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Simply Awesome Wrestling: May God Have Mercy On Our Souls (Cverse2k14)

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We here at Simply Awesome Wrestling are interested in giving our fans what they really want. We've been told that this includes actual names for our characters, particularly those of our two most popular combatants that we've just been calling 'The Ninja' and 'A Cowboy' for a while now. Well fret not, loyal viewers, using ancient divining techniques, high level sleuthing, and the mystical art of 'Asking' we have discovered the names of the two mysterious men who, coincidentally, will be main-eventing our next show.






Clint Van Clef


So with that out of the way...





Main Event!

Ultimo Shinobi vs Clint Van Clef


Grudge Battle

Crushinator vs Mr. Electricity!


1 VS 3 Handicap!

Purobot 9000 vs The Dread Pirates


Single Match!

Tennessee Williams vs Cheetah Boy


Four-Team Fight Frenzy!

The Intelligencia (Chess Maniac and Dr. O'Haire) vs Symbiosis (Panda Mask II and The Tic) vs Too Hot and Pamela Rojo vs Clash Rotten and El Sultan

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Segment 1: Symbiosis Debut!




We start off backstage where Panda Mask II stands, stroking at the soft fur of his panda head...wait, no, not stroking...scratching. No, he's itching! He's itching like craaaaaazy when suddenly-




The Tic hops out from behind him! Panda Mask is quick to adopt a fighting stance, but Tic quickly puts his palms up in a placating manner.


Tic: Easy now, my ursine ally! Surely you would not want to start of this, the most beautiful of partnerships, on the wrong foot, would you?


Panda Mask tilts his head and crosses his arms.


Tic: What we got right here, it's something beautiful, it's nature coming together as one to become a whole that's so much greater than the sum of its parts! We should be called...SYMBIOSIS!


Panda Mask blinks...then holds up the card for the show, which clearly shows that they are already called Symbiosis.


Tic: Huh...the marketing department works fast. Alright, buddy, let's go show that we're the best wrestlers ever!


Tic prances off heroically, leaving Panda Mask to shake his head and follow after.


Match 1: Four-Team Fight Frenzy!




Symbiosis (Panda Mask II and The Tic) vs The Intelligencia (Dr. O'Haire and Chess Maniac) vs Too Hot and Pamela Rojo vs El Sultan and Clash Rotten


The match begins with a flurry of action from all four teams as Dace Lavoie tries in vain to get each team, each with something to prove, to show some semblance of order. But sadly the ref's requests are to no avail as the fliers fly, the brawlers brawl, and Clash Rotten...well he's Clash Rotten. However, with the speed the action is going at, it's equally fast for the first elimination to take place, with Clash Rotten breaking off mid chinlock on Too Hot to go mooch some more money off of Baron Forthdyke before Too Hot slips behind him and rolls him up for a three count!


El Sultan and Clash Rotten Elminated!


El Sultan and Rotten lackadaisically head to the back as Baron Forthdyke fans them both with hundred dollar bills. Meanwhile in the ring Too Hot falls victim to a team effort from both Symbiosis and The Intelligencia, Rod theorizes this is because they're both teams that actually have names. Too Hot looks to tag in Rojo after a miscommunication by Doctor O'Haire and Chess Maniac, but the statuesque slugger drops off the apron and flicks off her partner, disappearing to the back as Too Hot Turns into a dropkick from The Tic and the Pandamonium Moonsault from Panda Mask II for the III!


Rojo and Too Hot Eliminated!


And then there were two...well, four. Symbiosis match their skill and agility against the crafty and cunning stylings of the Intelligencia. Both teams give as good as they get, the match appearing to go either way were it not for a lucky save or a carefully executed plan for one side or the other. However, it seems that of the two young teams, the Intelligencia has less chemistry than Symbiosis, and a poorly thought out aerial shoulder block from Chess Maniac ends up hitting O'Haire instead! Panda Mask tackles Maniac out of the ring as The Tic capitalizes on a recovering O'Haire with a Bloodsucker DDT that lays out O'Haire enough for Symbiosis to get the win!




Segment 2: Too Hot for Rojo


We catch up with Pamela Rojo backstage, checking out texts on her phone. Too Hot enters into the picture, panting and holding his back in pain.


Too Hot: Yo, Pammy babe, that was cold out there, honey child, what happened?


Rojo doesn't look up from her phone.


Rojo: What happened was you suck. I don't like dealing with people who suck.


Too Hot: Aw come on, honey child, we had that one, I could feel it! You just gotta trust me! We could make beautiful music together.


Rojo: Dude, you're like a thousand yers old.




Rojo: Besides, I haven't had a win here yet-




Rojo: -and I'm not interested in sharing it with a loser like you.


Too Hot: Oh for...


Rojo: But good news, the owner just let name my opponent for next week, and I know you're just the weakling that'll make me look good. See ya there.


Rojo puts away her phone and walks away nonchalantly.


Too Hot: The owner? Huh...


Too Hot tilts his head.


Gruff Voice: Move please.


Too Hot: Huh?




Too Hot: Oh crud, my bad, dude.


Rocco the Janitor grunts as Too Hot steps to the side, mopping a specific set of tiles before walking away.


Too Hot: YO! You gonna put down a wet floor sign or somethin'?


Rocco just walks away, leaving Too Hot to shrug and walk away as well.


Match 2: Rival Battle


Tennessee Williams vs Cheetah Boy


In a rematch from our inaugural show in January, Cheetah Boy and Williams squared off in another bout of 'Who looks more ridiculous?' However, there seems to be a more of an edge to Williams tonight leaving absolutely nothing to chance in his battle with his most unlikely of rivals, cutting off Cheetah Boy's high flying offense with quick eye rakes and the use of what appears to be a set of brass knuckles that Williams keeps nailing Cheetah Boy in the body with whilst expertly positioning his body in a way that Dace Lavoie can't see it.


However, Cheetah Boy has the fans on his side and he's not so easily toppled, rallying with a flurry of running moves befitting his namesake, putting Williams on the ropes and out of the ring! However, Williams, incensed, grabs his guitar and rolls into the ring, intent on whalloping Cheetah Boy with it until Dace manages to wreslte it away. But it is all a ruse, as the brass knuckles come back into play, making contact with Cheetah Boy's jaw and laying him out for Williams' Hound Dog! Lavoie doesn't appear to understand how this twist of fate happens, but it's not for a referee to question why a wrestler has been laid out, only to make the count. Which he does.




Segment 3: Williams Makes a SHOCKING ANNOUNCEMENT!


Williams isn't done after the bell, not by a long shot. He stomps at Cheetah Boy, kicking him out of the ring angrily as he goes to grab his guitar and a mic.


Williams: Let that there be a lesson to any rubberneckin' devil in disguise that thinks they can send me to the heartbreak hotel! Ah don't run from nobody startin' today, 'cuz today I just learned...Ah ain't from Tennessee!


The crowd gasps in shock.


Williams: My daddeh weren't no egg-suckin' Memphis redneck, he was a...TEXAN! A rough customer that didn't take no nothin' from nobody! That's why ya'll ain't gonna be callin' me Tennessee Williams no more! Ah ain't gonna be a joke to nobody, no sir! My new name...IS TENNESSEE TEX! And from now on, this whole company's gonna realize that YEW DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS! ...OR TENNESSEE! SO YA DOUBLE DON'T MESS WITH ME!


Williams-er, Tex, storms to the back, brandishing the mic and his guitar like trophies of war...






Match 3: Handicap Match!


Purobot 9000 vs The Dread Pirates


The crowd barely has time to register what just happened with Tex as all three of the Dread Pirates come out minus their usual swagger and with a lot of abject terror. The cause of this is quite apparent as the Purobot is hot on their trail, it seems that he has been chasing them for a COMPLETE MONTH between shows and judging from the bags under the pirates' eyes, they haven't gotten a lot in the way of sleep! The 'match', if you'd call it that, is more of a chase scene, as all three pirates trips over each other trying to figure out a way to stop the 'bot!


This goes about as well as expected for the pirates, with the Purobot running roughshod over them at every turn. Regrouping on the outside, whilst Mr. Quibbs gets his turn at a drubbing, Captain De Aske whispers something to Joanna Silver, prompting the buccaneer bombshell to hoof it up the ramp! Meanwhile in the ring, Quibbs eats a Recalibrainbuster and De Aske doesn't even try to break up the pin...but he does rummage around for something under the ring!




Segment 4: De Aske Strikes!


Before Purobot can get into his celebration protocols, De Aske attacks from behind, beating on Purobot with lefts and rights...and not having a single effect in the slightest! As Purobot turns on him, De Aske reveals his trump card: A MAGNET! De Aske jams it up against Purobot's head, causing it to shudder and stagger before ultimately locking in place! Waving over a recovering Quibbs, De Aske and his first mate look over the entrance way where Joanna arrives in the S.S Not-A-Lawn-Mower. Together the pirates load the robot onto their mighty ship and leave as De Aske cackles maniacally.



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Crushinator vs Mr. Electricity!


Crushinator is out first to a chorus of boos, stomping around the ringside area and generally terrifying everyone in sight, particularly Toronto Terry, who he stands over like a monolith with fists and angrily threatens him to stay out of the match...mostly by using synonyms for crush. Crushinator finally enters the ring and roars at Dace Lavoie, who bails, before waiting for Mr. Electricity to make his entrance. That entrance is accompanied by a familiar loud crash and a yelp of agony, before Mr. Electricity comes out nursing his leg and grimacing in pain.


Dace runs to the aisle to examine the problem, our cameras in tow. Mr. Electricity explains that he apparently 'tripped on some slippery floor' on the way to the ring and hurt his leg. Dace tries to see about getting him some medical attention...and that's when Crushinator hits the scene. The bestial brute is quick to slam Mr. Electricity with multiple hard blows to his back and face that get our hero hurting in places other than his leg. Electricity gets manhandled into the ring, where Crushinator forces Lavoie to ring the bell. The match, if one can call this beating a match, is ended quickly with a Chokeslam from Crushinator and a heartbreaking pinfall loss for Electricity.




Segment 5: Crushinator Crushinates Electricity (How Shocking!)


Even after the bell, Crushinator will not let up, he pummels Electricity with power move after power move! Powerslam! Gutbuster! Argentine Backbreaker! American Backbreaker! Each move damaging Electricity more and more, until finally it comes to the coup de grace...


A horrifying...








Then, and only then, with the sound of a wet floor sign being gently placed on tiles, does the Crushinator deem his destruction of Electricity complete and he retreats to the back, leaving our highly trained EMTs (which are not just Doctor O'Haire and the Pilgrim and a horrifyingly skimpy nurse's costume) to pick up the limp form of Electricity and carry him away to receive medical attention. Meanwhile Rod simply brags about how ahead of the curve he is to actually employ a medical professional on the roster. Terry questions just who is pulling the strings behind this unhinged madman, but Rod just bats the question away because it's time...




Clint Van Clef vs Ultimo Shinobi


In this history of professional wrestling, there have been many dream matches. Faith vs Cornell, Nemesis vs Charlie Homicide, Big Smack Scott vs Giant Redwood, but very few promotions have ever had the unique opportunity to deliver those matches when both combatants were in their primes. But SAW is not one of those promotions, SAW is in fact a promotion that thrives on seeing the hopes and dreams of its loyal fans come to life in the squared circle.


That is why our main event is a cowboy fighting a ninja.


Van Clef enters on his faithful steed, strumming a guitar as he does in lieu of entrance music. He dismounts to the cheers and boos of his supporters and detractors in his quest for the coveted key he feels belongs to him and him alone. As soon as he enters the ring a smoke bomb goes off, dissipating quickly to reveal Ultimo Shinobi, all business it would seem in the face of his greatest foe yet!


The match is the clash of styles you'd have to expect when someone told you a ninja was fighting a cowboy. Stealthy agility does battle with rugged no-nonsense brawling (with some surprising agility of its own!) as the two fighters hit each other with their best shots in SAW's greatest match to date! Thirteen minutes in a Stepping Palm Blow lands at the same time as a Right Hook and both fighters are sent sprawling! The crowd clap rhythmically as both fighters struggle to beat Dace Lavoie's count of ten, staggering towards one another, feeling the wear and tear of their hellacious battle!


Lasso Lariat-No! Counter into a Shuriken Strike-No! Counter into a Stampede Slam-NO! SHINBOI SHIRANUI!


1! 2! 3!




Segment 7: Victory...or is it!?


Ultimo Shinobi has triumphed and the key he guards is safe another day! The ultimate assassin celebrates by bowing to his fallen opponent as well as the fans before...


The lights go out...


They flicker...


Visions and sounds of a struggle...


Then they come back to...




Shinobi looks a lot worse for wear, his garments ripped, his eyes seemingly blackened under his garb, he shakes his head and retrieves his key from his regalia before producing a smoke bomb and limply dropping it, disappearing in the smoke as we cut to credits and are left with a lot more questions than when we started with!


To Be Continued...

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SAW.com Fan Survey!


Who Is Your Favorite Character?


Are The Storylines Too Goofy? Not Goofy Enough?


What Cverse Worker Would You Like To See In SAW?


What Worker, If Any, Would You Like To See Cut From SAW (badumtish)?


What's A Good Name For An Event?

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SAW.com Fan Survey!


Who Is Your Favorite Character? Purobot 9000


Are The Storylines Too Goofy? Not Goofy Enough? Just perfect.


What Cverse Worker Would You Like To See In SAW? Ron Greenhorn, because I am a sick and twisted individual


What Worker, If Any, Would You Like To See Cut From SAW (badumtish)? None so far


What's A Good Name For An Event? We Couldn't Think of a Title

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Who Is Your Favorite Character? Mr. Electricity is sensational


Are The Storylines Too Goofy? Not Goofy Enough? Just about fair goofy


What Cverse Worker Would You Like To See In SAW? The Architect


What Worker, If Any, Would You Like To See Cut From SAW (badumtish)? Grimm Quibble, we need a better shipmate


What's A Good Name For An Event? SAW: On the Jagged Edge of Sports Entertainment

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What Worker, If Any, Would You Like To See Cut From SAW (badumtish)? Grimm Quibble, we need a better shipmate


He can only leave after he channels is inner Sidney Portier and says "They call me Mr. Quibbs."


Who Is Your Favorite Character? Crushinator


Are The Storylines Too Goofy? Not Goofy Enough? Just the right amount of goffy


What Cverse Worker Would You Like To See In SAW? Man so many to choose from. That Dancing Fool Flying Jimmy Fox, could team with Too Hot. Amazing Fire Fly and Ant Man (with a mask) as an insect based team. Ace Youngblood, Roger Monterio and Alexi Lee Littlefeather as a native American Stable


What Worker, If Any, Would You Like To See Cut From SAW (badumtish)? I think its too early to fire anyone


What's A Good Name For An Event? 5 second rule, You smelt it you dealt it, Things to do in SAW when you're dead, The not-so-right stuff.

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Who Is Your Favorite Character? I quite enjoy Mr. Electricity, although the pirates are close behind


Are The Storylines Too Goofy? Not Goofy Enough?


What Cverse Worker Would You Like To See In SAW? Devastating don, he'll eat our lunches


What Worker, If Any, Would You Like To See Cut From SAW (badumtish)? too early to say everyone's entertaining so far


What's A Good Name For An Event? the Christmas episode (hold it it july)

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Survey Monkey would have been a nice way to present the survey, but it's no biggie. Still answering this one. :)


SAW.com Fan Survey!


Who Is Your Favorite Character? Whoa. Tough one. But Ah think Ah lahk listnin' to theym Tennessee Tex promos. (munches on peanut butter and banana sandwich) Elvis who?


If you accept two answers, my second pick is PuroBot 9000.


Are The Storylines Too Goofy? Not Goofy Enough? I like things goofy, and this one delivers in spades.


What Cverse Worker Would You Like To See In SAW? - THE ARCHITECT! THE ARCHITECT is Simply Awesomely Architectural, so please, by all means, hire THE ARCHITECT!


But if I may double-vote, can we get Alan Parent in there? Have him play PuroBot 9000's human sidekick.


What Worker, If Any, Would You Like To See Cut From SAW (badumtish)? No one. Love 'em all!


What's A Good Name For An Event? Simply Awesome Wrestling - Whattamaneuver!

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Who Is Your Favorite Character? Ultimo Shinobi


Are The Storylines Too Goofy? Not Goofy Enough? It's a bit too goofy for me but that what SAW is so I ain't going to complain.


What Cverse Worker Would You Like To See In SAW? Fro Sure as a Dancing Fool


What Worker, If Any, Would You Like To See Cut From SAW (badumtish)? Probably Clash Rotton.


What's A Good Name For An Event? All I can think of is SAWsome SAWce.

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This event will mark the beginning of the new era for Simply Awesome Wrestling:


One where that match card we keep posting actually means something!


In adherence to the traditions of virtually every other promotion in this or any universe, we will now begin a prediction contest that will run from event to event with special prizes for the winners. These prizes could be anything, from deciding the stipulations of a match, to selecting a SAW wrestler to be interviewed, to even a special secret surprise for our last event of the year for whoever racks up the most wins in the contest!


So get ready to agonize over probabilities and eccentricities, because...



SAW Presents: Live And Let Die And Let Live Again!



PUROBOT 9000 vs Clint Van Clef


Crushinator vs Cheetah Boy


Pamela Rojo vs Too Hot


Panda Mask II, Doctor Michael O'Haire, and The Pilgrim vs The Dread Pirates


Chess Maniac vs The Tic





Will Ultimo Shinobi make an appearance?


Will the identity of his mysterious assailant be discovered?


Where in the world is Mr. Electricity?

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PUROBOT 9000 vs Clint Van Clef

The classic robot v Cowboy, on this occasion, Robots are better

Crushinator vs Cheetah Boy

The hunter becomes the hunted


Pamela Rojo vs Too Hot

After Rojo's promo last time out, I cant see Too Hot winning


Panda Mask II, Doctor Michael O'Haire, and The Pilgrim vs The Dread Pirates

Hmmm, pirates against a doctor, a pilgrim and a panda... Easy choice


Chess Maniac vs The Tic

I prefer CM




Will Ultimo Shinobi make an appearance? Yes


Will the identity of his mysterious assailant be discovered? No.


Where in the world is Mr. Electricity? New York, so he can fight Spiderman and give him some shock treatment

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PUROBOT 9000 vs Clint Van Clef


Crushinator vs Cheetah Boy


Pamela Rojo vs Too Hot


Panda Mask II, Doctor Michael O'Haire, and The Pilgrim vs The Dread Pirates

Poor Pirates need a win. :(


Chess Maniac vs The Tic





Will Ultimo Shinobi make an appearance? Yes


Will the identity of his mysterious assailant be discovered? No


Where in the world is Mr. Electricity? Tesla Science Center

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SAW Presents: Live And Let Die And Let Live Again!



PUROBOT 9000 vs Clint Van Clef

The Purobot 9000 is unstoppable


Crushinator vs Cheetah Boy

So is the Crushinator. Maybe they should team up.


Pamela Rojo vs Too Hot

Too Hot can't handle that much heat


Panda Mask II, Doctor Michael O'Haire, and The Pilgrim vs The Dread Pirates

They call him Mr. Quibbs


Chess Maniac vs The Tic

Um its Chess Maniac





Will Ultimo Shinobi make an appearance?

He's a Ninja, that would be un-Ninja like if he just did all of this "appearing"


Will the identity of his mysterious assailant be discovered?

But then he wouldn't be a mystery. That act of observing something changes it and maybe the mysterious assailant doesn't want to change.


Where in the world is Mr. Electricity?

Vegas they needed him to light up the town when the power went out.

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SAW Presents: Live And Let Die And Let Live Again!



PUROBOT 9000 vs Clint Van Clef


Crushinator vs Cheetah Boy


Pamela Rojo vs Too Hot


Panda Mask II, Doctor Michael O'Haire, and The Pilgrim vs The Dread Pirates


Chess Maniac vs The Tic





Will Ultimo Shinobi make an appearance?


Will the identity of his mysterious assailant be discovered?

yes because everyone else says no

Where in the world is Mr. Electricity?

having a rendezvous with Carmen Sandiego

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Super Secret Pre-Show Stuff:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Baron Forthdyke cut a promo about how sadly Tennesse Tex and Clash Rotten could not be present for the night's event, as they were both up in New York, Tex to get his taxes filed, Clash to see to his Doll collection...winkety hint wink. However, they did manage to find a replacement for Rotten for another match with Sultan that was COMPLETELY PLANNED. Out came RIPW 'duperstar' Jebediah, who proceeded to beat on El Sultan for about eight minutes before Forthdyke offered to give him a new sun hat if he lost, and promptly let Sultan pin him for the three before riding off into the sunset of Amish Country.</p><p> </p><p>


<strong>SAW Presents: Live And Let Die And Let Live Again</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Segment 1: Captain De Aske's Evil Plan</strong></p><p> </p><p>

In the lair of the Dread Pirates (Read: A parking garage somewhere), deviousness is afoot!</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1276.photobucket.com/albums/y476/pteroid1/SAW/HughdeAske_zps9551a25b.jpg</span><span>http://i1276.photobucket.com/albums/y476/pteroid1/SAW/JoannaSilver_zpsb8da29d4.jpg</span><span>http://i1276.photobucket.com/albums/y476/pteroid1/SAW/GrimmQuibble_zpsf5b007cc.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Captain Hugh De Aske tinkers with Purobot 9000 as Joanna Silver and Mr. Quibbs squabble about something in the background.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>De Aske:</strong> Almost...got it! Aha! There, that ought to patch that nasty 'Palm Strike Crash' bug...aaaaand, yep, complete restructuring of his friend/foe system, so he'll never recalibrate them into some kinda mix up.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Joanna:</strong> Aye, cap'n, the magical whosiwhatsit won't jam up and try ta make fish food outta all of us again.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>De Aske:</strong> Why are you talking like we're-</p><p> </p><p>

De Aske looks behind him and blinks, looking around terrified before yanking over a nearby bottle of rum and taking a deep swig.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>De Aske:</strong> YAR! Be gettin' yore scurvy carcasses out of our hideout, sharpish! Can't ya see we've plottin' ta do!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mr. Quibbs:</strong> Plottin' Cap'n?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>De Aske:</strong> Aye! Don't think yon' match card is a mistake, Mr. Quibbs, I asked fer these matches meself! Aye, tonight is allll about destroying our competition to find Samuel Keith's treasure! First we destroy the SAW Medical Team-</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Joanna:</strong> Ha! That'll teach that fat guy for tryna look sexier than me!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>De Aske:</strong> -and the Ninja's Panda Ally!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Quibbs: </strong>Oh right, that was a thing...how does a Japanese Ninja become friends with a Chinese Panda again-?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>De Aske:</strong> AND THEN the Purobot will stop our primary competition, that confounded cowboy! Purobot, engage!</p><p> </p><p>

The Purobot judders to life, its optical ports blinking before turning to De Aske.</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1276.photobucket.com/albums/y476/pteroid1/SAW/InsaneMachine2_zpsdc7dfb62.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Purobot:</strong> PUROBOT OPERATIONAL. ENGAGING IMPRINTING DRIVES.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>De Aske:</strong> Do what with the what now?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Purobot:</strong> MASTER IDENTIFIED. ORDERS REQUIRED.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>De Aske:</strong> Aha! Right, your orders are to beat Clint Van Clef in your match tonight and send him packing from SAW! Ya got that?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Purobot:</strong> AFFIRMATIVE!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>De Aske:</strong> Fantastic! Haha...hahahaha...AHAHAHAHAHAHA!</p><p> </p><p>

De Aske throws back his head and laughs heartily, the other pirates and their robot servant do so as well!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>OPENING CONTEST!</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>


CHESS MANIAC VS THE TIC</strong></p><p> </p><p>

In a...well let's call it 1/4 of a rematch from last month's opener, Chess Maniac and The Tic opened the show with the world traveled insect matching considerable wits with the intellectual luchador! The crowd's favor seems evenly split between the two as Chess Maniac continually matched the high-flying antics of Tic with his own brand of thinking man's lucha! A kneeling attempt at begging off by Maniac is quickly followed by a shove to the leg and a precisely positioned knee cap to The Tic's face! Maniac attempts to get in his <strong>Bobby Fisherman Suplex</strong> but The Tic sandbags him at the last minute, pulling Maniac back into a cradle for a surprise pin!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>THE TIC WINS</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Segment 2: A Sensible And Refined Tag Team Breakup</strong></p><p> </p><p>

When The Tic's victory celebration finishes and he's heroically pranced his way to the back, Chess Maniac stirs from where he was sulking in defeat outside. The intellectual luchador sighs and begins to head to the back...when Doctor Michael O'Haire's music hits and...</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1276.photobucket.com/albums/y476/pteroid1/SAW/DoctorMichaelOHaire_zps49c1b520.jpg</span><span>http://i1276.photobucket.com/albums/y476/pteroid1/SAW/ThePilgrim_zpsc199a38f.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

The Bad Doctor comes out along with his accomplice, The Pilgrim, make their way out to the ring, but before they pass Maniac, they stop, turning around and beckoning to the entranceway.</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1276.photobucket.com/albums/y476/pteroid1/SAW/Nurse%20Hope%20Daye_alt03_zpsgedolgpg.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Out from the back comes a bubbly skipping young lady in a nurse's outfit (possibly the one Pilgrim was wearing last month), she hugs O'Haire's arm and sneers at Maniac as the trio pass, O'Haire haughtily staring down his rival-turned-partner-turned-rival again, and Pilgrim...well he just kind of smiles, oblivious. As they enter the ring, O'Haire grabs a microphone.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>O'Haire:</strong> The Doctor...is in! Good evening ladies and gentlemen, patients all, and a special good evening to my former confederate...Mr. Maniac.</p><p> </p><p>

Maniac once again stops his retreat to the back, turning to O'Haire.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>O'Haire:</strong> Mr. Maniac, Chess, I don't think I need to tell you, but this...performance of you is showing a level of ineptitude that borders upon the...shall we say, imbecilic?</p><p> </p><p>

Chess' eyes go wide in a sudden surprised rage.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>O'Haire:</strong> Oh well, I suppose there's nothing for it, really, you'll simply have to fade into obscurity while I and my new <strong>Practice</strong>, Mr. Pilgrim here, and <strong>Nurse Hope Daye</strong>, rise to the very top of our medical field! After all, there's no better way to server persons in the hospital, than to put them there yourself!</p><p> </p><p>

O'Haire gives a haughty laugh, echoed by Nurse Daye, while Pilgrim amuses himself making small talk with Dace Lavoie. Chess Maniac makes to retort, but sighs and walks away. The newfound trio await their ally in the upcoming battle against the pirates.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match 2!</strong></p><p>


<strong>The Practice & Panda Mask II vs The Dread Pirates</strong></p><p> </p><p>

There is a proud tradition in Mexico (and Ecuadoristan) of trios matches, indeed it's quite infectious in the American indy circuit to put on a good six man in order to get the crowd excited...granted most six man tags don't involve this motley assortment of weirdos, but what can you do? Rod, true to his roots, shouts the occasional flirtatious remark every time Nurse Daye walks by as the match goes on. Panda Mask II proves a capable fighter, even if he doesn't trust O'Haire, putting his considerable athletic prowess to bare on Quibbs and De Aske while Joanna...well she is preoccupied with angrily telling Pilgrim to 'stop acting sexy' (how she could even think that is anyone's guess) while exchanging grooming tips with Daye.</p><p> </p><p>

O'Haire finally puts an end to his team's hot streak of dominating the match by blind tagging Panda Mask and throwing wild fists at De Aske, but foolishly leaving himself open to a running neckbreaker ambush from Mr. Quibbs! Panda Mask tries to go after Quibbs, but Joanna beats him to the punch by grabbing him by each ear and laying on a colossal kiss on him! De Aske grabs O'Haire and puts him down with a tremendous <strong>Sloop Slam</strong> that has him out for the three! Joanna shoves a woozy Panda Mask away, into a <strong>Broadside Backbreaker</strong> from Quibbs that puts him out of action quite quickly! The three pirates turn their attention to Pilgrim...who is now outside the ring trying to do a square dance with Daye and Toronto Terry. The pirates look at each other, shrug, and decide to just leave well enough alone, Joanna loudly complaining about a hairball as she goes.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>THE DREAD PIRATES WIN</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Segment 3: Van Clef Prepares For a Showdown</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The scene: A saloon that is most definitely not the Bar portion of the Rainbow Bar and Grill! The actors: One Clint Van Clef and a mustachioed bartender, cleaning a glass.</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1276.photobucket.com/albums/y476/pteroid1/SAW/Ford%20Gumble_zpssdkk9b9k.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Van Clef:</strong> Not easy, y'know, bein' a cowboy these days. Everyone just wants to go all over in their horseless carriages, chokin' up the air with the smell of gasoline and burnt rubber. People just want to take it fast, never knowin' how easy they could have it if they just...took it slow, lived on the trail, like me. Y'know how long it took me to get here from 'ole Cally-forn-ai-ae? Five years, and in that time I learned a lot of lessons, met a lot of friends, made a lot of enemies, but one reminds me of a lesson I learned that I think applies to tonight. There's a way to beat a robot...ya just gotta know where to hit 'em.</p><p> </p><p>

Van Clef grins, raising a shot glass as he reclines against the bar.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Bartender:</strong> Hey buddy...ya realize ya can't have that in here, right?</p><p> </p><p>

The camera zooms out to reveal that Van Clef's horse is standing next to him at the bar, making the other patrons look quite perturbed.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Van Clef:</strong> He goes where I go, like my shadow at sunset.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Bartender:</strong> Well your shadow at sunset won't stop eating the pretzels!</p><p> </p><p>

Van Clef merely shrugs as we fade out to intermission.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Bartender:</strong> THIS IS NOT A #%#@ ANIMAL SHELTER! BEAMS! GET OVER HERE YA DUMB SON OF A-</p><p> </p><p>


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Match 3!


Too Hot VS Pamela Rojo


Rojo is going into this match with something to prove and it shows as the quite gentlemanly (read: love struck) Too Hot continually tries to use more scientific moves to avoid hurting Rojo's pretty face...which Rojo most certainly powers her way out of with hard strikes and slams. Generally this is an absolute beating in Rojo's favor until Too Hot finally begs off, rolling out of the ring and retrieving...




A bouquet of flowers! Too Hot presents them to Rojo on bended knee, a hand over his heart as...well presumably looks longingly at her, he does have a hat on. Rojo's response is to take the flowers...and smack Too Hot upside the head with them, before booting him in the gut and hitting a Rojo Bomb and getting the pin! Rojo nonchalantly whips out her cell phone and takes a selfie with Dace Lavoie (who naturally duck faces for it) before leaving Too Hot down and out on the mat.




Semi Main Event!


Cheetah Boy vs Crushinator


Cheetah Boy runs out, half to check on Too Hot, half to kind of just...get him out of the ring for his match. With some totally gentle nudges with his foot, CB manages to get Too Hot to roll out, holding his head...just in time for Crushinator to stomp out from the back, grab him by the hat, and chuck him towards the bar (where Clint Van Clef has moved on, but his horse has stayed to continue to devour pretzels). Crushinator lets out a loud roar...which gets cut off by Cheetah Boy launching himself between the ropes at the behemoth!


Crushinator gets staggered and Cheetah Boy tries to keep his momentum by leaping back onto the apron and hitting Crushinator with a asai moonsault! Crushinator crashes to the mat and Cheetah Boy bounces for joy, getting up onto the top turnbuckle in order to crossbody the big man as he gets up! Cheetah Boy runs laps around the ring each time coming across a rising Crushinator and giving him a dropkick, before rolling to his feet and running around again! This process continues an uncomfortably long amount of time before Toronto Terry, seemingly quite incensed, shouts at Cheetah Boy to "Stop spamming the run attacks you cheap jerk!"


Cheetah Boy blinks, stopping at a critical moment, allowing Crushinator to grab him by the throat and put him down with a hard chokeslam! With very little effort, Crushinator throws Cheetah Boy into the ring, officially starting the match, and pinning him for the win. Toronto Terry, still angry, folds his arms and mutters something about his big brother being 'such a cheater'.


Segment 4: Electrifying Declaration!


Crushinator stomps around the ring, beating his chest, emboldened by his latest conquest. Cheetah Boy can only barely roll his way out of the ring before even more punishment is turned upon him. However, this just means the only person left in the ring with the behemoth is Dace Lavoie himself, and he's too old and paunchy to run away! Crushinator cracks his knuckles and advances on our portly official until-



Bedazzled hat, bedazzled shades, bedazzled MIC!


Mr. Electricity appears in the crowd, holding a microphone!


Mr. Electricity: Hold it RIGHT there, baby, you think you'n me are done so ya gonna try and take a swing at Fat Albert over there? Nah nah nah, ya big baby, I got one more slugfest with ya in me!


Crushinator throws Dace to the side and folds his arms at the tacky hero.


Mr. Electricity: If that owner of this little group is-a listenin', if he lets me take another crack at Crushy, I'll let YOU name the rules, big boy! What do ya say?


Crushinator glares at Electricity, but there comes a clattering from backstage happens and coincidentally Crushinator immediately nods his head to Electricity's terms.


Mr. Elecrticity: Heh, oh, and one more thing, big boy...I know who you're working for.


Crushinator seems surprised, starting towards the ropes, but is unable to catch Electricity, who disappears just as quickly as he appeared. Fuming, Crushinator storms backstage once more. Stopping to deck Too Hot, who finally managed to get back towards the ring, and making him sprawl on the floor.






Both men-er, competitors come into this fight with everything they've got...well I mean, Van Clef's horse is still over at the bar, and Purobot only has De Aske with him, but you get what we mean. However, this match really shows that for all their differences, the two are very similar in a lot of ways. They both have surprisingly high flying offense, one utilizing pin-point accurate software, the other with agility honed on the trail. One is a soulless machine that is the minion of a corrupt and violent drunkard, the other one worked for Tommy Cornell. Really, a lot of similarities below the surface.


The fight itself, soon cannot find itself contained to the confines of the ring and both fighters are brawling all over the Flamingo Bar and Grill! De Aske, knowing that a draw won't help his long term goals, runs interference for his minion by screwing up Dace's counting repeatedly, much to the referee's annoyance!


Still, for all of the technological advances of Purobot, you can't beat basic human ingenuity, read: Cheating. Van Clef, as the brawl gets closer to the bar, grabs a bottle of whiskey and throws the contents in Purobot's face! Purobot again begins to short out and Van Clef makes a bee-line for the ring to fend off De Aske and get Lavoie to start the count...just in time for De Aske to leap onto him from behind, slamming fists into the back of his head as Dace calls for the bell!




Segment 5: Everything Falls Apart!


De Aske continues to beat on Van Clef, heedless of the ringing of the bell and the shouting of Lavoie! The pirate, however, gets a bit too cocky in his attacks and a will timed counter hit sends De Aske stumbling off the rough and tumble cowboy. Van Clef advances on a staggering De Aske...but the pirate smirks and produces a remote, pressing a button...





With an absurd speed, the Purobot dashes back to the ring, catching a surprised Van Clef with rapid kicks to the body and a hard one to the face that sends him reeling. With a savage grin, De Aske stands next to his machine, all seems lost for Van Clef...




A smoke bomb detonates mid ring, a dark figure appears out of nowhere, standing beside the kneeling figure one could assume to be Van Clef. As the smoke clears...




Ultimo Shinobi stands on his side, allowing a down but not out Van Clef to stand. The two uneasy allies look at each other, then at De Aske and Purobot. A showdown seems inevitable until-


The lights go out...


They flicker...


Visions and sounds of a struggle...


Then they come back to...




Rod Beams stands up, looking enraged.



Rod: AGAIN with dis crap!? Who the heck is doin' dis!?


Final Segment...


In the dark behind the Flamingo Bar and Grill...




Rocco The Janitor places another trash bag into the almost over-flowing dumpster, his face locked into an almost eternal snarl. He grumbles under his breath as he wipes another sheen of grime onto his jumpsuit.


Voice: The target has been acquired.


A figure in the darkness, hidden from the revealing light of the single light in the Flamingo's back, addresses the humble janitor.


Rocco: ...


Voice: Did you not hear me? I said-


Rocco: Ya acted too rashly.


Voice: Excuse me?


Rocco: Yer dealin' with forces outta yer control, boy, you an' yer boss.


Voice: I very much doubt that, but a deal is a deal, you realize, you agreed to the terms.


Rocco: I did. Give it.


A hand in the darkness reaches forward to hand Rocco...


...the key to Samuel Keith's treasure.


Rocco: Heh, ain't seen this in a dog's age...


Rocco...grabs the hand of the person presenting the key and yanks him forward into the light.




Man: Gah!


Rocco grins.


Rocco: I've seen yer face now, boy, don't think ya can double cross me.


Man: My employer is a man of his word, and he'll pay you greatly for safekeeping the key until his arrival.


Rocco grouses, but slowly takes the key and drops it into his jumpsuit's pocket.


Rocco: And I will...but listen close an' listen well, yer kickin' off events that are gonna domino their way all over the globe. That ninja ain't the only one who was supposed ta keep this safe and now? Someone'll be comin' fer it.


Man: We've prepared for every eventuality. Now do your job.


The strange man turns away and disappears into the night. Rocco gives a snaggle-toothed grin as a hulking figure appears behind him.


Rocco: Heh, you can feel it too can't ya? A change in the wind? It can only mean one thing...


As if on cue, the wind begins to whip around behind the bar.


Rocco: A Son of Sam is comin' home.



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SAW Presents: The Ballad of Barry Bluejeans



Ultimo Shinobi vs Purobot 9000



Mr. Electricity vs Crushinator


Red Hot Rhythm (Tennessee Tex and Pamela Rojo) vs Clash Rotten and El Sultan


Hugh De Aske vs Too Hot


The Practice (Doctor Michael O'Haire and ???) vs Symbiosis (Tic and Panda Mask II)



The Pilgrim vs Joanna Silver


Bonus Questions!


Someone will call out the mysterious attacker this show, who will it be?


Who is the third man in the Practice?


Is that horse STILL eating pretzels!?

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Ultimo Shinobi vs Purobot 9000



Mr. Electricity vs Crushinator


Red Hot Rhythm (Tennessee Tex and Pamela Rojo) vs Clash Rotten and El Sultan


Hugh De Aske vs Too Hot


The Practice (Doctor Michael O'Haire and ???) vs Symbiosis (Tic and Panda Mask II)



The Pilgrim vs Joanna Silver


Bonus Questions!


Someone will call out the mysterious attacker this show, who will it be?

clint van clef


Who is the third man in the Practice?



Is that horse STILL eating pretzels!?


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SAW Presents: The Ballad of Barry Bluejeans



Ultimo Shinobi vs Purobot 9000

Interfer-er loses to interview-ee rule


Mr. Electricityvs Crushinator

As much as the Crushinator is getting the Goldberg treatment... I really like Electricity.

Red Hot Rhythm (Tennessee Tex and Pamela Rojo) vs Clash Rotten and El Sultan

Team with name defeats... Clash Rotten and the Arabian Jobber

Hugh De Aske vs Too Hot

The Pirate takes the Arrbya

The Practice (Doctor Michael O'Haire and ???) vs Symbiosis (Tic and Panda Mask II)


The Pilgrim vs Joanna Silver

I don't see The Pilgrim winning much -- even if he is arguably hotter than Joanna Silver.

Someone will call out the mysterious attacker this show, who will it be?

Too Hot

Who is the third man in the Practice?

It has to be Dermot O'Logical

Is that horse STILL eating pretzels!?


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Ultimo Shinobi vs Purobot 9000

I just prefer Shinobi


Mr. Electricity vs Crushinator

Crushinator is just a better choice

Red Hot Rhythm (Tennessee Tex and Pamela Rojo) vs Clash Rotten and El Sultan

Named team should go over

Hugh De Aske vs Too Hot

HDA is more over

The Practice (Doctor Michael O'Haire and ???) vs Symbiosis (Tic and Panda Mask II)

Tic and Panda Mask are jobbers


The Pilgrim vs Joanna Silver

Silver is hotter, obviously

Bonus Questions!


Someone will call out the mysterious attacker this show, who will it be?

Prob Our resident cowboy, Clint Van Clef

Who is the third man in the Practice?

El Medico.

Is that horse STILL eating pretzels!? More than likely.

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SAW Presents: The Ballad of Barry Bluejeans



Ultimo Shinobi vs Purobot 9000



Mr. Electricity vs Crushinator


Red Hot Rhythm (Tennessee Tex and Pamela Rojo) vs Clash Rotten and El Sultan


Hugh De Aske vs Too Hot


The Practice (Doctor Michael O'Haire and ???) vs Symbiosis (Tic and Panda Mask II)



The Pilgrim vs Joanna Silver


Bonus Questions!


Someone will call out the mysterious attacker this show, who will it be?

Ultimo Shinobi


Who is the third man in the Practice?

Dermot O'Logical


Is that horse STILL eating pretzels!?

Among other things.

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