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WWE 2015: The Road Through WrestleMania And Beyond

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Non-Title Match

The Brass Ring Club vs. The Usos



Gail Kim and Nikki Bella vs. Paige and AJ Lee



Non-Title Match

Bad News Barrett vs. Dolph Ziggler



Handicap Match

Kevin Owens and Hideo Itami vs. The Rock



Non-Title Match

Rusev vs. Dean Ambrose



Fun Fan Signs: Is Hideo Really Japenese? I Don't Think So

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Non-Title Match

The Brass Ring Club vs. The Usos

Comments: The champs keep the momentum going into 'Mania.


Gail Kim and Nikki Bella vs. Paige and AJ Lee

Comments: One point for Paige.


Non-Title Match

Bad News Barrett vs. Dolph Ziggler

Comments: Barrett is always a bitch as Intercontinental champ.


Handicap Match

Kevin Owens and Hideo Itami vs. The Rock

Comments: Via DQ.


Non-Title Match

Rusev vs. Dean Ambrose

Comments: Also via DQ.


Fun Fan Signs: The Roman, Canadian and Feudal Empire!

Rusev CRUSH, Ambrose MASTER!

Rocky Road to WrestleMania!

May I get an invitation to the Club?


Comments On Previous Show: Really excited for Mania. The card seems to be shaping up really well.

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Non-Title Match

The Brass Ring Club vs. The Usos



Gail Kim and Nikki Bella vs. Paige and AJ Lee



Non-Title Match

Bad News Barrett vs. Dolph Ziggler



Handicap Match

Kevin Owens and Hideo Itami vs. The Rock



Non-Title Match

Rusev vs. Dean Ambrose


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ANGLE: Backstage segment with Jeff Hardy and Magnus...C+

The Revolution defeated The Non-Conformists(Gunner and Drew Galloway) to retain the TNA World Tag Team titles...C

ANGLE: Backstage segment with Bobby Roode and Roddy Piper...C+

Bobby Roode defeated The Great Sanada...C-

Low Ki defeated Knux...D

ANGLE: Skit involving Mickie James and Kurt Angle...C

Mr. Anderson defeated Ethan Carter III and Samoa Joe...C

Kurt Angle defeated Austin Aries...B-



The Survivors(Charlotte and Bayley) defeated Becky Lynch and Talia Madison...D-

ANGLE: Backstage segment with Cheerleader Melissa and Alexa Bliss...D+

Adam Cole defeated Brian Kendrick...D

Adrian Neville defeated Tyler Breeze...D



Jay Lethal defeated ACH to retain the ROH World Television title...C

The Addiction defeated The Young Bucks...C

Roderick Strong defeated Alberto El Patron...B

#TNA – #NXT – #ROH


<hr color="black">

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Non-Title Match

Bad News Barrett vs. Dolph Ziggler

Comments: BNB deserves more than he gets IRL.


Comments On Previous Show: Can't wait for WrestleMania!


Comments On Previous Show: Really excited for Mania. The card seems to be shaping up really well.


I agree that Barrett deserves more than he's had IRL. I enjoy him more as Bad News Barrett than as King Barrett. Will he get a better treatment here than IRL? Make sure you stay tuned in to find out.


I am really glad to see people getting fired up about WrestleMania. It will definitely be one of the biggest shows I have ever written. I hope that people will enjoy it as much as I will enjoy writing it.

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Thursday Week 4 March 2015 (Taped Tuesday)

Location: CA Viejas Arena (South West)

Attendance: 12,845

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating: 3.20


Match #1


Non-Title Match

The Brass Ring Club vs. The Usos


[WWE Thursday Night Smackdown begins with the entrance of The Usos and a match actually begins the show this time. As The Usos are making their way to ringside, they are assaulted from behind by The Brass Ring Club with forearm shots to the back. Tyson Kidd throws Jimmy Uso into the first row and then joins Cesaro as Cesaro catches Jey Uso with a couple of European Uppercuts. Tyson Kidd catches Jey with an enzuigiri before sending him into the ring with Cesaro. A sign goes up in the background, reading: 'The meeting of the Brass Ring Club will now come to order!' The Brass Ring Club use frequent tags in and out to keep a fresh man in the ring, assaulting Jey Uso from all angles. Jimmy makes his way to ringside and then to his corner, cheering on his brother and looking to get tagged in. With Tyson Kidd in the ring with Jey, Kidd goes for a split-legged moonsault but he finds Jey has rolled out of the way. Both men begin crawling toward their corners to tag out. Kidd makes it to Cesaro but Jey makes it to Jimmy! Jimmy and Cesaro meet in the middle of the ring exchanging punches to European Uppercuts. Jimmy catches Cesaro with a float-over DDT and then heads to the top turnbuckle. He looks around, getting fan support and then he leaps -- Diving Headbutt! Jimmy Uso makes the cover:]














[The Usos nearly scored the victory but it was broken up by Tyson Kidd. The match continues! The Usos continues with the advantage, sending Cesaro to ringside. Tyson Kidd checks on him but both members of The Brass Ring Club get hit with stereo dives by The Usos! Jimmy Uso tosses Cesaro back in the ring and joins him inside. Jimmy sends Cesaro into a corner and goes for a flying splash but Cesaro moves and Jimmy strikes the turnbuckle. Cesaro tags in Tyson Kidd and Kidd goes right after the back of Jimmy Uso. A sign goes up in the background, reading: 'May I get an invitation to the Club?' The Brass Ring Club regain that momentum and use quick tags in and out to keep a fresher man in the ring. Tyson Kidd goes for the Sharpshooter but Jimmy rolls him into a small package: One, Two, Kickout! Jimmy catches Kidd with a superkick and then crawls to his corner, tagging in his brother. Kidd tags in Cesaro. Cesaro and Jey Uso go right at one another. Cesaro catches Jey Uso with the Ricola Bomb but only scores a two count when Jimmy breaks things up. In comes Tyson Kidd and we've got a pier four brawl in the ring. The referee looks to restore some order but while he has his back turned, Natalya tosses Cesaro one of the WWE World Tag Team title belts! Cesaro measures Jey Uso and cracks him in the head with the belt! Cesaro tosses the belt back to Natalya and makes the cover as the referee turns back around:]














Winners: The Brass Ring Club (Via Pinfall @ 17:17)

Match Rating: C+






[From the ring, we move to the backstage area where we follow behind the WWE United States Champion Rusev and Lana. The camera zooms down a little bit, focusing in on the bum of Lana for a moment as she walks. They stop at the end of the hallway and when she turns, she notices where the camera is focusing and begins yelling at the cameraman in Russian. Dean Ambrose steps out from behind the camera and says that he doesn't understand a word she is saying but he does think he gave the WWE Universe exactly what they want, the best part of the Ravishing Russian. Rusev steps in between Ambrose and Lana, yelling at Ambrose, saying that he will crush him and he won't even be able to battle at WrestleMania. Ambrose says that people might call him crazy but he sounds like that's a challenge for tonight. Big Show shows up in that backstage area, saying that he heard the commotion and he agrees that a match would be entertaining. He says that he is going to make the match for tonight, our main event. It will be a non title match between Rusev and Dean Ambrose. Rusev and Lana turn and walk off, while Ambrose can be seen smiling. Will Rusev be able to survive the Lunatic Fringe tonight? It's just days away from Rusev defending the United States title against John Cena.]





[From there, we move to another area backstage where Byron Saxton is standing by with The Rock. Saxton says that we are just a few days away from The Rock taking on his cousin Roman Reigns at WrestleMania. But tonight The Rock has to step in the ring with the other two members of The Empire, Kevin Owens and Hideo Itami. Saxton asks The Rock his thoughts. The Rock begins the way he always begins. He says that FINALLY The ROCK HAS come BACK to San Diego! The Rock says that they are on The Rock's show and he says that this man has not even introduced himself to The Rock. Saxton begins to say his name but he is cut off by The Rock saying it doesn't matter what your name is! The Rock says that The Rock knows who that is. That's Replacement Coach, right? That's exactly who that is! But The Rock says The Rock doesn't have time to focus simply on Replacement Coach. Tonight, on The Rock's show: Smackdown, The Rock is going to take two guys who think they have an Empire down Know Your Role boulevard, hang that left onto Jabroni drive and check them directly into the Smackdown hotel! They are going to get the whole treatment. Then it's on to WrestleMania and the man that proves that you cannot always trust blood. Roman Reigns, The Rock has something special for you. The Rock is going to take the entire Smackdown hotel off the foundation. That's right. The Rock is going to take the Smackdown hotel and The Rock is going to turn it sideways and stick it straight up your candy ass! Why? Because The Rock is the jabroni beating, pie eating, trail blazing, eyebrow raising Samoan who is the best looking if you smelllllllllalalalow what The Rock is cooking! The Rock raises The People's Eyebrow and then walks off as Byron Saxton sends us back to the ring.]


Match #2


Gail Kim and Nikki Bella vs. Paige and AJ Lee


[This is our resident Divas match as we have Gail Kim and Nikki Bella taking on Paige and AJ Lee. It might surprise some of the fans how good this particular match was. All four of these Divas put their all into the contest and it showed in a back and forth tag team encounter. Neither team held momentum for an overly long period of time as the match went less than eight minutes. But it was definitely a show-off match for all four of these top Divas. Nikki Bella nearly scores a pinfall when she strikes AJ Lee with the Alabama Slam. But Paige broke up the pinfall. AJ comes back and drops Nikki with a Tornado DDT. Toward the end of the match, Gail Kim drops down off the apron, leaving her partner high and dry in the ring. She looks in the camera and says she doesn't need to risk injury tonight. This leaves Nikki in the ring with Paige and AJ Lee. Within moments, Paige catches Nikki with the Paige Turner and makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winners: Paige and AJ Lee (Via Pinfall @ 7:38)

Match Rating: C-





[We move from the ring to a video hyping one of the matches coming this WrestleMania. That is the contest between Bray Wyatt and The Undertaker! We begin showing a brief history of The Undertaker with his debut at Survivor Series 1990. The video shows title wins over the likes of Hulk Hogan, Sycho Sid and Steve Austin. Then a brief glimpse comes into his WrestleMania victories, including wins over Jake Roberts, Diesel, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair and more! The video turns into static. Then Bray Wyatt is shown decimating wrestlers. He is shown coming out at Fast Lane in a coffin and challenging The Undertaker. These two Supernatural men will meet inside the ring at WrestleMania. Which of these men will come out on top? Make sure you tune in to WrestleMania this Sunday on the WWE Network for only $9.99!]




[We are taken to the backstage area where Bad News Barrett is getting himself ready for his match tonight with Dolph Ziggler. Barrett begins pacing, looking a little worried about this upcoming match. He turns and comes face-to-face with his bodyguard Luke Harper. Harper has this stoic look on his face. Barrett looks confused, telling Harper that he needs to snap out of this because Barrett has a match tonight. Barrett snaps in front of Harper's face but Harper doesn't even blink! Barrett says that Harper has been that way since Monday. Barrett tells Harper to move and come with him because their match is next. But Harper doesn't even seem to be hearing Barrett's words. Could this have something to do with Bray Wyatt calling the Wyatt Family back last Monday? Barrett throws a chair across the room and then moves past Harper. His non title match with Dolph Ziggler is next!]


Match #3


Non-Title Match

Bad News Barrett vs. Dolph Ziggler


[We come to the ring for our next contest featuring the WWE Intercontinental Champion Bad News Barrett against the Show-Off Dolph Ziggler! Barrett does some stalling at the beginning of the match, looking back toward the ramp several times as if he expects Luke Harper to walk down to ringside but there is no Luke Harper here tonight. Ziggler takes the early and quick advantage on Barrett, using his speed to keep Barrett off balance. Early on, Ziggler catches Barrett with a sleeper but Barrett backs right up into the corner, crushing the Show-Off against the corner. Barrett strikes with several back elbows and then turns around, Irish whipping Ziggler across the ring to the other side. Barrett follows in with a corner clothesline and then a big boot sends Ziggler to the mat. The former Bare Knuckles Brawler gets down on his knees and begins punching Ziggler. He grinds his knuckles on the top of Ziggler's head. Barrett slowly stands up and then sends Ziggler to the ropes -- Winds Of Change! Barrett makes the cover: One, Two, Kickout! The crowd is solidly in the corner of Dolph Ziggler, trying to will him to a second wind. A sign does go up in the background, stating: 'BNB FTW!' Barrett stands up and sets up Ziggler for the Bull Hammer. Ziggler pulls himself up and Barrett charges -- Superkick! Ziggler catches Barrett with a superkick, bringing both men down to the mat.]


[bad News Barrett and Dolph Ziggler slowly begin making their way to their feet. When they reach their feet, they begin throwing punches back and forth with neither man getting the advantage. Ziggler begins taking control. He kicks Barrett in the gut -- Jumping DDT! The crowd cheers as Ziggler kips up to his feet and runs his fingers through his hair. He looks to the crowd and then heads to the top turnbuckle, perched there as Barrett begins getting up. Ziggler leaps -- Top Rope Famouser! A sign raises in the background, reading: 'I'M AFRAID I'VE GOT SOME BAD NEWS....You're getting buried this Sunday!' Ziggler makes the cover: One, Two, Kickout! Ziggler looks frustrated that he was unable to get the victory there. Ziggler looks around to the crowd for some inspiration. He pulls Barrett to his feet and catches him with a swinging neckbreaker. Ziggler makes another cover and Barrett kicks out again! Ziggler pulls up Barrett and whips him into the corner. He charges in but Barrett raises a boot, connecting with Ziggler! Barrett pulls Ziggler up on his shoulders, looking for Wasteland but Ziggler drops behind Barrett -- Zig Zag! Ziggler catches the Zig Zag on Barrett! Ziggler makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Dolph Ziggler (Via Pinfall @ 10:30)

Match Rating: B-




[Tonight, right here on Smackdown, Dolph Ziggler has pinned the WWE Intercontinental Champion! Bad News Barrett rolls out of the ring in defeat as Ziggler stands tall in the center of the ring, absorbing the cheers from this capacity crowd. Dolph Ziggler's music: 'Here To Show The World' begins to play and Ziggler climbs to the second turnbuckle, raising his arms in victory. If the same scene plays itself out at WrestleMania then we will see a brand new WWE Intercontinental Champion! The Show-Off drops down off the turnbuckles and exits the ring, high-fiving some of the fans who are in the front row. This Sunday at WrestleMania, Dolph Ziggler and Bad News Barrett will join Dean Ambrose in a triple threat match for the WWE Intercontinental title. To find out who is going to win, you have to tune in to the WWE Network and WrestleMania for only $9.99!]




[Kevin Owens and Hideo Itami are shown in a backstage area, looking toward the camera. Owens says that he heard what The Rock had to say earlier tonight. Something about checking them into the Smackdown hotel. Well, he can say that the Smackdown hotel has become run-down in the absence of The Rock from the WWE. It's become a hotel full of actors and people who don't deserve to be there. It's become as soft as an Easter peep. Owens says that he is not in the WWE to give out catchphrases and entertain the people. No, he's in the WWE to do one thing and that's to fight. Fight Owens Fight. He says that he is a prize fighter but he's also someone who watches out for his family. He says that his family is this man, Hideo Itami and Roman Reigns. He says that he will put his life on the line for his family. He wonders what The Rock will do for his family. Oh, wait, The Rock already proved what he will do for his family. He betrayed Roman Reigns and cost him a World title match at WrestleMania. Owens says that he would have taken the chair and bashed Daniel Bryan over the head again and again until he wasn't moving at all. But that's what he will do for his family. Right, Hideo? Hideo smiles and says that tonight they destroy The Rock and leave for dead. Owens pats Itami on the shoulder and the two of them walk off.]





[A video begins to play hyping another WrestleMania match as we will see Seth Rollins take on Randy Orton. For a long time, these two men were running mates in The Authority. Seth Rollins was the Future of the WWE and Randy Orton was the Face of the WWE. But, like with all things, a change had to be made. In October of last year, Seth Rollins dropped Orton with a Curb Stomp. Orton came back the following week and dropped Rollins with a RKO. All of this culminated with Seth Rollins putting Randy Orton out of action with that Curb Stomp. The Viper made his return in February when Seth Rollins was looking to cash in his Money In The Bank contract on Brock Lesnar. The two men have been battling ever since and they will finally meet one on one at WrestleMania! Make sure you tune in on the WWE Network for only $9.99!]


Match #4


Handicap Match

Kevin Owens and Hideo Itami vs. The Rock


[Our next match is our semi main event as The Rock takes on two members of The Empire. With Owens and Itami already in the ring, the crowd goes wild as The Rock makes his entrance. The Rock pauses beside a sign that reads: '#Boots to asses!' He nods and then charges the ring, going right after both Owens and Itami! He takes them both down with a double clothesline and then drops Itami with a snap DDT! The Rock is up quickly, blocking a punch attempt by Owens! Punch! Punch! Punch! The Rock winds up and catches Owens with the Spit Punch! Owens and Itami quickly exit the ring to regroup as a 'Rocky' chant fills the arena. A couple of signs go up in the background, including: 'Is Hideo Really Japenese? I Don't Think So!' and 'Hideo Itami is Hideous!' Itami comes in the ring to start things out against The Rock. The Rock knows he needs to get an early win if he expects to survive in this match and he is shown pulling out all the stops against Itami. The Rock goes for an early Sharpshooter but gets clotheslined down by Kevin Owens. Owens drags Itami to the corner and tags himself in before stomping on The Rock. Owens yells at the crowd that now the real fun begins! Owens is in firm control over The Rock, bringing him to the mat at every turn. He sends The Rock to a corner and follows it with a corner splash and then a one handed bulldog. He tags in Itami and the Japanese wrestler catches The Rock with some stiff kicks to the ribs. Itami scores a two count following a slingshot legdrop. Around the five minute mark, Owens is in the ring and goes for the Cannonball in the corner but The Rock moves and Owens lands hard.]


[The crowd has been solidly behind The Rock this entire match and get a loud 'Rocky' chant going when The Rock avoids a Kevin Owens Cannonball. Owens manages to tag out to Itami and Itami comes rushing in the ring -- The Rock catches him with a spinebuster! The Rock lays out on the mat as well, crawling to make a cover on Itami. He puts one arm over the Empire member: One, Two, Kickout! A sign is raised in the background that reads: 'Rocky Road to WrestleMania!' Outside the ring, Roman Reigns begins walking through the crowd down toward the ringside area. He leaps the barricade and watches as The Rock gets to his feet. Kevin Owens comes in but The Rock catches him with a snap overhead belly-to-belly suplex! The Rock is getting fired up! The Rock gets to his feet and grabs Itami. He yanks Itami up and hooks him -- Rock Bottom! The Rock hits the Rock Bottom on Hideo Itami! The Rock pulls himself up and tosses the elbowpad into the crowd. The Rock bounces off the ropes -- SPEAR BY ROMAN REIGNS! The Rock ran right into a spear! The referee quickly calls for the bell, disqualifying The Empire.]


Winner(s): The Rock (Via Disqualification @ 8:20)

Match Rating: C+





[The Rock is lying on the mat and he might be broken in half by that Spear by Roman Reigns! Reigns gets to his feet and begins directing his Empire teammates. Kevin Owens rolls out of the ring and reaches underneath the ring, pulling out a table! We've seen this before! Owens slides the table inside the ring to Hideo Itami. Itami begins setting up the table as Reigns puts the boots to The Rock. Roman Reigns calls for the Triple Power Bomb. He looks around and then pulls The Rock up -- The Rock throws an uppercut to Reigns, staggering him backward! Owens and Itami quickly begin striking The Rock with forearm shots to beat him down again. Itami lifts The Rock up on his shoulders -- Go 2 Sleep! The Rock falls at Roman Reigns' feet and Reigns lifts The Rock up -- Triple Power Bomb through the table! The Rock is left completely decimated through that table. The three members of The Empire stand tall tonight as a sign goes up in the background: 'The Roman, Canadian and Feudal Empire!' Reigns, Owens and Itami meet their fists in the center of the ring, showing their unity. What will happen this Sunday at WrestleMania when Roman Reigns meets The Rock one on one?]




[As the show continues, we are taken to a backstage area where Dean Ambrose is shown shadow boxing as he gets ready for his main event match with Rusev, that is coming next. The door opens and in walks John Cena. This is the man that will meet Rusev this Sunday at WrestleMania. Cena tells Ambrose that he's not here to fight him. He says that he is actually here to support him in his match tonight. Cena says that he knows Ambrose is tough from first-hand experience but Rusev is a monster. Not only is he a monster but he also has a cold and calculating witch at ringside with him. Cena tells Ambrose that tonight he will be glad to watch the Lunatic Fringe's back and make sure that nothing illegal happens. Ambrose thanks Cena but says that he has never been one to need others in a fight. He says that he knows that Rusev is a monster but he is a Lunatic. He says that tonight he is going to be the first person to pin Rusev right in the middle of that ring. He tells Cena sorry for taking some of the starch off of his WrestleMania match with Rusev but tonight he is going to fall to Dirty Deeds. Cena says he likes the fire in Ambrose and he hopes that Ambrose is right. But Cena says that he will be watching. Ambrose tells him to watch and then walks off. Dean Ambrose versus Rusev is coming next!]


Match #5


Non-Title Match

Rusev vs. Dean Ambrose


[it is main event time and we have a match between two of the toughest wrestlers in the WWE. The two men meet in the center of the ring, exchanging taunts before Ambrose starts things off with a right hand! Rusev fires back! Back and forth they go in the center of the ring as the crowd cheers every punch that Ambrose throws and boos every punch that Rusev throws. Rusev fires a punch that staggers Ambrose back against the ropes. Ambrose bounces off the ropes and catches Rusev with a lariat that brings Rusev down to the mat! Ambrose puts a few boots to the ribs of the Bulgarian Brute and then looks to the crowd, getting a lot of cheers for the Lunatic Fringe. Ambrose continues in control, using a pair of running knee lifts to keep Rusev at bay. Ambrose lifts Rusev and drops him with a body slam before heading to the top turnbuckle. Rusev pulls himself up to his feet and Ambrose flies -- Diving Elbow Drop onto Rusev while Rusev is still standing! The crowd cheers this move and Ambrose makes the cover:]














[The momentum stays with Ambrose as he continues to try to chop down the big Russian tree. Rusev rolls out of the ring to catch a breather but Ambrose follows him out there. Ambrose gets distracted by Lana and Rusev hits with a body block. Rusev slams Ambrose's head into the ring post and then whips him hard into the barricade. Rusev gives a guttural growl toward the audience and a few signs that read: 'Iron Shiek did it Better!' and 'You're a Bulgarian Waffle!' Rusev smashes Ambrose into the ring apron and then tosses him inside the ring. Rusev follows him in the ring and continues his assault on Ambrose. Rusev catches Ambrose with a swinging side slam and scores a two count on The Lunatic Fringe. A sign goes up in the background, reading: 'Rusev CRUSH, Ambrose MASTER!' Rusev stands up and yells at the crowd, who respond with a USA chant. Rusev yanks up Ambrose and catches him with a Samoan drop. Rusev stands up and, again, looks down at Ambrose. He walks over and places a stomp down on the back of Ambrose. Rusev goes for The Accolade but Ambrose blocks it! Ambrose gets his hand up to keep Rusev from locking on his finisher. Ambrose powers himself up with Rusev on his back. The Lunatic Fringe drops backward, crashing to the mat with Rusev! The crowd gets loud as Ambrose rolls over and makes the cover:]














[Rusev kicked out! The crowd boos and begin an 'Ambrose' chant as both Dean Ambrose and Rusev begin pulling their way up to their feet. Just like with the beginning of the match, Ambrose and Rusev meet in the center of the ring and just exchange blows. Both of them give hard, heavy-hitting blows. Ambrose strikes a blow that staggers Rusev backward. Rusev comes back with a punch that staggers Ambrose. The Lunatic Fringe gets knocked backward again, bouncing on that middle rope and coming back but Rusev ducks. Ambrose bounces off the far ropes and comes back with a kick to the gut of Rusev! Ambrose hooks Rusev for Dirty Deeds but Lana climbs on the apron, distracting him. Ambrose releases Rusev and walks over to Lana. The two seem to begin talking and then Lana slaps him! Ambrose slowly smiles but then turns around right into a Jumping Side Kick from Rusev! The crowd boos as Rusev makes the cover:]














Winner: Rusev (Via Pinfall @ 12:15)

Match Rating: B-





[Lana enters the ring and begins instructing Rusev to attack Dean Ambrose! Rusev puts Ambrose on his stomach and then stomps on his spine -- Accolade! Rusev locks Ambrose in the Accolade! The crowd boos and gives a loud 'USA' chant, trying to will Ambrose to power out of this. But Ambrose looks like he might be unconscious. 'My Time Is Now' begins to play and John Cena runs down the ramp toward the ring. Rusev releases Ambrose in time to meet Cena head-on. Rusev throws punches to the head, while Cena opts for body blows on The Super Athlete. The USA chant seems to fire up Cena and Cena lifts Rusev up on his shoulders. But Rusev fires elbows to the side of Cena's head. He drops down behind Cena and shoves Cena face-first into the corner. Rusev grabs Cena around the waist -- Release German Suplex! Cena goes flying and Rusev picks him up and tosses him outside the ring. He joins Cena and rams him face-first into the ring post. He tries to clear the announcer's table and then he picks up Cena, placing him stomach-down on the announce table. Rusev climbs up and gives a stomp to the spine of Cena -- Accolade on the announce table! Rusev has The Accolade locked in tight. Cena passed out to this move at Fast Lane! The USA chants get louder and louder. Cena seems to be moving toward passing out once again in The Accolade. But suddenly he gets some type of strength. He begins lifting himself up slowly. He is reaching his feet with Rusev on his back -- Cena falls backward, sending both of them through the announce table! The crowd is shocked as both men lie there amidst the rubble. At WrestleMania, it will be John Cena versus Rusev for the WWE United States title live on the WWE Network. Which man will survive? Which man will be able to make it to WrestleMania after this? Make sure you tune in live on the WWE Network for only $9.99!]




[Once the ring is cleared, 'Here Comes The Pain' begins to play and the crowd rises in boos as Paul Heyman walks out from the back. Heyman is by himself as he walks down to the ring, stepping inside. A sign is raised in the background, reading: 'We want Ryder!' He takes in the boos and the 'Daniel Bryan' chants that begin in the audience. Heyman takes a microphone and begins his usual way: 'Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman and I am the advocate for the reigning, defending, undisputed Heavyweight Champion of the World Brock Lesnar!' We are just a few days away from what Mr. McMahon would call the granddaddy of them all. However, Heyman says, there is nothing more that he can say to get people to purchase or watch WrestleMania. What he can say is that it is an opportunity to see the Beast do something that men in history like Goliath couldn't do. He is going to show everyone in this arena and everyone watching at home that he is not only the Beast but he is the best wrestler in the world today. My Client is going to destroy your people's champion Daniel Bryan. My client is the first man ever to hold the NCAA Division 1 wrestling title, the WWE World Heavyweight title and the UFC Heavyweight title. That is a fact. Here is another fact: Brock Lesnar just might leave this company following WrestleMania. He just might walk back into UFC, resume his ass-kicking ways and unify both the WWE World title and UFC Heavyweight title. Could Daniel Bryan do that? I don't think so. Now, I'm not taking anything away from Daniel Bryan. He beat Roman Reigns. He's beaten every single challenge they have put in front of him. But he has not had to step foot inside the ring with the man who is the one in twenty-one and one. The man who beat The Rock as an unstoppable rookie. The man who nearly killed John Cena at SummerSlam. The Reigning, defending, undisputed Heavyweight Champion of the World, The Beast, The Conquerer, and the man who is going to destroy the YES Nation and leave Daniel Bryan flat on his back at WrestleMania...BROCK LESNAR! The music begins in the background again as the credits roll at the bottom of the screen. We'll see you Sunday for WrestleMania!]

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The prediction contest will run from my first show until the end of March(WrestleMania) in the game. The prizes have yet to be determined. A single win is given each time a person scores the most predictions right in a given show. The most wins at the end of March is declared the winner.


On the go-home show of Smackdown, we had several perfect scores. Congratulations to The_CoC, Smasher1311 and jscotty!


1. jscotty=11 Wins

2. Smasher1311=10 Wins

3. Uncrewed=9 Wins

crackerjack=9 Wins

5. Warhawk8492=6 Wins

Beejus=6 Wins

7. packerman120=5 Wins

Russelrules44=5 Wins

9. Bad News Fryer=3 Wins

Bigjondalegend=3 Wins

Hitman74=3 Wins

12. kieranforthewin=2 Wins

TeflonBilly=2 Wins

KnowYourEnemy=2 Wins

Nobby_McDonald=2 Wins

16. CPBHBK=1 Win

codeydbw=1 Win

Blodyxe=1 Win

DaBookerMan=1 Win

nick21985=1 Win

Kijar=1 Win

The_CoC=1 Win

23. Frootloop=0 Wins

SkipMartin=0 Wins

lukess11=0 Wins

Ayden=0 Wins

KeyR1=0 Wins

thecoolestjedi12=0 Wins

LordryuTJ=0 Wins

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[OOC: WrestleMania 31 in this diary is dedicated to the memory of Dusty Rhodes. Gone but never forgotten. It will be Hard Times to move forward without you, American Dream.]


World Wrestling Entertainment

-WWE WrestleMania is coming to you LIVE from Levi's Stadium in Santa Clara, California on the WWE Network for only $9.99! One of the most anticipated main events in a long time will be shown as we have the ultimate underdog in the leader of the YES Nation Daniel Bryan taking on the Beast, The Conquerer, the Reigning, defending, undisputed Heavyweight Champion of the World Brock Lesnar! Which of these two men will come out on top when all the brightest lights are shining on them?


-Another major match will occur this evening as we see the culmination of the feud between Bray Wyatt and The Undertaker. These two have gone back and forth since Fast Lane last month with The Undertaker seemingly having the advantage at every turn. They both disappeared during Monday Night Raw this past Monday. Will either of them return from whatever Parts Unknown they reached to even have their match?


-John Cena looks to defend the United States against Soviet Aggression as he takes on Rusev for the WWE United States title. The Bulgarian Brute has yet to be pinned or forced to submit. Last month at Fast Lane he defeated John Cena with the Accolade. Will he do the same again at WrestleMania? Or will the United States reign supreme when all the bright lights are on these two feuding countries?


-We will see the in-ring debut of the man who was self-described as the last Warrior of WCW. The man they call the Icon, Sting, will step in the ring against a sure-fire first ballot Hall-of-Famer in Triple H. This will be the first time these two men meet at WrestleMania. Who will come out on top?


-Plus we have the Andre The Giant Battle Royal, The Fatal Fourway tag team match for the tag team titles and two matches on the Pre-Show. Make sure you purchase the WWE Network and get WrestleMania for only $9.99!


Prediction Listing



Loser Leaves WWE For One Month

Stardust vs. Goldust




WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Gail Kim



Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Big Show, Chris Jericho, Curtis Axel, Hideo Itami, Kevin Owens, Konnor, Mark Henry, Solomon Crowe, The Miz, Viktor, Big E, Bubba Ray Dudley, D-Von Dudley, Goldberg, Jack Swagger, Kane, Kofi Kingston, Rob Van Dam, Ryback, Zack Ryder



WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

Fatal Fourway Rules

The Brass Ring Club defend vs. The Celtic Demons vs. The Usos vs. The Lucha Dragons



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Triple Threat Rules

Bad News Barrett defends vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler



Seth Rollins vs. Randy Orton



Triple H vs. Sting



Roman Reigns vs. The Rock



WWE United States Title Match

Rusev defends vs. John Cena



Bray Wyatt vs. The Undertaker



WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Brock Lesnar defends vs. Daniel Bryan



Bonus Questions:

Will Seth Rollins cash in his Money In The Bank Briefcase tonight at WrestleMania: Yes/No


Which match will have the highest rating:


Which match will have the lowest rating(excluding Pre-Show matches):


Fun Fan Signs:


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Loser Leaves WWE For One Month

Stardust vs. Goldust

Comments: Sad considering today.



WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Gail Kim

Comments: Should be close.


Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Big Show, Chris Jericho, Curtis Axel, Hideo Itami, Kevin Owens, Konnor, Mark Henry, Solomon Crowe, The Miz, Viktor, Big E, Bubba Ray Dudley, D-Von Dudley, Goldberg, Jack Swagger, Kane, Kofi Kingston, Rob Van Dam, Ryback, Zack Ryder

Comments: Jericho, Axel, Owens, Ryback, RVD, Kofi, Kane, Goldberg.. so many choices. I made a bad one. :p


WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

Fatal Fourway Rules

The Brass Ring Club defend vs. The Celtic Demons vs. The Usos vs. The Lucha Dragons

Comments: Should be great, wouldn't mind if any of these teams won.


WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Triple Threat Rules

Bad News Barrett defends vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler

Comments: Dat Ziggler Mania Moment.


Seth Rollins vs. Randy Orton



Triple H vs. Sting



Roman Reigns vs. The Rock

Comments: Unfortunate.


WWE United States Title Match

Rusev defends vs. John Cena



Bray Wyatt vs. The Undertaker



WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Brock Lesnar defends vs. Daniel Bryan



Bonus Questions:

Will Seth Rollins cash in his Money In The Bank Briefcase tonight at WrestleMania: Yes/No


Which match will have the highest rating: Reigns/Rock


Which match will have the lowest rating(excluding Pre-Show matches): Tag Titles

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Loser Leaves WWE For One Month

Stardust vs. Goldust

Comments: RIP Dream



WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Gail Kim



Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Big Show, Chris Jericho, Curtis Axel, Hideo Itami, Kevin Owens, Konnor, Mark Henry, Solomon Crowe, The Miz, Viktor, Big E, Bubba Ray Dudley, D-Von Dudley, Goldberg, Jack Swagger, Kane, Kofi Kingston, Rob Van Dam, Ryback, Zack Ryder



WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

Fatal Fourway Rules

The Brass Ring Club defend vs. The Celtic Demons vs. The Usos vs. The Lucha Dragons



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Triple Threat Rules

Bad News Barrett defends vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler



Seth Rollins vs. Randy Orton



Triple H vs. Sting



Roman Reigns vs. The Rock



WWE United States Title Match

Rusev defends vs. John Cena



Bray Wyatt vs. The Undertaker



WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Brock Lesnar defends vs. Daniel Bryan



Bonus Questions:

Will Seth Rollins cash in his Money In The Bank Briefcase tonight at WrestleMania: Yes/No


Which match will have the highest rating: Bryan vs Lesnar


Which match will have the lowest rating(excluding Pre-Show matches): Triple H vs Sting


Fun Fan Signs:


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Prediction Listing



Loser Leaves WWE For One Month

Stardust vs. Goldust




WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Gail Kim



Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Big Show, Chris Jericho, Curtis Axel, Hideo Itami, Kevin Owens, Konnor, Mark Henry, Solomon Crowe, The Miz, Viktor, Big E, Bubba Ray Dudley, D-Von Dudley, Goldberg, Jack Swagger, Kane, Kofi Kingston, Rob Van Dam, Ryback, Zack Ryder



WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

Fatal Fourway Rules

The Brass Ring Club defend vs. The Celtic Demons vs. The Usos vs. The Lucha Dragons



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Triple Threat Rules

Bad News Barrett defends vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler



Seth Rollins vs. Randy Orton



Triple H vs. Sting



Roman Reigns vs. The Rock



WWE United States Title Match

Rusev defends vs. John Cena



Bray Wyatt vs. The Undertaker



WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Brock Lesnar defends vs. Daniel Bryan



Bonus Questions:

Will Seth Rollins cash in his Money In The Bank Briefcase tonight at WrestleMania: Yes/No


Which match will have the highest rating:

Main Event

Which match will have the lowest rating(excluding Pre-Show matches):

Barrett vs Ziggler vs Ambrose

Fun Fan Signs:


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Loser Leaves WWE For One Month

Stardust vs. Goldust




WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Gail Kim



Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Big Show, Chris Jericho, Curtis Axel, Hideo Itami, Kevin Owens, Konnor, Mark Henry, Solomon Crowe, The Miz, Viktor, Big E, Bubba Ray Dudley, D-Von Dudley, Goldberg, Jack Swagger, Kane, Kofi Kingston, Rob Van Dam, Ryback, Zack Ryder



WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

Fatal Fourway Rules

The Brass Ring Club defend vs. The Celtic Demons vs. The Usos vs. The Lucha Dragons



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Triple Threat Rules

Bad News Barrett defends vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler



]Seth Rollins vs. Randy Orton



Triple H vs. Sting



Roman Reigns vs. The Rock



WWE United States Title Match

Rusev defends vs. John Cena



Bray Wyatt vs. The Undertaker



WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Brock Lesnar defends vs. Daniel Bryan



Bonus Questions:

Will Seth Rollins cash in his Money In The Bank Briefcase tonight at WrestleMania: Yes/No


Which match will have the highest rating: Lesnar/Bryan


Which match will have the lowest rating(excluding Pre-Show matches): Paige/Gail Kim

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Loser Leaves WWE For One Month

Stardust vs. Goldust




WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Gail Kim



Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Big Show, Chris Jericho, Curtis Axel, Hideo Itami, Kevin Owens, Konnor, Mark Henry, Solomon Crowe, The Miz, Viktor, Big E, Bubba Ray Dudley, D-Von Dudley, Goldberg, Jack Swagger, Kane, Kofi Kingston, Rob Van Dam, Ryback, Zack Ryder



WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

Fatal Fourway Rules

The Brass Ring Club defend vs. The Celtic Demons vs. The Usos vs. The Lucha Dragons



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Triple Threat Rules

Bad News Barrett defends vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler



Seth Rollins vs. Randy Orton



Triple H vs. Sting



Roman Reigns vs. The Rock



WWE United States Title Match

Rusev defends vs. John Cena



Bray Wyatt vs. The Undertaker



WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Brock Lesnar defends vs. Daniel Bryan



Bonus Questions:

Will Seth Rollins cash in his Money In The Bank Briefcase tonight at WrestleMania: Yes/No


Which match will have the highest rating: Main Event


Which match will have the lowest rating(excluding Pre-Show matches): Andre the Giant Battle Royal


Fun Fan Signs: If Brock wins; not only will we riot, we will cancel the WWE network and never your product again because honestly; you have consistently sucked since 2009 and don't give me no Sports Entertainment; we only want Bryan, Punk and Wyatt and if you don't give us that stuff, we'll cancel our WWE network accounts for good....And we really mean it this time!


Don't listen to that Brock sign, it's just a piss-ant smark whose in denial along with most of the IWC!


Rusev is related to Osama Bin Laden! (You're free to take that sign away from me.)


Better than Batista!


Kim Possible or Failure Kim?


Get Tattoo Surgery Randy!


If Seth Rollins wins we pop like we did with Mankind's WWE title win!


WWE = We Want Eric Escobar!


Can Undertaker just DIE already?


That one moment in the sun.......




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Loser Leaves WWE For One Month

Stardust vs. Goldust

Comments: Love Cody, but don't really care for Stardust. Goldie wins, and we may get Cody back



WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Gail Kim

Comments: Gail does her job, by doing the job. Save the change for a not preshow match


Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Big Show, Chris Jericho, Curtis Axel, Hideo Itami, Kevin Owens, Konnor, Mark Henry, Solomon Crowe, The Miz, Viktor, Big E, Bubba Ray Dudley, D-Von Dudley, Goldberg, Jack Swagger, Kane, Kofi Kingston, Rob Van Dam, Ryback, Zack Ryder

Comments:Between Owens, Goldberg and Ryback for me. Ryback could use the mania moment. Would say Owens, but I don't think he's over enough for it


WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

Fatal Fourway Rules

The Brass Ring Club defend vs. The Celtic Demons vs. The Usos vs. The Lucha Dragons

Comments: Love the Demons, Like the Brass, meh on Usos and Dragons. Demons have so much more to work with here, personally


WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Triple Threat Rules

Bad News Barrett defends vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler

Comments: Three way Toss Up

Seth Rollins vs. Randy Orton

Comments: Another toss-up


Triple H vs. Sting

Comments: Very confusing match IRL. Let's let Sting have a moment


Roman Reigns vs. The Rock

Comments: This'll be fun


WWE United States Title Match

Rusev defends vs. John Cena

Comments: Rusev's been huge so far in this diary, but Cena probably could do more for the belt, allowing Rusev to move on up


Bray Wyatt vs. The Undertaker

Comments: Taker's gotta be in his last legs huh?


WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Brock Lesnar defends vs. Daniel Bryan

Comments: Poor Brock :(


Bonus Questions:

Will Seth Rollins cash in his Money In The Bank Briefcase tonight at WrestleMania: Yes/No Why not


Which match will have the highest rating: Brock/Daniel


Which match will have the lowest rating(excluding Pre-Show matches): Four Way Tag


Fun Fan Signs:

Santa Clara is not boring!


PS: Hyped.

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Loser Leaves WWE For One Month

Stardust vs. Goldust

Comments: First off, having CODY RHODES be on the WrestleMania PRE-SHOW when he should be MAIN EVENTING is an insult. Second, Dustin wins so we have good ol' Cody back for that run.



WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Gail Kim

Comments: I can't see the belt changing hands on the pre-show. Gail can win it at Extreme Rules.


Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Big Show, Chris Jericho, Curtis Axel, Hideo Itami, Kevin Owens, Konnor, Mark Henry, Solomon Crowe, The Miz, Viktor, Big E, Bubba Ray Dudley, D-Von Dudley, Goldberg, Jack Swagger, Kane, Kofi Kingston, Rob Van Dam, Ryback, Zack Ryder

Comments: He's the best name to win this out of the list.


WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

Fatal Fourway Rules

The Brass Ring Club defend vs. The Celtic Demons vs. The Usos vs. The Lucha Dragons

Comments: I think that they will only lose the gold at Extreme Rules as well.


WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Triple Threat Rules

Bad News Barrett defends vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler

Comments: The much deserved reign.


Seth Rollins vs. Randy Orton

Comments: Since Seth will get the belt later on...


Triple H vs. Sting

Comments: The Undertaker next year.


Roman Reigns vs. The Rock

Comments: That rub.


WWE United States Title Match

Rusev defends vs. John Cena

Comments: PLEASE...


Bray Wyatt vs. The Undertaker

Comments: Wyatt beats Taker here, and Taker has his swan song against Sting to prove he still belongs at 32.


WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Brock Lesnar defends vs. Daniel Bryan

Comments: Bryan wins...


Bonus Questions:

Will Seth Rollins cash in his Money In The Bank Briefcase tonight at WrestleMania: Yes/No

And loses seconds later.


Which match will have the highest rating: Lesnar vs. Bryan.


Which match will have the lowest rating(excluding Pre-Show matches): Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal.


Fun Fan Signs: California Baby!

Goldback vs. Ryberg, BOOK IT!


Lunatic Fridge on WWEElectronics.com for only $9,99!

Cody Rhodes: Next WWE World Heavyweight Champion!

Seth Rollins is Mr. Money in the Back! (Battleground 2014 reference)


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Loser Leaves WWE For One Month

Stardust vs. Goldust

Comments: RIP Dusty.



WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Gail Kim

Comments: Go Paige!


Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Big Show, Chris Jericho, Curtis Axel, Hideo Itami, Kevin Owens, Konnor, Mark Henry, Solomon Crowe, The Miz, Viktor, Big E, Bubba Ray Dudley, D-Von Dudley, Goldberg, Jack Swagger, Kane, Kofi Kingston, Rob Van Dam, Ryback, Zack Ryder

Comments: He'll have his moment with Goldberg, but Ryback is now.


WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

Fatal Fourway Rules

The Brass Ring Club defend vs. The Celtic Demons vs. The Usos vs. The Lucha Dragons

Comments: Either them or the Lucha Dragons, but The BRC aren't walking out of this as champs.


WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Triple Threat Rules

Bad News Barrett defends vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler

Comments: Maybe Ambrose, but he's more for the damn IC strap.


Seth Rollins vs. Randy Orton

Comments: Seth's going over in this one.


Triple H vs. Sting

Comments: Tough, but I think Sting's going to win to sort of keep relevant.


Roman Reigns vs. The Rock

Comments: He has to win this, Rocky can afford to job, Reigns can't.


WWE United States Title Match

Rusev defends vs. John Cena



Bray Wyatt vs. The Undertaker

Comments: Please don't bitch out Wyatt, no matter how much that I love Taker.


WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Brock Lesnar defends vs. Daniel Bryan

Comments: Tough, but I don't think Bryan will win to be cashed in on.


Bonus Questions:

Will Seth Rollins cash in his Money In The Bank Briefcase tonight at WrestleMania: Yes/No


Which match will have the highest rating: Lesnar/Bryan


Which match will have the lowest rating(excluding Pre-Show matches): Wyatt/Taker


Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Previous Show:

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Wrestling Observer Newsletter


[Graphic To Come Soon]

[OOC: WrestleMania 31 in this diary is dedicated to the memory of Dusty Rhodes. Gone but never forgotten. It will be Hard Times to move forward without you, American Dream.]


World Wrestling Entertainment


Prediction Listing



Loser Leaves WWE For One Month





WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends



Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Big Show, Chris Jericho, Curtis Axel, Hideo Itami, Kevin Owens, Konnor, Mark Henry, Solomon Crowe, The Miz, Viktor, Big E, Bubba Ray Dudley, D-Von Dudley, Goldberg, Jack Swagger, Kane, Kofi Kingston, Rob Van Dam, Ryback, Zack Ryder



WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

Fatal Fourway Rules

The Celtic Demons



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Triple Threat Rules

vs.ambrose Comments:

Randy Orton






Roman Reigns



WWE United States Title Match

Rusev defends vs. John Cena



. The Undertaker



WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

. Daniel Bryan



Bonus Questions:

Will Seth Rollins cash in his Money In The Bank Briefcase tonight at WrestleMania: Yes


Which match will have the highest rating:

seth vs bryan cash in

Which match will have the lowest rating(excluding Pre-Show matches):

tag team fatal 4

Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Previous Show:

looks like its gonna be a great show

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great diary

Wrestling Observer Newsletter


[Graphic To Come Soon]

[OOC: WrestleMania 31 in this diary is dedicated to the memory of Dusty Rhodes. Gone but never forgotten. It will be Hard Times to move forward without you, American Dream.]


World Wrestling Entertainment


Prediction Listing



Loser Leaves WWE For One Month





WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends



Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Big Show, Chris Jericho, Curtis Axel, Hideo Itami, Kevin Owens, Konnor, Mark Henry, Solomon Crowe, The Miz, Viktor, Big E, Bubba Ray Dudley, D-Von Dudley, Goldberg, Jack Swagger, Kane, Kofi Kingston, Rob Van Dam, Ryback, Zack Ryder



WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

Fatal Fourway Rules

The Celtic Demons



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Triple Threat Rules

vs.ambrose Comments:

Randy Orton






Roman Reigns



WWE United States Title Match

Rusev defends vs. John Cena



. The Undertaker



WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

. Daniel Bryan



Bonus Questions:

Will Seth Rollins cash in his Money In The Bank Briefcase tonight at WrestleMania: Yes


Which match will have the highest rating:

seth vs bryan cash in

Which match will have the lowest rating(excluding Pre-Show matches):

tag team fatal 4

Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Previous Show:

looks like its gonna be a great show

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Loser Leaves WWE For One Month

Stardust vs. Goldust




WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Gail Kim



Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Big Show, Chris Jericho, Curtis Axel, Hideo Itami, Kevin Owens, Konnor, Mark Henry, Solomon Crowe, The Miz, Viktor, Big E, Bubba Ray Dudley, D-Von Dudley, Goldberg, Jack Swagger, Kane, Kofi Kingston, Rob Van Dam, Ryback, Zack Ryder



WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

Fatal Fourway Rules

The Brass Ring Club defend vs. The Celtic Demons vs. The Usos vs. The Lucha Dragons



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Triple Threat Rules

Bad News Barrett defends vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler



Seth Rollins vs. Randy Orton



Triple H vs. Sting

Comments:Sting should have won IRL in my opinion


Roman Reigns vs. The Rock



WWE United States Title Match

Rusev defends vs. John Cena



Bray Wyatt vs. The Undertaker



WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Brock Lesnar defends vs. Daniel Bryan

Comments: Double DQ


Bonus Questions:

Will Seth Rollins cash in his Money In The Bank Briefcase tonight at WrestleMania: Yes/No


Which match will have the highest rating: Bryan Vs Lesnar


Which match will have the lowest rating(excluding Pre-Show matches): IC title match


Fun Fan Signs: Roman Reigns is a chicken!

If HHH wins, we RIOT!


RIP Bray


Bryan Vs Lesnar=dream match

Bryan=next WWE Champion

The Lesnar era is OVER


Comments On Previous Show: Great go build up for a great Wrestlemania card

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Loser Leaves WWE For One Month

Stardust vs. Goldust

Comments: When that month is over, I expect to see this feud either continue or else Goldust will heel turn and join Stardust to rule the galaxy!



WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Gail Kim

Comments: This should be a big win to really put Paige over.


Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Big Show, Chris Jericho, Curtis Axel, Hideo Itami, Kevin Owens, Konnor, Mark Henry, Solomon Crowe, The Miz, Viktor, Big E, Bubba Ray Dudley, D-Von Dudley, Goldberg, Jack Swagger, Kane, Kofi Kingston, Rob Van Dam, Ryback, Zack Ryder

Comments: As much as my initial reaction is Kevin Owens, I figure this will come down to Show and Goldberg, and Goldberg takes the win because he's Goldberg.


WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

Fatal Fourway Rules

The Brass Ring Club defend vs. The Celtic Demons vs. The Usos vs. The Lucha Dragons

Comments: New champs!


WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Triple Threat Rules

Bad News Barrett defends vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler

Comments: Dean with the title will give the IC belt a great holder, that should raise the prestige of the belt.


Seth Rollins vs. Randy Orton

Comments: This will set Randy up to be Seth's next challenger after he cashes in.


Triple H vs. Sting

Comments: Please please PLEASE right the wrong that was done to Sting by having him look like a complete joke at the hands of the almighty 3H. Also if my predictions end up correct, this will likely be the only huge face win of the show.


Roman Reigns vs. The Rock

Comments: Huge win for Roman to shoot him into the stratosphere.


WWE United States Title Match

Rusev defends vs. John Cena

Comments: Rusev is a great champ, and if Dean picks up the IC title then you should have a heel with the US title to keep things evened out. As huge a win as this would be for Cena, I just don't think I see it happening smartly.


Bray Wyatt vs. The Undertaker

Comments: Unless you are planning a huge Undertaker resurgence, I see no reason to put him over here. He probably has terminal time decline whereas Bray has a chance to be at least a hot prospect, so a win here will send him into a good position.


WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Brock Lesnar defends vs. Daniel Bryan

Comments: Kind of sad thinking that Seth will probably cash in and ruin the big moment though.


Bonus Questions:

Will Seth Rollins cash in his Money In The Bank Briefcase tonight at WrestleMania: Yes

Which match will have the highest rating: Brock vs Bryan

Which match will have the lowest rating(excluding Pre-Show matches): Tag title match.


Fun Fan Signs:


Buzzards follow Wyatts because they smell funny


Comments On Previous Show: I am so pumped for your Wrestlemania, it should be amazing!

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Prediction Listing



Loser Leaves WWE For One Month

Stardust vs. Goldust




WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Gail Kim



Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Big Show, Chris Jericho, Curtis Axel, Hideo Itami, Kevin Owens, Konnor, Mark Henry, Solomon Crowe, The Miz, Viktor, Big E, Bubba Ray Dudley, D-Von Dudley, Goldberg, Jack Swagger, Kane, Kofi Kingston, Rob Van Dam, Ryback, Zack Ryder



WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

Fatal Fourway Rules

The Brass Ring Club defend vs. The Celtic Demons vs. The Usos vs. The Lucha Dragons



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Triple Threat Rules

Bad News Barrett defends vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler



Seth Rollins vs. Randy Orton



Triple H vs. Sting



Roman Reigns vs. The Rock



WWE United States Title Match

Rusev defends vs. John Cena



Bray Wyatt vs. The Undertaker



WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Brock Lesnar defends vs. Daniel Bryan



Bonus Questions:

Will Seth Rollins cash in his Money In The Bank Briefcase tonight at WrestleMania: Yes/No


Which match will have the highest rating: Lesnar v Bryan


Which match will have the lowest rating(excluding Pre-Show matches): Four way tag

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Sunday Week 4 March 2015

Location: CA Levi's Stadium (South West)

Attendance: 42,254

Overall Rating: A

PPV Buyrate: 9.45





[The WWE WrestleMania Pre-Show begins in the backstage area where Rusev is battling back and forth with John Cena. The two men are exchanging punches back and forth with neither man gaining a distinct advantage. Michael Cole welcomes everyone to the WrestleMania Pre-Show and then turns the commentary to the fight between Rusev and John Cena. Rusev gains an advantage when he gives John Cena a low blow. Rusev takes a large chain from around his neck and wraps it around the throat of the leader of the CeNation. Rusev stands behind Cena, choking him with the chain as Cena tries to fight his way free. Cena slowly begins to fade out, lowering down to his knees. Rusev removes the chain from around Cena's throat and then wraps it around his fist. He strikes Cena with punches to the back of the neck, knocking Cena down to the floor. Rusev growls as he stands over top of Cena. He sets up Cena and begins throwing chained punches to the right knee of Cena. Punch after punch lands on that knee, making Cena grab that knee in pain, trying to cover up. Officials and the fun police finally step in to break things up. Will Cena even be ready to wrestle tonight when he takes on Rusev for the WWE United States title here at WrestleMania 31 on the WWE Network for only $9.99? EMTs step in to look at John Cena's leg. Could we see a forfeit tonight? We hope not and so do the fans as a USA chant rings out in the background.]


Match #1



Loser Leaves WWE For One Month

Stardust vs. Goldust


[We move on to our first match of the pre-show. We will not see one of these two wrestlers after tonight for one month. It is a battle of two brothers. Goldust tries to give his brother a handshake in the opening moments of the bout. Stardust refuses the handshake, instead, slapping his brother in the painted face. Stardust quickly exits the ring to get away from an angry brother. Goldust follows his brother outside the ring and Stardust goes back in the ring, stomping on Goldust when he comes back in. Stardust picks up Goldust and brings him over in a quick fireman's carry. In the same motion, he pulls Goldust up and hooks a rear waistlock -- German Suplex with a bridge: One, Two, Kickout! Stardust gets to his feet and continues his assault on his brother, keeping the pressure on. The action moves outside the ring and Stardust whips his brother into the barricade. Stardust charges in but Goldust lowers his head and sends Stardust into the front row! The crowd cheers as Goldust stands tall for a moment before he turns to focus on his brother. Goldust throws a punch and then grabs Stardust -- vertical suplex up and over the barricade and down. Both men crash and burn, grabbing their backs. The referee continues the count, nearing the ten count before both men roll back into the ring. Goldust bounces off the ropes and Stardust lowers his head -- Uppercut by Goldust! Goldust strikes Stardust with a bionic elbow and then the Golden Age. Goldust makes the cover:]














[The match continues and Goldust pulls his brother to his feet, knocking him backward into a corner. He climbs up and begins throwing punches. The crowd counts along to ten. Goldust drops down and then lifts Stardust on the top turnbuckle. He climbs up after his brother -- Superplex -- NO! Stardust blocks it and begins throwing punches, knocking his brother down to the mat. Stardust turns himself around as Goldust gets back up -- Asai Moonsault to Goldust from Stardust! Stardust gets back to his feet quickly and then mounts Goldust, throwing multiple bionic elbows from both sides. A sign goes up in the background, reading: 'Cody Rhodes: Next WWE World Heavyweight Champion!' Stardust gets up to his feet and begins yelling at the crowd as a 'Cody' chant begins in the audience. Stardust heads to the second turnbuckle, waiting for Goldust to get to his feet. Stardust leaps with a flying shoulderblock but Goldust sidesteps him, grabbing the leg on the way down! Goldust hooks on an ankle lock, dropping down and grapevining the leg! The referee asks Stardust if he wants to give up but Stardust refuses. Goldust releases the hold rather quickly and then pulls Stardust up to his feet -- Final Cut! Goldust drops Stardust with the Final Cut. He looks down at his brother, hesitating for a moment and then making the cover:]














Winner: Goldust (Via Pinfall @ 17:10)

Match Rating: D+




[We are now taken to a backstage interview area where Curtis Axel is standing by. Axel says that tonight we are going to see the power of #AXELMANIA unleashed inside the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal. He says that #AXELMANIA is the next coming of Andre The Giant. He says he is still competing in the Royal Rumble and when he steps into the battle royal tonight he is going to stand tall in his second battle royal. He says that he was born to be better than perfect because that is how his genes are. He was born to wrestle and bred to win. Axel paces for a moment and then rips apart his #AXELMANIA t-shirt. Tonight, it doesn't matter whether it's Goldberg or Ryback or Big Show or Rob Van Dam, he says that he is going to be the last man standing and he will get the WWE World title shot that he deserves after being the last surviving man in the Royal Rumble. He asks them what they are going to do when they feel the power of #AXELMANIA running wild over you?!?! Axel poses and we cut elsewhere.]





[The camera shot moves to over the shoulder of the COO of the WWE Triple H. The Game is walking down a hallway and he turns and steps inside a room. The camera focuses in on the room where we see a doctor working on John Cena. Cena has an icepack over the right knee and a grimace of pain on his face. Triple H asks Cena how he is doing. Cena says that he can wrestle tonight. He says that he is never going to give up. Triple H asks the doctor and the doctor says he's not so sure if he can clear John Cena to wrestle. Cena shakes his head and pushes the doctor out of the way. He drops off the chair, leaning heavily on his left leg. He looks Triple H in the eyes and says he's wrestling tonight. As a matter of fact, he wants a Russian Chain match with Rusev tonight for the U.S. title. He wants that chain to be legal so he can get his revenge. Triple H seems to be thinking about it for a moment and then he tells Cena that he has to sign a release keeping the WWE from liability and he has his match. Cena asks him where to sign because tonight he is taking the United States title from Rusev. Triple H wishes him good luck and says he'll bring the paper in here to Cena. Cena looks resolved but gives a slight grimace of pain as he sits back on the chair. This match has just been made a Russian Chain match! You can see it live on the WWE Network for only $9.99!]


Match #2



WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Gail Kim


[Our second match here on the WWE WrestleMania 31 Pre-Show is the WWE Diva's title match. The two women meet in the center of the ring with Paige yelling at Gail that this is my house. The two women lock up and Kim strikes with a couple of knees to the gut and then some punches. She rakes her eyes and then slams Paige's face into the turnbuckle. Kim spins Paige around and begins firing more punches, getting the crowd into things as she brawls from the beginning of the contest. The referee starts counting, ordering the break from the turnbuckles. Kim steps back and then lunges at Paige, driving a knee into her midsection. Kim whips Paige to the opposite corner and then runs at her - clothesline in the corner by Kim! Paige got sandwiched! Kim grabs Paige and tosses her outside the ring. She climbs outside and gives her a boot to the ribs before pulling her to her feet. She whips Paige to the barricade -- reversed by Paige! Kim slams back-first into the barricade and Paige follows it in with a clothesline. Paige grabs Kim by the hair and tosses her in the ring, joining her inside. Paige grabs Kim and begins multiple short-arm clotheslines on Gail Kim. She makes the cover:]














[The crowd is solidly behind Paige for this match and are disappointed in her not getting the three count there. Paige looks at Kim and then picks her up and sets her into a piledriver position. She pulls her up -- Blocked by Kim! Another block! Kim lifts Paige over in a back body drop! Paige crashes hard to the mat and Gail Kim uses the ropes to pull herself up. Kim moves in and grabs Paige -- Dragon Sleeper! Kim sits in tight and the referee asks Paige if she wants to give up but Paige refuses. She shakes her head and eventually Kim breaks the hold, frustrated with Paige. She drags Paige over to a corner and then climbs outside. She is going for the figure four around the ring post but Paige kicks Kim, knocking her backward into the barricade. Paige tries to pull herself up and Gail Kim gets back in the ring before the ten count. The two women meet in the middle of the ring and begin throwing punches and kicks to each other. Kim moves in and goes for the Inverted Stomp Facebreaker but Paige blocks it. Paige turns things around -- Paige Turner! She caught Gail Kim with the Paige Turner! Paige makes the cover:]














Winner: Paige (Via Pinfall @ 9:54)

Match Rating: D





[Paige picks up the win here on the WWE WrestleMania 31 Pre-Show. She stands up and gets her arm raised by the official and she is handed the Diva's title. She raises it up in the middle of the ring before music begins to play. It is definitely a new theme song and a woman comes out from the back who TNA fans would recognize as the Queen Bee Madison Rayne. The woman enters the ring and comes face-to-face with Paige. Ashley Lane is given a microphone and introduces herself, telling the world that she heard that this is Paige's house. She says that she has come here to the WWE to repossess on this house. She says that this is now her house and to show it, she strikes Paige with a running big boot, flooring the WWE Diva's Champion. Lane smiles at the audience for a moment and then puts a few boots to the chest of Paige. She catches Paige with a snap suplex into a swinging neckbreaker. Lane stands up and looks down at the fallen WWE Diva's title. She picks it up and holds it in her hands for a moment before dropping it back on Paige and exiting the ring. She gives Beauty Queen wave as she walks to the back. What a debut for Ashley Lane!]





[As the pre-show is coming to an end, we move to the parking lot, showing the arrival earlier tonight of the challenger for the WWE World Heavyweight title later on tonight in Daniel Bryan. Bryan pulls up in an electric car, stepping out of the vehicle and looking around to the crowd gathered against the guardrail. Bryan looks to the crowd for a moment and then begins the 'YES' chant! He moves over and sits on the guardrail, leaning in for selfie pictures with the fans. He lets the fans take as many pictures as they need, seemingly before he drops back onto the ground and begins walking toward Levi Stadium, stepping inside.]


[We are shown another earlier tonight clip. This arrival is the arrival of the WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar and his manager Paul Heyman. The arrival is in a long black limousine. Many women climb out of the limousine first and then it's Paul Heyman. Then we have the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Lesnar looks briefly to the crowd and then moves toward the building. The crowd boos in the background as Heyman extols the virtues of Lesnar into the camera. Lesnar shakes his head, ignoring the fans as he enters the building. Heyman is all smiles, raising the WWE World Heavyweight title belt before he disappears inside the building. This is our big main event this evening as Brock Lesnar will defend the WWE World Heavyweight title against Daniel Bryan! Make sure you tune in to the WWE Network for only $9.99! This is WrestleMania 31!]

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Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Big Show, Chris Jericho, Curtis Axel, Hideo Itami, Kevin Owens, Konnor, Mark Henry, Solomon Crowe, The Miz, Viktor, Big E, Bubba Ray Dudley, D-Von Dudley, Goldberg, Jack Swagger, Kane, Kofi Kingston, Rob Van Dam, Ryback, Zack Ryder



WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

Fatal Fourway Rules

The Brass Ring Club defend vs. The Celtic Demons vs. The Usos vs. The Lucha Dragons



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Triple Threat Rules

Bad News Barrett defends vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler



Seth Rollins vs. Randy Orton



Triple H vs. Sting



Roman Reigns vs. The Rock



WWE United States Title Match

Rusev defends vs. John Cena



Bray Wyatt vs. The Undertaker



WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Brock Lesnar defends vs. Daniel Bryan



Bonus Questions:

Will Seth Rollins cash in his Money In The Bank Briefcase tonight at WrestleMania: Yes/No


Which match will have the highest rating: Lesnar vs Bryan


Which match will have the lowest rating(excluding Pre-Show matches): Battle Royal


Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Previous Show: lil bit late here but i didn't predict the pre-shows if this counts haha

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