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4C: The Old Saying Goes

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Wednesday Week 4, May 2006 From ShowReports.com [QUOTE]After losing the night bebore Canadian Gangsta came to the ring and demanded a rematch with the man who stopped his winning streak, Nathan Black. [B]Rating: F[/B] “The Black Dog” made an appearance to tell Gangsta in a very snide tone that he has to earn the right for a rematch. [B]Rating: F[/B] Having lost the title match Cal Sanders was back down in the trenches with all the other title contenders and he faced off against Steven Parker. Sanders did very well showing why he was the first contender too the title and why he wants to be the second. Sanders got off the Winnipeg Splash and pinned Parker at 11 and ½ minutes. [B]Cal Sanders over Steven Parker Rating: C-[/B] Canadian Gangsta got right to work on his rise to take out Nathan Black with a smooth win over Julian Watson. For awhile it seemed like he was toying with the other young worker bu after the Drive-By Clothesline it was all over at not quite 16 miuntes. [B]Candian Gangsta over Julian Watson Rating: D[/B] And the red headed firecracker keeps on coming. Cherry Bomb got a lot closer to a win over Dog Fyte but still managed to get herself caught in the Chain Dogplexes and pinned this time at 15 minutes. [B]Dog Fyte over Cherry Bomb Rating: C[/B] Announcers hype round robin tournament for number contendership. Acid, Westybrook and Phenomenal E. will each face their other two opponents and whoever has the most wins will be the number one contender. [B]Rating: D[/B] Both coming off a big win at 4C Presents…Skies The Limit Raphael went after heavyweight Rick Drebin in a match that just didn’t have what it took. The huge Drebin took down Raphael with Unnecarry Rougness after an akward bout between the two at almost 11 minutes. [B]Rick Drebin over Raphael Rating: C-[/B] First of the round robin matches saw Phenomenal E. and Tim Westybrook facing off. With Acid as a buffer the two did well, alone there was a certain lack of something but it affected the match. Phenomenal E. actually took down the big man with the Phenomenal Leap for a pin at nearing 23 minutes. [B]Phenomenal E. over Tim Westybrook Rating: C Overall Rating: C[/B][/QUOTE]
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Monday Week 1, June 2006 From BackstageWrestling.com [QUOTE]With Big Cat Brandon leaving last april this past month he was replaced by The Natural on the roster. With their recent growth to a nationally known product one can only wonder what kind of new faces DaVE will be showing off in the near future. Speaking of growth some o f the smaller companies are now coming to the forefront. CZCW which has moved out of California Surf Shops is now known through out the south east of the US and has brought on Rip Chord and Jakki White Trash to their roster. In the UK 21CW is has been getting a lot more play time and has hired Randy Garcia and Uppercut bailey to expand their rosters a bit. Lastly AAA has let the contract of Cherry Bomb expire and she can now solely be seen at 4C in Ontario. Eien Miyamoto who was trained at the PGHW dojo but has since been floundering on the Indy scene in Japan has fails steroid test. The Japanese take their wrestling very seriously and this could have horrible repercussions for the young heavyweight. [B]America[/B] It looks like the little guys at SWF are at each other’s throats as Shady K and Knuckels have both come out and said that they are no longer friends, apparently due to some backstage altercations they’ve been having. Also Marc DuBois who has always disliked Randy Bumfhole was on a local radio show and he had some very disparaging remarks to say about him. Inside sources say Randy was furious and it later almost came to a fist fight in the locker room. [B]Japan[/B] Things are going better in Japan then they are in the US where PGHW’s lead commentator Shirosama Ezakiya put William Hayes over on Local TV. He said that he thought the American truly understood what it meant to be a wrestler in Japan and that he hoped he would be with PGHW for a long time to come.[/QUOTE] From WrestlingonTV.com [QUOTE]TCW is finally debuting a second TV show called TCW Emergency, which will be showing Sunday nights from 10:00pm to Midnight on the East Coast Today network.[/QUOTE] From 4CWrestling.com [QUOTE]One more month has passed so lets take a look back. Raphael is now the first ever 4C Junior Champion and Cal sanders, Steven Parker and Julian Watson are all jockeying to be the next contender. Rick Drebin has proven himself two time against veteran Steve Flash but one can oly wonder if Flash feels Drebin is actually ready to be a wrestler. Cherry Bomb is out to prove she is the best strong style worker in 4C and so far has hit the brick wal which is Dog Fyte quite a few times. Nathan Black disrespected Canadian Gangsta and it looks like the O.G. is coming for blood. What’s in store for us this month we’ll just have to wait and see but not too long. This week we’ve got Julian Watson and Steven Parker facing off. With Cal Sanders getting a win over Parker which ever one of these guys gets the win will probably face off against Sanders to see who will face Raphael. Nathan Black and Steve Flash both in action but against whom, management hasn’t seen fit to say. As always Cherry Bomb will continue her quest to beat Dog Fyte, will this be the week. Last but certainly not least we have the second of the round robin matches. If Phenomenal E. can take down Acid then he will be the #1 contender for the title. [B]4C Presents…Live Fast, Die Young Acid vs Phenomenal E. Steve Flash vs ?? Dog Fyte Dog Fyte vs Cherry Bomb Nathan Black vs ?? Julian Watson vs Steven Parker[/B][/QUOTE]
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Wednesday Week 1, June 2006 From ShowReports.com [QUOTE][B]Dark Match[/B] Both these Dark Match contenders are looking better and better each week and this past one was no exception. The Gremlin took an impressive win against Stretch the Chicken Boy which finished with a very impressive Gremlin Slam at 7 and ½ minutes. [B]The Gremlin over Stretch the Chicken Boy Rating: D[/B] The O.G. Canadian Gangsta and Frankie Dee just shouldn’t be allowed to work together and why they keep putting them in matches is beyond me. Gangsta looked particularly strong out there and got a pin fall at 8 minutes right after a Drive-By Clothesline. [B]Canadian Gangsta over Frankie Dee Rating: E[/B] [B]Show[/B] Both men worked really hard out there but only one could be the winner. Julian Watson was that oen man handing Steven Parker his second straight loss. The Overhead Flip Slam was what did it and did it well. There was almost 15 minutes of half way decent match. [B]Julian Watson over Steven Parker Rating: C-[/B] Nathan Black and Alan Parent put on a below par match especially with Alan Parent who’s supposed to be a main eventer. The Black Out Suplex knocked parent for a loop and got “The Black Dog” the pin at 14 and ½ minutes. [B]Nathan Black over Alan Parent Rating: C-[/B] You could see it in their eyes bot Dog Fyte and Cherry Bomb were a little off their game last night but even so put on a decent match. Cherry Bomb caught another loss and was visibly tiring at the end when she practically slipped right into the Chain Dogplexes. The match was over with the pin at a bit over 18 minutes. [B]Dog Fyte over Cherry Bomb Rating: C[/B] Steve Flash showing why he’s still a force to be reckoned with took on 4C Junior Champion Raphael. The youngster held his own against Flash but couldn’t pull out a win. A pinfall after the Flash bang at 15 minutes cinched it for Steve Flash. [B]Steve Flash over Raphael Rating: C[/B] This is the match everyone came to see and Acid and Phenomenal E. delivered. The match went back and forth but Acid’s all-around skills trumped Big E’s incredible Aerial skills and got him the win. Submission to the Acidity Test at 16 and ½ minutes was Phenomenal E.’s downfall. [B]Acid over Phenomenal E. Rating: C+ Overall Rating: C+[/B][/QUOTE]
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Thursday Week 1, June 2006 From 4CWrestling.com [QUOTE]Rapahel who’s looking to prove he’s at least the champion of the under 30 set after losses to two older men, faces off against an unnamed opponent. Cal Sanders and Julian Watson face off for a title shot at 4C Presents…Best Of The Best. Canadian Gangsta asked for a match against an opponent of worthy of his skill and he’ll get it. Dog Fyte and Cherry Bomb are at it agains as she continues to try and beat “the Big Dog”. Final match of the round robin sees Acid vs Tim Westybrook, can you dig it. [B]4C Presents…Live Fast, Die Young Tim Westybrook vs Acid Dog Fyte vs Cherry Bomb Canadian Gangsta vs ??? Raphael vs ??? – For the 4C Junior Championship Cal Sanders vs Julian Watson[/B][/QUOTE]
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[U]Predictions:[/U] Tim Westybrook vs [B]Acid[/B] (( Acid delivers better matches so he deserves the win imo )) Dog Fyte vs [B]Cherry Bomb[/B] (( Last time Dog Fyte won so now it's cherry's turn :) )) Canadian Gangsta vs [B]???[/B] (( ??? will be Alan Parent I think... And because Gangsta is bringing bad matches recently, you make him lose :) )) [B]Raphael[/B] vs ??? – For the 4C Junior Championship (( You really got a lot out of Raphael, In MAW he usually only puts up E matches or so, I'll think he retains. I don't have a clue about the opponent )) [B]Cal Sanders[/B] vs Julian Watson (( Wild guess ))
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Wednesday Week 2, June 2006 From ShowReports.com [QUOTE]Raphael’s opponent for the evening was The Gremlin who’s moved out of the dark matches and into the really show. Raphael however had a lot more to give the The Gremlin who was visibly tiring at the end of the match. He Youth Gone Wild did the trick for the impressive 4C Junior Champion who go the win at 17 and ½ minutes. [B]Raphael over The Gremlin For the 4C Junior Championship Rating: D[/B] Cal Sanders and Julian Watson should probably never meet up individually in the ring again they just had no connection with each other. Sanders looked very strong out there keeping Watson pinned down. The Winnipeg Splashed picked up the wiat 13 minutes, which I believe means Sanders will face Raphael for the title. [B]Cal sanders over Julian Watson Rating: D[/B] Canadian Gangsta caught Steve Flash as his opponent for the evening and actually managed to stand toe to toe with the veteran. The ends was little in doubt and not wanting to lose his chance at Nathan Black, Gangsta hit Flash with a low blow to get the pin at 14 and ½ minutes. [B]Candian Gangsta over Steve Flash Rating: C[/B] It appeared it still wasn’t her time as Cherry Bomb lost another one Dog Fyte, the matches are going a little longer now as she stand strong against “The Big Dog” but she is now tiring a bit toward the end. The Stiff Arm was her downfall this time and the pin at 18 minutes. [B]Dog Fyte over Cherry Bomb Rating: C[/B] Westybrook and Acid was another great match up on the road to a title shot. The two seemed very evenly matched until the end when Westybrook caught Acid in the Coal Miner’s Slam at 16 and ½ minutes. With one win a piece what does this mean for the three contenders for the title. [B]Tim Westybrook over Acid Rating: C+ Overall Rating: C+[/B][/QUOTE]
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Thursday Week 2, June 2006 From 4CWrestling.com [QUOTE]It’s been a busy, busy, busy week here at 4C with many ramifications for this past show. We’ll start with 4C Presents…Best Of The Best news. Steve Flash has asked for another macth with Rick Drebin and Drebin agreed. They will meet at the big eent plus each have a warm up match at 4C Presents…Live Fast, Die Young this up coming week. Candaian Gangsta has been granted his rematch against Nathan Black and they will also both be in action at 4C Presents…Live Fast, Die Young. Cal Sanders will face off against Raphael for the 4C Junior Championship but first he wil meet up against Julian Watson and Steven Parker in a three way. The final announced match for 4C Presents…Best Of The Best is a three way between Acid, Tim Westybrook and Phenomenal E. all of whom won one match in the round robin tournament. Dog Fyte will see action against Cherry Bomb and if she can’t beat him at the next 4C Presents…Live Fast, Die Young she’ll only get one more chance at the big event. [B]4C Presents…Live Fast, Die Young Rick Drebin vs Nathan Black Steve Flash vs Alan Parent Dog Fyte vs Cherry Bomb Canadian Gangsta vs Cal Sanders vs Steven Parker vs Julian Watson 4C Presents…Best Of The Best Acid vs Tim Westybrook vs Phenomenal E. Rick Drebin vs Steve Flash Nathan Black vs Canadian Gangsta Cal Sanders vs Raphael[/B][/QUOTE] Side Note: It's nice to see the predictions hope you're enjoying yourself Trypio
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Wednesday Week 3, June 2006 From ShowReports.com [QUOTE][B]Dark Match[/B] Phenomenal E had some dark match action against Stretch the Chicken Boy. Phenomenal E. really took it to Stretch and got the win with the Phenomenal Leap at almost 7 minutes. [B]Phenomenal E. over Stretch the Chicken Boy Rating: C-[/B] Tim Westybrook took a strong win over Frankie Dee in what could have been a much better match if the two men actually worked well together. The Coal Miner’s Slam was the winning move and the pin was at 6 and ½ minutes. [B]Tim Westybrook over Frankie Dee Rating: C- Show[/B] A nice three way win for Cal Sanders who got the pin over Julian Watson while Steven Parker was outside of the ring out of breath. A good win for the challenger to the 4C Junior Championship and a very nice Winnipeg Splash for that win at nearing 16 minutes. [B]Cal Sanders over Steven Parker and Julian Watson Rating: D[/B] Canadian Gangsta got one final win before heading into his match against Nathan Black and 4C Presents…Best Of The Best. He took out The Gremlin with which he showed some pretty good cohesion even if there were a couple of jumps in the match’s flow. The Drive-By Clothesline was the winning move at shy of 13 minutes. [B]Candian Gangsta over The Gremlin Rating: D[/B] Dog Fyte and Cherry Bomb had another good match and Cherry almost got the win. It was the first time it was this close and “The Big Dog” wasn’t happy about it. He finally ended up getting a pin when he used the ropes for leverage at 17 and ½ minutes. [B]Dog Fyte over Cherry Bomb Rating: C[/B] Steve Flash ran over Alan Parent in his warm up match for Rick Drebin at 4C Presents…Best of the Best. The final move of the match was the Flash Bang which garnered a pin at almost 18 minutes. [B]Steve Flash over Alan Parent Rating: C-[/B] Rick Drebin took his win over Nathan Black and boy did he look impressive. Both men seeme slightly indestructible, but this may have been from a lack of selling the blows. Rick Drebin took down Nathan Blakc with his super spear the QB Sack at 15 minutes. [B]Rick Drebin over Nathan Black Rating: C- Overall Rating: C-[/B][/QUOTE]
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Thursday Week 3, June 2006 From 4CWrestling.com [QUOTE]We saw some decent work this past week with Rick Drebin and Steve Flash both picking up wins going into their match at 4C Presents…Best Of The Best. Cal Sanders also got a win to prepare himself for his title match up. Only one new match has been added to the show and that is the final match between Dog Fyte and Cherry Bomb. If the red headed firecracker can’t pick up a win her dream of beating “The Big Dog” may be over, at least for a little while. [B]4C Presents…Best Of The Best Acid vs Tim Westybrook vs Phenomenal E. Rick Drebin vs Steve Flash Dog Fyte vs Cherry Bomb Nathan Black vs Canadian Gangsta Cal Sanders vs Raphael[/B][/QUOTE]
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Tuesday Week 4, June 2006 From ShowReports.com [QUOTE]Raphael grabbed up a mic before his match started and said some things about Cal Sanders. He let it be known that a two-bit shlub like Sanders had no chance and beating the epitome of youthful perfection. [B]Rating: E[/B] Cal Sanders put up a great fight with Raphael but couldn’t quite scratch out a win. Raphael retained the title after the Youth Gone Wild at about 26 minutes. [B]Raphael over Cal Sanders For the 4C Junior Championship Rating: C-[/B] It was Canadian Gangsta’s turn to take a win over Nathan Black. The Drive-By Clothesline evened out the number of wins between these two men. The pinfall itself was at almost 15 and ½ minutes and a perfect end to the match. [B]Canadian Gangsta over Nathan Black Rating: C-[/B] There was no more running fro Dog Fyte, even though it took six matches Cherry Bomb won. The match was very evenly matched between the two but this time when “The Big Dog” was going to use a “creative” maneuver to win the “Red Headed Firecracker” was ready. Pinfall came after the patented Cherry Popper for the win a little over 18 minutes. [B]Cherry Bomb over Dog Fyte Rating: C[/B] Rick Drebin picked up his third win against Steve Flash in a match that could have been better if the two men could find a commonality in the ring. Drebin og the pin at a bit over 15 minutes after an Unnecessary Roughness. [B]Rick Drebin over Steve Flash Rating: C-[/B] As the match ended Steve Flash stayed in the ring. He offered up a hand to Rick Drebin who accepted it in a shake and he told the fans that Drebin was really and truly a wrestler. [B]Rating: D[/B] The last match of the evening was a three way elimination affair that saw Acid crowned the new number one contender. Acid actually managed to get both eliminations, first Tim Westybrook after the Acid Rain Bomb and then Phenomenal E. submitted to the Acidity Test. All told the match lasted an incredible 28 minutes and Acid looked really good out there. [B]Acid over Tim Westybrook and Phenomenal E. Three Way Elimination Match Rating: C+[/B] Acid seemed really happy about winning so much so he hugged the ref and the announcers and everyone else he could find. [B]Rating: D Overall Rating: C[/B][/QUOTE]
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Wednesday Week 4, June 2006 From ShowReports.com [QUOTE]After his loss Nathan Black a rematch against Canadian Gangsta [B]Rating: F[/B] In a bold move Canadian Gangsta uses the same snide tone as Balack did to tell him he needs to win a few matches and earn it. [B]Rating: E[/B] The day after 4C Presents…Best Of The Best and Raphael cements his title reign with a non title match against Julian Watson. Watson didn’t stand a chance against the unstoppable champ and it showed especially when he fell to the Youth Gone Wild at a little over 15 and ½ minutes. [B]Raphael over Julian Watson Rating: C-[/B] Upset over not being the number one contender Phenomenal E. was back out at the announce both telling Terry Smith that he should tell the powers that be that he wants a rematch against Acid so he can prove he should be the number one contender. [B]Rating: D[/B] Nathan Black having been turned down for his rematch makes takes his first win over 4C Junior Championship contender Cal Sanders. “The Black Dog” makes it an impressive win even if the match itself wasn’t that impressive. The Black Out Suplex was the winning move fro a pin at 15 and ½ minutes. [B]Nathan Black over Cal Sanders Rating: C-[/B] Tim Westybrook was out next to tell Terry Smith that he was the one that deserved the rematch for the number one contender spot and he wanted to make sure Smith would tell the powers that be. [B]Rating: D[/B] After her big win against Dog Fyte Cherry bomb took another big win over Steve Flash. The two stars had a great in ring rapport that shined throughout the whole match. The Cherry Popper was the match winner at 17 and ½ minutes. [B]Cherry Bomb over Steve Flash Rating: C+[/B] Even after a loss Dog Fyte proved how tough he was by completely dismantling Alan parent in the ring. The Stiff Arm knocked Parent for a loop and got Fyte the win at 14 minutes. [B]Dog Fyte over Alan Parent Rating: C-[/B] The last match saw the new number one contender face off against a true 4C warrior Rick Drebin. After being crowned the real thing by by Steve Flash, Drebin still couldn’t manage to stand up to Acid in the ring. The big man submitted to the Acidity test at almost 13 minutes. [B]Acid over Rick Drebin Rating: C- Overall Rating: C-[/B][/QUOTE]
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Monday Week 1, July 2006 From BackstageWrestling.com [QUOTE]After one week on top America has decided it wasn’t ready for DaVE’s hardcore style. The company has been recategorized as a “cult” federation until America is ready for it. DaVE has picked up a few new stars to add to its already impressive talent. TCW let go of Wolf Hawkins who DaVE Picked up and Darryl Devein leaft USPW to join the growing promotion. Also an unemployed Karen Killer and Honest Frank have joined up with DaVE as well. If you were wondering who replaced Darryl Devine on USPW’s roster it’s another DaVE star Joey Minnesota. In Mexican News Blue Sky’s contract with MPWF has expired and the masked American luchadore is now working the Indy circuit again. [B]Japan[/B] Japan was full of good tidings this month as 5SSW’s Umeko Karube took to the radio and said a lot of good things about Raku Makuda. Westerner Buddy Garner went on local TV and really put over fellow PGHW star Yoshimi Mushashibo, with whom he’s seen battle many times recently. [B]UK[/B] Britain wa all smiles as well when 21CW star Brilliant White went on the radio and said a ton of good things to say about Ultra Fly.[/QUOTE] From 4CWrestling.com [QUOTE]The month is over and we here at 4C would like to recap for you. Acid has been named the number one contender but with both Phenomenal E. and Tim Westyrbook calling for a rematch there will be a best two out of three for both of them to see who faces Acid. Whoever wins will be the number one contender and face Joey Poison. Canadian Gangsta beat Nathan Black and we can only wait to see when Gangsta will allow Black a rematch. Cherry Bomb did finally beat Dog Fyte and she moved on to beat Steve Flash as well and we’ll see where she moves on from here. Raphael retained his title and then a day after beat another contender in a non title match, the question is who will he face next. Rick Drebin won a third match against Steve Flash and our ex-champion extended his hand and welcomed Drebin into 4C as a true wrestler. Now what do we have coming in July and the answer is a lot. Tim Westybrook meets Phenomenal E. for the first of the two out of three matches. Raphael looks to beat one of his past contenders as he faces Steven Parker. Canadian Gangsta will take on any comer other then Nathan Black on the field of battle. Joey Poison makes his return in a match against former champ Steve Flash and Acid will take on Dog Fyte. [B]4C Presents…Live Fast, Die Young Raphael vs Steven Parker Canadian Gangsta vs ??? Tim Westybrook vs Phenomenal E. Acid vs Dog Fyte Joey Poison vs Steve Flash[/B][/QUOTE]
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Wednesday Week 1, July 2006 From ShowReports.com [QUOTE][B]Dark Match[/B] Nathan Black pulls out a strong dark match against against his best opponent Stretch the Chicken Boy. The Black Out Suplex brought him the match at 8 minutes. [B]Nathan Black over Stretch the Chicken Boy Rating: C-[/B] Cal Sanders took a good win over Alan Parent showing off his growing skill. The winning move was the Winnipeg Splash at almost 8 minutes. [B]Cal Sanders over Alan Parent Rating: C-[/B] [B]Show[/B] Even with their impeccable in ring chemistry, Raphael and Steven Parker could still only pull off a below par match. After a 16 minute match that showed why Raphael was the 4C Junior Champion he hit the Youth Gone Wild for the pin. [B]Raphael over Steven Parker Rating: C-[/B] Canadian Gangsta had a match with The Gremlin with whom he works well with in the ring. The match itself showed that neither man quite has the skill to make it too far yet but Gangsta still looked powerful. The Drive-By Clothesline got the win at nearing 15 minutes. [B]Canadian Gangsta over The Gremlin Rating: D[/B] Tim Westybrook picked up the first win in the best two out of three series to face Acid for number one contendership. The two didn’t quite sync up in the ring but it was still a decent match. Westybrook used the Coal Miner’s Slam to grab the win at almost 15 minutes. [B]Tim Westybrook over Phenomenal E. Rating: C[/B] Acid took some time to show why he should be the number one contender in a good match over Dog Fyte. The Acid Rain Bomb made the win possible at 15 and ½ minutes. [B]Acid over Dog Fyte Rating: C+[/B] Joey Poison made a dramatic in ring return in a match against the man he won the 4C title over, Steve Flash. The match reminded the fans that these two stars have a great in ring chemistry. Joey Poison made a massively strong showing and took the win after the Lethal Injection at 17 and ½ minutes. [B]Joey Poison over Steve Flash Rating: C+ Overall Rating: C+[/B][/QUOTE]
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Thursday Week 1, July 2006 From 4CWrestling.com [QUOTE]Raphael is on a roll having beat two of the three contenders too his throne and next week at 4C Presents…Live Fast, Die Young he faces off against the mast man he met for the 4C Junior Championship, Cal Sanders. Nathan Black hoping to get his rematch with Canadian Gangsta so he faces Steve Flash. Tim Westybrook and Phenomenal E. meet up in the second of the best of three match. Also Acid meets Cherry Bomb and Joey Poison faces off with Dog Fyte. [B]4C Presents…Live Fast, Die Young Joey Poison vs Dog Fyte Acid vs Cherry Bomb Tim Westybrook vs Phenomenal E. Nathan Black vs Steve Flash Raphael vs Cal Sanders[/B][/QUOTE]
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Wednesday Week 2, July 2006 From ShowReports.com [QUOTE][B]Dark Match[/B] The match was a decent dark match for all the young stars involved. The teams did alright together and it was Julian Watson’s team that won when Watson caught the Gremlin in the Overhead Flip Slam. A little over 16 minutes of tag team action. [B]Frankie Dee and Julian Watson over Steven Parker and The Gremlin Rating: D[/B] [B]Show[/B] The show itself started with Raphael defeating Cal Sanders in a match that was a true showcase to Raphael’s talent. Youth Gone Wild was of course the winning move and the pinfall came at 12 and ½ minutes. [B]Raphael over Cal Sanders Rating: C-[/B] Nathan Black pulled a win in a nice back and forth match with Steve Flash. Although Black was tiring a little toward the end he still managed to get off the Black Out Suplex for a pin at 16 minutes. [B]Nathan Black over Steve Flash Rating: C[/B] Phenomenal E. took the second match in the two out of three against Tim Westybrook. Still a good match for two guys who have vastly differing styles. Things were a little awkward for a bit but Westybrook eventually got hit by the Phenomenal Leap and was pinned at 17 and ½ minutes. [B]Phenomenal E. over Tim Westybrook Rating: C[/B] Acid put on an excellent match with Cherry Bomb, Acid looking particularly good in the ring. The Strong Style queen and the masked terror seemed to have a good sense of each other and it helped the match out a lot. The Acid Rain Bomb caught Cherry Bomb unawares and she was pinned a but short of 18 minutes. [B]Acid Over Cherry Bomb Rating: C+[/B] Joey Poison was looking really good again in a match with Dog Fyte. The returning champ took his non-title bout with great flair. The Lethal Injection led to the pinfall at 15 minutes. [B]Joey Poison over Dog Fyte Rating: C Overall Rating: C[/B][/QUOTE]
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Thursday Week 2, July 2006 From 4CWrestling.com [QUOTE]The last show before 4C Presents…No Time Like The Present and only one match has been announced, Nathan has gotten his rematch with Canadian Gangsta. Both men will be in action at the Next 4C presents…Live Fast, Die Young to prepare. Tim Westybrook and Phenomenal E. see their third match and whoever wins will face Acid for the number one contender spot. Cal Sanders, Steven Parker and Julian Watson will ace off to see who will face Raphael for the 4C Junior Championship. Joey Poison will also be in the ring with Rick Drebin. [B]4C Presents…Live Fast, Die Young Tim Westybrook vs Phenomenal E. Joey Poison vs Rick Drebin Nathan Black vs Cherry Bomb Canadian Gangsta vs Steve Flash Cal Sanders vs Steven Parker vs Julian Watson 4C Presents…No Time Like The Present Canadian Gangsta vs Nathan Black[/B][/QUOTE]
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Wednesday Week 3, July 2006 From ShowReports.com [QUOTE][B]Dark Match[/B] The Gremlin and Frankie Dee put on a decent show in the opening dark match of the evening. These two young workers are beginning to show their growth in skill and with their great chemistry that helps even more. The Gremlin took the match with a pinfall at 8 minutes, using the ropes for leverage. [B]The Gremlin over Frankie Dee Rating: C-[/B] Dark Match two was a sub par match for Dog Fyte who destroyed Alan Parent. Not only did he destroy him he made “Parental Abuse” look like a complete fool in the ring. The Chain Dogplexes gave Dog Fyte the win at a mere 8 minutes. [B]Dog Fyte over Alan Parent Rating: C-[/B] [B]Show[/B] The first match was a three way to determine who will face Raphael at the 4C Junior Championship. The problem with this three way was that there was no winner as all three men were counted out at 15 minutes as they beat the living hell out of each other in the stands. [B]Cal Sanders draws Steven Parker draws Julian Watson Rating: C-[/B] Canadian Gangsta looking to have some momentum going into his match with Nathan Black had to resort to cheating to take his match against Steve Flash. While the ref wasn’t looking he used a foreign object to take down Steve Flash for the pin at 14 and ½ minutes. [B]Canadian Gangsta over Steve Flash Rating: C[/B] Nathan Black didn’t have to take the low road to take out Cherry Bomb for his win going into the match against Canadian Gangsta. The Black Out Suplex threw Cherry for a loop and let Nathan sneak in a pin at a lttle over 15 minutes. [B]Nathan Black over Cherry Bomb Rating: C[/B] Joey Poison still showing dominance as a title holder faced new comer Rick Drebin for a nice win. Drebin still needs to work a bit on his in ring ability as even with Joey’s help the match dragged and Drebin wasn’t selling to well. The Lethal Injection put another win in Poison’s belt at 12 minutes. [B]Joey Poison over Rick Drebin Rating: C-[/B] Match three of the two out of three to face Acid for the number one conteendership and Tim Westybrook brought the win home. It took 23 minutes to finally catch the high flying Phenomenal E. in the Coal Miner’s Slam but it did the trick. [B]Tim Westybrook over Phenomenal E. Rating: C- Overall Rating: C-[/B][/QUOTE]
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Thursday Week 3, July 2006 From 4CWrestling.com [QUOTE]So much news and so little time, with 4C Presents…No Time Like The Present coming up the matches have all been booked. With no winner in the three way match Raphael will face Sanders, Parker and Watson for the 4C Junior Championship. Rick Drebin and Phenomenal E. are looking for some action and will face Dog Fyte and Cherry Bomb in a tag match. Joey Poison faces off one more time against Steve Flash before he takes on the winner of Acid and Tim Wesytbrook in the traditional championship best of seven series. Speaking of Acid and Westybrookthe match has been booked as a 30 minute Iron Man match. [B]4C Presents…No Time Like The Present Acid vs Tim Westybrook – 30 Minute Iron Man Match for #1 Contendership Joey Poison vs Steve Flash Rick Drebin and Phenomenal E. vs Dog Fyte and Cherry Bomb Canadian Gangsta vs Nathan Black Cal Sanders vs Raphael vs Julian Watson vs Steven Parker – 4-Way Ladder Match for The 4C Junior Championship[/B][/QUOTE]
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Tuesday Week 4, July 2006 From ShowReports.com [QUOTE]The announcers took some time to talk about the 44C Junior Championship match and how Raphael has beaten all the contenders individually. The question still remains what happens with four men in the ring and only one belt to go around. [B]Rating: F[/B] Four men, one title and a lot of ladders seemed to be the perfect recipe for a good match. The four young rising stars went all out to try and get the title from it’s perch above the ring. There can however be only one winner at then winner was Cal Sanders who took a flying leap off a falling ladder to grab the title and win the match, after a big fall grasping it of course. [B]Cal Sanders over Raphael, Julian Watson and Steven Parker Ladder Match For 4C Junior Championship Rating: C-[/B] The third meet up between Canadian Gangsta and Nathan Black after two months of taunting on each side. They’ve proved they are good enough to face each other now which one is better. The answer to that was Canadian Gangsta who took a hard won win with the Drive-By Clothesline at just shy of 14 minutes. [B]Canadian Gangsta over Nathan Black Rating: C-[/B] A match that could have been a bit better saw Rick Drebin and Phenomenal E. beat out the Strong Style duo of Cherry Bomb and Dog Fyte. The win came from Drebin who hit Dog Fyte with the QB sack at a little over 17 minutes. [B]Rick Drebin and Phenomenal E. over Dog Fyte and Cherry Bomb Rating: C-[/B] Joey Poison took to the ring and played up his match against Steve Flash. He said even though he’s never played by anyone’s rules Steve Flash was a man who’s rules he could admire. He also said it was an honor to face him once again. [B]Rating: D[/B] Joey Poison and Steve Flash gave the fans exactly what they wanted a good match. Joey looked very impressive beating Steve Flash at 25 and ½ minutes with the Lethal Injection. [B]Joey Poison over Steve Flash Rating: C[/B] The match that everyone had come to see and a great match it was, Acid and Steve Flash 30 minutes of pure action. Acid took the first win a mere 8 minutes in using his high flying skills to confuse the big brawler, but Westybrook wouldn’t be shaken for long as he picked up his first pin at 16 minutes. It looked as though it would be one for one until Acid using his speed and technical skill slipped Westybrook into the Acidity Test and Westybrook tapped out at 29 and ½ minutes. [B]Acid over Tim Westybrook Iron Man Match Rating: C+ Overall Rating: C+[/B][/QUOTE]
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Wednesday Week 4, July 2006 From ShowReports.com [QUOTE]Cal Sanders faced off against Raphael in a one on one rematch and retained the title af a Winnipeg Splash at a little over 24 minutes. [B]Cal Sanders over Raphael For 4C Junior Championship Rating: C-[/B] Coming off his big win Canadian Gangsta was looking to keep his momentum going but it was stopped dead init’s tracks by Dog Fyte. “The Big Dog” caught Gangsta in the Chain Dogplexes followed by a pin at shy of 16 minutes. [B]Dog Fyte over Canadian Gangsta Rating: C[/B] Steve Flash took on Phenomenal E. in a decent match for both men. Having lsot out on being number one contender Phenomenal E. seemed a bit disheartened. Steve Flash took advantage of this and got him with the Flash Bang and 14 minutes. [B]Steve Flash over Phenomenal E. Rating: C[/B] As is tradition Joey Poison and Acid met up in a the ring in a pre-match for the best of seven series. Not only did these two men give it their all, their all was working so well together they blew the roof of the house. The action was so fast in the ring Ted Ross and Terry Smith couldn’t keep up with them. Joey Poison took the match over Acid at 28 minutes with the Lethal Injection. [B]Joey Poison over Acid Rating: B Overall Rating: C+[/B][/QUOTE]
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Monday Week 1, August 2006 From BackstageWrestling.com [QUOTE]A number of contracts were allowed to expire as hard times have fallen on the wrestling community at large. 2 Fly N'hara and KOKI Ishibashi of WLW, Alan Parent of 4C, Alysian Scottsfield of NOTBPW, Robert Oxford of TCW and UK Dragon of GCG were all allowed to leave from their respective companies when their contracts expired. The only good news was for KOKI Ishibashi who was quickly picked up by GCG. In other news TCW received two big blows as veteran worker Demon Spite announced his retirement and left the company and rising star Troy Tornado failed a drug test and had to be suspended.[/QUOTE] From 4CWrestling.com [QUOTE]Welcome to the beginning of the month report at 4C first we’d like to say that Alan Parent has left the company as he has come to the end of his contract. There were no plans for him in the near future so it was a mutual decision for him to move on, but we wish him all the best of luck in his future endeavors. The second piece of big news is that 4C will be taking two months off. Management has decided upon some changes that will take some dedicated time to achieve so we are taking that time off. Not to worry when we return the fans will be happy to see the best of seven series between Joey Poison and Acid for the 4C Championship. The recap of the month in a few simple words great, great, great. Canadian Gangsta took on Nathan Black in a rematch that Black request, Cal Sanders became the 4C Junior Champion and Acid is now the number one contender. All in all a great month and a lot of great matches for the wrestlers here at 4C, but stay tuned when in October 4C returns to action in Ontario.[/QUOTE]
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Monday Week 1, September 2006 From BackstageWrestling.com [QUOTE]Signings galore with the growth of DaVE and their contract rampage it seems like the smaller promotions are scrambling to pick up workers. Rip Chord who was a road agent for CZCW and 4C, at least for three days, is now working at DaVE. Demon Spite has also signed on as a road agent. Walter Caulfield, Chris Caulfield's older brother and professional football player has followed in his brother's footsteps and joined the DaVE roster. Randall Hopkirk was stolen by DaVE who got him to commit to a contract before TCW could resign him. Acid who was about to get a title run at 4C has now signed a written contract with DaVE leaving the small company without a number one contender. With all the written contracts and new signings some of DaVE's non-written stars are also taking bookings elsewhere including Danny B Bling who signed on with USPW. It isn’t all roses for DaVe, or USPW for that matter, as Sammy Bach has been lured away to SWF After his contract expired in 2006 Demon Anger worked the Indy scene for awhile before becoming only semi Active. He's recently been hired by CZCW where he works as a part time Main Eventer and part time road agent. CZCW also picked up Corporal Doom as after his contract expired with SWF. They are using him on the official roster as well as being the second part time road agent. In 4C news it rumor has it that they have made a few new hires. They had their hands on Rip Chord for four days before he signed a written deal with DaVe. With Acid gone the rumor is they have another DaVE star coming into replace him, they also picked up recently out of training wrestler Shock. Another rumor circulating is that two American stars will be joining the 4C roster. Catherine Quinn who already works for CGC and AAA has signed a per appearance deal with TCW after losing Randall Hopkirk to DaVE. Some contracts were allowed to expire, Jake Panic of UCR, Koshiro Ino of BHOTWG and Hell Monkey of USPW. Except for Hell Monkey who also works for WLW the others don’t have any other work readily available “Mexican Machine” Mateo Iglesias Jr. who was big on the Mexican Indy scene and Melvin the fantastic, aka Melvin Alexander, who worked the British Indy circuit have both retired. [B]America[/B] After his contract was allowed to expire and he signed with TCW it appears that Enymga is no long on close terms with Richard Eisen. Eisen said as much when he was on a news show talking about the growth of wrestling in America. [B]Japan[/B] Not having found anything new to due with their careers after the fall of WEXXV it appears the Chaos Demons are also breaking up. Chaos Demon #! Said in an online interview that he and Chaos Demon #2 have been having some problems and he didn’t know how he could ever have called him a frined. [B]Mexico[/B] The colour commentator at SOTBPW Eduardo Prieto took to the radio waves to promote the promotions next show. During the interview he said he liked the veteran wrestler Torque’s new drive to go out on top and he thinks he can do it. Most importantly even with his drive to win he’s still been a good guy backstage.[/QUOTE]
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Liking what you're doing - and hope that you stick with Cherry Bomb like I was never able to. Loving the Cornellverse updates as well. And we'd like to pass on our congratulations to Joey Posion for winning a Best of Seven series through only participating in one match - even Booker T can't live up to that! Let's hope you bring in someone with National credibilty to face him, as without Acid he's the real jewel in your crown at the moment.
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Monday Week 1, October 2006 From BackstageWrestling.com [QUOTE]After a great year both NOTBPW and TCW have no reached an international level with all their fans n both Canada and the US, this wasn’t so great for DaVE after the talent raids that took the wind from it’s sails bringing it back down to a cult classic. TCW who have only recently grown in popularity have so far signed Jim Force and Fumirio Ota NOTBPW signed away John Maverick, Bobby Thomas, Nate Johnson and Francis. From Dave they picked up Bryan Holmes and Pistol Pete Hall. Captain USA and Dan Dalay who have been doing independent shows were signed on as well as Mateo Iglesias who recently retired as a road agent. After losing a lot of their big names to NOTBPW, CGC signed Charlie Fraser, Jez McArthur, Kurt Laramee and Derek Frost DaVE signed Mick Muscles to a per appearance and got another coup on TCW when they picked up Troy Tornado to a written deal befoe they could even offer him a renewal. DaVE stars Alex Braun and The Natural have join Dany B. Bling in USPW as well as working for DaVE. Jason Rogers and Sheik Mustafa were both released by DaVE and the Sheik announced his retirement soon after. The flood gates of information at 4C have finally opened but not really. We have learned to things Bryan Holmes was the original replacement for Acid from DaVE, but with his signing at NOTBPW it seems they are bringing in a different DaVE star and some say he's an American. [B]Canada[/B] With all the new hirings it seems like it’s the old guard at NOTBPW that are having the problems. Lower card worker Helen Wheels took a ton of shots at R.K. Hayes during an online interview saying that he didn’t like women wrestlers and didn’t treat them well [B]Mexico[/B] El Demonico appearing on a Mexican morning kids show spoke a bit about wrestling. One of the kids asked him who he’d like to face next and he said Mario Heroic would be a good opponent [B]UK[/B] MoSC is the scene of many good tidings as The Reason one of the top faces of the company spoke out on during a radio interview say that The Highland Warrior is a great boss and a better wrestler. Also and Mr. Wright spoke about moving up in the company and he put over Geri Smith as a good friend who has been helping him out in an online interview. Travis Cool the current 21CW Strong Style Champion spoke on the radio to promote the next show and he had a few good words to say about Suicide Agent.[/QUOTE] From 4CWrestling.com [QUOTE]Ladies and gentleman, children of all ages we’re back in action and this the first week of October looks to be a big one. Let’s handle some of the rumors flying around out their about the little Canadian company that could, us. Yes there are no Americans on our roster, as word has spread about our competitors our brothers to the south have come up here to challenge the kings of the great white north. Two masked men have joined our ranks and they’ll be debuting tomorrow night, as will our newest member from DaVE. A new young Canadian prospect has joined us as well and tomorrow we’ll see what kind of trouble shock can get into. Lastly the title shot that was Acids will go to Tim Westybrook who faced off against the masked Terror in that 30 minute Iron Man match and there will be a tournament for number one contender. [B]4C Presents…Live Fast, Die Young Dog Fyte vs Canadian Gangsta Rick Drebin vs Steve Flash Joey Poison vs Tim Westybrook[/B][/QUOTE]
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