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The Story Of Jackson Smith - MAW

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Why Is This Coming?

[i can understand that people might be surprised at seeing me create a second Cornellverse diary. This brings my amount of current running diaries to 3. We have my current USPW diary located here. My current WWE diary is located here. Now that my plugs are finished for my other diaries, I will continue my explanation. :) The reason that I am starting this new diary is that I want to do a diary that is focused on the backstage workings of a promotion. Therefore, there will be a lot of backstage write-ups in this diary in particular as we follow the life and career of Jackson Smith, who is a one year pro coming off the American independent scene to his first work in a name promotion: Mid Atlantic Wrestling. I am also using this as a venue to further my own creative writing talent. Thank you to anyone who is reading and moves along with this diary.]


Who Is Jackson Smith?


[Jackson Smith is based off the Jack Avatar character in the Cornellverse. He is twenty years old and he has worked the American Independent scene for one year as 'The All-American Boy' Jack America. His focus is on mat wrestling but he is a natural athlete who could get better at high flying and brawling with time. His popularity is set at the lowest, giving him F- in every single area. During his one year on the independent scene, he has spent most of it living in his car due to lack of money. But he is looking for his one big break that will propel him to superstardom. Though he knows that being a superstar will take time and time is on his side due to his young age. He is a social man and he is driven to become the best in professional wrestling. As we begin this diary, he is set to wrestle at an American Independent Show in Charlotte, North Carolina against Akima Brave. He is, of course, using the Jack America/Patriot gimmick during this show.]


DISCLAIMER: There will be a lot of background, out-of-ring story in this diary. If that is something that you are not into or don't want to read, then, please, either see one of the two diaries listed above or find another diary that is more suited to your needs. The fact that I start and stop a lot of diaries is also already noted. Thank you for your concern.

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[January 2014]


[The scene opens inside the high school gymnasium of Providence Senior High School in Charlotte, North Carolina. This is where the latest American Independent Wrestling show begins with around 500 fans packing the gym. The show is being promoted by the amateur wrestling independent group known as Pro-South Wrestling. That is one of the reasons that I made the card. I grew up with the man who runs the day-to-day operations for Pro-South Wrestling. I called in a favor and I was put in the main event of the show against the man who has been tearing up the independent scene. That man is Akima Brave. This former tag team wrestler is a two-time SWF World Tag Team Champion and has recently been named the 2013 Independent Wrestler of the Year along with being ranked #193 in the World Wrestling Almanac. Wow. Alright. I'm feeling a little bit of butterflies in my stomach. Maybe those are bats. This is my chance to show what I have against someone who's been in the big time. I will not falter. I will not fail. It's time for me to show the world what I have.]


Main Event


Akima Brave vs. 'The All-American Boy' Jack America

The main event contest here in Charlotte, North Carolina features the ever-popular Akima Brave against a popular character type in the All-American Boy. A USA chant fills the small gymnasium to start things out as these two men circle around. It is the brawling of Akima Brave that starts things out and gives an advantage to Brave throughout the first few minutes of the bout. Brave catches America with a Mongolian Chop and scores a two count when America is brought down to the mat. The fans in Charlotte are brought to their feet when Brave catches America with a Mad-Man Clothesline that sends them both over the top rope to the floor. Brave is to his feet first and he positions America on the ground with the ringside steps between them. Brave runs, using the steps as a springboard to a flying senton bomb outside the ring. The crowd oohhs and ahhs at the amazing move.


The action returns inside the ring where Akima Brave goes for a dropkick but America avoids it, leaving Brave to slam down onto the mat. America takes control, playing to the crowd and getting more USA chants to echo throughout the building. America lifts Brave and drops him with a body slam before pointing to the top turnbuckle. America pulls up Brave and sets him up on the top turnbuckle. America fires in a couple of forearm shots and then climbs up, hooking Brave -- Superplex! Both men crash land on the mat. America slowly crawls over and makes the cover: One, Two, Kickout! The action continues hot and heavy between the two wrestlers back and forth with both men scoring several more near-falls and only a couple of botched spots here and there due to what appears to be some miscommunication between America and Brave. The end of the match sees several finisher attempts by both men, leading to Brave hitting America with the Golden Gate Bridge. That, of course, is a Northern Lights Suplex hit for power not the pinfall. America is left laid out on the mat as Brave heads to the top turnbuckle -- Suicide Headbutt! The flying headbutt to the skull of America strikes perfectly and Brave makes the cover: One, Two, Three!

Akima Brave p. Jack America

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Why Is This Coming?

[i can understand that people might be surprised at seeing me create a second Cornellverse diary. This brings my amount of current running diaries to 3. [/b]


I'm only surprised when you don't have 5 or more running simultaneously :D:p

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One of my favorite writers and my favorite promotion...this looks oh so promising. :)


Great to see you here, Emark. Hope I don't disappoint with this one. :)


[The match this evening was good. Could it have been better? Absolutely. I know that I botched a couple of moves out there. But nobody is perfect, right? At least no one got injured. That is the most important thing at the end of the day. After the match, I got my shower and got changed into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. It was time to look for the local promoter, my friend, and get the money that he owes me. Instead of finding that, however, I found a headbutt striking me in the head, knocking me on my ass. I looked up and found Akima Brave standing over me yelling in Samoan. I didn't understand a single word that was said.]


Jackson Smith: "What? Huh? What's going on?"


Akima Brave: "You nearly knocked my head off in that match tonight, kid. I thought I'd let you feel what that felt like. You should never have been in the ring with me."


[brave gives me a kick to the ribs and that hurt like you would not believe. But at least that was done and over with, right? According to my eyesight, three Akima Braves turned and walked off. I had one hand at my ribs and the other at my head as I was seeing stars still. I really must have been knocked for a loop because when I opened my eyes again I saw a veteran wrestler standing over top of me. Is that Mean Jean Cattley? I must be hallucinating at this point, right?]


Jackson Smith: "Cattley?"


Mean Jean Cattley: "Are you alright, kid? Here, take my hand and let's talk."


[i took the hand of the man who I thought might be Mean Jean Cattley but might also be a hallucination. I was slow to stand up and was taken over to a bench to sit down. I poked Cattley with a finger to make sure he was real.]


Mean Jean Cattley: "Yeah, I'm real, kid. I have an offer to make for you. You obviously have some talent but that talent is raw. As I'm sure you know, I am the head booker of a promotion called Mid Atlantic Wrestling. I was sent here to scout talent to bring back there and wrestle for us. We have a show coming toward the end of the month called the Rip Chord Invitational. You wouldn't be in the tournament but I could get you a try out match on that night. What do you say?"


Jackson Smith: "YES!"


[Did I answer that way too fast? Maybe but I didn't care. Everyone knows that MAW trains up some of the best wrestlers, especially since Sam Keith took over. Rip Chord did an excellent job as well but Keith has quite a few less demons than Chord did. Or maybe I would drive to the show and find out that this was all a hallucination from being attacked by Akima Brave. Either way, I guess I was headed to Stanley Hall at the end of the month.]

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Great to see you here, Emark. Hope I don't disappoint with this one. :)


[The match this evening was good. Could it have been better? Absolutely. I know that I botched a couple of moves out there. But nobody is perfect, right? At least no one got injured. That is the most important thing at the end of the day. After the match, I got my shower and got changed into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. It was time to look for the local promoter, my friend, and get the money that he owes me. Instead of finding that, however, I found a headbutt striking me in the head, knocking me on my ass. I looked up and found Akima Brave standing over me yelling in Samoan. I didn't understand a single word that was said.]


Jackson Smith: "What? Huh? What's going on?"


Akima Brave: "You nearly knocked my head off in that match tonight, kid. I thought I'd let you feel what that felt like. You should never have been in the ring with me."


[brave gives me a kick to the ribs and that hurt like you would not believe. But at least that was done and over with, right? According to my eyesight, three Akima Braves turned and walked off. I had one hand at my ribs and the other at my head as I was seeing stars still. I really must have been knocked for a loop because when I opened my eyes again I saw a veteran wrestler standing over top of me. Is that Mean Jean Cattley? I must be hallucinating at this point, right?]


Jackson Smith: "Cattley?"


Mean Jean Cattley: "Are you alright, kid? Here, take my hand and let's talk."


[i took the hand of the man who I thought might be Mean Jean Cattley but might also be a hallucination. I was slow to stand up and was taken over to a bench to sit down. I poked Cattley with a finger to make sure he was real.]


Mean Jean Cattley: "Yeah, I'm real, kid. I have an offer to make for you. You obviously have some talent but that talent is raw. As I'm sure you know, I am the head booker of a promotion called Mid Atlantic Wrestling. I was sent here to scout talent to bring back there and wrestle for us. We have a show coming toward the end of the month called the Rip Chord Invitational. You wouldn't be in the tournament but I could get you a try out match on that night. What do you say?"


Jackson Smith: "YES!"


[Did I answer that way too fast? Maybe but I didn't care. Everyone knows that MAW trains up some of the best wrestlers, especially since Sam Keith took over. Rip Chord did an excellent job as well but Keith has quite a few less demons than Chord did. Or maybe I would drive to the show and find out that this was all a hallucination from being attacked by Akima Brave. Either way, I guess I was headed to Stanley Hall at the end of the month.]


The inherent contradiction of MAW is that it is designed to get workers hired away by new promotions, but at the same time features an unmatched base of talent in the North American independent scene who stay at the promotion for a comparably long duration -- you'd expect a lot more turnover with MAW's mission statement.


It doesn't really need to be said, but I'm really looking forward to this.

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The inherent contradiction of MAW is that it is designed to get workers hired away by new promotions, but at the same time features an unmatched base of talent in the North American independent scene who stay at the promotion for a comparably long duration -- you'd expect a lot more turnover with MAW's mission statement.


It doesn't really need to be said, but I'm really looking forward to this.


I agree. There is a definite contradiction in MAW, especially when it comes to a wrestler like Mean Jean Cattley. There is a definite oddity when it comes to Cattley and maybe a guy like KC Glenn or Citizen X. But at least it gives me a good base of wrestlers with which to work. Thanks for the comments, KYE.


I'm in for this one, angel!


Great to see you here, Smasher1311. Hopefully, I can keep enough people entertained in this one in particular.


[After a few days of rest and driving and a quick visit to a free clinic to make sure that Brave didn't give me a concussion, I arrived in Baltimore, Maryland. My first stop was Stanley Hall, the building where not only MAW shows are held but also the MAW Boot Camp is held as well. This Boot Camp has given the world wrestlers like Jay Chord, Hollywood Bret Starr, Davis Wayne Newton and Casey Valentine. My car putters up to the building and I find a quick parking space before getting out and heading inside the building. Who would I find here? Would I be welcomed here? After all, Mean Jean Cattley still could have been a hallucination, right?]


[i enter the building and immediately come upon an older woman sitting at a desk in the front office area. The odor of Ben-Gay wafts up to my nose, making me crinkle it for a moment before I approach the desk. My eyes lookup to a sheet resting behind the desk which has the matches that are lined up for the Rip Chord Invitational Tournament show. Listed there is my wrestling persona of Jack America in the opening bout of the show. My opponent is Roderick Remus. Of course most people have heard that Remus is not only wrestling for himself but he is also wrestling for his brother that was in an accident and...]


[secretary:] "Good morning. May I help you?"


[Jackson Smith:] "Yes, I, well, is Jean Cattley around?"


[secretary:] "Go down the hallway and take the second door on your right."


[i nodded to the secretary and did an inner cringe as she seemed to be looking me over. But I gave her a pleasant smile because I didn't want to blow this moment. Then I turned and moved along toward where she had directed me. The first office on the right had the name 'Sam Keith' written on it. So I was finally in the big times, huh? Time for a new chapter in the life of Jackson Smith.]




Roderick Remus vs. Jack America



Mid Atlantic American Title Match

Max Mayhem defends vs. The Architect Of Your Destruction



MAW Rip Chord Invitational, Semifinals

KC Glenn vs. Citizen X



Mid Atlantic Tag Team Titles Match

The Dynamite Express defend vs. The Lost Cause



MAW Rip Chord Invitational, Semifinals

Mean Jean Cattley vs. Steve Flash



Mid Atlantic Championship Title Match

Last Man Standing Match

Hollywood Bret Star defends vs. Findlay O'Farraday



MAW Rip Chord Invitational, Finals

KC Glenn/Citizen X vs. Mean Jean Cattley/Steve Flash



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Roderick Remus vs. Jack America



Mid Atlantic American Title Match

Max Mayhem defends vs. The Architect Of Your Destruction



MAW Rip Chord Invitational, Semifinals

KC Glenn vs. Citizen X



Mid Atlantic Tag Team Titles Match

The Dynamite Express defend vs. The Lost Cause



MAW Rip Chord Invitational, Semifinals

Mean Jean Cattley vs. Steve Flash



Mid Atlantic Championship Title Match

Last Man Standing Match

Hollywood Bret Star defends vs. Findlay O'Farraday



MAW Rip Chord Invitational, Finals

KC Glenn/Citizen X vs. Mean Jean Cattley/Steve Flash


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Roderick Remus vs. Jack America

Comments: The only real forgone conclusion on this card -- I don't expect you'll be paying your dues for too long, but good news is, there are few better opponents for you than Remus.


Mid Atlantic American Title Match

Max Mayhem defends vs. The Architect Of Your Destruction

Comments: Well, If he's being billed as "The Architect of Your Destruction" he's getting some serious face time.. but in due seriousness, Mayhem is needed in the tag division with the lack of face teams, and taking this midcard title off him makes a lot of booking sense.


MAW Rip Chord Invitational, Semifinals

KC Glenn vs. Citizen X

Comments: KC has yet to win the tournament... and I really don't think X is deserving/able to use a consistent push provided by the win.

Mid Atlantic Tag Team Titles Match

The Dynamite Express defend vs. The Lost Cause

Comments: I don't think the Lost Cause deserve a victory here -- Dynamite Express will take the dub.


MAW Rip Chord Invitational, Semifinals

Mean Jean Cattley vs. Steve Flash

Comments: Again, depends really on how far gone Steve is at this point -- I'm guessing "not that far gone", so I'll go with him beating Cattley here.


Mid Atlantic Championship Title Match

Last Man Standing Match

Hollywood Bret Star defends vs. Findlay O'Farraday

Comments: The Stip. gives away the ending for this match -- Farraday has great brawling skills, so he'd be perfect in LMS, and in MAW, there are few opportunities for a cheap finish


MAW Rip Chord Invitational, Finals

KC Glenn vs. Steve Flash

Comments: Glenn has yet to win, and this legitimizes him as a challenger for O'Farraday


Additional Comments: Definitely a good card here -- I like the use of the invitational as a "MAW-only" event... I think it's too important to get other COTT members involved. But a serious question: do you plan to keep the default size limit (Regional) on MAW?

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Roderick Remus vs. Jack America

Comments: you are the super rookie


Mid Atlantic American Title Match

Max Mayhem defends vs. The Architect Of Your Destruction

Comments: he's the Architect


MAW Rip Chord Invitational, Semifinals

KC Glenn vs. Citizen X

Comments: glenn is the better wrestler, but Citizen X is more over


Mid Atlantic Tag Team Titles Match

The Dynamite Express defend vs. The Lost Cause

Comments: no title chanhr


MAW Rip Chord Invitational, Semifinals

Mean Jean Cattley vs. Steve Flash

Comments: Flash is there to put Catteley over and give a good match


Mid Atlantic Championship Title Match

Last Man Standing Match

Hollywood Bret Star defends vs. Findlay O'Farraday



MAW Rip Chord Invitational, Finals

KC Glenn/Citizen X vs. Mean Jean Cattley/Steve Flash

Comments:Catteley wins


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Roderick Remus vs. Jack America



Mid Atlantic American Title Match

Max Mayhem defends vs. The Architect Of Your Destruction



MAW Rip Chord Invitational, Semifinals

KC Glenn vs. Citizen X



Mid Atlantic Tag Team Titles Match

The Dynamite Express defend vs. The Lost Cause



MAW Rip Chord Invitational, Semifinals

Mean Jean Cattley vs. Steve Flash



Mid Atlantic Championship Title Match

Last Man Standing Match

Hollywood Bret Star defends vs. Findlay O'Farraday



MAW Rip Chord Invitational, Finals

KC Glenn/Citizen X vs. Mean Jean Cattley/Steve Flash



Additional Comments: Excited to see another diary of yours

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Roderick Remus vs. Jack America

Comments: Just a normal job for Mr. America.


Mid Atlantic American Title Match

Max Mayhem defends vs. The Architect Of Your Destruction

Comments: I would say start with a bang by having one belt change hands, but it might be too early.


MAW Rip Chord Invitational, Semifinals

KC Glenn vs. Citizen X

Comments: KC's da futu-ah.


Mid Atlantic Tag Team Titles Match

The Dynamite Express defend vs. The Lost Cause

Comments: Like I said, too early.


MAW Rip Chord Invitational, Semifinals

Mean Jean Cattley vs. Steve Flash

Comments: Flash is a good veteran to job to KC Glenn in the finals.


Mid Atlantic Championship Title Match

Last Man Standing Match

Hollywood Bret Star defends vs. Findlay O'Farraday

Comments: If any title is changing hands it is this one, but I smell some shenanigans and Hollywood won't get busy with Tank...sorry, too used to this name of FOF.


MAW Rip Chord Invitational, Finals

KC Glenn vs. Steve Flash

Comments: KC goes all the way.

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Thank you to everyone who has given predictions and comments so far. I really do appreciate reading each and every one of them. They help give a lot of fire to each and every one of the writers here. Without someone to read them, we wouldn't be writing.


Roderick Remus vs. Jack America

Comments: The only real forgone conclusion on this card -- I don't expect you'll be paying your dues for too long, but good news is, there are few better opponents for you than Remus.


Mid Atlantic American Title Match

Max Mayhem defends vs. The Architect Of Your Destruction

Comments: Well, If he's being billed as "The Architect of Your Destruction" he's getting some serious face time.. but in due seriousness, Mayhem is needed in the tag division with the lack of face teams, and taking this midcard title off him makes a lot of booking sense.


Additional Comments: Definitely a good card here -- I like the use of the invitational as a "MAW-only" event... I think it's too important to get other COTT members involved. But a serious question: do you plan to keep the default size limit (Regional) on MAW?


Jack America definitely has to pay his dues here in MAW. After all, this is his first name promotion. He has been working the independent scene for the first year of his professional career.


I agree with there being a need in the tag team division. It is the same as it is in my USPW diary. There is a need for some new or old teams to come in and wrestle on both sides of the fence.


I am glad you like my card. I can say that I signed Steve Flash to a 3 month deal. So technically the RCI tournament is a MAW-Only event. At least in this first time around, I wanted to make it that way so that I have the use of the wrestlers already starting in the company. As far as the question about the default size limit, I have decided as of right now to keep the default size limit of Regional. I don't think I am ready to make any jump. But I cannot say what will happen in the future. Thank you for reading and making your predictions. I really do appreciate them.


Additional Comments: Excited to see another diary of yours


Always glad to see you predicting, Uncrewed. The predictions and comments are so very much appreciated. Any comments or questions or ideas would definitely be taken under advisement. :)


Thank you to everyone who has read, posted, predicted so far in this diary. I hope that I keep up my high standard of writing with this one. The format will be slightly different from my other two diaries. I hope that this one can be enjoyed just as much.

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Now that I'm trying to find a bit more time to get back into diary, the first place I turn is, of course, angeldelayette diaries! Still catching up on USPW and WWE, but at least I can get in on this one from the beginning!


I know very little about MAW, but here goes...


Roderick Remus vs. Jack America

Comments: I know Jack America is your user character, but he's a lot better than Rod Remus!


Mid Atlantic American Title Match

Max Mayhem defends vs. The Architect Of Your Destruction

Comments: Max Mayhem is much higher up the card than The Architect.


MAW Rip Chord Invitational, Semifinals

KC Glenn vs. Citizen X

Comments: Despite Citizen X getting a fancy render, I think KC Glenn is more your type of wrestler.


Mid Atlantic Tag Team Titles Match

The Dynamite Express defend vs. The Lost Cause

Comments: The Lost Cause isn't a tag name that would fill you with confidence!


MAW Rip Chord Invitational, Semifinals

Mean Jean Cattley vs. Steve Flash

Comments: While I can't see Flash on the roster, I'm guessing he's being brought in to teach the youngsters a few lessons in ring work, so he gets the nod here.


Mid Atlantic Championship Title Match

Last Man Standing Match

Hollywood Bret Star defends vs. Findlay O'Farraday

Comments: Too soon for a title change perhaps?


MAW Rip Chord Invitational, Finals

KC Glenn vs. Steve Flash

Comments: Even if I'm wrong on both semi-final counts, I think the left-hand side of this bracket is going to win. Cattley and/or Flash are really there to put over the youngsters.

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<p>Sorry this diary has been running really slow. I have been really run down here lately. I have taken a mono test so that should tell how bad I have been feeling. On to a comment...</p><p> ===</p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="jhd1" data-cite="jhd1" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="39490" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Now that I'm trying to find a bit more time to get back into diary, the first place I turn is, of course, angeldelayette diaries! Still catching up on USPW and WWE, but at least I can get in on this one from the beginning!<p> </p><p> I know very little about MAW, but here goes...</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It's great to have you here, jhd1. I am glad to see you having a bit more time to read diaries and to be posting your own, which is looking great so far. Thank you for the predictions and the comments. I hope to get more into this diary very soon, as soon as I am feeling better.</p>
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  • 2 months later...



Friday Week 4 January 2014

Location: Stanley Hall (Mid Atlantic)

Attendance: 300

Overall Rating: D+




[The scene inside Stanley Hall is electric as the fans are on their feet, awaiting the beginning of the Rip Chord Invitational Challenge tournament. A chant of 'Rip Chord' fills the arena for a long moment before the chants turn to boos as the Mid Atlantic Champion Hollywood Bret Starr walks out from the back. He gives the crowd a look of disdain as he walks down the aisle and then steps inside the ring. He raises the Mid Atlantic title up high to all four sides of the ring. Then he reaches out and is handed a wireless microphone. He moves to the center of the ring and pauses for the boos to die down slightly.]


Hollywood Bret Starr: "Are you done yet? Are you finished? Can I talk now? For those of you who are coming here to the Stanley Hall for the first time, I am Hollywood Bret Starr, your Mid Atlantic champion. I am your savior this evening from the mediocrity of the rest of the night. Tonight, I finish Findlay O'Farraday for good here in Mid Atlantic Wresting. Findlay, you and I have gone back and forth here in this company. As a matter of fact, I took this title from you. Tonight, you and I end things with a Last Man Standing match. Let me correct that, tonight, I am going to end you, O'Farraday. Isn't that what you like to say? That you're going to end your opponents? Tonight, Hollywood is going to end you. You represent all of these people out here. All of those corn-fed rednecks with missing teeth. Women here who would give up their life to be with someone like me. But that would never happen because for them Hollywood is unattainable. For me, Hollywood is my life. And life is good."


[starr drops the microphone and walks to the ropes, stepping outside to the ringside area. He walks up the ramp and pauses at the top of the stage, raising his title belt high before he disappears to the back.]


Match 1


Roderick Remus vs. Jack America

One of the matches this evening that does not feature in the Rip Chord Invitational Challenge tournament or for a title. This is the MAW debut of Jack America, who gets a good U.S.A. chant going in the beginning of the match. A cruiserweight out of South Carolina, Roderick Remus looks really good in the opening few minutes of this contest. He sends America outside the ring and then catches him with a cross body over the top rope to the floor. The action returns inside the ring where Remus continues his control, using his high flying skill to his advantage. A U.S.A. chant gives America a brief advantage but Remus dodges a top rope cross body attempt by America and then locks in the Remus Clutch, his version of a Cobra Clutch. Within moments, America is forced to tap out.

Roderick Remus d. Jack America =D-


Match 2: Mid Atlantic American Title Match


Max Mayhem defends vs. The Architect Of Your Destruction

Our second match of the evening is a defense of the Mid Atlantic American title as Max Mayhem takes on The Architect. This is your classic battle of the high flying of Max Mayhem against the ground work of The Architect. The Architect takes the advantage early on and sends Mayhem outside the ring. He runs Mayhem's head into the ring post and then slams him down on the steel steps. The action returns inside the ring where The Architect throws Mayhem with a Release German Suplex. He makes a cover and scores a two count. The Architect argues with the referee before lifting Mayhem, sending him into the turnbuckle. The Architect charges and runs right into a superkick from Mayhem! The crowd cheers as Mayhem starts the comeback. Mayhem climbs on the second turnbuckle and spins with a leaping kick to The Architect. Mayhem climbs the turnbuckles, pointing toward The Architect -- Canadian Tumbleweed! Mayhem makes the cover: One, Two, Three! Max Mayhem with a successful title defense!

Max Mayhem p. The Architect Of Your Destruction =D-




[The predominantly male crowd here in the Stanley Hall release some wolf whistles and cat-calls as an unknown female accompanies KC Glenn down to the ring for our next contest. The two enter the ring and he raises his arms to boos from this capacity crowd. He may be an exciting wrestler to watch but the fans here in Stanley Hall do not like his attitude. The female has a microphone.]


Haley Buck: "Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Haley Buck. I am the new representative for this man standing to my right, the Southern Sensation, the man that you women dream about, the man that you men want to be. This is KC Glenn! Tonight, my client steps inside the ring with an anarchist. This is a man who has issues with the current order of things. But the end result will be the same as it always is. There will be my man, KC Glenn, standing tall and his opponent, Citizen X, looking at the lights. Enjoy the fight."


[buck leaves the ring with the microphone and drops into the corner of KC Glenn. Apparently, she is his brand new representative?]


Match 3: MAW Rip Chord Invitational, Semifinals


KC Glenn vs. Citizen X

This is one of the better matches of the evening as KC Glenn takes on Citizen X in the semifinals of the Rip Chord Invitational Challenge Tournament. Both of these men put on a clinic inside the ring with back and forth action. Glenn plays some cat and mouse with Citizen X in the first few minutes, making X give chase. When X caught him, we were treated to a very good technical bout between these two top wrestlers. Citizen X scores an early two count when he catches Glenn with an enzuigiri, knocking him in the back of the head. X tosses Glenn outside the ring and then catches him with a baseball slide kick, knocking Glenn back into the guardrail. Back in the ring, X sets Glenn up for the Flaming Anarchy, heading to the top rope but X gets distracted by Haley Buck. The distraction works as Glenn ascends the turnbuckles and brings X down with a top rope belly-to-belly suplex. Glenn waits in the corner for X to rise to his feet and begins the Tune Up to the Sunshine Band. X gets up and Glenn nails him with the Superkick! Glenn makes the cover: One, Two, Three! KC Glenn advances to the finals!

KC Glenn p. Citizen X =D+




[The ring clears and then the crowd cheers as Findlay O'Farraday comes out. The large Georgian high fives some of the members of the audience as he walks out to the ring and steps inside. He releases a roar and then is handed a microphone, pacing in the ring for a moment. A 'Let's Go Findlay' chant begins in the crowd and Findlay O'Farraday smiles.]


Findlay O'Farraday: "Good evening, y'all. As y'all know, tonight is going to be a very special night for me. Tonight is the night that I get to share a victory with each and every one of you. Tonight is the night that I shut that Hollywood boy's mouth for good. Tonight I become the last man standing and the Mid Atlantic champion once again. I am so looking forward to taking this big fist and clocking Bret Starr again and again until my heart's content. I could take a chair and break it over his head. I could take a cinder block and smash his knees. Anything that you can imagine, I can and will do tonight to Hollywood Bret Starr. Starr, you're messing with the wrong southern boy. Tonight, I send you back to Hollywood. Tonight this old southern charmer will end you."


[O'Farraday drops the microphone and heads to the back, high fiving fans along the way. We have more great matches set for tonight as we will determine who survives between Findlay O'Farraday and Hollywood Bret Starr and we will determine the next number one contender. Let's head back to the ring for our next contest.]


Match 4: Mid Atlantic Tag Team Titles Match


The Dynamite Express defend vs. The Lost Cause

There is not much in the way of crowd reaction for this match. Perhaps it is more of a bathroom/concession stand break match for many of the 300 people in the audience here at Stanley Hall. They missed some solid tag team action that surprised the people who remained within their seats to watch this contest. Miller Fforde nearly scores an upset on Cameron Jones. Hot tags on both sides bring in Keith Vegas and Syd Collier. More back and forth action that draws in the crowd, thinking they are seeing an upset in the making. Instead, Collier strikes Vegas with a Piledriver and then makes the cover, sliding his feet on the middle ropes: one... two... three!

The Dynamite Express p. The Lost Cause =E


Match 5: MAW Rip Chord Invitational, Semifinals


Mean Jean Cattley vs. Steve Flash

Our second semifinal match in the Rip Chord Invitational Challenge tournament. This one features two veterans in the ring as Mean Jean Cattley takes on Steve Flash. As anyone would expect, this is another very technical match with hold and counterhold going back and forth between these two guys. Flash takes an early advantage, driving Cattley to the mat with a vertical suplex and then heading to the top turnbuckle. An early frog splash only scores a two count. The momentum shifts when Flash tries to send Cattley to the ropes but Cattley reverses, bringing Flash down with a spinebuster slam, scoring a two count of his own. Cattley sends Flash to the top turnbuckle and climbs up, slamming him to the mat with a superplex! The crowd is solidly behind Flash, trying to give him his second wind. Cattley stays on Flash, keeping him down on the mat for several long minutes before he goes for the Mood Swing. The swinging Uranage is blocked by Flash, striking Cattley with elbow smashes. The two men go down with a double clothesline before both men get to their feet and begin exchanging punches. Around the twelve minute mark, Cattley goes for another Uranage but Flash slips around behind him and hooks him in a backslide: One, Two, Three!

Steve Flash p. Mean Jean Cattley =D




[Steve Flash is heading to the finals of the Rip Chord Invitational Challenge! A big victory by the NYCW legend. Flash is slow to get his arm raised and while he is standing, he gets assaulted from behind by KC Glenn! Glenn goes right to the right knee of Flash, clipping it out from under him. Glenn grabs the knee and yanks on it before pulling Flash to the edge of the ring. Glenn exits the ring and grabs the leg, smashing the knee on the ring apron. Flash cries out in pain but Glenn continues this vicious assault. Glenn brings Flash over by the ring post and slams the right knee into the ring post before locking on a Figure Four Leglock around the ring post! The crowd boos as EMTs and the fun police come out to break things up. Glenn is forced to release and he stands beside his new representative: Haley Buck. She raises his arm as EMTs attend to Steve Flash. Glenn and Buck are forced to the back first. Then the EMTs check Flash's knee before they help him to the back. He has to lean against the EMT as it seems he cannot even put any pressure on that knee. Will he even be able to compete tonight?]


Match 6: Mid Atlantic Championship Title Match, Last Man Standing Match


Hollywood Bret Star defends vs. Findlay O'Farraday

Our semi main event is the Last Man Standing match for the MAW Mid Atlantic Championship! Findlay O'Farraday comes out first but he gets assaulted from behind before even making it to the ring! Hollywood Bret Starr strikes O'Farraday from behind and then runs him into the ring post. This is an absolute brawl from the very beginning. The brawl takes place both inside the ring, outside the ring, through the crowd and even in the concession stands! Findlay O'Farraday gets a face full of ketchup and mustard but Starr gets the hot dog in his face. These two men keep up the action for around twelve minutes of back and forth action. They are in the crowd during this point and O'Farraday sets up a table. He picks up Starr and body slams him on top of the table. O'Farraday moves through the audience to a raised platform. He looks down at Starr and then leaps -- Splash through the table! The table is completely shattered with two bodies lying in the remnants.


Marvin Earnest: "Oh wow! The crowd is going absolutely crazy here in Stanley Hall! Findlay O'Farraday has put Hollywood through a table! Will he be able to get out of this?"


The referee begins counting both men down. One...Two...Three...Findlay O'Farraday begins to stir inside the table scraps...Four...Five...Six...O'Farraday stands to his feet, looking down as Starr begins to pull himself out of the table...Seven...Eight...Nine...Starr makes it to his feet! Amazingly, the Mid Atlantic champion is on his feet! O'Farraday grabs him and drags him to the ringside area and then inside the ring. The brawl continues inside the ring between these two warriors. Starr takes an advantage and goes for the Hollywood Hammer, the double axehandle to the chest. But O'Farraday sidesteps and then drops Starr with the Atomic Spinebuster! Starr is down and the referee begins the count. O'Farraday leans in the corner, resting, as the referee continues the count...Eight...Nine...Ten!

Findlay O'Farraday d. Hollywood Bret Starr =D




[Wow! We have a brand new Mid Atlantic champion! That champion is none other than the former champion Findlay O'Farraday! The big Georgian is handed the title belt and he raises it up to a loud ovation from the three hundred people here in Stanley Hall! O'Farraday raises the title belt up high, looking down at the prone form of Hollywood Bret Starr. Officials come in to help Starr to the back as O'Farraday exits the ring and leans back into the crowd, holding the title belt up high. Findlay O'Farraday is the new Mid Atlantic champion, having defeated his rival in a Last Man Standing match! Congratulations to Findlay O'Farraday! As O'Farraday disappears to the back, the public address announcer lets everyone know that our next match is going to be the finals of the Rip Chord Invitational Challenge tournament!]


Match 7: MAW Rip Chord Invitational, Finals


KC Glenn vs. Steve Flash

It is main event time and what a main event we have for you this evening. Two men doing battle for the prestigious Rip Chord Invitational Challenge trophy and the right to take on Findlay O'Farraday next month at Wrestling Classic. Steve Flash comes limping down to the ring, leaning heavily on his left leg. KC Glenn is escorted down to the ring by Haley Buck and they talk over strategy during the official introduction. When the bell sounds, Glenn goes right after the knee of Flash. He strikes him with a hard kick to the knee and continues the first few minutes of the contest, focusing on that knee. Glenn stands Flash up in a corner and lays into him with chops. He Irish whips Flash across the ring and shows his athleticism when he comes across with a handspring elbow in the corner. Glenn drops Flash with a stunner and makes a cover, scoring a two count.


Marvin Earnest: "KC Glenn has been in total control of this match. Can the veteran Steve Flash make a comeback on one leg?"


Glenn picks up Flash from the mat and goes for a Rude Awakening style neckbreaker but the crowd gets Flash that second wind. He struggles his way free of the neckbreaker, twisting around to face Glenn and he begins throwing punches! He goes for the Flash Bang but Glenn grabs the top rope, leaping over and landing on the apron. Flash turns and catches Glenn with a shoulder to the gut and then brings him back in the ring with a vertical suplex. Flash motions to the crowd, getting claps and some momentum going. He is fighting on one leg but he is maintaining some momentum here. Flash goes for a German Suplex but Glenn lands on his feet. Flash turns back around -- Tune Up The Sunshine Band! The Superkick lands flush on the chin of Steve Flash. Glenn makes a cover: One, Two, Three!

KC Glenn p. Steve Flash =D+




[KC Glenn is this year's new Rip Chord Invitational Challenge winner! That means that he will be going one on one with Findlay O'Farraday at Wrestling Classic next month! MAW owner Sam Keith enters the ring and shakes hands with KC Glenn and then with his representative Haley Buck. Keith brings the trophy into the ring and has a microphone]


Sam Keith: "KC Glenn, it is my honor that you have restored honor and sportsmanship to the Rip Chord Invitational Challenge trophy."


[As Keith speaks, KC Glenn stomps on Steve Flash. The crowd here in Stanley Hall boos as Glenn picks up Flash and tosses him over the top rope to the floor. Glenn makes a little wave toward Flash and then picks up the large trophy, raising it up in the air to boos from the crowd. Glenn motions for a microphone but any words that he might have said are interrupted by the presence of a much larger foe.]




[Findlay O'Farraday walks down the aisle and enters the ring. He still has sweat gleaming on his body from his match earlier. O'Farraday looks Glenn in the eyes and then looks at the trophy. Things begin growing tense between the two. O'Farraday unstraps the Mid Atlantic title belt from his waist and raises it up in the air. This draws cheers from the Findlay Faithful. KC Glenn raises the trophy but this only draws boos from the members of the crowd here. Glenn sets the trophy down and seems to be talking to Haley Buck but he turns and blindsides O'Farraday with a right hand. He throws two more punches and then Irish whips O'Farraday to the ropes -- reversed! O'Farraday reverses, sending Glenn to the ropes. Glenn grabs the top rope to halt himself and quickly exits the ring. Haley Buck grabs the trophy and exits with her client. A tense staredown briefly ensues as Glenn backs his way up the ramp to the back. O'Farraday spends a few more moments raising the MAW Mid Atlantic title in the air. Sam Keith gives a disgusted look before he exits the ring and heads toward the back. O'Farraday is given a microphone.]


Findlay O'Farraday: "I would personally like to thank each and every one of you for coming here tonight. This company would be nothing without the support of all y'all. We hope to see you here next month for the Wrestling Classic and my first title defense. Have a good night and drive safely."


[O'Farraday drops the microphone and exits the ring. He high fives the fans who stick around to the front before he disappears to the back. What a great, happy ending to the show. The crowd is definitely leaving home happy. We'll see you next month!]

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The prediction contest will run from my first show until the end of June in the game. The prizes have yet to be determined. A single win is given each time a person scores the most predictions right in a given show. The most wins at the end of June is declared the winner.


Thank you to all the predictors of this show. KnowYourEnemy and Smasher1311 scored 6/7 this week. Congratulations to them!


1. KnowYourEnemy=1 Win

Smasher1311=1 Win

3. Midnightnick=0 Wins

Dragonmack=0 Wins

Uncrewed=0 Wins

jhd1=0 Wins

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<p><em>[My first match in Mid Atlantic Wrestling went fairly well. It was not the best match on the card but I did hear from other sources that it was not the worst match on the card either. Following that match, instead of hitting the showers, I began mingling in with the small crowd. I wanted to get a good view of the other matches, specifically the main event. KC Glenn and Steve Flash really know how to wrestle and it showed. I was absolutely wowed by their back and forth action and smoothness inside the ring.]</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

[When the show was over, I moved to the back and took a cold shower and got dressed. Dressed and seated on a bench in the locker room, I mulled over my options of where to sleep. I could always find a park bench outside or sleep in my car. Those were the cheapest options and I am no rich man. The other option would be to find a sleazebag motel that I can pay by the hour. Get a few hours of sleep a night and exit the motel, journeying out into the city of Baltimore. As I mulled over my options, I was approached by the same man who recruited me.]</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>[Mean Jean Cattley:]</strong> <span style="color:#A0522D;">"Hey, kid. Everyone is heading over to Friendly's bar to celebrate a great night of wrestling. You would be smart to get yourself involved in the celebration."</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>[Jackson Smith:]</strong> <span>"Alright, Mr. Cattley. Thank you."</span></p><p> </p><p>

<em>[As Mean Jean Cattley exited the locker room, I could hear him say something along the lines of 'new guy buys the first round of beers!' My shoulders slumped for a moment as I sat there. There goes the idea of even a sleazebag motel. Why do I have the feeling that I was just duped?]</em></p>

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Dang, no where to sleep and buying the first round...you got hosed <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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