potential for improvement during his career. We’ll start him off in the undercard with a gimmick of a college bro with a heart of gold, under the name of David Klein. He will be a Midcard Face.


Jessie McKay


This 25 year old female wrestler will be our most popular worker in the Women’s Division. She is not the most co-operative worker, but hopefully we’ll make it work. She will be working as a Face with a Girl-Next-Door gimmick.


Mark Andrews


At 22, he’s also completely unknown but with good in-ring talent. Not the most charismatic yet, however that can be trained hopefully. For now, we’ll package him as a Midcard Heel who loves everything 90s, specifically the band Reel Big Fish


Marshall Von Erich


Another guy from a wrestling family. He’s 22, decent in-ring, acceptable on the mic. He seemed like a fun guy though who was completely willing to take a wacky gimmick and see what he can do with it. As a result, meet Marshaz Fizzan, a time traveler from the year 2159 who’s current goal is to make money selling futuristic shoes to people in our time. He will be an Upper Midcarder Face.


Colby Corino


Woah woah woah, yet another guy from a wrestling family? Yup. At only 18 years old, he has very good star quality. On the downside, pretty much everything else about him is completely unimpressive, except that he’s quite popular in the area already. I’ll give him a bit of a boring gimmick, and let him put over my top guys for a bit while I eventually let him find his way in the Midcard in the future. For now though, he is popular enough to be a Main Event Face, under the name of Mitchell Price.




This Canadian female wrestler is 26, and has pretty good entertainment skills, and decent in-ring skills. She wears a mask that she’s had her whole career, so I figured she can keep it. She will rock the gimmick of a Supervillan and will be a Heel in the Women’s Division, with the name Pink Flash.


Scorpio Sky


Another big name actually willing to this tiny promotion. He heard about the first show from a friend who was one of the 14 people in attendance (what are the chances?), and he figured he had the spare time to come by and work for us. He’s 31, very talented as an entertainer and an in-ring talent, and brings a veteran presence to the locker room. He will be named Scorpio, and will work as a Main Event Heel.


Our December show is coming up pretty fast, and I managed to convince a couple extra sponsors to jump on to the show. Hopefully the attendance is a bit higher than last time, or else I might have to start answering to these sponsors about this. Good thing I penciled in long-term contracts with them.


Next Show – December – All Out Assault

Announced Matches:

Rich Swann © Vs. Jimmy Olsen – PTW World Championship Rematch

Scorpio Vs. Mitchell Price

Mike Mondo Vs Façade - #1 Contender’s Match

Mark Andrews Vs. The Human Snowshoe

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December - All Out Assault


Barbi Hayden Open Challenge


Hayden opened the show to say that she is not only the best looking but also the best performing wrestler in the Women’s division, issuing an open challenge to anyone in the locker room. I guess I forgot to tell her that as far as kayfabe goes, there is only one other woman in the locker room. Also, there isn’t really a locker room. Jessie McKay debuted smiling and skipping around, and the massive crowd of 14 (no improvement yet) was on her side. (41)


Barbi Hayden © Vs. Jessie McKay


PTW Women’s Championship


Jessie: “Rick, what the shit. I refuse to go out there and lose to this rainbow bimbo. I don’t care if it’s a cheating win or not. I’ve been around the block and am easily the most popular woman here”

Me: “You’re not winning the title in your first match. Since you don’t want to co-operate, you’re now losing cleanly, got it?”

*Jessie grumbles and walks away*

Despite Jessie’s pre-match complaints to me, she agreed to lose cleanly to Barbi Hayden after taking a Barbi Blaster. (37)

Winner: Barbi Hayden


The Human Snowshoe Vs. Mark Andrews


Mark Andrews came out as the only wrestler yet to have entrance music, due to the fact that he carried around his own 90s Boombox, playing “Sell-Out” by Reel Big Fish. Before the match, he told the crowd to friend him on AOL. I checked after the show, he actually has an account with the name he provided. He’s really committed to this gimmick. Anyways, this match was relatively weak. Human Snowshoe came out wearing plaid tights with a beer in hand. The crowd had no interest in the match, and it ended when Mark Andrews hit The Human Snowshoe with a Tamagochi Driver to solidify the victory. After the match, The Human Snowshoe offered him a free Molson Canadian beer, but Mark Andrews poured it on The Human Snowshoe. (28)

Winner: Mark Andrews


Pink Flash Angle


Pink Flash made her debut to PTW with an interview stating that this promotion is but a stepping stone in her path to world domination. Or rather, that’s what she tried to say. She was very nervous out there, and ended up saying something along the lines of worm defibrillation. People seemed to think she was a veterinarian with a mask rather than a supervillain. (6)


Mike Mondo Vs. Façade


#1 Contender’s Match

In a decent match, Mike Mondo scored the victory after capitalizing on Façade’s failed attempt at what he claimed was a “Touch of Doom” that Shwii Shwii taught him, putting him wide open to receive a Facebuster. (39)

Winner: Mike Mondo


Maraz Fizzan Debut


The lights go out, and after turning on, Maraz Fizzan is standing in the ring.

Maraz Fizzan sprints to the nearest audience member

Maraz: “Quickly, what year is it!? Tell me, fast!”

Audience Member: “Uhh, 2014…”


Maraz runs backstage, and the crowd is left baffled. (27)


Scorpio Vs. Mitchell Price


Both workers are making their debut here. Scorpio starts off the match taunting Price, telling him he’ll show him how the pros do it. Evidently, he in fact showed him how the pros do it, and defeated Mitchell Price quite convincingly. (38)

Winner: Scorpio


Rich Swann © Vs. Jimmy Olsen


PTW World Championship


Rich Swann came out without his title belt that he left in the ring last show, but luckily the ref kept it. Jimmy Olsen came out wearing a PTW shirt, which got some good cheap cheers. The crowd was really into this one, apparently devaluing my own promotion as a gimmick works pretty well. Rich Swann narrowly edged out a victory after performing a Swann Dive following a last-second reversal. Upon completion of the match, Swann used the title to wipe off his sweat, but at least he brought it with him this time. (47)

Winner: Rich Swann


Overall Show Rating: 41



This show went quite a bit better than the first. Pink Flash stumbled a bit, but after the show I showed her a sign of encouragement, telling her I was confident in her mic abilities and I’m sure it was a one-time thing. Not sure how I’m going to handle Jessie McKay though, if she continues to be a hassle, I might have to fire my first worker.


2014 End of Year Awards

Best Wrestler – Rich Swann

Worst Wrestler – The Human Snowshoe

Best Promo – Rick Mitchell opening speech – Prime Time Wrestling Live!

Worst Promo – Pink Flash debut speech

Best Match - Rich Swann Vs. Jimmy Olsen – All Out Assault

Worst Match – Chase Del Monte Vs. The Human Snowshoe – Prime Time Wrestling Live!



Next Show – January – Malice

Rich Swann © Vs. Mike Mondo – PTW World Championship

Jimmy Olsen Vs. Scorpio

Barbi Hayden © Vs. Mandy Leon - PTW Women's Championship

David Klein Vs. Alexander Rothwell

The Human Snowshoe Vs. Mark Andrews

Pink Flash Vs. Jessie McKay

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Over the month, I made a small adjustment to prepare for the next show. First off, I like Marshaz Fizzan’s gimmick, but not his name. Luckily, I have not told the audience his name yet, so a quick name change should go off without a hitch. I talked to him, and we came up with a new name for his gimmick: The Timekeeper. He also went to the dollar store and picked up some cool goggles for his entrance.






Tonight we got another turnout of 14 people. We’re starting to get in a habit of remaining stale.


Pink Flash Vs. Jessie McKay


This week I let Pink Flash try to prove herself in-ring after that bad interview last week, she fared much better in a solid match. I gave McKay the win to try to increase her morale a bit. The match ended when Pink Flash took a McKaysault to get pinned. (39)

Winner: Jessie McKay


The Human Snowshoe Vs. Chase Del Monte (subbing for Mark Andrews)


Well, since I’m so incredibly experienced at running a company, I never checked which other shows were running tonight. My 90s enthusiast, Mark Andrews, was currently working a show for a company that actually mattered, so I couldn’t continue the rivalry between him and The Human Snowshoe. Luckily, I had Chase Del Monte on hand to fill in for him in this match. In a short match, The Human Snowshoe got his first win after hitting Chase Del Monte with a Buddy Slam. (27)

Winner: The Human Snowshoe


The Human Snowshoe Interview


After his match, The Human Snowshoe hosted a quick in-ring interview.

Snowshoe: “So ****ing buddy here Mark Andrews is gonna pour a cold one on a nice hard-working bud like myself and not show up for his match tonight. Well, I guess next month at Breaking Point, I’m going to show him how fighting is done up north! Sorry, bud.”


Mandy Leon Vs. Barbi Hayden ©


PTW Women’s Championship


Mandy Leon had the upper hand most of the match, however Barbi Hayden snuck away with the victory after using the ropes to grab a pinfall victory. (35)

Winner: Barbi Hayden


Timekeeper/Façade Angle


Timekeeper: “I, my friends, am the keeper of time, and have come from the year 2159 to bedazzle and bewilder you! Take this gadget for instance *pulls out a stick with some duct tape on it*, while it may look quite ordinary, I assure you it is just the opposite! This little gadget allows me to see through sulphur gas! What use may you have for this, you ask? Well, that’s up to you to discover! For the low price of $159.99, it can be yours!”

As the crowd is enjoying his presentation of various items, Facade comes to the ring.

Façade: “Enough with these useless gadgets. This here is a place to fight, and the art of fighting is timeless. The techniques I have been taught by Master Shwii Shwii have served Japanese warriors for millennia.

Timekeeper: “Care to put that to a test? Your ‘teachings’ against me and my ‘gadgets’ next month at Breaking Point”

Façade agreed to the match

Timekeeper: “Great! I can hardly wait. Luckily, I don’t have to!”

Timekeeper starts adjusting his watch, as he pushes the button on it, the lights go off and on, and he is gone.


Alex Rothwell Vs. David Klein


The match was a complete shitfest, but at least the fans really enjoyed Klein’s gimmick. Rothwell got the win cleanly, and afterwards Klein attempted to give him a celebratory brofist. Rothwell had no interest in it, and headed to the back, leaving him hanging. (25)

Winner: Alex Rothwell


Mondo/Scorpio Angle


Mike Mondo is backstage warming up for his match later tonight. While doing a stretch, he accidentally trips Scorpio, who is walking by to head out for his entrance, who falls and claims he hurt his wrist. Mondo tried to apologize, but Scorpio curses at him and goes to his match. (41)


Scorpio Vs. Jimmy Olsen


In a bit of a let-down match, Scorpio lost after getting hit by the Overbomb. After the match, Scorpio cursed to himself and kept grabbing his wrist, obviously still unhappy about earlier. (34)

Winner: Jimmy Olsen


Mike Mondo Vs. Rich Swann


With Swann getting most of the offense early on, Mondo made a comeback late in the game, after ducking under a Rich Kick, causing Swann to knock out the ref. Mondo hit the Facebuster, but had no ref to count the pinfall. Suddenly, out comes Scorpio from the back, who hits Mondo with a chair, allowing Rich to recover, hit the Swann Dive, and get the pinfall victory.

Winner: Rich Swann



After the match, Mondo is still getting assaulted by Scorpio, but Olsen runs out to save him. (42)


Show Rating: 37


Next Show - Breaking Point

Mike Mondo and Jimmy Olsen Vs. Rich Swann and Scorpio

The Timekeeper Vs. Façade - Hardcore

The Human Snowshoe Vs. Mark Andrews – Actually this time

Barbi Hayden © Vs. Jessie McKay Vs. Pink Flash Vs. Mandy Leon – PTW Women’s Champinoship

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Around the industry: Big Show won the WWE Championship, which is hilarious in 2015. WWE really makes interesting choices nowadays. When PTW gets in that position, I know for sure we can’t be that bad.


Breaking Point



Only 11 people showed up tonight, this is the opposite of progress. Well, let’s just hope these 11 people really enjoy the show they have ahead of them!


Chase Del Monte Vs. David Klein


To open up the show, I put these two out there to get the crowd started. David Klein ended up winning after hitting The Kegstand on Del Monte, and getting the pin. (34)

Winner: David Klein


Mark Andrews Vs. The Human Snowshoe


The match that was supposed to happen last month. The 4 people in the crowd who were here 2 months ago when Andrews poured a beer on Snowshoe boo’d him pretty hard, the other 7 really didn’t understand why they were fighting. Mark Andrews got the pin when he snuck in a low blow behind the referee’s back, allowing him to weasel out the victory. (37)

Winner: Mark Andrews


Mark Andrews Interview


Andrews: “You see, that right there is the true spirit of 1996. Win, at all costs. People hated the Backstreet Boys, ‘Nsync, and Celine Dion, but they were true winners!”

*crowd boos, except one guy who appears to be a Backstreet Boys fan* (13)


Pink Flash Vs. Mandy Leon Vs. Jessie McKay Vs. Barbi Hayden ©


PTW Women’s Championship


This match was received quite well by the crowd. To end the match, Hayden hit Pink Flash with the Barbi Blaster, only to be thrown out of the ring by Jessie McKay, allowing her to pick up the pin fall and become the new PTW Women’s Champion. (32)

Winner: Jessie McKay




Enraged, Barbi Hayden took the championship from the ref’s hands and attacked McKay with it. She assaulted her for a short while, then angrily threw the belt at McKay and left. (26)


Alex Rothwell Vs. Mitchell Price


Filler match! Filler match! Alex Rothwell ended up beating Price no problem. (33)

Winner: Alex Rothwell


Rich Swann/Scorpio Interview


Swann: “Here I am, in this shithole of a city, in this shithole of a ring, in front of 11 people. That’s even more pathetic than I could have imagined!”

*loud boos*

Swann: “Tonight, I will grace this disgrace of a promotion with my gift of excellence, with my skills that I have honed from wrestling in ACTUAL wrestling promotions, with the only other ACTUAL wrestler in this god forsaken company, Scorpio! Together, we will show Mike Mondo and Jimmy Olsen that you shouldn’t mess with the big boys, and after I’m done I’ll only have 8 more months on this damn contract.” (33)


Façade Vs. The Timekeeper

Gadgets allowed match


Façade came down to the ring and practiced some martial arts moves which looked suspect. Timekeeper comes out, claiming that he traveled here immediately from last month. Timekeeper had the upper hand for most of the match, until Façade grabbed a kendo stick from under the ring, explaining to the ref that it is his own special “gadget”. Just before getting hit by it though, Timekeeper used his disarming ray, and hit Façade with a Boot To The Future to get the pinfall victory.

On a personal note, I should probably never book this stipulation again. These two workers had no idea how to sell the idea of Timekeeper’s futuristic gadgets, and the crowd could definitely tell. (32)

Winner: The Timekeeper


Scorpio and Rich Swann Vs. Mike Mondo and Jimmy Olsen


These guys put on a pretty good show for the massive crowd of 10 people (one person got a phone call then subsequently left early). The match ended when Rich Swann attempted to follow suit of that one crowd member and duck out early in order to get a head start at going home, but was prevented by Jimmy Olsen, who forced him back into the ring, leaving him open to take a Facebuster from Mike Mondo. (43)

Winner: Mike Mondo and Jimmy Olsen


Overall Show Rating: (38)


Next Show: Maximum Impact

Confirmed Matches

The Human Snowshoe Vs. Mark Andrews - Last Man Standing Match

Barbi Hayden Vs. Jessie McKay © PTW Women’s Championship

Mike Mondo Vs. Jimmy Olsen Vs. Rich Swann © - PTW World Championship

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Throughout this month some interesting things occurred. First off, within a span of two days, Rich Swann stormed out of DGUSA/EVOLVE due to a missed payment, and then the next day ranted to the media about the push he was getting at FWE. It seems he’s taking the gimmick I gave him really seriously and is basing his entire personality around it. I’ll need to tread lightly with him if I want to keep leeching off of his popularity.


I also hired a new worker.


Noam Dar


This Scottish 21 year old is primed to be a long-term star. He is just looking to start breaking into the North American scene after being wildly successful in Scotland and UK, and I convinced him that here is a great place to start. He will be packaged with a new character, which I don’t feel is best revealed here, but will start as a Lower Midcard Heel.


Maximum Impact


After making some solid profits in recent months, I decided that we should start looking more like a real company. I bought some railings to go around the ring, as well as mats, and hired an actual professional to make my stage. I also bought a cheap sound system with which we can play entrance music. On the side of less good news, only 11 people showed up again. This could be in part due to the fact that I had to schedule this show on a Thursday instead of my usual Sunday in order to avoid being up against WrestleMania XXXI and also to avoid having some worker scheduling conflicts for Sunday as well.


Mark Andrews Vs. The Human Snowshoe


Last Man Standing Match

These two have had a bit of a rivalry as of late, and thus are poised to settle it here in a no-disqualification, last man standing match. These two actually put on a much better match than I anticipated, culminating in Mark Andrews getting the victory after hitting The Human Snowshoe with his boombox and getting the 10 count.

Winner: Mark Andrews


Laughing Jack Debut


David Klein is in the ring, apparently about to invite people to his upcoming houseparty after the show, which he claims will be “Brotastic”. Our shiny new speaker system starts quietly playing eerie laughter during the promo, slowly getting louder until David Klein eventually acknowledges it. As he turns to the stage, out from under the ring pops the newly debuting Laughing Jack, who hits him with his finisher, the Last Laugh. He creeps over Klein’s unconscious body, laughing in his face, then heads backstage.

The gimmick actually went over very well with the fans, the segment itself they thought was alright. (28)


Barbi Hayden Vs. Jessie McKay ©


PTW Women’s Championship


After losing the championship last month to Jessie McKay, Barbi Hayden was allowed a chance to get her title back. The match ended when McKay hit Hayden with the McKaysault to make her first title defense. (44)

Winner: Jessie McKay


Rothwell/Price Angle


Price, after losing every match he’s been in yet, decided to go to Alex Rothwell’s locker room backstage to ask for his help in becoming a better wrestler. Rothwell initially laughed it off, but thought about it then told him he’d be his mentor for now, with a less than sincere look on his face. (29)


Alex Rothwell Vs. The Timekeeper


In a decent match, The Timekeeper picked up the victory by hitting the Boot to the Future on Rothwell. After the match, Façade ran in and hit the Taroluto on The Timekeeper. (38)

Winner: The Timekeeper


Mike Mondo Interview:


Mike Mondo: “Coming up next is my match with Jimmy Olsen *crowd cheer* and Rich Swann *boos*.

Mike Mondo: “Yes, I agree. Rich Swann. The same guy who just this month sabotaged his own job at both DGUSA/EVOLVE and FWE. Rich Swann talks a big talk about how much of a big deal he is, but he can’t even hold a job.”

Mike Mondo: “Tonight, for the fans of PTW, the World Championship will be held by somebody who actually respects this company for what it is, a place where you can find some of the damn finest wrestlers around!” (37)


Mike Mondo Vs. Jimmy Olsen Vs. Rich Swann ©


PTW World Championship


These guys just knocked this one out of the park. This match started off slowly, with Swann controlling the pace. As the match went on and intensity ramped up, the two Faces started teaming up to take out Rich Swann, who took a Facebuster from Mondo outside of the ring midway through the match. To end the match, Olsen hit Mondo with the Overbomb. While the count for the pin occurred, Swann, who was thought to be dealt with, hit both men with the Swann dive to break up the pin. He then pinned Mondo to retain the PTW World Championship. (64)

Winner: Rich Swann


Overall Show Rating: 51


I had actually wanted to take the title off of Rich Swann tonight and give it to Olsen, however when I attempted to tell Swann that, he got angry and stormed off. Upon consideration, this guy has been causing promotions problems left and right this month, and I can’t afford him to start giving us bad press in the media. I committed to him when I signed him, and I might as well keep committing to him for now. I’ll let him keep his title for now. He is my most popular star by a wide margin anyways, and evidenced by the match tonight, he can put on great matches as champion anyways.


My investments into my promotion meant that I only made a whopping $63 this month. But at least that's still in the black, which is all you can ask for when 11 people are showing up each night.


Next Show: Revolution

Mike Mondo Vs. Rich Swann © - PTW World

Scorpio Vs. Jimmy Olsen - #1 Contender

Mitchell Price Vs. The Timekeeper

Mandy Leon Vs. Jessie McKay © – PTW Women’s

David Klein Vs. Laughing Jack

Façade Vs. The Human Snowshoe

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April 2015




Setting up the show, I noticed a dramatic increase in interest tonight. By the time the event began, we had 17 people in attendance! Our best yet!


Façade Vs. The Human Snowshoe


In a quick match to get the crowd warmed up, Façade put The Human Snowshoe away with ease, despite his sloppy martial arts. (32)

Winner: Façade


David Klein Vs. Laughing Jack


Tonight marks the debut of the weird new worker, Laughing Jack. He came out to the ring with a doll painted pure black, which he talked to during his entrance. The match itself was a domination, with Laughing Jack slowly picking apart David Klein bit by bit, then eventually hitting the Last Laugh to seal the deal. (27)

Winner: Laughing Jack




Laughing Jack was not done with David Klein yet, however. He hit Klein with another Last Laugh, then grabbed a can of black spray-paint from under the ring and painted a smiley face on Klein’s back. (33)


Jessie McKay © Vs. Mandy Leon


PTW Women’s Championship


The match was a pretty good match with each worker getting back and forth action, however ended in a draw when Barbi Hayden interfered, causing a chaotic brawl between the three to break out. (34)

Winner: Draw


Price/Rothwell Promo


Rothwell is giving Price some tips for his upcoming match, saying he’ll be at ringside to help guide him through it, ensuring that he’ll be able to get the win. (24)


The Timekeeper Vs. Mitchell Price


Rothwell, giving Price purposely useless information, led to him being beat in this match when he made Price look at him so he could demonstrate a move at ringside, allowing The Timekeeper to hit Price with a Boot to the Future. Afterwards, Rothwell held back the laughter and consoled Price, telling him he’ll get him next time, with Price seemingly still believing him. (34)

Winner: The Timekeeper


Scorpio Vs. Jimmy Olsen


#1 Contender’s Match

In a tough-contested battle, Scorpio managed to hit the Blackout, all but sealing the victory, but Olsen managed to kick out at 2.999. Frustrated, Scorpio complained to the ref, allowing Olsen to regain himself and eventually make the comeback to secure the victory. (40)

Winner: Jimmy Olsen


Mike Mondo Vs. Rich Swann ©


PTW World Championship


In a battle between PTW’s top face and top heel, they put on one for the ages. (Or well, one that will go down as “not bad” by the rest of the wrestling world’s standards) The massive crowd of 17 people were just right into this one, with back and forth action all around. After a long match of over 20 minutes, Rich Swann got frustrated with the challenge Mondo was providing and snuck in a low blow, to lead into a Rich Kick, to pick up the victory. (63)

Winner: Rich Swann


Post-Match Interview


*takes a while to regain breath while holding mic*

Swann: “I gotta say, I’m impressed. For the first time in this promotion’s history, I actually felt that I needed to break a sweat in order to get the win.”

*Rich wipes a drop of sweat from his forehead, and flicks it into the crowd*

Swann: “It’s a complete shame that you wretched peasants only get to see me 6 more times after tonight, before my contract is up and you guys get to go back to your shanties.”

*Rich laughs then goes back to the locker room* (36)


Overall Show Rating: 51


Tonight was interesting. Finally, I started to have a bit of a breakthrough with my attendance, I put in some extra effort putting up flyers this month, and it must have worked. Hopefully I can keep up this momentum. As far as tonight goes, it seems most of the matches actually fared worse than I expected, but luckily Swann (despite his massive character issues) and Mondo put out a hell of a Main Event to save the show.


Next Show: Destructive Energy

Jimmy Olsen Vs. Rich Swann © – PTW World Championship

Scorpio Vs. The Timekeeper

Façade Vs. Mitchell Price

Barbi Hayden Vs. Mandy Leon Vs. Jessie McKay © - PTW Women’s Championship

Laughing Jack Vs. Hans Hoffman

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Really good stuff so far. The Timekeeper gimmick is slaying me. Keep going!


Thanks! Good to know somebody is enjoying it!


May 2015

In news around the industry, Vince McMahon retired from ownership of WWE, and has passed ownership of the company to his daughter Stephanie, who promised a massive overhaul of the company. Unsurprisingly, not a single change followed for the entire month apart from The Great Khali winning the United States title at the next show. Oh WWE, never change.


Destructive Energy




I started embracing social media in order to promote the show this month, giving PTW a Facebook fan page as well as a Twitter page with which people can follow to get immediate updates on signings and match announcements and such. It appears to have been working, as a whole 35 people showed up to the show tonight!



The Human Snowshoe Vs. Chase Del Monte


To warm up the crowd, Chase Del Monte beat The Human Snowshoe in a decent match. (33)

Winner: Chase Del Monte


Hans Hoffman Vs. Laughing Jack


With David Klein still unheard of since his destruction from Laughing Jack last show, this month Hans Hoffman is tasked with going against him. Unsurprisingly though, Laughing Jack took the dominant victory again, hitting our resident sweet German guy with the Last Laugh. (33)

Winner: Laughing Jack




After the match, Laughing Jack set up for another Last Laugh, but instead licked the face of Hans then went to the back. The fans were baffled, and didn’t know whether to boo or just do nothing. (17)


Mitchell Price Vs. Façade


In Price’s entrance, Rothwell was giving tips the entire time. In the match, Price tried a new finisher taught to him by Rothwell, but it had little to no effect on Façade, who hit the Taroluto to easily finish Price. (29)

Winner: Façade


Rothwell/Price Angle


Price and Rothwell are backstage.

Price: “Hey man, I uh, appreciate that you are mentoring me here, but I am really not seeing any improvement under your guidance, if anything I’m getting worse.”

Rothwell: “Hey man, don’t get down on yourself! The problem I see with your wrestling is that you are not completely accepting my teachings. This is a process, and you must adopt the process completely!”

Price: “Yeah, but moves like that finisher were completely..”

Rothwell: “Again, my young friend. I have experience in this industry, you are but a rookie. The finisher did not work because you did not execute it perfectly! Do you really think I’d teach you incorrectly intentionally? Come on, I thought we were buddies! Just trust me on this, things may get darker before they improve, but they will improve." (26)


Barbi Hayden Vs. Mandy Leon Vs. Jessie McKay ©


PTW Women’s Championship

Jessie McKay made another defense to solidify her as a legitimate champion, against two tough opponents. Mandy Leon was taken out of the match early from an interference from Pink Flash, who has not been seen in a few months. The crowd seems to really like my Women’s Division matches every show. (52)

Winner: Jessie McKay


The Timekeeper Interview


Timekeeper: “Tonight, I will face a man by the name of Scorpio. No, not the James Bond villain, but the arrogant jerk who wrestles here. He does admittedly have quite a bit of talent, and I figured I must do some training. So, to prepare for this match, I quickly zapped myself back to 1810 to study war tactics from my good buddy, Napoleon Bonaparte. Oh, that guy knows how to fight! I then zipped to 1985, and got some strength training with Arnold Schwarzenegger! Oh Scorpio, you better watch out for me tonight!” (26)


The Timekeeper Vs. Scorpio


Despite his vigorous space-time training routine, The Timekeeper fell tonight to Scorpio, who looked wildly motivated to re-establish himself as a top player after some hard defeats the last few months. (43)

Winner: Scorpio


Mike Mondo Vs. Mark Andrews


Tonight, Andrews chose “Fresh Prince of Bel Air” to be his entrance music as he blasted it with his boombox on the way to the ring. He did not, however, become the fresh prince of PTW, for Mike Mondo came away with the victory. (43)

Winner: Mike Mondo


Jimmy Olsen Vs. Rich Swann ©


Olsen put up a valiant effort, but could not defeat Swann who has been on fire as of late. Swann finished with the Swann Dive on Olsen to pick up the victory, then held up 5 fingers to the crowd, to signal that he only has 5 more shows on his contract before he finally gets to leave. (64)

Winner: Rich Swann


Overall Show Rating: 52


Looks like Swann and my Women’s Division carried tonight’s show to a good rating again. As long as they keep bringing in the ratings, the fans will keep increasing.


Next Show: Pain and Gain

Pain and Gain Tournament – Winner faces Rich Swann for PTW World Championship at Super Summer

Round 1:

Mike Mondo Vs. Façade

Jimmy Olsen Vs. Mark Andrews

Scorpio Vs. The Timekeeper

Alex Rothwell Vs. Mitchell Price



To Be Decided



To Be Decided



Updates may become a tad more scarce in the next few days, with finals week and all. I'm trying to still put out one show per day amongst my studying though.

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June 2015


Pain and Gain




Tonight we will be hosting the Pain and Gain tournament, where the winner of the tournament will face Rich Swann at Super Summer for the PTW World Championship. A whole 46 people showed up tonight! This is also my first show without a Rich Swann match, so I hope the rest of the roster can carry the show enough.


Façade Vs. Mike Mondo


In this first round matchup, Mike Mondo breezed past Façade, who attempted to do some sort of martial arts kick, but fell on his face, allowing Mondo to capitalize. Well done, Façade. (46)

Winner: Mike Mondo


Barbi Hayden Interview


Hayden called out McKay, claiming that despite her series of beating Hayden, these were all simply flukes. She challenges her to a last woman standing match at Super Summer for the PTW Women’s Championship. (27)


Jimmy Olsen Vs. Mark Andrews


Andrews came out wearing rollerblades, claiming that this tournament offers him the opportunity to bring the PTW World Championship the 90s style that it deserves. Ultimately though, his words were empty, since he lost quite convincingly to Jimmy Olsen. (46)

Winner: Jimmy Olsen


Scorpio Vs. The Timekeeper


This round 1 matchup ended up being a rematch of last month, with The Timekeeper looking to get revenge for his loss. Timekeeper went for the Boot to the Future, but Scorpio ducked under and went for the rollup, winning by grabbing a handful of tights. Oh Scorpio, you villain you. (46)

Winner: Scorpio


Rothwell/Price Angle


Price: “Hey, so we have a match against each other tonight in the tournament, since you’re my mentor and all, will you use that as an opportunity to teach me some things in an in-ring scenario?”

Rothwell: “Oh yes, of course! You see though, one thing. The only way you’ll truly learn is if I give you everything I have. That’s what a true friend would do, right?”

Price: “Yeah, I guess”

Rothwell: “I will give you one quick tip though beforehand, if I hit my finisher, the Starfall, here is how you reverse it.” *whispers into ear*

Price: “Sounds good, thanks for the tip, look forward to seeing you out there!”

Rothwell: “Yeah, you too man” (29)


Alex Rothwell Vs. Mitchell Price


Rothwell definitely didn’t let back on Price, as he had said. Took advantage of the rookie all match, and won when his tip to Price to reverse the Starfall only left Price exposed further to it. (26)

Winner: Alex Rothwell


Laughing Jack Interview


Jack: “…………………….”

*crowd sits in silence*

Jack: “……………………………….”

*exits the ring, immediately comes back*

Jack: “You see, I wasn’t always like this. I was once normal, like you, or you, or any of you. I once had a family. I once had a job, student loans, even friends. I was a slave to corporate America, a drone who looked around and accepted life as it is….”

Jack: “But eventually, the laughter devours all…” (37)

*laughs shreikingly loud*


Scorpio Vs. Jimmy Olsen


In the first of the round two matchups, we saw Scorpio use less than legal techniques to gain the upper hand throughout the match. Let’s call it “legal adjacent”, and eventually won by hitting the blackout and solidifying his spot in the finals. (51)

Winner: Scorpio


Alex Rothwell Vs. Mike Mondo


Mike Mondo admittedly go the easier matchup, facing a Rothwell who managed to get to the semifinals with his manipulation of Price. Mondo sealed the deal pretty quickly and moved on to the finals. (37)

Winner: Mike Mondo


Rich Swann Interview


Swann: “Oh, this is just excellent! You all have absolutely no idea how happy I am tonight! Tonight, while PTW only gets me for this show and four more shows, they make the beautiful business decision to not even make use of my talents for the show! This joke of a promotion has pure gold in their fingers, and they’re just letting it slip through the cracks. I get one step closer from being gone from here forever, and I don’t even have to put away one of these sorry “wrestlers” tonight. Oh, life is good”

*crowd obviously disagrees*

Swann: “I’m sure a lot of you are wondering, why did I even sign here in the first place if I hate it so much? Since I don’t have a match tonight, let me tell you a story. You see, being the massive star I am, I get autograph requests all the time. It really gets hard to keep track of them all. One day your precious owner, Rick Mitchell, comes up to me with a one-year contract. I simply thought it was an autograph, and thus I signed. Since I’m such a just and honorable man of my word *boos*, I could not go back on a deal.”

Swann: “But it matters not, after tonight, you scum will only see me four more times. Four more! And to Mike Mondo and Scorpio, it does not matter who wins tonight. I will beat you at Summer Series, then beat everyone else in my three other matches, then take this joke of a title with me, melt it down, and trade the raw materials for a new TV when I leave.” (38)


Mike Mondo Vs. Scorpio


Pain and Gain Tournament Finals

This match was well contested by both workers. Scorpio and Mondo both seemed like the favorites going into this one, with both taking on some very good competition going in. At nearly the 20 minute mark, Mondo and Scorpio, who were both exhausted from being in three matches tonight, slugged it out. Scorpio managed to hit the Blackout, but Mondo kicked out at 2.9! Mondo, unsure of how to beat Mondo, went for a second Blackout, but got caught in the Facebuster! 1…2..3! Mondo wins! (49)

Winner: Mike Mondo


Show Rating: 44


All things considered, this show went not bad. The rating is the lowest it’s been in a while, but it was higher than I expected making the bold decision to not use Rich Swann tonight in a match. The main event was not as good as I’d hoped, but the undercard really carried this one. With 46 people, the attendance has been finally starting to really take off.


Next Show: Super Summer

Mike Mondo Vs. Rich Swann © - PTW World Championship

The Timekeeper Vs. Scorpio

Barbi Hayden Vs. Jessica McKay – Last Woman Standing Match – PTW Woman’s Championship

Laughing Jack Vs. Mitchell Price w/ Alex Rothwell

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July 2015

Rich Swann had an issue again this month, but this time with us! He went onto a radio interview and claimed that he is single-handedly carrying this promotion, and that there is nobody on his level. Honestly, I’m having a hard time deciding if he’s a massive asshole or just in kayfabe as a massive asshole. Either way, I couldn’t do much because he’s not necessarily wrong, and also he is my champion. Oh boy, what have I gotten myself into with this guy? Pretty funny though that his ego matches his character perfectly. No wonder he is pulling off the character so well, guess he’s just speaking from the heart.


Also, Barbi Hayden left ACW on bad terms during the month, claiming missed payments caused her to do this. Good thing that despite all my other flaws, I am quite good at making my payments.


On a sad note, Mandy Leon has now left PTW to focus on her ROH career. A shame, but nothing I can do about it I guess. To think that I was actually considering putting the title on her in the triple threat match, that would have ended bad! Looks like I’ll need to hire one or two more workers though to fill out the Women’s Division in the upcoming months. I can’t rely on Hayden and McKay to do it all, since Pink Flash is quite the opposite of popular.


Through the month, I hired two new female workers.




She used to work as a wrestler but retired early for whatever reason. She has good entertainment skills, and would be a good manager for whomever I feel requires a manger in the future. I remain as of yet undecided if she will be a face or heel.




Decent all-rounder, complete unknown in the area, basically here to give a bit of substance to the Women’s Division. Her name will be Evie Parker for us, and will be a face.


Whew! After this busy month, time to get on with the show!


Super Summer




Despite the fact that this show is billed to be one of my bigger shows of the year, only 29 people showed up tonight. Still, 29 is better than what I was doing earlier in the year, so I’ll take it.



Evie Parker Vs. Pink Flash


Parker picked up the victory in a quick pre-show match which I used to test her skills out, while also giving Pink Flash some ring-time, since her planned feud with Mandy Leon that I tried to start sprouting a couple months back obviously won’t be happening now. (43)

Winner: Evie Parker


Rothwell/Price Angle


Rothwell: “So Price, tonight you are up against Laughing Jack”

Price: “Right, after seeing what he did to Klein and Hoffman, I really don’t want to be the next to experience his wrath. What tips do you have for me?”

Rothwell: “To be honest, the way you’ve been learning for this last while, I’d say the process is nearly complete. Tonight, your step in the training is to simply go out there with the knowledge you have learned, with me very very far away from you, and more importantly very very very far away from Laughing Jack, and allow him to be your test. If you can defeat him, you will know for sure my guidance has paid off”

Price: “So, you won’t be there to back me up against the most insane guy in the company?”

Rothwell: “I don’t have to physically be there to back you up. For months, I’ve been teaching you veteran techniques that can defeat anybody, even an insane nutjob. My teachings will be your back up, use them well”

Price: *sigh* (31)


Mitchell Price Vs. Laughing Jack


This one was, as expected, a really ugly one for Price. With Rothwell nowhere to be seen, likely already home to ensure that Laughing Jack doesn’t come after him later, Price tried to use new techniques, which again had absolutely zero effectiveness. Laughing Jack laughed his way to a dominating and painful victory, hitting the Last Laugh 5 times! After the match, Price was taken out on a stretcher. (31)

Winner: Laughing Jack


Jessie McKay Vs. Barbi Hayden


PTW Women’s Championship


Last Woman Standing Match

Honestly, this match was pretty bad, saved by the fact that these two can at least work the crowd quite well. Worker Ant’s exact words to me were “good crowd but featured terrible wrestling”. Well, now I know, these two are not suited for a real high-level match. The match ended when Barbi Hayden hit McKay with a Barbi Blaster through a table to get the 10 count, and become a 2-Time PTW Women’s Champion. (31)

Winner: Barbi Hayden


Façade Vs. Jimmy Olsen


Façade’s lack of martial arts skills couldn’t be of any help tonight, as Jimmy Olsen got the victory to bounce back after losing in the Semi-Finals last month.(39)

Winner: Jimmy Olsen




After the match, Jimmy Olsen is attacked by Mark Andrews, who is still unhappy about losing to Olsen in the tournament last month. Mark Andrews hits the Tamagochi Driver, then goes under the ring and grabs some old 90s Goosebumps books, which he throws at Olsen. Man, he’s starting to run out of good 90s props to use, huh? (24)


The Timekeeper Interview


Timekeeper: “Tonight, I face Scorpio for the third time in a row. Twice have I faced him and twice now have my efforts failed me. Tonight, however, is different. Tonight I change history, this time WITHOUT going back in time to do so! Tonight I won’t let Scorpio pull another fast one on me, tonight I baffle Scorpio with my masterful moves from the future, and tonight I go back to my family in the year 2159 and tell them of my victory for the glory of the Great Cenulaxian Galactic Empire!” (28)


The Timekeeper Vs. Scorpio


Timekeeper kept good on his word, and finally came away with the victory against the man who has been a thorn in his side recently, Scorpio. (40)

Winner: The Timekeeper


Rich Swann © Vs. Mike Mondo


PTW World Championship

These two put together the best match PTW has seen yet, but Mike Mondo (like everybody on the roster thus far) is still unable to dethrone Rich Swann, who put Mondo away with the Rich Kick after 22 minutes. While leaving the ring, Swann kept 3 fingers held up the entire time. (67)

Winner: Rich Swann


Show Rating: 53


Pretty good show tonight. Some disappointments and mistakes, but when I’m this tiny, the crowd is happy just seeing the performers not fall on their face. I'm somewhat in the process of phasing some new talent into the main event, since the talent there is getting to be a bit stale having the same matches over and over.

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I will likely not be able to update today, since I'm not dead in the middle of 4 finals in two days, but I did realize that I forgot to post the preview for next show. So I can at least do that right now. Now that I think about it, perhaps expect updates to be stalled or slow all weekend. I will be gone likely until Sunday after tomorrow. I'll try to get the show out tomorrow though before I leave.


Next Show: Driven

Rich Swann © Vs. Jimmy Olsen Vs. Mark Andrews - PTW World

Mike Mondo Vs. Scorpio

Evie Parker Vs. Jessie McKay Vs. Pink Flash - Women's #1 Contender

Laughing Jack Vs. The Human Snowshoe

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August 2015

This month had some very interesting and anticlimactic things happening around the wrestling world. First, CM Punk announced he has returned to the industry, and the wrestling world went crazy with speculation about if he’d sign with WWE who he publicly hated, if he’d sign with ROH, who have suddenly become a threat to potentially become a national federation, or if perhaps he’d sign with TNA, who have been stagnant for a long time now without a TV show on in North America. In the end, he signed with nobody and basically nothing has changed.


Vince McMahon and Linda McMahon have also had a divorce this month! Interesting nonetheless, but Stephanie is now in charge of WWE, so it really had no bearing on WWE at all.


But one thing that did have bearing on WWE is that they have now officially become an international company! Again, wild speculation occurred on who they will sign in order to keep up with this feat. In the end, they signed nobody, gave John Cena the World Title, Mark Henry the United States title, Rowan and Harper the tag titles, and Eric Rowan the IC title, making him a holder of two titles. This is some A-Class level booking they have going on, I can’t believe that the wrestling fans of the world are supporting this.

Anyways, in the world of our tiny little company in the Tri-State area, a whole lot of nothing really went on this month. I did my monthly preparations for the month’s show, Driven, and hoped it turns out well.






The show opened with a crown of 31 people tonight. Hoping I can improve on that a bit soon. Hovering around here is alright, but getting some real growth would be nice.


Laughing Jack Vs. The Human Snowshoe


What we have here on our hands is a nice, standard, jobber squash match. Laughing Jack finished him easily and ruthlessly in the way that he does. (29)

Winner: Laughing Jack




Laughing Jack: “Come one, come all, see the show.

If you come, what you see you will never know.

Come one, come all, enjoy my great rise.

If you get in the way, laughter will be your demise”

He then proceeded to laugh his way to the back. (38)


Pink Flash Vs. Evie Parker Vs. Jessie McKay


#1 Contender’s Match

Barbi Hayden sat the match at ringside (which would be much more effective of a hype strategy if we, you know, had announcers for her to talk to). The match was solid action among some women who do not quite get enough match time. The match ended when McKay scored the victory after Pink Flash hit her finisher on Evie Parker but was preoccupied with dealing damage rather than scoring the victory, allowing McKay to take advantage. (51)

Winner: Jessie McKay


Façade Vs. The Timekeeper


I didn’t have too much going on for either of these guys this month, so I just let them go out there and try some new stuff with their gimmicks, or see if anything interesting stuck. I figured they might have some new ideas to try out. The Timekeeper scored the victory with a new secondary finisher he tried out, called the Time Warp. (35)

Winner: The Timekeeper


Rothwell/Price Angle


Price is in his locker room heavily bandaged from last month’s decimation by Laughing Jack, and Rothwell comes in to give his wishes.

Rothwell: “Hey man, I feel so bad about what happened. That being said, I hope you don’t blame me for this. If you had just executed my suggestions better...”

Price: “You know what, Rothwell? I’m absolutely sick and tired of your “teachings” and “suggestions”. Under your “guidance”, I have lost every single match, I have showed regression rather than improvement, and I have had to eat out of a ****ing straw for a month!

Rothwell: “Dude, I know you’re angry, but you know we’re buds, right? You’re not thinking clearly.”

Price: “I’m thinking perfectly clear. I’m thinking you saw a naïve rookie wanting help and you wanted to have some fun. I’m thinking you have zero interest in actually helping anybody but yourself. Lastly, I’m thinking that when I’m finally recovered from my injuries in two months, I want you in a match!”

Rothwell is unable to try to talk his way out of this one, and just leaves angry. (25)


Scorpio Vs. Mike Mondo


Scorpio looked very strong most of the match, but Mondo ended up picking up the victory after narrowly avoiding the Blackout and reversing into a Facebuster for the win. (44)

Winner: Mike Mondo


Mark Andrews Vs. Jimmy Olsen Vs. Rich Swann ©


PTW World Championship


This one was another excellent main event for us. Jimmy Olsen looked very strong for the match, but fell to numbers when Swann and Andrews teamed up to take him out at ringside. After some 1 on 1 fighting in the ring, Rich Swann hit the Rich Kick on Andrews, and went for the pin.


Pin is broken up by Olsen, who managed to muster up strength to get back into the match! Swann, frustrated, surprised Olsen with a quick knockout punch, augmented by some sneakily placed brass knuckles, and pins Olsen.

1..2..3! (64)

Winner: Rich Swann




Rich Swann, exhausted, takes his belt and starts heading back to the locker room, Cue Mike Mondo’s music, who comes running out to attack Swann. This leads to a brawl, with security holding the two apart. (29)


Less Familiar Music Hits


I come out from the back, as the show’s sparsely seen authority figure.

Mitchell: “Mondo, Swann, it’s obvious you two have something that needs to be settled. Earlier tonight Mondo met me in my office and specifically requested one last chance at Swann”

Mitchell: “Two months from now, at Wrestlefest, I want to see Rich Swann defend his title against Mike Mondo in a Ladder match!”

Mitchell: “I also am fully aware of Rich Swann’s contract situation and his intention to leave this company at the end of that show. I may despise Swann’s tactics, but I cannot decline that he draws ratings, and is a valuable asset to this company.”

Mitchell: “This is why I wish to put a stipulation on this match. Rich Swann, I know the true reason you signed this contract wasn’t an accident. You simply need money. That is what you want, that is why you are here, and I also know that your antics in other promotions are leaving you relying on us more and more than you admit. If you beat Mike Mondo at Wrestlefest and retain your title, you will be allowed to leave, sell the title for spare parts, and you will also receive a bonus equal to 1-year salary to send you on your way to whichever new promotion you wish to work for. However, if Mike Mondo wins the match, you must sign this contract that will see you remain with PTW, the company you claim to despise, for two more years, while also losing your title.”

Mike Mondo immediately agrees, Swann gives it some thought, then hesitantly agrees. (28)


Overall Show Rating: 53


Next Show: Excessive Force

Mike Mondo and Jimmy Olsen Vs. Mark Andrews and Rich Swann

The Timekeeper Vs. Alex Rothwell

Barbi Hayden © Vs. Jessie McKay

Pink Flash Vs. Evie Parker


Wrestlefest Confirmed Matches

Mike Mondo Vs. Rich Swann © - Contract + Championship Match

Mitchell Price Vs. Alex Rothwell

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September 2015

TNA Went on quite the firing spree this month, and rumors around the industry say they are now officially running on pure debt, with no spare cash left. I can’t help but wonder how long they’ll be around. I wouldn’t mind getting my hands on some of their undercard talent if we are a bit bigger when they eventually go under, if they go under.


Also, CM Punk inked in a new contract with WWE. Apparently with Vince out of the picture, Stephanie McMahon was able to repair their relationship to convince him to come back for another run with the company.


Excessive Force




This is our last show before Wrestlefest, so I imagine everybody came in fully expecting it to be more of a build-up event than anything. 32 people showed up tonight to enjoy a perfectly average night of wrestling.


Laughing Jack Interview


Laughing Jack: “Laughter has already devoured many of your favorite people. The young rookie has experienced the joy of laughter. Your beloved Canadian has found that laughter is the best medicine to the injuries that I have given him. David Klein always keeps a smile on his face now. Soon, everybody here will experience the joy I feel every waking moment of my life.

I wonder, who wants to be the next to be saved from their life of unhappiness?

Luckily for whoever that is, I wish to spread the joy! Next month, at Wrestlefest, I will allow anybody who wishes to embrace the laughter to come from the back and have it delivered upon them first-hand by the Laughing Jack.


And don’t forget, embrace the laughter or it will embrace you.” (39)


Pink Flash Vs. Evie Parker


Flash got the victory by hitting the Lightning Strike after a quick match to get the crowd started. She claimed afterwards that this was not cheating, but instead her superpower. (50)

Winner: Pink Flash


The Timekeeper is in the ring


Timekeeper: “So, next month is the big one! Wrestlefest! I needed to properly hype myself up for this, so I took a journey to the not-too-distant future, to Wrestlefest XXV, what a main event that one was in-front of tens of thousands of fans! I’m glad I get to come back to now and be a part of the beginning of such a historic show!”

Scorpio’s music hits

Scorpio: “Timekeeper, let’s be honest. I know it, you know it, all of the fans know it. You’re a crazy guy with dollar store glasses on.”

*crowd boos, enjoying pretending that Timekeeper actually travels time*

Scorpio: “We’ve had our differences for the last while, and while obviously I have looked far superior in our previous matches, fans still say that you came out of it all on top. I want to put an end to that. I know you want a big Wrestlefest match, here’s a big match for you. Me and You, 1 on 1. If I win, you have to cut the shit and start acting like a real human being, and stop claiming you travel time.”

Timekeeper: “Woah woah woah, If I was claiming, to travel time, would I have this masterful gadget right here *pulls out some cardboard glued together* that allows me to change the flavor of anything I desire?”

Scorpio: “Just shut up, do you accept?”

Timekeeper: “This deal sounds one-sided, what do I get if I win?”

Scorpio: “Haha, if you somehow squeeze out a victory against such a superior individual, I will personally kneel down in front of you and proclaim you in every respect a better man.”

Timekeeper: “Well that could be fun, well almost as fun as the night I had drinking with Abraham Lincoln last week. I accept”

Scorpio: (36)


Jessie McKay Vs. Barbi Hayden ©


PTW Women’s Championship


McKay nearly regained the title here, hitting the McKaysault, but Hayden got her foot on the bottom rope to break up the pin. Hayden managed to score a roll-up, using the ropes as leverage to get the 3 count. Ropes were her best friend today apparently. (45)

Winner: Barbi Hayden


Mark Andrews Interview


Oh, what do you know, another interview to set up a match. He called out Jimmy Olsen, and with some signature 90s references, challenged Jimmy Olsen to a Wrestlefest match. (33)


Alex Rothwell Vs. The Timekeeper


The Timekeeper picked up the victory here when Price ran in, still bandaged up and in a neck-brace, and distracted Rothwell from ringside. When he returned to focus on the match, The Timekeeper was ready and hit him with the Boot to the Future. (37)

Winner: The Timekeeper




Price: “You know, that like, felt pretty good to see that. I’m still hurting though, and I, umm, want you to hurt like as much as me. I want our match next month to be a Hardcore match!”

Rothwell: “Really, rook? You do understand that I am well-versed in the arts of using everything in a match to my advantage. You just bit off faaaar more than you can chew. Better hope you’re all healed up by then, because I was actually planning on going easy on you, you know, because I thought we were buds, but after this, you are going to need those bandages again pretty soon” (26)


Jimmy Olsen and Mike Mondo Vs. Mark Andrews and Rich Swann


This match started off relatively regular, with the heel team making the quick tags and dominating the pace, with some comebacks occasionally from the faces. You know, basic stuff. Things went a bit off the rails though when the competitors started focusing on their Wrestlefest opponent instead of paying attention to the match, leading to a ringside brawl between the four. The ref had no choice to count them all out. (58)

Winner: Draw




The end of the match though did not seem to matter to them though. Swann and Mondo had a brawl in the crowd, while Olsen and Andrews brawled at ringside. Eventually, security managed to break it all up in order to save the good fight for Wrestlefest, to expected crowd unhappiness. (30)


Overall Show Rating: 48


In important news, we are no longer the smallest promotion in the wrestling world! Resistance Pro Wrestling has had some serious decline in the last year, and is now slightly less popular than us in their respective region. Prime Time Wrestling is now the 53rd biggest promotion! Our first step towards being number one!


Next Show: Wrestlefest

Mike Mondo Vs. Rich Swann © - Contract and Championship Ladder Match

The Timekeeper Vs. Scorpio – Pride Vs. Gimmick Match

Jimmy Olsen Vs. Mark Andrews

Mitchell Price Vs. Alex Rothwell – Hardcore Match

Barbi Hayden © Vs. Jessie McKay Vs. Pink Flash Vs. Evie Parker – PTW Women’s

Laughing Jack Open Challenge

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would just like to give this a bump to ensure that the thread does not get pruned after reaching the 5th page. I would like to mention that it is still active, however due to my semester of university ending, I had to move to being exclusively on my laptop until I move back for next semester. I put all the save files on a USB, but being the genius I am, I managed to lose the USB.


Anyways, I am moving back to my regular place around New Years time, and will be updating again regularly from there on. My apologies.


In the meantime, enjoy a silly (and probably terrible) christmas special because I feel the need to supply, well, something to the diary with this post.


Prime Time Wrestling Secret Santa Results

Yeah, it's October in game time, I don't care. Let's go ahead and say the Timekeeper decided to transport the entire roster to Christmas because he felt like it. Happy?


Alex Rothwell

Santa: Facade

Gift: A stone. The card says it was retrieved from his ancestors thousands of years ago in eastern Asia, but it looks lots like the stones that are sitting right outside the window.


Barbi Hayden

Santa: Chase Del Monte

Gift: An Invitation to a Party in His Pants


Chase Del Monte

Santa: Pink Flash

Gift: New aviator sunglasses


David Klein

Santa: Jessie McKay

Gift: Gift card to Abercrombie and Fitch


Evie Parker

Santa: Scorpio

Gift: Toaster Oven



Santa: Mitchell Price

Gift: "How to perform Martial Arts for Dummies" Book


Gary Miller

Santa: Rick Mitchell

Gift: What the hell do you get a ref for christmas? A box of chocolates I guess


Hans Hoffman

Santa: Jersey

Gift: Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier beer



Santa: The Human Snowshoe

Gift: Gift card to Tim Hortons. Showshoe then afterwards realized that Tim Hortons barely exists in the USA


Jessie McKay

Santa: The Timekeeper

Gift: Device from the future which can straighten and/or curl hair in 2 seconds flat.


Jimmy Olsen

Santa: Rich Swann

Gift: Literally a bag of shit. What a douche Swann is


Laughing Jack

Santa: David Klein

Gift: Box set of various standup comedy specials


Mark Andrews

Santa: Gary Miller

Gift: Complete collection of Seinfeld


Mike Mondo

Santa: Barbi Hayden

Gift: Adjustable dumbells


Mitchell Price

Santa: Alex Rothwell

Gift: Patented Rothwell tips for how to win at Wrestlefest


Pink Flash

Santa: Worker Ant

Gift: New pink mask


Rich Swann

Santa: Laughing Jack

Gift: A children's book titled "Cheer up!"


Rick Mitchell

Santa: Hans Hoffman

Gift: He got me home-made sausage. It was quite tasty.



Santa: Evie Parker

Gift: Poster of "Hank Scorpio" from the Simpsons


The Human Snowshoe

Santa: Jimmy Olsen

Gift: A flat of Molson Canadian beer


The Timekeeper

Santa: Mark Andrews

Gift: A watch


Worker Ant

Santa: Mike Mondo

Gift: Ant farm



This entire ordeal only resulted in 4 brawls! I would call that a PTW success.

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