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Official Random Screenshots Thread

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It seems like the scandals are just a little too frequent. They always seem to happen within the first year of every save I do. When I did the '77 Cverse, it was Corporal Doom (Homophobe). When I did the '97 Cverse, it was Sam Strong (Prostitute Use). Now it the '16 Cverse its constantly Lover (Multiple).


If you think its happening too often, post in the technical support forum with some specific examples so Adam can possibly look at tweaking it.

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There goes the core of my Summer storylines. Had plans for Lawler to challenge Bret for the belt at IYH 2, compete in a triple threat along with Owen and Bret at IYH 3 and then face rival British Bulldog at Survivor Series after he put him out of action.


The sad thing is, the JR/Lawler commentary team will never come to fruition now.

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TNA has the best weekly show on TV right now.


IMO not best but it's a lot better than what people give it credit for and has improved a lot since the move to Pop. It's just a shame they seemed to be plagued with monetary issues if the 'sheets are to be believed.

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Thats not even remotely true... The ratings prove it


Millions of people can watch something and be unsatisfied with the end product whereas people may want to but can't watch TNA because of the small network. How good a show is is completely opinion based individually. Your reasoning for many MANY things are just downright laughable.

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Ratings are low because no one knows of the brand... the show has been consistently better than Raw and LU in 2016.


In my opinion, the biggest problem TNA has is that they've been so terrible and amateurish in the past that just the mere mention of them makes people roll their eyes. I think they'd have a better chance without the TNA name weighing them down.

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