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1991 WCW - A New Dawn

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A big thanks to justtxyank for the great mod.




The wrestling industry was rocked earlier this evening as news broke that Ted Turner had sold up shop already. The, as of yet, unknown new owner of WCW is said to have a very different philosophy, and drastic changes could be upon us.

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WCW News


After a littany of releases, the WCW roster is now a lot thinner. This approach has also been taken to their schedule, seeing as the weekly WCW Worldwide television show has been cancelled. Henceforth, 'WCW Saturday Night' and 'WCW Main Event' will be their only weekly broadcasts.


Furthermore, as a means of defining their brand, the NWA titles shall now be known as WCW titles. As well as this, it appears that the United States Tag Team titles have been retired. A list of champions follows:





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WCW Saturday Night

Announcers: Jim Ross & Dusty Rhodes

Air date: Saturday, Week 1, January 1991

Venue: Cameron Indoor Stadium (Mid Atlantic)

Attendance: 9,314 SELL OUT






The show opens to the curious site of Paul E. Dangerously backstage, dressed in a rather ill-fitting suit.. Paul E. tells the audience that he is the best manager in wrestling, and that, whilst the audience may not appreciate his talents, the new owner certainly does. Indeed, the new owner (who shall remain nameless), has appointed Paul E. as the manager of WCW for the foreseeable future. And with that said, tonight's main event will see the World Heavyweight champion Sting, take on the Four Horsemen's Sid Vicious in a non title bout. Furthermore, Flair has been granted his rematch for Sting's World Heavyweight Title, and that match will take place later this month at The Clash Of The Champions Pay-Per-View.


Paul E. then turns his back to the camera and hurries away, presumingly to take a call on his incredibly large cellular phone.










http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/JunkyardDog_zps120ef43a.jpg VS. http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/OneManGang91_zpsa06949c0.jpg


Junkyard Dog Vs. One Man Gang

Referee: Mickey Jay


In what was a rather slow and unspectacular affair, The Junkyard Dog entertained the crowd with a variety of head butts (there are various head butts?) and then the Thump powerslam for the pinfall at 9:43.


Some in the crowd suggested that Dog was jaded, and in need of a good rest.










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A limousine pulls up backstage, out of which step the Four Horsemen. Tony Schiavone is conveniently present to ask the Horsemen what they think of WCW's new direction. Unfortunately for Tony, he is ignored by Anderson, shunned by the Windham and grunted at by Vicious. Thankfully, however, Flair seems happy enough to tell Tony that, “The only power in WCW is with the Horsemen! Wooo!”.


Well, that's that then.








http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/PaulHeyman1_zps757dc0f0.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/MissyHyatt1_zpsbdb71dcd.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/CurtisHughes_zps877f06de.jpg


Paul E. is shown giving Missy Hyatt a tour of his office. A tiny, bereft room, two desks, 4 telephones and one type writer. “This is your desk,” he says as he pulls a chair out for Hyatt. “You know I always dreamed of having my own secretary...”, an awkward silence ensues before Paul E. orders his bodyguard, Curtis Hughes, to get Missy Hyatt a coffee.


http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/HarleyRace1_zps421b9ad7.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/KevinSullivan91_zpsa761ca9b.jpg


As Hughes leaves the office, Harley Race and Kevin Sullivan barge their way in, holding up what appears to be the latest InSideWCW Newsletter. The two are most annoyed to find their names listed as possible causalities in the new regime's plan for a more youthful WCW. Harley Race and Kevin Sullivan tell Paul E. that whilst they may be getting on in years, they are still amongst the best WCW has to offer. Paul E. listens to them carefully, before responding with a quite simple statement; “Prove it.”









http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/OwenHart93_zpsfa0ec9c8.jpg VS. http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/DustinRhodes3_zpse14e7635.jpg


Owen Hart Vs. Dustin Rhodes

Referee: Nick Patrick


Before the match, Jim Ross and Dusty Rhodes heap praise on both workers (Dusty makes a point of mentioning that he definitely, definitely, definitely isn't in any way biased).


The match began with a nice bit of chain wrestling, although the crowd clearly did not care much for either man. The two bored the crowd for 5:43, before they were attacked by grizzled veterans Harley Race and Kevin Sullivan. “I'll show you a youth policy,” Race screamed, as he stretched Dustin Rhodes in an old-school arm bar. On commentary, Dusty Rhodes remained conspicuously quiet.











http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/AlexandraYork_zps8d774e02.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/TerrenceTaylor_zps5152ec69.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/MichaelWallstreet_zps54f305df.jpg


The York Foundation are backstage, discussing statistics. Alexandra York tells Terrence Taylor that, according to her computer, he has a 78% chance of beating Brian Pillman tonight with a fisherman suplex. “A fisherman suplex”, Taylor responds, “I'm not sure I even know how to do that move.”






http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/BrianPillman92_zpsc3b03761.jpg VS. http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/TerrenceTaylor_zps5152ec69.jpg


Brian Pillman Vs. Terrence Taylor

Referee: Randy Anderson


Pillman and Taylor wrestled a decent technical match-up, interspersed with Taylor's rather comical attempts at hitting a fisherman suplex at every opportunity. This pattern continued until Pillman got the upper hand about five minutes in, at which point a victory for Pillman appeared to be more a matter of when rather than if.




However, just as Pillman was about to finish Taylor off, he caught sight of Barry Windham heading down the ramp. This distraction led to Taylor hitting Pillman with a, yes, fisherman suplex and hooking his leg for the pinfall at 13:22.










http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/ScottSteiner1_zps1c459c69.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/RickSteiner1_zpse0f3f5ae.jpg


Backstage Tony Schiavione is with The Steiner Brothers who are in a foul mood (shock!). Rick Steiner tells Tony that it is a, “load of crap” that their US Tag Team Titles have been retired. Scott then takes the mic to say that it is an, “even bigger load of crap” that they have to face the Fabulous Freebirds tonight in a match to decide which team are number one contenders for Doom's WCW World Tag Team titles. Scott ends the interview with a clear and concise message: “I don't know who this new owner is, but if I did, I would retire his face!”







http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/ScottSteiner1_zps1c459c69.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/RickSteiner1_zpse0f3f5ae.jpg VS. http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/MichaelHayes1_zps6885ba1d.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/JimmyGarvin1_zps9b6ae445.jpg


The Steiner Brothers Vs. The Fabulous Freebirds w/ Diamond Dallas Page.

To decide the No.1 Contenders for the WCW World Tag Team Titles.

Referee: Nick Patrick


The Steiners', in an angrier mood than usual, immediately set to taking out their frustration on the Freebirds. Jimmy Garvin and Rick Steiner started the bout, with the latter dominating the action with numerous painful suplexes. Michael Hayes did not fair much better, and when Rick tagged in Scott, Hayes fell victim to a suplex so stiff that some in the audience genuinely thought that he had broken his neck. Luckily for Hayes, this was not the case, and when the opportunity arose, he cut off Steiner's momentum with a dubious low blow as Garvin distracted the ref. The Freebirds dominated the next portion of the match with with a number of restholds, making a point of keeping Scott Steiner closer to their corner than his. Unfortunately for them, Scott Steiner did find a way to his corner, and when Rick was tagged in, the older brother proceeded to German suplex both Garvin and Hayes as a happless Diamond Dallas Page watched his clients from ringside. With both of the Freebirds down, Rick tagged in Scott, who hit a Frankensteiner on Garvin for the win at 14:47.





http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/RonSimmons1_zps58bcdc6c.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/ButchReed1_zpsf8438421.jpg


As The Steiner Brothers celebrate in the ring, Doom appear at ringside with their manager, Teddy Long. The two teams exchange as words as Jim Ross and Dusty Rhodes hype their forthcoming match at the Clash Of The Champions Pay-Per-View.









Paul E. is in his office, puffing away on a big cigar as Stan Hansen comes storming in.




Hansen: Some things never change. Last week, I had no match. This week, new ownership, guess what? Still no match.

Paul E.: What do you th...

Hansen: I want a match! I want to fight. That's what I do. If I'm not fighting, I'm not happy.. I'm not here to sit around on my ass like those losers in the audience.

Paul E.: Okay, okay. Listen, it is just that your loyalties have been questioned.

Hansen: My loyalties?

Paul E.: Right. You see, Stan, one minute you're here telling everyone how you're this proud Texan.. next thing I hear you're in Japan, telling people you'll never come back. Nobody can get a hold of you, and WCW doesn't see you for months.

Hansen: Damn it, it's not like that. I am a proud Texan, Japan was just a phase..

Paul E.: A phase? You want a fight? Well I'll tell you what, a month from now at The Clash Of Champions Pay-Per-View, you can prove your loyalty to this country, to this company, by taking the United States title off of Lex Luger.









Lex Luger Vs. Larry Zbyszko

Referee: Randy Anderson


As crowd favourite Luger makes his way to the ring, Ross and Rhodes discuss his chances against Stan Hansen at Clash Of The Champions. “Not too good, daddeh”, states Rhodes.


Zbyszko, with the jobber entrance, attacks Lex Luger before the bell, immediately gaining the advantage. He bamboozles Luger for a couple of minutes with some exquisite mat wrestling, before Luger comes back with a big clothesline. “Not as impressive as Hansen's Lariat,” Rhodes remarks. Zbyszko and Luger exchange suplexes, before the ring veteran takes Luger off his feet with a swift fireman's carry. Zybszko then goes to work on Luger's leg for a couple of minutes until Lex manages to power out of an attempted Boston crap, pushing Zbyszko into the corner. This is followed by a hilarious lack of selling by Luger as he quickly gets to his feet, runs at Zybyszko and hits him with a running forearm smash for the pinfall victory at 13:57.









Next up is the Main Event, and the crowd erupts as Sting's theme plays throughout the arena.As Sting emerges from the curtain he is greeted by Tony Schiovone who wants a quick word pre-match....


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However, before Schiovone can ask his first question, the Four Horsemen appear and attack Sting, sending his body crashing against the steel baricade numerous times. As Sting clutches his ribs, Ric Flair rolls him into the ring and tells Sid Vicious to, “Finish him.”


http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/Sting91_zps97526135.jpg VS. http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/SidVicious0_zpsdc7cf178.jpg

Sting Vs. Sid Vicious.

Referee: Nick Patrick


Sid, however, has other ideas. He begins toying with Sting, as he pins him only to break the count at two. It wasn't long until Sid realised what a mistake that was, as Sting made a ferocious comeback, hitting Sid with the Stinger splash in the corner. A worried Ric Flair looked on at ringside as Sting took control of the match. Sting remained in control, despite attempted interference by the Horsemen, and when he locked Sid in the Scorpion Deathlock a few minutes later, very few were surprised. Sting, however, was surprised when Ric Flair broke the submission with a chair to Sting's back as the ref called for the bell.


Flair and the Horsemen continued their assault as Sting writhed in agony. Flair then picked up the mic to tell Sting that this is never going to end. Even when he takes the Title at Clash Of The Champions, he and the Horsemen will continue to make Sting's life a living hell. “This is never over, Sting. Never over! WOO!”









Overall Show Rating:









WCW Main Event

Announcers: Jim Ross & Dusty Rhodes

Air date: Sunday, Week 1, January 1991

Venue: Cameron Indoor Stadium (Mid Atlantic)

Attendance: 9,314 SELL OUT



Paul E., Missy Hyatt and Curtis Hughes are in their office, discussing potential match-ups for next weeks' WCW Saturday Night. Rating: 63


Owen Hart defeated Jack Victory by pinfall after a top rope splash in 7:23. Rating: 38


The “Total Package” Lex Luger tells Tony Schiovone that nobody is as proud or as willing to represent the United States as he is, and Stan Hansen will find that out first hand at Clash Of The Champions. Rating: 76


Dutch Mantell defeated Ranger Ross by pinfall in 9:12 after a piledriver. Rating: 39


A video is played hyping the Sting and Horsemen rivalry. Rating: 86


Doom defeated The Lightning Express in 9:28 after a running powerslam by Ron Simmons. Rating 66


The commentary team hype Doom Vs. The Steiner Brothers at Clash Of The Champions. Rating: 61


Z-Man and “Beautiful” Bobby Eaton fought to a time limit draw at 15:00, for the WCW Television title. Rating: 65


Eaton attacked Z-Man post-match, claiming, “one more minute, and that title was mine!”. Rating: 58.


Overall show rating:




Feedback is always welcome! :)

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Nice presentation, and can't say I'm too sure about your "litany of releases" given you never mentioned who it is. But I laughed at the York Foundation and picked up on what you may be doing with Dusty, so all in all you're in the black as far as I go :)
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Publishing Date: Week 1, January 1991.


The News In Brief:


  • This weeks' WCW Saturday Night received a 0.79 rating on TBS, which is some way off the 1.25 WWF Superstars received. However, the new ownership understands that overtaking the WWF will be a slow process, and they are said to be happy with this weeks efforts.
  • We can confirm that although Harley Race and Kevin Sullivan's mention of InSideWCW on this weeks Saturday night show was inaccurate (we have not stated that they are in danger of losing their jobs), an inside source has since told us that a more youthful WCW is definitely in store, and Race and Sullivan genuinely fear for their jobs.
  • There are some in the back who are not in favour of Sid Vicious as a member of the Four Horsemen. "He just doesn't fit," one big name told us.
  • With this new youthful policy, WCW have been scouting the world for young talent, though have passed up on the opportunity to sign the vast majority. A source tells us that they will wait and see how these workers develop elsewhere. The same can not be said for Scott Hall, however, as the 32 year old is rumoured to have already penned a contract with the new WCW.
  • We have been sworn to secrecy in regards to another signing WCW has made this week. We will tell you, however, that the man is a star and has been for some time. He should debut in the next few weeks, barring a change of plans.


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WCW Saturday Night

Announcers: Jim Ross & Dusty Rhodes

Air Date: Saturday, Week 2, January 1991

Venue: Freedom Hall (South East)

Attendance: 8,500 SELL OUT


http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/Sting91_zps97526135.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/RicFlair0_zps57ffd9b4.jpg


The show opens with a video recap of last weeks' events between Sting & The Horsemen, focusing particularly on the vicious steel chair assault Sting received at the hands of Ric Flair.





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We are then greeted by announcers Jim Ross and Dusty Rhodes, who tell us that, due to the heavily bruised ribs he received during last weeks' attack, Sting is unable to make tonight's show. We will however hear from him via satellite later tonight.


They also announce that, as per Paul E. Dangerously's instructions, tonight's card will include The Steiner Brothers taking on Arn Anderson and Barry Windham, as well as The “Nature Boy” Ric Flair versus Brian Pillman in a massive main event. “But enough of all that,” Dusty says, interrupting his colleague, “right now, babeh, we 'ave the future of thi' business in action. The boy wonda' Duthtin Rhodes take' on Harley Race, right now babeh, I can't wait!”





http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/DustinRhodes3_zpse14e7635.jpg VS http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/HarleyRace1_zps421b9ad7.jpg


Dustin Rhodes Vs. Harley Race

Referee: Mickie Jay


Dustin Rhodes, with a heavily taped arm due to last week's assault, comes out to a fairly decent pop. He begins the match like a man possessed, hitting Race with a foray of kicks and punches. Race, clearly in the twilight of his career, struggles to match Rhodes' pace. Thankfully for Race, a dastardly eye poke gives him the upper hand five minutes in, and he immediately slows the pace down with a number of rest holds. Rhodes continually attempts to fight out of Race's grip, but is immediately placed in another submission. At one point, Race can be heard openly mocking Rhodes as he locks in a sleeper hold. As per, Rhodes' arm drops at one, two, but mysteriously awakens before three, as he rises to his feet and elbows Race in the ribs. This changes the balance of the match, and before long Rhodes is ready to hit Race with his signature Running Bulldog....




As he waits for Race to get to his feet, however, he is distracted by the sight of Kevin Sullivan making his way down the ramp. When Rhodes turns around, he is hit with Race's famous piledriver, though somehow manages to kick out just before three. Race, in disbelief, signals for Sullivan, who throws his steel chain into the ring. Race punches Rhodes with the chain wrapped around his knuckles as the referee calls for the bell at 13:48.





The two men continue their attack as a worried Dusty looks on from commentary. As Race begins to stretch Rhodes' injured arm, Dusty pleads for somebody to come out and stop this assault....




Before long, his call is answered as a pumped up Owen Hart storms to the ring, causing the two veterans to flee as a hurting Dustin Rhodes clutches his arm in agony.





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Backstage, the Four Horsemen are mocking the absent Sting. Flair claims that Sting is a coward for not showing up, and suggests that it isn't Sting's ribs that are bruised, but rather his enormous ego. Flair says that come Clash Of The Champions, there will be no hiding, and that the title is coming home with the Horsemen.


Then, turning his attention to tonight, he states that a friend of Stings, is a Horsemen's enemy. “Brian Pillman, believe me when I tell you; you will rue the day you ever met that face-painted coward! WOO!”





http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/JunkyardDog_zps120ef43a.jpg VS http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/Vader1_zpsea8d2550.jpg


Junkyard Dog Vs. Big Van Vader

Referee: Randy Anderson


In a match that featured little interest (and even less selling), the Junkyard Dog and Big Van Vader went twelve minutes of back and forth action before the Dog caught Vader with a sunset flip for the three count. Thankfully for the Junkyard Dog, he was out of the ring by the time Vader got to his feet, leaving the big man to pace back and forth, openly cursing the victor.





http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/TonySchiavone1_zps67f0e526.jpg W/ http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/BrianPillman92_zpsc3b03761.jpg


Backstage, Tony Schiavone is with Brian Pillman. Pillman says that the Horsemen do not scare him, and nor will they dictate who he is friends with. He tells Schiavone that tonight he will get revenge for his friend!







In a smoke-filled and dirty bar, a drunk Stan Hansen is boring the bartender with hyperbolic tales about his strength. “..And then I picked him up, and thru' him at least 20 fe..”, he pauses for a moment, noticing the bar's television screen, which is conveniently showing an old WCW show. “I'm on that show”, Hansen says.


The bartender rolls his eyes, “yeah, sure you are, buddy”.


Hansen, now visibly annoyed, grabs the bartender by his neck, and forces his face into the counter. “I bet you're a Luger fan, aren't ya? I should be on the show! Not him! I'm Stan Hansen, damn it!” He then turns to face the camera, and in a drunken slur, challenges the U.S. Champion to meet him in this very bar later tonight. “If WCW won't give me a fight, I'll take the fight to WCW. I'm Stan Hansen, damn it!”





http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/MissyHyatt1_zpsbdb71dcd.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/DustinRhodes3_zpse14e7635.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/OwenHart93_zpsfa0ec9c8.jpg


Missy Hyatt enters the medical room to find the young duo of Owen Hart and Dustin Rhodes, the latter of which is having his arm looked at by WCW's doctor. She tells them that as Paul E.'s secretary, she has been ordered to tell them that they will face Harley Race & Kevin Sullivan at The Clash Of The Champions Pay-Per-View, in a street fight!


“Oh and one more thing”, she says, turning away from the door, “If they win, they each receive a six month contract extension... but if you boys win, they are gone! … so, get well soon, because you have the fight of your lives coming up!”







http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/TomZenk_zps36934f1c.jpg VS http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/MichaelWallstreet_zps54f305df.jpg


Z-Man © Vs. Michael Wallstreet w/ Alexandra York

WCW Television Title

Referee: Nick Patrick


As Wallstreet makes his way to the ring with his valet, Alexandra York, the audience is presented with a vignette filmed earlier. In the video, York uses her computer to calculate that Wallstreet has a 98% chance of beating Z-Man if he can hit his signature falaway slam. “That was my plan all along”, Wallstreet states, reacting to the numbers.


What followed was a mixed affair, really. With each man having an equal amount of offense, and neither really impressing. Wallstreet almost caught Z-Man with the falaway slam on a number of occasions, but was countered smartly by the champion.


The lack of chemistry between the two workers was blatantly evident, and the crowd were relieved when Z-Man finally pinned Wallstreet following a flying crossbody at 14:08 to retain the WCW Television Title.






http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/BobbyEaton4_zps1f71fb7f.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/CurtisHughes_zps877f06de.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/PaulHeyman1_zps757dc0f0.jpg


Bodyguard Mr. Hughes is easily barged aside, as “Beautiful” Bobby Eaton forces his way in to Paul E.'s office. Eaton claims that he, not the Z-Man, is the rightful holder of the WCW Television title, and that anybody who watched last Sunday's Main Event show would agree. He asks for a title match against Z-Man at the upcoming Pay-Per-View, and Paul E. agrees, before turning his attention to Big Cat, Mr. Hughes; “Remind me, why do I pay you to stand by that door?”





http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/ScottSteiner1_zps1c459c69.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/RickSteiner1_zpse0f3f5ae.jpg VS http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/ArnAnderson91_zps6f93470f.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/BarryWindham_zpsea645424.jpg


The Steiner Brothers Vs. Arn Anderson & Barry Windham

Referee: Randy Anderson


The Steiner Brothers come out to a great pop, and pace the ring as they await their opponents. Arn Anderson & Barry Windham soon appear without Ric Flair (who is presumably getting ready for his match against Brian Pillman) and Sid Vicious (who is helping Flair get ready?). These two teams serve up a brilliant match, that perhaps exceeded expectations.


The match began like any other Steiner match; with one suplex followed by another. Their momentum however was cut-short as the duo from the Horsemen soon took control and slowed the tempo to one more befitting of their measured, and calculated style. Anderson and Windham used a variety of double-team moves (including a nasty looking double suplex from the second turnbuckle) but neither Rick nor Scott would stay down for a three count.


Thirteen minutes in, both Rick Steiner and Arn Anderson found themselves crawling to their respective corners after a dual attempt at a clothesline which resulted in a clash that literally shook the ring. Rick was a step quicker than Arn and tagged in his brother, who proceeded to clean house as the crowd went wild!....


http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/TeddyLong0_zps0b8d4b46.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/RonSimmons1_zps58bcdc6c.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/ButchReed1_zpsf8438421.jpg


“hold on a minute, playas!”


Butch Reed and Ron Simmons made their down the aisle, followed by their manager, Teddy Long. “Is this really the best WCW has to offer? These two meat heads? Where are the real number one contenders?”, questioned Long, as the Steiners charged out of the ring to brawl with Doom.


Meanwhile, referee Randy Anderson reached a count of ten, to end the contest at 15:52.





http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/LexLuger91_zpsb37e7682.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/StanHansen7_zps56309feb.jpg


A hand-held camera focuses (barely) on United States Champion Lex Luger as he pushes his way through the vintage tavern doors of a local bar. It's not long until he spots Stan Hansen half asleep at a table in the corner. Luger, rather comically, creeps up on Stan, and puts his arm around him. “Hey,” he says, awaking the big Texan, “I heard you wanted a fight?”. With that said, Luger immediately begins laying into Hansen with ferocious punches. He then steps back, and allows Hansen to his feet. Unfortunately, Hansen is so drunk that he falls straight back down on his ass.


“I'll see you at the Clash Of The Champions”, Luger says, leaving the bar.





http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/JimRoss0_zps3735580d.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/DustyRhodes1_zps80378b65.jpg


Jim Ross: By gawd, what a sorry mess Stan Hansen finds himself in

Dusty Rhodes: You better hope he doesn't hear that!

Jim Ross: Yeah, well... ladies and gentleman, I believe we can now hear from Sting.




Sting, laid up in what appears to be a hospital bed, states that whilst he may not be 100% tonight, he will be by Clash Of The Champions, and that nobody will take his Title away from him....


http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/RicFlair0_zps57ffd9b4.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/SidVicious0_zpsdc7cf178.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/ArnAnderson91_zps6f93470f.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/BarryWindham_zpsea645424.jpg


As Sting continues, the live feed switches to Arn Anderson and Barry Windham, who on their way to the back following their match against The Steiner Brothers pause by a tiny monitor to hear what Sting has to say. They are soon joined by Ric Flair, gown an' all, and Sid Vicious.


As the Horsemen listen intently (barring the odd “coward” taunt directed at the screen), Sting states that whilst the Horsemen have a definite numbers advantage, he has an ace up his sleeve. “An ace up his sleeve?”, mouths Flair.


The feed switches to Sting as he continues, “You see, Flair, there's a way to counter the numbers... and that way, is by surprise!” As the 'satellite' feed cuts to black, the Horsemen slowly turn around to the sight of Sting, with a steel chair in his hand!


Sting proceeds to swing wildly at each and every member of the Horsemen; smashing the chair viciously into their bodies. With all four men down, Sting grips Flair by his neck, lifts him to his feet and drags him down the aisle. He then rolls Flair into the ring, before picking up a mic.


“Get a referee and Brian Pillman out here, it's time for our main event!”





http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/RicFlair0_zps57ffd9b4.jpg VS http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/BrianPillman92_zpsc3b03761.jpg


Ric Flair Vs. Brian Pillman

Referee: Nick Patrick


Brian Pillman attempted to capitalise on Sting's work immediately, and it was a long two count before Flair kicked out. What followed, however, was perhaps the sneakiest, and dirtiest performance ever by the self-proclaimed “Dirtiest player in the game”. Indeed, everything from an eye-rake to a blatant low blow was used to keep Pillman from getting the win.


“Flair will do anything to win! That is why he is the greatest of all time!”, claimed Dusty on commentary, and it is hard to dispute this given what followed. Indeed, Flair, who for fifteen minutes had offered little to no offense, had a cunning plan: he would escape from the ring (and the Pillman onslaught), and spit directly in Sting's face - hoping for a retaliation.


Did Sting retaliate? You're god damn right he did, slapping the taste out of Flair's mouth as the referee called for the DQ at 14:43. Sting wasn't done, however, and again grabbed a chair. Flair, attempting to escape the Stinger, rolled back into the ring to be greeted by a livid Brian Pillman who kicked him in the chest.


Sting stepped through the ropes, chair in hand, and again hit a number of vicious chair-shots on The Nature Boy.


To the back drop of a roaring crowd, the show then faded to black - its lasting image certainly that of a crumpled, battered and hurt Ric Flair; the winner of tonight's main event.





Overall Show Rating





WCW Main Event

Announcers: Jim Ross & Dusty Rhodes

Air Date: Sunday, Week 2, January 1991

Venue: Freedom Hall (South East)

Attendance: 8,500 SELL OUT


Mr. Hughes, Paul E. Dangerously and Missy Hyatt hype the Clash Of The Champions card.


The Master Blasters defeated The Lightning Express by pinfall in 10:24 after a double chokeslam.


Tony Schiavone interviews Teddy Long and Doom, who promise to defeat The Steiner Brothers.


“Beautiful” Bobby Eaton defeated Big Josh in 12:48 after an Alabama jam.


Eaton states that he hopes the Z-Man is watching, as that is what he has in store!


Big Van Vader defeated Norman The Lunatic in 4:47 after a Vader Bomb.


In an interview with Tony Schiavone, Owen Hart claims that he and Dustin Rhodes will end the careers of Harley Race and Kevin Sullivan.


Lex Lugar defeated One Man Gang in 11:03 after a running forearm smash.


Overall show sating:



Feedback is always welcome! :)

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Publishing Date: Week 2, January 1991.


The News In Brief:


  • This weeks WCW Saturday Night received a 0.84 rating on TBS, which is up from last weeks 0.79. WWF Superstars received a 1.26.
  • We have heard from several high level sources that the finish to last Saturday's show was a last minute decision. Moreover, we have heard that Ric Flair simply refused to put Brian Pillman over (as originally planned), resulting in the DQ finish. One source told us that, "the DQ finish made both Flair and Pillman look strong... having Flair lose so near to his huge PPV Main Event with Sting would be stupid!"
  • Current plans for February's WrestleWar involve a War Games main event, featuring the Horsemen and a Sting selected group. Pillman is being talked about as a certain member, though we are none the wiser in regards to the other two.
  • Stan Hansen was genuinely drunk during the bar segments on WCW Saturday Night. One source told us that, "Big Stan takes method acting to a whole new level!"
  • Big talk in the back that young Scott Hall may debut on this week's TV.
  • WCW have announced that famous NWA referee Tommy Young has signed a contract with the company. There is also talk that a certain "Ravishing" grappler may return to our screens very soon.


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Breaking Kayfabe


Having thought about it, I think from now on my match write-ups will be much shorter. I just find it somewhat monotonous, and there's only so many ways you can write to a match format without repeating yourself.


I think the best way to go would be the shorter write ups for TV, and longer write ups for PPV. And if you feel certain matches and/or segments need a bit more detail here and there, go for that. Whatever works for you.


BTW, I'm going to be keeping up with this diary. I love the mix of seriousness and humor. Terrence Taylor trying to figure out how to do a Fisherman's Suplex; Bobby Eaton of all people able to push past Mr. Hughes; Stan Hansen being drunk at the bar. Love it all! :D

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Yeah, like Matt said. Ever since I switched to short TV/long PPVs I've had far more fun writing, as opposed to trying to figure out how much detail to put into things and try not to sound monotonous.


Really enjoyable stuff you got going here, and 1991 is one of the best mods you can find, so keep it up man :)

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WCW Saturday Night

Announcers: Jim Ross & Dusty Rhodes

Air Date: Saturday, Week 3, January 1991

Venue: Will Rogers Coliseum (Mid South)

Attendance: 7,000 SELL OUT



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We then transition to the busy interior of Paul E. Dangerously's office, where he appears to be having a rather heated phone call. “I'll prove it! Believe me, I will not let you down,” he states, before placing the remarkably large cellular phone on the desk.


“What was that?”, Missy Hyatt asks, as Mr. Hughes looks on gormlessly. Paul E. tells them that "the ownership" believe that the wrestlers in WCW are out of control, highlighting the recent actions by the Four Horsemen.


“They told me.. that if I don't sort this mess out soon, they'll find some 'other guy',” Paul E. states, before turning to face the camera. “Well I tell you what, to prove that I have no favourites, and that I am the right captain for this ship, tonight's main event will see Sting & Brian Pillman take on Arn Anderson and Barry Windham; and if the latter lose they are banned from Flair's corner at WCW Clash Of The Champions!”


And with that said, we cut to ringside.





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Ross: Ladies & gentleman, up next is the debut of who many consider to be the most promising young wrestler in the world today..

Rhodes: I've seen thi' boy, J.R, and lemme tell ya', he is impressiv'






http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/ScottHall7_zps0122066b.jpg VS http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/DutchMantell3_zpsc77a123e.jpg


“The Outlaw” Scott Hall Vs. Dutch Mantell

Referee: Mickie Jay

Hall made an immediate impression, riding an expensive (and incredibly loud) Harley Davidson motorcycle to the ring as a heavy rock guitar riff filled the arena. Before stepping into the squared circle, he removed his bandanna and handed it to a fan at ringside (what a nice guy, right?).


The match itself was short and sweet. Hall dominated from the off, although he was close to being pinned a couple of minutes in as Mantell held onto his trunks after a small package. This seemed to infuriate The Outlaw, who kicked the veteran in the gut before delivering an 8-Ball (Razor's Edge), for the pinfall victory at 7:21.





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Backstage Tony Schiavone is with Stan Hansen. The big Texan is livid at suggestions that he was drunk last week. “Drunk? I haven't been drunk in 22 years, and I drink two bottles of whiskey before I get out of bed each morning! Don't you dare suggest that I can't handle my liquor. In fact, since I happen to have a bottle of the finest whiskey right here in this fanny-pack, you tell Lex Luger to meet me in the ring later for a drinking contest. That's right Lex, next Wednesday I'll be taking that United States championship off of you, but tonight, I'm going to show you what a real man is!”





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“You're gonna stop my boys from supporting me, huh?!”, Flair's taunt echoes throughout the parking lot, as The Four Horsemen lay into Brian Pillman. They beat up him for a good 30 seconds, finally culminating with Flair delivering a suplex onto the hood of a car.


“I told you to choose your friends wisely. Woo!”, Flair can be heard saying, as the foursome leave the scene.





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As Owen Hart makes his way to the ring, Jim Ross and Dusty Rhodes run through recent events between Hart, Dustin Rhodes and grizzled veterans Kevin Sullivan & Harley Race.


http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/OwenHart93_zpsfa0ec9c8.jpg VS http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/KevinSullivan91_zpsa761ca9b.jpg


Owen Hart Vs. Kevin Sullivan w/ Harley Race

Referee: Nick Patrick


These two fought a decent match, but despite recent efforts by the WCW booking committee, the crowd just wasn't all that into it. Owen Hart picked up the win with a missile dropkick at 9:54 following a distraction by Dustin Rhodes, who despite a heavily bandaged arm, came out to brawl with Harley Race.





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An interview with Teddy Long and Doom, filmed earlier today, is played as Butch Reed and his manager make their way to the ring. Long tells us that that the Steiner's have “no chance” come Clash Of The Champions, and that the Titles will remain with Doom, “playa”.



http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/ScottSteiner1_zps1c459c69.jpg VS http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/ButchReed1_zpsf8438421.jpg


Scott Steiner Vs. Butch Reed w/ Teddy Long.

Referee: Tommy Young


Scott Steiner was popular with the crowd, and got the pin at 12:04, following a frankensteiner. As Scott Steiner celebrates, the commentary team remind us that if the same occurs next Wednesday, WCW will have new tag team champions!





http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/StanHansen7_zps56309feb.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/LexLuger91_zpsb37e7682.jpg


As we return from the break, a makeshift bar sits in the centre of the ring. Stan Hansen, sat on a stool, gives Lex Luger a mean glare as the United States Champion steps through the ropes. As Luger takes a seat by the big Texan, he is handed a bottle of whiskey.


Hansen states that the rules are fairly simple; each man will take a swig from the bottle until one man can take no more - the first man to fall off his stool loses the contest. Lex Luger looks fairly bemused by the whole thing, but humours Hansen and drinks first. Hansen takes the bottle from Luger and drinks next. This process is repeated for the next couple of minutes, with Luger flexing in between shots to the delight of the crowd.


As the bottle nears its end, Hansen grabs the mic: “I'm quite impressed, Lex. You see, I didn't have you down as a big drinker... actually, now that I think about it, there's not much I really do know about you, and I'm sure you feel the same way about me. One thing about me that you definitely wouldn't know..”, Hansen says, twirling the bottle in his hands, “..is that whiskey makes me angry!” .. and with that said, Hansen thumps Luger in the head with the sturdy bottle, sending his opponent crashing off the stool to the mat below.


Hansen, bottle still in hand, takes another swig, before telling Luger that the better man won tonight, and he will win again at Clash Of The Champions. He then picks up the United States title and poses with it, as Luger writhes in agony.





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Backstage Alexandra York, Michael Wallstreet and Terrence Taylor, are discussing Taylor's upcoming match against The One Man Gang. Alexandra York taps away on the computer before turning to face Taylor, “Okay, I have the statistics. Tonight, Terrence, you have a 97% chance of beating The One Man Gang if you deliver a powerbomb!”.... “A powerbomb?”, Terrence responds, “he weighs 800lbs!”


“It's simple Terry,” Wallstreet quirps, “you have a 97% chance of winning with a move you have a 0% chance of hitting. Good luck!”





http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/TerrenceTaylor_zps5152ec69.jpg VS http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/OneManGang91_zpsa06949c0.jpg


Terrence Taylor w/ Michael Wallstreet & Alexandra York Vs. The One Man Gang

Referee: Randy Anderson


This match saw a series of rather comical powerbomb attempts by Taylor, barely lifting the much larger One Man Gang an inch off the ground. True to form, though, York's computer was again proven accurate as Taylor countered One Man Gang's standing second-turnbuckle punches in the corner into a powerbomb for the pinfall at 8:17.





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Tony Schiavone is backstage with the Z-Man, who delivers a truly horrid promo, in which he promises to beat Bobby Eaton at The Clash Of The Champions. “Eaton, come next Wednesday, you will find out why I am rightful holder of this title!”





http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/JunkyardDog_zps120ef43a.jpg VS http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/BobbyEaton4_zps1f71fb7f.jpg


Junkyard Dog Vs. Bobby Eaton

Referee: Nick Patrick


This match ended in a draw at 15:12, after an angry Big Van Vader entered the ring and flattened both men. Junkyard Dog was visibly tired by the end, as was the WCW audience.





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Tony Schiavone is backstage with Sting, who is just leaving the medical room. When asked how Pillman is doing following the attack earlier tonight, Sting tells Schiavone that Pillman is a fighter, and even against doctor's orders, he will fight tonight! Sting then goes on to issue the Four Horsemen a warning: “I don't care if you have 40 Horsemen at ringside, Flair; I am leaving Clash Of The Champions with my title!”





http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/Sting91_zps97526135.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/BrianPillman92_zpsc3b03761.jpg VS http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/ArnAnderson91_zps6f93470f.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/BarryWindham_zpsea645424.jpg


Sting & Brian Pillman Vs. Arn Anderson & Barry Windham

If Arn Anderson & Barry Windham lose they are banned from Flair's corner at Clash Of The Champions.

Referee: Tommy Young


In what was a great main event, Sting & Pillman got the win after a Stinger splash on Arn Anderson at 16:02.





http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/RicFlair0_zps57ffd9b4.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ElGringo44/SidVicious0_zpsdc7cf178.jpg


After the match, Flair and Sid Vicious attacked the winning duo from behind. Flair then picks up the mic to remind Sting that there's one Horseman they've forgotten about, and that Sid Vicious will be in his corner next Wednesday.




As Flair and Vicious stand over the fallen bodies of Sting & Pillman, Missy Hyatt appears at the top of the ramp: “Mr. Paul E. forgot to mention something earlier, so as his secretary, I have been ordered to deliver the following news: Clash Of The Champions will open with Brian Pillman taking on Sid Vicious, and if the latter loses, he too is banned from Flair's corner for main event!”


Ric Flair curses wildly and kicks the ropes in anger as WCW Saturday Night fades to black.





Overall Show Rating:






WCW Main Event

Announcers: Jim Ross & Dusty Rhodes

Air Date: Sunday, Week 3, January 1991

Venue: Will Rogers Coliseum (Mid South)

Attendance: 7,000 SELL OUT



Paul E. Dangerously, Missy Hyatt and Mr. Hughes hype the Clash Of The Champions Pay-Per-View. Rating: 69


Master Blaster Steel defeated Pez Whately by pinfall in 8:12 following a big boot. Rating: 33


Z-Man defeated Jack Victory by pinfall in 12:27 after a flying crossbody to retain the WCW Television Title. Rating: 51


Tony Schiavone interviews Lex Luger, who claims that Stan Hansen has a whole lot of pain coming his way. Rating: 64


The Fabulous Freebirds defeated The Renegade Warriors by pinfall at 14:47, following a Michael Hayes bulldog on Chris Youngblood. Rating: 61


Sid Vicious says that he doesn't want to wait until next Wednesday to get his hands on Pillman, and challenges Pillman to come to the ring. The two brawl as Main Event goes off the air. Rating: 67


Overall Show Rating:




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Publishing Date: Week 3, January 1991.


The News In Brief:


  • WCW Saturday Night's ratings were again on the up, receiving a 0.85. WWF Superstars received a 1.27.
  • According to promotional posters being handed out for the Clash Of The Champions PPV, a further two matches have been added to the card. Big Van Vader will take on The Junkyard Dog, and recent acquisition Scott Hall will face The One Man Gang.
  • As we alluded to last week, 'Ravishing' Rick Rude has signed a contract with WCW, and according to an early print of this month's official WCW magazine (scheduled for release next Monday), he will be at Clash Of The Champions.
  • Sources backstage have told us that those in charge were mightily impressed by Scott Hall, and that he could be due a "massive" push.
  • WCW have this week released both Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker, and his tag team partner, Lieutenant James Earl Wright. Current talk is that one or all of the Armstrong family may soon follow suit.


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I'd hang on to Brad Armstrong, honestly. Decent worker at this point in his career, and at the very least he could be a "jobber to the stars" kind of guy that you can also use to help younger guys over.


Looking forward to what you have in store, though!

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I agree. Armstrongs, to me, just scream WCW, in a way. I think it's the southern thing. They are a throwback to where WCW came from. And plus, you may have Brian (or could get him easily) and he could turn out to be the star he is IRL. Then again, maybe I'm just biased. Typically anytime I play a WCW game, Armstrongs are like my Pokemon; gotta sign 'em all!


As a main reply goes, you're doing a great job with Sting and the Horsemen, liked seeing them get their comeuppance on this show and I think Pillman may just pick up that win at the Clash. Also great job at getting so many shows up in such a short time! There's always something to be said for someone who posts shows punctually! :p

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You've got a great thing going here. Good, clean presentation with shows that are both easy and enjoyable to read.


Oh, and it's funny! I love the little lines you slip in there, like:


“Drunk? I haven't been drunk in 22 years, and I drink two bottles of whiskey before I get out of bed each morning!"




Junkyard Dog was visibly tired by the end, as was the WCW audience.


Just little things like that that make me chuckle. To say nothing of the York Foundation! I love that little story. Terry Taylor trying to powerbomb OMG because a computer told him to is hysterical...even more so when it actually worked! :D


So Hall's a biker, huh? I give you credit for trying something different instead of simply running with the "bad guy" character.


I can't wait to read more!

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WCW Clash of Champions XIV


Final Card:


WCW World Heavyweight title: Sting © Vs. Ric Flair

WCW United States title: Lex Luger © Vs. Stan Hansen

WCW World Tag Team titles: Doom © Vs. The Steiner Brothers

Street fight, Race & Sullivan must win to keep their jobs: Owen Hart & Dustin Rhodes Vs. Harley Race & Kevin Sullivan

Junkyard Dog Vs. Big Van Vader

WCW Television title: Z-Man © Vs. Bobby Eaton

Scott Hall Vs. One Man Gang

Will Sid be in Flair's corner?: Brian Pillman Vs. Sid Vicious



Predictions welcome, of course :)

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WCW World Heavyweight title: Sting © Vs. Ric Flair

WCW United States title: Lex Luger © Vs. Stan Hansen

WCW World Tag Team titles: Doom © Vs. The Steiner Brothers

Street fight, Race & Sullivan must win to keep their jobs: Owen Hart & Dustin Rhodes Vs. Harley Race & Kevin Sullivan

Junkyard Dog Vs. Big Van Vader

WCW Television title: Z-Man © Vs. Bobby Eaton

Scott Hall Vs. One Man Gang

Will Sid be in Flair's corner?: Brian Pillman Vs. Sid Vicious

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WCW World Heavyweight title: Sting © Vs. Ric Flair

WCW United States title: Lex Luger © Vs. Stan Hansen

WCW World Tag Team titles: Doom © Vs. The Steiner Brothers

Street fight, Race & Sullivan must win to keep their jobs: Owen Hart & Dustin Rhodes Vs. Harley Race & Kevin Sullivan

Junkyard Dog Vs. Big Van Vader

WCW Television title: Z-Man © Vs. Bobby Eaton

Scott Hall Vs. One Man Gang

Will Sid be in Flair's corner?: Brian Pillman Vs. Sid Vicious

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