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WWE 2015: The Road Through WrestleMania And Beyond

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Bad News Barrett and Luke Harper vs. The New Day (Big E and Xavier Woods)

Comments: Yep, I'm going for it.


Summer Rae vs. Paige



The Ascension vs. ????



The Miz and Damien Mizdow vs. The Lucha Dragons

Comments: Good team to put them over.


Fandango vs. Daniel Bryan



Seth Rollins vs. Kofi Kingston

Comments: Unfortunate.


Chris Jericho vs. Roman Reigns

Comments: Just barely. :(


Fun Fan Signs: Y2JESUS!


Comments On Previous Show: Thoroughly enjoyed it.

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Bad News Barrett and Luke Harper vs. The New Day (Big E and Xavier Woods)

Comments: Bullhammer - Discuss Clothesline combo on Woods please!


Summer Rae vs. Paige



The Ascension vs. ????



The Miz and Damien Mizdow vs. The Lucha Dragons



Fandango vs. Daniel Bryan



Seth Rollins vs. Kofi Kingston

Comments: ohoho, edgy.


Chris Jericho vs. Roman Reigns



Fun Fan Signs: Jamie, how many? (Before the Kofi-Seth match)

New Day vs. Authority feud has so much potential...

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Bad News Barrett and Luke Harper vs. The New Day (Big E and Xavier Woods)



Summer Rae vs. Paige



The Ascension vs. ????



The Miz and Damien Mizdow vs. The Lucha Dragons



Fandango vs. Daniel Bryan



Seth Rollins vs. Kofi Kingston



Chris Jericho vs. Roman Reigns



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Previous Show:

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Bad News Barrett and Luke Harper vs. The New Day (Big E and Xavier Woods)



Summer Rae vs. Paige



The Ascension vs. ????



The Miz and Damien Mizdow vs. The Lucha Dragons



Fandango vs. Daniel Bryan



Seth Rollins vs. Kofi Kingston



Chris Jericho vs. Roman Reigns


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Bad News Barrett and Luke Harper vs. The New Day (Big E and Xavier Woods)



Summer Rae vs. Paige



The Ascension vs. ????



The Miz and Damien Mizdow vs. The Lucha Dragons



Fandango vs. Daniel Bryan



Seth Rollins vs. Kofi Kingston



Chris Jericho vs. Roman Reigns



Fun Fan Signs: I paid to see Daniel Bryan

Reigns is boring

Proud Jericho mark!


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Bad News Barrett and Luke Harper vs. The New Day (Big E and Xavier Woods)



Summer Rae vs. Paige



The Ascension vs. ????



The Miz and Damien Mizdow vs. The Lucha Dragons



Fandango vs. Daniel Bryan



Seth Rollins vs. Kofi Kingston



Chris Jericho vs. Roman Reigns

Comments: DQ ??? due to interference

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Bad News Barrett and Luke Harper vs. The New Day (Big E and Xavier Woods)

Comments: Heels going over is a good idea here.


Summer Rae vs. Paige

Comments: Paige rocks.


The Ascension vs. ????

Comments: Danny Doring and Roadkill? :p


The Miz and Damien Mizdow vs. The Lucha Dragons

Comments: There's big trouble in the Miz camp, so the Dragons sneak out a victory.


Fandango vs. Daniel Bryan

Comments: The real WWE would probably have Bryan lose this >_>


Seth Rollins vs. Kofi Kingston

Comments: Not a good day for New Day.


Chris Jericho vs. Roman Reigns

Comments: Roman has to look strong.


Fun Fan Signs: Turn the Paige!


Comments On Previous Show: A good show, the closing segment with Bryan and Reigns nearly fighting would have looked great on television.

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Prediction Listing


Bad News Barrett and Luke Harper vs. The New Day (Big E and Xavier Woods)


Comments: Interesting team, very good potential


Summer Rae vs. Paige


Comments: Can this be a career ending match so that Summer Rae is not involved any more (add Eva Marie too!!)


The Ascension vs. ????


Comments: Return of the Dudleyzz?? (if so I change my predication to the Dudleys)


The Miz and Damien Mizdow vs. The Lucha Dragons


Comments: Mizdown needs to be Sandow again


Fandango vs. Daniel Bryan




Seth Rollins vs. Kofi Kingston




Chris Jericho vs. Roman Reigns


Comments: Daniel Bryan costs Reigns the win


Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Previous Show: Very good; looking forward to the next show

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Bad News Barrett and Luke Harper vs. The New Day (Big E and Xavier Woods)

Comments: They won't wake up for the next New Day.


Summer Rae vs. Paige

Comments: Do try to push Summer though.


The Ascension vs. ????

Comments: Better than Demolition...pffffffffft. Sign Ax and Smash and these goofs can't last one minute with them.


The Miz and Damien Mizdow vs. The Lucha Dragons

Comments: Miz is pinned and the dissention continues.


Fandango vs. Daniel Bryan

Comments: There's not a chance in hell for now of Fandango beating a Main Eventer.


Seth Rollins vs. Kofi Kingston

Comments: Kofi will fly high for the Curb Stomp.


Chris Jericho vs. Roman Reigns

Comments: Swagger makes Jericho lose here to keep Reigns strong. Also, Swagger is a very interesting choice to feud with Jericho.


Fun Fan Signs: SETH.O.S. I hear 'em cryin'


Demolition >>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Descension


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ANGLE: Skit involving James Storm, Magnus and MVP...C

Kurt Angle defeated Tigre Uno...C

ANGLE: Skit involving Bobby Lashley and Mr. Anderson...C

Ethan Carter III defeated Robbie E...D+

ANGLE: Backstage segment with Kurt Angle and Bobby Roode...C+

Rebel defeated Mickie James...D-

ANGLE: Backstage segment with Roddy Piper and Jeff Hardy...C+

MVP defeated Austin Aries...C

Bobby Roode defeated Magnus...C+



Bayley and Charlotte defeated Alexa Bliss and Sasha Banks...E-

Bo Dallas defeated Hideo Itami...D

Alex Riley defeated Darren Young...D-



ANGLE: Confrontation involving AJ Styles and Frankie Kazarian...C-

Mark Briscoe defeated Hanson...D

ANGLE: Confrontation involving Alberto El Patron and Christopher Daniels...C-

The Addiction defeated The Young Bucks...C

Jay Lethal defeated Roderick Strong...C+

#TNA – #NXT – #ROH


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Friday Week 3 February 2015 (Taped Tuesday)

Location: IA Comm. Choice Union Center (Mid West)

Attendance: 10,703

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating: 3.26




[We are in the Community Choice Union Center in Des Moines, Iowa for this edition of WWE Thursday Night Smackdown! Michael Cole welcomes everyone to this show and says that we have a huge main event this evening when Roman Reigns takes on 'Y2J' Chris Jericho in a match made this past Monday night on Raw! 'The Truth Reigns' begins to play and out through the crowd comes the 2015 Royal Rumble winner Roman Reigns. Reigns steps down through the crowd and then leaps the barricade before entering the ring with a microphone in hand. Reigns talks about the fact that we are ten days away from Fast Lane where he is going to step inside the ring with what everyone is saying is his greatest challenge so far. Even more challenging than winning the Royal Rumble is going one on one with Daniel Bryan. Well, Reigns says, he can tell you that he won the Royal Rumble when The Authority didn't give him the opportunity. But The Authority has given Daniel Bryan the opportunity. Vince McMahon is behind Daniel Bryan so he has The Authority behind him. But Roman Reigns says he doesn't have that big group behind him. As a matter of fact, he has one man behind him. This is one man who has watched his back since he was a kid.]






[The crowd here in Iowa get on their feet as The Rock is right here back on WWE Smackdown! The Rock gets the fans hyped up at the top of the ramp before marching his way down to the ring and sliding inside. He gives his cousin a hug before taking a microphone of his own. He excuses himself and then stands in the center of the ring, exclaiming that 'FINALLY, THE ROCK HAS COME BACK to DES MOINES!' The Rock says that The Rock is back on The Rock's show Smackdown because The Rock has seen that The Authority has put their collective minds behind Daniel Bryan. The Rock says that everyone can see that. The Rock knows what it's like to be part of The Authority and The Rock knows what it's like to fight The Authority. The Rock says that he is going to watch The Rock's cousin Roman Reigns not only fight The Authority at Fast Lane but beat The Authority and move on to WrestleMania. The Rock says that until WrestleMania, The Rock is going to be in the corner of Roman Reigns to make sure that nothing happens to Roman Reigns from outside interference. Reigns thanks his cousin and says that the Roman Empire began at the Royal Rumble and it's going to continue at Fast Lane and grow to the top of the WWE at WrestleMania.]






[The crowd boos as the leader of The Authority Triple H walks out to the top of the ramp. Hunter asks the two of them if they are high because they must be to think for just one moment that The Authority is behind Daniel Bryan. He says that he has no idea what his father-in-law was doing when it comes to Daniel Bryan. However, The Authority has nothing to do with it. But since The Rock wants to show up unannounced here on what is supposedly The Rock's show, maybe The Rock would like to get in a match this coming Monday night on Monday Night Raw. As a matter of fact, here is the choice that The Rock has. It will be Big Show and Kane on one side and either Roman Reigns and The Rock or Roman Reigns by himself. Hunter wishes Reigns good luck tonight and this Monday. Hunter smiles and turns, walking toward the back when The Rock calls him back. Triple H looks over his shoulder toward the ring. The Rock says that this Monday night, The Rock and Roman Reigns are going to step inside the ring together and The Authority is going to go two on two with two Great Ones. The Rock says that at the end of Monday night they are going to know what The Rock and Roman Reigns are cooking!]





Match #1


Bad News Barrett and Luke Harper vs. The New Day (Big E and Xavier Woods)


[Our very first match is a tag team contest set for one fall as we see Bad News Barrett and Luke Harper taking on The New Day. Kofi Kingston is not at ringside as he is preparing for his match later on tonight with Seth Rollins. The match is fairly open between these four men, showing off the talent they each have. Barrett scores a near-fall when he catches Big E with the Winds Of Change. Big E is the face-in-peril for several minutes before he makes the hot tag to Xavier Woods. Woods comes in with dropkicks to both Barrett and Harper. He goes for a headscissors takedown on Luke Harper but Harper catches him and drops him with a power bomb. Barrett and Harper set themselves up on opposite sides of Woods, waiting for Woods to get to his feet. When Woods rises up, he gets caught with a Bull Hammer/Discus Clothesline combination that just makes him collapse to the mat. Barrett makes a cover: One, Two, Three! Big win for the WWE Intercontinental Champion.]


Winners: Bad News Barrett and Luke Harper (Via Pinfall @ 9:56)

Match Rating: C-




[We are taken to the backstage area where we find The Bella Twins standing by. Nikki says that it is great to be standing here with her sister, someone she knows would never turn on her. She says that her sister knows that she didn't mean those things she said a few months back. She was just saying what Stephanie McMahon wanted to hear. And how did that go? She is the WWE Diva's Champion. But now she has to take on a human jar of mayonnaise at Fast Lane in Paige. She says that everyone can look at Paige and see that she doesn't look like a champion. She doesn't look like the Bella Twins. But then again she says that the last thing she wants to do is insult Paige. Though it is on the list. She tells Paige to treat every day like it is her last because at Fast Lane she is going to be right. Nikki flashes a smile and then we cut away.]




[We cut to the office of Triple H. In that office is Triple H, Kane and Big Show. They are discussing the upcoming match that Triple H made for Monday Night Raw. Hunter says that Kane and Big Show better start proving their worth. They were beaten by Roman Reigns alone, Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan and now are they going to be beaten by Roman Reigns and The Rock? Hunter tells them both to keep their mouths shut and to listen to him. He says that he has faced The Rock before and he has a strategy for Big Show and Kane to use this Monday night. After all, they are members of The Authority. At the end of the day, there's always a Plan B for The Authority. But Big Show and Kane might be working on Plan Z. That means that if they lose, they might just be leaving The Authority.]


Match #2


Summer Rae vs. Paige


[From there, we move to a WWE Diva's match as Summer Rae takes on the number one contender to the Diva's title Paige. The match definitely seems to suck the heat right out of the arena as fans head for the concession stands and the bathrooms, leaving this match almost completely devoid of heat. Paige is pretty dominant in this match, hitting Summer Rae with moves like a fisherwoman's suplex and a side kick that scores a two count. One fan that is still left raises a sign reading: 'Turn the Paige!' Paige catches Summer Rae with the Ram-Paige and then shakes her head. She grabs Summer Rae -- PTO! Summer Rae is tapping quickly when Paige locks in the PTO. A big win for Paige here tonight on Smackdown.]


Winner: Paige (Via Submission @ 5:37)

Match Rating: D-





[We move to an area backstage where Adam Rose is standing by. Rose looks into the camera and tosses his hair back a moment. He says that this past Monday night he was interrupted by a brute before he could introduce the WWE Universe to the real Adam Rose. He says that tonight he is not going to be interrupted by Ryback. As Rose talks about introducing his agenda, Dolph Ziggler can be seen sneaking up on Rose. Ziggler kneels slightly behind Rose and then yanks his pants down revealing boxers with roses on them. Rose quickly covers up as everyone backstage is laughing at him, including Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler backs up a few steps and points and laughs. Rose screams his frustration and stomps off as Ziggler shrugs and smiles for the camera.]




['Rebellion' begins to play and the crowd boos as out from the back comes The Ascension. Konnor and Viktor play to a booing crowd as they enter the ring with microphones. Konnor says that they are already the best tag team to enter the WWE. He says, as a matter of fact, that they are unable to find tag teams that want to wrestle them. He says that they, as a team, are better than teams like the Legion of Doom, the Hart Foundation and Demolition. He hands over the microphone to Viktor and Viktor says that they welcome any tag team that wants to face them into this ring. He says that they will drop every single tag team here in the WWE. He sees a fan raising a sign that reads: 'Demolition >>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Descension!' and he yells at the fan that Demolition could not hold a candle to The Ascension! Welcome to the Wasteland!]


['Bombshell' by Powerman 5000 begins to play, getting the crowd on their feet]




[Here come The Dudley Boys! The crowd goes absolutely wild here in Iowa as The Dudley Boys enter the ring and bring down both members of The Ascension with clotheslines! Viktor is sent out of the ring and Bubba Ray hits Konnor with the Bubba Bomb! He gets up and looks at D-Von Dudley. He pushes D-Von and yells 'D-VON...GET THE TABLES!' D-Von exits the ring and slams Viktor against the barricade for good measure. Then he reaches underneath the ring and pulls out a table, sliding it inside the ring. Bubba Ray and D-Von set up the table and get into position as Konnor slowly gets to his feet. Konnor staggers in -- 3D through the table! The crowd goes absolutely wild as The Dudley Boys stand up and play to the crowd, climbing the turnbuckles. The Dudley Boys are back in the WWE!]




[The same video that played hyping the WWE return of Rob Van Dam begins to play right here on Smackdown. For those of you who did not see Monday Night Raw:]


[From there, we move to a video that has 'One Of A Kind' playing in the background. During this video, we are shown highlights of the man who is returning to the WWE next week. This man is none other than the Whole Dam Show Rob Van Dam! He is shown hitting multiple kicks and some high flying moves off the top turnbuckle both in WWE and in ECW. He is shown hitting multiple Five Star Frog Splashes before we cut to him raising the WWE and ECW World Heavyweight titles in the air at the same time. The crowd chants along as Rob Van Dam is shown doing the double thumb point multiple times. Rob Van Dam is returning to the WWE next week right here on Monday Night Raw! It will be very interesting to find out who his opponent is and what his agenda will be upon his return.]


Match #3


The Miz and Damien Mizdow vs. The Lucha Dragons


[The fans get slightly into this tag team match with Damien Mizdow drawing the most cheers from the fans as he continues his stunt double gimmick with The Miz. The Miz refuses to tag in Mizdow for the majority of the contest. The Lucha Dragons actually hold their own with the former WWE World Champion. Kalisto scores a near-fall on The Miz following a leg-trap sunset flip power bomb. The Miz fights back and sends Kalisto into the corner, catching him with the Awesome Clothesline. The Miz pulls back through and Damien Mizdow tags himself in! The Miz looks annoyed at Mizdow and then exits the ring, walking toward the back. The distraction helps Kalisto tag out to Sin Cara. Kalisto catches Mizdow with the Salida Del Sol as Sin Cara heads to the top turnbuckle. A sign is raised in the crowd, reading: 'LUCHA! LUCHA! LUCHA! LUCHA! LUCHA! LUCHA! LUCHA! LUCHA! LUCHA! LUCHA! LUCHA! LUCHA!' Sin Cara leaps -- Senton Bomb! Cara makes the cover, hooking the leg: One, Two, Three! What a huge win for the Lucha Dragons!]


Winners: The Lucha Dragons (Via Pinfall @ 5:56)

Match Rating: C+





[The show moves backstage once again to find an argument going on between Goldust and Stardust. Goldust is still trying to reach his brother even though his brother has laid him out twice inside the ring. Goldust says that he knows they have been through a lot here lately but he says that they can still work things out. He says they are still brothers and he still loves his brother. Stardust says that the man who was Goldust's brother is dead. He says that he is now the Cosmic Key alone. He says that he has the power of the Cosmic Universe. He says that he is now simply Stardust. Goldust tries to get through to him by calling him 'Cody' and Stardust shoves Goldust against a locker. He tells Goldust never to call him that again. Then Stardust walks off with Goldust watching his brother move away.]


Match #4


Fandango vs. Daniel Bryan


[This is a match that was definitely surprising in how good it was and how well it was received by the fans. The match was back and forth with Fandango actually showing some talented wrestling action. Fandango strikes Daniel Bryan with an enzuigiri kick that scores a two count. Fandango brings Bryan down with a Russian Leg Sweep and then heads to the top turnbuckle. Can Fandango defeat Daniel Bryan tonight? A fan raises a sign reading: 'Fandiggitydango!' Fandango points toward Bryan and then leaps for the Last Dance -- Bryan moves! Fandango hits the mat hard and Daniel Bryan gets up quickly. Bryan moves Fandango to his knees and then begins kicking him as the crowd chants 'YES' with each kick to the ribs. Then a kick to the head brings Fandango down. Daniel Bryan points toward a sign reading: 'I paid to see Daniel Bryan!' Then he whips Fandango to the turnbuckle -- Running Dropkick in the corner! A second dropkick! Bryan brings Fandango to the mat and then moves to a corner, beginning the YES chants as the crowd cheers loudly. Bryan charges Fandango -- Running Single Leg High Knee! Bryan makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Daniel Bryan (Via Pinfall @ 6:53)

Match Rating: B




[backstage, we find a very angry tag team known as The Ascension. Konnor is still wiping remnants of the table he was put through from the top of his head. He holds a piece of the table and says that he was not expecting The Dudley Boys tonight. He thought that they retired when he was, like, five years old. But since they have decided to come out here and attack The Ascension with a table then why not have a match where that table is legal? Konnor looks in the camera and he challenges The Dudley Boys to a tag team match at Fast Lane. He says that it won't just be some normal tag team match. It will be a tables match. Someone besides himself is going to be going through a table. He promises that. Viktor says that at Fast Lane the Dudley Boys will be welcomed into the Waste Land.]




['Out From The Shadows' begins to play in the background and a video begins hyping the Vigilante known as Sting. He is shown in his early days with WCW, scoring victories over the two time Hall of Famer Ric Flair. He is shown beating others of the all-time greats, including Barry Windham and Lex Luger. Sting was a stalwart for WCW. Even during the times when the nWo was formed and everyone was switching sides from WCW to join the nWo, Sting held strong. He moved into the shadows and attacked the group known as the new World order. He is the Franchise of WCW. He is known as an Icon. In ten days at Fast Lane, this Icon will step in the ring and go face-to-face with Triple H. What will happen? Make sure you tune in at Fast Lane on the WWE Network for only $9.99!]


Match #5


Seth Rollins vs. Kofi Kingston


[As Seth Rollins is making his way to the ring with J&J Security, a fan raises a sign reading: 'Jamie, how many?' They ignore the sign as Rollins tells J&J Security to focus on him not the fans. This is a contest that some fans were definitely looking forward to seeing. Rollins plays a little cat and mouse with Kingston early in the contest, using quick rope breaks and then sliding outside the ring to catch a breather. Kingston rushes toward Rollins and leaps, catching Rollins AND both members of J & J Security with a somersault plancha! Kingston points toward a sign, reading: 'SETH.O.S. I hear 'em cryin!'' The match returns to the ring and a distraction by Jamie Noble gives Seth Rollins the advantage. Rollins catches Kingston with a couple of forearm smashes in the corner and then hooks him with three straight vertical suplexes. Rollins makes the cover but only scores a two count! Rollins yanks up Kingston and runs toward the turnbuckle -- Buckle Bomb -- Superkick! Kingston hits the mat hard and Rollins makes the cover: One, Two, Kickout! The crowd cheers loudly when Kingston makes the kick out! The camera catches a sign reading: 'New Day vs. Authority feud has so much potential...' Kingston makes a short comeback with the fans behind him. He manages to catch Rollins with the Boom Drop, scoring a two count. He sets up for the Trouble In Paradise but Rollins avoids the kick, instead catching Kingston with a roundhouse kick to the gut. Rollins bounces off the ropes -- Curb Stomp! Rollins makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Seth Rollins (Via Pinfall @ 8:20)

Match Rating: B-





[instead of Rollins' music playing however, 'Voices' begins to play and out comes Randy Orton! Seth Rollins hides behind J & J Security, sending them both in front of him as Mr. Money In The Bank dives out of the ring. Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury bring down Randy Orton, double-teaming him on the mat but somehow Orton fights out of it! Orton plants both Noble and Mercury with RKO's and then goes right after Rollins! Rollins exits through the crowd with Randy Orton giving chase! The cameras follow Seth Rollins and Randy Orton as they are running through the backstage area with Rollins throwing everything he can into the path of The Apex Predator. Rollins suddenly dives into a waiting car and the car drives off just as Orton catches up with it. Orton watches the car speeding off and smirks as he stands there. Rollins survives tonight. But will he survive in the future?]




[We are taken to a pre-recorded video that takes place in the waiting room of a hospital. Jack Swagger looks into the camera and says that he found out who it was that attacked Zeb Coulter this past Monday night on Raw. He says that Coulter is resting comfortably right now but his return to the WWE is very doubtful at the moment. He says that Coulter told him that it was Chris Jericho that attacked him from behind. Swagger says that Jericho is a coward attacking an old man, a veteran of this country. Swagger says that Jericho is going to get what he deserves at Fast Lane when it is Jack Swagger versus Chris Jericho. He says that with the power of America, he is going to run over Jericho. Swagger stands up, puts his hand over his heart and says 'We The People' before a doctor comes in and calls him away. Swagger walks off with the doctor as we head back to the ring.]


Match #6


Chris Jericho vs. Roman Reigns


[back inside the ring is our main event contest featuring Chris Jericho taking on Roman Reigns with The Rock in his corner. In the first few minutes of the match, Jericho mocks Swagger by placing his hand over his heart and saying 'We The Boring!' Reigns starts out strong in this match but Jericho avoids a Superman Punch attempt and takes out the knees of Reigns. Jericho focuses on keeping the larger man down on the mat, working him over with moves like an elbow drop and a backbreaker submission hold that Reigns has to struggle with. Reigns makes it to the ropes to break the hold and Jericho points to a sign in the crowd reading: 'Y2JESUS!' Jericho picks up Reigns and sets him up in a corner. The crowd is shocked when Jericho brings Reigns over with a superplex! Jericho gets to his feet and bounces off the ropes -- Lionsault! Jericho makes the cover, hooking the leg: One, Two, Kickout! Jericho plays to the crowd, pointing to another sign reading: 'Proud Jericho mark!' and the other side reading: 'Reigns is boring!' Jericho goes for the Walls Of Jericho but Reigns twists and throws Jericho across the ring!]


[Roman Reigns pulls himself up to his feet and takes down Chris Jericho with a couple of clotheslines. Jericho charges at Reigns and Reigns picks him up and places him on his shoulder -- Running Powerslam! Reigns makes the cover and only scores a two count. Reigns pulls Jericho up and places him against the corner. He catches him with a couple of forearm smashes and then two knee lifts to the stomach. Reigns pulls Jericho out of the corner and drops him with a Samoan Drop! Reigns plays to a mixed reaction from the crowd. He takes down Jericho with a leaping clothesline, forcing Jericho to land on the second rope. Reigns exits the ring -- Running Dropkick, landing on the apron! Reigns slides inside the ring as The Rock gets the crowd hyped up. Reigns cocks his fist in the corner, waiting for Jericho to get to his feet -- Superman Punch! Reigns releases a roar and, again, waits for Jericho to rise -- SPEAR! He just broke Jericho in half with that spear! Reigns makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Roman Reigns (Via Pinfall @ 10:52)

Match Rating: B





[Roman Reigns scores a big victory here tonight against the veteran Chris Jericho. Jericho rolls out of the ring and The Rock is attacked from behind by Big Show! Kane enters the ring and attacks Roman Reigns from behind! Kane whips Reigns to the ropes and brings him down with a leaping clothesline! The Devil's Favorite Demon rises up and pulls up Reigns -- Goozle -- Choke Slam! Reigns is dropped with the Choke Slam by Kane! Outside the ring, Big Show throws The Rock into the barricade! Kane joins Big Show outside the ring and they both grab The Rock by the throat but instead of a Choke Slam, they toss The Rock against the ring post, hitting him hard in the back. Big Show and Kane enter the ring and both grab Reigns by the throat -- Double Choke Slam! Big Show and Kane stand tall at the end of this night. Will it be the same this Monday night on Raw? We'll see you there. As the credits slide up at the bottom of the screen, we see one final sign: 'Titus O'neil is the Next Big Deal!']

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The prediction contest will run from my first show until the end of March(WrestleMania) in the game. The prizes have yet to be determined. A single win is given each time a person scores the most predictions right in a given show. The most wins at the end of March is declared the winner.


Throwing out The Ascension 'Match,' we had several people get 6/6, a perfect score here on Smackdown. Congratulations to packerman120, Blodyxe, Uncrewed, jscotty, Beejus and Smasher1311!


1. Uncrewed=5 Wins

2. jscotty=4 Wins

3. Bad News Fryer=3 Wins

Smasher1311=3 Wins

Beejus=3 Wins

packerman120=3 Wins

7. kieranforthewin=2 Wins

TeflonBilly=2 Wins

9. CPBHBK=1 Win

codeydbw=1 Win

KnowYourEnemy=1 Win

crackerjack=1 Win

Warhawk8492=1 Win

Russelrules44=1 Win

Bigjondalegend=1 Win

Blodyxe=1 Win

17. The_CoC=0 Wins

Kijar=0 Wins

Frootloop=0 Wins

SkipMartin=0 Wins

lukess11=0 Wins

Ayden=0 Wins

KeyR1=0 Wins

Nobby_McDonald=0 Wins

nick21985=0 Wins

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Wrestling Observer Newsletter




World Wrestling Entertainment

-We are only six days away from WWE Fast Lane as we move on to Monday Night Raw. What a show we have for you tonight. We will be seeing both participants in the main event at Fast Lane in action tonight. On one side, we will see Daniel Bryan take on Stardust. Stardust is looking to gain some momentum right now with the feud he is having with his brother Goldust. Can he defeat the leader of the YES Movement? Daniel Bryan will definitely be looking for momentum heading toward Fast Lane. Can he defeat one of the Cosmic Twins?


-We will also be seeing Roman Reigns in action. However, he will be in tag team action with his cousin The Rock. This is huge in being The Rock's return to wrestling on Monday Night Raw. This family team will be taking on two members of The Authority in Big Show and Kane. Show and Kane have been warned by Triple H that if they don't win this match, they might be out of The Authority. Could we see either of them gone from The Authority before Fast Lane?


-We will also be seeing two former members of The Shield do battle in the ring. On one side, we have Mr. Money In The Bank Seth Rollins with J & J Security. On the other side, we have The Lunatic Fringe Dean Ambrose. We are going to see who will gain momentum into Fast Lane where Dean Ambrose will be doing battle with Luke Harper to gain an Intercontinental title shot against Bad News Barrett at WrestleMania.


-We are, also, going to see Brock Lesnar on the show this evening. The WWE World Heavyweight Champion, of course, will have Paul Heyman by his side. The two of them will be discussing the upcoming Fast Lane match between Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan. Would Lesnar rather face one or the other? What will Paul Heyman have to say?


-Plus a six man tag team match featuring the Brass Ring Club and Curtis Axel versus The New Day, the return of Rob Van Dam and more!


Prediction Listing


Fandango vs. Rob Van Dam



The Brass Ring Club and Curtis Axel vs. The New Day



The Miz vs. Ryback



Big Show and Kane vs. Roman Reigns and The Rock



Adam Rose vs. Dolph Ziggler



Stardust vs. Daniel Bryan



The Bella Twins vs. Emma and Naomi



Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Last Show:

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Fandango vs. Rob Van Dam

Comments: A shame because RVD can still go (definitely not as well, but he can)


The Brass Ring Club and Curtis Axel vs. The New Day

Comments: All of the yes.


The Miz vs. Ryback



Big Show and Kane vs. Roman Reigns and The Rock



Adam Rose vs. Dolph Ziggler



Stardust vs. Daniel Bryan



The Bella Twins vs. Emma and Naomi



Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose



Fun Fan Signs: CESAXELIDD!

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Fandango vs. Rob Van Dam



The Brass Ring Club and Curtis Axel vs. The New Day



The Miz vs. Ryback



Big Show and Kane vs. Roman Reigns and The Rock



Adam Rose vs. Dolph Ziggler



Stardust vs. Daniel Bryan



The Bella Twins vs. Emma and Naomi



Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose




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Fandango vs. Rob Van Dam



The Brass Ring Club and Curtis Axel vs. The New Day



The Miz vs. Ryback



Big Show and Kane vs. Roman Reigns and The Rock



Adam Rose vs. Dolph Ziggler



Stardust vs. Daniel Bryan



The Bella Twins vs. Emma and Naomi



Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Last Show: OMG! Dudley Boyz!! Giving them a feud with The Ascension is a really good idea

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Fandango vs. Rob Van Dam



The Brass Ring Club and Curtis Axel vs. The New Day



The Miz vs. Ryback



Big Show and Kane vs. Roman Reigns and The Rock



Adam Rose vs. Dolph Ziggler



Stardust vs. Daniel Bryan



The Bella Twins vs. Emma and Naomi



Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose


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Fandango vs. Rob Van Dam



The Brass Ring Club and Curtis Axel vs. The New Day



The Miz vs. Ryback



Big Show and Kane vs. Roman Reigns and The Rock



Adam Rose vs. Dolph Ziggler



Stardust vs. Daniel Bryan



The Bella Twins vs. Emma and Naomi



Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose



Fun Fan Signs: I DON'T believe that

Daniel Bryan=Next WWE WHC

I'm an Eric Bischoff Guy



Comments On Last Show:

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Fandango vs. Rob Van Dam

Comments: RVD has been getting some hype, so he goes over Fandangoo to cement his return.


The Brass Ring Club and Curtis Axel vs. The New Day

Comments: You can't clap your way past Axelmania.


The Miz vs. Ryback

Comments: The Ryback gives The Shellshock to The Miz and The Mizdow.


Big Show and Kane vs. Roman Reigns and The Rock

Comments: Easiest pick of the evening.


Adam Rose vs. Dolph Ziggler

Comments: I could potentially see Rose having something up his sleeve, but I'll go with Ziggler winning anyways just to keep the humiliation angle going.


Stardust vs. Daniel Bryan

Comments: This one is tough, but Bryan has a bigger scale at this point.


The Bella Twins vs. Emma and Naomi

Comments: The Meh-lla Twins.


Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose

Comments: Dean does the job for Seth again.


Fun Fan Signs:

Which one is higher: RVD or Stardust?


Comments On Last Show: I laughed at the revisionist history you told for Sting :p

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Fandango vs. Rob Van Dam

Comments: RVD returns with a pretty good win.


The Brass Ring Club and Curtis Axel vs. The New Day

Comments: AxelMania is going to run wild over the Old Day.


The Miz vs. Ryback

Comments: The Beejus made The Comment for The Smasher on The Post above.


Big Show and Kane vs. Roman Reigns and The Rock

Comments: Big Show and Kane are top heels.


Adam Rose vs. Dolph Ziggler

Comments: Nissin Lamen Hair hits a Zig Zag for a huge win.


Stardust vs. Daniel Bryan

Comments: Cody Rhodes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Daniel Bryan.


The Bella Twins vs. Emma and Naomi

Comments: Meh. Only good on that sense as Emma is a pure jobber at this point and it isn't even hard to pick a winner here. Push Emma and Naomi.


Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose

Comments: Should be an amazing match, with the future of the WWE beating the future of the WWE.


Fun Fan Signs: I have the Cosmic Key!

Ambrose vs. Rollins = The Best Feud of 2014

Don't be a Nissin Lamen, be a Rosebud!


Comments On Last Show:

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Fandango vs. Rob Van Dam


The Brass Ring Club and Curtis Axel vs. The New Day



The Miz vs. Ryback



Big Show and Kane vs. Roman Reigns and The Rock



Adam Rose vs. Dolph Ziggler



Stardust vs. Daniel Bryan



The Bella Twins vs. Emma and Naomi



Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose



Fun Fan Signs:

Emma and Naomi.... The Funkadactyls?

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Fandango vs. Rob Van Dam



The Brass Ring Club and Curtis Axel vs. The New Day



The Miz vs. Ryback



Big Show and Kane vs. Roman Reigns and The Rock



Adam Rose vs. Dolph Ziggler



Stardust vs. Daniel Bryan



The Bella Twins vs. Emma and Naomi


Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Last Show:

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