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Started a new hardcore company in the Tri-State (C-Verse), 40 Pop in every region in the States (aka Medium difficulty). Just about done with year 1 (2016), Bulldozer Brandon Smith is still North American (Main Event) champion. The Hardcore title has changed hands twice, from Sayeed Ali to Toyokuni Hardcore and back to Sayeed. The Tag Titles started on The Good Ol' Boys, but were just won in a triple threat tag by Blackout Club (Ray Snow & Toyokuni Hardcore). I've also signed Chris Caulfield, Killer Shark, Kurt Laramee and soon Primus Allen, all of whom were released by their respective companies. Hopefully we can start gaining in pop soon, the wrestling industry dropped to 0 a couple months ago and the economy is in the 30s and still falling, so our 55-65 rated shows are just holding us steady.
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I'm only three months in, but what the heck... Playing as TCW in my first real C-Verse attempt. The first month went well, setting up a development territory and signing a bunchload of talent. The first PPV, Malice in Wonderland, saw Aaron Andrews defeat Rocky Golden to retain the World title, after the surprising debut of Marat Khoklov ran in and attacked Golden. The show went like this: https://puu.sh/zkQVZ/44c5d658f3.jpg


The second month also went well, all feuds ended and replaced by new (except for two), and at War to Settle the Score, Andrews again retained the World title, this time against Joshua Taylor. I signed Spencer Spade, who is starting out as an enhancement talent, but I hope he'll rise fast. The PPV went like this: https://puu.sh/AcWYv/bd6534d0b7.png


So now, I'm at Just Another Day? (Haven't booked the show yet), but I'm hopefull. Taylor gets his rematch against Andrews, while Hawkins and Bach also will go at it again. Marc Speed will defend against Fonzarelli, and again next month. Golden will face Khoklov again and win by DQ, and that leads to a No DQ match at April's PPV, with Golden winning and ending the feud. Edit: Show is over, and it went like this: https://puu.sh/AfnR8/701f5bb0dd.png


Depending on how fast Spencer Spade increases his popularity, I'm thinking about having Speed vs Fonzarelli vs Spade either in April or at Total Mayhem in May. Andrews will take on Sammy Bach at Total Mayhem, with Bach picking up the win and his first World title.


I'm also bringing back the All-Action title in a few months (maybe at Total Mayhem in a six-way ladder match) and I'm introducing a Women's Title in six months time.


With April now in the books, and Where Angels Fear To Tread getting a 90 rating (worst PPV rating so far), we are heading towards Total Mayhem. I fear the show might be worst, but we'll see. Andrews will face Sammy Bach, and lose the World Championship, while Marc Speed will lose the International title to Jay Chord in a three-way match also involving Bart Biggins. Golden will take on Hawkins, while Spencer Spade gets his first PPV appearance against Benny Benson.


Total Mayhem XX Full card so far: (Can change in case of injuries and such)

Aaron Andrews vs Sammy Bach (World Heavyweight title match)

Marc Speed vs Bart Biggins vs Jay Chord (International title match)

Ricky Dale Johnson vs Marat Khoklov

Rocky Golden vs Wolf Hawkins

Mighty Mo vs American Buffalo

Joshua Taylor vs Bryan Vessey

Benny Benson vs Spencer Spade

Danny Fonzarelli vs Eddie Peak

Behemoths vs New Wave vs Canadian Animals vs Devine Fortune (Team Team title match)


Now we begin the build-up to Total Mayhem. In other news, USPW has fallen to Cult, so only me and SWF remain in the national battles.

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I've been running WWE for about a year. I signed Abyss a few months back and gave him a nice feud with The Undertaker that culminated in a Buried Alive match at Survivor Series. Fast forward to January... Abyss botched a move on Bayley in a 5 on 5 mixed tag. Now they have a strong dislike for each other.


Bayley ends up with a Displaced Radial Head Fracture.


I immediately terminated Abyss' contract and gave him his $223,000 severance pay.


Was that too harsh of me?

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Couldn't train him up in development or bring in local talent for him to beat until his safety is up?


I didn't realize I could get his safety up since he's 45 and a long-time veteran who didn't want to be in developmental. I was under the impression that his attributes couldn't improve at this point. You think it was still possible to get his safety up? Man there's so much I have yet to learn about this game lol.

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I couldn’t help but offer up the biggest show of the year for my CGC game, The DeColt WrestleFestival 2017. I decided to make DWF into a single show rather than the whole weekend, and in the process make it CGC’s Wrestlemania. Super duper important!


If you’ve seen my recent posts, you could probably guess the main event. Does the king retain his throne? Or does the new stallion take his place at the top of the mountain? The final battle between Jack DeColt & Jay Chord takes place in the main event, in battle for the CGC World Heavyweight Championship…in 3 Stages of Hell!


Just a quick note, CGC returned to National level just two weeks prior to DWF! Honestly, I thought it was going to be poetic with DWF putting CGC over the hump, but hey, I’ll take it! After so many years of seemingly dying away, CGC is back on the national spotlight!


The match ratings weren’t as great as I hoped, but the event itself was filled with plenty of epic storylines. Anyway, here are the results of DeColt WrestleFest 2017!


Non-Title Matches


Ross Henry vs Gargantuan

Henry stood up to Gargantuan when the mammoth tried to bully around smaller opponents, and these two men have been duking it out ever since. Henry manages to overcome the size advantage, and wipes Gargantuan with a Flying Shoulder Block from the top rope to get the win. (64)


Mainstream Hernandez, Masked Cougar & Mario Da Silva vs The Aristocrats

Representing the CGC Cruiserweight Division, Cougar & Da Silva has struggled with the numbers game in their feud with the Aristocrats (Ozzie Golden, La Estrella, & Justin Sensitive). Well, the numbers game had been evened up with CGC newcomer Mainstream Hernandez getting involved in the feud! Hernandez leads his team to victory in this Six Man Tag, as Hernandez hits the Apparition #14 on Sensitive for the 3. (78)


Christian Price vs Bradford Peverell

A tag team star up to now, Peverell aims to break through against Price, who is a bitter mainstay on the CGC who thinks he never gets the respect he deserves. Peverell brought the fight in the show open, but Price was just too much for him this time, as Christian puts the up and comer down with the Price Check. (79)


Bulldozer Smith vs Davis Wayne Newton

Two of the bigger up and comers on the CGC roster, this is a rematch from a previous encounter where Bulldozer pinned Newton (and put DWN’s manager Floyd Goldworthy in a neck brace after a Bulldozer Bomb!). Newton responded by trying to put Bulldozer on the shelf by attacking his knee with a chair. Bulldozer came into this match still limping and paid the price. As he attempted to hit a Bulldozer Bomb, Floyd Goldworthy pulled out the hurt leg under Smith, setting Newton up to crash down on top of Bulldozer! Newton got the 3…as Goldworthy held down that injured leg! (81)


Table Elimination Match!

Donte Dunn & Daniel Drake vs The True Born


As these two teams prove themselves in the Tag Division, thus this feud has brewed and gotten ugly. After The True Born (Ash Campbell & Greg Gauge) put Dunn through a table, this match was made upon Dunn’s return from injury.


True Born would put Daniel Drake (Jack Avatar) through a table first, but Dunn would rally back. First, he would thwart a True Born double team and back toss Campbell through a table. Then, after the two battled on the top rope, Dunn would put Gauge through a table with a Superplex! Dunn gets big time revenge and the win for his team! (86)


Street Fight!

Ricky DeColt vs Mr. Lucha

Two of the top wrestlers in CGC, their pursuit of the CGC World Heavyweight Title has led to this blood feud. Both men have a win over each other, both men has cost each other opportunities, and Mr. Lucha has mocked the DeColt family name every chance he has gotten. Mr. Lucha crossed the line when he attacked Ricky’s brother, CGC Owner Alex DeColt, and it’s been war ever since.


In a stunning turn of events, Alex DeColt would get involved in the hopes to help his brother Ricky, who was suffering from a shoulder injury after landing awkwardly on a successful moonsault. Alex would attempt to hit Lucha in the head with a steel chair…but hit his brother Ricky instead! Lucha would take full advantage, and hit both brothers with a Third Strike before pinning Ricky for the win! As a result of this win, Lucha receives a CGC World Heavyweight Title match, which he was promised to him if he defeated Ricky in a rubber match.


Can you say a DeColt Brother Feud? Yes sir, this is only the start!!!


Match of the Night! 97! WOOOOOOOO!


CGC Title Matches!


CGC World Tag Team Championship!

The Golden Gangstas ( C ) vs Fro Sure & Island Boy Apollo vs Joss Thompson & Spencer Spade

The Champs Zeus Maxmillion & Sayeed Ali got themselves stuck in the middle of the heated feud between Fro/Apollo & Thompson/Spade. Both teams had received title matches against the Gangstas, and both cost each other their opportunities. After the second match led to a crazy three team brawl, Comissioner Dawn Gemmell made this Triple Threat for the gold.


Perhaps Fro/Apollo & Thompson/Spade were too busy continuing their feud, because the Champs took advantage and came out of the triple threat victorious. The Gangstas hit their tag finisher, The Shock Treatment (Spinebuster/Flying Knee Combo), on Island Boy Apollo to secure victory and continue their five month title reign. (77)


CGC Cruiserweight Championship!

6 Man Scramble Match!

Mikey James ( C ) vs Nicholas Lopez vs Randy B vs Frankie Perez vs Jamie Atherton vs Extraordinario Jr.

Most people would be irate, but Mikey James welcomed the challenge when CGC Commissioner Dawn Gemmell announced the Cruiserweight Scramble Match in an attempt to make DWF that much more special. James is out to prove he is the best Cruiserweight in the world, and he grabbed hold of this opportunity. His title reign looked to be in jeopardy after several “title changes,” but James gained the final pinfall less than a minute left after hitting Frankie Perez with the Flying Scythe Kick. James would depart from ringside, allowing the clock to run out and secure his title reign through another defense! (78)


CGC Canadian Championship!

Ladder Match!

Kirk Jameson ( C ) vs Roger Cage

The culmination of this lengthy feud, The Smooth One cashes in his one on one rematch as he looks to regain the Canadian gold. It’s not the epic encounter that their first two matches were (I guess they don’t like ladders), but these men go all out to wear the gold. At the end of the match, they duke it out on the ladder until Jameson sends Cage tumbling after a big headbutt…and Cage’s leg gets caught on the ladder, and he’s stuck hanging upside down! Cage frantically tries to break free, but has to watch as Jameson retrieves the gold! Jameson remains CGC Canadian Champion! (87)



CGC World Heavyweight Championship!

3 Stages of Hell!

Jay Chord ( C ) vs Jack DeColt

Back in June 2016, Jack DeColt had to vacate the CGC World Title due to a broken leg. True Born leader Jay Chord would win the vacant title and wear it for six months before a returning DeColt finally received a one on one match with Chord. DeColt would win and become a 7 Time CGC Champion. Two months later, Chord would regain the gold in a Steel Cage after escaping the structure first. Chord is now the 2 Time Champion, but there is one thing he has never done. He has never pinned DeColt’s shoulders to the mat! It would appear he would need to do so to come out of 3 Stages of Hell still champion!


Or will he? Chord wins the 1st Fall, a Standard Singles Match, after hitting DeColt with his Cradle Piledriver on the floor! Unable to move a motionless DeColt back into the ring, Chord takes the Countout and moves on to the next fall.


DeColt recovers and ends up taking the Second Fall, an Aussie Rules Match! Chord tries to hit his Cradle Piledriver on a steel chair, but DeColt reverses and back tosses Chord onto the chair. DeColt locks on the End of Days and forces Chord to tap!


It all comes down to the final fall, as a Steel Cage is lowered down onto the ring! It gets brutal, as both men eventually wear the crimson mask. DeColt catches Chord as Jay nearly escapes the cage, and Powerbombs the champ all the way to the match! DeColt covers for the pin, but Chord somehow manages to barely get his shoulder up! DeColt tries to lock in the End of Days again, but Chord rolls out of the attempt. As both men jump to their feud, DeColt walks right into Chord’s Cradle Piledriver! 1,2,3! Chord has pinned DeColt, and secured his spot at the top of the CGC mountain! (88)


That does it for DeColt WrestleFestival 2017. What is next for CGC World Champion Jay Chord? Who knows? Perhaps a Canadian Champion by the name of Kirk Jameson? Maybe a fresh babyfaced Mr. Lucha? Hey, who knows!

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I didn't realize I could get his safety up since he's 45 and a long-time veteran who didn't want to be in developmental. I was under the impression that his attributes couldn't improve at this point. You think it was still possible to get his safety up? Man there's so much I have yet to learn about this game lol.


The age issue never crossed my mind to be honest. What was his safety rating? Could have been a fluke, right?

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The age issue never crossed my mind to be honest. What was his safety rating? Could have been a fluke, right?


Abyss' safety grade is B-/72, so maybe it was a fluke... and I fired him lol. To be fair, Bayley was extremely upset with him and rightfully so.

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I couldn’t help but offer up the biggest show of the year for my CGC game, The DeColt WrestleFestival 2017. I decided to make DWF into a single show rather than the whole weekend, and in the process make it CGC’s Wrestlemania. Super duper important!


If you’ve seen my recent posts, you could probably guess the main event. Does the king retain his throne? Or does the new stallion take his place at the top of the mountain? The final battle between Jack DeColt & Jay Chord takes place in the main event, in battle for the CGC World Heavyweight Championship…in 3 Stages of Hell!


Just a quick note, CGC returned to National level just two weeks prior to DWF! Honestly, I thought it was going to be poetic with DWF putting CGC over the hump, but hey, I’ll take it! After so many years of seemingly dying away, CGC is back on the national spotlight!


The match ratings weren’t as great as I hoped, but the event itself was filled with plenty of epic storylines. Anyway, here are the results of DeColt WrestleFest 2017!


Non-Title Matches


Ross Henry vs Gargantuan

Henry stood up to Gargantuan when the mammoth tried to bully around smaller opponents, and these two men have been duking it out ever since. Henry manages to overcome the size advantage, and wipes Gargantuan with a Flying Shoulder Block from the top rope to get the win. (64)


Mainstream Hernandez, Masked Cougar & Mario Da Silva vs The Aristocrats

Representing the CGC Cruiserweight Division, Cougar & Da Silva has struggled with the numbers game in their feud with the Aristocrats (Ozzie Golden, La Estrella, & Justin Sensitive). Well, the numbers game had been evened up with CGC newcomer Mainstream Hernandez getting involved in the feud! Hernandez leads his team to victory in this Six Man Tag, as Hernandez hits the Apparition #14 on Sensitive for the 3. (78)


Christian Price vs Bradford Peverell

A tag team star up to now, Peverell aims to break through against Price, who is a bitter mainstay on the CGC who thinks he never gets the respect he deserves. Peverell brought the fight in the show open, but Price was just too much for him this time, as Christian puts the up and comer down with the Price Check. (79)


Bulldozer Smith vs Davis Wayne Newton

Two of the bigger up and comers on the CGC roster, this is a rematch from a previous encounter where Bulldozer pinned Newton (and put DWN’s manager Floyd Goldworthy in a neck brace after a Bulldozer Bomb!). Newton responded by trying to put Bulldozer on the shelf by attacking his knee with a chair. Bulldozer came into this match still limping and paid the price. As he attempted to hit a Bulldozer Bomb, Floyd Goldworthy pulled out the hurt leg under Smith, setting Newton up to crash down on top of Bulldozer! Newton got the 3…as Goldworthy held down that injured leg! (81)


Table Elimination Match!

Donte Dunn & Daniel Drake vs The True Born


As these two teams prove themselves in the Tag Division, thus this feud has brewed and gotten ugly. After The True Born (Ash Campbell & Greg Gauge) put Dunn through a table, this match was made upon Dunn’s return from injury.


True Born would put Daniel Drake (Jack Avatar) through a table first, but Dunn would rally back. First, he would thwart a True Born double team and back toss Campbell through a table. Then, after the two battled on the top rope, Dunn would put Gauge through a table with a Superplex! Dunn gets big time revenge and the win for his team! (86)


Street Fight!

Ricky DeColt vs Mr. Lucha

Two of the top wrestlers in CGC, their pursuit of the CGC World Heavyweight Title has led to this blood feud. Both men have a win over each other, both men has cost each other opportunities, and Mr. Lucha has mocked the DeColt family name every chance he has gotten. Mr. Lucha crossed the line when he attacked Ricky’s brother, CGC Owner Alex DeColt, and it’s been war ever since.


In a stunning turn of events, Alex DeColt would get involved in the hopes to help his brother Ricky, who was suffering from a shoulder injury after landing awkwardly on a successful moonsault. Alex would attempt to hit Lucha in the head with a steel chair…but hit his brother Ricky instead! Lucha would take full advantage, and hit both brothers with a Third Strike before pinning Ricky for the win! As a result of this win, Lucha receives a CGC World Heavyweight Title match, which he was promised to him if he defeated Ricky in a rubber match.


Can you say a DeColt Brother Feud? Yes sir, this is only the start!!!


Match of the Night! 97! WOOOOOOOO!


CGC Title Matches!


CGC World Tag Team Championship!

The Golden Gangstas ( C ) vs Fro Sure & Island Boy Apollo vs Joss Thompson & Spencer Spade

The Champs Zeus Maxmillion & Sayeed Ali got themselves stuck in the middle of the heated feud between Fro/Apollo & Thompson/Spade. Both teams had received title matches against the Gangstas, and both cost each other their opportunities. After the second match led to a crazy three team brawl, Comissioner Dawn Gemmell made this Triple Threat for the gold.


Perhaps Fro/Apollo & Thompson/Spade were too busy continuing their feud, because the Champs took advantage and came out of the triple threat victorious. The Gangstas hit their tag finisher, The Shock Treatment (Spinebuster/Flying Knee Combo), on Island Boy Apollo to secure victory and continue their five month title reign. (77)


CGC Cruiserweight Championship!

6 Man Scramble Match!

Mikey James ( C ) vs Nicholas Lopez vs Randy B vs Frankie Perez vs Jamie Atherton vs Extraordinario Jr.

Most people would be irate, but Mikey James welcomed the challenge when CGC Commissioner Dawn Gemmell announced the Cruiserweight Scramble Match in an attempt to make DWF that much more special. James is out to prove he is the best Cruiserweight in the world, and he grabbed hold of this opportunity. His title reign looked to be in jeopardy after several “title changes,” but James gained the final pinfall less than a minute left after hitting Frankie Perez with the Flying Scythe Kick. James would depart from ringside, allowing the clock to run out and secure his title reign through another defense! (78)


CGC Canadian Championship!

Ladder Match!

Kirk Jameson ( C ) vs Roger Cage

The culmination of this lengthy feud, The Smooth One cashes in his one on one rematch as he looks to regain the Canadian gold. It’s not the epic encounter that their first two matches were (I guess they don’t like ladders), but these men go all out to wear the gold. At the end of the match, they duke it out on the ladder until Jameson sends Cage tumbling after a big headbutt…and Cage’s leg gets caught on the ladder, and he’s stuck hanging upside down! Cage frantically tries to break free, but has to watch as Jameson retrieves the gold! Jameson remains CGC Canadian Champion! (87)



CGC World Heavyweight Championship!

3 Stages of Hell!

Jay Chord ( C ) vs Jack DeColt

Back in June 2016, Jack DeColt had to vacate the CGC World Title due to a broken leg. True Born leader Jay Chord would win the vacant title and wear it for six months before a returning DeColt finally received a one on one match with Chord. DeColt would win and become a 7 Time CGC Champion. Two months later, Chord would regain the gold in a Steel Cage after escaping the structure first. Chord is now the 2 Time Champion, but there is one thing he has never done. He has never pinned DeColt’s shoulders to the mat! It would appear he would need to do so to come out of 3 Stages of Hell still champion!


Or will he? Chord wins the 1st Fall, a Standard Singles Match, after hitting DeColt with his Cradle Piledriver on the floor! Unable to move a motionless DeColt back into the ring, Chord takes the Countout and moves on to the next fall.


DeColt recovers and ends up taking the Second Fall, an Aussie Rules Match! Chord tries to hit his Cradle Piledriver on a steel chair, but DeColt reverses and back tosses Chord onto the chair. DeColt locks on the End of Days and forces Chord to tap!


It all comes down to the final fall, as a Steel Cage is lowered down onto the ring! It gets brutal, as both men eventually wear the crimson mask. DeColt catches Chord as Jay nearly escapes the cage, and Powerbombs the champ all the way to the match! DeColt covers for the pin, but Chord somehow manages to barely get his shoulder up! DeColt tries to lock in the End of Days again, but Chord rolls out of the attempt. As both men jump to their feud, DeColt walks right into Chord’s Cradle Piledriver! 1,2,3! Chord has pinned DeColt, and secured his spot at the top of the CGC mountain! (88)


That does it for DeColt WrestleFestival 2017. What is next for CGC World Champion Jay Chord? Who knows? Perhaps a Canadian Champion by the name of Kirk Jameson? Maybe a fresh babyfaced Mr. Lucha? Hey, who knows!



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Back into it after a hiatus...

Started a local Mid West company in the fantastic Cverse 97 mod. User character Flapjack Flanagan. Old enough to be feasible, good enough to hold fort, develop and put over others.


Kicked things off with a four-way to decide the inaugural champ. I brought in 3 known names for one-night deals to launch the first show alongside Flapjack in the 4way. Rico Santana, Warren Young and Elton Rando. The match and show scored a D+ and it remained my best show for the year. It also put me in debt for the whole year.


Anyway, Flapjack won it. For the rest of the year, every single month, he'd basically step out and spray the small-time company (wwa), belittle any challenger put up against him that night, claim he was only there collect his pay cheque and proclaim increasing attendances were due to him. And he would retain comfortably every time. He’s head and shoulders above the rest and knows it. (I should mention Flapjack is not acknowledged as owner, he’s just a competitor).


On the other hand we have 21yo Raymond Diaz. He spent most of ’97 on a Goldberg streak… well, 9 wins, but they were dominant! (With the exception of fellow tough man Jimmy Cox who actually put up a fight). This put him on the cusp of the main event scene, which considering I only have a roster of mostly cheap youngsters, isn’t that much of an achievement. Nevertheless, enter 1998 and Diaz is ready to mount a challenge for the strap.


Now, Flapjack Flanagan has been around for a while and knows a threat when he sees one. In the Feb show, he strangely comes out during a match involving a face Frank Aristo (Dirty Frank) and interferes to gift Frank the win. The following month Frank has a match vs Diaz. See where this is going? Frank takes a chair to Diaz’s leg and continues doing so after the bell, turning heel in the process. Diaz eventually hobbles to the back, too tough for a stretcher, but clearly injured.

Next month, Flapjack cockily assumes Diaz can’t face him that night. But out comes a fired up Diaz declaring he’s raring to go, although clearly favouring a leg with his knee patched up. Unfortunately, the bung knee is enough of a weakness for the veteran Flanagan to exploit and he hands Diaz his first loss. Fast forward a couple of months and Flanagan has managed to retain every time, courtesy of his lackeys, the now heel Dirty Frank and a young John (Squeeky) McClean. The latest match resulting in a dq win for Diaz, which although didn’t give him the strap, did see his pop rocket two whole grades to E+ and give us our greatest match thus far, a C-, aided by great chem between the two (remember he began as a young unknown). Upon seeing that, now has come the time to hand over the reigns. I’m gonna have Diaz come out and declare emphatically that ‘tonight is the night’. He’ll go on a rampage, taking out both Frank and McClean with beatdown cavalry runs after their matches, leaving him with a level playing field against Flapjack Flanagan, where he’ll become WWA National Champion, ending Double F’s 18 month reign. I’ve barely ever used Diaz in any previous saves, but he’s ticking the boxes this time.

Inevitably, I might come back to another Diaz v Flapjack fued later to take us to regional. But I’m thinking of using Flapjack Flanagan & Friends as gatekeepers for the main event scene. Down the track, McClean will be a lock as Main Eventer, and I’d love to push Dirty Frank as well, something I’ve always wanted to do, but his skills just need a little more polish.


Anyway, that’s that. Other things worth mentioning:

-I’ve got Flex & Pecs as midcarders. They were doing what they do best, flexing their pecs. After a 6-month fued against a then face Frank Aristo and Skeeter Colquehan, I had Flex attack Pecs after some problems between them. Pecs is now repackaged as a face teen idol known simply as Santiago.

-I've got a young Human Arsenal on the roster jobbing away. He's my only Next Big Thing and gets over just by jobbing. He's complaining about not being Main Eventer, but I'm adamantly keeping him at midcard for now. Problem is, I've never really taken to him as a character, especially the name. Thinking about renaming him Arsenal Anderson to make him more appealing. At the moment I've currently got him as a heel machine gimmick, which I guess I could get into later and push him as a technician to be feared, to go up against Diaz. We’ll see.

- I've got a young Giedroyc on jobber duty too, operating a traveller/backpacker gimmick. Got his first little fued mapped out with him saying goodbye to the fans declaring he's leaving to go wrestle in Mexico, only for Aristo/McClean to spoil the party by ransacking his backpack post match and taking his passport... for fun. Then subsequently losing it.

- Taken a liking to Dario Shelton. Bit bland, but he strikes me as your typical one-piece wearing, Mr Wrestler kind of guy. Usually a role I envision for Marv Statler, but he’s obviously not around yet. He’s developed pretty well too, might be a push on the cards for Shelton, especially if he stays long term where I’d see him as a WWA stalwart.

- Land Mass has surprisingly developed into a not-that-atrocious worker over at CGC, clearly gaining a few pointers from his more talented colleagues there. I brought him in as a one-night attraction and slapped him in a handicap match, where he went over Andy Otto and a youthful Clark Alexander. Thinking about bringing him in for a stay, this time to fued with Diaz.

- HGC began its existence by immediately losing Sam Strong to injury for a year. However, by AI standards, they’ve made some cracking acquisitions, getting 2 of the DeColts and a young Larry Wood.

- SWF have fallen to Cult. With the launch of rival HGC, the pre-game loss of Strong and Chord, it is very feasible come to think of it. The race is on to be the best.

- AMW, PDW and cant remember the other one are all out of business. Dave are well on their way to Cult it seems and PPPW seem to be doing ok too. XWF still around, but show grades never exceed the D mark.


Oh, nearly forgot… Christian Faith was sacked by SWF after a racial scandal. Couldn’t believe it… He was unemployed for a good while, but the recently turned Cult CGC have offered him a contract that’s pending at the time of writing.


An interesting save so far and enjoyable.

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<p>Starting in my second year with TCW, I decided that I'd start running a round robin tournament to decide the #1 contender at Total Mayhem. After two months of running a twenty man tournament, this is how the final scores shook out (2 points for winning, 1 for a draw, and 0 for a loss):</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="J9lRbeA.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/J9lRbeA.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

I had Rocky and Law fight at Where Angels Fear to Tread with Rocky coming out on top, and he'll be heading into a title match with Sean McFly coming up. </p><p> </p><p>

The reason for Wolf not being in the tournament is that he was the champion coming into it, but McFly was able to unseat. Now he's got to find a way to get on the Total Mayhem card and getting increasingly unhinged without the belt.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Dropkick" data-cite="Dropkick" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Impressive!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks bud.</p><p> </p><p> In an unfortunate turn of events, my computer crashed, corrupting my current game. Stupid windows update froze my aging computer. But I've lost one too many games in the past not to run a backup. Three backups actually, just in case. </p><p> </p><p> But I had to re-do Decolt WrestleFestival as a result. I was distracted with the PPV aftermath that I had yet to make a new backup. </p><p> </p><p> Only positive was that some of the matches actually improved the second time around. Ricky DeColt/Mr. Lucha fell to a 93, while Kirk Jameson/Roger Cage became MOTN with a 96. Biggest noticeable improvement was the Cruiserweight Scramble Match, which bumped up from a 78 to a 86.</p>
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<p>I just ended a 2 year Roman Reigns Universal title reign. I did not plan for it to be that long at all, I just didn't see the opportunity to pass it to someone else, and by the time I had decided it wold be Adam Cole for sure, and I had built him up enough it was Wrestlemania season again, so the Reigns, uhm, reign, went for 2 years to the day.</p><p> </p><p>

He nearly screwed everything up for me right before, getting addicted to painkillers 2 weeks before the big show. I had to just fine him first, but he showed up to Wrestlemania wasted too, so I could then send him on to rehab ASAP.</p><p> </p><p>

Also, Seth Rollins had been my World Heavyweight champion (I revived the Big Gold Belt for my third brand) and was discovered enjoying the company of ladies of the night within a month of winning and became toxic. And to think, I was so close to putting the belt on a heel Ambrose instead, but decided to go with Seth and have Ambrose just wreck sh*t until he got another shot.</p><p> </p><p>

Right now, I have 140 active wrestlers, so a bloated roster, but it STILL doesn't feel like enough to avoid recycling matches too much, especially since I have gone to a more NJPW style, with lots of 3 v 3, 4 v 4 etc matches on TV and saving the singles bouts for PPV.</p><p> </p><p>

My next move, post Wrestlemania in 2021, will be to have only 4 proper PPVs, ie the Big 4, being co - branded extravaganzas, with the interim months having single brand, Takeover style events, being a tight 2.30 - 3 hours of solid wrestling. That will bring me to 15 shows a month, jaysus!</p>

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Just started a 2005 Cverse game with TCW. So far it is going pretty good. SWF had a ton of free agents come up in the first 6 months and I was able to sign most of them surprisingly. My roster is already getting bloated but it has been fun. I need to transition out some of the older talent here soon
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Gungner" data-cite="Gungner" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>With April now in the books, and Where Angels Fear To Tread getting a 90 rating (worst PPV rating so far), we are heading towards Total Mayhem. I fear the show might be worst, but we'll see. Andrews will face Sammy Bach, and lose the World Championship, while Marc Speed will lose the International title to Jay Chord in a three-way match also involving Bart Biggins. Golden will take on Hawkins, while Spencer Spade gets his first PPV appearance against Benny Benson.<p> </p><p> Total Mayhem XX Full card so far: (Can change in case of injuries and such)</p><p> Aaron Andrews vs Sammy Bach (World Heavyweight title match)</p><p> Marc Speed vs Bart Biggins vs Jay Chord (International title match)</p><p> Ricky Dale Johnson vs Marat Khoklov</p><p> Rocky Golden vs Wolf Hawkins</p><p> Mighty Mo vs American Buffalo</p><p> Joshua Taylor vs Bryan Vessey</p><p> Benny Benson vs Spencer Spade</p><p> Danny Fonzarelli vs Eddie Peak</p><p> Behemoths vs New Wave vs Canadian Animals vs Devine Fortune (Team Team title match)</p><p> </p><p> Now we begin the build-up to Total Mayhem. In other news, USPW has fallen to Cult, so only me and SWF remain in the national battles.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Total Mayhem XX is in the books, and I think we can say that it went well:</p><p> <a href="https://puu.sh/AjRsd/7de96de9f1.jpg" rel="external nofollow">https://puu.sh/AjRsd/7de96de9f1.jpg</a></p><p> </p><p> Now the aftermath... Jay Chord will feud with Spencer Spade over the International title, while Andrews and Bach will continue their feud. I'm also doing a one-month feud between Speed and Biggins, with Speed blaming Biggins for the loss of his title, since Biggins was the one who was pinned at Total Mayhem. Golden/Hawkins, RDJ/Khoklov and Taylor/Vessey will all continue their feuds. </p><p> </p><p> Next month I'm bringing back the All-Action title, with a six-man ladder match at Summer Showdown, with qualifying matches taking place over the month of July. But, that's next month. I've also called up Remmy Skye from development, and hope to build him enough so he can feud with the winner of the ladder match.</p>
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<p>Started a new save with my favourite company of all, OLLIE. Despite my love of the promotion, I've never had a long save with the company because I usually talk myself into "getting better at the game before I start an OLLIE save." This time, I just decided to go for it. </p><p> </p><p>

I'm running weekly shows in West Central Mexico to start, to build up to my first big show... Aniversario 61 (Seemed appropriate given that OLLIE has been open for 61 years, the longest of any promotion in the game.)</p><p> </p><p>

So I run my first weekly show, and put tremendous care into crafting it considering it was a one-off weekly, and was rewarded for my efforts: a C+ show rating. Even better was the exciting main event of Nicholas Lopez vs. La Sombra Jr., which netted me a B- score. I was thrilled with that match score. One of the best I've ever had in this game (I never play promotions above Regional.) And I immediately started imaging all the success I was going to enjoy in the coming weeks. Then a message flashed on the screen: Nicholas Lopez has sustained a back injury.</p><p> </p><p>

Now I've lost my best worker for the next two months and my first big show. Strangely, I'm more excited than ever about this save now.</p>

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<p>I'm playing a real world database as Chris Hero, setting up a company called Suplex Club.</p><p> </p><p>

I've just came off a 13 month top championship reign with Matt Riddle beating out Dalton Castle to end his reign. However the decadent one is pulling out all the stops to ensure that Riddle's title run is cut short.</p><p> </p><p>

I just completed the first annual Suplex Tag Team Tournament. The current champions, Jake Swagger and Matt Milan had been riding a few months long undefeated streak, and put their titles on the line to compete, believing they would dominate. They were allowed under the conditions that they defend their straps in every round of the tournament. Likewise, David Starr after failing to win the Tri State Title from Dalton Castle, begged to be included. He found a partner in old rival and stalker Buxx Belmar to team up with. Hager and Milan lost their titles in the final to the new team StarBuxx.</p><p> </p><p>

In the women's division, I had swept up a recently released Bayley. Competing under her real name, she quickly climbed the ladder to dethrone Gail Kim (WWE bought her up). Her latest and probably last challenger before dropping the title is Mercedes Martinez. Martinez has been baiting out a more aggressive side to the champion and wants to show that even then her best isn't good enough.</p>

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I sent someone to my Japanese developmental branch (forever ago), and when her contract came up she refused to sign a new developmental contract. I expected this, as she has improved greatly. Unfortunately, she also developed loyalty to that particular developmental company, so she won't sign exclusive deals with anyone else. :rolleyes:
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<p>After a few months away I decided to restart a BCG game and got lucky for the first time ever and was able to keep Razan Okamoto! I also made a decision before the game started that I was going to push two loyal guys I never use....I guess well is the best way to put it in Rokuemon Matsushita and Naozane Goto.</p><p> </p><p>

So far I've had more fun pushing Goto until around August when I noticed that Goto had maxed out his stamina......at 42 <img alt=":(" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/frown.png.e6b571745a30fe6a6f2e918994141a47.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />. Real bummer as he has no prayer of being more than a solid tag worker even with his solid as heck SQ and godly menace. Matsushita on the other had continues to just be blah for me though. He took the mid card belt when Toshusai left but barely was able to increase it's prestige over the seven months he held the title. His selling has gotten a lot better but it's still solidly in the F territory but he's improving everywhere else at a good clip and has tons of charisma and his SQ is only eclipsed by Okamoto.</p><p> </p><p>

Wanted to do stuff I'd never done before so I brought in a handful of workers I'd never used before, biggest hits have been Billy Russell, Roy Edison, and Art Reed. All on the older side with Russell and Reed both in their 40's, but neither was in time decline! Russell and Reed have been monsters with multiple 90+ in ring performances and Russell has great tag chemistry with Logan Wolfsbaine which has helped him immensely.</p><p> </p><p>

I had Funakoshi beat Russell in the Finals of the Maeda GP and he won the title at Lion Rises from Torii in an (89) rated match(best of my save at the time). This had pretty firmly conviced me that I needed to go with Torii as my ace heading into the new year. But by Lion's Roar V that changed. In the semi main I had Torii face off with Art Reed, who was leaving for WLW soon, they turned out a 94! I was beyond pumped until my main event of Funakoshi v. Okamoto, this was a protected match(much like Okamoto/Torii has been) and their first match ended with Funakoshi victorious and a 99!!! needless to say I have a decision to make.</p><p> </p><p>

Last thing(sorry, super long post), Team Taku dominated the tag scene, after TagMania they never dropped a fall. My reasoning for this is Toshinaka Taku at 49 years old was not in time decline! Unfortunately he was the last of nearly 20 guys that got poached off my roster by BHOTWG and it was in November, a non-touring month. My user character, Utemaro Nakatomi, has a love of junior heavyweights so I have added about 12 or so lightweight guys which has my roster feeling bloated but this has still been a really fun save, and I love BCG. Can't recommend them enough.</p>

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<p>Finally reached National size in my 4C game, just a month and a half away from Best of the Best XXVII. Pretty happy with the card so far, I really hope it's the best show I can possibly put on at this point:</p><p> </p><p>



2 Out of 3 Falls Match</p><p>

Jacob Jett VS Edward Cornell</p><p> </p><p>


Joanne Rodriguez VS Brooke Tyler</p><p> </p><p>


ft. Chris Flynn, David Stone, Erik Strong, Hugh Ancrie, White Angel and more!</p><p> </p><p>


Davis Wayne Newton VS Sonny Wildside</p><p> </p><p>

Benson Saros VS Justin Sensitive</p><p> </p><p>



Marcel LeFleur VS Mimic VS Thrill Seeker VS Velocidad</p><p> </p><p>


Alicia Strong VS Amber Allen VS Jaime Quine VS Melody VS Fuyuko Higa</p><p> </p><p>


Christian Price VS Jared Johnson</p><p> </p><p>

Johnny Bloodstone VS Sayeed Ali</p><p> </p><p>


Devyn Reynaud VS Kamikaze</p><p> </p><p>



The Canadian Blondes VS Hawaiian Punch! VS Gorman & Wolfsbaine VS The Inner City Express</p><p> </p><p>



Lucy Stone-McFly VS Lacee Lachance</p><p> </p><p>



Sally Anne Christianson, Zoe Ammis and Laura Flame VS Tiffany Jade, Kaede </p><p>

Sugiyama and Kinuye Mushashibo</p><p> </p><p>

Maybe I'm a little overloaded with gimmick matches but I really want it to be a balls-to-the-wall awesome show.</p>

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Finally wrapped my first OLLIE storyline...


When I started getting notice that Gino Montero was getting stale, I prepared to turn him. He was still in the default feud with El Critico, so the feud became about Critico taunting him into giving into his darker urges. After Gran Torneo de Parejas (The Great Pairs Tournament), Gino got fed up with losing to Critico and gave in, ambushing him after the his match to viciously beat him down.


This led to my next weekly show, where Golden Silver congratulated him on finally giving in, and asked him to join them in a new trios, El Trio Inmortal. I'm now beginning a new storyline where, for the next several months, I have plans to have them ride roughshod over the roster with Hijo Espada Roja leading the resistance.


In my other feuds, Marcos Flores is continuing to do his job to put Hijo del Mephisto over before I start moving Flores back down the card. His Time Decline is starting to kick in, and I need him to start passing those skills on to the younger talent.


And the newly rested and returned Nichola Lopez is building momentum in his feud with Silver Tiger. Ultimately, Lopez will go over, and then go on to win the Universal title back from Mephisto.

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So after making a few big signings and really building up some good top stars (IMO) I've decided I'm going to do a brand split with USPW after Independence Day Slam coming up in a few weeks. Looking to bounce some ideas off you guys...




So for belts, I think I'll have National, Tag Team, and introduce a Cruiserweight title. This will be the wrestling focused brand.


On the more entertainment focused brand I'd like to have the Television, Womens, and a Mixed Tag title.


So... Thoughts on what to do with the World Heavyweight? If I have him on both shows, that leaves my entertainment brand kinda weak on titles when he's not there. I could obviously introduce another world title and have one for each brand. The other option is to have the World Heavyweight as the top belt on one brand and the National (currently floating, 85 prestige) be the top belt on the other. My main issue, and I know this is pretty, but National Championship doesn't sound as important as World Championship.






I plan on calling up some developmental guys and girls that are ready(Atlas, Julius Moor, Talia Quinzel, Kirk Jameson, etc.) and probably signing a couple vets I wouldn't have otherwise signed like Buddy Garner to help put people over. Who are some good guys with decent pop that can slot in as upper midcarders in a brand split?




Last but not least is the question of events. Should I have one a month for each brand? Alternate event months for each brand?


As most know, USPW has two "major" events: Independence Day Slam and Thanksgiving Thunder. I like to run a rumble match at Thanksgiving Thunder. I like to see IDS as their WrestleMania, but I've seen some say it's Thanksgiving Thunder. So... Do I make those two shows the only co-branded ones or do I give one to each brand and have it act as their respective season finales?


So many decisions... It's exciting! I would appreciate any feedback. I'll be back soon with IDS results... Double main event is Nicky Champion vs. Marat Khoklov in a Loser Leaves USPW match and Rich Money defends his USPW World Heavyweight Championship against Steve Frehley!

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<p>For the World title why not have the champ alternate? Meaning:</p><p> </p><p>

Rich Money is the World Champion and on Brand A.</p><p>

January? He faces a challenger from Brand A. Then in February someone from Brand B. This gives you time to build someone up on either brand to face him.</p><p> </p><p>

You can co-brand the two big events. Or if they fall in a way where they can alternate give each brand one.</p><p> </p><p>

Keep one event per month for the company (alternating brands).</p>

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