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[DOTM] November 2015 Voting Thread

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Welcome to the new look "Diary of the Month" awards. This is the voting thread for the November 2015 awards.


The onus is now on you the reader to vote for a maximum of your favourite FIVE diaries from the last month in order to ensure that your favourites rank as highly as possible. The process is now more streamlined; this voting thread will stay open for one week; and then the rankings will be revealed.


It's very simple, choose a maximum of five diaries and rank them. Provided they meet the basic criteria below, each diary will receive points based on your nomination and the total points will form the DOTM rankings at month-end.



  1. You can not vote for your own diary.
  2. The diary must be posted within the Total Extreme Wrestling 2013 Dynasties forum. (No other diaries will be considered eligible).
  3. The diary must have had two or more show posted within the current calendar month.
  4. Please give a reason for voting for at least your number one vote. Use any other reasoning or comments to promote the diaries you have voted for.
  5. Please vote using the full title of the diary as it appears in the thread listing. If it is not clear which diary you are voting for the vote may not count. (A direct link is not required)


You can vote for diaries using any mod or timeframe; as long as they meet the criteria above, your vote will count.


The DOTM voting process will last for one week with a ranking posted during the following week. A main DOTM winner will be declared; with smaller awards given to the highest ranking diary from the following areas:

  • Real world
  • Cornellverse
  • Thunderverse
  • Other mod
  • New Writer (not a member of the hall of fame, a previous award winner and fewer than five appearances in the DOTM rankings)



1st = 5 points

2nd = 4 points

3rd = 3 points

4th = 2 points

5th = 1 point


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Voting closes at 23:59 GMT on December 9th 2015.


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For more information, please visit the main Diary of the Month thread.

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1. Pro Wrestling WILD: It's As Bad As It Seems by MHero


Coulda put either this or AAW as number one here but I decide on WILD just because it deserves the recognition, and AAW won the CV DOTM last month so, lets push something new. As odd as it is, it's a great read. Entertaining and funny, WILD is everything you don't want in a professional wrestling promotion. But that's why it's great. Also, Bob Shrunkle means you are a slim 489 lbs. MHero is a great writer, and has had really interesting projects across all verses and mods. I consistently find myself reading his work and WILD is no different and I was really happy when he brought it back recently.


2.All Action Wrestling: Canada's.....Not so Finest [C-Verse 2014] by Voeltzwagon


What can you say about Voeltz that hasn't already been said? He produces remarkable interesting diaries, time and time again. BBoW, GSW and AAW are some of the finest pieces of writing that this forum has seen and really deserves the following he gets in every diary. AAW is no different then his previous diaries. Very nicely formatted, short matches and angles, great backstage posts. Just all round amazing work and as I said, if this hadn't won the CV DOTM last month, I would have had a real problem choosing between AAW and WILD for the number one spot.


3. [C-Verse 97] DAVE: Children of the Revolution by Arwink


A diary that has kinda flown under the radar that is a really good read. Being a fan of DAVE, I like to see the promotion given the props it deserves in the history of the Cornell-Verse and this has really covered it. I enjoy reading this, as much as any other diary on the board and that is why it receives a number 3 on my list of nominations

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1. Pro Wrestling WILD: It's As Bad As It Seems by MHero


I enjoy a good, zany diary and this covers it well. I also enjoy the Aussie scene in C-Verse and to see some of the guys that normally wouldn't get work being used is always fun. Lee Bawes also did not threaten to suplex me out a window when making this decision.


2. [C-Verse 97] DAVE: Children of the Revolution by arwink


A personal favorite of mine and honestly the diary that has gotten me interested in poking at the 97 C-verse myself. Well written with good shows.


3. NJPW: Kings of Strong Style II by Mootinie


It is rare that I find myself getting into RW diaries, but this one did well to ensnare me from the get go. Mootinie keeps it simple and easy to read and keeps me wanting to see what happens next.


4. PSW: Addicted to Pain by James Casey


PSW is a personal favorite of mine and Casey has done well with it. He stuck through the bad workers and old timers when a lot of the time that dead weight is cut right off the bat. It is a nice, solid read with a good balance of backstage segments and well done shows.


5. 2004: A PWG Odyssey by Atticus


This is a relatively new one, but has been a good read so far. Atticus did well to catch the feel of early PWG and the first few shows have been enjoyable.

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1: WWE 2016: Kayfabe Kicks Out - The Lloyd


I placed this diary on my list last month, and it is down to Lloyd's superb writing that I am doing so again. WrestleMania 32 was phenomenal, the showcase it should be in real life, and I look forward to seeing what he has in store next.


2: WWE 2009: Undisputed - Frootloop


On the back of a great few weeks, and a fantastic Summerslam, Frootloop is really making the most of WWE's roster at the time. Brock as champion once again is just mark fantasy and I particularly loved HBK vs Taker 3 (discounting pre-2009 match ups)


3: Monday Night Wars: The WCW Hollywood Era - scarletspeed7


In this diary, scarletspeed7 has taken a concept that would've most likely been mocked in wrestling in 1995 following the Laurence Taylor debacle and has turned it in an utterly breathtaking formula. Still loving the apparent foreshadowing between Hogan and Stallone and think that Jake Roberts as DoD leader is simply booking gold.


4: WWF: Monday Night Blues - Torgo


A fellow rookie on here in terms of diary writing, Torgo has created a great diary with lots of potential here. 1995 in the WWF was a year that, quite frankly, was p***poor for the majority of it, despite the superb arsenal of wrestlers, and in this diary, Torgo is quickly developing a product that can compete with WCW at the top of pro wrestling.


5: 2004: A PWG Odyssey - Atticus


As a newly added diary, Atticus has all the boxes ticked for a successful future. His roster has so much potential and even if I am not particularly aware of Pro Wrestling Guerrilla as someone whose indie knowledge is largely restricted to ROH, it will be a diary that I will be watching with interest.

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1. WWE 2016: Kayfabe Kicks Out - The Lloyd


Similar reason to AMarc9-8. Lloyd is an amazing writer, who pulls me in every time. Wrestlemania 32 was fantastic, and well-booked. I absolutely love this diary.


2. The Best Wrestling on the Planet (ROH) - Kijar


3. 2004: A PWG Odyssey - Atticus

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1. NJPW: Kings Of Strong Style II by Mootinie


Easily my favorite dynasty at the moment. Mootinie's writing, presentation, formatting, and everything else is super sleek and great. It's just all clean and brilliant because of it. I've taken a lot of influence from his writing. I don't watch a lot of NJPW, but I feel like he captures it very well. Even in the tour highlight posts. As previously mentioned, with it being so easy to read, it's quick to catch up and hop aboard as he wraps up the Battle of the Super Juniors.


2. All Action Wrestling: Canada's.....Not so Finest [C-Verse 2014] by Voeltzwagon


I don't read too many CVerse dynasties, but I decided to try out this one and it's great. I always like stories where writers start from scratch and work their way to the top. Voeltzwagon adds a lot of character to his characters and makes them feel real. Not to mention, he creates some intense feuds with lower-tier independent guys.


3. (Thunderverse Draft) WORLD-1 International Wrestling by MHero


Touring companies always seem like the hardest to book and I think MHero has done a great job tackling his T-Verse one. I'm glad that he's stuck to short results and entertaining write-ups/recaps for normal tour shows and brings out the guns for the big shows. I love his style of match writing for the big shows. Regardless of a match's position, he writes out the absolute best for it. He goes the distance for these cards and they show.


4. Pro Wrestling Guerrilla: Your Favorite Wrestling Company by Kijar


PWG is my favorite promotion and I think Kijar is doing a great job with modern day run with it. The writing style is clean and easy to read while occasionally busting out a large write-up for a larger match, which is always a treat for dynasties with shorter results. Though...he did have Low Ki win the PWG World Championship, but he can be forgiven for that :p


5. WWF: The Golden Age...and beyond? by The Final Countdown


I know absolutely nothing about this time period of the WWF, but I love this dynasty. Marvelous write-ups for every show and of course making the PPVs feel grand. It's daunting to leap into this dynasty due to its length, but once you start reading it, that fear goes away. Brilliant shows, characters, and turns. I'm eagerly awaiting for SummerSlam.

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First of all, thanks for the nominations for my diary :) You say such nice things! :D As for my picks:


1. Kijar - The Best Wrestling on the Planet (ROH)


Kijar is a long-standing member of the boards, and has always put out great diaries. The fact he has two going now that are both of excellent quality means he deserves my Number One pick for this month. His ROH really is the Best Wrestling on the Planet right now!


2. TNA: House of Cards by crackerjack


Another great writer, and his diary is from a time when I actually watched TNA. His work with the Aces and Eights is a highlight, as I knew it would be, and then Edge, sorry, Adam Copeland, as General Manager of iMpact just works!! :D


3. michgcs - (that really long title I can never get right) - the longest running weekly episodic television cluster of shows in TV HISTORY!!!


Finally, for now, my favourite diary of all time that just keeps getting better and better! This diary is the reason I'm here, and I can't wait to see what's coming soon. It feels like michgcs is building to something HUGE, and whatever happens, I know I'll love it!!!

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1.)WAR: Give 'em Hell by Eisen-verse


I don't have a ton of time to read dynasties but this is one I make time for because it is really well done. I usually read the show in chunks because of my limited time but this is a great read so far!


2.)WWF: The Golden Age...and beyond? by The Final Countdown


This dynasty was my first one that I read and it is still my favorite! I never miss an update and I'm dying to see what happens between the Macho Man and Bret!!!


3.)From the bottom to the top (c-verse) by Condors


This is a different read because it's more like a TEW strategy guide rather than a tell all story. Honestly he has dramatically changed how I play the game seeing his tactics.

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1: WCW 94: Way of the Thrones by Beejus


Another solid month from Beejus. A Great Uncensored, and some interesting backstage stuff(I'm looking at you, JPL) made this one standout.


2: NJPW Kings of Strong Style II by Mootinie


Another solid month from Mootinie as we rapidly approach the final stage of the Super Junior Tournament.


3: PWG: Your Favorite Wrestling Company by Kijar

Kijar's been busy this month, with two good diaries. I think the PWG diary is a bit more fun, so I'll give it the nod.


4: WWE: 2016 - Kayfabe Kicks Out by TheLloyd

Very consistent stuff. Mania Delivered.


5: WCW: The Quest For Lost Glory by TheBigBad1003

Great announcement of the arrival of the Elimination Chamber gives Starcade some edge and makes it harder to see where this is going!


A wanna give a few more shouts to a return: Rebooking Nitros by Blodyxe, a debut: 2004: A PWG Odyssey by Atticus, and two that have been around for a bit: WWE: The Longest Running... by Michgs and WWE 2009: Undisputed by Frootloop.

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1) 2004: A PWG Odyssey by Atticus


2004 was when I first heard of PWG. Chris Bosh is one of my all time favourite indy wrestlers. It's only accademic that Atticus' sterling work gets my #1 this month.


2) Better Call Phil [Thunderverse] by NoNeck


NoNeck absolutely nails the gritty, episodic nature better than anyone on the boards. It's the closest to LU I've seen on the boards myself.


3) The Story of the East Coast Wars (CV97) by DAVEFAN95


Dave's put himself up to a mighty task - covering all four of the major players in the East Coast War - and he's pulling it off magnificently. I'm biased towards RPW myself purely because they're my favourite of the East Coast promotions.


4) NJPW Kings of Strong Style II by Mootinie


Mootinie runs the RW joint for me. An exciting and fresh take on NJPW, just disappointed my boy Eita didn't get to the final dance of BOSJ.


5) All Action Wrestling: Canada's.....Not so Finest [C-Verse 2014] by Voeltzwagon


Last but certainly not least, Voeltzwagon is the king of the small promotions. AAW is no exception to this and he's delivering on every single show, using a cast of underloved characters to create a unique image.

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2: WWE 2009: Undisputed - Frootloop


On the back of a great few weeks, and a fantastic Summerslam, Frootloop is really making the most of WWE's roster at the time. Brock as champion once again is just mark fantasy and I particularly loved HBK vs Taker 3 (discounting pre-2009 match ups)


Just wanted to say thanks for the love. It means a lot to read such high praise of my show, and that match in particular.

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1. Monday Night Wars: The WCW Hollywood Era by scarletspeed7

Scarletspeed7 has done a great job incorporating real world tropes into a very enticing fictional narrative. He's done a great job portraying Hulk Hogan here.

2. All Action Wrestling: Canada's... not so finest by Voletzwagon

Voletzwagon has created enticing backstage narrative. His booking has been particularly innovative this last month.

3. Pro Wrestling WILD: It's As Bad as It Seems by MHero

MHero has a great comedic touch to this diary, and it provides an alternative to conventional writing.

4. Ring of Honor 2002: The Journey Begins by jeff3xtreme

Jeff3xtreme has done a good job with establishing both stables and story lines in early ROH -- his match write-ups are among the best on the board, too.

5. [CV97] HGC/TCW: The second Mainstream Giant by elkhour

Elkhour implements an innovative format to cover a lot of ground in the first year of Hollyweird -- and so far, it's been a great ride. The terrific presentation deserves mention as well.

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1. All Action Wrestling: Canada's.....Not so Finest [C-Verse 2014] by Voeltzwagon

I bow low to Voeltzwagon for what he does in this diary. Both his shows as well as his background posts have a quality that's more or less unmatched in this forum (at least in the diaries I read), maybe with a few exceptions that can keep up. I'm extremely engaged in this diary and really, really hope that he won't end it for... the next years?


2. Pro Wrestling WILD: It's As Bad As It Seems by MHero

Black humour is one of the greatest things you can have in any story, and this diary is loaded with a really good kind of it. As much as I'm engaged in Voeltzwagon's diary, as much I have to laugh when reading this one. David Avatar is an extremely sympathetic character, and both the shows and background posts are a pleasure to read.


3. PSW: Addicted To Pain by James Casey

This diary's quality really goes head to head with the first two places, and it's a pain to decide on who to place first, second and third. But since I voted for this one last month and I feel like Voeltzwagon and MHero have been a bit more active during the last weeks (correct me if I'm wrong), the PSW gets the short end of the stick this time. Still, it's an amazing diary.


4. WAR: Give 'em Hell by Eisen-verse

Like I wrote last month, Eisen-verse's diary are unmatched in production value and extent of show write-ups. This means that they are updated less often than others, but the shows and background posts he provides are always a great read. His last show has been amazing as well, I like the way he books Phoenix and can't wait for the next updates.


5. (C-Verse) IMPACT Wrestling Federation - Our Time is NOW!! by MisterRomanini

This diary definitely deserves a place in my top 5. It's been constantly improved and MisterRomanini did a great job in introducing his characters and making them seem relevant. I enjoy his shows and I'm interested in what the future will hold for his company.

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1. WWE 2016: Kayfabe Kicks Out by the Lloyd

-This man is an amazing writer, and I'm giving him a #1 (right back at ya) because everyone can see how great this diary is playing out. It's entertainment value is surpassing its predecessor, the great RW Three Brands, and I love seeing what he cooks up every week.


2. NJPW: Kings of Strong Style II by Mootinie

-I really like the way Moot brings New Japan to us, in a very similar way to actual NJPW. And this month was the Best of the Super Juniors. A very tedious thing for him to do was endless entertainment for us, and I'm satisfied no matter who comes out with the win.


3. WWE: The Longest-Running Weekly Episodic Cluster of Shows in TV History! by michgcs

-My friend, who hates my booking decisions, has been going strong on this diary longer than (correct me if I'm wrong) any other diary that is still active! I love it and I think its the unique layouts, the fact that he doesn't need constant approval from fans, etc.


4. TNA: House of Cards by crackerjack

-What is it with my friends here having great diaries!? Maybe I'm bias (definitely am), but I think this diary is overlooked because crackerjack is far from bashful when putting shows up, and I like the booking decisions thus far. Presentation is easy to follow also.


5. 2004: A PWG Odyssey by Atticus

-The only new diary I put on my list. It's a great one due to being inspired by yours truly. :p All jokes aside, I really like the layout that Atticus has been using, and seeing the awesome Freshman PWG Roster in action is awesome.


Lots of other great diaries getting an honorable mention!

Dean's New Japan Wrestling

Pro Wrestling... But Not Quite As You Know It... by Nobby_McDonald

TNA: Righting the Wrongs by Dave_Scott

World Wrestling Entertainment: 2012 and Beyond... by Destiny

WWE 2009: Undisputed by Frootloop

WWE 2008 : Out with the old,In with the new. by TomTEWFAN

WWE: A Golden Era by SteenBTW


Look out for those in December, as well as some newly sprouted diaries this month!

Hopefully more votes come in, gents, this is pretty sad!

Hoping it isn't because no one wants to ruin their chances of winning, because this board thrives on working together rather than against each other. ;)

Love you all!

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1: WWE 2016: Kayfabe Kicks Out by The Lloyd

Lloyd you know I love you and your stuff dude! Format is insane and you have been an inspiration to me as a writer. You deserve #1 brosandwhich!


2: TNA: House of Cards by Crackerjack

He was an honorable mention for me last month. Now he's making #2! And it's well deserved. Love the format, his writing, and he includes pictures while keeping his shows short and sweet.


Yeah I'm gonna be that guy who only does two. :p

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Really appreciate the votes guys, thank you very much. Especially the few that have come from readers I didn't even know I had.


1. All Action Wrestling: Canada's.....Not so Finest [C-Verse 2014] by Voeltzwagon

I haven't even played a C-Verse save with these characters and yet, I am so endeared to them. This is the most well-rounded diary on the board with the perfect balance of kayfabe and non-kayfabe.


2. WCW '94: War Of The Thrones by Beejus

It'll be a very sad day when Beej announces that War is finished and the diary section of the board certainly won't be the same for me when he isn't writing anymore. Uncensored was yet another superb outing from Big Show Beejus.


3. WWE 2009: Undisputed by Frootloop

For a brief period of time, Loop's WWE was starting to get a tad stale to me. I was still enjoying it but I could tell he wasn't firing on all cylinders. Summerslam has given his WWE the much-needed shot in the arm and Night of Champions is already shaping up very nicely.


4. Rebooking Nitro's by Blodyxe

I've followed this diary since the beginning and I am so glad that it's back after a lengthy absence. I really get a kick out of how much Blody seems to enjoy writing this, I can tell he's having so much fun with it.


5. Pro Wrestling WILD by MHero

This man's diary got me to listen to Metallica. I don't even like Metallica.

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1. Pro Wrestling... But Not Quite As You Know It... by: Nobby_McDonald


He's been on a roll recently, and I'm loving every second of it! Great Diary, quick easy to read and great to the independent nature of wrestling!


2. WWE: 2016 - Kayfabe Kicks Out by: The Lloyd


Last months winner, for good reason


3. WWE: The Longest-Running Weekly Episodic Cluster of Shows in TV History! by: michgcs




4. JCP: The Race To The Top [TGAAB] by Anderz


I run the 100% full belief this diary had a great month, can't wait for the next ppv!


5. Monday Night Wars: The WCW Hollywood Era by: scarletspeed7


never much of a WCW fan, but he's put a great spin on the company, deserves a few votes

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1. NJPW: Kings of Strong Style II by Mootinie. Does anyone really need a reason here? The BSoJ was a marathon to read, let alone for Moot to write, and he brought the supreme quality with every show.


2. WWE 2009: Undisputed by Frootloop.


3. WWF 1985: The Big Bang Theory by Conservtve.


4. TNA: House of Cards by crackerjack.


5. AWA: Technical Transformations by SomeLazyMagic.

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Apologies for the delay with this month's results; I've been all over the place these last few weeks.


At the very latest I'll have the update on Friday but fingers crossed I can find the time before hand.


Thanks again to everyone who took the time to vote!

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