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Adam And How He Creates The CV

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I have always wondered this, and I am sorry if this seems obvious to some, but does Adam troll around CV Dynasties to get inspiration on how he creates the next CV??


For instance, if someone creates a dynasty pushing Justice Johnson as The Masked Armadillo, does it with finesse, and Adam happens to see it and like it, that in TEW 19, we will see The Masked Armadillo in RIPW or SWF.....


I was always curious about his process....

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  • 3 weeks later...
I've seen alternate pictures lead to changes in the Cverse over the years, but not so much from diaries. I'd be surprised if he had the time.


Yeah. I don't see this much, but a rare example of this is Rogue having The Wrath of God alter ego from Monkeypox's old Mark Cuban Does Dave diary.

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