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Dark Match: Daniel Bryan def. Kaval with a Lebell Lock at 13:15 ©




WWE Friday Night Smackdown - Hell's Friends

Week 3, November 2009

Held At: Lexington, Kentucky (South East)

Attendance: 15-346

Show Time: One Hour and a Half

Rating: (B+)

Announcers: Jim Ross and Todd Grisham




The show opens with the Smackdown opening video and pyro that blazes around the sold out KY Rupp Arena filled with 23,000 screaming WWE fans that are here to see the best that Smackdown has to offer. We go to the announcers table where Jim Ross is sitting with Todd Grisham. Ross welcomes the fans and says that tonight the main event is going to feature the two lead champions on Smackdown Dolph Ziggler and The Undertaker in a Champion vs Champion match. They both mention that we have guests from RAW in the form of the Divas Champion Melina, the European Champion Chris Masters and A.W all on personal business here tonight. Grisham says he is more than excited for Survivor-Series which is this Sunday and Ross says speaking of which Team Punk is standing in the ring right now and look less than impressed.

Notes: Both went well of script.

Intro (C+)





As Ross noted CM Punk, Luke Gallows and the Straight-Edge manager Serena are standing in the ring with Punk tapping his fingers on a microphone. Punk starts of by saying that he has a large gap in his team with only two nights left to Survivor-Series, but he has finally chosen the right people to fit the void. Three other men that share the same qualities that he does, three other men that could be straight edge, three other men that are better than these losers in Lexington, Kentucky. Punk introduces the first choice, ‘The Chosen One’ Drew McIntyre!




McIntyre makes his way down to the ring with some swagger and frustration in his step. Punk says that for what-ever reason the idiot Smackdown General Manager Teddy Long forgot to add Drew’s number one contender match for the Intercontinental Championship to Survivor-Series so he is not letting Drew’s talents go to waste and introduces him to Team Punk. The final two picks for Team Punk were an easy pick for Punk as he says he wanted a team that define the ‘Better than You’ attitude and that is The Hart Dynasty.




Tyson Kidd, Harry Smith and their Manager Natalya make their way to the ring as the ring to join their new Team. The troops of Team Punk assemble behind him as he looks directly at the camera with microphone in hand. ‘Matt Hardy’. Punk talks about the issues he has with Matt Hardy which he lists of from laziness to self-loath. Punk wishes that he and Hardy would get along but he realizes that is just a fantasy and no matter which Hardy it is from Jeff to Matt, Punk will never be happy. The only way for him to be happy is for Matt Hardy to be erased from Smackdown and the WWE forever. That’s when ‘Live for the Moment’ blares over the speakers as Team Hardy make their way to the top of the ramp.




The only members of Team Hardy so far assemble at the top of the ramp Matt Hardy and R-Truth. Hardy and Truth both have microphones in their hands and agree that it is time to announce the next three members of Team Hardy. Three of the WWE Universes favourite Smackdown Superstars, Finlay and Cryme Tyme!




Finlay, JTG and Shad Gaspard join Hardy and Truth at the top of the ramp now as Ross notes that there are some major players on both teams. Hardy says that he agrees with Punk that Smackdown isn’t big for the both of them so why don’t they spice things up a bit. He offers a clause in the match, the losing Team their Leader is fired!!!!!! Punk laughs as he looks at his team and says that Hardy is on. Grisham says that by the end of Survivor-Series that either Matt Hardy or CM Punk will be gone from the WWE!!!!

Notes: CM Punk was awesome off script, Matt Hardy worked well without one.

CM Punk Promo (A+) Matt Hardy Promo (B+)




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Jimmy Wang Yang vs Mike Knox

After their brawl at a local bar last week, Smackdown GM Teddy Long ordered a match between Mike Knox and Wang Yang here on Smackdown. Knox uses his clear strength advantage to throw Wang Yang around the ring. Wang Yang the more experienced wrestler picks his spots when executing a dropkick to the knees of Knox, Wang Yang runs the ropes and repeats the process until Knox falls to his hands and knees. Wang Yang runs the ropes and Knox tackles him and hits a spinebuster. With Wang Yang trying to catch his breath after that brutal spinebuster Knox takes the time to taunt the crowd. While doing so the quick Wang Yang runs and gives Knox a school boy and pins him.

Winner: Jimmy Wang Yang

Notes: N/A

Match (C-)







We cut backstage where Teddy Long is on his phone organising Smackdown’s matches for Survivor-Series. He is sitting behind his desk that has a photo of The Rock, a photo of the first Smackdown and the Bragging Rights Trophy. He seems pretty stressed by the phone call as he shakes his head.




Batista interrupts his call and tells Long to hang up. Long reluctantly hangs up the phone. Batista says that at Survivor-Series he wants a match with Rey Mysterio to get revenge for Mysterio costing him the World Heavyweight Championship. Long takes time to think about it but looks up and says to Batista that he has the match Playa!

Notes: Long followed the script well and so did Batista.

Promo (B-)



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LayCool vs Mickie James and Melina

Jim Ross notes at the start of the match that there will be a Triple Threat match at Survivor-Series for not only the Divas Championship but also the Women’s Championship in a Unification match between Melina the Divas Champion, Michelle McCool the Women’s Champion and Mickie James. The tag match here was a one-sided match early on as the tag experience of LayCool works in their favour. James is the one that is separated by LayCool in their corner. James reveres some of Layla’s offence and is able to tag in Melina who gets rid of McCool of the apron then hits Layla with ‘Last Call’. Melina pins Layla for the win.

Winners: Mickie James and Melina

Notes: N/A

Match (C-)



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WWE European Championship

Chris 'Adonis' Masters © w/A.W vs Slam Master J

Masters European Championship World Tour continues here tonight on Smackdown as he takes on one half of the Cowboy Jobbers Slam Master J. With A.W pumping him up at ringside the match doesn’t long as the ‘Adonis’ of the WWE hits J with multiple German suplexes and finishes it off by placing J in a ‘Master-Lock’. J screams in pain as he taps out, Masters makes number 2 in successful defences.

Winner and STILL EUROPEAN CHAMPION: Chris 'Adonis' Masters

Notes: Masters and A.W have great chemistry.

Match (C-)





After the match we head backstage where Matt Striker is with the former Intercontinental Champion the ‘Shaman of Sexy’ John Morrison. Striker asks how Morrison is after his crushing loss last week to Dolph Ziggler. Morrison explains he isn’t good and if he is honest to Striker he isn’t focused but will be when he gets his rematch. Striker asks when the rematch will be for the Intercontinental Championship. Morrison says that next week on Smackdown he wants Ziggler in a Ladder Match for the Title. Striker says thank you to Morrison as we go back to the ring for tag action.

Notes: John Morrison and Matt Striker worked well with a script.

Promo (C+)



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The Hart Dynasty (Tyson Kidd and Harry Smith) w/Natalya, Luke Gallows, Serena, CM Punk and Drew McIntyre vs Cryme Tyme (JTG and Shad Gaspard) w/R-Truth, Matt Hardy and Finlay

This tag match is a long time coming as both teams have been feuding the past month and it comes to this tonight as they also represent their individual teams. With both teams cheering at ringside it is explosive from the start as Tyson Kidd and JTG fly around the ring knocking each-other down. Kidd impresses as he hits JTG with a flying elbow drop to a standing JTG. The action continues as the big men are tagged in. Shad and Smith crash into each-other with shoulder blocks and clotheslines as the teams outside start to argue with each-other. The distraction works in Cryme Tyme’s favour as Shad hits the distracted Smith with a ‘Thugnificent’. Cryme Tyme pick up an awesome win here tonight as the arguing starts to get worse.

Winners: Cryme Tyme


Team Hardy has no time to celebrate as both teams are in the ring brawling. Punk and Hardy go for each-other and Truth and Gallows brawl in separate corners. A ‘Hart-Attack’ is felt by Finlay as he is taken down by the Hart Dynasty who quickly get thrown out by Cryme Tyme. Punk kicks Hardy in the nether regions and scrabbles out of the ring into the arms of Serena. McIntyre follows suit getting away from Cryme Tyme. Truth hits Gallows with a ‘Lie-Detector’ and Team Hardy celebrate in the ring as Team Punk run up the ramp. Ross reminds fans that by the end of Survivor-Series either Punk or Hardy will be gone from the WWE.

Notes: Good work from everyone.

Match © Post Match Brawl (B)




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'Deadman' The Undertaker vs Dolph 'Perfection' Ziggler

Grisham and Ross both note how awesome this match is going to be as the World Heavyweight

Champion takes on the Intercontinental Champion. Ross points out that both Morrison and Jericho should watch this match very closely. Undertaker starts strong as he quickly gives Ziggler a big boot then follows it up by whipping him into a turnbuckle. With Ziggler leaning on the turnbuckle Taker goes to the opposite and runs at Ziggler going for a flying splash. The quick Ziggler is able to squirm out of it at the last minute sending ‘The Deadman’ crashing into the turnbuckle. Ziggler is quick to follow it up with a roll-up but only gets 2. Ross says that is the key for Ziggler to repeatedly go for a pin to wear down Taker. Almost if Ziggler was listening to Ross he follows dropkicks, DDTs and an STO with quick pins but all getting 2. Ziggler quickly gets frustrated as he climbs to the top rope with Taker in the middle of the ring. Ziggler flies through the air hitting an awesome elbow drop. Ziggler goes for the pin but Taker throws Ziggler of him at 2 before getting up. Ziggler is in absolute shock as the past minutes of wearing him down were for nothing. Ziggler goes for a ‘Super-Kick’ but Taker grabs the foot of Ziggler and throws it down before grabbing the throat and picking him up for a ‘Choke-slam’, Taker follows it up with a ‘Tombstone’. Taker successfully hits it and pins Ziggler for the win. Ross says it was an impressive showing for Ziggler here as The Undertaker grabs his belt. The camera take a shot of a fans sign reading: ‘Hi... I'm Dolph... TOMBSTONE!!!’

Winner: The Undertaker


The lights turn purple as Ziggler rolls out of the ring and Taker poses with the belt before BAMM.




Chris Jericho, The Miz and Big Show hit the back of The Undertakers head with the United States Championship before they start to kick and punch the body of The Undertaker. Taker gets a few shots in but is soon overwhelmed by the odds. The beating and punishment to The Undertaker continues till the lights suddenly turn off. We here a few noises from the ring then the lights turn back on. We see The Undertaker, Chris Jericho, The Miz and Big Show all laying on their backs with their respective titles on their body. We hear the faint sound of a crow as the show comes to an end.


Notes: Great Match.

Match (A) Post Match (A*)





Schedule: RAW-ECW-Impact-Smackdown-PPV

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Satyr24 29/47

Lloyd 20/32

TeflonBilly 31/50

Smasher1311 27/40

dexi21 15/25


Frootloop 3/5

Owen Ray 2/5

daulten6 1/3

packerman120 1/5

Unscrewed 16/23

crackerjack 3/6





Credit to Frootloop for the awesome poster!! Check his awesome diary out here:


Official WWE Survivor Series Card





WWE Championship:

John 'Hustler' Cena © vs 'The Show-Stopper' Shawn Micheals


Shawn Micheals earned the opportunity to face John Cena for the WWE Championship after he beat three other men including his tag team partner Triple H. That same night wrestling rumors flared as John Cena reportedly no showed RAW. The reason this is unknown, Michaels took his frustration out on Cena the next week with a 'Superkick'. This match is all about respect as Michaels believes Cena has none for the WWE, Cena is all about the Cenation and will not let this slide. The two have fought before but never with tensions this high.







World Heavyweight Championship:

'Deadman' The Undertaker © vs 'Best in the World' Chris Jericho


Tensions are high as The Heavyweight Champion The Undertaker faces the self proclaimed 'Best in the World' Chris Jericho who is half of the WWE Unified Tag Team Champions. Jericho earned his shot by beating three other top dogs on Smackdown. Jericho has attacked 'The Deadman' multiple times the last time with his friends The Miz and Big Show. Will The Miz or Big Show be a factor in this match? The question one everyone's mind is what or who attacked Jericho, Miz and Big Show at the end of the last Smackdown. Will we find out at Survivor-Series?








WWE Divas Championship and WWE Women's Championship Unification:

Melina © vs Michelle McCool © vs Mickie James







Survivor Series Elimination Tag Match, Loser's Team Leader (Punk or Hardy) will be fired:

Team Punk (CM Punk, Luke Gallows, Drew McIntrye, Tyson Kidd and Harry Smith) vs Team Hardy (Matt Hardy, R-Truth, Finlay, Shad Gaspard and JTG)





Grudge Match:

'The Animal' Batista vs '619' Rey Mysterio







Survivor Series Elimination Tag Match:

Team Christian (Christian, Shelton Benjimin, Evan Bourne, Goldust and Tommy Dreamer) vs Team Regal (William Regal, Zack Ryder, Chavo Guerrero, Vladimir and Ezekiel)





Grudge Match:

Alberto Del Rio vs The Hurricane







Survivor Series Elimination Tag Match:

Team Orton (Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes, Ted Dibiase, Big Show and Chris Masters) vs Team Kingston (Kofi Kingston, Triple H, Mark Henry, The Great Khali and Santino Marella)







Preshow: WWE United States Championship:

The Miz © vs Jack Swagger vs MVP




Official WWE Survivor Series Quick Picks


WWE Championship:

John 'The Hustler' Cena © vs 'The Show-Stopper' Shawn Micheals



World Heavyweight Championship:

'Deadman' The Undertaker © vs 'Best in the World' Chris Jericho



WWE Divas Championship and WWE Women's Championship Unification:

Melina © vs Michelle McCool © vs Mickie James



Survivor Series Elimination Tag Match, Loser's Team Leader (Punk or Hardy) will be fired:

Team Punk (CM Punk, Luke Gallows, Drew McIntrye, Tyson Kidd and Harry Smith) vs Team Hardy (Matt Hardy, R-Truth, Finlay, Shad Gaspard and JTG)

Sole Survivors (1 Point Each):



Grudge Match:

'The Animal' Batista vs '619' Rey Mysterio



Survivor Series Elimination Tag Match:

Team Christian (Christian, Shelton Benjimin, Evan Bourne, Goldust and Tommy Dreamer) vs Team Regal (William Regal, Zack Ryder, Chavo Guerrero, Vladimir and Ezekiel)

Sole Survivors (1 Point Each):



Grudge Match:

Alberto Del Rio vs The Hurricane



Survivor Series Elimination Tag Match:

Team Orton (Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes, Ted Dibiase, Big Show and Chris Masters) vs Team Kingston (Kofi Kingston, Triple H, Mark Henry, The Great Khali and Santino Marella)

Sole Survivors (1 Point Each):



Preshow: WWE United States Championship:

The Miz © vs Jack Swagger vs MVP



Fun Fan Signs:


The Rock returns what for? (2 Points to the closest):


Will we see any TNA or ROH Superstars (1 Point):


How many titles change hands (1 Point):


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WWE Championship:

John 'The Hustler' Cena © vs 'The Show-Stopper' Shawn Micheals

Comments: Cena's not losing the strap yet...


World Heavyweight Championship:

'Deadman' The Undertaker © vs 'Best in the World' Chris Jericho

Comments: ...and nor is Taker.


WWE Divas Championship and WWE Women's Championship Unification:

Melina © vs Michelle McCool © vs Mickie James

Comments: Eh, if you had the work to put Mickie here, then I guess she goes home with the belts.


Survivor Series Elimination Tag Match, Loser's Team Leader (Punk or Hardy) will be fired:

Team Punk (CM Punk, Luke Gallows, Drew McIntrye, Tyson Kidd and Harry Smith) vs Team Hardy (Matt Hardy, R-Truth, Finlay, Shad Gaspard and JTG)

Sole Survivors (1 Point Each): Drew McIntyre.

Comments: The Chosen One catches the big fish for Punk and sends Hardy packing.


Grudge Match:

'The Animal' Batista vs '619' Rey Mysterio

Comments: Botchista should have a better run.


Survivor Series Elimination Tag Match:

Team Christian (Christian, Shelton Benjimin, Evan Bourne, Goldust and Tommy Dreamer) vs Team Regal (William Regal, Zack Ryder, Chavo Guerrero, Vladimir and Ezekiel)

Sole Survivors (1 Point Each): Christian and Shelton Benjamin.

Comments: Could go either way, but I prefer Christian's side much more.


Grudge Match:

Alberto Del Rio vs The Hurricane

Comments: Hurricane should don an American mask and call himself ''The Murricane''.


Survivor Series Elimination Tag Match:

Team Orton (Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes, Ted Dibiase, Big Show and Chris Masters) vs Team Kingston (Kofi Kingston, Triple H, Mark Henry, The Great Khali and Santino Marella)

Sole Survivors (1 Point Each): Kofi Kingston and Triple H.

Comments: Cody turns face and this causes some tension in Orton's team, as Kingston capitalizes and pins Orts for the win. Also, Hunter survives, because no shovel for him.


Preshow: WWE United States Championship:

The Miz © vs Jack Swagger vs MVP

Comments: Meh, I don't think Miz deserves to lose the belt so quick.


Fun Fan Signs:


The Rock returns what for? (2 Points to the closest): To pledge allegiance to the WWE in the Legacy Wars.


Will we see any TNA or ROH Superstars (1 Point): Yes, sir.


How many titles change hands (1 Point): 1...or 2, if you count that both the Divas and Women's titles will go to Mickie. But technically, 1.


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WWE Championship:

John 'The Hustler' Cena © vs 'The Show-Stopper' Shawn Micheals



World Heavyweight Championship:

'Deadman' The Undertaker © vs 'Best in the World' Chris Jericho



WWE Divas Championship and WWE Women's Championship Unification:

Melina © vs Michelle McCool © vs Mickie James



Survivor Series Elimination Tag Match, Loser's Team Leader (Punk or Hardy) will be fired:

Team Punk (CM Punk, Luke Gallows, Drew McIntrye, Tyson Kidd and Harry Smith) vs Team Hardy (Matt Hardy, R-Truth, Finlay, Shad Gaspard and JTG)

Sole Survivors (1 Point Each):



Grudge Match:

'The Animal' Batista vs '619' Rey Mysterio



Survivor Series Elimination Tag Match:

Team Christian (Christian, Shelton Benjimin, Evan Bourne, Goldust and Tommy Dreamer) vs Team Regal (William Regal, Zack Ryder, Chavo Guerrero, Vladimir and Ezekiel)

Sole Survivors (1 Point Each):



Grudge Match:

Alberto Del Rio vs The Hurricane



Survivor Series Elimination Tag Match:

Team Orton (Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes, Ted Dibiase, Big Show and Chris Masters) vs Team Kingston (Kofi Kingston, Triple H, Mark Henry, The Great Khali and Santino Marella)

Sole Survivors (1 Point Each):



Preshow: WWE United States Championship:

The Miz © vs Jack Swagger vs MVP



Fun Fan Signs:


The Rock returns what for? (2 Points to the closest): To challenge John Cena to a Wrestlemania Match!


Will we see any TNA or ROH Superstars (1 Point): Yes.


How many titles change hands (1 Point): 2 (if you count both Women's and Divas titles, if not then 1)


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Official WWE Survivor Series Quick Picks


WWE Championship:

John 'The Hustler' Cena © vs 'The Show-Stopper' Shawn Micheals



World Heavyweight Championship:

'Deadman' The Undertaker © vs 'Best in the World' Chris Jericho



WWE Divas Championship and WWE Women's Championship Unification:

Melina © vs Michelle McCool © vs Mickie James

Comments: Put it on the most talented and get rid of that damn Diva Title hate that name


Survivor Series Elimination Tag Match, Loser's Team Leader (Punk or Hardy) will be fired:

Team Punk (CM Punk, Luke Gallows, Drew McIntrye, Tyson Kidd and Harry Smith) vs Team Hardy (Matt Hardy, R-Truth, Finlay, Shad Gaspard and JTG)

Sole Survivors (1 Point Each): Drew McIntrye



Grudge Match:

'The Animal' Batista vs '619' Rey Mysterio



Survivor Series Elimination Tag Match:

Team Christian (Christian, Shelton Benjimin, Evan Bourne, Goldust and Tommy Dreamer) vs Team Regal (William Regal, Zack Ryder, Chavo Guerrero, Vladimir and Ezekiel)

Sole Survivors (1 Point Each): Christian & Goldust



Grudge Match:

Alberto Del Rio vs The Hurricane



Survivor Series Elimination Tag Match:

Team Orton (Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes, Ted Dibiase, Big Show and Chris Masters) vs Team Kingston (Kofi Kingston, Triple H, Mark Henry, The Great Khali and Santino Marella)

Sole Survivors (1 Point Each): Randy & Cody

Comments: Randy Been looking Weak He needs a win


Preshow: WWE United States Championship:

The Miz © vs Jack Swagger vs MVP



Fun Fan Signs:


The Rock returns what for? (2 Points to the closest): Raw GM


Will we see any TNA or ROH Superstars (1 Point): Yes


How many titles change hands (1 Point): Womens & Divas Title


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WWE Championship:

John 'The Hustler' Cena © vs 'The Show-Stopper' Shawn Micheals



World Heavyweight Championship:

'Deadman' The Undertaker © vs 'Best in the World' Chris Jericho



WWE Divas Championship and WWE Women's Championship Unification:

Melina © vs Michelle McCool © vs Mickie James



Survivor Series Elimination Tag Match, Loser's Team Leader (Punk or Hardy) will be fired:

Team Punk (CM Punk, Luke Gallows, Drew McIntrye, Tyson Kidd and Harry Smith) vs Team Hardy (Matt Hardy, R-Truth, Finlay, Shad Gaspard and JTG)

Sole Survivors (1 Point Each): Punk



Grudge Match:

'The Animal' Batista vs '619' Rey Mysterio



Survivor Series Elimination Tag Match:

Team Christian (Christian, Shelton Benjimin, Evan Bourne, Goldust and Tommy Dreamer) vs Team Regal (William Regal, Zack Ryder, Chavo Guerrero, Vladimir and Ezekiel)

Sole Survivors (1 Point Each): Rider,Regal



Grudge Match:

Alberto Del Rio vs The Hurricane



Survivor Series Elimination Tag Match:

Team Orton (Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes, Ted Dibiase, Big Show and Chris Masters) vs Team Kingston (Kofi Kingston, Triple H, Mark Henry, The Great Khali and Santino Marella)

Sole Survivors (1 Point Each): Triple H, Kofi Kingston



Preshow: WWE United States Championship:

The Miz © vs Jack Swagger vs MVP



Fun Fan Signs:


The Rock returns what for? (2 Points to the closest):Raw GM


Will we see any TNA or ROH Superstars (1 Point):No, not there yet


How many titles change hands (1 Point):2

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WWE Championship:

John 'The Hustler' Cena © vs 'The Show-Stopper' Shawn Micheals

Comments: Enter The Rock!!!


World Heavyweight Championship:

'Deadman' The Undertaker © vs 'Best in the World' Chris Jericho

Comments: Awesome!!!!!


WWE Divas Championship and WWE Women's Championship Unification:

Melina © vs Michelle McCool © vs Mickie James



Survivor Series Elimination Tag Match, Loser's Team Leader (Punk or Hardy) will be fired:

Team Punk (CM Punk, Luke Gallows, Drew McIntrye, Tyson Kidd and Harry Smith) vs Team Hardy (Matt Hardy, R-Truth, Finlay, Shad Gaspard and JTG)

Sole Survivors (1 Point Each): Punk and Kidd!!! :D

Comments: Sorry Matt


Grudge Match:

'The Animal' Batista vs '619' Rey Mysterio



Survivor Series Elimination Tag Match:

Team Christian (Christian, Shelton Benjimin, Evan Bourne, Goldust and Tommy Dreamer) vs Team Regal (William Regal, Zack Ryder, Chavo Guerrero, Vladimir and Ezekiel)

Sole Survivors (1 Point Each): Christian and Shelton



Grudge Match:

Alberto Del Rio vs The Hurricane



Survivor Series Elimination Tag Match:

Team Orton (Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes, Ted Dibiase, Big Show and Chris Masters) vs Team Kingston (Kofi Kingston, Triple H, Mark Henry, The Great Khali and Santino Marella)

Sole Survivors (1 Point Each): Orton only

Comments: Orton is the king of Survivor Series Matches!!!


Preshow: WWE United States Championship:

The Miz © vs Jack Swagger vs MVP

Comments: Pre-show Title change! :D


Fun Fan Signs:


The Rock returns what for? (2 Points to the closest): I think he costs Michaels the Title... The Rock was only on top in the WWE in the years HBK was gone, so the never had a feud :( Would be good to see one here!


Will we see any TNA or ROH Superstars (1 Point): YES


How many titles change hands (1 Point): Two


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WWE Championship:

John 'The Hustler' Cena © vs 'The Show-Stopper' Shawn Micheals



World Heavyweight Championship:

'Deadman' The Undertaker © vs 'Best in the World' Chris Jericho



WWE Divas Championship and WWE Women's Championship Unification:

Melina © vs Michelle McCool © vs Mickie James



Survivor Series Elimination Tag Match, Loser's Team Leader (Punk or Hardy) will be fired:

Team Punk (CM Punk, Luke Gallows, Drew McIntrye, Tyson Kidd and Harry Smith) vs Team Hardy (Matt Hardy, R-Truth, Finlay, Shad Gaspard and JTG)

Sole Survivors (1 Point Each): Drew McIntyre



Grudge Match:

'The Animal' Batista vs '619' Rey Mysterio



Survivor Series Elimination Tag Match:

Team Christian (Christian, Shelton Benjimin, Evan Bourne, Goldust and Tommy Dreamer) vs Team Regal (William Regal, Zack Ryder, Chavo Guerrero, Vladimir and Ezekiel)

Sole Survivors (1 Point Each): Christian and Evan



Grudge Match:

Alberto Del Rio vs The Hurricane



Survivor Series Elimination Tag Match:

Team Orton (Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes, Ted Dibiase, Big Show and Chris Masters) vs Team Kingston (Kofi Kingston, Triple H, Mark Henry, The Great Khali and Santino Marella)

Sole Survivors (1 Point Each): Haitch and Kofi



Preshow: WWE United States Championship:

The Miz © vs Jack Swagger vs MVP



Fun Fan Signs:


The Rock returns what for? (2 Points to the closest): Cost HBK the match, challenging him to a retirement match in WrestleMania (forget Rock vs Cena, THIS would be a once in a lifetime feud)


Will we see any TNA or ROH Superstars (1 Point): Yes


How many titles change hands (1 Point): 1 (Unified Women's and Divas Title)


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Hey its been really fun reading some of these predictions and reading what everyone thinks is going to happen, the show is coming along well. Working on some new graphics as-well now that I finally got Photoshop! Someone also made me a Legacy Wars Logo which looks really awesome! :D




There is the rough look of the logo just got to add company logos etc.


Edit: When photobucket works again I'll show it. SS is coming along well.

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Official WWE Survivor Series Quick Picks


WWE Championship:

John 'The Hustler' Cena © vs 'The Show-Stopper' Shawn Micheals



World Heavyweight Championship:

'Deadman' The Undertaker © vs 'Best in the World' Chris Jericho



WWE Divas Championship and WWE Women's Championship Unification:

Melina © vs Michelle McCool © vs Mickie James



Survivor Series Elimination Tag Match, Loser's Team Leader (Punk or Hardy) will be fired:

Team Punk (CM Punk, Luke Gallows, Drew McIntrye, Tyson Kidd and Harry Smith) vs Team Hardy (Matt Hardy, R-Truth, Finlay, Shad Gaspard and JTG)

Sole Survivors (1 Point Each):Punk and McIntyre

Comments: I have a feeling this will be a clever way to get some new blood in TNA and ROH


Grudge Match:

'The Animal' Batista vs '619' Rey Mysterio



Survivor Series Elimination Tag Match:

Team Christian (Christian, Shelton Benjimin, Evan Bourne, Goldust and Tommy Dreamer) vs Team Regal (William Regal, Zack Ryder, Chavo Guerrero, Vladimir and Ezekiel)

Sole Survivors (1 Point Each): Christian, Benjamin, Bourne



Grudge Match:

Alberto Del Rio vs The Hurricane



Survivor Series Elimination Tag Match:

Team Orton (Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes, Ted Dibiase, Big Show and Chris Masters) vs Team Kingston (Kofi Kingston, Triple H, Mark Henry, The Great Khali and Santino Marella)

Sole Survivors (1 Point Each): Kofi



Preshow: WWE United States Championship:

The Miz © vs Jack Swagger vs MVP



Fun Fan Signs:


The Rock returns what for? (2 Points to the closest): To Announce He Owns a Stake in TNA


Will we see any TNA or ROH Superstars (1 Point): Yeah


How many titles change hands (1 Point): 1(or 2, I guess, because it is both the Divas and Women's belt)


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Official WWE Survivor Series Quick Picks


WWE Championship:

John 'The Hustler' Cena © vs 'The Show-Stopper' Shawn Micheals



World Heavyweight Championship:

'Deadman' The Undertaker © vs 'Best in the World' Chris Jericho



WWE Divas Championship and WWE Women's Championship Unification:

Melina © vs Michelle McCool © vs Mickie James



Survivor Series Elimination Tag Match, Loser's Team Leader (Punk or Hardy) will be fired:

Team Punk (CM Punk, Luke Gallows, Drew McIntrye, Tyson Kidd and Harry Smith) vs Team Hardy (Matt Hardy, R-Truth, Finlay, Shad Gaspard and JTG)

Sole Survivors (1 Point Each): CM Punk



Grudge Match:

'The Animal' Batista vs '619' Rey Mysterio



Survivor Series Elimination Tag Match:

Team Christian (Christian, Shelton Benjimin, Evan Bourne, Goldust and Tommy Dreamer) vs Team Regal (William Regal, Zack Ryder, Chavo Guerrero, Vladimir and Ezekiel)

Sole Survivors (1 Point Each): Christian, Benjamin, Bourne



Grudge Match:

Alberto Del Rio vs The Hurricane



Survivor Series Elimination Tag Match:

Team Orton (Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes, Ted Dibiase, Big Show and Chris Masters) vs Team Kingston (Kofi Kingston, Triple H, Mark Henry, The Great Khali and Santino Marella)

Sole Survivors (1 Point Each): Kofi & HHH



Preshow: WWE United States Championship:

The Miz © vs Jack Swagger vs MVP



Fun Fan Signs:


The Rock returns what for? (2 Points to the closest): To say he is with TNA


Will we see any TNA or ROH Superstars (1 Point): Yeah


How many titles change hands (1 Point): 1


Comments on Diary: liking it so far!

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WWE Survivor Series 2009 - The Era of War Begins




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Pre Show and for the WWE United States Championship:

The Miz © vs Jack Swagger vs MVP

Referee: Chad Patton


A great match for the pre-show that gets the New York crowd warmed up for what should be an awesome night. MVP finishes the match and wins the WWE United States Championship when he hits Jack Swagger with a ‘Drive By Kick’.


Notes: N/A

Ratings: C+





WWE Survivor Series 2009 - The Era of War Begins

Week 3, November 2009

Held At: Madison Square Garden, New York City (Tri-State)

Attendance: 20,000

Show Time: 2.5 Hours

Rating: (B+)

Announcers: RAW: Diamond Dallas Page and Micheal Cole

Smackdown: Jim Ross and Todd Grisham

ECW: Bryon Saxton and Tony Atlas




Madison Square Garden lights up with fireworks after a video package is played showing the history of Survivor Series and all the previous sole survivors. Then it shows the current feuds from John Cena and Shawn Michaels to Team Punk and Team Hardy. Diamond Dallas Page and Michael Cole welcome everyone and say that tonight a lot of changes for RAW as Cena takes on Michaels in what should be an epic match and Team Kofi finally takes on Team Orton. DDP says tonight is the night that Orton finally patches things up with Rhodes and he doesn’t care who wins out of Cena or Michaels because they’re both idiots, speaking of which he introduces the ECW announce team of Bryon Saxton and Tony Atlas. Saxton says tonight is the last time ECW Superstars are on a WWE PPV as Team Christian takes on Team Regal and The Hurricane looks to halt the momentum of the newest WWE Superstar Alberto Del Rio. They pass it onto the Smackdown announce team of Jim Ross and Todd Grisham. Ross says tonight it is time for Chris Jericho to finally put up or shut up as he takes on The Undertaker and either CM Punk or Matt Hardy will leave the WWE in a huge Survivor Series match. ‘Voices’ hits as Team Orton makes their way down to the ring to start things off.

Notes: N/A

Ratings: B/C/D+




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Survivor Series Elimination Tag Match:

Team Orton (Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes, Ted Dibiase, Big Show and Chris Masters) vs Team Kingston (Kofi Kingston, Triple H, Mark Henry, The Great Khali and Santino Marella)

Referee: John Cone


Both teams have reasons to despise each other but the most interesting factor in this match is the role of Cody Rhodes who on RAW hit his Team leader Randy Orton with a ‘Cross Rhodes’. Orton and Dibiase deny it will have a factor but the WWE Universe seem to disagree.


Both teams get some great offence in this match with Khali been sent home early with a ‘KO Punch’ from Big Show then a ‘Master Lock’ from Chris Masters. Big Show is the next to go when Triple H this a ‘Pedigree’ then a ‘Boom Drop’ from Kofi. Henry and Masters square off next with Masters able to sneak a ‘Master Lock’ on Henry forcing him to tap out! A.W is celebrating from ringside with the beautiful WWE European Championship. Triple H stops the momentum of Masters when he hits him with a spinebuster then a ‘Pedigree’ to send him home. Marella and Triple H double team Dibiase then Orton. But Orton hits a ‘RKO’ on Marella then another ‘RKO’ on Triple H who tries to make the save. Orton pins Marella then hits Triple H with another ‘RKO’ to eliminate him as well. Kofi is in a world of trouble as he has the entire of Legacy to defeat. Orton and Dibiase refuse to tag Rhodes in but it pays for them when Kofi hits a ‘Trouble in Paradise’ on Dibiase sending him home. But Rhodes runs in for the first time in the match and hits Kofi with a ‘Cross Rhodes’ and pins him winning the match for his team.


Rhodes celebrates as Orton enters the ring to celebrate with him but looks pissed off. While Orton is celebrating in the corner taunting the crowd Rhodes offers his hand to Kofi as a sign of respect and Kofi gladly accepts. The crowd goes wild but when Orton sees this he goes crazy running at Rhodes hitting a ‘RKO’ on his now considered by DDP former stable mate. Kofi tries to catch him but can’t as Orton runs up the ramp yelling at Kofi and Rhodes.

Winner: Team Orton

Sole Survivor: Cody Rhodes and Randy Orton

Notes: Cody Rhodes successfully turned face with a B+ Rating

Ratings: B+





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Alberto Del Rio vs The Hurricane

Referee: Mike Chiodo


Alberto Del Rio has a weird obsession with wanting The Hurricanes mask and tonight he might be able to grab it off him but The Hurricane is going to put up a fight. In what was a great match, Del Rio locks The Hurricane in a ‘Cross Arm Breaker’ for the win. Post-match Del Rio tries to grab the mask of The Hurricane but The Hurricane is able to escape with his mask.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

Notes: N/A

Ratings: C+






Josh Mathews stands with the current WWE Champion the ‘Hustler’ John Cena. Cena starts of by apologizing for his absence from a RAW a few weeks ago and that unfortunately he was late to his flight after doing a make a wish. He wants to apologize to his CeNation that paid money to see him a few weeks ago and hopefully tonight he will make it up to them. Mathews asks him what his thoughts are on Shawn Michaels? Cena says Shawn has been around the block a thousand times but he is a ‘Hustler’ and tonight he will earn Shawn’s respect. Cena thanks Mathews and walks off as Mathews sends it back to the announce table.

Notes: Mathews changed to a Reporter Gimmick B-

Ratings: C+/A




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Survivor Series Elimination Tag Match:

Team Christian (Christian, Shelton Benjimin, Evan Bourne, Goldust and Tommy Dreamer) vs Team Regal (William Regal, Zack Ryder, Chavo Guerrero, Vladimir and Ezekiel)

Referee: Jack Doan


‘Just Close Your Eyes’ plays as Team Christian make their way to the ring followed by Team Regal. Both teams are filled with talent either ready to explode as new talent or veterans of the ring. Team Christian all have experienced the hard attacks from William Regal and his Ruthless Roundtable. Regal chooses Guerrero to go first who takes on Bourne who have had their problems in the past. Both men show excellent flying but Bourne catches Guerrero with a ezuguri then follows it up with an ‘Air Bourne’ and pins Guerrero to eliminate him. Ruthless Roundtable consisting of Vladimir and Ezekiel begin to make their impact by eliminating Dreamer with a ‘Double Chokeslam’. Ryder tags himself in and meets Benjamin who shows him an uncanny athletic assault of moves. Benjamin hits a snap DDT then tags in Bourne who lands another ‘Air Bourne’ to send Ryder. Regal now has a sense of urgency and quickly schools Bourne who hot tags in Goldust but is met with a ‘Regalplex’. Goldust is then eliminated.


The teams now consist of Christian, Benjamin and Bourne taking on Regal, Vladimir and Ezekiel. Vladimir is the next one to go as Christian hits him with a ‘Killswitch’. Regal tries to get Christian by surprise but runs into a ‘Killswitch’ when Christian reverses a ‘Regalplex’. Ezekiel the last one left shows an dominating performance against Christian but the odds are not in his favor when he is hit with a ‘Air Bourne’. Team Christian get the pinfall and the win. Christian, Benjamin and Bourne are the sole survivors as Bourne gets three eliminations.

Winners: Team Christian

Sole Survivors: Christian, Shelton Benjamin and Evan Bourne

Notes: N/A

Ratings: C-







Matt Striker is backstage with the man who will take on The Undertaker later on tonight for the World Heavyweight Championship, Chris Jericho. Striker asks that if Jericho thinks that tonight is his night? Jericho says that Striker asks stupid questions and that even though his stable mates Miz and Big Show had bad nights he will bring home the gold for them and prove to the world that he is the best. Jericho tells Striker that he will do anything to bring back the title that belongs to him.

Notes: N/A

Ratings: B+



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'The Animal' Batista vs 'Mister 619' Rey Mysterio

Referee: Mike Chioda


Bastia and Mysterio two men who used to be best friends now enemies. Batista got his match from Long on the last edition of Smackdown to get his revenge against Mysterio who he blames cost him a World Heavyweight Championship shot! Batista starts the match of by charging at Mysterio with a shoulder and dominates early on. Batista like a shark smelling blood throws Mysterio around the ring like a rag doll for minutes until Mysterio is able to hit a hurricanrana that stops the offence from Batista for a moment. Batista doesn’t slow down though and is quickly back to his feet before Mysterio and picks ‘Mister 619’ up for a ‘Batista Bomb’ but Mysterio punches the face of Batista and is dropped to his feet. Mysterio dropkicks Batista who lands on the second rope. Mysterio runs the ropes and hits Batista with a ‘619’! Rey goes to the top rope and leaps off to hit a ‘Frogsplash’ but Batista rolls out of the way and picks Mysterio up for a ‘Batista Bomb’, Batista isn’t satisfied and picks Mysterio up for a second ‘Batista Bomb’. Batista pins Mysterio for a dominating win.


After the match Batista lifts the lifeless body of Rey Mysterio and hits a punishing third 'Batista Bomb'. EMTs enter the ring as Batista stares at the almost dead body of Mysterio. Mysterio is stretched out as the announcers are silent and so is Batista as he just stares at the body being wheeled out.

Winner: Batista

Notes: N/A

Ratings: B+/A*





Matt Striker is joined by the leader of Team Punk, CM Punk! Striker asks Punk his strategy heading into the Survivor Series match. Punk takes his time to answer as the Madison Square Garden crowd begin to chant ‘Straight Edge Loser, Straight Edge Loser, etc.’ Punk finds it ironic that the crowd chant that because being straight edge makes him better than everyone else. It’s sad to Punk that tonight he has to wrestle in front of a toxic New York crowd but tonight it’s the most important match in his life because he can finally rid the WWE of the poison known as the Hardy’s. He has already got rid of Jeff now tonight he gets rid of Matt. Punk begins to walk as his music hits. Tonight either CM Punk or Matt Hardy leave the WWE.

Notes: N/A

Ratings: A*



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Survivor Series Elimination Tag Match, Loser's Team Leader (Punk or Hardy) will be fired:

Team Punk (CM Punk, Luke Gallows, Drew McIntrye, Tyson Kidd and Harry Smith) vs Team Hardy (Matt Hardy, R-Truth, Finlay, Shad Gaspard and JTG)

Referee: John Cone


Team Punk make their entrance first with the entire arena booing them as CM Punk the leader of Team Punk and the man that has been controlling Smackdown with an Iron-Fist for months, Luke Gallows the enforcer for CM Punk and someone who is predicted to become one of the best big men in this era, Drew McIntyre who has an undefeated winning streak, Tyson Kidd the man who is considered the Bret Hart of our generation and a man who has an incredible technical ability , Harry Smith the man who has the toughness that hasn’t been seen since the late 80s and their managers Natalya and Serena who both are females that can make a difference in any match; make their way into the ring. When ‘Live for the Moment’ hits the arena pops as Team Hardy make their way down to confront Team Punk. The team consisting of Matt Hardy the leader of Team Hardy and has gone through mental abuse from Punk for the past few months, R-Truth a man that like Matt has been tortured by the Straight Edge Society, Finlay who looks to beat some respect into McIntyre in this match, Shad Gaspard who will even the odds is strength and toughness and JTG who is one of the dirtiest wrestlers on Smackdown but the crowd loves it! The two teams stare down as the referee John Cone separates them. Matt Hardy chooses to go first and Drew McIntyre is picked by CM Punk to go first.


McIntyre and Hardy square off with both men getting equal offence in the early going until McIntyre catches Hardy off guard and is able to hit a ‘Future Shock DDT’ and pins Hardy eliminated Hardy early on. The Smackdown announcers are in absolute shock along with the Madison Square Garden crowd and Team Hardy, Hardy rolls out in frustration and goes ringside. The momentum doesn’t last for Team Punk as Smith is tagged in and eliminated by R-Truth after hitting a ‘Lie Detector’ on Smith then when Kidd enters the ring Truth hits Kidd with another ‘Lie Detector’. Hardy now consists of R-Truth, Cryme Tyme and Finlay while Team Punk is now with CM Punk, Drew McIntyre and Luke Gallows. Gallows and Finlay now square off with Truth. Both teams despite the odds is fairly even with a ‘GTS’ being hit on JTG but Punk couldn’t get the pin when Shad breaks the pin. Finlay and Gallows brawl around the ring until Finlay hits Gallows with a spinebuster then a ‘Celtic Cross’ to eliminate Gallows. McIntyre doesn’t let Finlay celebrate and goes after Finlay quickly hitting him with punches and kicks to the guts. McIntyre hits a bunch of offence but can’t eliminate him slowly frustrating McIntyre. McIntyre pushes Finlay into the corner and brutally kicks him in the gut, Cone warns McIntyre but McIntyre doesn’t listen getting himself disqualified. Punk now is all alone against four other people, four men who have been bullied and tormented by Punk for months. Punk enters the ring and Finlay tags Truth in to take on Punk. Punk and Truth battle on until Truth hits a ‘Lie Detector’ on Punk but only gets a 2. Punk then hits a ‘GTS’ on Truth but again only gets a 2. Truth is able to tag Shad in but Punk has nowhere to go and is hit with a ‘Thugnificent’. Shad pins Punk but again can only get a 2, as Ross notes what it takes to beat Punk. Hardy who unlike all the other eliminated hasn’t left ringside and screaming at the top of his lungs to pin him again! Shad picks Punk up and whips him while JTG is talking to Cone. As Punk hits the rope Hardy grabs the leg allowing Punk to be distracted and is hit with a ‘Big Boot’. Shad pins Punk and eliminates him to win the match.


After the match Team Hardy celebrate up the ramp as four of them managed to survive. Hardy awkwardly joins the celebration despite being eliminated early. They leave Punk in the ring as the realization finally hits Punk that he is gone from the WWE. Serena enters the ring and helps Punk up to his feet. Punk looks around the arena as all of the Madison Square Garden arena stands up as a sign of respect and begin to clap. Despite being one of the most hated heels on Smackdown he obviously was cheated in that match. Even the announcers stand up and start to clap for Punk. Punk nods his head in response to the crowd and leaves the ring and looks up at the Survivor Series set and the backstage area. Punk lifts up his right arm and gives the backstage area the middle finger before leaving the arena through the crowd as he is cheered on.

Winners: Team Hardy

Sole Survivors: R-Truth, Finlay, Shad Gaspard and JTG

Notes: Bye Bye Punk

Ratings: B-/B-




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WWE Divas Championship and WWE Womens Championship:

Melina © vs Michelle McCool © vs Mickie James

Referee: John Cone


The Divas and Women’s division collides here tonight as Michelle McCool the Women’s champion from Smackdown takes on Melina the Divas Champion from RAW and then Mickie James who has been bullied by Michelle McCool and Layla for months. Cool is doubled teamed from the get go as James and Melina hit double suplexs then double DDTs. James kick Cool out of the ring as Melina and her start to brawl. The match has a lot of awesome spots like a double superplex that sends James down. But the match ends when James hits Melina with a ‘Long Kiss Goodnight’. James goes to pin but Cool hits her with a running knee and pushes James off Melina and then pins Melina for the win. Cool grabs both the WWE Divas Championship and WWE Womens Championship and poses in the corner as DDP laughs at James and Melina and says that Cools reign will be Flawless!


Notes: A nice spark for the division.

Ratings: C+



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World Heavyweight Championship:

'Deadman' The Undertaker © vs 'Best in the World' Chris Jericho

Referee: Charles Robinson


The Smackdown Announce team Jim Ross and Todd Grisham congratulate McCool and now focus their attention to the Smackdown Main Event, ‘The Deadman’ vs ‘The Best in the World’. After both commentators put in their own predictions a very well put together recap video plays. It starts with the alliance of Chris Jericho, Big Show and the Miz forming on RAW. Then it shows Jericho just escaping with a win and becoming number one contender and then the gong hits and the attacks on Undertaker from the Jericho Show Miz alliance is shown before it ends with and the voice of the Undertaker saying ‘Jericho you will REST IN PIECE’.


‘Break the Walls Down’ blares through the sound system as one half of the WWE Tag Team Champions with brand new belts Chris Jericho makes his way down to the ring. Grisham breaks down Jericho’s awesome career as the New York crowd loudly boo the self-proclaimed ‘Best in the World’. Jericho shows no expressions, no reactions, this tonight is a focused Jericho. Jericho hands the one of the WWE Tag Team championship to the timekeeper. Undertaker leaves Jericho waiting for a bit then the GONG hits.


The ever awesome Undertaker walks down the ramp through the smoke with the World Heavyweight Championship. Taker takes his time as the nerves of Jericho increase as Taker steps closer and closer. He walks with a new robe and the World title on is shoulder and finally enters the ring as he raises his head and his pupils disappear the arena goes from a purple to what it was before. Taker hands the belt over to Charles Robinson as the audience gets ready for a classic. Jericho is announced as the challenger by Justin Roberts than the champion Undertaker. The bell rings.


Jericho without missing a beat runs towards Taker and grabs the legs, Taker is trying to fight Jericho but eventually falls on his back. Jericho drags Taker in the middle of the ring and tries to get him on his stomach for the ‘Walls of Jericho’. This is out of nowhere and Taker tries to battle but eventually flips and the ‘Walls of Jericho’ are locked on. This can end quickly if Taker can’t reach the ropes. Taker uses that huge upper body to crawl to the bottom rope and Jericho is forced to let go. Ross notes that Taker can’t get in too many of those or it might be over. Jericho isn’t fazed and continues the assault dragging Taker in the middle of the ring and works on the legs. This assault on Takers legs continue until Taker battles out by hitting the ribs of Jericho with well-timed shots of the fist. Taker pushes Jericho to a corner and runs the ropes hitting a splash on Jericho, he runs the ropes and hits another. Taker runs the ropes and goes to hit a splash but Jericho sneaks out and starts kicking the legs of Taker who drops to the mat as his head rest on the bottom turnbuckle. Jericho starts kicking the head but Robinson nearly counts to 5 and makes Jericho move. Taker rolls out the ring and catches his breath by the Spanish announce table but Jericho knows he can’t win the title by count-out and runs after Taker who sees Jericho coming and hits him with an awesome clothesline.


They find themselves in the ring again and throughout the early period in the match Jericho focus heavily on the legs of Taker whose knees start to get weaker and weaker. Taker picks Jericho up for a powerslam but the bruised and beaten knees make it hard for him to lift him and Jericho sneakily rakes the eyes and slides behind him before kicking the knees and grabbing the legs brining him down for the ‘Walls of Jericho’. There is less fight than the first time as Jericho is able to get Taker on his stomach and the Walls are locked in, in the middle of the ring. Jericho at the top of his lungs reminds Robinson to check if Taker taps, and screams at Taker to tap! Taker is truly exhausted at this point and struggles to crawl to the ropes but does. Jericho lets go of the legs and waits for the ‘Deadman’ to get to his feet and when he does ‘CODE BREAKER’. Jericho covers Taker and Robinson















NOOOO!!! Taker throws Jericho of his body and raises his body and stares at the shocked Jericho. Taker rises to his feet and grabs blocks kicks from Jericho and Taker runs the ropes. Jericho sees a clothesline coming and pushes Robinson into the clothesline. Robinson is knocked down from a brutal clothesline. Taker grabs the neck of Jericho and hits a ‘Chokeslam’ and covers Jericho. Robinson is down and out and this seems to infuriate Taker.






Jericho’s partner Big Show runs down to the ring with one half of the WWE Tag Team Championship in hands. Taker lifts Jericho up for another ‘Chokeslam’ and Big Show hits the back of the head of Taker with the titles and the arena fills up with boos. Show picks Taker up and hits him with a ‘KO Punch’ and Taker drops to the mat. Show lifts the body of Jericho and dumps it on Taker. Show picks Robinson up and dumps him next to the body of Jericho and Taker. Show leaves the ring as Robison starts to wake up and begins to pin.



















3!!! NOOOOO Taker kicks out!!! Jericho and Taker lie lifeless in the middle of the ring. Show seems infuriated as he stomps outside of the ring. Show goes to the Spanish announce table and get rids of the covering and monitors. Show goes ringside and yells at Jericho to get Taker out here. Jericho is able to push the lifeless body of Taker outside of the ring. Jericho rolls out and drags Taker to the table. Jericho uses all his might to lift the body on the announce table then punches Taker multiple times. Jericho hops onto the apron then slowly climbs to the top turnbuckle. Jericho while getting cheered by Show and booed by New York. Jericho flips and hits Taker with an awesome ‘Moonsault’. Taker and Jericho crash through the table. Robinson leaves the ring to check on Jericho and Taker. Jericho is the first to crawl and make his way to the ring. Robinson is still checking on Taker but Taker starts to show life and crawls to the ring to continue the match. Jericho gets up using the ropes and starts to stomp on the grounded Taker. Robinson forces Jericho to separate as Taker gets to his feet. Jericho moves Robinson and grabs the legs of Taker and drops Taker to his back and locks on the ‘Walls of Jericho’ again. Taker is beaten and bruised. Jericho lifts up and drags the body into the middle. Jericho locks it in fully as the Madison Square Garden crowd start to cheer for Taker. Taker eventually stops fighting and lifts up his arm and……………………….



NOOO HE DOESN’T TAP. Taker flips his legs over and reverses the Walls and locks on ‘Hells Gate’ onto Jericho. Jericho fights and fights but he can’t reach the ropes as he is in the middle of the ring. Jericho eventually stops fighting and taps. Taker successfully retains the World Heavyweight Championship.

Big Show is furious at ringside and losses it and gets in the ring and clobbers The Undertaker in the back of the head with a clubbed fist. Show let’s all his anger out on Taker with kicks and punches the head and legs. Show grabs the neck of Taker and begins to lifts him up. Show has Taker up in the air and THE LIGHTS GO OUT. The crowd cheer as Madison Square Garden is in darkness. When they come back on…… time stops.




























Sting lifts his bat at Show who drops Taker and Sting chasses Show and Jericho of with the bat. The segment ends with Taker holding the World Heavyweight Championship in hand staring at Sting who is looking at Show carry Jericho up the aisle. As Ross notes, what does Sting want?



Notes: N/A

Rating: A*/A-/A-/A*




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WWE Championship:

John 'The Hustler' Cena © vs 'Show Stopper' Shawn Michaels

Referee: Scott Armstrong


The crowd still electric from the last match can't wait to have the next match as ‘Break it Down’ hits, Shawn Michaels the ‘Show Stopper’ makes his way down to the ring with a huge applause from the New York crowd. Cena’s music hits once Michaels enters the ring, Cena having a mixed reaction from the crowd as he has was rumoured to not wanting to show up to a RAW. Cena’s passion for the WWE is in question but tonight he can squash that rumour and retain the WWE Championship but to do that he will have to give 100%. Cena smiles as he runs down to the ring with the WWE Championship. As Cena enters the ring DDP says that Michaels better win here tonight because he may never get a shot again at his age.


The match starts with a lockup as both men try to compete for the early advantage but Cena showing his strength as he takes Michaels down in a rest hold but Shawn uses his legs and raps them around the neck of Cena before letting go and they both get to their feet. This says everything about this match as the two top babyfaces of RAW are fairly even both men giving everything they have. Cena turns the table on Shawn as he throws Shawn out onto the apron then hitting him with a dropkick. Shawn is sent outside of the ring as the referee Scott Armstrong starts to countout Shawn. Shawn struggles to get back to the ring and when he does Cena is back on the offence as he hits suplexes and backbreakers to Shawn. Shawn needs to turn the tables quickly and does so when he hits a flying forearm to the face of Cena knocking the ‘Hustler’ down for a moment. This match goes back and forth but when it seems Cena has the advantage Shawn hits a surprise STO. Michaels then attempts a suplex of his but Cena overpowers him and nails Shawn with a suplex. Cena picks Shawn up and goes for a German suplex and hits one to send Shawn across the ring in brutal fashion. Cena lifts Shawn for an attempted ‘AA’ trying to end the match but Shawn slides of the back of Cena after hitting with elbows. When Cena turns to face Shawn he receives a ‘Superkick’ for his efforts. Shawn quickly goes for the pin on Cena.
















NOOOO!!! Cena kicks out in convincing fashion. Shawn the veteran doesn’t let his emotions get the better of him and begins the climb to the top rope. With Cena in the middle of the ring Shawn leaps of the top and hits a ‘Elbow Drop’ but NOOOO Cena moves just in time. With Shawn down and out Cena kicks the arms in and runs the ropes and hits Shawn with a ‘Five Knuckle Shuffle’. Cena pins Shawn for the



















NOOOO!!! Just like Cena before him Shawn kick out. Cena looks a bit frustrated as the crowd begins to chant ‘Let’s go Cena, Cena Sucks’. Cena gets to his feet and calls for Shawn to get up as Shawn jumps to is feet and runs to Cena with another ‘Superkick’. Shawn after hitting it seems to be out of energy as he drops back down. With both of them down, Shawn is the first to start to crawl to the body of Cena and puts one arm over the chest.























3???NOOOOOOOOO!!! Cena kicks out again but just at the last second. Armstrong has to tell Shawn that it was just a 2!! Shawn is in absolute frustration as he gets to his feet. Shawn goes to the corner and starts stomping on the mat, as Cole says he is warming up the band. Cena starts to get to his feet.










THE ROCK IS BACK, THE ROCK IS BACK!!! ‘Electrifying’ plays over the system as Madison Square Garden both mark out and boo as Shawn looks up the ramp when The Rock comes out….… ‘AA’!!!!!! Cena was from out of nowhere as The Rock’s distraction may have been enough.
























3!!!!! Cena has done it, thanks to The Rock. Cena slowly makes it to his feet as he is handed the WWE Championship. The Rock now enters the ring and says he is sorry but lifts Shawn up and hits him with a ‘Rock Bottom’. With The Rock standing over Shawn, Cena a bruised and battered man confronts The Rock but is hit with a ‘Rock Bottom’. The Rock standing over both Shawn Michaels and John Cena lifts the WWE Championship high in the air.







Then ‘Break it Down’ plays as Triple H comes down to the ring furious along with Stephanie McMahon who hasn’t been seen for months but also looks just as pissed off. Triple H enters the ring with his wife and goes head to head with The Rock.











Stephanie McMahon kicks Triple H square in the balls when he was there to help his friend. Stephanie stands over her husband then looks up at The Rock who still has the WWE Championship. She smiles at him as they shake hands, then poses with the belt as Survivor Series comes to an end.

Winner and STILL WWE CHAMPION: John Cena

Notes: The Rock debuted with a Holywood Movie Star and as a Heel with a A* and Stephanie McMahon turned Heel with a A*

Ratings: A-/B+



Schedule: RAW-ECW-Impact-Smackdown-PPV

Credit to Frootloop for the poster.

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Satyr24 39/72, 54%

Lloyd 34/57, 59%

TeflonBilly 35/75, 46%

Smasher1311 35/65, 53%

dexi21 15/25, 60%

TomTEWFAN 7/9, 77%

Frootloop 3/5, 60%

Owen Ray 2/5, 40%

daulten6 1/3, 33%

packerman120 1/5, 20%

Unscrewed 23/48, 47%

crackerjack 12/31, 38%

AMarc9-8 10/25, 40%

CharlieCornell 10/25, 40% (Thanks for the kind words)


Survivor-Series was out of 25 and the highest was Lloyd with 14!! It was a hard one to predict but I wanted to set up some key storylines. As the prediction contest goes, I will update it to make it easier for everyone to know where there are. But the winners this month are (Prizes will be sent through PM):


for the most predictions through-out the month.


for the highest score through-out the month.


for the highest percentage through-out the month.


Finally able to do some caching up and it sounds awesome! Kudos to your match writing, I couldn't dream of doing it myself without becoming boring very fast xD


Thanks Bojan! It can be tedious but I have a story that I am very excited to write so I tend not to get bored! Thanks again.




Official Monday Night RAW Card - Week 4, November 2009


Preshow: Chavo Guerrero and Carlito vs South African Lions (Justin Gabriel and Leo Kruger)



Main Card


Winner advances to ???? for the WWE Championship in a ???? match:

Evan Bourne vs ???



10 Man Battle Royal

Winner advances to ???? for the WWE Championship in a ???? match:

Randy Orton, Kofi Kingston, Wade Barrett, Sheamus, Carilto, The Great Khali, Chris Masters, Santino Marella, Jack Swagger and Mark Henry



Winner becomes Number One for the WWE Tag Team Championship:

D-Generation-X (Shawn Michaels and Triple H) vs Cryme Tyme (JTG and Shad Gaspard) vs The Hart Dynasty (Tyson Kidd and Harry Smith)



Winner advances to ???? for the WWE Championship in a ???? match:

Cody Rhodes vs The Miz



What is the ??? match for the WWE Championship:


Comments on Diary:



Thanks for the amount of predictions for Survivor-Series it was a lot of fun to write hopefully it was fun to read.
It was also fun reading everyones predictions for Survivor Series.

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Preshow: Chavo Guerrero and Carlito vs South African Lions (Justin Gabriel and Leo Kruger)



Main Card


Winner advances to ???? for the WWE Championship in a ???? match:

Evan Bourne vs ???



10 Man Battle Royal

Winner advances to ???? for the WWE Championship in a ???? match:

Randy Orton, Kofi Kingston, Wade Barrett, Sheamus, Carilto, The Great Khali, Chris Masters, Santino Marella, Jack Swagger and Mark Henry



Winner becomes Number One for the WWE Tag Team Championship:

D-Generation-X (Shawn Michaels and Triple H) vs Cryme Tyme (JTG and Shad Gaspard) vs The Hart Dynasty (Tyson Kidd and Harry Smith)



Winner advances to ???? for the WWE Championship in a ???? match:

Cody Rhodes vs The Miz



What is the ??? match for the WWE Championship: Ladder Match

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Preshow: Chavo Guerrero and Carlito vs South African Lions (Justin Gabriel and Leo Kruger)



Main Card


Winner advances to ???? for the WWE Championship in a ???? match:

Evan Bourne vs ???



10 Man Battle Royal

Winner advances to ???? for the WWE Championship in a ???? match:

Randy Orton, Kofi Kingston, Wade Barrett, Sheamus, Carilto, The Great Khali, Chris Masters, Santino Marella, Jack Swagger and Mark Henry



Winner becomes Number One for the WWE Tag Team Championship:

D-Generation-X (Shawn Michaels and Triple H) vs Cryme Tyme (JTG and Shad Gaspard) vs The Hart Dynasty (Tyson Kidd and Harry Smith)

Comments: It's weird... With Jeri-Show as Champs, you'd expect them to need a BIG feud, and DX are the most over team there by far... But then HBK/Rock is surely coming?! So DX don't wanna be involved in tag title matches? Then JTG and Shad did well at Survivor Series... I just like Tyson Kidd more! So there we go! :D haha


Winner advances to ???? for the WWE Championship in a ???? match:

Cody Rhodes vs The Miz



What is the ??? match for the WWE Championship: Scramble Match?! Always wanted to write one... May have one coming up soon... ;)


Comments on Diary: Yes Rock! Now will we see Rock vs HBK before the Invasion fully kicks in?! Sting's arrival was awesome!! :D and do I not get a prize for 14/25 for Survivor Series?!?! :( owh

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Preshow: Chavo Guerrero and Carlito vs South African Lions (Justin Gabriel and Leo Kruger)



Main Card


Winner advances to ???? for the WWE Championship in a ???? match:

Evan Bourne vs ???



10 Man Battle Royal

Winner advances to ???? for the WWE Championship in a ???? match:

Randy Orton, Kofi Kingston, Wade Barrett, Sheamus, Carilto, The Great Khali, Chris Masters, Santino Marella, Jack Swagger and Mark Henry



Winner becomes Number One for the WWE Tag Team Championship:

D-Generation-X (Shawn Michaels and Triple H) vs Cryme Tyme (JTG and Shad Gaspard) vs The Hart Dynasty (Tyson Kidd and Harry Smith)



Winner advances to ???? for the WWE Championship in a ???? match:

Cody Rhodes vs The Miz



What is the ??? match for the WWE Championship: TLC Match.


Comments on Diary: I loved the Survivor Series, with Sting, Rock, Cody's turn and all in all. It was a great PPV. One tip, though: Don't tell us that face and heel turns have been teased when they are, because they come off better when they are total surprises. Just a tip though.

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Preshow: Chavo Guerrero and Carlito vs South African Lions (Justin Gabriel and Leo Kruger)



Main Card


Winner advances to ???? for the WWE Championship in a ???? match:

Evan Bourne vs ???



10 Man Battle Royal

Winner advances to ???? for the WWE Championship in a ???? match:

Randy Orton, Kofi Kingston, Wade Barrett, Sheamus, Carilto, The Great Khali, Chris Masters, Santino Marella, Jack Swagger and Mark Henry



Winner becomes Number One for the WWE Tag Team Championship:

D-Generation-X (Shawn Michaels and Triple H) vs Cryme Tyme (JTG and Shad Gaspard) vs The Hart Dynasty (Tyson Kidd and Harry Smith)



Winner advances to ???? for the WWE Championship in a ???? match:

Cody Rhodes vs The Miz



What is the ??? match for the WWE Championship: Ladder Match!

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The Rock finally came home to the WWE at this past Sundays Survivor Series, and in controversy no less. The Rock made his presence felt in the RAW main event which saw the current WWE Champion John Cena take on Shawn Michaels. Towards the end of the match when Michaels had Cena beat The Rock would come out causing a distraction that ending up causing a loss for Michaels. What shocked fans even more was what happened after the match when Triple H and Stephanie McMahon made their way down to the ring to help Michaels and Cena who were being destroyed by Rock. When Triple H and Rock went face to face Stephanie would turn her back on her husband and kick him in the nuts. Rock now standing with the WWE Championship would shake hands with Stephanie. This left the WWE Universe in shock and confusion, is this really the end for Triple H and Stephanie who have been rumoured to be having marriage problems? What do the new duo of Stephanie McMahon and The Rock have in plan and what will be Triple H and Shawn Michaels reaction on RAW who are booked in a tag team match which could earn D-X a shot at the Tag Team Titles. I guess we will have to tune into RAW to find out.


It seemed the main events were cursed for interference as the Smackdown main event which saw The Undertaker defend the Heavyweight Championship against Chris Jericho saw the return of Sting. Sting made his presence felt when he chased Big Show and Jericho away from The Undertaker but why? Sting according to TNA management is still employed with them as we found out in this press release:


‘We here at TNA are a shocked as everyone else when Sting showed up at Survivor Series. We would like to say that this was not a deal made with WWE and TNA nor was it known by TNA that this would happen. The relationship between WWE and TNA has never been a good one and there is certainly no working agreement. We are busy with an invasion from ROH and Shane McMahon to bother with WWE. What Sting did Sunday was an independent action, but we can say he is still under contract and will appear on this weeks Impact where CEO Jeff Jarrett will have a punishment for Stings actions. Thank you for your time' – Total Non-Stop Action PR Team


Another shocker was when Team Punk was destroyed by Team Hardy in the match which led to the forced firing of former WWE Superstar CM Punk. Punk who was a long time employee of the company and a former World Heavyweight Champion expressed his frustrations by literally ‘sticking it’ to management. Neither CM Punk nor WWE wanted to release a statement on the matter.


Thanks to insiders we understand that Triple H and Vince McMahon personally thanked Evan Bourne who eliminated three competitors in a Survivor Series Elimination match, Chris Jericho who arguably had the match of the night and Cody Rhodes who was attacked by Randy Orton. All three superstars are rumoured to be very happy.


The buy-rate for WWE Survivor Series did incredibly well with of a 7.47 which was followed by TNA Turning Point which did a 6.13. Wrestling hasn’t seen this numbers for years and the trend may continue with ECW One Night Stand, TNA vs ROH Legacy Wars and another WWE PPV all to come before the end of the year. The Wrestling business may of finally found its groove again.



#WWESurvivorSeries – #StephAndRock – #Sting – #ByePunk – #BourneFlies – #OrtonSnaps


<hr color="black">

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WWE NXT Special Event - The Future Starts Now

When: Week 4, November 2009

Held At: Orlando, Florida (South East)

Attendance: 400

Show Time: One Hour and a Half

Show Grade: (D)

PPV Rating: 0.2

Announcers: Joey Styles and Jerry 'The King' Lawler


  • Triple H
    opens the show by introducing the Orlando crowd to what is his 'pet' project called NXT. He says for years the developmental system was over looked and ignored but he sees the potential in the future of the WWE and wants to capitalize on it. The main event according to Triple H will see the top two NXT Superstars fight over a shot at a Smackdown contract. He says that tonight is the start of something special, a revolution which
    starts now!

  • The United Bates (Derick Bates and Johnny Bates)
    David Otunga and Mason Ryan
    in 8:04 via a 'Double Bates Bomb'

  • Bray Wyatt and Eli Collingwood
    The United Bates
    . Collingwood throws Johnny out of the ring allowing Wyatt to hit Derick with a 'Sister Abagail'. Wyatt cuts a quick promo saying that it is time to pay

  • A menacing video is shown of
    . We see him destroy a bunch of jobbers on footage that was filmed through handhelds that are from the indies. The numbers 24:0 are shown, Styles says that is Ryback's win loss record with Ryback being undefeated. Ryback finishes it with 'Feed Me More'

  • Kaval
    Tyler Breeze
    in 5:26 via 'Warrior's Way'.

  • Darren Young
    is backstage with headphones in and doing pushups when he is told to get up by
    Eric Escobar
    gets up and doesn't stand down and simply asks
    , what?
    says that he doesn't know who
    is but he doesn't care so
    should get out of his way.
    like a complete bad ass starts to attack
    not putting up with him.
    flying through the backstage area before hitting him with a 'Hate Block'.
    smiles at
    and walks through a door that reads 'Darren Young's Locker Room'

  • South African Lions (Justin Gabriel and Leo Kruger)
    The Uso's (Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso)
    in 6:09 via 'Hakuna Mabusta'.

  • Byron Saxton
    is backstage with
    Bo Dallas
    . He asks the 'Inspirational' NXT Superstar his thoughts on NXTs debut.
    says that he is so excited that he finally has a platform to show the world how stop being down and start 'BO-LIEVING!!!' Dallas runs of with his arms out cheering as
    stands there in shock.

  • Bryan Danielson
    Seth Rollins
    in 10:41 via a 'Lebel Lock', earning a shot on the Smackdown roster.

  • The Shield (Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns)
    Bryan Danielson
    , beating him up senseless but are quickly chased off by the
    South African Lions
    . The
    South African Lions
    Bryan Danielson
    pose and taunt
    The Shield
    as the first NXT show comes to an end.


[Legacy Wars Guide]

Schedule: RAW – ECW – Impact – Smackdown – PPV

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Dark Match: South African Lions def. Carlito and Chavo Guerrero with a 'Hakuna Mabusta' at 5:45 ©




WWE Monday Night Raw - 'Business Comes Before Family'

When: Week 4, November 2009

Held At: Madison Square Garden, New York City (Tri-State)

Attendance: 20,000

Show Time: Two Hours

Show Grade: (B)

Show Rating: 3.41

Announcers: Michael Cole and Diamond Dallas Page






Michael Cole:
Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the flagship program of the WWE [
Fireworks blast around Madison Square Garden
], this is Monday Night RAW. We are live on the USA Network, I am Michael Cole and I am with the ever excited Diamond Dallas Page!


Diamond Dallas Page:
Puts his hands in the shape of a diamond
] BANG! That’s right Cole, we are live at Madison Square Garden. And I have to say I am still in goose bumps to what took place in this arena brother. But tonight I got the scoop and it is everyone’s favourite idiot [Cody Rhodes ] taking on the cheated and awesome one The Miz, the winner earning them a shot at the WWE Championship in the main event.


Michael Cole:
Well Randy Orton will certainly agree with you there Dallas on Rhodes being an idiot, Orton hit an sneaky ‘RKO’ on Rhodes that kicked Rhodes out of Legacy last night. But tonight is more than that, as there are a bunch of qualifiers to a WWE Championship match. Including a huge 10 Man Battle Royal.


Diamond Dallas Page:
My boy Randy Orton is in that match and he not only will he win the battle royal but he will give Kofi Kingston and ‘Diamond Cutter’. BANG!!


Michael Cole:
Dallas…. He calls it an ‘RKO.’


Diamond Dallas Page:
Scratches his head
] Oh… well as I was saying my boys the European Bastards will win the battle royal. BANG


Michael Cole:
Dallas…. Only one can win.


Diamond Dallas Page:
Staring at Cole
] Listen Cole you idiot we have a big night tonight as your favourite losers D-Generation dinosaurs compete in a three way tag team match were the winner faces Jerishow for the new looking WWE Tag Team Championships.


Michael Cole:
That’s right Dallas Smackdown Superstars Cryme Tyme and Hart Dynasty in that match also before we forget we want to wish long standing colour commentator Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler all the best in NXT.


Diamond Dallas Page:
No we don’t. Thank god he ran out of material in ’99. [
Puts two fingers on his earpiece
] COLE Stephanie is coming out! Stephanie is coming out. [
] Shut up Cole Stephanie is coming out!

NOTES: Both went well with a script.


INVOLVED: Michael Cole, Diamond Dallas Page and Stephanie McMahon

HASHTAGS: #RAWisLive – #RhodesvsMiz – #DDPIsTheMan






Stephanie McMahon walks to the ring with nothing but confidence. The Garden boo her as it was only a night ago that she allied with The Rock, screwed Shawn Michaels out of the WWE Championship and kicked her husband Triple H in the nuts. She steps in the ring feeding of the thick boos with microphone in hand.


Stephanie McMahon:
Miss me?


The WWE Universe obviously didn't as they start to chant 'You Sold Out, You Sold Out'


Stephanie McMahon:
I sold out? I was always sold, it's just that you all couldn't see it. Last night was one of the biggest nights in the WWE. Naturally more questions were made then questions answered. Thats why I am here tonight. To answer questions that need to be answered. The easiest question I can answer is what's next. Whats next for the WWE? Armageddon.... that's what is next. [
The crowd pop loud
] Thats right, in five weeks the brand of RAW will host the return of a crowd favorite called Armageddon. And this is a a Pay Per View that has so much history but I want the next one to be the greatest of all and honestly I know how to do that. In the main event we will see the WWE Champion 'The Hustler' John Cena [
The crowd give a mixed reaction
] defend his WWE Championship in a Elimination Chamber match!!!!!!!


The WWE Universe chant 'Holy Shit, Holy Shit'


Stephanie McMahon:
Tonight here on the USA Network and on RAW we will see three qualifying matches in the form of two singles matches and a 10 man battle royal. The main event is one of those and will see the biggest show off, the biggest idiot Cody [
The crowd interrupt her and pop huge for the recently turned Cody Rhodes, Stephanie waits for them to calm down
] Will you idiots let me finish? Now Cody Rhodes will take on one of the most awesome WWE Superstars The Miz! The winner earning a shot in the Elimination Chamber match. Now its time to answer the biggest question. Whats the deal with The Rock?


The crowd immediately boo


Stephanie McMahon:
Listen... I care about the WWE so much. So...so much. And sometimes in business you have to make hard decisions and make hard alliances. Me and Rock have been talking about it for months and we both agreed it was time. It was time to go into business with each-other. And that all it is just business. It is not personal, it will never be and never was personal. I love my husband. I love him to death, but for a McMahon and he knew this when we got married. Business comes before family. And if........


hits to the ovation of the WWE Universe as the fan favorite Evan Bourne interrupts the clear lies of Stephanie McMahon ]





Diamond Dallas Page:
What is this nerd doing? She was telling the world her true feelings.


Michael Cole:
True feelings? She is lieing threw her teeth!


Evan 'Air' Bourne:
Sorry for interrupting Steph.... but I couldn't help but throw up in my mouth a bit when you said nothing is personal. [
Bourne laughs as he walks to the ring
] Nothing personal? Sure Steph, sure. But I don't want to talk about that I want to talk about the fact that I am not in the Battle Royal or the main event when I got the most eliminations at Survivor Series.


Stephanie looks at him with a slight smirk


Stephanie McMahon:
Evan its funny because me and Rock were talking about your impressive match at Survivor Series at the hotel. And we think you should be rewarded. [
Bourne gets a huge grin like a kid with a new X-Box
] You should be rewarded with a shot for the WWE Championship. And me and Rock found the best opponent for you to earn that shot. A man that deserves it as much as you. THE ROCK. [
The crowd boos as Bourne goes from a grin to serious concentration
] And Bourne DON'T YOU EVER INTERRUPT ME EVER AGAIN OR YOUR FIRED!!! Now get ready, your match is next.


Diamond Dallas Page:
Take that you nerd!


NOTES: Stephanie used her freedom to her advantage. Bourne looked lost out there.


INVOLVED: Stephanie McMahon and Evan 'Air' Bourne

HASHTAGS: #BusinessBeforeFamily – #BourneMakesTheSave – #WelcomeBackStephanie






Winner advances to Armageddon for the WWE Championship in a Elimination Chamber match:

Evan 'Air' Bourne vs. The Rock w/Stephanie McMahon

Referee: Chad Patton

Evan Bourne the man who delivered three ‘Air Bournes’ at Survivor Series and picked up three eliminations the highest for the night faces the return of one of the greatest WWE Superstars of all time The Rock who also has his new business partner Stephanie McMahon at ringside. Rock teaches Bourne a new range of offence as Rock dominates the majority of the match. After minutes of Rock wiping the mat of Bourne, Rock is caught with a wild enziguri then followed up by a standing moonsault. The WWE Universe starts to get behind Bourne as he goes to the top rope ready to hit a ‘Air Bourne’ when Stephanie hops onto the apron and distracts the referee allowing Rock to kick the ropes sending Bourne down onto his package on the top turnbuckle. Rock drags Bourne of the top turnbuckle and hits him with a ‘Rock Bottom’ in the centre of the ring. With the match clearly won, Rock adds insult to injury when he hits the ‘Peoples Elbow’.


Michael Cole:
He didn't need to hit that!


Rock gets the win and advances to the Elimination Chamber.

<hr color="black">

The Rock

'Peoples Elbow'


Awesome match to kick of RAW.


#RockBottom – #OneMoreTime – #WhatAMatch






The crowd boo as Bourne is helped outside of the ring and Stephanie McMahon hands The Rock a microphone. This will be the first words Rock has spoken in years in the WWE.


The Rock:
Finally….. [
Despite hating him the crowd finish Rocks sentence ‘The Rock has come back to New York City’
]. Whoa Whoa Whoa. First off all, none of you ‘Jabronis’ get the privilege to interrupt The Rock. This is not like how it was before, if you want that watch it on YouTube because now ‘The Great One’ couldn’t give a damn what you people think. The Rock wants one thing and that is the WWE Championship. But you see The Rock needs his money, The Rock needs his Hollywood money. So The Rock can’t be here long, because once I win the WWE Championship and eventually main event Wrestlemania The Rock…. is…. gone. So The Rock had to get to get to the top quick and that meant making a deal with Stephanie McMahon. [
The crowd boo louder as they chant ‘You Sold Out, You Sold Out’
] The Rock couldn’t care what you people think because in five weeks’ time The Rock is your WWE Champion.


Diamond Dallas Page:
The Great One is going to be WWE Champion I can't wait!


Michael Cole:
God I hope not.


Rock drops the microphone as the people boo and we play a quick hype video.

NOTES: Rock went well of script.


INVOLVED: The Rock and Stephanie McMahon

HASHTAGS: #DieRockyDie – #StephAndRock – #HollywoodMoney






Another hype video plays for the South African Lions (Justin Gabriel and Leo Kruger) this time shows them repeatedly hitting the devastating ‘Hakuna Mabusta’ on different opponents in NXT and FCW.


Justin Gabriel:
When we hit the ‘Hakuna Mabusta’ that means no worries.

NOTES: Gabriel struggled on a script and it brought the croods mood down.


INVOLVED: South African Lions (Justin Gabriel and Leo Kruger)

HASHTAGS: #SAL – #HereComeTheLions – #HakunaMabustaMeansNoWorries






10 Man Battle Royal

Winner advances to Armageddon for the WWE Championship in a Elimination Chamber match :

Randy Orton, Kofi Kingston, Wade Barrett, Sheamus, Carilto, The Great Khali, Chris Masters, Santino Marella, Jack Swagger and Mark Henry

10 of RAW’s best Superstars compete in a Battle Royal here as they look to get themselves in the Elimination Chamber match for the WWE Championship. The European Bastards form an alliance early on as they focus on Marella eliminating him early on. Orton and Kingston go to blows as the tension is still high between both men. Swagger and Carlito have got Khali in a corner while Masters is attacking Henry. Swagger gets the next elimination when he eliminates Khali but Henry eliminates him a few seconds afterwards. Masters runs after Henry but Henry eliminates him as well sending the European Champion out of the ring. Kingston now dealing with the European Bastards and Orton in the corner while Carlito is hit with a ‘World’s Strongest Slam’ then sent out of the ring. Henry runs to the group and helps out Kingston sending Barrett over the top rope. Orton plants a ‘RKO’ onto Henry then another to Kingston. Sheamus and Orton lift up Henry before eliminating him from the match. Sheamus goes to pick Kingston up but is hit with a stiff standing dropkick. Orton goes after Kingston but is hit with a hurricanrana that sends Kingston and Orton onto the outside apron. Orton and Kingston battle it out on the apron when Kingston hits a kick to the leg of Orton that sends Orton off the apron and out of the match. Sheamus runs at Kingston and attempts a ‘Bastard Boot’ but Kingston grabs the leg and flips Sheamus out of the ring winning the match and advancing to the Elimination Chamber match.


Diamond Dallas Page:
Oh come on Kingston cheated again!


Michael Cole:
Dallas really, Kingston won that match fair and square.


Diamond Dallas Page:
Sure Cole lets go with that.

<hr color="black">

Kofi Kingston

Kingston (Sheamus and Randy Orton), European Bastards (Santino Marella), Jack Swagger (The Great Khali), Mark Henry (Jack Swagger, Carlito, Wade Barrett and Chris Masters), Randy Orton (Mark Henry)




#Kingston4Champ – #BadBoot – #HenryIsAMonster






Orton is furious at ringside and calls for his Legacy stable mate Ted Dibiase who quickly runs out to help Orton.




Kingston still exhausted barely to his feet is quickly attacked by Orton and Dibiase. Orton and Dibiase unleash a brutal assault on Kingston as the crowd boos at Legacy. Orton tells Dibiase to slowly get Kingston to his feet. When Kingston is lifted up Orton puts his arms around Kingstons neck ready to hit an ‘RKO’ when Kingston is quickly saved.




Cody Rhodes runs to the ring to help out Kingston with the whole arena chanting ‘Cody Cody’, Rhodes goes to the top rope and hits a dropkick on Dibiase. Orton goes for an ‘RKO’ but Rhodes reverses it around and hits a ‘Cross Rhodes’. Dibiase grabs the body of Orton and takes him out of the ring as Rhodes helps Kingston back to his feet.



INVOLVED: Randy Orton, Kofi Kingston, Ted Dibiase and Cody Rhodes

HASHTAGS: #CrossRhodes – #Rhodes – #OrtonSucks






Vince McMahon is standing in his office watching a monitor which shows Rhodes and Kingston regrouping. Vince is not smiling just staring blankly. We haven’t heard a word from him regarding Stephanie and Rock or any events from Survivor Series. The past month has changed a lot in pro wrestling and Vince is yet to comprehend it all. His phone starts to ring but he immediately hangs up. It rings again and he just hangs up the phone still staring blankly into the monitor. His stare is interrupted by the opening of his office door.




European Bastards; Sheamus and Wade Barrett storm in breaking the thick silence.


Wade Barrett:
Now Vince we are sorry for interruptin’…. what eva’ you were doing but was is this abou’ these Souf’ African Lins’? We are the only new team haer’ on RAOW’. Now Vince we couldn’t give a damn who they are but we want them in match next week on RAOW’.


Vince McMahon:
You got them at Armageddon. [
Vince just gets up still with no emotions and leaves the office leaving the European Bastards smiling.


Diamond Dallas Page:
Those African jerks better get ready for the 'Bastards Boot'


NOTES: Vince went well off script and so did Barrett.


INVOLVED: Vince McMahon and European Bastards (Sheamus and Wade Barrett)

HASHTAGS: #IsVinceStoned – #DDPIs – #BadBoot






Josh Mathews:
Ladies and Gentlemen I am standing here with the European Champion Chris Masters and his manager A.W. Now my question is for Chris. Chris what is your reaction to being eliminated from the Battle Royal early on tonight.


Now Joshua, you never and A.W means never talk to my Superstar and your European Champion Chris Masters ever! Now we at A.W Enterprise will be taking legal action on the WWE as we think Masters was unfairly eliminated tonight and at Survivor Series. A.W Enterprise can do that because we have millions of dollars unlike these New York idiots. New York is like Michael Cole all they do is suck. [
The fans boo A.W. as Masters flexes with the belt.
] Now here’s the thing Joshua, we didn’t know that we had a traitor in our team at Survivor Series and we will also be taking legal action on Cody Rhodes.


Josh Mathews:
But he won the match for your….


How about you don’t interrupt me Joshua. All this crazy legal action is going to cost A.W Enterprise money, specifically millions of dollars. So we have come up with a great plan to get us that Pay Per View money bay bay! Chris Masters will defend his European Championship in the ‘Ultimate Challenge’ if anyone is game to step up at Armageddon then step up. That’s the interview over Joshua.


Michael Cole:
'The Ultimate Challenge' I wonder who will accept it?


Diamond Dallas Page:
I would Cole if it wasn't Chris Masters that guy is unbeatable.


NOTES: A.W had the crowd in his hand as he used the script well.


INVOLVED: Josh Mathews, A.W and Chris Masters

HASHTAGS: #Joshua – #UltimateChallenge – #NEWYORKHATESAW





Winner becomes Number 1 Contender for the WWE Tag Team Championship:

D-Generation-X (Shawn Michaels and Triple H) vs. Cryme Tyme (Shad Gaspard and JTG) vs. The Hart Dynasty (Tyson Kidd and Harry Smith)

Referee: John Cone

Two men start this match of in the form of JTG and Kidd. Both men show their mat ability but as the match as the match continues DX are able to enter the match. Make no mistake both Triple H and Shawn Michaels are pissed off, really pissed off. Shawn getting cheated out of the WWE Championship and Triple H getting kicked in the nuts by his own wife. The aggression makes them sloppy as Hart Dynasty start to dominate the match. Michaels and JTG are put in countless submission holds to no avail. Triple H works his way into the match and hits Smith with a ‘Pedigree’. Triple H quickly getting the pin and the win.


Diamond Dallas Page:
They are focused.


Michael Cole:
They look dangerous.


<hr color="black">






#WellTheyArePissed – #Pedigree – #DXAreMad






Shawn Michaels and Triple H, have no smiles no cheer just dead serious faces. Triple H grabs to microphones from ringsides and gives Michaels one.


Triple H:
Rock let me start of by saying this I’m going to kill you. I am THE LAST DAMN MAN YOU WANT TO PISS OFF. YOU ARE A DEAD MOT…. [
Michaels pushes Triple H back telling him not to swear and calm down.


Shawn Michaels:
Triple H pushes Michaels back this time, both men clearly pissed off.
] Heres the thing Rock, not only did you ruin my best friends marriage but you also kept me away from winning the WWE Championship and that is something you don’t do to me. One way or another we get are hands on you. Oh and Steph, it’s nothing personal [
Michaels says sarcastically
] it’s just business.


Triple H and Shawn Michaels just stare into the camera when SMACK!!.




Triple H and Shawn Michaels drop to their knees as Chris Jericho and Big Show hit them with Steel Chairs. They relentlessly beat both men. With the cold steel hitting the back of both men causing red welts to grow.




Stephanie McMahon walks out and just smiles as Jericho and Show just destroy her husband and Michaels with steel chairs. Show drags Triple H to the ropes and leans him on them forcing him to look up at Stephanie then does the same to Shawn.


Stephanie McMahon:



INVOLVED: D-Generation-X (Shawn Michaels and Triple H), Jerishow (Chris Jericho and Big Show) and Stephanie McMahon

HASHTAGS: #StephIsABitch – #JerishowvsDX – #LookOutDXIsPissed





Winner advances to Armageddon for the WWE Championship in a Elimination Chamber match:

Cody Rhodes vs. 'Awesome One' The Miz

Referee: Scott Armstrong

Two young and hungry RAW Superstars battle in the main event here tonight. Both men have something to prove in this match. Rhodes to prove that he is a main eventer and Miz that his loss of the United States Championship was a fluke. Both men are evenly matched in their arsenal as the match goes around the ring and outside it. Rhodes is sent into the steel steps by Miz multiple times before Rhodes is able to hit a moonsault to Miz outside of the ring. Miz again stops Rhodes momentum when he gives Rhodes a big boot then follows it up by a corner clothesline. Rhodes looks to off lost the match when out of nowhere he hits an ‘RKO’ of his own. This is a clear spit in the face to Randy Orton. Rhodes goes to cover Miz when ‘
’ plays on the PA.




Michael Cole:
Oh Randy is going to cost Rhodes the match.


Diamond Dallas Page:
Rhodes shouldn't have stepped on 'The Viper'.


Orton makes his slow walk to the ring when Miz hits the distracted Rhodes with a ‘Skull Crushing Finale’ for the win.

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'Awesome One' The Miz

'Skull Crushing Finale' following an interference from Randy Orton




#OrtonRuinsEveryThing – #MizIsAwfull – #RhodesRules





Orton continues to make his way down to the ring as the shocked Rhodes runs up the ramp to face Orton and they begin to brawl. Miz goes to join Orton and Kingston in this brawl. Miz and Orton work together nicely sending Rhodes in front of the stage throwing Rhodes against the lights repeatedly with the Miz shouting ‘I’M AWESOME’.



Ted Dibiase, John Cena and Kofi Kingston all join the brawl, Cena dropping the title near the stage in the process. Cena and Miz facing off into the crowd while Orton and Dibiase struggle to contain Kingston and Rhodes. Cena and Miz make their way back to the chaos as an ‘RKO’ is given to Rhodes then a ‘Trouble in Paradise’ to Orton then a ‘Dream Street’ to Kingston. Miz gives Cena a big boot then a ‘Skull Crushing Finale’ to Dibiase. Miz attempts one on Cena but Cena fights out of it and gives Miz a ‘Attitude Adjustment’. The show ends with Cena holding the WWE Championship above his head surrounded by bodies.


Diamond Dallas Page:
Armageddon is going to be awesome Cole.


Michael Cole:
It sure is Dallas it sure is. Thats the end of Monday Night RAW folks see you next week.



INVOLVED: Cody Rhodes, Randy Orton, The Miz, Ted Dibiase, Kofi Kingston and John Cena

HASHTAGS: #RAWWasAwesome – #MizWasnt – #CenaIsTheChamp




Quick RAW Results:


Preshow: Chavo Guerrero and Carlito vs
South African Lions (Justin Gabriel and Leo Kruger)

Main Card


Winner advances to Armageddon for the WWE Championship in a Elimination Chamber match:

Evan Bourne vs
The Rock


10 Man Battle Royal

Winner advances to Armageddon for the WWE Championship in a Elimination Chamber match:

Randy Orton,
Kofi Kingston
, Wade Barrett, Sheamus, Carilto, The Great Khali, Chris Masters, Santino Marella, Jack Swagger and Mark Henry


Winner becomes Number One for the WWE Tag Team Championship:

D-Generation-X (Shawn Michaels and Triple H)
vs Cryme Tyme (JTG and Shad Gaspard) vs The Hart Dynasty (Tyson Kidd and Harry Smith)


Winner advances to Armageddon for the WWE Championship in a Elimination Chamber match:

Cody Rhodes vs
The Miz


What is the ??? match for the WWE Championship:
Elimination Chamber


HASHTAGS: #RAW – #StephAndRock – #EliminationChamber – #Armageddon – #RockvsBourne – #NothingPersonal

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© 2009 All Rights Reserved. Monday Night RAW is a property of World Wrestling Entertainment, LLC.


[Legacy Wars Guide]

Schedule: RAW – ECW – Impact – Smackdown – PPV

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Official Card for WWE ECW on Syfy

Week 4, November 2009

Held At:
Hammerstein Ballroom, New York City


Show Time:
60 Minutes

Bryon Saxton and Tony Atlas

Main Event:
ECW Championship: Christian vs William Regal vs Shelton Benjamin



Tonight in the legendary Hammerstein Ballroom the WWE Universe witness the last ECW ever.


For months the alliance of William Regal, Vladimir Kozlov and Ezekiel Jackson have been dominating ECW but have never been able to receive the ECW Championship. That title being held by the ever charismatic Christian who has held the title for months. Christian made a deal with Shelton Benjamin a few weeks ago saying that if Shelton joins his team for Survivor Series then he will put the ECW Championship on the line against him. Regal however also is the number one contender for the championship as well. So in the last ever ECW the main event will see a Hardcore Triple Threat match featuring Christian, Regal and Benjamin. Not only that but for one night only the IWJP Tag Team Champions The Dudelyz make their return to ECW to face The Dudebusters in a tag team tables match. Zack Ryder also will face Tommy Dreamer and Alberto Del Rio takes on The Hurricane again in a Hair vs Mask match. Not only that but Paul Heyman will be on the show to discuss the history of ECW and maybe more.


Pre Show:

Bryan Danielson vs. Lance Cade



Main Show:


Tommy Dreamer vs. Zack Ryder



Tables Match:

The Dudelyz (Bubba Dudley and D-Von Dudley) vs. The Dudebusters



Hair vs Mask Match:

Alberto Del Rio vs. The Hurricane



Hardcore Match

ECW Championship

'Captain Charisma' Christian vs. 'Lord' William Regal vs. Shelton Benjamin Comments:


Fun Fan Signs:








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Winner becomes Number One for the WWE Tag Team Championship:

D-Generation-X (Shawn Michaels and Triple H) vs Cryme Tyme (JTG and Shad Gaspard) vs The Hart Dynasty (Tyson Kidd and Harry Smith)

Comments: It's weird... With Jeri-Show as Champs, you'd expect them to need a BIG feud, and DX are the most over team there by far... But then HBK/Rock is surely coming?! So DX don't wanna be involved in tag title matches? Then JTG and Shad did well at Survivor Series... I just like Tyson Kidd more! So there we go! :D haha




What is the ??? match for the WWE Championship: Scramble Match?! Always wanted to write one... May have one coming up soon... ;)


Comments on Diary: Yes Rock! Now will we see Rock vs HBK before the Invasion fully kicks in?! Sting's arrival was awesome!! :D and do I not get a prize for 14/25 for Survivor Series?!?! :( owh



Comments on Diary: I loved the Survivor Series, with Sting, Rock, Cody's turn and all in all. It was a great PPV. One tip, though: Don't tell us that face and heel turns have been teased when they are, because they come off better when they are total surprises. Just a tip though.




Thanks for the comments Lloyd and Smasher and of course to Satyr and Uncrewed who predicted. A lot of questions surrounding DX/Jerishow/Rock/Steph. I finally finished writing the end for this era of my diary, I've spent months deciding how to end it and finally figured out how. I realize that this is not like a normal diary and may be 'out there' storyline wise but hopefully it is a good type of confusion of you don't where this is going to lead. DX/Jerishow/RockSteph all play huge roles in the war and are fun to write.Tune into Smackdown to learn the fate of Hart Dynasty and Cryme Tyme.


Would love to see you write a Scramble Match, and may do one myself in the future.


Rock vs HBK sure is a dream match, when will the two men face off? Who knows? :D Thanks for the Sting comments, god I hope I pull this Sting story of well, it is the most nerve racking story I have going. Your prize is how proud you should be of doing really well for a hard PPV to predict! :D Which by the way continued on RAW which was hard also. I also used the same format that FrootLoop is using for prediction results. It is so much easier to do it that way.


Thanks for the tips and comments Smasher, you do such awesome and epic PPVs that I will take that knowledge on board. I changed the style a bit for RAW which hopefully everyone likes and gave both WWE Legacy Wars and TNA/ROH/NJPW 2009: Legacy Wars a well needed freshen up. Thanks for the comments again gents.

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