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The BHOTWG Thread

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The AI running Burning Hammer will result in a BIG roster, because of the roster split. Its a nice addition that formalizes the split between heavyweights and junior heavyweights (super juniors) to a greater degree than previously.


Some of the young guys on the roster will really develop into stars as well, so the company is in decent shape for the financial crisis.

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Any ideas what to do to manage BHOTWG's roster? The schedule change is interesting but being 20+ over the ideal roster size is crazy.


Split your roster in two between your Juniors and your Heavyweights. If need be, get two shows for each roster. Then bring them together for the monthly big event.

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Guest Asaemon
I'm not sure that i really like the idea of using the regular schedule, i'm thinking of going back to PGHW instead so that i can use the touring schedule. I kind of like having some breaks, and not running shows every month.
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I'm not sure that i really like the idea of using the regular schedule, i'm thinking of going back to PGHW instead so that i can use the touring schedule. I kind of like having some breaks, and not running shows every month.


Or change BHOTWG to touring again and interpret BHOTWG's western move as them trying to expand into NA.

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Guest Asaemon
Or change BHOTWG to touring again and interpret BHOTWG's western move as them trying to expand into NA.


That would be an option, together with reactivate the Hinote Dojo as an developement promotion and reactivate the King of Fighters title.

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That would be an option, together with reactivate the Hinote Dojo as an developement promotion and reactivate the King of Fighters title.


I think Burning Hammer definitely needs a child promotion to develop new talent, but I intend to go the route of opening a new one. It comes from an idea I was going to use for a Burning Hammer diary long ago, where I would open up a second child promotion, with the backstory that Hinote Dojo was steeped deep in tradition and some of those involved were highly against BH having any non-native talent trained there. Burning Hammer wants gaijin talent, especially if they are pushing to make a mark in the US, so I had them open a second dojo. With Burning Hammer moving away from traditional puro elements, I like the thought of them closing Hinote in part because of that fictional non-native bias, so they would open a new child company. I typically steak the Dragon Pro Wrestling logo from the ThunderVerse and run with that.

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Split your roster in two between your Juniors and your Heavyweights. If need be, get two shows for each roster. Then bring them together for the monthly big event.


Are you using an actual brand split for that?

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Guest Asaemon
I think Burning Hammer definitely needs a child promotion to develop new talent, but I intend to go the route of opening a new one. It comes from an idea I was going to use for a Burning Hammer diary long ago, where I would open up a second child promotion, with the backstory that Hinote Dojo was steeped deep in tradition and some of those involved were highly against BH having any non-native talent trained there. Burning Hammer wants gaijin talent, especially if they are pushing to make a mark in the US, so I had them open a second dojo. With Burning Hammer moving away from traditional puro elements, I like the thought of them closing Hinote in part because of that fictional non-native bias, so they would open a new child company. I typically steak the Dragon Pro Wrestling logo from the ThunderVerse and run with that.


I like that idea, that way you can use both Japanese and International workers in the child promotion.

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I think Burning Hammer definitely needs a child promotion to develop new talent, but I intend to go the route of opening a new one. It comes from an idea I was going to use for a Burning Hammer diary long ago, where I would open up a second child promotion, with the backstory that Hinote Dojo was steeped deep in tradition and some of those involved were highly against BH having any non-native talent trained there. Burning Hammer wants gaijin talent, especially if they are pushing to make a mark in the US, so I had them open a second dojo. With Burning Hammer moving away from traditional puro elements, I like the thought of them closing Hinote in part because of that fictional non-native bias, so they would open a new child company. I typically steak the Dragon Pro Wrestling logo from the ThunderVerse and run with that.


If not mistaken, someone has created a custom logo for BHOTWG-USA. Now with the expansion of dev territory features, it's time to put it to good use. :D t

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I tried to run BHOTWG last night and man, it is just a mess. No touring schedule plus a massively bloated roster makes booking a pain, and the auto-booker useless since it always leaves off four or five main eventers. Tetsuzan-san needs to do some serious roster pruning if he's going to adopt a western model. Or else run a brand split. Hey...they *do* happen to own the King of Fighters title...
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I tried to run BHOTWG last night and man, it is just a mess. No touring schedule plus a massively bloated roster makes booking a pain, and the auto-booker useless since it always leaves off four or five main eventers. Tetsuzan-san needs to do some serious roster pruning if he's going to adopt a western model. Or else run a brand split. Hey...they *do* happen to own the King of Fighters title...


Yea, I've a hard time getting into it yet; I always create a developmental territory and dumping a bunch of guys there.

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I haven't started up a Burning Hammer game yet, but I do intend to. The roster size does indeed look a bit cumbersome. Gotta keep those main guys happy. I usually do stables and a lot of multi-man matches, so that might help. I'm debating between Burning Hammer or TCW.


Making a B brand, whether you use the King of Fighters belt or the Hinote belts, has some potential. Getting a second show should be easy enough. That would keep the midcard and lower card happy and busy. But yeah, a developmental promotion seems like a must, especially if you raid BCG and the like.

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