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SWF: The Dark Age

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IG MONEY” Brandon James w/ Ms. Chase vs. Randy Bumfhole

[standard Singles Match]


Groucho Bling vs. “THE AWAKENED” John Greed

[standard Singles Match]



Hero Squad vs. Paul Huntingdon & Rogue w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Tag Team Match]




Enforcer Roberts vs. “THE DARK DESTROYER” Steve Frehley

[standard Singles Match]

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IG MONEY” Brandon James w/ Ms. Chase vs. Randy Bumfhole

[standard Singles Match]


Groucho Bling vs. “THE AWAKENED” John Greed

[standard Singles Match]



Hero Squad vs. Paul Huntingdon & Rogue w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Tag Team Match]




Enforcer Roberts vs. “THE DARK DESTROYER” Steve Frehley

[standard Singles Match]

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First of all, great pay-per-view, E-V. Sorry I didn't get the chance to make a prediction on it. I enjoyed Rich Money's purchase of the services of the Soviet Science Experiment, Marat Khoklov. Jack Bruce is a definite rock star in this diary. It is a major question of who can defeat him now that he put the Alpha Dog to sleep.


“BIG MONEY” Brandon James w/ Ms. Chase vs. Randy Bumfhole

[standard Singles Match]

Could Big Money be the next challenger to Jack Bruce? A win here would definitely elevate him despite the loss at WHFO.


Groucho Bling vs. “THE AWAKENED” John Greed

[standard Singles Match]

Greed is good.


Hero Squad vs. Paul Huntingdon & Rogue w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Tag Team Match]


How can you pull against the Hero Squad?


Enforcer Roberts vs. “THE DARK DESTROYER” Steve Frehley

[standard Singles Match]

The Enforcer is a good, steady hand. However, when facing Steve Freehley, he ain't nothin!'

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“BIG MONEY” Brandon James w/ Ms. Chase vs. Randy Bumfhole

[standard Singles Match]

Question: There is considerable chatter about Ms. Chase’s frustration as it pertains to her clients performances at “When Hell Freezes Over.” Can “Big Money” Brandon James get back on a winning path with a victory over the fun-loving Bumfhole brother?


Groucho Bling vs. “THE AWAKENED” John Greed

[standard Singles Match]

Question: John Greed shocked the wrestling world after violently attacking and bloodying Des Davids this past Thursday night. What will the newly “Awakened” John Greed have in store for the fan-favorite in Groucho Bling?


Hero Squad vs. Paul Huntingdon & Rogue w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Tag Team Match]


Question: Ms. Chase was said to be very displeased by her clients performances at “When Hell Freezes Over.” That said, can the rag-tag combination of the “Blue Blood” Paul Huntingdon and the “Dirty Rotten Scoundrel” Rogue turn the tides back in their favor? - OR - Will the Hero Squad continue to dominate the tag team scene (as they have done for quite some time now)?

Maybe one of them gets pinned and the other one, and James, attack him and kick him out of the group?!


Enforcer Roberts vs. “THE DARK DESTROYER” Steve Frehley

[standard Singles Match]

Question: Despite growing slower with age, Enforcer Roberts is STILL a very difficult competitor to overcome. His veteran perspective within the ropes have made him a master as it pertains to twisting, stretching, and potentially breaking the bones of all of those who dare cross his path. The question is though: Can he do so to someone as ‘out there’ as Steve Frehley? - OR - Will the “Dark Destroyer” and all-around SWF “Renegade” overcome another mountainous challenge; as he did at “WHFO” this past Thursday night?

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“BIG MONEY” Brandon James w/ Ms. Chase vs. Randy Bumfhole

[standard Singles Match]

I agree completely with MisterRomanini. This Chase Agency story could go one of two ways, either James gets some credibility back and goes for the rematch, or Bumfhole beats him and you put wheels in motion on a new Agency. Either way, I'm interested.


Groucho Bling vs. “THE AWAKENED” John Greed

[standard Singles Match]

I don't see another result.


Hero Squad vs. Paul Huntingdon & Rogue w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Tag Team Match]


This is a super interesting match. Just like the opener, I feel it could go either way. I'll back Hero Squad because they're an actual tag team and continuing the Chase Agency tension is a good idea.


Enforcer Roberts vs. “THE DARK DESTROYER” Steve Frehley

[standard Singles Match]

Roberts doesn't win matches.

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“BIG MONEY” Brandon James w/ Ms. Chase vs. Randy Bumfhole

[standard Singles Match]

Question: There is considerable chatter about Ms. Chase’s frustration as it pertains to her clients performances at “When Hell Freezes Over.” Can “Big Money” Brandon James get back on a winning path with a victory over the fun-loving Bumfhole brother?


Groucho Bling vs. “THE AWAKENED” John Greed

[standard Singles Match]

Question: John Greed shocked the wrestling world after violently attacking and bloodying Des Davids this past Thursday night. What will the newly “Awakened” John Greed have in store for the fan-favorite in Groucho Bling?


Hero Squad vs. Paul Huntingdon & Rogue w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Tag Team Match]


Question: Ms. Chase was said to be very displeased by her clients performances at “When Hell Freezes Over.” That said, can the rag-tag combination of the “Blue Blood” Paul Huntingdon and the “Dirty Rotten Scoundrel” Rogue turn the tides back in their favor? - OR - Will the Hero Squad continue to dominate the tag team scene (as they have done for quite some time now)?


Enforcer Roberts vs. “THE DARK DESTROYER” Steve Frehley

[standard Singles Match]

Question: Despite growing slower with age, Enforcer Roberts is STILL a very difficult competitor to overcome. His veteran perspective within the ropes have made him a master as it pertains to twisting, stretching, and potentially breaking the bones of all of those who dare cross his path. The question is though: Can he do so to someone as ‘out there’ as Steve Frehley? - OR - Will the “Dark Destroyer” and all-around SWF “Renegade” overcome another mountainous challenge; as he did at “WHFO” this past Thursday night?

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“BIG MONEY” Brandon James w/ Ms. Chase vs. Randy Bumfhole

[standard Singles Match]

Question: There is considerable chatter about Ms. Chase’s frustration as it pertains to her clients performances at “When Hell Freezes Over.” Can “Big Money” Brandon James get back on a winning path with a victory over the fun-loving Bumfhole brother?


Groucho Bling vs. “THE AWAKENED” John Greed

[standard Singles Match]

Question: John Greed shocked the wrestling world after violently attacking and bloodying Des Davids this past Thursday night. What will the newly “Awakened” John Greed have in store for the fan-favorite in Groucho Bling?


Hero Squad vs. Paul Huntingdon & Rogue w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Tag Team Match]


Question: Ms. Chase was said to be very displeased by her clients performances at “When Hell Freezes Over.” That said, can the rag-tag combination of the “Blue Blood” Paul Huntingdon and the “Dirty Rotten Scoundrel” Rogue turn the tides back in their favor? - OR - Will the Hero Squad continue to dominate the tag team scene (as they have done for quite some time now)?


Enforcer Roberts vs. “THE DARK DESTROYER” Steve Frehley

[standard Singles Match]

Question: Despite growing slower with age, Enforcer Roberts is STILL a very difficult competitor to overcome. His veteran perspective within the ropes have made him a master as it pertains to twisting, stretching, and potentially breaking the bones of all of those who dare cross his path. The question is though: Can he do so to someone as ‘out there’ as Steve Frehley? - OR - Will the “Dark Destroyer” and all-around SWF “Renegade” overcome another mountainous challenge; as he did at “WHFO” this past Thursday night?

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“BIG MONEY” Brandon James w/ Ms. Chase vs. Randy Bumfhole

[standard Singles Match]

Guess Chase Agency is going to be broken with Emma already not being happy about his clients performance and because of that, I could actually see Brandon losing here but I still think he´s the safer bet here.


Groucho Bling vs. “THE AWAKENED” John Greed

[standard Singles Match]

Looks like Greed is getting a push so I guess he gets the win here.


Hero Squad vs. Paul Huntingdon & Rogue w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Tag Team Match]


This is bit of a "I hope" pick since I like Chase Agency´s current group and would love them to stay together and this being non-title gives me enough hope that Rogue and Huntingdon might actually win here even if storyline seems to point the other direction.


Enforcer Roberts vs. “THE DARK DESTROYER” Steve Frehley

[standard Singles Match]

Roberts is a solid guy and I wouldn´t mind him getting a push for once but he isn´t going to beat Frehley without anykind of build-up.

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Tuesday, 2nd Week of January 2014

The Dust Bowl || South-East









[There is no opening commentary. Instead, SupremeTV kicks off with the opening segment; allowing the viewer to take everything in. It's done to create a sense of 'shock value'.]






[supremeTV opens with the sight of a joyous Jack Bruce celebrating amongst a number of scantily-clad women in his obnoxiously decorated personal suite (equip with purple velvet, cheetah print, and a collection of framed pictures of himself on the wall). With his SWF World Heavyweight Championship loosely over his shoulder, Bruce has his arms draped in the same manner across the shoulders of his smirking beauties. More or less, it seems like a party of sorts; celebrating his win over Remo this past Thursday night.]


[Just then, all chaos breaks loose…]


[The camera lens, once fixated on Bruce’s party, has now fallen to the ground; lying on its side as it captures the lower-half of the people in the scene. In this vein, it’s as if the cameraman was attacked from behind (the grunting noises of an injured man being the obvious clue of that).]


[Meanwhile, in the room, the girls begin to scream and scury as a muscular African American man is shown violently attacking Jack Bruce. The rebellious rocker seems to hold his own at first; however, within a short time, the attacker seems to win out due to their immense power.]


[The attack ends as the African American man is shown whipping Jack Bruce head first into a nearby mirror; shattering the whole mirror in the process. Bruce topples lifelessly onto the ground below as he’s covered in broken glass, pieces of the wall behind the mirror, and a lot of dust.]


[The attacker stands over the fallen Bruce and, in doing so, he’s far enough away from the downed camera lens to see that it’s none other than his challenger this past Thursday night, Remo.]


[Remo reaches down slowly and picks up the SWF World Heavyweight Championship as he shuffles off in the same manner. What he leaves behind is a bloodied and unconscious Jack Bruce.]


[A number of EMTs rush into the room in which to work on the fallen Bruce. In doing so, we see someone in a suit strolling into the room as well. While we can’t make them out for sure, it appears to be SWF Board Member Jerry Eisen surveying the scene. Ultimately, we transfer away from the locker room area as the medical professionals quickly wheel in a stretcher.]



Duane Fry:
Oh my….

Peter Michaels:
That was uncalled for…

Duane Fry:
Jack Bruce was thrown like a ragdoll by Remo… WOW….
I can’t believe what I just saw here!

Peter Michaels:
It looks like Jack’s going to be headed to the hospital after that one…

Duane Fry:
Also, it looks like Remo walked off with the SWF World Heavyweight Championship….

Peter Michaels:
There’s A LOT happening here… We’ll get back to you as more information comes together. Right now though, Jack Bruce appears to be on his way to the hospital and his challenger from last Thursday night, Remo, has walked off with the belt after a disgusting attack!

Peter Michaels:
Talk about a jarring way to open the show...




[We transition away from the carnage that took place between Remo and Jack Bruce in which to witness the eery silence of frustration. In some ways, this scene is more jarring than what we just saw before; however, for a different reason. Ms. Chase, dressed in her typical tight businesswoman attire, appearing much like a sexy librarian in sight, stands before her clients with her arms crossed and a cold stare upon her face. Meanwhile, Rogue, Paul Huntingdon and even Brandon James stands collectively in silence; dejected, frustrated, shocked and embarrassed.]


[Ms. Chase]:
This sport is simple. You step in between the ropes and do your job; that’s it.
There’s no jockeying for position. No political power struggle to wage. You simply… wrestle.
And that’s where I come in. My clients don’t have to worry about anything BUT wrestling because, in few words, I carry the weight of your brand on my shoulders… week in… week out.
[Pauses; stares at them coldly]
I make you money… I bring you fame… I secure championship opportunities… ALL because that’s what I am good at; negotiating on behalf of my clients.
That’s why this past Thursday night was embarrassing, at best. You ALL failed me… each and every one of you…
[Pauses; looks around at them coldly over the bridge of her dark-framed glasses]
How do you let Mr. Frehley beat ALL three of you?
[Pauses; looks around as no one has an answer it seems]
The numbers were firmly on our side and yet… you couldn’t do your job…
[Pauses; shakes her head slowly in a tisk-tisk fashion]
That’s why, tonight, it will be in your best interest to PROVE your worth to… me…
[Pauses; stares them all down coldly]
If you want to continue to reap the benefits that I sow, then you’ll need to show me you deserve your spot.
Go out there… do what you must… conquer if you can…
[Pauses; a slight snarl even forms upon her emotionless face]
… Make… me… proud to be your advocate…
That…. is all….


[With that, the scene ends with a collectively feeling of motivation behind the stares of those before Ms. Chase. While such a slender individual, the high-powered agent wields a great deal of power and influence in professional wrestling today. She’s a rare mixture of extreme beauty, understated sexuality, and cold-hearted business sense. Knowing this, and knowing the track record of those she has promoted, the wavering members of the “Chase Agency” appear determined to keep her at their side. Will they be able to do so tonight?]



Duane Fry:
Ms. Chase has drawn a line in the sand for her clients. Win tonight, impress her however you can, and maybe… just MAYBE… she’ll keep you on as a client. While her antics are often controversial, NO ONE can deny Ms. Chase’s unrivaled business-sense. She really DOES know how to promote her clients and, in doing so, make them household names in the process.

Peter Michaels:
She knows she can grab a new client at any time. That’s why she’s puttin’ their feet to the fire. “Prove what ya got or I’ll go elsewhere.” It’ll be interesting to see if these three can live up to her high expectations tonight.

Duane Fry:
Well, we won’t have to wait too long. “Big Money” Brandon James is in action against Randy Bumfhole...and it’s happening… NOW!

Peter Michaels:
Let’s head to ringside!




Standard Singles Match; First Pinfall/Submission


Darren Smith

Ms. Chase w/ Brandon James


  • The overjoyed simpleton that is Randy Bumfhole is often a crowd favorite. His excessive clapping, bright-eyed smile, and goofty antics tell of a dimwitted babyface with a great deal of lovability. Sadly, in his case, all the ‘babyface gumption’ and high-speed wrestling can’t save him from the overwhelming power that is Brandon James.

  • Randy bounces around the ring like an exciting high-flying circus performer. At one point, he has the crowd on their feet after a high-hanging moonsault from the corner. While beautiful in nature, it only scores a 2-count for Randy.

  • Overall though, James dominates the match and looks good doing so. One major closeline sends Randy twisting mid-air; flopping to the canvas in a harsh fashion.

  • After a powerful corner splash, literally squashing Randy in the process, Brandon cracks his typical lazy smirk. Seconds later, he pulls a lifeless Randy from the corner and ultimately drops him with a back-breaking “Big Money Move” (Razor’s Edge).

  • Since Randy is so much smaller than Brandon, the impact from the “Big Money Move” forces Randy to bounce violently off the mat. As you can expect, there’s no kickout from Randy here. Meanwhile, “Big Money” barely covers him for the 3; smirking lazily throughout.


<hr color="black">
Brandon James via pinfall

“Big Money Move” (Razor’s Edge)




Duane Fry:
Was this enough to impress Ms. Chase?

Peter Michaels:
I don’t know it couldn’t be. James came out here and threw Randy around like a ragdoll.

Duane Fry:
Yea. That “Big Money Move” literally had Randy bouncing off of the mat due to the violent impact of the move.

Peter Michaels:
He really did; still not movin’...

Duane Fry:
Hey may need some medical attention, to be honest.




[As is customary, “Sexy Talk” takes place in a terribly decorated ring (equip with a bear skin rug, black leather couch, a few ferns, and a large flat-screen TV dangling from the ceiling). Standing within this god awful scene is none other than sleazy smirking Joe Sexy. The look on his face, his awkward posture, and tight modern-fitting clothing all tell of a dirty older man; the kind that make most squirm in an uncomfortable manner.]


[As the SWF NATION boos at the sleaze-ball heel, Sexy just smirks in return as the gold rings on his microphone hand gleam into the lens.]


[Joe Sexy]:
It’s that time again… time for a little…. “Sexy Talk”....
[Joe continues to smirk as he winks into the camera]
Now, my presence ALONE would be enough to peak the ratings. I mean, look at me.
[Displays himself to the booing SWF NATION as he smirks in a sleazy fashion]
This… IS … genetic perfection.
[Pauses again; crowd continues to boo]
Tonight, though, I have an EXTRA…. Sexy… Show for you all. The GQ-wrestler himself, Rich Money, is on his way out here and… to be honest, I don’t know if you can HANDLE so much machismo in one ring.
[The SWF NATION boos]
You’re SO used to seeing your fat & ugly family members on a daily basis… How COULD you encounter SO much perfection without being overwhelmed? You see, it’s not your fault…
[sexy’s demeaning tone is followed by an arrogant smirk once again. Meanwhile, as you would expect, the SWF NATION boos like crazy]
… You don’t know any better…


[The SWF NATION continues to boo as Joe Sexy stands arrogantly in the ring.]


[Joe Sexy]:
Poor… ugly… fools.
[Pauses; he has the SWF NATION in the palm of his hand]
But, let’s not waste any more time. I don’t want to keep my GOOD friend, Rich Money, waiting in the wings for TOO long. So, without further adieu, I give to you… MR.GQ himself… The man who could buy EACH and every one of you; 5 times over…. Rich….. MONEY!!!


[The sound of Rich Money’s pretentious theme is matched with a momentous wall of boos. Despite this, Money doesn’t seem to care one bit. Instead, he walks out of the back with his trademark smug smirk upon his face; a non-verbal sign that he believes he’s better than everyone in the room. Dressed in a perfectly tailored high-end suit, the high-powered businessman looks more like a GQ-model (american beefcake) than a wrestler. His strong physique though tells of a man who CAN certainly go (when needed).]


[Once in the ring, Rich Money shakes an equally smirking Joe Sexy’s hand. In doing so though, Money instantly sanitizes his hand after releasing Sexy’s grip. The sleazy nature of the “Sexy One” seems to make Rich squirm in a subtle fashion (even as a long time ally). When his music cuts out, the SWF NATION showers both with a chorus of boos. In this time, Rich Money is handed a microphone by a nearby ring tech. Then, as this is completed, Joe Sexy ultimately peers over the top of their negativity with his typical sleazy tone.]


[Joe Sexy]:
Rich…. Richard…. Mi Amigo….
You were VICIOUSLY assaulted last week by Psycho Gilmore. It was SO bad that, word is, you MAY need to retire. Is this true? Say it ‘aint so, big guy!


[Rich Money]:
You know, Joe…
[Pretends to act in a somber fashion]
It’s sad but true. I MAY have to retire due to my injuries. That’s WHY I couldn’t compete this past Thursday night. It’s a shame… a REAL shame… Someone of my talent; possibly cut down in his prime.
[Acts somber still]
And THAT’S why I have no choice but to bring a lawsuit against the SWF for Gilmore’s deplorable actions…


[The SWF NATION boos.]


[Joe Sexy]:
It’s sad that someone of your stature could lose it all thanks to that little freak!


[Rich Money]:
Thankfully, Marat was available to step in for me…
[Pretends to be somber still]
I didn’t want to let these
fans down. I mean, they were expecting to watch ME. I felt
bad that I had to deprive them of that.
[A slight smirk pushes through; he can’t hold it back]
Fortunately, Khoklov could step in and ‘save the day’.


[Just then, the sound of Jerry Eisen’s generic theme overtakes the arena. Within seconds, the SWF Board member comes stomping through the Supreme Gate with a look of determination upon his face & in his step. In contrast, neither Joe nor Rich look all that interested in his arrival. Once in the ring, the conservatively dressed former announcer is handed a microphone in which to speak.]


[Joe Sexy]:
… and what do we owe THIS pleasure?
Are we here to talk about Psycho Gilmore’s suspension? The lawsuit? Choose wisely, Jer…
[Pauses as he continues to smirk]
You’ve got A LOT on your hands here.


[Jerry Eisen]:
Actually, yes; however, it’s probably not the news you want to hear.


[Rich Money]:
He MUST be punished for what he did to me! If he’s not, I’ll make sure I punish this ENTIRE company for your neglagence!


[Jerry Eisen]:
I’ve spoken with the Board and, while you DID have a single vote in your corner, the majority rule was that Angry Gilmore will NOT be suspended!


[The SWF NATION pops like crazy. In connection, Rich Money’s smug demeanor quickly shifts to that of sheer anger.]


[Rich Money]:
You’ve GOT to be kidding me!


[Joe Sexy]:
You’re going to let that PSYCHO loose?


[Jerry Eisen]:
His actions, while aggressive in nature, is nothing different than what we’ve seen from you over the course of your career, Rich. With this in mind, we could not punish a man for simply doing his job.


[Rich Money]:
[Money is obviously angry at this point]
I may LOOSE my CAREER because of all of this!


[Jerry Eisen]:
About that. I spoke to our doctors and they say your physical came back normal. You don’t have a single injury in that body of yours. As far as we can see, you’re 100% healthy, Rich.


[Rich Money]:


[Joe Sexy]:
You probably PAID them off, didn’t you?


[Jerry Eisen]:
No. If there’s one thing you should know about me by now… I go by the books; always.
The thing is though, Rich, I’m going to take all of this one step further…


[Rich Money]:
“One step further”...
[He claims sarcastically and in a demeaning fashion]
This is ridiculous… You’re going to burn this place down within a matter of weeks! You are OBVIOUSLY not your father!


[Jerry Eisen]:
Nope… I’m not… and that’s why I can make decisions much like this one. A decision my father would have shied away from.
[Pauses as the NATION pops and Money looks concerned]
After speaking with the company doctors and reviewing your actions this past Thursday night, I met with the Board of Directors and we, again, decided upon a proper course of action. So, here tonight, you will be in ACTION in our main event!


[Rich Money]:
but… BUT… My back!


[Jerry Eisen]:
… Is not injured is the only way you can end that sentence, truthfully.
And not ONLY will you BE in action tonight… But it’s going to be against the very man you tried to evade…



[The SWF NATION starts to pop as Jerry Eisen turns to the side and points toward the Supreme Gate. Then, it hits: Angry Gilmore’s overly aggressive theme music. Within seconds, Gilmore is speeding down the ramp like a bat out of hell; snarling the entire way.]


[While Rich Money WAS attempting to argue with Jerry Eisen off-microphone, he’s now pulled out of danger by diving out of the ring to save himself from Gilmore’s wrath. Angry hits the ring… well… angry in nature; running square into the ropes where Money once was. In doing so, he’s practically exploding with an alarming amount of rage.]


[As Money stomps toward the rampway in a frustrated fashion, still paying close attention to Gilmore in the ring, the “Angry One” quickly snaps his gaze toward the heel STILL left in the ring. In a matter of seconds, Gilmore sends a message to the retreating Money by hitting a shocked Joe Sexy with his signature “Anger Management” (Running, Leaping, Knee to the Forehead). The impact renders Sexy unconscious immediately as the SWF NATION roars with excitement over the attack.]


[ultimately, the scene comes to an end with the NATION cheering for their underdog hero in Angry Gilmore. Meanwhile, Rich Money is shown obviously frustrated at the top of the steel ramp; barking about how he will “sue this place into the ground for mistreatment!”]



Duane Fry:
Rich Money THOUGHT he got away with it but Jerry wasn’t biting. Not ONLY is Rich Money an active member of the roster again BUT he’s ALSO in action against the very man he was trying to get away from, Angry Gilmore!

Peter Michaels:
If THIS is how the SWF is going to be run now that the Board is in charge then count me in! We’ve got ourselves one HELL of a main event, Duane!

Duane Fry:
… and THEN some! WOW!

Peter Michaels:
Rich Money can’t run anymore. He’s got Gilmore in a little under an hour ahead. Can’t wait to see the match we were SUPPOSED to see last Thursday night.

Duane Fry:
I guess better late than never!




Standard Singles Match; First Pinfall/Submission


Darren Smith



  • John Greed moves slowly, methodically, as he carries an intense focus on his face. As the action starts, his demeanor doesn’t change much. As Groucho plays to the crowd like the fun-loving babyface that he is, Greed stands as a stark contrast.

  • The action feels pretty open early on with both men getting a moment to shine. That said, as the match progresses, it’s John Greed who starts to pull away. This is started by a violent maneuver for which Greed falls backward; dropping Groucho’s throat across the top rope.

  • A well-placed running dropkick to the head later (connecting with Groucho as he’s still on all fours) and Greed is in full control of the match.

  • Watching, waiting, analyzing as if he’s truly enamored with Groucho Bling (a weird curiosity it seems), Greed allows his opponent to stagger to his feet. That said, as he does so, staggering back toward his opponent, Greed springs into action and drops him with his signature “The Awakening” (Running, Twisting, Neckbreaker) in a swift fashion. The move turns Groucho inside out in such a speedy fashion that it looks like his head may have been ripped off of his shoulders; a shocking sight none the less.

  • While Groucho is out cold, Greed uses his fingers to force his eyelids upward; staring him in the eyes as he gets the 3-count. All the while, he’s actually smirking in a snarling-like fashion (very unsettling when matching this with the forced-eyelid raise).


<hr color="black">
John Greed via pinfall

“The Awakening” (Running, Twisting, Neckbreaker)




Duane Fry:
That maneuver…. wow…

Peter Michaels:
Greed practically ripped his head off there. Groucho may need some time off after that one.

Duane Fry:
This “awakening” for Greed is one scary scenario. It’s almost as if he’s lost it entirely…

Peter Michaels:
He’s never really ‘had it’ but, I agree, there’s something really off about that kid…

Duane Fry:
No one knows where’s he heading, folks, but, from what we’ve seen so far, it won’t be any easy thing to watch. I’m SURE the Board is keeping an eye on John these days. They HAVE to be. If he steps too far, then I’m sure he’ll be met with a swift response.

Peter Michaels:
Hopefully, Duane. I agree. Greed should be on the top of their radar after what we’ve seen as of late…




[The match comes to an end as John Greed slowly slithers his way to his feet. While sporting an unsettling smirk, his right arm is raised as the victor. This moment of celebration doesn’t last long though. Seconds later, Des Davids’ theme overtakes Greed’s creepy tone. After a brief stare-down from the top of the steel ramp, the muscular athlete speeds toward the ring with an amazing display of power & agility. That said, instead of gearing up for a fight, Greed simply stands forward and extends his arms outward; almost as if he was welcoming Davids for a hug.]


[Des enters the ring and goes for Greed. John doesn’t break his stance though; arms extended, smirking in an unsettling fashion, as he watches Davids speed toward him.]


[bOOM! Des Davids runs John Greed over with a HUGE spear; however, Greed never shows any signs of pulling back. He takes the impact.]


[John is left out cold on the matt; the smirk still upon his face. Meanwhile, Davids stomps away from his fallen victim; somewhat shocked and confused as what just happened.]



Duane Fry:
What… was… THAT?! Greed didn’t try to fight it… he just… took the spear from Davids…

Peter Michaels:
He’s still smilin’ too…

Duane Fry:
I don’t think even DAVIDS knows what happened here. I’m seriously confused as to what just happened here!

Peter Michaels:
I think we all are, Duane….




Standard Tag Team Match; First Pinfall/Submission


Darren Smith

Ms. Chase w/ Huntingdon & Rogue


  • The Hero Squad has the crowd behind them as they overtake the ringside area with their typical brutish, out of control, wildman approach. That said, this over-the-top style proves to be their undoing early on.

  • Accidentally catching his own partner with a “Mushroom Cloud” (Running, Leaping, Power Clothesline) out of the corner as Huntingdon ducks out of the way. Before Atomic can even register what happened, he’s knocked to the canvas with a running back elbow from the illegal Rogue.

  • Jungle Jack would return to the match; however, almost does the same thing to Atomic accidentally. That said, he stops seconds before hitting Atomic as he sees Huntingdon setting him up again. What he doesn’t see is that Rogue has been tagged in by Huntingdon. Seconds later, as Jack spins around, he’s dropped with a flash “Crashing On” (Flatliner).

  • Atomic tries to break the count but is knocked back out of the ring by a charging Huntingdon. This gives Rogue the ability to score a 3-count for his team. Meanwhile, Ms. Chase slowly nods without emotion; strong… confident...


<hr color="black">
Rogue via pinfall

“Crashing On” (Flatliner)




Duane Fry:
The Hero Squad has LOST a match on SupremeTV! We haven’t seen THIS for a bit, have we, Peter?

Peter Michaels:
They’ve been crushin’ the competition for awhile now. Tonight, Chase’s boys had the goods & put them down for a 3-count. Can’t overlook these two now. Huntingdon & Rogue have arrived as a team not to mess with in the SWF with this win.

Duane Fry:
It’s crazy to say that after one win but, when you beat the SWF World Tag Team Champions in that one win, there’s little you can do to deny it.

Peter Michaels:
I’m sure the Board is looking into this one now. This will probably be the Hero Squad’s title match at “Nothing To Lose”...

Duane Fry:
It’d be a great match, if so. We may have found a team that can take the belts off of the Hero Squad…. and it just so happens to be a Ms. Chase-led tag team.




[We transition backstage once again in which to see the two Eisen brothers standing across from one another in a tight camera shot. The look of disdain, anger, and frustration upon Eric Eisen’s face tells it all; he is truly a walking time-bomb, so to speak. The scowl on Eric’s face resembles the very one his Father projected for many years. In contrast, Jerry Eisen stands with a focused stare; calm and confident demeanor. While not gripped with frustration, it seems as though, through recent actions, that Jerry HAS grown short with his emotionally-volatile brother.]


[Jerry Eisen]:
What you did last Thursday night is not acceptable, Eric.


[Eric Eisen]:
I don’t really care WHAT you think, Jerry..


[Jerry Eisen]:
This is EXACTLY why our father couldn’t put the SWF solely in your hands. You’re too emotionally unstable to make the RIGHT decision for the company. It’s always about you. It’s ALWAYS been about… you.


[Eric Eisen]:
You’re a broken record. Do you know that? Do you even HEAR yourself? You’ve been saying that same bull for years now. “We can’t trust Eric…”
[shakes his head in frustration]
You’d tell anyone who’d listen and yet… No one ever questioned YOUR motives.
[Pauses; angry in his scowl]
What do YOU gain by pushing me down? Oh, that’s right… You were able to weasel your way into dad’s will.


[Jerry Eisen]:
What are you talking about?


[Eric Eisen]:
Pops said that the company was coming to me. He KNEW I was the only one with a set.
[Pauses; scowling]
He knew YOU were NOTHING like him and if he left the SWF to you, we’d ALL be out of business in a matter of a few years.


[Jerry Eisen]:
You’re delusional…


[Eric Eisen]:
Keep on telling yourself that, Jerry. You and pops were NEVER close. You know that, he knew that, I know that… Hell, this entire company… knew… that! You weaseled your way into his will and forced me OUT of my full ownership!


[Jerry Eisen]:
Our father knew we needed a balanced system of authority. He KNEW that power corrupts; that the SWF needed several voices to keep everything in control. I had nothing to do with ‘weaseling’ my way into the will. This was HIS choice; not mine.


[Eric Eisen]:
You KNOW you’re lying…
[shakes his head; chuckling to himself in an absurd fashion]
… and YET you pretend like you’re this ‘high and mighty traditionalist’. You don’t know the FIRST THING about this sport… about what it takes to be successful in THAT ring!


[Jerry Eisen]:
You’re right. I don’t! Christian does though and THAT’S why he was trusted to be on the Board…


[Eric Eisen]:
Christian doesn’t know where the HELL he is these days. He’s a shell of what he used to be; he’s losing it day by day…


[Just then, we hear a familiar voice off-camera; one filled with sadness it seems.]


[Anneliese Eisen]:
Eric… Jerry…


[Anneliese walks onto the scene wearing a simple black dress. The look on her face is that of someone hurt by what she sees/hears.]


[Anneliese Eisen]:
This HAS.. to… stop…


[Eric Eisen]:
I’m not listening to a WORD you have to say…


[Jerry Eisen]:
Anneliese. I know you’re trying to help but this is between family…


[Anneliese Eisen]:
I am… family…


[Anneliese trails off as she says this; saddened and looking down. Jerry realizes this and nods her head. Meanwhile, Eric is rolling his eyes in frustration.]


[Jerry Eisen]:
I’m sorry…
[Turns his mouth slightly in a thoughtful nature]
You are, Anneliese. It’s just that… Eric and I…


[Eric Eisen]:
… I’m out of here. I have BETTER things to be doing with my time than sit in on this soap opera bull…


[Anneliese Eisen]:


[she reaches out but Eric storms off. In doing so, Jerry steps forward to comfort her.]


[Jerry Eisen]:
Let him go, Anneliese.
[Looks her in the eyes]
There’s no getting through to him…


[Anneliese Eisen]:
… I know we can. It’s just going to take time.


[Jerry Eisen]:
You’re FAR more patient than I…


[Anneliese Eisen]:
No… I’m determined….
determined to bring this family back together in our time of need.


[With that, the scene comes to an end as Jerry & Anneliese walk off side-by-side. Even with the departure of all three, there still is a feeling of great unease and tension amongst the SWF Board of Directors. More importantly, amongst the family.]



Duane Fry:
The Eisen family is falling apart now that Mr. Eisen is no more.

Peter Michaels:
We all knew it was coming. Richard always said his boys were better rivals than brothers. He constantly spoke of what would happen once he was gone; about what would happen if power was left to only one of them. This comes as no shock that they’re now at each other’s throats. It’ll be interesting to see how the SWF continues with a Board that is as tense as we see now.

Duane Fry:
All we can do is hope that Faith & Anneliese can find some common ground between the two; play peacemakers along the way.

Peter Michaels:
I feel that’s why they are part owners with both brothers; to keep the peace and bring them together possibly.

Duane Fry:
I hope they CAN play those roles. If they can’t, the SWF may crumble underneath their rivalry…




Standard Singles Match; First Pinfall/Submission


Darren Smith



  • Enforcer Roberts isn’t afraid of Steve Frehley. You can see it in his emotionless, all-business, stare. The hardened veteran has ‘seen it all’ through the years; this gives him a strong sense of confidence through any match. In return, Frehley sports his trademark smirk; a crazed-smirk if you will.

  • The action has Roberts bending and twisting Frehley’s body in every which direction in hopes of breaking a bone or two. Despite the pain though, Frehley is able to eventually break free & display his exciting brawl-based style. While Roberts tries to slow his onslaught down with his slower, matt-based approach, it’s not enough to really keep the “Dark Destroyer” at bay.

  • In the end, Roberts is trying to take Steve Frehley over with a standard suplex but the “Dark Destroyer” isn’t having it. Blocking it once, twice. Seconds later, Steve breaks the hold with a powerful European-styled uppercut.

  • As the Enforcer staggers away, Frehley hits the nearby ropes with great power & explosiveness. Then, as Roberts spins around, ready to fight again, Frehley overwhelms the hardened veteran with his signature “Frehley’s Comet” (Spear)!

  • There’s no kickout from Roberts at this point. With his trademark crazed smirk upon his face, Frehley scores the 3-count in his favor.


<hr color="black">
Steve Frehley via pinfall

“Frehley’s Comet” (Spear)




Duane Fry:
Even at his advanced age, Enforcer Roberts is NOT an easy win. Not one bit! Tonight, though, Frehley took what the Enforcer dished out and STILL came out on top.

Peter Michaels:
Roberts could be 80 and still a hard ‘get’ in the ring. A win over the Enforcer still means somethin’ here.

Duane Fry:
[Puts his hand to his ear; listening to someone in the back]
I’m getting word……
[Listening again]
… Yes… Brandon James is on his way to the ringside area! James is coming out after Frehley!

Peter Michaels:
This could be bad… REALLY bad….




[slowly walking out of the back with a coy smirk upon his face, “Big Money” Brandon James looks as though he’s gearing up for a fight. Meanwhile, in the ring, Steve Frehley isn’t backing down from the idea either. While he’s depleted from his fight with Enforcer Roberts, the “Dark Destroyer” can be seen clenching his fists for a fight; displaying his crazy smirk in the process.]


[Once James hits the ring, stepping over the top rope, Frehley rushes him right away. The two engage one another in a wild back-and-forth brawl with both men throwing haymakers that would knock out any normal man. That said, while they may stagger away for a second, both men come back for the fight in a stubborn headed manner.]


[Eventually, the two men spill out of the ring, over the steel guardrail, and into the ruckus crowd. This goes on for a good 5-minutes or so as the two men carry one another all around; wildly brawling during this time. In the end though, James looks as though he’s about to rush Frehley with his signature big boot. As he does though, Frehley ducks his attempt and sends him flying over him with a beautiful back-body-drop.]


[The 300 pound James flies through the air and ultimately crashes through a concession stand deep into the live crowd. In doing so, he literally takes the entire thing down with him; his weight and sheer size destroying the space.]


[As the SWF NATION pops, Frehley slowly staggers his way back to his feet; displaying his signature smirk despite obviously being severely depleted. From there, the scene ends as the “Dark Destroyer” staggers away from the fight (engaging with the roaring crowd). Meanwhile, a zoomed in shot of an unconscious Brandon James amongst broken glass, wood, and food, can be seen as well.]



Duane Fry:
“Big Money” WANTED Frehley and that’s EXACTLY what he got!
THAT and a face full of hot dogs!

Peter Michaels:
That had an ol’ Memphis-like vibe to it. Two men, throwing fists every which way, and one man taking a crash through a concession stand.
It felt like we were back in a small Tennessee gymnasium!

Duane Fry:
Well, we’re OUT of the 70’s, Peter, but that doesn’t seem to really matter to these two! They took it to one another and, in the end, it’s Steve Frehley who’s walking away. Mind you, not easily but… walking away none the less!

Peter Michaels:
This is bound to piss off Ms. Chase.

Duane Fry:
100%. You just wonder if James’ win earlier tonight will be enough to keep him with the “Chase Agency.” If not, this fight here may have put some doubt out there…




Standard Singles Match; First Pinfall/Submission


Darren Smith



  • Rich Money is seen arguing with Darren Smith (SWF Head Referee) as he stands awaiting the arrival of Angry Gilmore. We can hear him shouting over the fact that this “is not how business should be ran.” Furthermore, he’s heard threatening to add Darren to the lawsuit if he doesn’t call of the match. Well, that’s not what happens…

  • Money continues to argue all the way up until Gilmore explodes out of the back, running full-speed toward the ring. The GQ-looking wrestler tries to jump out toward the rabid technician as he enters the ring but, as you’d expect, Gilmore’s ferocious fight style wins out; tackling Money to the ground in a swift fashion… followed by a collection of hard right hands to his perfectly gelled head.

  • With this, Gilmore stays in control for the first minute or so; exploding left-and-right and hitting Money in all manners possible. That is until an already exhausted Money is able to duck out of a corner-splash; exiting the ring to catch his breath in the process.

  • The action would spill to the ringside area; however, would prove to be more beneficial for Money as he was playing possum, in a way. A wicked Irish Whip into the nearby steel steps, sending Gilmore shoulder-first into them, is enough to slow the rabid technician down. Gilmore is able to stagger back into the ring before the 10 count but, as he enters the ring, Money dives atop of him; dropping elbows to make matters worse.

  • For a good chunk of the middle of the match, Money controls everything. At one point, a standing sleeperhold almost puts Gilmore out for good. That is until he can break free as his arm was dropping ALMOST for a 3rd time (which would end the match). He charges his energy up and eventually takes Money to the ground with a swift head-lock side throw to the matt.

  • Again, Money would exit the ring to catch his breath. This time though, Gilmore explodes over the top rope with a big splash (like the one he used against Khoklov at “When Hell Freezes Over.”) The impact sends Money crashing to the ground. That said, it also has Gilmore slow to get up, too (stemming from his previous down-period in the match).

  • Gilmore lands a hard suplex on the outside at this point. The loud thud from Money’s back travels throughout the arena.

  • Back in the ring, Gilmore looks like he’s gearing up for an “Anger Management” (Running, Leaping, Knee to the Forehead). Sadly though, Money is aware enough to move out of the way. In doing so, he catches Gilmore in a quick side-Russian legsweep.

  • Money rides his wave of momentum for a bit longer; keeping Gilmore grounded throughout. That said, as Money goes for a belly-to-back-side suplex, Gilmore is able to slip out by flipping up-and-over Money’s shoulder (landing behind him). Seconds later, Gilmore drops the shocked Money with a falling-double-knee-breaker to the back (Carlito’s Backbreaker).

  • Money winces in pain as he holds his lower back with the back of his hand. That said, he has very little time to focus on this. Within a matter of seconds, Gilmore has rolled Money over & now has an aggressive, and overly painful-looking, Camel Clutch in use.

  • Money screams out in pain as Gilmore wrenches back. Then, as Gilmore pulls one arm free and runs it along Money’s neck (turning it ALSO into a chokehold), Money can’t fight it anymore. He screams out in pain and calls for a verbal submission. Darren Smith calls for the bell quickly as the SWF NATION pops with excitement.


<hr color="black">
Angry Gilmore via submission

Extreme Angled Camel Clutch




Duane Fry:

Peter Michaels:
Angry Gilmore is like a rabid wolverine hellbent on whatever’s in his path. He wanted Money, he got Money… thanks to the Board.

Duane Fry:
I’m sure THIS will ALSO be added to his pending lawsuit against the SWF but, honestly, I don’t really care!
Angry Gilmore FINALLY got his hands on that pompous a$$hole and he made… him… TAP!

Peter Michaels:
It’s the most dominating way to beat another man. I’m sure this will dig at Rich for quite some time to come…

[b}Duane Fry:
He’ll probably retaliate but tonight… that doesn’t matter! Angry Gilmore did it! He beat Money down… Slapped him into a Camel Clutch...and BEAT him! What a GREAT main event!




[The SWF NATION is buzzing with anticipation as the roaring classic rock theme of the “Iron Man” begins to overtake the Dust Bowl (as it has, what feels like, a million times before). With a slow shuffle, stiffly masking a limp from years of overwhelming in-ring action, the weathered but strong Christian Faith steps through the Supreme Gate. Sporting his trademark stern stare, the man they’ve long called “Mr. SWF” shuffles his way toward the ring, once again, in a stiff fashion; doing his best to hide the obvious pain his body still goes through today. Once in the ring, the SWF Board member is granted a microphone right away. Once the SWF NATION has quieted down a bit, Faith projects a sense of true strength throughout the aging Dust Bowl.]


[Christian Faith]:
I’m not out here to talk in circles. I’m here for one man… Remo…
[Faith looks to the Supreme Gate as the crowd boos]
… Get on out here…


[Faith continues to look to the Supreme Gate as it takes a second for anything to happen. Then, Remo’s menacing hip hop theme overtakes the Dust Bowl. With it, a chorus of heavy boos follow. Again, taking his time, it’s not until a good 20 seconds into the song that we actually see the “Alpha Dog” come strolling through with his typical stoic stare upon his face. What’s NOT typical though is the stolen SWF World Heavyweight Championship lying firmly over his right shoulder.]


[As Remo slowly stomps into the ring, he and Faith lock eyes in a scenario that can only be described as tense. It seems like a chess game of sorts; all on a psychological level.]


[Eventually, Remo’s music dies off and, in doing so, is now overwhelmed by the booing SWF NATION. Faith takes a second, allowing the fans their moment, and then turns back to the microphone with a strong tone to his speech. While this sort of promo style is typical for the hardened “Iron Man”, this time around, it carries a more authoritative feel due to his position on the SWF Board of Directors.]


[Christian Faith]:
For years now, you’ve been one hell of a competitor, Remo. While we’ve never seen eye-to-eye, I’ve respected you for what you could do within these ropes. There ‘aint a man out there who can do what you do…
… but, what you did tonight, there’s no way I can support your decision.
[Pauses; crowd pops]
You staind this show, this company, and that championship…
[Points to the SWF WHC on his shoulder]
with what you did tonight…. and I simply can’t let that stand.
[Pauses; stern stare]
We’ll talk about corrective action after the show’s off the air but, for now, I need you to hand over that belt….


[The crowd pops as Faith stands firm. Remo, not batting an eye, stands in a stoic fashion before the SWF Board member & wrestling LEGEND.]


[Christian Faith]:
It doesn’t belong to you… you didn’t earn it… you STOLE it from its rightful holder…
… and that ends right here… right now.
[Pauses; looks Remo in the eyes]
Turn… the belt… over…


[Faith’s courage here shouldn’t come as a shock. This is the kind of ‘blue collar strength’ we’ve seen from him his entire career. That said, after what Remo did to Jack Bruce earlier tonight, there is a general unease filling the Dust Bowl. What if the “Alpha Dog” does the same thing to the “Iron Man?”]


[shockingly though, after a good 10-seconds of a tense stare-down, Remo actually hands the SWF World Heavyweight Championship over. Mind you, it’s not in a nice manner. Instead, he slams the belt into Faith’s chest with his massive hand; forcing the elder Faith to stagger back a few steps in the process. While the crowd SHOULD be happy that he turned it over, there’s a chorus of boos that follow (most likely due to the way he actually handed the WHC back over to Faith).]


[Faith doesn’t possess the title for very long though. Seconds later, Remo transitions from a stoic state to an all-out assault with an explosive standing boot to the “Iron Man’s” jaw. The impact is so powerful that it sends Faith flying backward; crashing violently on the canvas below. As you’d expect, the SWF NATION boos like crazy as Remo slowly, in a stoic fashion, stomps over to his fallen victim.]


[The boot to the face would be enough to keep Faith down, it seems; however, that’s not where the action ends. With a powerful jolt, Remo pulls Faith to his feet. A stiff boot to the stomach follows. From there, Remo, despite the booing crowd, violently drops the “Iron Man” with his signature “Destroyer” (Dominator). Upon impact, Faith is motionless and lying face down on the canvas.]


[The SWF NATION continues to boo as the “Alpha Dog” stands over his fallen victim; stoic much like a statue. Again though, in an explosive move, Remo springs to action once again; picking the lifeless Faith off the matt. Within seconds, Remo has dropped Faith with a 2nd “Destroyer” (Dominator); now rendering the “Iron Man” completely unconscious. As you’d expect, the SWF NATION does NOT take kindly to that.]


[supremeTV closes with a booing Dust Bowl as Remo, once again, grabs the SWF World Heavyweight Championship and slowly stomps off the scene. He doesn’t rush, doesn’t show an ounce of fear, as he truly projects an alpha demeanor (nothing is his predator; it seems). In the end, the show ends with Remo exiting the ringside area with Jack Bruce’s SWF World Heavyweight Championship STILL in tow. Meanwhile, the “Iron Man” Christian Faith is lying unconscious in the center of the ring; yet another victim of the “Alpha Dog.”]



Duane Fry:
I can’t believe what I’ve seen tonight… In one night, Remo has absolutely decimated both Jack Bruce AND Christian Faith. He eliminated the past and present of the company; all in a 90 minute span.
[shakes his head in shock]
What can ANYONE do to stop this carnage?

Peter Michaels:
He also has the SWF World Heavyweight Championship STILL in his grasp….

Duane Fry:
Will EITHER Bruce or Faith be here next week? Honestly, I don’t know if they will be.

Peter Michaels:
Christian is the “Iron Man”; he’ll be here. Bruce? I’m not sure about him. That was a NASTY attack.

Duane Fry:
The word from the hospital is that Jack is still there. We don’t have ANYTHING other than that.

Peter Michaels:
Who can stand up to Remo? Will Jack Bruce get his title back next week? In what condition will Christian be when SupremeTV opens in 7 days? Tune in next week to find out, folks. You WON’T wanna miss it!












This show increased our popularity in 8 regions

13,890 (out of 15,000)

12.59 (+ 0.24)



Tommy Cornell defeated RDJ

10,000 (out of 10,000)

6.88 (- 0.10)


SWF – 3 vs. TCW – 0


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There are several sources backstage stating that Brandon James may be falling out of favor by SWF management after a string of “less than stellar performances.” It was expected that James would receive a push at the end of 2014; however, many feel as though this was due to Richard Eisen’s view of the aging veteran. In contrast, it is said that Jerry Eisen is not as high on James as his father was. One source went as far as to say: “If he doesn’t produce (James) coming up here soon, he may be delegated to midcard work for the remainder of his contract.”



Despite their stablemate being forced through the ringer as of late, it’s been said that the combination of Rogue & Paul Huntingdon is making quite an impression with SWF management. While the team was only thought to be a quick pairing without much of a future, Jerry Eisen has seemingly gone back on this notion & is geared up to potentially push the Chase Agency duo. Will this mean a title change at “Nothing to Lose?” It’s quite possible, stated someone close to the new owner.



There has been considerable chatter that the SWF may be looking to compete with the USPW and create its own women’s division. One insider said the only reason it hasn’t happened yet is due to the limited number of ‘over women wrestlers on the indy scene.’ This could be remedied with a “B Show” for the “Land of Supreme” in the future; however, for now, it seems like the idea could be coming down the road.



Despite being one of the ‘best talkers in the business’, it’s being said that SWF management is wary of trusting Ms. Chase to ad lib during live promos. It’s been said that, in recent weeks, Emma Chase has struggled with having creative freedom during her promos. Knowing this, it sounds as though SWF creative will utilize pre-written scripts for the former DaVE personality.



The SWF ICON Vengeance hasn’t been seen on TV in 2014; however, that may be coming to a close. Recent reports claim that the aging veteran could return as soon as next week. It’s unknown who he will work with upon his return but several names continue to be thrown around: Valiant, Christian Faith, Steve Frehley, and possibly an up-and-coming talent like Marshall Dillon.



SWF – Nothing To Lose – Brandon James – Rogue – Paul Huntingdon – Emma Chase – Vengeance – Valiant – Christian Faith – Steve Frehley – Marshall Dillon

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There has never been a more dominant showing from one man on SupremeTV than what we saw this week from Remo. The “Alpha Dog” violently destroyed BOTH Christian Faith and Jack Bruce in a matter of 90 minutes. In doing so, the powerful heavyweight eviscerated the past and present of the Supreme Wrestling Federation. Going further, in a matter of a broadcast, Remo sent two men, known for their ability to always rebound, straight to the hospital. Such a task would be shocking for any to complete. In this case, it only took him one night to flex his dominance.


To make things worse, the “Alpha Dog” blatantly stole the SWF World Heavyweight Championship from the injured Jack Bruce. As the rebellious rocker was being transported by medical professionals, the stoic Remo was storming through backstage hallways with the gleaming gold in his unforgiving grasp. SWF Board Member Christian Faith tried to free the coveted championship, in hopes of returning it to its rightful owner, but alas such an approach failed miserably.


“This will not be acceptable practice in the SWF. What Remo did on Tuesday night was deplorable, at best. He viciously injured one man, stole the top championship in the world, and then equally assaulted an SWF LEGEND and respected Board Member. We will not allow this to happen any further. The Board WILL address the ‘Alpha Dog’ live on SupremeTV next week. That’s a promise.”



“I can’t believe what just happened this week… Honestly… Who does something like that? Richard would be furious right now and… We can’t let him down. Somehow, someway, we will fix this.”



“Oh, ‘poor’ Christian. Are we supposed to feel bad for you? YOU’RE the one who got in Remo’s face. Truthfully, you got what was coming to you. You can’t play ‘hero’ forever.”



As you can expect, we were unable to receive a response from Christian Faith. The “Iron Man” was said to be conscious though following the attack. The last we heard, Christian was run through a slew of medical tests and a timetable for his return would follow soon thereafter.


We were able to speak with Jack Bruce’s long-time agent, Jimmy Roderick, early this morning though. His statement is as follows:


“Jack is doing well and has returned to his home in Los Angeles. Both company doctors and an independent medical professional have stated that he will not be cleared for action come next Tuesday. Knowing this, we felt it was in his best interest to rest comfortably at his home. Once his injuries have been cleared, the same ole’ Jack Bruce will be back on TV & ready for action!”



Little is known as to how the SWF Board of Directors will discipline the “Alpha Dog” Remo after his heinous string of attacks & championship theft. That said, it sounds as though the intervention will be swift and strong.



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4th Week of January, 2014

Clover Fields (Mid-South)


The Supreme Wrestling Federation is now gripped by the overwhelming hand of chaos. Just last week, the “Alpha Dog” Remo shocked the wrestling world when he singlehandedly casted a dark shadow over the once bright “Land of Supreme.” In one night, the past and present of the SWF was sent to the hospital after a string of alarming attacks. In turn, the SWF World Heavyweight Championship, the most coveted title in the world, was stolen & held hostage by the “Alpha Dog” himself.


WHO… can stop…. Remo?


In reality, there may not be a single man who can. That said, there will be a number of competitors who will try. One man being the intensely obsessive technician… Angry Gilmore.


Teaming with an unknown ally, Angry Gilmore will step into an SWF ring as yet another man willing to stand up to the powerful “Alpha Dog.” Will he be successful… OR… end up as another victim in Remo’s destructive wake? (The latter is exactly what Remo’s Almighty Dollar partner, RIch Money, would love to see happen).


Tune in THIS WEEK as the SWF brings to you THE most exciting action in ALL of professional wrestling!


Squeeky McClean© vs. Robbie Gold

[sWF North American Championship Match]

[standard Singles Match]

Squeeky McClean claims that he has ‘turned over a new leaf’ and is now a ‘respected competitor’. Well, as it seems, if he believes this to be true then he obviously lives in his own world. This week, he defends his SWF North American Championship against the charismatic big man in Robbie Gold. Is it TRUE that “Nothing’s better than Gold”? - OR - Will the hypocritical North American Champion regain his coveted belt?


The Amazing Bumfhole vs. The Awesomeness vs. The Platinum Blondes

[Triple Threat Tag Match]

The Supreme Wrestling Federation houses
best tag team wrestlers in the world today. That said, this highly respected division will be on full display this week as three standout teams clash in a highly anticipated match. WHICH tag team will walk away with the win &, in turn, bragging rights?


Lobster Warrior vs.
Marc DuBois

[standard Singles Match]

Lobster Warrior has long been one of
most beloved wrestlers in the Supreme Wrestling Federation. This week though, all of the red foam claws seen around the arena may not be enough to inspire him toward victory. On the other side of the ring is the exciting “Can’t Miss Prospect”, Marc DuBois. Can the SWF veteran super hero overcome the youthful athleticism of DuBois? - OR - Will the young prospect score a BIG victory on this week’s broadcast?


The Chase Agency vs. Steve Frehley & The Hero Squad

[3 vs. 3 Tag Match]

Ms. Chase was embarrassed by what she saw from her clients at “When Hell Freezes Over.” After a cold ultimatum, Rogue, Paul Huntingdon and Brandon James turn the tides with a string of high profile victories. It would have been a perfect night… if it wasn’t for “Big Money’s” failed attack on “The Dark Destroyer” Steve Frehley. This week, the Chase Agency will get another crack at the reckless street fighter in Frehley. Will the mercenary trio get one over the SWF World Tag Team Champions & “The Dark Destroyer?” - OR - Will the rag-tag trio of Frehley, Atomic, and Jack overwhelm their rivals with an unrelenting, uncontrollable, assault?


Angry Gilmore and ????? vs. The Almighty Dollar

[standard Tag Team Match]

Remo has become unstoppable in the SWF as of late. The stoic yet equally explosive “Alpha Dog” has sent both Christian Faith and Jack Bruce to the hospital and currently holds the SWF World Heavyweight Championship; a title he stole. This week, Rich Money is hoping to use the powerful big man to wipe Angry Gilmore off the planet. For one night only, the Almighty Dollar has come back together again as they square off against Angry Gilmore and an unknown partner. Which team will walk out with a HUGE main event victory? Also, WHO will Angry Gilmore turn to as a tag team partner; especially given the fact that he’s burned almost every bridge (and alliance) he’s ever had in the SWF?




How'd THAT taste, 'Fat Money'? #ConcessionStandCrash #YouAintNothin


The Almighty Dollar BACK together again. Time to stomp-out the hairy little troll! #PsychoGilmore #StompOutTheProblem #RemoCantBeStopped


NO ONE IS SAFE!!!! NO...ONE!!! #SnapBoneByBone #NotAfraidOfRemo #ComingForMoney


Breaking my silence LIVE on SupremeTV this week... #RemoIsNOTTheChampion #JackBruceIsTheChamp #CantBeHeldDown #ComingForThePuppyDog


will be met with corrective action this week on SupremeTV. Mark my words! #StolenWHC #UnecessaryViolence #CorrectiveActionIsNeeded


Mr. Frehley, your arrogance is alarming. You'll be properly dealt with this week. #EndOfTheDarkDestroyer #ChaseAgencyForSuccess


You'll ALL remember my name... #CantMissProspect


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Squeeky McClean© vs. Robbie Gold

[sWF North American Championship Match]


The Amazing Bumfhole vs. The Awesomeness vs. The Platinum Blondes

[Triple Threat Tag Match]


Lobster Warrior vs. “THE CAN’T MISS PROSPECT” Marc DuBois

[standard Singles Match]


The Chase Agency vs. Steve Frehley & The Hero Squad

[3 vs. 3 Tag Match]


Angry Gilmore and ????? vs. The Almighty Dollar

[standard Tag Team Match]

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Squeeky McClean© vs. Robbie Gold

[sWF North American Championship Match]


The Amazing Bumfhole vs. The Awesomeness vs. The Platinum Blondes

[Triple Threat Tag Match]


Lobster Warrior vs. “THE CAN’T MISS PROSPECT” Marc DuBois

[standard Singles Match]


The Chase Agency vs. Steve Frehley & The Hero Squad

[3 vs. 3 Tag Match]


Angry Gilmore and ????? vs. The Almighty Dollar

[standard Tag Team Match]

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Squeeky McClean© vs. Robbie Gold

[sWF North American Championship Match]

[standard Singles Match]

Comment: Robbie is in no way over enough to take the strap from Squeeker


The Amazing Bumfhole vs. The Awesomeness vs. The Platinum Blondes

[Triple Threat Tag Match]

Comment: ... Hmm.. I think with the FACE CHAMPS the HEEL CHALLENGERS take the victory here -- Huey or Jefferson will take the pinfall loss so a future 1-on-1 rematch may be in store if CHASE gets the title shot at the PPV.


Lobster Warrior vs. “THE CAN’T MISS PROSPECT” Marc DuBois

[standard Singles Match]

Comment: Lobbie is more over, and not a headcase, so he'll get the dub here.


The Chase Agency vs. Steve Frehley & The Hero Squad

[3 vs. 3 Tag Match]

Comment: I think there is a retooling/breakup for the Chase Agency coming, but it won't be here -- it'll be after a loss on PPV, and there is too much time before Nothing To Lose for the implosion to be now.


Angry Gilmore and ????? vs. The Almighty Dollar

[standard Tag Team Match]

Comment: I... don't see anyone Gilmore could pair with that Money or Remo would let win this match -- I don't see Gilmore taking a pinfall either, so the finish will "keep him strong" in some way.

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Squeeky McClean© vs. Robbie Gold

[sWF North American Championship Match]


The Amazing Bumfhole vs. The Awesomeness vs. The Platinum Blondes

[Triple Threat Tag Match]


Lobster Warrior vs. “THE CAN’T MISS PROSPECT” Marc DuBois

[standard Singles Match]


The Chase Agency vs. Steve Frehley & The Hero Squad

[3 vs. 3 Tag Match]


Angry Gilmore and ????? vs. The Almighty Dollar

[standard Tag Team Match]

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Squeeky McClean© vs. Robbie Gold

[sWF North American Championship Match]

Clean victory from a clean champion. HA!


The Amazing Bumfholes vs. The Awesomeness vs. The Platinum Blondes

[Triple Threat Tag Match]

Toss of the coin at this one, but I think the Bumfholes are more over, right now


Lobster Warrior vs. “THE CAN’T MISS PROSPECT” Marc DuBois

[standard Singles Match]

Lobbie wins! Although, I'm sensing some kind of unmasking storyline for him...


The Chase Agency vs. Steve Frehley & The Hero Squad

[3 vs. 3 Tag Match]

The fall of Chase Agency don't start now. Hero Squad is here to take the fall.


Angry Gilmore and ????? vs. The Almighty Dollar

[standard Tag Team Match]

Everybody's got a price for the Almighty Dolar! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

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Squeeky McClean© vs. Robbie Gold

[sWF North American Championship Match]

[standard Singles Match]

Squeeky keeps his belt here simply because I feel that in promotion this big, there´s need to be a bit of a build up before title change and Gold haven´t had that build-up (at least not yet.)


The Amazing Bumfhole vs. The Awesomeness vs. The Platinum Blondes

[Triple Threat Tag Match]

Anyone could win this but I rate Bumfhole´s bit higher than the other two teams so unless you plan to break them again, I think they will take this.

Lobster Warrior vs. “THE CAN’T MISS PROSPECT” Marc DuBois

[standard Singles Match]

Lobby gets a win over "Can miss prospect".


The Chase Agency vs. Steve Frehley & The Hero Squad

[3 vs. 3 Tag Match]

Oh Brandon, why can´t you deliver? I really would love to see Chase Agency doing well but unfortunately it looks like Brandon dropped the ball once again and will likely be the man pinned here just to give Emma a reason to kick him out.

Angry Gilmore and ????? vs. The Almighty Dollar

[standard Tag Team Match]

I think that the mystery man would need to be someone like Bruce in order for Gilmore to win... that said, Bruce is exactly who I expect the mystery man to be.

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Breaking news has stated that both Christian Faith and Jack Bruce will not be at SupremeTV this week stemming from the injuries suffered during last weeks attack by Remo. It’s being said that neither man was able to pass the SWF’s stringent medical exam and, in doing so, were both ruled out of attending the broadcast this week. This comes as a major shock given the fact that either Jack or Christian (or, really, both) have been staples for the SWF’s flagship program for over a decade now.


When reached for comment, SWF Board member Jerry Eisen made it known that these attacks will not go without discipline.


“What Remo did was deplorable. We, as the Board, will not accept such alarming violence; especially when one of the men who was attacked is an authority figure. I will meet Remo in the center of the ring this week and will make things right once again. You have my word.”


Neither Jack Bruce nor Christian Faith could be reached for comment at this time. That said, those close to the “Iron Man” claim that the SWF LEGEND is furious over being told to ‘sit it out’ due to his injuries. His string of never missing a broadcast will come to an end, it appears, this week.


Meanwhile, Jack Bruce remains silent over his failed medical exam. Instead, we’ve heard from his management team in recent hours stating that “Jack is resting comfortably at home in Los Angeles.”


What will happen THIS WEEK on SupremeTV as the SWF Board appears to be lining Remo up for disciplinary action? Will they be successful in bringing the SWF World Heavyweight Championship BACK to its rightful owner in the injured Jack Bruce? Also, with the ‘strong’ figure of the Board not available in Faith, WHO will stand up to Remo? Jerry Eisen? Anneliese Eisen? Eric Eisen? Whoever does, will they suffer the SAME fate as Bruce & Faith last week?


Make sure to tune into SupremeTV THIS WEEK to find out what happens!



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Tuesday, 4th Week of January 2014

The Clover Fields || Mid-South









Peter Michaels:
It’s Tuesday night and you know what that means… It’s SupremeTV; the ONLY wrestling program that can garun-damn-tee you a night full of heart-stoppin’ action from start to finish! I’m Peter Michaels and, as always, next to me, I’ve got the the poindexter that can… Duane Fry.

Duane Fry:
You KNOW I wear my nerdom on my sleeve like a badge of honor.
Who couldn’t?! I’m sitting directly before THE most unforgiving squared circle this industry has EVER seen! We’re called the “Land of Supreme” for a reason!

Peter Michaels:
Sure are!
and tonight is NO different. We’ve got one hell of a main event set up for you as the Almighty Dollar comes back together again, for one night only, to take on Angry Gilmore and an unknown partner. I don’t know WHO’S goin’ to be steppin’ out with him but I’m sure it’ll rip the roof off of this place!

Duane Fry:
You KNOW Angry Gilmore is practically foaming at the mouth right now. He doesn’t care whatsoever about WHO he’ll tag with. He’s MORE focused on getting his hands on Rich Money once again. You could throw a MOP in there with him and he wouldn’t care.

Peter Michaels:
Ya know… It sounds crazy but it’s true.
[slight chuckle]
There’s a whole lot goin’ wrong there…

Duane Fry:
Wait a minute….
[Holds his ear with his right hand]
I’m getting word from the back… yea… We have Jack Bruce via satellite!! The SWF World Heavyweight Champion is going to break his silence over what happened last week!! Let’s go there now!

Peter Michaels:
This should be good...






[The final episode of SupremeTV in January opens with the sight of a beaten and bruised Jack Bruce sitting atop a black leather seat in the back of what appears to be a limo. A large bandage runs across his forehead, hiding the potential scar left behind by Remo’s attack last week, as the SWF World Heavyweight Champion looks worse for wear. The shocking thing is not that we’re seeing Bruce, it’s the things we DON’T see. There’s no World Heavyweight Championship (stolen by Remo). Also, there’s no smile upon his face; no arrogant feel. If anything, it appears as though the SWF ICON appears aggressive in nature; not a sight we often seen from the cocky and lazy rocker.]


[Jack Bruce©]:
Who… the [CENSOR]... Do you think YOU are…. Remo?
[Pauses; obviously exuding a much angrier tone than normal]
I beat your needle-bruised a$$ at “When Hell Freezes Over”, proved once again that NO one can stand toe-to-toe with Jack Bruce, and THEN… You attack me from behind? Steal my belt? Put me on the shelf?
[Pauses; anger growing as he points toward the lens as he begins to speak again]
You’re a dead man…
[Nods his head; aggressively]
I’m going to put that puppy dog down for GOOD this time.
You may be carrying MY belt with you but you know DAMN well it ‘aint yours.
Next Month, “Nothing to Lose”, how ironic of a name…
In the main event, FOR MY SWF World Heavyweight Championship, it will be me and you… once again…. BUT… this time… within the confines of un-for-giving…. STEEL!
[The crowd pops; watching this on the video tron]
That’s right…
Let’s settle this ONCE… and… FOR ALL… in a Supreme Cell match!


[bruce’s tone is aggressive in nature as there’s even a raspy tone to his delivery of the match name. Meanwhile, the SWF NATION roars with excitement upon hearing the stipulation. It’s been AWHILE since we’ve seen a “Supreme Cell”; THE most deadliest match in wrestling history. The novelty, and overall violence, of the match stirs much excitement.]


[Jack Bruce©]:
Time to euthanize the pup….
and there’s only ONE man who has the BALLS to do it….
Jack… Motha-[CENSOR]... Bruce!!!!


[With that, Jack Bruce stares aggressively into the camera lens before him as he sits in the backseat of his limo. While the scene fades back to the arena, there’s an overall feeling that SOMETHING is bound to happen; this week or next. Overall though, Jack Bruce is pissed and he’s coming for his belt. Gone is the cocky rocker. Here is the frustrated ICON.]




Jack Bruce©

“The BIG Payback"


Duane Fry:
This is a side of Jack Bruce we haven’t seen before… The smirk, the lazy-cool demeanor… It’s all… gone…

Peter Michaels:
Remo has gotten under his skin like no other before. That’s obvious, Duane. That’s a different Jack… through and through…

Duane Fry:
… and a “Supreme Cell?” I KNOW Jack is motivated by revenge but…. the Cell? I don’t know if he has what it takes to keep up with Remo in such vicious confines!

Peter Michaels:
It’s a decision made by an enraged man; he’s not thinking clearly… that’s for sure. Remo is the kind of man who’s fit for the Cell… Jack… not so much…

Duane Fry:
This could be suicidal from Jack…

Peter Michaels:
I can’t disagree with you there… I just hope Jack’s healthy by then…

Duane Fry:
By the looks of what we’ve seen tonight, I’m not sure if that’s possible? Remo’s attack took a lot out of him…




Standard Singles Match; First Pinfall/Submission

SWF North American Championship


Darren Smith



  • Robbie Gold has an obvious size difference and he uses it well straight out of the gate. He moves quicker than you’d expect for a big guy & possesses a charismatic manner that gets the SWF NATION behind him. With both in mind, he really has an intoxicating feel to him.

  • Sadly, none of that helps him against the veteran craftiness of the often shady, Squeeky McClean.

  • Gold does land a ring-rattling sidewinding slam off the ropes. This only delivers a 2 count for the challenger though.

  • In the end, Squeeky McClean scores an upper-hand by literally spitting in the eye of the charging big man. Such a low move, the SWF NATION boos wildly in response to his devious antics. A few moves later, one being a harsh elbow to the nose, and McClean is shown landing his signature “Stain Removal” (Side Russian Leg Sweep).


<hr color="black">
Squeeky McClean via pinfall

“Stain Removal” (Side Russian Leg Sweep)




Duane Fry:
What a LOW move by Squeeky.

Peter Michaels:
He’s hit an all-time low here, Duane. Spittin? Really?

Duane Fry:
He pretends like a class-act but there’s nothing ‘classy’ about our North American Champion.

Peter Michaels:
Robbie was pretty strong here. I gotta say, I didn’t think he had it IN him. Sad to see him lose because of somethin’ like that.

Duane Fry:
Someone needs to put McClean in his place once and for all.




[We transition backstage in which to see Jerry and Anneliese Eisen standing within a silent personal suite. There’s a somber mood to their pairing as it seems something is weighing heavily on them.]


[Anneliese Eisen]:
I just don’t know, Jerry…


[Jerry Eisen]:
I have to, Anna. If I don’t….


[Anneliese Eisen]:
… No one will believe you have what it takes, I know….


[Jerry Eisen]:
Yea… I need their respect. This is how I can get it.


[There’s a silence between the two as they look away from one another. Then, Anneliese places her hand on Jerry’s; in a comforting fashion. Jerry looks to her.]


[Anneliese Eisen]:
Your father would be proud of you, Jerry.


[Jerry Eisen]:
Thank you…
[Nods his head in a singular fashion; curling his lip a bit]
I need to do this… for this company… for myself… AND… for him…


[Anneliese Eisen]:
Be careful…


[Even Anneliese can’t hide the fact that she’s terrified. Her last statement seems weird when knowing what Jerry’s about to encounter… Remo. That said, the two walk off scene together with a somber tone still running strong. Through it though, Jerry attempts to look strong; puffing his chest out but looking unnatural in doing so.]



Duane Fry:
You can’t blame Jerry for showing a sense of fear. He’s coming out here to stand across from the “Alpha Dog” himself. The very man who put BOTH Bruce & Faith in the hospital last week. Jerry’s no fighter; that’s obvious. How will HE survive if Remo goes on the attack?

Peter Michaels:
… and he WILL if he feels Jerry is coming for him.

Duane Fry:
I just hope… I hope he walks out tonight on his own two feet…

Peter Michaels:
Yea… We can’t have another on their way to the hospital again… not after EVERYTHING this company has gone through recently...




The Amazing Bumfholes vs. The Awesomeness vs. The Platinum Blondes

“Continuing success for the Bumfholes”


Triple Threat Tag Team Match; First Pinfall/Submission


Darren Smith



  • The in-ring action between all three teams is highly fast-paced & in an all-out manner. Knowing this, due to the slower pace of most SE-type matches, this tag team triple threat match feels unique and ultimately explosive.

  • At several points throughout the match, each team gets a chance to shine. The Awesomeness bounces around the ring with a flashier high-impact style, the Amazing Bumfholes give us their trademark ‘high flying/top rope’ approach, and the Platinum Blondes spend more time admiring themselves than playing tough. That said, all three teams have their own distinct feel to them.

  • After a string of splashes to the outside with the Bumfholes going first & then the Awesomeness following (all landing on the Platinum Blondes on the outside), the SWF NATION is riled up due to the daredevil-like nature they’re witnessing.

  • In the end, the Amazing Bumfholes are the ones who come away with the win as they catch a dazed James Prudence with their tandem-finisher the “Bumfhole-Buster” (Atomic Drop/Super Kick Combo).

  • The Awesomeness tries to break the count, attempting to keep their chances alive; however, it’s a second too late. The count gets to three & the highly decorated brothers come away with the win.


<hr color="black">
The Amazing Bumfholes via pinfall

Zimmy Bumfhole pinned James Prudence

“Bumfhole-Buster” (Atomic Drop/Super Kick Combo)




Duane Fry:
The Amazing Bumfholes CONTINUE to look strong now that we’ve come into 2014!

Peter Michaels:
I still can’t get behind the names but they’re one of the strongest teams we’ve seen in SWF history. It’s high praise but true.

Duane Fry:
I can’t argue you with you there. I have a feeling, after “Nothing to Lose”, we could see the Amazing Bumfholes going after whoever walks out with the Tag Belts.

Peter Michaels:
They’ve proven that they’re worthy of it.

Duane Fry:
… They SHOULD look into changing their names though.
Then again, if they haven’t by now…. I don’t see that ever happening.

Peter Michaels:
True. Sad but true.




[We transition backstage once again in which to see an overwhelmed Jerry Eisen standing before a closed door. After a long sigh, he grabs the handle and slowly walks in. Watching over Jerry’s shoulder, we see the man in the room to be none other than his brother, Eric Eisen. Upon seeing his brother coming into the room, Eric looks away and continues to watch a flatscreen TV in the corner of the room. In doing so, it seems as though he isn’t interested in talking to him.]


[Jerry Eisen]:
Eric, we need to talk…


[Eric Eisen]:
No we don’t.


[Eric continues to watch the TV as he stands before it. Jerry walks up to his side.]


[Jerry Eisen]:
I need you in that ring alongside me tonight.


[Eric Eisen]:
[scoffs but doesn’t look at him]
You want ME to stand by YOUR side? You’re delirious…


[Jerry Eisen]:
What Remo did, we can’t stand for this. The Board needs to create a unified front and deal with the situation.
We can lose control already…


[Eric Eisen]:
YOU may lose control. I won’t. I could end all of this right now… IF… I wanted to. Thing is… I LOVE to see you and that b*tch squirm.


[Jerry Eisen]:


[Eric Eisen]:
[snaps his head to look at him in an angry fashion]
Don’t pretend like I should listen to you.
If you’re going out there, you’re going out there alone…


[Jerry Eisen]:
Please, Eric.


[Eric Eisen]:
It’s time for you to leave…


[Jerry pauses, in shock that his brother won’t listen to him. Eric turns to look back at the TV screen in a way to ignore him.]


[Jerry Eisen]:
Don’t do it for me. Do it for the ONE thing we have in common… our respect for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship. Remo isn’t the rightful holder and yet he’s dragging it around like a hostage taker.


[Eric Eisen]:
You don’t know the FIRST THING about holding the World Heavyweight Championship. You may talk a ‘big game’ but, never holding the belt, it’s just a gold plate to you.


[Jerry Eisen]:
I don’t have to hold that belt to know what it means to this company. It defines the SWF… its greatness… its dominance… It defines what our father created. We HAVE to bring it back home.


[Eric Eisen]:
What’s in it for me?


[Eric continues to look away as Jerry thinks]


[Jerry Eisen]:
How about restoring the gleam to a peerless belt?


[Eric Eisen]:
Not good enough…


[Jerry Eisen]:
[He seems conflicted]
Is it REALLY going to be this way?


[Eric Eisen]:


[Jerry Eisen]:
What do you want?


[Eric Eisen]:


[Jerry Eisen]:


[Eric Eisen]:
I want Christian Faith at “Nothing To Lose”... One on one…


[Jerry Eisen]:
… but, Eric, he’s out injured…


[Eric Eisen]:
I don’t care… Give me the “Iron Man” or you can head down to that ring alone…


[Jerry Eisen]:


[Eric Eisen]:
Give… me…. Faith…. or get nothing from me…


[Jerry stares at Eric as he looks away. He appears to be growing with anger.]


[Jerry Eisen]:
I’ll go without you…. before I would EVER put Christian in harm’s way…


[Eric Eisen]:
Your loss. Good luck with the “Alpha Dog”....
[He smirks devilishly]
You’re going to need it…


[With that, Jerry shakes his head in disbelief as he angrily stomps out of the room. Meanwhile, Eric shakes his head while watching the TV (in a “you’ve got be kidding me” kind of way. He never looks back as his brother leaves.]



Duane Fry:
I can’t believe Eric right now…

Peter Michaels:
He’s become a little monster. It’s gotten worse since Richard passed. He’s out of control.

Duane Fry:
Jerry needed his support and yet… he wouldn’t give it to him. What’s good about family when THIS is who you CALL your family?

Peter Michaels:
The Eisen family is falling apart week by week, it seems…




Standard Singles Match; First Pinfall/Submission


Darren Smith



  • The crowd is firmly behind Lobbie (as they always are). You can see foam red lobster hands throughout the arena displaying their allegiance. That said, at least early on, their support doesn’t do very much to keep the enigmatic DuBois at bay.

  • Unbelievably skilled, Marc puts Lobbie on his heels early on and forces him to wrestle a more up-tempo style. While not totally overwhelming for Lobster Warrior, DuBois’ youth and speed seems to get one over the costumed veteran.

  • Shockingly, DuBois almost pulls out the win with a top rope elbow drop; however, Lobbie kicks out at 2 ½. As you can expect, the SWF NATION leapt to their feet when they realized that it wasn’t over.

  • Slowly, surely, Lobster Warrior gains an upswing of babyface momentum as he begins to slow down the speedy youngster with an array of masterful technical moves; a top rope super-plex being one of them.

  • With DuBois dazed, Lobbie springs into action and drops his youthful opponent with his signature “Lobster Trap” (Double Arm DDT). From there, there’s no kick out from DuBois. Instead, the aging veteran picks up the win as the SWF NATION applauds him for his efforts.


<hr color="black">
Lobster Warrior via pinfall

“Lobster Trap” (Double Arm DDT)




Peter Michaels:
He’s a funny little man but Lobster Warrior sure knows how to pull one out. He’s been doing this for years now, why change now?

Duane Fry:
Marc DuBois looked good out there, though. This wasn’t a piece of cake for Lobbie. Not by a long shot. Overall though, it’s going to take something more than youthful angst to pick up a win over someone as talented & all-knowing as the red clawed superhero!




[The sound of Jerry Eisen’s generic theme overtakes the arena as the SWF NATION responds in a light babyface pop. Sadly, there’s no ‘lightness’ to Jerry’s demeanor. As he shuffles toward the ring, his somber mood is written all over his face. As he enters the ring, grabbing a nearby microphone, he takes a second for the crowd to pop. Then, he moves on with his promo; however, carrying that sense of somberness to his tone.]


[Jerry Eisen]:
Last week, Remo committed a disgusting act when he viciously attacked Christian Faith AND Jack Bruce. As they both were rushed to a nearby hospital, he went one step further by taking the coveted SWF World Heavyweight Championship hostage. In a matter of 90-minutes, all hell broke loose and, in doing so, the “Land of Supreme” was rocked to its very core.
[Pauses; Jerry looks down and then back up at the crowd with a sense of focus]
Tonight, I expect to change all of that.
[sWF NATION pops]
Tonight, I will restore the Supreme Wrestling Federation to a state of normalcy; returning the World Heavyweight Championship to its rightful holder, Jack Bruce, and punishing the “Alpha Dog” for his heinous acts.
[The SWF NATION pops once again]
So, let’s not waste anymore time…. Remo…. Please join me in this ring….


[The sound of Remo’s menacing hip hop theme overtakes the arena now as the SWF NATION explodes with anger. Shooting to their feet, the crowd boos mightily as the muscular, genetic, freak stomps his way through the Supreme Gate. The stoic stare he projects is truly menacing in nature; a calmness behind the storm that CAN be Remo. That said, as he stomps toward the ring slowly, the SWF World Heavyweight Championship gleaming over his shoulder, the “Alpha Dog” appears unfazed by Jerry Eisen’s opening promo.]


[Opposite him, Jerry Eisen looks uncomfortable as Remo stomps into the ring. A long stare by the big man obviously sends Jerry stepping back a bit; unaware that he’s even doing it.]


[Remo’s music dies off as the boos overtake the scene. Jerry takes a second and begins to speak with a pseudo-sense of confidence. Meanwhile, Remo stands across from Jerry with his trademark stoic stare fixated on the SWF Board member ahead of him.]


[Jerry Eisen]:
Remo, your actions last week were truly disgusting.
[He tries to muster up all the confidence he can but still wavering slightly in his voice]
While the SWF does promote healthy competition, what you did was neither healthy nor true competition. You singlehandedly injured Jack Bruce and Christian Faith and sent both to the hospital due to their injuries. On top of that, the championship you’re holding over your shoulder is not yours and has been stolen from its rightful owner.
[Gaining a little more confidence]
If there is ONE thing that I stand for, then it is fair… honest… traditional wrestling… Not… whatever you did last week.
[sWF NATION pops; Remo stares in a stoic fashion]
My father promoted this kind of chaos; he felt controversy created ratings but… you see… that’s going to change around here.
Now, we both know that corrective action is waiting in the wings but, before we get to that, do the right thing Remo….
Do the right thing and hand over the belt…


[Jerry extends his right hand out in which to accept the stolen championship. That said, Remo doesn’t budge. He continues to hold it over his right shoulder as he stares back upon him in a stoic (yet menacing) fashion.]


[Jerry Eisen]:
I don’t want a fight over this… I know I won’t win that. I respect your ability far too much to test you in that manner.
[Pauses; extends his hand out again]
I’m asking you, man to man, to do the right thing and hand over what is not yours, Remo. Your actions here can certainly influence the depth of your suspension…


[Jerry continues to extend his hand out as he waits for Remo to hand over the WHC. At first, it looks like no such thing is going to pass. Instead, Remo stands in a stoic fashion before him; never breaking his menacing stare from the man before him. This goes on for a good 5-seconds….]


[Then, in a swift and powerful strike, Remo clocks Jerry Eisen across the face with a jaw-breaking haymaker. As you’d expect, not being a competitor, Eisen drops to the canvas quickly in a thunderous heap. Meanwhile, the SWF NATION boos like crazy as the “Alpha Dog” stands over his fallen victim for a brief second.]


[Dropping the belt on the canvas next to the fallen Eisen, Remo reaches down and pulls the lifeless Board member off the ground. Seconds later, as the NATION continues to boo, the “Alpha Dog” explodes with great power and slams Jerry down like a ragdoll with his signature “Destroyer” (Dominator).]


[Jerry is out cold, on his stomach, as Remo stands over his fallen victim once again. He looks like he may continue his attack but, just then, we see the consummate hero that is Valiant storms the ring at reckless speed.]



[As he enters the ring, the “Honorable” wrestler goes toe-to-toe with Remo in a brutal exchange of punches. In doing so, Valiant looks like the hero the company wants him to be. That said, before long, Remo overtakes the fight and ends up KOing the “Honorable” wrestler with his signature double-clutch kick to the head.]


[Moments later, Valiant is dropped with a “Destroyer” (Dominator) as well; lying next to the fallen Jerry Eisen as well. Ultimately, as the SWF NATION continues to boo, the “Alpha Dog” reaches down, grabs the World Heavyweight Championship, and slowly shuffles his way toward the back in his typical stoic fashion. He looks unfazed, unafraid of what suspension may follow, as he appears like the “Alpha Dog” he truly is.]



Duane Fry:
Good GOD!!!! Remo is UNSTOPPABLE!!

Peter Michaels:
I don’t know if a suspension is going to slow the “Alpha Dog” down. Who’s going to tell him he can’t show up? Last week, it was Bruce and Faith…. This week… Jerry Eisen & Valiant…

Duane Fry:
Who can stop Remo?! Seriously! Who?!?!

Peter Michaels:
I have no idea, Duane… No clue what-so-ever…




3 vs. 3 Match; First Pinfall/Submission


Darren Smith

Ms. Chase w/ The Chase Agency


  • The Chase Agency schemes in their corner as Ms. Chase stands on the apron; emotionlessly barking orders at her men. On the other side, the Hero Squad is stomping around like a pair of over-energized simpletons. Steve Frehley, on the other hand, stands alone in his own corner, leaning into it with his trademark smirk upon his face.

  • As the action starts, The Chase Agency employs a quick-tag scenario that slowly begins to wear Jungle Jack down physically. He looks powerful at first; however, over time, the Chase Agency’s antics push him further and further away from that. Eventually though, Jack is able to tag in Captain Atomic and boy was that a chaotic sight.

  • Bouncing around the ring like a crazed psycho, Atomic cleans house in a matter of 20-seconds. The final blow, a “Mushroom Cloud” (Running, Leaping, Power Clothesline), connects with the illegal man in Brandon James; sending him toppling over the top rope and to the floor.

  • Re-grouping, the Chase Agency changes course and now utilizes a slower-pace; trying to keep their explosive opponents grounded for the most part. This works masterfully, especially with someone of James’ size.

  • Steve Frehley powers his way into the lead for his team as the Hero Squad starts to unravel due to their constant unruly behavior. A big boot from Brandon James slows him back down though; keeping the babyfaces at bay.

  • Eventually, after Frehley tags Jungle Jack back in, the Chase Agency pushes forward full-force.

  • In the end, the Chase Agency ends their strong showing by having Brandon James pin Jungle Jack after his signature “Big Money Move” (Razor’s Edge). It looks like he has a hard time getting the thick competitor up at first; however, in the end, he muscles through and drops his opponent square on his upper back & head.


<hr color="black">
The Chase Agency via pinfall

Brandon James pinned Jungle Jack

“Big Money Move” (Razor’s Edge)




Duane Fry:
After looking as though they were falling apart, the Chase Agency comes out looking STRONG here tonight. I’m sure Ms. Chase HAS to be pleased.

Peter Michaels:
I don’t know if Ms. Chase understands what that word means. We’ve never seen her in a pleasant light, at least not here.

Duane Fry:
True. Either way though, her clients DID get the job done here tonight. BIG win for these three… and, for Frehley and the Hero Squad, I’m sure they won’t be hearing the end of this!




[We transition backstage in which to see Rich Money standing before the camera lens wearing his typical ring attire (a pair of dress pants, in this case black). With his hair perfectly gelled and trademark smug smirk, the high-powered ‘Money Man’ appears more like a GQ-beefcake-model than a traditional wrestler. As you can expect though, his arrival on the Video Tron sends the SWF NATION into a wave of negativity.]


[Rich Money]:
Another episode, another opportunity to prove my dominance here in the Supreme Wrestling Federation.
[Pauses; smug smirk as the crowd boos]
Tonight, I plan to push aside my call for a lawsuit against the company ONLY because there are more pressing matters. For one night only, the Almighty Dollar has come back together in which to stamp out the little weasel that is Angry Gilmore.
I simply cannot wait to see his hairy little body mixed and mangled like a dead animal on the roadside.
[Controlled chuckle]
I’ve been bogged down with his incessant whining for too long now. It’s come to the point for which I free myself from his entrapment and turn my eyes toward a more apt focus… the SWF World Heavyweight Championship.
[Pauses; smug smirk]
Now, I know that the title currently resides in the hands of my partner…. but that won’t stop Rich Money from establishing a line of focus.
Plus, he’s not the real champion anyway… That’s left for injured little priss that is Jack Bruce.
But, after tonight, I can firmly plant myself in the middle of their rivalry… Why? Because Angry Gilmore will be no more…
[Pauses; smirks]
He’ll be but a blip in history; never to be remembered again.


[With that, Money scoffs to himself and begins to stroll away from the camera lens; headed toward the back-end of the Supreme Gate for action. As he disappears into the backstage darkness, there’s a feeling that Money is scheming as we speak.]



Duane Fry:
It should come as NO shock that Rich Money is truly FULL of himself. This promo here shows us that once again.

Peter Michaels:
Until next week, when he shows us again. Rich Money isn’t about making friends or coming out looking good as a person. He’s here to win & dominate; that’s obvious. There ‘aint nothin’ wrong with that, as a competitor, but he’s not going to be winning any popularity tests coming up here.

Duane Fry:
You have to wonder too…. What will happen if Money DOES progress with his lawsuit, as he’s claiming to be moving ahead with? Will THAT stranglehold the company or be another blip in HIS history?

Peter Michaels:
I have no idea but, tonight, I guess that ‘aint the focus to him. He’s looking to the main event and I can’t blame the man. I am too!




Standard Tag Team Match; First Pinfall/Submission


Darren Smith



  • The SWF NATION is shocked to see Des Davids come out as Angry Gilmore’s partner. The muscular athlete has had quite the start to 2014 (winning the “New Year’s Revolution” Match and now teaming with Gilmore in the main event of SupremeTV). Despite his newness to this type of limelight, there’s an exciting quality to his ‘arrival’. He genuinely looks like a main eventer with his chiseled physique, powerful style, and determined mindset.

  • Immediately, Davids opens the match (furthering the great tone) as he ends up putting Rich Money on his back several times. This enrages the ‘Money Man’. Eventually, he storms out of the ring, angrily barking under his breath, as he ultimately turns his misplaced anger toward Darren Smith (claiming Davids was cheating).

  • Davids continues to look strong until Money gains the upper-hand by ducking under Davids’ attempt at a closeline. Seconds later, Remo is tagged in. The “Alpha Dog” isn’t as taken back by Davids.

  • The exchange of Remo/Davids is one of two rams slamming their curved horns into one another repeatedly. While Des holds his own pretty well, eventually, Remo shows himself to be more dominant in nature.

  • Gilmore has slightly better luck with Remo; however, it always feels like it could end at any second. In that vein, Gilmore’s approach almost seems reckless in nature (but that’s almost necessary against someone like Remo).

  • A weird thing continues to happen though. Angry Gilmore seems disinterested with tagging Des Davids in. Rather than a feud between the two, it seems more like Gilmore is obsessed with getting the upper-hand. He continues to push himself like a machine; unwilling to back down.

  • While not about him necessarily, Davids seems to grow frustrated with Gilmore’s ‘one-man-show’ approach. Eventually, he tags HIMSELF in as Angry hits the ropes. This creates great tension between the two as they go nose-to-nose. This benefits the heel team (obviously).

  • Ultimately, it seems that Davids & Gilmore’s inability to work together is the biggest unraveling point for their team.

  • In the end, Remo is able to overpower the babyface team by slamming Angry Gilmore down with his signature “Destroyer” (Dominator). Gilmore tries to escape but can’t in the process. In doing so, he’s knocked unconscious.

  • Davids tries to break the count but, as he hits the ring, Rich Money is shown diving across the ring and connecting with a flying punch to his face. This keeps Davids staggered enough to stop him from breaking the count.


<hr color="black">
The Almighty Dollar via pinfall

Remo pinned Angry Gilmore

“The Destroyer” (Dominator)




Duane Fry:
You HAVE to wonder: Would Gilmore and Davids’ have fared better if they could work as a team? The Almighty Dollar, while not an active team currently, knows exactly how to work as a duo. It showed in this match. Maybe, this would have gone differently if these two could have really buckled down and worked as one!

Peter Michaels:
Possibly. I’m not sure, though. Remo is on one HELL of a roll these days. Money knows it; that’s why he pretty much USED the “Alpha Dog” to get the upper-hand over Angry Gilmore here.

Duane Fry:
Oh no… I think Remo isn’t done…

Peter Michaels:
…. He’s headin’ for Gilmore…

Duane Fry:
This doesn’t look good…




[The finall bell tolls as the “Alpha Dog” stands over the fallen Gilmore in a menacing fashion. Huffing, puffing, the stoic powerhouse begins to lift the lifeless Gilmore off the canvas in an explosive pull. That said, before he can continue his attack, the equally muscular athlete in Des Davids jumps onto the scene. Grabbing Remo’s shoulder, Davids spins the heavyweight around; forcing Remo to drop Angry Gilmore in the process.]


[Remo, unfazed, steps forward with a strong step as the two men stare one another down; nose to nose. As they do so, the SWF NATION grows with anticipation (excited over the possibility of what may happen when two powerful athletes clash). This stare continues for a good 10-seconds or so, milking the moment; however, before anything can happen, Rich Money is shown speeding into the ring and attacking Davids from the right side.]


[The ruffled haired Money lays into Davids as the two go back and forth with heavy-handed blows. As this happens, Remo slowly stomps out of the ring; carrying his stolen the SWF World Heavyweight Championship dragging behind. Meanwhile, Davids & Money continue to go back and forth.]


[As Remo stomps up the steel rampway, utilizing a slow, confident step, the staggered Angry Gilmore is now back on his feet and joining Des Davids in his attack on Money. With this in mind, it doesn’t take long for the duo of Gilmore & Davids to overwhelm the GQ-like wrestler. Before it’s all said and done, Money is KO’ed by an explosive “Anger Management” (Running, Leaping, Knee to the Forehead)!]


[back on the steel rampway, Remo is slowly stomping toward the Supreme Gate without an ounce of fear. He seems to be calm amongst chaos. That said, as he gets to the Supreme Gate, Remo comes to a stop as we see Jack Bruce show up on the video tron once again (as we saw at the beginning of the show).]


[Jack Bruce©]:
You didn’t think you’d get away THAT easy, did ya, Reem?
Medical clearance or not… It’s SHOW-TIME!



[With that, out of nowhere, Jack Bruce comes speeding through the Supreme Gate. Within seconds, he’s diving through the air and crashing into the muscular Remo. With fists of fury, Bruce sends Remo to the ground as they both crash hard onto the steel rampway. In doing so, Bruce seems slow to get back up.]


[both men make it to their feet as Jack dives toward Remo again. This time, Jack lands a flashy tornado DDT on the steel rampway; diving on top of Remo to execute such. Shockingly though, Jack’s fall is equally as tough as Remo’s. In doing so, Jack is REALLY slow to get back up….]


[back in the ring, Gilmore & Davids are standing over the fallen Money when, all of a sudden, the ferocious Gilmore explodes into action. As he does so, he’s shown clocking Davids with a wicked standing kick to the jaw. The SWF NATION looks on; shocked by the attack. With a buzz going, Gilmore then springs into action once again. This time he clocks Davids with his signature “Anger Management” (Running, Leaping, Knee to the Forehead)!]


[The SWF NATION continues to linger in a state of shock as Angry Gilmore slowly rises to his feet; as aggressive as ever (shaking with anger it seems). That said, a strong undercurrent of cheering starts to grow from within the crowd. It seems as though they’re rewarding the rabid technician for his tweener-like antics.]


[back on the rampway, both Remo & Jack Bruce are upright now; however, not for long. Within seconds of transferring back to their fight, the rebellious rocker (and rightful SWF World Heavyweight Champion) is violently KO’ed by Remo’s powerful double-clutch kick to the face. This sends Bruce crashing to the steel ramp below; the bandage upon his forehead falling off and starting to show fresh blood.]


[in the end, SupremeTV comes to a chaotic close as we witness the same end for Jack Bruce this week as we saw last week (unconscious and bloodied). Meanwhile, as we see the broad backed Remo exiting through the Supreme Gate, SWF WHC in tow, we return to the ring one last time to see Angry Gilmore shaking with anger; still standing over the fallen victim in a fellow babyface Des Davids.]



Duane Fry:
What…. did we… just see here?!?!

Peter Michaels:
Absolute chaos. It’s comin’ quicker these days…

Duane Fry:
Jack Bruce returns… He’s knocked out again. Angry Gilmore helps Des Davids overcome Money; then he attacks him. WHAT is going ON here?!?!

Peter Michaels:
It’s ALL fallin’ apart, Duane… Aint no way around it.

Duane Fry:
Good GOD, I hope not!

Peter Michaels:
The Board ‘aint holding the place down as they should. Christian’s out hurt & the Eisen’s are warring. There’s no way they can run a company together; especially from what we’ve seen up until now.

Duane Fry:
Will there even BE a Board left after this week? Jerry’s down…. that leaves Anneliese and Eric!

Peter Michaels:
Possibly not. Anneliese is goin’ to have her hands full next week (if Jerry doesn’t get back).

Duane Fry:
Yea… she really IS…












This show increased our popularity in 3 regions but lost popularity in 11 regions

15,000 (out of 15,000)

12.39 (- 0.20)



Rocky Golden over Bryan Vessey

10,000 (out of 10,000)

6.87 (- 0.01)


SWF – 4 vs. TCW – 0


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I'm loving how your dynasty is honoring the "Dark Age" subtitle: four of the biggest names in SWF injured by a human tank on the loose with a stolen title, the Eisens falling apart, the Chase Agency still looking to be trouble to the faces... Really good job, can't wait for the next episodes.
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I'm loving how your dynasty is honoring the "Dark Age" subtitle: four of the biggest names in SWF injured by a human tank on the loose with a stolen title, the Eisens falling apart, the Chase Agency still looking to be trouble to the faces... Really good job, can't wait for the next episodes.


Thank you, Mister R!


I really wanted to stick to the narrative that the SWF is going through a "Dark Age" currently. Can they rebound? Stay at the top? Fend off the USPW/TCW without Richard Eisen at the helm? So far, they're doing pretty good but the storylines are reflecting a point of change for the company.


Overall though, thank you for the response! I was starting to wonder if I was starting to fade off into the background.

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