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The BHOTWG Thread

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<p>This thread has been a great help and inspiration. Thank you to everyone who has contributed as you have made my own BHOTWG games a lot more fun! Derek B - I loved that write up of your own Burning Hammer save, it looks like it has become a huge juggernaut!</p><p> </p><p>

I only recently discovered the excellent CV 2010 Mod so I started a BHOTWG save as this was my favourite time period to play and BHOTWG are my favourite company to play as.</p><p> </p><p>

I changed some things about in the data beforehand to match the back story I had in my head as well as setting up the schedule to be 3 X 3 monthly tours. I also changed the big shows to Week 4 instead of Week 2 as this makes more sense to me. I added a new heavyweight tournament called the Burning Mountain which is my version of the G1 Climax. I created title history going back to 2007 with they idea that in my universe they decided to create this tournament in order to bring a bit more excitement to the heavyweight division after the INSPIRE exodus and also to try and create new heavyweight stars.</p><p> </p><p>

I picked The Great Avatar as my user character but I'm booking myself as a jobber at the moment as my character is more concerned about booking rather than his own career (similar to Gedo and Jado) although if I find the right partner for him I may have him go after the Junior Tag titles. I have nearly finished my first year in the save and currently I am on the road to Night of the Burning Hammer 2010.</p><p> </p><p>

In the main event Takkiuki Kikkawa has challenged Hiroaki Nakasawa for the Burning World Championship after winning the Burning Mountain tournament in August. However, should he lose the board have stated that he must retire the King Of Fighters title (which he still holds) for good. Both men have been booked super strong and largely been kept apart aside from a handful of multi man matches where neither man managed to get the upper hand in their brief in ring encounters. Nakasawa lost the World Championship at Night of the Burning Hammer 2009 to last year’s Burning Mountain winner Tasaku Iesada. This topped off an absolutely shocking year which saw the previous INSPIRE deserters return to the company more dominant than ever. Nakasawa managed to earn himself a title shot and defeat Iesada at Quest of Heart in July. While he avenged the previous loss and helped redeem himself, he still had Kikkawa in his sights. Depsite currently holding the Burning World Championship and vanquishing a returning Buddy Garner in his first defence, it is widely felt that he cannot call himself the company ace until he defeats Kikkawa at Night of the Burning Hammer. Kikkawa and his INSPIRE teammates have been nearly unstoppable. Aside from Kikkawa destroying all challengers for his King of Fighters belt, which he has held since 2009, his four stable mates have also been hugely successful. Tasaku Iesada held the Burning World Championship for the first half of the year before losing it to Nakasawa at Quest of Heart in July. Okazaki and Mike Watson won the inaugural World Tag League tournament in March and went onto capture the World Tag Team championships in April before dropping them to a resurgent Rebellion at Sword of Destiny last month.</p><p> </p><p>

In the co main event, Black Cobra, fresh off of winning the 2010 Best of the Super Juniors tournament in October (his second) has challenged the reigning Burning Junior champion Sensational Dragon in what will be their first one on one match in nearly two years. Cobra spent the first half of the year with his teammate Super Joshuya feuding with Elemental III and Marahito Masuko over the Junior Tag titles. He then managed to win an openweight tournament for a shot at Kikkawa’s King of Fighters belt. Despite giving Kikkawa one of the closest matches since his return to BHOTWG he came up short but at the same time he demonstrated that he’s no slouch when it comes to wrestling heavyweights and, if he bulks up sufficiently, he won’t look out of place if he ultimately decides to move up. For the mean time, however, he has turned his attention back to the Junior division and his quest to regain the Junior Championship. In what was perhaps one of the biggest shocks of the year, Sensational Dragon decided to join INSPIRE after being hand-picked by Kikkawa himself to be their Junior representative. Although Dragon is seen as one of the most self-centred and arrogant wrestlers in the history of the company, even he was smart enough to realise that this was the best thing for his career. Joining the hottest stable in Japan has led to increased exposure, fame and fortune which is what he ultimately wants. He has held onto the Burning Junior Championship since Night of the Burning Hammer 2009 last December with successful defences this year against the likes of Elemental III, Marahito Masuko, Super Joshuya and Golden Scorpion. Despite all of this success, he did come up short in this year’s Best of the Super Juniors so the pressure is firmly on him to defeat Black Cobra.</p><p> </p><p>

It would take me hours to write about the other storylines and the matches on the rest of the card but so far the card for Night of The Burning Hammer is as follows.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Burning World Championship</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Hiroaki Nakasawa © vs Tadiuki Kikkawa – If Kikkawa loses he must retire the King of Fighers championship for good!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Burning Junior Championship</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Sensational Dragon © vs Black Cobra – The best of the best in the Junior division face off in the biggest match of their careers so far!</p><p>


Burning World Tag Championship</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The Rebellion © vs Black Magic – The two best tag teams in the company battle for supremacy!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Burning Junior Tag Championship</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Scorpion & Kiyaru vs Venom & Shiomi vs Kokan & Konda vs The Cali Dragons – A four way tag match to showcase the most exciting teams in the division!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Loser Must Leave BHOTWG</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Mike Watson vs Buddy Garner - There has been a lot of bad blood between these two since Garner joined earlier in the year. They have been involved in some of the most brutal matches this year with their head to head record currently sitting at 1-1-1. Shoot Fight Rules are in effect for this match in order to try and cash in on the two competitors MMA fame. Victory can only take place via stoppage or submission, no elbows are allowed and knocked down fighters will be given a standing eight count. There is no time limit which means there must be a winner! The loser will be fired from BHOTWG!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Grudge Match</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Kinnojo Horri vs Tasaku Iesada – Horri feels that Iesada and INSPIRE should never have returned and are taking away the chances from younger wrestlers like him who carried the company on their backs when the INSPIRE deserters left. Iesada wants to prove that he is still the best in ring worker in the company and wants to get one step closer to regaining the World Championship he lost in the summer. Whoever wins this will certainly be in consideration for the first title shot next year.</p><p> </p><p>

Plus more TBC! <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<p>Interesting stuff. I never played TEW 2010 so not totally familiar with what's happening during CV10. Are you going to make any attempts to get back old man Kudo? </p><p> </p><p>

Honestly most of that Night of the Burning Hammer card could probably be happening in 2015. Any big changes you got in mind towards changing them from their 2016 fate?</p>

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<p>So I'm about half-way thru February in a new Burning Hammer save. As with the previous one, I switched to a touring schedule. I also opened up on a developmental company, but only one instead of 2. Went a little easier on the signings, but probably still over-signed. At least quite a few are on touring deals. </p><p> </p><p>

Currently running three weekly tour shows, plus the weekly TV show. Four shows in a week is a LOT, but its pretty slick to book so far. Using a backstory that the company announced the switch to a regular Western-style schedule late in 2015 and got such a backlash that they cancelled the plan. While I was tempted to emulate the backstory that TigerKinney did for his last BHOTWG project by creating a history of tournaments, I decided instead to use the idea that BH creates the Kitozon Summit Grand Prix as way to placate fans (with the idea that fans love tournaments but Burning Hammer does them rarely, aside from the Super Juniors, as they are convoluted to book and "too set" in structure). From there, the KSGP will become an annual event. Will also be adding a tag league and probably a junior tag league. </p><p> </p><p>

So the KSGP is a full round robin tournament of 20 wrestlers. 2 blocks of 10 wrestlers. 2 points for a win, 1 for a draw. I kept Kikkawa out of it, but he keeps pretty active on the tour shows. The intent will be for the winner of Block A face the Winner of Block B, possibly on the March PPV event. Block A is almost certainly going to be Nakasawa, who will probably win the whole thing and face Kikkawa at some point. But much like the G1, this is great for creating feuds going forward, shifting dynamics, etc. Heihachiro Sakai has been doing better than I expected and his popularity is jumping, so this will likely be the start of him pushing past Ieseda and Okazaki (both of whom are declining) in the Army pecking order.... but also creates the possibility of him trying to usurp Kikkawa at some point. That dynamic could take 2-3 years to play out. Yay Japan!</p><p> </p><p>

The volume of shows might drop after the Grand Prix ends. I added the third tour show per week partly because of having more space for GP matches but also to add to the finances as we are losing a bit of money. That might be offset by the PPV but haven't hit that point yet to be sure. I also toyed with the idea of adding a B TV show to give some of the lower card more of the spotlight. If I can afford to drop the third tour show, I might go that route. </p><p> </p><p>

The one product change I've made is dropping the match-angle ratio to 90%, so I can run a couple of angles. So far its mostly been Kikkawa on the mic, but will do one or two others. Especially on the TV episodes. </p><p> </p><p>

Another story I'm running with is a reunion of The Rebellion, and they will be taking Toshitala and the Keith brothers under their wing as one last run. Both Miyamae and Shimedzu are declining so this seemed like a good way to see them out the door beyond jobbing. Was tempted to do the same with Sanda and Hamacho, possibly with the Warrior Engine trio that are on touring deals. I have an over-elaborate backstory on why Greg Keith decided to join, in case I ever turned this into a diary project lol</p><p> </p><p>

Tried not to over-structure the shows, at least so far. So not doing something too set - like 5 GP matches, 2 Super Juniors, 2 tag/multi-tag and one singles. Don't want to over-formula the booking, at least at this point. Do feel like I'm under-using the Super Juniors a bit. The big four get matches quite frequently but others not as much. A lot of the SJs just below the top four are older and a couple are declining, so much like the tag division, a bit of rebuilding is required here. The Four Pillars of Super Junior Heaven make it less of a priority. </p><p> </p><p>

Some random thoughts.....</p><p> </p><p>

-as mentioned, the heavyweight tag division needs some resurrection. I haven't moved the belts yet but given how far Shibanumo is into time-decline, it will happen soon. Just haven't settled on who gets them. I've added some gaijin teams - The Ring Generals are in on a touring contract. Findlay and Bulldozer need more popularity, but I've rebranded them (now Barrage and Gunner). Right now, the idea I'm liking best is having The Rebellion win them, and lose them a few months down the road to Toshitala and Keith. </p><p> </p><p>

-definitely bloated the roster. But given the decline of a lot of talent and considering that many additions are just on touring deals, it doesn't bother me much. Yet, at least. Brought in a few good young workers who are loyal to other promotions - like Bunrakuken Tori, Funashoki, etc. I stole Eien Miyamoto and Totoya from PGHW, with the latter going to development. Miyamoto was even given a slot in the Grand Prix and looks to be a really strong worker for Burning Hammer. Also took Shingen Miyazaki from GCG, who will really just be a realiable midcard worker rather than future star. Held off on signing up Samoan Machine and Rhino Umaga, but still debating that one lol</p><p> </p><p>

-as mentioned, I'm having some fun rebranding workers. California Love Machine is working in development as American Optimus II. I just grabbed Marcel LaFleur to be Black Cobra II (as a bonus, he is Duane Stone's apprentice). Mr. Lucha III became Burning Tiger under a different mask. Switched up Bulldozer Brandon and Findlay, as mentioned. I'm not familiar enough with New Japan to try to emulate with workers, but I may have signed Kirk Jameson to be an American Zack Sabre, and he got rebranded as Rayne Nelson, aka Hard Rayne. </p><p> </p><p>

I'm really enjoying Burning Hammer so far. On so many saves, I'm looking forward to one particular aspect - whether its building up a couple particular workers, booking one storyline, a story arc for a major star - but having to deal with "the rest" creates a booking jam that I don't enjoy and that kills my interest. With this one, I feel like I'm anticipating a lot more than just one or two elements. I'm looking forward to building up that Kikkawa-Nakasawa clash. I'm looking forward to building up Sakai. I'm looking forward to see what other under-30 guys with potential can become stars. I'm looking forward to building up the Keith wins into an eventual Burning Championship feud. I'm looking forward to building up the Super Juniors, and to rebuilding the tag division, and all of it. The only downside is having to try to do things gradually, as is the way in Japan, and possibly the volume of shows (appealing and unappealing at the same time lol).</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Bigpapa42" data-cite="Bigpapa42" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41359" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>--</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> How long are your touring shows and how many matches do you tend to run on them? I know you're not going with a formula but I'm assuming you made a ton of starting stables to at least make it easier to book those shows? When does the KSGP winner get to challenge for the title and is it a guaranteed title shot or just when it makes for a compelling challenge? </p><p> </p><p> Sakai feels pretty deceptive. He's got some great technical skills but in the entire CVerse, the only wrestlers with better puroresu than him are PRIDE Koiso, Kozue Kawashima and Eisaku Kunomasu. I imagine Sakai isn't done growing while Koiso and Kunomasu are near or are declining so really his only rival as the best Puroresu guy in the world is Kozue. Sakai is some SQ/Charisma away for being such a perfect Ace. </p><p> </p><p> I think lowering Angle/Match ratio to 90% is something I'll do too. One thing you could do, for story purposes, is just run a lot more angles on the B show (if you get one) where grades and angle/match ration won't really matter. </p><p> </p><p> Greg Gauge is a hard to resist signing, can't blame you. Is Matthew teaming more with Greg or with Toshitala? Findlay/Bulldozer are great. Ring Generals are great too. Obviously Torii/Funakoshi are amazing and could easily come permanently if the tsunami works its magic. I'd definitely recommend finding a new The Awesome Kiyaru, man deserves to have his mask inherited. Are you gonna go for an Optimus II as well? </p><p> </p><p> I'm curious as to if you've signed any of the native gems that aren't loyal: Tsuchie, Razan, Tsuneyo, etc.? </p><p> </p><p> Anyways, BHOTWG is very fun and watching the G1 come to an end has given me much inspiration.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jon The GOAT" data-cite="Jon The GOAT" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41359" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>How long are your touring shows and how many matches do you tend to run on them? I know you're not going with a formula but I'm assuming you made a ton of starting stables to at least make it easier to book those shows? When does the KSGP winner get to challenge for the title and is it a guaranteed title shot or just when it makes for a compelling challenge? <p> </p><p> Sakai feels pretty deceptive. He's got some great technical skills but in the entire CVerse, the only wrestlers with better puroresu than him are PRIDE Koiso, Kozue Kawashima and Eisaku Kunomasu. I imagine Sakai isn't done growing while Koiso and Kunomasu are near or are declining so really his only rival as the best Puroresu guy in the world is Kozue. Sakai is some SQ/Charisma away for being such a perfect Ace. </p><p> </p><p> I think lowering Angle/Match ratio to 90% is something I'll do too. One thing you could do, for story purposes, is just run a lot more angles on the B show (if you get one) where grades and angle/match ration won't really matter. </p><p> </p><p> Greg Gauge is a hard to resist signing, can't blame you. Is Matthew teaming more with Greg or with Toshitala? Findlay/Bulldozer are great. Ring Generals are great too. Obviously Torii/Funakoshi are amazing and could easily come permanently if the tsunami works its magic. I'd definitely recommend finding a new The Awesome Kiyaru, man deserves to have his mask inherited. Are you gonna go for an Optimus II as well? </p><p> </p><p> I'm curious as to if you've signed any of the native gems that aren't loyal: Tsuchie, Razan, Tsuneyo, etc.? </p><p> </p><p> Anyways, BHOTWG is very fun and watching the G1 come to an end has given me much inspiration.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Think I mentioned it before, but I actually signed up for New Japan World so I could watch the G1. I only signed up about 10 days ago, so I'm only on night 6, but watching thru as a I can. Its definitely inspirational when it comes to TEW.</p><p> </p><p> I thought it might be too long when I first tried out Burning Hammer, but I have set the tour shows to be 3 hours and that seems to work pretty well. Its usually around 10 matches. I'm generally doing between 4 and 6 Grand Prix matches and try to fit in at least two Super Junior matches. But I do try to mix it up. </p><p> </p><p> I have a Sakai re-render with silver hair that definitely gives me an Okada vibe, but his SQ is a bit below that. Cutting promos with Kikkawa should help the charisma. But definitely hoping he develops into that ace level, even if he never actually becomes the figurehead. He might have a killer destiny roll here because he has moved up in pop rather quickly so far. </p><p> </p><p> The KSGP will get a huge money prize (kayfabe) and a title shot at the Burning Championship, but I don't think it will be locked in for a certain event. </p><p> </p><p> So far, the Rebellion Version 2.0 is going to be Toshitala teaming moreso with Matthew. This is partly because they start with better tag experience, but also because it creates some fun dynamics. A synopsis of the Keith Brothers backstory is that they didn't sign with a promotion together because they didn't want to get lumped together as a team. BH teases it a bit and they will tag together, but not as a regular thing. Fans all want to see it, but it will all be moreso about creating dynamics for future feuds between them. </p><p> </p><p> Would definitely be looking for more angles on a B show. If a worker can pull a B grade on an interview angle, it just helps with their momentum. </p><p> </p><p> I hadn't thought of Kiyaru II. Some fun possibilities for the name, TBH. And another Optimus is definitely a consideration, but its finding the right worker. Someone who is not just going to be a great worker but has the Star Quality to boot. I might wait to see what the game generates as I have new worker generation on high. </p><p> </p><p> Speaking of new worker generation, I did add the dojo graduate from my first save as a future worker and the game also gave me another Hinote graduate - his Performance skills are, no joke, A Basics, F Psychology, A Safety, F Consistency, and A Selling. WTF TEW? I doubt he develops into anything, but will be fun to see. </p><p> </p><p> I hoovered up any younger worker who seemed like they could have some potential and they are all in developmental right now. Razan and the like. Taku is one of the only ones who started on the main roster. Someone like Razan didn't REALLY need to start in developmental, but I figure it will bump his skills pretty quick so no harm. </p><p> </p><p> One small trick that I forgot to mention... done if for awhile for tournament matches and such. But I created new matches that standard, except for having Name Value, and then adding Super Junior or Grand Prix match (with separate ones for each block). The latter makes it much easier looking back at an event and seeing which were Grand Prix matches. The Super Junior thing is similar, but I find it helps with booking. On prior Burning Hammer saves, I found I was sometimes mixing lower level super juniors in with heavyweights. Somehow, the SJ matches having a visible label makes me be more careful when booking them. And I can also see very clearly if I'm not really giving the SJs enough on a show.</p>
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Interesting stuff. I never played TEW 2010 so not totally familiar with what's happening during CV10. Are you going to make any attempts to get back old man Kudo?


Honestly most of that Night of the Burning Hammer card could probably be happening in 2015. Any big changes you got in mind towards changing them from their 2016 fate?


With regard to Kudo, no. He appears to be deep into time decline, athough he is still putting on respectable matches in GCG. I'll leave him be. I brought back Hoshino for a short stint and it went well so I might use him sparingly over the next few years to put over my future top guys.


With regard to changes, I don't really like how BHOTWG switched to a regular schedule so I'm definitely keeping them as a touring company. The three one month long breaks every year give me time to come up with fresh ideas between tours and jiggle the roster around a bit. It also gives workers time to recover (I'm having bad luck with niggling injuries in this save so the breaks mean that workers have time to get back to 100%).


I would recommend checking out the 2010 data, it's definitely my favourite. TCW are another awesome company to play as during this time.

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<p>So Sword of Destiny is in the books now. Which means I am almost 3 full weeks into shows. 12 done. But they are booking pretty slick. </p><p> </p><p>

The PPV was pretty solid, though not outstanding. The thing that made me happiest was making $1.6m from PPV buys. I copied Jon and moved up to the bigger PPV provider, also on an Early Evening slot as I wanted to be sure I could . Also drew 23K. Was down almost $2m as I'm slowly losing money on the tour shows, but this put me back up over the $25m mark. I can probably drop the third tour show. Which would be a positive, since I've got 5 workers listed on the Medical screen as being exhausted. </p><p> </p><p>

I did somehow manage to mess up the tag title match on the PPV. Meant to have the reunited Rebellion go over and take the belts but that didn't happen. Guess Aggressively Mediocre get another month with those straps.</p><p> </p><p>

Avoided having any Grand Prix matches on the PPV. Filled the undercard with a few fun multi-tags that graded okay. The intent is to have the Grand Pix done by the next PPV so the final can be on that card. Almost certain that Nakasawa is going to top Block A and probably win the whole thing. Block B is a bit more open. Nakasawa doesn't really need the cred, but its a nice way to build him up to that big showdown with Kikkawa. Saiki's strong showing means he probably gets the GP win in 2017 and sets up a big showdown with Kikkawa. Long-term view. </p><p> </p><p>

Nakasawa and Sakai have both gone up in popularity a decent amount. Elemental III as well. Horri, even in losing to Kikkawa, gained a few points. Lots of the lowest pop workers on the card went up in pop but that's just that mechanic working. Toshusai went down a couple points off of some GP losses and even a PPV win didn't bump it back up. Wondering if he might have the opposite destiny roll as Sakai. </p><p> </p><p>

Feels like I've done a lot in this save... but not even really through 3 weeks of the actually booking. Very much enjoying, if you can't tell by the walls of text. The roster is big and a bit bloated, but I feel like I have a reasonable handle on it. I might keep the third weekly tour show for the moment so I can ensure I don't lag behind on the Grand Prix matches, then drop it when I can and instead add a B show to give the lower card folks a platform. </p><p> </p><p>

Meant to mention yesterday... I went into the 2013 Burning Hammer thread that I started and saw an idea that I had forgot about. Mentioned that I'm looking for legacy workers for some of the great Super Juniors, but you can also go with "alt" versions instead of legacy. American Optimus is a alternate version of Optimus, rather than a legacy. But you could have Dark Elemental, Dragon Optimus, and so on. But you still need legit talent to ensure they are "worthy". But that's another approach I will likely take with newer SJs. </p><p> </p><p>

Also a question, which I did ask in the Booking Committee thread. So there is a retired Openweight title as well as the King of Fighters title. I could buy the Hinote Dojo titles (and likely will). But anyone have suggestions for a mid-card title for the heavyweights that is a bit different in name but not necessarily too restrictive in its function? Skywalker suggested a Submission title, which would be neat but rather restrictive. Hashasheen suggested using the Hinote Dojo titles, which I very much intent to do but likely to give the B show a "headline". So any suggestions on titles?</p>

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I think I saw that Sakai re-render but it just didn't grab me for what I saw for Sakai so I didn't take it. I intend to run a lot more promos on a B-Show, and possibly using the pre-show and post-show to simulate the press conferences and post-match interviews NJPW does.


I didnt notice the Matthew/Greg not wanting to team bit, but I want them to pair up so bad. I hope they work for the same promotion next CV.


I didnt realize a B grade or more can help with a worker momentum. Even if you don't put it as a success?


Kiyaru 100% deserves it, he's easily up there with both eras in terms of what he's done, and again, arguably bigger than both for dominating in each and in the tag division where no one else has.




Depending on the way you view the KSGP, I think anyone can do with the KSGP cred even if they've got past success like Nakasawa, especially in a company where the Burning World title reigns are extremely long and pretty much 50% dominated by Kikkawa.


As for title suggestions, I've gone none, I fully intend on bringing back Burning Openweight & King of Fighters #spoiler. But the Hinote Dojo All-Japan is a really good shout that I'd consider bringing in. You could steal the name though and just call it Burning All-Japan Heavyweight championship.


With regard to Kudo, no. He appears to be deep into time decline, athough he is still putting on respectable matches in GCG. I'll leave him be. I brought back Hoshino for a short stint and it went well so I might use him sparingly over the next few years to put over my future top guys.


With regard to changes, I don't really like how BHOTWG switched to a regular schedule so I'm definitely keeping them as a touring company. The three one month long breaks every year give me time to come up with fresh ideas between tours and jiggle the roster around a bit. It also gives workers time to recover (I'm having bad luck with niggling injuries in this save so the breaks mean that workers have time to get back to 100%).


I would recommend checking out the 2010 data, it's definitely my favourite. TCW are another awesome company to play as during this time.


I don't think anyone likes Western schedule BHOTWG, xD think I might be the only one going through with that schedule.

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I don't think the Greg & Matthew not-teaming thing is canon. Its more like... inferred canon? I think someone posted about it a couple years ago and it made a ton of sense, so I've basically run with it. Consider that Sam Keith was a global star that has no real world comparison. He was a world champion in the SWF (world's biggest promotion), BHOTWG (Japan's biggest), CGC, and MPWF (at least I think he was in the last one). And not just a world champion but an actual draw. There is not really a real world comparison, partly because world titles are a bit weird in Mexico and Canada doesn't have a scene like it does in the Cverse. Vader is probably closest, but I don't know if the European titles he won really compare. So this major globe-trotting star has two sons who are basically clones of his talent level. And they are twins. Both equally talented, with no notable negatives at all. Since the were first introduced to the Cverse as future workers, they have been widely loved and almost everyone has always signed both and put them together. Because why wouldn't you? You have this legacy talent who is as sure-thing as you find, and there are actually two of them. Why would you hire one but not the other? Realistically, maybe not even promoter would want them as a team, but quite a few would. And there is no indication they had any interest in doing that. They took separate paths. No reason to think they HAD to, so its a choice. They want to forge their own ways, individually. So there may not be any in-game canon to explicitly state they turned down offers to sign as a pair and team up for TCW, or NOTBPOW, or anyone.... but it just strikes me as unlikely to have NOT happened. And that's where the backstory comes from. Its completely unnecessary, especially in a non-diary game, but the canon is part of what I love most about the Cverse so..... its fun.


Well, strong angles definitely help with momentum in other types of promotions. I can't say 100% that it does in Burning Hammer's product.... but I would expect so. I'm not sure if success level in the angle matters. I've used angles that grab easy strong grades for workers not in storylines at all and had them get positive momentum going it without wrestling at all, so....


I think there are a couple of unused mask renders with masks similar enough to be a Kiyaru legacy. I could flat out re-use his render but... don't love doing that. Now.... how to go about the name. Amazing Kitaryu.... Dark Kiyaru.... Dragon Kiyaru.... Animal Kiyaru... Zero Kiyaru.... Hmmm....


What I meant was that Nakasawa doesn't really need the KSGP win. Not to prove himself as a legit challenger Kikkawa's title nor to prove himself in Burning Hammer. He's more than done that all already. But having him - and Ino, and Hoshino, etc - in it definitely helps establish the Grand Prix as important. My backstory idea is that Burning Hammer has often held tournaments besides the BOSJ, but none as a regular thing. Some were throwaway ones and some were bigger - top four contenders to the Burning Championship, etc. To make it clear this is something different, they need big names. The second half of booking it should be fun as I've held off on a few of the bigger matches that can easily headline a tour show.


I'm awful glad I emulated Derek and am using the spreadsheet to track the Grand Prix. Getting the match grade averages is a nice touch for helping to see quite quickly who is under forming and should be left out for next year.


Thinking that once I wrap up the Grand Prix, I will look to start the junior tag tournament in mid-March. Just not totally settled on the format. Did a bit of research and it looks like the NJ Junior Tag League is an 8-team straight elimination tournament. Easy enough to book. The HW Tag League is round-robin but mostly single block. All Japan has done single block and double block for the HW league but only single block for the Junior version. Noah has done both, which surprised me a bit as I always feel like they have the smaller roster. Guess I can figure out how many teams I want to include and go from there. I just don't want to get over-ambitious and run out of time to finish it before the tour ends.


Yeah, I'd probably flip the name. And I really could just use the Openweight title instead of coming up with something new.

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Hey hey hey, sorry I've not been posting in here much but I tend to post large amounts fairly infrequently rather than little and often. :p


A wwhie back I mentioned I had a few legacy types on my roster with Dark Eagle II and Silver Shark II... those are straight up legacy regens as both have retired in my game. Dark Eagle II started off pretty awfu in my game but after a year in Mexican development he's solid now and has been called up for some advanced Young Lion work to see if he can turn into an actual good worker. Silver Shark II just got a mentor in American Optimus (who himself just hit time decline in 2019) and is doing full on Young Lion duties... I can sort of picture him in a full Shark Boy style body suit, but with the young lion black trunks/black boots on top of it. :p


As for other legacies, I've been looking through development talent to see who could potentially take on the mantles of Black Cobra, The Awesome Kiyaru (who might be a legacy), Elemental and Optimus. With there already being an American Optimus I'm considering a multinational alliance of Optimus characters, like Canadian Optimus, English Optimus and so on.... Elemental IV (potentially) would likely be around to further the Truth Elemental story too, with ANOTHER successor to the character that should belong to him just throwing more fuel on the fire. I have a handful of other new talents I've given characters to, mostly masked generated workers, but many of them have already shown some significant weaknesses in development... like super low technical skills caps (I'd consider Optimus to require tech skills and be able to be a heel), low resilience or rubbish star quality... so we'll see if I find anyone I think could continue a legacy. I'm tempted to turn Kamikaze heel by turning on Elemental III and maybe becoming Canadian Optimus....


Regarding adding new titles, I straight up stole from NJPW and created the Intercontinental title as a secondary main event belt with slightly relaxed restrictions (Lightweight and up). I made it an alliance title too, which has given me a few interesting booking decisions when TCW put the belt on Troy Tornado (in decline) and about a year later on El Aborotador Confiado, who has become one of TCW's top talents since leaving SOTBPW. :eek: Over time I've also accrued the GCG titles, which I still have active and controlled by Hooded Kudo's booking decisions as part of the deal we struck to buy out the compant in the first place. At least in kayfabe terms. We also picked up the 21CW title when we bought them out to go Internatiional.... but I unified the world and tag belts with our main ones, leaving Leigh Burton with the UK title as a way to help him get over as the third man in the Cornell Dynasty. I also added the tournament titles as previouslly mentioned... the Summit Challenge, the Jr Tag League, the Heavyweight Tag League and the Kitozon Cup (64 person tournament). The alliance also has a Trios title that I recently added, along with a Women's title (my child companies have lots of female talent) and a Territorial title that will only ever appear on my World War shows, and often not even those... so yeah, we have a lot of titles here and yet it seems that somehow we don't have enough. There are more in our child companies too, with most of them set up for Junior and Heavyweight divisions... I plan to have the various champions from each of those qualify for my major tournaments, and now that my own network ha decent coverage in Japan they will actually come in with enough overness for that to work. :D


Going over to Matthew Keith and Greg Gauge... I've been keeping them apart for more than 3 years, with them only having one properly competitive match together in 2018's Heavyweight Tag League, which went to a time limit draw (rated 100). The rest of their limited clashes have been stable based matches where Greg and Matthew have generally been kept apart. They respect each other as brothers and sons of a legend, they've been going their own way and doing their own thing in order to forge their own path. Matthew is the top talent in Rebellion-Gun, having learned a lot from Miyamae and Shimedzu before they left for WLW (I let both go), being a two time Intercontinental champion on the way... meanwhile Greg is in Tempest Society and ha recently won the 21CW UK title from Leigh Burton... he has the potential to be great but seems to be satisfied to be an underling for now, but I have plans to have him challenge for a leadership role in future even though he ranks far behind Angry Gilmore (former World champion) and KC Glenn (Junior ace of the company).. I'm not exactly sure where this story is going yet, but I think I could end up doing a stable split of Tempest Society down the line.... I might FINALLY pull the trigger on Gauge vs Keith for Night Of The Burning Hammer 2020, but I love the fact that I keep finding ways to stop myself booking this match and knowning that I have it in my pocket. :D


And now, the thing I'm most excited about because I've not actually picked a winner yet. The Summit Challenge 2019 (Be A Survivor! :p ). The real life G1 has just finished and now it's my turn to book the big tournament... the last couple of years has seen a number of Junior wrestlers in the 20 man field but in February Tadiyuki Kikkawa has re-emerged in the company following his defeat at Night Of The Burning Hammer that led to the dissolution of the Kikkawa Army and seemingly, his retirement. He announced the majority of the field for the Summit Challenge and declared that if a Junior wrestlers wanted to compete in the heavyweight division they had to do so full time, not just when it suited them. This has upset the Junior division massively, with only Razan Okamoto qualifying through a successful defence of the Burning Intercontinental title. Kitozon Cup winner and unpinned, un-submitted "Rough Justice" Tommy Cornell opted not to take part in the Summit Challenge (citing that Kikkawa himself did the same thing last year), he will have his Burning World title match in April after the tournament... the blocks have been drawn... 2 groups of 10 men will face off against each other once each... 2 points for a win, 1 for a loss, 0 for a defeat.... the winners of each block face each other in the final... here is a quick run down of the characters involved and how they got here. :)




Greg Gauge (Tempest Society) – Defeated Fujio Narahashi to qualify. Reigning 21st Century United Kingdom champion. Technically brilliant but less successful than his brother and seems more inclined to cheat when the pressure is on rather than to push himself harder He's looking to establish himself as one of BHOTWG's elite talents and winning hi first singles title in the company should be a major step towards this goal. One thing he has in his favour is that he seems to take pleasure in hurting people, causing numerous minor injuries to people on the roster. If he can channel that, he can be a danger to anyone. (Popularity 90, World Rank #16)


Heihachiro Sakai – Automatic qualifier. 2 time Burning World champion, winner of the first Kitozon Cup in 2016 and defeated Tadiyuki Kikkawa himsef at Night Of The Burning Hammer 2018 to disband the Kikkawa Army. Sakai has been one of the best wrestlers in the world over the last 5 years with many accolades coming his way. Always able to step up for a big fight and go blow for blow or hold for hold with anyone, Sakai has been key to the rise of Hitomaro Suzuki, first by helping recruit him to the Kikkawa Army and by teaming with him since the group disbanded. He has proven himself as an elite talent but has yet to get what he wants... a win in the main event of Night Of The Burning Hammer. (Popularity 90, World Rank #45)


Hiroyasu Gakusha (Golden Lions) – Automatic qualifier. 5 time GCG champion and leader of the Golden Lions. Gakusha should be a legend but the relative lack of exposure has stopped him from reaching the heights that BHOTWG stars ascend to. With Mabuchi Furusawa pressuring and questioing his leadership, going so far as to lead a beatdown on Namboku Makuda that saw him leave the company, Gakusha is looking to re-assert his dominance and shoot for the biggest prize he can... not the GCG title currently held by Funakoshi, but the Summit Challenge and the Burninng World title. (Popularity 90, World Rank #40)


Hitomaro Suzuki – Defeated Takayuki 2000 to qualify. A man who was seemingly lost in the Japanese wilderness was rescued from obscurity by joining the Kikkawa Army in 2017 when the need for new blood was needed. He quickly won over the fans with his hard hitting technical style but Kikkawa himself was unimpressed, often ignoring him and simply using him as a warm body to protect him from others. Heihachiro Sakai saw so much more and personally invested his time in him, which has seen Suzuki rapidly rising up the ranks just as Sakai did before him. This is Suzuki's first Summit Challenge and he will be looking to make a major mark, particularly when he goes against Sakai in what is sure to be a fantastic match between two of the company's best younger top talents. (Popularity 75, World Rank #49)


Kirk Jameson (OMG!) - Defeated Tadakuni Toshusai to qualify. Perhaps the most under-rated man on the BHOTWG roster, Kirk has bee the crown jewel of the group known as OMG! Vainglorious and egocentric, the entire group revolves around how good looking they are and reminds some fans of Derek Zoolander and his model friends... Kirk shocked the "King Of Shocks" Tadakuni Toshusai himself to get into the tournament, with their leader Pretty Okakusa promiing that anything can happen when you have this many good looking people around. A total wildcard, anything can happen with his inclusion. (Popularity: 90, World Rank #110)


Raymond Diaz – Automatic qualifier. Reigning GCG Openweight champion. With some fans believing that PGHW had let Diaz go due to being "in decine", Diaz has taken BHOTWG by storm in his 18 months with the company, delivering stellar matches against a variety of opponents during his lengthy run as Openweight champion. Currently the longest reigning singles champion in the company, Diaz finished 2018 on the hottest streak of his career and has earned countless accolades for his brutal brawling. Working regularly with nephew Logan Wolfsbaine and his tag partner Viktor Beskov, Diaz has also used his influence to have his son James be accepted as a Young Lion for BHOTWG. This fountain of youth in his life seems to hav fuelled his passioin for wrestling more than ever, and with no legit challengers left for his title he will be sure to aim for a bigger prize in this tournament. (Popularity 90, World Rank #3)


Razan Okamoto – Automatic qualifier. Reigning Burning Intercontinental champion. Having successfully defended the IC title, he technically qualified automatically for entry despire Tadiyuki Kikkawa's "No Juniors" rule. With the weight of an entire division on his shoulders, particularly with this title reign being his first major championship, Razan's coolness under pressure and desire to succeed will be tested to the very limits. No Junior has won the competition though Sensational Dragon and KC Glenn have had a lot of success in previous years... failure will see no end of challengers for a title he barely managed to keep away from TANK Fugunaga... success will surely only infuriate Kikkawa in his leadership role.... just how far can the rising star go in his first Summit Challennge? (Popularity 90, World Rank #6)


Tatsuya Toshitala (Rebellion-Gun) – Defeated Shooter Sean Deeley to qualify. The second heavyweight of Rebellion-Gun, Toshitala has mostly forged his reputation as a stellar tag team performer in what is perhaps the company's second best team, alongside Matthew Keith. A defeat to Keith in the Kitozon Cup's last 16 dashed his dreams of success there, but thrust him into a qualifying match against Deeley that saw Tatsuya manage to outwrestle the amatuer stand out. Looking to give himself some major success and launch his career to the next level, the Summit Challenge could be his first championship in BHOTWG. (Popularity 90, World Rank #10)


Yasuhiko Taira (NEO) – Automatic qualifier. A hugely decorated veteran, "Bulldozer" Yasuhiko Taira has been the most decorated heavyweight in the company over the last few years, winning the Burning World title twice (3 reigns total), the 2017 Sumit Challenge, 2016 Heavyweight Tag League, Burning World Tag titles (third reign) and the 2017 Wrestler Of The Yeard Award (runner up 2018). Considered by most to be the leader of NEO, even though they themselves say there is no leader, Taira has only suffered rare defeats in the last few years, though is most recenrly rebounding from a failed attempt to regain the Burning World title from Hiroaki Nakasawa, who defeated him for that very title in the main event of 2018's Night Of The Burning Hammer. One of the favourites to win for a reason, some of the most exciting tournament matches will see him have an ultra physical brawl with Raymond Diaz and clash with NEO ally and tag partner, Yasunobu Masuno. (Popularity 95, World Rank #2)


Yasunobu Masuno (NEO) – Automatic qualifier. Perhaps the greatest under-achiever in BHOTWG history, Masuno has all the tools to be a champion and yet hasn't held a singles championship in more than 6 years, despite several challenges. His recent form has been fanastic though, finding a new level of aggression that has seen his Torture Rack submission pic up multiple wins over a number of foes. The addition of a dragon sleeper has seen him find new ways to hurt people, though using his power of technique to fuel his submission game has raised questions from the more technical minded wrestlers on the roster. With several technique based wrestlers in his block, along with many of the most powerful, Masuno has all the weapons to do well but many question whether he has the mindset to bring it all together. Can he finally achieve his true potential? (Popularity 90, World Rank #17)






Angry Gilmore (Tempest Society) – Automatic qualifier. The leader of Tempest Society, former SWF champion, Best Of Super Juniors and Burning World champion (among other accolades), Gilmore has proven himself to be an elite talent with exceptional leadership skills and global influence. BHOTWG has never quite been able to handle Gilmore's unique mind, often being one step behind him and leading to many conflicts. Gilmore recently wormed his way into BHOTWG's Hawaii debut but lost in front of more than 20,000 fans to Hiroaki Nakasawa. Looking to do better than his runner up position in 2017's Summit Challennge, Gilmore will be sure to be coming up with all kinds of plans to give himself victories, and will not be afraid to use everything and everyone at his disposal. (Popularity 90, World Rank #18)


Atsumori Takemura (Battle Forged) – Defeated Toju Munkata. The protege of the legendary Hiroaki Nakasawa, Atsumori has benefitted greatly from working closely with his mentor as part of Battle Forged, winning the Heavweight Tag League in 2017 and he World Tag titles later the same year. A disappointing first round exit in the Kitozon Cup to Takayuki 2000 seemed to end his hopes of making it to the Summit Challenge, but Kikkawa's "No Juniors" ruling opened up a qualifier spot that he seized. An ambitious and super athletic youngster, Atsumori's reputation grows constantly and a strong showing here should see him cement his reputation as a constant title contender and perhaps a main event level talent. (Popularity 90, World Rank #25)


Edward Cornell (Cornell Dynasty) – Defeated Koshiro Ino to qualify. Edward won the Burning Intercontinental title on his full BHOTWG debut in the UK, defeating El Aborotador Confiado for the title. With his cousin's backing, Edward managed more successes than anyone expected before unexpectedly losing to Razan Okamoro twice. First in the Kitozon Cup, then again for the title. Edward has always lived in his cousin's shadow but thanks to Tommy's decision to not enter, this tournament gives him the perfect proving ground. Is Edward capable of winning the Summit Challenge just as Tommy won the Kitozon Cup? Or will the critics be proved right by saying he's a second rate Cornell at best? (Popularity 90, World Rank #42)


Funakoshi – Automatic qualifier. Reigning GCG World Heavyweight champion. The BCG-loyal talent who is hailed as one of the toughest athletes on the planet seemed to finally unify the BCG and GCG fans when he defeated Hiroyasu Gakusha at Night of the Burning Hammer 2018 to win the GCG World Heavyweight title. Always driving forward with strikes, throws and visceral growls, Funakoshi epitomises the fighting spirit of Japanese wrestling. With the Summit Challenge epiomising the very best aspects of Japanese wrestling too, this tournament has the very real prospect of creating a champion in BHOTWG whose loyalties lie elsewhere. (Popularity 90, World Rank #24)


Hiroaki Nakasawa (Battle Forged) – Automatic qualifier. Reigning Burning World champion. No wrestler in the world has been able to challenge Nakasawa's spot atop the world of wrestling in the last couple of years. Ranked #1 in the world, with 12 matches receiving the highest accolades possible during that time (more than any other BHOTWG wrestler), he is not only the reigning World champion but also the defending champion of the Summit Challenge. The leader of Battle Forged looks to be the the first man to retain the Summit Challenge and as the top ranked wrestler in the world, it seems almost impossible to deny him. The rest of the field will be hoping to beat him and hope that others do too... but as the tournament begins, Nakasawa seems well positioned to go all the way once more. (Popularity 95, World Rank #1)


Kinnojo Horri (Grasp-Creation) – Automatic qualifier. Reigning Burning Trios champion (with Tadakuni Toshusai and Kansuke Konda). The winner of the first ever Summit Challenge in 2016 and he man who ended Kikkawa's final championship reign, Kinnojo Horri is a Burning icon who is an inspiration to millions of people. Striking out on his own early in his career, his sheer force of will and personality has rallied allies to his side in Grasp-Creation, with their purity of purpose serving to recruit the extremely driven Motoyuki Miyake recently. Winning the 2018 Utimate Tag League with Tadakuni Toshusai saw them unsucessfully challenge the Melbounr Blondes at Night of the Burning Hammer... but as great as Horri is s part of a team, the singles ranks are where he excels. All fans will have his clash with Nakasawa circled as that result will be sure to have major consequences, but the potenntial wars with Funakoshi and TANK aso have fans excited. (Popularity 95, World Rank #11)


Mabuchi Furusawa (Golden Lions) – Defeated Leigh Burton to qualify. Second generation star Mabuchi Furusawa is one of the fastest rising stars in the company, displaying unheralded levels of aggression towards almost everyone since his heartbreaking defeat to Hiroyasu Gakusha at the first ever BHOTWG promoted Golden Kingdom show. The use of GCG's signature event enraged him, and failing to defeat his leader Gakusha or the GCG title he feels belongs to him has made him bitter with rage... at his own allies for not holding the gold (now held by Funakoshi), at BHOTWG for promoting GCG's event and at Haruki Kudo for causing GCG to die and using it's death to return to the company he seemed to have left behind. Mabuchi is on a mission to get what he feels owed, and the Summit Challenge is his platform to do so after a very successful last 8 finish in the Kitozon Cup. (Popularity 90, World Rank #50)


Matthew Keith (Rebellion-Gun) – Automatic qualifier. Another second generation star who has travelled the world with the Burning Intercontinental title, Matthew has spent his time perfecting his craft in BHOTWG. With mentors like Miyamae and Shimedzu, men who have seen and done it all, it seemed like destiny that he would capture tag gold with partner Tatsuya Toshitala. While that has yet to emerge, both men have pushed each other to new heights and will be looking to out-do each other in this tournament. With wins over many of BHOTWG's finest already, many consider this to be Keith's chance to emerge as more than just a leader of a secondary faction... and finally become the star he has seemed destined to become for years. (Popularity 90, World Rank #4)


SUKI (Golden Lions) – Defeated Nissho Yuasa to qualify. Reigning GCG World Tag Team champion (with Takayuki 2000). A 2 time GCG champion who brought the title to BHOTWG before losing it to Hiroyasu Gakusha, SUKI seemed poised to become GCG's new figurehead before the political turmoil of GCG's death. Unable to win the title back, he has formed a great team with Takayuki 2000 that almost won the Ultimate Tag League in 2018 and gave him new momentum. A willing participant in Namboku Makuda's eviction from the Golden Lions (and BHOTWG), SUKI doesn't seem content to follow Gakusha's leadership of the group. Ready to use the Summit Challenge as his platform for personal glory, his undoutbedly talents will be stretched to the limits, particularly in a highly anticipated match with ally Mabuchi Furusawa. (Popularity 90, World Rank #38)


TANK Fugunaga – Automatic qualifier. The most criminally under-rated wrestler in the world, TANK's never ending mission to destroy the Kikkawa Army finally came to an end in 2018, even though it was at the hands of Heihachiro Sakai. He may not say much, but his actions in the ring will tell you all you need to know as he hits you with barrages of strikes and uses his bulk to set you up for industrial level suplexes. His singular focus on the Kikkawa Army has seen him start to pick up more wins as he focuses more on his own career, and the time may finally be right for TANK to destroy all before him as he sets off on his new mission. To become the Burning World champion. (Popularity 90, World Rank #53).




So, those are the blocks for the 2019 Summit Challenge with some synopses of the various people involved. I would love to hear some thoughts on you would like to see win or even just more questions about the people and storylines involved. I run this tournament with blocks competing on alternate nights but unlike the real G1 I don't do tag matches for those who aren't competing... they need to rest! :p My juniors obviously have a lot going on around them too, but I figure I will probably post an update about that side of things when I get to the Best Of Super Junior tournament since that is always a lot of fun.


The only other thing worth mentioning just now is that the SWF bought out NOTBPW... I had been trying to do that for ages to steal their Canadian populairty but I missed out. Most of their talents are far past their best sadly, but I have picked up Jared Johnson, Cameron Vessey, Christian Price and a time decline Sean McFly. I am thinking that Tommy Cornell will defend his right to challenge the Burning Champion against McFly in a Once In A Lifetime style match before the finals of the Summit Challenge itself... in all the years I've played TEW, I don't think I've ever had the chance to book this match and even with McFly on decline it should still be amazing. :D

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I don't think the Greg & Matthew not-teaming thing is canon. Its more like... inferred canon? I think someone posted about it a couple years ago and it made a ton of sense, so I've basically run with it.


I believe them not teaming is cannon. In the previous release of the game, when Matt was in PSW and Greg was in Japan, there was a specific note in their bios that said they made their debuts on the same shows but never as a team, so I think the cannon was they both debuted as singles wrestlers -- which is also why they both have went on to:


A. form teams with other people

B. never be employed by the same company at the same time


You can even see in Sam Keith's booking of MAW, when he brought Matt in to work the Sam Keith Classic, he didn't team him with Greg.


I've always, when having both Keiths, teamed them up because I love the twin brother team and with the exception of 05 Remmington Remus is a no go. I also love the Keith family and in my own head cannon created a daughter/little sister for them who also wrestles so that they can dominate every where -- but that's just me.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Derek B" data-cite="Derek B" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41359" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Hey hey hey, sorry I've not been posting in here much but I tend to post large amounts fairly infrequently rather than little and often. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> ...and snipped....</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Another great update. Enjoy reading these, so thanks!</p><p> </p><p> Have to say that I love that so many of your top guys are in around the same level of popularity. I didn't notice that when I was poking around in the save game you posted up. It makes a Grand Prix like this so much more interesting, I think. My Grand Prix feels pretty "by the book" and the more over wrestler generally wins, which would make it pretty predictable for most viewers. But I guess Burning Hammer isn't really about the swerves....</p><p> </p><p> As for options.... I would say either TANK or maybe one of the GCG guys. Funakoshi would be interesting. Would really cement the GCG guys as important in Burning Hammer. </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Historian" data-cite="Historian" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41359" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I believe them not teaming is cannon. In the previous release of the game, when Matt was in PSW and Greg was in Japan, there was a specific note in their bios that said they made their debuts on the same shows but never as a team, so I think the cannon was they both debuted as singles wrestlers -- which is also why they both have went on to:<p> </p><p> A. form teams with other people</p><p> B. never be employed by the same company at the same time</p><p> </p><p> You can even see in Sam Keith's booking of MAW, when he brought Matt in to work the Sam Keith Classic, he didn't team him with Greg.</p><p> </p><p> I've always, when having both Keiths, teamed them up because I love the twin brother team and with the exception of 05 Remmington Remus is a no go. I also love the Keith family and in my own head cannon created a daughter/little sister for them who also wrestles so that they can dominate every where -- but that's just me.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Bam! Okay, so it did say something in-game before. I knew the idea came from somewhere solid so that makes sense. Thanks.</p><p> </p><p> Its so hard not to team them up if you have both. So talented. Matthew is in my Grand Prix and while he's pretty much just losing, he can already put on a really solid match with a top talent, so once his popularity is up... I'm the same when it comes to brother teams, especially twins. Just something so cool about it.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Derek B" data-cite="Derek B" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41359" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>snip</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> The fact that everyone seems to be about the same popularity makes it incredibly hard to see who will actually win. Have they all peaked at 90? </p><p> </p><p> Block A:</p><p> Greg Gauge doesn't need the win nor to take the lead yet, Gilmore needs to lose against Nakasawa again. Sakai, like Horri, is the sensible winner but does he need to main event again already? Gakusha's a great choice, I think if he isn't in TD then it would be an incredible opportunity to solidify his legacy, on the other hand, the egotist says no, Gakusha shouldnt ever look like he was as good as the BHOTWG main event. Suzuki will lose the most this whole tournament. Jameson has plenty of upsets but isn't exciting enough to be winning this. Raymond doesn't need it. Razan doesn't need it. Toshitala needs tag title success before he wins something like this but his match vs. Greg should be awesome. Taira's a sensible chance like Sakai but meh. Masuno could really use this win to cement his legacy as a BHOTWG great above anyone else here. I'm pegging either Gakusha or Masuno to go to the finals and possibly win, but if Block B wins then Sakai is another fine choice to go through.</p><p> </p><p> Block B:</p><p> I don't think Fugunaga wins the block, your description describes a man who is under-rated because he doesn't win anything :| No real secondary title success to speak of which is disappointing. A win over Funakoshi could set him up for a title reign but he's absolutely not winning this. I think Matthew Keith and Toshitala need to fulfill a tag title reign before they get themselves World title reigns. SUKI isn't at that level yet. Furusawa could be a fine contender - he takes the Burning World title the way his GCG World title was taken, but probably just beats Funakoshi for a follow up title shot. Funakoshi & Nakasawa clearly don't need to win the block. Edward isn't the guy to win this sort of tournament. Kinnojo Horri vs. Hiroaki Nakasawa is such a reasonable BHOTWG match-up tbh so the sensible and surprise-free win is Horri. Very tempting for Takemura or Gilmore to do it because Gilmore gets his rematch and Takemura gets to face his mentor.</p><p> </p><p> Top Contenders: Sakai, Gakusha and mayyyyyyyybe Masuno. Horri or Gilmore. Gilmore/Horri to win it all makes sense to me.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Bigpapa42" data-cite="Bigpapa42" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41359" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>So Sword of Destiny is in the books now. Which means I am almost 3 full weeks into shows. 12 done. But they are booking pretty slick. <p> </p><p> The PPV was pretty solid, though not outstanding. The thing that made me happiest was making $1.6m from PPV buys. I copied Jon and moved up to the bigger PPV provider, also on an Early Evening slot as I wanted to be sure I could . Also drew 23K. Was down almost $2m as I'm slowly losing money on the tour shows, but this put me back up over the $25m mark. I can probably drop the third tour show. Which would be a positive, since I've got 5 workers listed on the Medical screen as being exhausted. </p><p> </p><p> I did somehow manage to mess up the tag title match on the PPV. Meant to have the reunited Rebellion go over and take the belts but that didn't happen. Guess Aggressively Mediocre get another month with those straps.</p><p> </p><p> Avoided having any Grand Prix matches on the PPV. Filled the undercard with a few fun multi-tags that graded okay. The intent is to have the Grand Pix done by the next PPV so the final can be on that card. Almost certain that Nakasawa is going to top Block A and probably win the whole thing. Block B is a bit more open. Nakasawa doesn't really need the cred, but its a nice way to build him up to that big showdown with Kikkawa. Saiki's strong showing means he probably gets the GP win in 2017 and sets up a big showdown with Kikkawa. Long-term view. </p><p> </p><p> Nakasawa and Sakai have both gone up in popularity a decent amount. Elemental III as well. Horri, even in losing to Kikkawa, gained a few points. Lots of the lowest pop workers on the card went up in pop but that's just that mechanic working. Toshusai went down a couple points off of some GP losses and even a PPV win didn't bump it back up. Wondering if he might have the opposite destiny roll as Sakai. </p><p> </p><p> Feels like I've done a lot in this save... but not even really through 3 weeks of the actually booking. Very much enjoying, if you can't tell by the walls of text. The roster is big and a bit bloated, but I feel like I have a reasonable handle on it. I might keep the third weekly tour show for the moment so I can ensure I don't lag behind on the Grand Prix matches, then drop it when I can and instead add a B show to give the lower card folks a platform. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Meant to mention yesterday... I went into the 2013 Burning Hammer thread that I started and saw an idea that I had forgot about. Mentioned that I'm looking for legacy workers for some of the great Super Juniors, but you can also go with "alt" versions instead of legacy. American Optimus is a alternate version of Optimus, rather than a legacy. But you could have Dark Elemental, Dragon Optimus, and so on. But you still need legit talent to ensure they are "worthy". But that's another approach I will likely take with newer SJs.</strong> </p><p> </p><p> Also a question, which I did ask in the Booking Committee thread. So there is a retired Openweight title as well as the King of Fighters title. I could buy the Hinote Dojo titles (and likely will). But anyone have suggestions for a mid-card title for the heavyweights that is a bit different in name but not necessarily too restrictive in its function? Skywalker suggested a Submission title, which would be neat but rather restrictive. Hashasheen suggested using the Hinote Dojo titles, which I very much intent to do but likely to give the B show a "headline". So any suggestions on titles?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Didn't even think about this. A Dark Elemental sounds pretty crazy but I like the idea. I had settled on Shin Optimus(True Optimus) as my new Optimus name, but I might change that. Inspired by what you were suggesting with Kiyaru, Optimus Zero sounds pretty cool too.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Lo-Drew" data-cite="Lo-Drew" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41359" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Didn't even think about this. A Dark Elemental sounds pretty crazy but I like the idea. I had settled on Shin Optimus(True Optimus) as my new Optimus name, but I might change that. Inspired by what you were suggesting with Kiyaru, Optimus Zero sounds pretty cool too.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Nice. Glad someone else will get some use from the idea. </p><p> </p><p> The roadblock I'm hitting is finding young Super Juniors who are worthy of taking on such a mantle, even if its a "negative" version. Have most of the best SJ prospects in development, at least those who aren't loyal to other companies. Ideally, I'd like 3 or 4 options so I can go with a few different legacies. </p><p> </p><p> Tsuneyo Yanagimoto - probably the best bet for a major legacy. Has SQ, Athleticism, and is already quite developed. A bit old at 27 but a good really option.</p><p> </p><p> Totoya Munkakata - less SQ and not a flier. While a Technician SJ is intriguing, I don't think it makes for an ideal legacy</p><p> </p><p> Tetsuji Nishimoto - dropped in to development. Lacks SQ for a great legacy. Stuck him under a different mask already as "Tengu"</p><p> </p><p> Razan Okamoto - almost perfect.... but I kinda like the render for him</p><p> </p><p> Orange Tsuchie - another that I like the existing gimmick</p><p> </p><p> Motoyuki Miyake - a great option except he's not a flier. The MMA stylings are cool for a SJ but like Totoya, probably not for a significant legacy</p><p> </p><p> The other Exodus guys who are really good but loyal have decent enough characters & renders that I'm not sure I wanna put them under a mask, even if I can get them signed up full time. </p><p> </p><p> Other suggestions?</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Bigpapa42" data-cite="Bigpapa42" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41359" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Another great update. Enjoy reading these, so thanks!<p> </p><p> Have to say that I love that so many of your top guys are in around the same level of popularity. I didn't notice that when I was poking around in the save game you posted up. It makes a Grand Prix like this so much more interesting, I think. My Grand Prix feels pretty "by the book" and the more over wrestler generally wins, which would make it pretty predictable for most viewers. But I guess Burning Hammer isn't really about the swerves....</p><p> </p><p> As for options.... I would say either TANK or maybe one of the GCG guys. Funakoshi would be interesting. Would really cement the GCG guys as important in Burning Hammer. </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I rounded the numbers a little for the workers, but most of the main event and upper card scene is sitting around 90ish so the field is very close. The original 2015 Summit Challenge was a very different story, much like your own... the gap in popularity levels was huge from top to bottom ad made for a lot of obvious mismatches and predictable results. The upside is that as your roster develops you'll see that evolve and become more interesting. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> I found that a few tactical uses of the "Keep Strong" road agent note annd perhaps a couple of bonuses where needed made a few upsets a bit easier. You need a few of those too. And just in case you are having a little trouble getting strong enough show ratings, I'll throw in that over the first two tours I lost 2 or 3 popularity points across Japan as I got used to the company. Now we're sitting at 93 popularity across Japan and I don't think I've had a show rated lower than 90 in about 18 months. <img alt=":eek:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/eek.png.0e09df00fa222c85760b9bc1700b5405.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41359" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Bam! Okay, so it did say something in-game before. I knew the idea came from somewhere solid so that makes sense. Thanks.<p> </p><p> Its so hard not to team them up if you have both. So talented. Matthew is in my Grand Prix and while he's pretty much just losing, he can already put on a really solid match with a top talent, so once his popularity is up... I'm the same when it comes to brother teams, especially twins. Just something so cool about it.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> There's always the possibility of teaming them up in future.... they may be great in singles or even in tag teams with other partners as they get lots of success... but the two men on the same page? When they are already over and developed into great workers? By goodness, they could be the greatest team ever from the moment they debut.... which is an angle I'm considering at some point in the future too. A team so good they barely even need to try in order to become the best, they just would be.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jon The GOAT" data-cite="Jon The GOAT" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41359" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>The fact that everyone seems to be about the same popularity makes it incredibly hard to see who will actually win. Have they all peaked at 90? <p> </p><p> Block A:</p><p> Greg Gauge doesn't need the win nor to take the lead yet, Gilmore needs to lose against Nakasawa again. Sakai, like Horri, is the sensible winner but does he need to main event again already? Gakusha's a great choice, I think if he isn't in TD then it would be an incredible opportunity to solidify his legacy, on the other hand, the egotist says no, Gakusha shouldnt ever look like he was as good as the BHOTWG main event. Suzuki will lose the most this whole tournament. Jameson has plenty of upsets but isn't exciting enough to be winning this. Raymond doesn't need it. Razan doesn't need it. Toshitala needs tag title success before he wins something like this but his match vs. Greg should be awesome. Taira's a sensible chance like Sakai but meh. Masuno could really use this win to cement his legacy as a BHOTWG great above anyone else here. I'm pegging either Gakusha or Masuno to go to the finals and possibly win, but if Block B wins then Sakai is another fine choice to go through.</p><p> </p><p> Block B:</p><p> I don't think Fugunaga wins the block, your description describes a man who is under-rated because he doesn't win anything :| No real secondary title success to speak of which is disappointing. A win over Funakoshi could set him up for a title reign but he's absolutely not winning this. I think Matthew Keith and Toshitala need to fulfill a tag title reign before they get themselves World title reigns. SUKI isn't at that level yet. Furusawa could be a fine contender - he takes the Burning World title the way his GCG World title was taken, but probably just beats Funakoshi for a follow up title shot. Funakoshi & Nakasawa clearly don't need to win the block. Edward isn't the guy to win this sort of tournament. Kinnojo Horri vs. Hiroaki Nakasawa is such a reasonable BHOTWG match-up tbh so the sensible and surprise-free win is Horri. Very tempting for Takemura or Gilmore to do it because Gilmore gets his rematch and Takemura gets to face his mentor.</p><p> </p><p> Top Contenders: Sakai, Gakusha and mayyyyyyyybe Masuno. Horri or Gilmore. Gilmore/Horri to win it all makes sense to me.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Most of them have peaked around the 90 to 95 region, I think I've only seen Kikkawa and Elemental III be able to reach and maintain 100 popularity for any length of time. Tommy Cornell iis pretty close though, I think he reaches about 98.</p><p> </p><p> I'm happy to see people with thoughts on the blocks too, always exciting for some feedback. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> I'm just starting to book the tournament too and I'm still not sure who I'm going to have win it. Most of the game so far has had me with some pretty solid ideas of who I wanted to be at the top and while I do have plans for now, there is a mental gap for a small period in the future that I need to start making some plans for.</p><p> </p><p> I would really love to find someone that I could turn into a new figurehead for the company,but there are limited options for that. Tommy Cornell with 100 star quality, 90+ charisma and huge popularity is the easy #1 but seems to be about to hit Time Decline in the next couple of years. Razan Okamoto and KC Glenn both have the potential to move up from the Junior division and have both been primed to do that at some point too.... Razan needs a little more top row skill to get there but he is very close, and both are a little lacking in mic skills even though they both have excellent charisma and star quality. I don't NEED a figurehead, but I like the idea of having one since it's a very traditional Japanese thing to have an Ace....</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Lo-Drew" data-cite="Lo-Drew" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41359" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Didn't even think about this. A Dark Elemental sounds pretty crazy but I like the idea. I had settled on Shin Optimus(True Optimus) as my new Optimus name, but I might change that. Inspired by what you were suggesting with Kiyaru, Optimus Zero sounds pretty cool too.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Optimus Zero sounds super awesome, I may have to try to find a way to use that. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Bigpapa42" data-cite="Bigpapa42" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41359" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Nice. Glad someone else will get some use from the idea. <p> </p><p> The roadblock I'm hitting is finding young Super Juniors who are worthy of taking on such a mantle, even if its a "negative" version. Have most of the best SJ prospects in development, at least those who aren't loyal to other companies. Ideally, I'd like 3 or 4 options so I can go with a few different legacies. </p><p> </p><p> Tsuneyo Yanagimoto - probably the best bet for a major legacy. Has SQ, Athleticism, and is already quite developed. A bit old at 27 but a good really option.</p><p> </p><p> Totoya Munkakata - less SQ and not a flier. While a Technician SJ is intriguing, I don't think it makes for an ideal legacy</p><p> </p><p> Tetsuji Nishimoto - dropped in to development. Lacks SQ for a great legacy. Stuck him under a different mask already as "Tengu"</p><p> </p><p> Razan Okamoto - almost perfect.... but I kinda like the render for him</p><p> </p><p> Orange Tsuchie - another that I like the existing gimmick</p><p> </p><p> Motoyuki Miyake - a great option except he's not a flier. The MMA stylings are cool for a SJ but like Totoya, probably not for a significant legacy</p><p> </p><p> The other Exodus guys who are really good but loyal have decent enough characters & renders that I'm not sure I wanna put them under a mask, even if I can get them signed up full time. </p><p> </p><p> Other suggestions?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> What about Reijiro Hiraki? He's got a lot of talent and is already one of yours... depending on his destiny roll he could be a potentially big star for you and carrying on one of the legacies could be the way to do it. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Bigpapa42" data-cite="Bigpapa42" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41359" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Nice. Glad someone else will get some use from the idea. <p> </p><p> The roadblock I'm hitting is finding young Super Juniors who are worthy of taking on such a mantle, even if its a "negative" version. Have most of the best SJ prospects in development, at least those who aren't loyal to other companies. Ideally, I'd like 3 or 4 options so I can go with a few different legacies. </p><p> </p><p> Tsuneyo Yanagimoto - probably the best bet for a major legacy. Has SQ, Athleticism, and is already quite developed. A bit old at 27 but a good really option.</p><p> </p><p> Totoya Munkakata - less SQ and not a flier. While a Technician SJ is intriguing, I don't think it makes for an ideal legacy</p><p> </p><p> Tetsuji Nishimoto - dropped in to development. Lacks SQ for a great legacy. Stuck him under a different mask already as "Tengu"</p><p> </p><p> Razan Okamoto - almost perfect.... but I kinda like the render for him</p><p> </p><p> Orange Tsuchie - another that I like the existing gimmick</p><p> </p><p> Motoyuki Miyake - a great option except he's not a flier. The MMA stylings are cool for a SJ but like Totoya, probably not for a significant legacy</p><p> </p><p> The other Exodus guys who are really good but loyal have decent enough characters & renders that I'm not sure I wanna put them under a mask, even if I can get them signed up full time. </p><p> </p><p> Other suggestions?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I have the same issue you have when plotting out future masked guys. The Tsuneyo/Razan/Tsuchie guys are great enough without the mask. I'd rather give it to someone who feels somewhat bland but is talented, in that sense, the SQ doesn't matter as much for me so much as "can he perform". I think mask should theoretically elevate that SQ bit but it doesn't, nevertheless, I think that's the people mask should go on.</p>
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I rounded the numbers a little for the workers, but most of the main event and upper card scene is sitting around 90ish so the field is very close. The original 2015 Summit Challenge was a very different story, much like your own... the gap in popularity levels was huge from top to bottom ad made for a lot of obvious mismatches and predictable results. The upside is that as your roster develops you'll see that evolve and become more interesting. :)


I found that a few tactical uses of the "Keep Strong" road agent note annd perhaps a couple of bonuses where needed made a few upsets a bit easier. You need a few of those too. And just in case you are having a little trouble getting strong enough show ratings, I'll throw in that over the first two tours I lost 2 or 3 popularity points across Japan as I got used to the company. Now we're sitting at 93 popularity across Japan and I don't think I've had a show rated lower than 90 in about 18 months. :eek:


There's always the possibility of teaming them up in future.... they may be great in singles or even in tag teams with other partners as they get lots of success... but the two men on the same page? When they are already over and developed into great workers? By goodness, they could be the greatest team ever from the moment they debut.... which is an angle I'm considering at some point in the future too. A team so good they barely even need to try in order to become the best, they just would be.


Most of them have peaked around the 90 to 95 region, I think I've only seen Kikkawa and Elemental III be able to reach and maintain 100 popularity for any length of time. Tommy Cornell iis pretty close though, I think he reaches about 98.


I'm happy to see people with thoughts on the blocks too, always exciting for some feedback. :D I'm just starting to book the tournament too and I'm still not sure who I'm going to have win it. Most of the game so far has had me with some pretty solid ideas of who I wanted to be at the top and while I do have plans for now, there is a mental gap for a small period in the future that I need to start making some plans for.


I would really love to find someone that I could turn into a new figurehead for the company,but there are limited options for that. Tommy Cornell with 100 star quality, 90+ charisma and huge popularity is the easy #1 but seems to be about to hit Time Decline in the next couple of years. Razan Okamoto and KC Glenn both have the potential to move up from the Junior division and have both been primed to do that at some point too.... Razan needs a little more top row skill to get there but he is very close, and both are a little lacking in mic skills even though they both have excellent charisma and star quality. I don't NEED a figurehead, but I like the idea of having one since it's a very traditional Japanese thing to have an Ace....


Optimus Zero sounds super awesome, I may have to try to find a way to use that. :D


Having "The Ace" is definitely puroresu, through and through. If you don't have it, you can always ram the New Worker Generation up onto high and hope the game spits you out a monster talent randomly generated. There are tons of free pics for the Cverse.....


Very true on using booking notes to get the upset win. I will be doing that in the future. I've never booked a tournament like this before (more on that below) so I just wanted to get the routine of it down and keep it fairly simple. From a presentation standpoint, I don't think fans would mind if it goes pretty paint-by-numbers as they would be getting some big names and some big matches in the first annual Kitozon Summit Grand Prix.


Optimus Zero does indeed sound awesome. Honestly, if you start brain-storming some variation names, you can come up with some sweet options. The ZERO one could be used for "dark legacy" editions for almost all of the big masks, and end up in a stable. Could do NEO versions, align them with the NEO group. Elemental has the possibilities of doing something with the four elements. FIRE Elemental or WATER Elemental.... Was toying around some with possibilities for Kiyaru like Battle Kiyaru or Ninja Kiyaru or Honor Kiyaru....


What about Reijiro Hiraki? He's got a lot of talent and is already one of yours... depending on his destiny roll he could be a potentially big star for you and carrying on one of the legacies could be the way to do it. :)


I had looked a bit at some of the semi-established SJs on the roster a bit, but kinda feel like they would be "last resort". Might wait to see if any of them develop and they can be "honored" with the legacy as an open acknowledgement of it, rather than them just disappearing re-appearing as the new legacy, with fans mostly being aware of who it is. Hiraki is a guy I definitely have some hopes for, but I'm probably not doing enough with him just yet.


I have the same issue you have when plotting out future masked guys. The Tsuneyo/Razan/Tsuchie guys are great enough without the mask. I'd rather give it to someone who feels somewhat bland but is talented, in that sense, the SQ doesn't matter as much for me so much as "can he perform". I think mask should theoretically elevate that SQ bit but it doesn't, nevertheless, I think that's the people mask should go on.


I get what you mean about the SQ and the mask. Taking someone with low to middling SQ and giving them a legacy mask would, in real wrestling, give them a SQ bump all by itself. But the game mechanic doesn't work that way. The main reasons for wanting workers with higher SQ, at least for the bigger legacies, is that the originals had high Star Quality. That, and a combination of higher Star Quality and higher Athleticism make it really like that a young worker has good to great potential. Not to say that low in one or both of those will mean low potential, but it just doesn't make it as certain.


Exodus has quite a few talents that could do well as legacies. Talent like Blade, Musashi, etc.




Have to say that this thread being busy makes me happy and helps keep me motivated in my save. You could almost say this thread is.... ON FIRE....


So small(ish) update. Booked a couple more shows last night. Have 8 shows to go before the next PPV, but I guess I can add more if I need. As mentioned, I want to have the final on that event. It will be Horri or Ino versus Nakasawa, I'm pretty sure. One of the issues I'm running into is that while some workers are almost done their run of matches, a couple only have a few matches done. Those ones are, generally, ones who have been getting fatigued, meaning I am leery to use them as frequently. Not going to have a choice. I boo-boo'd by including too many vets, some of whom are on time decline. Like Ieseda, Sanda, Hamacho.... They had better popularity than other options and I avoided having any Super Juniors in there. I figured most won't be in future editions so it was a "one last shot" thought. But its kinda backfired. Guess I can just work em to the bone for a few shows if have to.


I've been doing okay on show grades. Most of the tour shows have broke even and I think I only lost any popularity on one or two. I think the promos have helped. Had a Kikkawa-Sakai one hit something like 95 or 97. The Nakasawa ones are mid-80s, which ain't bad either. I imagine those are helping the show grades. Just using really simple, Entertainment-based interview angles (my created defaults that I always use), talking about the others (off-screen and based on Overness).


Mentioned before, but seeing a few workers go up in popularity. Kikkawa went up a touch, and so did Horri. Nakasawa is closing in on Kikkawa, which shouldn't be shocking as he almost never loses and has had some good wins in the Grand Prix. Elemental III has been jumping up significantly, with less reason. Pretty sure he's well past Sensational Dragon now. Toshusai remains the only real drop - and its not even huge, about 3 points, but hasn't gone back up even with some wins.


So the only "outsider" included in the Grand Prix is Senmatsu from Warrior Engine. I have him, Konoe, and Makikoa. They've done fairly well for me as a whole. None are loyal so might end up signing them up full-time rather than just another tour deal. I feel like they might have a "taint" to BH purists over their WE background.... but Big Japan talent have worked for AJ and Noah, so.... talent is talent.

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I actually had plans to have a four elements Elemental situation going on in an EXODUS2010 game that was meant to poke fun at the Elemental gimmick and the passing on of masks to be honest. I was also going to go over the top and have Elemental/Optimus from everywhere in the world. It was more so poking fun at myself because these are ideas I have for BHOTWG as well e_e


Before I knew about Kiyaru/Koyama, I thought they had a connection due to the similarities of their name.


The other reason I'm less picky about who inherits the name is that the Junior division is so incredibly stacked as it is that I'd find it incredible hard to push whoever got the name anyways. EX2010 and WLW are supremely stacked with talent though so if you can get any of them on deals then you'll probably have a fair amount of extremely talented guys to take on the big masks.


I was wondering why you kept talking about having to make sure you get all your KSGP matches in before the PPV, you're running an assymetric tournament in terms of when the matches happen? You should've just kept it simple and rotated between Group A and Group B even if guys were tired. Not every match will be great and IRL it can get pretty obvious that the older guys are gassed as the tournament goes on. In my PGHW game with older guys or guys that worked for other companies I just stuck to it even if the matches would be hurt. Having to figure out how to get all the matches in would be too much of a headache so I'd just stick to knowing I've got 18 nights, if you're tired then you're gonna get more tired ;(

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There are Elemental alts on the forums for every region, plus a few more (USSR, the Koreas), so that could be a good source of legacies. As for Optimus, I would use Yanagimoto, as he's probably Japan's best unsigned junior and I personally expect Optimus' legacy to be "the total package", so to speak.
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I actually had plans to have a four elements Elemental situation going on in an EXODUS2010 game that was meant to poke fun at the Elemental gimmick and the passing on of masks to be honest. I was also going to go over the top and have Elemental/Optimus from everywhere in the world. It was more so poking fun at myself because these are ideas I have for BHOTWG as well e_e


Before I knew about Kiyaru/Koyama, I thought they had a connection due to the similarities of their name.


The other reason I'm less picky about who inherits the name is that the Junior division is so incredibly stacked as it is that I'd find it incredible hard to push whoever got the name anyways. EX2010 and WLW are supremely stacked with talent though so if you can get any of them on deals then you'll probably have a fair amount of extremely talented guys to take on the big masks.


I was wondering why you kept talking about having to make sure you get all your KSGP matches in before the PPV, you're running an assymetric tournament in terms of when the matches happen? You should've just kept it simple and rotated between Group A and Group B even if guys were tired. Not every match will be great and IRL it can get pretty obvious that the older guys are gassed as the tournament goes on. In my PGHW game with older guys or guys that worked for other companies I just stuck to it even if the matches would be hurt. Having to figure out how to get all the matches in would be too much of a headache so I'd just stick to knowing I've got 18 nights, if you're tired then you're gonna get more tired ;(


How DARE you mock the tradition that makes Burning Hammer so... BURNING?


...the mocking masks actually sounds quite fun to book...


Its true on the depth of quality in the division, which should only get stronger as some of the new hires are rotated in. I'm hoping adding a B show gives another easy stage to let some of the lower card Super Js show off on a more regular basis. I definitely shouldn't be as picky as I am, but its just how I roll.


Yeah, I didn't block out the shows consistently from the start and its made it a bit messy. So one show might have 2 Block A matches and 3 Block B matches, then a few non-GP matches. Never done this style of Grand Pix before and I only knew the G1 one so well before I started, so learning curve and all that. I guess if someone like Hamacho gets injured due to being worn down by the tourney, its not really going to impact the company in a huge way.


There are Elemental alts on the forums for every region, plus a few more (USSR, the Koreas), so that could be a good source of legacies. As for Optimus, I would use Yanagimoto, as he's probably Japan's best unsigned junior and I personally expect Optimus' legacy to be "the total package", so to speak.


This is true. Loads of sweet free pic masks. I mentioned before that even when its a straight legacy, I kinda prefer finding a similar "new" mask rather than just re-using the original render.


Pretty much agree on Yanagimoto. The render I have for him (pretty certain its a re-render) is solid, but I don't mind giving him one of the legacies. The hard part is deciding which legacy he should get. A direct or indirect Optimus legacy might be best.




I keep forgetting to mention that I stole William Hayes from PGHW. Hasn't joined yet. I didn't really meant to actually steal him - just intended to drive up the price for PGHW. But I ended up with him. Good hand and as long he isn't on Time Decline, not a bad addition. Not needed and will be a waste if he is already declining. Adding solid but not really outstanding late 30s wrestlers isn't really the intended way forward. They've had a couple other talents come up but all loyal so not stealable. And Emerald Angel's deal just came up but unless WLW can only sign him to a PPA, I won't be able to get him at all. Too bad. That would be a brilliant addition to the Super Js.

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Interesting that some of you guys keep Okamoto and Tsuneyo as SJs. I immediately put them as heavys. In my current game they're forever linked as generational rivals. They started my game as a team. They co led a generation unit(Jet Set FUTURE) Okamoto kept rising. Tsuneyo grew jealous even though he was Openweight Champion. Led to a title match at NOTBH 2018 for the title to settle things. Okamoto won the title and Tsuneyo turned on him the next day. Since then, Okamoto has actually won every big match since and Tsuneyo is obsessed with beating him. Which has been cool since they're my two biggest stars currently. Okamoto is the Ace, Tsuneyo, Sakai and SUKI are the other three Pillars.


Sensational Dragon is someone else I always try to push him to heavy. You have to go to the editor and set his Max size to Middleweight. I always then ask him to move up and generally he does. I think that's fair since there's a 50/50 chance he becomes flabby and lose a letter grade in SQ. But he always ends up muscular and toned.


My (good) problem with my SJs is that I might be too stacked. Hiraki, KC, Elemental 3 and Kurata are my Three Pillars. Masuko is still great and hasn't declined, but he's like 39 and so I'm slowly pushing him downward. I got Orange ready to become one of the pillars, then I have my generated A* SJ that will become Optimus Zero. And then underneath, Toju Munkata, Crimson Ghost, Chess Maniac, Jin(turned him heel and now he's simply JIN; combining his default Rock Star gimmick with Dio Brando from JoJo minus the psychotic streak and more egomania and sleaziness. He talks in third person.), Black Flash, Commander from EXODUS, Jagged, Demon King and Extraordino Jr. The last three have B+ SQ. My general thing that I can't help doing is signing peeps who are unemployed for a bit or let go. So those three were all unemployed and I didn't need them but couldn't pass up. Most of the guys on development are people I just said screw it (I signed Russel Nixon of all people. He's actually turning out decent but that's an example of how deep I'll go ha)


But that's goes to a larger point I made on the TCW board. The gold mine isn't the obvious can't miss prospects(tho Okamoto, Tsuneyo, Torii, Fujio, Funakoshi are awesome), buys are guys like Demon King, Jagged who have really good SQ but fly under the radar.

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Oh, Super J's moving up is definitely a possibility. Just not set on it. I don't think there will be a lack of quality young heavyweights, either. So it might just be down to who develops and who will move up in weight class.


Curious for any other under-the-radar suggestions you might have, Lo-Drew. Always looking to check out talent I may have overlooked!

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Historian" data-cite="Historian" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41359" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I believe them not teaming is cannon. In the previous release of the game, when Matt was in PSW and Greg was in Japan, there was a specific note in their bios that said they made their debuts on the same shows but never as a team, so I think the cannon was they both debuted as singles wrestlers -- which is also why they both have went on to:<p> </p><p> A. form teams with other people</p><p> B. never be employed by the same company at the same time</p><p> </p><p> You can even see in Sam Keith's booking of MAW, when he brought Matt in to work the Sam Keith Classic, he didn't team him with Greg.</p><p> </p><p> I've always, when having both Keiths, teamed them up because I love the twin brother team and with the exception of 05 Remmington Remus is a no go. I also love the Keith family and in my own head cannon created a daughter/little sister for them who also wrestles so that they can dominate every where -- but that's just me.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Personally, I'm keeping the Keiths apart for now, as I tagged Greg with Gonkuro Kamioka. I have plans for them to join NEO down the line, maybe each turning on their partners and building to a Night of the Burning Hammer match with them vs. Toshitara and Kamioka.</p>
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