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Midwest Championship Wrestling: Youth Movement

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Tommy Cornell said I’d be a star in TCW. I was well on my way, but my ego was telling me differently. Tommy and his head booker, Joel Bryant had shown their faith in me with my three stints as All Action Champion and a decent reign as International Champion through half of 2013. I had seen it happen numerous times before me; the International Title was the final stepping stone before heading into the main event scene. Tommy and I had even had a meeting early in the year to discuss the potential for a push towards a heel turn and challenging Rocky Golden for the World Heavyweight Title, which he was scheduled to win half way through the year. I did my best to keep my ego in check and work hard in the ring as we approached my promised push. I had a countdown widget on my Samsung Galaxy and watched it countdown closer to zero. The days clicked off to an event two months before I was scheduled to challenge for the title. Being in the wrestling business for the amount of time that I had been, I knew that the buildup should have started on this night. I checked the script and saw nothing special scheduled between Rocky and I. I was scheduled to defeat Harry Allen in a dark match before Total Wrestling hit the air. I kept telling myself that it just wasn’t time to pull the trigger yet. The days kept ticking down closer to my moment of glory with not so much as appearing on screen with Rocky. Despite my gut telling me I should give up on my hopes, I stayed positive until my countdown hit zero and watched Tommy Cornell challenge Rocky Golden for the title and fall short.


Apparently plans had changed and nobody had deemed it necessary to inform me. I felt a fire spark inside of me; one of anger. Gone were the days of keeping to myself in the locker room so as to not screw my position up. I had always been considered a troublemaker backstage because of my attitude, mean spirited pranks and downright jerk-like behavior, but even I am embarrassed as I look back to the way I behaved through the last half of 2013. It all came to a head at the TCW Christmas party in mid December. I had recently made the move from Los Angeles to Des Moines, Iowa thinking that a change of environment might help my attitude. So I mingled with both the on and off-air staff of TCW. I shared pleasantries for an hour or so before I stumbled across Tommy Cornell and Joel Bryant speaking near the bar. I smiled and nodded as I asked the bartender for a beer just a foot or so from their conversation. After receiving my beverage and slapping a couple of bucks onto the bar, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to find Tommy Cornell smiling at me.


Tommy: You ready for your run at the Heavyweight Title?


It was all it took.


Andrews: You mean the shot I was supposed to get four damn months ago? The shot YOUR lying ass told me I’d get? I was ready for that shot two years ago, but you and your mindless old fart of a yes man over here were too f*cking stupid to realize the potential I had.


The smile was gone from Tommy’s face and Joel’s was filled with a scowl that rivaled my mother’s. I knew there was no turning back at this point and I started to lay it on thicker and heavier. I have since regretted my words, so I won’t share the exact verbiage I spat in Tommy and Joel’s direction. My friend Chance Fortune stepped between us as I began sharing my thoughts on the promiscuity of Tommy’s wife and my thoughts on the possibility that his son was the mailman’s offspring. Chance pushed me out to the entrance of the hotel the party was being held at and told me to cool off before coming back inside. I knew better and took one final pull from my beer before calling a cab and heading back to my hotel room across town.


As luck had it, my contract was set to expire when the ball dropped to mark the New Year. TCW had never been the best contract negotiators, which would explain why they had never been able to steal any talent away from SWF to make a run at being number one. The extension I had signed in 2008 was signed twenty minutes before Total Wrestling went on the air on the last day my contract was valid. So despite my actions, I wasn’t worried about my contract. Upon my arrival back home in Des Moines the next day I had received an e-mail from TCW, notifying me of a fifteen day suspension. I scoffed and laughed as I headed for my home gym. The next fifteen days began to eat away at my conscious as I checked my mailbox for the contract that I was expecting in the mail. Looking back, I guess it wasn’t that surprising that December 31st came and passed without a scrap of mail coming in from the legal department of TCW. They allowed my contract to expire and I was now unemployed. I told myself it would only be a matter of time before one of the other bigger companies would come calling. I was Aaron Andrews after all; I had the “holy trinity” that had defined me as THE future superstar. Two weeks passed and my phone never rang with a job offer. I got adventurous and called SWF’s east coast headquarters. Richard Eisen’s secretary politely told me that he had no interest in speaking with me. On the surface it appeared as though my uproar had been kept from the public, but it seemed as though I had not been as lucky when it came to everyone in the business. I spent a few days making phone calls, but nobody was interested.</td>



To be continued.......




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The Youth Movement Begins.....




I became dejected and turned to my friends elsewhere in the wrestling business for support. I was still an avid wrestling mark at heart and tried to keep up with the independent scene as much as I could. Back in 2007, I noticed two young upstarts debut in the business together and I got nervous about being wrestling’s greatest prospect. Just one year out of training myself, these guys were turning heads on the independent scene and I noticed. I had been trained and mentored by some of TCW’s best, but these two guys were personally taught by Rip Chord himself. So I made the effort to reach out to Casey Valentine and Cameron Vessey a year after their debuts. By that time I had stopped worrying about them as a threat to me; I was on the fast track to stardom having been inked by TCW right off the bat. They were fighting through the minor leagues to get noticed. Part of me envied them for having to endure little to no money per show and horrible travel to be seen, but my ego told me I deserved to skip over that part of a wrestling career. I made the trip out to one of MAW’s shows and kept myself hidden during the show. I approached Casey and Cameron after the show and complimented them on their progress so far. They were thrilled to have gotten the attention of somebody from one of the bigger companies. The three of us went out that night after the show and have been close friends ever since. I won’t lie, I had suspicions about their motives when we first became friends; I wondered if they kept in contact with me in hopes that they’d be the next guys to get signed by TCW. After a while though I could tell they were still happy soaking in all of the knowledge that Rip had to offer and enjoyed working for MAW. Truth be told, I did bring them up to Tommy on a few different occasions, but he never really took my suggestions seriously. We became wrestling’s greatest scouts, attending small time shows whenever we could to watch for the next great prospects. About a year after I met them, a young kid trying to make it as an announcer in the business started turning up at MAW shows. He always came ready to work, but Rip never asked him to. He attached himself to our group, and while it was annoying at first, he eventually grew on us. Davis Ditterich is now one of my best friends in the wrestling industry. I was the only one of us that was at a low point in his career at the time. Davis had inked a deal with CGC, Cameron was wrestling for NOTBPW and Casey’s uncle Peter had finally gotten him in the door of USPW. I was going to be surprised just how unsettled Cameron and Casey were in their new surroundings.


The four of us had made plans to meet up and catch a show in Nebraska the second week in January. I had a passion for wrestling and was damn close to offering to work the show for free, just so I could get back in the ring. The others laughed at me and we “enjoyed” the show from the back of the bleachers wearing dark glasses and baseball caps to conceal our identities. We didn’t exactly blend in with the fifty or so people in attendance, but nobody approached us as we watched train wreck after train wreck inside the ring. We spent most of the night commenting on what we would have done differently. After three grueling hours of simply horrid wrestling we exited the building and headed to the local IHOP to grab a meal. The talk at dinner never strayed from wrestling; it never did with us. I asked Cameron and Casey how things were going in NOTBPW and USPW respectively and was very surprised to hear their responses. Cameron was unhappy with his initial push into the company. NOTBPW had long been a place where you earned your place on the roster from the bottom rung up no matter how highly touted you were. They had strayed from that mold a few times in the past and had decided to give it a go with Cameron. He had a strong start, but after three months, they kind of let him fizzle. He was not opposed to having to work his way up, but he was unhappy with how damaging it was to his character to be thrust into the faces of all the NOTBPW faithful and then left to be forgotten about. Casey on the other hand was already sick of living in his uncle’s shadow at every show. His biggest complaint was that he had never been called by his first name since entering USPW. It was always “Larry’s kid” or “Peter’s nephew.” He knew that until the day his uncle left the business, he’d never be the featured Valentine. At least in USPW.


Davis was the butt of a lot of our jokes and tonight wasn’t an exception. Casey made a comment about Davis being able to have a better match than half the guys we had seen tonight and we all shared a laugh. Talk continued and I jokingly said that the four of us could have booked a show a hundred times better. I chuckled as I said it, but Cameron and Casey must have thought the same thing at the same time and looked to each other. They both looked at me and grinned. Cameron almost burst at the seams with excitement and pointed out that that could be the solution to all of our problems. Casey was fast to agree. They both went on a ten minute pitch of starting our own company to give us all a change of scenery. Davis remained quiet throughout; he had never been one to flaunt his fortunes to others.


When they first mentioned the idea, it was laughable. But the more they talked about it, the better it sounded. I had a lot of money saved up and while we wouldn’t be huge out of the gate by any means, we could survive if we played things smart. We spent the next two hours in that booth at an IHOP in Nebraska scribbling ideas on napkins. It was all good fun and when we got to our hotel rooms, I figured that was the end of it; we’d laugh about it in the morning. When we met for breakfast in the morning, the first thing out of Cam’s mouth was about his and Casey’s plan to pack up and move to Des Moines to be closer to our target location as decided the night prior. I tried to talk Cam and Casey out of walking away from good money contracts, but they weren’t listening. They wanted to make a youth movement in wrestling. Once I realized that this was actually possible, I got on board and the three of us went to town talking over details during breakfast. We left Davis out of the conversation until he piped up and said he wouldn’t miss this for the world. We all thought he was crazy because of how happy he was and how well he was performing in CGC. His mind was made up though and there was no talking him out of it. That’s when I realized it.


Midwest Championship Wrestling had been born at an IHOP in Nebraska.</td>


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Midwest Championship Wrestling


<table width="60%"><tr><td>Owned by: Aaron Andrews, Casey Valentine, Cameron Vessey and Davis Ditterich

Based In: Des Moines, Iowa (Midwest Region)

Starting Size: Local

Starting Cash: $25,000

Starting Prestige: 0

Starting Momentum: 0

Starting Popularity: 0 (Across ALL Regions)



Match Ratio: 80%

Match Intensity: 70%

Match Danger: 70%


Key Features: Traditional, Modern

Medium Features: Lucha Libre



<a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2043229&postcount=16">Dawnings 2014</a>

<a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2044602&postcount=24">Insurgency 2014</a>

<a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2046465&postcount=36">Insanity Plea 2014</a>

<a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2048439&postcount=45">Something To Prove 2014</a>

<a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2050053&postcount=57">Road To Glory 2014</a>

<a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2050721&postcount=67">Afflicted Glory 2014</a>

<a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2052032&postcount=79">Whatever It Takes 2014</a>

<a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2054261&postcount=94">Revolution I</a>


Title Histories



MCW Heavyweight Title

Current Champion: Casey Valentine

<iframe src="http://www.wxrobbie.com/MCW/Titles/mcwheavyweight.html" style="border:3px black double;" name="main" scrolling="yes" frameborder="1" align="top" height="350px" width="1020px" style="overflow-x:hidden;" horizontalscrolling="no" verticalscrolling="yes">




MCW Road To Glory

2014 Winner: Aaron Andrews

<iframe src="http://www.wxrobbie.com/MCW/Titles/roadtoglory.html" style="border:3px black double;" name="main" scrolling="yes" frameborder="1" align="top" height="350px" width="1020px" style="overflow-x:hidden;" horizontalscrolling="no" verticalscrolling="yes">





LAST UPDATED: 04/03/15

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<table width="80%">

<tr><td align=center colspan="5">http://www.wxrobbie.com/MCW/MCW.png<br>Talent Roster</td></tr><tr></tr>


<td align=center>http://www.wxrobbie.com/MCW/People/Aaron%20Andrews.jpg

Aaron Andrews</td>

<td align=center>http://www.wxrobbie.com/MCW/People/Bradley%20Wright.jpg

"The Architect"<bR>Bradley Wright</td>

<td align=center>http://www.wxrobbie.com/MCW/People/Cameron%20Vessey.jpg

Cameron Vessey</td>

<td align=center>http://www.wxrobbie.com/MCW/People/Casey%20Valentine.jpg

Casey Valentine</td>

<td align=center>http://www.wxrobbie.com/MCW/People/Davis%20Wayne%20Newton.jpg

Davis Wayne Newton</td></tr>

<tr><td align=center>http://www.wxrobbie.com/MCW/People/Ernest%20Youngman.jpg

Ernest Youngman</td>

<td align=center>http://www.wxrobbie.com/MCW/People/Greg%20Gauge.jpg

Greg Gauge</td>

<td align=center>http://www.wxrobbie.com/MCW/People/Jamie%20Atherton.jpg

Jaime Atherton</td>

<td align=center>http://www.wxrobbie.com/MCW/People/Kenny%20Kuntz.jpg

"K-Squared" Kenny Kuntz</td>

<td align=center>http://www.wxrobbie.com/MCW/People/KC%20Glenn.jpg

KC Glenn</td></tr>


<td align=center>http://www.wxrobbie.com/MCW/People/Morgan%20Malone.jpg

Morgan Malone</td>

<td align=center>http://www.wxrobbie.com/MCW/People/Nigel%20Svensson.jpg

Nigel Svensson</td>

<td align=center>http://www.wxrobbie.com/MCW/People/Syd%20Collier.jpg

Syd Collier</td></tr>


<td align=center colspan="5">Staff</td></tr>


<td align=center>http://www.wxrobbie.com/MCW/People/Davis%20Ditterich.jpg

Davis Ditterich - Play by Play</td>

<td align=center>http://www.wxrobbie.com/MCW/People/Duke%20Hazzard.jpg

Duke Hazzard - Color</td>

<td align=center>http://www.wxrobbie.com/MCW/People/Erin%20Lawrence.jpg

Erin Lawrence - Referee</td>

<td align=center>http://www.wxrobbie.com/MCW/People/Reese%20Paige.jpg

Reese Paige - Road Agent</td></tr>




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I made the trip back home and started researching what I would need to do to get our new company off the ground. On the drive, I had thought a lot about the financial logistics of the project and had come to two possible conclusions. We either needed to acquire a small business loan to get us on our feet, or I was going to have to front the money. I debated in my head over which was the better option, and finally decided that getting a loan wasn’t worth the hassle, if we would even be able to obtain one in the first place. One thing I had always been smart about was my money. At the end of 2013, I received my final paycheck from TCW, totaling $25,000. I had been pulling in right around $13,000 per month for the last few years after my contract met a tenure requirement and bumped up from my previous pay grade. I was able to live comfortably and invest a portion of my money. I had plenty to live on and figured with my name crossing through the checks required to get a loan, they’d laugh at our application and deny us. So I decided to pay for any of the necessary purchases up front, open an account with a starting balance of $25,000 and place another $10,000 in the highest interest CD I could find in case we ever needed it. Casey, Cam and Davis seemed a little hesitant to allow me to fund the endeavor, but after listening to the same reasoning that I had given myself in my head, they really had no argument. I promised them that all four of us were going to get an equal cut as business partners and that I would never hold this over their heads. I made it clear to them that I would want my initial investment back if we ever became a flourishing company that was making buckets of cash and they didn’t seem to have a problem with that.


All three of them made a trip up a couple of days later and I took a break from all of my research to sit down and make a business plan with them. We all settled on having monthly meetings to talk business and creative matters over. We also decided that one monthly show for the time being was a good way to start off and set our first show tentative for the end of February. It was already the third week of January, so waiting another full month would give us time to square things away. One thing that we didn’t touch upon was how the three of them got out of their respective contracts. I hinted at the situation, asking if any of them would be unable to compete at the end of February due to the standard 90 day No Compete clause in most contracts, but they all said they would be ready to go. Before the three of them left, they spoke to me about something that, I have to say, hurt coming from my best friends. They told me I was going to have to change my attitude. Cam and Casey can play some of the best heels I’ve ever seen at a show, but they told me I was the biggest heel they’d ever met in real life. They were right; I was the factor that could potentially drag us down. While the four of us were in on things together, I was the biggest name and people would only hear Aaron Andrews. My bad reputation needed to transform and it was up to me to do that. Their comments hurt, but I couldn’t blame them for telling me the truth. They apologized before getting up to head out apartment hunting. I saw this as my first opportunity to do something nice, especially for my friends and business partners. My house wasn’t exactly small and had plenty of room for the four of us. I was the only one sitting on a decent savings and we weren’t sure how much money, if any, we’d be taking away the first few months. It took some convincing, but all three of them finally agreed to move into my home. They all made another trip home to box up the rest of their essentials and get them shipped to Des Moines. Meanwhile, I went back to work trying to tidy up all of the loose ends there were in creating a business. I didn’t realize just how much work that was, so I turned to a friend from high school that had become a lawyer and just set up his own firm. I hired him as the legal services for MCW at a generously discounted rate and he took charge of registering all of our trademarks and things that nobody had ever thought about. That left me more time to start making calls to acquire a ring, seating and all of the other goodies that were needed. I also began calling around to see who might want to work for us.


Negotiating pay per appearance deals was tough. I had made a list of guys that I knew would be a perfect fit for our project and would bring great talent to the table to boot, but their asking price was just too high. Both the economy and the industry were at a relatively low strength at the moment and that was going to both help and hinder us. A tanked economy meant that contracts would be cheaper than they normally would be, but fans would be less likely to spend the little extra cash they had to come see a wrestling show, especially when interest in the wrestling industry was down. Luckily, the economy was showing signs of recovery, while the industry was still on the downturn. I was able to consider some guys that I wouldn’t have been able to afford had the economy been stronger, but when they came up for renewal, their wages would probably be through the roof. I had decided I needed to cap our wages bill initially to avoid going bankrupt after a few shows. That meant I would have to get creative with our talent and our staff. I did splurge for a color commentator, because one guy stood out in my mind as a great fit for our company and I had been a fan of his work for a few years. Our referee and road agent spots were a different story though. I really wanted to bring in Jay Fair as our referee, but his asking price was just too outlandish for a promotion our size. There were also plenty of good road agents I had looked into, but again had to take a few steps back because of wages. I was happy with the ones I had signed, but knew I would be looking to upgrade in the future. Wrestler wise, I dove into the Canadian independent scene to hire a few guys that seemed like they had un-tapped potential to perform well. I was only semi-familiar with their work, so it would be interesting to see if they transitioned well into the American wrestling scene. We were going for a youthful, high impact, fast paced style of wrestling to freshen things up a bit.


After two weeks, I was mentally exhausted, but it was all done. We had hired our initial roster, sorted through them and placed them throughout the card as best as we could and had began planning our first card. I had found a building in Iowa that was perfect for our first shows and booked dates from February through June to start out. The next thing I decided I’d take the liberty of doing was putting together a report for everyone to see at our business meetings. I decided to log onto Total Extreme Wrestling, an online wrestling dirt sheet and keep tabs on the American wrestling scene, log news and notable title changes into the report and put a financial analysis in as well. January would be my first crack at it.



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OOC Notes:


Thank you to those who have shown interest in this and viewed thus far. I've updated the third post as a little bit of an information page. The placeholder after that is going to be used for a roster, updated monthly (game time) if necessary. I haven't done a dynasty since TEW10 and am finally excited to get into this story. I had started writing for this right after TEW13 came out, but found myself having more fun just playing the game. My creative itch got to me and I let that game sink into the abyss that is my Save Games and started putting this together. I have about 6 months game time run so far and will be beginning the meat and potatoes of the story here in the next day or two. I'll be happy to have all the active readers that I can, but I already like how the view count is climbing. I'm excited to take this journey and will be glad to have you along for the ride.



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OOC Note: I updated the third post with my initial roster, so be sure to check that out! I know this has been a lot of information thrown out there without any real game action, but that is coming. Hopefully tomorrow night before my City Council meeting I can get the card for our first show up for predictions. Hope you're liking things so far. The financial statement contained in this post didn't format the way I wanted it to, so I'm going to work on it for the next month. I had it looking very sleek in Word and it just didn't cooperate with me when I pasted it into the post editor here.


<table width=80%><tr><td>There was no doubt that my home gym was Cam and Casey’s favorite room in the house; they were spending nearly 5 hours a day doing some sort of workout. They pulled themselves from the weights long enough to meet myself and Davis in the living room for our first monthly meeting. We didn’t have much to talk about, except finalize the plans we had been informally hashing out for our first show. There would be a tournament to crown the first Heavyweight Champion featured and our roster was just about perfect for the event. We knew we’d have to do some atypical match-ups in the first round, but we felt confident about the semi-finals and the final bout. We only spent an hour on the show before I finally was able to turn my attention towards the end of month report I had created.


Midwest Championship Wrestling End of Month Report

January 2014


American Economy

46% of Full Potential

Trend: Down


American Wrestling Industry

27% of Full Potential

Trend: Up


Company Financial Statement


January 2014 Beginning Balance



February 2014 Beginning Balance



Profit: $5,489 (Sponsorship)



Notable News from the Wrestling Industry

- 5SSW rose to be classified as a Regional sized company.

- Grimm Quibble did a segment on a local Canadian radio station and said that his best friend in the ACPW locker room was Malik Cash.

- Hugh de Aske decided to beef up his appearance a bit and now falls into the Middleweight class.

- Razor Valentine broke back into the European wrestling scene after a long hiatus at the young age of 43.

- RAW took a big step forward and announced a Pay Per View deal with Australia Options.


Notable Contract Happenings

- PSW stumped us all as they brought on the owner of RIPW, Professor Nero, to fill a road agent spot.

- MAW brought in Hustler D on a pay per appearance deal.

- Jerome Turner was signed back up by CGC to fill the vacancy left by Davis Ditterich.

- Kristen Pearce, Spencer Spade and Lenny Brown were all brought up to the SWF main roster from their developmental spots in RIPW. RIPW filled these spots by signing Akima Brave, Herb Stately and Duke Hazzard all to pay per appearance deals.

- Vendetta and Simon Ice were released by PSW.

- Amazing Fire Fly was released by CILL.

- Aces High walked out on GSW.


Notable North American Title Changes

- Findlay O’Farraday became only the second back to back Rip Chord Invitational winner in MAW when he won the 2014 edition.

- The Natural and Mighty Cavanaugh captured the NOTBPW Tag Team Titles from Omar Brown and Harlem Hayes.


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OOC NOTE: I've been doing some thinking and I believe that I'm going to plan on leaving cards up for 24 to 48 hours before posting the shows to allow ample time for predictions. I want to run a year long (game time) predictions contest with the winner receiving a special treat in the dynasty. Hope you guys are ready to predict and eager for Dawnings!


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Midwest Championship Wrestling presents Dawnings*

Live from the Moose Lodge in Colfax, Iowa

February 28th, 2014


MCW’s debut event will feature an 8 man tournament to crown the first ever MCW Heavyweight Champion.


First Round Match

Syd Collier vs. “The Architect” Bradley Wright


First Round Match

Ernest Youngman vs. Casey Valentine


First Round Match

Greg Gauge vs. Cameron Vessey


First Round Match

Aaron Andrews vs. Nigel Svensson


“K-Squared” vs. Davis Wayne Newton


Morgan Malone vs. Jamie Atherton</td></tr>


*Card Subject to Change

Doors Open: 6:30 P.M.

Bell Time: 7 P.M.</td></tr>


<tr><td>Quick Match Listing

Syd Collier vs. Bradley Wright

Ernest Youngman vs. Casey Valentine

Greg Gauge vs. Cameron Vessey

Aaron Andrews vs. Nigel Svensson

Kenny Kuntz vs. Davis Wayne Newton


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First shows are generally the toughest for me since you haven't tipped your hand to storylines or plans for wrestlers movement on the card. Also, quick question: are you using face/heel divide on the roster or is it just a free for all?


Syd Collier vs. Bradley Wright

Both guys are likely on similar pop, but I think Collier is better suited to running with the main eventers.


Ernest Youngman vs. Casey Valentine

Youngman will be the man before too long, but right now, Valentine is too over to take the fall.


Greg Gauge vs. Cameron Vessey

I think a Vessey/Valentine and Gauge storyline is coming, and this is the first step in making that happen.


Aaron Andrews vs. Nigel Svensson

Nigel is a good technician, and can be a gateway guy for the main event and give good matches to those guys, just like this one with Andrews.


Kenny Kuntz vs. Davis Wayne Newton

One is a future main eventer. The other is a current and future jobber. Sorry Kenny...


Morgan Malone vs. Jamie Atherton

Don't know if you left this one off the prediction list on purpose, but just in case...Atherton is a guy I've always liked (and pushed to main event a time or two in new promotions), so I'm going with him.

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First shows are generally the toughest for me since you haven't tipped your hand to storylines or plans for wrestlers movement on the card. Also, quick question: are you using face/heel divide on the roster or is it just a free for all?


I did forget to mention that I am using a Face/Heel divide. In the past, I've displayed alignments with the use of text color, but for this dynasty, I've decided to allow the story to tell the reader which deposition each character is portraying.

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The night was upon us. Cam, Casey, Davis and myself waited around anxiously all day for this moment. With the help of most of the guys booked for tonight, we set up the ring and passed the time doing some warm ups. We grew closer and closer to show time and they each retreated into our makeshift locker room; which was actually the venue’s smaller banquet room. I stayed in my office, which was actually an office and located right near the entrance curtain. We drew up onto 6:30, when the doors would open and I peered through the curtain to see a few fans straggle in. Just a month ago the four of us were making fun of a small time show in front of 50 fans and now we would have killed to have 50 people in the building. I shook my head when I only counted fifteen people walking around checking out the merchandise tables and our sponsor booths. Our lawyer had suggested it as a way to bring in some income. We allow area businesses to put up information tables at a price and we would plaster their logos all over the building. We got closer to 7 P.M. and I thought I had better go change into my gear. Dawnings was upon us.





Midwest Championship Wrestling presents Dawnings

February 28th, 2014

Live from the Moose Lodge in Colfax, Iowa

Attendance: 18 (out of 200)



“Welcome to the Show”

Featuring: Davis Ditterich and Duke Hazzard


The show begins with Davis Ditterich and Duke Hazzard standing in the ring, welcoming the crowd to MCW’s debut event. Davis is very well dressed in a suit and tie while Duke is clad in faded blue jeans, a flannel shirt and his trademark cowboy hat.


Davis: Welcome everybody to the debut event of Midwest Championship Wrestling! We have an exciting night on tap!


Duke: You’ve got that right Davis. Tonight we will find out who will walk out as MCW’s first heavyweight champion.


Davis: Aaron Andrews, Cameron Vessey, Casey Valentine, Syd Collier and more will all be in action tonight!


Davis and Duke wave to the crowd as they step out of the ring to allow the night to get under way.



First Round Match


Ernest Youngman vs. Casey Valentine

Referee: Erin Lawrence


The bout started out very evenly matched with neither man able to gain an advantage during the opening five minutes. Youngman was able to take control there and wore Valentine down as the match progressed. Youngman was able to hit a running sitout powerbomb for a believable near fall as they closed in on the 10 minute mark. The crowd was firmly behind Youngman at this point. But that didn’t stop Casey from making his comeback. He gained the advantage as they crossed into 11 minutes and was able to slip out of a desperation attempt at The Hit from Youngman. Twenty seconds later, Valentine was able to hoist Ernest into the air and drive his head into the mat with a Deep impact to secure the pinfall and his pass into the semi-finals.

Winner: Casey Valentine

Time: 15:15



Davis: Casey Valentine moves onto the semi-finals with a solid victory!


Duke: Youngman put up a great effort, but just didn’t have enough for the youngest of the Valentine family.


First Round Match


Syd Collier vs. “The Architect” Bradley Wright

Referee: Erin Lawrence


Collier and Wright began the match with an all out brawl that left the ring and nearly got both men counted out. Once the action came back into the ring, The Architect took control and began wearing down Syd Collier. He kept applying submission moves that Collier would either escape or break by reaching the ropes. Syd finally got his chance as they crossed the eight minute mark and began making a comeback. He was able to fight off a corner attack from Bradley Wright and hit a massive springboard DDT to get the pinfall victory.

Winner: Syd Collier

Time: 11:45



Davis: What a victory by Syd Collier! Both men had nothing to lose and everything to gain in that match.


Duke: And Collier was the one able to capitalize. He’ll face Casey Valentine in the semi-finals!


First Round Match


Greg Gauge vs. Cameron Vessey

Referee: Erin Lawrence

The next generation took the stage in this bout. The strategies of both men became clear in the opening minutes of the match; Gauge wanted to keep things on the mat while Vessey wanted to turn it into an all out brawl. Vessey took early control with his hard strikes that got the elder of the Gauge twins reeling. Gauge made a comeback as they neared the eighth minute and nearly got Vessey to submit to the Proton Lock, but Cam was able to get to the ropes. Vessey fought back to his feet and was able to hit a Vessey Driver II to capture the victory and advance.

Winner: Cameron Vessey

Time: 12:06



Davis: Cam Vessey moves onto the semi-finals in an impressive fashion.


Duke: Both men had to feel deep down inside that match was about family pride and it was the Vessey family that gained the moral victory.


First Round Match


Aaron Andrews vs. Nigel Svensson

Referee: Erin Lawrence

While most people know Aaron Andrews for his hard-hitting, strong style strategy in the ring, he showed his technical ability in this one as he and the Swede put on a good mat battle. Andrews was outmatched early in the match-up, but his veteran status in the ring benefitted him. He took control of the match and brought the fight to Svensson, nearly knocking him out with a sick forearm. Andrews saw his opportunity and planted Nigel with a sick inverted DDT dubbed the Ace Driver to pick up the victory.

Winner: Aaron Andrews

Time: 11:36


Davis: Nigel put up a good fight, but the veteran Andrews advances to face Cameron Vessey in the semi-finals.


Duke: The rest of the night is shaping up to be great! I can’t wait to see who will be vying for the title in our main event!


Morgan Malone vs. Jamie Atherton

Referee: Erin Lawrence

These two youngsters served as a rest period for the tournament competitors as they took to the ring. The match was fast paced from the get go, bringing Jamie Atherton into the advantage. Malone knew he had to slow the pace down a bit and began a striking battle with Atherton. One of the highlights of the match came when Jamie caught Malone off guard with an enziguri, then ran towards the ropes to springboard himself back. It looked as though he was trying for a tornado DDT, but Morgan had recovered enough to land a European Uppercut that nearly decapitated Atherton and garnered a believable near fall. Atherton used his quickness to set Malone up with a hurrincanrana and then come flying form the top rope with his Lightning Bolt Shooting Star Press to get the pinfall.

Winner: Jamie Atherton

Time: 7:56



Davis: Not a bad effort by either youngster there!


Duke: Jamie Atherton sure is arrogant, but he does have the skills to back his words up.


Semi Finals Match


Aaron Andrews vs. Cameron Vessey

Referee: Erin Lawrence

In the first semi-finals match of the night, Aaron Andrews came out of the gate still recovering from his earlier match. Cam took advantage of this and went to town on Andrews, taking complete control of the match. Vessey utilized his arsenal of strikes to wear Aaron down and get a few near falls. As they crossed the six minute mark, Andrews began to feed off the crowd and tried to make a comeback with some strikes of his own, but Vessey was able to stifle his uprising. Andrews held his own and never let Vessey get complete control of the match. As they crossed ten minutes, Vessey attempted the Vessey Driver II that got him the victory earlier in the night, but Andrews was able to wiggle free and hit a superkick. Both men were down, Cam’s earlier match finally wearing him out. They answered referee Erin Lawrence’s count at eight and came together with strikes in the center of the ring. Vessey caught Aaron with a few forearms, followed by an enziguri to the back of the head that left Andrews reeling. Vessey attempted his Vessey Driver again, but Andrews wiggled free, planted Cam with the Ace driver and picked up the pinfall to advance to the finals.

Winner: Aaron Andrews

Time: 12:20



Davis: Andrews advances in a thriller! We know one half of our main event tonight, who will join Aaron Andrews?


Duke: Whoever it is, they are going to be worn out by the time that bell rings to start the match.


Semi Finals Match


Syd Collier vs. Casey Valentine

Referee: Erin Lawrence

Syd Collier came out of the gate knowing he was outmatched a bit in this one. He brought everything he had at Casey Valentine; submissions, aerial attacks and strikes. Valentine seemed to be reeling, but every time the match was just about to slip away from him, he’d cheap shot Collier to keep his head above water. It was a low blow that turned the tides in Casey’s favor and he was admonished by Erin Lawrence for it. Valentine had all the opening he needed as he took control of the match. Collier made one final valiant effort at defeating Casey, but when he missed a superkick, Valentine pounced with one of his own. Seconds later, Valentine had Collier on his shoulders and planted him with his Burning Hammer-esque Deep Impact to get the pinfall.

Winner: Casey Valentine

Time: 10:45



Davis: And Casey Valentine moves on to compete for the title! Collier just didn’t have enough to defeat him.


Duke: it was a good effort, but not quite enough. And now it looks like Casey Valentine wants to address the fans!



“It’s My Time”

Featuring: Casey Valentine

Following the match, Casey Valentine receives a microphone from ringside and takes a moment to catch his breath before speaking. Even then his words are thin and stretched out.


Valentine: That’s two down and one more to go. One more victory tonight and I will finally prove that I’ve got what it takes to carry a company on my back. Something that MAW and USPW never saw. Tonight I start the youth movement in wrestling; a movement that pushes the old hacks that are clinging to their spots in this business into retirement. We are no longer waiting for guys like Tommy Cornell and Jack Bruce to pass the torch to us; we’re here to rip it from their hands and put them into the retirement homes that they belong in. Tonight is the first step as I become the MCW Heavyweight Champion in front of you inbred pieces of garbage.


The crowd boos as Valentine drops the microphone and exits the ring.



Davis: Well that seemed uncalled for!


Duke: Casey Valentine is one arrogant sumbitch; I’ll be interested to see if he can back up his words against Aaron Andrews.



“K-Squared” Kenny Kuntz vs. Davis Wayne Newton

Referee: Erin Lawrence

The second of two non-tournament matches comes up next. Kenny Kuntz and Davis Wayne Newton stand toe to toe and get right to business when the bell rings. Kuntz takes things to the mat early, which proves to be a mistake as DWN is able to answer every submission hold with a counter. The two keep things on the mat through four minutes and then transition to a series of fast paced, high energy action. After both men come to blows in the center of the ring and collapse after double forearm blows, they are left trying to answer the referee’s ten count. They both get up at seven and meet again in the middle of the ring. Newton is able to counter a powerbomb from Kuntz and land a Fisherman’s Suplex to get the pinfall.

Winner: Davis Wayne Newton

Time: 10:10



Davis: That victory means its time for our main event folks. The MCW Heavyweight Title is on the line in our main event.


Duke: Aaron Andrews and Casey Valentine stepping toe to toe in the ring after both competing in two matches already tonight. Their tanks have to be fumes by now.




Featuring: Aaron Andrews

Aaron Andrews makes his entrance to a decent ovation from the crowd. He snatches a microphone from ringside and enters the ring, looking exhausted from his previous battles in the evening.


Andrews: I’m sure a lot of you are wondering what I’m doing here, wrestling on the backside of a Moose Lodge. The fact of the matter is that I am here to reinvent who people know me to be. In the past, I’ve been ignorant, I’ve been hateful towards the fans that pay my paychecks and I’ve wrestled dirty inside the ring. All of that changes tonight as I win the MCW Heavyweight Title and rebuild myself in your eyes.


Light applause and cheers break out from the crowd as Aaron hands the microphone back to ringside and stretches a bit in the corner of the ring as Casey Valentine’s music hits the system.



Davis: I did hear that there was some controversy considering Aaron’s departure from TCW, I wonder if he’ll clue us in.

Duke: I wouldn’t bet your last dollar on it, Davis. Andrews is a private man and seems intent on letting the past be the past.

Main Event - Tournament Final - MCW Heavyweight Title



Aaron Andrews vs. Casey Valentine

Referee: Erin Lawrence

Both men stood across the ring from one another, visibly tired from their earlier competitions. The pace started off very slow and settled into a feeling out process. They exchanged basic submission maneuvers during the opening minutes, each man countering out of the other’s holds quickly and right into one of their own. Valentine took the advantage as the pace slowly began to quicken. He began working over Andrew’s upper body and head, preparing him for his Deep Impact finisher later in the match. On more than one occasion referee Erin Lawrence had to warn Casey about his actions as he bent the rules as far as he could without getting disqualified. One of these times Casey stopped to argue with Erin and Andrews took this opportunity to spring into action and began hitting rapid fire strikes to Valentine. Andrews took control over the match as they crossed fifteen minutes. A series of high impact moves got Andrews a few believable near falls and got the crowd behind him. The match remained evenly contested as they neared twenty minutes; neither man able to take full control. They were tiring and losing strength, which became evident when Valentine tried lifting Andrews up for a powerbomb, losing his grip and allowing Aaron to slip free. When Andrews landed, he inadvertently collided with Erin Lawrence and dumped her to the outside of the ring.


Andrews went to check on the referee and Valentine took this opportunity to pounce. Valentine and Andrews brawled on the outside of the ring, Valentine ramming Andrews’ head into the steel ring post numerous times. The two re-entered the ring and Valentine tried to hoist Andrews up for the Deep Impact, but Andrews was able to slip free and land a DDT. Erin Lawrence began to stir on the outside, trying to shake the cobwebs from her fall. Andrews picked Casey to his feet and struggled to muster the energy to lift him up and plant his head into the mat with the Ace Driver. Andrews covered, but there was still no referee to make the count. Andrews collapsed onto his back for a moment to catch his breath. As Aaron got to his feet and leaned over the ropes to check on the referee once more, Casey Valentine pulled himself back up, just feet away. Suddenly, Cameron Vessey rushes through the curtain and slides into the ring behind an unsuspecting Andrews. When Aaron turns around, he is met by a vicious superkick from Cam that sends him stumbling backwards, right into the clutches of Casey Valentine. Vessey slides form the ring and hides as Erin Lawrence gets back into the ring just in time to watch Casey plant Andrews with the Deep Impact and secure the pinfall victory.

Winner and NEW MCW Heavyweight Champion: Casey Valentine

Time: 23:49


Davis: Casey Valentine wins the MCW Title in controversial fashion!


Duke: Interference from his old friend Cameron Vessey, the man Andrews defeated to get to the finals tonight! And it looks as if they aren’t done with Aaron yet!



“Asserting Dominance”

Featuring: Aaron Andrews, Casey Valentine and Cameron Vessey


After Erin Lawrence hands the title belt to Casey Valentine, Cameron Vessey joins him in the ring. Cam raises Casey’s hand, celebrating momentarily with his old friend. The two of them look at the barely moving body of Aaron Andrews and move in towards him. Andrews is defenseless as they pick him up and hit a nasty looking double team powerbomb before positioning themselves over the fallen man. The crowd boos loudly as Valentine hoists his newly won belt into the air and Cameron Vessey makes symbols into the air.

C - V - 2


Davis: That’s it for us tonight folks! For Duke Hazzard, I’m Davis Ditterich. Thanks for tuning into MCW Dawnings! Good night!


Overall Rating: http://www.wxrobbie.com/MCW/Grades/57.jpg


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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><table width=60%><tr><td></p><p>

We all agreed to make the 5th of every month our regular business meeting day to allow time for all the checks from the previous month to clear. The four of us gathered around a pizza in my living room that night and began sharing our feelings about our first show. All things considered, we put on a hell of a debut and hoped that would transition into more fans coming in. I brought up a few things for us to discuss, including our product distribution. We had all assumed that we would be producing DVD releases of all of our shows and selling them the following month. While speaking with the production company we had hired to film our shows, I learned that they were also testing the waters on a internet based streaming service. Switching to streaming the events on our website would not garner us any extra income from DVD sales, but any wrestling fan that happened to stumble across the MCW website could see our product, for free, and it could turn them into a fan. The four of us deliberated for a while on this and finally decided that we did have some wiggle room to lose out on the miniscule profit from DVD sales. I’d make the call tomorrow to have the production company put the show up on our website and let the millions of wrestling fans on the internet have access to it. We also spoke about creative plans for the future months. We set a schedule for the whole year, dates tentative and typically the last Sunday of the month. Our next show would be dubbed Insurgency and would take place March 28th. After an hour or so of hashing out some creative plans, I handed them all the End of February report and we began to go through it.</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://www.wxrobbie.com/MCW/MonthEnd/endfebruary2014.png</span></p><div style="text-align:center;"></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Notable News from the Wrestling Industry</span></strong></p><p>

- GSW expanded their product and are now classified as a Small in size.</p><p>

- USPW lost momentum and fell to Cult.</p><p>

- SWF tried to expand their product Internationally, but fell back to be classified as a National promotion inside of two weeks.</p><p>

- GSW declared war upon ACPW of all companies.</p><p>

- Xavi Ferrera, from Puerto Rico, debuted in the business. He looks to have loads of potential and possesses the ability to modify his in ring work to bring out the best in any opponent he matches up with.</p><p>

- Jessie Christian decided to return to active competition at the age of 44. He is best known for his run in the short lived SCCW promotion.</p><p>

- WLW in Japan signed a TV deal with All Japan TV to broadcast WLW Television starting next season.</p><p>

- MPWF agreed to a contract with Canal Tres to revive their old show Evento Principal De La Lucha Libre.</p><p>

- NOTBPW came to an agreement with Canada On-Air to debut a new show titled Wrestling Round-Up next season.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Notable Contract Happenings</span></strong></p><p>

- RIPW added Dazzling Dave Diamond via pay per appearance deal.</p><p>

- Mario Heroic signed with SOTBPW.</p><p>

- BHOTWG prepared for their next tour by signing American Elemental, Akima Brave, our own Greg Gauge, Matthew Keith, Greg Black, Mikey James and KC Glenn to tour deals.</p><p>

- GSW filled out their roster by signing Kip Keenan, Ernie Turner, Masked Stranger and The Guru to pay per appearance deals.</p><p>

- Jerry Eisen and Angry Gilmore both signed contract extensions with SWF.</p><p>

- Ryan Powell and Warren Technique signed extensions with CGC.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Notable North American Title Changes</span></strong></p><p>

- Rajah began his second stint as 4C Hardcore Champion when he defeated Frankie Dee.</p><p>

- Christian Price became a 3-Time CGC Canadian Champion when he defeated Warren Technique.</p><p>

- The IPW Championship was left vacant when Hustle Muvva jumped ship to GSW.</p><p>

- Madame Bat captured the QAW Shockwave Title from Alexis Lee Littlefeather.</p><p>

- Pamela Rojo and Hellcat Hernandez won the QAW Tag Team Titles for a second time.</p><p>

</td></tr></table></p><p> </p><p>


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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><table width=60%><tr><td></p><p>

Via Midwest Championship Wrestling Online....</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://www.wxrobbie.com/MCW/MCW.png</span><span>http://www.wxrobbie.com/MCW/People/no_picture.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong><span style="font-family:'Microsoft Sans Serif';"> Reports have come from the management at Midwest Championship Wrestling that they have recently agreed to a new pay per appearance contract with one of the American wrestling scene’s greatest young prospects. Details on the contract are unclear at the moment, but reports indicate that the man has been garnering attention in both the United States and Japan as of late. An unnamed source indicated that the worker had been a target of MCW “from the get go” but initial talks made his asking price seem a little steep for a ground level company. After the promotion had finalized its first full month of business operation and received a financial report back for the accounting department, MCW management felt financially stable enough to ink the wrestler to his current deal. When asked if the mystery signing would make his debut at the end of March during Insurgency, a source told the website that they “would just have to tune in and find out.”</span></strong></span></span></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong><span style="font-family:'Microsoft Sans Serif';"> </span></strong></span></span></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong><span style="font-family:'Microsoft Sans Serif';">

More on this if it comes available.</span></strong></span></span></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">


</p><p><span>http://www.wxrobbie.com/MCW/banner.jpg</span></p><div style="text-align:center;"></div><p></p><p></p><p>


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Midwest Championship Wrestling presents Insurgency*

From the Moose Lodge in Colfax, Iowa

March 28th, 2014

Last month saw Casey Valentine enlist the help of long time friend Cameron Vessey to secure the victory over Aaron Andrews in the finals of a tournament that crowned the first MCW Heavyweight Champion. The two added insult to injury when they attacked Andrews at the conclusion of the match and stood over his motionless body as the show came to a close. This month at Insurgency Aaron Andrews is expected to speak out about their actions.


Confirmed Matches


Nigel Svensson vs. “The Architect” Bradley Wright


Syd Collier vs. Jamie Atherton


“K-Squared” Kenny Kuntz vs. Greg Gauge vs. Ernest Youngman


Morgan Malone vs. Davis Wayne Newton

*Card Subject To Change

Doors Open: 6:30 P.M.

Bell Time: 7 P.M.


Quick Match Listing

Nigel Svensson vs. Bradley Wright

Syd Collier vs. Jamie Atherton

Kenny Kuntz vs. Greg Gauge vs. Ernest Youngman

Morgan Malone vs. Davis Wayne Newton



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Midwest Championship Wrestling presents Insurgency

From the Moose Lodge in Colfax, Iowa

Streaming on Midwest Championship Wrestling Online

March 28th, 2014

Attendance: 18



“Welcome to the Show”

Featuring: Davis Ditterich and Duke Hazzard


The show opens with Davis Ditterich and Duke Hazzard, the MCW announce team, standing in the ring and welcoming the crowd and those watching on the internet to Insurgency. Davis is once again clad in his suit and tie, while Duke remains in faded blue jeans, a flannel and his cowboy hat.

Davis: Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Insurgency presented by Midwest Championship Wrestling! We have another great night of wrestling in store for you this evening with all of MCW’s young talent in action!


Duke: And if tonight is anything like last month was, its sure to be a good night. What else are the fans going to see tonight?


Davis: I’m glad you asked Duke. One month ago, Casey Valentine became the center of controversy when he captured the MCW Heavyweight Title after interference from his long time friend, Cameron Vessey. We approached the two of them and asked if they’d like to speak about last month’s event and they jumped at the opportunity. So please welcome Cameron Vessey and the new MCW Heavyweight Champion Casey Valentine!

The crowd boos as the music of Casey Valentine hits the system and the announce team vacate the ring.





“We’re Here To Stay”

Featuring: Casey Valentine, Cameron Vessey and Aaron Andrews


As the music continues to play, Casey Valentine and Cameron Vessey, collectively known as C-V-2 emerge through the curtain. Valentine carries the MCW Heavyweight Title on his shoulder and both men are clad in street attire. Vessey wears a t-shirt, jeans and leather jacket, Valentine sports a button down shirt and dress slacks. The crowd boos their arrival as they approach the ring and retrieve microphones from ringside.


Valentine: Well, well, well. Here we are back in Colfax, Iowa. One month ago I told you people that I was starting a movement in wrestling and the first success was going to be capturing the title belt that rests on my shoulders. Didn’t I say that Cameron?


Vessey pauses his taunting of a front row fan momentarily to turn to his partner and nod.


Valentine: And what do you know? Here I am, title belt in my possession. You see, one of the things that my movement stands for, one of its core principals, is that people like us will do anything it takes to get ahead. I don’t care if I have to steal from a crippled guy in a wheel chair, push an old lady out of the way or take candy from a crying baby, I will do anything to get what I want. I proved that in the main event last month now didn’t I?


The crowd boos at the champion’s comments as he smiles and hands the microphone to Cameron Vessey.


Vessey: And he’s not the only one that would steal the disability money from an amputee! We are C-V-2 and we are here to lead the youth movement in wrestling. If you people think we left our jobs with NOTBPW and USPW to come wrestle in front of a bunch of Midwestern low lives that only come out of their mama’s basements to see a wrasslin’ show for the simple fact that we love what we do, you’re as stupid as the next guy. The movement starts here and will gain momentum as we progress, recruiting other mistreated youths to join our cause. We will move our way up the ranks, taking out anyone who stands in our way, by any means necessary.


The crowd boos momentarily, but change to cheers as the music of Aaron Andrews hits the system. He pushes his way through the curtain, holding a microphone of his own.


Andrews: Would you two listen to yourselves? You sound like brainwashed idiots who are about to drink a cup of “special juice” and sing Kumbaya. Let’s forget about your “movement” for now and focus on the issue at hand. Last month, I was cheated out of the MCW Heavyweight Title because Casey Valentine had to get his pal Cameron Vessey to come in and nearly kick the jaw off my face. I’m not here to whine and cry because what’s done is done, but I am here to stand in your path. I’m here seeking retribution. I’m not here to complain my way into another shot at the title, I’ll earn that. All I want right now is cause great bodily harm to the two of you. So tonight, the main event, I’ll find myself a partner and take on the two of you?


The crowd pops at the challenge.


Valentine: You want to find a partner, from the guys that are in the back, and fight us tonight? You’re on buddy. Good luck on your search.


Aaron smiles and flashes a thumbs up to C-V-2 before turning and pushing back through the curtain.



Davis: How about that! Andrews and a mystery partner against Vessey and Valentine in the main event tonight!

Duke: Yeah, but I’m not so sure that Andrews is going to have an easy time finding a partner.



Nigel Svensson vs. “The Architect” Bradley Wright


The opening bout of the evening took center stage next. As the match started, Svensson offered his hand to Wright, but Wright simply shook his head. The two went at it in a decent technical battle that saw The Architect in control for the majority of the bout. Nigel was able to mount a bit of offense that almost gained him victory, but it the end it was Bradley Wright picking up the victory by submission with his trademark Blueprint.

Winner: “The Architect” Bradley Wright

Time: 6:27



Davis: Bradley Wright took care of business in that one!


Duke: He was looking to recover from that loss to Syd Collier last month and I think he did just that.



“We’re As Good As Gold”

Featuring: Casey Valentine and Cameron Vessey


The shot heads backstage to Casey Valentine and Cameron Vessey standing in a hallway.


Vessey: You’re sure he’s not going to find anyone to partner up with?


Casey smiles and looks at his partner.


Valentine: Cam, think about it; everyone else is already in a match tonight. Even if they were willing to go out and fight again, it damn well wouldn’t be against us and they sure as hell wouldn’t partner with Aaron Andrews. You know how bad that TCW situation affected how people think of him.


Casey slaps Cameron on the shoulder and smiles again.

Valentine: Best case scenario he has to fight us alone and we get to kick some wholesale ass tonight.


Vessey smiles and nods, seeing his partner’s confidence. The two walk away discussing their youth movement.




Morgan Malone vs. Davis Wayne Newton


Morgan Malone came out of the gate on this one playing to his strength; strikes. He got a few good licks on Davis Wayne Newton during the opening minutes, but he was never able to secure control of the match. Newton walked the line of breaking the rules using eye pokes and other underhanded tactics to keep Malone reeling. He finally took control and began working over Morgan’s back which proved to be the perfect setup for the STF, with which he gained the submission victory.

Winner: Davis Wayne Newton

Time: 7:45



Davis: I’m not trying to be a scout for this so called youth movement taking shape, but do you think Davis was trying to show C-V-2 something with that match?


Duke: It wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest, Davis.



Syd Collier vs. Jamie Atherton


Jamie Atherton came out showing an abundance of confidence in himself, taunting some of the front row fans. Collier came right out of the gate and made sure the match was taken to the mat, where he excelled. Atherton tried numerous times to get the pace of the match quickened and he was successful in short bursts. He was able to land a few top rope moves, but he went to the well one too many times as Collier was able to catch his leg during a leg drop attempt and began to work the limb over. Collier locked in the Texas Cloverleaf and was able to make Atherton tap out to avoid being injured.

Winner: Syd Collier

Time: 8:06



Davis: Well, Jamie Atherton tried his best, but Syd Collier was too much in that match.


Duke: You ain't kidding, Davis. I'd keep my eye on both of these young men though.



Ernest Youngman vs. Greg Gauge vs. “K-Squared” Kenny Kuntz


MCW’s first ever multi-man match was up next and these three men did not disappoint. They started the match out with a little bit of a feeling out process. Nobody wanted to take their eyes off of either of their opponents. Youngman was the first to take a chance when he went after Greg Gauge and was joined by Kuntz. The two spent a little time working Gauge over, but it wasn’t long before they began competing with each other. Gauge saw this as an opportunity to catch his breath and collect his thoughts on the outside of the ring. He made his return in spectacular fashion, stunning both men with a double dropkick from the top rope. Kuntz rolled from the ring and Gauge began fighting with Youngman. Youngman fought back and nailed a sickening belly to back suplex that dumped Gauge on his head and sent him rolling to the floor. Kuntz pounced on Youngman, but soon fell victim to Ernest’s lifting face slam dubbed The Hit. Gauge was just a bit late trying to break up the pinfall attempt and Youngman picked up the victory.

Winner: Ernest Youngman

Time: 12:08



Davis: What a match by all three of these men. Youngman was able to get The Hit out of nowhere and pick up the victory.


Duke: Greg Gauge looks beside himself over that loss.



“Thanks, But No Thanks”

Featuring: Ernest Youngman, Kenny Kuntz and Greg Gauge


After the match has concluded, Greg Gauge rolls to a squatting position in the corner of the ring as Youngman has his hand raised. Youngman walks over and checks on Kenny Kuntz, who is slowly climbing to his feet. Youngman helps Kenny up and offers his hand, to which Kuntz accepts and shakes. The crowd pops at the show of sportsman ship as K-Squared leaves the ring and Youngman approaches Gauge. Youngman extends his hand in the same fashion to Greg, who stares at it momentarily. He makes up his mind, pulls himself to a standing position and pushes past Ernest to exit the ring. Youngman turns and throws up his hands as if to ask “what’s wrong” as the crowd boos Gauge’s actions.





Featuring: Aaron Andrews and ??


The team of Casey Valentine and Cameron Vessey make their way to the ring, soaking in the boos from the fans in attendance. The two taunt the front row before climb into the ring and looking to the curtain. Aaron Andrews’ music hits the system, bringing a small pop from the small crowd. Soon enough, Aaron Andrews pushes through the curtain with a microphone in hand.


Andrews: When you took this match, I knew what you were thinking Casey. If I was able to get a partner, they’d have already wrestled tonight and be run down from that match. You didn’t strike me as a man that read any news. Didn’t you see the report on MCW’s website? They had signed another youth from the American Wrestling scene who had been making splashes in the Mid Atlantic and doing tours of Japan. I guess you weren’t aware he was going to be here tonight, but he is and he agreed to come out and team with me to try and silence you guys. Now, I think it’s about time to tune up the band....


Some unfamiliar music plays through the system, with a somewhat southern twang to it. Aaron turns towards the curtain as Valentine and Vessey watch eagerly to see Andrews’ partner. The man pushes through the curtain and slaps Aaron on the back.


KC Glenn


Glenn and Andrews exchange a few words and rush to the ring trying to catch their opponents off guard.




Aaron Andrews and KC Glenn vs. C-V-2


Andrews and Glenn rushed the ring and slid in, receiving boots to the backs from their opponents. They fought to their feet as the bell rang and began nailing strikes to Cameron and Casey. Glenn and Andrews were really taking it to Valentine and Vessey and were finally able to back them to the ropes where they each clotheslined one of their opponents over the top rope to the outside. The crowd popped as Glenn and Andrews high fived each other in the ring. C-V-2 collected themselves and made their way to the opposite side of the ring. Glenn was ready for competition and remained in the ring while Andrews stepped to the apron, declaring Glenn the legal man. Cameron Vessey stepped up to the plate for C-V-2 and we were finally ready for the match to begin.


Glenn and Vessey started the bout off with some back and forth chain wrestling; Glenn would take a wristlock, Vessey would think for a second and find a way to counter the hold into one of his own. The two continue like this for the opening five or so minutes, but it quickly becomes apparent that Vessey is outmatched due to Glenn’s speed and fluidity. The pace quickly changes with Glenn beginning to run circles around Vessey. A few arm drags and a hurrincanrana later, Cameron tags out to Casey Valentine. Glenn tries to take the same approach with the champion, but Valentine doesn’t have any of it, countering and firing back with a vicious forearm. This is the opening that Valentine needs and he begins to dominate KC Glenn. C-V-2 play their tag team strategy perfectly, isolating Glenn from his corner and wearing him down. As the match crosses ten minutes, Glenn is finally able to land an enziguri out of nowhere that stuns Casey Valentine, allows KC to tag Aaron Andrews in. Valentine regains his senses and quickly tags out to Cameron Vessey. The crowd boos Valentine as he steps onto the apron.


Vessey and Andrews consumed the next ten minutes of match time, trading stiff strikes of all sorts. Neither man really gains the advantage in the exchanges, which turn into a show of one upmanship. Andrews would land a chop and Vessey would answer back with one of his own, just a little harder. Vessey would hit a European Uppercut and Andrews would strike back with one of his own. The match approached the seventeen minute mark when both men tagged out and KC Glenn and Casey Valentine squared off. Valentine was once again able to begin dominating the MCW newcomer and isolated him from Aaron Andrews. The longer the match went, the further into trouble Glenn got. Valentine and Vessey used double team moves and stuck to their strategy to wear Glenn down. The match reached its twentieth minute and it looked like it was almost the end for KC Glenn. Though he had been beaten down, KC wasn’t quitting and kicked out of every pin attempt made. Finally, Valentine went for the Deep Impact but Glenn wiggled free and landed a superkick that sent both men collapsing to the floor. With both men down, Erin Lawrence began her ten count. Instead of standing, Glenn crawled closer and closer to his corner as Valentine tried to get back to his feet. Finally, Glenn was able to get to Aaron Andrews and he came in a house of fire. He cleaned house of both Valentine and Vessey twice and planted Cameron with the Ace Driver, much to the crowd’s delight. Just as he stood up, Valentine approached him from behind and planted Aaron with the Deep Impact that was enough to secure the pinfall and garner victory for C-V-2.

Winners: Casey Valentine and Cameron Vessey

Time: 24:42



Davis: What a match! I’m not one to take sides, but that definitely wasn’t the outcome I was hoping for in that contest!


Duke: Sure ain’t sitting good with me either, Davis.

Davis: Uh oh, I don’t think they’re done either!


“Time To Make Another Statement”

Featuring: Casey Valentine, Cameron Vessey, Aaron Andrews and KC Glenn


With KC Glenn incapacitated on the outside of the ring, Vessey and Valentine stand over Aaron Andrews in the ring and taunt him. Each man takes turns slapping him across the face and yelling in his face. Valentine turns to Vessey and motions that its time to try and end him once and for all. C-V-2 pick Andrews up and move to the corner to position him for a double team powerbomb that they have executed in the past, but just as Vessey climbs to the top rope, KC Glenn hops to the apron and shoves him away. Casey and Cameron scramble to the opposite side of the ring and begin backing up the entrance way as KC Glenn helps Aaron Andrews to his feet.




Davis: KC Glenn has come to MCW to stand up against Casey Valentine and Cameron Vessey! Unfortunately, that is all the time we have tonight. For Duke Hazzard, I'm Davis Ditterich. Join us next month for more Midwest Championship Wrestling! Goodnight.






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