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4C: The Old Saying Goes

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Wednesday Week 1, October 2006 From ShowReports.com [QUOTE][B]Dark Match[/B] On his return to the ring after the 2 month hiatus of 4C The Gremlin came out to the ring sporting a new less black costume. He also has adopted a more brutal and unpredictable n in ring style, going at Raphael like a maniac. This change wasn’t enough to bring The Gremlin the win as Raphael pulled of Youth Gone Wild for the pin at almost 18 minutes. [B]Raphael over The Gremlin Rating: C- Show[/B] The show opened and two masked wrestlers came out. The Canadian Crowd didn’t really have a clue who they were until the introduced themselves as American Elemental and Snap Dragon. The ne team called themselves Masked Villainy and demanded a match and that the 4C Tag Team Titles be Reactivated and put on the line. [B]Rating: F[/B] Frankie Dee came out with Stretch the Chicken Boy to try and beat this new team for the 4C Tag Titles but they just couldn’t beat this tandem of destructive forces. American Elemental and Snap Dragon showed why they are definitely worthy of being the 4C Tag Champions, with an excellent chemistry in the ring. American Elemental got the win with a top rope move he called the Fire Flight, hitting Stretch and getting the pin and just shy of 12 minutes. [B]American Elemental and Snap Dragon over Stretch the Chicken Boy and Frankie Dee For 4C Tag Team Titles Rating: D[/B] Cal Sanders made his return to the ring, coming from the backstage area in a puff of smoke. His clean cut every man looks was gone now he seems disheveled with longer hair and a slow and deliberate attitude. He said since he’s been the 4C Junior Champion he’s been living the life he wants to live and he said he’ll take on any one, any time. [B]Rating: F[/B] A young kid came to the ring, looking like he was still in his teens, sporting black tights with electricity bolts on them. He Stepped toe to toe with Sanders and said he would challenge him for the title. [B]Rating: F[/B] Cal Sanders although he looked like he was stoned still had the same reaction time in the ring and boy did he look good. Shock had a bit of a time keeping up with him but then finally hit a groove. It looked like Shock had the champ dead to rights until Cal Sanders hit him with a low blow. Sanders took the cheap pinfall at a bit before 14 minutes. [B]Cal Sanders over Shock Rating: C-[/B] DaVE’s TV show theme hit and the whole crowd turned to see who would be coming out. “The Lone Wolf” Shawn Gonzalez shot out of the curtain and made his way to the announce table. He stepped up to Terry Smith and demanded a title shot in replacement for Acid. Terry tried to explain the Westybrook was the number one contender but Gonzlaez wasn’t haing any of it. [B]Rating: E[/B] That was about the time the veteran, “Mr. Canada” Steve Flash came up behind him . Flash looked him dead in the eye and told him he haad to earn a spot in 4C and to do that he had to get through him first and that match will be at 4C Presents…Hindsight Is Always 20/20. Making his statement Steve Flash walked off leaving a stunned Gonzalez. [B]Rating: D[/B] The first round of opening matches for the tournament for number one contender was next. Dog Fyte took it to Canadian Gangsta in a decent match for the two. Gangsta had lost all his thug and dealer paraphernalia and was no sporting a t-shirt that said “To The Extreme” which is exactly where he took it. Dog Fyte still won catching the younger man in the Chain Dogplexes at almost 16 minutes. [B]Dog Fyte over Canadian Gangsta Rating: C-[/B] Steve Flash had his match as the second opening round match but count take the win over the huge Rick Drebin. The two still didn’t really click in the ring but Drebin was actually getting his footing. Unnecessary Roughness took down Flash at almost 13 minutes, giving Drebin the win. [B]Rick Drebin over Steve Flash Rating: C-[/B] Last match was the traditional best of seven series pre-match. Joey Poison really showed why he was the champ as he stood toe to toe with a man almost twice his size, Tim Westybrook. Joey took the strong win against Tim with the Lethal Injection at 17 and ½ minutes. [B]Joey Poison over Tim Westybrook Rating: C[/B] With the match over Joey and Tim shook hands and the fans knew they were gonna see a great series of matches. [B]Rating: C- Overall Rating: C[/B][/QUOTE]
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Thursday Week 1, October 2006 From 4CWrestling.com [QUOTE]Joey Poison took the pre-series match against Tim Westybrook which is a good sign for the champion. Shawn Gonzalez, Shock and Masked Villainy all made their debuts, with the masked Americans taking the 4C Tag Team Titles. Rick Drebin and Dog Fyte also moved on to the semi finals of the tournament for number one contendership. So what have we in store for you next, to start two more opening matches for the tournament Nathan Black vs The Gremlin and Cherry Bomb vs Cal Sanders. Masked Villainy defends their titles against Frankie Dee who bring Julian Watson to the ring this time as a partner. Finally your main event Shawn Gonzalez will see action as he warms up for Steve Flash at 4C Presents…Hindsight Is Always 20/20. [B]4C Presents…Live Fast, Die Young Shawn Gonzalez vs ??? Nathan Black vs The Gremlin Cherry Bomb vs Cal Sanders Masked Villainy vs Julian Watson and Frankie Dee 4C Presents…Hindsight Is Always 20/20 Steve Flash vs Shawn Gonzalez[/B][/QUOTE]
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Wednesday Week 2, October 2006 From ShowReports.com [QUOTE][B]Dark Match[/B] An opening match and Rick Drebin makes his first decent showing. Although you clould kinda tell Tim Westybrook was carrying him most of the match it still was all in all average. Westybrook grabbed a win with an impressive Coal Miner’s Slam on the huge Drebin at just shy of 7 minutes. [B]Tim Westybrook over Rick Drebin Rating: C[/B] Joey Poison put on an average match with Canadian Gangsta. Although Poison looked like a true champion out there we’ve seen him in way better matches. Gangsta on the other hand looked like he was growing in skill and his new Extreme style went well with Poison’s. Lethal Injection took the match at almost 8 minutes. [B]Joey Poison over Canadain Gangsta Rating: C Show[/B] The show starter wasn’t much to write home about, Masked Villainy still putting ona good show but no one cars cause no one knows them. Frankie Dee’s new partner Julian Watson wasn’t much help same as the last and was pinned after the Dragon’s Breath from Snap Dragon at almost 16 minutes. [B]American Elemental and Snap Dragon over Julian Watson and Frankie Rating: D[/B] Shock took to the ring for a minute to announce his rematch after Sanders’ underhanded tactics last week. [B]Rating: F[/B] Sanders actually answered although he seemed a pit out of it say that the 4C Junior Champion had to be earned by real men and Shock would have to prove he deserved it. [B]Rating: F[/B] Raphael the first 4C Junior Champ came out to face Shock in a match and the two men put out a below average match. Shock was the eventual winner with an impressive belly to belly suplex he called Shock Treatment at 17 and ½ minutes. [B]Shock over Raphael Rating: C-[/B] Cal Sanders looking to add the 4C Championship to his 4C Junior Championship had his opening tournament match against Cherry Bomb, The Red Head Firecracker took Sanders to task with he superior skill showing Sanders why he’s a “Junior” champion. The Cherry Popper got a tiring Cherry Bomb the win at 18 minutes. [B]Cherry Bomb over Cal Sanders Rating: C-[/B] The Canadian national Anthem played an Nathan Black came out to everyone’s surprise. Waving the flag and being all together patriotic and the fans responded. It was a real shame though that his first round match was a horrible piece of garbage. The Gremlin who had been moving along nicely just couldn’t find the right groove with Black and the match really suffered for it. Black mercifully got the win with the Black Out Suplez at 15 minutes. [B]Nathan Black over The Gremlin Rating: D[/B] Shawn Gonzalez’s first match in 4C readying himself for his meeting with Steve Flash and he took a win over Dog Fyte. The match could have been better if the two men had any chemistry in the ring, since that wasn’t the case the whole bout was awkward. Gonzalez looked particularly strong and made the big man submit to the Latino Crab at almost 26 minutes. [B]Shawn Gonzalez over Dog Fyte Rating: C-[/B] An average match between Steve Flash and Phenomenal E. ended the show. Big E came out and the fans cheered him until he flipped them the bird. He claimed how great he was for a minute which didn’t’ pan out as Flash beat him pretty easy. Flash Bang for the win at 13 and ½ minutes. [B]Steve Flash over Phenomenal E. Rating: C Overall Rating: C-[/B][/QUOTE]
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Thursday Week 2, October 2006 From 4CWrestling.com [QUOTE]First 4C would like to welcome to it’s announce table, the incomparable Rock Downpour. With his talent added to the both we are sure our product can only get better. Nathan Black and Cherry Bomb moved on to the semi finals and will meet up against each other this week. Also semifinalists Rick Drebin and Dog Fyte meet to see who goes on to the finals. Joey Poiosn and Tim Westybrook meet up in the first match of the best of seven series and shock gets another proving grounds match against Phenomenal E. Comig up for 4C Presents…Hindsight Is Always 20/20 Frankie Dee wants one more shot at the reinstated 4C Tag Team Titles with a new partner, Steven Parker. Also the best of seven series continues with match number two of Joey Poison versus Tim Westybrook [B]4C Presents…Live fast Die Young Joey Poison vs Tim Westybrook – Best of 7 Series Match #1 Rick Drebin vs Dog Fyte – Semi Finals Number one Contender Tournament Nathan Black vs Cherry Bomb – Semi Finals Number one Contender Tournament Shock vs Phenomenal E. 4C Presents…Hindsight Is Always 20/20 Joey Poison vs Tim Westybrook – Best of 7 Series Match #2 Steve Flash vs Shawn Gonzalez Masked Villainy vs Frankie Dee and Steven Parker[/B][/QUOTE]
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