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Custom Loading screens!

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My first attempts at loading screens (so please, only one profanity at a time.) I'll get better ones as I get more comfortable with my creativity. Excuse the dead / black space. Like I said, my first two, so far.


Gallows and Anderson, obviously.





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The Elite





This one is so simple and amazing. :D


I already told him bruv! ;)


Lol I was a couple pages back and totally forgot when I replied :p

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Right, mine keep getting saved as PNG files. Is that supposed to happen?


EDIT: I was able to figure it out by using an online converter. Here's my first attempt for my 2004 game - Randy Orton.



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What are you using to make these? Is there a guide?


Bonafide_Bluffa posted a template on the first page. Start with that in Gimp.


For the skewed pictures simply paste a picture into the template as a new layer, rotate it with the rotate tool, layer scale it and alpha to selection, select grow selection by 5 px (or whatever you want the border to be), add a new layer below the picture file with the border color. If you need to move you can click next to the eye on the layers tab to link the layers so they act as one. This is a little better than merging layers since you can come back and make changes more freely later. When selecting you can also use border in place of grow selection but it puts the border 5 px into the picture instead of outside of it. It's a preference thing.


For a single picture background make your image 1014x699 and simply paste the picture into the template as a new layer below the filling layer. Export. For easier work with multiple loading screens change the keyboard short cuts for paste as new image cntrl+V and paste as new layer cntrl+shft+v to be opposite since you want to paste as a new layer more than new image in most cases. Then you just use BIMP to batch convert all your pics you wish to use to the right size. Open them as their own image and then it's just a matter of open, cntrl+c, cntrl+c, switch to your template, cntrl+v, export, repeat.


Anyways since I whipped these up while I was writing that.










Both zips contain the Gimp xcf so you can modify them to your liking. Thanks to Bonafide_Bluffa for the template and Togg for the skin starter pack used for the title screens.

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Right, mine keep getting saved as PNG files. Is that supposed to happen?


EDIT: I was able to figure it out by using an online converter. Here's my first attempt for my 2004 game - Randy Orton.




Depending on what program you use (I use GIMP) you can just "save as" any file type you want. The template I have from here is psd format, but, I just save it as jpg.

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Depending on what program you use (I use GIMP) you can just "save as" any file type you want. The template I have from here is psd format, but, I just save it as jpg.


Ah, I was referring to actually saving the PSD file from a site where I get a render. It's only allowing me to save as PNG from PSD-Dreams.

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Ah, I was referring to actually saving the PSD file from a site where I get a render. It's only allowing me to save as PNG from PSD-Dreams.


Ah, gotcha. Yeah, psd dreams, oddly enough, is only png. So you'd have to open them in whatever program (even paint will do most) and just save as. It was one big reason why I abandoned my original intent to just make gif cuts.

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