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Florida's Outrageous Wrestling League

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Back in the original territory days, South Florida was one of the true hotbeds of wrestling. Fans would come to the Miami and Ft Lauderdale areas to witness the likes of Dick The Devastator, Crippler Ray Kingman, Mickey Starr, Dan Stone, Rip Chord and many more lock up in the middle of the ring. Even after Dick The Devastator sold his company to Richard Eisen (founder of Supreme Wrestling Federation), the area was still a popular second home to regional promotions: Jack Griffith won his first SCCW title there in what was considered one of the company's best shows, DAVE would hold PPV events there and even the Texas Wrestling League would visit Miami once a year from the mid-80s to it's closing.


The modern era unfortunately has less than kind to the SFL. Apart from the occassional visits by the big companies- USPW operates in Atlanta but never tours south of Orlando, SWF occasionally spends a week in the area and have held a few PPVs, and TCW have had all of one show in Ft Lauderdale to date- the wrestling scene hasn't been nearly as vibrant as it is in other hotbeds like New York, Boston, or LA. Without any major indy shows occurring on a regular basis (FCW in Puerto Rico had an event in Miami, and Babes of Sin City were going to be part of a spring break event in 2013 but they folded a few months before), the indy scene has been limited to the occasional one-off show, usually featuring an ex-SCCW guy in the main event.


Two men helped promote some of these one-off events; Carl Batch, known to fans as a manager formerly for DAVE and currently FCW, who moved to Florida from his native Albuquerque to be closer to his new home promotion while managing a couple gyms in the Ft Lauderdale area; and the legendary Archie Judge who, after leaving his road agent job in TCW has moved to Florida to retire with his wife.


The two men came together one evening and, seeing attendance and fan interest growing, went to business together to form Florida's Outrageous Wrestling League.


After a few weeks of phone calls and arranging with popular women's promotions AAA and QPW a special one-night-only showcase match, they were ready to begin their first show.




(EDITOR'S NOTE: Typo is intentional)


For predictions, the women's tag is Sara Marie York and Tamara McFly vs Eve Grunge and Purple Viper

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Florida's Outrageous Wrestling League

Saturday Week 4 January 2013

Live From The Rainbow Bar and Grill

We start with the announcer's booth being heard over the patio's PA system for those watching.


Rob: "Hello everyone and welcome to Florida's Outrageous Wrestling League, I'm Rob L Miskovsky and I'm here with Carl Batch and Archie Judge. Tonight we've got some great matches for you tonight including a special attraction featuring some of the best women's wrestler's in North America but before we get to that, one of the wrestlers in tonight's main event has something he wants to say, give it up to the rookie sensation, KC Glenn!"

"The Touch" by Stan Bush plays as KC comes out in jeans and a Miami Dolphins jersey, getting a modest applause from the crowd.


KC: "Thank ya'll. I ain't got a lot to say really, I just wanted to say how excited I am that I get to perform here in South Florida, where there's so much great wrestling history... in fact, I went to high school just an hour from this place! Now I know me and my partner tonight Cal Sanders have a tough order ahead of us..."


He's interrupted by the sounds of "My Adidas" by Run DMC interrupt as former SWF wrestler Knuckles comes in through the entranceway (just some curtains in front of the area set aside for the wrestlers to go over their matches in) wearing jeans, an Ed Hardy T-shirt and some gold chains as he comes out with a mic.


Knuckles: "A 'tough order'? Now you listen up punk, I'm a former SWF World Tag Team Champion. I've won more matches in one week than you've even HAD matches. Hell, the only reason I'm even here because I got paid damn good money to be here. I sure wouldn't even be in Florida if I weren't gettin' paid."

The crowd boos at that, and Knuckles starts mouthing off mic to some of them before putting the mic back up to his mouth.


Knuckles: "You wanna prove me wrong fat ass? Put down the chicken wings and get your ass in here then. No? I thought so. Now, back to you Glenn, what makes you think you can hang with the likes of me and Calvin Dark?"


KC: "You want me to show you? Cause hell, forget the main event, forget even getting into my gear, I'll wrestle you right now."


KC takes off his jersey (making some of the women watching squeal) and Knuckles just shakes his head.


Knuckles: "I don't fight for free, fool."

Knuckles leaves the ring and KC turns to pose for the crowd... Knuckles slides back in and attacks him from behind, throwing him to the ropes and looking for a big boot, but KC ducks under, springboards, Knuckles turns around right into a dropkick! Here comes Calvin Dark and he's got a chair, hitting KC over the back with it and the heels put the boots to the youngster before Cal Sanders comes in, leaping to the top rope... FLYING CROSSBODY TO DARK! But as he gets up Knuckles nails him with a big boot before throwing him in the air before swatting him with a left hook, a move known as the Knuckle Duster! Knuckles and Dark pose to the jeers of the crowd before leaving.


Rob: "What a disgraceful display by Knuckles and Calvin Dark!"


Carl: "Well what do you expect, they get called out by some punkass rookie and gotta put him in his place."


Rob: "That ladies and gentlemen is the voice of my colleague Carl Batch and also with us is the Governor himself, Archie Judge."


Judge: "Well I think Glenn just wanted to show how much he respected Knuckles but I don't think he's got much respect for him now."


Rob: "That may be well it's time for our first bout of the night. Introducing first from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada... Bob Casey!"


Casey comes out to "The White Room" by Cream and is wearing a simple black singlet as he makes his way to the ring.


Rob: "His opponent, from Calgary, Alberta, Canada... The Trademark, Thomas Morgan!"


"Rooster" by Alice in Chains was heard as the clean-cut Thomas Morgan comes out in red and white full-length tights and black elbow pads.

Rob: "Casey is a longtime veteran of the sport, been all over the world for nearly twenty years."


Carl: "Yeah but he hasn't even won twenty matches."


Rob: "Morgan on the other hand a twenty year pro himself, not as prolific as Bob Casey but has been lauded as a fantastic and dangerous mat wrestler."



A heckling fan in the crowd refers to Casey as "Smiling Bob" due to his resemblance to the Enzyte character, getting a laugh and causing people to loudly sing the Smiling Bob theme (in the way that people sing Fandango's theme). Meanwhile in the ring Morgan is all business, working over Casey with some slick mat wrestling both on offense and defensively with smooth escapes and transitions. Casey manages to make a comeback but when he goes for a bodyscissors body press Morgan catches himself on the ropes, Casey landing facefirst. Casey tries to get up but Morgan hits a whiplash before applying an STF making Casey tap out in seconds.




Rob: "An impressive win by Thomas Morgan there, guys."


Carl: "Well Casey isn't exactly tough competition, he couldn't make TEW's Power 500 if it was a Power 500,000, but did you see that STF?"


Judge: "What really impressed me is Morgan's killer instinct. He might have been able to apply that STF straight from evading that bodyscissors, but he adds that flipping neck whiplash move, not only setting up the hold but also making sure Casey didn't have the wits to fight him off before he could hook it in. And once he had it in well it was all over."


Rob: "Our next contest features four of the top female wrestlers from across North America... introducing first, Sara Marie York and Tamara McFly"


"Power of Love" by Huey Lewis and the News plays as the first team make their way to the ring, York in blue gear and wearing a AAA t-shirt to the ring as well as a title belt around her waist; Tamara in a darker shade of blue on her tights but a black top.

Rob: "And their opponents, Eve Grunge and Purple Viper!"

"Love Me Like A Reptile" by Motorhead plays as the other team arrives, Grune in black leather pants, a Nirvana shirt, and a flannel shirt tied around her waist, Viper of course in all purple including her signature mask.


Rob: "Sara Marie York of course the Angel Athletic Association Femme Fatale champion, Tamara McFly the sister of Sean McFly and a well-traveled veteran both in the US and Japan. Eve Grunge is a top talent in Canada and Purple Viper comes to us from Queens of American Wrestling in Texas."




This contest is, as expected, a back and forth encounter with all four women getting their fair share of time to shine. A particular highlight is Purple Viper who looked to dive on York, but Tamara would try to cut her off with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker only for Viper to use a Deja Vu headscissors to escape, landing on her feet and completing her suicide dive! The finish came when McFly would clothesline Viper sending them both to the floor, Eve raking the Femme Fatale champ's eyes to look for a pancake piledriver, but York manages to escape, shocking Grunge into the ropes and recovering to hit a double knee facebreaker called the Energy Burst for the three count.


WINNERS: SARA MARIE YORK & TAMARA MCFLY (8:02, "Energy Burst" on Eve Grunge)


Rob: "What a win by the best that AAA has to offer!"


Carl: "Yeah but she had to pull Eve Grunge's hair during that Energy Burst"


Judge: "i didn't see that."


Rob: "Neither did I Carl, looked like a standard head grip to me, and what about the cheap shot Grunge gave her right before that?"


Carl: "What, the nose hook?"


Rob: "That's not what she was doing, she raked York's eyes and even then, fishhooking the nose isn't exactly a legal move either Carl."


Carl: "Man you and your technicalities. Who do we have next?"


Rob: "For our third bout of the evening, introducing first from Long Beach California, this is Paranoia!"

Paranoia of course comes out to "Paranoia" by Black Sabbath, wearing green and white full length tights and a white t-shirt.


Rob: "And his opponent, from Windsor, Ontario, Canada, The Blonde Bomber, Jerry Martin!"


"Mommy Can I Go Out And Kill Tonight" by The Misfits comes out running into the ring in black pants not even waiting for the bell and he tackles Paranoia and starts pounding on him!




Martin is eventually pulled off by the ref allowing Paranoia to recover, allowing the smaller athlete to meet Martin's second charge with a dropkick! And another! And another. And another. The crowd quickly turns against Paranoia, partly because his dropkicks show daylight badly and partly because the rest of his offense isn't much better, sloppy arm drags and a botched cross body that undershoots Martin to badly that Paranoia hit him around the knees. Martin kicks out of that cross body at two and after a leaping headbutt by Martin he completely takes control. After Paranoia manages to make a comeback, Martin knocks Paranoia out of the ring with his signature Discus Punch. Martin then goes to the apron to hit an elbow drop onto the back of Paranoia, then throws him into the ringpost before rolling him back into the ring. Once there, Martin hits the ropes and hits a leaping knee drop on Paranoia's head for good measure before getting the three count.


WINNER: JERRY MARTIN (12:29, Knee Drop)


Rob: "What a brutal ending by Jerry Martin and oh no he's not done..."


Carl: "Oh yes he's not done!"

Martin rolls out of the ring now, grabbing the steps and throwing them in the ring, setting them up before throwing Paranoia into the ropes... drop toe hold onto the stairs!




Carl: "That was wonderful!"


Rob: "How could you applaud something like that Carl?"


Carl: "That kind of killer instinct is just like what I coached the Peak brothers to have back in DAVE. I like this kid Martin."


Judge: "Paranoia being carried out now, he may have a concussion. We do have a paramedic on standby, hopefully it's not as bad as it looks."


Rob: "Well on that note we're going to take a brief intermission, we'll be back in five minutes for our main event."




Rob: "The following is a tag team main event. Introducing first, from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, this is the Leaping Lumberjack, Cal Sanders!"


"Takin' Care of Business" by Bachman-Turner Overdrive plays as Sanders enters the ring in dark blue full-length tights and a flannel shirt, carrying an axehandle over his shoulder.


Rob: "And his partner, from Hialeah, Florida, this is the rookie sensation, KC Glenn!"


"The Touch" plays again as KC comes out in red rights with a white horse on the leg, getting a cheer from the crowd.

Rob: "And their opponents.... first, from Vancouver, British Columbia, he is the Black Mark, Calvin Dark!"


"Mechanical Animals" by Marilyn Manson plays as Dark makes his way to the ring, wearing black tights and a black leather jacket over a mesh shirt.


Rob: "And his tag team partner, from the 313, Detroit, Michigan, he is a former SWF World Tag Team Champion, this is KNUCKLES!"


"My Adidas" by Run DMC hits for the second time tonight as Knuckles comes out wearing little more than jeans and a pair of sunglasses, getting boos from the crowd.


Rob: "Cal Sanders and KC Glenn are two talented athletes, Cal an 11-year veteran, KC is very new to this sport but he's been the talk of the wrestling world."


Carl: "Yeah but Calvin Dark is an experienced grappler with more experience than anyone else on our roster and Knuckles has been to the big show of Supreme Wrestling Federation. Those two dorks are going to get creamed."




We start with Sanders and Dark in the ring with Sanders taking control until Dark manages to tag out to Knuckles. Knuckles looks for a test of strength and Sanders looks like he wants to oblige, but Knuckles kicks him in the gut and pulls Cal's shirt over his head to start railing on the Leaping Lumberjack. Knuckles and Dark start working as a tandem, cutting Sanders off from Glenn while working over Sanders' back. Eventually Sanders manages to fight back and get the hot tag, KC a house of fire! The momentum shifts and the faces take control, eventually Dark and Knuckles flee the ring to try to regroup... Sanders with a diving tope atomico to Dark, KC Glenn with a CORKSCREW PLANCHA to Knuckles!


After some back and forth action Knuckles would try to take out KC with a Knuckle Duster, but after the pop-up KC dropkicks him to escape! Knuckles manages to tag out as he takes a powder, Sanders climbs up top and delivers a picture perfect crossbody! Meanwhile in the ring, Calvin Dark uses a kneelkick to set up a German suplex... KC lands on his feet, Calvin Dark turns around... and KC hits him with a superkick he calls Tuning Up The Sunshine Band! Jackknife cover, one, two three!


WINNERS: CAL SANDERS & KC GLENN (20:11, "Tuning Up The Sunshine Band" to Dark)


Carl: "Oh that just sucks!"


Rob: "What are you talking about? The rookie sensation pulled off a massive upset over a seasoned veteran of the ring."


Carl: "With an illegal martial arts kick! The Florida State Athletic Commission bans those moves in the ring!"


Archie: "Carl... that rule was abolished in '82."


Carl: "So you claim. I'm going to report this to the commission, and get this overturned so Knuckles and Dark get the win bonus they deserve."


Rob: "Well good luck with that Carl, meanwhile, Cal Sanders and KC Glenn celebrate a hard-fought victory as we sign off. And folks if you enjoyed the action this afternoon, we'll be back here February 23rd, come back here next week and ask for a flyer or follow @FOWLPRO on Twitter for more details. Have a good one everyone and we hope to see you again."





@FOWLPRO #FOWLProTourney Will feature our established talent and four outside names from across N. America

@FOWLPRO #FOWLProTourney From MAW, The Architect Of Your Destruction

@FOWLPRO #FOWLProTourney Representing 4C, Nathaniel Ca$ino

@FOWLPRO #FOWLProTourney CZCW in Cali repped by none other than Matt Sparrow

@FOWLPRO #FOWLProTourney and finally PR's hottest star, FCW's Mainstream Hernandez

@FOWLPRO #FOWLProTourney As these are top ranked names they will all get first round byes

@FOWLPRO #FOWLProTourney Paranoia IS cleared to compete, concussion test negative

@FOWLPRO "@PTParanoia Clearly Venusians set the #FOWLProTourney!" Buh?

@FOWLPRO Don't forget to tune in to @RealMSparrow's podcast tinyurl.com/lruekaf

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liking this so far but I have a couple suggestions for formatting such as putting something to break up the show segments ( I use a banner bar but you can do other things like quote box or line dashes with a couple blank lines between) so it doesn't come off as a continuous wall of text.


Also for predictions, while the handbill graphic is great, to make it easier for potential predictors you can also have the matches at the bottom in a quote box such as below so that predictors can copy and paste that.


x vs y

a vs b

cd vs ef


Little things like that, from my experience, help get more readers and more views for your dynasty.

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liking this so far but I have a couple suggestions for formatting such as putting something to break up the show segments ( I use a banner bar but you can do other things like quote box or line dashes with a couple blank lines between) so it doesn't come off as a continuous wall of text.


Also for predictions, while the handbill graphic is great, to make it easier for potential predictors you can also have the matches at the bottom in a quote box such as below so that predictors can copy and paste that.


Little things like that, from my experience, help get more readers and more views for your dynasty.


Overall, I loved the show, but I agree with Dragonmack here. You have some great characters (I especially love Carl on commentary!) but I think a little bit of work on formatting (especially breaking up segments) would elevate this diary even more.

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  • 4 weeks later...

FOWL Florida Championship Tournament

Live at the Rainbow Bar and Grill


We start again with Rob L Miskovski's voice on the PA system.


Rob: "Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to Florida's Outrageous Wrestling League! I'm Rob L Miskovski and alongside me is Carl Batch and Archie Judge, and last month we have you four matches, but tonight we're giving you ELEVEN. And after the eleventh contest we will crown our first Florida Heavyweight Champion. Now, the obvious fan favorite coming into this is KC Glenn after his big win last month. Carl, Archie, your picks?"


Carl: "I'm going to pick the former SWF World Tag Team Champion Knuckles, the man who SHOULD have won last month if not for that little runt KC."


Archie: "Well in a tournament like this, it favors the person with the best seeding. There are no weak groupings in this tournament but I like the odds for Nathaniel Ca$ino."


Rob: "Well myself as much as I dislike his actions last month, I'd have to pick Jerry Martin as my personal favorite due to his unpredictable nature and killer instinct. But right now we're going to start off with KC Glenn facing Thomas Morgan. Both men are coming off from a win, Thomas Morgan has the experience factor and on top of that, KC Glenn has just come back from a tour of Japan."


Carl: "Morgan on the other hand is well rested and jet lag free, this is going to be a breeze for him."

After the introductions are made, the match goes underway.




Sure enough Morgan has the upper hand and after managing to maintain control and keep the rookie grounded. KC manages to get to a vertical base and break Morgan's control, taking the advantage with some dynamic offense until Morgan clips his knee. Morgan starts to work over the leg and slaps on a figure four, but KC rolls it over to reverse it forcing Morgan to scramble to the ropes. Morgan looks for a neckbreaker to set up for the STF, but KC counters with an atomic drop! KC has to put his weight on one leg, but manages to hit Tune Up The Sunshine Band on Morgan, clucthing his leg as he falls on top of the Trademark, one, two, three!


WINNER: KC Glenn (7:48, "Tune Up The Sunshine Band")


Rob: "What a comeback by KC Glenn, but I wonder how he'll fare in the next round. He's got the most time to rest but his leg will still be hurting him."


Archie: "He's got to ice that leg and shake that jet lag off if he wants to leave here with the title."


Carl: "Won't happen, this little runt won't last a minute in the second round."


Rob: "Well coming up next folks, a rematch of sorts from last month as The Leaping Lumberjack, Cal Sanders, faces Calvin Dark."


Carl: "The Black Mark is looking for revenge in this first round."


Archie: "That might cost him though. You don't want to look past your current opponent but if you spend more time beating on your opponent as opposed to simply beating him, you'll just wear yourself out."

The introductions and entrances take place, but Calvin Dark jumps the gun and charges at Sanders before the bell.

FIRST ROUND MATCH: "The Leaping Lumberjack" CAL SANDERS vs "The Black Mark" CALVIN DARK


This match was a lot more even in the beginning with some back and forth chain wrestling but Dark would use some dirty tactics to gain an advantage and work over the back of Cal Sanders. Sanders would manage to escape and make a comeback, getting a nearfall with a crossbody off the top rope but when the looked for his favorite finishing move the Frog Splash, Dark got the knees up and took control. Dark hit the German Suplex but only got a two count, Calvin hit another German but didn't go for the cover, instead setting up for a powerbomb, but taking a long time to taunt the crowd... lifts him up... Sanders counters with a DDT! Here's the cover, hooks the leg, one, two, three!




Rob: "Well Archie you said Calvin Dark being too focused on revenge would cost him, and while it wasn't in the way you predicted he made that crucial mistake and pays for it!"


Carl: "Fast count!"


Rob: "No it was a pretty standard count, and the ref was in an ideal position as well."


Archie: "It wasn't a textbook DDT, didn't quite plant him at the proper angle, but when you counter what your opponent thinks is a surefire ending sometimes it doesn't really make much of a difference."


Rob: "Well our third opening round contest doesn't promise to have much textbook wrestling as Paranoia and Knuckles collide. Knuckles as you know is a physical street fighting brawler, and Paranoia... well, he's medically cleared to compete, the Florida State Athletic Commission has cleared him to compete, his concussion screening came back negative, but people close to Paranoia say he's been acting very erratic since Jerry Martin's heinous attack on him. The FOWL front office had him sign a medical waiver, which he did after they convinced him that the matchmakers are not spider people from Venus."


Carl: "Spider. People. From Venus."


Rob: "The office didn't know what he meant by that either, Carl."


Carl: "It means probably means he's a product of the Broward County Public School system."


Rob: "ANYWAY, it's time to bring out our next competitors."

During the entrances for our next contest, Paranoia comes out with a tinfoil hat on, asking random people seated at the tables closest to the ring if they've seen anyone from the Monsanto Corporation today and if the water at their tables is flouride-free.




Knuckles took Paranoia lightly and this allowed Paranoia to hit a flurry of dropkicks making Knuckles head to the floor, Paranoia had a couple false starts trying to do a dive over the the ropes, he settles for trying a tope to the floor but undershoots and Knuckles ends up taking it in the knees. The crowd that was behind Paranoia's pre-match antics are now behind Knuckles, and when the big man recovers he starts taking control with fists and basic power moves. Paranoia evades a running avalanche and rallies back, getting a nearfall with a (sloppy) moonsault press, but when he tries to throw Knuckles into the ropes the former world tag champ reverses it and blasts Paranoia with a running big boot, picking Paranoia up, grabbing him by the throat with both hands before drilling him with a sitout chokebomb called the Stay of Execution, and the three count is academic.

WINNER: KNUCKLES (4:23, "Stay of Execution")


Carl: "Haha! Scrape that weirdo off the mat! What a display of power by your next Florida Heavyweight champion!"


Rob: "Paranoia put up a commendable fight but the power and experience of Knuckles was just too much for him."


Archie: "I hope the trainers take a second look at the kid after this match, though, that boot was absolutely brutal. I think he might have been out cold there but Knuckles planted him with that Stay of Execution anyway."


Carl: "Ah who cares? He signed a waiver didn't he?"


Rob: "Just because FOWL isn't liable for his safety doesn't mean we can't show concern for it Carl. Paranoia is coming to and... okay, it does look like he's able to get out on his own power, that's a good sign. Moving right along now to our last opening round contest. Bob Casey, the longtime ring veteran, going one on with the psychopathic Jerry Martin. It's traditional grappling vs an unorthodox psychopath."


Carl: "Well Jerry Martin cut his teeth on the hardcore circuit in Canada, had a lot of brutal and bloody contests. And like you alluded to before, Rob, that killer instinct he gained is why he might go far in this kind of tournament."


During the introductions, Casey is introduced as "Smilin'" Bob Casey, and he comes out to the Enzyte theme to the amusement of those who remember last month's event.




Bob was anything but smiling when Jerry Martin bum rushes him right out of the gate, hitting him with an avalanche and laying into him with fists and knees. Casey manages to recover and get a double leg to work on the lunatic, keeping him grounded, but once Jerry makes it to his feet he resumes control, eventually clotheslining both Casey and himself over the ropes and into the floor. The two of them do battle with the referee being lax on the count to avoid a double count out, but eventually the two of them do get back in the ring. Casey manages to retake control, Casey looks for a piledriver but Martin back body drops out of it, and when they come face to face Jerry blasts Casey with his signature Discus Punch, getting the three count.


WINNER: JERRY MARTIN (7:26, Discus Punch)


Rob: "What a brutal discus punch by Jerry Martin. We've seen him use it on Paranoia last month and even though Martin piled on punishment after, Paranoia was probably done after it."


Carl: "I wish Jerry piled on punishment on Smilin' Bob so we wouldn't have to see him anymore."


Rob: "That's horrible, Carl."


Carl: "Yeah, his ugly face is horrible."


Archie: "Jerry probably didn't want to overexert himself, but on the other hand with how much energy he has I don't know if that'd actually be a problem for him."


Rob: "Well our second round is about to begin. Introducing now, from Wright, Minnesota, The Architect Of Your Destruction!"


"Architecture of Aggression" by Megadeth plays as The Architect comes out wearing simple black tights, kneepads, elbow pads and boots with a white A on the sides.

Rob: "The Architect a very young face to the sport, but he's been trained by the legends Sam Keith and Rip Chord, dangerous submission expert."

KC Glenn comes out next, his leg bandaged up but he's showing no signs of a limp.



KC manages to get a strong start, chopping away at the youngster, throwing the Architect into the ropes and hitting a huge dropkick, but landed on the bad knee and was slow to get up. This allowed Architect to zero in on it, working the leg to keep KC in pain. He goes for the kill early with Sam Keith's famous Proton Lock (Muta Lock) finisher but KC manages to get to the ropes. KC tries to mount a comeback but Architect manages to shut him down, this time working the arm and setting up an omoplata submission but again KC gets to the to the ropes. Powerbomb setup, but Glenn gets out with a hurricanrana and follows up with a surfboard to try to play the Architect's game with a bad wheel. Architect manages to free an arm to spin out of it, taking KC down and putting pressure on the leg again this time with a modified reverse Indian Deathlock. Architect pulls KC to the middle of the ring, looking to finish, but KC kicks him off. KC gets a rush of adrenaline as he finally manages to rally back, a series of clotheslines and a suplex, setting up for a moonsault but he takes too long getting to the top and The Architect rolls way, KC clutching his knee! The Architect sets up for his favorite hold, The Blueprint (Inverted Romero Special)... and he gets it! Huge pressure on the knee! But it leaves him with his shoulders on the mat, when he gets a shoulder up to avoid the three count KC manages to free his arm, open palm to The Architect's face to break the hold. Architect is looking for a gutwrench suplex, but KC lands on his feet, turns around, TUNE UP THE SUNSHINE BAND~! Cover, one, two, three!


WINNER: KC Glenn (9:09, "Tune Up The Sunshine Band")


Rob: "And KC Glenn by the skin of his teeth advances to the semi-finals!"


Archie: "I don't know how much more that leg of his can take though."


Rob: "Neither do I, but KC has really shown he's a tough customer who won't go down without a fight."


Carl: "Well let's not sing his praises yet, fellas, he might not even make it to the semi-finals."


Rob: "Well it's time to see who he'll face in the semi-finals, introducing first from, and I'm quoting, 'The High Roller Suite at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino', this is Nathaniel Ca$ino!"

"The Angel And The Gambler" by Iron Maiden plays as Ca$ino comes out, wearing a suit, bolo tie, and cowboy hat, the latter two come off with the blazer and collard shirt when he gets into the ring.


Rob: "Don't let his flashy attire fool you folks, Ca$ino is a phenomenal athlete, comes to us from the 4C promotion in Canada where he's had quite a bit of success."

Cal Sanders is announced next, showing little signs of wear from the previous match.



Sanders and Ca$ino lock up and have a back and forth chain wrestling contest to start, Sanders eventually maintaining the upperhand with an abdominal stretch, Nathaniel trying the hiptoss escape only for Sanders to land on his feet holding on to Nate's arm and reverse into a hammerlock eventually turning it into a hammerlock suplex. Sanders misses a big elbow however and Ca$ino takes over, targeting the ribs of the Lumberjack. A neckbreaker is reversed into a backslide for a two count and Sanders looks like he's going to finish off the gambler, looking for a brainbuster to set up the frog splash but Ca$ino lands on his feet, Sanders turns around right into Hard Eight (STO) for a nearfall. Nathianel looks for a top rope moonsault but Sanders gets the knees up, and this time gets the brainbuster! Sanders goes to the top rope but his hurt ribs slow down his ascent... Frog Splash MISSES as Nathaniel rolls out of the way! Sanders clutches his ribs again and slow to get to his feet... Ca$ino wastes no time and goes right for the kill, this time with Double Or Nothing (Double Knee Facebreaker)! Hooks the leg, one, two, three!


WINNER: Nathaniel Ca$ino (7:33, "Double Or Nothing")


Rob: "And the outsiders are now 1-1 in the second round thank to Ca$ino's quick thinking and strategy!"


Carl: "Well of course, he's a gambler. It's not about luck Rob, it's all about being smarter than the schmucks you take money from."


Archie: "Important to take away from this is that Ca$ino did take some wear and tear but doesn't seem to have any specific injury to target, that'll give him an advantage over a wounded KC Glenn in the semi-finals."


Rob: "That being said it's time to start the second half of this round... introducing first, from San Juan Capistrano, California, he is the Bird Man, Matt Sparrow!

"Surfin' Bird" by The Trashmen played as Sparrow comes out, wearing full-length tights that are basic white on the left leg and a collage of bird pictures on the right.


Rob: "The eccentric Matt Sparrow is a ring veteran and a great well-rounded athlete, might be a challenge for Knuckles."


Knuckles comes out, not bothering with his chains and shades as he heads into the ring.



Knuckles tries to start off with a running avalanche but Sparrow avoids it and dropkicks Knuckles to the floor, flapping his arms and running around the ring before following up with a suicide dive! Sparrow brings Knuckles back into the ring and continues the offensive, but a reverse Irish Whip into a spinebuster brings the momentum to the street fighter. Knuckles uses his strength and dirty brawling tactics to maintain control, but a ducked clothesline countered into a bulldog changes the momentum once again. The bout becomes a more back-and-forth paced affair until Knuckles starts choking Sparrow. The ref berates Knuckles who jaws with him until Sparrow recovers, going for a dropkick but Knuckles moves away so the ref gets hit instead! Knuckles starts reaching into his jeans for something, Sparrow clubs him from behind and looks for the Bird Buster (Brain Buster) but Knuckles hits him with a low blow! It turns out the hand he did the low blow with has brass knuckles on it! Knuckles throws a punch to Sparrow's midsection with the knuks and Sparrow collapses in a heap! Knuckles crotches the evidence before the ref recovers, pin, one, two, three.


WINNER: Knuckles (9:35, Brass knuckles punch to the midsection)


Carl: "What a deadly right hand by Knuckles!"


Rob: "When it's loaded with a foreign object."


Carl: "Details."


Archie: "Well people like Knuckles and Carl Batch subscribe to the philosophy of 'it's not cheating if you don't get caught', which I admit to have been a believer of in my day. Whether you agree to it or not though, the fact is if you can't handle the tactics of those that do you'll have a hard path to success."


Rob: "Unfortunate, Archie, but sadly true. Let's move on now to our final second round bout, introducing first from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Mainstream Hernandez!"


"What I Got" by Sublime plays as Hernandez comes out, wearing shades and surfer beads as well as blue shorts.


Rob: "Hernandez is a nationally renowned high flier and the hottest name in FREEDOM Caribbean Wrestling in Puerto Rico, recently had a tryout in SWF, the future is very bright for this youngster."

Jerry Martin rushes out, not waiting for his introduction, and attacks Mainstream prompting the match to abruptly begin!




Martin keeps up the pressure in beating on Hernandez, who eventually manages to reverse an Irish Whip into a flying forearm shot, following that up with a kneelkick! Mainstream's rally is turned into back and forth action with Martin's unorthodox offense clashing with Mainstream's lucha-inspired high flying and crisp technical maneuvers. Mainstream tries a springboard crossbody but Martin dropkicks him in midair and takes control. He goes for the Discus Punch, Mainstream ducks it, hits a superkick for a two count! He psyches up the crowd and Martin rolls out of the ring... Mainstream hits the ropes looking for a plancha... but Martin catches him mid-air with a discus punch! Martin rolls Hernandez in the ring... and wait a second, Paranoia's out here! Martin is in the ring by the time he notices Paranoia, who starts calling him a Venusian lizardman, and Martin is threatening to "piledrive you on the floor until you start making sense". This allows Mainstream to recover... Martin turns around, Mainstream with a kick to the gut to set up Pontiac To Home (Jumping Single Arm DDT)! Mainsteam now goes to the top rope for the Shooting Star Press he calls Apparition #14... and it's a beauty, hit right on the money! Hooks the leg one, two, three!


WINNER: Mainstream Hernandez (12:12, "Apparition #14")


Rob: "What an incredible move!"


Carl: "And it wouldn't have happened if not for that nutjob Paranoia, get him out of here!"


Rob: "Well Paranoia is heading out to the back and once Jerry Martin shakes the cobwebs out I'm sure he'll be chasing him. Next up though is the Semi-Final round, and this will be KC's third match and one has to wonder if he can keep going."


The introductions are done and KC is limping to the ring, Nathaniel Ca$ino is not in his full entrance attire and looks not very bad for wear either.



Ca$ino seems to be taking KC lightly and pays for it quickly as KC surprises everyone with a trip takedown into a leglock, working over the knee of his opponent while keeping his own legs from taking too much abuse. Nathaniel manages to get free and respond with some high-flying offense of his own, culminating in a dropkick sending Glenn to the floor, Nathaniel doing a feint dive and ending on the apron before leaping off it for a hurricanrana! Back in the ring Ca$ino tries to work the leg but KC pushes him off and brings him down a dragon screw. The two battle on the mat back and forth until Ca$ino escapes a sleeper hold getting to a vertical base and backing KC into the corner. Ca$ino follows this up with a running avalanche and hits the ropes again to set up for Double Or Nothing, but KC manages to catch it and reverse into a modified hot shot, stunning Ca$ino so KC could Tune Up The Sunshine Band, holding onto the ropes to keep pressure off his bad leg! KC would cover Ca$ino and get the three count to become our first finalist!

WINNER: KC Glenn (9:41, "Tune Up The Sunshine Band")


Rob: "Not only did KC show his versatility but also showed a lot of guts in that contest."


Carl: "Yeah but our next match might as well be the finals, KC is exhausted and there's no way he can even get in the ring a fourth time."


Archie: "Well you got to remember Carl, KC has the fortune of getting more time to recover before the finals."


Carl: "Unless he has Mister Miyagi there to heal his leg it's not going to matter."


Rob: "Well let's see how long he has to heal up as we go to our second semi-final matchup."




Knuckles didn't seem too bad for wear as he was able to muscle around Mainstream until a scoop slam is countered by Mainstream slipping out behind the former SWF star and dropkicking him out of the ring. Mainstream doesn't dive out though, and Knuckles stalls for time. Back in the ring the match goes back and forth until Knuckles reverses an Irish Whip to hit the big boot. He looks for Stay of Execution but Hernandez slips out again, hitting the ropes only for Knuckles to nail him with a spinebuster for a near fall. Knuckles keeps in control until he looks for the Knuckle Duster, but Mainstream counters in midair with Pontiac To Home! He didn't get all of it and Knuckles is on one knee, so Mainstream follows up with a superkick! Cover, one, two, three!




Rob: "And there we have it folks, KC Glenn vs Mainstream Hernandez is our title match!"


Carl: "And Knuckles got robbed because of that illegal kick!"


Rob: "Carl we've been over this that rule hasn't been in effect in..."


"Finished with my woman cause she couldn't help me with my mind!

People think I'm insane because I am drowning all the time!"


"Paranoid" interrupts the announcer's banter as Paranoia comes out, microphone in hand.


Paranoia: "I'm here to address the Venusian lizardman in fake human skin known as Jerry Martin!"


Carl: "What."


Paranoia: "I know why you attacked me at the last event. You attacked me because in my teeth are codes to the hidden bunker where the President's weather dominator is located! BUT I WILL NOT SURRENDER THESE CODES SO EASILY! So Jerry Martin, or should I call you by your real name, Zanthax Beeblebop, I challenge you to a match where if I win, you return to Venus, and if I win I return to Planet Hollywood! And in this match... INFLATABLE ALLIGATORS ARE LEGAL!"


All announcers: *GASP*


Paranoia: "ONE MAN AND ONE LIZARDPERSON ENTER, ONE LEAVES! That is if you have the fourteen intestinal tracks to accept my challenge!"


Paranoia leaves the ring, and Rob would quickly announce a ten-minute intermission.




Rob: "Alright and we're back, and it's time for the main event, and the winner will be the first ever Florida Heavyweight Champion!"

"The Touch" plays once more as KC comes out, taking some time to get into the ring and still showing a noticeable limp. Then "What I Got" would hit as Mainstream Hernandez would come out next, taking his time himself but showing no obvious sign of injury.


Rob: "Both of these guys have been through a lot of competition tonight, this will be Mainstream's third match and KC's fourth in a span of mere hours in the middle of a surprisingly hot afternoon, the forecast was partly cloudy but there's not a cloud to be seen in the sky, no chance of reprieve from the sun. Whichever one comes out on top will have more than earned the right to be our first Florida Heavyweight Champion. I also want to point out that while Mainstream is technically not part of our roster, he like the other guest entrants agreed that, should he win this tournament, he would become a full time member of the FOWL family."




Mainstream and KC shake hands before locking up and Mainstream manages to get a go behind and take KC down. Surprisingly though instead of targeting the legs, he applies a hammerlock, which the judges speculate is because Mainstream was too much of a sportsman to go after KC's injured leg. KC however would manage to reverse and look for a chinlock, Mainstream and KC going back and forth on the mat until KC got to his feet to try to escape a hammerlock, Mainstream thows him into the ropes and nails a dropkick sending KC to the floor! KC still on his feet but favoring his knee, Mainstream on the top rope... and DIVES AT KC WITH A FLYING TOPE FROM THE TOP ROPE! Both men would recover and Mainstream would help KC in the ring before going in himself, letting KC get to his feet before resuming his offense, Fisherman's Suplex but KC kicks out! Mainstream pulls KC up and looks for Pontiac To Home, KC pushes him off, lariat, another, back elbow, and finally a one-legged dropkick on Hernandez! Cover, one, two, Mainstream kicks out. KC measures up for Tune Up The Sunshine Band next, Mainstream ducks, he goes for his own superkick but KC catches the leg, spins Mainstream around... CUTTER! Cover, one, two... and Mainstream gets the shoulder up!


KC is getting desperate, looks for a crossface chickenwing now. Mainstream almost fades but keeps his arm from falling after the second drop, Hernandez struggles but gets back to his feet, gets a hold of KC's neck from behind... runs up the turnbuckles... SHIRANUI! Measuring up KC as the hometown hero gets back to his feet.... SUPERKICK! Cover, one, two, KC gets his foot on the bottom rope! Mainstream is frustrated and pulls KC into the middle of the ring, and starts dropping elbows on KC's injured leg. He signals for a figure four, and looks to wrap KC's leg up... but KC with a small package, one, two, Mainstream escapes! Both men get to their feet, KC manages to hit a reverse STO, but doesn't go for the cover, instead goes to the corner, pulling himself up... and stomps his good leg, signalling for Tune Up The Sunshine Band... Mainstream slowly getting to his feet, here comes the end as KC shuffles to Mainstream...


But KC stumbles as his leg gives out on him! Mainstream catches a second wind and capitalizes, PONTIAC TO HOME! Mainstream puts KC in position for Apparition #14, goes to the top rope... and nails it! Hooks the leg, one, two, three!

WINNER: Mainstream Hernandez (16:28, "Apparition #14")- 1st Florida Heavyweight Champion

"What I Got" plays on the PA as Mainstream is presented the Florida Heavyweight Championship and puts it around his waist. Bob Casey and Cal Sanders are in the ring to help KC up, but KC pushes them aside and offers his hand to Mainstream, who immediately accepts and even raises KC's arm to show his respect at the end of the afternoon!


@FOWLPRO Tweets:


@FOWLPRO KC Glenn will not miss the next show

@FOWLPRO We can confirm that our next event will be at a new venue, details to come

@FOWLPRO We want to thank @TheRainbowFL for hosting us

@FOWLPRO KC Glenn offered rematch against Mainstream Hernandez but refused

@FOWLPRO RT @BetOnCasino If Glenn won't face the FOWL champ, I will.

@FOWLPRO Mainstream Hernandez has accepted Casino's challenge

@FOWLPRO DISCLAIMER: Discretion is advised for next show due to the violent nature (1/2)

@FOWLPRO Inherent in an Inflatable Alligators Are Legal match (2/2)



Prediction Stuffs:


FHC Match: Nathaniel Ca$ino [4C] vs Mainstream Hernandez ©

Loser Leaves Florida, Inflatable Alligators Legal: Paranoia vs Jerry Martin

KC Glenn vs Knuckles

Cal Sanders/Waldo Odlaw vs Calvin Dark/Thomas Morgan

Bob Casey vs Riley McManus

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<p>Prediction Stuffs:</p><p> </p><p>

FHC Match: Nathaniel Ca$ino [4C] vs <strong>Mainstream Hernandez ©</strong></p><p>

Loser Leaves Florida, Inflatable Alligators Legal: <strong>Paranoia</strong> vs Jerry Martin</p><p>

<em>Paranoia is too good a character to lose, although Martin has untapped potential</em></p><p>

KC Glenn vs <strong>Knuckles</strong></p><p>

Cal Sanders/Waldo Odlaw vs <strong>Calvin Dark/Thomas Morgan</strong></p><p>

Bob Casey vs <strong>Riley McManus</strong></p>

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<p>FHC Match: Nathaniel Ca$ino [4C] vs<strong> Mainstream Hernandez ©</strong></p><p>

Loser Leaves Florida, Inflatable Alligators Legal: Paranoia <strong>vs</strong> Jerry Martin</p><p>

<strong>KC Glenn</strong> vs Knuckles</p><p>

<strong>Cal Sanders/Waldo Odlaw</strong> vs Calvin Dark/Thomas Morgan</p><p>

Bob Casey vs <strong>Riley McManus</strong></p>

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<p>I'm mostly familiar with your stuff on that other board, so seeing the opportunity to get in on the ground floor here? I have to.</p><p> </p><p>

I love that you're giving Florida attention, although I have to boo hiss a little that Knuckles as one of your more popular guys didn't get an immediate mega-push.</p><p> </p><p>

What would Dick say? </p><p> </p><p>

How are you ever gonna draw a house with those skinny kids?</p><p> </p><p>

You'll have a reader in me as long as you run.</p><p> </p><p>

FHC Match: <strong>Nathaniel Ca$ino [4C]</strong> vs Mainstream Hernandez ©: I've never run a game as an indy promotion where Hernandez wasn't snatched up in a massive bidding war before my first show. Which is why Kirk Jameson is the one exception to my no indy darlings rule, I always bring him in to mock Mainstream unmerciful.</p><p> </p><p>

If Mainstream stays you have every reason to use him to push the belt, but personal experience tells me Nathaniel gets a hotshot.</p><p> </p><p>

Loser Leaves Florida, Inflatable Alligators Legal: <strong>Paranoia</strong> vs Jerry Martin: You just gave Paranoia an amazing character. Jerry Martin cries himself to sleep at night because XWF doesn't exist. Paranoia for the win.</p><p> </p><p>

KC Glenn vs <strong>Knuckles</strong>: He's a name! He sells gimmicks! The ham and egger can sweep the ring when they're done, but Knuckles gets the trip to the pay window.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Cal Sanders/Waldo Odlaw</strong> vs Calvin Dark/Thomas Morgan: I hate to vote against Trademark but Calvin hates Christmas and I can't support that.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Bob Casey</strong> vs Riley McManus: He's smiling because he just won one.</p>

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<p>FHC Match: <strong>Nathaniel Ca$ino [4C]</strong> vs Mainstream Hernandez ©</p><p>

Loser Leaves Florida, Inflatable Alligators Legal: <strong>Paranoia </strong>vs Jerry Martin</p><p>

KC Glenn vs <strong>Knuckles</strong></p><p>

<strong>Cal Sanders/Waldo Odlaw</strong> vs Calvin Dark/Thomas Morgan</p><p>

<strong>Bob Casey</strong> vs Riley McManus</p>

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