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NJPW: Kings Of Strong Style II

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How in the world did Yuji Nagata vs. Satoshi Kojima score a 83 yet Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. AJ Styles only got a 81? http://i1057.photobucket.com/albums/t385/Loca4ToolCastle/tumblr_l9jbjjrezW1qardf2.gif


Kojima is super cozy in the ring. :D:p:cool:

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How in the world did Yuji Nagata vs. Satoshi Kojima score a 83 yet Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. AJ Styles only got a 81?


Wolfman here don't know about that 3rd Generation excellence. :cool: Not to mention it was the fifth in a best of five G1 Series, so I'm not surprised it was such a good match.


Surprised you let Fale beat Ishii, but I guess that's one NEVER Openweight Contender lined up post-G1. Can't believe you let Roderick Strong win a match, he should have jobbed his way through the entire tournament. El Patron winning is good, but that match was terrible. Hopefully it's not so bad in IRL when Anderson gets to the WWE. Marufuji beat Yano, not totally unexpected but still a bummer. One day Yano will get his perfect G1 run, I tell you. One day. Honma dropping to Joe isn't too big a surprise, but I figured Honma could afford the loss. If he loses to Strong though, I'll kill you.


*Takes a shallow breath*


El Desperado ought to be your lead SZKG Junior, IMO. He's got a cool mask and name, he's a NJPW thoroughbred and Taka and Taichi can work tags just fine. And one day Watanabe will be your next-generation Tenzan, and there's nothing you can do about it!


*Takes a deep breath*


Naito vs. Nakamura... did we have that match recently in IRL? They didn't face in the G1 2015, did they? Makabe beats Suzuki, huh? I don't know if I agree with that but I suppose Makabe is a thoroughbred so he deserves the win over a freelancer like Suzuki... maybe. Suzuki/Shelton vs. GBH could be interesting though. One day Goto-san will be New Japan's hero, but that day will not be today and not any time soon while Styles is around to Pele Kick him into unconsciousness. Naito gets his victory on Shibata, but Shibata will get his one day soon! And now the main event... yeah, just as expected it's a victory for Okada. Surprised to know he's 3-0 vs. Ibushi, though. That's the kind of record that kills a challenger's aspirations.


And now... a look at the standings...


*Takes a shallow breath*


Suzuki and Honma better go on a tear soon because having 0 points is definitely not good. I think you're being a bit too generous with your ROH gaijin in Strong, but I guess if he had to beat anyone Shelton wasn't a bad shout to keep some credibility. El Patron and Joe are your tickets though, and I'd keep them on afterwards if I could.


Actually, speaking of El Patron and New Japan...


Los Ingobernales de Japon (Mootinie)?


Perhaps in this universe, Naito's fall to SZKG leads him to become quite ungovernable even for Suzuki's standards, leading to a split within SZKG post-Wrestle Kingdom 10. The gaijin and juniors mostly stay loyal to SZKG, but El Desperado leaves with Naito. The two gather up El Patron, BUSHI and Yujiro Takahashi, plus maybe Kamataichi? El Desperado/Kamataichi as the Junior team, BUSHI as the Junior Ace, Yujiro as Naito's heater and El Patron as the Intercontinental contender... plus then you could put Samoa Joe in SZKG as their Openweight ace!


Bah. I'm getting too deep into the Matrix. I believe you said that you weren't playing past 10 because of 2016, so maybe you could upload the data for others to play with? :o

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Wow, awesome post. Thanks for spilling your thoughts.


El Desperado is very much a work in progress. I like him and I want to do something with him but the timing has to be right. He also needs to make some improvements first since I'm not exactly starved of exciting Juniors.


I'm not going to comment on G1 booking decisions because it's a round robin tournament, guys have to lose for other guys to gain points. I don't even agree with some of the booking decisions myself. That said, I don't imagine anybody won't be satisfied when it's all said and done.


I did have ideas for Los Ingobernables and that was something I probably would have done in 2016. But no way would mine have been BUSHI and EVIL. Probably Naito, Rush, La Sombra and Kamaitachi. That isn't something that will happen in this diary though, I can confirm that now.


And finally, yeah I'll happily upload my data when this diary is over.

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For me, New Japan's Los Ingobernales de Japon is about New Japan stars left to grow stale in their positions under the top echelon of Bullet Club/Tanahashi/Chaos. So while someone like Takaaki Watanabe wouldn't necessarily make sense (even if I like his purple gear), someone like BUSHI or El Desperado would, as would Yujiro.
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WAIT! What's with all the Roddy hate!?


Generic ass PWG/ROH wrestler, who can do the moves very well but doesn't come off as believable nor impressive, with every match he does coming off like a performance rather than a fight. Same reason why I don't like the Young Bucks and their shitty "too-sweet-me-bro" gimmick.


Lucha Underground, New Japan and British indie wrestling have some of the same problems, but by lieu of Can-Am indie wrestling being the default, their performance styles tend to stand out much better due to the cultural twists. New Japan hits harder, Lucha Underground is blatantly theatrical and British wrestling tends to be more humorous.

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Generic ass PWG/ROH wrestler, who can do the moves very well but doesn't come off as believable nor impressive, with every match he does coming off like a performance rather than a fight. Same reason why I don't like the Young Bucks and their shitty "too-sweet-me-bro" gimmick.


Lucha Underground, New Japan and British indie wrestling have some of the same problems, but by lieu of Can-Am indie wrestling being the default, their performance styles tend to stand out much better due to the cultural twists. New Japan hits harder, Lucha Underground is blatantly theatrical and British wrestling tends to be more humorous.


Pretty much my thoughts on Roderick but I'll be damned if I don't praise the Sick Kick. It's a damn work of art.

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G1 Climax 25 Night 4 Preview




G1 Climax 25 Night 4

July 29th, 2015


After a long overnight travel from Nagoya, the G1 Climax continues in the northernmost prefecture of Japan: Hokkaido! Shelton X Benjamin and Tomohiro Ishii will put their feet up as we may begin to see the first signs of fatigue set in.


In the featured match of the evening, IWGP Heavyweight Champion Tetsuya Naito collides with the "King Of Strong Style" Shinsuke Nakamura! In Block A, Naomichi Marufuji, Hirooki Goto, AJ Styles and Samoa Joe grapple to usurp each other.


G1 Climax 25 Night 4 Predictions


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Kota Ibushi (2) vs. Tomoaki Honma (0)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Katsuyori Shibata (2) vs. Bad Luck Fale (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Samoa Joe (4) vs. AJ Styles (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Karl Anderson (2) vs. Minoru Suzuki (0)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Roderick Strong (2) vs. Kazuchika Okada (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Alberto El Patron (4) vs. Satoshi Kojima (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Hiroshi Tanahashi (2) vs. Toru Yano (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Togi Makabe (4) vs. Yuji Nagata (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Naomichi Marufuji (4) vs. Hirooki Goto (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Shinsuke Nakamura (4) vs. Tetsuya Naito (4)




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G1 Climax 25 Block A

Kota Ibushi (2) vs. Tomoaki Honma (0)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Katsuyori Shibata (2) vs. Bad Luck Fale (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Samoa Joe (4) vs. AJ Styles (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Karl Anderson (2) vs. Minoru Suzuki (0)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Roderick Strong (2) vs. Kazuchika Okada (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Alberto El Patron (4) vs. Satoshi Kojima (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Hiroshi Tanahashi (2) vs. Toru Yano (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Togi Makabe (4) vs. Yuji Nagata (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Naomichi Marufuji (4) vs. Hirooki Goto (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Shinsuke Nakamura (4) vs. Tetsuya Naito (4)

Comments: DRAW

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G1 Climax 25 Night 4 Predictions


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Kota Ibushi (2) vs. Tomoaki Honma (0)

Comments: Really, it's another no comment bout. Honma will be lucky if he picks up anything. Shoulda put Tacos in the G1, he'd explode loosely over everyone!


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Katsuyori Shibata (2) vs. Bad Luck Fale (4)

Comments: Fale had his win last show.


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Samoa Joe (4) vs. AJ Styles (4)

Comments: Styles is more established but this is the toss up of the day.


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Karl Anderson (2) vs. Minoru Suzuki (0)

Comments: I'm beginning to think there is a story to MiSu having zero points but come on. He's not dropping to Anderson. No way, no how. I'll send Shingo after you if it happens. And not the nice Monster Express Shingo, the ruthless VerserK Shingo!


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Roderick Strong (2) vs. Kazuchika Okada (4)

Comments: Shouldn't even be up for discussion.


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Alberto El Patron (4) vs. Satoshi Kojima (2)

Comments: Kojima lariats El Patron all the way back to WWE.


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Hiroshi Tanahashi (2) vs. Toru Yano (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Togi Makabe (4) vs. Yuji Nagata (2)

Comments: Nagata deserves to be at least a four point person. Makabe is bleh.


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Naomichi Marufuji (4) vs. Hirooki Goto (4)

Comments: Goto kills the NOAH geek.


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Shinsuke Nakamura (4) vs. Tetsuya Naito (4)

Comments: As one fades, the other rises. Shinsuke's lost his belt and he's not really doing much whilst Naito is riding on top of the world. Whilst a win for Shinsuke would definitely put him in contention, much better to let Naito further establish himself as THE guy (despite holding wins over Tanahashi) here. Shinsuke's in the unique position where regardless of wins & losses, he always looks credible.

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G1 Climax 25 Block A

Kota Ibushi (2) vs. Tomoaki Honma (0)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Katsuyori Shibata (2) vs. Bad Luck Fale (4)

Comments: Shibata is pretty rad. Side note, I've been spelling his name as "Shiabata" all week and then I see this...I'm an idiot


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Samoa Joe (4) vs. AJ Styles (4)

Comments: Think Styles has a better chance here.


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Karl Anderson (2) vs. Minoru Suzuki (0)

Comments: This is rather tough. I feel like Anderson may go on a tear, but like MHero said, it is Suzuki...


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Roderick Strong (2) vs. Kazuchika Okada (4)

Comments: Dojo Bro. #1 doesn't stand a chance


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Alberto El Patron (4) vs. Satoshi Kojima (2)

Comments: So I just started watching New Japan and I am absolutely in love with Kojima based on the little I've seen from him this year. I know he held the Heavyweight belt, but was he ever super over? If so, that would make me really happy.


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Hiroshi Tanahashi (2) vs. Toru Yano (2)

Comments: *sees Toru Yano* *sweats highlighting Tanahashi's name and clicks bold*


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Togi Makabe (4) vs. Yuji Nagata (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Naomichi Marufuji (4) vs. Hirooki Goto (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Shinsuke Nakamura (4) vs. Tetsuya Naito (4)

Comments: Honestly, I'm picking Nakamura, but I could really see Naito winning this one.

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G1 Climax 25 Block A

Kota Ibushi (2) vs. Tomoaki Honma (0)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Katsuyori Shibata (2) vs. Bad Luck Fale (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Samoa Joe (4) vs. AJ Styles (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Karl Anderson (2) vs. Minoru Suzuki (0)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Roderick Strong (2) vs. Kazuchika Okada (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Alberto El Patron (4) vs. Satoshi Kojima (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Hiroshi Tanahashi (2) vs. Toru Yano (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Togi Makabe (4) vs. Yuji Nagata (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Naomichi Marufuji (4) vs. Hirooki Goto (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Shinsuke Nakamura (4) vs. Tetsuya Naito (4)


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G1 Climax 25 Block B

Katsuyori Shibata (2) vs. Bad Luck Fale (4)

Comments: Shibata is pretty rad. Side note, I've been spelling his name as "Shiabata" all week and then I see this...I'm an idiot


A need to go to sleep and the quoted comment inspired this!




Some fresh Katsuyori Ciabatta bread! :p

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G1 Climax 25 Block A

Kota Ibushi (2) vs. Tomoaki Honma (0)

Comments: Honma certainly isn't making his comeback tonight.


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Katsuyori Shibata (2) vs. Bad Luck Fale (4)

Comments: Shibata see, Shibata kick.


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Samoa Joe (4) vs. AJ Styles (4)

Comments: All it needs is a Christopher Daniels run in.


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Karl Anderson (2) vs. Minoru Suzuki (0)

Comments: Minoru begins the comeback.


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Roderick Strong (2) vs. Kazuchika Okada (4)

Comments: F' you Strong, feel the RAINMAKER!


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Alberto El Patron (4) vs. Satoshi Kojima (2)

Comments: Kojima-kun, this day is not your day!


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Hiroshi Tanahashi (2) vs. Toru Yano (2)

Comments: The trickster makes his mark once again.


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Togi Makabe (4) vs. Yuji Nagata (2)

Comments: Blue Justice powers on!


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Naomichi Marufuji (4) vs. Hirooki Goto (4)

Comments: Goto is your guy, in a sense. Marufuji is an ex-enemy ace though, so I'm not sure how to go about this. Speaking of which, is Yone still the GHC Heavyweight Champion?


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Shinsuke Nakamura (4) vs. Tetsuya Naito (4)

Comments: Nakamura gets his case for a Naito-Nakamura main event, even if he doesn't win at the end.

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G1 Climax 25 Night 4 Predictions


K, let's try this.


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Kota Ibushi (2) vs. Tomoaki Honma (0)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Katsuyori Shibata(2) vs. Bad Luck Fale (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Samoa Joe (4) vs. AJ Styles (4)

Comments: AJ has a stronger main eventer appeal.


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Karl Anderson (2) vs. Minoru Suzuki (0)

Comments: Minoru is legit badass, he should do well.


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Roderick Strong (2) vs. Kazuchika Okada (4)

Comments: Puro golden boy against a guy who's not shining in US? No brainer, but a good match.


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Alberto El Patron (4) vs. Satoshi Kojima (2)

Comments: Gotta work that arm, Alberto.


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Hiroshi Tanahashi (2) vs. Toru Yano (2)

Comments: Well, Tanahashi can expect a soft landing after the High Fly Flow.


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Togi Makabe (4) vs. Yuji Nagata(2)

Comments: Who would you pick as your tag partner/mentor in real life?


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Naomichi Marufuji (4) vs. Hirooki Goto (4)

Comments: Haven't seen much from this two, to be honest. Hard to


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Shinsuke Nakamura (4) vs. Tetsuya Naito (4)

Comments: That's a cracking main event!


Stacked card, looking forward. ;)

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G1 Climax 25 Block A

Kota Ibushi (2) vs. Tomoaki Honma (0)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Katsuyori Shibata (2) vs. Bad Luck Fale (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Samoa Joe (4) vs. AJ Styles (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Karl Anderson (2) vs. Minoru Suzuki (0)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Roderick Strong (2) vs. Kazuchika Okada (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Alberto El Patron (4) vs. Satoshi Kojima (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Hiroshi Tanahashi (2) vs. Toru Yano (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Togi Makabe (4) vs. Yuji Nagata (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Naomichi Marufuji (4) vs. Hirooki Goto (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Shinsuke Nakamura (4) vs. Tetsuya Naito (4)


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G1 Climax 25 Night 4 Predictions

I don't know about that Hashasheen. Roderick Strong vs. Bryan Danielson - Vendetta was a war.


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Kota Ibushi (2) vs. Tomoaki Honma (0)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Katsuyori Shibata (2) vs. Bad Luck Fale (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Samoa Joe (4) vs. AJ Styles (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Karl Anderson (2) vs. Minoru Suzuki (0)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Roderick Strong (2) vs. Kazuchika Okada (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Alberto El Patron (4) vs. Satoshi Kojima (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Hiroshi Tanahashi (2) vs. Toru Yano (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Togi Makabe (4) vs. Yuji Nagata (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Naomichi Marufuji (4) vs. Hirooki Goto (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Shinsuke Nakamura (4) vs. Tetsuya Naito (4)


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I don't know about that Hashasheen. Roderick Strong vs. Bryan Danielson - Vendetta was a war.


55 minute broadways don't do it for me. If you can't put an opponent down in under half an hour, then you clearly can't get the job done. :p


Seriously though, that's another problem I have. This indie tendency to equate good matches with longer matches, where you get 30, 45, 60 minutes matches. Chris Hero and CM Punk once did a two hour match in IWS Mid South. I ask you, who has the time for that shit? I could watch two episodes of NXT or LU in that time and get five or six times as much story content and development and evolution than you could from one of those matches. As well, have you ever seen a real fight go for an hour? It just doesn't happen, and it doesn't happen for a reason. You have to be actively trying not to incapacitate the other guy if you're going that long, and that just breaks my sense of immersion.

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30 minutes is perfect for me. That said, I think there's a time when you need to exceed that. Misawa and Kobashi once had a match that went about 45 minutes and it was remarkable because the story was all about how far Kobashi had to push himself just to beat Misawa after falling short so many times. Obviously, Flair vs. Sting.


But I don't like the idea of 60 minute draws and long matches just for storytelling purposes (ie. a rematch) and I think it's a slippery slope.


G1 Climax 25 Night 4 Predictions


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Kota Ibushi (2) vs. Tomoaki Honma (0)

Comments: Really, it's another no comment bout. Honma will be lucky if he picks up anything. Shoulda put Tacos in the G1, he'd explode loosely over everyone!

I honestly could have ran a 30 person G1. There was so many guys I wanted to add. YOSHI-HASHI as you mentioned, Tama Tonga, Tenzan is an omission. Would have been nice to get Killer Elite Squad in too. Watanabe would have benefited massively from getting to work with Tanahashi, Okada, Naito and/or Nakamura. Yeah, shame I couldn't add more really.

G1 Climax 25 Block B

Alberto El Patron (4) vs. Satoshi Kojima (2)

Comments: So I just started watching New Japan and I am absolutely in love with Kojima based on the little I've seen from him this year. I know he held the Heavyweight belt, but was he ever super over? If so, that would make me really happy.

I think he was, yeah. It's been a while since I watched his older stuff but sometimes, even now, he's super duper over and the crowd go wild when he starts hitting his stuff.

G1 Climax 25 Block A

Naomichi Marufuji (4) vs. Hirooki Goto (4)

Comments: Goto is your guy, in a sense. Marufuji is an ex-enemy ace though, so I'm not sure how to go about this. Speaking of which, is Yone still the GHC Heavyweight Champion?

Yup. Most recent defence was against Jimmy Susumu of Dragon Gate at Great Voyage 2015, it rated 81.

G1 Climax 25 Block B

Togi Makabe (4) vs. Yuji Nagata(2)

Comments: Who would you pick as your tag partner/mentor in real life?


Welcome aboard mate. :)


Haha. Personally, I'd choose Nagata. There was a period of time when he was able to have great matches with anybody and I get the impression that he's very much a leader of men and a good role model. Makabe comes across to me as one of the boys, likes his drinking and his women and his swearing but will wear a suit if management ask him to shill some playing cards. :p

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30 minutes is perfect for me. That said, I think there's a time when you need to exceed that. Misawa and Kobashi once had a match that went about 45 minutes and it was remarkable because the story was all about how far Kobashi had to push himself just to beat Misawa after falling short so many times. Obviously, Flair vs. Sting.


But I don't like the idea of 60 minute draws and long matches just for storytelling purposes (ie. a rematch) and I think it's a slippery slope.


The old school rassling/puroresu matches tended to do a lot less big moves than you see in any indy match today, which makes it a little easier to swallow but still difficult. You can do it maybe once a year if that if you've got the right story and right pair, but otherwise I really don't see the need for any singles match to ever exceed 30 minutes. If you've got a multi-man match like an EC match or a Battle Royal, then sure go ahead.


Otherwise, bleh.

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G1 Climax 25 Block A

Kota Ibushi (2) vs. Tomoaki Honma (0)

Comments: Poor Honma, I really want him to get some points now, but unfortunately not with Ibushi as his opponent.


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Katsuyori Shibata (2) vs. Bad Luck Fale (4)

Comments: Shibata Kick his head off! :p


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Samoa Joe (4) vs. AJ Styles (4)

Comments: This looks like to be a very great match, hopefully having a great rating. Styles for the win though.


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Karl Anderson (2) vs. Minoru Suzuki (0)

Comments: C'mon need the guy with the worst personatily to rack up some points, unless there is a reason why he is losing a lot early on in the tournament.


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Roderick Strong (2) vs. Kazuchika Okada (4)

Comments: Go Back to ROH Roddie, The Rainmaker will cut you down!


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Alberto El Patron (4) vs. Satoshi Kojima (2)

Comments: This does look like a good match unless El Patron is current lazy Del Rio.


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Hiroshi Tanahashi (2) vs. Toru Yano (2)

Comments: Tanahashi's penultimate rival, Yano has always been a thorn in Tanahashi side and has always been able to get a cheap win from him. I expect him to be able to do that this time.


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Togi Makabe (4) vs. Yuji Nagata (2)

Comments: I would like to see this match in real life, but the anti-aging hero looks to be winning this bout.


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Naomichi Marufuji (4) vs. Hirooki Goto (4)

Comments: The only real appeal about Naomichi is his entrance costume... and his music.


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Shinsuke Nakamura (4) vs. Tetsuya Naito (4)

Comments: Interesting enough this seems like a rematch from the 2012 G1 Climax when Nakamura won it over Naito. I expect Naito to avenge that lose.

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G1 Climax 25 Night 4 Predictions


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Kota Ibushi (2) vs. Tomoaki Honma (0)

Comments: i will always believe in HONMANIA


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Katsuyori Shibata (2) vs. Bad Luck Fale (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Samoa Joe (4) vs. AJ Styles (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Karl Anderson (2) vs. Minoru Suzuki (0)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Roderick Strong (2) vs. Kazuchika Okada (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Alberto El Patron (4) vs. Satoshi Kojima (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Hiroshi Tanahashi (2) vs. Toru Yano (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Togi Makabe (4) vs. Yuji Nagata (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Naomichi Marufuji (4) vs. Hirooki Goto (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Shinsuke Nakamura (4) vs. Tetsuya Naito (4)


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G1 Climax 25 Block A

Kota Ibushi (2) vs. Tomoaki Honma (0)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Katsuyori Shibata (2) vs. Bad Luck Fale (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Samoa Joe (4) vs. AJ Styles (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Karl Anderson (2) vs. Minoru Suzuki (0)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Roderick Strong (2) vs. Kazuchika Okada (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Alberto El Patron (4) vs. Satoshi Kojima (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Hiroshi Tanahashi (2) vs. Toru Yano (2)

Comments: If Yano wins this....I will cry


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Togi Makabe (4) vs. Yuji Nagata (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Naomichi Marufuji (4) vs. Hirooki Goto (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Shinsuke Nakamura (4) vs. Tetsuya Naito (4)


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G1 Climax 25 Block A

Kota Ibushi (2) vs. Tomoaki Honma (0)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Katsuyori Shibata (2) vs. Bad Luck Fale (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Samoa Joe (4) vs. AJ Styles (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Karl Anderson (2) vs. Minoru Suzuki (0)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Roderick Strong (2) vs. Kazuchika Okada (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Alberto El Patron (4) vs. Satoshi Kojima (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Hiroshi Tanahashi (2) vs. Toru Yano (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Togi Makabe (4) vs. Yuji Nagata (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Naomichi Marufuji (4) vs. Hirooki Goto (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Shinsuke Nakamura (4) vs. Tetsuya Naito (4)


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