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TCW - The International Era

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So, with TCW just gaining International status in my game, I thought it would be an appropriate place to start a diary. I had originally just been playing around, but I've gotten into it, so here it is. I am using the version of the CV that has everybody available everywhere (except for the newly created workers). * * * * * * * * * * * [B]Saturday, Week 1, March 2006[/B] I quickly looked through the pile of folders I had in front of me, making sure that everything was in order and I wouldn't have to run out for anything. Then the door opened, and Tommy stuck his head out. "Come in." I settled in front of him. Ever since I had started with TCW some time ago, the man made me nervous. He always did his best to relax me, but it never seemed to work. I settled the folders on the desk in front of me, and nervously sank into the comfortable seat he had ordered for me. "So," he began. I just waited for him to continue. "So with the first episode of the new show, we rose in stature. Look at all these mentions on the Canadian press. And you pulled out one of your best shows for the deal. Where do we go from here?" "Well, I've already been in contact with a number of people. More shows and more exposure, we need more people on the roster. I'll be talking with most of them tomorrow." "Good, good. Anybody from SWF?" I had to shake my head. "No. None of them will talk to me still. I have hope though." "All right. So talk me through it. What's your plan now that we've got the momentum on our side." "Ok. I'll start with the TV shows. TCW Presents was our flagship show, going against SWF Supreme TV. Personally, I think we should make it our B show, because it doesn't reach as many people. TCW International is on Pop!, and it'll get all of the US and Canada. I booked the last show with that in mind, and I think the numbers bear me out. And we don't have any competition in the slot." "Good, good. Run with that." "Ok, then the champions. The increase in roster size is going to cause some issues. You're the World Champion still, and with your winning streak in full course, that won't be changing for some time, especially not with Doom in another storyline. Rick is still the International champ, but that's going to have to change. I don't know who I'll have him drop it to, but he's gonna have to go after your belt sooner rather than later." "Fair enough." Whoo. That was out of the way, and he seemed ok with it. "The Tag Titles are probably going to need a change, too. Hopkirk is a main eventer now, and he should be involved in the World Title scene rather than the tag scene. We can work that into their current storyline though. And the lower level titles--both Doug and Chance jumped up the ranks with all these new people. Doug hasn't even defended the Hardcore title yet, and I wanted to make him out to be a monster, but I don't think that's going to work. Chance has at least had some time with the All Action, and I have some ideas of how to work with that one." "Ok. What about storylines?" "Storylines. Well, like I said earlier, I have you winning for some time yet. I may cut it shorter than I had originally planned, but we'll see how things go. We have the two major fueds going on. Doom's Army has started their reign of terror, and Liberty has confronted them. I think shortly, that'll start to gain interest. The tag fued has just started, barely any interest in that yet, but it'll pick up. Freddy's already doing some good work there." "And the undercard?" "I'm getting there. Don't forget about Valentine's gambling away his money. Johnson has started to provoke him, and I think it's going well. The undercard is really short on stories right now. Remmy and Jemma's romance isn't drawing a lot of interest, but it fills the time. Otherwise...well, we just finished up Jay's winning streak and the International tourny. The new people haven't been pushed into any roles yet though, and I'm still trying to come up with what to do." "All right. Just keep me informed on that. So with all these changes, what does our roster look like?" "Right here, sir. Ranked top to bottom, heels in red, faces in blue, as usual. I've starred the people I'm in talks with." Active Wrestlers TCW World Heavyweight Champion [color=red]Tommy Cornell[/color] [color=blue]Liberty[/color] [color=blue]Ricky Dale Johnson[/color] [color=red]Peter Valentine[/color] TCW International Champion [color=blue]Rick Law[/color] [color=red]BLZ Bubb[/color] [color=blue]Ronnie V Pain[/color] (Managed by Floyd Goldworthy) [color=red]Genghis Rahn[/color] TCW World Tag Team Champion [color=blue]Randall Hopkirk[/color] (Managed by Floyd Goldworthy) -- [color=blue]Troy Tornado[/color] (Managed by Floyd Goldworthy) [color=red]Charlie Thatcher[/color] TCW World Tag Team Champion [color=blue]BJ Shearer[/color] (Managed by Floyd Goldworthy) [color=red]Freddie Huggins[/color] [color=blue]Stevie Grayson[/color] [color=blue]Madman Boone[/color] [color=red]Jay Darkness[/color] [color=red]Joel Bryant[/color] [color=red]Robert Oxford[/color] [color=red]Demon Anger[/color] [color=red]Demon Spite[/color] -- [color=blue]Wolf Hawkins[/color] TCW All Action Champion [color=blue]Chance Fortune[/color] (Managed by Blonde Bombshell) *[color=red]Joey Minnesota[/color] [color=red]Raul Darkness[/color] [color=blue]Harry Allen[/color] TCW Hardcore Champion [color=red]Doug Peak[/color] *[color=red]Puerto Rican Power[/color] *[color=blue]Kid Toma[/color] *[color=red]Akima Brave[/color] *[color=red]Billy Russell[/color] -- [color=blue]Steve Gumble[/color] [color=blue]Remmy Skye[/color] (Managed by Jemma Griffiths) [color=blue]Matt Sparrow[/color] [color=red]Grunt[/color] [color=red]Stink[/color] [color=red]Paul Steadyfast[/color] [color=blue]Ice Man C.A.[/color] -- [color=red]Hell Monkey[/color] *[color=blue]Tim Westybrook[/color] *[color=red]Marc Speed[/color] *[color=red]Nevada Nuclear[/color] *[color=blue]Melody Cuthill[/color] -- *[color=red]Zeus Maxmillion[/color] [color=red]Masked Cougar[/color] Managers [color=blue]Blonde Bombshell[/color] [color=blue]Floyd Goldworthy[/color] [color=blue]Jemma Griffiths[/color] Announcers [color=blue]Jason Azaria[/color] [color=red]Kyle Rhodes[/color] Color Commentators [color=red]Ted Ross[/color] [color=red]Herb Stately[/color] Authority Figure [color=red]Corporal Doom[/color] Referees [color=blue]Eugene Williams[/color] [color=blue]Sam Sparrow[/color] [color=blue]Ray Johnson[/color] Road Agents [color=blue]Archie Judge[/color] [color=blue]Sam Strong[/color] "You have a glut of heels, especially among the new people." "Yes, sir. A couple of them will probably change over to face, but it doesn't help us in the upper card. But I really can't see many of those changing over." "Work it out. We're through here." "Yes, sir." I gathered my stuff and walked out, already thinking through storylines with the new people. * * * * * * * * * * * Storylines currently running: :) [B]Cornell's Winning Streak[/B] (A) Tommy Cornell has started winning every fight he's in. :cool: [B]The Romance[/B] (C-) Remmy Skye and his manager Jemma Griffiths have started to show some romantic attraction towards one another. :mad: [B]The Rebellions[/B] (C+) Under Corporal Doom's instructions, Stink, Grunt, BLZ Bubb, and Genghis Rahn have started random attacks. Libery has confronted Doom about it in the center of the ring. :rolleyes: [B]Hunt for the Tag Gold[/B] (B-) Freddie Huggins and Charlie Thatcher, who have started teaming as Idol, Inc., have challenged the tag team champions Painful Procedure to a title match. :eek: [B]The $100,000 Offer[/B] (A) Peter Valentine has put up $100,000 to the next person to defeat him. Ricky Dale Johnson claims that person will be him.
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"]Preview for TCW Presents Total Wrestling[/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Tuesday, Week 2, March 2006[/SIZE][/CENTER] [QUOTE]TCW welcomes its viewers to the Great Lakes this week. Our All Action Champion, Chance Fortune, has announced that he has a special announcement to make. Peter Valentine will be putting up $100,000 once again when he faces Ricky Dale Johnson in the ring. A mystery debut will be taking on our Internation Champion, Rick Law. All this, and Tommy Cornell in action. Don't miss it![/QUOTE]
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Looking good, bud. I've read through a couple other TCW diaries that have popped up, but nothing really grabbed me. I had almost gotten to the point of starting my own, simply because the imfamous Tommy Cornell NEEDS to be represented here. I'm looking forward to reading your first show. Cheers!
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[CENTER] [SIZE="5"]TCW Presents[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]Total Wrestling[/SIZE] [/CENTER] [i]Live, from the Shakeshaft Auditorium in the Great Lakes, with 4,938 attending[/i] [i]Tuesday, Week 2, March 2006[/i] [color="Blue"]So, there I was, sitting in the editor's trailer as usual, all the camera feeds around me. My job was done, and all I could do now was watch, and rely on Archie and Sam to do their jobs. And it was already a bad beginning--this was the first time I could remember our failing to sell out an arena since I arrived. Not very auspicious. And then the preshow started.[/Color] [b]The Young Guns and Ice Man C.A. -vs- Nevada Nuclear, Zeus Maxmillion, and Hell Monkey[/b] [color="Blue"]I threw this match together at the last minute, hoping that I'd see some chemistry in some of the lower heels. I was disappointed.[/color] The Young Guns easily dominated this matchup, and Harry Allen cleanly pinned Nevada Nuclear in 9:37. Otherwise, there wasn't much to say about this match. [color="Blue"]A C-rated match. I guess it's not too bad, considering two of them had never been inside a TCW ring before. I watched the opening pyro's go off, and saw as Rick snuck into the ring so he could be standing there when the feed went live.[/color] Rick Law is in the ring. [i]"The way I've been treated lately is a crime. First, I'm forced to defend my title in a tournament that I'm just a normal participant in. I guess I should feel lucky that I wasn't stripped before hand. And tonight, they're putting me up against a debut! Someone who hasn't even been in the company before. Like I can prepare for that."[/i] [color="Blue"]Ok, I can cut him off there. He went on for some time. Not great, but not bad either. I'll give it a B. Something about Rick just didn't strike me as right though. I'll have to talk with him about it. This next matchup, though, I threw together for one reason only...[/Color] [b]Matt Sparrow -vs- Masked Cougar[/b] Sparrow and Cougar put on a short but spirited matchup, in which Sparrow got the pin cleanly in 5:18. Masked Cougar got up in Sparrow's face afterwards before putting out a hand, which Sparrow took. [color="Blue"]I have to sigh. C- match, about as I expected, but the turn rated at best an E. I told him that it wouldn't work if he looked like he was going to attack the guy. I'm not so sure the crowd bought the turn, but they're going to have to. My future plans depend on him being a face. Now it's time to see our workers can handle themselves when they aren't in the lower card.[/Color] Chance Fortune walks to the ring, the All Action title over his shoulder. [i]"Ladies and Gentleman! I have come up with an incredible idea, and I've run it past the board and our erstwhile leader in the back, and recieved approval. So I would like to announce that starting next week, I will be taking applications for an invitation-only tournament. The winner of this tournament will be named the #1 Contender to my title."[/i] [Color="Blue"]You get the idea. I was hoping he was more over than that, but the crowd just didn't seem to care. I give it a C+. Need to give him some quality wins, but he'll have to wait for the time being. Of course, we followed this up with dreck.[/Color] A taped segment is shown, with Remmy Skye and Jemma Griffiths sitting in a fancy restaurant. They both look sort of awkward, starting to talk at the same time once or twice. This ends with Remmy pouring some wine with shaking hands, and Jemma looking on with a smile. [Color="Blue"]I didn't buy it. These two get along, but their acting sucks. It's a C. But now we start getting into the meat and potatos. Sort of.[/Color] [b]Rick Law -vs- ?????[/b] Rick walks out, handing the ref his belt. The referee picks it up and shows it to the crowd. Law gets restless, before his opponent finally walks out. Melody Cuthill. She looks quite nervous at facing the main eventer, and Law manages to get across that he doesn't want to fight her either. They do eventually lock up, and Rick easily wins the match, pinfall at 5:52. [Color="Blue"]It was a C. Not bad. I had wanted to do this with somebody else higher up the card...but the contract hasn't started yet. Melody's definitely not ready to be this late in the show though.[/Color] Doom makes his way to the ring. [i]"Liberty, you got up in my face on the last show. I can't have that. So, it's time for you to drop. No twenty for you though. Tomorrow, on TCW International, you will be facing BLZ Bubb!"[/i] [Color="Blue"]Yeah, it was longer than that. I'm just giving you the highlights, ok? If you can call them that. Doom got a B, though, so I guess it wasn't too bad.[/Color] We cut backstage, where Ricky Dale Johnson is psyching himself up. [i]"Peter Valentine. The great Peter Valentine. Thinks he is so good that he puts up $100,000. Well, tonight, I'm taking it. That money is as good as mine."[/i] The camera follows him as he walks to the ring. [Color="Blue"]Fortunately, that was the lowlight of the segment. Ricky pulls off an A.[/Color] [b]Ricky Dale Johnson -vs- Peter Valentine[/b] [i][Color="Red"]$100,000 on the line[/Color][/i] An good back and forth match, with both men getting a number of 2-counts. Valentine sneaks the win, using the ropes as leverage on a pinfall at 11:41. Valentine gets his case of money and climbs all the turnbuckles, happy with the win as RDJ walks out shaking his head. [Color="Blue"]I expected better from these two, as the match barely rated a B. The crowd bood the celebration though, getting quite into it. I'll give that bit an A. And then things took a turn for the worse.[/Color] Painful Procedure walked to the ring, or at least the ones that hold the belts. [i]"So, this upstart Huggins has come along and challenged us for the titles. Him and his partner, Charlie Thatcher."[/i] BJ Shearer started. [i]"Well, I'll tell you what, Freddie,"[/i] Randall took over. [i]"You can have a shot, but we're gonna make you pay for it. So get out here, and you'll be facing the Demons of Rage!"[/i] [Color="Blue"]Ugh. That's just...I'm going to have to yell at those two later. B- at best, and they didn't get the point across. But the match happened, at least...[/Color] [b]Idol, Inc. -vs- The Demons of Rage[/b] Though Huggins and Thatcher put up a good fight, the Demons proved to be the smarter heels this night, as Spite pulled Huggins out of the ring and beat him down hard enough that he couldn't meet the 10-count. The Demons claim the victory in 11:10. [Color="Blue"]Damn, that sucked. C+. So not a caliber match for this late in the show. I could only hope that the rest of the show turned out as good as I hoped.[/Color] We go backstage, where Ronnie V. Pain is walking. He stops, turns around and looks behind him for a moment. He shakes his head and keeps walking, though he does look behind him again. After he walks off camera, a shadowy figure emerges from behind a crate. [Color="Blue"]Now that's what I'm talking about. Ronnie can act. A for the man. And now for the main event...[/Color] Tommy Cornell makes his way to the ring. [i]"I'm so good that the board has let me choose my own challengers. But it doesn't matter who I bring out, I've beat them all already. So let me introduce you to my challenger for tonight...Madman Boone!"[/i] [Color="Blue"]Tommy can really work that mic. But the Boone announcement really brought the crowd down, they couldn't decide whether Cornell was being cheap or actually getting a challenge. It deserves a B+.[/Color] [b]Tommy Cornell(c) -vs- Madman Boone[/b] [i][Color="Red"]for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship[/Color][/i] Boone put up quite a good fight, and Tommy did have some troubles putting him away. In fact, he had to use a low blow that the ref didn't see to put away the Madman, getting the pinfall in 15:34 and retaining the belt. Afterwards, he went way over the top, completely messing up the ring as he celebrates his victory. [Color="Blue"]Ah, good ol' Tommy. Of course, I expected him to be able to carry Boone to a slightly better match, but I'll give it a B+. And everyone got into his antics after the match, which really got the crowd going as the show drew to a close. A* all the way. The show as a whole--well, I've done better, but I've done worse, too. I think I'll give myself a B. Not to mention that Sam came up to me just about the time that the Law/Cuthill match was starting. Apparently, he had seen Liberty just arriving to the show. I've already warned him once. Might be time to try something more drastic... Of course, I watched Supreme TV afterwards on my DVR, and I rated it a B+, highlighted by Remo defeating Runaway Train to retain the SWF Heavyweight Championship.[/Color] [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Matt Sparrow defeated Masked Cougar in 5:18 (C-) Rick Law defeated Melody Cuthill in 5:52 (C) in a non-title match Peter Valentine defeated Ricky Dale Johnson in 11:41 (B) Demons of Rage defeated Idol, Inc. in 11:10 (C+) Tommy Cornell(c) defeated Madman Boone in 15:34 (B+) to retain the TCW World Heavyweight Championship [/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"]Preview for TCW International[/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Wednesday, Week 2, March 2006[/SIZE][/CENTER] [QUOTE]The second ever International broadcast promises to be jam-packed with action. Chance Fortune's Invitational Tournament is bound to get underway early, and we all look forward to who the champ will pick to enter. Doug Peak will defend his Hardcore Title for the first time against Matt Sparrow, who looked quite good in action on TCW Presents. The Darkness Warriors take on The Young Guns in tag team action, and Liberty to take BLZ Bubb in a match made by Corporal Doom earlier today. And this reporter doubts that Cornell will stay off the International stage, but in what manner his presence will come is unknown. Be sure to tune in to the Pop! and see TCW in action.[/QUOTE]
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[CENTER] [SIZE="6"]TCW International[/SIZE] [/CENTER] [i]Live, from the Varsity Arena in Ontario, with 2,000 attending[/i] [i]Wednesday, Week 2, March 2006[/i] [color="blue"]I settled myself in the editors trailer once again, as the crowd was shuffling in. This was the first show I had run in Canada, but I figured it would be worth it in the long run. Before everyone had even settled down, Painful Procedure came out into the ring.[/color] BJ Shearer got on the mic first. "Idol Inc. believes that they deserve our tag team titles around their waist. Well, they aren't going anywhere, not just yet." Then Randall, using his own microphone spoke up. "No, not yet. And certainly not to you guys. No, but we have arranged for a little...added emphasis to our statement. You guys should get out here right now, cuz you've got a match against the Demons of Rage. [color="blue"]Yeah, yeah. Anyone who watched TCW presents is feeling some deja-vu, but they just screwed it up so badly yesterday that I had to make them redo it for any future DVD releases. At least they didn't screw it up this time, but I can already tell the crowd reaction is going to suck tonight. I'll rate it a C. Of course, since we hyped the match, we had to hold the match, too.[/color] [Size="4"]Idol, Inc. -vs- The Demons of Rage[/Size] A quick match, with Spite taking out Huggins in short time, losing in 4:15. [color="blue"]I had told them to make it quick, as we just needed to do the match, not play to the crowd. And it showed, pulling in just a C-. But the next dark match was the one I really wanted to see. A debut of sorts, just to see how he clicks.[/color] [Size="4"]Stevie Grayson -vs- Billy Russell[/Size] This match lasted longer than the tag team one did, and Billy got in some offense. Grayson gets the duke, though, with a pinfall in 6:57. [color="blue"] They did better than the tag people, too, rating a solid C. I guess with the crowd reactions, that's going to be about what I should expect. The crowd settled in, as the crew went to work. The opening pyros exploded, and the announcers went into their opening pitch. They were quickly interrupted, however, as the workhorse made his way to the ring.[/color] "Something happened yesterday on TCW Presents that, frankly, rubs me the wrong way." Tommy played to the crowd the way only he can. "See, the youngster Chance Fortune came out and said that he was holding a tournament for his title. A tournament! Something about that just didn't feel right. So right here, right now, I'm here to tell you that tonight, Chance Fortune will have an opportunity he could only dream of. I want to destroy him in the ring, so I am putting my title on the line. Tonight, Chance and Cornell, for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship!" [color="blue"]The crowd laps it up. Except that apparently, they can't. Remind me not to televise from Canada anytime soon. So far, it's a C, and Tommy's not through yet.[/color] "Wait, wait, wait. See, I think I need a warmup match. So, in about ten minutes, I'm going to come out here, and pull one of you ingrates from the crowd. Think about it. You get to be in the ring with me, Tommy Cornell. And just for the hell of it, if you manage to beat me, I'll even give you my belt." [color="blue"]Oh yeah! The crowd loves that, giving me my first A-rated segment of the night. But wait, we're not through yet.[/color] Tommy opens his mouth to say something else, but he's interrupted by the music of Ricky Dale Johnson. RDJ has his own microphone, and he stands at the ramp entrance. "Tommy, my boy. I seem to have a thing for taking on gamblers lately. So how about this. If you're really gonna put your belt on the line twice tonight, why not make it a trifecta? You and me, Tommy ol' boy." [color="blue"]Ricky's not as good as Tommy, but he can still get the crowd pumping. Except tonight, apparently, as he pulls in a weak C+.[/color] "Ricky, if you really think I'm scared of you, you're dead wrong. You can't even beat Peter Valentine, for Christ's sake. You're on!" [color="blue"]And we're through. Two main eventers pull off a mighty B-. We got Tommy to hold the first fifteen minutes hostage before we cut to a commercial, and it's all good. I am worried how far the crowd'll drop when we come back though...[/color] [Size="4"]Doug Peak(c) -vs- Matt Sparrow[/size] [i][Color="Red"]for the TCW Hardcore Championship[/Color][/i] Sparrow puts on a good match, but Peak gets the victory with a chair shot to the head. [color="blue"]And Doug makes his first ever defense of the Hardcore title, with that pair rating an...E. It's really a shame that he's so far up the card, I really wanted him to run with it for a while. But I've got plans, and I'm not saying what they are just yet. But after that match, we need to bring the crowd back up, so cue the footage.[/color] We cut backstage, where Ronnie V Pain has just walked into a buffet room. He reaches for a plate, then stops and looks around. He sees nobody, but has obviously been spooked and gets out of there. Just before we cut away, we can just make out a figure hiding behind a divider in the room, but can't figure out who it might be. [color="blue"]This is the third time he's been stalked, and the crowd is starting to realize something might be connecting them. Sometimes I wonder about them--especially when this Canadian crowd doesn't seem to care. C- rating at best. And now a match, just to keep some people active.[/color] [Size="4"]The Darkness Warriors -vs- The Young Guns[/size] An open match between two experienced teams, with Jay-D getting the victory, getting Harry Allen to be counted out. [color="blue"]Like I said, I just want to keep people active. It gets a C, which seems to be pretty good for the night. I really don't know what to do with the Guns, but I'll figure something out eventually. But now, back to the main attraction. Yes, I know I'm overusing him this show--don't worry, it won't be a trend. But gotta get the viewers tuning in before I show the normal product.[/color] Cornell walks out in his wrestling gear. He walks around in front of the crowd, as the various crowd members try to convince Cornell to choose them. Finally he points to one dude, and nods his head to the ring. He grabs a mic on the way in. The young man clambers into the ring. "What's your name?" "Uh...Tim." "You ready to get your ass kicked on international TV?" The kid just nods. Tommy throws the mic out of the ring, and orders the ref to ring the bell. [color="blue"]All in all, not a bad debut. Kid gets his first match against Tommy f'ing Cornell, and a C+ for the acting.[/color] [Size="4"]Tommy Cornell(c) -vs- Tim Westybrook[/size] [i][color="red"]for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship[/color][/i] What did you expect? Cornell squashes the newcomer. [color="blue"]Westybrook gets a B+ for his debut, and sadly enough, possibly a match of the night candidate.[/color] We cut backstage again, where RDJ is standing with a microphone. "Tonight, I go up against Tommy Cornell. Oh, sure, there's a chance, however small, that he won't have the title when he gets there. Really, though, no offense to Chance, but he's not quite at the right level. But when I get a hold of you, Tommy, you're going to wish you hadn't fought twice already tonight." [color="blue"]Well, originally, I was going to have a debut here. The whole being unknown in Canada made me change my mind at the last second though. Next time. RDJ improvises well though, and gets a B-.[/color] We cut to a different spot backstage, where Chance Fortune is stretching in preparation for his match with Cornell. The door opens, and Matt Sparrow walks in. "Hey, Chance. You know, they gave me a Hardcore shot today, but that belt isn't really for me. I was wondering if you might let me have a spot in the tournament?" Chance looks at him. "I'll add you to the list of requestors. We'll see." He walks out of the locker room. [color="blue"]Ok, those two pulled of a C-. But moving on, as I'm tired of rating things. This match, I'm really looking forward to. I think that Chance has a lot of potential, and this'll tell me just how true I am...I hope.[/color] [Size="4"]Tommy Cornell(c) -vs- Chance Fortune[/size] [i][color="red"]for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship[/color][/i] Chance puts up a good fight, but it's not quite good enough. Cornell retains. [color="blue"]Meh. Westybrook put a better match on. Chance only gets a C+. Maybe if he wasn't in Canada, this would have gone over well. Remind me to get bigger crowds for this sort of thing.[/color] Liberty has walked to the ring. "Doom thinks that he can intimidate me by putting me up against BLZ Bubb? Please. I am a 3-time TCW Heavyweight Champion. There's no way that red headed freak can intimidate me. So why don't you get out here, and let's get this done with." [size="4"]Liberty -vs- BLZ Bubb[/size] Liberty controls the matchup, until Corporal Doom comes out and nails him with a chair. Bubb makes the academic pin. [color="blue"]Well, Liberty proves he's got some staying power, I guess. Both the interview and the match rate a B-. I need to take a nap.[/color] Madman Boone and Stevie Grayson come out as Doom and Bubb leave, and they help Liberty up. Grayson grabs a mic. "We are here to provide protection for all the workers of TCW. We are the Liberation Front. This is Doom's notice. You are going down!" [color="blue"]We go to a commercial again to give Liberty time to get out of the ring. I think Boone brought them down, as they only rated a C+. And now I'm getting drunk. It's amazing what some malt beverages can do if you down enough of them quickly enough.[/color] We cut to Ronnie, who opens a door and looks relieved. The camera follows him into a locker room, where Troy Tornado is relaxing, playing a video game. "Hey man, can I talk to you?" Troy nods, and puts the controller down. "Hey, I think someone is stalking me. It's creeping me out." "Man, of course you're being stalked. You're the drummer of the greatest band in history! Come on man, relax. We'll tell security, and they'll deal with it. C'mon." Troy and Ronnie leave the locker room, Troy's arm on his drummer's shoulder. [color="blue"]It's a shame. I think this would have gone over so well in the States. I hope it doesn't hurt the storyline. C+.[/color] We go back to the ring, where Peter Valentine is standing. "So, since Johnson has moved on to other pastures, and nobody has yet to beat me, I am making an open challenge. Any worker in the back, any at all, who want a chance at my $100,000, all they have to do is come out right now." [color="blue"]C+ again. I should put that in a stamp or something.[/color] Wolf Hawkins answers the challenge, but just runs right to the ring to get it started. [size="4"]Peter Valentine -vs- Wolf Hawkins[/size] [i][Color="Red"]$100,000 on the line[/Color][/i] [color="blue"]What? You expected him to lose the money on an open challenge? Please. Wolf gets a C for rushing the ring, and the match gets up to a C.[/color] Corporal Doom makes his way to the ring. "Liberation Front? I've never heard of anything so funny in my life. But if you two fools insist on getting involved, it's to your detriment. And it'll start next week on TCW Presents Total Wrestling. Madman Boone and Stevie Grayson will go up against the Nation of Filth. But that's not all. Nope, not at all. See, I really want to destroy you. So at Just Another Day, I'm booking Liberty in a match...a handicap match. The Nation of Filth will take you down too, just like your little friends. But enough about this so-called Liberation front. Tommy Cornell has decided to put his title up for grabs 3 times tonight. Well, as much as you all might like it, I just can't have that. So I'm here to announce that after tonight, the TCW Heavyweight Championship will NOT be defended until Just Another Day, when it will be on the line against Genghis Rahn!" [color="blue"] Three match announcments. C-, C-, and C. Figures. And now for our main event. I've never paired these two up before, so I'm hoping for an awesome match, just so I can recover.[/color] [size="4"]Tommy Cornell(c) -vs- Ricky Dale Johnson[/size] [i][color="red"]for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship[/color][/i] Cornell retains again, after using some brass knuckles on Johnson. [color="blue"]Wow. Cornell/Westybrook was the match of the night, as this pulls a B. And yes, like I said earlier. I know Cornell was overused, though the crowd didn't seem to notice. Almost an hour on screen tonight. Don't get used to it. I treated it like a 1-day storyline. And the end result? I give it a B-. And I'm not going back to Canada anytime soon.[/color] [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Dark: Demons of Anger over Idol, Inc. (C-) Stevie Grayson over Billy Russell (C) Live: Doug Peak over Matt Sparrow (E) for the TCW Hardcore Championship (1st Defense) Darkness Warriors over The Young Guns (C) Tommy Cornell over Tim Westybrook (B+) for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship (11th defense) Tommy Cornell over Chance Fortune (C+) for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship (12th defense) BLZ Bubb over Liberty (B-) Peter Valentine over Wolf Hawkins (C) Tommy Cornell over Ricky Dale Johnson (B) for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship (13th defense) (B-) Show [/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=Apupunchau@optonline]And Cornell shows why he's a wrestling god by putting on three macthes in one night.[/QUOTE] Yeah, and amazingly, I didn't get the notice at the end that I'd overused anybody. Apparently, the crowd loves him just as much as I do. :)
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[b]Saturday, Week 2, March 2006[/b] I went into Tommy's office for my weekly meeting with him. I had all my folders, as usual, in my arms, and I dropped them on the desk. "International bombed this week." To the point, as always. "I know. Don't worry, it'll be a while before we get back. Hopefully the tv show there can get us more popular so we can go back." He just looked at me for a while. Finally, he nodded. "All right. Tell me about the competition." I nodded. He watched the shows himself, of course, but he always liked me to tell him. "Well, they had Awesome Impact this week. It's was an ok show, I'd give it a B+. Remo defended his title again, but so did High Concept, Lee, and DuBois." "Henry Lee?" "That's the one. He's their North American champ right now." "Ok. What else?" "I heard through the grapevine that Agony is up for renewal. I'm trying to see if he'll talk to me. Don't know what I'll do with him, but since the Warlords were who High Concept defended against, it's possible that I can manage something. Oh, and I've signed [color="red]JD Morgan[/color] and Matt Sparrow to written contracts, since we backed out of our agreement with DaVE." "JD Morgan?" "Yeah." "He's not on this roster." "Oh, that...Yeah, I apparently had accidentally slipped his file inside of Jemma Griffiths...You know how that can happen sometimes. Sorry about that." Tommy didn't seem too pleased, but he let me go anyway. I went immediately to the publicity guys and had them put up the preview for TCW Presents. [QUOTE] [b]Preview for TCW Presents Total Action Tuesday, Week 3, March 2006[/b] As announced last week, Liberty's new allies Madman Boone and Stevie Grayson will be in action against the dirtiest tag team in the game, the Nation of Filth. We have also learned that TCW's newest signing, the Samoan Wildboyz will be present, and in action against Idol, Inc.. Plus, Rick Law to defend his title against another debuting wrestler, and Tommy Cornell with a major announcement. You can't miss this show! [/QUOTE] I went home, and on Monday, I turned on SWF Ring Wars. This show wasn't quite as good as their pay-per-view, but was highlighted by three successful title defenses, and DuBois retained the Shooting Star, Lee the North American, and Remo the World in rematches of their Awesome Impact matches.
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Your game looks like mine in the sense that Cornell is usued a lot and always wins. I am feuding him with Sam Strong right now but about to move on to face Bryan Vessey in a small feud. Rich Money is gonna join my STABLE called SWF-Supreme Wrestling Faction and try to feud with Cornell who puts a lot of guys in the way causing a TCW vs SWF feud. I am gonna keep checking in on this diary cuz I like it a lot.
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[CENTER] [SIZE="6"]TCW Presents[/SIZE] [Size="5"]Total Wrestling[/SIZE] [/CENTER] [i]Live, from the McGaw Arena in Tri State, with 5,000 attending[/i] [i]Tuesday, Week 3, March 2006[/i] [color="blue"]As usual, I settled myself in the editors trailer behind the arena to watch the show. I had a good feeling about this show, but nervousness abounded as well. We started with a dark match while the crowd shuffled in.[/color] [size="4"]Ice Man, C.A. -vs- Marc Speed[/size] An open match between these two that saw Marc Speed get the pinfall victory. [color="blue"]Not bad, for a dark match. I'll give it a C, I guess. Ice Man complained about the results before the show started, and I told him to shove it. I hope that doesn't come back to bite me. The opening pyros go off, and we immediately go backstage.[/color] The Samoan Wildboyz are walking backstage. They're obviously somewhat known though, because the crowd reacts. They walk past the Darkness Warriors, who are whispering to each other. Akima Brave accuses them of whispering about the 'Boyz, which of course the Darkness Warriors deny. Kid Toma challenges the Darkness Warriors to a matchup, and they respond that they'll consider it. [color="blue"]Ok. C for the most part, but I liked the bit about the whispering a bit better, enough for a C+. This is a great start. I think I'm gonna get the booze now.[/color] [size="4"]Doug Peak(c) -vs- Harry Allen[/size] [i][color="red"]For the TCW Hardcore Championship[/color][/i] The match goes back and forth for a while, but Peak gets the upper hand in the end with a cane to the head of Harry Allen. The three count comes quickly after that. As Peak's music is still playing, Tim Westybrook climbs out of the crowd. He grabs a microphone. "Hey, Doug. Last week, Tommy gave me a taste for gold. I think I want yours. Lets do a best of 7 series for your title." "You want me to kill you 7 times? You're on!" [color="blue"]Ouch. Just, ouch. The match wasn't bad, with a C, but the challenge rated at best an E--apparently Westybrook is popular in Canada, but not the states, and Peak's acceptance gets a D, because nobody cares. That'll hopefully change soon...[/color] Troy Tornado walks into his locker room. After a moment, he notices something taped to his bag; a note. He grabs it and reads it, looks upset, and walks out. [color="blue"]Can you mix alcohol and tylenol? God, but Troy didn't rate above a C+, and that's being generous. This show is looking horrible already.[/color] [size="4"]Demons of Rage -vs- Samoan Wildboyz[/size] The debut match for the 'Boyz goes quite well for some time, until the Darkness Warriors interrupt. The Demons capitalize quite easily, distracting the ref while the Warriors take out the Wildboyz. After that, Anger easily gets the 3-count. [color="blue"]C+. I guess for a debut it's not bad...[/color] Jay Darkness has grabbed a microphone. "You guys want a match, you got one!" [color="blue"]C. And that's not all. They patiently wait for the Warriors to get out of there, but they have a challenge to make too.[/color] "So, we took out Idol, Inc. for you, and today, we took out these new punks. So we are officially putting in a challenge to Painful Procedure for the World Tag Titles." [color="blue"]C+. Guh. I'll be drunk before too long. But before we hit a commercial break...[/color] A car arrives backstage, and Tommy Cornell gets out of it, walking out of the camera shot as it cuts out. [color="blue"]Yep, that got the crowd up. A* effort for Tommy in walking. Yeah, that'll help the rest of this pitiful excuse for a show.[/color] We come back from commercial, and Chance Fortune in in the ring. "My tournament efforts get truly underway today. The following is a tryout match for a spot in the tournament. My opponent, Remmy Skye!" [size="4"]Chance Fortune -vs- Remmy Skye[/size] Chance dominates the matchup from bell to bell, making the pinfall on Skye fairly quickly. He helps his opponent up and shakes his hand afterwards. [color="blue"]...and the crowd doesn't care. C, C+, and C. At least the match made a good center for the sandwich.[/color] [size="4"]The Tag Team Specialists -vs- Idol, Inc.[/size] Robert Oxford makes the final pin in a boring match. [color="blue"]Yeah, what he said. C+ match again. I think I passed out briefly during it though.[/color] We cut backstage, to where Painful Procedure is standing in front of a scaffolding, their titles over their shoulders. "The Demons want to fight us so badly? Well, how about you go up against the Tag Team Specialists--if you win, then you can face us." [color="blue"]I must be drunk. We finally hit the B range, with a B- segment. And this next segment should only improve it...[/color] Jemma Griffiths walks to the ring. She shoots t-shirts into the crowd for a bit before Doom's Army walks to the ring. She is surrounded and taunted by Doom and his two biggest enforcers, before Remmy Skye rushes the ring. They beat him down mercilessly for five minutes before throwing him out of the ring. [color="blue"]Well, the shooting got an A, the crowd loves her. The self sacrifice only gets a C though, and it went on too long.[/color] Doom is on the microphone. "And now to the favorite part of my job. I have some matches to announce. First and foremost, at Just Another Day, I have scheduled a mystery opponent to face off against Peter Valentine for the $100,000 that he has put up. Secondly, and the match I'm most proud of. Just Another Day--the World Tag Team Championship will be defended against BLZ Bubb and yours truly, Corporal Doom! Doom then drops his microphone and walks out, sneering at Boone and Grayson as they walk in. [color="blue"]C for the mystery opponent, and C+ for the tag titles. I give up.[/color] [size="4"]Liberation Front -vs- The Nation of Filth[/size] Grayson and Boone totally dominate this matchup, and they have Grunt down for a pin when Bubb pulls Boone out of the ring. Grayson follows them out, and Rahn and Bubb fight them outside of the ring, while the ref is yelling. Finally, they are rolled back in, where Stink makes the academic cover for the three. [color="blue"]C. That seems to be the trend for the day. The crowd goes wild when Cornell's music hits.[/color] Tommy Cornell walks to the ring. "I may not be able to make my own matches, like Doom said. But here's what I can do. Between now, and my match at Just Another Day against Genghis Rahn...I will not be seen. That's right, Cornell has left the building." He walks out to a chorus of boos. [color="blue"]An A. Unless this next match blows the roof off, though, I'm not sure even the long promo he made is going to help this show.[/color] [size="4"]Rick Law -vs- Joey Minnesota[/size] [i][color="red"]for the TCW International Championship[/color][/i] A good match, that Law just barely gets the three count. Minnesota looks shocked that he lost. [color="blue"]The longest and best match of the night, but that's not saying much. B-. Decent debut for Joey. I look forward to good things from him. Unfortunately, we're not through yet.[/color] Corporal Doom's music interrupts Law's, and he comes to the head of the ramp. "Yes, well done, Law. But I've got news for you. Don't rest easy with that belt, I will get it removed from you one way or another. Tomorrow, on TCW International, you will be defending the belt at an opponent of my choosing. You'll also be facing someone of my choosing next week on this very show. And finally, if you still have it by then, you'll be facing another opponent of my choosing on Just Another Day!" [color="blue"]Thank god it's over. C, C+, and C for the three announcements. I staggered outside, and I could hear people talking about the show. They claimed that the storylines just weren't hot enough. Great. I guess that's what happens when the show rates a C+. To top it all off, when I woke up in the morning and watched Supreme TV, I had to give it a B. Hich Concept and Marc DuBois both retained their titles on the show, too. God, I hope that International tonight goes better.[/color]
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Glad to hear that you're looking forward to it. I was just about to run the next show--finally getting some more free time to play. Oh, and rather than post again, I'll just edit. Doom's already got a stable (though Doomsday is much better than Doom's Army that I'm using now). Doom, BLZ Bubb, Genghis Rahn, and the Nation of Filth. But stay tuned. :)
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[CENTER] [SIZE="6"]TCW International[/SIZE] [/CENTER] [i]Live, from the Centerpiece Bridge in Mid-Atlantic, with 5,000 attending[/i] [i]Wednesday, Week 3, March 2006[/i] [color="blue"]I settle myself in a secluded office backstage for a while before the show starts, making sure I'm good and drunk before everything started going downhill this time. But I still stumbled into the editors trailer just as Painful Procedure made their way to the ring for yet another reshoot.[/color] "This time, it was the Demons of Rage who want a shot at our titles. Well, we're not going to let that happen. No, but tonight, we've arranged for you to take on The Tag Team Specialists, and if you win, then maybe we'll give you a chance." [color="blue"]They walk out, and I take a shot. Maybe if I limit it to one after each segment. But a C+ out of them. That seems to be about average lately. But whatever. Cue the match.[/color] [size="4"]JD Morgan and Nevada Nuclear -vs- The Samoan Wildboyz[/size] A decent length match that had good action from all sides. Ended in 8:23 when JD Morgan got the pin on Akima Brave.[/size] [color="blue"]Apparently Kid Toma arrived literally while the Wildboyz' music was playing. I never even noticed the delay. The match seemed ok though, considering the inexperience of those involved, and gets a C+.[/color] [size="4"]Remmy Skye -vs- Zeus Maxmillion[/size] Remmy and Zeus did their best to put on a great match, but they just didn't click together, and it showed. Remmy gets the victory in 3:58. [color="blue"]I guess for as little chemistry as the two had this wasn't too bad. C- for the effort. And cue the pyros, as I take another drink. We start the live show with the pyros and another match.[/color] [size="4"]Melody Cuthill -vs- Paul Steadyfast[/size] These two put on a hell of a match, and they worked great together. Melody nearly got the victory, but Steadyfast countered into a pinfall in 3:52. [color="blue"]C. I'll have to put these two together again in the future. But it was really there so the announcers could talk over it, and they did ok at that, I guess.[/color] The announcers let the crowd at home know that the main event tonight will pit the members of the Liberation Front against Corporal Doom, BLZ Bubb, and Peter Valentine. [color="blue"]And the crowd...doesn't really care. B- for the hype.[/color] Rick Law's music plays, and he makes his way down the ring. He grabs a microphone on his way in. "It's painful to me just how bad Doom wants this title off me. Four mystery opponents in a row. Well, I beat Joey Minnesota yesterday. I'll beat whoever he puts against me today. And he wants me to fight again on Tuesday. Fair enough, I'll beat them too. See, it doesn't matter, Doom. Anybody, anytime, anywhere. And at Just Another Day, when I go up against yet another mystery opponent? Well, the Law always gets its man." [color="blue"]Maybe it was because the crowd wanted to know who he was facing. They just didn't seem to get into this as much as I'd hoped, and it only gets a B+.[/color] The announcers talk about Law's promo as the competitors for the next match come out. [size="4"]Tim Westybrook -vs- Doug Peak[/size] [i][color="red"]Match 1 of 7, Hardcore Rules[/color][/i] Peak dominates the matchup from bell to bell, but still resorts to cheating when he gets a handful of tights to claim the victory at 3:26. Doug Peak leads the series 1-0. [color="blue"]Not as bad as it could have been, that's for sure. I'll give it a C-, and Doug really needs to improve. Maybe I'll put him in some dark matches soon.[/color] The Liberation Front is backstage, where Liberty is obviously ready to talk. "Liberty versus the Nation of Filth. One man against an Army. Well, it is Just Another Day. And on that day, I hold little hope of winning. No, no, it's true. See, the Army that Doom has formed, they're all there for each other. It won't be a 2 on 1 handicap match. No, no. It'll be a 5 on 1. Doom, BLZ Bubb, Genghis Rahn, the Nation. They'll all be against me. And unfortunately, I've just learned that my compatriots in the war against Doom, Madman Boone and Stevie Grayson, are banned from the building for Just Another Day. But not today." Stevie Grayson draws attention to him. "That's right. Tonight, we get our chance. Tonight, The Liberation Front makes its first offensive. Tonight, Doom's Army will feel the sting of defeat." And Madman boone finishes it up. "And there ain't nothin that nobody can do about it." [color="blue"]Eh. Liberty gets a C+, but when they turned to the match for the night, it climbed to a B. There's hope yet, but I'm still drinking.[/color] Chance Fortune's music comes to the ring, and he poses with the All Action belt. Finally, he gets a mic. "Ladies and Gentleman, I'd like to present to you a second Chance Fortune Invitational Tryout Match. Please meet my opponent, Matt Sparrow!" [color="blue"]And the crowd doesn't care. C-. That's the last time I have Chance hype the match.[/color] [size="4"]Chance Fortune -vs- Matt Sparrow[/size] This match was fairly open, but Chance hits the Stroke of Luck in 4:53 to get the pinfall. After the match, he helps Matt up, and shakes his hand. [color="blue"]A C+ match, and the crowd didn't care for the handshake, which gets a C-.[/color] Fortune's music cuts off suddenly, and Marc Speed appears on the ramp, microphone in hand. "Hey, Chance. I know you just had a match, so I'll make this quick. I think I deserve a spot in your tournament, and I'd like to prove it to you. I'd come kick your ass now, but I'm not dressed for it. What do you say?" Chance, without a microphone, just shrugs, and mouths something that isn't picked up. We got to commercial. [color="blue"]I think I'm developing a tolerance for the crap. A C-rated segment. And we come back to the Wildboyz.[/color] Backstage, where Kid Toma and Akima Brave are standing in front of a curtain, waiting for the signal to speak. "A cowards way out, that's what it was. We wanted a straight up match, and the Darkness Warriors decide to attack us in the ring, after we've already fought. That's just not the way it is. Now, they accepted our match, so at Just Another Day," Out of nowhere, Raul Darkness flies into the picture, taking down Toma. Brave goes to rip him off, but he's taken down by Jay-D. The two teams brawl for a short time, but the Darkness Warriors quickly get the advantage, and leave the Samoan Wildboyz down and bleeding on the floor. Jay turns to the camera, and speaks. "Oh, sorry. What he was about to say was this. At Just Another Day, we, the Samoan Wildboyz, will get our collective rookie behinds handed to us on a silver platter by the tremendous veteran team the Darkness Warriors. Oh, and we completely understand why they don't have any respect for our green and incredibly lame ways." [color="blue"]Yep. I'm tolerating it better. I actually didn't feel like drinking after that. C for all three bits.[/color] Rick Law makes his way to the ring, and hands off the International belt. He stalks the ring for a while, waiting for his opponent. Finally, the music starts, and Puerto Rican Power makes his way to the ring. [size="4"]Rick Law -vs- Puerto Rican Power[/size] [i][color="red"]for the TCW International Title[/color][/i] Law and Power put on a tolerable match for a good 7 minutes before Joey Minnesota runs in, attacking Law in the middle of the ring. The referee calls the match in 7:42, awarding Law the victory and defense #6. Joey isn't finished though, and as Power rolls out of the ring and walks backwards up the ramp, shaking his head, Minnesota proceeds to completely dismantle Rick Law, eventually leaving him bloodied in the ring. [color="blue"]And another no chemistry. I swear, getting drunk I notice more chemistry notes then I ever do when I'm sober. But the match, as well as the beatdown gets a C+. And then, right into another match.[/color] [size="4"]The Demons of Rage -vs- The Tag Team Specialists[/size] An open match that had lots of offense from everyone. Demon Spite keeps a choke on too long, though, and gets DQ'd in 7:43, granting Robert Oxford the victory. [color="blue"]B-. That was so much better than I thought it would be. But then the music I've been dreading hits.[/color] BJ Shearer and Randall Hopkirk interrupt the Specialist's celebrations. "We've been thinking. See, so many teams after our belts. And after we retain them at Just Another Day, we'll need a #1 Contender. So we've talked to Corporal Doom, and he's agreed to make a match for Just Another Day. Tag Team #1 Contenders match. Idol, Inc versus The Demons of Rage versus The Tag Team Specialists." [color="blue"]Oh my god, they got one on the first try. B- rating for the bit.[/color] We cut backstage, where Rick Law barges into Doom's office. "That's it. Doom, I know you said it was a mystery opponent, but I'm asking--no, I'm demanding--that my opponent at Just Another Day be Joey Minnesota." Doom rubs his ear for a moment, then speaks. "You want it? You got it. At Just Another Day, Rick Law versus Joey Minnesota for the TCW International Title, but with a twist. The match will be a No Holds Barred match. If you can handle that." [color="blue"]Well, we're solidly in the B ratings for the time being, at least, as we get another B-. But now back to the ring...[/color] Genghis Rahn's music is playing, as the man himself has a microphone in hand. "Poor little Tommy Cornell. Can't stand the little heat of a worthy competitor for his belt. Well, tonight, when I beat Ronnie V Pain, Tommy, I hope you're watching. Tonight will just be a small example of what I'll do to you come Just Another Day. You will be beaten to within an inch of your life." [color="blue"]Sure enough, just mentioning Cornell bumped the segment up to an A. I think I'm actually sober now.[/color] [size="4"]Genghis Rahn -vs- Ronnie V. Pain[/size] Ronnie showed just why he was the last #1 Contender to the Heavyweight Title, as he took Rahn to the limit. Genghis Rahn was down and out, and Pain was signalling for the end, when the lights went out. When they came back up, he was unconcious laying across the ring steps. The ref saw him and started the 10-count, which Pain was unable to meet. Rahn gets the victory in 9:47. [color="blue"]B- match. B+ for the attack. I'll take it.[/color] Troy comes out to check on Pain, who is just now starting to wake up. He bends down, whispers something, then rolls his eyes. He grabs the microphone out of the ring announcer's hands. "I've had enough. The stalking, the notes, and now this. I don't know who you are, I don't know why you're doing this. But I want you in the ring. Whoever you are, just come out here and let me face you like a man! Come on!" [color="blue"]B for the challenge. And I liked his look when...[/color] Peter Valentine's music hits, and he starts to the ring. Troy drops the microphone, and looks ready to fight, but Peter has a microphone of his own. "Hold up there, pretty boy. I'm not your guy. Why don't you help your boyfriend there to the back while I talk up myself? That's a good boy. At Just Another Day, I will be once more putting money on the line. I think though, that $100,000 just isn't enough. See, nobody has been motivated enough to even mount a suitable challenge. So, at Just Another Day, whoever my opponent is, my briefcase will hold $250,000. Beat me, and it's yours. But just for the hell of it, if I get pinned tonight, I'll double the money in the pot. So, whoever you are, why don't you just come get me?" [color="blue"]B+ for the promo, which I'm liking. I'm definitely sober now. Troy and Floyd help Pain backstage off camera, which has turned for the entrances for the main event.[/color] [size="4"]Peter Valentine, BLZ Bubb, and Corporal Doom -vs- Liberty, Madman Boone, and Stevie Grayson[/size] The match goes well for a while, with The Liberation Front getting some good headway before Valentine gets a hot tag and cleans house. He grabs his briefcase of money from ringside and shows it to the crowd, when Ricky Dale Johnson runs in, attacking him from behind. Only moments later, the Nation of Filth and Genghis Rahn rush in as well, attacking the Liberation Front, and the referee is forced to call for a double disqualification in 15:17, to the disgust of the crowd. That's not the end of it, though, as the brawl continues unabated for another four or five minutes until the show closes. [color="blue"]B rated match, B- rated brawl. All in all, I didn't think it was a bad show, but I see the fan sites are rating it a C+. Apparently, they thought that Corporal Doom was used too much, and that the storylines still aren't hot enough. It's a shame that I'm linking a bunch of them together, nobody seems to care about that though. Maybe I should give Doom the push he actually wants, maybe people'll want to see him if he's a Midcarder instead of an Authority Figure...it's a thought, I guess.[/color] [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] [i]Dark Matches[/i] JD Morgan and Nevada Nuclear defeat The Samoan Wildboyz (C+) Remmy Skye defeats Zeus Maxmillion (C-) [i]Live Show[/i] Paul Steadyfast defeats Melody Cuthill (C) Doug Peak defeats Tim Westybrook (C-) Chance Fortune defeats Matt Sparrow (C+) Rick Law defeats Puerto Rican Power by DQ (C+) for defense #6 of the TCW International Title The Tag Team Specialists defeat The Demons of Rage (B-) Genghis Rahn defeats Ronnie V. Pain (B-) Peter Valentine, BLZ Bubb, and Corporal Doom draw with Liberation Front (B) [/QUOTE]
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[b]Saturday, Week 3, March 2006[/b] I go in to Tommy's office as usual, but today, he sits me down right away. "I only want two things from you today, because I'm real busy. First, give me the card for Just Another Day." "Fair enough. Here's what we've announced this far." I handed over a sheet of paper. [QUOTE] Genghis Rahn -vs- Tommy Cornell(c) for the [b]TCW World Heavyweight Championship[/b] Corporal Doom and BLZ Bubb -vs- Painful Procedure(c) for the [b]TCW World Tag Team Championship[/b] Rick Law(c) -vs- Joey Minnesota No Holds Barred for the [b]TCW International Championship[/b] Peter Valentine -vs- Mystery Opponent with [b]$250,000 match[/b] Nation of Filth -vs- Liberty in a [b]Handicap Match[/b] Idol, Inc -vs- The Tag Team Specialists -vs- Demons of Rage - [b]Tag Team #1 Contenders Match[/b] The Darkness Warriors -vs- The Samoan Wildboyz [/QUOTE] "I'm pretty sure people know who the opponent for Valentine will be by now, but we haven't announced it yet. The other matches probably won't be announced ahead of time, since they won't really increase buyrates at all. Though there is still the one announcement we need to make about it." "Yeah, I know about that one. Now, you seem to have a large number of tag teams active right now. Give me a run down of them." "Ok. Well, from the top. Painful Procedure's tag team is BJ Shearer and Randall Hopkirk, of course. The top contenders, not counting Doom and Bubb, who won't be teaming regularly if I can help it, are Idol, Inc--that's Charlie Thatcher and Freddy Huggins; The Demons of Rage, you know who they are; The Tag Team Specialists, Robert Oxford and Joel Bryant. We tried Joel in solos for a while, but it didn't really work. Then we've got The Darkness Warriors, and the Samoan Wildboyz, Kid Toma and Akima Brave. They've taken off better than I'd hoped. We haven't yet debuted the Lucky Dogs as a team, though once Chance is done with the tournament, we're going to put him and Wolf together. The chemistry is great there. And finally, the Nation of Filth--Grunt and Stink, and the Young Guns--Harry Allen and Steve Gumble. I think I've finally got an idea of what to do with that last." "Good. Good. All right. Thanks a lot, I'll talk to you later. Good day." I walked out, nodding. I'm still nervous around him, but at least I'm getting better.
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[CENTER] [SIZE="6"]TCW Presents[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]Total Wrestling[/SIZE] [/CENTER] [i]OOC: I noticed when preparing for this show that one of my storylines had apparently not advanced the last 4 segments that I thought I'd done. See if you can pick out which one.[/i] [color="blue"]I settle in my usual spot, but at least I've gotten used to the shows not being good. So no getting drunk today--maybe I'll notice something I'm missing. Besides Cornell, that is. But I watch the show, basically expecting what has been happening lately. We start with a match--at the same time, a segment is being taped backstage that wasn't even shown to the live crowd. I watched them both.[/color] [size="4"]Ice Man, C.A. -vs- Zeus Maxmillion[/size] Zeus is getting a little better in the ring, and it showed in this match. An open match between the two that sees Ice Man getting a rare victory, hitting the Ice Breaker in 6:46. [color="blue"]I was pretty sure of the result, but I let Archie figure it out when he talked to the two of them. C- match. Zeus should be getting into the live show soon, I think. Meanwhile, on the other camera.[/color] Jay Darkness is standing with his brother backstage. "The Samoan Wildboyz want a match? Well, we'll take them on, but not until Just Another Day. The Grudge Match is on." [color="blue"]C+. That's all I really have to say about that.[/color] The opening pyros go off, and the announcers welcome us to the show. It doesn't take long for Chance Fortune's music to hit, and he makes his way to the ring. This time, however, his manager, the Blonde Bombshell gets on the microphone and announces that this match is a tryout match for the Invitational Tournament. [size="4"]Chance Fortune -vs- Melody Cuthill[/size] Chance had this match in hand from the opening bell, though Cuthill put up a decent fight. Fortune gets the victory in 3:43 after landing the Stroke of Luck. After the match, he shakes hands with her. [color="blue"]C for the Bombshell, C for the match. The crowd was looking forward right after the match though, and didn't react to the handshake, so it only gets a C-.[/color] We are treated to a recorded video of Remmy Skye, fully-colored hair and all, and Jemma Griffiths enjoying a Renaissance Faire. [color="blue"]I really don't think they care. Perhaps I should just end this storyline now, and put Remmy somewhere else. I'll have to think about it. C- for the video.[/color] We cut backstage, where Troy Tornado has just entered his locker room. As he opens his locker, he notices a note taped to the inside. His face gets screwed up, and he turns, seeing the camera. "I don't know if you had anything to do with it or not, but I'm calling you out. You and me, 1 on 1, Genghis Rahn. Tonight, I will make you pay for what happened last week." [color="blue"]B-, for the note and the challenge. I was really hoping he could get better than that, but ah well. What's done is done. But we're not through with challenges, now are we?[/color] Back to the ring, where Paul Steadyfast has just entered. "I've done this privately, but so far it hasn't seem to sink in. The Chance Fortune Invitational is missing one major competitor--me. So, Chance. I'm saying this publicly. You need to give me a spot in the tournament, or else. Think about it." With that, he calls in his tag team partner, and the music of the Wildboyz hits. [color="blue"]Horrible. Absolutely horrid, rating a D. Bah. Maybe I should have brought the drink after all.[/color] [size="4"]Paul Steadyfast and Hell Monkey -vs- The Samoan Wildboyz[/size] A good match that goes back and forth, but Kid Toma gets the pinfall in 8:45 after nailing a long range headbutt. [color="blue"]C. Not bad for this group though, I guess.[/color] Kid Toma grabs a microphone while the Boyz' music is still playing. "So, first, they attack us to accept the challenge. Then, they attack us again while we're talking about the upcoming match. The Darkness Warriors are cowards, and at Just Another Day, we will finally get a chance to fight them in honorable combat." He opens his mouth to say more, but both Toma and Brave are suddenly attacked from behind. Still worn out from their match, the Darkness Warriors are able to make short work of the Boyz. "You just don't get it, do you? You brought this on yourselves, and the Darkness Warriors will take you out, whatever it takes. Get over it." [color="blue"]C+ for the Wildboyz' promo, C for the attack and the Warriors' promo. I had hoped for better, but whatever. I guess it wasn't bad.[/color] Officials clear the ring of the carnage, and then we have another match. [size="4"]Wolf Hawkins -vs- Joey Minnesota[/size] The match is fairly open, with both men putting on a good show. Until Rick Law rushes in while the ref is down from a bump. He hits Minnesota with the Long Arm of the Law, and pulls Wolf over him. The ref recovers in time to count the three, giving Hawkins the victory in 7:26. [color="blue"]C rated match. Not horrible, but not great. I see good things in the future though, from all three of these guys.[/color] We go backstage, to Doom's office, where Rahn is sitting in a chair, seeing the last bit of Tornado's earlier challenge. "Troy, I had nothing to do with that attack last week. But if you want to put your life on the line tonight, I'm all for it." Doom takes up the monologue now. "Liberty. You are probably the most pathetic excuse for a wrestler that TCW has. And at Just Another Day, it will be proven when the Nation of Filth takes you out. And your so-called teammates? Well, let's just say that they make you look good. And just to prove it--I'm putting them in a match tonight, against Painful Procedure. Might as well give them a warmup match. Oh, and it's next. So get ready." [color="blue"]B- for the acceptance, C+ for both of Doom's points. Not that I expect better of him, really. Sometime he makes me take a toilet break, I can just imagine what the home viewers are thinking.[/color] [size="4"]Liberation Front -vs- Painful Procedure[/size] These two teams put on a show for the fans, and Randall Hopkirk gets the deuce in 8:52 over Grayson after hitting the Randalism. [color="blue"]Not as good as I'd hoped, but a B- is pretty decent as of late. [/color] We cut backstage, where The Tag Team Specialists are standing. "So, a triangle tag match at Just Another Day. Well, we're here to say that we will be coming out victorious in that match, so whoever the champ is afterwards, remember that you're just keeping them warm for us." We then cut to the Demons of Rage, who just say the same thing with different words. Ditto for Idol, Inc. [color="blue"]Wow, even the recapper decided to tune out of those ones. Great. That's three C+ ratings for the teams. I really thought at least the Idols would pull out a B.[/color] Rick Law has come into the ring, and he carefully looks under the apron before climbing in. He hands off his belt, and motions for his mystery opponent to make an appearance. [size="4"]Rick Law -vs- JD Morgan[/size] [i][color="red"]for the TCW International Championshipo[/color][/i] A fairly even match between these two, which is highlighted by Morgan noticing an approaching Joey Minnesota and drawing the ref's attention. Minnesota nails Law with a steel chair from behind, then leaves the ring. Morgan went for the pin, but Law manages to kick out. Frustrated, Morgan pulls up Law, and goes for his finisher, but Law nails the Long Arm of the Law out of nowhere, and gets the pinfall in 10:36, to make defense #7 of his belt. [color="blue"]Now that was a match. B rating between those two. Good stuff, and I'm happy I stayed sober tonight.[/color] Genghis Rahn makes his way to the ring, accompanied by all of Doom's Army. "Just Another Day, I will face Tommy Cornell. And I will emerge with the belt around my waist. These men behind me will see to it. And tonight, Troy will see just how that will happen." Doom takes the mic from him. "But that's not all. See, it's just not a preview show if we don't have the champion in the house. So tomorrow, on International, I am making a tag team matchup. One one side, we will have Genghis Rahn and Joey Minnesota. On the other, Tommy Cornell and Rick Law. And even better, if Cornell decides not to show after all, it'll be a handicap match. God, I love my job." But the Painful Procedure music hits, and Troy Tornado makes his way to the ring. [color="blue"]B for the promo, B- for the match announcement. We're doing decent for the end of the show, at least.[/color] [size="4"]Genghis Rahn -vs- Troy Tornado[/size] Troy starts out viciously, taking the fight to Rahn at every opportunity. Genghis Rahn starts recovering eventually, but Troy is not to be denied. Eventually, he grabs a chair from Doom and nails Tornado across the head, then locks in a submission move, and uses the ropes for leverage. Troy taps out in 8:48. Rahn celebrates his victory with the members of Doom's Army. [color="blue"]B for the match, and the celebration. Not enough to improve the rest of the show above a C+, but it's getting there. After the show, I went back to my hotel room and popped on my tapes of SWF's shows from the last two days. Tuesday's Ring Wars was highlighted by a High Concept defense, and Zimmy Bumfhole beating Marc DuBois for the Shooting Star title. Supreme TV has High Concept defend again, and Henry Lee defeat Joe Sexy to retain the North American Title. I'm dismayed that I have to rate both shows as a B though. I really need to step up my game.[/color] [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] [i]Dark Match:[/i]Ice Man, C.A. defeats Zeus Maxmillion (C-) Chance Fortune defeats Melody Cuthill (C) Samoan Wildboyz defeat Hell Monkey and Paul Steadyfast (C) Wolf Hawkins defeats Joey Minnesota (C) Painful Procedure defeat Liberation Front (B-) Rick Law defeats JD Morgan (B) for defense #7 of the [b]TCW International Title[/b] Genghis Rahn defeats Troy Tornado (B) [/quote]
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[CENTER] [SIZE="6"]TCW International[/SIZE] [/CENTER] [i]Live, from the Gorski Ballroom in South West, with 5,000 attending[/i] [i]Wednesday, Week 4, March 2006[/i] [color="blue"]It's always good to be home. And as the last setup show before Just Another Day, I have high hopes for this show. I've left the drink at home, prepared to be in rapt attention for the entire night. As usual, I've scheduled a couple of dark matches--these ones to keep people active and to hopefully train up some younger stars.[/color] [size="4"]Nevada Nuclear -vs- Ricky Dale Johnson[/size] An impressively good match from the youngster, and Johnson put on a clinic. The finish came after the Southern Justice, in 6:49. [color="blue"]Just about as good as I'd hoped. Pulls off a B-.[/color] [size="4"]Remmy Sky -vs- Peter Valentine[/size] A painful match to watch, as there just wasn't any psychology shown in the match, just a series of moves. Valentine is given the victory after knocking Skye out, dropping a chair, and pretending he got hit with it. Valentine by DQ in 6:35. [color="blue"]Even without the story being told, it rates a B-. An impressive start to the show, for once.[/color] The pyros go off, and the announcers welcome us to the show. We start right off with another match. [size="4"]Wolf Hawkins -vs- Zeus Maxmillion[/size] Zeus' debut on screen comes across fairly well, if a bit short. Wolf Hawkins hits the Full Moon Rising to get the pinfall in 2:42. The announcers used the match to talk about whether or not Tommy Cornell would actually show up tonight to be Law's partner. [color="blue"]A short match which got a C rating. About what I expected.[/color] Chance Fortune comes out to the ring. "You all know by now that I am holding tryouts for my invitational tournament. Well, I'm here to up the stakes a little. At Just Another Day, I'm giving a tryout to Billy Russell. But not only that, I'm putting my title on the line at that show--if he wins, the tournament will continue, with myself getting a spot. If he doesn't, nothing changes. He may or may not get a spot, depending on how he does. But that's enough of that. Would my opponent for tonight come on down?" [color="blue"]C+. For a while, Chance was really entertaining, but he can't seem to manage a good promo lately. I wonder what's wrong.[/color] [size="4"]Chance Fortune -vs- Marc Speed[/size] As seems to be par for the course, Chance let his opponent build up a decent head of steam before turning the tables, eventually nailing the Stroke of Luck in 3:56 to get the pinfall. After the match, he held out his hand for Speed to shake, but it was refused as Speed walked to the back with a grimace on his face. [color="blue"]A C match, about as expected. The handshake refusal only got a C- though. Other than that, I don't really have anything to say about it.[/color] The announcers spend some time talking about the announced card for Just Another Day. [b]Samoan Wildboyz[/b] will be taking on [b]The Darkness Warriors[/b] for the first time, as these two teams have been at one anothers throat since the Wildboyz' debut. [b]Idol, Inc.[/b] is trying to claim the World Tag Team Titles, but to get there, they have to defeat two other teams looking for the same thing--[b]The Demons of Rage[/b] and [b]The Tag Team Specialists[/b]. In an example of Corporal Doom abusing his power, [b]Liberty[/b] is set to go in a handicap match against [b]The Nation of Filth[/b]. [b]Peter Valentine[/b] is putting up $250,000 of his own money against [b][i]A Mystery Opponent[/b][/i]. The [i]World Tag Team Championship[/i] is on the line when [b]Painful Procedure[/b]'s resident tag team takes on members of Doom's Army, [b]BLZ Bubb[/b] and [b]Corporal Doom[/b] himself. In a fued that is developing steam quite quickly, the [i]International Championship[/i] will be up for grabs when [b]Rick Law[/b] defends his belt against newcomer [b]Joey Minnesota[/b] in a [color="red"]No Holds Barred[/color] match. And finally, [b]Tommy Cornell[/b] returns to action, and defends his belt against Doom's hand picked opponent, [b]Genghis Rahn[/b]. [color="blue"]It was kind of fun watching the crowd reactions to those--able to get a sense of how the PPV will go when that happens. C, C+, C+ for the tag team matchups, A for Valentine, C+ for the Tag and International Championships, and an A* reaction for the World Championship.[/color] Masked Cougar has tracked down Chance Fortune in the locker room. "Hey, Chance. I was wondering if you'd be willing to let me have a spot in your tournament? Assuming, of course, you win on Sunday?" Chance shrugs, and tells him he'll think about it. [color="blue"]Cougar sucked in this, but Chance made up for it, and brought in a C segment.[/color] We change locations, where Corporal Doom is seen talking to Puerto Rican Power. Doom notices the cameras on him, however, and before we can catch anything, he tells Power to shut the door. [color="blue"]Not sure if I'm going to keep this going or not, but as a one-night setup, it's not bad. C+. And now that we've gone nearly 15 minute without a match, it's time for another.[/color] [size="4"]Doug Peak -vs- Tim Westybrook[/size] [i][color="red"]Last Man Standing Match[/color][/i] Announced as the second match in a Hardcore Series, this match was actually pretty good. Doug dominated the matchup for most of it, but Tim got in some good shots as well. The match ended when Westybrook was unable to get back to his feet (though he was close) at 5:22. [color="blue"]If only the segments were as good as the matches, as it gets a C. And now you'll see what I mean.[/color] Doug Peak grabs a microphone from the announce table. "You've got heart kid, but I'm breaking you in half. End this now, or the punishment will keep going." [color="blue"]Yeah, that's a translation. He actually stuttered when he was on the mic. D.[/color] We go backstage, where we see Rick Law getting ready. He suddenly looks up, and the camera turns to reveal Liberty. "I'll be damned if I'm going to let Doom pull you into his plots too. And I doubt that Cornell will show up tonight. Let me partner with you tonight, throw a wrench in Doom's plans." Law looks at him for a moment, then grins and holds out his hand. [color="blue"]Yeah, I thought this would go over better. B+, which isn't bad, but I honestly thought it would be in the As.[/color] We go back to the office, where Doom is now talking to JD Morgan. He sees the camera and rolls his eyes, yelling at the cameraman to get out of there. [color="blue"]PRP went over better than JD Morgan. Weird. This gets a C.[/color] [size="4"]The Darkness Warriors -vs- The Young Guns[/size] The match looked to be a classic, but was ended prematurely when, as Jay-D tried to enter the ring, the Samoan Wildboyz darted in and took out Raul. Harry Allen was able to get the pinfall in 5:55, and the Wildboyz laughed their way out of the ring. [color="blue"]A B- matchup, though Jay complained about the ending. Something about it making him look bad, even though he wasn't actually part of it. Whatever.[/color] Peter Valentine comes to the ring, holding his own microphone, and his briefcase full of cash. "Just Another Day. Me, versus a mystery opponent. Well, who my opponent will be is no mystery to me. No, because it's obvious. I will be facing Ricky Dale Johnson yet again, and yet again, I will kick his ..." He is interrupted as RDJ himself comes through the crowd and takes down Valentine. The two brawl for a bit, until Valentine escapes and starts walking backwards up the ramp. RDJ grabs the mic that was left in the ring. "You're damned straight I'll be fighting you. And you hold on to that cash tight, because when Just Another Day ends, it'll be in my grasp." [color="blue"]Now that, that was a segment. A for Valentine's promo, A for the attack, and A for RDJ's promo. Hells yeah.[/color] We go back to the locker room, where Floyd is pumping up Painful Procedure for their match. Snuck into the mix is the fact that Painful Procedure will be playing a short set at Just Another Day. [color="blue"]Yeah, maybe the band schtick is worn out. B- for the fact that they'll be playing.[/color] [size="4"]Painful Procedure (Randall Hopkirk, BJ Shearer, Troy Tornado, and Ronnie V. Pain) -vs- Doom's Army (BLZ Bubb, Corporal Doom, Grunt, and Stink)[/size] This match proved to be much shorter than it could have been, as Ronnie gets distracted by an unknown voice over the intercom, and BLZ Bubb grabs his jeans with the rollup, getting the pinfall in 5:47. [color="blue"]Even with the shortness, this match got a B. Pretty good.[/color] Joey Minnesota has made his way to the ring. "Rick. I know we're scheduled to meet at Just Another Day, and in a tag match tonight, but that's not enough. Why don't you come out here right now, and we can handle this the way we're supposed to." Rick Law's music plays, and he rushes the ring. Minnesota darts away, and the chase is on. It doesn't take long for them to end up backstage. Minnesota goes around a corner, and as Law follows, he's clotheslined by a massive arm. Puerto Rican Power and JD Morgan lay into him, leaving him a bloody mess. [color="blue"]C. I need to give Joey some more mic work, get him up to snuff. Or a manager. One or the other.[/color] Genghis Rahn takes advantage of the fact that the ring is empty, and makes his way in. He basically repeats the same things he's been saying lately. "I'm in this ring, fighting everyone that's thrown at me. Tommy's at home, whining because he can't do exactly what he wants. Well, at Just Another Day, he'll have something else to whine about." [color="blue"]Yeah. Cornell got the reaction I needed. A* rating, the second of the show for that pairing.[/color] We go backstage again, where Liberty is seen walking down a hallway with his stablemates wishing him luck. Just after he vanishes, Puerto Rican Power and JD Morgan go on the warpath again, taking out Madman Boone and Stevie Grayson from behind, leaving them down and out. [color="blue"]This probably should have gone earlier in the night, but I couldn't figure out where to place it. C rating though.[/color] Liberty makes his way to the ring, where Minnesota has returned already. He doesn't back off at all, but everyone is surprised with Rick Law's music hits and the International Champion limps his way to the ring. [size="4"]Rick Law and Liberty -vs- Joey Minnesota and Genghis Rahn[/size] Law's injuries came into play only a little, as this all out match between four great competitors resulted in a Rahn pinfall over Rick Law in 9:41. [color="blue"]B+ match. I expected better.[/color] As Law and Liberty help each other out of the ring, Joey Minnesota grabs a mic. "What I did to you tonight, Rick? It's just a taste. You shouldn't have started in with me, because I won't back down. I will be the champion." [color="blue"]Well, at least it's a little better. C+.[/color] He's interrupted by music that gets the crowd pumping, as Tommy Cornell arrives, and rushes the ring. Rahn and Minnesota get the hell out of dodge, as Cornell tries to reach over the ropes to grab them. He gets a microphone. "Genghis Rahn, I've been watching TCW for the last two weeks at home, but today, you were in my hometown. When I saw you running your mouth again, I had to come shut you up. I know I said I wouldn't be here until Just Another Day, but any chance to put you where you belong, I had to take. You want this belt? Tough! I am the World Heavyweight Champion, I will remain the World Heavyweight Champion. And there isn't anything you can do about it!" [color="blue"]Tommy ends the show on a high note, getting an A rated promo. And as usual, his presence bumps the show up into the B's, as International gets a B- rating. Apparently the crowd still doesn't like the storylines that are going on, but we'll see what we can do about that. I like having a successful show.[/color] [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] [i]Dark Matches[/i] Ricky Dale Johnson defeats Nevada Nuclear (B-) Peter Valentine defeats Remmy Skye (B-) [i]Live Show[/i] Wolf Hawkins defeats Zeus Maxmillion (C) Chance Fortune defeats Marc Speed (C) Doug Peak defeats Tim Westybrook (C) in a [i]Last Man Standing[/i] match to go up 2-0 in their series. The Young Guns defeat The Darkness Warriors (B-) Doom's Army defeat Painful Procedure (B) in a 4-on-4 matchup Genghis Rahn and Joey Minnesota defeat Rick Law and Liberty (B+) [/QUOTE]
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TCW Announces the final card for Just Another Day? [b]Chance Fortune(c) -vs- Billy Russell[/b] [i]All Action Championship Match[/i] Chance has declared that though this is still a tryout for his invitational tournament, this match will be for all the marbles as well, relegating himself to the dregs of a common competitor should he lose. [b]The Darkness Warriors -vs- The Samoan Wildboyz[/b] The very definition of a grudge match, as these two teams have very quickly developed a deep seated hatred of each other. This will be their first official meeting in the ring, though both teams have interfered in the other's matches . [b]Idol, Inc -vs- The Tag Team Specialists -vs- Demons of Rage[/b] Both teams in the championship match later have agreed that the winner of this matchup will be named the #1 Contenders to the title. Each of them holds a win over one of the other teams in the recent past, what will this mean for the match? [b]Nation of Filth -vs- Liberty[/b] A handicap match set up by Corporal Doom as part of his plan to eliminate any opposition to his reign. With Liberty's allies Boone and Grayson viciously taken out on International, can Liberty expect any backup whatsoever? [b]Peter Valentine -vs- Ricky Dale Johnson[/b] Peter has $250,000 riding on the outcome of this matchup, money that RDJ has sworn he will take. Both of these men are experienced veterans, so this match is sure to please. [b]Rick Law(c) -vs- Joey Minnesota[/b] [i]No Holds Barred for the TCW International Championship[/i] Joey Minnesota has made sure that Rick Law knows his presence, and has claimed that he will be taking the International Championship. In Joey's first supercard as a TCW wrestler, will he come up short, or will he meet his goal? [b]Painful Procedure(c) -vs- Corporal Doom and BLZ Bubb[/b] [i]for the TCW World Tag Team Championship[/i] A match made by Doom because he claimed that Painful Procedure was not properly defending their belts. With a former World Heavyweight Champion in the mix, this match is sure to prove a difficult test for the Tag Team Champions. [b]Tommy Cornell(c) -vs- Genghis Rahn[/b] [i]for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship[/i] Corporal Doom made this matchup for one of his enforcers, and Cornell promptly vanished from the TCW stage, until he came back on International and stared down his opponent. Rahn has been quite vocal about his dislike for Cornell, and both of these men intend to leave Just Another Day as the World Heavyweight Champion. Just Another Day will come at you live from the Iowa State Fayre on Sunday, Week 4, March 2006, only on Pay-Per-View. Check with your local cable providers for coverage. [i]Predictions Welcome and Encouraged[/i]
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[B]Chance Fortune(c)[/B] -vs- Billy Russell The Darkness Warriors -vs- [B]The Samoan Wildboyz[/B] [B]Idol, Inc[/B] -vs- The Tag Team Specialists -vs- Demons of Rage [B]Nation of Filth[/B] -vs- Liberty Peter Valentine -vs- [B]Ricky Dale Johnson[/B] Rick Law(c) -vs- [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] Painful Procedure(c) -vs- [B]Corporal Doom and BLZ Bubb[/B] Tommy Cornell(c) -vs- [B]Genghis Rahn[/B]
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[B]Chance Fortune(c) [/B]-vs- Billy Russell I like Fortune as champ . [B]The Darkness Warriors[/B] -vs- The Samoan Wildboyz Since this is their first in ring battle I see the bad guys taking it although I like the Samoan's better Idol, Inc -vs- [B]The Tag Team Specialists[/B] -vs- Demons of Rage O see Painful Procedure keeping the titles so I think TTS is a good contender Nation of Filth -vs- [B]Liberty[/B] Doom's going to ahve to do more than send two slobs to defeat Liberty Peter Valentine -vs- [B]Ricky Dale Johnson[/B] I really don't like Valentine and I hope he looses his 250k [B]Rick Law(c)[/B] -vs- Joey Minnesota Not time for Joey yet I think maybe 2 more PPVs before he can finally strip Rick of this title [B]Painful Procedure(c)[/B] -vs- Corporal Doom and BLZ Bubb I like these guys as champs and i'm not sure a Doom Bubb team could really work permanently [B]Tommy Cornell(c)[/B] -vs- Genghis Rahn Rahn is just not what I'd call champion material
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[B]Chance Fortune(c)[/B] -vs- Billy Russell [B]The Darkness Warriors [/B]-vs- The Samoan Wildboyz Idol, Inc -vs- The Tag Team Specialists -vs- [B]Demons of Rage[/B] Nation of Filth -vs- [B]Liberty[/B] Peter Valentine -vs- [B]Ricky Dale Johnson[/B] - I just think Valentine is total garbage Rick Law(c) -vs- [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] - Tough to choose - love both of these guys Painful Procedure(c) -vs- [B]Corporal Doom and BLZ Bubb[/B] [B]Tommy Cornell(c)[/B] -vs- Genghis Rahn - It's always tough to pick against Tommy, but this one is easy considering the opponet
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