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August 6th, 1987


Portland Sports Arena, Portland Oregon


Attendance: 2,500 {Sell Out}


Overall Show: C+


In the Ring:




Sting & Mr. Olympia come to ring. Mr. Olympia has the microphone


‘I would like to let everyone know that Mr. Owen is doing well after taking a cheap, cowardly prank from Al Madril and his bully gang. Mr. Owen is at home resting but should rejoin us shortly.” Mr. Olympia passes the microphone to Sting.


“Al Madril not only do have a Television title match tonight against Vinnie Valentino but you will have a match next week with or without you title against a good friend of mine and Mr. Olympia.




Al Madril then walks out from the locker room area and heads towards the ring where Sting and Mr. Olympia.


“You two buffoons give my best regards towards Mr. Don Owen. Great job guys; your obvious masters of sucking up to Mr. Don Owen, he’s clearly delusional for making such a match. But I do have three words for, DON’T LOOK UP!”


Sting and Mr. Olympia both look up and a stream of water come blasting down on both Sting and Mr. Olympia, knocking them both down on the mat. Doink and Rick Steiner could be heard laughing in the rafters.


Al Madril yells, “VENI VIDI VICI!!!!!!!!!!”



Match #1:NWA Pacific Northwest Television Title Bout




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Al Madril vs. Vinnie Valentino


Al Madril tries to shake the hands on his way to the ring with the fans but they all turn their back on him. Madril looks angry and starts kicking Vinnie Valentino into the corner, then stomps on him some more before the referee can break it up. Madril at it again and finally the referees gives him a last chance to let Valentino out of the corner. Madril drops Valentino on the top rope face first a couple of times and chokes him out with the aid of the bottom rope. Madril with a legdrop, then ends the match with the Piledriver. Al Madril retains his NWA Pacific Northwest Television Title.


Al Madril at 4:01

Rating: *


In the Ring:




Buddy Rose is in ring, as there is a commotion that can be heard coming from the locker room area.

‘JIMMY SNUKA!!! It looks your PARTNER will not be making HIS match tonight, as my new partner took care of that.”




The Mongolian Stomper comes walking towards the ring, waving a white t-shirt, with what looks to be blood on it. “My new partner The Mongolian Stomper just took care of HIM the same way HE took care of Matt Borne last week. So it looks like you’ll be the one without a partner tonight, Jimmy Snuka.”


Match #2:


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Bobby Eaton vs. Shawn Michaels


Shawn Michaels charges in and gets beaten down by Bobby Eaton. Eaton hits him with a clothesline and tosses him, and abuses Michaels on the floor. Back in ring, Michaels hits a suplex that surprises Eaton. Eaton is right back up though and stomps Michaels down and hits his own suplex for two. Michaels comes back with a sunset flip for two. Eaton keeps pounding in the corner and gets a backbreaker gets two. Eaton pounds away on the ribs of Michaels then chokes him on the bottom rope. Michaels tries to fight back but Eaton tosses out of the ring. Back in, Michaels reverses a suplex attempt and comes back. Eaton misses a charge in the corner, which gives Michaels to chance to hit the Super Kick which connects. Before Michaels could get the pin though a Jason wearing masked man comes running into the ring and nails Michaels with big lariat. The referee calls for the bell, giving the victory to Shawn Michaels.


Winner: Shawn Michaels at 6:08

Rating: * ¾


Post Match:




Bobby Eaton and the masked wrestling continue beating down Shawn Michaels. Shawn Michaels is left in the middle of the ring, bleeding and hurt.


Match #3:NWA Pacific Northwest Tag Team Title Bout




mw8S-J_y2GWCvRYuZVtgPMMW4AVfAwqdxtXIiYSBKhs=s219-p-noFN7Gm-mn7vqgUH90JGH-04Dn2BZQZU-l62cujAmvuyUOJWTE48lbUjP0cLhblLPvFY1iqR5beyIzZ6QzM0B8Gjj1uRtaQyboUAB1km_9d8v_6uMaO1pAb8R-bC97M0my7LFIAkm6gkQV8gQbkNndW3ICDKN6BETE9SBhpLh2ZIZ-5poL0Vg6rbXNI3RLoPsV-PDgbnfzmWLzhSeMMDzYFia_MfRsq2rMCcrdgDWAmZZtJ9DCLLmvcTHjA1-F6bAXB1_InJTtCxZTFMRttoryFwJ8xak7hx-1cDMrSeH01TzNRPqkKNdvMmyRROBme36gmYypFQtvF4uPb-BgUVle6UyLdMo84cMm_91mjUTJrPc9jPPoFjZcmYeNPbWMC0Wh43kFkgWetIKQGk6qtk2PE6eAU8gduxsiyEsNvTD4IS4GaLbDq7M-7LB4A1ttxHKpR9HcVS7Ms1OJ6UuhX2ywNqU5EKX1tpcE1hqmoUKQoCJFtRNzqKU2mVxu-KhRRAHaYd3kgQ3kBCo9VTOONMUQmKw=s220-p-noVS rYUpwL05Ws5FSBOj9CM8YSfoLiUSof-Dn7o_JN4FpIi_Af_6ZTR14zPR_FyiA8UZ4QfMhNZFXnDRfYFI0LiL4s49QzRlGeFqFr9XEv1Uiwm6FedaXV5X5x3sgH-sIaNTqDu1IfkBaZn3pSCyVp3Cop6pQe1nrYMDhkDR-l9sVXK-IF2TGuLzqQfvkKHKWMRMo4RG5otDCm5Bi1Dhhs4TkJrn-vVfkaZpgQ9s9WQpi8SZ_dZnp4IZRCkXbCWiepqgf5yeXRsBzZNDWh7TV24tc9xY16_1X51TyOchrZPlMFSsyC4xsTFt30qAus8nYn-8OW7S3NVu8Xl7KpWVUPm3Oa9FFuHLDSOlqkYBUk1lMc1ZM3h9GqESrBbuBLlLnQpvqICN_shMVEWGZuySwjeI0XJj3kh3UNoqbGZ3wHl6A1I8lSuPMzZ4nRTZwdfuSBgC1EeLBhPdcNiJavtkD0as2Y7-aBjtNXM9BYhz4f5v91ypVyZIsadVKQdfz5wk_B6MZvWHHw=s220-p-noxnOQxyx2mdgd1JAyP2fkvR7x4AAuSW32gyE0h4sJd1PsPjQ4XG-u81w2iytowo9Vhj5j34V-3Qqqz_hECnxkKTggM9vISBOmb_KfUHWJYNgBVCDVyffAvZcr4gGlV3qFd6XECpUPTDnzeUAQwiNtILci5-AAyPP578fXWl_xp9e2dC-7tbcsa7is8kxcjPIuK0YOKy2MxGPB6JYNiAf-qn7O8znIRvqCzcM5JQdjxUnCK-ku-hX7Nf6o_zwAduweTfmgUnF9OHHXhJMyZiTq1IZFgNQekaRNLKkBWVA_u6Ljz0hiVhbyYMagoJMAS5ok-MTx9uJ1SNUeFEA1-G38cSvUInhfWbVGk90f1DwkWsNOkOvVGQAyVLg4Cks_4qX05JLH4nj4VPsutwTEp1WJqwi8AsRrwlzhTnVDqUhH-MYJi-AOPjpjXr9O70aD4uwvNJ1XmXYCX6-S19vOZtPLP7Q1OATguQMf6IuMMsapFP5SOHEfN0ZffMq29Kkd5WFYnQbCWe_qc_sHLvUzvirD-LMMdiHvNrQAHmJjkq08ptk=s220-p-no


Kiwi Sheepherders vs. Bill Dundee & Ricky Morton


Bill Dundee starts with Jonathan Boyd and takes him down with a dropkick, then blocks Boyd’s attempt at a clothesline with an armdrag. Boyd gets that clothesline for two, however. Dundee comes back with an elbow to the side of Boyd’s head but Body takes him down again and tags in Luke Williams. Williams pounds on Ricky Morton who got tagged in as well. Morton hits a high dropkick right to the face of Williams. Morton with another dropkick but Williams has enough of those and just nails a running clothesline on Morton. Boyd comes in for the double-team suplex. Morton tags in Dundee, which also takes a suplex from Williams and Boyd. Dundee comes back with a slam on Boyd and Morton dropkicks Williams off the top turnbuckle. Morton slams Boyd this time and Dundee hits a jumping kneedrop on Boyd and goes for the cover. Morton tries to stop Williams from breaking up the pin attempt so Williams suplexes Morton ontop of Eaton to break the count at two. All four men are down on the mat. Butch Miller comes running out from the crowd and nails Eaton in the back of the head with a thunding right hand while the referee was checking on the three other wrestlers. Morton gets tossed from the ring, while Boyd gets the pin on Eaton. The Kiwi Sheepherders retain their NWA Pacific Northwest Tag Team Titles.


Winner: Kiwi Sheepherders at 8:48

Rating: * ¾


Post Match:




Butch Miller tosses Ricky Morton back into the ring and tosses a nice, shiny brass knuckle to Luke Williams. Williams waste little time and nails Morton with it, knocking him out as well. Butch Miller, Luke Williams and Jonathan Boyd hug each other in the ring.


Match #4:


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Doink vs. Mr. Olympia


Doink starts the match off with armdrag but Mr. Olympia counters with his own, forcing Doink to bails from the ring. Mr. Olympia follows though and misses a charge, allowing Mr. Olympia to nail a lariat. Back inside the ring, Doink gains the advantage in the corner and starts stomping on Mr. Olympia. Doink whips Mr. Olympia off the ropes and goes for a sleeper. Mr. Olympia counters by falling back into the ropes but the weight makes both wrestlers fall to the outside. Mr. Olympia with a suplex on the floor but Doink counters with a poke to the eye and a shoulderblock to put Mr. Olympia down. Both men start brawling with each other as they start moving towards the locker room area. The referee has no choice but to disqualify both men in a double countout.


Winner: Double Coutout at 4:21

Rating: * ¾


In the Ring:




Jimmy Snuka has a microphone.


“Congratulations there Buddy Rose. Now it looks like I’m all alone in a handicap match with you and the Mongolian Stomper. I’m ok with that Rose, I don’t care if it was me versus your entire Army, I just want a chance to put these hands around your neck and watch the lights fade in your eyes. So come on Rose, let’s get this started.”


Main Event:


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Buddy Rose & The Mongolian Stomper vs. Jimmy Snuka


Jimmy Snuka cleans house sending Buddy Rose and Mongolian Stomper over the top rope. Mongolian Stomper back into the ring and takes a flying chop that sends him right back out. Rose and Mongolian Stomper get together and stall as Snuka waits in the ring. Rose is the first into the ring but Snuka see’s Mongolian Stomper coming and chops him to the outside again but Rose is right there and trips Snuka to the mat. Rose whips Snuka into the ropes where Mongolian Stomper is there to get a knee to the spine of Snuka. Rose nails a running clothesline that sends Snuka over the top rope and into the waiting arms of the Mongolian Stomper. Mongolian Stomper with a big slam on Snuka, right onto the floor. Stomper pushes a fan out of his chair and crushes Snuka with it. The referee calls for the bell and the disqualification of Buddy Rose and The Mongolian Stomper giving the victory to Jimmy Snuka.


Winners: Jimmy Snuka at 5:37

Rating: *** ½


Post Match:




Buddy Rose and The Mongolian Stomper continue to beat on Jimmy Snuka until Scott Casey, Scott Hall and Brett Sawyer coming running into the ring area to aid Snuka. Casey, Hall and Sawyer have Rose and Stomper retreating until Col. DeBeers and The Grappler attack them from behind. Austin Idol appears out of nowhere with a chair and nails DeBeers with it and forcing the heels to retreat once again. Idol does not see Buzz Sawyer come running into the ring area with his own chair and he nails Idol with the chair and the heels get the best out of the faces, leaving all five men down on the floor. Rose, Stomper, DeBeers, Grappler and Buzz Sawyer raise their hands in triumph.


Portland Wrestling


Al Madril vs. Mystery Wrestler {Pacific Northwest Television Title Bout}


Bobby Eaton & Mystery Partner vs. Shawn Michaels & Mystery Partner


Kiwi Herders vs. Ricky Morton & Mystery Partner {Pacific Northwest Tag Team Title Bout}


Buddy Rose, The Mongolian Stomper & Mystery Partner vs. Jimmy Snuka & Mystery Partners



A ton of things happened on this show. Many storylines have been started for the push towards the next big event, Civil War. I will be announcing the matchup for Civil War shortly. Also anytime just let me know what you guys think of the shows.

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  • Replies 160
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Al Madril vs. Mystery Wrestler{Pacific Northwest Television Title Bout}

It's... just too early for Al to lose.

Bobby Eaton & Mystery Partner vs. Shawn Michaels & Mystery Partner

Michaels is a star.. but he isn't getting the rocket yet. I think his "mystery man" takes the fall, even if Marty is the Mystery Partner

Kiwi Herders vs. Ricky Morton & Mystery Partner {Pacific Northwest Tag Team Title Bout}

I have a sneaking suspicion the R&R Express debuts here, and pulls off the victory here.

Buddy Rose, The Mongolian Stomper & Mystery Partner vs. Jimmy Snuka & Mystery Partners

The extra man leads to a draw here, as both sides brawl to the back

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Al Madril vs. Mystery Wrestler {Pacific Northwest Television Title Bout}


Bobby Eaton & Mystery Partner vs. Shawn Michaels & Mystery Partner


This should be interesting if the mystery partners are Marty for Shawn and either Dennis or Stan for Bobby.


Kiwi Herders vs. Ricky Morton & Mystery Partner {Pacific Northwest Tag Team Title Bout}


I agree with KYE, I think we will be seeing the Rock N Roll Express here, the only question is will they win right out of the gate.


Buddy Rose, The Mongolian Stomper & Mystery Partner vs. Jimmy Snuka & Mystery Partners

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Between this show and the last one, the battle lines are being drawn for the Civil War. I'm expecting an epic event of legendary proportions.

Mongolian Stomper taking out Piper before the super show!! What else can we expect


Al Madril vs. Mystery Wrestler {Pacific Northwest Television Title Bout}

I'm sure another big reveal to set up the Civil War -- but Madril is too hot to take any kind of loss just yet


Bobby Eaton & Mystery Partner vs. Shawn Michaels & Mystery Partner

we gave Shawn the singles win, so Eaton evens things up here. These two could give you a lengthy undercard feud that lasts for several months if the cards are played right.


Kiwi Herders vs. Ricky Morton & Mystery Partner {Pacific Northwest Tag Team Title Bout}

Kiwis take one look at Morton's partner and head to the dressing room to be counted out. well, maybe they will fight a little


Buddy Rose, The Mongolian Stomper & Mystery Partner vs. Jimmy Snuka & Mystery Partners

no contest all over the arena brawl -- the only way to keep these men inside the squared circle might very well be WAR GAMES!!!!!!!!!


just with the stories going on, Snuka vs Rose on top, followed closely by Al Madril's war on children you are building to a great month end super show.


the hard part for you might be how to reset things after the Civil War (we call it the "War of Northern Aggression" around here). I'm sure Snuka can branch off to one of Rose's henchmen while Rose and one of Snuka's mystery partners can spark off a new feud. Good times ahead!

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August 13th, 1987


Portland Sports Arena, Portland Oregon


Attendance: 2,500 {Sell Out}


Overall Show: C


In the Ring:




Al Madril comes to ring, followed by Doink, Beetlejuice, Rick Steiner and Orange Crush. Madril has the microphone


‘I would like to thank everyone for this tremendous reception for your NWA Pacific Northwest Television Champion. Soak in the glory of my presence you little brats. I’m the champion to every adult in here that is tired of the world telling them that kids are special and need to be treated different. I will fight for those who are too scared to speak out against this injustice. I will bring a revolution to the world. I will be your hope and savior that every adult should be treated special and not these kids.”




Sting and Mr. Olympia to the ring side area, where Rick Steiner, Doink, Beetlejuice and Orange Crush stop them from getting any closer to Al Madril. Sting has another microphone.


“Hey, you crazy person in the middle of the ring, that’s right you with the stranger danger mustache. I don’t understand why you have such a problem with children but me and Mr. Olympia is going to end it. So at Civil War, I and Mr. Olympia will put together a team to face your gang of misfit toys. But I wouldn’t worry about Civil War just yet, you have a title match tonight.”




Mr. Wrestling II runs right past Doink, Beetlejuice, Rick Steiner and Orange Crush and stand nose to nose with Al Madril.



Match #1:NWA Pacific Northwest Television Title Bout




qk6hfJ9U7DEe8f9SAaXABZ9NspMBgPNlKbcn_U9vP3M=s219-p-noVS VDUTZ6zsecvr-MK_GvdyIKTCXy4jlqo0X_sBiVTXSYSG3sog5dP4saP24NZuXxcyaBpVctYHy8YyCYj-0Qnn44IuLdJET1m-DtuQ8j6bqpX6_g5oaucDSs8nc9al4Pdzq4kJVdlu0QTDh8PZbPBkp2mBjzP4JphOiYMWhJ36YdugJj2qIqbWBV3mSRhQKxEQzUZ7N5JP4fw-hXg9KE9S1Qr92LFZcmlO_V_2Rjg6Lpk1DX9FyJyLnnZbJlfSsH23ZDoItWgB2ni38sMt0-8ZB1C5-OGCm2wi_fBk9WHrpz-pot9PPh5dhqqhAQk2Qte5mAFi0xFVbOcw_48oDMPOJdJsAZp2QLs3Kbc24w_Gd-Q-nbQYLwndmozgDUj1mMvj8yHyFMc_4Zm9d_EqA0n9UdWXaxemBwCiZQrXtwTxsxf2-S9isU9F715NOi0EaCzDfdyZJlusTZPna52Gr4ZqRhpCrcqGivD_liCkyFUTLlG7sReqicEQeSqFjJy1ODFGjP6kwcJ_rDHLSrH3JFzvfqDOhOQben5zOKZYZo48who=s220-p-no


Al Madril vs. Mr. Wrestling II


Al Madril and Mr. Wrestling II start shoving each other and they spill to the floor, as Doink, Beetlejuice, Rick Steiner, Orange Crush, Sting and Mr. Olympia all look on. Back in, Mr. Wrestling whip is reversed into a reverse elbow for two. Mr. Wrestling gets a slam for two, and he works a headlock. Madril rolls him over for a two count. They fight over a wristlock and Madril cheats to win. Madril works the right arm and send him into the corner. Madril charges and misses, ending up on the floor. Madril’s back in but Mr. Wrestling gets a backdrop for two. Madril avoids a fistdrop and clotheslines Mr. Wrestling for two. Mr. Wrestling misses a blind charge into the corner, allowing Madril to get an atomic drop and clothesline for two, even with Madril using the ropes for help. Madril with a slam for two. Madril goes for another slam but Mr. Wrestling gets a small package and that gets two. Madril with a wild swing that misses and Mr. Wrestling rolls him up for two. Mr. Wrestling gets a sunset flip and that only gets two. Finally the bell rings indicating that the time limit has expired.


Time Limit Draw at 10:00

Rating: * ¾


Crows Nest:




Buddy Rose, Buzz Sawyer and Mongolian Stomper join the announcing crew in the Crow’s nest. Rose starts talking about his upcoming tonight.


“Jimmy Snuka aren’t you tired of lying face first on the mat whenever we meet. Aren’t you tired of leaving this arena battered and bruise. ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS SAY YOU QUITE, THAT’S IT. But no you passed out without saying those words, so I have to continue punishing you. So before the match tonight, if you say I QUITE, then your pain and agony will end. Just say those two little words and your life will go back to normal, Jimmy Snuka.”


Match #2:


euTNTYfaYnuiws-TY9f1H30MuvE7IvS5oLt2L8dI5eEpcT14bCRsyBfFtq_LqFLFFKnDB1YpTfakPdZVTzXgi7A1zL6XOOvj0aUkGhDZV_fVSluuCAw1l6UV1HMhAd9FWm4SYEZnxi0js_C9w8-qP3gpsSSEiJL3AAALKgKwuBNyH37tYYHM0CVgWOGhXkVY9SLBFRVj_rsd5qkFlEVBgjTSH4qREd5Uv0IMoy5b4nRwReqWU94J2dWJAbVUujUVBqibiXfVf2gJLpmGD97O6eR4W8IXsOis4GtNueE7vwdJZzfbRIY6Xs25oYSWkeU9mdCi0ZDC2WSPK-mj-oxyRklb3bOgYcZPopjmNCT4roM-EWjB1dfFzN_oQkq_bh6NMrL1GaMY_CMBCfrvQRAXwtkSU4vCcwmQHMSK9QZPXL58XWHAE1PZ37Ux9rjJQeJjvupiiYLSFbZ3yOG-QhNBBJf483Y-A-alXnCWqxrxKF2Eku8Bd9qnIRRm7753M8i0dhffPQ=s220-p-noe7sLK_bcdNmAQqFN9t77LS5t4K5NOZ6Y1iQyMMn5zQdI-I3jkXBeztEQ0MEM_x-5i-Ijskwphhq0H-CIqHPvavrHD0M50fNZoJ2nNOwfvGoDx3SSW0wFLl7z7YqkjqIYM4jaUoHSbf1nV7WOEWAf6EQYUkd4bBwZFrqlGmi0pHnKM6KnWcWi0wxHTaiawQZvmyXLkYKfTfoTnsfyV5ZjphZhPxmilu0Kf6XqlGX6DfkYN6Dp7GQBchNybh7emrKB-MsGYqo3zAjePeZlyH55eyoeQ-sjHLfoJOnrnFMVVRvtBPoKfKRNtX4G23yjlQklUyMno096xln_QMCyv8SSs7zgoD8YGQGHLqoF4UHQ5U7vRKlqj01w3J5KpImvM9oMxUBMYYUa8oJ-HvZ4TLw5n8YwM8F2j43n_DWwmHvybdyndPAC2FsL0XHhVZl3jbgIZIdc6AtAi78a4ltI9fws7yoqqZkEtBdizL4QctqqyIrZ28BSR7A8Ogm4EO_sz8B6dW7keRbGuyEKcWDqCYJfL8Liqu_8_5h8Bwyqbu9sDAk=s220-p-noVS prqCyxodhrwxd-4es_j-Oc7crNDlHZ7ru5gUCx902hLS7xAsWwa1qpNme4Td-P2jtAaiatEc9Ni1wKZdtLVAhvq8cyg0QCXK68YQggAG1do5xunk5dRwpyYog5pRuQXdHrmzQe34Ih46dOU_2WwsKAE-vcQkt6E6jEG4e9jK5q_cwV4y4ILJwT98ulxn1Qmi0BeHOTD97sAI-YA7IPpQIJaWm11aH8eO-iTT7ofzQhXKWWC9-RRuPaVKcOaw1h9_XgedxvW7JTv2OWxdnvZVeVQXyIv3DYyTZmSwtsKXK41uSNympYkyxzo4_03ZeUnknYKJkb9tbW-HvuwWbSw0_mCxfrNSleLkQ8XxffNXdlhFt1WhUOfB5rUUVSmJXanZ4ZXpgdYUR6AL4EDzSy8hSmZ8UdNacG1gEFRT5uiozajAzoT3HJtF-niK_J6cXafjq0jOhux9iJjcIvuzjToUqkNnFAHd0R2QPb0Me5_f1Ev_iVuF8T75KV-2uLZ9XgArtkUzQspqohQLjRElCJruwvzXZM2aTcr4QF1qeEnIdVI=s220-p-noPgcYih4VvtYym4ArsjoQvJq8Knj1rZyxkOJzo4NEoL1VD781ddAi19agnnBAPYECho3VauYAplxq-NwBWV54iYpyttCV4GR6ed1VnfBz9jtx1LRijL05bMInaVbM0O9pwekEA4tP8L33inZzy4l7a17j84_GjEJgY-O0Yn_-nI0usp-7KecdlzD8ixhIEZk8sQxjxxR5QhYrjnYy__XU0aJ8Kw9hzT1zQecFt6p_SRJkVM4N61CWZfty7TdOn4Wo_OT5DVvjZYl22YPg9Qlq2vXJY33ZH4cfQOzXxs9vKQ0JIDkBDO7S6qYuQtQD60pcFrbiBMHeL7t1jCfuucx2HzRHZRHuzHsIpzBQlxcsuB4468hwPLa7IqcUG1-IeaPekIP-MU66KMAyfHrCd2rv94ptheBKZxuKdMd3uIf4JgQXaMhSHz1a9ifZYuO7khGner-2wqiRJPmiOqXFlF7DuZMDYQQaLaqPPY5intg3rshn0Zlg3e9jvnUKShAixnmTR5f8xmBa92EMt0hgRiSPgqg3Z_hJ57WFr1LwKmKtLwU=s220-p-no


Bobby Eaton & Lord Humongous vs. Shawn Michaels & Captain USA


Bobby Eaton and Lord Humongous do some stalling to start the match. Shawn Michaels and Captain USA get ahold of Eaton and start double teaming him and work is on his legs. Eaton can barely stand when he finally makes the tag to Lord Humongous. Michaels misses a dropkick but still tags Captain USA who goes right after Lord Humongous, with both wrestlers ending up on the floor. Eaton gets a cheap shot on Captain USA, giving Lord Humongous the advantage. Back in, Lord Humongous just slaps Captain USA silly in the middle of the ring but misses a fistdrop but stops the tag attempt to Michaels. Lord Humongous with a big clothesline and tags in Eaton. Lord Humongous pulls the top rope down and Michaels splats on the floor. Captain USA and Lord Humongous brawl in the middle of the ring. Eaton chop blocks Captain USA. Lord Humongous picks up Eaton and slams him down on Captain USA and getting the victory.


Winner: Bobby Eaton & Lord Humongous at 7:59

Rating: * ½


In the Ring:




Bill Dundee and Ricky Morton are in the ring and they are joined by Robert Gibson. Bill Dundee has the microphone.


“The Rock and Roll Express is back in the northwest baby. YEAH!!!! Sheepherders you have a bull’s eye on your back and the express is coming for you. The Rock and Roll Express have won tag team titles all over the world expect for the NWA Pacific Northwest Tag Team Titles but that will all change tonight. Get ready Portland because it is going to be rocking tonight.”


Match #3:NWA Pacific Northwest Tag Team Title Bout




mw8S-J_y2GWCvRYuZVtgPMMW4AVfAwqdxtXIiYSBKhs=s219-p-noFN7Gm-mn7vqgUH90JGH-04Dn2BZQZU-l62cujAmvuyUOJWTE48lbUjP0cLhblLPvFY1iqR5beyIzZ6QzM0B8Gjj1uRtaQyboUAB1km_9d8v_6uMaO1pAb8R-bC97M0my7LFIAkm6gkQV8gQbkNndW3ICDKN6BETE9SBhpLh2ZIZ-5poL0Vg6rbXNI3RLoPsV-PDgbnfzmWLzhSeMMDzYFia_MfRsq2rMCcrdgDWAmZZtJ9DCLLmvcTHjA1-F6bAXB1_InJTtCxZTFMRttoryFwJ8xak7hx-1cDMrSeH01TzNRPqkKNdvMmyRROBme36gmYypFQtvF4uPb-BgUVle6UyLdMo84cMm_91mjUTJrPc9jPPoFjZcmYeNPbWMC0Wh43kFkgWetIKQGk6qtk2PE6eAU8gduxsiyEsNvTD4IS4GaLbDq7M-7LB4A1ttxHKpR9HcVS7Ms1OJ6UuhX2ywNqU5EKX1tpcE1hqmoUKQoCJFtRNzqKU2mVxu-KhRRAHaYd3kgQ3kBCo9VTOONMUQmKw=s220-p-noVS xnOQxyx2mdgd1JAyP2fkvR7x4AAuSW32gyE0h4sJd1PsPjQ4XG-u81w2iytowo9Vhj5j34V-3Qqqz_hECnxkKTggM9vISBOmb_KfUHWJYNgBVCDVyffAvZcr4gGlV3qFd6XECpUPTDnzeUAQwiNtILci5-AAyPP578fXWl_xp9e2dC-7tbcsa7is8kxcjPIuK0YOKy2MxGPB6JYNiAf-qn7O8znIRvqCzcM5JQdjxUnCK-ku-hX7Nf6o_zwAduweTfmgUnF9OHHXhJMyZiTq1IZFgNQekaRNLKkBWVA_u6Ljz0hiVhbyYMagoJMAS5ok-MTx9uJ1SNUeFEA1-G38cSvUInhfWbVGk90f1DwkWsNOkOvVGQAyVLg4Cks_4qX05JLH4nj4VPsutwTEp1WJqwi8AsRrwlzhTnVDqUhH-MYJi-AOPjpjXr9O70aD4uwvNJ1XmXYCX6-S19vOZtPLP7Q1OATguQMf6IuMMsapFP5SOHEfN0ZffMq29Kkd5WFYnQbCWe_qc_sHLvUzvirD-LMMdiHvNrQAHmJjkq08ptk=s220-p-noyTYZbpYz_stb8ThuC36QIeFjKYZqGi2f4otTEXt-yay7Zd7Vz9ywVBzHTqnZEN9mCyTc42EfEXFFkxjJGIH87IlMp0QAEmhLSxcOdYk-tU05McPOvhRaHh07bgJliuW9eY_scYrSCm4a2CpgzHtYVuOvuE7T2RTNnWBGPuBKdxAMjxMt_SkwQtqECV2cfOfzxi6w1Ss3oIYNAhwqbSd5dnO3bhwrPqywscRs4JzSTJWlbgJ8rvpDRu0D-oD8RDT2r_3AZgzAdWCtsTF7Nr1F8rA-qrrGUWK1qVn6E6lVkidqHtpsHBuUzKNcpEsiBV3LlbiA4NSoobt6ABtYyxMHw99wdFS2x97nir7N8IKZIcRoBCQa2ZeLDWnzTb6GW3QgD2uxsCfe-9ahxqTeMBE9dZi5Uka8vO4UwofGBFHIYR4HgowalK7KenBraNC-bi3zpc-G27hyiXfehxLZah0pPK2GuqnxGL7k9oRtKAZuLuiPZIqFGTGfuCGF7EmxutSf1GhNV0wg8L0D_GnvvDWSEe7ISLZF88v36OzWOZojWc4=s220-p-no


Kiwi Sheepherders vs. Rock and Roll Express


Jonathan Boyd & Ricky Morton start, and Boyd overpowers Ricky. Morton dropkicks him to no effect. Luke Williams comes in and gets bodypressed, but crotches Morton on the top and slams him down for two. Robert Gibson comes in with a dropkick, slam and kneedrop for two on Williams. Morton back in and gets a fistdrop for two. Gibson back in rolls Williams up for two. The Rock and Roll Express are using extremely quick tags to keep the Sheepherders off balance. Gibson and Morton with a double suplex on Williams but that only gets two. Gibson ducks a clothesline attempt from Williams and sends him over the top rope. Bill Dundee on the outside helps Williams right back into the ring, and Morton comes in with a fistdrop, again, for two. Morton with another fistdrop for two, but gets tripped up by Butch Miller at ringside and is caught in the wrong corner. Boyd finally comes back in the ring and starts chocking Morton. Gibson tries coming into the ring but the referee is holding him back, allowing the Sheepherders to double team Morton. Boyd sends Morton right into the boot of Williams and drops an elbow for two. More double teaming from the Sheepherders and Morton is being held in the corner by Williams as Boyd comes in for a charge. Morton breaks the hold and avoids Boyd at the same time causing Boyd and Williams to knock each other out but Morton can’t make the tag to Gibson. Gibson is back in the ring, allowing Miller to bring Morton back to their corner, as Williams and Boyd recover. Boyd with a kneedrop for two. Williams locks a chinlock and gets two from that. Morton dropkicks Boyd, bumping the ref. Neckbreaker for Gibson from Boyd but no referee to make the three count. Gibson is in the ring and sends Boyd over the top rope, where Dundee starts beating on him. Williams and Gibson now brawl to the floor. Miller comes into the ring and delivers a big piledriver on Morton. The referee mistaking Miller for Williams starts the three count and gets to three before anyone could make the save on Morton. The Kiwi Sheepherders retain their NWA Pacific Northwest Tag Team Titles.


Winner: Kiwi Sheepherders at 12:45

Rating: * ½


In the Ring:




Jimmy Snuka is in the ring and he is joined by Austin Idol and Brett Sawyer. Snuka has a microphone.


“Buddy Rose you will never make me say those words. I would not even know how to say those words. So according to your own words we will continue this dance until I say those words. Well I hope your prepared to continue this feud until were on are death beds because I will not say those words, Rose.”


Main Event:


51O5E3oQ0u0fsrlf1OeXm-3s8vN7-qQvORehsmlwGck=w220-h219-p-noYALftiK0dbOiqV16zwl-YgWZRmOsCs6i-orsM7ix66CxQLjHfjFrBv-8zLKtCStH7Ij9PEGKBHqg-mVt28QSfUkct79gLDtAYCg2bXr6NdtxkY1ogxjiyVNtN4dVGRHRzyyV0WMK1moHsDXA2PiLnZzZsPPXAwpReTgllDI1ghKntP1vcEok6q1UoWzkRe5S-T7mRHDDJpqJ-5baVpY0WFGF9-sg2FQ16bZy3kIDEbae1TPoymldGg2BHpUSQRsSoEjgYCM3hVFsPoqZ1X4_EyL9AI2ZesrxuJ2mFe7S-L6zFHSD4TnqcwjOBHrORiKkpXTJiCq-cnKqRBUkrUbMZZV6rwpHNJSeMgIsWoPlaz1fM1NXdwvWrW-7GJTiOIQ0Q1A9Bn1Eh1lzPq4Qo9ql-S2ggOls_iEy9NHST3fiCfoVOu7vY2LJ-aWLk3VKmjT7CiOPd0cveHXP29MsryEpQ1rhHwHmAsM62iYC2ZgGqrnOcUjU9YR6Er-rmVFriFlXRHKgaGWbplGwXeRB4IOtv-sbUrIneFlwQ9V7rPrQVGY=s220-p-nodlhgb-ixyv_bBZBho7_9Gp8gNCisva7Itm2k1wiC5b_WcknCddyej8fiucgDj79ep8PbEucCt3cNvJM1k8NeBETBmeo2Lnj5QUQndLLb8J9ZdDyDjaOa506vdQedLMFn9IoE7Mpfn6yydekNT1EqXv3Ibvq-kXCNcvOyRTcpc35qXoKlCSdS5SXggVK9NcgLSPrjxW1bvMeMizeuehfYfllONPmjV0l9uj9qyn4RqpJqFvdD4ymXH1NcmZ1QUeghG9O3FIa9pnz-UFB0uxpWwtanu7f7sW90n01JoPuk1HNHuYQQ0mi8BFNehr3qu30BKmAjwbh0nPGz69FbxPWQNZAx-GXi32Tq_quEUsZ_UdOm4IZwF32mIpIQbB5rX_U-B8FlANSEzYmCwtPGZJtrhN0PjWCbxxDsiDK-n9PPiNawB9PDM3R31WCA-UdhHUYDi2ZRc4h8GuBQ4nKFCfnS6JJqoDzny6o_r2WQZdcK_ZhpJBnpYKkKTJ10FcTFjdBWwdIICZJuWkreuQgpq1689stFcHF9w0oQDoZnTZL5N-g=s220-p-noVS Z9ZOa5pF_999bMKWiLYmEylRoe7QM6k_KhwQ-591uHQ=w220-h219-p-nolKmzZhK9YCgmAcGQDaUzE4kCo639DqY5wS_2QSQ4yujLG_zqzn9-US1QUfXYc2lfpcngrTZYgfo2VFbDNTe3yKEKJbM00EeCwk3w1-ImqPVL4HEfCK3BzSvzkK7AiqWX1RfETUUbzefFWnJQYubagUyVQa4Lnmi4QVcvu4nNBvtS22XmyMR1VZtaQRbok-IpaCXs8lIJzoR7_2DnYf27RA8KibIR6Ko5P0WCRW6wrl-R4J08VoemVeZ5f4AkgMjmn6TdvAKjeIHbW7zfhlyUfvjVSaXEEhk3ax83nlce923nnZFcsNajswJB6Obwbc34zOqLYxFkVeN4kYS2mYwsMpjrkIsc7_YhceRE9zEOfgGDTnvDRLhdAX6HntmCYFGfmpT3191ykX2aqos3i0SyJiX67pTIVtNCPlmN6Pk-mdvl0EkK4hisvI5p5IXPy3eludt0GZoIMkdzplmRtM99umGqkxExNhg1sxFVPQbNc9Uvj715gkdYj86G1bF8l2xxtp3jnykbTBX_hDy4Z-nxRN-ELHSmBSb8-0tNvDYeZtk=s220-p-noZfSBECqisQAeY44rECtWDfMPwy64Mm7m4XwZZHQye5Y=s220-p-no


Buddy Rose, Buzz Sawyer & The Mongolian Stomper vs. Jimmy Snuka, Austin Idol & Brett Sawyer


Brett Sawyer jumps over his brother Buzz Sawyer who was trying to start the match with a blind charge, Buzz runs into the ring post instead. Brett and Austin Idol hit a double team fistdrop and Jimmy Snuka is now in the ring. Snuka with a couple corner splashes and big double chop. Snuka and Idol a double team slingshot. The Stomper gets tagged and starts hammering on Idol but misses and charge and takes a DDT from Idol. Buddy Rose in the ring and Idol gets a DDT on him and follows with one on Buzz as well. Idol though gets distracted by Col. DeBeers and The Grappler who come running ringside, which then is followed by Scott Casey and Scott Hall joining them. Brett comes back in, but gets nailed by Stomper with a big clothesline. Rose clothesline and Buzz elbow leads to some triple-teaming by Rose, Stomper and Buzz. They kick the crap out of Brett. Idol comes into the ring to stop the triple teaming and all three go after him, which makes Snuka join them in the ring. The referee is caught between all five men and his getting tossed by both Idol and Buzz. Very shortly all ten men are in the middle of the ring punching and brawling with each other. The referee has no choice but to call for the double disqualification.


Winners: Double Disqualification at 6:24

Rating: ***


Portland Wrestling

Al Madril & Doink vs. Mr. Wrestling II & Mr. Olympia


Ricky Santana vs. Bobby Jaggers


Brickhouse Brown vs. Sam Oliver Bass


The Grappler vs. TBA {Non-Title Bout}


The Mongolian Stomper vs. Jimmy Snuka



Civil War announcement.


War Games will be the main event between Jimmy Snuka, Scott Casey, Brett Sawyer, Scott Hall & Austin Idol vs. Buddy Rose, Col. DeBeers, Mongolian Stomper, Buzz Sawyer & The Grappler


Al Madril, Rick Steiner, Orange Crush, Beetlejuice & Doink vs. Sting, Mr. Olympia, Mr. Wrestling II & A tag team to be announced at a later date.

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I stink picking in this diary...:o Quick question is Lord Humongous, Sid Vicious?



Al Madril & Doink vs. Mr. Wrestling II & Mr. Olympia


Tough call here because while Al is the most entertaining worker in this diary, he is the least over in terms of where he is on the card. But I am still going to stick with him getting the win.


Ricky Santana vs. Bobby Jaggers


Brickhouse Brown vs. Sam Oliver Bass

The Grappler vs. TBA {Non-Title Bout}


I have a feeling this could be a gotcha in that people would expect a TBA to win the non-title match so I will not fall for it. Granted I probably should because my instincts in this diary are always wrong.:D


The Mongolian Stomper vs. Jimmy Snuka

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Al Madril & Doink vs. Mr. Wrestling II & Mr. Olympia

Madril and the No Kids allowed group have been on a roll. This is as good a time as any to give the other side a win.


Ricky Santana vs. Bobby Jaggers


Brickhouse Brown vs. Sam Oliver Bass


The Grappler vs. TBA {Non-Title Bout}


The Mongolian Stomper vs. Jimmy Snuka

Stomper is more intent on hurting Snuka than actually trying to get a win



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August 20th, 1987


Portland Sports Arena, Portland Oregon


Attendance: 2,500 {Sell Out}


Overall Show: C


In the Ring:




Al Madril comes to ring, followed by Doink, Beetlejuice, Rick Steiner and Orange Crush. Madril has the microphone


“Sting and Mr. Olympia you have stuck your nose my business for too long now. So at Civil War you bring Mr. Wrestling II and two other wrestlers with you. But don’t think is will be a normal match Sting and Mr. Olympia, oh no this will be a Fun House Elimination Match. I fell this feeling though Sting and Mr. Olympia you will not be having any fun.”


Match #1:


qk6hfJ9U7DEe8f9SAaXABZ9NspMBgPNlKbcn_U9vP3M=s219-p-now3vsubJMyIidBoB_zXnKM4orTBT0qxVgWDuGnbd56GD_M3qXSAj1szf8H1gkq3H7kvTTxuS0ajtgYhtL96wfFA06rUkdgepubs5gse9kfqxmthuL5sVa9bue4-m41m5mWusgVP9vyrpSMmZGIxDTRQMlYZC5SdkK4a924jn_AU5PNU31_qrLlzqaaN-tQBvGKleDr5n3e_rQJqWXK-MckFMZtEXMlRQ-yBZWlsJAOFScGAhBWOi1iaZNWD180db36LoXX6gYNSqc0aT-6DZrMQHM3IvoO0496qnrEvEzEXszc04emUpAQRlEaMvtObESjeb5vKoHpr2E39RGJZB0dO6apOlMQ-QlQwXYwmM2TwA789tdWPX1rwhT3wrCzNfCXo-b_s6uUJe1BTuwF-G7Wzm4L7XgxXW03_wuZ2VntESgqDDsvUrD0IFsWeNGuK-8ZFcuKxNwwh3Y3iHAb3Eorhr5KTzcaTW8WAfe6KaizQaTi-KVfcMcF9g1fdKrjUTtbdJroA=s220-p-no[ VS VDUTZ6zsecvr-MK_GvdyIKTCXy4jlqo0X_sBiVTXSYSG3sog5dP4saP24NZuXxcyaBpVctYHy8YyCYj-0Qnn44IuLdJET1m-DtuQ8j6bqpX6_g5oaucDSs8nc9al4Pdzq4kJVdlu0QTDh8PZbPBkp2mBjzP4JphOiYMWhJ36YdugJj2qIqbWBV3mSRhQKxEQzUZ7N5JP4fw-hXg9KE9S1Qr92LFZcmlO_V_2Rjg6Lpk1DX9FyJyLnnZbJlfSsH23ZDoItWgB2ni38sMt0-8ZB1C5-OGCm2wi_fBk9WHrpz-pot9PPh5dhqqhAQk2Qte5mAFi0xFVbOcw_48oDMPOJdJsAZp2QLs3Kbc24w_Gd-Q-nbQYLwndmozgDUj1mMvj8yHyFMc_4Zm9d_EqA0n9UdWXaxemBwCiZQrXtwTxsxf2-S9isU9F715NOi0EaCzDfdyZJlusTZPna52Gr4ZqRhpCrcqGivD_liCkyFUTLlG7sReqicEQeSqFjJy1ODFGjP6kwcJ_rDHLSrH3JFzvfqDOhOQben5zOKZYZo48who=s220-p-noMcvTUnUNv2H9veETqE7tgPDMQvFciRnE4UyRZuNG5LtoX8aF-0fRUpbK2dHHjbWCOJmYhF1OVaWkFjfk5-fOphoVa9keLea9DP5WBGhL3N2lDHxB-rBvXvQiif4iy9lXzSeFJzPJ4PmDrbgX5RFL_36N9stJUequiWQZmpwf2JsY6BkFS11sJRJ0GhynmqTjLqlIbNfHieYYzwNFnlYgxzHeLzhEsvalGw71Zhgcm-ok7fT29eAipdwa_vj9XVkle1Vq_V7I4gt4Smct2iBYKROTehtUcqB9VR7Jp4eShZ8ENj37HkJWp576floivxZIKVU_RzK3TN2CFwYOkxWnzRUUwfpe3ofPkOCiyQm5-TOo5LAnwDOfxnaqh8Jz2e15-OJX-ZOJu8o5rj6rh2kSUB1-rNBmV6vSLDt3OAOXUAsOY2xmsiNCCF35t846K_oaFLVuYAcGnmo3aoKDo18QgLoyqHPYByx4WlEoM6NpjRn8_WqmlLfWpHDDDy1uvrR6FhWQsA=s220-p-no


Al Madril & Doink the Clown vs. Mr. Wrestling II & Mr. Olympia


Big brawl to start as Mr. Olympia pounds on Doink in the corner and Mr. Wrestling II tosses Al Madril. They all fight outside, with Mr. Olympia chasing Madril around with a chair and the heels regroup in the ring and argue with the referee but the referee tell them to get in there corner. Madril gets pounded in the corner and bails, so Doink gives it a try. Mr. Olympia gives him an atomic drop and Mr. Wrestling II wallops him from the apron. Mr. Wrestling II comes in and whips Madril all over the ring. Doink comes in the ring to help his partner, but Mr. Olympia and Mr. Wrestling II double team them into the corner, forcing Madril to beg. Mr. Olympia grabs a sleeper on Doink, who escapes with a jawbreaker and finally takes over. Swinging neckbreaker and elbow gets two by Doink. A double suplex by Madril and Doink on Mr. Olympia gets two. Doink guillotines Mr. Olympia under the ropes and bring him back to his corner for more punishment from both Doink and Madril. Mr. Olympia escapes the corner and tags Mr. Wrestling II but the referee was distracted by Madril and never saw the tag. Mr. Wrestling II is going nuts the corner, and Doink and Madril double-suplex Mr. Olympia for two. Madril brings Mr. Olympia just inches from the reach of Mr. Wrestling II but won’t let Mr. Olympia make the tag. Madril sends Mr. Olympia back to his corner, and Doink comes in with a backbreaker for two. Mr. Olympia finally makes another comeback, but Doink takes him down with a facelock and holds him there. Doink can’t hold Mr. Olympia for long though and he finally makes the hot tag to Mr. Wrestling II. Mr. Wrestling II just starts beating the living hell out of both Madril and Doink that no one sees Rick Steiner come to ring. The referee is distracted with Madril as Steiner just nails Mr. Wrestling II with the overly dented tricycle. Madril quickly gets the pin and the victory for Al Madril and Doink.


Winner Al Madril & Doink the Clown at 8:30

Rating: * ½


Post Match:




Al Madril, Doink and Rick Steiner continue to beat on Mr. Olympia, as Mr. Wrestling II looks passed out in the middle of the ring. Sting comes running into the ring to help Mr. Olympia which then brings in Beetlejuice and Orange Crush from the back as well. Sting and Mr. Olympia are outnumbered and are taking a beating in the room.




Suddenly Super Ninja and Super Ninja come running into the ring. Big karate kick to Beetlejuice from Super Ninja sends him flying from the ring and a hurricanrana from the other Super Ninja sends Rick Steiner from the ring. Doink, Madril and Orange Crush retreat from the ring, as the Super Ninja’s have saved Sting, Mr. Olympia and Mr. Wrestling II from receiving any more of a beating.


Match #2:


_kCUr4zAbPNfkYwVk0AZcAWZCmpHKEkL81_HP2JPagc=s219-p-noVS zs-qLiZG50I5DEb_vhe6paE4ok8T77rbj-DnEwt3QbjfzbyQDDkmYgeOoW9y1WSaWIvmlxExuvbpAdMrCrI1W5gDMMmoVF81BVoSSyZEkAn59kHSyM284XFBt2TcKbRGBgWZzA-itTfzxllTUcInjyzAmhaT5s2mJ8rcxxcdSoy-7wXorVUIQDrwtMp73pCuRWRUpK1gwmcwpS0ursXF8-MUi_ZDv8iE8G1VQv7MUnKgcaM4bBSPsgjNod2UXzh0cGqD3SkjnqZbBPh_1WOLKbuvsR2tYW4Uc78eYPwtqZJU2CwDaKhqgRurAxQBn9POG1wDdLZxpakF8ZYwgGdpOuhlfQpk3pO9h73TgzxVJZbRw2K9h_9RLIqUSTQ-cXmUUVpt5nd-qfU-6ISNCTxMbASWQwVCPv7mKytiC_hL3hMz2nrQA3cz6SUuvpVyrEgX26j8BI_GuzK61JlPNiQMqQLDPNiRAFTjftWdZEYbROTKk5qwwDsw8cfCO76ogeKp1YH9Vw=s220-p-no


Ricky Santana vs. Bobby Jaggers


Shoving match to start and they fight over a lockup. Ricky Santana wants a test of strength, but Bobby Jaggers boots him and gets a slam. Santana is right back up and hits a dropkick, then gets a powerslam for two. Jaggers grabs a headlock and grids Santana to the mat and continues to grid the headlock. Santana finally suplexes him, but Jaggers won’t let go headlock. Santana finally uses a cheapshot to break the hold and hits a dropkick and starts to chock Jaggers in the corner. A slam gets two for Santana and starts slugging away, but Jaggers shrugs him off and comes back with an overhead suplex. Jaggers with a dropkick of his own and follows with a powerslam for two. Jaggers charges and runs into a clothesline from Santana. Santana with a dropkick, then a slam and he goes to the top rope waiting for Jaggers to get off the mat. Santana never sees Sam Oliver Bass come running to the ring and nail him in the back of the head of a cow bell. The referee though did see and calls for the disqualification, giving the match to Ricky Santana.


Winner: Ricky Santana at 6:17

Rating: * ¾


Match 3:


pRPHlaTk1mTmYmeaV_UpLHVHCwbBZyfKnzoFPGGr978=s220-p-noVS bj6tMW46uvsC-ybDRMCHnPPfoXXjDMr9EjtdvZqLxOY=s219-p-no


Sam Oliver Bass vs. Brickhouse Brown


Sam Oliver Bass grabs a headlock to start and overpowers Brickhouse Brown, then goes back to the headlock and grinds it in. Brown finally escapes and hits a dropkick but Bass is right back up and gets the headlock again. Brown escapes again, hits another dropkick but once again Bass gets in a headlock. Brown escapes for a third time, hits another dropkick but this time avoids another headlock attempt and whips Bass into the corner. Brown follows with a corner clothesline and gets Bass onto the second rope. Brown and Bass fight over a suplex, as Bass fights off the attempt. Both back on the matt and Bass rams Brown into the turnbuckles a few times, but Brown hard back elbow to give them some space. Bass with a necksnap, but runs into a boot from Brown in the corner on a blind charge. Bass misses a charge and Brown slugs him down, which then calls from Jaggers to come running into the ring and nails Brown with a clothesline. The referee calls for the disqualification, giving the match to Brickhouse Brown.


Winner: Brickhouse Brown at 6:01

Rating: * ¾



In the Ring:




Ricky Santana comes running into the ring and nails Bobby Jaggers with a blind clothesline. All four men now are brawling in the middle of the ring, then they spill to the outside and start brawling with each other all the way back to the locker room.


Match #4:


nKtAcUfh6to5vPhgPe82lu31wAgmTar9LEe4KvYw8TU=s219-p-noVS 5EFArxom_wNrb3zEuv74K53_nmRAbADcF17VwMTtE__iJkA0qYo4r86Y9p6xQtik03nYdc1Qlr2ikQZ01LSlA1ZywtOmf64c_s0K3Oe_i2FXYT8D-Nzk0kbthheONoeZnIcrHzSpzCN-mLASXnw0sj32LOGs9vOH1khm5Bx31BC2pBO5ujAtdel6ZG24Hh69Pkx52ZdCqWytXo7Nu0zInJ0_uzBvBAWphqtQ1EGLwFJsi0ufwyEupxzKky8AzHjtjJTcA2Ovdd6h_qKDNaK781hn9LPVzINbLE6xl34R3Ss2WS8kcv-sswwqth7yP6KiaEg8gqTf30_3WGL1tpVyfZNBmSgmgNfFFIeFOkyXPe_-W-GEeyiphz7XQKTAGz_GRSn0fsWtHgT-J0UFvWrZD5VXXj56WWU27FFzZlUu6EGBeIiYP_ag1hMSiLy3Z_q89h1uKW28wXw9ji0-_TrdEFvTx8YSVw4O194SeqL4gBY3HssY7GijeDGrBW7TLwemE-CRODpmIztjNp9UuKj80nA2BdOGKAQptEYF-9eBw-I=s220-p-no


The Grappler vs. The Portland Crusader


The Portland Crusader gets an armdrag and The Grappler bails. Back in, Portland Crusader cradles for two. Backslide gets one. Rollup is blocked, but the Portland Crusader goes up and gets crotched by The Grappler. The Grappler slams him back down to the ring and starts kicking him in the head. The Grappler with a suplex but it only gets two. The Grappler goes for a slam but the Portland Crusader with rollup that gets two but The Grappler counters with a clothesline as soon as they get back up. The Grappler with a legdrop that gets two. The Grappler seems to have had enough of the Portland Crusader surviving this long and hits a piledriver that gets him the victory.


Winner: The Grappler at 4:48

Rating: * ½


Main Event:


dlhgb-ixyv_bBZBho7_9Gp8gNCisva7Itm2k1wiC5b_WcknCddyej8fiucgDj79ep8PbEucCt3cNvJM1k8NeBETBmeo2Lnj5QUQndLLb8J9ZdDyDjaOa506vdQedLMFn9IoE7Mpfn6yydekNT1EqXv3Ibvq-kXCNcvOyRTcpc35qXoKlCSdS5SXggVK9NcgLSPrjxW1bvMeMizeuehfYfllONPmjV0l9uj9qyn4RqpJqFvdD4ymXH1NcmZ1QUeghG9O3FIa9pnz-UFB0uxpWwtanu7f7sW90n01JoPuk1HNHuYQQ0mi8BFNehr3qu30BKmAjwbh0nPGz69FbxPWQNZAx-GXi32Tq_quEUsZ_UdOm4IZwF32mIpIQbB5rX_U-B8FlANSEzYmCwtPGZJtrhN0PjWCbxxDsiDK-n9PPiNawB9PDM3R31WCA-UdhHUYDi2ZRc4h8GuBQ4nKFCfnS6JJqoDzny6o_r2WQZdcK_ZhpJBnpYKkKTJ10FcTFjdBWwdIICZJuWkreuQgpq1689stFcHF9w0oQDoZnTZL5N-g=s220-p-noVS Z9ZOa5pF_999bMKWiLYmEylRoe7QM6k_KhwQ-591uHQ=w220-h219-p-no


The Mongolian Stomper vs. Jimmy Snuka


The Mongolian Stomper attacks Jimmy Snuka before the match even begins and drags him into the ring to start. They brawl with each other and fall out of the ring. Snuka goes low to stop Mongolian Stomper from beating on him some more. In the ring, Snuka chokes Mongolian Stomper out, but Stomper clotheslines him. Mongolian Stomper pounds the crap out of Snuka, drawing blood in the process, and drops the leg. Stomper keeps hammering him mercilessly, but Snuka gets pissed and makes the comeback. Snuka starts unloading on Mongolian Stomper, which bring in Buddy Rose. Rose goes right after Snuka, the referee calls for the disqualification, giving the match to Jimmy Snuka.


Winners: Jimmy Snuka at 6:59

Rating: ***


Post Match:




Buddy Rose and Jimmy Snuka continue brawling with each other and fight towards the back. Mongolian Stomper follows right behind trying to catch them. A few moments later Snuka emerges and enters the ring.


Jimmy Snuka has a microphone:


“Buddy Rose this war between us has reached a boiling point so at Civil War Rose you bring your army with you and I will bring my Kokua with me. We all be trapped in a cage but this will be no normal match Rose, no this will be a War Games match.


Portland Wrestling

Al Madril vs. Sam Houston {NWA Pacific Northwest Television Title Bout}


Sting vs. Rex King


RYU Ambush {Super Ninjas} vs. Mike Miller & The Masked Avenger


Kiwi Sheepherders vs. The Dominators {NWA Pacific Northwest Tag Team Title Bout}


Scott Casey, Brett Sawyer & Scott Hall vs. Buzz Sawyer, Mongolian Stomper & Col. DeBeers


Austin Idol vs. Buddy Rose

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Al Madril vs. Sam Houston {NWA Pacific Northwest Television Title Bout}


Sting vs. Rex King


RYU Ambush {Super Ninjas} vs. Mike Miller & The Masked Avenger


Kiwi Sheepherders vs. The Dominators {NWA Pacific Northwest Tag Team Title Bout}

Scott Casey, Brett Sawyer & Scott Hall vs. Buzz Sawyer, Mongolian Stomper & Col. DeBeers


Some kind of non-finish


Austin Idol vs. Buddy Rose

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Portland Wrestling

Al Madril vs. Sam Houston {NWA Pacific Northwest Television Title Bout}


Sting vs. Rex King


RYU Ambush {Super Ninjas} vs. Mike Miller & The Masked Avenger


Kiwi Sheepherders vs. The Dominators {NWA Pacific Northwest Tag Team Title Bout}


Scott Casey, Brett Sawyer & Scott Hall vs. Buzz Sawyer, Mongolian Stomper & Col. DeBeers


Austin Idol vs. Buddy Rose

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No it's not Sid Vicious under the mask


I stink picking in this diary...:o Quick question is Lord Humongous, Sid Vicious?



Al Madril & Doink vs. Mr. Wrestling II & Mr. Olympia


Tough call here because while Al is the most entertaining worker in this diary, he is the least over in terms of where he is on the card. But I am still going to stick with him getting the win.


Ricky Santana vs. Bobby Jaggers


Brickhouse Brown vs. Sam Oliver Bass

The Grappler vs. TBA {Non-Title Bout}


I have a feeling this could be a gotcha in that people would expect a TBA to win the non-title match so I will not fall for it. Granted I probably should because my instincts in this diary are always wrong.:D


The Mongolian Stomper vs. Jimmy Snuka

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August 27th, 1987


Portland Sports Arena, Portland Oregon


Attendance: 2,500 {Sell Out}


Overall Show: C-


In the Ring:



Bill Dundee, Robert Gibson and Ricky Morton come to the ring. Dundee has the microphone.


“Sheepherders get ready for Civil War, as we will be coming for you. That’s right Sheepherders me and the Rock and Roll Express here will facing all three of you in a six-man tag team elimination match. After we destroy you at Civil War, we will be coming after those NWA Pacific Northwest Tag Team Titles of yours. Oh, Portland will be rocking that night Sheepherders, your days of ruling the tag team ranks here in Portland is over.”


Match #1:NWA Pacific Northwest Television Title Bout




qk6hfJ9U7DEe8f9SAaXABZ9NspMBgPNlKbcn_U9vP3M=s219-p-noVS q8FgSRGysLMyZ8UmwfnIJlVz0E43u1Jp6i0l8pp_P33vpG0JLJe3mrJyU_BTlnaUT7CChtQaRLGq0-X60msJpA2d48Oje16hKQ-EqSf4e1KYozws4cj5v4SQ480PM7qBJ0V9Y2ZWUhaNd1N-hA2ai0soqBE4XvAB5kSwI0q8vj41FjTqwb0WvsNK3_kQtt_lyTBNbxJYzRsGSOpinTspbEVZ6cCyWET-DvDlnIUEN0AAKvDCojPHey3Wbfz9eID3C40RILqNipWIo8AjenbDnqmjBc_NgXsOOs-Us29rnWvkmR39yv8MlkODTKwKrdW2QU_BU8UGU1Vz2rviyNIrLm9pzDUa6VjoZJyl87BZgbs0DkRrqWppL6bvlR0Xh0oiJI65MO2_k2QNxyb9KFq7ARpHJppMIQ-O2oVjz_3SBjbbz-SfwgMpZae5jqI3ksaK_sEB82EneJ0KeX7SbKdNTjsdP2hDw4G5j4Qax2BdJCwHHg1UHpOgXdvad073NaGI-W9lSw=s220-p-no


Al Madril vs. Sam Houston


Sam Houston gets a quick bodypress for one, catching Al Madril off-guard. Another one gets one again. Houston works the arm and fends off Madril’s attempts to beat on him in the corner, but gets fancy with a pair of flying headscissors, which allows Madril to drops him on his head and stomps away. Madril with a suplex that gets two. A backbreaker gets two. Madril works on the arm, but Houston escapes another backbreaker and tries the bulldog. Madril counters by shoving him into the corner, and finishes Houston with a Sleeper. Al Madril makes defense of his NWA Pacific Northwest Television Title.


Winner Al Madril at 3:05

Rating: * ¼



Match #2:


k7Lrwp_KiB0-YpMtobipfzMT7pCzEbD-1SvABvM41bI=w220-h219-p-noVS IN9YliVNv9JNOiTsQroFYlGVBD7MS-lRqzL9wptsxm8=w220-h219-p-no


Sting vs. Rex King


Sting overpowers Rex King and slams him. King tries a few punches on Sting but they have little effect. Sting with backdrop suplex, belly to belly suplex and locks in the Scorpion Deathlock. King yells at the referee he gives up very quickly ending the match and giving the victory to Sting.


Winner: Sting at 3:08

Rating: *


Post Match:




Al Madril, Doink, Orange Crush, Beetljuice and Rick Steiner come running into the ring and start attacking Sting. Sting tries to fight back but he doesn’t last very long on the five on one attack.




The Super Ninja’s come running into the ring and chase of Al Madril’s gang from the ring and saving Sting from a major beating.


Match 3:


R-skdi9VKjunP8gYHUV0MiLZ-Rv4CWukK5cgExKkFRI=w220-h219-p-noR-skdi9VKjunP8gYHUV0MiLZ-Rv4CWukK5cgExKkFRI=w220-h219-p-noVS lRk6xMZq-oPw0NbPh1tFy7NpOzx5xMYJWjjluPHgIu4=s220-p-noRwgrJY6t-tifHH9RxLfcpeP43MF6gChiIxpiJUB6xAAIk7qwewu6JEtoPZ27Yat5uM-ynmKKjBTBRCrOdXRTgGsHhYLTb3UnqhkqKi69dtEi99RjUrZeMAYNkQ79w6MHxbViWCsql1a4NjG8bByGCTIyGj3EHR3boODVxtn1a3TCt4v6p85bs9Hvh4p4LJV9A-wNKTWBIl5xgpJXqDSbFFB-qPo8zwLzi0rFiQyxNdZI6tIgrixzRb5czZqpcCi7T_A3oFkOe6RnJjQxHVxCiMHnTGGP-EGPNw2F91TaqVrHSoYjHGsKxCIi8Oe5sKzeJ0-O3MuzY7YbOHfP0M5pYGItH4_JdhCJFtU2517xbPed7bpu_nONEvMRcc8aCDIS0tMQa2_zht2jJnB52Th48MQEqb2yqL7NQGDFsBwSGwbTTdxRclp4E3y8Mh52yBHMgzr4CQycJlw6BdhC0pu7Ad_hmkIdlIUwppVxzTdx2nrEJv2DQNMNEdbcJjU8dgCrjfcwrpQwZ7e0uv5EQ6V1m6EFSNeq6U9fWhomPq3zUj8=s220-p-no


RYU Ambush vs. Mike Miller & Masked Avenger


Super Ninja #1 works a lockup with Mike Miller, but Miller starts slugging away on both Super Ninja’s until Super Ninja #1? just destroys him with a backdrop suplex. Super Ninja #2? with a suplex for two on Miller and Super Ninja #1? puts him down with a hard clothesline for two. Super Ninja #1? with a corner clothesline and he drops an elbow for two on Miller. Super Ninja #2? with a shoulderblock in the corner, but Super Ninja #1? misses a blind charge and Miller puts him down hard and makes the hot tag to the Masked Avenger. Thesz Press gets two on Super Ninja #1?, but Miller accidentally distracts the ref and the Masked Avenger gets destroyed by a clothesline from Super Ninja #2?. Super Ninja #2? with a hurricanrana from the top rope on the Masked Avenger and the RYU Ambush gets the victory.


Winner: RYU Ambush at 6:12

Rating: * ½


Crow’s Nest:




Austin Idol joins the announcers in the Crow’s nest.


“Buddy Rose I may have a match against you tonight but I’m not here for you Rose, I’m here to take that title from The Grappler. So I will defeat you tonight Rose, beat the living snot out of both you and Grappler at Civil War and then I will be ready to take that title. The end is coming for both you Rose and the Grappler.”



Match #4:NWA Pacific Northwest Tag Team Title Bout




mw8S-J_y2GWCvRYuZVtgPMMW4AVfAwqdxtXIiYSBKhs=s219-p-noFN7Gm-mn7vqgUH90JGH-04Dn2BZQZU-l62cujAmvuyUOJWTE48lbUjP0cLhblLPvFY1iqR5beyIzZ6QzM0B8Gjj1uRtaQyboUAB1km_9d8v_6uMaO1pAb8R-bC97M0my7LFIAkm6gkQV8gQbkNndW3ICDKN6BETE9SBhpLh2ZIZ-5poL0Vg6rbXNI3RLoPsV-PDgbnfzmWLzhSeMMDzYFia_MfRsq2rMCcrdgDWAmZZtJ9DCLLmvcTHjA1-F6bAXB1_InJTtCxZTFMRttoryFwJ8xak7hx-1cDMrSeH01TzNRPqkKNdvMmyRROBme36gmYypFQtvF4uPb-BgUVle6UyLdMo84cMm_91mjUTJrPc9jPPoFjZcmYeNPbWMC0Wh43kFkgWetIKQGk6qtk2PE6eAU8gduxsiyEsNvTD4IS4GaLbDq7M-7LB4A1ttxHKpR9HcVS7Ms1OJ6UuhX2ywNqU5EKX1tpcE1hqmoUKQoCJFtRNzqKU2mVxu-KhRRAHaYd3kgQ3kBCo9VTOONMUQmKw=s220-p-noVS LzSljgy3iO98EdPARRtw2P3q3dd42sWy9fjCZG6oJy4=s219-p-nopfR5-BM4BWssCtBkMTPrkZKa5lZwy5x9HfaBFKaRHz0=s219-p-no


Kiwi Sheepherders vs. The Dominators


Jonathan Boyd starts the match with a high slam on Curtis Thompson, then slams him several more times in the middle of the ring. Timothy Flowers gets the tag and forces Boyd into his corner. Thompson and Flowers take turns beating on Boyd. Flowers with a flying shoulderblock and that gets a two count. Boyd however gets a tag to Luke Williams who just starts beating on Flowers right in the middle of the ring. Butch Miller ringside trips of Thompson on the apron and Williams hits the piledriver and gets the victory.


Winner: Kiwi Sheepherders at 6:27

Rating: * ½


Match #5:


XJkUhXb0WZman-wtkqpF6rkdRuUtMjkE2QHG-Cb1Cmk=w220-h219-p-noZfSBECqisQAeY44rECtWDfMPwy64Mm7m4XwZZHQye5Y=s220-p-no9QGV994-toqFOB1K_qLrefX3zecg68zdB0qkE-3Lus0=s220-p-noVS YALftiK0dbOiqV16zwl-YgWZRmOsCs6i-orsM7ix66CxQLjHfjFrBv-8zLKtCStH7Ij9PEGKBHqg-mVt28QSfUkct79gLDtAYCg2bXr6NdtxkY1ogxjiyVNtN4dVGRHRzyyV0WMK1moHsDXA2PiLnZzZsPPXAwpReTgllDI1ghKntP1vcEok6q1UoWzkRe5S-T7mRHDDJpqJ-5baVpY0WFGF9-sg2FQ16bZy3kIDEbae1TPoymldGg2BHpUSQRsSoEjgYCM3hVFsPoqZ1X4_EyL9AI2ZesrxuJ2mFe7S-L6zFHSD4TnqcwjOBHrORiKkpXTJiCq-cnKqRBUkrUbMZZV6rwpHNJSeMgIsWoPlaz1fM1NXdwvWrW-7GJTiOIQ0Q1A9Bn1Eh1lzPq4Qo9ql-S2ggOls_iEy9NHST3fiCfoVOu7vY2LJ-aWLk3VKmjT7CiOPd0cveHXP29MsryEpQ1rhHwHmAsM62iYC2ZgGqrnOcUjU9YR6Er-rmVFriFlXRHKgaGWbplGwXeRB4IOtv-sbUrIneFlwQ9V7rPrQVGY=s220-p-nodlhgb-ixyv_bBZBho7_9Gp8gNCisva7Itm2k1wiC5b_WcknCddyej8fiucgDj79ep8PbEucCt3cNvJM1k8NeBETBmeo2Lnj5QUQndLLb8J9ZdDyDjaOa506vdQedLMFn9IoE7Mpfn6yydekNT1EqXv3Ibvq-kXCNcvOyRTcpc35qXoKlCSdS5SXggVK9NcgLSPrjxW1bvMeMizeuehfYfllONPmjV0l9uj9qyn4RqpJqFvdD4ymXH1NcmZ1QUeghG9O3FIa9pnz-UFB0uxpWwtanu7f7sW90n01JoPuk1HNHuYQQ0mi8BFNehr3qu30BKmAjwbh0nPGz69FbxPWQNZAx-GXi32Tq_quEUsZ_UdOm4IZwF32mIpIQbB5rX_U-B8FlANSEzYmCwtPGZJtrhN0PjWCbxxDsiDK-n9PPiNawB9PDM3R31WCA-UdhHUYDi2ZRc4h8GuBQ4nKFCfnS6JJqoDzny6o_r2WQZdcK_ZhpJBnpYKkKTJ10FcTFjdBWwdIICZJuWkreuQgpq1689stFcHF9w0oQDoZnTZL5N-g=s220-p-noXm4lH3GchaefRLuSnHrEfdyANw8mgq-9Om84J2Jvn1o=w220-h219-p


Scott Casey, Brett Sawyer & Scott Hall vs. Buzz Sawyer, Mongolian Stomper & Col. DeBeers


Everyone gets into a crazy brawl immediately. Finally after several minutes the referee finally gains control and the two teams are in their own corners. Brett Sawyer gets a backdrop on Col. DeBeers to send him running away. Buzz Sawyer attacks Scott Hall to take over, but Hall fires back with the ten punch count in the corner and Buzz bails from the ring. Mongolian Stomper and Scott Casey are now in the ring but Stomper quickly tags in Buzz. Casey with a suplex that gets two. DeBeers comes in and the Army sucker Brett into the ring to tie up the referee, allowing them to beat on Casey in the corner. Casey escapes and tags in Hall. Hall with a Superplex gets two on Buzz. Buzz tosses him from the ring and blocks a sunset flip on Hall’s return. DeBeers with a back elbow for two and a backdrop suplex gets two. Hall slugs it out with Buzz and they do the pinfall reversal sequence before DeBeers saves. Buzz goes low and gets the figure-four, but Hall reverses it. DeBeers makes the save again but gets tossed right into Mongolian Stomper, putting both on the floor. Buzz takes a double suplex from Hall and Casey and Brett hits the Diving Splash for the victory.


Winner: Scott Casey, Brett Sawyer & Scott Hall at 11:47

Rating: * ½


In the Ring:




Buddy Rose is in the middle of the ring.


“Austin Idol I know you were sent here by Jimmy Snuka to destroy the Army but like the many before you, the Army will survive. But if you want to overlook are match tonight you go ahead, as you will soon find out, I’m not stepping stone Idol. So why don’t you go back to you country line dancing, southern revolt scum land you came from and let the big boys here in the grand union run things.”


Main Event:


lKmzZhK9YCgmAcGQDaUzE4kCo639DqY5wS_2QSQ4yujLG_zqzn9-US1QUfXYc2lfpcngrTZYgfo2VFbDNTe3yKEKJbM00EeCwk3w1-ImqPVL4HEfCK3BzSvzkK7AiqWX1RfETUUbzefFWnJQYubagUyVQa4Lnmi4QVcvu4nNBvtS22XmyMR1VZtaQRbok-IpaCXs8lIJzoR7_2DnYf27RA8KibIR6Ko5P0WCRW6wrl-R4J08VoemVeZ5f4AkgMjmn6TdvAKjeIHbW7zfhlyUfvjVSaXEEhk3ax83nlce923nnZFcsNajswJB6Obwbc34zOqLYxFkVeN4kYS2mYwsMpjrkIsc7_YhceRE9zEOfgGDTnvDRLhdAX6HntmCYFGfmpT3191ykX2aqos3i0SyJiX67pTIVtNCPlmN6Pk-mdvl0EkK4hisvI5p5IXPy3eludt0GZoIMkdzplmRtM99umGqkxExNhg1sxFVPQbNc9Uvj715gkdYj86G1bF8l2xxtp3jnykbTBX_hDy4Z-nxRN-ELHSmBSb8-0tNvDYeZtk=s220-p-noVS 51O5E3oQ0u0fsrlf1OeXm-3s8vN7-qQvORehsmlwGck=w220-h219-p-no


Austin Idol vs. Buddy Rose


Austin Idol and Buddy Rose attack each other but they get nowhere with each other. Finally Rose just starts choking Idol in the corner. Idol switches positions and starts choking Rose. Col. DeBeers comes running towards the ring but Scott Hall is right on his heels. Very quickly Buzz Sawyer & Mongolian Stomper is running to towards the ring with Scott Casey & Brett Sawyer right on their heels. DeBeers starts attacking Idol, while Hall starts attacking Rose. Soon all eight men are brawling with each other in the middle in the ring. The referee calls for the double disqualification.


Winners: Double Disqualification at 3:13

Rating: ***


Portland Wrestling

Mr. Olympia & Mr. Wrestling II vs. Doink & Orange Crush


RYU Ambush vs. Dog-Faced Love Machine


The Outlaws {Bobby Jaggers & Sam Oliver Bass} vs. Jonathan Sayers & Timothy Flowers


Austin Idol & Jimmy Snuka vs. Buddy Rose & The Grappler

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<p><strong>Mr. Olympia & Mr. Wrestling II</strong> vs. Doink & Orange Crush</p><p> </p><p>

RYU Ambush vs. <strong>Dog-Faced Love Machine</strong></p><p>


The Outlaws {Bobby Jaggers & Sam Oliver Bass}</strong> vs. Jonathan Sayers & Timothy Flowers</p><p>


Austin Idol & Jimmy Snuka vs. Buddy Rose & The Grappler</strong></p><p> </p><p>

This has to be a non-finish...right?<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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September 6th, 1987


Portland Sports Arena, Portland Oregon


Attendance: 2,500 {Sell Out}


Overall Show: C


In the Ring:




Shawn Michaels & Captain USA come to the ring. Michaels has the microphone.


“Bobby Eaton you think you special, with that beautiful smile you have. Eaton I’m going to make you lose that smile at Civil War and no Jason wanna-be freak will stop me from doing that. I don’t like you Eaton, as you stand in my way here in the Northwest. So when I don’t like someone in my way I take care of them.”


Match #1:


w3vsubJMyIidBoB_zXnKM4orTBT0qxVgWDuGnbd56GD_M3qXSAj1szf8H1gkq3H7kvTTxuS0ajtgYhtL96wfFA06rUkdgepubs5gse9kfqxmthuL5sVa9bue4-m41m5mWusgVP9vyrpSMmZGIxDTRQMlYZC5SdkK4a924jn_AU5PNU31_qrLlzqaaN-tQBvGKleDr5n3e_rQJqWXK-MckFMZtEXMlRQ-yBZWlsJAOFScGAhBWOi1iaZNWD180db36LoXX6gYNSqc0aT-6DZrMQHM3IvoO0496qnrEvEzEXszc04emUpAQRlEaMvtObESjeb5vKoHpr2E39RGJZB0dO6apOlMQ-QlQwXYwmM2TwA789tdWPX1rwhT3wrCzNfCXo-b_s6uUJe1BTuwF-G7Wzm4L7XgxXW03_wuZ2VntESgqDDsvUrD0IFsWeNGuK-8ZFcuKxNwwh3Y3iHAb3Eorhr5KTzcaTW8WAfe6KaizQaTi-KVfcMcF9g1fdKrjUTtbdJroA=s220-p-noYtNhgZaqd15zm8VfGE_cr5u_LpMp9psCv817QEVw3qDauRXBukCIHpcz9E0bzg7VI-o5BzREvbWDjKoCaJOoYO1O6yVdlB9U-PFuH7mJYAkzRHh5pd3K4LxRphKQI0Y85nHf8xjQlAbVbOOf9I5YfKsOF85cVX4p4reSM7yvMUEMBVczyClddLTKTiDQG2kuoZT7se04q4cojE2wyedDuH_m9PT7wDu7maUgFkaPE3gKSdy98TRobGjN-3BBS5VG3LiOLtTA1k67BKQwAPDVAKfcg4S5mgk5aBj2Nk6gAFXzxDsypSwjB6ZmkLBPvo89dJjnfuM7WblY82GSexXJt2VZ7E0e8bzBxYrjp_nm5h5i9EBRqsoDqNodE2uWrxPQ3BxYhTodXbwlyELEtv28Wuyfk8_HFY2M6fHmxE8mtGClDVq9ZaMjmFI4wAtcGXYKJT6pCagMwFJShb2SvCqqxxiNaifk2SZ9k8nPXux7b68EZREy897zz3Da-xEaTXusLrn-nmOOZpol_RbkrEdiuctk9ZI1zz9V7hQlmMkY-UM=s220-p-noVS McvTUnUNv2H9veETqE7tgPDMQvFciRnE4UyRZuNG5LtoX8aF-0fRUpbK2dHHjbWCOJmYhF1OVaWkFjfk5-fOphoVa9keLea9DP5WBGhL3N2lDHxB-rBvXvQiif4iy9lXzSeFJzPJ4PmDrbgX5RFL_36N9stJUequiWQZmpwf2JsY6BkFS11sJRJ0GhynmqTjLqlIbNfHieYYzwNFnlYgxzHeLzhEsvalGw71Zhgcm-ok7fT29eAipdwa_vj9XVkle1Vq_V7I4gt4Smct2iBYKROTehtUcqB9VR7Jp4eShZ8ENj37HkJWp576floivxZIKVU_RzK3TN2CFwYOkxWnzRUUwfpe3ofPkOCiyQm5-TOo5LAnwDOfxnaqh8Jz2e15-OJX-ZOJu8o5rj6rh2kSUB1-rNBmV6vSLDt3OAOXUAsOY2xmsiNCCF35t846K_oaFLVuYAcGnmo3aoKDo18QgLoyqHPYByx4WlEoM6NpjRn8_WqmlLfWpHDDDy1uvrR6FhWQsA=s220-p-noVDUTZ6zsecvr-MK_GvdyIKTCXy4jlqo0X_sBiVTXSYSG3sog5dP4saP24NZuXxcyaBpVctYHy8YyCYj-0Qnn44IuLdJET1m-DtuQ8j6bqpX6_g5oaucDSs8nc9al4Pdzq4kJVdlu0QTDh8PZbPBkp2mBjzP4JphOiYMWhJ36YdugJj2qIqbWBV3mSRhQKxEQzUZ7N5JP4fw-hXg9KE9S1Qr92LFZcmlO_V_2Rjg6Lpk1DX9FyJyLnnZbJlfSsH23ZDoItWgB2ni38sMt0-8ZB1C5-OGCm2wi_fBk9WHrpz-pot9PPh5dhqqhAQk2Qte5mAFi0xFVbOcw_48oDMPOJdJsAZp2QLs3Kbc24w_Gd-Q-nbQYLwndmozgDUj1mMvj8yHyFMc_4Zm9d_EqA0n9UdWXaxemBwCiZQrXtwTxsxf2-S9isU9F715NOi0EaCzDfdyZJlusTZPna52Gr4ZqRhpCrcqGivD_liCkyFUTLlG7sReqicEQeSqFjJy1ODFGjP6kwcJ_rDHLSrH3JFzvfqDOhOQben5zOKZYZo48who=s220-p-no


Doink & Orange Crush vs. Mr. Olympia & Mr. Wrestling II


Doink and Orange Crush attack and get chased out of the ring, stalling the match. Finally Mr. Olympia starts the match officially with Doink and gets a headlock to control the match and then works on the arm. Olympia tags in Mr. Wrestling II and they work over Doink in the corner. Doink gets away and tries a leapfrog, so Mr. Wrestling II punches him in the lower region to block. Olympia comes in and works on the leg but Doink escapes and tags in Orange Crush while Olympia tagged in Mr. Wrestling II. Mr. Wrestling II misses a dropkick, and Orange Crush takes over. Crush with a big boot for two on Mr. Wrestling II. Doink pounds him down for two and Crush gets a corner clothesline, but Crush and Doink miss a double clothesline allowing Mr. Wrestling II to escape and make to tag to Mr. Olympia. Mr. Olympia with a back body drop and a double noggin knocker on Doink and Crush puts both on the mat. Al Madril comes running into the ring but miss a clothesline attempt on Mr. Wrestling II, who then sends him over the top rope. Crush has Mr. Olympia trapped, while Mr. Wrestling II starts taunting Al Madril on the outside. Doink goes to clothesline the trapped Mr. Olympia but Olympia gets out of the way at the last second and Doink crushes Crush with a big Lariat. Olympia tosses Doink from the ring and gets the pinfall victory on Orange Crush.


Winner Mr. Olympia & Mr. Wrestling II at 7:58

Rating: * ½


Crow’s Nest:




Austin Idol and Jimmy Snuka join the announcers in the crow’s nest. Austin Idol is the first to speak.


“Your time is coming Grappler. Your time of being the worst champion in Northwest history is over. So after Civil War, after the War Games match, I demand a title shot Grappler. Don’t run from me Grappler, for I always catch my prey.”


Snuka now speaks.


“Buddy Rose you have some payback coming your way. You have put in the hospital more times than I can count, so at Civil War I have already gotten a room ready for you. This war needs to end Rose and it Civil War this war will end.”


Match #2:


R-skdi9VKjunP8gYHUV0MiLZ-Rv4CWukK5cgExKkFRI=w220-h219-p-noR-skdi9VKjunP8gYHUV0MiLZ-Rv4CWukK5cgExKkFRI=w220-h219-p-noVS fQSsU4wcfPgpkrMnjHK2M7ZIxj2mftgPSuUFdvKqmZc=w220-h219-p-nobIyxzllH70Igf_lEt3ivJxVP5Ol3rm_4un4UwoTMh-235dDDg7W1uxtBKFvSCfuGIp9H1q0H9dpXZ9L7LkBTlwN83Kn2wj5bh0UXJiawuM6WzcgNls0Hmh4HUdo7lt6tLxZtx4NZAvb4jItwMaaJNfI7lpqlqER3_af9FX95jYX8r3cZQDvyjmvA7tSl0c5XLrYNGzPLSlISZ0rNa4JykAuHBaBPORYQrQdjhvuetbXCMLvDWEMS_UEy2soRL9_kpbZ64hsgI7VsA98qKPAFE3L9zTkQeRepJoZOICZCRZb82S5ZWka6hBrx7QPftU-tFPNvqit002aicldOy00utantSW92mxb9keodM_jspD3oxC_X0isAZuCZ3URnw2fNm1xyGZ3VLp7NizOlBN7gHftA4kebLvUodTdvhbvTtUkowRGIxpNzEyXVigzT-a8Ma1teN2Dx_EBuf_5gYDIgZmwIIfhNfWRxhTfU9Ykh1XTvLPYUTImCldir4GCUbPdUQ8jXVA=s220-p-no


RYU Ambush vs. Dog-Faced Love Machine


Super Ninja #1? and Beetlejuice start with a tie-up but Beetlejuice contacts with a right hand to get a brief advantage. Super Ninja #1? sends both Beetlejuice and Rick Steiner fleeing with clotheslines and the Dog-Faced Love Machine regroup on the outside. Super Ninja #1? dominates Steiner and hits a german suplex. Super Ninja #2? comes in and just destroys Steiner with a clotheslines and the Dog-Faced Love Machine need to regroup on the outside again. Super Ninja #2? powerslams both Beetlejuice and Steiner and hits a release belly-to-belly on Beetlejuice for two. Blind charge misses, and the Dog-Faced Love Machine double-team whip leads to a DDT on Super Ninja #2? for two. Steiner with a chinlock but Super Ninja #2? breaks it easily and gets the hot tag to Super Ninja #1?. A karate kick on Steiner, then another one for Beetlejuice. Powerslam on Steiner and Beetlejuice is wobbly getting off the canvas. Super Ninja #1? goes running off the ropes but a woman appears from underneath the ring and trips Super Ninja #1? and hurries back under the ring. The trip causes Super Ninja #1? to stumble into a small package by Beetlejuice. The Dog-Faced Love Machine picks up the victory.


Winner: Dog-Faced Love Machine at 5:36

Rating: * ¼


Post Match:




Al Madril, Doink & Orange Crush join Beetlejuice and Rick Steiner in the ring and start attacking RYU Ambush. Mr. Wrestling II and Mr. Olympia come running into the ring to provide support for the RYU Ambush. It looks like the good guys would get the advantage until the same woman comes out from under the ring again and nails both Mr. Olympia and Mr. Wrestling II with a basket she was holding, candy spelling all over the ring from the basket. Doink hits a big double clothesline on the distracted Olympia and Mr. Wrestling II. The RYU Ambush is able to escape and get Mr. Olympia and Mr. Wrestling II out of the ring before anymore beating could occur. Al Madril has a microphone.


“Well Mr. Has Been, Mr. Really another Mr. and the Chinese Twins it looks like you have meet Ms. Candy here. Ms. Candy why don’t you pass some candy out to these wonderful people.”




Ms. Candy passes out the candy that was in her basket but only to the adults. Al Madril, Doink, Beetlejuice, Rick Steiner and Orange Crush take the candy back from any adult they see giving it to the kids near them as they walk towards the locker room.


Match 3:


b4UQnJrMl2vnGApNRJpjlDKPyqqyNsuY2t-UMs3HFo1UsmbRNoyyuFstKcP_gUsCMOWhNA7UAoeBLHcwtBepoeSzAHSnqWYJrImFpNPiUw24gRQC2vfQlkcaCQL7M6l0tkC4ubm1kvs4b44rWwL6njtgxMvKtLQh5ZbVbOA94kU7zDCtDTO5pXjuCkMtYiclYzjzQvSvhZysyobMgq1gFKa9saakthO_UEyItfRdk-DfYIhUq3A-YPJgcoirS4HfqckYDWFHcqAXABUXxopbZExHf0Z3Ej2Kl9KIkJQBFBAVERMHj9fvgq-48yhjVMX7s_RwuP57dea-2wR_3n3dzcV4EvBNBxK5jYmANuDQrRG0Vn4LaT4aYHXoHKnaAhHv6mKZSpGO7jjmG-dvQVLPHNqEDaelptfcIBbzUmBTVZ2VCvN3Q-Pl75653uKhcahMJ2K7Xl8WSP6f8wU8he6yOczUqqgVRnnYyI95D7S4heH7wnjg-yGz1NAQ17paqWbVypuKoskzflWfWXOPS0ool03kN94axtxIyW6yqWaZSuM=s220-p-nopfR5-BM4BWssCtBkMTPrkZKa5lZwy5x9HfaBFKaRHz0=s219-p-noVS zs-qLiZG50I5DEb_vhe6paE4ok8T77rbj-DnEwt3QbjfzbyQDDkmYgeOoW9y1WSaWIvmlxExuvbpAdMrCrI1W5gDMMmoVF81BVoSSyZEkAn59kHSyM284XFBt2TcKbRGBgWZzA-itTfzxllTUcInjyzAmhaT5s2mJ8rcxxcdSoy-7wXorVUIQDrwtMp73pCuRWRUpK1gwmcwpS0ursXF8-MUi_ZDv8iE8G1VQv7MUnKgcaM4bBSPsgjNod2UXzh0cGqD3SkjnqZbBPh_1WOLKbuvsR2tYW4Uc78eYPwtqZJU2CwDaKhqgRurAxQBn9POG1wDdLZxpakF8ZYwgGdpOuhlfQpk3pO9h73TgzxVJZbRw2K9h_9RLIqUSTQ-cXmUUVpt5nd-qfU-6ISNCTxMbASWQwVCPv7mKytiC_hL3hMz2nrQA3cz6SUuvpVyrEgX26j8BI_GuzK61JlPNiQMqQLDPNiRAFTjftWdZEYbROTKk5qwwDsw8cfCO76ogeKp1YH9Vw=s220-p-nopRPHlaTk1mTmYmeaV_UpLHVHCwbBZyfKnzoFPGGr978=s220-p-no


Jonathan Sayers & Timothy Flowers vs. The Outlaws


Bobby Jaggers pounds on Jonathan Sayers and gets a backbreaker, then follows with a clothesline for two. Timothy Flowers is in now and Jaggers runs him into the corner and starts pounding on him. Sam Oliver Bass comes in and hits a delayed delayed suplex on Flowers. SOB starts yelling at Flowers, telling him to go back to Canada and starts’ beating on him, then repeats the process several times. SOB with a slam then a neckbreaker on Flowers. Jaggers pulls Sayers into the ring and destroys him with a slam and his own neckbreaker. Jaggers and SOB both get a double pin on Sayers and Flowers to pick up the victory.


Winner: The Outlaws at 6:02

Rating: * ½


In the Ring:




Buddy Rose & The Grappler is in the ring. Rose has the microphone.


“JIMMY SNUKA THIS WAR WILL BE OVER WHEN I SAY IT’S OVER. Plus I have already told you how to end this war Snuka, you just have to say three little words. SO UNTIL YOU SAY THOSE WORDS I WILL PUNISH YOU, I WILL DESTROY YOU, I WILL MAKE YOU BEG FOR ME TO END MISERY. So once you say those words I will stop Snuka, I will stop.”


Main Event:


lKmzZhK9YCgmAcGQDaUzE4kCo639DqY5wS_2QSQ4yujLG_zqzn9-US1QUfXYc2lfpcngrTZYgfo2VFbDNTe3yKEKJbM00EeCwk3w1-ImqPVL4HEfCK3BzSvzkK7AiqWX1RfETUUbzefFWnJQYubagUyVQa4Lnmi4QVcvu4nNBvtS22XmyMR1VZtaQRbok-IpaCXs8lIJzoR7_2DnYf27RA8KibIR6Ko5P0WCRW6wrl-R4J08VoemVeZ5f4AkgMjmn6TdvAKjeIHbW7zfhlyUfvjVSaXEEhk3ax83nlce923nnZFcsNajswJB6Obwbc34zOqLYxFkVeN4kYS2mYwsMpjrkIsc7_YhceRE9zEOfgGDTnvDRLhdAX6HntmCYFGfmpT3191ykX2aqos3i0SyJiX67pTIVtNCPlmN6Pk-mdvl0EkK4hisvI5p5IXPy3eludt0GZoIMkdzplmRtM99umGqkxExNhg1sxFVPQbNc9Uvj715gkdYj86G1bF8l2xxtp3jnykbTBX_hDy4Z-nxRN-ELHSmBSb8-0tNvDYeZtk=s220-p-noZ9ZOa5pF_999bMKWiLYmEylRoe7QM6k_KhwQ-591uHQ=w220-h219-p-noVS 51O5E3oQ0u0fsrlf1OeXm-3s8vN7-qQvORehsmlwGck=w220-h219-p-nonKtAcUfh6to5vPhgPe82lu31wAgmTar9LEe4KvYw8TU=s219-p-no


Austin Idol & Jimmy Snuka vs. Buddy Rose & The Grappler


Jimmy Snuka overpowers The Grappler to start, and clotheslines the Grappler and Buddy Rose who was on the apron. Powerslam for the Grappler but Buddy Rose kicks him in the knee to break up the pinfall attempt. Rose and Grappler start working on the knee of Snuka but Snuka gets a quick tag to Austin Idol and he clears the ring. Idol with a lariat for the Grappler and he drops the knee, and gets a powerslam for two. Idol goes for a sleeper but the Grappler rolls out to escape, but Idol just hangs on. The Grappler tries going up and gets slammed off, and Idol follows with an abdominal stretch, leaving him open for a DDT from Rose. That gets two for the Grappler. Grappler with clothesline on Idol and that gets two. Rose does the knucklelock spot and lands on Idol's knees, but brings the Grappler back in as he pounds away for two. Idol comes back with a bodypress for two and they collide, setting up the pinfall reversal spot. Idol reverses the bridge into a gutwrench suplex, but Rose cuts off the tag and works on the arm. Idol fights out of it, but Rose takes him down again, and they butt heads. Back to the Grappler for the slingshot suplex, but that only gets two. Rose can't cut off another tag, and Snuka is on fire. Clotheslines for everyone and the crowd is just going crazy. The Grappler trips him up, but Snuka comes right back with a powerslam for Rose and the Grappler grabs a chair from the crowd, but Snuka rams Rose into it head first and gets a roll-up for the victory.


Winners: Jimmy Snuka & Austin Idol at 12:37

Rating: ** ¾


Post Match:




Mongolian Stomper, Buzz Sawyer and Col. DeBeers join Buddy Rose and The Grappler outside the ring. Brett Sawyer, Scott Casey and Scott Hall coming running through the crowd and join Jimmy Snuka and Austin Idol in the ring. All ten men stare at each other as the show comes to an end.



Portland Wrestling


Al Madril vs. Sting vs. Doink vs. Mr. Olympia {NWA Pacific Northwest Television Title Bout}


Bobby Eaton & Lord Humongous vs. Del Sur Jive [brickhouse Brown & Ricky Santana]


Captain USA & Shawn Michaels vs. The Outlaws


Buzz Sawyer vs. Brett Sawyer


Notes: One more show until Civil War

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I love the build up to Civil War on the last show, very nicely done.


Al Madril vs. Sting vs. Doink vs. Mr. Olympia {NWA Pacific Northwest Television Title Bout}


Bobby Eaton & Lord Humongous vs. Del Sur Jive [brickhouse Brown & Ricky Santana]


Captain USA & Shawn Michaels vs. The Outlaws


Buzz Sawyer vs. Brett Sawyer

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Al Madril vs. Sting vs. Doink vs. Mr. Olympia {NWA Pacific Northwest Television Title Bout}


Bobby Eaton & Lord Humongous vs. Del Sur Jive [brickhouse Brown & Ricky Santana]


Captain USA & Shawn Michaels vs. The Outlaws

thanks to Eaton's interference / distraction


Buzz Sawyer vs. Brett Sawyer


agree with BHK, the build up for Civil War is great. I'm looking forward to that show, so hurry up will ya :D

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September 13th, 1987


Portland Sports Arena, Portland Oregon


Attendance: 2,500 {Sell Out}


Overall Show: C


In the Ring:




Don Owen walks to the ring.


“I would like thank everyone for coming out tonight. I have a few announcements about the big Civil War event this Tuesday. There will be a ten man battle royal to determine the number contender for the NWA Pacific Northwest Television title that will be defended next week. Also there will be a four team elimination match to determine the number one contender for the NWA Pacific Northwest Tag Team titles that will also be defended next week. The new team of Brickhouse Brown & Ricky Santana will team with Shawn Michaels and Captain USA to face The Outlaws, Bobby Eaton and Lord Humongous in a four-team elimination match. Also to clarify the Funhouse match between Al Madril group against Sting’s group is a anything goes match, only pinfall’s are allowed. I hope each one of you join us again this Tuesday night for Civil War.”


Match #1:NWA Pacific Northwest Television Title





w3vsubJMyIidBoB_zXnKM4orTBT0qxVgWDuGnbd56GD_M3qXSAj1szf8H1gkq3H7kvTTxuS0ajtgYhtL96wfFA06rUkdgepubs5gse9kfqxmthuL5sVa9bue4-m41m5mWusgVP9vyrpSMmZGIxDTRQMlYZC5SdkK4a924jn_AU5PNU31_qrLlzqaaN-tQBvGKleDr5n3e_rQJqWXK-MckFMZtEXMlRQ-yBZWlsJAOFScGAhBWOi1iaZNWD180db36LoXX6gYNSqc0aT-6DZrMQHM3IvoO0496qnrEvEzEXszc04emUpAQRlEaMvtObESjeb5vKoHpr2E39RGJZB0dO6apOlMQ-QlQwXYwmM2TwA789tdWPX1rwhT3wrCzNfCXo-b_s6uUJe1BTuwF-G7Wzm4L7XgxXW03_wuZ2VntESgqDDsvUrD0IFsWeNGuK-8ZFcuKxNwwh3Y3iHAb3Eorhr5KTzcaTW8WAfe6KaizQaTi-KVfcMcF9g1fdKrjUTtbdJroA=s220-p-noVS qk6hfJ9U7DEe8f9SAaXABZ9NspMBgPNlKbcn_U9vP3M=s219-p-noVS McvTUnUNv2H9veETqE7tgPDMQvFciRnE4UyRZuNG5LtoX8aF-0fRUpbK2dHHjbWCOJmYhF1OVaWkFjfk5-fOphoVa9keLea9DP5WBGhL3N2lDHxB-rBvXvQiif4iy9lXzSeFJzPJ4PmDrbgX5RFL_36N9stJUequiWQZmpwf2JsY6BkFS11sJRJ0GhynmqTjLqlIbNfHieYYzwNFnlYgxzHeLzhEsvalGw71Zhgcm-ok7fT29eAipdwa_vj9XVkle1Vq_V7I4gt4Smct2iBYKROTehtUcqB9VR7Jp4eShZ8ENj37HkJWp576floivxZIKVU_RzK3TN2CFwYOkxWnzRUUwfpe3ofPkOCiyQm5-TOo5LAnwDOfxnaqh8Jz2e15-OJX-ZOJu8o5rj6rh2kSUB1-rNBmV6vSLDt3OAOXUAsOY2xmsiNCCF35t846K_oaFLVuYAcGnmo3aoKDo18QgLoyqHPYByx4WlEoM6NpjRn8_WqmlLfWpHDDDy1uvrR6FhWQsA=s220-p-noVS k7Lrwp_KiB0-YpMtobipfzMT7pCzEbD-1SvABvM41bI=w220-h219-p-no


Doink vs. Al Madril vs. Mr. Olympia & Sting


Mr. Olympia controls Al Madril early with a couple armdrags, and Sting comes in to pounds on Madril and sends him running. Back in, they trade arm wringers and Madril loses that battle, bringing Olympia back in to continue controlling with armdrags. Doink comes in and gets overpowered by Mr. Olympia, but a frustrated Madril holds him in the corner and allows Doink to get his shots in to take over. Madril puts Olympia down with a back elbow and drops an elbow for two. Doink comes in with a kneelift and gets two off that. Sting runs in and goes wild on both Doink and Madril but collides with Olympia by mistakes. Soon all four men and in the ring and brawling with each other, taking turns with the advantage. The referee tries to regain control but with the additions of Rick Steiner, Beetlejuice, Orange Crush, Super Ninja #1, Super Ninja #2 and Mr. Wrestling II he has no choice but to call the match a no-contest.


No Contest at 10:00

Rating: * ½


Post Match:




All ten men are brawling in the middle of the ring. Ms. Candy appears from under the ring and starts throwing water balloons at the children in the crowd. Sting and his group see this and run outside the ring to stop Ms. Candy, who quickly runs into the ring protected by Madril’s group. Both teams just star at each other. Sting points at Madril and yell’s that his time is coming, it’s coming.


Match #2:


bj6tMW46uvsC-ybDRMCHnPPfoXXjDMr9EjtdvZqLxOY=s219-p-no_kCUr4zAbPNfkYwVk0AZcAWZCmpHKEkL81_HP2JPagc=s219-p-noVS euTNTYfaYnuiws-TY9f1H30MuvE7IvS5oLt2L8dI5eEpcT14bCRsyBfFtq_LqFLFFKnDB1YpTfakPdZVTzXgi7A1zL6XOOvj0aUkGhDZV_fVSluuCAw1l6UV1HMhAd9FWm4SYEZnxi0js_C9w8-qP3gpsSSEiJL3AAALKgKwuBNyH37tYYHM0CVgWOGhXkVY9SLBFRVj_rsd5qkFlEVBgjTSH4qREd5Uv0IMoy5b4nRwReqWU94J2dWJAbVUujUVBqibiXfVf2gJLpmGD97O6eR4W8IXsOis4GtNueE7vwdJZzfbRIY6Xs25oYSWkeU9mdCi0ZDC2WSPK-mj-oxyRklb3bOgYcZPopjmNCT4roM-EWjB1dfFzN_oQkq_bh6NMrL1GaMY_CMBCfrvQRAXwtkSU4vCcwmQHMSK9QZPXL58XWHAE1PZ37Ux9rjJQeJjvupiiYLSFbZ3yOG-QhNBBJf483Y-A-alXnCWqxrxKF2Eku8Bd9qnIRRm7753M8i0dhffPQ=s220-p-noe7sLK_bcdNmAQqFN9t77LS5t4K5NOZ6Y1iQyMMn5zQdI-I3jkXBeztEQ0MEM_x-5i-Ijskwphhq0H-CIqHPvavrHD0M50fNZoJ2nNOwfvGoDx3SSW0wFLl7z7YqkjqIYM4jaUoHSbf1nV7WOEWAf6EQYUkd4bBwZFrqlGmi0pHnKM6KnWcWi0wxHTaiawQZvmyXLkYKfTfoTnsfyV5ZjphZhPxmilu0Kf6XqlGX6DfkYN6Dp7GQBchNybh7emrKB-MsGYqo3zAjePeZlyH55eyoeQ-sjHLfoJOnrnFMVVRvtBPoKfKRNtX4G23yjlQklUyMno096xln_QMCyv8SSs7zgoD8YGQGHLqoF4UHQ5U7vRKlqj01w3J5KpImvM9oMxUBMYYUa8oJ-HvZ4TLw5n8YwM8F2j43n_DWwmHvybdyndPAC2FsL0XHhVZl3jbgIZIdc6AtAi78a4ltI9fws7yoqqZkEtBdizL4QctqqyIrZ28BSR7A8Ogm4EO_sz8B6dW7keRbGuyEKcWDqCYJfL8Liqu_8_5h8Bwyqbu9sDAk=s220-p-no


Del Sur Jive vs. Bobby Eaton & Lord Humongous


Lord Humongous pounds on Brickhouse Brown to start, but gets chased out of the ring with a dropkick. Back in and Lord Humongous puts Brown down a clothesline and tag in Bobby Eaton. Eaton and Humongous control Brown in the corner. Brown makes the escape and tags in Ricky Santana but Eaton control Santana with middle rope elbow and backbreaker. Santana comes back with dropkick and gets two. Santana tags in Brown but Bobby Jaggers distracts both Santana and Brown from the outside allowing Eaton to roll-up Brown for the victory.


Winner: Bobby Eaton & Lord Humongous at 7:44

Rating: * ¾


Match 3:


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Butch Miller vs. Verne Siebert


Butch Miller just attacks Verne Siebert before he could get in the ring. Miller just pounds Siebert to the mat and finishes him with a piledriver to gain the victory.


Winner: Butch Miller at 1:02

Rating: *


Match 4:


PgcYih4VvtYym4ArsjoQvJq8Knj1rZyxkOJzo4NEoL1VD781ddAi19agnnBAPYECho3VauYAplxq-NwBWV54iYpyttCV4GR6ed1VnfBz9jtx1LRijL05bMInaVbM0O9pwekEA4tP8L33inZzy4l7a17j84_GjEJgY-O0Yn_-nI0usp-7KecdlzD8ixhIEZk8sQxjxxR5QhYrjnYy__XU0aJ8Kw9hzT1zQecFt6p_SRJkVM4N61CWZfty7TdOn4Wo_OT5DVvjZYl22YPg9Qlq2vXJY33ZH4cfQOzXxs9vKQ0JIDkBDO7S6qYuQtQD60pcFrbiBMHeL7t1jCfuucx2HzRHZRHuzHsIpzBQlxcsuB4468hwPLa7IqcUG1-IeaPekIP-MU66KMAyfHrCd2rv94ptheBKZxuKdMd3uIf4JgQXaMhSHz1a9ifZYuO7khGner-2wqiRJPmiOqXFlF7DuZMDYQQaLaqPPY5intg3rshn0Zlg3e9jvnUKShAixnmTR5f8xmBa92EMt0hgRiSPgqg3Z_hJ57WFr1LwKmKtLwU=s220-p-noprqCyxodhrwxd-4es_j-Oc7crNDlHZ7ru5gUCx902hLS7xAsWwa1qpNme4Td-P2jtAaiatEc9Ni1wKZdtLVAhvq8cyg0QCXK68YQggAG1do5xunk5dRwpyYog5pRuQXdHrmzQe34Ih46dOU_2WwsKAE-vcQkt6E6jEG4e9jK5q_cwV4y4ILJwT98ulxn1Qmi0BeHOTD97sAI-YA7IPpQIJaWm11aH8eO-iTT7ofzQhXKWWC9-RRuPaVKcOaw1h9_XgedxvW7JTv2OWxdnvZVeVQXyIv3DYyTZmSwtsKXK41uSNympYkyxzo4_03ZeUnknYKJkb9tbW-HvuwWbSw0_mCxfrNSleLkQ8XxffNXdlhFt1WhUOfB5rUUVSmJXanZ4ZXpgdYUR6AL4EDzSy8hSmZ8UdNacG1gEFRT5uiozajAzoT3HJtF-niK_J6cXafjq0jOhux9iJjcIvuzjToUqkNnFAHd0R2QPb0Me5_f1Ev_iVuF8T75KV-2uLZ9XgArtkUzQspqohQLjRElCJruwvzXZM2aTcr4QF1qeEnIdVI=s220-p-noVS pRPHlaTk1mTmYmeaV_UpLHVHCwbBZyfKnzoFPGGr978=s220-p-nozs-qLiZG50I5DEb_vhe6paE4ok8T77rbj-DnEwt3QbjfzbyQDDkmYgeOoW9y1WSaWIvmlxExuvbpAdMrCrI1W5gDMMmoVF81BVoSSyZEkAn59kHSyM284XFBt2TcKbRGBgWZzA-itTfzxllTUcInjyzAmhaT5s2mJ8rcxxcdSoy-7wXorVUIQDrwtMp73pCuRWRUpK1gwmcwpS0ursXF8-MUi_ZDv8iE8G1VQv7MUnKgcaM4bBSPsgjNod2UXzh0cGqD3SkjnqZbBPh_1WOLKbuvsR2tYW4Uc78eYPwtqZJU2CwDaKhqgRurAxQBn9POG1wDdLZxpakF8ZYwgGdpOuhlfQpk3pO9h73TgzxVJZbRw2K9h_9RLIqUSTQ-cXmUUVpt5nd-qfU-6ISNCTxMbASWQwVCPv7mKytiC_hL3hMz2nrQA3cz6SUuvpVyrEgX26j8BI_GuzK61JlPNiQMqQLDPNiRAFTjftWdZEYbROTKk5qwwDsw8cfCO76ogeKp1YH9Vw=s220-p-no


Captain USA & Shawn Michaels vs. The Outlaws


Captain USA quickly clotheslines Bobby Jaggers and goes for a pin attempt but Jaggers makes the tag to Sam Oliver Bass. SOB beats on Shawn Michaels who was tagged in as well, but walks into an elbow and then a deep armdrag from Michaels. Captain USA slams SOB for two, and a crossbody gets two. Michaels works a headlock on Jaggers who just got the tag but a low blow gives SOB and Jaggers the advantage and Michaels is cutoff from his corner. Michaels and Jaggers collide, but SOB cuts off the tag again but misses an elbow, which allows Michaels to make the hot tag to Captain USA. Captain USA nails clotheslines on both Jaggers and SOB and gets a crossbody on Jaggers for two. SOB nails a clothesline to the back of Captain USA’s head and sends him outside the ring. Brickhouse Brown comes down to ring and hits Jaggers with a super kick behind the referee’s back, which gives Michaels the change to nail Jaggers with his own Super Kick and gets the pinfall.


Winner: Captain USA & Shawn Michaels at 7:42

Rating: * ½


Post Match:




Bobby Eaton and Lord Humongous get the ring and nails Brickhouse Brown with a chair and throws the chair right into the face of Shawn Michaels. Sam Oliver Bass grabs the chair and hits Captain USA with it. Ricky Santana comes to help his partner Brown and suffers the as the rest with a chair shot to the head.


Main Event:


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Buzz Sawyer vs. Brett Sawyer


Buzz Sawyer gets a quick cradle for two and they trade criss-crosses before Brett Sawyer gets his own pinning combo for two. Brett to the arm and they get into some chain-wrestling, but Buzz gets a cheap shot in the corner, and he drops knees on Brett. Brett comes back with a dropkick and kneelift, setting up the powerslam and figure-four. Buzz reverses the hold and Brett is in trouble. Brett fights and claws for the ropes and gets to the ropes to break the hold but Buzz will not let it go. Buddy Rose comes to ring side and starts slapping Brett, which finally calls for the bell from the referee. Brett Sawyer wins by disqualification from the interference on Buddy Rose and Buzz Sawyer not letting go of the hold.


Double Brett Sawyer at 7:35

Rating: ** ¾


Post Match:




Before Buddy Rose and Buzz Sawyer could do anymore damage to Brett Sawyer, Jimmy Snuka comes ring side. Buddy Rose and Jimmy Snuka get nose to nose yelling at each other. Buzz Sawyer and Brett Sawyer separate the two. Snuka is led to the back by Brett, while Buzz keeps Rose near ringside.



Portland Wrestling presents Civil War


{Pre-show} 10-Men Battle Royal: Curtis Thompson, Don Harris, Ed Moretti, Jonathan Sayers, Rex King, Carl Styles, Michelle Starr, Portland Avenger, Verne Siebert & Masked Avenger {Winner gets a title shot for the NWA Pacific Northwest Television Title}


Funhouse Match: Adult Only-No Kids {Al Madril, Doink, Rick Steiner, Beetlejuice & Orange Crush} vs. The Portland All-Stars {Sting, Mr. Olympia, Mr. Wrestling II, Super Ninja #1 & Super Ninja #2}


Mike Miller & Rip Rogers vs. Race Horses vs. Jules Strongbow & Sam Houston vs. Brady Boone & Earthquake Ferris


John Tatum & Jack Victory vs. The Youngbloods vs. The Southern Rockers vs. The Interns {Winner gets a title shot for the NWA Pacific Northwest Tag Team Titles}


Del Sur Jive, Shawn Michaels & Captain USA vs. The Outlaws, Bobby Eaton & Lord Humongous


Bill Dundee & Rock n’ Roll Express vs. The Sheepherders {Jonathan Body, Butch Miller & Luke Williams}


War Games: Rose’s Army {Buddy Rose, Mongolian Stomper, Buzz Sawyer, The Grappler & Col. DeBeers} vs. Snuka's Kokua {Jimmy Snuka, Scott Hall, Austin Idol, Scott Casey & Brett Sawyer}



All matches at Civil War will be elimination tag matches. You predict the winner or the loser of the match or both if you choose. The War Games match will be a classic two ring War Games match. The show should be up this weekend.

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{Pre-show} 10-Men Battle Royal: Curtis Thompson, Don Harris, Ed Moretti, Jonathan Sayers, Rex King, Carl Styles, Michelle Starr, Portland Avenger, Verne Siebert & Masked Avenger {Winner gets a title shot for the NWA Pacific Northwest Television Title}


Well I know one person who will not be winning here and that is poor Verne.:D


Adult Only-No Kids {Al Madril, Doink, Rick Steiner, Beetlejuice & Orange Crush} vs. The Portland All-Stars {Sting, Mr. Olympia, Mr. Wrestling II, Super Ninja #1 & Super Ninja #2}


Winners: Portland All-Stars with Sting submitting Al.


Mike Miller & Rip Rogers vs. Race Horses vs. Jules Strongbow & Sam Houston vs. Brady Boone & Earthquake Ferris


John Tatum & Jack Victory vs. The Youngbloods vs. The Southern Rockers vs. The Interns {Winner gets a title shot for the NWA Pacific Northwest Tag Team Titles}


Del Sur Jive, Shawn Michaels & Captain USA vs. The Outlaws, Bobby Eaton & Lord Humongous


Bill Dundee & Rock n’ Roll Express vs. The Sheepherders {Jonathan Body, Butch Miller & Luke Williams}


This is mainly because I picked a lot of fan favorites to win.


War Games: Rose’s Army {Buddy Rose, Mongolian Stomper, Buzz Sawyer, The Grappler & Col. DeBeers} vs. Snuka's Kokua {Jimmy Snuka, Scott Hall, Austin Idol, Scott Casey & Brett Sawyer}


You have to send the crowd home happy so Snuka's Kokua have to win...right?:D

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What send the fans home happy, never heard of such a thing. BHK if you like the Madril storyline your going to love the funhouse match. Just a crazy match.


{Pre-show} 10-Men Battle Royal: Curtis Thompson, Don Harris, Ed Moretti, Jonathan Sayers, Rex King, Carl Styles, Michelle Starr, Portland Avenger, Verne Siebert & Masked Avenger {Winner gets a title shot for the NWA Pacific Northwest Television Title}


Well I know one person who will not be winning here and that is poor Verne.:D


Adult Only-No Kids {Al Madril, Doink, Rick Steiner, Beetlejuice & Orange Crush} vs. The Portland All-Stars {Sting, Mr. Olympia, Mr. Wrestling II, Super Ninja #1 & Super Ninja #2}


Winners: Portland All-Stars with Sting submitting Al.


Mike Miller & Rip Rogers vs. Race Horses vs. Jules Strongbow & Sam Houston vs. Brady Boone & Earthquake Ferris


John Tatum & Jack Victory vs. The Youngbloods vs. The Southern Rockers vs. The Interns {Winner gets a title shot for the NWA Pacific Northwest Tag Team Titles}


Del Sur Jive, Shawn Michaels & Captain USA vs. The Outlaws, Bobby Eaton & Lord Humongous


Bill Dundee & Rock n’ Roll Express vs. The Sheepherders {Jonathan Body, Butch Miller & Luke Williams}


This is mainly because I picked a lot of fan favorites to win.


War Games: Rose’s Army {Buddy Rose, Mongolian Stomper, Buzz Sawyer, The Grappler & Col. DeBeers} vs. Snuka's Kokua {Jimmy Snuka, Scott Hall, Austin Idol, Scott Casey & Brett Sawyer}


You have to send the crowd home happy so Snuka's Kokua have to win...right?:D

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September 16th, 1987


Portland Sports Arena, Portland Oregon


Attendance: 2,500 {Sell Out}


Overall Show: C+


Pre-Show Match: NWA Pacific Northwest Television Title Shot


In an extremely poor match, Curtis Thompson won a battle royal in 14:48. The other members of the 'final four' were Don Harris, Masked Avenger and Ed Moretti, with Don Harris being the final elimination. Don Harris got the most elimination’s over the course of the match.


Curtis Thompson at 14:48

Rating: * ¼


In the Ring:




Don Owen walks to the ring.


“I would like thank everyone for coming out tonight. Tonight is a first for Portland Wrestling as you see with the double rings tonight. So tonight you will see Al Madril I hate kids group going against Sting’s All-Star group in a funhouse elimination match, which you can tell with the balloons and the bounce house and other sorted material that Madril gang just put out here it is going to be interesting. Also tonight a four-way tag elimination match featuring Brady Boone & Earthquake Ferris, The Race Horses, Jules Strongbow & Sam Houston, and Mike Miller & Rip Rogers all in action. This will be followed by another four-way tag match for a title shot this coming Saturday; the match will feature The Southern Rockers, The Youngbloods, John Tatum & Jack Victory and The Interns. The Outlaws will be joined by Bobby Eaton and Lord Humongous to face the team of Del Sur Jive, Shawn Michaels & Captain USA in an elimination match. Bill Dundee and the Rock n’ Roll Express will face the team of the Sheepherders in a six-man elimination match. The Main Event this evening will be the much anticipated War Games match between Jimmy Snuka hand pick team against Rose’s Army. The rules of the match are as followed, the match began with one member of each team entering the cage. After five minutes, a member from one of the teams that was determined from a coin toss early this evening will enter the cage. After two minutes, a member from the other team would enter and will follow like this every two minutes until all ten men are in the cage. The match will continue until a member of one of the teams submits, surrenders, or is knocked unconscious. I hope everyone has a wonderful evening tonight. And thank you once again for joining us.”


Match #1:Funhouse Match


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Adults Only-No Kids w/ Ms. Candy vs. Portland All-Stars


Mr. Wrestling II starts with Orange Crush and Mr. Wrestling II gets pounded down, but a criss-cross leads to a quick sleeper for Mr. Wrestling II. Orange Crush breaks, but Mr. Wrestling II hiptosses all the heels in turn and where back to square one. Mr. Candy runs into the bouncy house in the other ring. Beetlejuice comes in and gets beat up by Super Ninja #1, as Super Ninja #1 works on the arm and Sting rams him into whip cream pie Mr. Wrestling II found under the ring. Mr. Olympia comes in with the flying chop and a hiptoss, but a blind charge misses and Beetlejuice lets Rick Steiner have a go. Shoulderbreaker on Mr. Olympia, but Mr. Olympia springs out of the corner with a flying clothesline and they slug it out in the middle of the ring. Steiner tosses him and Mr. Olympia’s right back in, so Steiner tosses him again and Mr. Olympia is right back in. Steiner hits him with a belly to belly for two, too end the cycle. Steiner tags back in Beetlejuice, while Mr. Olympia tags in Super Ninja #2, who dumps Beetlejuice with a clothesline, and they brawl to the floor for a where Doink drills Super Ninja #2 with a clothesline, while Mr. Olympia does the same to Beetlejuice and they both cover their man, eliminating both Beetlejuice and Super Ninja #2.


Remaining Wrestlers: Al Madril, Orange Crush, Rick Steiner & Doink/Sting, Mr. Olympia, Mr. Wrestling II & Super Ninja #1


Mr. Wrestling II slugs it out with Doink and then turns it over to Sting, who knees him into the corner and follows with a back elbow. Kneedrop gets two. Sting goes after Al Madril and walks into a clothesline as a result, and that allows Orange Crush to come in and pound away. Sting gets caught in the heel corner and Orange Crush elbows him down again for two, but Sting fires back with his own elbow and adds a backdrop to escape a face crusher attempt. Super Ninja #1 comes in with the Super Kick to eliminate Orange Crush.


Remaining Wrestlers: Al Madril, Rick Steiner & Doink/Sting, Mr. Olympia, Mr. Wrestling II & Super Ninja #1


Doink pounds on Super Ninja’s knee and Madril continues with a kneebar, then it’s over to Doink for some more pounding on the knee. And back to Madril to the kneebar, then back to Doink for more pounding on the knee. Quick tags leave Super Ninja in trouble. Super Ninja #1 finally comes back and slugs Madril down and makes the hot tag to Sting. Steiner misses a clothesline and gets roll-up as a result and is eliminated.


Remaining Wrestlers: Al Madril & Doink/Sting, Mr. Olympia, Mr. Wrestling II & Super Ninja #1


Sting goes right after Madril, forcing him into the ring the hard way. Sting does not see Doink come in the ring and jump him from behind and start pounding him in the corner but Sting elbows both Madril and Doink down and brings Mr. Olympia in. He goes for the piledriver, but Madril slips out. Mr. Olympia charges and hits knee instead and is thrown into the other ring. Ms. Candy jumps out of the bouncy house and hits Mr. Olympia with a dropkick, sending right back into the right ring. Mr. Olympia still makes the tag to Super Ninja #1 though. Super Ninja #1 with a super kick to Doink on the apron but Ms. Candy makes her presence felt again and blows glitter right in the mask of Super Ninja #1. Madril quickly gets a small package, eliminating Super Ninja #1.


Remaining Wrestlers: Al Madril & Doink/Sting, Mr. Olympia & Mr. Wrestling II


Doink hits a running clothesline on Mr. Wrestling II who was just entering the ring and drops an elbow for two. Doink sends Mr. Wrestling II into his corner and the heels take turns pounding on him. Madril with a fistdrop on Mr. Wrestling II but that only gets two. Madril goes to the chinlock, but Mr. Wrestling II escapes with the kneelift but Doink cuts off the tag and pounds him down again. And it’s another chinlock by Madril. Mr. Wrestling II escapes with a jawbreaker, and it’s HOT tag to Sting. Sting fires away with chops on everyone, and heads up with the flying chop, sending Doink from the ring. Madril is in the trouble in the corner, so Sting goes for the splash but Ms. Candy is there once again throwing a water balloon right into the face of Sting, which allows Madril to hit a POWERBOMB on Sting and eliminating him for the match.


Remaining Wrestlers: Al Madril & Doink/Mr. Olympia & Mr. Wrestling II


Mr. Olympia misses a blind charge on Doink and hurts the knee on the turnbuckle, but comes back with a back elbow and brings Mr. Wrestling II. Mr. Wrestling II and Doink brawl into the other ring and into the bouncy house. Doink tries to play basketball with Mr. Wrestling II’s head in the bouncy house but Mr. Wrestling II sends crashing into the side of the bouncy house, popping the house. Doink pulls the chord from the socket for the blower and starts chocking Mr. Wrestling II with it and throws him head first into the blower. Mr. Wrestling II fights back and sends Doink into the corner. Mr. Wrestling II starts the ten-punches but Ms. Candy crawls up his back and his on shoulders. Doink recovers and now has Mr. Wrestling II shoulders, which has Ms. Candy on his. Ms. Candy with a hurrancana from the one ring to the other, sending Mr. Wrestling II over with her. Doink quickly hits the Whoopee Cushion to eliminate Mr. Wrestling II, as Mr. Olympia was too busy brawling with Madril to make the save.


Remaining Wrestlers: Al Madril & Doink/Mr. Olympia


Doink quickly checks on Ms. Candy who is lying in the ring. Mr. Olympia breaks from Madril and gets a surprise roll-up on Doink eliminating him from the match.


Remaining Wrestlers: Al Madril/Mr. Olympia


Madril is now with Ms. Candy, who has finally gotten to her feet. Mr. Olympia goes to punch Madril but Madril quickly puts Ms. Candy in front of him, stopping Olympia from finishing the punch. Ms. Candy then kicks Olympia in the lower region, which is followed by a clothesline from Madril. Olympia fights out of a Piledriver attempt and goes running off the ropes but a midget clown comes from under the ring and trips him up. Olympia stumbles right into Madril, who connects with the Piledriver in the middle of the ring but does not go for the pin. Ms. Candy runs under the ring and brings couple of pies out and places them in the middle of the ring. Madril hits another Piledriver on Olympia, on top of the pies, spraying whip cream everywhere. Madril finally makes the pin and gains the victory for his team.


Adults Only-No Kids at 22:53

Rating: * ¾


Post Match:



Doink, Rick Steiner, Orange Crush and Beetlejuice are walking back to the ring, throwing confetti and waving sparklers. Doink is holding a giant trophy. All four men join Al Madril, Ms. Candy and the midget clown in the ring. Doink hands Madril the trophy and while Steiner and Orange Crush lift Madril on their shoulders and start walking him around the ring. Ms. Candy and Beetlejuice find confetti guns under ring and start shooting the confetti into the ring, while Madril is yelling that he is the greatest. Steiner and Orange Crush put Madril down and all seven of them go into the crowd and start celebrating with some fans. "Celebration" starts playing on the speakers as Madril and his group work their way to the concourse and disappear from sight.


Match #2:

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Race Horses vs. Brady Boone & Earthquake Ferris vs. Jules Strongbow & Sam Houston vs. Mike Miller & Rip Rogers


Race Horse #1 & Sam Houston start the match and they both fight over a tie-up. Race Horse #1 tags in Race Horse #2 but Houston makes the tag on his partner Jules Strongbow. Strongbow goes for a quick roll-up but Race Horse #2 reverses it and gets a roll-up on Strongbow eliminating Strongbow and Houston.


Remaining Teams: Race Horses/Brady Boone & Earthquake Ferris/Mike Miller & Rip Rogers


Rip Rogers and Race Horse #2 are next but Rogers gets beaten down in the corner. Race Horse #1 is tag in and hits a high knee on Rogers. Rogers makes a tag but to Brady Boone instead of his partner and Boone gets a sunset flip on Race Horse #1, eliminating the Race Horses.


Remaining Teams: Brady Boone & Earthquake Ferris/Mike Miller & Rip Rogers


Mike Miller nails Boone from behind with a clothesline but only gets a two count. Miller drags Boone to his corner where he and Rogers take turns beating on him in the corner. Miscommunication from Rogers and Miller allows Boone to make the hot tag to Earthquake Ferris. Lariat on Rogers sends him from the ring and Ferris hits another one on Miller. Boone of the top rope with a crossbody and that gets the victory for Brady Boone & Earthquake Ferris.


Winner: Brady Boone & Earthquake Ferris at 9:33

Rating: * ¼


Crow’s Nest:



Buddy Rose, The Grappler, Mongolian Stomper, Buzz Sawyer and Col. DeBeers join the announcing team in the crow’s nest. Buddy Rose speaks for the group.


“I will like the announce that before we came out here me and Jimmy meet with Don Owen to have a coin flip to see which team would have the advantage with the first person to come into the match after the five minutes. I would like to announce that the Army won that coin flip. JIMMY SNUKA IT DOES NOT MATTER WHO HAVE BROUGHT WITH YOU, I WILL MAKE YOU QUIT, YOU WILL SURRENDER, YOU WILL LOSE, YOU WILL BLEED TONIGHT. The end is near Jimmy Snuka, it is near."


Match 3:


qegkeJVJopx2s8mYnmT0ulgptv4aqgGofdN3ciPD9Mlybd90xidbRLLPWKMsgJDASVnZhkRvpXi-iGAcMm9rHnAmvisMZCZqkO6E1oZHYFYZ4G7tKygWEIHYnU1q8oMCuk7YwHhur_os1lV5p-bf1j9-gXWVPN4FJtbUgFOGg9ojtqB-Qab39aUopeJPXzvx1BuvU7qZuf28EJhlSCIAzk3dPFRXWRziksw4W2akonauxxcTUklHK38BzKs-EUVFcR1sxen7t-YLuMWJYcrGkOWr17h_JvqZch38HaXJUtEP0oN-RFIAnUAkx_tc_0B5psY9AG0hAZOdH-v9HN9jCAlopDAqUcAXSvEZQmSDd80ReecVDLolYca9Dj4GGcRjxbO2RGzQD0xfNu6Z3yi9uDs839ZfYfH8OQ8P89G2hefCVw_1lV_5CDjsJQLBECpowYFt2gdxnVV0BpXZN5YVl_JanGTYTgfpqgfdJqLX_qK0wbyx0XQaD7T_wADSZJYfL4Dm74qU_szLjTlIV8IjQnD4Z21ZZLpArGQ43fHZWzo=s150-p-no4lluSB-GvhqrQJiFyhg_-yHMIOOGR0pkX80onkvmFas=s150-p-noVS zfkFeAYv-59EwYE9kJLfNyPaDb54TD9PYz_Ekalhgic=w150-h150-p-noTwUqF7G-deLSucY2cCODxg0XiGcbRco7WwvpDngsXJQ=w150-h150-p-noVS YRLUIXlQZXBelCFinn0SrGXpSq2BCeEAuTt0PDtTK_xLeQUenaHaq6A7PqsFFrVZxpnYwIRUX_bEAuk09lmhCzGDA2HCgg_11QSPXDKwWe2K-ZxgOuO0BSKRulh8hP5r7KDFoGZitN4lUh4tbwiyotyyBg-FAUdPBo_Y6TV8v__8OloN-CdYgN2kl1ivGM491T-U444OJg6GVUcfM4GblqnA4jUQaVcD_uFSSjkbklNscC6uzqCxg1_D929ZVOd_FEnkfu6HIcHYMmEkxHX6H3zdMKODGJdTpRZbNaldbOf1zsFNGS27eYe0ZBgyu0Ig1QD94uf6AeX1wL3TPeoAIjD_HrZvd77E6dL-EIl5tbzu5G61EI9AbMLAU45ETo0wsCziHFeAUmGnG5PMUShkhde184Geg1GnM_HcWWAvo3qHScBc1Hgis75ZNz1w6zKxknawyc9HsL6XRLxSxbtx0EFe5dDAOM5-im-ev_kaZNk60m7QkBRGB4qb_2LPf6saQ2uXbZB8BLZqds0QV7lhvB9uIO55n5LxLy1xsS7IlWc=s150-p-novP58ZpME9x3KaWyh5S39NXPdnD0Umy4dEouno7v4WWuYUMT8dR3pZalI3LDXOkIgBOWI27VvbmWlaOmbzU9QiacEWjqHYLh8Ei67gTUDxHltQ5yFqxMk2FKQ0MvILez214ARt_ujUITKxVOrNuD9DkryJDPsdaqiEjzqGh5iVsaUS-MMjKwGWaYjdOEDaFxs4H6kkYf_7SKSd9aDyHvVpgA8Z4UqadT_zdxXuI7Z4teJqhUEl070SwCORENspJxX6neUz56Iaejt20vBaER2uDqAKpDxM3jcW_hKcJkJPT4Wmxz6eK4b-3dyo3cJM6k17sV-HFxVXt6BzJpKxrpWYhiCchH_A2xkRmQPoACJgl9r8b8QK9ShXIvKNLJoCM8QnPClxQA0qluSDtGi5rOkCGIpBzld3z7NYmlrVz5cuawfWlCy32uzNcm3T5aWlIU2E435Rwqo9xyPE_AKm1tX1m-Edj_18LfTocDQyrpHBEod6KA0ooQ-EQjnWemawX-wmf_7GQ=s150-p-noVS I_tJuo3K1SDpVuJ_aPZSUoWAh1wxUfqyXxqVDEBQ0ph-p_jkltd2a_d8aWfWNPQ-xr7pzMkubca8Ms8S_Gw28Em4-bZpZ6yOJrsaArb4puoVgWrb2OluLj0xjjkvHx15Lg3VKvM5V_xKBXA2xO4Z9XldRDx5z_050UnKuyV_Kg6NgkIPK2DdKdbs2pn58Rdo29zUOCZf6OeWFwtTgJUQYNd8okmyS3j1OO1yzwRSDq5iW90uZSsqSvM0xObkqcjP1wF1SSxMZpPfv4F0WsJe-QS0mOHAUi0ljUnCQ2m5XrQWOXksduYtMOF-6ANvbvKJrDij78KavUXsDZttDH10SOrCgD5Mko-MEj_6-XYG39-k9XqT6i20wMgO0hiPpYecl5bhqnU5zyGCj5BY0WDhB5cYVmJRdvbrAZH6pwQg3kI0ONGgrx5cd6rqJ8vC1e_BtGTy1Nq5WYuldW-L-9d6qMjt71s9Ns-HlxQKeGr3Fqf8zS9clqHpBEXXUK3AgAJGxpaqIfgGQlVX3pMaLaRNs6UuJES06lvJHhKSHIdIuwE=s150-p-noKpqdFBYK1Za6D9TRJMEg_hz56iLEvtr9OO9hIHsjm601cQuvY5Di8lrfK3OvI7JuQ1r_ziDvxwBHLWPZYaNHdwvh-OPYUEarsSJyeZTBAfHWnpC2eQ2vS9x0dImPesYdqD8_XDLsam75My311ma2GIOfqZhBA2gJ92pAcvZjN9hxcIgzm5eIUwcJEl2sO8pJVNqOFZTR0oIWsffA1TyhIcovV3Paqpi44Beyi3k-aPJl5bJQhawq1YuMkC4SeB733LkNJZba9Oz34VkrUqE8z_KEQOsxvV6SRSR8sO719nWoRAwL75E-T4PgHODOS-jthZZgbBcpNm-Mm0-QyJH7chCT3zVv2kBm_toC0T4c-QSaS3dV-566Pe8VXyag5qwhtVJkvkHPIcGAwz1I2rS-VNNFW3nliuyTuaUO4ooL08UXmveuG3qOyxCwTUJpA9lh7T_t3bbX9mDA1SyfGoZ_D56IMxJGZNx4BHNhNegJh1BL51xx7bxmyx1WtZfuKDWZCAMp-Bz9AZNFpnBDQjrwMYqZSwCeNGQ6SEb18tSfaec=s150-p-no


John Tatum & Jack Victory vs. The Southern Rockers vs. The Youngbloods vs. The Interns


Mark Youngblood starts with John Tatum, with Mark losing that battle. Tatum just beats him down the mat several times in the corner but Mark escapes and tags in Chris Youngblood. Youngblood with a surprise small package on Tatum but the move is in the wrong corner as Jack Victory just rolls the package, allowing Tatum to get the pinfall.


Remaining Teams: John Tatum & Jack Victory/The Southern Rockers/The Interns


Steve Doll, Scott Peterson, John Tatum and Jack victory just start toying with Intern #1. Each wrestler taking turns beating the living daylights out of Intern #1. Finally a big miscommunication between The Southern Rockers and John Tatum/Jack Victory ends up with those two team brawling, allowing Intern #1 to make the hot tag to Intern #2. Double clothesline on Victory and Tatum sends them both from the ring. Intern #2 fights off both Doll and Peterson. Intern #2 gets help from his partner Intern #1 and sends Doll right into the waiting arms of Victory and Tatum outside the ring, putting all three men down. Double clothesline, double elbow drop and then a double legdrop for good measure and Peterson is done.


Remaining Teams: John Tatum & Jack Victory /The Interns


Victory rolls back into the ring but takes an elbow to the back of the head from Intern #2. Intern #1 sends Tatum into the guard rail, putting him down once again. Victory counters a armbar with a shortarm clothesline. Victory off the second rope with a crossbody but Intern #2 rolls through it and gets the victory for the Interns.


Winner: The Interns at 9:41

Rating: * ¼


In the Ring:




Ricky Santana, Brickhouse Brown, Shawn Michaels and Captain USA are in the ring. Michaels has the microphone.


“Bobby Eaton, Captain USA here is leaving after tonight but I already have a new tag partner, so how about you find a real partner and we can continue this battle between to two of us. You don’t like me and I don’t like you Eaton. The future of the Portland wrestling is standing here, right now and I will not be having a pretender stop my plans of reaching the top.”


Ricky Santana gets the microphone.


“Bobby Jaggers and SOB be ready me and Brickhouse here to beat your racists, redneck, and Texas butts all over these rings tonight. Once the Sur Del Jive get rid of you, the NWA Pacific Northwest Tag Team Titles will be next.”


Match 4:


_kCUr4zAbPNfkYwVk0AZcAWZCmpHKEkL81_HP2JPagc=s175-p-nobj6tMW46uvsC-ybDRMCHnPPfoXXjDMr9EjtdvZqLxOY=s175-p-noprqCyxodhrwxd-4es_j-Oc7crNDlHZ7ru5gUCx902hLS7xAsWwa1qpNme4Td-P2jtAaiatEc9Ni1wKZdtLVAhvq8cyg0QCXK68YQggAG1do5xunk5dRwpyYog5pRuQXdHrmzQe34Ih46dOU_2WwsKAE-vcQkt6E6jEG4e9jK5q_cwV4y4ILJwT98ulxn1Qmi0BeHOTD97sAI-YA7IPpQIJaWm11aH8eO-iTT7ofzQhXKWWC9-RRuPaVKcOaw1h9_XgedxvW7JTv2OWxdnvZVeVQXyIv3DYyTZmSwtsKXK41uSNympYkyxzo4_03ZeUnknYKJkb9tbW-HvuwWbSw0_mCxfrNSleLkQ8XxffNXdlhFt1WhUOfB5rUUVSmJXanZ4ZXpgdYUR6AL4EDzSy8hSmZ8UdNacG1gEFRT5uiozajAzoT3HJtF-niK_J6cXafjq0jOhux9iJjcIvuzjToUqkNnFAHd0R2QPb0Me5_f1Ev_iVuF8T75KV-2uLZ9XgArtkUzQspqohQLjRElCJruwvzXZM2aTcr4QF1qeEnIdVI=s175-p-noPgcYih4VvtYym4ArsjoQvJq8Knj1rZyxkOJzo4NEoL1VD781ddAi19agnnBAPYECho3VauYAplxq-NwBWV54iYpyttCV4GR6ed1VnfBz9jtx1LRijL05bMInaVbM0O9pwekEA4tP8L33inZzy4l7a17j84_GjEJgY-O0Yn_-nI0usp-7KecdlzD8ixhIEZk8sQxjxxR5QhYrjnYy__XU0aJ8Kw9hzT1zQecFt6p_SRJkVM4N61CWZfty7TdOn4Wo_OT5DVvjZYl22YPg9Qlq2vXJY33ZH4cfQOzXxs9vKQ0JIDkBDO7S6qYuQtQD60pcFrbiBMHeL7t1jCfuucx2HzRHZRHuzHsIpzBQlxcsuB4468hwPLa7IqcUG1-IeaPekIP-MU66KMAyfHrCd2rv94ptheBKZxuKdMd3uIf4JgQXaMhSHz1a9ifZYuO7khGner-2wqiRJPmiOqXFlF7DuZMDYQQaLaqPPY5intg3rshn0Zlg3e9jvnUKShAixnmTR5f8xmBa92EMt0hgRiSPgqg3Z_hJ57WFr1LwKmKtLwU=s175-p-noVS zs-qLiZG50I5DEb_vhe6paE4ok8T77rbj-DnEwt3QbjfzbyQDDkmYgeOoW9y1WSaWIvmlxExuvbpAdMrCrI1W5gDMMmoVF81BVoSSyZEkAn59kHSyM284XFBt2TcKbRGBgWZzA-itTfzxllTUcInjyzAmhaT5s2mJ8rcxxcdSoy-7wXorVUIQDrwtMp73pCuRWRUpK1gwmcwpS0ursXF8-MUi_ZDv8iE8G1VQv7MUnKgcaM4bBSPsgjNod2UXzh0cGqD3SkjnqZbBPh_1WOLKbuvsR2tYW4Uc78eYPwtqZJU2CwDaKhqgRurAxQBn9POG1wDdLZxpakF8ZYwgGdpOuhlfQpk3pO9h73TgzxVJZbRw2K9h_9RLIqUSTQ-cXmUUVpt5nd-qfU-6ISNCTxMbASWQwVCPv7mKytiC_hL3hMz2nrQA3cz6SUuvpVyrEgX26j8BI_GuzK61JlPNiQMqQLDPNiRAFTjftWdZEYbROTKk5qwwDsw8cfCO76ogeKp1YH9Vw=s175-p-nopRPHlaTk1mTmYmeaV_UpLHVHCwbBZyfKnzoFPGGr978=s175-p-noeuTNTYfaYnuiws-TY9f1H30MuvE7IvS5oLt2L8dI5eEpcT14bCRsyBfFtq_LqFLFFKnDB1YpTfakPdZVTzXgi7A1zL6XOOvj0aUkGhDZV_fVSluuCAw1l6UV1HMhAd9FWm4SYEZnxi0js_C9w8-qP3gpsSSEiJL3AAALKgKwuBNyH37tYYHM0CVgWOGhXkVY9SLBFRVj_rsd5qkFlEVBgjTSH4qREd5Uv0IMoy5b4nRwReqWU94J2dWJAbVUujUVBqibiXfVf2gJLpmGD97O6eR4W8IXsOis4GtNueE7vwdJZzfbRIY6Xs25oYSWkeU9mdCi0ZDC2WSPK-mj-oxyRklb3bOgYcZPopjmNCT4roM-EWjB1dfFzN_oQkq_bh6NMrL1GaMY_CMBCfrvQRAXwtkSU4vCcwmQHMSK9QZPXL58XWHAE1PZ37Ux9rjJQeJjvupiiYLSFbZ3yOG-QhNBBJf483Y-A-alXnCWqxrxKF2Eku8Bd9qnIRRm7753M8i0dhffPQ=s175-p-noe7sLK_bcdNmAQqFN9t77LS5t4K5NOZ6Y1iQyMMn5zQdI-I3jkXBeztEQ0MEM_x-5i-Ijskwphhq0H-CIqHPvavrHD0M50fNZoJ2nNOwfvGoDx3SSW0wFLl7z7YqkjqIYM4jaUoHSbf1nV7WOEWAf6EQYUkd4bBwZFrqlGmi0pHnKM6KnWcWi0wxHTaiawQZvmyXLkYKfTfoTnsfyV5ZjphZhPxmilu0Kf6XqlGX6DfkYN6Dp7GQBchNybh7emrKB-MsGYqo3zAjePeZlyH55eyoeQ-sjHLfoJOnrnFMVVRvtBPoKfKRNtX4G23yjlQklUyMno096xln_QMCyv8SSs7zgoD8YGQGHLqoF4UHQ5U7vRKlqj01w3J5KpImvM9oMxUBMYYUa8oJ-HvZ4TLw5n8YwM8F2j43n_DWwmHvybdyndPAC2FsL0XHhVZl3jbgIZIdc6AtAi78a4ltI9fws7yoqqZkEtBdizL4QctqqyIrZ28BSR7A8Ogm4EO_sz8B6dW7keRbGuyEKcWDqCYJfL8Liqu_8_5h8Bwyqbu9sDAk=s175-p-no


Del Sur Jive, Shawn Michaels & Captain USA vs. The Outlaws, Bobby Eaton & Lord Humongous


Lord Humongous start the match with Captain USA and just beats him down. Shawn Michaels is next and gets beaten down too. Brickhouse Brown tries his luck but gets slammed hard to the mat. Lord Humongous turns his back and starts laughing with Bobby Eaton but Ricky Santana comes off the top rope with a missile dropkick to the back of Lord Humongous head. Lord Humongous then bounces face first off the turnbuckle and Santana is there with the roll-up.


Remaining Wrestlers: Del Sur Jive, Shawn Michaels & Captain USA /The Outlaws & Bobby Eaton


Santana tags in Captain USA and he gets the advantage over Bobby Jaggers and slams him to the mat. Captain USA goes running off the ropes but Eaton pulls the top rope down. Captain USA goes spilling over the top rope, landing on the outside face first. Captain USA is unable to make back to the ring before the ten count.


Remaining Wrestlers: Del Sur Jive & Shawn Michaels/The Outlaws & Bobby Eaton


Brickhouse, Santana, Jaggers and Sam Oliver Bass seemed to forget they have another partner as they just start brawling with each other in the middle of the ring. The referee finally gains control and Brown and SOB fight over a suplex attempt. Finally SOB gets Brown up in the suplex but Santana fly’s off the top rope again and Brown twists in mid-move and the Del Sur Jive hit a double crossbody on SOB and get the pin.


Remaining Wrestlers: Del Sur Jive & Shawn Michaels/Bobby Jaggers & Bobby Eaton


Jaggers comes into the ring and just lays a beating on Michaels who just got tagged in himself. Jaggers with a big neckbreaker and Michaels is down. Eaton tags himself in and gets the pin.


Remaining Wrestlers: Del Sur Jive/Bobby Jaggers & Bobby Eaton


Jaggers and Eaton start arguing on the apron over the cowardly pin from Eaton. Brown tries taking advantage of this but Jaggers and Eaton end their arguing and hit a double suplex, sending Brown into the other ring. Jaggers and Eaton follow Brown into the other ring and hit a double elbow. Santana trying to save his partner, jumps from one ring to the other but Jaggers and Eaton catch the crossbody attempt and toss him from the ring. Jaggers sends Brown into the correct ring the hard way and once again Eaton sneaks in to get the pin.


Remaining Wrestlers: Ricky Santana/Bobby Jaggers & Bobby Eaton


Jaggers and Eaton start shoving each other now. Jaggers and Eaton once again stop their arguing long enough to hit a double suplex on Santana who was just now getting back into the ring. Jaggers hits the Neckbreaker on Eaton though and slams Santana on top of Eaton, eliminating Eaton from the match.


Remaining Wrestlers: Ricky Santana/Bobby Jaggers


Jaggers goes for the pin attempt on Santana but Santana gets a small package and Jaggers in unable to escape the pin attempt in time and giving the victory to Santana.


Winner: Del Sur Jive, Captain USA & Shawn Michaels at 15:39

Rating: **


In the Ring:




Bill Dundee, Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson are in the ring. Bill Dundee has the microphone.


“The Superstar took the Express all the way to Portland tonight and were ready to boogie. Sheepherders you hear that, that’s the train barreling down the track tooting the sweet music of Southern rock. One piece of advice Sheepherders don’t stand on the tracks with a train coming right at you.”


Match 5:


rYUpwL05Ws5FSBOj9CM8YSfoLiUSof-Dn7o_JN4FpIi_Af_6ZTR14zPR_FyiA8UZ4QfMhNZFXnDRfYFI0LiL4s49QzRlGeFqFr9XEv1Uiwm6FedaXV5X5x3sgH-sIaNTqDu1IfkBaZn3pSCyVp3Cop6pQe1nrYMDhkDR-l9sVXK-IF2TGuLzqQfvkKHKWMRMo4RG5otDCm5Bi1Dhhs4TkJrn-vVfkaZpgQ9s9WQpi8SZ_dZnp4IZRCkXbCWiepqgf5yeXRsBzZNDWh7TV24tc9xY16_1X51TyOchrZPlMFSsyC4xsTFt30qAus8nYn-8OW7S3NVu8Xl7KpWVUPm3Oa9FFuHLDSOlqkYBUk1lMc1ZM3h9GqESrBbuBLlLnQpvqICN_shMVEWGZuySwjeI0XJj3kh3UNoqbGZ3wHl6A1I8lSuPMzZ4nRTZwdfuSBgC1EeLBhPdcNiJavtkD0as2Y7-aBjtNXM9BYhz4f5v91ypVyZIsadVKQdfz5wk_B6MZvWHHw=s220-p-noxnOQxyx2mdgd1JAyP2fkvR7x4AAuSW32gyE0h4sJd1PsPjQ4XG-u81w2iytowo9Vhj5j34V-3Qqqz_hECnxkKTggM9vISBOmb_KfUHWJYNgBVCDVyffAvZcr4gGlV3qFd6XECpUPTDnzeUAQwiNtILci5-AAyPP578fXWl_xp9e2dC-7tbcsa7is8kxcjPIuK0YOKy2MxGPB6JYNiAf-qn7O8znIRvqCzcM5JQdjxUnCK-ku-hX7Nf6o_zwAduweTfmgUnF9OHHXhJMyZiTq1IZFgNQekaRNLKkBWVA_u6Ljz0hiVhbyYMagoJMAS5ok-MTx9uJ1SNUeFEA1-G38cSvUInhfWbVGk90f1DwkWsNOkOvVGQAyVLg4Cks_4qX05JLH4nj4VPsutwTEp1WJqwi8AsRrwlzhTnVDqUhH-MYJi-AOPjpjXr9O70aD4uwvNJ1XmXYCX6-S19vOZtPLP7Q1OATguQMf6IuMMsapFP5SOHEfN0ZffMq29Kkd5WFYnQbCWe_qc_sHLvUzvirD-LMMdiHvNrQAHmJjkq08ptk=s220-p-noyTYZbpYz_stb8ThuC36QIeFjKYZqGi2f4otTEXt-yay7Zd7Vz9ywVBzHTqnZEN9mCyTc42EfEXFFkxjJGIH87IlMp0QAEmhLSxcOdYk-tU05McPOvhRaHh07bgJliuW9eY_scYrSCm4a2CpgzHtYVuOvuE7T2RTNnWBGPuBKdxAMjxMt_SkwQtqECV2cfOfzxi6w1Ss3oIYNAhwqbSd5dnO3bhwrPqywscRs4JzSTJWlbgJ8rvpDRu0D-oD8RDT2r_3AZgzAdWCtsTF7Nr1F8rA-qrrGUWK1qVn6E6lVkidqHtpsHBuUzKNcpEsiBV3LlbiA4NSoobt6ABtYyxMHw99wdFS2x97nir7N8IKZIcRoBCQa2ZeLDWnzTb6GW3QgD2uxsCfe-9ahxqTeMBE9dZi5Uka8vO4UwofGBFHIYR4HgowalK7KenBraNC-bi3zpc-G27hyiXfehxLZah0pPK2GuqnxGL7k9oRtKAZuLuiPZIqFGTGfuCGF7EmxutSf1GhNV0wg8L0D_GnvvDWSEe7ISLZF88v36OzWOZojWc4=s220-p-noVS mw8S-J_y2GWCvRYuZVtgPMMW4AVfAwqdxtXIiYSBKhs=s219-p-nou__LK0c9V8uM-SzY9tzuc_Pdilk3aQetrphL21gal8oikLCtocwhNf-w99SW9ie3IKUk09m5SlhneyGkFgivpjp3bXFOKStveCDYyGCMFm0SQY6sSLsNC8_orlb0ahvFtg5yMov4cGM2oaDQV0rdoO2KNIuX8v3Z1T0G5YvkR03VxGe3w-CVrsICXEV8AJaR_6kaxhQ8H8RYizyrS_Ymgq5BOVUxsoNjM64pVAC71Luy8_i4w7jZsiAvNi3ZIXy7X7vQSCsE1FfKxGmbNbWetY7CWkSJW6H-AUxthn-Uz0YkORe658d747CE1y7tzOW51iuggsWytUVw8bUs-08wgC1HhNUbAeK4KvUy_IBZUx6YUruhjGhPK1nuZLhyN8TL7GIX58fr6SdAlsTB_-CtRZmoUvcRYoIfqsW_iPrqN5yUXZhXkydRqLQk5qd8ktDuJdNzrme4ojOGOFN964WY3ZPqQPRiix4aLveNupTrlkzrZk4OqZ7xWDjdGEYsYmqz2idc-lZNJCsi4h21_ZfzcSZh1NEnJT0x7M7IqvJ-y2U=s220-p-noFN7Gm-mn7vqgUH90JGH-04Dn2BZQZU-l62cujAmvuyUOJWTE48lbUjP0cLhblLPvFY1iqR5beyIzZ6QzM0B8Gjj1uRtaQyboUAB1km_9d8v_6uMaO1pAb8R-bC97M0my7LFIAkm6gkQV8gQbkNndW3ICDKN6BETE9SBhpLh2ZIZ-5poL0Vg6rbXNI3RLoPsV-PDgbnfzmWLzhSeMMDzYFia_MfRsq2rMCcrdgDWAmZZtJ9DCLLmvcTHjA1-F6bAXB1_InJTtCxZTFMRttoryFwJ8xak7hx-1cDMrSeH01TzNRPqkKNdvMmyRROBme36gmYypFQtvF4uPb-BgUVle6UyLdMo84cMm_91mjUTJrPc9jPPoFjZcmYeNPbWMC0Wh43kFkgWetIKQGk6qtk2PE6eAU8gduxsiyEsNvTD4IS4GaLbDq7M-7LB4A1ttxHKpR9HcVS7Ms1OJ6UuhX2ywNqU5EKX1tpcE1hqmoUKQoCJFtRNzqKU2mVxu-KhRRAHaYd3kgQ3kBCo9VTOONMUQmKw=s220-p-no


Bill Dundee & Rock N’ Roll Express vs. The Sheepherders


Ricky Morton monkey-flips Luke Williams and follows with a rana, and Williams backs off. Morton and Robert Gibson work him over though but he tries his own monkey-flip on Gibson, who counters with a fistdrop. Bill Dundee comes in and posts him a couple of times. Morton and Gibson go back to their double teaming on the leg of Williams. Williams escape just enough to make the tag to Butch Miller who hammers Dundee down but misses a charge and everyone is in the ring now. Dundee with DDT’s for every one of the Sheepherders. A two count on Williams, and two count on Miller and finally a two count on Jonathan Boyd. Gibson comes back in, but gets nailed by Williams with a clothesline and Miller hits and elbow and Boyd hits a knee drop. Gibson is in big trouble as the Sheepherders continue to triple team him. They kick the crap out of Gibson and slide him into his corner. Morton tags in and blindly charges right into the ring post and now he’s in trouble. Williams works the arm of Morton, even biting it for a moment and gets a nice clothesline. Miller dumps Morton to the outside and grabs the referee’s attention as Williams and Boyd beat on him. Williams and Boyd throw Morton back into the ring. Morton hits a elbow and goes for the escape but Williams grabs his hair and Miller follows with a clothesline. Boyd works the arm, and a powerslam gets two. Morton suffers more triple teaming from the Sheepherders. Morton finally escapes after avoiding a clothesline and rolling out of the way of the reaching arm of Boyd to pull his hair again. Morton makes the hot tag to Dundee and he slams the members of the Sheepherders and all six men are in the ring now. Gibson and Morton double dropkick to Williams, another one for Boyd and another one for Miller. Dundee, Morton and Gibson climb the top turnbuckles and all three men jump into the air. Dundee with a crossbody on Williams, Morton a crossbody on Body and Gibson a crossbody on Miller. The referee does a three count on all men and Bill Dundee and the Rock n’ Roll Express win the match.


Winner: Bill Dundee & Rock N’ Roll Express at 19:19

Rating: * ¾


In the Ring:




Jimmy Snuka, Scott Casey, Austin Idol, Scott Hall and Brett Sawyer are outside the rings while the cage is being set up. Snuka has the microphone.


“Buddy Rose this hatred, this uncountable rage you have against will end tonight. I will make it my mission to make sure you quit tonight. I will make sure that you know the true meaning of beaten to a bloody pulp is. I will make sure that after the tonight every single person in the audience see’s your true colors. Rose tonight the Army will be no more because you will be no more.”



Main Event:





Rose’s Army vs. Snuka's Kokua


Brett Sawyer slugs it out with Col. DeBeers to start and DeBeers sends him into the cage, but Brett blocks it. Brett with a slam, but he misses an elbow and DeBeers pounds him with shoulders in the corner. Brett tries a piledriver and DeBeers reverses out of it, so they fight into the other ring, where Brett hits the DDT. DeBeers comes back with a running clothesline that puts them both into the original ring, and DeBeers goes up to the top turnbuckle and hangs from the ceiling of the cage, but Brett yanks him down onto his face. Brett throws DeBeers around the ring and into the cage, and DeBeers is cut open on his forehead. Brett starts biting on the cut opening more and puts DeBeers down with a kneelift.


The first five minutes are up and here comes Buzz Sawyer into the match and he just kills Brett with knees, but Brett fights back. Buzz fires away with shoulders in the corner and Brett holds his own, so DeBeers attacks from behind and adds a clothesline to put the Rose’s Army back on top. Brett eats cage and Buzz and DeBeers beat him down.


Two minutes are up and here comes Austin Idol and a big slam on Buzz and another one for DeBeers. Idol rams Buzz into the turnbuckles face first but Buzz attacks from behind, so Idol jumps up and hangs from the cage roof and starts kicking DeBeers down and Idol takes Buzz down with a Thez press from the cage roof.


The next two minutes are up and here comes Buddy Rose and it’s a DDT for Idol and another one for Brett. Buzz and Rose do a double-crab on Idol, while DeBeers is just stomping on the head of Idol. Brett makes the save and everyone is slugging it out. Buzz piledrives Idol and Brett is tripled teamed in the corner.


Two minutes are up and here comes Scott Hall. Hall starts throwing haymakers and elbows, taking down the Army by himself. Hall with an atomic drop and lariat for DeBeers, while Idol has Rose in the crab now. Buzz tries a running clothesline off the ropes but Hall catches him in an electric chair and Snuka’s Kokua has the advantage. Meanwhile, Buzz is trapped in the ropes in a choke hold from this brother Brett. Rose and Idol are fighting over the crab submission in the other ring.


Two minutes are up and here comes The Mongolian Stomper. Hall is all over him, but DeBeers nails him in the back with a clothesline. The Mongolian Stomper pulls a pair of brass knuckles from his tights and nails Hall with and then Brett. Stomper tosses the knuckles to Rose in the other ring and he just nails Idol with right on the nose. Idol’s nose looks broken, blood just spurting from all over the ring. Brett goes into the cage and he’s cut open.

Two minutes are up and here comes Jimmy Snuka comes in next for the faces and cleans house. Snuka tosses Rose right into the cage roof and then tosses Stomper into the cage and Stomper is cut open now. All the faces work Rose over in the corner, just beating him to a bloody pulp.


Two minutes are up and the last member of the Army comes to ring, The Grappler and he sends Hall into the cage and he is cut open as well. Rose and The Grappler undo the top rope in one of the ring and start beating Snuka with it. Brett and Buzz are having their own private war in the other ring and just beating each in the middle of the ring.


The last two minutes are up and the last wrestler Scott Casey comes running into the cage. Casey and Snuka clotheslines DeBeers and Stomper and together beat the hell out them. The crowd is just going crazy. The Grappler and Buzz double Brett with a spiked piledriver not once but twice. Brett is not moving but the referee is too with Rose who is trapped in Camel Clutch by Snuka. Stomper makes the save with a will placed shot to the back of the head with the brass knuckles. The cage actually breaks after Hall and Stomper going crashing into the cage. Casey trying to rams DeBeers face into a piece the cage but DeBeers is barely stopping him. Snuka goes up on the top turnbuckle and shimmy’s across the roof of the cage into the other ring and goes for a Superfly Splash on Rose but misses. Stomper goes to the bloody and broken down Idol and has the brass knuckles with him. Stomper misses a wild swing and losses the knuckles, which Snuka picks up and just starts wailing on Stomper. Blood is just spraying everywhere as Snuka is just beating on Stomper. Stomper has no choice to give up, giving the victory to Snuka and his Kokua’s.


Double Snuka’s Kokua at 27:52

Rating: *** ¾


Post Match:





Jimmy Snuka is gathering is group in one ring and what could be described as a mild celebration. Buddy Rose is gathering his group together and what could be described as a tongue lashing from him. Suddenly the lights in the Portland Sports Arena go out. After several minutes the last begin to come back on. In the one ring Jimmy Snuka and his gang are all lying on the mat, with a word written in what appears to be blood “WHERE”. In the other ring Buddy Rose and his group suffer the same fate but the word written in that ring is “COMING”.



Portland Wrestling


Al Madril vs. Curtis Thompson {NWA Pacific Northwest Television Title Bout}


Bill Dundee vs. Butch Miller


Bobby Eaton vs. Shawn Michaels


The Interns vs. The Sheepherders {NWA Pacific Northwest Tag Team Title Bout}

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Great Civil War card! I really stink at picking in this diary though.:D



Al Madril vs. Curtis Thompson {NWA Pacific Northwest Television Title Bout}


Bill Dundee vs. Butch Miller


Bobby Eaton vs. Shawn Michaels


I keeping on picking HBK to lose because I figure this is at the start of his career and he must not have a lot of popularity. I have been wrong nearly every time so I will go with him picking up the win here this time.


The Interns vs. The Sheepherders {NWA Pacific Northwest Tag Team Title Bout}

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Portland Wrestling will be instituting a top ten ranking system for the NWA Pacific Northwest Heavyweight Championship Belt, the NWA Pacific Northwest Tag Team Titles Belts and the NWA Pacific Northwest Television Title Belt. The top ten ranking is to allow the fans for Northwest Wrestling to see where their favorite wrestler ranks. The top ten ranking system will be revealed during the first week of every month. The system will be ranked on wins, losses and other determining factors. To introduce this top ten system the first top ten rankings will be done by the fans. Portland Wrestling is asking that the fans vote for ten wrestlers in each category in their favorite ranking and during the first week of October the rankings will be shown.


NWA Pacific Northwest Heavyweight Championship Belt

Wrestlers: Buddy Rose, Doink the Clown, Sam Oliver Bass, Bobby Eaton, Buzz Sawyer, Jonathan Boyd, Luke Williams, Col. DeBeers, Bobby Jaggers, Austin Idol, Brickhouse Brown, Jimmy Snuka, Bill Dundee, Ricky Morton, Scott Hall, Robert Gibson, Mr. Wrestling II, Brett Sawyer, Ricky Santana, Jules Strongbow, Mr. Olympia, Shawn Michaels & Super Ninja #2


NWA Pacific Northwest Tag Team Belts

Teams: Bruise Brothers, Dog-Faced Love Machine, John Tatum & Jack Victory, Ryu Ambush, The Dominators, The Outlaws, Rock N' Roll Express, The Southern Rockers, The Youngbloods & Del Sur Jive


NWA Pacific Northwest Television Belt

Wrestlers: Jack Victory, Mike Miller, Rick Steiner, Don Harris, Ron Harris, Steve Doll, John Tatum, Carl Styles, Scott Peterson, Orange Crush, Butch Miller, Scott Casey, Sting, Timothy Flowers, Brady Boone, Super Ninja #1, Vinnie Valentino, Chris Youngblood, Earthquake Ferris, Mark Youngblood, Sam Houston, Curtis Thompson & Ed Moretti

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I tried to get a good mix of heels and faces in here.


NWA Pacific Northwest Heavyweight Championship Belt


1. Jimmy Snuka

2. Buddy Rose

3. Austin Idol

4. Buzz Sawyer

5. Sam Oliver Bass

6. Bill Dundee

7. Scott Hall

8. Bobby Eaton

9. Brickhouse Brown

10. Doink the Clown


NWA Pacific Northwest Tag Team Belts


1. Rock n Roll Express

2. The Outlaws

3. Del Sur Jive

4. Ryu Ambush

5. The Youngbloods

6. John Tatum & Jack Victory

7. Bruise Brothers

8. The Southern Rockers

9. The Dominators

10. Dog-Faced Love Machine


NWA Pacific Northwest Television Belt


1. Sting

2. Steve Doll

3. Brady Boone

4. Sam Houston

5. Mike Miller

6. John Tatum

7. Super Ninja #1

8. Rick Steiner

9. Jack Victory

10. Timothy Flowers

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that was one wild main event and a super super card!! Can't wait to see what you build from it.


Sorry I was out of the country and unable to send in my picks. Let's just say I was "visiting relatives in parts unknown" and the mail doesn't work too well there.


I'll have to look over the names to make a top 10 vote. From first glance, I like what BHK has done. Giving lots of lower level guys some attention with the TV title top 10. nicely done

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