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The Fountain of Misinformation's Rumor Mill


Gossip, gossip and more gossip, folks. Apparently at what we have now recently learned were the last Saturday Night TV tapings (as Saturday Night will make way for the return of Prime Wrestling), the Renegade almost provoked Hugh Morrus into a fight. What it was about, we do not know at this time. However, we can report that Eric Bischoff was able to smooth things over between the two, and the Renegade even apologized for the incident. After that, Lance Storm apparently felt that the locker room could use some levity, so he started doing some impressions of his colleagues. Word has it that Bischoff himself got a big kick out of Storm's impression of him.


And at last week's live Nitro, it is said that Jeff Jarrett was also doing spot on impressions of his fellow co-workers. Everyone, even the Macho Man himself, got a big kick out of Jarrett doing the Macho Man voice shilling for Slim Jims, as Randy seemed to understand it was all in good fun and not mean spirited like the Nacho Man and Huckster parodies that the WWF did last year. And also at last week's Nitro, Buff Bagwell brought in some free alcohol, which certainly endeared him to the locker room. But enough about locker room gossip. How about I drop a big bombshell on you?!


According to an anonymous source from ECW (I'm thinking Paul Heyman himself because he's probably pissed off at Eric Bischoff), WCW has signed none other than current ECW World Champion, Raven. Whether this report is true or not, we'll have to wait and see. And if Raven has indeed signed to return to WCW, you can bet it won't be as his previous WCW incarnation of Scotty Flamingo. Though it will be interesting to see how WCW would use a talent such as Scott Levy. That's all I have for today! Enjoy the rasslin' this week!



Personally, I don't even like B Shows in my games. They slow me down too much and drag out the month. I understand their purpose, but I usually find something for all my guys to do on the A Show.


Keep it up Matty. Good stuff


I understand where you're coming from, but I don't mind B shows as long as I'm able to keep them at 1 hour (at least for dynasties). They're a good way for me to give lower card guys work, and a good way to help develop younger talent. Thanks for the kind words, BTW! :cool:

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Monday Night, Week 1, March 1997

Nassau Coliseum

Long Island, New York

Attendance: 16,000 (SELL OUT!)


Announcers: Tony Schiavone, Bobby Heenan and Larry Zbyzsko



Dusty's Corral

After the show open, Tony Schiavone immediately tossed it to Dusty Rhodes, who brought out the Steiner Brothers for his talk segment, Dusty's Corral. Rick and Scott Steiner really enjoyed the creative freedom of not having to work with a script, as they both took digs at the Outsiders about how they had seen what them running amok had done to the guys up north, and now they were trying to do the same thing in WCW, and they would be damned if they let a bunch of egomaniacs make everyone's lives miserable. That brought out the Outsiders, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash. Kevin Nash also used the freedom to improvise to his advantage, as he said that what they were saying was out of line, and that he and his friends were doing everything they could to make the wrestling business better, and Hall said they couldn't help it if some people didn't like being told what they needed to hear instead of what they wanted to hear. Oddly enough, Dusty Rhodes didn't do as well without a script as he stumbled over a few words when trying to lecture the Outsiders about respect. The Steiners also reminded Kevin Nash how it was them that got him his job up north to begin with, and that he had them to thank for making the money he makes now. It looked like things were about to reach the boiling point until WCW Commissioner Teddy Long came out to settle things down. Long enjoyed the freedom to go off script as well as he said "Tonight, you two teams are going to be in a TAG TEAM MATCH! The Steiner Brothers will take on Vicious & Delicious. And the Outsiders will take on the Horsemen's Chris Benoit and Rob Van Dam in a non-title match."

Grade: B+


#1 Contenders Triangle Match

Disco Inferno vs. Alex Wright vs. V.K. Wallstreet

After these three all stated their case for being the #1 contender to the WCW World Television Championship, it was put up or shut up time, and these three didn't disappoint. Disco Inferno and Alex Wright did most of the work in the opening moments of the match as V.K. Wallstreet bided his time, letting the two rivals go at it. After Wright tossed Disco out of the ring, he focused his attack on Wallstreet. Wright seemed to have Wallstreet reeling until Disco got back into the ring and knocked Wright out of the ring with a running forearm. The ref looked away to check on Wright while Disco went to work on Wallstreet. That's when Wallstreet, ever the opportunist, poked Disco in the eye, then grabbed his Halliburton briefcase and konked it over Disco's head, knocking him out. He quickly slid it out of the ring as Wright was coming to and the ref got back into the ring to see Wallstreet covering Disco. Wright was too slow to break up the pin in time, and Wallstreet stole one for the nWo.

Winner: V.K. Wallstreet

Grade: C+


Promo Video

We saw two promo videos back to back in one segment, with the first coming from the Road Warriors, who were walking the rough alleyways in Chicago. They talked about how the Harlem Heat were a couple of wannabe tough guys, and at Uncensored in the Chicago Street Fight, they would find out what being tough was all about. Next up was a video of Harlem Heat with Sister Sherri walking the streets of Harlem. Booker T and Stevie Ray did all the talking while Sherri just stood there and smirked. Booker T and Stevie Ray said that the Road Warriors were old news, and at Uncensored, the world would see that the Harlem Heat were the team of the 90s.

Grade: B+


Ultimo Dragon vs. La Parka

These two put on a very good display of lucha libre style action, and it could have been debated who would come out on top in this match. It looked like La Parka was going to get the victory as he went for a powerbomb, but Ultimo Dragon countered with a huracanrana pin for the victory.

Winner: Ultimo Dragon

Grade: C-


Post Match Attack

No sooner was Ultimo Dragon declared the victor when Konnan ran down to the ring to attack him. That prompted Rey Mysterio Jr. to run out to try and save his friend, but Psicosis ran up behind him and floored him in the aisle with a steel chair to the back. Konnan threw Ultimo Dragon out to the floor, and he and Psicosis beat the living tar out of Rey Mysterio Jr. and Ultimo Dragon outside the ring.

Grade: C-


Hype Video

Next up, we saw a video showcasing the highlights of everything that had been going on involving Curt Hennig, "Macho Man" Randy Savage, and recently Elizabeth. We then saw green screen style promo videos from both Curt Hennig and Randy Savage, who both said they were looking forward to eliminating each other from the battle royal at Uncensored and go on to become WCW World Champion at Spring Stampede.

Grade: B+



Dean Malenko vs. Juventud Guerrera w/Sonny Onoo

Tony Schiavone informed the audience that Sonny Onoo had been lobbying for Juventud Guerrera to be given another shot at the Cruiserweight Title, and that Commissioner Teddy Long put Juvi into this non-title match, with the stipulation being that if he won, he would get a shot at Uncensored. Malenko looked like he was about to get another victory over Juvi as he locked him into the Texas Cloverleaf, but Sonny Onoo hopped onto the apron to distract Malenko. The Man of 1,000 Holds let go, approached Onoo and floored him with a right hand. Malenko turned around to once again lock Juvi into the Cloverleaf, but Juvi rolled him up into a small package, holding the tights out of sight from the referee to pick up the win and get a shot at the Cruiserweight Championship come Uncensored.

Winner: Juventud Guerrera

Grade: C


Nitro Stage Area Interview

Mean Gene Okerlund brought out Lex Luger to the Nitro stage area for an interview to ask him about the recent events involving him and Sting. Luger said that when Sting saved him from a serious beating, the Stinger didn't say anything to him. Instead, he gave him a picture: a picture of Hollywood Hulk Hogan. Luger said that without saying a word, Sting's message was clear: With or without the WCW Title, Sting wanted Hulk Hogan. Luger told Hogan that he better keep looking over his shoulder and have eyes in the back of his head, because as long as he tried to avoid Sting, the Stinger would make his life a living hell. Mean Gene told Luger that he noticed that he did indeed have a new sense of urgency within him last week when he defeated Hogan in a non-title bout, and Luger said that Sting's visit with him rebuilt his self-confidence, and that he planned on winning the #1 Contenders World Title battle royal at Uncensored to go on and win the WCW World Heavyweight Championship at Spring Stampede.

Grade: A


Sit Down Interview

We saw a pre-recorded sit down interview that the newest member of WCW's broadcast team, Genifer North, conducted with Diamond Dallas Page and Kimberly. DDP and Kimberly talked about how the New World Order has tried to make their lives miserable ever since Page turned them down, but they knew they would come out of this better people for not selling out their core values. DDP then said that he, Chris Benoit and Rob Van Dam would beat the tar out of Syxx, Buff Bagwell and Scott Norton at Uncensored in the Bunkhouse Brawl.

Grade: C-



WCW World Television Championship

Chris Jericho (Champion) vs. Kevin Sullivan (Challenger) w/Jacqueline

Kevin Sullivan was hungry to add the TV Title to his collection, and was willing to do whatever it took to do it. That was proven when he tossed Jericho out to the floor, then distracted the referee while Jacqueline put the boots to Jericho, then quickly stopped when the ref turned around. Jacquelined held her hands up to claim her innocence while Sullivan exited the ring to pick Jericho and put him back in. Sullivan looked to have the match won until Lance Storm came out and stood at the stage area with a microphone in hand. Storm said he talked to Commissioner Teddy Long to find out if he had been entered into the #1 Contenders World Title batte royal at Uncensored, and indeed he had been. However, when Teddy Long showed him the sheet of paper that listed the participants, he noticed that Kevin Sullivan's name was missing from the list. This infuriated Kevin Sullivan, who yelled at Storm and shouted that wasn't fair. The distraction allowed Jericho to get back up to his feet. Jacqueline yelled at Sullivan to turn around, but when he did, he walked right into an enziguri kick to the back of the head, followed up by a Lionsault to allow Jericho to retain his title.

Winner and still WCW World Television Champion: Chris Jericho

Grade: C+


Pizza Time!

Backstage, Eric Bischoff, Ted DiBiase and Syxx were mocking Diamond Dallas Page and Kimberly, saying that the six man Bunkhouse Brawl at Uncensored might as well be a handicap match because they thought Page had gone soft with his sappy love for Kimberly. Goldberg was pacing around, looking like he was impatient for something. That's when the door opened, with two guys who were obscured by the tall pile of pizza boxes they were carrying. Goldberg, looking as menacing as he could, nodded his head as if to say "It's about time." Bischoff told the two guys to hurry up because he, Syxx, DiBiase and Goldberg were hungry. They set the pizza boxes down, and it was Adam and Christian Castle of Radically Awesome. They tried to apologize for taking too long, but DiBiase cut them off, telling them that they needed to learn to be more on the ball and have a sense of urgency like the newest nWo recruit, Goldberg. As punishment, they would have to wrestle in chicken outfits for an undetermined amount of time. Radically Awesome looked like they were about to protest until Goldberg shot them a death stare, and they quickly agreed to the terms of their punishment.

Grade: B-



The Outsiders vs. Chris Benoit and Rob Van Dam w/Woman

Benoit and RVD weren't about to let their size disadvantage hinder them, as they threw Hall and Nash off with their speed and quickness. Hall and Nash fought back, but Benoit and RVD kept things even-Steven. RVD went to hit Hall with a spinning heel kick, but Hall ducked, causing RVD to accidentally hit the ref, momentarily knocking him out. That's when Buff Bagwell and Scott Norton ran down to the ring to practically turn the match into a 4-on-2. Norton blasted Benoit with a stiff clothesline, and Bagwell took RVD down with a swinging neckbreaker. They quickly got out of the ring and ran to the back as Scott Hall picked Chris Benoit up and hit him with the Outsider's Edge. Kevin Nash revived the ref in time for him to make the three count.

Winners: The Outsiders

Grade: B+



Commissioner Teddy Long was walking the backstage hallway when he bumped into Steve McMichael and Jeff Jarrett, with Debra following them. Both Mongo and Double J were actually able to agree on something for once: they both wanted their team to be disbanded, while Debra pleaded with Teddy not to break the team up. Public Enemy just so happened to be walking by and overheard the exchange, mocking the trio for being a bunch of stupid rednecks, which only served to unite the dysfunctional trio in anger. Long said that instead of breaking up Best Of The Best, he would put them in a match against the Public Enemy at Uncensored, but not just any kind of match. Long said he wanted to give Public Enemy a bit of an advantage to see if Best Of The Best could work together when the chips were down, so the match would be a Tables Match, where the way to win was to put both members of the opposing team through a table. They all agreed and went their separate ways. Long continued walking the hallway when he ran into United States Champion, Eddy Guerrero. Eddy asked him about his status for Uncensored, and Long told him that next week on Monday Nitro, there would be a match between Lord Steven Regal and Brad Armstrong, and the winner of that match would challenge Eddy at Uncensored. Eddy liked the sound of it and told Long that he was looking forward to watching the match to see who he'd face.

Grade: C


The Steiner Brothers w/Madusa vs. Vicious & Delicious

Buff Bagwell and Scott Norton proved that they could hang with the rough and tough team of Rick and Scott Steiner, coming close on several occasions to having the match won. However, this ref didn't fare any better than the previous ref as Buff Bagwell ducked a Steiner Line attempt from Rick Steiner, causing Rick to accidentally knock out the ref. That's when Rob Van Dam and Chris Benoit took the opportunity to pay Vicious & Delicious back, with Benoit fighting with Scott Norton, and Rob Van Dam tossing a chair at Buff Bagwell, then hitting him with the Van Daminator. Benoit, meanwhile, tossed Norton into the ring steps, knocking him loopy as well. Benoit and RVD left, and the Steiners picked up the scraps, with Rick Steiner hoisting Bagwell up onto his shoulders, and Scott Steiner climbing the top turnbuckle. Steiner came down and brought Bagwell down with the Steiners' patented Doomsday DDT, then Rick revived the ref for Scott Steiner to get the pinfall over Buff Bagwell.

Winners: The Steiner Brothers

Grade: B


Post Match Attack

The Outsiders and Goldberg quickly made their way down to the ring and began to attack the Steiners, who tried to fight back. Rowdy Roddy Piper then made his way down to the ring to try and even the odds, but Hollywood Hulk Hogan came in through the crowd to attack him, and now it looked as if the nWo was about to obliterate the Steiners and Piper. But then the sounds of crows could be heard, which startled the nWo members. The lights then went off for over a minute. When they came back on, Hogan, Hall, Nash and Goldberg were all out cold, and standing tall in the ring was Sting, holding his black baseball bat. Piper and the Steiners were getting back to their feet, wondering what happened, but before they could even have a chance to thank Sting, he pointed his bat at Piper, then pointed his bat over to the downed Hogan. While pointing his bat at Hogan, Sting looked at Piper and did the cutthroat motion, his way of telling him to beat Hogan for the title at Uncensored as we went off the air.

Grade: A




Overall Show Grade: B+





Announcers: Mike Tenay, Dusty Rhodes and Genifer North


-Bobby Eaton, Brad, Steve and Scott Armstrong def. Joey Maggs, Prince Iaukea, Mike Rapada and Scotty Riggs

Grade: D


-Genifer North interviewed Eaton and the Armstrongs, with Eaton and Brad doing the talking. They declared that they were referring themselves as Southern Justice, and promised to divide the United Empire.

Grade: D


-Radically Awesome w/Ted DiBiase def. Jim Duggan and the Renegade

Grade: D+


-Jimmy Hart cut a promo about the Faces Of Fear, who stood there looking menacing as he hyped up why one of them would win the #1 Contenders World Title battle royal at Uncensored.

Grade: B


-Billy Kidman def. Vincent

Grade: D


-Mean Gene in the Uncensored Control Center, where we see promos from Roddy Piper and Hollywood Hogan.

Grade: A


-Konnan and Psicosis def. Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Super Calo when Konnan beat up Chavo so bad that the ref had to stop the match due to injury.

Grade: C-


-Earlier this week, Mean Gene interviewed the United Empire, with Lord Steven Regal and Jacques Rougeau doing the talking. Rougeau talked about how either he, Doc Dean or Squire David Taylor would win the battle royal at Uncensored, while Regal said he would defeat Brad Armstrong to face Eddy Guerrero for the US Title.

Grade: C+


-Lance Storm def. Rockin' Rebel

Grade: D


Overall Show Grade: C

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As they say, hindsight is 20/20, and looking back, I probably should have had Outsiders vs. Benoit & RVD close the show. But I felt that it made more logical sense for Sting to attack the nWo to close the show than for him to attack, then somehow for some reason do nothing when RVD & Benoit lose to the Outsiders via nWo interference. If anything, I knew I was right to think that I had two future main eventers in Chris Benoit and Rob Van Dam as they stepped up to the plate in that match against Scott Hall and Kevin Nash.


Jim Duggan thought it was pretty humorous wrestling against Radically Awesome with Adam and Christian Castle wearing chicken suits, but Renegade was not amused. Probably because he was the one that ate the pin to a guy in a chicken suit. I gave him a nice little bonus though to show him I appreciated his cooperation, and that put him in a much better mood. Vincent also couldn't see the forest for the trees when I asked him to job to Billy Kimdan. He felt he shouldn't be losing to a jobber, and I let him know that Kidman wouldn't be a jobber forever. After some extra money being thrown his way, he cheered up. Next time someone gripes though, I may just send them on a vacation. Don't want the locker room to get toxic.


And it's pretty amusing seeing Paul Heyman think he's got one over on me by spoiling my signing of his current champion, Raven. But if he doesn't have Raven drop the title on the way out, then who's the moron? Anyway, I can always book around everyday real life events. It's something I learned to do after we had to scrap those TV tapings of Sid wearing the World Championship due to the scissors incident with Arn. Still can't believe that guy (Sid) is the WWF's flag bearer now.

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The Fountain of Misinformation's Rumor Mill


We have a new champion in ECW after their Living Dangerously PPV. While the Eliminators and Mikey Whipwreck retained the ECW World Tag Team and ECW World TV Titles respectively, Raven lost the ECW World Heavyweight Championship to the one man who until last night could not defeat him: Tommy Dreamer. No doubt this was Paul Heyman making sure that nothing happened to devalue the ECW World Heavyweight Championship as the now former champion, Raven, will be debuting in WCW very soon, maybe as soon as tonight! And rumor has it that a former WWF wrestler will be showing up on Nitro tonight. Things seem to be getting pretty interesting in the wild and wacky world of professional wrestling, that's for sure.


And in the odd news department, independent wrestler and one of APW's most popular workers, Michael Modest, reportedly suffered a Non-Displaced Sternal Fracture after a freak accident involving a gerbil, and the injury will be sidelining him for close to two and a half months. First of all, if what he suffered was a Non-Displaced Sternal Fracture, then what is a Displaced Sternal Fracture? Second, how on earth does someone suffer an injury so bad from messing with a gerbil that they're out for two months? And here I thought NFL football player Terry Glenn was a softie! Until next time, this has been the Fountain of Misinformation, signing off!

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Wait a minute...that's just too perfect a booking decision. I call shenanigans; you must have a secret second player controlling ECW! :eek:


Yeah, it's the Grand Avatar. :p j/k


I think it could have something to do with Paul Heyman's booking skill, and Tommy Dreamer's pop in ECW's home area of the Tri State region as well. I was flabbergasted when I saw it as well. In fact, I'm surprised at the storylines the AI had thought up for the WWF. Now to get ready to run Prime and Nitro. :D

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Monday Night, Week 2, March 1997

Meadowlands Arena

East Rutherford, New Jersey

Attendance: 19,456


Announcers: Tony Schiavone, Bobby Heenan and Larry Zbyzsko




Genifer North hosted an all female roundtable consisting of Kimberly, Woman and Madusa, chatting about how females have come a long way in the wrestling business.

Grade: C-


Main Show


Show Open

After the show open and pyro display, we went to the announce desk, where Tony Schiavone, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan and Larry Zbyzsko hyped tonight's lineup, which featured Dusty Rhodes addressing the New World Order on his Corral; Rick Steiner in singles action going up against Curt Hennig; Mean Gene interviewing Eddy Guerrero later on tonight about his nephew Chavo's condition after the beating Konnan and Psicosis put on him; and a huge tag team main event pitting Hollywood Hulk Hogan and Goldberg against Rowdy Roddy Piper and Lex Luger. Tony said it was time to send it to the ring for the US Title #1 contender's match.

Grade: B-


US Title #1 Contenders Match

Brad Armstrong vs. Lord Steven Regal

This match was a continuation of the showdown that had been transpiring on WCW's weekend telecasts of late pitting the Southern US against Great Britain and now the Province of Quebec with Jacques Rougeau aligning himself with the United Empire. The match was back and forth all the way, but Regal was able to put Armstrong away in just a little over six minutes by forcing him to submit to the Regal Stretch as he had him too far away from the ropes.

Winner: Lord Steven Regal

Grade: C


A Familiar Voice and Face

We heard an eerily familiar voice talking about how he was always picked on in school, and was expelled from several different schools for brutally attacking the students who picked on him. He talked about his first forays into wrestling, and how he literally sacrificed his body to try and make everyone talk about him and revere him. But no matter how bad he beat himself up, nobody would show their appreciation, and he was sick of it. He thought that going for greener pastures, putting on a mask so that no one would recognized him and going by an alias would bring him the joy he was seeking, but all it did was break him mentally, and now he has snapped.


"Cactus Jack is DEAD! And all MANKIND IS DOOMED FOR ETERNITY! For Michael Manson is here in WCW, and I will destroy the very people who represent all of you, those of you thumb your noses at freaks like me!"




Grade: A


The Road Warriors and Harlem Heat w/Sister Sherri


The Public Enemy and Best Of The Best w/Debra McMichael

This match was absolute chaos from the get go, as it started off as an eight person brawl inside the ring. Finally, the referee managed to get the rest of the guys on the apron, and Booker T was in the ring with Jeff Jarrett. Jarrett started off with things going his way until he ran the ropes and was tripped up by Sister Sherri. Meanwhile, Debra slapped Booker T. Before you know it, all eight men were back in the ring again, and this time the teams turned on each other as the ref had no choice but to throw the match out.

No Contest

Grade: C+


Dusty's Corral

Dusty Rhodes didn't schedule anyone to be his guest(s) this week on his Corral. Rather, he wanted to take this time to address the nWo and tell them how at Uncensored, they were finally going to get a lesson in respect for tradition. That brought out some unwelcome visitors in Syxx, Buff Bagwell, Scott Norton, and Adam and Christian Castle, who were still in their chicken outfits and holding up nWo signs while Syxx, Bagwell and Norton talked smack to Good Ol' Dusty. Syxx, Bagwell and Norton said it was time for old geezers like Dusty to get out of the way, which is why they took out Ric Flair and Arn Anderson. Dusty shot back, asking them "Well what is your leader, Hollywood Hulk Hogan, then?! He's no spring chicken either!" They thought about it for a second, and that's when Syxx replied that unlike the other fossils, Hogan was the best he had ever been, and was a great leader, and that it was Hogan, NOT Flair or Dusty that made wrestling mainstream. Dusty had enough and slapped Syxx hard across the face. That prompted the nWo to beat him down and put the boots to him.


That's when Diamond Dallas Page, Chris Benoit and Rob Van Dam, all dressed in street clothes and brandishing assorted weapons such as baseball bats, steel chairs and shovels, ran out and chased the nWo away. They yelled at the nWo members, who all backed off. They went to check on Dusty, who was sitting up on his own accord and looked mad as hell.

Segment First Half Grade: C+/Segment Second Half Grade: C+


V.K. Wallstreet vs. Alex Wright

Chris Jericho sat in on commentary with the announcers during this match, saying he was scouting V.K. Wallstreet, and even though he's WCW through and through, he was kinda glad Wallstreet won the triangle match last week because he would love nothing better than to beat one of the nWo's own at Uncensored when his TV Title goes on the line. Wright and Wallstreet went at it back and forth for over eleven minutes, and it looked like Wright was going to get the victory at one point and possibly put himself in line for a future title shot. But that's when "Disco Fever" started playing over the speakers, and Disco Inferno came out, dancing like an idiot, which distracted Alex Wright momentarily. Disco then got out a microphone and asked for his music to be turned down. That's when Disco told Alex that he got himself a new girlfriend, then said "Oh, by the way. Wondering why your girlfriend never returned your call today? HAHAHAHA-HAAAA!" Alex's jaw just about dropped to the floor as V.K. Wallstreet made his way to the top turnbuckle. Alex Wright didn't seem to know what to think as he turned around and right into a Flying Clothesline from Wallstreet, allowing Wallstreet to get the pinfall victory.

Winner: V.K. Wallstreet

Grade: C+


The Commish's Office

Commissioner Teddy Long was doing paperwork inside his office when he heard a knock on the door. He said to come on in, and in walked Eric Bischoff from the New World Order. Bischoff pleaded his case that it was unfair for Hollywood Hulk Hogan to have to defend his nWo World Title (as Bischoff referred to the WCW World Title as) against Rowdy Roddy Piper in a Leather Strap Match. Commissioner Long simply said "Tough deal, homey. But let's say that I'm a fair man. How do you suggest we make this fair?" Bischoff suggested that if Hogan was going to defend the title in a match that favored Rowdy Roddy Piper, then Piper needed to put something on the line. Bischoff noted how Piper has had a chance at Hogan's title before and lost, and suggested that if Piper loses this time, he doesn't get another title shot as long as Hogan is the champion. Commissioner Long thought about it for a moment, then said it was a done deal. But he turned the tables on Bischoff, telling him that if Piper won, then Hogan would not get another title shot as long as Piper was champion because he's through with Hogan bribing officials into giving him all the title opportunities. Bischoff shook his head as he left.

Grade: B-


Nitro Stage Area Interview

Back from commercial break, and Mean Gene Okerlund brought out the WCW United States Champion, Eddy Guerrero, noting how now we know Eddy will defend the title against Lord Steven Regal at Uncensored. Okerlund then asked Eddy how his nephew, Chavo, was doing. Eddy said that he would have run out to stop the match earlier, but that Chavo has always asked him to let him fight his own battles, so he did. But now Konnan and Psicosis had crossed the line by messing with his familia. Konnan came out with Psicosis and began to run down Eddy Guerrero, telling him that he was no different than the other ungrateful luchadores like Rey Mysterio Jr. and Ultimo Dragon, and that he and Psicosis didn't cross the line when they injured Chavo. No, what happened was that we found out that Chavo simply wasn't tough enough to hack it in WCW and him getting hurt was him getting weeded out of the business. Guerrero got in Konnan's face, yelling at him in Spanish. He then turned to Psicosis, asking him why he felt that he needed to ride "this liar's coattails?" Before they could come to blows, Commissioner Teddy Long came out and made a match for Nitro next week: a non-title match between Eddy Guerrero and Psicosis.

Grade: C+'


Dean Malenko and Billy Kidman vs. Juventud Guerrera and Lance Storm w/Sonny Onno

This was a fast paced cruiserweight tag team match with solid in-ring action, even if the crowd wasn't completely vocal for it throughout. Juventud Guerrera tossed Billy Kidman out at one point, and distracted the ref while Sonny Onno got a couple of cheap kicks in. After some more back and forth action with some quick tags from both sides, Lance Storm was ready to put Dean Malenko away. But Kevin Sullivan came down the aisle to tell Lance Storm that his days in WCW were numbered. Storm trash talked back at Sullivan, allowing Malenko to wrap his legs around Storm and roll him up in cruiserweight fashion while Kidman ran in to cut off Juvi, allowing Malenko and Kidman to get the victory.

Winners: Dean Malenko and Billy Kidman

Grade: C


Sitting In The Crowd



The announcers made note of none other than Raven sitting in the crowd tonight. They brought up how just 24 hours ago, he was ECW World Champion until he lost his title, and they wondered aloud what on earth he was doing here at Nitro.

Grade: B


Video Promo

We saw a pre-recorded video promo from Rey Mysterio Jr. and Ultimo Dragon at the WCW Power Plant, with Dragon making mincemeat out of random trainees in the background while Mysterio did the talking. He said that they weren't hurt as bad as Konnan and Psicosis thought they were, and that they had been medically cleared to wrestle at Uncensored when they take on Konnan and Psicosis in a Lucha Libre Rules tag match, which meant that tags weren't required when a wrestler was thrown out of the ring, and his partner could just come on in at that point.

Grade: C+


Curt Hennig vs. Rick Steiner w/Madusa

These two veterans really brought the fight to each other, and Hennig wasn't afraid to mix it up with Rick Steiner whenever he tried to turn the match into a brawl. Likewise, the Dog Faced Gremlin wasn't afraid to mix in some technical wrestling when Hennig turned it into a wrestling match. Things were going Rick's way when Scott Hall came down to ringside, distracting the ref and Rick Steiner. That brought out Scott Steiner, who brawled with Scott Hall, diverting everyone's attention, save for Curt Hennig, who was down and slow to get up thanks to a Steiner Line. Kevin Nash then ran in from the crowd, hopped the barrier and rolled into the ring. Rick Steiner turned around and right into a big boot from Nash, which neither the ref nor Scott Steiner saw as the ref was distracted with Scott Steiner brawling with Scott Hall, and obviously Scott Steiner was distracted with his brawl with Hall all the way to the back. Hennig finally got back up and saw what was left of Rick Steiner, and the ref turned around as Hennig picked him up and finished him off with the Hennig Plex for the victory.

Grade: B+


Post Match

"Macho Man" Randy Savage came in through the crowd and ran into the ring to attack Curt Hennig. They were brawling back and forth, but Hennig pulled him into one of the corners, stunning Savage momentarily and allowing Hennig to pull something out of his singlet. Savage got back up, and Hennig knocked him out cold with the foreign object. Hennig took it off, and it was a pair of brass knucks, which he kissed before putting them back on his fist. He went back to punching away at Savage, busting him open, which prompted Elizabeth to run out and beg Hennig to stop. Hennig looked over, grinned, and punched Savage a few more times. He then got up, put the brass knucks in his singlet, and exited the ring. From there, he forced a kiss on Elizabeth, who pushed him off, then frantically got in the ring to check on Macho Man while Curt Hennig just grinned and made his way to the back.

Grade: A*


Mean Gene Ringside Interview

Mean Gene Okerlund approached the ringside area after the show came back from commercial and went to interview Raven. He asked the former ECW Champion what he was doing here on Nitro just 24 hours after wrestling for "those crazy extreme freaks up north?" Raven asked Mean Gene if he ever had anyone take anything from him that he dearly cherished? Gene joked that Mother Nature decided to take away his hair and began to chuckle at his own joke, but Raven wasn't laughing. Rather, he stood there and shot a death stare at Mean Gene, who then responded, "I guess not really." Raven said that first the girl of his dreams, a girl he knew since he was a kid, was taken away from him. And now, after last night, his championship was taken away from him thanks to that no good wench. He was in such a state of agony, and that the only way to get over it for him was to get away from that place. "So you just ran away?!" asked Mean Gene. Raven said, "No, I got out of a cesspool missed payments, broken promises, broken lives and outright lies." He made no bones about the fact that he signed with WCW to make more money, but has already been rubbed the wrong way by the arrogance of many of the wrestlers who feel they are above men such as him. "But I have noticed there have been other wrestlers here who are like me, that have been neglected by the selfish men who are trying to clutch onto their last bit of fleeting glory. I will band them together, and together, we will rise up and bring those liars, manipulators and vultures down to their knees. Quoth the Raven... Nevermore."

Grade: B


Hollywood Hulk Hogan and Goldberg w/Ted DiBiase vs. Rowdy Roddy Piper and Lex Luger

It wasn't a technical masterpiece by stretch of the imagination, but it didn't need to be as you had the star power of Hogan, Luger and Piper, and the menace and raw power of Goldberg. Mix that in with some good ol' fashioned fighting, and you had a match that the crowd just absolutely ate up, even if it needed to be scripted seeing as that otherwise, Goldberg might have been lost. Goldberg certainly looked strong as he was able to match power with Lex Luger, and was able to toss Roddy Piper around several times during the match. Toward the end, Piper was getting the better of Goldberg after a good old fashioned poke to the eyes, and Ted DiBiase had seen enough as got on the apron and hit Piper with a low blow, prompting a disqualification.

Winners: Rowdy Roddy Piper and Lex Luger

Grade: A


Post Match

Luger runs into the ring to try and fend off Hogan and Goldberg, but Hogan gouges him in the eye, and Goldberg takes him down with a spear. Ted DiBiase gets the spray paint out and gives it to Goldberg, giving him his first opportunity to get to tag the "nWo" letters over someone until Sting repelled down from the rafters. He stoically stood in the ring and stared down Hogan, Goldberg and DiBiase, with Goldberg staring him right back down, ready to fight. However, Hogan and DiBiase were able to restrain him and convince him to save it for another time. They walked off as Luger and Piper slowly made it back up to their feet, with Sting standing tall and staring the nWo down.

Grade: A*




Overall Show Grade: A





Announcers: Mike Tenay, Dusty Rhodes and Genifer North


-Big Bubba Rogers and Vincent def. Scotty Riggs and Mike Rapada. At the start of the show as the match got underway, Mike Tenay and Genifer North asked Dusty Rhodes how he was doing after the attack this past Monday night on Nitro, and he said he was a little sore but he'll be fine.

Grade: D+


-Mean Gene was standing by to interview Super Calo, but before he could even get a word in edgewise, Konnan and Psicosis showed up. Konnan talked smack to Super Calo, telling him he was a disappointment to luchadores everywhere. Calo had enough and went to attack Konnan, but Psicosis busted in and helped Konnan beat Calo down.

Grade: B


-Radically Awesome def. Buddy Wayne and Dusty Wolfe.

Grade: E+


-Kevin Sullivan and Jacqueline stormed into Teddy Long's office and demanded that Sullivan get a match with Lance Storm. Sullivan even offered to put his career on the line and retire if he somehow couldn't beat that "young punk." Teddy Long told him he was on: this coming Monday night on Nitro, Kevin Sullivan would take on Lance Storm, with Sullivan's career on the line.

Grade: C


-La Parka def. Rockin' Rebel.

Grade: D


-Mean Gene was back in the Uncensored Control Center, and he ran down the now final official lineup for the PPV. We also saw more taped promos from Roddy Piper and Hulk Hogan.

Grade: A


-Mortis and Hugh Morrus def. The Renegade and Prince Iaukea.

Grade: D+


-Mean Gene interviewed Jimmy Hart with the Faces Of Fear, who stood in the background looking as intimidating as ever. Hart said that with them both in the World Title #1 Contenders Battle Royal, there was no way he could lose. Mean Gene asked him what would happen if it came down to Meng and the Barbarian, and Jimmy Hart said it didn't matter and may the best Face Of Fear win.

Grade: B+


-The United Empire (Squire David Taylor, Doc Dean and Jacques Rougeau) def. Southern Justice (Bobby Eaton, Steve and Scott Armstrong).

Grade: D+


Overall Show Grade: C

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Former radio traffic reporter here in Dallas/Fort Worth. I created her for my old Dallas data and imported her.


She looked familiar, but I think it's just because I saw her in the nGo pack. I tried googling her(giggidy), but couldn't find any information.


I really like the idea of Goldberg in the nWo as it's something really fresh and new. I don't think I've ever read anyone doing that before.

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She looked familiar, but I think it's just because I saw her in the nGo pack. I tried googling her(giggidy), but couldn't find any information.


I really like the idea of Goldberg in the nWo as it's something really fresh and new. I don't think I've ever read anyone doing that before.


I think that's where you saw her, the nGo pack. And I think the reason Google isn't bringing up anything for "Genifer North" is because she doesn't use that name anymore. Though it may bring her up now because Google crawls this message board. :D


And thanks to both you and Smasher for the kind words. I think I like where I'm going to go with Mick Foley as Michael Manson, and I don't seem to recall anyone else having Goldberg in the nWo, much less starting him off as a heel with the nWo.

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I like what you're doing with Foley as well, even if he wouldn't like the Manson part of the name in real life :p


I completely forgot about that! :eek: Haha! :D Ehhh... different universe? :p


BTW, hoping to get the Uncensored predictions card posted tonight.

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I completely forgot about that! :eek: Haha! :D Ehhh... different universe? :p


BTW, hoping to get the Uncensored predictions card posted tonight.


I always use him as "Cactus" Jack Manson in games and in my head, I'm just telling him to deal with it :p

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The atmosphere backstage seems to have really been given a positive lift over the past several weeks. La Parka and Rockin' Rebel have both brought in free alcohol for the boys (and girls) over the course of the last month; I've seen Dusty Wolfe doing some rather funny cartoon sketches of some of the WCW mainstays, which they thought were pretty funny as well; and the Renegade took my stern warning to heart when he almost started a fight with Hugh Morrus. It also seems that Rocco Rock has kicked his marijuana habit after testing positive for it recently. Roddy Piper had tested positive for cocaine recently, and he said he would try to reform, but I may have to do another test on him. I can't really afford for him to fail another test though with the big strap match coming up at Uncensored. The fatherly approach did seem to be the best way to go with the Hot Rod, though.


Good show, Matty. Love the buildup of Edge, Christian and Goldberg "from scratch" with the nWo!


As we all know, the best way to build a worker's pop in TEW is to pair them up with more over workers. Often times I'll have Edge and Christian (Adam and Christian Castle respectively) set to not be rated in angles because all they're really doing is standing in the background and/or taking marching orders from their superiors in the nWo. With Goldberg, since he has great menace, I can rate him on that, and put in more over workers in angles to help him out. Edge has already auto-pushed to Lower Midcard thanks in part to being with the nWo. And with that, I'll be posting the Uncensored card shortly. As an FYI, all those incidents above didn't happen all on one show. I've just neglected to post about them until now.

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Leather Strap Match

WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hollywood Hulk Hogan (Champion) w/Ted DiBiase vs. Rowdy Roddy Piper (Challenger)

Goldberg banned from ringside!


Texas Tornado Match

WCW World Tag Team Championship

The Outsiders (Champions) vs. The Steiner Brothers (Challengers) w/Madusa


WCW United States Championship

Eddy Guerrero (Champion) vs. Lord Steven Regal (Challenger)


WCW World Television Championship

Chris Jericho (Champion) vs. V.K. Wallstreet (Challenger)


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Dean Malenko (Champion) vs. Juventud Guerrera (Challenger) w/Sonny Onno


Chicago Street Fight

The Road Warriors vs. Harlem Heat w/Sister Sherri


Bunkhouse Brawl

Diamond Dallas Page, Chris Benoit and Rob Van Dam w/Kimberly and Woman


Syxx, Buff Bagwell and Scott Norton of the New World Order


Lucha Libre Rules

Rey Mysterio Jr. and Ultimo Dragon vs. Konnan and Psicosis

Under Lucha Libre Rules, if a luchador is thrown out of the ring, his partner can come in without being tagged in.


Tables Match

Public Enemy vs. Best Of The Best w/Debra McMichael


#1 Contender's World Title Battle Royal

Winner Gets WCW World Title Shot at Spring Stampede

Participants: Alex Wright, Bobby Eaton, Brad Armstrong, Curt Hennig, Disco Inferno, Doc Dean, Hugh Morrus, Jacques Rougeau, Jim Duggan, La Parka, Lance Storm, Lex Luger, Meng, Mortis, Randy Savage, Scott Armstrong, Squire David Taylor, Steve Armstrong, Super Calo and the Barbarian


Bonus Questions:

Will Goldberg get involved in any other nWo matches?

Will Randy Savage and Curt Hennig make it to the end of the battle royal?

Will Sting get involved at any point during the show?

Will Radically Awesome help out the nWo in any way?

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Leather Strap Match

WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hollywood Hulk Hogan (Champion) w/Ted DiBiase vs. Rowdy Roddy Piper (Challenger)

Goldberg banned from ringside!


Texas Tornado Match

WCW World Tag Team Championship

The Outsiders (Champions) vs. The Steiner Brothers (Challengers) w/Madusa


WCW United States Championship

Eddy Guerrero (Champion) vs. Lord Steven Regal (Challenger)


WCW World Television Championship

Chris Jericho (Champion) vs. V.K. Wallstreet (Challenger)


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Dean Malenko (Champion) vs. Juventud Guerrera (Challenger) w/Sonny Onno


Chicago Street Fight

The Road Warriors vs. Harlem Heat w/Sister Sherri


Bunkhouse Brawl

Diamond Dallas Page, Chris Benoit and Rob Van Dam w/Kimberly and Woman


Syxx, Buff Bagwell and Scott Norton of the New World Order


Lucha Libre Rules

Rey Mysterio Jr. and Ultimo Dragon vs. Konnan and Psicosis

Under Lucha Libre Rules, if a luchador is thrown out of the ring, his partner can come in without being tagged in.


Tables Match

Public Enemy vs. Best Of The Best w/Debra McMichael


#1 Contender's World Title Battle Royal

Winner Gets WCW World Title Shot at Spring Stampede

Participants: Alex Wright, Bobby Eaton, Brad Armstrong, Curt Hennig, Disco Inferno, Doc Dean, Hugh Morrus, Jacques Rougeau, Jim Duggan, La Parka, Lance Storm, Lex Luger, Meng, Mortis, Randy Savage, Scott Armstrong, Squire David Taylor, Steve Armstrong, Super Calo and the Barbarian


Bonus Questions:

Will Goldberg get involved in any other nWo matches? no

Will Randy Savage and Curt Hennig make it to the end of the battle royal? no

Will Sting get involved at any point during the show? yes

Will Radically Awesome help out the nWo in any way? yes

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hollywood Hulk Hogan (Champion) w/Ted DiBiase vs. Rowdy Roddy Piper (Challenger)

Goldberg banned from ringside!


Texas Tornado Match

WCW World Tag Team Championship

The Outsiders (Champions) vs. The Steiner Brothers (Challengers) w/Madusa


WCW United States Championship

Eddy Guerrero (Champion) vs. Lord Steven Regal (Challenger)


WCW World Television Championship

Chris Jericho (Champion) vs. V.K. Wallstreet (Challenger)


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Dean Malenko (Champion) vs. Juventud Guerrera (Challenger) w/Sonny Onno


Chicago Street Fight

The Road Warriors vs. Harlem Heat w/Sister Sherri


Bunkhouse Brawl

Diamond Dallas Page, Chris Benoit and Rob Van Dam w/Kimberly and Woman


Syxx, Buff Bagwell and Scott Norton of the New World Order


Lucha Libre Rules

Rey Mysterio Jr. and Ultimo Dragon vs. Konnan and Psicosis

Under Lucha Libre Rules, if a luchador is thrown out of the ring, his partner can come in without being tagged in.


Tables Match

Public Enemy vs. Best Of The Best w/Debra McMichael


#1 Contender's World Title Battle Royal

Winner Gets WCW World Title Shot at Spring Stampede

Participants: Alex Wright, Bobby Eaton, Brad Armstrong, Curt Hennig, Disco Inferno, Doc Dean, Hugh Morrus, Jacques Rougeau, Jim Duggan, La Parka, Lance Storm, Lex Luger, Meng, Mortis, Randy Savage, Scott Armstrong, Squire David Taylor, Steve Armstrong, Super Calo and the Barbarian


Bonus Questions:

Will Goldberg get involved in any other nWo matches? Yes

Will Randy Savage and Curt Hennig make it to the end of the battle royal? No

Will Sting get involved at any point during the show? No

Will Radically Awesome help out the nWo in any way? Yes

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This is a pretty stacked card, with ten pretty big matches going on.


Leather Strap Match

WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hollywood Hulk Hogan (Champion) w/Ted DiBiase vs. Rowdy Roddy Piper (Challenger)

Goldberg banned from ringside!

The ban on Goldberg doesn't say anything about the rest of the nWo. And even without that, Piper isn't going to be the man to take the belt from Hollywood.


Texas Tornado Match

WCW World Tag Team Championship

The Outsiders (Champions) vs. The Steiner Brothers (Challengers) w/Madusa

Outsiders retain thanks to Goldberg.


WCW United States Championship

Eddy Guerrero (Champion) vs. Lord Steven Regal (Challenger)

A great matchup for the US title.


WCW World Television Championship

Chris Jericho (Champion) vs. V.K. Wallstreet (Challenger)

I love what you've done with Wallstreet, he doesn't really need a title to be awesome around here.


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Dean Malenko (Champion) vs. Juventud Guerrera (Challenger) w/Sonny Onno

One of all these titles will probably change hands, I'm banking on it being the Cruiser title.


Chicago Street Fight

The Road Warriors vs. Harlem Heat w/Sister Sherri

Road Warriors still have some unfinished business with the Outsiders, so they win here to move on to face them again.


Bunkhouse Brawl

Diamond Dallas Page, Chris Benoit and Rob Van Dam w/Kimberly and Woman


Syxx, Buff Bagwell and Scott Norton of the New World Order

It's almost make-or-break time for these three, if they don't win here they could spiral out of contention.


Lucha Libre Rules

Rey Mysterio Jr. and Ultimo Dragon vs. Konnan and Psicosis

Under Lucha Libre Rules, if a luchador is thrown out of the ring, his partner can come in without being tagged in.

Rey and Ultimo can either use a win here to springboard up the rankings toward either TV or US titles, or stay in a good place to go for the Cruiserweight belt.


Tables Match

Public Enemy vs. Best Of The Best w/Debra McMichael

Watching Hardcore TV on the network has made me appreciate just how Public Enemy did get so over. But they were DOA anywhere but Philly, so Mongo and Jeff take this one.


#1 Contender's World Title Battle Royal

Winner Gets WCW World Title Shot at Spring Stampede

Participants: Alex Wright, Bobby Eaton, Brad Armstrong, Curt Hennig, Disco Inferno, Doc Dean, Hugh Morrus, Jacques Rougeau, Jim Duggan, La Parka, Lance Storm, Lex Luger, Meng, Mortis, Randy Savage, Scott Armstrong, Squire David Taylor, Steve Armstrong, Super Calo and the Barbarian

Once you get Curt and Savage out of the way, none of these guys have the slightest chance of winning this.


Bonus Questions:

Will Goldberg get involved in any other nWo matches? Yes.

Will Randy Savage and Curt Hennig make it to the end of the battle royal? No.

Will Sting get involved at any point during the show? Yes.

Will Radically Awesome help out the nWo in any way? They'll try, but they will end up hurting them.

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Leather Strap Match

WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hollywood Hulk Hogan (Champion) w/Ted DiBiase vs. Rowdy Roddy Piper (Challenger)

Goldberg banned from ringside!

-Hogan's not going down any time soon.


Texas Tornado Match

WCW World Tag Team Championship

The Outsiders (Champions) vs. The Steiner Brothers (Challengers) w/Madusa

-Probably wrong, but I feel like the Steiners need the belts more than Hall and Nash, who will be just as relevant with or without titles.


WCW United States Championship

Eddy Guerrero (Champion) vs. Lord Steven Regal (Challenger)

-Probably the best pure match on the card. Regal isn't likely to win here, but I'd love to see him reach that level eventually.


WCW World Television Championship

Chris Jericho (Champion) vs. V.K. Wallstreet (Challenger)

-I think Wallstreet has a chance here, but I'd like for Jericho to have a longer reign.


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Dean Malenko (Champion) vs. Juventud Guerrera (Challenger) w/Sonny Onno

-No Juice for you!


Chicago Street Fight

The Road Warriors vs. Harlem Heat w/Sister Sherri

-Hawk and Animal losing in a Chicago street fight? No. Likewise, if it were a 'Harlem' street fight I'd be going the other way.


Bunkhouse Brawl

Diamond Dallas Page, Chris Benoit and Rob Van Dam w/Kimberly and Woman


Syxx, Buff Bagwell and Scott Norton of the New World Order

-I like the face team more but I'll pick the unified group.


Lucha Libre Rules

Rey Mysterio Jr. and Ultimo Dragon vs. Konnan and Psicosis

Under Lucha Libre Rules, if a luchador is thrown out of the ring, his partner can come in without being tagged in.

-A screwy finish of some kind.


Tables Match

Public Enemy vs. Best Of The Best w/Debra McMichael


#1 Contender's World Title Battle Royal

Winner Gets WCW World Title Shot at Spring Stampede

Participants: Alex Wright, Bobby Eaton, Brad Armstrong, Curt Hennig, Disco Inferno, Doc Dean, Hugh Morrus, Jacques Rougeau, Jim Duggan, La Parka, Lance Storm, Lex Luger, Meng, Mortis, Randy Savage, Scott Armstrong, Squire David Taylor, Steve Armstrong, Super Calo and the Barbarian


Bonus Questions:

Will Goldberg get involved in any other nWo matches? Yes

Will Randy Savage and Curt Hennig make it to the end of the battle royal? No

Will Sting get involved at any point during the show? Yes

Will Radically Awesome help out the nWo in any way? They'll try, but it won't work

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Leather Strap Match

WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hollywood Hulk Hogan (Champion) w/Ted DiBiase vs. Rowdy Roddy Piper (Challenger)

Goldberg banned from ringside!


Texas Tornado Match

WCW World Tag Team Championship

The Outsiders (Champions) vs. The Steiner Brothers (Challengers) w/Madusa


WCW United States Championship

Eddy Guerrero (Champion) vs. Lord Steven Regal (Challenger)


WCW World Television Championship

Chris Jericho (Champion) vs. V.K. Wallstreet (Challenger)


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Dean Malenko (Champion) vs. Juventud Guerrera (Challenger) w/Sonny Onno


Chicago Street Fight

The Road Warriors vs. Harlem Heat w/Sister Sherri


Bunkhouse Brawl

Diamond Dallas Page, Chris Benoit and Rob Van Dam w/Kimberly and Woman


Syxx, Buff Bagwell and Scott Norton of the New World Order


Lucha Libre Rules

Rey Mysterio Jr. and Ultimo Dragon vs. Konnan and Psicosis

Under Lucha Libre Rules, if a luchador is thrown out of the ring, his partner can come in without being tagged in.


Tables Match

Public Enemy vs. Best Of The Best w/Debra McMichael


#1 Contender's World Title Battle Royal

Winner Gets WCW World Title Shot at Spring Stampede

Participants: Alex Wright, Bobby Eaton, Brad Armstrong, Curt Hennig, Disco Inferno, Doc Dean, Hugh Morrus, Jacques Rougeau, Jim Duggan, La Parka, Lance Storm, Lex Luger, Meng, Mortis, Randy Savage, Scott Armstrong, Squire David Taylor, Steve Armstrong, Super Calo and the Barbarian


Bonus Questions:

Will Goldberg get involved in any other nWo matches? Yes

Will Randy Savage and Curt Hennig make it to the end of the battle royal? Yes

Will Sting get involved at any point during the show? Yes

Will Radically Awesome help out the nWo in any way? Yes

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Leather Strap Match

WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hollywood Hulk Hogan (Champion) w/Ted DiBiase vs. Rowdy Roddy Piper (Challenger)

Goldberg banned from ringside!


Texas Tornado Match

WCW World Tag Team Championship

The Outsiders (Champions) vs. The Steiner Brothers (Challengers) w/Madusa


WCW United States Championship

Eddy Guerrero (Champion) vs. Lord Steven Regal (Challenger)


WCW World Television Championship

Chris Jericho (Champion) vs. V.K. Wallstreet (Challenger)


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Dean Malenko (Champion) vs. Juventud Guerrera (Challenger) w/Sonny Onno

Chicago Street Fight

The Road Warriors vs. Harlem Heat w/Sister Sherri


Bunkhouse Brawl

Diamond Dallas Page, Chris Benoit and Rob Van Dam w/Kimberly and Woman


Syxx, Buff Bagwell and Scott Norton of the New World Order


Lucha Libre Rules

Rey Mysterio Jr. and Ultimo Dragon vs. Konnan and Psicosis

Under Lucha Libre Rules, if a luchador is thrown out of the ring, his partner can come in without being tagged in.


Tables Match

Public Enemy vs. Best Of The Best w/Debra McMichael


#1 Contender's World Title Battle Royal

Winner Gets WCW World Title Shot at Spring Stampede

Participants: Alex Wright, Bobby Eaton, Brad Armstrong, Curt Hennig, Disco Inferno, Doc Dean, Hugh Morrus, Jacques Rougeau, Jim Duggan, La Parka, Lance Storm, Lex Luger, Meng, Mortis, Randy Savage, Scott Armstrong, Squire David Taylor, Steve Armstrong, Super Calo and the Barbarian


Will Goldberg get involved in any other nWo matches? Yes

Will Randy Savage and Curt Hennig make it to the end of the battle royal? Yes

Will Sting get involved at any point during the show? Yes

Will Radically Awesome help out the nWo in any way? They'll try, but it won't work

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Leather Strap Match

WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hollywood Hulk Hogan (Champion) w/Ted DiBiase vs. Rowdy Roddy Piper (Challenger)

Goldberg banned from ringside!


Texas Tornado Match

WCW World Tag Team Championship

The Outsiders (Champions) vs. The Steiner Brothers (Challengers) w/Madusa


WCW United States Championship

Eddy Guerrero (Champion) vs. Lord Steven Regal (Challenger)


WCW World Television Championship

Chris Jericho (Champion) vs. V.K. Wallstreet (Challenger)


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Dean Malenko (Champion) vs. Juventud Guerrera (Challenger) w/Sonny Onno


Chicago Street Fight

The Road Warriors vs. Harlem Heat w/Sister Sherri


Bunkhouse Brawl

Diamond Dallas Page, Chris Benoit and Rob Van Dam w/Kimberly and Woman


Syxx, Buff Bagwell and Scott Norton of the New World Order

Awesome, awesome match. Aside from Bagwell, I'd kill to see these guys square off at this time. 'Cept I would've been pretty young ;)


Lucha Libre Rules

Rey Mysterio Jr. and Ultimo Dragon vs. Konnan and Psicosis

Under Lucha Libre Rules, if a luchador is thrown out of the ring, his partner can come in without being tagged in.


Tables Match

Public Enemy vs. Best Of The Best w/Debra McMichael


#1 Contender's World Title Battle Royal

Winner Gets WCW World Title Shot at Spring Stampede

Participants: Alex Wright, Bobby Eaton, Brad Armstrong, Curt Hennig, Disco Inferno, Doc Dean, Hugh Morrus, Jacques Rougeau, Jim Duggan, La Parka, Lance Storm, Lex Luger, Meng, Mortis, Randy Savage, Scott Armstrong, Squire David Taylor, Steve Armstrong, Super Calo and the Barbarian

Twas between him and Macho Man, of course.


Bonus Questions:

Will Goldberg get involved in any other nWo matches? The battle royal if that counts, and that the tag match.

Will Randy Savage and Curt Hennig make it to the end of the battle royal? Yep.

Will Sting get involved at any point during the show? Yeah.

Will Radically Awesome help out the nWo in any way? No.

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