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SWF -- This Means War! (diary)

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Wow. 400 posts and over 10,000 views. :D But I know you didn't come here to read my rambling. I'll just say "THANKS!" [CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Invasion![/SIZE][/B] [I]Tuesday of Week 4, October 2007[/I] Held at the Shakeshaft Auditorium in the Great Lakes Territory 5,000 in attendance[/CENTER] Jerry Eisen, Marv Earnest, and Emma Chase welcomed us to another show. 1) Richard Eisen came out to the ring surrounded by security guards. He said that after what happened last week, he was taking extra precautions to keep this so-called "Karma" out of his arena. Wanda Fish and Marc DuBois would not make an appearance tonight and they would not disrupt his ... ... and that's when the screen went to static. When it came back, there was Wanda Fish, standing before a non-descript wall. She informed Richard that he can't hold back Karma any more than a person can hold back the tide. Karma is going to get him! This is what she proposes: she, Marc DuBois, and a third person will take on any three SWF workers of Richard's choosing at the next Pay-Per-View, "November Nightmare". She said she'd leave it up to Richard to reply. The screen went to static again and came back to reveal a livid Richard Eisen in the ring. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] for Richard's promo; [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] for the challenge 2) [B]DELIRIOUS DAN (c) vs. MEAN JEAN CATTLEY [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship[/COLOR] Surprisingly, Dan looked okay out there. It was an average match, but at least he was on his game apparently. He couldn't put Mean Jean away, but he was able to hold off Mean Jean as well until the time limit ran out. WINNER: [B]No one (Draw)[/B] in 10:00 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C[/COLOR] 3) Flex and Pex were shown backstage arguing with Lady Melissa about whether or not she was really going out with Bart Biggz. Lady Melissa seemed to resent the fact that Flex and Pex thought they could control her. She finally told them that she wanted to go out with Bart, and that was that! RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] 4) Ricky Dale Johnson sauntered out to the ring. He said that he had a beef with Richard Eisen. He said it was rude to exclude him from the Battle Royal last week, especially since as far as he knew, he was still the #1 Contender for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship. But he said that Richard appeared to have his hands full right now so he wouldn't make an issue out of it. Instead, he challenged Cliff Wilson to get into the ring with him tonight. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Let's see what kind of a champ you really are."[/COLOR] Cliff and Farrah Hesketh come out. Farrah informs Ricky that Cliff isn't frightened of him and so would take the match. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] for the challenge; [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] for the acceptance 5) [B]SHAWN GONZALEZ vs. MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ (c) [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] Uh oh. Apparently the road agents misunderstood what I had in mind for this match. This is not exactly what I intended to happen, but I guess we'll have to deal with it. The match itself was pretty good. Lots of great action from these two. But much to my horror, during the match, the ref got knocked out. That's when BLZ Bubb hit the ring and attacked Shawn Gonzalez. Mainstream tried to interfere, so Bubb attacked him as well. Shawn rallied and fought back, but Bubb laid him out. Shawn wobbled for a second or two and then collapsed on top of Mainstream. Bubb then freaked out and ran out of the ring, screaming about how killer bees were after him. The ref recovered and saw what he thought was a pin. WINNER: [B]Shawn Gonzalez [/B]in 9:13 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Backstage, I found Devorah Triton and asked her what she was doing. I explained that I wanted Bubb to attack Shawn and have that cause a DQ. She said that's not what I said in my notes. I looked it over and realized she was right.[/I] 6) A camera caught up with Bubb. He seemed to have ditched the bees. He turned to the camera and addressed Robert Oxford. He said that he didn't want to see him in the SWF anymore. He didn't want to take his meds, he didn't want to deal with nosey leprechauns, he just wanted to be left alone. That's why he wants to fight Oxford in a street fight at "November Nightmare". [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"That way, I can hurt you so badly you'll leave and never come back!"[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 7) Steve Frehley came out to the ring and said that he was looking forward to fighting Skull DeBones. He reminded the fans that he held the SWF World Heavyweight Title for quite a while and defended it more than anyone else in the company (a little white lie, but hey, it works). He said that it's a shame he's been on the sidelines, but he predicted people would be seeing more of him now. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 8) [B]STEVE FREHLEY vs. SKULL DeBONES[/B] A really good match. Not match of the night material, but it was still enough to keep the fans in their seats and to tire out both competitors. Steve and Skull battered each other around for a while before finally, Steve nailed the Frehley's Comet and picked up the win. WINNER: [B]Steve Frehley [/B]in 17:05 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 9) Robbie Retro and Darryl Devine cut a promo hyping how great they are as tag champs. Darryl hyped himself as simply divine and encourage Robbie to show off some of his disco moves. Robbie hesitated for a moment but then went ahead. Darryl cheered him on. They said that no one, absolutely no one, was going to take the titles from them. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 10) Cliff Wilson was shown walking to the ring. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 11) [B]CLIFF WILSON (c) vs. RICKY DALE JOHNSON [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] What a great match. Really well done. Once again, Cliff had to rely on speed and agility to avoid and dodge Ricky's powerful attacks. There were a few times when it looked like Ricky had Cliff beat, but Cliff managed to kick out, sometimes split seconds before the ref could count to three. Cliff finally got a second wind and took it to Ricky, working the bigger man's legs and knees to take him down. Cliff then hit the Descent into Hell and made the pin. WINNER: [B] Cliff Wilson [/B]in 17:44 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] 12) Cliff was celebrating in the ring when the sound of someone clapping very slowly cut through the noise. Joel Kovach appeared on the big screen. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"I have to hand it to you, Cliff. You got me. You got me good. Here I thought I was finally rid of you and you found a way to weasal back into my life. You're a persistant thorn in my side. But that's okay, because that will make it all the more enjoyable to pluck you out. "Tell you what. You want to face me so badly? Let's do it for the title at 'November Nightmare.' No need to answer me now. I can wait until you write out your will because, believe me, Cliff, when I'm done with you this time, you'll be carried out in a body bag!"[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] There we go. Things seem to be getting back to normal. But I'm a bit flummoxed by Cliff Wilson and Farrah Heskeht. Cliff just doesn't have the charisma or mic skills to be trusted to cut a promo on his own. And yet whenever I have Farrah do the talking, she winds up doing less than a good job. Huh. I'll have to do some thinking on that. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Invasion![/I][/U] [I]Delirious Dan (c) drew with Mean Jean Cattley and so retained [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="Blue"]C[/COLOR] [I]Shawn Gonzalez defeated Mainstream Hernandez (c) to capture [COLOR="Red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Steve Frehley defeated Skull DeBones [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Cliff Wilson (c) defeated Ricky Dale Johnson to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR][/B] TCW Show Rating - [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Warzone[/SIZE][/B] [I]Filmed Wednesday of Week 4, October 2007[/I] Held at the Laurent Ballroom in the New England Territory 5,000 in attendance[/CENTER] Peter Michaels, Duane Fry, and Rip Chord welcomed us to another edition of [I]Warzone[/I]. 1) The show started with Delirious Dan in the ring. He said that he found a note in his lockerroom saying that someone wanted to resurrect "Ask Dan!" for a night. He said that he was kind of annoyed that he had to come out to the ring to talk to all these stupid people gathered in New England, but he supposed he would allow them all to bask in his presence once again. The crowd booed, so Dan angrily demanded that whoever left him the note come out and ask his question. The screens went staticky for a moment, only to have the word "KARMA" appear over the static. Entrance music started up and out came Wanda Fish and Marc DuBois. ([COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Wait a minute! How did those two get their own entrance music?"[/COLOR] Duane Fry wondered aloud) Wanda informed Dan that it was she who left him the note. She said her name was Wanda Fish, she was from Portland, Oregon, and she had two questions for Dan. First of all, does he realize that being a part of the SWF makes him vulnerable to Karma? And second, what will he do when the newest member of Karma ([COLOR="DarkGreen"]" ... but not our third man for 'November Nightmare', Richard, so don't fret about that ... "[/COLOR]) takes his 10-Minute Championship away from him? Dan looked at her blankly in the ring when a man vaulted the security barrier and rolled into the ring: [CENTER][IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i207/scapino1974/TEW2005/AkimaBrave.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Wanda shouted, [COLOR="darkgreen"]"Meet [B]Akima Brave[/B], Dan! Akima, get the gold!"[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"] B-[/COLOR] for the promo and the reveal 2) [B]DELIRIOUS DAN (c) vs. AKIMA BRAVE [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship[/COLOR] This was about as good of a match as you could expect for as short as it was. The clock barely had time to appear on the screen before the match was over. Akima dominated Dan from the start, finally finishing him off with a nasty-looking flying head-butt. WINNER: [B]Akima Brave [/B]in 2:57 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C[/COLOR] 3) As Wanda and the rest of Karma left the ring, laughing at Dan's demise, the camera cut to footage of Bart Biggz and Lady Melissa on a date at a fun fair. While Bart worked hard to win Melissa a stuffed bear at a ball-tossing booth, Melissa greeted some fans of her former occupation by, well .... showing her assets with her back turned to the camera. She covered up before Bart turned around to see what was happening. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 4) Joel Kovach was walking backstage when he ran into a small knot of wrestlers outside his locker room. Eddie Peak, Christian Faith, Remo, Eric Eisen, and Robert Oxford all glowered at Joel. He finally demanded to know what was wrong. Eddie did most of the talking. He informed Joel that they were all a little peeved at him. He said that Joel was blocking all of them from getting a chance at the SWF World Heavyweight Championship. Eddie implied that Joel had had his shot and it was time for someone else to get a chance. Joel laughed at them and informed them that the reason why he isn't stepping away from the title hunt is because he knows that none of them have what it takes to be champ. He said he'd even be willing to prove it tonight and challenged all five men to a six-way match. The other wrestlers agreed. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 5) [B]ROBBIE RETRO & DARRYL DEVINE (c) vs. AFKAP [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Tag Team Championship[/COLOR] This was a great match from these two teams. Lots of great moves and you could tell that Darryl Devine is picking up more skill in Rumbling, which is always good. Jack Bruce was setting Robbie Retro up for a New York Minute when Joey Minnesota hit the ring and nailed Jack with the Empire Spiral. Robbie capitalized and pinned him. WINNERS: [B]Robbie Retro & Darryl Devine[/B] in 9:28 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 6) After picking up the win, Darryl and Robbie celebrated in the ring. Darryl encouraged Robbie to dance a little. Robbie did, but he had a strained grin on his face. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 7) Joey Minnesota came out into the back and turned to a nearby camera. He taunted AFKAP and said that maybe they had to have one more match to finish things off between them. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 8) Richard Eisen appeared on camera. He said he didn't know how Karma got into the building tonight but he was investigating. He said that the time had come to reveal the first member of Team SWF that would face Karma at "November Nightmare". It would be none other than his own flesh-and-blood, Eric Eisen! RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 9) [B]REMO vs. ERIC EISEN vs. ROBERT OXFORD vs. CHRISTIAN FAITH vs. EDDIE PEAK vs. JOEL KOVACH[/B] This was a great match that tired out Oxford and Peak. Lots of crazy action, lots of big slams from all of these big men (except for Eric. He's a bit on the small side and had to rely on speed and agility). Robert Oxford got taken out towards the end of the match by BLZ Bubb, who charged the ring and pulled him out. Finally, though, Joel Kovach managed to incapacitate most of the competitors, then took down Eddie Peak and put him in the Kovach Krippler. WINNER: [B]Joel Kovach [/B]in 16:47 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 10) Once again, applause interrupted a post match celebration, only this time, it was Cliff who came out applauding. He had the mic and he addressed Joel in the ring. He told Joel that he was fine with wrestling him at "November Nightmare". That's why he wanted to win the title from Tim Westybrook in the first place. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 11) Sam Keith came out to the ring to wait and see who accepted his standing open challenge. It was none other than Skull DeBones. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 12) [B]SAM KEITH (c) vs. SKULL DeBONES [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Warmaster Title[/COLOR] This was really, really good. Sam is really impressing me as the Warmaster. He just keeps on producing great matches. He and Skull knocked each other pillar to post and Sam even wound up bleeding after trying to do a corner spear, only to have Skull dodge. But as Skull tried to set up the Skull Krusher, Sam somehow reversed it and managed to slap on the Proton Lock. WINNER: [B]Sam Keith [/B]in 23:16 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] 13) Sam Keith celebrated his latest win by going out into the midst of the fans. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] I think I may have solved the Farrah Hesketh problem. Cliff is over enough that the crowd doesn't seem to care that his mic skills are only average. Good enough for me. FINAL RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Warzone[/I][/U] [I]Akima Brave defeated Delirious Dan (c) to capture [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] [I]Robbie Retro & Darryl Devine (c) defeated AFKAP to retain [COLOR="red"]the SWF Tag Team Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Joel Kovach defeated Eddie Peak, Remo, Robert Oxford, Eric Eisen, and Christian Faith[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Sam Keith (c) defeated Skull DeBones to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Warmaster Title[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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I'm liking Cliff Wilson as champ, but I just don't understand what's happened to Tim Westybrook, and why he isn't trying to get it back, just a small pet peeve. Shame about the Mainstream thing, and nice to see Dan doing better. Loving the Karma Group, just because of the people your using and it's fronted by Wanda Fish!
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Invasion![/SIZE][/B] [I]Tuesday of Week 1, November 2007[/I] Held at Irvine Hall in the Mid South Territory 5,000 in attendance[/CENTER] Jerry Eisen, Marv Earnest, and Emma Chase welcomed us to another [I]Invasion![/I] Jerry pointed out that that was an appropriate title for the show since the SWF was in the midst of an invasion by a group called Karma. He wondered what would happen tonight? 1) Richard Eisen was waiting backstage by one of the arena's doors when it opened and Tim Westybrook came in. Richard asked how Tim's sick mother was. Tim said she was fine and that he was glad to be back. Richard asked if he had been watching any of the shows. Tim said he had and that he was pretty upset with what Wanda was doing. Richard went on to say that he wanted Tim to be on Team SWF to take on Karma. Tim hesitated for a moment, but then said, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Mr. Eisen, you gave me the chance of a lifetime here at the SWF. I owe you a lot. I'm in."[/COLOR] Richard was delighted but Tim went on, [COLOR="darkgreen"]"There is something I want in return. I also watched a lot of guys go after Cliff Wilson. I understand Joel has the title shot at 'November Nightmare'. That's fine. I have to admit, I was kind of hoping I could get one last shot at the title tonight."[/COLOR] Richard thought it over and then said, [COLOR="darkgreen"]"Deal!"[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] for both requests 2) Flex and Pex appeared on screen and warned the Biggzes to stay away from their manager. They said that they don't appreciate the way that Bart keeps on distracting her and that if he didn't stop calling her, they would have to resort to more violent measures. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 3) [B]MODERN DAY HEROES vs. THE PROBLEM SOLVERS[/B] Two teams that haven't seen the light of day finally get a shot on a bigger stage and they use it pretty well. Respectable match by everyone. Elemental picked up the win by nailing Black Hat with the Old Glory. WINNER: [B]Modern Day Heroes [/B]in 9:23 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 4) Chris Gordon then got the mic and addressed Akima Brave. Chris said that he knows he's been on the sidelines, but he can't stay there anymore, not when some young punk comes in and steals one of the SWF's titles with a cheap shot. Since Wanda Fish says that Akima Brave isn't the third man in the Karma team, that means he'd be available for some karmic retribution from Chris! That's when two young men in Karma t-shirts hit the ring: [CENTER][IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i207/scapino1974/TEW2005/ZimmyBumfhole.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i207/scapino1974/TEW2005/RandyBumfhole.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] They leapt up to the turnbuckles and launched an aerial assault on Chris Gordon and American Elemental. Jerry Eisen screamed, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"What is this? More members of Karma? How do they keep getting in here?"[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] for the challenge; [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] for the attack 5) Joel Kovach appeared on screen next. He said that he was glad that Cliff accepted his challenge, but he wants to spice things up a little. He wants to make it an "I Quit" match. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"You know, the way I got rid of that jerk you impersonated when you first got here. And since I'm feeling nostalgic, I want to use this opportunity to get rid of another thorn in my side. The stipulation I want is not only an 'I Quit' match, but also, if you quit, Cliff, you quit the SWF."[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 6) [B]ROBBIE RETRO & DARRYL DEVINE (c) vs. HIGH CONCEPT [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Tag Team Championship[/COLOR] A really good match. The former tag champs and the current champs really put on a great show for the fans. In the end, Darryl picked up the win by planting Groucho Bling face-first into the mat with the Devine Dream Drop. WINNER: [B]Robbie Retro & Darryl Devine [/B]in 12:11 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 7) Once again, the champs celebrated in the ring. Once again, Darryl asked Robbie to dance. Robbie did so, but with a barely audible sigh first. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 8) Rich Money found Skull DeBones backstage. Rich asked if Skull was watching the previous match. Skull said he did watch and he found it sickening to see Robbie dance like that. Rich suggested that the two of them work together to make sure no one would ever have to watch Robbie dance again. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 9) Robert Oxford appeared at a pre-taped press conference, where he fielded questions about what he knew about BLZ Bubb's mental condition, why he was so concerned about Bubb, and what he was going to do about the challenge that BLZ Bubb laid out last week. Oxford answered them all, saying that he planned to face Bubb at "November Nightmare". RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 10) [B]SHAWN GONZALEZ (c) vs. TEXAS PETE[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] A pretty decent match. Shawn and Tex brawled their hearts out in the ring, but in the end, Shawn pinned Tex. WINNER: [B]Shawn Gonzalez [/B]in 12:12 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Before the main event, Joel Kovach came out to ringside and shooed Marv Earnest out of his chair then joined Emma and Jerry to do commentary for the match.[/I] 11) As Tim Westybrook came out to the ring for the main event, the big screen went awash with static. That's right, Karma had another message! Wanda Fish and Marc DuBois appeared on the screen. Wanda did most of the talking. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"So Tim, I see you're as heartless as your boss. After all we've been through, after everything you've done for me, you're going to fight me in the ring?"[/COLOR] Wanda started crying but immediately burst out laughing. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Oh, that's a good one. I knew I couldn't make it through that with a straight face. "Tim, I don't care if you're in the match with my half-brother or not. So far as I'm concerned, since you stand with the SWF, you mean nothing to me. "So who else will be on your team? I don't really care. Karma is going strong with the addition of [B]Randy and Zimmy Bumfhole[/B]. But they're not the ones who will fill the last spot on Team Karma. Oh no. The guy who will ... oh, how shall I say this? He's going to cause the SWF a [I]huge[/I] problem. "Good luck tonight, Tim. See you in your nightmare!"[/COLOR] Tim was left looking pretty upset in the ring. Cliff came out and whispered something to him, but Tim shook his head and motioned for the match to start. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 12) [B]CLIFF WILSON (c) vs. TIM WESTYBROOK [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] A really good match. After a few initial moves, you could see the mutual respect that both competitors had for each other. The rest of the match was something to behold. Once again, Cliff had to rely on speed and agility to keep The Iron Man off balance. Tim was able to power through a lot of Cliff's offense, though, which made things challenging. Finally, though, Cliff managed to bring Tim down, hit the Descent into Hell, and got the pin. WINNER: [B]Cliff Wilson [/B]in 17:45 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 13) Cliff then got a mic and addressed Joel. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"You know, I talked with Farrah Hesketh about your idea for an 'I Quit' match. She said I'd be stupid to take it since the last time you were in such a match, you won and got rid of the Archangel at the same time. She didn't think I should take it ... so I fired her. "You think you'll get rid of me that easily? Haven't you learned by now that I'm going to dog you to hell and back, Joel? So let's do it your way. But practice saying the words, 'I Quit', Joel. Trust me. You'll need them."[/COLOR] Cliff dropped the mic and smirked at Joel as he backed out of the ring, holding his championship belt aloft. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] JohnnyV1, thanks for pointing out the Tim Westybrook stuff. I was so deep into plotting out Karma that I kind of forgot about him, which is shocking, I know! As for Karma, things are going along as planned. (insert wicked laugh here) FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Invasion![/I][/U] [I]Modern Day Heroes defeated the Problem Solvers[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Robbie Retro & Darryl Devine (c) defeated High Concept to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Tag Team Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Shawn Gonzalez (c) defeated Texas Pete to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Cliff Wilson (c) defeated Tim Westybrook to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR][/B] TCW Show Rating - [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] (which featured, as a main event, Tommy Cornell defeating Jumbo Shrimp)[/QUOTE]
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Put me down for 100,000 Karma T-shirts. As far as gimmicks go, this has to be my favourite one I've read on these forums since.... ever. And thats not just because you keep bringing in the guys I mark for either :) (well, maybe it is). Keep up the good work, I can't wait for you to unveil the third man already. I've got some mild suspicions for who it could be but I'm not gonna say who they are in case I'm actually right for a change. Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! Derek B
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Well, if I got T.I.M into the TEAM SWF vs. Karma storyline, I'm happy. Just doing my bit for SWF. Maybe I should apply for a job on the booking team. Lol! And I only know one person with the word Problem, in their name. It's Tyson Tomko, The Problem Solver. Lol!
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Warzone[/SIZE][/B] [I]Filmed Wednesday of Week 1, November 2007[/I] Held at the Lowe Ballroom in the North West Territory 5,000 in attendance[/CENTER] Peter Michaels, Duane Fry, and Rip Chord welcomed us to another edition of [I]Warzone[/I]. 1) [B]CHRIS GORDON vs. ANDRE JONES[/B] Peter Michaels explained that Chris was still waiting to hear from Akima Brave about his challenge and was spending the time in ring to keep ready. Chris dominated Andre in the match and easily brought him down with a Venom Strike. WINNER: [B]Chris Gordon [/B]in 9:12 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] 2) The big screen went awash with static and Karma's entrance music started. Chris turned to face the entrance only to have Akima Brave appear behind him. Akima attacked Chris, laying him out. He then got a mic and said, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"See you next Thursday!"[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C[/COLOR] for the attack; [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] for the acceptance 3) Joel Kovach was cutting a promo about how great it will be to force Cliff Wilson to quit, making him lose both the World Heavyweight Championship and his job, when he became aware of someone standing beside him. He turned and found himself face to face with Richard Eisen. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Congratulations, Joel, you somehow managed to trick Cliff Wilson into taking one of the dumbest matches in SWF history. An "I Quit" match where both his title and his career are on the line? The stakes seem to be a bit unbalanced there, don't you think? I mean, if you win, you get everything you want. But if Cliff wins, all he gets is to keep the title and we both know you won't let it rest there. "So I've used my powers as Chairman of the SWF to modify your match's stipulations a little. It's still an 'I Quit' match. The SWF World Heavyweight Title is still on the line. And yes, if Cliff loses, he'll be fired. But now, if you lose, not only will not get the title at 'November Nightmare', but you will never get another title shot against Cliff Wilson ever. In other words, this little feud of yours ends one way or another next Thursday."[/COLOR] Joel didn't look happy. He stormed off. Richard chuckled then turned around and found himself face to face with Remo. Remo said that he's been doing some thinking. He knows that Richard needs a third person on his SWF Team. He said that the SWF has been really good to him, that it helped make him the wrestler of the year for 2006. That's why he wants to face off against Karma next Thursday. Richard was excited and said that Remo was in. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"So now Karma faces Eric Eisen, Tim Westybrook, and Remo? They don't stand a chance!"[/COLOR] Peter Michaels crowed. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] for the match announcement; [COLOR="blue"]B+ [/COLOR]for Remo volunteering 4) [B]ROBERT OXFORD vs. EDDIE PEAK[/B] Duane Fry wondered what Oxford might be thinking after agreeing to face BLZ Bubb next Thursday. He wondered if it would affect his match tonight. Turns out, it didn't. These two put in a great effort and Oxford got Eddie to tap after locking on the Boston Crab. WINNER: [B]Robert Oxford [/B]in 10:46 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 5) As Robert was getting ready to leave the ring, BLZ Bubb charged out from the back, dressed for some odd reason in leiderhosen. Don't ask. Bubb attacked Oxford, but Oxford turned the tables on Bubb and sent the lunatic fleeing. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 6) Rich Money and Skull DeBones came out to the ring. They slammed Robbie Retro and Darryl Devine pretty hard, especially focusing on Robbie. They called him a joke, even going so far as to saying he was what was wrong with professional wrestling today by relying on a stupid, out-dated gimmick. They said that they didn't deserve to hold the tag team belts, so Rich and Skull challenged them to a match at "November Nightmare." Out came the champs. Darryl did most of the talking, saying that Rich and Skull had no grounds to nitpick about cheesy gimmicks. He said the wealthy brawler and weird guy wearing a skull mask was way worse than a That '70s Guy gimmick. He said that he and Robbie would gladly take the challenge and he predicted that he would be laughing as Robbie discoed over their fallen bodies. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] for the challenge; [COLOR="blue"]B [/COLOR]for the acceptance 7) [B]STEVE FREHLEY vs. CHRISTIAN FAITH[/B] A pretty good match. Christian tried to nail the leap of Faith, only to be caught by Steve and turned into the Frehley's Comet. WINNER: [B]Steve Frehley [/B]in 11:36 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 8) Cliff Wilson was shown walking backstage when he bumped into Eddie Peak. Eddie accused Cliff of tattling on Joel Kovach. Cliff retorted that he didn't say a word to Richard Eisen and that Eddie wasn't one to talk since he just tapped to Robert Oxford. Eddie continued by saying that Cliff had no idea what he was getting into. He said an "I Quit" match was basically just a hardcore match only ten times worse. He said that Cliff didn't have any experience with hardcore and predicted that the champ would wind up huddled in the corner of the ring in the fetal position, crying for his mama. Cliff responded by asking if Eddie was hardcore. Eddie said it was well known that he was a hardcore legend. Cliff said good. For a warm-up for "November Nightmare", Cliff challenged Eddie to a non-title hardcore match for the next [I]Invasion![/I] Eddie smiled wickedly and said it would be his pleasure. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 9) Sam Keith was in the ring. He said that it was time once again for his standing open challenge for the SWF Warmaster Title. He pointed out that in the past couple of weeks, he's taken on some of the biggest, toughest wrestlers the SWF has to offer. He said that he had made them all tap. He confidently predicted that whoever showed up tonight would be no different. He then turned to the entrance and told whoever wanted to lose should come out and get it over with. A booming voice said, "G'day, Mate!" and some entrance music, accompanied by a didgeridoo started playing. Peter Michaels commented that the music sounded familiar. Rip Chord, however, said, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Oh no. Not him. I can't believe it....."[/COLOR] A man came out of the entrance and had to duck to get under the big screen. Sam Keith went pale as Rip Chord went on, [COLOR="darkgreen"]"It is! It's him! Seven foot four, six hundred pounds, the largest athlete in the world today....."[/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i207/scapino1974/TEW2005/BrucetheGiant.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="darkgreen"]"... it's [B]BRUCE THE GIANT![/B]"[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] for the open challenge; [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] for the reveal (and that should be higher, I selected the wrong person for the angle) 10) [B]SAM KEITH (c) vs. BRUCE THE GIANT [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Warmaster Title[/COLOR] Sam did the best he could, but he mostly wound up ricocheting off of Bruce as the two of them fought. Several times he tried to knock the huge man down, but Bruce simply batted him away. Finally, Sam managed to take the big man down and got the Proton Lock on him, but Bruce miraculously just kicked his legs and the Lock broke! The announcers were stunned as Bruce got to his feet, snared Sam's neck, and then laid him out with a Giant Choke Slam. WINNER: [B]Bruce the Giant [/B]in 11:50 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 11) Bruce held the Warmaster belt over his head to the cheers of the fans. That's when the big screen went static. Out charged all the members of Karma. They dove under the bottom rope and surrounded Bruce, feral grins on their faces. Wanda was directing traffic, motioning for the Bumfholes to get behind the big man while she, Akima, and Marc feinted at him from the front. Bruce snarled and took a few swipes at them, but the members of Karma dodged easily. Then Wanda took a step forward, her grin growing bigger. She then leapt at Bruce .... only to be caught by him in a big hug. She laughed with delight as he spun her around and then set her down, ripping off his shirt to reveal that he too was wearing a Karma t-shirt. The other members of Karma crowded in, laughing and slapping Bruce on the back. Wanda got a mic. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"That's right! Meet the newest member of Karma .... and the third man for our team next Thursday! Eric, Tim, Remo ... Karma's gonna get ya!"[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] I want to keep on going, but I have to go back to work. :mad: Oh well. More tomorrow. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Warzone[/I][/U] [I]Chris Gordon defeated Andre Jones [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]Robert Oxford defeated Eddie Peak [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Steve Frehley defeated Christian Faith [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Bruce the Giant defeated Sam Keith (c) to become [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Warmaster[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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Completely off topic (although I wish Jim Ross was announcing your last event to go "OH MY GAWD IT'S HIM - IT'S BRUCE THE GIIIIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAAAAANTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!"), how are your other created characters (Chris Gordon, the Rev, Sabbath, and Devorah Triton) that you sacked early on in the game doing in the rest of the world?
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Chris Gordon and Devorah Triton both work for the SWF still. Chris has been relegated to Dark Matches and hasn't been in the spotlight latetly. He's the one facing off against Akima for the 10-Minute Championship at "November Nightmare". Devorah is working as a road agent. As for Sabbath and the Rev, I edited Sabbath's profile to "deceased" a while ago (just for fun and to see what would happen). The Rev is still knocking around the game but no one has hired him.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Invasion![/SIZE][/B] [I]Tuesday of Week 2, November 2007[/I] (The Go-Home Show for [COLOR="DarkRed"]"November Nightmare"[/COLOR]) Held at the Gorski Ballroom in the South West Territory 5,000 in attendance[/CENTER] Jerry Eisen, Marv Earnest, and Emma Chase invited us to the Gorski Ballroom. 1) Richard Eisen came out to the ring and said that if the audience had come to see the members of Karma, they were going to be sorely disappointed. Security at the Ballroom was tighter than that guarding the President. There would be no disruption of tonight's matches. Richard then went on to say that he was delighted to have assembled the most dangerous and dominant wrestlers in the world to face off against Karma. He said that Tim Westybrook was The Iron Man and had proved it with his title reign. He said that Remo remains as dangerous now as when he was named the Wrestler of the Year. And Eric? He may not be quite as distinguished as Tim or Remo, but since Wanda has made this personal, it's only fitting to have Eric on the team. He went on to say that he knew that Team SWF needed a chance to warm up, so he booked them in a match against Rich Money, Skull DeBones, and BLZ Bubb. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 2) [B]MODERN DAY HEROES vs. AFKAP[/B] A pretty good match. Chris Gordon showed why he was a credible threat against Akima, putting in some good offense in the early going. He got shut down by Troy Tornado. Jack and Troy then isolated American Elemental in the ring and worked him over before Jack nailed Elemental with a New York Minute. WINNERS: [B]AFKAP[/B] in 12:37 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 3) Jack and Troy then got some mics and hyped their match against the United States of Annihilation. They said that they would be annihilated .... painfully! RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 4) Shawn Gonzalez was shown walking to the ring for the next match when he passed by BLZ Bubb's locker room. A high pitched voice was giggling inside. Shawn paused and looked at the door. He seemed to debate what to do, but finally pushed the door open. There was Bubb, sitting on a small stool, drawing on himself with a marker. Oddly, the scene he was drawing was that off a little girl playing with a kitten. Or at least, that's what he said he was doing. Shawn stared at the scene as Bubb continued to giggle in the high voice, then shut the door and walked away. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 5) [B]SHAWN GONZALEZ (c) vs. STEVE FREHLEY [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] These two did not click at all and it resulted in a very sloppy match, so much so that the fans started jeering Steve and Shawn. Thankfully it was over quickly. WINNER: [B]Shawn Gonzalez [/B]in 10:48 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] 6) [B]TEAM SWF vs. RICH MONEY, SKULL DeBONES, & BLZ BUBB[/B] A really good match that got things going in the right direction again. Rich, Skull, and Bubb did their best to mount a defense, but they were mowed down by Team SWF. Tim, Eric, and Remo communicated well together, they watched each others' backs, and in the end, Remo nailed Rich Money with the Destroyer. WINNERS: [B]Team SWF [/B]in 13:51 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 7) Once the match was over, Team SWF got some mics. They directed their comments at Karma, saying that they were going to mow them down. Remo started by asking who Marc DuBois was. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"You guys recruit some nobody and expect us to be frightened of him?"[/COLOR] Tim then said that Bruce was certainly an impressive specimen, but that he was a big name star from a few decades ago who couldn't hack it anymore. Eric finished things off by taunting his half-sister, saying, [COLOR="darkgreen"]"No offense, Wanda, but you're a girl. There's no way that you'll stack up against any of us."[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 8) [B]CLIFF WILSON vs. EDDIE PEAK [/B]in [COLOR="Purple"]a Hardcore Match[/COLOR] Not as good of a match as I had hoped, but it was still pretty good. Eddie dominated in the early going, using weapons of all kinds to knock Cliff silly. Cliff, however, wouldn't stay down. He kept kicking out of each pin attempt, which only made Eddie more and more frustrated and angry. Eddie even set up a table and, after nailing Cliff over the head with a stop sign, set him up on the table. Before Eddie could make a move against him, Cliff countered and knocked Eddie for a loop. That's when Joel Kovach hit the ring. He ducked a forearm shot from Cliff and then nailed Cliff with a set of brass knuckles. He then hit Cliff with the Old School Drop not once, but twice, then shoved him towards Eddie Peak, who nailed Cliff with a Peak of Perfection. WINNER: [B]Eddie Peak [/B]in 18:52 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 9) Joel wasn't done with Cliff yet. He shoved Eddie off of him as soon as the ref finished the three count and then powerbombed Cliff through the table, prompting Jerry Eisen to wonder aloud if Cliff would be in any shape for an "I Quit" match at "November Nightmare". RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] With the main event over, the announcers ran through the card for "November Nightmare": [B]CHRIS GORDON vs. AKIMA BRAVE (c) for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship [/COLOR][/B]([COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR]) [B]THE BIGGZ BOYZ vs. FLEX & PEX[/B] ([COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR]) [B]THE UNITED STATES OF ANNIHILATION vs. AFKAP [/B]([COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR]) [B]BLZ BUBB vs. ROBERT OXFORD in [COLOR="purple"]a street fight [/COLOR][/B]([COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR]) [B]ROBBIE RETRO & DARRYL DEVINE (c) vs. RICH MONEY & SKULL DeBONES for [COLOR="red"]the SWF Tag Team Championship [/COLOR][/B]([COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR]) [B]TEAM SWF vs. KARMA[/B] ([COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR]) [B]CLIFF WILSON (c) vs. JOEL KOVACH in [COLOR="Purple"]an "I Quit" Match [/COLOR]for [COLOR="red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR][/B] ([COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR]) But halfway through their talking about that last match, the screen went awash with static.... 10) ... and is replaced by none other than Wanda Fish, Marc DuBois, and Bruce the Giant. They mocked Team SWF and said that they were going to turn the SWF's Dream Team into a November Nightmare that fans would never forget. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Nothing to be said, really. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Invasion![/I][/U] [I]AFKAP defeated Modern Day Heroes [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Shawn Gonzaelz (c) defeated Steve Frehley to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]Team SWF defeated Rich Money, Skull DeBones, and BLZ Bubb [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Eddie Peak defeated Cliff Wilson in [COLOR="Purple"]a hardcore match [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR][/B] TCW Show Rating - [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] (Vin Tanner defeated Henry Lee for the World Heavyweight Championship)[/QUOTE] As always, comments, suggestions, critiques, and especially predictions are welcome.
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CHRIS GORDON vs. [b]AKIMA BRAVE[/b] (c) for the SWF 10-Minute Championship [b]THE BIGGZ BOYZ[/b] vs. FLEX & PEX (B-) THE UNITED STATES OF ANNIHILATION vs. [b]AFKAP[/b] BLZ BUBB vs. [b]ROBERT OXFORD[/b] in a street fight [b]ROBBIE RETRO & DARRYL DEVINE[/b] (c) vs. RICH MONEY & SKULL DeBONES for the SWF Tag Team Championship TEAM SWF vs. [b]KARMA[/b] [b]CLIFF WILSON[/b] (c) vs. JOEL KOVACH in an "I Quit" Match for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship I have to say, I love Karma. But I really want Archangel back...
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CHRIS GORDON vs. [B]AKIMA BRAVE [/B](c) for the SWF 10-Minute Championship (C) THE BIGGZ BOYZ vs. [B]FLEX & PEX [/B](B-) THE UNITED STATES OF ANNIHILATION vs. [B]AFKAP[/B] (B-) BLZ BUBB vs. [B]ROBERT OXFORD [/B]in a street fight (B+) ROBBIE RETRO & DARRYL DEVINE (c) vs. [B]RICH MONEY & SKULL DeBONES [/B]for the SWF Tag Team Championship (B) TEAM SWF vs. [B]KARMA[/B] (B) CLIFF WILSON (c) vs. [B]JOEL KOVACH[/B] in an "I Quit" Match for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship (A)
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CHRIS GORDON vs. [B]AKIMA BRAVE[/B] (c) for the SWF 10-Minute Championship (C) [B]THE BIGGZ BOYZ[/B] vs. FLEX & PEX (B-) THE UNITED STATES OF ANNIHILATION vs. [B]AFKAP[/B] (B-) [B]BLZ BUBB[/B] vs. ROBERT OXFORD in a street fight (B+) [B]ROBBIE RETRO & DARRYL DEVINE[/B] (c) vs. RICH MONEY & SKULL DeBONES for the SWF Tag Team Championship (B) TEAM SWF vs. [B]KARMA[/B] (B) [B]CLIFF WILSON[/B] (c) vs. JOEL KOVACH in an "I Quit" Match for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship (A)
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CHRIS GORDON vs. [B]AKIMA BRAVE [/B](c) for the SWF 10-Minute Championship (C) [B]THE BIGGZ BOYZ[/B] vs. FLEX & PEX (B-) THE UNITED STATES OF ANNIHILATION vs. [B]AFKAP[/B] (B-) [B]BLZ BUBB[/B] vs. ROBERT OXFORD in a street fight (B+) ROBBIE RETRO & DARRYL DEVINE (c) vs. [B]RICH MONEY & SKULL DeBONES[/B] for the SWF Tag Team Championship (B) TEAM SWF vs.[B] KARMA[/B] (B) [B]CLIFF WILSON[/B] (c) vs. JOEL KOVACH in an "I Quit" Match for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship (A)
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CHRIS GORDON vs. [b]AKIMA BRAVE[/b] (c) for the SWF 10-Minute Championship THE BIGGZ BOYZ vs. [b]FLEX & PEX[/b] (B-) [b]THE UNITED STATES OF ANNIHILATION[/b] vs. AFKAP [b]BLZ BUBB[/b] vs. ROBERT OXFORD in a street fight ROBBIE RETRO & DARRYL DEVINE (c) vs. [b]RICH MONEY & SKULL DeBONES[/b] for the SWF Tag Team Championship TEAM SWF vs. [b][u][size=4]KARMA[/u][/b][/size] [b]CLIFF WILSON[/b] (c) vs. JOEL KOVACH in an "I Quit" Match for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship As the man who owns more Karma t-shirts than anyone else, I've got to pick them to win everything they go near purely on mark-out value. :) Good work on getting Bruce to leave BHOTWG, i've never ever seen him leave them in any of my games so you musta gave him a hefty chunk of change. Lets hope he works out for ya. Marc DuBois = Our new wrestling god :D Derek B
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From SWF.com - [QUOTE][CENTER]Be sure to order [SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkRed"]"November Nightmare"[/COLOR][/SIZE] this Thursday, only on Pay-Per-View![/CENTER] Featuring the following matches... [I][B]Akima Brave defending [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship [/COLOR]against Chris Gordon[/B][/I] - Akima made a huge splash by taking the 10-Minute Title away from Delirious Dan in one of the fastest matches ever seen in the SWF. Will he be able to hold on to the title? Or will Chris Gordon bring it back to the SWF? [I][B]The Biggz Boyz take on Flex & Pex[/B][/I] - This match was requested by the Biggz Boyz after Flex and Pex continued to attack them backstage and interfered in Bart's budding relationship with Lady Melissa. Will the Biggzes show Flex & Pex who's boss? Or will the Boyz find themselves at the mercy of Rated X? [B][I]The United States of Annihilation take on the "Artists Formerly Known as Painful" for the third time![/I][/B] - First it was AFKAP picking up the win in a Texas Tornado Match. Then the U.S.A. came out on top. Who will win this third and final match? [B][I]BLZ Bubb faces Robert Oxford in a street fight[/I][/B] - Robert Oxford came to the SWF out of concern for his friend, BLZ Bubb. He wants Bubb to go back on his anti-psychotic medication. Apparently BLZ Bubb likes living with the voices in his head and has refused. Will Oxford beat some sense into him? Or will BLZ Bubb beat down his friend? [B][I]Robbie Retro & Darryl Devine defend their tag titles against Rich Money & Skull DeBones[/I][/B] - Rich and Skull have decided that they don't want someone like Robbie Retro to have the tag titles. They've joined forces to take them away. Will Robbie and Darryl succumb to this powerhouse team? Or will they be the ones dancing in the end? [B][I]Team SWF takes on Karma[/I][/B] - Things have been coming apart at the seams ever since Wanda Fish came back. Instead of accepting Richard and Eric Eisen's apology, she has instead gone on the offensive, making it clear that she's going to destroy the SWF! She's brought in new-comer Marc DuBois and SWF legend Bruce the Giant as back-up. Can the united efforts of Remo, Eric Eisen, and Tim Westybrook stem the tide? Or will Karma get them too? [B][I]Cliff Wilson defends [COLOR="red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship [/COLOR]against Joel Kovach in an "I Quit" match[/I][/B] - Joel has made it clear that he's sick and tired of Cliff Wilson. The Heavyweight Champ has been a thorn in his side for long enough and now he wants to remove him. The stakes in this match couldn't be higher. If Cliff Wilson utters those fateful words, he not only loses the title, he loses his contract with the SWF. If Joel surrenders, not only will he not get the title but he'll never get another shot at it so long as Cliff holds it. Will Cliff Wilson go the way of the Archangel? Or will he finally beat Joel in a one-on-one match? [SIZE="3"][CENTER][B]Be sure to order [COLOR="DarkRed"]"November Nightmare"[/COLOR] to find out![/B][/CENTER][/SIZE][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER]SWF presents... [COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="3"][B]"November Nightmare"[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [I]Thursday of Week 2, November 2007[/I] Held at the Isaak Road Arena in the Mid Atlantic Territory 14,250 in attendance; buy-rate of 362,752[/CENTER] Jerry Eisen, Peter Michaels, and Emma Chase welcomed us to what Jerry Eisen predicted would be a pivotal night for the SWF. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"What will happen tonight when Team SWF faces Karma? Who will come out on top?"[/COLOR] 1) [B]CHRIS GORDON vs. AKIMA BRAVE (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship[/COLOR] Akima was off his game tonight for some reason. It was a kind of slow start for the show, but that's okay. Things will pick up as the night goes on. Akima finished off Chris with the Samoan Suplex. WINNER: [B]Akima Brave [/B]in 6:48 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] 2) Remo was walking backstage when he turned the corner and came face-to-chest with Bruce the Giant. Remo looked up and up at him. Bruce sneered at him and said, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Out of the way, little man."[/COLOR] Bruce tried to step around him, but Remo moved into his way. Bruce tried to go the other way, only to have Remo step that way also. Bruce pointed out that they didn't want to start anything back here, that they both had to be nice and fresh for the three-man tag match tonight. Remo said that he wasn't starting anything, but if Bruce felt like getting in a little warm-up, he could come and get him. Remo then shoved his way past Bruce. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 3) The Biggz Boyz cut a promo on Flex and Pex. Brett said that he was sick and tired of Flex and Pex shoving them around. He said that it wasn't any of their business who Bart dated, even if it was their manager. Bart agreed with him. Brett went on to say that he was just as disgusted at the idea as Flex and Pex of his brother "hitting that", but he said it was nobody's business. Now Bart looked a little confused. At any rate, Brett finished it up by saying that he and Bart were going to teach Rated X a lesson they soon wouldn't forget. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 4) [B]THE BIGGZ BOYZ vs. FLEX & PEX[/B] An okay match. Lady Melissa did a good job at ringside, both cheering for her boys and making eyes at Bart Biggz. Whatever was affecting Akima seems to have spread to Brett. He was off his game too. The match went back and forth for most of the time until Flex and Pex managed to work over Bart pretty hard. They kept him from tagging out every chance they got until finally, Bart managed to land a few desperation moves and lunged for the corner .... only to find no one there! Texas Pete had come over the security rail and pulled Brett off the apron. Bart then stumbled into a Romeo is Bleeding, courtesy of Flex. WINNERS: [B]Flex & Pex [/B]in 12:36 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 5) Tim Westybrook was shown backstage. He turned a corner ... only to find Remo in a heap of equipment. It looked like Remo put up quite a fight, but he was down and bloody. Tim called for the medics, who rushed to his side to help Remo. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 6) The camera cut to Bart and Brett coming backstage after their loss. Brett wiped off his head and checked his nose to see if it was bleeding. He then said he was done messing with Flex and Pex. He advised Bart to forget about Lady Melissa. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Plenty of other fish in the sea."[/COLOR] Bart said he wasn't done yet, that he wanted to get to know Lady Melissa better and that it wasn't anyone's business. Brett tried to reason with him, but the two of them wound up in a fight and finally, Brett said that if Bart wanted to continue this, he'd do it on his own. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] 7) BLZ Bubb was shown backstage, playing with two Ken dolls. He seems to be acting out some sort of argument between himself and Robert Oxford (oddly, Bubb is using a rather high-pitched voice for himself). The Oxford doll seems to be pleading with Bubb to take his nasty old medicine while the Bubb doll wants to go out and run and play and just be himself. When the Oxford doll becomes beliigerent about it, the Bubb doll runs crying away. Bubb then punishes the Oxford doll by biting its head off. He then looked up at the camera and began to giggle maniacally. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 8) A video package played that contained highlights from the feud between AFKAP and the U.S.A. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 9) [B]THE UNITED STATES OF ANNIHILATION vs. AFKAP[/B] A really good match. Lots of near falls broken up by partners, lots of double-teaming while the ref was distracted. It was a truly fun match to watch. In the end, things broke down as all four men wound up brawling. Joey Minnesota finally threw Jack Bruce out of the ring as Nevada Nuclear, the legal man, nailed Troy Tornado with a Mushroom Cloud. WINNERS: [B]The U.S.A.[/B] in 11:55 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 10) No time for celebrating, though! No sooner does the ref raise Nevada and Joey's hands than the Bumfholes are in the ring with them! Randy and Zimmy club them over the back of the head and then beat the tar out of them, leaving the U.S.A. down and out. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 11) Sam Keith found Richard Eisen backstage. Richard was chatting quietly with Tim and Eric. Sam asked how Remo was doing. Richard said the medics weren't sure, but they thought he wouldn't be able to fight in the match tonight. Sam said that was awful, but that Richard shouldn't worry, because he was willing to take Remo's place in the match. Richard said that sounded good to him but he first asked Tim and Eric. Tim and Eric glanced at each other, then shook their heads. Tim explained that they appreciated Sam's offer, but they were sure that they were more than a match for Karma. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 12) Shawn Gonzalez cut a promo about how great he was. The crowd seemed to disagree. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 13) [B]ROBERT OXFORD vs. BLZ BUBB [/B]in [COLOR="Purple"]a street fight[/COLOR] Whoa! Now we're cooking. Once again, Bubb and Oxford's great chemistry shone through. They really went after each other, tossing each other into the ringposts, bouncing each other down the stairs, choking each other with camera cables. It was just a phenomenal match in which both men wound up bleeding. In the end, though, Bubb nailed Oxford with a Hades Bomb on the concrete. WINNER: [B]BLZ Bubb [/B]in 12:44 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 14) [B]ROBBIE RETRO & DARRYL DEVINE (c) vs. RICH MONEY & SKULL DeBONES [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Tag Team Championship[/COLOR] Another great match. Rich and Skull took an early control, working over Darryl in the ring while they turned to mock Robbie every chance they got. Robbie had to be restrained several times by the ref, which only allowed Rich and Skull to beat on Darryl even more. But then Darryl managed to get away and tag in Robbie, who was simply on fire. He tore through Rich and Skull, finally nailing Skull and pinning him. WINNERS: [B]Robbie Retro & Darryl Devine [/B]in 10:32 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 15) Tim Westybrook and Eric Eisen were backstage, taping up their wrists and stretching. As they did, Richard Eisen talked to them about how important this match was, how they needed to win ... no, not just win, destroy Karma and teach Wanda and the others a lesson. He kept going so long that finally, Tim turned and glowered at him, causing Richard to swallow hard and shut up as Tim stomped past him. Eric patted his father on the shoulder and said, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Don't worry, pop. We've got it."[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 16) [B]TEAM SWF vs. KARMA[/B] Even though Tim and Eric were outumbered 3-2, they still held their own. But then, so did Karma. Marc DuBois especially impressed fans with his quick yet technically sound offense. Things really got heated as Karma worked over Eric while Tim stewed in the corner. Wanda and Bruce particularly enjoyed tagging in and out to beat up Eric, both of them screaming about past indignities they suffered at the hands of Richard Eisen. Finally, Eric burst free and tagged Tim.... .... who leapt up onto the top turnbuckle and to the delight of the crowd, threw himself at Bruce the Giant. He managed to take the huge man off his feet, then turned to knock down Marc and Wanda who came in to help. Tim cleaned house for a while until Bruce recovered and tossed Tim hard into a corner. The match continued. Bruce eventually tagged out and let Marc in. Marc and Tim locked up for a while until Tim staggered the younger man and set him up for an Unstoppable Force. Before he could finish it, though, Marc slipped off Tim's shoulders and gave him a shove right into the ref, who got ran over by Tim and knocked out. March took advantage of that by low-blowing Tim and then choking him out. When Eric charged into the ring to help his partner, Marc merely side-stepped him and let him go sailing toward the opposite rope, which Wanda then pulled down to allow Eric to go flying over it.... .... right into the waiting hand of Bruce. Bruce hefted Eric up and drove him straight through the announce table. With Eric out of the picture, Wanda and Bruce joined Marc in the ring. The three of them circled Tim and stalked him, taunting him with feral grins. Tim backed away from them, fists up and ready. That's when Remo's music hit. Out came Remo, his neck in a brace, his arm in a sling, hobbling along on a crutch. He slid under the bottom rope and took his place at Tim's side, swinging the crutch like a club to drive away Karma. Tim turned to Remo and flashed him a thumbs up. Remo returned the gesture. Then, when Tim's back was turned, the smile on his face faded. He pulled off the neck brace and threw away the sling ... and then he smashed Tim over the back with the crutch. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"What the hell is he doing?"[/COLOR] Jerry Eisen cried as Remo beat Tim over and over again with the crutch. Bruce then snared Tim by the throat and choke-slammed him. The ref started to come to, so they set Tim on his feet while everyone but Wanda bailed. Wanda nailed Tim with the Dish of the Day and covered him. The ref groggily counted to three. WINNERS: [B]Karma[/B] in 18:56 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 17) Wanda then got a mic and invited everyone back into the ring. She said that they had a little surprise for everyone. She pointed to Remo, who tore off his shirt to reveal a Karma t-shirt. She tossed him the mic and said, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"That's right, I'm running with Karma now. And I've got a warning for everyone in the SWF. You're either with us ... or you're a speed bump. Make your choice."[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 18) Karma then left the ring and departed through the crowd (who decided to ignore arena policy and tossed all sorts of junk at them). Tim Westybrook eventually got to his feet and stumbled out of the ring. He passed by some medics who streamed out of the back to check on Eric. Then he came face to face with Joel Kovach, who was coming out to the ring. Joel made a snide remark about how Tim couldn't get the job done, and the two of them wound up brawling right there. Joel easily got the upperhand on the battered Tim and tossed him off the stage. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 19) A five minute video aired, highlighting everything that's happened between Cliff Wilson and Joel Kovach, starting with Cliff's identity as the Anonymous Avenger, plus the numerous matches the two of them have already had, culminating with Cliff's surprise victory in the battle royal that gave him the title. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 20) [B]CLIFF WILSON (c) vs. JOEL KOVACH [/B]in [COLOR="Purple"]an "I Quit" Match [/COLOR]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] Before the match even started, Peter Michaels and Jerry Eisen discussed how the deck was stacked against Cliff for this match. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Joel Kovach has used the Figure Four as well as the infamous Kovach Krippler to get his opponents to submit. Have we ever seen Cliff use a submission move?" [/COLOR]Jerry asked. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"He's a great high-flier, but no, I'm not sure how he's going to handle this,"[/COLOR] Peter replied. Emma cut in and said that it was Cliff's fault. He shouldn't have agreed to this match if he didn't know what he wasn't ready for it. Cliff and Joel tore each other apart out there. Lots of offense. Lots of brutality. Joel especially found new and unique ways to make Cliff hurt, screaming at him the entire time to give up. Cliff stubbornly refused to, even after Joel nailed him with a spinebuster on the concrete and slapped him in the Kovach Krippler. The match went back and forth for a long time, ranging inside the ring, around the ring, even into the audience where Joel took chairs out from under the fans and then used them to smash Cliff across the back. The battle raged up to the entrance stage, where Joel clubbed Cliff over the head a few times, then set Cliff up for a power bomb that would have caused the champ to fall about ten feet into a stack of packing crates. Cliff came back to life and fought back, taking Joel down with a flurry of head blows. Cliff then worked over Joel's arms and, much to everyone's surprise, put Joel in a very familiar looking finishing move. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"That's the Wing Clip! It's Archangel's submission move!"[/COLOR] Jerry Eisen screamed as Joel tried to worm his way out of it. Cliff roared and pulled the move even tighter until finally, Joel screamed, [COLOR="darkgreen"]"I quit!"[/COLOR] WINNER: [B]Cliff Wilson [/B]in 38:49 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 21) As Joel stumbled into the back, Cliff held the Heavyweight Title aloft and went out into the crowd to celebrate. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Bart was slightly overused, but I'm willing to bet very few people left the arena thinking about him. :D Oh, and I'm sorry about the length of the SWF vs. Karma match. I've just been waiting a [I]very long time[/I] to write that. Months even! FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from [COLOR="DarkRed"]"November Nightmare"[/COLOR][/U] [I]Akima Brave (c) defeated Chris Gordon to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]Flex & Pex defeated the Biggz Boyz[/I] - [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]The United States of Annihilation defeated AFKAP [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]BLZ Bubb defeated Robert Oxford in [COLOR="Purple"]a street fight[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Robbie Retro & Darryl Devine (c) defeated Rich Money & Skull DeBones to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Tag Team Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Karma defeated Team SWF [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Cliff Wilson (c) defeated Joel Kovach in [COLOR="Purple"]an "I Quit" Match [/COLOR]and so retained [COLOR="Red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Warzone[/SIZE][/B] [I]Filmed Wednesday of Week 2, November 2006[/I] Held at the Huntsville Fairgrounds in the South East Territory 5,000 in attendance[/CENTER] Peter Michaels, Duane Fry, and Rip Chord welcomed us to another edition of Warzone. 1) Richard Eisen was seated in his office with a stunned look on his face. Sam Keith approached him and said that he wasn’t upset with Richard over what happened with Remo, that nobody saw that coming. But, he said, he wanted to help make it better. He said that Richard didn’t let him join Team SWF at the last minute at the Pay-Per-View. Maybe that would have changed things. Maybe it wouldn’t have. But Sam does know one thing he can do: punt Bruce the Giant back Down Under. He wants a rematch tonight for the SWF Warmaster Title! Richard smiles and says that he has it. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 2) [B]ANTONIO vs. BLACK HAT BAILEY[/B] Not the best received match of the evening, but that’s okay. Just wanted to give Antonio some work. He did a decent job taking it to Black Hat, finally finishing him off with a pin. WINNER: [B]Antonio[/B] in 9:25 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] 3) Flex and Pex taunted the Biggz Boyz, saying that they’ll never beat Rated X because, quite simply, they’re too smart for them. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 4) Darryl Devine and Robbie Retro appeared in a movie parody skit, namely Saturday Night Fever. Darryl really seemed into it. Robbie, not so much. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 5) [B]ERIC EISEN vs. EDDIE PEAK[/B] A pretty good match. Eric couldn’t get the bigger man down no matter how hard he tried and finally wound up succumbing to a Peak of Perfection. WINNER: [B]Eddie Peak [/B]in 10:40 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 6) Eddie grabbed a mic and said that he wanted to say something to Cliff Wilson. He said that he didn’t mind the way their hardcore match ended. He said that Joel Kovach running in is the way things work when you’re hardcore. But he isn’t happy that he didn’t get a title shot. So he challenged Cliff to face him again. Not in a hardcore match, but to defend his title. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 7) Missy Masterson came out to the ring in a skimpy secretary’s outfit. She said that she was going to be the cover girl of this month’s SWF magazine. She said that there were a number of photo spreads inside of her in a variety of different costumes. She suggested that everyone should go and buy at least one copy. That’s when Karma’s entrance music started. In came Marc DuBois and the Bumfholes. They got into the ring and made some rather lewd comments to Missy, suggesting that maybe she should give them a special sneak preview of what’s in the magazine. They moved in, sending her to cower in a corner, when Ricky Dale Johnson charged in. He tried to fight off the three members of Karma, but it was no use. They beat him bloody and left him lying in the ring. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] for the magazine; [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] for the rescue 8) [B]SHAWN GONZALEZ (c) vs. TROY TORNADO [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] A pretty good match, even though these two didn’t click. Shawn made it clear that he was in control, so much so that Jack Bruce even made an appearance to try and help his tag partner. He rung Shawn’s bell pretty good, but that wasn’t enough to stop Shawn. He nailed Troy with a rolling DDT and then picked up the pin. WINNER: [B]Shawn Gonzalez [/B]in 19:51 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 9) Steve Frehley came out to the ring. He said that he felt like he was on a roll lately and he wanted to capitalize on it. That’s why he challenged Christian Faith to a match on the next Invasion! RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 10) [B]SAM KEITH vs. BRUCE THE GIANT (c) [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Warmaster Title[/COLOR] An okay match. For a big guy, Bruce just can’t hack it in the longer matches. He was visibly tired by the end of this one. Sam did okay this time. He ducked and dodged most of Bruce’s attacks and concentrated on working over Bruce’s legs. Rip commented that was a good strategy, one that he had seen work against Bruce many times, especially if Sam wanted to get Bruce in the Proton Lock. Things finally seemed to be going Sam’s way. He low-blowed Bruce the drop-kicked him in the knee, taking the big man down. Sam threw himself against the ropes .... only to have Wanda Fish come out from under the ring, grab the Warmaster belt, and clock Sam over the head with it. Sam stumbled out of the ropes and right into Bruce’s waiting hands for a Giant Choke Slam. WINNER: [B]Bruce the Giant [/B]in 10:54 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 11) Wanda and Bruce celebrated in the ring afterwards. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Not too bad. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Warzone[/I][/U] [I]Antonio defeated Black Hat Bailey [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]Eddie Peak defeated Eric Eisen [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Shawn Gonzalez (c) defeated Troy Tornado to retain [COLOR="red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Bruce the Giant (c) defeated Sam Keith to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Warmaster Title[/I] [/COLOR]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Invasion![/SIZE][/B] [I]Tuesday of Week 3, November 2007[/I] Held at the McGaw Arena in the Tri State Territory 5,000 in attendance[/CENTER] Jerry Eisen, Marv Earnest, and Emma Chase welcomed us to another edition of [I]Invasion![/I] Jerry wondered what would happen tonight given the fact that Remo has abandoned the SWF? 1) But first, the announcers hyped the main event for tonight. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"It has been signed: Cliff Wilson will defend his title against Eddie Peak this week."[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 2) Before Jerry was even done talking, the screen went awash with static and the word "KARMA" appeared. The entrance music hit, and out came Remo, Wanda Fish, Marc DuBois, and Bruce the Giant. Remo started things off by mocking the fans. He said that he was sure they were all trembling in their seats, wondering why Remo turned his back on the SWF. Remo explained that the SWF had first turned his back on him. Actually, it had done so to all the people standing in the ring with him. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"I was the Wrestler of the Year in 2006! And how was I repaid? By being ignored. By being forced to sit on the sidelines while a bunch of newcomers took title shots that rightfully belonged to me! The same happened with Bruce at the end of his run with the SWF the last time. The biggest, most dominant man in professional wrestling, and he's told that they can't do anything with him, so they let him go! Wanda? We all know what happened to her, how the Eisens humiliated her and then fired her. As for Marc, well, he's one of the most promising newcomers to wrestling today, and yet the SWF never even gave him a chance. But wait, why don't I let Marc speak for himself?"[/COLOR] Marc took the mic and said that it was true. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"I tried out for the SWF. I was told by Chief Two Eagles that I had talent and could go far. So what happened? I have no idea! I never heard back from them. The same thing happened with Akima Brave and the Bumfholes. We had to sit at home and watch as the SWF shoved ridiculous acts like the Tomboys down our throats while we knew we could kick it up a notch or two. I still want to prove that. That's why I'm issuing a direct challenge to Shawn Gonzalez. Shawn, I want that gold around your waist. Let's you and me tear it up!"[/COLOR] Bruce then took the mic and mocked Sam Keith. He said that Sam was wasting his time fighting him. The Warmaster Title was his and it wasn't going anywhere. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"But anytime you want a beating, mate, just say the word!"[/COLOR] Wanda finished things off by taunting Richard Eisen. She said that Karma was going to destroy the SWF right out from under him. She repeated what Remo said last week: [COLOR="darkgreen"]"You're either with us, or you're against us. If you don't want to be destroyed, join Karma."[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] for Remo; [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] for Marc; [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] for Bruce; [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] for Wanda 3) [B]ANDRE JONES vs. AKIMA BRAVE (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship[/COLOR] The members of Karma got out of the way for the next match, but they didn't leave ringside. Andre had to skirt around Bruce to get into the ring. Thankfully, Karma didn't interfere in the match. They didn't have to. The bell had barely rung before Akima had Andre torn to pieces, finishing him off with a Suicide Headbutt. WINNER: [B]Akima Brave [/B]in 3:17 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] 4) Joel Kovach found Richard Eisen backstage. He raged about how Richard had given "his title shot" to Eddie Peak. Richard reminded Joel of the stipulation from last week's match with Cliff. Since Joel lost, he wouldn't get a title shot so long as Cliff held the title. [COLOR="darkgreen"] "And given your attitude," [/COLOR]Richard added, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"I may be tempted to add an 'or ever' to that stipulation."[/COLOR] Joel quaked with rage for a few moments before exploding, slamming Richard up against a wall and beating on him while he howled all sorts of things that the network was forced to bleep. Eventually, a group of workers swarmed over him and pulled him off of Richard. Mainstream Hernandez helped up Richard, who shook him off. Richard glared at Joel. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"That's it. You need some time off, Joel. You're supsended for 30 days!"[/COLOR] Joel tried to get at Richard again, but the other workers forced him out of the room. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 5) Eddie Peak appeared on camera. He said that some people might think that he can't hack it tonight to win the title. After all, he only won last week because it was a hardcore match and Joel Kovach interfered. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Well, let me assure my critics, I'm still hardcore. That doesn't mean that I need weapons or sneak attacks or anything like that to win. Hardcore describes my spirit and my fighting. Cliff, you don't stand a chance against a true hardcore legend."[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 6) Sam Keith was storming through the backstage area when he rounded a corner and saw BLZ Bubb. The two of them exchanged a look, but then Bubb began to giggle like a little girl. Sam glared at him and demanded to know what's so funny. Bubb told him that Sam was funny because "the big man" said he couldn't get the job done. Sam exploded at Bubb and said that he could beat Bruce, that size doesn't matter. Sam looked Bubb over and said that while Bubb wasn't as big as Bruce, he was close enough. Sam told him to meet him in the ring tonight so he can make him tap. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 7) Rich Money and Skull DeBones addressed Robbie Retro and Darryl Devine. They mocked Robbie some more and said that a clown like him didn't deserve to hold the tag title. So they challenged them to a rematch on [I]Warzone[/I]. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 8) [B]THE UNITED STATES OF ANNIHILATION vs. FLEX & PEX[/B] A really good match. They kept after each other each step of the way before Joey Minnesota finished things off with an Empire Spiral delivered to Flex. WINNERS: [B]The U.S.A.[/B] in 10:44 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 9) Flex and Pex looked pretty upset, but that's when Bart Biggz hit the ring. Bart tried to attack both of them at the same time, but Flex and Pex were able to fight him off. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 10) Richard Eisen was seated in his office with a bandage wrapped around his head. Missy Masterson came into the room and said, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"You wanted to see me, Boss?"[/COLOR] Richard said he did. He said that he was sending Missy out on assignment. She was going to travel the country, seeing the sights and interviewing SWF fans. They were going to call the segments, "Missy Masters America" and the first would air on the next [I]Warzone[/I]. Missy seemed confused. Richard motioned for her to come in close. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"And really, what you're going to be doing is working your way up to talk to this man."[/COLOR] He handed her a piece of paper. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"I understand he might be willing to come to the SWF. I think he'd be a great help in beating Karma."[/COLOR] Missy looked at the paper and her eyes grew wide. She said she'd do her best. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 11) [B]SAM KEITH vs. BLZ BUBB[/B] Sam was on fire the moment the bell rung. Bubb did his best to try and blunt Sam's attacks, but it was no use. Sam simply shrugged them off and kept going. He tried several times to get Bubb into the Proton Lock, but that proved difficult. Bubb would either scramble for the bottom rope or simply kick out before it could be locked in. Finally, though, Sam nailed Bubb with the Neutron Plex and then slapped on the Proton Lock. Bubb tried to crawl or break the hold, but Sam roared as he cinched it on even tighter. Bubb had no choice but to tap. WINNER: [B]Sam Keith [/B]in 12:57 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 12) Sam got in very close to a camera after the match. Although he didn't have a mic, we could still hear his words. He vowed that he would take down Bruce the Giant and get the bigger man to tap. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 13) Cliff Wilson came out to the ring. He said it felt great to finally beat Joel Kovach. The fact that it meant he got to keep the SWF World Heavyweight Championship made it even sweeter. He said he didn't hold any malice towards Joel; he hoped that when Joel came back from his suspension, the two of them could work things out. Cliff then turned his attention to Eddie Peak. He said that he wasn't worried about Eddie. He said that yes, Eddie was a big man, but that didn't matter. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Sometimes the strength of a person's heart and conviction is more important than the size of his body or the power behind his moves. This title isn't going anywhere."[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 14) [B]CLIFF WILSON (c) vs. EDDIE PEAK [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] The announcers had a hard time keeping up with this one. Eddie relied on power while Cliff relied on speed. Neither man could gain complete control of the match. Both of them were able to either dodge or power through each others' attacks. Finally, though, Eddie managed to stun Cliff long enough to take him through a series of moves that kept Cliff reeling. Finally, Eddie had Cliff up for the Peak of Perfection when Remo hit the ring. Remo charged in and kicked Eddie's legs out from under him. Eddie came up and roared in frustration, tackling Remo. The two of them tumbled over the top rope. The ref started counting Eddie out, but Eddie didn't notice. He and Remo brawled around ringside while Cliff looked on in surprise until finally, the ref hit ten. Eddie wasn't in any condition to notice, as Remo had taken the ring bell and used it to ring Eddie's bell. WINNER: [B]Cliff Wilson [/B]by Count-Out in 14:14 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 15) Remo dropped the ring bell and charged the ring. He attacked Cliff and the two of them brawled for a while before Remo nailed Cliff with the Destroyer. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] I'm glad to see that last segment didn't hurt us too badly. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Invasion![/I][/U] [I]Akima Brave (c) defeated Andre Jones to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]The United States of Annihilation defeated Flex & Pex [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Sam Keith defeated BLZ Bubb [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [I]Cliff Wilson defeated Eddie Peak by Count-Out and so retained [COLOR="red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship [/I][/COLOR]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR][/B] TCW Show Rating - [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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