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Impact Wrestling: The Second Annual "Reboot" [2016]

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Confirmed Matches

Bobby Roode vs. Michael Bennett

The New Rising © vs. The Kings of Queens - World Tag Team Championships Match

Alisha vs. Taryn Terrell

Feast or Fired Match; Open to the entire Impact Wrestling roster (see opening post for full roster)

World Heavyweight Championship Briefcase: Davey

X Division Briefcase: Manik

World Tag Team Championship Briefcase: DJZ

Fired Briefcase: Jessie

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Bobby Roode vs. Michael Bennett

The New Rising © vs. The Kings of Queens - World Tag Team Championships Match

Alisha vs. Taryn Terrell


Feast or Fired Match; Open to the entire Impact Wrestling roster (see opening post for full roster)

World Heavyweight Championship Briefcase: Davey Richards

X Division Briefcase: Manik

World Tag Team Championship Briefcase: Bennett

Fired Briefcase: Robbie E

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Bobby Roode vs. Michael Bennett

The New Rising © vs. The Kings of Queens - World Tag Team Championships Match

Alisha vs. Taryn Terrell


Feast or Fired Match;

World Heavyweight Championship Briefcase: Mr. Anderson

X Division Briefcase: Manik

World Tag Team Championship Briefcase: EY

Fired Briefcase: Robbie E

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Bobby Roode vs. Michael Bennett

The New Rising © vs. The Kings of Queens - World Tag Team Championships Match

Alisha vs. Taryn Terrell


Feast or Fired Match;

World Heavyweight Championship Briefcase: Davey Richards

X Division Briefcase: Manik

World Tag Team Championship Briefcase: Bennett

Fired Briefcase: Robbie E

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Bobby Roode vs. Michael Bennett

The New Rising © vs. The Kings of Queens - World Tag Team Championships Match

Alisha vs. Taryn Terrell


Feast or Fired Match; Open to the entire Impact Wrestling roster (see opening post for full roster)

World Heavyweight Championship Briefcase: Davey Richards

X Division Briefcase: Trevorr Lee

World Tag Team Championship Briefcase: Eddie Edwards.

Fired Briefcase: Spud

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Impact Wrestling on Pop! Episode #018


The show begins with the entire Impact Wrestling roster filing down to the ring. Jeremy Borash explains the reason that everybody is out here right now is because tonight is “Feast or Fired”. He explains the concept as the ultimate opportunity and the ultimate risk for anybody in Impact Wrestling! Four cases are attached to pole in the corner of the ring. The four cases contain either a World Heavyweight Championship shot, an X Division Championship shot, a World Tag Team Championship shot or a pink slip! Three men will receive golden tickets, while for one, their journey in Impact Wrestling will be over. The stakes could not be higher going into the opening match of the night...


Feast or Fired!






Andrew Everett - BJ Myers - Bobby Roode - Bram - Davey Richards

DJ Z - Drew Galloway - Eddie Edwards - Eli Drake - Eric Young

Jeff Hardy - Jessie Godderz - Lashley - Mahabali Shera - Manik

Mark Andrews - Matt Hardy - Michael Bennett - Mr. Anderson - Pepper Parks

Robbie E - Rockstar Spud - Trenton Lock - Trevor Lee - Tyrus

Despite the fact that some of the competitors in this match were in action later tonight, it appeared that very few were willing to pass up on the chance for a potential Championship shot at any time of their choosing. While current Champions were reportedly disqualified from entering, Eli Drake somehow found himself in the match. As the bell rang, it was total chaos, and the commentators were clear that they’d be unable to call the action. With huge clusters of brawling going on in the ring and around it, it soon became clear that a number of the competitors were targeting Lashley. The first time the group on the outside was broken up was when Andrew Everett and Trevor Lee signalled to each other with nod and then each climbed a turnbuckle. Both men took a dive to the outside, causing a number of the competitors to fall, breaking up the crowd. The match continued, now with the field thinned, Bram and Eli Drake teamed up and fought against The Hardy Boys. Eventually Bram appeared to be close to grabbing a briefcase, while Eli Drake guarded his path. With one hand on the briefcase, Jeff Hardy came from nowhere and knocked Bram from the second rope, into Eli Drake. Jeff Hardy unhooked the Briefcase with the Number 3 on and left up the ramp.


First Briefcase Unhooked [#3]:
Jeff Hardy


With Jeff Hardy weaving through bodies, the match continued but it wasn’t clear who has going to get the next case. The second person to put their hands on a case was Rockstar Spud but as he had his fingertips on it, BEEF came out and called a time-out on the match.

Rockstar Spud, who was millimeters away from taking a Briefcase was furious to see BEEF, who says that there has been a mistake and he doesn’t think that Eli Drake is eligible to be in the match. By now, Robbie E has recovered and is behind Rockstar Spud. BEEF says “you know what… I’m going to let it slide”. He throws his hands up and leaves. From behind, Robbie E pushes Rockstar Spud off the turnbuckle and races up to the top rope unhook the Number 2 case.


Second Briefcase Unhooked [#2]:
Robbie E


By now a number of the wrestlers were completely out of it and there was around 5 or 6 guys left in the ring. Jessie Godderz, Eddie Edwards and Matt Hardy fought over the number one case. On the otherside, Bobby Roode and Drew Galloway appeared closest to taking the other one. Jessie Godderz managed to pull himself into pole position but Matt Hardy came back for a Suplex. Eddie came back into it and a three man tower of Doom was formed with Eddie coming out on top. Eddie Edwards crawled to the corner but was met by Eric Young. From behind Young, Davey Richards appeared and took EY out with a Back Suplex onto the apron. This gave Eddie Edwards a chance to unhook the case marked with the Number 1.


Third Briefcase Unhooked [#1]:
Eddie Edwards


There was now only one briefcase in play - and much like the start of the match - it became frantic. While the entire roster had been brawling throughout, it soon became difficult to keep track of who was where. Once again the field began to thin as a number of competitors were thrown to the outside. During this chaotic period of the match, the tensions between Bram and Tyrus once again spilled over and they brawled up the ramp. Tyrus led the brawl out of the ring and up the ramp, showing a disregard for the match. After all, Tyrus still has the World Heavyweight Championship shot from BFG!


Back in the ring, it soon came down to Drew Galloway, Bobby Roode and Lashley. At this point Micah came down and helped his partner to his feet. They took the fight to Lashley, pulling him out of the ring and slamming him into the Steel Steps and then over the Guardrail. They then tried to go toe to toe with Drew and Roode but were soundly sent packing, with the men forming a temporary alliance to remove them from the ring.


With Drew Galloway and Bobby Roode left to fight it out for the last Briefcase, they ended up on the top rope going back and forth, both in a precarious position. Briefcase Number 4 was positioned so that their backs were to the entrance ramp and this explained why the men didn’t notice when Michael Bennett - who had apparently left the ringside area earlier in the match - resurfaced with his wife Maria.

As Michael Bennett made his way down to the ring, Bobby Roode took control in the ring, pushing Drew Galloway from the top rope and to the outside. As Galloway crashed out of the ring, his landing was softened by The New Rising and several other competitors who had congregated on the outside. Alone in the ring, Bobby Roode reached up to unhook the Briefcase but at the last moment he was grabbed by Michael Bennett and thrown through the second rope. Bennett thought he was alone, but Rockstar Spud re-entered the ring, in a last ditch attempt to save the match. Spud was tired and soon found himself on the end of a Running Knee Lift. With a clear path, Michael Bennett climbed to the top rope and retrieved the final case.


Forth Briefcase Unhooked [#4]:
Michael Bennett


As the bell rang to signal the end of the match, Michael Bennett quickly navigated his way through the bodies in and around the ring. Michael Bennett reached the top of the ramp and his wife Maria unhooked the clasps on his Briefcase. Bennett held the case out in front of and released the front of it, revealing that his case contains a Guaranteed World Heavyweight Championship Match!

Coming back from the break, Bram storms into the Locker Room of Ethan Carter III. Wherever he ended up with Tyrus, he has clearly taken a bit of beating from him. Bram was furious and appeared to have bust his lip open in the brawl. Bram tells Ethan Carter that when he next sees him, he’s going to smash Tyrus’ head in! Ethan tells him to calm down, he can’t let this go on any longer. He needs a cohesive unit behind him and he’s going to have Bram and Tyrus in the ring later tonight. One way or another, they’re going to sort this.


The Dollhouse cut a promo led by Taryn Terrell. She belittles the challenge of Alisha, saying that she will make her regret ever stepping foot in the Knockout’s Locker Room.


The Impact Wrestling cameras catch up with Rockstar Spud in the back. Earlier tonight, when he was just fingertips away from reaching a Briefcase, BEEF called a temporary stoppage to the match, leading to Robbie E stealing it. Spud thinks that BEEF is “taking the piss”, saying that he realises that BEEF doesn’t believe in him - and he’s used to that - but he isn’t going to stand by and let him ruin his career! After weeks of not being used, Rockstar Spud now finds himself in
match tonight. And this match is against the maniacal Eric Young. Rockstar Spud says that if BEEF thinks that’s some sort of “punishment” he’s clearly doesn’t know Rockstar Spud. He wanted a challenge and he’s got it! Tonight he goes in the ring against a very angry Eric Young, and he is up for the challenge!


In her first few months in Impact Wrestling, Alisha has developed a reputation as a plucky underdog - largely down to her opposition to The Dollhouse. Tonight, she finally received the match she had requested, a one on one match with Taryn Terrell. Early on, with the presence of Marti Belle and Jade at ringside, Taryn Terrell took control and it appeared to be a routine win for Terrell.


Even as Alisha came back into the match, Belle and Jade continued to try and slow her down. Taking matters into her own hands, Alisha dove to the outside, taking Marti Belle and Jade out of the equation. As she entered the ring, Taryn Terrell went for the Running Cutter that has finished off many Knockouts before. Alisha pushed Taryn away and as she return from the ropes, Alisha rolled her through into an Armbar. With nowhere to go, Terrell had no choice but to tap out in the middle of the ring.


Alisha (in 6:34)

Maria & Michael Bennett are in the interview area. Holding his “Feast or Fired” Briefcase proudly, Michael Bennett says that this opportunity is like a Golden Ticket. He says that everybody knows that he is a future World Heavyweight Champion, but this puts an accelerator on his journey to the top of Impact Wrestling. All his plans have been thrown out of the window because his sole focus is on the fact he can become the New World Heavyweight Champion, anytime… anywhere!

Bobby Roode walks into the shot, looking at the Briefcase and then at Bennett. Roode tells Bennett that if he thinks that match tonight proved anything, he’s mistaken. Roode says that Michael has a Golden Opportunity, but the real test comes when he takes that title shot. Roode knows, it isn’t just about being given the ball, it’s what you do with it that counts. In their match tonight, there will be nowhere for Bennett to hide and the only way he walks out victorious is if he wins a fight!


The commentators introduce a video package which promotes the first Pay-Per-View of 2016. In six weeks time, “Impact Wrestling presents… Slammiversary - Live from Atlanta, Georgia!” It is announced that tickets are on sale now.

Almost from the opening bell, Eric Young took control of the match. He was much more ruthless than his opponent and clearly took delight in throwing the much smaller Rockstar Spud around the ring. Just as Spud appeared to be gaining momentum, the referee was hit with a loose elbow from Eric Young. While Rockstar Spud tried to continue his comeback, Eric Young hit him with a low blow and slipped out of the ring. From there, Eric Young brought a Steel Chair into play, as Rockstar Spud struggled back to his feet. Young entered the ring and began to swing at Rockstar Spud, forcing him down to the mat. Laying in a number of shots to the downed Spud, EY decided it was time to cause serious damage. As Young set Spud up for a Piledriver onto the Steel Chair, Drew Galloway ran down to make the save...

Eric Young was quickly aware of this and released Spud, switching his focus to Drew Galloway. Soon, a brawl broke out between the two men in the middle of the ring. EY went for the chair, but Drew managed to avoid it, eventually getting a hold of it himself. Drew laid a shot into the ribs of EY and then slammed the Chair into his back. Drew Galloway laid the chair out flat and hit Eric Young with a Future Shock DDT. Hiding the evidence, Drew dragged Rockstar Spud over his opponent’s motionless body, before reviving the referee. As he came round, the referee slowly counted the 1… 2… 3!


Rockstar Spud (in 7:22)


Getting back in the ring, Drew Galloway raises the hand of Rockstar Spud, who isn’t fully aware of what is going on. Eric Young - now on the ramp - is foaming at the mouth, he wants to fight Drew Galloway but doesn’t like his chances with Rockstar Spud also in the ring (as well as the fact he’s already competed twice tonight). Drew Galloway takes a microphone and says that they both want the match, next week - for one last time - Drew Galloway vs. Eric Young!

The second hour of the show commences with Ethan Carter making his way down to the ring. Taking a microphone he says that he didn’t want to do this in public, but he feels it’s the only way he’ll get sense out of either of them. He asks Bram and Tyrus to make their way out to the ring. He wants to give them an opportunity to voice their grievances, so that they can not only clear the air, but get back on track. They need to remember what is important - making sure that the World Heavyweight Championship stays where it belongs. The ever obedient Bram makes his way to the ring, there is no sign of Tyrus.

Bram asks Ethan Carter if he wants his opinion. Without giving Carter a time to answer, Bram proceeds. He says that EC3 doesn’t need that big, daft idiot Tyrus! All he needs is Bram, because as long as he is around
will get their hands on that Championship. Bram says that last week, Tyrus walked out on
. He’s the reason they got battered… Ethan Carter knows that, but he has history with Tyrus and an understand that goes beyond anything else in this business. He says that having Tyrus as an ally is a whole lot better than having him as an enemy. He tells Tyrus to do the right thing, and let them sort this out tonight. Eventually Tyrus answers the call, making his way to the ring.

When he reaches the ring, Tyrus stands face to face with Bram and EC3. He folds his arms and remains silent. This causes EC3 to have to break the silence. Carter says he goes way back with Tyrus, back before they were even in Impact Wrestling. In fact, Ethan brought Tyrus into this company because he wanted to share this journey with him. Ethan Carter looks down at his Championship. He says he is talking about the journey that led to him becoming World Heavyweight Champion. Tyrus was there every step of the way. Ethan Carter says this title doesn’t just belong to him, it is a symbol of all their efforts. They have run this place for years, he asks Tyrus if he feels that is worth throwing away. Carter tells Tyrus he


Tyrus finally breaks his silence, telling Ethan that he doesn’t have a problem with him… not at all. Ethan Carter smiles and tells him to “come home”. Tyrus shakes his head… he doesn’t have a problem with Carter, but as a
, he can’t stand behind somebody who he
he is better than. Ethan Carter can’t help but laugh… but once he sees Tyrus is serious he tells him to hold on. Carter says that Tyrus doesn’t really mean that. Tyrus says he does, and if he wants to, he’s got a shot at the Champion any time he wants to prove it. Ethan Carter is taken aback, knowing that Tyrus is referring to the Number One Contendership Battle Royal, he won at Bound For Glory. EC3 warns Tyrus not to go there, but Tyrus steps up into EC3’s face.


Bram takes control of the microphone EC3 was holding and says “I’ve had enough of this”. He lets go of the microphone and lays a right hand into the jaw of Bram, soon a brawl breaks out. Ethan tries to tell them to stop and even gets in between them, quickly he realises he is powerless to stop them. Bram continues to throw punches at Tyrus and gets the upper hand. Bram goes for the Brighter Side of Suffering but Tyrus pushes him away. Bram comes back at Tyrus but from nowhere is hit with the ICU Throat Spike. Bram crumbles to the mat… Tyrus stands over him, he is ready to inflict more damage. Tyrus breaths heavily and looks like he is about to maul Bram. Ethan Carter drops to one knee to check on Bram and practically begs Tyrus to leave him alone. Tyrus just stands over them, staring down at Bram.


Tyrus refuses to leave, which annoys EC3. Carter gets back to his feet and orders Tyrus to back off. Tyrus’ eyes shift from Bram on the ground, to EC3 across the ring. Tyrus squares up to the Champion. Ethan takes a step back and takes a deep gulp. He is clearly intimidated by Tyrus, who for the first time appears to be out of his control. Tyrus points to the downed Bram, but maintains eye contact with EC3. He tells EC3 he’s going to “tear him apart”. Tyrus smiles at Carter, knowing there is nothing to can do to stop him. Ethan Carter once again loses his cool and shout at Tyrus, saying “I am your boss! You will do as I say! Get. Out. Of. This. Ring. NOW!” Tyrus smirks at his former boss, who points at him to leave. Suddenly, Tyrus’ expression changes to anger and EC3 again back down. Tyrus grabs Carter’s hand, pulling his microphone towards him and says “nobody is the boss of Tyrus”. Tyrus then yanks the microphone from Carter’s grasp and drops it to the mat. EC3 looks wary of what Tyrus might do next, but the big man simply leaves the ring and walks up the ramp.


Cutting to the back we see Eric Young, furious as ever. He tells Drew Galloway that he accepts his challenge to a match next week… with one condition - anything goes!


In the Knockout’s Locker Room, Gail Kim approaches Alisha. Gail Kim congratulate Alisha on a great performance earlier tonight and says that she has proved herself beyond any doubt. Gail Kim tells Alisha she has earned a shot at this Championship, anytime she wants it.


The Kings of Queens now occupy the interview area. Up next they face the World Tag Team Champions in a title match they earned two weeks ago. Trenton Lock says that this last month has been a whirlwind for them because they can here with a mission and they’re so close to fulfilling it. They weren’t here to make up numbers, they were here to give the Tag Team Division a shot in the arm! BJ Myers says that is exactly what they did when they
the Champs… that’s what they did when the beat The Wolves. Myers doesn’t care how they get the job done… before he can continue, The Wolves walk into shot.

There is a tension between the team but this is broken with a handshake. Eddie Edwards tells The Kings that he hope that they beat The New Rising tonight, so that when they take their rematch, they will face some real competition. BJ tells The Wolves not to worry, The Kings of Queens are taking those title from The New Rising and taking them home!

The match begins with Trenton Lock and Micah. It is noted that three of the four men in this match competed earlier tonight in Feast or Fired. Micah chose to opt out however, apparently still feeling the effects of his match with Jeff Hardy last week. Nonetheless, Micah started well, breaking down the much faster Trenton lock after a short burst of offence from the newcomer. From here, Micah remained in control tagging in Eli Drake for a short breather on a few occasions. This kept Micah fresh and ensured that Lock couldn’t reach BJ on the apron. It remained this way for some time.


Eventually - during one of Eli Drake’s few spells in the match - Trenton found an opening, hitting Eli Drake with a Tornado DDT as he set him up in the corner. Lock crawled to his corner but was grabbed by Drake. Trenton managed to get back to his feet and hit an Enziguri, allowing him to bring in BJ Myers. Myers took the fight to Eli Drake, taking him down with a couple of Clotheslines. As Myers waited for Drake to recover, Micah pulled his partner from the ring, giving him a time out. Myers went to follow this up with a Suicide Dive but only made contact with Eli Drake. This allowed Micah to grab him and throw him into the Steel Steps. At a count of eight, both men returned to the ring. Each switching their focus to their corner, but only Drake could bring his partner in. Micah reached Myers, who was close to his corner and lifted him to his feet. Micah went for a Belly to Belly Suplex but Myers caught him in a small package for the 1… 2… Kickout!


From here, Micah sprung into action, but made mistakes which allowed BJ back into the match. It now appeared as though The Kings of Queens were in pole position to take the World Tag Team Championships. Myers hit a Lifting DDT to Micah and went to the top rope for the Heat Seeking Elbow. Before he could hit the move, Drake grabbed the ring rope, causing Myers lose balance and crotch himself on it. This brought Trenton into the ring but Eli Drake was quickly over and hit the worn out Lock with a Big Boot. From there, Micah picked BJ onto his shoulder for a Samoan Drop with Eli Drake applying the Double Knee Backbreaker to hit “The Rise and Fall”. Micah pinned Myers for the 1… 2...3!


The New Rising (in 8:12)


Following the match, The New Rising celebrate in the ring. The music of The Hardy Boys begins to play and they come to the top of the ramp.

In Jeff Hardy’s hand, is the Feast or Fired Briefcase that he won earlier in the night. Matt Hardy has a microphone, he says that inside that Briefcase could be the destiny of The New Rising. He says that they won’t have to wait long to find out, because Jeff Hardy is going to open it... right now! The commentators say that the show has to go to a commercial, but after the break the case will be opened! As we return, Jeff Hardy is ready to open the Briefcase until The Wolves join them at the top of the ramp.

Davey Richards tells Jeff to hold on. The Wolves already have a rematch against the new rising, and - Eddie Edwards adds, they have a Feast or Fired Briefcase too! The two pair agree to open their Briefcases but as they unhook the clasp Robbie E comes out.

Robbie tells them to hold on, they’re forgetting something. They might be two of the greatest team in wrestling history, but one of them could be fired. Especially since he is feeling lucky tonight! Jeff Hardy and Eddie Edwards position themselves either side of Robbie E, who begins to hold his Briefcase more tightly. Jeff Hardy releases the front of his Briefcase and reveals the X Division Championship shot. Robbie begins to look worried, turning his attention to Eddie Edwards he soon sees that he has the World Tag Team Championship shot. Robbie’s eyes open wide, he looks at Eddie’s case again, and then back to Jeff. He finally looks down at his own. As it begins to sink in, Robbie hugs the case to his chest. As Jeff Hardy and Eddie Edwards go face to face, Robbie E runs off, holding his Briefcase. JB says that everybody know he has the pink slip, so where on earth does he think he’s running to!

In the back, we catch up with Tyrus. He is asked about what happened earlier tonight. He says that sometimes a man has to do, what a man has to do… and Tyrus
a man. Tyrus says that he stands behind, or below nobody! He also has a World Heavyweight Championship shot, that he’s going to take it whenever he likes!


A video package recaps Michael Bennett’s first few weeks in Impact Wrestling. It shows his victories against Pepper Parks and Norv Fernum, as well as his involvement with Bobby Roode. We see the shocking moment, last week, when Bobby Roode’s head was slammed into the mat, courtesy of a Michael Bennett Curbstomp!


After the commercial break we see Robbie E. He is still running. He turns a corner and bumps into the Chief of Staff. BEEF says he’s been looking for Robbie and he needs him to hand over that Briefcase and leaves. Robbie shakes his head. He tells BEEF that he can’t fire him if he doesn’t open the Briefcase. BEEF laughs off the ridiculous suggestion, but Robbie E is sticking with it. He once again runs away!

The match begins with Michael Bennett stalling. Bobby Roode was clearly in the mood for a fight after taking a vicious Curbstomp from Bennett last week. Bennett went to the outside to speak with his wife, and hid behind her when it appeared that Roode would be joining them on the outside. Eventually the referee had enough and warned Bennett that he’d send Maria to the back if he didn’t get in the ring. Maria encouraged him to get return to the ring, telling him that he’s “got this”. Michael went immediately for a lock up, knowing that Roode didn’t really want to “wrestle” - he wanted to brawl. Roode overpowered Michael Bennett and threw him to the mat. Bennett took a ‘time-out’ in the corner.


As Michael Bennett got back to his feet, he continued to rest up in the corner. When Bobby Roode came over to bring him out, the referee got between them, reminding Roode he couldn’t attack Bennett while he was in the corner. As they debated this, Bennett went behind the referee and hit Roode with a sucker punch. Roode staggered backward and when he came back, Bennett tripped him with a Drop Toe Hold. From here Michael Bennett slowed the match down, taking control before applying a Headlock to “The It Factor”.


From here, Michael Bennett manage to keep himself in control for a good portion of the match, having worn down Bobby Roode, who the commentators suggested “can’t be 100% after that Curbstomp last week”. Roode however, refused to give up and continued to fight. This persistence would prove fruitful as Bobby Roode began to regain a footing in the match. Bennett was aware of this and took Roode to the top rope, hoping to hit a decisive move. Michael Bennett joined him, going for a Superplex from the second rope. Bennett lifted Roode but he resisted, laying a number of jabs to Bennett’s abdomen. Bobby Roode then hit Bennett with an Elbow to the head which sent him down to the mat. Roode followed up with a Diving Knee Drop, leaving both men down in the ring. The two competitors got up late into the referee’s count and began trading blows until they reached their feet. They went back and forth, with Michael Bennett taking control. Michael Bennett came back off the ropes for a Clothesline, but was hit with a Spinning Spinebuster from Bobby Roode. From here Bobby Roode experience his own spell of dominance.


Eventually, Bobby Roode had Michael Bennett where he wanted him, taking him down to the mat with a Crossface. With Michael Bennett looking close to submitting, Maria climbed onto the apron causing the referee to lose focus.

As the referee ordered Maria to get down, Michael Bennett began to tap out. Bobby Roode releases the hold and began to berate the referee, telling him to focus on the action. This allowed Maria to throw Bennett’s “Feast or Fired” Briefcase into the ring. This was hardly subtle, and the referee quickly spotted it and removed it from the ring. Of course - this was all part of the plan - as, with the referee distracted, Bennett hit Roode with a Stiff Low Blow.


Bobby Roode fell to his knee, holding his groin as Michael Bennett rebounded off the ropes, hitting a Running Knee Lift to the side of Roode’s head. Bobby fell face first into the mat and Bennett rested against the corner. Bennett looked at the prone Roode and a twisted excitement spread across his face. Jeremy Borash knew what was coming and The Pope suggested if Bennett hits “that move”, then it’s lights out for Bobby Roode.


As Bobby Roode began to stir, Bennett came out of the corner and hit Bobby with a vicious Curb Stomp, bouncing his head off the mat. Bennett turned the ragdoll-like Roode over onto his back and the lack of motion told us that this one was over. Brian Hebner made an arbitrary count, that could’ve done on much longer than the required 1… 2… 3!


Michael Bennett (in 12:29)


Following the victory, Maria joins her husband in the ring - holding his Briefcase in her hand. She passes it over to Michael and raises his arm high in the air. Bennett closes the show, raising his Briefcase high above his head. He is smiling despite what he has been through tonight. In the background, a doctor is seen attending to Bobby Roode, who has finally regained consciousness.

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Impact Wrestling... Wrap-Up! [Taping #3]



Impact Wrestling… Wrap-Up!


Recorded for Xplosion

Episode #13:
DJ Z beat Mahabali Shera

Episode #14:
Jessie Godderz beat Robbie E

Episode #15:
Mr. Anderson beat Robbie E

Episode #16:
Rockstar Spud beat Mark Andrews

Episode #17:
Matt Hardy beat Eli Drake

Episode #18:
Manik beat DJ Z


Welcome to Impact Wrestling!

Throughout the New York tapings, a number of new talents debuted in Impact Wrestling. Michael Bennett and Maria made their debuts on the Live Special, in what was perhaps the worst kept secret in Professional Wrestling history. He soon entered a program with Bobby Roode, who he beat in a one on one match on the final night.


Also on the Lockdown Live Special, the new Chief of Staff was revealed to be “BEEF”. Formerly known as “Brad Maddox” in the WWE, he was released in November 2015 following an incident during the dark segment of a Smackdown taping. The “previous experience” that Dixie Carter touted on twitter was of course a reference to his short run as the General Manager of WWE’s flagship show Raw. BEEF quickly aligned as a heel upon his arrival, low blowing Lashley inside the Steel Cage, in what was intended as a call back to his WWE debut, where he did the same, while serving as the referee in a WWE Championship match between CM Punk and Ryback, at the 2012 Hell in a Cell pay-per-view.


The Kings of Queens also debuted at the tapings and quickly made an impression, beating the current Tag Team Champions, The New Rising, in their debut. The team, consisting of former WWE Superstars Trent Barreta and Curt Hawkins, were rechristened “Trenton Lock” and “BJ Myers” respectively and claimed they were here to shake up the Tag Team Division. Sources within Impact Wrestling suggest that the writers hope to be able to position them in a similar role to that of “Bad Influence” during their Impact Wrestling run. While The Kings debuted as faces, it appears there is interest in them serving to “stir the pot” and cause tension within the Division.


Pepper Parks and Norv Fernum also made returns to Impact Wrestling during the tapings.


Going forward, it is believed that the company will refrain from bringing in any new faces until after Slammiversary. It is felt that the best way to build to that PPV is with already established performers and rivalries, with the concern that the appearance of new characters may throw the balance off.


Slammiversary Announced

The month of May began with the announcement of the first Impact Wrestling Pay-Per-View of the year. Confirmed to take place in Atlanta, Georgia; there will be six more episodes of Impact Wrestling before Slammiversary, leading up to the end of June. The following is a leaked prototype of the Slammiversary poster (hopefully the official release will be of a higher quality):

Following Slammiversary, Impact Wrestling will be in Orlando, Florida for an (almost) Live Impact Wrestling. The company will then record television in the same location over the following few days. Bound for Glory is believe to be scheduled for mid-October.


TV Ratings

Episode #7:
-10% [Ethan Carter III vs. Lashley - WHC]

Episode #8:
= [Matt Hardy vs. Bram]

Episode #9:
+2% [bEEF & Ethan Carter III vs. Lashley]

Episode #10:
-2% [bram & Tyrus vs. The Hardy Boys]

Episode #11:
-2% *New Pop Network Low* [Jeff Hardy vs. Micah]

Episode #12:
+3% [bobby Roode vs. Michael Bennett]

Reports have suggested that there are growing concerns within the company that the lack of traction regarding the ratings, reflects poorly on the companies creative team, who promised big things upon the Pop TV debut. However, one source high up the Impact Wrestling chain of command suggested that the company and the network are in constant communication and that there is no immediate concerns coming from either party. While the company are anxious to make a big splash on the network, their focus on creating new stars remains the key objective as part of their hope of a long term relationship with Pop TV and CBS.


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Impact Wrestling Review: State of the Knockouts Division


Impact Wrestling Review: State of the Knockouts Division


The current Knockouts Women’s Championship

Throughout the last couple of years, the wrestling business has been abuzz with talk of a “Women’s Wrestling Revolution”, while some companies are still coming to speed with this, it is something that Impact Wrestling can claim to have been well ahead of the curve with. Officially beginning in early 2007, the Knockouts Division grew over the next few years, with Gail Kim, Awesome Kong and a number of other women forming the foundations. From there the division continued to grow, gaining plaudits for placing more emphasis on the women’s in-ring ability than some of the competition.


One of Impact Wrestling’s most storied rivalries, there has been a number of attempted rehashes of Awesome Kong vs. Gail Kim.

Up until fairly recently, the division appeared to be going from strength to strength with The Beautiful People, Tara, Mickie James, ODB, Madison Rayne and others, featuring in prominent positions within the company. Some may retrospectively point to the arrival of Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff as a turning point for the division, as many former Knockouts left the company. However, in more recent times the Division has been featured even less prominently, with fresh storylines few and far between and a developing over reliance on reusing old rivalries.

So far in 2016, things have shown little sign of changing, with new talent such as Alisha and Laura Dennis slipping into the Division as solid additions, but with little character or direction. As with all areas of the television show, the company are constantly looking to improve the quality of the division, but with Women’s Wrestling more in vogue than ever, it may be a case of needing to strike while the iron is hot!


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Impact Wrestling on Pop! Episode #019 [Preview]


Anything can happen, as this week Pop TV presents a Live Impact Wrestling Special! Scheduled for the show is the final battle between Drew Galloway and Eric Young. After weeks of tensions (that inevitably spilled over into brawls), the pair will finally settle their differences, in a No Disqualifications match!


Ethan Carter will also appear on Impact Wrestling to address the situation last week, where - following a physical altercation with Bram - Tyrus told the World Heavyweight Champion "nobody is the boss of me". EC3 will also address the future of his World Heavyweight Championship, with focus switching to the upcoming Slammiversary Pay-Per-View. Continuing his pursuit of Ethan Carter, it is almost certain that where EC3 goes, Lashley won't be far away!


Also on Impact Wrestling:

- Michael Bennett is scheduled to make an appearance, following his victory over Bobby Roode last week. Adding to the unpredictability of live TV, Michael Bennett will be sure to have his Feast or Fired Briefcase at hand - as will Eddie Edwards & Jeff Hardy.

- "Marathon Man" Robbie E continues to run away from the fact that he has the "Fired" Briefcase. BEEF will look to retrieve the case and send Robbie packing.

- DJ Z & TJ P (recently dubbed Them Young Go Hards), challenge former Number One Contenders The Kings of Queens. DJ Z & TJ P have recently declared their intentions to "make an impact" in the Tag Team Division, and there would be few better scalps to take to those of BJ Myers and Trenton Lock.

- Rockstar Spud's "evaluation period" continues, with reports within Impact Wrestling suggesting that the next few weeks will be key in deciding Rockstar Spud's future in the company!

- Tag Team action featuring the Knockouts. Gail Kim will team with the woman she publicly endorsed last week, Alisha. They will go up against Jade & Marti Belle of The Dollhouse.


Confirmed Matches

Eric Young vs. Drew Galloway
- No Disqualifications

Alisha & Gail Kim vs. The Dollhouse (Jade & Marti Belle)

The Kings of Queens vs. Them Young Go Hards (DJ Z & TJ P)

Who (from the current Impact Wrestling roster) will BEEF choose as Spud's opponent?

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Eric Young vs. Drew Galloway - No Disqualifications

Alisha & Gail Kim vs. The Dollhouse (Jade & Marti Belle)

The Kings of Queens vs. Them Young Go Hards (DJ Z & TJ P)

Who (from the current Impact Wrestling roster) will BEEF choose as Spud's opponent?- Eli Drake

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Confirmed Matches

Eric Young vs. Drew Galloway - No Disqualifications

Alisha & Gail Kim vs. The Dollhouse (Jade & Marti Belle)

The Kings of Queens vs. Them Young Go Hards (DJ Z & TJ P)

My Manilla Thrillas

Who (from the current Impact Wrestling roster) will BEEF choose as Spud's opponent? Tyrus

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Impact Wrestling on Pop! Episode #019


A video package opens the show, recapping the events of last week. We see the footage from the previous episode where Bram was laid out in the ring after instigating a brawl with Tyrus. Tyrus then squared up to EC3 telling him that nobody is the boss of Tyrus! The recap also shows Michael Bennett’s controversial victory over Bobby Roode seven nights ago. Tonight, Drew Galloway will go one on one with Eric Young in a match where anything goes!


The commentators introduce the show, saying that tonight, Ethan Carter addresses the future of his World Heavyweight Championship and comments on the situation last week where Tyrus apparently severed ties with his “boss”. They talk up the Main Event, saying that weeks of tension will spill over into a brutal - and potentially bloody - brawl! But first, Maria and Michael Bennett will make their presence felt.


Maria & Michael Bennett make their way down to the ring, both beaming from ear to ear. Bennett carries his silver Feast or Fired Briefcase which contains a Guaranteed World Heavyweight Championship shot. Borash says that Bennett has been touting his victory all week on social media and JB had a feeling that he wouldn’t be able to wait very long to come and do some more, this time - in person. Maria takes a microphone and hands it to her husband.


Michael Bennett says that last week, everybody saw him prove that he is everything he has claimed to be and more. Because seven nights ago, we not only saw him win “this” Feast or Fired Briefcase, but he also put the final nail in the coffin of Bobby Roode. Bennett says that the “company” that Roode claimed he helped to build, isn’t the same place it was all those years ago. This company has outgrown those so called “Originals”, which is why when Bobby Roode looks around the Locker Room, he is filled with resentment. Because while his career has passed him by, they are setting the benchmark for “their” Impact Wrestling.


Michael Bennett holds the Briefcase over his head triumphantly, Maria takes the microphone. She says that the people in this building are looking at the “Impact Wrestling Power Couple” and nothing is going to get in their way. She says that her husband is the next World Heavyweight Champion, because he has a title shot that he can take at anytime. Maria says he could take that title shot tonight… he could take in next week… or he could take it at Slammiversary. She says Michael isn’t panicking, and he isn’t desperate to get rid of this Briefcase because he knows that sooner or later, he will reign at the top of the Impact Wrestling Kingdom.

As Maria & Michael appear to have finished, the Chief of Staff makes his way to the ring. He praises the pair, saying that he was very impressed with what he saw last week and he knows that Bobby Roode would be more than willing to set up a rematch. BEEF asks the Impact Wrestling audience if they would like to see Bobby Roode go one on one with Michael Bennett again. BEEF says they aren’t the only ones, but Bobby Roode isn’t here tonight… BEEF says that due to injuries sustained at the hands of Bennett last week, his Doctors have advised Roode to stay home tonight. Roode didn’t want to sit on the sidelines but the Chief of Staff insist, claiming that the welfare of his talent is his responsibility. But that leaves Michael Bennett at a loose end. Of course, with Michael Bennett being his marquee signing to the company, BEEF talks with “The Power Couple” a lot, and he knows that Michael dislikes the man he’s picked to be his opponent as much as BEEF does. The man who begged for a challenge will get one… he tells Rockstar Spud to get out here right now!

BEEF joined commentary for this match, and while it appeared he was trying to punish Rockstar Spud, it was clear the Brit was well up for the challenge. Strangely, as the contest got under way, BEEF appeared to show some sympathy for Rockstar Spud - referring to the “stoppage” in last week’s Feast or Fired match. He says that Spud had one hand on the Briefcase and maybe he was wrong to call a stop to the match. JB didn’t understand this, so focussed on the match instead. By now, Michael Bennett was well in control of the match and it continued that way for much of the contest. Overpowering Rockstar Spud with a series of rest holds, the focus of the match was once again taken away, just as Rockstar Spud appeared to be setting up for a come back.

Making a beeline for the Chief of Staff, Mr. Anderson pulled the headset from BEEF and demanded to know why he wasn’t booked on the show - again! An intimidated BEEF backed away from Anderson, ordering the referee to remove him from the ringside area. In this confusion, BEEF got up on the apron and distracted Rockstar Spud who had just hit a Dropkick to Michael Bennett. BEEF told Spud to “keep up the good work” but as Spud turned back around he was hit with a High Knee from Bennett. Annoyed by this abuse of power, Mr. Anderson returned to the ring and kicked Michael Bennett in the nuts.


Michael Bennett (by Disqualification in 6:32)


As the bell rang, Maria entered the ring to tend to her man. Mr. Anderson marched up the ramp, but stopped when BEEF - now with a microphone in hand - told him to. Mr. Anderson turned around and was flippant as BEEF read him the riot act. He told Mr. Anderson that he was out of control and he had left the Chief of Staff with no choice but to suspend him! Jeremy Borash said that BEEF’s ego is growing by the week and the fact Mr. Anderson has mocked him means he is abusing his power! Mr. Anderson was surprised at the Suspension and walked off.

Coming back from the commercial break, Mr. Anderson is in the back. He is asked about the suspension that he just received from the Chief of Staff. Mr. Anderson says that to be honest he’s relieved, working under an idiot like BEEF sucks, even his name his stupid. Mr. Anderson says that all he wants to do is go out and enjoy himself, hopefully entertaining the people in the process. Until something changes, Mr. Anderson will gladly stay home… Anderson, with his suitcase in tow, leaves the building.


“Earlier Today”, Ethan Carter III arrived at the building. The Impact Wrestling cameras tried to get a word with him, but he conveniently receive a call. He put his hand in the way of the camera and went on his way. Tonight he will address Tyrus’ action last week and the future of his World Heavyweight Championship!


Trevor Lee comes to the ring, joined by Andrew Everett. Lee takes a microphone and says that he is tired of waiting… he wants his X Division Championship shot… and he wants it now! Trevor focuses on the entrance way but is disappointed when Tigre Uno doesn’t come out. Trevor Lee tells BEEF or Tigre Uno, or whoever can make this match happen to get out here right now! Instead of one of those, Trevor Lee is greeted by Jeff Hardy!

Jeff Hardy (with his Feast or Fired Briefcase) joins Trevor Lee in the ring. He says that Trevor Lee might think he’s earned a shot at the X Division Championship… but Jeff
he has. Because in his Briefcase is a shot at the X Division Championship. And sure, while Jeff would’ve preferred to be going for the Tag Team title with his brother Matt Hardy, he is more than happy to mix it up with the X Division athletes! Jeff Hardy tells Trevor Lee if he really wants to prove himself tonight, he can do it one on one against Jeff Hardy! Trevor Lee accepts the challenge.

Last week, after beating Taryn Terrell, Alisha was given a seal of approval from the Champion Gail Kim. This week they teamed up and appeared to be the more cohesive unit, despite facing the more experienced Dollhouse. The finish to the match came after Gail Kim took Taryn Terrell out at ringside. This created an even situation and once Alicia dealt with Jade, Gail Kim hit an Eat Defeat to Marti Belle for the victory.


Alisha & Gail Kim (in 4:59)


Directly after the match, Taryn Terrell jumped Gail Kim. Alisha attempted to make the save but was taken down by Marti Belle & Jade. Terrell continued to lay into Gail Kim, until Laura Dennis ran down to the ring.

Running straight passed Marti Belle, Jade & Alisha, Laura went to save Gail Kim from the attack. Laura threw Terrell from the ring and took Gail to the outside. Quickly, Gail Kim noticed that Alisha was still under attack. She ran back to the ring and fended off Jade & Marti Belle. Gail tends to the injured Alisha, while Laura Dennis remains on the outside. Dennis looks uninterested by Alisha’s pain.

BEEF walks into the locker room and corners Robbie E. He tells Robbie that this has gone on too long. He demands that Robbie E hands over his Briefcase to him. Robbie refuses, he says that the moment this Briefcase is opened, he loses everything he has worked for over 5 years in this company. He can’t let BEEF have the Briefcase… BEEF tells Robbie E to calm down, he promises - if Robbie hands him the Briefcase - he will not be fired. Robbie is unsure, but BEEF tells him he has the chance to save him job, if he really cares about being in Impact Wrestling, he needs to hand him the Briefcase. Robbie slowly releases his grip of the Briefcase and BEEF takes it from him. Robbie E remains concerned as BEEF leaves with the case.

As was evident from the pedigree of the two teams in the match, this was a faced paced contest with all four competitors displaying impressive athleticism as they went back and forth. The momentum of the match switched throughout the contest and it was only towards the end that the teams had any substantial spells of dominance. Proving the slightly quicker of the pairs, Them Young Go Hards looked to be in pole position and with Trenton Lock out on the mat, both men went to the outside. Springboarding from the apron to the ring, TJ P hit a Springboard 450 Splash to Lock and almost immediately DJ Z went for the same move. As Z came down, Lock got his knees up and as he was the legal man, both competitors were out.


Both men got to their corners and in came BJ Myers and TJ P. They shared an impressive exchange which came to an end when DJ Z came back into the ring. As Them Young Go Hards set up for another Tag Team move, Trenton Lock came off the ropes with a Double Dropkick, he then hit a Shining Wizard to TJ P, sending him out of the ring. With DJ Z still down, BJ Myers went to the top rope and brought an end to the frantic contest with a Heat Seeking Elbow!


The Kings of Queens (in 7:47)


After the match, BJ Myers and Trenton Lock were clearly exhausted but invited Them Young Go Hards into the ring. The four men went face to face and The Kings of Queens offered a handshake to DJ Z & TJ P. The two men looked at each other and decided to reject the handshake, rolling out of the ring and towards the ramp. As they did this, World Tag Team Champions, The New Rising came out to the ring.

Eli Drake & Micah entered the ring and a brawl broke out between the two teams. As The Kings had just been through a competitive match, they were quickly overpowered and The New Rising laid into them on the mat. DJ Z & TJ P watched from the outside and despite their earlier disrespect, they appeared to take exception to the actions of The New Rising. DJ Z & TJ P ran into the ring and went face to face with Eli & Micah. After a moment of tension, Them Young Go Hards joined in the attack, laying into the team who had just beaten them fair and square. The four men picked apart The Kings “like Vultures” and left them in a heap in the ring. Them Young Go Hards left the ring, feeling they had avenged their loss, while The New Rising held their World Tag Team Championships high above their heads.

The second hour of Impact Wrestling opens with reports of an incident in the back. As the camera cut to the parking lot of the building, we see Lashley being refused entry by a security team. Lashley tries to keep his cool but when one of the security guards lays hands on him, he flips out. Lashley takes out half a dozen security guards and enters the building. He tells the Impact Wrestling cameras, he’s coming for EC3!


Drew Galloway is in the Locker Room being asked about his match with Eric Young later tonight. Drew says that anything goes tonight, and that means he finally gets the chance to kick the crap out of Eric Young. Galloway says that tonight, he’s going to beat EY so badly, that it’s going to send a message to everybody watching… including the World Heavyweight Champion!


We now catch up with Ethan Carter III, he has entered the Locker Room of Tyrus. He says that Tyrus having a private locker room tonight was all his doing. The wine, the chocolates, that was him too. He doesn’t want any thanks though… he just needs Tyrus to answer one question. Carter asks Tyrus if, going forward, he is with him… or not? He says this is their journey that they’ve made together, and Tyrus has a decision to make. Unmoved, Tyrus remains silent throughout. EC3 goes to walk off but Tyrus says “wait”. Carter turns back around and Tyrus tells him “by the end of the night… you’ll know”.

This match was clearly the biggest challenge Trevor Lee has faced in Impact Wrestling to date. It was clear he was pumped up, and as he made his way to the ring, Andrew Everett made sure he remained that way. To counterbalance Everett, Matt Hardy joined Jeff Hardy at ringside. Once the bell rung, Trevor Lee was straight out of the gates, doing his best to take down Jeff Hardy and impress while he had a chance in the spotlight. Lee started well and it appeared that even Jeff Hardy might struggle to keep up with one of the X Division’s most exciting prospects.


As the match continued it settled into a much more back and forth contest, with one particular sequences leading to a stand-off between the two men. Jeff Hardy was clearly impressed with the youngster and led a round of applause. Trevor Lee may have let this get to his head and he began to attempt more and more outrageous moves, many of which connected, some of which did not. One of Trevor’s errors led to Jeff Hardy gaining an opening and was the undoing of Trevor Lee. Jeff took control of the match, and despite a valiant effort, Trevor Lee was defeated following a Twist of Fate and a Swanton Bomb.


Jeff Hardy (in 8:21)


After the match, Eddie Edwards came down to the ring. He also won a Feast or Fired Briefcase last week. Eddie Edwards asked for a microphone and The Hardy Boys were clearly uncertain as to his intentions. Eddie Edwards says the he couldn’t help but overhear earlier tonight, when Jeff Hardy came out and said he’d have prefered to win the Briefcase with the Tag Team title shot in. Eddie says that a shot at Tigre Uno is a huge opportunity, and he’s surprised anybody would want to pass that up. Jeff Hardy asks him what his point is. Eddie says that since Jeff is such a family man, and Eddie is so generous - if he
wants the Tag Team title Briefcase, Eddie is willing to trade. Jeff is unsure, and discusses it with his brother. As Jeff seems ready to reply, Davey Richards comes down to the ring.

Davey can’t believe what Eddie is doing and asks him if he thought about consulting him about it before making this decision. Eddie Edwards says “of course not” and seems bemused by the question, after all, he says, this Briefcase was won by him, not by The Wolves. And besides, they have their rematch against The New Rising already. Davey isn’t convinced, but says he guesses Eddie is right - it’s his call. Jeff Hardy wants to know what is in it for Eddie, who explains that he always saw himself as a singles Champion as well as a Tag Team Champion, and right now, he has the chance to be both. Jeff Hardy accepts the trade and hands over the Briefcase to Eddie Edwards. Eddie gives Jeff his Briefcase and The Hardy Boys leave up the ramp. Davey has strong words with Eddie Edwards as we go to a break.

Cutting to the back we see that Bram has been laid out and is in a bad way. A pair of boots walk into shot. The camera pulls back and Lashley is stood over Bram.

Lashley tells Bram that he’s getting to his boss tonight!


A video package shows the physicality between Drew Galloway & Eric Young in recent weeks. We see both men hitting their adversary with a Steel Chair, as well as clips from the brawl between the two men. Last week, Drew Galloway challenged Eric Young, who replied with one request. EY wanted the match to be a No Disqualifications Match!

Eric Young came out to the ring in street gear, while Drew dressed in his in-ring attire. The match was everything you’d expect from these two and more. Tonight, the rules were thrown out of the window and Drew Galloway didn’t hesitate to bring weapons into the match, pulling out a Trash Can from under the ring which contained a Cookie Sheet, a Steel Chair and a Kendo Stick. Unfortunately for Drew Galloway, when he brought the weapons into the ring, Eric Young got hold of them first. This - paired with EY’s unparalleled ruthlessness - meant that he was the first to take control of the match, laying into Drew Galloway, displaying his trademark viciousness.


After a serious spell of control from Eric Young, he set up a Table on the outside of the ring. He then dragged Drew Galloway to the ring apron and made an attempt to Piledrive Drew through the table, to the outside. Fortunately, Galloway managed to struggle out of it and dumped Eric Young back first onto the ring apron - which according to the commentators is the hardest part of the ring. Eric Young rolled around on the floor and readjusted the table. He went back to Drew Galloway and hit the recovering Scotsman with a couple of blows to the back. From nowhere Drew Galloway sprang back into life, lifting his opponent up and dumping Eric Young (and himself) through the table. For a moment, both men laid motionless, looking like they had been through a car wreck. Drew Galloway was the first to stir.


Using the guard rail to get to his feet, Drew Galloway lifted Eric Young from the ground and dragged him back into the ring. Drew soon joined him and was met with a couple of right hands from EY. On the third attempt, Drew ducked the hand and came back at Eric Young, taking him down with a Discus Lariat. As Eric pulled himself back to his feet, Galloway ran at him with the Claymore Kick and connected, but through luck or through skill, EY ended up on the outside. As EY rose, Drew lent over the ropes to bring him back into the ring, only to be met by a Kendo Stick shot which sent down to the mat. Young dropped back down and seemed to crawl slightly under the ring. From there, Young pulled out a Barbed Wire Board and slid it into the ring. Eric Young got into an argument with a fan in the front row, telling him he’s going to “break [Drew’s] neck”.


Back in the ring, Galloway had got to his feet, but was hit with a kick in the balls by EY. Young then set up for a Piledriver, but Drew fell down to one knee. Eric Young went to pick Drew Galloway up, but suddenly got another idea. He put Drew Galloway on the top turnbuckle and appeared to be trying to position him for a Top Rope Piledriver, onto a Barbed Wire Board! JB said this is the most disgusting thing he’d ever seen. Thankfully, Galloway managed to fight out of the move and began laying punches into Eric Young. Galloway then hit a Headbutt to EY which sent him backwards, off the turnbuckle and onto the Barbed Wire Board. Eric Young screamed out in pain and Drew Galloway followed this up with a Splash from the top rope. Drew Galloway pinned Eric Young for the 1… 2… 3.


Drew Galloway (in 13:23)


After the match, EY was cut out of the Barbed Wire and Drew Galloway was helped to his feet by the referee. Drew Galloway can barely stand and both men have been cut by the Barbed Wire. EY is helped to the back by a pair of EMTs. As Drew begins to stagger up the ramp, the music of Ethan Carter begins to play and he comes out to the ring in a suit.

Ethan Carter walks passed Drew Galloway, who in now on one knee, and looks down on him in disgust. Drew Galloway is restrained by the referee and led to the back.

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Ethan Carter III takes a microphone and says he shouldn’t really be out here right now, because somewhere in the back, there is a mad man on the loose. EC3 says that his top advisors, well, “advised” him to cancel his address tonight, but he refused to let Lashley - and his scare tactics - win. That is why he stands here alone, strong and unafraid, for he is the World Heavyweight Champion and he is Bullet Proof.


Ethan Carter says, of course, there is another reason why he is out here tonight, and that is to discuss his World Heavyweight Championship. Ethan Carter says there can be little doubt in anybodies mind that he is the greatest Champion in the history of Impact Wrestling, which begs a difficult question. Who on this roster deserves a chance to share this ring with him? He suggests that very few are even feasible challenges, and certainly none of them will be successful… but he has to defend his Championship and both he and BEEF agree that it will be at Slammiversary. Before Ethan Carter can continue, the music of Lashley hits and he comes to the ring.

Lashley says that all year he’s been chasing the Champion and not once has he been given a fair shot at Ethan Carter. Lashley has beaten Bram, Tyrus, BEEF and anybody else who has been put in front of him, but still he doesn’t get his chance. When he finally got a shot, inside a Steel Cage, he was cheated out by the Chief of Staff! Lashley says that his words and his actions in this ring seem to have no consequences to what happens behind closed doors with the match makers. Lashley says that he is sick and tired of jumping through hoops, and if Carter wants to continue to try and kill that Championship’s prestige then there’s nothing Lashley can do. Lashley says that as long as EC3 hand picks his opponents, then that Championship is nothing but an expensive piece of jewellery. Lashley tells Ethan Carter he can hold that title all he wants, Lashley is over it. Until he defends that title against Lashley, then he may have the “belt” but Carter isn’t a Champion. Lashley leaves the ring.


A smile beams across the face of Ethan Carter and he proclaims “I win”. He goes to all four corners of the ring to shout “I’ve won!”, seemingly delighted to have Lashley off his back. With his back to the entrance way, Ethan Carter climbs the turnbuckle and repeats “I have won!”. As he comes down, Lashley - who is now back in the ring - says “one more thing”. Carter hears the voice and turns around, only to be hit by a Spear from Lashley! Ethan Carter lays out flat in the ring as Lashley storms up the ramp. As the commentators begin to wrap up the show, Michael Bennett comes out to the ring, followed by his wife Maria.

Michael makes a beeline for the ring, and just behind him Maria carries his Feast or Fired Briefcase. The commentators are confused, but begin to clock on to what is happening. JB reminds us that inside Bennett’s Briefcase is a World Heavyweight Championship shot! D’Angelo Dinero says that we could see a new Champion tonight… and Bennett has a clear path! Michael Bennett enters the ring and picks up a microphone. Ethan Carter has still not moved. Bennett stands over the World Heavyweight Champion and calls for a referee to come out here and make this match official. As Michael Bennett continues to yell to the back, a figure emerges - but not the one Bennett was hoping for...

Tyrus walks down to the ring and goes face to face with Michael Bennett. Bennett tells him to stay out of his business and continues to call for a referee. Tyrus stand over Ethan Carter - appearing almost protective of the Champion. Bennett becomes enraged at him, feeling his moment is being ruined and tells Tyrus to get out of the ring. As EC3 drags himself to the corner of the ring, Michael makes the mistake of putting his hands on Tyrus, poking him in the chest. Tyrus looks down at Bennett’s hand and from nowhere, Tyrus swings his arm at Michael Bennett, laying him out flat with the ICU Throat Spike!


Ethan Carter drags himself to his feet - holding his ribs - but has a smile on his face. D’Angelo Dinero says that Tyrus knows that Ethan is his cash cow and he would never throw that away. Carter picks up the microphone and says that he knew Tyrus would make the right decision, EC3 then offers a handshake to Tyrus, which he accepts. He tells Tyrus “welcome home”. After a while, Ethan Carter tries to end the handshake, but Tyrus won’t let go of his hand. Instead, Tyrus brings Ethan Carter in close to him and pulls the microphone towards his mouth. Tyrus says that he didn’t do the right thing, he just made sure that Ethan Carter was still the World Heavyweight Champion. Tyrus leans into EC3’s face and says “because next week… that title is mine!”


Tyrus releases the handshake and walks up the ramp. Ethan Carter’s eyes open wide in shock and he is clearly terrified at the prospect of facing Tyrus next week! Jeremy Borash is overjoyed, saying that Tyrus played it perfectly tonight. Dinero is not impressed, he says that Tyrus is biting the hand that feeds him and has thrown everything away, he does however add that he can’t wait to see next week’s Main Event. Next Week on Impact Wrestling - for the first time ever -
Ethan Carter vs. Tyrus… for the World Heavyweight Championship!
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Impact Wrestling on Pop! Episode #020 [Preview]


This week on Impact Wrestling, two men who have stood side by side as one of the most dominant forces in company history, go one on one in a historic Main Event match! Despite apparent harmony between the World Heavyweight Champion Ethan Carter and his bodyguard, the black cloud of Tyrus’ guaranteed Championship shot - which he won at Bound For Glory - has loomed over their relationship. In recent weeks, tensions spilled over between Tyrus and EC3’s right hand man, Bram, leading to Tyrus reevaluating his position in Impact Wrestling. Two weeks ago, he told Ethan Carter that nobody is the boss of him! This led to an ultimatum where Ethan Carter III asked Tyrus if he was with him, or not?


Last week, it appeared that Tyrus had made his decision, as he saved Ethan Carter III from an attack at the hands of Michael Bennett. But as he helped Ethan Carter back to his feet, Tyrus had a shocking revelation… and tonight he takes his World Heavyweight Championship match! Tyrus has risked what both men have described as their “closest friendship”, in pursuit of the biggest prize in Professional Wrestling...


Elsewhere, BEEF will address Rockstar Spud’s “Appraisal Period”, with reports suggesting that he will make his final decision tonight. BEEF has shown apparent remorse for his actions in recent weeks, but Rockstar Spud will undoubtedly fear for his future, with the pair's mutual disdain clear for all to see. Strangely, BEEF announced this week that regardless of what happens tonight, he has a very special gift for Rockstar Spud.


Also on Impact Wrestling:

- Following a controversial defeat to Michael Bennett two weeks ago, Bobby Roode makes his return to Impact Wrestling. Roode is expected to address his loss, but will also have to focus on a match with “The Chesterfield Plague” Bram!

- The New Rising were scheduled to face the team of Mark Andrews & Mr. Anderson. Due to last week’s suspension of Mr. Anderson the match appears in doubt, but Mark Andrews has made it clear - partner or not - he will be in action this week…

- Jessie Godderz continues his quest to prove himself as a singles competitor, calling out Matt Hardy for a one on one match.

- X Division and Knockouts action, featuring Tigre Uno and The Dollhouse!



Confirmed Matches

Ethan Carter III © vs. Tyrus
- World Heavyweight Championship Match

Bobby Roode vs. Bram

Mark Andrews & Mr. Anderson
vs. The New Rising

Laura Dennis vs. Taryn Terrell

Jessie Godderz vs. Matt Hardy

Pepper Parks vs. Tigre Uno

What will BEEF's "gift" to Rockstar Spud be?

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Ethan Carter III © vs. Tyrus - World Heavyweight Championship Match

Bobby Roode vs. Bram

Mark Andrews & Mr. Anderson (Suspended) vs. The New Rising

Laura Dennis vs. Taryn Terrell

Jessie Godderz vs. Matt Hardy

Pepper Parks vs. Tigre Uno

What will BEEF's "gift" to Rockstar Spud be?- A match against him at Slammiversary

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Ethan Carter III © vs. Tyrus - World Heavyweight Championship Match

Bobby Roode vs. Bram

Mark Andrews & Mr. Anderson (Suspended) vs. The New Rising

Laura Dennis vs. Taryn Terrell

Jessie Godderz vs. Matt Hardy

Pepper Parks vs. Tigre Uno

What will BEEF's "gift" to Rockstar Spud be? A Vacation..?

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Ethan Carter III © vs. Tyrus - World Heavyweight Championship Match

Bobby Roode vs. Bram

Mark Andrews & Mr. Anderson (Suspended) vs. The New Rising

Laura Dennis vs. Taryn Terrell

Jessie Godderz vs. Matt Hardy

Pepper Parks vs. Tigre Uno

What will BEEF's "gift" to Rockstar Spud be? A Match

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Ethan Carter III © vs. Tyrus - World Heavyweight Championship Match

Bobby Roode vs. Bram

Mark Andrews & Mr. Anderson (Suspended) vs. The New Rising

Laura Dennis vs. Taryn Terrell

Jessie Godderz vs. Matt Hardy

Pepper Parks vs. Tigre Uno

What will BEEF's "gift" to Rockstar Spud be? I like the option of "A Match"

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Ethan Carter III © vs. Tyrus - World Heavyweight Championship Match

Bobby Roode vs. Bram

Mark Andrews & Mr. Anderson (Suspended) vs. The New Rising

Laura Dennis vs. Taryn Terrell

Jessie Godderz vs. Matt Hardy

Pepper Parks vs. Tigre Uno

What will BEEF's "gift" to Rockstar Spud be? A dropkick on his bowtie :)

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Impact Wrestling on Pop! Episode #020


Impact Wrestling begins with a video package recapping last week when Tyrus saved Ethan Carter from Michael Bennett, and his Feast or Fired Briefcase. We see that earlier in the night, EC3 had offered to draw a line under their differences, but when it came to it, Tyrus decided that he would take his World Heavyweight Championship shot - tonight! In the Main Event, the man who was brought into the company to serve as EC3’s bodyguard, challenges for his former boss’ World Heavyweight Championship. Ethan Carter has described Tyrus as his “best friend” in recent weeks and Tyrus claimed to bear no hard feelings against EC3. For Tyrus there is a sense of now or never, he has traded in a steady job for life against the oppurtunity to prove his belief that he is “better” than Ethan Carter!


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Following the opening credits, Ethan Carter III makes his way to the ring. Tonight he will defend his World Heavyweight Championship against his bodyguard Tyrus. Ethan Carter takes a microphone. He says that he has finally come to terms with what he has to do tonight… he has made peace that his relationship with Tyrus… his friendship with Tyrus, is over. But before he does what is necessary tonight, he needs to be sure of one thing. Ethan Carter says he needs to 100% sure that Tyrus understands what he is getting himself in for tonight. He tells Tyrus that he can’t let this match happen without talking to him first. Tyrus makes his way down to the ring.

Tyrus stands in the ring with his arms folded. Ethan Carter looks him in the eyes and no longer looks afraid of Tyrus. He tells Tyrus that he wants to know if he’s sure what he is doing tonight. Carter says that Tyrus had a job for life, Ethan was his meal ticket and he will throw that all away tonight. He tells Tyrus to look deep inside and ask himself… is this really what he wants? Carter says that he knows Tyrus better than anyone, and he’s giving him a chance to save his future. He asks Tyrus, is he sure that he wants this?


Ethan Carter pauses, he wants an answer. Tyrus takes the microphone and he says that he knows he has to do this. EC3 asks him if he thinks it will be worth it, he is giving him one last chance… Tyrus can seal his fate. Carter asks him “are you sure you want to do this?” Tyrus repeats that he is sure he wants this… he knows he has to do it... because he is willing to destroy one of his closest friendship for it.


Ethan Carter has no reply. His face drops as it becomes apparent to him how much stepping out on his own means to Tyrus. Tyrus says that when he was a boy, he dreamed of being a World Heavyweight Champion, he looks out at the kids in the crowd and he realises how lucky he is to have a chance to fulfil that dream. Tyrus knows that business is business, and he realises everything that EC3 has done for him… he will never forget it, but he either takes his shot - and he might fall flat on his face - or he stands behind EC3, living with resentment and regret for the rest of his career. Tyrus shoves the microphone into the chest of Carter and leaves…</div>


In the back, we see the current “Chief of Staff” BEEF in his office. BEEF speaks directly into the camera, addressing the Impact Wrestling audience. He says that tonight, he speak to them not as the Chief of Staff, but as a man. BEEF says that as soon as he arrived in Impact Wrestling, he immediately butted heads with Rockstar Spud. Maybe it was a clash or personalities, or maybe it was resentment from BEEF because he was insecure about working his somebody who made the “Chief of Staff” title his own. One thing that BEEF knows is that the way he has treated Spud in recent week has been unacceptable. So tonight, he is officially ending Rockstar Spud’s period of appraisal. And to make up for his actions, he will present Rockstar Spud with a gift - in the middle of the ring - later tonight.

Whenever someone faces the Champion it is a huge opportunity for them, especially in the case of a relative newcomer like Pepper Parks. Pepper Parks got in a small amount of offence, but Tigre Uno was quicker and more experienced. As the match began to take shape, Andrew Everett & Trevor Lee ran down to the ring.

With Parks and Tigre Uno focussed on the match, they were blindsided by the pair who began laying into both of them. The referee had no choice but to call for the bell.


No Contest
(in 3:38)


After the bell rang, the attack continued. Andrew Everett laid his boot into the throat of Pepper Parks. On the other side of the ring, Trevor Lee set Tigre Uno up for the Orange Crush. Tigre Uno fought out and reversed the hold, getting the upper hand and throwing Lee out of the ring. He then went over to Everett and removed him from the ring. Tigre Uno helped Pepper Parks up and then requested a microphone from ringside. Tigre Uno stared down the pair, now on the outside, and said “Trevor Lee. You. Me… next week!” Lee was more than up for the challenge!

Rockstar Spud is questioned in the back by the Impact Wrestling cameras. He says that he has no idea what to expect tonight, but he knows one thing… he doesn’t trust BEEF. Whatever he has planned later tonight, Rockstar Spud knows that he has to prepare for every eventuality.


With Mark Andrews already in the ring, The New Rising make their entrance. Eli Drake has a microphone in his hand, as they walk to the ring Eli Drake addresses Mark Andrews. Eli Drake says that this match was originally scheduled to be a Tag Team match, and Mark Andrews’ partner was going to be Mr. Anderson… but due to his actions last week he is suspended. So tonight, Mark Andrews is going to have to go it alone…

It was fairly clear from the opening bell that Mark Andrews had an almost zero percent chance of coming out victorious. Nonetheless, he tried and did his best to remain in the contest, throwing everything he had at Drake and Micah. After a couple of minutes it was clear that the numbers game had become unmanageable and The New Rising hit him with the “Rise & Fall” (Samoan Drop/Double Knee Backbreaker combo). Micah pinned Mark Andrews, who was unable to answer the count.


The New Rising (in 3:03)


The victory seemingly wasn’t enough for The New Rising, who began laying boots into Mark Andrew as he was still out on the mat. Before long, Trenton Lock & BJ Myers ran down to the make the save.

The Kings of Queens entered the ring and immediately took the fight to The New Rising. This allowed the hurt Mark Andrews to be removed from the ring by a referee. The Kings took The New Rising into opposite corners, but before they could really get revenge on them, DJ Z & TJ P had made their way to ring.

“Them Young Go Hards” attacked The Kings of Queens from behind and (as happened last week) it became a four-on-two attack in the middle of the ring. As the two teams laid a brutal beat down on the former Number One Contenders, The Wolves came out to make the save.

Now with odds of four on four, The Wolves managed to clear the ring of Drake, Micah, DJ Z & TJ P and helped The Kings of Queens back to their feet.

Later tonight, Matt Hardy will go one on one with Jessie Godderz. As Matt talks to his brother Jeff about Jessie Godderz, and how he can’t take somebody with as much of a chip on his shoulder as Jessie lightly, Everett & Lee walks by and interrupt them.

Trevor Lee says congratulations to Jeff Hardy because for once in his life he made the right call. Lee says that he knows that Jeff swapped his Feast or Fired Briefcase with Eddie Edwards for just one reason. He claims that Hardy knew that once Trevor Lee was getting a title shot, then no matter when or where he tried to use that Briefcase he would fail. Jeff Hardy laughs at Trevor Lee, asking if he thinks he’s afraid of him. Trevor Lee says that Jeff Hardy got lucky against him last week! Andrew Everett says that as far as risk taking Tag Teams go, they are the star attraction. Matt Hardy retorts this, saying that if they believe that then they’ll have no problem in proving it… Hardy tells Lee & Everett to name a time and a place and they’ll find out who the best truly is.


Bobby Roode is shown walking in the back, he will return to Impact Wrestling… next!


After the break, Bobby Roode makes his way down to the ring. He takes a microphone and says that two weeks ago, he was beaten by Michael Bennett and Maria. He says that he wasn’t beaten by Michael’s wrestling ability, or by his toughness. He was beat by the fact that Bennett has Maria in his corner. Bobby Roode isn’t bitter about it, and he isn’t here to make excuses. He is here to lay down another challenge to Michael Bennett, and the stipulation is simple. If Michael Bennett truly believes that he is the future of this business, then he will agree to face Roode with Maria banned from ringside. Roode says he isn’t setting up hoops because this doesn’t need to be any more complicated than Roode. Bennett. One on one! Instead of Bennett, it is Bram who answers Bobby Roode.

Bram says that he’s been stood in the back listening to Bobby Roode and to be honest, it just sounds like a whole load of rubbish. Bram says that Roode is coming across as a bitter, whining little girl. But Bram doesn’t give a damn about what Roode has to say, he just so happens to be the wrong guy, in the wrong place, at the wrong time. Lashley is hiding from him and Roode just so happens to be the man who is going to get the beating that Lashley deserves! Roode removes his t-shirt, drops his microphone and is ready for a fight.


The bell rings to a straight up brawl breaking out in the ring. Bram takes the fight to Roode, but “The It Factor” gives as good as he gets. At no point in the match does the intensity drop and as the it spilled to the outside, Bram had taken control. He threw Roode into the guardrail and then attempted to bounce his head off the Steel Steps. Roode managed to block this and it was Bram who had his face slammed into the Steel.


Bobby Roode then took the match back into the ring and laid his boots into Bram. When he set Bram up in the corner, Bram moved, resulting in Roode going face first into turnbuckle. From here, Bram attempted a Brighter Side of Suffering, but Roode span out and trapped Bram’s arm for a Crossface. Now in the middle of the ring, Bram had nowhere to go - but he wouldn’t give up. As he looked close to losing consciousness Bram began to bite the hands of Roode and wouldn’t let go. Bram sunk his teeth into Roode, causing him to release the hold. From here, Bram was able to find his way back into the match and seemed to have worked his way back to an even keel.


Bram knocked Roode down with a strong knee to the gut. He then went to the top rope, seemingly intent on dropping a leg on Roode. Bobby was up quickly and met Bram on the second rope. Bram sent him backwards, knocking him to the ground. Roode came back quickly but was met with a very stiff boot in the head by Bram, which sent him backwards. Bobby Roode tried to remain on his feet but staggered backwards and fell into the ring ropes. The referee looked concerned and went to check on Roode, but Bram didn’t care. He pulled the referee away and began laying boots into Roode. The referee forced Bram back into a corner and Roode pulled himself up with the ropes.


As the referee spoke to Roode, asking if he could continue, he failed to spot that Bram had gone round to the other side of the ring. Bram grabbed Roode’s legs and crotched him against the ring post. Bram then came back into the ring and pulled Roode to his feet. The referee tried to get in between them but Bram pushed the referee away, as the referee’s attention was averted Bram kicked Roode low and hit him with the Brighter Side of Suffering. The referee - deciding the push wasn’t enough to warrant a DQ - counted the pin for Bram to pick up a victory.


Bram (in 7:12)


Bram had his hand raised by the referee, but once again pushed him away. Bram walked up the ramp as Bobby Roode, in a bad way, began to stir in the ring. Clearly still disoriented, Roode rested against the corner. The commentators talk about the decisive moment in the match, where Bram kicked Roode in the head. As Roode goes to leave the ring, Michael Bennett and Maria come out to the top of the ramp.

Michael Bennett has a microphone in his hand and points out that this is “yet another” loss for Bobby Roode. He says that for a so called “standard bearer”, he’s setting the bar
low. In fact, from where he’s standing Roode is looking like a washed up nostalgia act, who can’t keep up with his generation of Superstar. But he isn’t out here to rub it in, he’s out here to give Roode a warning. He tells Roode to keep the name Michael Bennett off his lips, because as far as he’s concerned, he’s moving on to bigger… and better things.

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The second hour of Impact Wrestling opens with a stand set up in the ring. There is something on the stand, but it is covered by a red silk sheet. BEEF makes his entrance with a microphone, it becomes apparent that the set up is his doing.

BEEF takes a microphone. He talks about his history with Rockstar Spud, they got off on the wrong foot and he put Spud on appraisal. That meant he would be challenging and testing Rockstar Spud, and judging him under greater scrutiny than the rest of the roster. BEEF says that he can’t change his actions in the past, but tonight he wants to put that right. BEEF says his actions were wrong and he is calling an end to Rockstar Spud’s period of probation. He asks Rockstar Spud to the ring.

Rockstar Spud comes out to the ring and takes a microphone. BEEF asks him to hear him out. The Chief of Staff tells Spud that in the past few weeks he has made some bad calls, some through his ego, some because he wanted to help make Spud better… but he now realises he was wrong. He would first like to publically apologise to Spud for his actions over the past two months. Rockstar Spud is still suspicious of BEEF’s intentions. Secondly BEEF would like to say that two weeks ago, during the Feast or Fired match, he cost Rockstar Spud a golden opportunity… the silver lining to that was that it was the moment that he realised he had gone too far. BEEF says that he will make it up to Rockstar Spud in the form of a gift. He says that he wanted to see if Rockstar Spud had what it takes and no matter what was thrown at him, he did everything he could to succeed. Tonight, Spud will get what is rightfully his…


BEEF walks over to the red silk sheet and says that beneath this sheet is an item that, following BEEF’s appraisal of him, Rockstar Spud truly deserves. BEEF removes the sheer to reveal a “Feast or Fired” Briefcase.


He says not only is that a Feast or Fired Briefcase, it’s the exact one that he rightfully earned two weeks ago! Rockstar Spud picks up the Briefcase and a devilish smirk comes across BEEF’s face. Rockstar Spud stands in shock as Jeremy Borash explains the set-up. Inside the Briefcase that BEEF has just awarded to Rockstar Spud is a pink slip!


It is clear that Rockstar Spud is unsure what to do, and BEEF walks over to a stunned silent Spud. He says “I am happy to inform you, that following an appraisal of your performance in Impact Wrestling over the past two months… YOU’RE FIRED!” BEEF laughs in Rockstar Spud’s face and the ex-Chief of Staff finally breaks his silence. He tells BEEF that he has done everything that has been asked of him… not just under BEEF, but under every single person who he has ever worked for in this company. He has worked every single day since he signed with this company to help make this place the best place on the planet for the fans to watch Professional Wrestling. He has poured his heart and soul into Impact Wrestling and these past few years have been the greatest years of his life. Spud pauses, he adds “but if this is the last time I step foot in an Impact Wrestling ring… then I’ll have to leave with this…” Rockstar Spud drops the microphone and lunges at BEEF. Rockstar Spud has snapped and he is relentless in putting a beating on the man who has made his life hell for the last two months, and then fired him!


Rockstar Spud is more vicious than he has ever been before and BEEF is clearly in serious trouble. Eventually, a security team run down to the ring and grab Rockstar Spud. They drag him kicking and screaming to the back… BEEF sits in the corner of the ring, nursing his injured face. He picks up the microphone and with venom in his tone tells them to kick him out back, declaring that Rockstar Spud will never step foot in this ring again! BEEF manages to get to his feet and staggers to the back. He is clearly shaken up by the attack and has a mixed expression of malice and satisfaction.


As the match got under way, the commentators began to talk about last week. As Alisha & Gail Kim were attacked by The Dollhouse, Laura Dennis made the save. However, she only showed an interest in helping Gail Kim, leaving Alisha to be beaten down in the ring. D’Angelo Dinero was quick to suggest that Laura Dennis was jealous of Alisha, seeing as she was endorsed by the Knockouts Champion two weeks ago. Meanwhile in the ring, the match was fairly even, up until the inevitable involvement of The Dollhouse. This allowed Terrell to hit a Running Cutter to Laura Dennis for the win.


Taryn Terrell (in 5:22)


After the match, Laura Dennis got in the face of The Dollhouse - unhappy with the manner of her defeat. The Dollhouse weren’t into reasoning with her and instead initiated a three-on-one beatdown. Soon, showing no resentment towards Laura’s actions last week, Alisha ran down to the ring. She was soon joined by Gail Kim.

They quickly saw off The Dollhouse and while Alisha remained focus on the group, Gail Kim helped Laura Dennis to her feet. Laura Dennis hugged Gail Kim, thanking her for the help. She notably gave Alisha the cold shoulder. Gail notices this and is seen trying to get Laura to thank Alisha too. Alisha isn’t bothered by the snub as Laura Dennis ignores her, deciding to leave the ring.

Rockstar Spud is seen being dumped on the floor outside of the Locker Room. He is still furious and begins to shout at the security guards, asking how they can let BEEF do this. One of the security guards opens the Locker Room door and tells Spud “you got ten minutes to clear your stuff… then you’re outta here!”. Rockstar Spud now appears to be resigned to his fate…


Ethan Carter is seen in his Locker Room. He is sat down and is looking towards the ground. He appears to be in deep contemplation ahead of his World Heavyweight Championship match with Tyrus tonight. The door opens and Bram enters the Locker Room. He says that Carter asked to see him. Ethan says he did, he wants to talk about tonight’s Main Event. Bram’s eyes light up, he says “what’s the plan, boss?” Ethan Carter says there is no plan… he feels like this whole Tyrus situation, it goes beyond all of this. He feels the only way he can truly find closure is if he does this alone… Bram understands, despite the fact he’d loved to have smashed Tyrus’ brains in, he’s sure the boss can do it himself! Bram chuckles but EC3 appears to be in a sombre mood. As Bram leaves the Locker Room, EC3 picks up his Championship and stare at it, shaking his head.

Pre-match Jessie Godderz is in a cocky mood, he leaves the ring and stalls, getting into Jeff Hardy’s face. As the match starts he is put under pressure from Matt Hardy and Matt almost picks up a surprisingly quick win. Jessie Godderz manages to avoid of a Twist of Fate by pushing Matt into the turnbuckle at full force. This allows Jessie Godderz to take control of the match. Jessie continues to display arrogance throughout the match and eventually his gloating to Jeff Hardy cost him. With Jeff Hardy momentarily losing his temper and getting up on the apron, Jessie was distracted. This allowed Matt Hardy to take control of the match, eventually pinning Jessie following a Twist of Fate!


Matt Hardy (in 5:49)


The Hardy Boys stand tall in the ring. Jeff Hardy raises his Feast or Fired Briefcase above his head.

Rockstar Spud is seen in the locker room with his bag. It appears he has collected his stuff and will be leaving the building. As he walks out of the Locker Room he bumps into a pissed off Drew Galloway.

Drew Galloway asks if it’s true… has BEEF really fired him? Rockstar Spud nods with a sad expression on his face. Drew Galloway can’t believe it, he says that this is “complete Bull***”. BEEF has been here five minutes and he’s ruining this place. He tells Rockstar Spud that they can’t let this happen… he won’t let this be the end of Spud’s journey in Impact Wrestling. Drew Galloway points to his t-shirt, which says “Stand Up” on it. Drew Galloway says that he talks about it a lot, but now more than ever he needs to practise what he preaches. He says that one of their own is getting screwed over and it’s time the Impact Wrestling roster stood up… Galloway tells Rockstar Spud to look into his eye, he promises - on his last breath - he will not let this be the end of Rockstar Spud. Spud is grateful, but certainly not hopeful. He leaves with his head down and Drew Galloway - who is clearly furious - pushes the Locker Room door open. From the outside we hear him shout “this ends now!”


A video package shows the history of Tyrus & EC3. It begins in late 2014, showing footage of Tyrus’ debut in Impact Wrestling, as he beat Shark Boy. There is then a series of clips featuring Ethan Carter’s greatest moments in Impact Wrestling. In each of them, Tyrus is present, sharing the moment with his “boss”. We also see Ethan Carter call the World Heavyweight Championship “their” title, but the tone changes as we see the moment Tyrus won a Battle Royal at Bound For Glory. From here, the tension between the two is highlighted, coming to a head when Tyrus took out Bram and told EC3 “nobody is the boss of Tyrus”! Last week, it appeared that Tyrus had come out to save Ethan Carter, and while he ensured that Ethan remained Champion, one thing was clear… he was coming for the World Heavyweight Championship!


Ethan Carter is interviewed ahead of the Main Event. He is still in a sombre mood and he has his head down, looking at his Championship. He is asked about tonight’s Main Event and what it means on a personal level. Ethan Carter says that when it comes to the World Heavyweight Championship, there is
personal level… this Championship is serious
. But in this “business” of Professional Wrestling - very rarely - it is possible to find true friendship. He brought Tyrus into Impact Wrestling with him and at that point it was purely business, but when you spend some much time with someone… when you share the great moments of your life with one person, it is hard for there not be a connection with them.


Ethan Carter understand that tonight is just another part of his story, but he feels it didn’t have to be this way… Carter says that there are very few people in this world he can tolerate, let alone like, but Tyrus was one of them. But last week… Tyrus threw that away. Ethan Carter looks up to the camera, and his tone switches from solemn to intense. Tyrus threw every opportunity that Carter gave him, back in his face… he put a nine inch blade into the Ethan Carter’s spine last week and for what… because come next week, Tyrus will be back where he was before he met Ethan… back to the bottom of pile, back to being a performing bear, chained up and made to dance for his masters! Ethan Carter says that he offered Tyrus something more, and tonight… Tyrus will learn, when you bite the hand the feeds you… you are no better than any of these pathetic people. Because Tyrus has
to use his head, and tonight he will fall on the same sword he stuck into Carter’s back!

Following the big match introductions, Ethan Carter went back to his corner. Tyrus stood waiting for EC3 to make a move, but it was clear the Champion was putting the ball in the park of Tyrus. Tyrus makes his way to the center of the ring and raises his arm, proposing a test of strength to the Champion. EC3 joined Tyrus in the middle of the ring, but was hesitant in getting involved with the much larger man. He did however get the action under way, feigning participation, then kicking Tyrus in the gut. This afforded Carter the first opportunity in the match to take control, and he began trying to take the big man down. As Carter began to build momentum, he was stopped in his tracks by the sheer force of the big man, who knocked him down with a shoulder tackle. EC3 came back, but was again knocked off his feet by the shoulder of Tyrus. Following this, he ducked out of the ring for a timeout.


When Carter returned to the ring, he locked up with Tyrus, and despite technically besting him, Tyrus’ strength was too much for the Champion and he enjoyed a good spell in the match. Eventually, following a chop block that brought Tyrus to his knees, Ethan Carter took control of the match again and once he got going Ethan Carter was ruthless in his destruction of Tyrus. He refused to allow Tyrus a second to rest up, every time the challenger got in a position to get back into the match, Carter shut him down expertly. This continued for a large portion of the match, with Ethan Carter going for a One Percenter, following an EC3 Splash! Before Carter could slam him down into the mat, Tyrus powered out of the move, hitting a Back Suplex to Carter. Ethan and Tyrus laid out in the middle of the ring…


Both men made it to their feet and began to go blow for blow. Eventually, Tyrus got the better of him, knocking the Champion off his feet with a Clothesline. Tyrus was now back in the match and as Carter came back, Tyrus caught him with a T-Bone Suplex. Tyrus stayed on top of Ethan Carter, until Carter gouged his eyes. He followed this up with a One Percenter to the Challenger, who landed towards the edge of the ring. Ethan rolled Tyrus onto his back, but the big man rolled towards the ropes. Tyrus was too heavy for Carter to pull him back and he had to wait for Tyrus to get back to his feet. EC3 continued to throw right hands at Tyrus, before hitting him with a Dropkick that sent him into the corner.


Ethan Carter went for another Splash, but Tyrus moved out of the way and hit EC3 with a Splash of his own, Carter staggers forward and Tyrus hits him with a Running Crossbody. Tyrus pins Ethan for the 1...2.. Kickout! Tyrus was battered, having taken a One Percenter earlier in the match. He climbed to the second rope and went for the Splash that has beaten a number of competitors in the past. Tyrus dropped down onto EC3 and Borash said that EC3 may have broken his ribs. Tyrus pinned him for the 1… 2… Kickout!


Jeremy Borash said that 400bs coming down at that speed would be enough to finish off most men... Dinero said that EC3 isn’t just any man!


Frustrated, Tyrus went back to the second rope. Having taken a brutal beating in the match, he took a brief breather while he steadied himself. This gave Ethan Carter a moment to get back in it, and he managed to stop Tyrus, scrambling to the corner and grabbing him by the leg. Tyrus tried to shake EC3 off but he wouldn’t let go, holding Tyrus’ huge leg tightly. Carter then joined Tyrus on the second ropes, hitting him with a number of right hands. Tyrus tried to shove Carter away, but he grabbed the challenger’s head in a front facelock, desperate to wear him down further. There was a struggle, but Carter began to rapidly lay vicious right hands into the head of a tired Tyrus, who had already taken a lot of punishment throughout the match. From here, Carter managed to position Tyrus on the second rope and - after a struggle - hit him with a One Percenter that sent both men to the mat. Carter dragged himself across the ring as quickly as he could, and draped an arm across the chest of Tyrus. Having taken a huge move from the top rope, Tyrus has no answer for the 1… 2... 3!


Ethan Carter III (in 10:27)


Following the match, Ethan Carter slowly made it back to his feet. He has been through a war with his former Bodyguard, and had the marks to prove it. Ethan rests against the ring ropes and the referee brings him his World Heavyweight Championship. Jeremy Borash says that Tyrus proved just how good he was tonight. Dinero says that he may be leaving empty handed, but he proved he could hang with the very best in the world… and that moniker rightly goes to the World Heavyweight Champion. Every time his Championship is under threat, Ethan Carter will find a way!


Ethan holds his Championship in the air, before putting in on his shoulder. Carter’s attention is then drawn to Tyrus, who proved how much he had in the tank tonight. Ethan Carter stands over Tyrus and holds his Championship above his head. Carter then drops his arm, leaving his Championship to drag along the floor. He looks at Tyrus and begins to shake his head, it appears to be sinking in that their long lasting affiliation is over. Ethan Carter leaves the ring, taking one last look at Tyrus. Uncharacteristically, he appears to be somewhat melancholy - despite his victory. Jeremy Borash signs off, saying that for Ethan Carter, this truly represents the end of an era… he knows that he has just taken everything out of his former best friend… for Ethan Carter and Tyrus, things will never be the same!
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Just caught up on this diary tonight, and can I say what a phenomenal job you're doing! The roster, by all accounts, isn't the best (TNA's fault, not yours) but you've turned it into gold! Loving EC3's gradual face turn (or at least, I'm guessing it is) along with Mike Bennett and having Brad Maddox around is simply genius. Keep up the good work!
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Impact Wrestling on Pop! Episode #021 [Preview]


I'm never sure when to reply to comments, so I have missed a few, but it's great to see them. Thanks :) Also the responses to the "Impact Wrestling Review" surveys have been great and the forth (and probably final) one will be at the end of this post. It has really given a good insight to where pushes/storylines are hitting and missing. Some people I've tried to do stuff with has not gotten over, while there's some people who are really well liked who I haven't done a great deal with. I will be looking back on them in more detail after Slammiversary, so they're still up if anyone missed them: State of the X Division; State of Tag Team Division; State of the Knockouts Division<hr>

Impact Wrestling will this week broadcast in unprecedented circumstance, as earlier this week, the stars of Impact Wrestling declared that, effective immediately, they are…


Following the dismissal of Rockstar Spud, last week on Impact Wrestling, a group - led by Drew Galloway - has declared strike action against current Chief of Staff, BEEF. The following statement was released by @GallowaySpeaks via twitter, earlier this week:

”Impact Wrestling STANDS UP!


Enough is enough… months of mismanagement, favouritism and incompetent decision making has led to a breaking point. Last week, the release of Rockstar Spud served as the straw that finally broke the camel’s back. Now is the time for action! This Tuesday, those with the balls to STAND UP, will take over Impact Wrestling. We will not be moved, we will not continue, until BEEF is removed from his position of authority!


Tuesday night, 9/8c on Pop TV... the landscape of this business changes


For too long, the suits and ties have tried to force
vision of this business down
throats. We will stand together, united against their corporate bull**** and they
listen to us. They will give us what we want. We will take Impact Wrestling from out of their hands… and we will bring Professional Wrestling BACK to the people!”


Pop TV invites you to tune in, for what is sure to be one of the most explosive nights in Impact Wrestling history!


If you would like to share you opinions on the current state of Impact Wrestling, do so at the link below.

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