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TCW - The International Era

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[CENTER] [SIZE="6"]Just Another Day?[/SIZE] [/CENTER] [i]Live, from the Iowa State Fayre in Mid West, with 13,022 attending[/i] [i]Sunday, Week 4, March 2006[/i] [color="blue"]The crowd is roaring, signs are being thrust in front of cameras, and we are set for 2 and a half hours of action. The crowd is already chanting for Tommy Cornell, but they're going to have to wait for that, because, as always, we have some dark matches to go through.[/color] [size="4"]Wolf Hawkins -vs- Puerto Rican Power[/size] A tolerable match between these two that saw Wolf Hawkins hit the Full Moon Rising in 3:40 to get the pinfall. [color="blue"]Both men learned something in this fight, but it obviously wasn't a great match. C+ rating.[/color] [size="4"]Nevada Nuclear, Zeus Maxmillion, and Hell Monkey -vs- Tim Westybrook and The Young Guns[/size] An open and all out match between six young stars of TCW. Amazingly, it went to the bell without any interference or distractions, and Westybrook got the pinfall over Hell Monkey in 5:38. [color="blue"]And it gets a C. Pretty good, and about what I was expecting. I have high hopes for these folks, once they break into the scene. Now to come up with a way to do that.[/color] Blonde Bombshell comes to the ring, and sends some T-Shirts for Just Another Day into the crowd. [color="blue"]Simple, yet effective. The crowd loved her, and she gets an A*.[/color] Pyros go off, the theme song is played, and the announcers welcome us to Iowa. It doesn't take long at all for the action to start, however, and we get underway. [size="4"]Chance Fortune(c) -vs- Billy Russell[/size] [i][color="red"]Invitational Tryout match for the TCW All Action Championship[/i][/color] Billy Russell completely showed up the young Fortune by completely ignoring most of the youngsters hits. Frustration was clearly showing in Fortune's face by the end of the match, but he managed to land the Stroke of Luck to get the pinfall in 3:50, pretty much the only good offense he'd managed the entire fight. Chance Fortune defends his All Action title for the 4th time. After the match was over, Fortune helped his opponent up, then held out his hand. Russell spit on it and walked out. [color="blue"]Yeah, no selling present in this match. I guess that happens when you're an MMA star. I give it a C, but we're just getting started. The failed handshake attempt also gets a C.[/color] Joey Minnesota comes to the ring. "I have been given this time so that I can let you all revel in the fact that after tonight you will have a new International Champion. Rick Law is done with the title, and nothing will stand in my way of gaining that belt." [color="blue"]Yep. He definitely needs something to improve his entertainment factor. C+, which isn't bad, but lower than a wannabe champ should be.[/color] A video airs, showing the history of the bad blood between the Darkness Warriors and the Samoan Wildboyz, starting with the whispering, through the challenges and attacks, and ending with the 'Boyz attack on the last International. [color="blue"]Remind me to dock the pay of the production department. C-, and that's being generous. Here's hoping the match makes up for it.[/color] [size="4"]Samoan Wildboyz -vs- The Darkness Warriors[/size] Jay-D completely dominated this matchup, taking apart the Wildboyz from the very beginning, even allowing them to tag out as much as they wanted. When he got too close to winning, however, he allowed Raul to tag in. The 'Boyz started a comeback, and in desperation, Raul nailed Kid Toma with a ringbell. Unfortunately, the referee saw the attack, and disqualified the Darkness Warriors in 7:58. [color="blue"]Well, it didn't. It was a pretty good match, even though Jay was complaining about the finish again but I can only give it a C. However, after watching this, I think it might be time to split up the Warriors, and let Jay run on his own.[/color] Tommy Cornell is seen backstage, where he is working out a bit before his match. He puts the weights down and leans forward, staring at the camera. "Genghis, I gave you two weeks to build yourself up. And you used it to say that I was a whiner, that I wasn't giving my all. Well, wild man, tonight, I will give it my all. Tonight, when I completely wipe the mat with your carcass, I will destroy you. Tonight, when I retain the World Heavyweight Championship, you're going to wish that you were never made the #1 Contender." [color="blue"]As usual, a beautiful promo from Tommy, that nets an A.[/color] [size="4"]Idol, Inc. -vs- The Demons of Rage -vs- The Tag Team Specialists[/size] [i][color="red"]for the Tag Team #1 Contendership[/color][/i] This match was even the entire way, with every man getting as good as they got. Nobody particularly stood out of the crowd, which probably hurt the match a little. The end came when an exhausted Charlie Thatcher dropped Robert Oxford out of the ring onto Demon Spite, then collapsed outside of the ring himself. Though each of their partners immediately rushed the ring, the referee counted the legal men, and the match was called a triple-countout in 14:43. [color="blue"]B- matchup for the three teams, which is tolerable. I could hear the crowd buzzing afterwards about what this meant for the Tag Team Titles.[/color] While the tag teams clear the ring, a video is played hyping the reasons behind and the formation of the Liberation Front, made up of Liberty, Madman Boone, and Stevie Grayson. When the video ended, Liberty was in the ring. "Nation of Filth. I don't even know why I'm dirtying my hands over this, but if this is what Doom wants, this is what Doom'll get. Tonight, I will beat not one man, but two, square in the middle of this ring. It doesn't matter that Boone and Grayson aren't here tonight. It doesn't matter that Rick is busy preparing for his match. Nothing matters except that in about ten minutes, I will be getting my hands raised in victory. Now lets get this party started." [color="blue"]Yep, definitely time to dock the production department. B- on that video, which is at least better than the last one. Liberty's promo was hurt by the fact that the Nation was his targets, I think, and it only rated a C+. What can I say? When a stable spans the card, you get crap targets sometimes.[/color] [size="4"]Liberty -vs- The Nation of Filth[/size] [i][color="red"]Handicap Match[/color][/i] Liberty did as he promised, taking it to the Nation completely. With both opponents down in the ring, Liberty was going for the pinfall on both at the same time, when Corporal Doom charged the ring. Liberty left the pin attempt to chase Doom, who ran off backstage with Liberty in hot pursuit. The referee was left with no choice but to start the count, and the match ended in 8:50, with the still unconcious Nation of Filth victorious. [color="blue"]Both members of the Nation were showing their fatigue by the end of the match, but that was ok because they were supposed to be out of it. B- for the match, which is pretty good, especially now that we're getting into the meat and potatos of the show.[/color] Doom has apparently dodged or somehow eliminated Liberty, as he now struts his way to the ring, with Bubb and Rahn in tow. They wake up the Nation, and Doom grabs a microphone. "I've been thinking. I have an army, it's true. But see, the person in charge of an army isn't a corporal. It's a general. So from now on, I will be called General Doom. Has a nice ring to it, don't you think?" [color="blue"]The crowd boo'd the announcement. I couldn't quite figure out if they were genuinely angry with him, or merely booing because they didn't like him. C+.[/color] [size="4"]General Doom and BLZ Bubb -vs- Painful Procedure(c)[/size] [i][color="red"]for the TCW World Tag Team Championship[/color][/i] Doom and Bubb put forth a hell of an effort, but it was obvious that Doom hadn't truly seen the inside of a ring in some time. A staggered and very tired Doom got caught in the Randallism, and the three count was made in 7:58. Painful Procedure makes their second defense of the title. [color="blue"]All in all, a great match. These four men pulled a B, though it was obvious that both Doom and Shearer were tiring at the end of the match.[/color] As Painful Procedure retreats to their instruments, Genghis Rahn grabs a mic. "Cornell, you're full of it. What was it you said? Something about dragging my corpse across the ring? You're pathetic. When I win this title tonight, you'll be so mortified that you won't show your face in TCW for a month." [color="blue"]Damn, but the people like this fued. A* from Rahn. I kind of wish I had planned this to last longer. I'll have to come up with something.[/color] With Doom's Army out of the way, Painful Procedure launches into their most popular hit. They get through the first song, and are about to start their second, when a shadowy figure emerges from the darkness behind them, grabs Ronnie V. Pain, and backs away. The rest of the band look on in horror. [color="blue"]C+. Not bad. I really don't like their songs though.[/color] [size="4"]Peter Valentine -vs- Ricky Dale Johnson[/size] [i][color="red"]$250,000 on the line[/color][/i] These two put on one hell of a show, both men getting numerous near falls and submissions. Johnson gets caught in the ropes, however, and before the ref can free him, Valentine uses it to his advantage, choking his opponent out. When RDJ finally gets free, he's completely out of it, and Peter Valentine gets the easy pinfall in 10:11. [color="blue"]B+ matchup. I like it. Don't really know what else to say.[/color] Rick Law comes out to the ring in preparation for his matchup. He takes a microphone from the timekeeper, and waits for the cheers to die down. "Joey, I beat you once, I can do it again. All your posing is just that. Now why don't you back up all your words and get the hell out here." [color="blue"]Wow. The crowd died. C. Rick can usually carry them a little better than that.[/color] [size="4"]Rick Law(c) -vs- Joey Minnesota[/size] [i][color="red"]No Holds Barred for the TCW International Championship[/color][/i] These two pulled out all the stops for this matchup, brawling in and out of the ring the entire time. Chairs, the steel stairs, the barricade between the audience and the ring, all were used as weapons at one point or another. Rick kept looking towards the back, however, as if expecting someone to interfere, and that cost him when Joey played possum, then rolled him up using the ropes as leverage. Minnesota gets the victory in 7:58, and is your new TCW International Champion! The bloodied Law looks absolutely shocked, but slowly walks away from the ring while Minnesota celebrates with his new belt. [color="blue"]Almost everything I thought it could be. I give the match a B-; give Joey a little more experience and I could see this blowing the roof off. The celebration rates only a C+, though.[/color] While the ring hands clean the ring of blood and sweat from the last matchup, a video montage is played highlighting Tommy Cornell's amazing winning streak of 16 straight matches. [color="blue"]Sure, give them Cornell to work with, and the video department can get some good stuff. A* effort.[/color] [size="4"]Genghis Rahn -vs- Tommy Cornell(c)[/size] [i][color="red"]for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship[/color][/i] What a match. These two certainly pulled off the match of the night, as Rahn continually came close to getting the pinfall. While General Doom was at ringside shouting encouragement, he never did get involved in the match, even when Cornell drove his opponent's leg into the ring posts five or six times. Cornell locked in a submission move threatening that leg, and Rahn tapped out in 11:46, giving Tommy Cornell the 30th* successful defense of his title. After the match, Cornell kick-rolled Rahn out of the ring, and posed to the crowd. [color="blue"]Amazing match. There wasn't much selling shown, but with these two that was almost believable. Unfortunately, Rahn was showing signs of fatigue at the end of the match, but I really don't think it hurt it, as they get an A. Cornell's little posing at the end scored an A*. All in all, a highly successful show. What's better, is I didn't hear the crowd complaining about the lame storylines as they were leaving. Bonus! The show gets into the high B+ range, as we move into the month of April. Thanks for watching.[/color] [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] [i]Dark Matches[/i] Wolf Hawkins defeats Puerto Rican Power (C+) Tim Westybrook and the Young Guns defeat Nevada Nuclear, Zeus Maxmillion, and Hell Monkey (C) [i]Live Show[/i] Chance Fortune defeats Billy Russell (C) to make his 4th successful defense of the TCW All Action Title Samoan Wildboyz defeat The Darkness Warriors (C) via Disqualification Idol, Inc., The Demons of Rage, and The Tag Team Specialists go to a three-way draw. (B-) The Nation of Filth defeat Liberty (B-) Painful Procedure defeat General Doom and BLZ Bubb (B) To make their 2nd successful defense of the TCW World Tag Team Title Peter Valentine defeats Ricky Dale Johnson (B+) Joey Minnesota defeats Rick Law (B-) to win the TCW International Title Tommy Cornell defeats Genghis Rahn (A) to make his 30th* successful defense of the TCW World Heavyweight Title [/QUOTE] *14th defense since I've been booker; I decided he'd made 16 successful defenses between July and December 2005.
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[b]Monday, Week 1, April 2006[/b] It was the monthly sit down with the bookers, Tommy, Joel Bryant, and Sam Strong. First thing I did was ask them what they thought of the pushes that everyone was getting. The answers I got surprised me. "The Nation of Filth is ready to be pushed forward, I think," Joel said. I looked at him, and nodded. "Ok, I think we can put them up to the midcard. Working alongside Doom will help there." "I was thinking higher than that. Grunt, at least, deserves a Main Event spot." "You're kidding, right?" Sam interjected at this point, and Tommy nodded right along with him. "No, he's got a point. They've been putting in their time, and their matches against the Liberation Front really got them some major heat." "All right. I'll bring them up, see what they can do." "On that same vein," Tommy cut in. "I think Boone and Grayson need to drop. Liberty is really carrying that fued, and their momentum just isn't there." I nodded, making a note of it. I didn't like it, and I'm sure they wouldn't either. But it was there. "Fair enough. Anything else?" "I think we should drop Rick as well, at least for the duration of his fued with Joey." Of course, I'd already done that. "All right, now that the pushes are out of the way, how about the contenders." I looked at the three of them; this was always a sticky issue for the team. "Particularly the World Title. I've got some ideas that I want to run by you, Tommy. I know a couple people I want involved, but I need a few more..." [b]Main Event[/b]: Tommy Cornell, Liberty, Ricky Dale Johnson, Peter Valentine, BLZ Bubb, Ronnie V Pain, Genghis Rahn, Randall Hopkirk, Grunt [b]Upper Midcard[/b]: Rick Law, Troy Tornado, Charlie Thatcher, BJ Shearer, Freddy Huggins, Jay Darkness, Joel Bryant, Robert Oxford, Demon Anger, JD Morgan, Joey Minnesota, Harry Allen, Doug Peak, Stink [b]Midcard[/b]: Stevie Grayson, Madman Boone, Demon Spite, General Doom, Wolf Hawkins, Chance Fortune, Kid Toma, Billy Russell, Steve Gumble [b]Lower Midcard[/b]: Raul Darkness, Puerto Rican Power, Akima Brave, Remmy Skye, Paul Steadyfast, Ice Man C.A., Nevada Nuclear* [b]Openers[/b]: Matt Sparrow, Hell Monkey, Tim Westybrook, Marc Speed, Melody Cuthill [b]Enhancement Talent[/b]: Zeus Maxmillion, Masked Cougar * Still not debuted on screen [i]And here's your chance to be a member of my booking team. Who do *YOU* want to see face Tommy Cornell for the championship?[/i]
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Preview for TCW Presents... [QUOTE="From a fan website"] We have just received spoilers for Tuesday's TCW Presents Total Wrestling. While TCW themselves have not released any information about what matches will be held, apparently local radio commercials have been advertising a few matches, among them the Demons of Rage taking on the Samoan Wildboyz, and Madman Boone taking on BLZ Bubb in a continuation of the Liberation Front's crusade against General Doom and his cronies. It also claims that Tommy Cornell defending the World Heavyweight Championship against Ricky Dale Johnson! [/QUOTE]
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[CENTER] [SIZE="6"]TCW Presents[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]Total Wrestling[/SIZE] [/CENTER] [i]Live, from the Laurent Ballroom in the New England, with 5,000 attending[/i] [i]Tuesday, Week 1, April 2006[/i] [color="blue"]I go through my preshow routine, which by now the guys in the trailer are pretty used to. Finally, knowing that the dark matches are about to begin, I grab my water and prepare to be humiliated.[/color] [size="4"]Nation of Pain -vs- Liberty and Melody Cuthill[/size] In a match that exhibited obvious improvement on the part of Melody Cuthill, Grunt picks up the victory by using the ropes for leverage on a pinfall, ending the match in 7:39. [color="blue"]I sent a runner to tell Grunt and Stink that they needed to start doing cardio. The two of them were visibly tired by the end of the match, and it was only 8 minutes. C+ despite that, however.[/color] Melody sticks around after the match, shaking her head in disgust. She finally kicks at the steps to the ring before walking out. [color="blue"]Yep, a storyline point that I figured didn't need to be on the live show. Good thing, too. C- reaction to it.[/color] The pyros go off, the crowd cheers, the cameras zoom around the ballroom picking up signs here and there. It doesn't take long, though, for Peter Valentine's music to hit, and the man himself makes his way to the ring. "On Sunday, at Just Another Day, I proved myself once more. I still have my $250,000, and Ricky Dale Johnson doesn't." The crowd starts chanting RDJ-RDJ-RDJ. "Shut up! Now, I've decided not to go the open challenge route. Instead, I'm going to be watching for the next few shows, and I'll determine somebody to defeat next. Until then," [color="blue"]At that point, the guys in the trailer had to hit the mute button. Apparently somebody in the front row was quite vocal and vulgar about what he thought about Valentine. Unfortunately, it meant the rest of his promo was lost, but the point got across. B for the promo.[/color] [size="4"]Chance Fortune -vs- Masked Cougar[/size] In a match advertised as the last tryout match for the Chance Fortune Invitational tournament, Chance and Cougar went out there and did their best. Cougar was overwhelmed by the champion, though, and got hit with the Stroke of Luck in 3:55, giving Fortune the victory. Chance goes over and gives Cougar a handshake, but his music is quickly interrupted. Paul Steadyfast steps out on to the ramp. "Chance Fortune. I gave you an opportunity before, and you didn't take it. I want in this tournament, and you WILL give me a spot. There's no two ways about it. I deserve that belt, and you will let me in." Chance shouts back at him without a microphone for a bit, pointing to the All Action belt once or twice before grabbing a microphone. "Forget it. I don't respond well to threats, and there's no way I'm inviting you to this tournament. I'll announce the field tomorrow, but I can say right now that you won't be in it." [color="blue"]We leave the two of them bickering without mics for a little bit, but I review the events quickly. The match was ok, but not great, pulling in a C-. Same for the handshake, but Steadyfast's challenge sucked. Well, I guess comparitively, it didn't, as a D isn't that much worse than a C-. The response got a C though, and Paul was showing signs of becoming a better actor. Just signs though. We'll see in the future.[/color] We go backstage, where Remmy Skye walks up to his manager/girlfriend Jemma Griffiths. He's holding something behind his back. She smiles at him, and he pulls out a bouquet of flowers, holding it out to her. She takes it, giving him a kiss. then goes to open the card. She doesn't even notice Remmy getting on one knee, until she reads the card. Her eyes go wide, and she looks at him, holding a ring in front of him. She just nods, as we cut away to the ring. [color="blue"]Almost done, almost done. C- for both parts of that. God I hope Tommy can pull this show through.[/color] [size="4"]Demons of Rage -vs- Samoan Wildboyz[/size] The Wildboyz look good in this match, taking it to the Demons fairly quickly, and looking like they were going to pick up the victory. The Darkness Warriors rushed the ring, however, hitting Akima Brave with a steel chair while the ref's back was turned. Demon Anger got the rollup and the pin in 6:21. [color="blue"]C+. And really, unfortunately, that's all there is to say.[/color] The Darkness Warriors haven't left the ring area yet, though, and the two of them attack the Wildboyz with everything they have. The cameras mercifully go the back without finishing the beatdown. [color="blue"]I told them not to make it too vicious, but the crowd got into it only a little...whether or not that's good, I don't know, but a C- just really isn't good.[/color] Troy is standing in his locker, with Floyd Goldworthy at his side. "At Just Another Day, a tragedy occured. Our big man, Ronnie V. Pain, was abruptly captured by an unknown figure as Painful Procedure was putting on a concert for the fans. Obviously, we couldn't continue the set after that. I'd like to apologize to all our fans. But more than that, I'd once more like to challenge whoever it is that is tormenting us. I demand that you return Ronnie to us, and meet me in the ring. I will have nothing less." [color="blue"]B-. Floyd did a good job prompting Troy when he needed it, and stepping in at times. It came across ok, I guess.[/color] We go back to the ring, where the Darkness Warriors are still standing. [size="4"]Jay Darkness -vs- Puerto Rican Power[/size] A match between two obviously mismatched foes, Jay was doing fairly well taking it to the much larger Power, but unfortunately for him, the Wildboyz came charging out, battered and bloodied, to the crowd's cheer. They attack Jay, causing the ref to call for the bell, giving Jay Darkness the victory by disqualification in 6:34. [color="blue"]C+. Meh. I had really hoped for better, but the crowd doesn't seem to be liking PRP at all.[/color] Rick Law has made his way to the ring, microphone in hand. "Just Another Day saw me lose the International Title to Joey Minnesota. Now, I'm not out here to complain or to whine. On that day, he was better than I was. Obviously, with a no holds barred match, what he did wasn't illegal, so I can't complain. But, what I can do is this. Joey, you, me. Tomorrow night, I want my rematch. This time, just a standard match." Joey Minnesota's music hits, and he walks out. "I can't say as I'm happy to give it to you, but I am contractually bound. You're on, and when I win again, victory will taste that much sweeter." [color="blue"]God, I've got to remember to get him some mic skills. And some popularity. C+ for the challenge and the response.[/color] Law has barely left the ring, when Doom's music hits, and the man himself makes his way to the ring. "I, General Doom, am here to make a huge announcement. Tonight, in the main event, a rematch from Just Another Day. For the TCW World Heavyweight Championship, Genghis Rahn and Tommy...." He is cut off by Cornell's music, and the star makes his way to the ring, pulling the microphone right out of Doom's hand. "Now wait just a damned minute. First, you tell me that I can't defend my belt, then you come out here and tell me I have to defend it against your toadies? That isn't going to fly." Doom starts to say something, but Cornell interjects. "You want me to defend against him, fine. But let me propose something to you." Doom looks pissed, but finally nods. "Good. Here's the deal. I defend my belt each night between now and Where Angels Fear to Tread. Each match in a 30-minute time limit bout. I choose my opponents on Total Wrestling, you choose them for International. I may do everything in my power to keep the belt when I'm in the ring, but I will at least do my damnedest to ensure that the right people get a shot." Doom starts to say something again, but Cornell cuts him off once more. "Now, here's the kicker, General. You hold off on your boy Rahn until Week 4. If anyone beats me between now and then, he's automatically the #1 contender for their belt, and you can do whatever you want. But, if they don't, then he gets to know exactly what time he needs to beat. And at Where Angels Fear to Tread, I will put my belt on the line once more against the person who lasted the longest against me in the month of April. What do you say?" Doom nods, then grabs the mic back. "You're on. He'll see you at the end of the month." [color="blue"]Yeah, that was pretty good, I guess. Doom gets a B for the match announcement, which obviously isn't going to actually happen tonight. The argument (such as it was) got a B as well.[/color] [size="4"]Madman Boone -vs- BLZ Bubb[/size] A showcase match for the fued between Doom's Army and the Liberation Front, this match had plenty of interference, as Doom tried to give his man the victory, but Liberty was right there to guard against it. Liberty finally manages to get a shot in on Bubb while Doom was distracting the ref, and the Madman hits the Boone and Bust to get the pinfall victory in 6:35. [color="blue"]C+. Bubb didn't like the outcome, and I think it showed in the match. But on the plus side, I think this match did enough to get Boone back into the upper midcard.[/color] After the match was over, Liberty grabbed a microphone, as he and Boone had darted up the ramp to get away from an Army attack. "See, [i]General[/i], it doesn't matter what you do. The Liberation Front is on to your tricks, and we will emerge victorious. Liberty is on its way for TCW." [color="blue"]B. It would probably be better if his momentum was higher, but he just doesn't seem to have any lately. Probably all those losses he's been taking of late.[/color] Tommy Cornell is back in the ring. "I've not had much time to think about it, but I think it's obvious who deserves the first shot at my title. The man who put up a fight at Just Another Day, even after being nearly choked to death in the ropes. My opponent tonight, Ricky Dale Johnson!" [size="4"]Tommy Cornell(c) -vs- Ricky Dale Johnson[/size] [i][color="red"]for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship[/color][/i] An awesome matchup between two caliber opponents, this match went back and forth. Both men were nearly knocked out several times, just barely reaching their feet before a ten-count. Multiple near-falls on both sides had the crowd on their feet, but when the timer on the big screen got under 1:00, everyone was standing. In desperation, Tommy used a pair of brass knuckles in his pockets to knock out RDJ, dropping down onto the texan and getting the pin in 29:47*. Tommy Cornell makes his 31st successful defense. [color="blue"]The promo got an A, as I'd expected. The match, a B+. I think the crowd wanted the draw, but that wouldn't really leave any room for Rahn to beat later, now would it? Cornell pulls the show through again, as it rates a solid B. Even better, SWF Ring Wars, though it was highlighted by four successful title defenses (Henry Lee over T-Rex for the North American, Zimmy over Calamari for the Shooting Star, High Concept over the Hired Guns for the Tag, and Remo over Pain for the World), only got itself a B-. Supreme TV, though, equaled our show, getting a B rating, and only one title defense, as Remo defends against Black Hat Bailey.[/color] [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] [i]Dark Match[/i]: Nation of Filth defeat Liberty and Melody Cuthill (C+) Chance Fortune defeats Masked Cougar (C-) Demons of Rage defeat Samoan Wildboyz (C+) Jay Darkness defeats Puerto Rican Power (C+) by DQ Madman Boone defeats BLZ Bubb (C+) Tommy Cornell defeats Ricky Dale Johnson (B+) to retain the TCW World Heavyweight Championship [/QUOTE] * The "official" time as presented by the game was 30:22, but considering it was a 30-minute time limit match, that obviously wasn't possible. I altered it appropriately.
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[CENTER] [SIZE="6"]TCW International[/SIZE] [/CENTER] [i]Live, from the Huntsville Fairgrounds in the South East, with 5,000 attending[/i] [i]Wednesday, Week 1, April 2006[/i] [color="blue"]No dark segments tonight, as I had high hopes for this show and wanted to get right into it.[/color] Pyros explode all around the fairgrounds, and we are underway. The announcers welcome us to Huntsville, but are quickly interrupted by Liberty's music. "Liberty is in the house everyone. Tonight, Stevie and I take on two of the General's toadies at once. Oh, sure, Genghis and Bubb are decent competitors, but the Liberation Front is on a roll. Tonight, we will emerge victorious once again, and the Liberation will begin!" [color="blue"]B-. I expected better to start the show, but it's not like it was Tommy or anything.[/color] [size="4"]Billy Russell -vs- Matt Sparrow[/size] Standard opening match fare, as Billy shows us his MMA skills and totally dismantles Sparrow. Sparrow started to recover, but Russell decides that's the time for a low blow, which dropped his opponent to the ground. He immediately locked in a submission move, getting the victory in 3:48. [color="blue"]Yep, standard opening match fare. I decided I needed to give Russell a victory, so I put him in this match. C rating though, isn't bad.[/color] Robert Oxford and Joel Bryant make their way to the ring. "We think it's obvious, after rewatching the match from Just Another Day, that we should be considered the #1 contenders for the tag team titles. When we face Painful Procedure, at long last, we will be walking away with the Tag Team Titles. We just thought you all should know that." [color="blue"]I think I actually fell asleep a little bit during that. B- though, so I guess the crowd bought into it a little.[/color] The Darkness Warriors are backstage, where they are laying into the Samoan Wildboyz. "Welcome to the Big Leagues, kids. This is how we play up here. Why don't you go back to the sandboxes where you belong?" Out of nowhere, the Wildboyz spear the Warriors back through a wall. That's it. They get up, give each other a high five, and walk away. [color="blue"]C- and a C. What sucked though, is that during this bit, I noticed the boys in the trailer going nuts. Apparently, a cord had been pulled loose out in the back, and our feed was cut off completely for about ten minutes during this. Ah well, schedule time to run it again.[/color] Chance Fortune has made his way to the ring. "The time has come. The field in my tournament, the winner of which to take me on, one on one, for the All Action Title. In the first match, to take place on TCW Presents next week, we will be seeing Marc Speed take on Matt Sparrow. In the second match, one week from tonight, Masked Cougar will be going against none other than Remmy Skye! [color="blue"]C- on that one, not bad I guess considering the level of the competitor there.[/color] [size="4"]JD Morgan and Doug Peak -vs- The Lucky Dogs[/size] Chance remains in the ring after his promo, giving his partner Wolf a little grin as he makes his way out. Their debut match as a tag team doesn't go so well, though, as Morgan gets the victory over Chance in 6:23, with a clean pinfall. [color="blue"]I was kind of hoping Peak and Morgan had a little better chemistry for future use. Chance and Wolf showed awesome chemistry together as a team as well as opponents, so I'm really liking that. B- for the match. Doug looked tired out there, so I called to a doctor to make sure he was drinking his fluids.[/color] Peak and Morgan are still celebrating, when Tim Westybrook makes his way out of the crowd. Peak sees him though, and targets the youngster, beating him down hard before walking off. Tim isn't through yet, and gets a microphone. "What's the matter, Doug? Afraid that I might beat you in front of everyone? Why are you just walking away?" Doug grabs a mic from someone at the head of the ramp. "I'm not afraid of anything, punk. And next week on Presents, I'm going to prove it. Our third match--it's going to be a Tables match." [color="blue"]Yeah, I think Doug went out on his own there. Tim really was supposed to get the victory in that little brawl, but ah well, it didn't seem to screw anything up, and they went with it. No complaints from Tim afterwards either. D on the attack (Tim really needs to get popular in the US), C- for the promo, and D for the hype of next weeks match.[/color] The attacks for the night aren't over yet, though, as we go backstage to see Idol, Inc (Freddy Huggins and Charlie Thatcher) attacking the World Tag Team Champions, Randall Hopkirk and BJ Shearer. Eventually, they grab the belts from the champions, screaming that they want a shot, before dropping them and walking away. [size="4"]Troy Tornado -vs- Stink[/size] Stink in solo action tonight, as his partner already has a match booked later on. Troy looks troubled by what just happened to his badnmates, but he doesn't let that slow him down, as he hits the Star Maker in 7:09 for the victory. Even as Stink is still stumbling down the ramp, Troy has grabbed a microphone. "I still haven't heard anything from our mysterious man. What's taking you so long? Afraid to do anything that's not in the shadows? You and me, one on one. Answer me, dammit!" [color="blue"]B- match, pretty good, even if Stink showed his fatigue again. And the promo pulls off a B. Not bad at all. Of course, now we're at the section where the guy getting the push doesn't quite deserve it yet...[/color] Rick Law is making his way to the ring, giving high fives to children in the crowd, when Minnesota charges down the ramp, hitting him from behind. He beats down the former champ outside the ring for a few minutes, swinging him into the steel steps a few times before rolling him into the ring. [size="4"]Joey Minnesota(c) -vs- Rick Law[/size] [i][color="red"]for the TCW International Championship[/color][/i] Minnesota goes for the quick victory covering Law right away, but Law kicks out after a long two count. As the match goes on, Rick Law starts to recover from the brutal beating given to him prior to the match, but Minnesota manages to hit the Empire Spiral on the exhausted and battered Law for the victory in 5:43. Joey Minnesota makes his first successful defense, and celebrates in victory afterwards, holding up the belt from all four ringposts. [color="blue"]C for the attack, C+ for the match, and C for the celebration. We're getting him there, slowly but surely.[/color] Painful Procedure is backstage, getting looked at by some medics. Randall takes the lead when he notices the microphones. "You want to attack us? Well, let's take it to the ring. Next Tuesday, we'll even put the titles on the line. Painful Procedure, versus Idol Inc." [color="blue"]B-. Could have been better, I guess.[/color] [size="4"]Liberty and Stevie Grayson -vs- Genghis Rahn and BLZ Bubb[/size] Neither side wanted to back down an inch, but the presence of General Doom certainly pushed the early momentum of the match on the side of Rahn and Bubb. In fact, they would dominate most of the match, but Liberty would hit the Liberation Slam on Genghis Rahn in 8:57, and Grayson would hold off Bubb long enough for the three-count. Liberation Front gets out of Dodge while General Doom grabs a microphone. "Right now, I'm making a match. Next week, on TCW Presents, it will be Genghis Rahn versus Stevie Grayson. Oh, and Stevie, if you lose, you're fired." Liberation Front vanishes through the curtains, looking slightly concerned, as Tommy Cornell's music hits. Cornell starts walking to the ring, but is interrupted as Doom and Rahn attack him. He holds his own for a while, but is finally overwhelmed by numbers as they roll him back into the ring to meet his opponent. [color="blue"]B- matchup between the two stables. I really expected better, and I doubt that Grayson brought the match down that far. C for the match announcement, and B- for the attack.[/color] [size="4"]Tommy Cornell(c) -vs- Grunt[/size] [i][color="red"]for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship[/color][/i] Doom keeps his promise to not have Rahn in a match just yet, but throws another of his toadies in instead. It doesn't take Cornell long to recover from the beating he was given prior, though, which causes Grunt to be running for his life rather than trying for the victory. Tommy wins with an easy rollup after 10:58, and Grunt looked happy to be out of there with his life. Tommy Cornell makes his 32nd successful defense. For the record, this means that Ricky Dale Johnson, with a time of 29:47 is still the #1 Contender for the Heavyweight Championship. [color="blue"]A B-rated match, which I had hoped Tommy could bring Grunt higher than that. Maybe he's not suited for the main event just yet. Especially being tired after only 11 minutes in the ring. That couldn't bring the show back up into the high B range though, as it only rates a B-. At least we haven't slipped back down to the Cs, though the crowd seemed upset about the lack of hot storylines. And here I thought they were doing pretty good at the moment. Whatever, they'll get over it.[/color] [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Billy Russell defeats Matt Sparrow (C) Doug Peak and JD Morgan defeat The Lucky Dogs (B-) Troy Tornado defeats Stink (B-) Joey Minnesota defeats Rick Law (C+) to retain the TCW International Championshipo Liberty and Stevie Grayson defeat Genghis Rahn and BLZ Bubb (B-) Tommy Cornell defeats Grunt (B) to retain the TCW World Heavyweight Championship [/QUOTE]
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[CENTER] [SIZE="6"]TCW Presents[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]Total Wrestling[/SIZE] [/CENTER] [i]Live, from the Lowe Ballroom in the Northwest, with 5,000 attending[/i] [i]Tuesday, Week 2, April 2006[/i] [color="blue"]It's me again. I'm starting to like this job more now, but I'll tell ya, it's still a pain when I know these guys can do better than they are. But whatever, I sit down in the editors trailer, take off my sunglasses, and watch the carnage.[/color] [size="4"]Leon Hannigan -vs- Paul Steadyfast[/size] An impressive debut for Hannigan, who makes short work of Paul Steadyfast, getting the quick pinfall victory in 2:36. [color="blue"]Hannigan was a fairly well known player for the local AFL team who suddenly decided he wanted to be a pro wrestler. After he announced it the world, naturally I had to give him a shot. The man is so dull, though, so until I find him a decent manager, he's probably going to toil through dark matches. A C rating in a debut is decent though.[/color] [size="4"]Zeus Maxmillion -vs- Troy Tornado[/size] Troy and Zeus put on a decent match, considering how far apart on the card they are. Troy hits the Star Maker in 3:41 to get the victory. [color="blue"]C+ in this match, as we continue to get better. This match featured another debut of sorts, as TCW picks up their third road agent, welcoming Professor Nero to the fold.[/color] [size="4"]The Lucky Dogs -vs- The Nation of Filth[/size] The Lucky Dogs continue their unlucky streak, with Chance getting pinned by Grunt in 7:10, as the dirty man had his feet in the ropes. As a team, the Dogs fall to 0-2. [color="blue"]B-. Hopefully the whole show keeps getting better like this. I doubt it, but one can hope.[/color] Now, the fireworks explode, Total Wrestling's theme plays, and the announcers welcome us to the show. They're quick though, since General Doom is already in the ring. "It gives me great pain to come out here and announce the main event for tonight. I absolutely hate saying this, but I made my agreement on the air, and I'm being forced to stick with it. Tonight, in the main event, Tommy Cornell has chosen to put the TCW World Heavyweight Championship on the line against...against...dammit, againtricklaw." He quickly drops the mic and leaves the ring, leaving the crowd to translate what he said. [color="blue"]And they did translate it fairly well, to a decent reaction. B for the announcement.[/color] Chance Fortune has come out and had a seat in the announce booth, where he chats up with Jason Azaria the match we're about to see. He says that both these men were great competitors, and he doesn't hold it against Marc Speed that he didn't shake his hand after the tryout match. [color="blue"]C. I guess that's not too bad.[/color] [size="4"]Marc Speed -vs- Matt Sparrow[/size] [i][color="red"]Semi-Final Match of the Chance Fortune Invitational[/color][/i] These two men showed about an equal amount of offense, both getting a few near falls. Sparrow would come out ahead in this bout though, as he hits the Bird Brain Buster and covers for the pin in 6:01. [color="blue"]For an opening bout, a C isn't bad at all. But I'm not going to keep rambling, because there's something going on.[/color] We cut backstage, where Stevie Grayson is attempting to fight off the Nation of Filth in the parking garage. Stevie has apparently been dragged from somewhere else, as there is already lost of carnage around. Suddenly, a car screeches to a halt behind them, BLZ Bubb gets out and knocks Grayson over the head with a tire iron. The three men toss him in the open trunk, and Bubb screeches away as the Nation of Filth start laughing. Back to the ring, where General Doom has just walked Genghis Rahn to the ring. [size="4"]Stevie Grayson -vs- Genghis Rahn[/size] Doom orders the referee to start the match. A long 10-count later, Rahn has the victory as Grayson gets counted out in 0:39. Doom gets on the mic immediately. "Grayson, I told you if you lost this match you'd be fired. And you don't even show up. So, guess what--YOU'RE FIRED!" [color="blue"]Well, the crowd was certainly booing all this, but I didn't like it. C+ down the line, except for the firing, which Doom dropped to a C.[/color] [size="4"]Hell Monkey -vs- Melody Cuthill[/size] An opening-caliber match in the middle of the show sees Hell Monkey continue Cuthill's losing streak but using a thumb to the eye to distract her long enough to get the pinfall in 3:52. [color="blue"]And that's enough said about that. But since you expect a rating, I'll give you one. C-. Yeah, that's what I said too.[/color] Melody is walking backstage after the match, when Wolf Hawkins comes up to her. "Don't worry about it. Hey, I've had my fair share of losses. You'll get a victory eventually, and then you'll be shooting up the card before you know it." It seems to cheer her up a bit. [color="blue"]But not the crowd. Still a C-. Whatever.[/color] Liberty and Madman Boone are backstage, both of them nearly red with rage. "Stevie Grayson was robbed of his chance to a clean fight. And now he is out of TCW, and the Liberation Front is down to two members. That doesn't matter, though. Stevie, we'll get them for you. TCW WILL be liberated. You can count on that." [color="blue"]And we're back to a B. For now. Watch and weep. I know I did.[/color] Doug Peak makes his way to the ring. "Tonight, I will dismantle Tim Westybrook. I will claim the third victory in the series, and I will see his body bruised and broken with the ruins of a table around him. I guarantee it." [size="4"]Doug Peak -vs- Tim Westybrook[/size] Doug Peak pretty much dominates the matchup, doing as he promised and taking apart Westybrook. The newcomer proved to have some brains though, for he waited for Peak to be descending from the top turnbuckle to drive him through a table, and got out of the way. Unable to divert himself, Peak put himself through the table, giving Westybrook the victory in 5:44. [color="blue"]Ok, the tears are gone now. Peak's promo--I don't want to talk about it. Ok, ok, fine. He gets a D. The match itself was at least watchable, as the pair get a C rating out of it. Hopefully the upper card can pull us through.[/color] Ricky Dale Johnson makes his way to the ring, and waits for the crowds chants to die down. "Thank you, thank you. I would like to address one man in the back. A man who is so stuck up, he thinks that nobody can beat him. A man who has put $250,000 of his own money on the line that says nobody can beat him. Yes, I'm talking to you Peter. One more time, you and me. Let's put it all on the line again." Peter Valentine's music hits, and he comes out on the ramp, holding the briefcase of money? "You want this briefcase? You want me in the ring again? Fine, let's do it..." He breaks down laughing. "Oh, I'm sorry. Did you actually think I'd listen to you. I beat you once, then I beat you again at Just Another Day. And now you want to fight me again? Please. There is nothing you can do that would make me decide you're worth fighting again. Nothing at all. Sorry, Ricky, but you just don't cut it." [color="blue"]B+ for both parts. The crowd didn't like the refusal one bit, which made me smile.[/color] [size="4"]The Darkness Warriors -vs- The Samoan Wildboyz[/size] A rematch from Just Another Day, these two teams put it all on the line once again. Jay continues to be a dominant force, but after a hot tag by Akima takes him down, he is forced to make the tag. Raul comes in and gets served, forced to drop to the floor for a breather. He shakes his head and starts to walk away, causing Jay to go after him. Finally, Jay convinces his brother to return to the ring, but it's too late. The Wildboyz get the victory by countout in 5:58. [color="blue"]It gets a C. I hoped for, but didn't expect any better. But our tag action isn't done.[/color] Painful Procedure is in the ring. "So, Idol, Inc. thinks that they can just attack us whenever they want. Well, they've got another think coming when we destroy them in this ring. The band's got it's own problems right now, but we can spare the time to put these upstarts to shame and show them just why we're the TCW Tag Team Champions!" [size="4"]Painful Procedure(c) -vs- Idol, Inc.[/size] [i][color="red"]for the TCW World Tag Team Championship[/color][/i] Procedure is on the attack even before the bell rings, taking it to Huggins and Thatcher as quickly as they can. The referee eventually restores order, forcing both sides to have just one man in the ring. Painful Procedure fights as if possessed, but Idol, Inc. does get their fair share of offense in. Thatcher gets hit with the Randallism after 9:24, and Hopkirk takes the pinfall. Painful Procedure makes their 2nd successful defense of the titles. [color="blue"]B- for the promo and the match. At least everyone in this match was ok stamina-wise. I'd begun dreading my tag team matches because they tend to showcase exhaustion when they go just a touch too long.[/color] As Painful Procedure celebrates, the camera cuts back to a locker room, where The Demons of Rage are watching the match with grins on their faces. Just as the announcers are over-reacting to that fact, we go to a different room, where the Tag Team Specialists are doing much the same thing, nodding at the results of the matchup. [color="blue"]C+ from both of these.[/color] Tommy Cornell comes to the ring. "Why, you may ask, would I pick Rick Law to be my opponent tonight? Is it because he just lost the International Title and I think he's going to be an easy victory? Is it because I know picking him would piss off Doom the most? Or is it because I don't even expect him to show up? No, the truth is that when I come out here, I test myself. I find the biggest challenges I can, and I bring them out here. And I defeat them. Rick Law, make no mistake, will be a challenge. But in the end, as always, I will emerge victorious." [size="4"]Tommy Cornell(c) -vs- Rick Law[/size] [i][color="red"]for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship[/color][/i] Law showed no signs of his attack by Joey Minnesota last Wednesday early in the match, going toe to toe with the champ for quite some time. As the match dragged on, though, he began to weaken, until Cornell had him in a devestating submission hold. Law wouldn't give up, though, and Cornell finally grew frustrated, let go of the hold, and stalked the ring. This allowed Law to get back to his feet and his senses. He was about to hit the Long Arm of the Law when Minnesota rushed in, nailed the Empire Spiral, and ran back out. Cornell got his little smirk on when he saw Minnesota walking back out of the arena, and went for the cover, getting the 3-count in 15:56. Tommy Cornell makes his 33rd successful defense of the TCW World Heavyweight Championship. [color="blue"]B+ for the promo and the match. I don't think that Minnesota had much to do with the result of the final match, which is disappointing. I was hoping these two would have an awesome match, but it seems that Law was tired, and the crowd is getting tired of him. That last bit surprised me, so much so that the B- the show got didn't really faze me. I got back to my hotel room, and as usual, threw on the recorded SWF material. Both shows were rated B, unfortunately. Ring Wars had Henry Lee defeating T-Rex again, Zimmy Bumfhole defeated Calamari Kid again, and Sexual Agression claiming the SWF Tag Titles from High Concept. Supreme TV saw Calamari Kid getting a little back, bringing Zimmy to a double countout in their fued over the Shooting Star Title, and Sexual Agression getting their first defense against Tana and Danny B Bling--that's an odd pairing, right there.[/color] [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] [i]Dark Matches[/i] Leon Hannigan defeated Paul Steadyfast (C) Troy Tornado defeated Zeus Maxmillion (C+) The Nation of Filth defeat The Lucky Dogs (B-) [i]Live Show[/i] Matt Sparrow defeated Marc Speed (C) to advance to the finals of the Chance Fortune Invitational Hell Monkey defeated Melody Cuthill (C-) Tim Westybrook defeated Doug Peak (C) in a Tables Match The Samoan Wildboyz defeat The Darkness Warriors (C) by Countout Painful Procedure defeat Idol, Inc. (B-) to retain the TCW World Tag Team Championship Tommy Cornell defeats Rick Law (B+) to retain the TCW World Heavyweight Championship [/QUOTE]
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[CENTER] [SIZE="6"]TCW International[/SIZE] [/CENTER] [i]Live, from the Shakeshaft Auditorium in the Great Lakes, with 5,000 attending[/i] [i]Wednesday, Week 2, April 2006[/i] [color="blue"]It's that time again, and I tripped over a wire on my way into the editors trailer. That'll teach me to think about things while I'm supposed to be going up stairs.[/color] [size="4"]Leon Hannigan -vs- Hell Monkey[/size] Hell Monkey tried to put up a fight, but he just couldn't stand up against the offense put on by Hannigan. The new guy shows a little versatility by forcing his opponent to submit in 4:45. [color="blue"]Submission. I actually wasn't expecting that. I wonder if Leon or Nero called that ending. Anyway, I give it a C.[/color] [size="4"]BJ Shearer -vs- Nevada Nuclear[/size] A rare solo match for BJ, one half of the tag team champions. Nuclear and he had a good open match, but Shearer nailed the Rhythm and Bruise in 4:53 for the pinfall. [color="blue"]Trying to give the young'ns some improvements. C+ match out of this pair. One more dark match to go. I still haven't put Nevada in front of the national crowd.[/color] [size="4"]Ricky Dale Johnson -vs- Zeus Maxmillion[/size] RDJ toyed with the young Zeus for some time, letting him get some offense. Either that, or Zeus was surprising the veteran, since RDJ got caught in a couple of near falls. In the end though, it was academic, as the Southern Justice got the pin in 4:09. [color="blue"]B-. RDJ is an amazing worker, really. He can get a decent match out of just about anybody.[/color] Pyros. Announcers. Great Lakes. All that jazz. You get the routine by now. Puerto Rican Power starts off the show by coming out to the ring, posing and trying to make a show of how strong he is. His opponent comes out shortly afterwards. [size="4"]Puerto Rican Power -vs- Matt Sparrow[/size] This is an absolute clinic and power wrestling versus the small guys. PRP takes it to Sparrow the entire time, who can't seem to mount a counter for anything. PRP hits the powerbomb, and then uses the ropes for additional leverage on the pin, getting the duke in 3:18. [color="blue"]And a C match. Not great, but not bad either.[/color] Chance Fortune's music hits, and he makes his way to the announce booth. Rather than just talking with them this time, though, he actually sits down and steals the mic from Ted Ross. He talks about how great these two competitors are, and how he thinks that Remmy and Cougar will put on one hell of a match to try to get his title. As Remmy Skye, the second competitor, is entering the ring though, Paul Steadyfast runs at him, taking him down from behind. A couple of chair shots later, Remmy is in no condition to fight. Steadyfast climbs into the ring and tells teh ref to ring the bell. [color="blue"]C for Chance, c- for the attack. I'm getting an idea for Chance now though...maybe when this storyline is over.[/color] [size="4"]Masked Cougar -vs- Paul Steadyfast[/size] [i][color="red"]Semi-Final Match of the Chance Fortune Invitational???[/color][/i] With Chance Fortune providing a little additional color to this match, Steadyfast took it to the young Cougar, who was obviously prepared for the more exciting style of Remmy. Cougar falls to a swinging neckbreaker in 3:47. [color="blue"]Ugh. Chance actually did a decent job on color, but the match just blew. D.[/color] Steadyfast gets on the mic as Cougar makes his way to the back. "I told you, Chance. I was going to be in this tournament whether you invited me or not. Now I'm in the finals, and you can't do anything about it." [color="blue"]The guy can't talk either. C-.[/color] We cut to General Doom's office. He looks up at the camera as the cut happens. "Tonight, I have arranged for a special match. Tonight, the Liberation Front will be all but destroyed. Tonight, Liberty and Madman Boone will be taking on The Nation of Filth. Oh, and if they lose, Boone will be losing his job. Have a good day." He smirks as we cut back to the ring. [color="blue"]The crowd is starting to get behind Doom's character it looks like. He gets a C rating for the match announcement.[/color] [size="4"]Billy Russell and Doug Peak -vs- The Samoan Wildboyz[/size] While Doug is able to control the action for much of the match, a hot tag to Akima Brave completely shifted the momentum. Russell made a blind tag after being forced back out of the ring by the referee, but was unable to capitalize as the Wildboyz got a quick double team in, then Brave hit a Suicide Headbutt to get the pinfall in 8:01. [color="blue"]C+ match. It really was just to set up this next segment though, so it's ok.[/color] The Darkness Warriors come out. "So, how's it feel to be in the big leagues. Oh, sure, you lucked out on that victory, but you obviously can't get the wins on a regular basis, can you?" The Wildboyz don't even hesitate, but rush out of the ring towards the Warriors. Jay and Raul seem to be too intent in their taunting though, and don't notice them coming, so are completely blindsided by the attack. Not long afterwards, the Wildboyz are through the curtain, laughing with each other. [color="blue"]Wow, deja-vu. I guess that's what happens when you have to repeat a segment because nobody in the world saw it outside of the arena. The first time was better, too. C for both parts.[/color] We go backstage, where a shadowy figure steps out of a darkened room. It's Ronnie V. Pain, free and on his own. He looks around confused, then stumbles down the hall. [color="blue"]Well, damn. I really thought that would get a better reaction from the crowd. Only a B-.[/color] Peter himself announces this match as a $250,000 match. [size="4"]Peter Valentine -vs- Harry Allen[/size] [i][color="red"]$250,000 on the line[/color][/i] A match that was more confusing than anything saw Valentine getting the victory by using the ropes on a pinfall in 11:35. [color="blue"]Confusing is putting it mildly. Valentine was apparently expecting the next segment to happen during the match, and Allen is just too used to tag matches. No flow, no psychology, no selling, and Valentine was just plain tired by the end of it. At least they didn't have bad chemistry out there. C+.[/color] Peter Valentine is still celebrating when Ricky Dale Johnson's music hits. He comes to the top of the ramp with a microphone in his hand. "Peter, Peter, Peter. I know you said that I have nothing that could change your mind about my challenge. But I think I do. As of right now, I'm still listed as the #1 contender for the World Championship. So how about this--you gamble a little bit. I know you like doing that. We meet 1 week from tonight. Your money, and my time on the line. And if you win, and my time stands as the best, then you can face Tommy Cornell at Where Angels Fear to Tread. If I win, I get your money and you shut your face. Oh, and I'll even make it easier on you. If either of his opponents between now and then beat my time, the match'll be cancelled." Valentine looks at him, pointing to his briefcase a bit. Finally he grabs a mic from one of the workers outside the ring. "You're on." [color="blue"]The challenge almost sneaks into the A range, getting a high B+ reaction. The acceptance though--the crowd loved it. Johnson/Valentine IV gets an A.[/color] We cut backstage. Troy Tornado apparently saw the video earlier, and has tracked down his bandmate. "Ronnie, Ronnie! Hey, man. What's going on, you ok? Talk to me, mate. Who took you?" [color="blue"]Uh, yeah. C+. I really thought that would be higher. Painful Procedure has apparently lost its favor with the crowd. Great, 4 guys to come up with something new for.[/color] Rick Law is in the ring, microphone in hand. "I've been told that I have to come out here and face Genghis Rahn. Yeah, obviously, I'm a little worried. I mean, Doom and his cronies attack anyone who faces any of them, so obviously, I'm looking out for myself. But the fact is, that I can't get out of the match. So Rahn, prepare yourself for the Law." "But that's not what I really want to talk about. What I want to talk about is Joey. Joey Minnesota. Apparently you think I'm a bit of a threat. Why else would you cheat to beat me once, then attack me just before our second match? Oh, and lets not forget the time I beat you when we first met. Since you seem to think I'm a threat, I'm out to prove it. You and me, one more time." He doesn't wait for a respone, but walks up the ramp and out. [size="4"]Rick Law -vs- Genghis Rahn[/size] The announcers hype this match as a warmup for Rahn's claim and defense of the Heavyweight Title, though it's almost painfully obvious they were reading from cue cards. For the most part, Rahn does control the match, but Law comes back strong at the end, hitting the Long Arm of the Law in 7:36 for the pin. [color="blue"]Well then. B for the promo on Rahn, C+ for the challenge to Minnesota. And a B rated match. All in all, a decent segment.[/color] Randall Hopkirk and BJ Shearer are talking excitedly between themselves about Pain's return, walking down the hallways in the back. Suddenly they are attacked, being beaten down. The camera pans up to reveal the Demons of Rage. Finally, with Anger throwing one final kick, the Demons walk off. Nobody around to help them, Painful Procedure start to stand up. They don't get there. Oxford and Bryant come around the corner and see them, and take their turn beating down the Tag Team Champs. Oxford goes so far as to say they deserve a shot at the titles, too. Finally, others appear and drive off the Tag Team Specialists. [color="blue"]I like the chained attacks like that. It worked better than I'd hoped. B- for both parts.[/color] [size="4"]Liberty and Madman Boone -vs- The Nation of Filth[/size] [i][color="red"]Boone's Career on the Line[/color][/i] The Liberation Front comes out ready to fight, and seems surprised that the rest of Doom's Army isn't around. They take the fight right to the Nation, though, scoring numerous near falls through the course of the fight. The Nation of Filth seems entirely overwhelmed until Stink manages to score a hit with a Kendo stick on Boone, who staggers back into the legal man, Grunt. Liberty can't make the save in time, and The Nation emerges victorious in 10:48. [color="blue"]Boone looks suitably shocked at the loss, and the Front is down to 1 member. Unfortuately, the Nation looked tired again at the end of the match. I've got to come up with a way to build their stamina. I give it a B-.[/color] As Liberty and Boone make their way out of the ring slowly, a video plays. It basically shows the final moves of each match in Cornell's winning streak--which the final count at the end of the video shows is standing at 72. [color="blue"]We're conveniently forgetting a tag-team loss he had shortly after I took over the reins, and it seems like the crowd has too. They love it. Especially when they realize that almost half of those victories have been defending his championship. A*.[/color] [size="4"]Tommy Cornell -vs- JD Morgan[/size] The crowd seems confused by the lack of an announcement that this was a title defense, but the announcers clarify by reading from their cards again. Apparently, this match was made so that Tommy would get overconfident. He makes short work of JD, nailing the Guilt Trip and getting the submission in 10:08, even without needing to resort to cheating. As JD's hands come down, the crowd shouts out "73!" [color="blue"]B+ Not bad, not bad at all. Overall, I give the show a B rating. Keep this up, and I should be competing with SWF before too long. On Thursday, I watched the SWF Pay-Per-View, "The World is Watching." I didn't pay for it, of course. No sense in giving the competition any money. I'd have to rate it a B show. Highlighted by a rematch of Remo and Runaway Train, with Remo retaining the World title, it also saw Sexual Aggression defending against the Warriors of the Deep, Zimmy defending against Calamari Kid again (I thought it was interesting that all three of the Underwater Union were in title matches) and the only title change of the evening saw Randy Bumfhole defeating Henry Lee for the SWF North American Title. Surprised me that the Bumfholes now had two titles in SWF. I wonder where they're going with that? [/color] [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] [i]Dark Matches[/i] Leon Hannigan defeated Hell Monkey (C) BJ Shearer defeated Nevada Nuclear (C+) Ricky Dale Johnson defeated Zeus Maxmillion (B-) [i]Live Show[/i] Puerto Rican Power defeated Matt Sparrow (C) Paul Steadyfast defeated Masked Cougar (D) The Samoan Wildboyz defeated Doug Peak and Billy Russell (C+) Peter Valentine defeated Harry Allen (C+) Rick Law defeated Genghis Rahn (B) The Nation of Filth defeated Liberty and Madman Boone (B-) Tommy Cornell defeated JD Morgan (B+) [/QUOTE]
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[CENTER] [SIZE="6"]TCW Presents[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]Total Wrestling[/SIZE] [/CENTER] [i]Live, from the Gorski Ballroom in the Southwest, with 5,000 attending[/i] [i]Tuesday, Week 3, April 2006[/i] [color="blue"]Ok, I'm set for an A-rated show. Let's see if this is the card that gives it to us. For starters, I wanted to give Boone one last sendoff, and I wanted to get someone else in there for experience, so here we go.[/color] General Doom walks out. "I've been convinced by...higher powers...to give the Madman another shot. So next, you will see Madman Boone team up with Wolf Hawkins to take on the Nation of Filth--and if Boone's team loses, he is FIRED!" [color="blue"]The crowd was only slightly confused, but I don't think it hurt anything. C+, which seems about typical for Doom. I really need to get a better authority figure in here.[/color] [size="4"]Madman Boone and Wolf Hawkins -vs- Nation of Filth[/size] The match was quick and dirty, with Wolf not getting a lot of time in the ring. Boone seemed like he was going to make the most of his last moment in the ring, even if it was a dark match. Unfortunately, Grunt had what looked like a Fork in his pants, and he jabbed Boone's shoulder with it, then rolled him up for the three-count in 5:43. Boone walked out with slumped shoulders. [color="blue"]B- match. Not horrible, I guess.[/color] [size="4"]Marc Speed -vs- Ice Man C.A.[/size] Ice really put on a show, controlling the pace of the match from the opening bell. It was Speed, however, who would pick up the 3 in 7:31, by grabbing part of Ice's tights. [color="blue"]And a C- for the end of the dark matches.[/color] Opening Pyros, yada yada. We start out with a random match. [size="4"]Remmy Skye -vs- Melody Cuthill[/size] Once more, Melody keeps the action close, getting a number of near falls. Unfortunately she gets caught in a Skye Driver for the pin in 4:32. What's worse is that the announcers weren't really talking about the match. [color="blue"]C rating for these two. Should be good fuel for later, I think.[/color] Joey Minnesota is backstage. "Rick Law wants another shot at me. Well, Rick, you've got another think coming. Yeah, you beat me once. But since then, I've beat you twice. I took your title, and then I kept it. The International Title is mine, all mine. And I have no further business with you. So no, Rick. No, I will not face you again. Tough luck." [color="blue"]Yeah, for the time being, keep Joey near the front of the card. He got a C+, but that's just not high enough to come later.[/color] Tim Westybrook has made his way to the ring for his match. "Hope you've healed from driving yourself through the table, there Doug, because tonights First Blood match, I intend to even the series. So why don't you get out here, and we can do this the hard way." [color="blue"]C- for that promo. The crowd just isn't into this, and I don't know if it's Tim or Doug. Ah well.[/color] [size="4"]Tim Westybrook -vs- Doug Peak[/size] [i][color="red"]First Blood Match[/color][/i] It didn't take long for the weapons to come out in this one, as Doug ran to the ring with a baseball bat in hand. Young Westybrook was prepared though, and had already retrieved a garbage can lid. There was no wrestling at all in this matchup, which the announcers sold like platinum. It was a drive into the turnbuckle though that ended it, drawing a cut over Peak's eye in 6:37. [color="blue"]Not a bad match, though Doug was obviously getting winded at the end. C, I guess.[/color] Paul Steadyfast is backstage. "I told you, Chance. I told you I would win this tournament. And when I win, I'm taking the All Action Championship. So hold on to it, Chance, because you can't stop me." [color="blue"]This guy can't hold to a script if his life depended on it. C-, and I'm going to have to redo it. Ah well, that's what Dark segments are for.[/color] A video is shown, hyping Paul Steadyfast versus Matt Sparrow for the Chance Fortune Invitational Finals. It's mercifully short. Chance himself is now seen backstage. "Paul, you're lucky I'm even letting you go on. I could have just named Sparrow the champion, but I decided I'd be a good guy. I trust Sparrow to defeat you, and I trust myself to defeat you if he doesn't. So get used to defeat, because that's all you're going to taste." [color="blue"]Yep. Two storyline points that Paul screwed up. The video gets a D, because nobody cares. The Chance segment a C+. So much for that A-rated show.[/color] [size="4"]Billy Russell and Puerto Rican Power -vs- The Young Guns[/size] This match seemed to be just thrown together, and it showed. Nobody seemed to care much about the result, but it ended with a PRP low blow, and a Russell submission on Gumble, in 6:50. [color="blue"]I'm trying to get some momentum going, but it's just not working well. C+ matchup though, as Allen and Gumble did some good work out there.[/color] Rick Law has entered General Doom's office. "Look, General. I know you don't like me, but you gotta give me another shot. He cheated on his first win, and he attacked me on the second. I want a fair shot. I deserve a fair shot, and you know it!" Doom looks up at Law slowly. "I have two words for you. Get Out!" Law looks pissed, and storms out of the office. [color="blue"]For once, Doom didn't drag a segment down into the Cs. He came close though, as we got a low B-. I really need to get someone else in there, someone charismatic.[/color] A video plays, hyping the fued between the Darkness Warriors and the Samoan Wildboyz. [size="4"]The Darkness Warriors -vs- The Samoan Wildboyz[/size] By now, we should all know the formula. Jay is able to hold off both Samoanz for a while, but this time even Raul manages to hold them off. At least until Akima Brave locks in a quick submission move. Before Jay can even move to break it up, Raul is tapping, giving the Wildboyz the victory in 13:20. [color="blue"]C for the video, C+ for the match. Raul looked tired out there, but I think he's just tired of the story. I think it might be time to move on to the next stage of this storyline, too.[/color] Liberty has come to the ring. "Ok, so you got rid of Grayson. I hate it, but I can handle it. You get rid of Boone. That leaves me, and only me. But Doom, you made a mistake. You've backed me into a corner. So, Doom, I am challenging you directly. I want a match. A 'Hired or Fired' match, if you will. If I win, Boone and Grayson get their jobs back. If you win, I'll walk away and never come back." Doom's music hits, and he appears on the big screen. "Liberty, that's a marvelous idea. But first, I got a better idea. If you want to face me, you have to go through...oh, everyone first. Starting right now!" [color="blue"]B for the challenge, C+ for the gauntlet setting.[/color] [size="4"]Liberty -vs- Genghis Rahn[/size] The announcers used the opportunity provided by this match to hype the fact that Rahn is purportedly the #1 contender to the World Heavyweight Championship. It's still a decent match though, even with the announcers being distracted, though Genghis Rahn obviously gets frustrated by Liberty's constant kicking out of moves. Liberty reverses a move into the Liberation Slam and holds on for the victory in 10:38. [color="blue"]I'll give it a B, though I had hoped for more. I think it went on a little too long, as Genghis was looking pretty tired by the end out there.[/color] Ronnie V. Pain is seen backstage, eating a burger and talking to someone. We can't really make out what he's saying, though, as his mouth is always full--and we don't hear a response. The camera backs away as Pain stands to move, and we realize he was talking to himself. [color="blue"]There was a time when Ronnie would have gotten a better reaction to that. B-.[/color] The announcers talk over a splash screen announcing the first confirmed match for "Where Angels Fear to Tread" - a 4-team matchup for the World Tag Team Championship, featuring Painful Procedure defending against Idol, Inc., The Demons of Rage, and The Tag Team Specialists. [color="blue"]B-. Not bad for one minutes worth, I guess.[/color] Troy Tornado makes his way to the ring. He looks a little worried, probably about what he just saw backstage. "Before I say anything else, I'd like to say that I'm not through with whoever has been ****ing with the band, and Ronnie in particular. But, that's not why I'm out here. See, tonight, Tommy Cornell has seen fit to grant me the title shot. I know RDJ's got a great time, and it'll be hard to beat, but I don't intend to outlast him. I intend to win the title tonight." He's interrupted by Tommy's music. "Kid, you got potential, I'll give you that. But you just don't have what it takes to win this belt. Tonight, I'm going to prove that. Tonight, I am going to prove to all the wannabes out there just why I've held this belt for ten months already. And why I'm not going to drop it anytime soon. Thirty-three successful defenses, 73 wins in a row. Those are two streaks that aren't stopping in this lifetime, let alone tonight. So get ready for a fight, kid, because I'm taking it to you." [color="blue"]A for Troy, B for Tommy. Now lets get this match underway.[/color] [size="4"]Troy Tornado -vs- Tommy Cornell(c)[/size] [i][color="red"]for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship[/color][/i] What a match! The announce booth just couldn't keep up with the action, and dropped into silence as these two men put on a clinic. Troy did his best to win the belt, grabbing a couple of near-near falls, including one where Tommy couldn't kick out, but managed to have a shoelace on the ropes that the ref saw at the last second. Tommy hit a desperation Rough Ride and fell on top of the challenger for the three-count in 8:52. Cornell makes his 34th successful defense. [color="blue"]A. I'm going to say that again, just because I like saying it. A. These two have great chemistry together, and it sure shows. I just wish I had a better way to push Troy to the top than what I've already got going, because that's not going to help him any. Regardless, with the help of Tommy and Troy, we pulled off a high B+. Not quite A-range, but close. And it beat both of SWF's shows this week. Both were B-rated; Zimmy Bumfhole defeated his brother on Ring Wars and Flex on Supreme to retain the Shooting Star title. Remo kep the heavyweight on Ring Wars, defending against Warlord Pain. And finally, Randy Bumfhole retained the North American on Supreme TV, defending against the former Tag Champ Elmo. I find it odd that they had the North American champ trying to take the Shooting Star, but that's just me, I guess. [/color] [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] [i]Dark Matches[/i] Nation of Filth defeats Wolf Hawkins and Madman Boone (B-) Marc Speed defeats Ice Man C.A. (C-) [i]Live Show[/i] Remmy Skye defeats Melody Cuthill (C) Tim Westybrook defeats Doug Peak (C) in a First Blood Match Billy Russell and Puerto Rican Power defeats The Young Guns (C+) The Samoan Wildboyz defeat The Darkness Warriors (C+) Liberty defeats Genghis Rahn (B) Tommy Cornell defeats Troy Tornado (A) to retain the TCW World Heavyweight Championship TCW Presents Total Wrestling (B+) [/QUOTE]
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[CENTER] [SIZE="6"]TCW International[/SIZE] [/CENTER] [i]Live, from the McGaw Arena in the TriState area, with 5,000 attending[/i] [i]Wednesday, Week 3, April 2006[/i] [color="blue"]Ah, the McGaw arena, my home away from home. The only place in the US that seems to like us as much as our home arena. So, I didn't make an A last time, but I have good hopes for this show.[/color] [size="4"]Leon Hannigan -vs- Billy Russell[/size] Russell never even stood a chance in this match, as Hannigan rang the MMA artist's bell. Pinfall in 3:37. [color="blue"]And a C+. Word coming down the pipe that my manager search is coming to an end. Hopefully that'll bode well for Leon.[/color] Paul Steadyfast gets a mic opportunity again, taunting Chance Fortune about his inability to keep Paul out of the tournament. You've seen it all before. This is followed up, like last time, by a video hyping the Sparrow/Steadyfast matchup. And then Chance gets on the microphone to rebut Paul's taunting. [color="blue"]Well, I'm glad that's over with. Now if we can just end this tournament. C-, D, C+ respectively.[/color] [size="4"]Masked Cougar -vs- Nevada Nuclear[/size] This match proves even shorter than the last one, as the large Nuclear manhandles Cougar completely. He doesn't rest on his laurels, though, and uses the ropes for leverage on the pinfall, getting the victory in 3:32. [color="blue"]C-. Nevada still hasn't made the main show, but I plan for that to end shortly after the PPV.[/color] The pyros go off, dramatically fizzling out at the last. Apparently a misfire or something. Not a great start to the show, but at least it's quickly interrupted by Matt Sparrow coming to the ring. "I've been watching the last week or so as Paul Steadyfast and Chance Fortune have been laying into each other about which of them were going to win their match. Well, I've got news for you boys. There's still another man in this tournament, and I'll be damned if I'm not going to walk out of this match as the #1 contender." [color="blue"]Not bad at all, considering the match that he's hyping. C-.[/color] [size="4"]Matt Sparrow -vs- Paul Steadyfast[/size] [i][color="red"]Finals of the Chance Fortune Invitational for the TCW All Action #1 Contender Spot[/color][/i] Sparrow does his best to control the pace, and for the most part does fairly well. Steadyfast is far from a straight-and-narrow wrestler, though, and he grabs a handful of tights on a rollup to get the victory in 4:56. Steadyfast celebrates his victory, but not for long, since Chance Fortune, who has been giving color commentary for the match, rushes the ring and attacks the victor. Steadyfast manages to squirm out and backs up the ramp, making motions like he wants the belt. [color="blue"]C- for both parts. Bright spot, though. This match, and the last one, that I've had Chance do color commentary for, he's come across really well. Maybe I should have him drop in more often.[/color] We cut backstage, where Wolf Hawkins has found Melody Cuthill. "Hey, girl. Yeah, you lost again yesterday. But don't worry about it. I'll help you get that W yet. What do you say?" Melody just nods, then shakes his hand. [color="blue"]Ok, so a storyline with an opener/enhancement talent probably not the best idea in the world, but I was really hoping that she'd get some good matches in the mix. C-, which seems to be the common thread thus far.[/color] [size="4"]Troy Tornado -vs- Puerto Rican Power[/size] As expected, Troy dominates this matchup, outmaneuvering the bigger Power continually. A ways into the match, though, Ronnie V. Pain makes his way to the ring, looking a bit confused. While Pain is down on the mat, Troy talks to his partner, who enters the ring. The ref finally gets him out, and Troy turns back to the in-ring action. Running to the ropes, though, he gets a chair to the back from Ronnie Pain, stumbling right into a big bear hug from Puerto Rican Power. The combined pain is too much for Troy, and he quickly submits, giving Power the victory in 6:26. It's not over yet, though, as Ronnie V. Pain enters the ring again, as Power gets to his feet. Ronnie lays into his bandmate, eventually leaving him down and bloodied. Then, with a shrug, he rolls out of the ring and starts up the ramp. Puerto Rican Power gets on the microphone. "Oh, Troy? Guess Who? Yep, it was me. I was the mystery attacker, I was the kidnapper. And now, I've got someone on my side. All is good." [color="blue"]Well, at least these are a little better than the ones before. Troy and Power didn't have any chemistry in the ring, though, which bodes ill for the future of this storyline. C+ for the match, the attack, and the reveal. I have to say, though, I really thought that I could have PRP a little more over by the time of the reveal. It's unfortunate, really.[/color] Joey Minnesota comes to the ring, kicking the still bleeding Troy out of it. He has his belt, and a small bag in his hand. When he gets to the ring, he lays the belt on the ground, and pulls items out of the bag--a baton and a policeman's hat. "Boo Hoo," he says. "I'm Rick Law, and I can't get my belt back. The mean man took it from me, and now he won't give it back. Make him share, mommy!" He smirks. "Get used to disappointment, Rick." He is interrupted as Law's music hits. Joey sets himself up for an attack, but Law calmly walks to the head of the ramp. "I have to thank my good friend Liberty for the idea. I want another shot at you Joey, and I am so confident that I will win that I will put my career on the line. Forget the belt. I don't need that to prove how good I am. I just want to prove to everyone that when all things are equal, I can defeat you. And if I can't, I'll walk away. You, Me. "Where Angels Fear to Tread." Career match." He doesn't even get to finish before Joey shouts out. "If I win, you quit? You're on!" [color="blue"]Yeah, I thought I'd learned. The taunting and the acceptance rate a C+, but at least Law's challenge was a bright spot of the show so far, pulling in a strong B. And we now have two confirmed matches for "Angels." That's good.[/color] [size="4"]The Darkness Warriors -vs- The Samoan Wildboyz[/size] As these two teams now know just about everything there is to know about one another, you'd think they could pull off a decent match. This one, though, is just tolerable, and it ends when Raul won't lay off a choke on Toma, and gets disqualified in 4:42. [color="blue"]And a C+. It was at this point that I realized I just needed to move on. The Fued between these two is so messed up now that it's just not worth it to continue. Oh sure, we'll pretend, but it's over in my mind.[/color] Jay gets on the microphone. "I'm tired of Raul always losing these matches. So I want a week to convince him how not to. Wildboyz, I want one more match. How about at "Angels" we go out there, and the Warriors finally whoop you?" Brave, who is the more coherent of the pair at this point shouts back without a mic, but loud enough to be heard throughout the arena. "You think you can? Let's do it." [color="blue"]And make that three confirmed matches. Thank god I don't care about the results of that one anymore. C for the challenge, and the acceptance.[/color] [size="4"]Liberty -vs- BLZ Bubb[/size] Announced as a gauntlet match, Liberty still showed the fire he had yesterday when Boone was released. Bubb looked hard pressed to keep up with the veteran, and in the end he couldn't. The Liberation Slam gets the victory in 10:10. [color="blue"]And a B. Finally, we're away from those C-Rated segments. Gods. I really wish that Liberty could pull of an A though--I really thought he could when I set this up.[/color] Tommy Cornell makes his way to the ring. The crowd realizes that we're still almost 40 minutes away from the end of the show, and wonders if the opponent tonight will give RDJ a run for the money. He gets on the microphone. "Tonight, due to one of Doom's scheduling conflicts, I get to pick my opponent, as who I was supposed to face tonight just got beat. But, I hadn't really decided who I wanted yet. So, tonight, I lay down an open challenge. Anyone in the back, anyone at all, who wants to try to take this belt away, just say the words." Painful Procedure's music plays, and Randall Hopkirk comes out. "I'll take that offer. Let me get set, and I'll meet you in the ring. The World Championship is coming to me." Cornell smiles and nods, and he heads up the ramp. [color="blue"]Tommy pulls us through again, getting an A* on the challenge. Even the response, though, gets an A. I like it.[/color] [size="4"]Ricky Dale Johnson -vs- Peter Valentine[/size] [i][color="red"]$250,000 and #1 Contender's Time match[/color][/i] As RDJ's music plays, the crowd remembers the previously advertised match. These two go all out for ten full minutes, and are able to show just how much they've gotten into each other's heads in the last month and a half. Valentine goes for the victory at the end, but gets his move reversed into a Southern Justice. RDJ holds on for the pinfall in 10:38. Grabbing the briefcase of money from the ref, Ricky Dale Johnson runs into the crowd, and he even opens the case and hands out some of the money, as Valentine looks on in disgust from the ring. [color="blue"]Only a B+ on the match, which was rather disappointing, but the celebration got an A*; probably because of the whole handing out money thing.[/color] [size="4"]Tommy Cornell(c) -vs- Randall Hopkirk[/size] [i][color="red"]for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship[/color][/i] Hopkirk was clearly outmatched in this, but did his best to gain the belt. The offense was fast and furious, and when Cornell hit the Rough Ride in 6:55 for the victory, he looked relieved at the win. Cornell makes his 35th successful defense. [color="blue"]Tommy looked really out of it tonight. And there was no selling between the two. With both of those, the match still rated an A. Hells yeah.[/color] Tommy has barely gotten to his feet, when the TotalTron lights up, with Genghis Rahn appearing on it. "Tommy boy. I'm glad you're holding on to that belt, because in just one week, it's coming home to me. And I really want to beat you to take it. And next week, it's my boy and me taking you on...so you can be sure that I'll get my shot, and I'll make good use of it." Cornell manages to score a mic, and he shoots right back. "Genghis, I could take on you, your boy, and your entire family all at the same time and still come out the victor. And if I have to fight you at 'Angels' too, then I'll just get to beat you twice. This belt isn't going anywhere." [color="blue"]A for the two promos, and we go off the air. Talking to the crowd afterwards, it seems as though they think we don't have any hot storylines. That's probably because Tommy isn't really in one at the moment. That'll change soon, I hope. I just have to clear some of these other ones to do it. But the show in general pulled up well from the glut of C-rated segments earlier, and got a strong B, almost a B+. I think if RDJ and Peter had stepped up their game a bit, we would have easily been in the B+ range, if not the A. Ah well, I'll get there yet.[/color] [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] [i]Dark Matches[/i] Leon Hannigan defeats Billy Russell (C+) Nevada Nuclear defeats Masked Cougar (C-) [i]Live Show[/i] Paul Steadyfast defeats Matt Sparrow (C-) to become TCW All Action #1 Contender Puerto Rican Power defeats Troy Tornado (C+) Samoan Wildboyz defeat The Darkness Warriors (C+) by Disqualification Liberty defeats BLZ Bubb (B) Ricky Dale Johnson defeats Peter Valentine (B+) to win $250,000 Tommy Cornell defeats Randall Hopkirk (A) to retain the TCW World Heavyweight Championship TCW International (B) [/QUOTE]
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[CENTER] [SIZE="6"]TCW Presents[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]Total Wrestling[/SIZE] [/CENTER] [i]Live, from the Virginia Park Fields in the Mid Atlantic region, with 5,416 attending[/i] [i]Tuesday, Week 4, April 2006[/i] [color="blue"]I decided to experiment with a larger arena today. By my calculations, we needed 5600 people to arrive to break even on the cost of the larger arena, so we fell about 200 short. Maybe I'll try it again the next time we go home, since we charge a little more there, and we'd only need 5500 people to break even. Anyways, the first dark match is starting up.[/color] [size="4"]Leon Hannigan -vs- Raul Darkness[/size] Raul actually fought off the former football star the best of anyone who's faced him thus far, holding on for nearly six minutes before the pinfall occured in 5:56. [color="blue"]Unfortunately, though, it wasn't Hannigan's best match. I only give it a C.[/color] [size="4"]The Lucky Dogs and Melody Cuthill -vs- The Nation of Filth and Nevada Nuclear[/size] Melody seems pleased by the fact that she's working with Wolf, who has promised to help mold her into a successful wrestler. That doesn't start today, though, as Grunt tosses her out of the ring, where she lands with a thud, and she doesn't quite make it back to the ring before the 10-count. Victory for Grunt in 8:34 by countout. [color="blue"]Not sure how much effect it had on the match, but the Nation of Filth was definitely getting tired by the end of the match, both of them. C+.[/color] As the opening pyros explode, the announcers welcome us to Virginia. Paul Steadyfast comes to the ring under the cover of the noise and smoke, and he starts us off. "Tonight, I will be victorious. Tonight, I will bring the All Action championship where it belongs. Tonight, Chance Fortune will be left a bloody mess inside the ring, where I will be walking all over him. Tonight is my night!" [color="blue"]Well, that was certainly better than most of Paul's interviews. A solid C. I'm impressed.[/color] We go backstage, where Doug Peak is sitting in his locker room, holding his Hardcore belt. He certainly looks worried, and the announcers take hte opportunity to remind us that Tim Westybrook has evened the series between the two of them at 2 wins a piece after the win in the First Blood match. Up next - No Holds Barred. [color="blue"]Peak might be getting a little better at acting. I don't know. I don't know if that was acting or not. C-.[/color] [size="4"]Doug Peak -vs- Tim Westybrook[/size] [i][color="red"]No Holds Barred match[/color][/i] Westybrook takes the name literally, and starts the match off with a blatant choke that the ref is powerless to stop. Peak will recover from it, but the breathing difficulties seemed to plague him for the rest of the match, and Westybrook is able to put him away after a throat drop on the turnbuckle in 8:49. Westybrook goes up 3 matches to 2 in the 7-match series. [color="blue"]C- match, probably due to the fact that Peak looked tired out there towards the end. It worked, since he was supposed to be selling the breathing difficulties, but hurt the match too. The commentators were good for this match, but it just couldn't make up for the crappiness, I guess.[/color] Chance Fortune has made his way to the ring for his match. As his music cuts off, he grabs a microphone. "Before we start, I want to commend Paul Steadyfast on making it this far. A man who attacked another from behind to make it into the tournament. A man who cheated to get this far. And a man who's luck has completely run out...well, except for the Stroke of it he's going to get later, of course." [color="blue"]Chance rates a C on the microphone. I'd really wanted him to make mention of the ladders that are all around the ring now for the match, but for some reason, he seemed oblivious to them. Ah well.[/color] [size="4"]Chance Fortune(c) -vs- Paul Steadyfast[/size] [i][color="red"]Ladder Match for the TCW All Action Championship[/color][/i] Chance certainly looked the sort who would dominate at a ladder match, and he did fairly well in that regard. However, he would lose the match in 6:40 after trying for a Stroke of Luck off the top of a ladder, which Steadyfast reversed into a superplex. Steadyfast was first to his feet, climbing the ladder, and retrieved the belt. After the match was over, Fortune rolls out of the ring while Steadyfast celebrates in the ring with his new-won title. [color="blue"]And they get a C for the match. Steadyfast can't celebrate, though, and only rates a C- for that. I'd also like to note at this point that I apparently neglected to tell the Road Agents that this was a title match. One would think it would be obvious, but they seemed overly confused by it. Worse, they passed on to the guy who keeps the records that it wasn't. *sigh*[/color] Wolf Hawkins and Melody Cuthill have made their way into General Doom's office. Melody looks a little flustered, but Wolf is confident. "General, sir. I have noticed that you have nothing for the Nation of Filth to do at Where Angels Fear to Tread. If you wouldn't mind, sir, could you book Melody and me to take them on for that show?" Doom looks up, seemingly impressed by Wolf's oration. He slowly nods. "Consider it done." [color="blue"]Another C rated segment. At this rate, the show's going to be lucky to pull off a B.[/color] [size="4"]Jay Darkness -vs- Akima Brave[/size] Billed by the announcers as a preview to the match at "Angels", this match showed Jay's dominance of his opponent from bell to bell. That didn't stop him from using the ropes on a pinfall attempt though, getting the victory in 6:41. [color="blue"]And a C+. Jay needed a victory though to make him happy, so it's all good.[/color] After the match, Raul enters the ring, handing his brother a microphone. "See, when I am in control of the match, you really don't stand a chance. So to the Samoan Wildboyz, I just have one thing to say. Give up now." [color="blue"]I certainly feel like it. C. At least we're being consistent today. Consistently average. Great.[/color] We go backstage, where Troy Tornado has cornered Ronnie V. Pain. "What's up, Ronnie? Why'd you do it? Why'd you attack me? This guy, he's tormented us. He kidnapped you, for chrissake! And then you go and you side with him? C'mon, Ronnie, speak to me. What's going on?" Puerto Rican Power sidles into the view, though Troy hasn't noticed him yet. With a knuckle crack and a grin, he nods to Ronnie V. Pain. Pain immediately launches himself at Troy, beating the singer to the ground, into benches, into lockers and tables...into pretty much anything that is around. Pain and Power walk away together, Puerto Rican Power emitting a soft, evil laughter. [color="blue"]C+ for the confrontation and for the attack. It's a shame, really, this storyline started out with so much promise, but the workers just haven't been able to keep up with it. I have to wonder what will be a worthy followup for any of them.[/color] Peter Valentine makes his way to the ring, referee in tow, as the crowd makes their displeasure known. "Shut up, all of you. Yeah, so what? I lost. It only took him 4 tries to get the job done. When you gamble, eventually the house is going to win. And that's what happened. But when you lose a bet, you've got to get right back on your feet again. So I'm issuing an open challenge to anyone in the back. Anyone at all who wants to face me, just come..." He is interrupted by Rick Law's music. Law makes his way to the ring, as Valentine drops the mic. The two get face to face for a minute, then Peter Valentine goes to punch Law. Law blocks it, and the ref calls for the bell. [size="4"]Peter Valentine -vs- Rick Law[/size] After trading punches for a while, the match degrades into a wrestling contest, with both men doing their best to put the hurt on their opponent. A fairly even match between the two saw first Valentine gain the momentum, only to have it reversed by a desperation Squad Car Slam. Law was on his feet first, and was about to go for the victory when Joey Minnesota hit the ring, and hit Law with the Empire Spiral. The ref called for the bell, awarding Law the victory by disqualification in 9:18. Minnesota wasn't finished yet though, as he continued to destroy Law in the ring, eventually leaving the former International Champion in a crumpled heap in the middle of the ring. [color="blue"]Finally, a worker who can drag us out of mediocraty. Peter Valentine's open challenge worked wonders with the crowd, getting a B rating. They openly cheered Law's answer of the challenge, earning the match itself another B. Minnesota's beat down of Law though, dragged their mood way down, with only a C+ heat on it.[/color] The announcers talk over a graphic, hyping Liberty taking on The Nation of Filth tomorrow in a handicap rematch from "Just Another Day". [color="blue"]And a B for the announcers. Probably for Liberty's impending victory more than anything. Gauntlet matches are like that, aren't they?[/color] [size="4"]Ricky Dale Johnson -vs- Genghis Rahn[/size] The announcers hype this one up as a grudge match between the two most likely #1 contenders. Unfortunately, it is cut far too short when the two men can't keep it in the ring, both of them getting counted out in 3:31. [color="blue"]The shortness of the match didn't detract from it, though the complete lack of selling might have. B, and I wish that Rahn's current storyline was over already so that I could start his next one...[/color] [size="4"]Tommy Cornell(c) -vs- BLZ Bubb[/size] [i][color="red"]for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship[/color][/i] Cornell and Bubb went out there and put on one hell of a show. They just beat each other up from bell to bell. More than once, both men barely answered the knockout count. Numerous near falls on both sides. As the match passed the twenty minute mark, the crowd went wild, seeing a possible competitor for RDJ's time, and RDJ and Genghis Rahn both made their appearance outside the ring, though neither interfered in the match. The finish came when Cornell was just able to pull himself back into the ring to avoid a countout, but Bubb was a mite too slow, getting counted out in 21:50. Tommy Cornell makes his 36th successful defense of the TCW World Heavyweight Championship. [color="blue"]And gets his umpteenth A-rated match. He doesn't get those near enough for my liking, but the amazing chemistry between these two greatly helped the match. Weird, you'd think I would have known that already, but I just hadn't noticed before. Bubb was exhausted by the end of the matchup, but I really don't think it hurt it any. On the strength of the main event, and honestly, just the main event, the card itself gets to a B+ rating. Maybe I should spend more time in the upper card if I want to get that elusive A. I heard that the crowd didn't like seeing Paul Steadyfast as much as they did. That's a shame really, he's the champ now. Ah well. I went home, and watched my tivo'd SWF. Zimmy Bumfhole continued both his fueds, defeating Flex on Monday, and his brother on Tuesday to retain the Shooting Star Title. Randy, obviously losing to Zimmy on Tuesday, defeated Robbie Retro to retain the North American title. How weak is it to have your midcard title holder losing on a semi-regular basis to your undercard title holder? Supreme TV had a main event of Remo vs Runaway Train again, where Remo continued to hold onto the Heavyweight title. Both shows rated Bs. Now if I can continue to get at least B+ shows, that should help.[/color] [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] [i]Dark Matches[/i] Leon Hannigan defeated Raul Darkness (C) Nation of Filth and Nevada Nuclear defeated Lucky Dogs and Melody Cuthill (C+) [i]Live Show[/i] Tim Westybrook defeated Doug Peak (C-) in a No Holds Barred match Paul Steadyfast defeated Chance Fortune (C) in a Ladder Match to win the [b]TCW All Action Championship[/b] Jay Darkness defeated Akima Brave (C+) Rick Law defeated Peter Valentine (B) by disqualification Ricky Dale Johnson and Genghis Rahn (B) was to a no contest Tommy Cornell defeated BLZ Bubb (A) TCW Presents (B+) [/QUOTE]
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[CENTER] [SIZE="6"]TCW International[/SIZE] [/CENTER] [i]Live, from the Irvine Hall in the Mid South area, with 4,905 attending[/i] [i]Wednesday, Week 4, April 2006[/i] [color="blue"]I really don't like it when we don't get a full house for a show in a small venue. I really really don't like it. Especially when I'm not entirely sure how well the show will go over. I'm thinking the show today is going to bomb, which sucks for the last show before a big PPV. But it must go on. So I settle myself in the editor's trailer, and I watch the show.[/color] [b]The Demons of Rage -vs- The Lucky Dogs[/b] The Demons get a dark workout before their championship match on Sunday, and they take it to the still young team of Wolf Hawkins and Chance Fortune. Demon Anger grabs a handful of Fortune's tights to get the pinfall in 8:33. [color="blue"]A better match that I was expecting, especially for one that I through together to get the Dogs some more experience as a team. Spite was getting tired by the end of the match, but I think the others covered it up fairly well. B-.[/color] [b]Masked Cougar -vs- Nevada Nuclear[/b] A match designed to get the crowd pumping before the show opened, this had had an ending eerily similar to the previous one. Nuclear grabs a handful of tights to get the pin in 4:48. [color="blue"]And I put the dark matches in the wrong order. I should have realized that when I looked at the sheet, but for some reason I just didn't. A horrible, pathetic, D.[/color] The pyros don't even get a chance to go off today. Idol, Inc. is in the ring. As usual, Charlie Thatcher just stands there looking intimidating and silent, while Freddy gets on the horn. "In four days, the world will have new Tag Team Champions. In four days, we will be victorious. It doesn't matter that the champs have an entire band behind them. It doesn't matter that there are two other teams. All that matters is that on Sunday, Where Angels Fear to Tread, Idol Inc will get the pin. I will pin Hopkirk! Or Shearer, it doesn't really matter to me. But I will...we will be victorious. Idol, Inc. will show up next week your NEW TCW World Tag Team Champions!" [color="blue"]Now that's an auspicious start. B-. I like it. Muy Macho![/color] The Darkness Warriors are making their way to the ring for Raul's match. Toma is already in the ring, his normal partner nowhere to be seen. The announcers hype the fact that maybe Jay-D beat him so badly yesterday that he has to rest. That's quickly discounted though when he vaults out of the crowd and into Jay, slamming him into the guard rail on the other side. The impact clearly knocks out the elder Darkness Warrior. Raul hesitates, but Brave nods to the ring, and he cautiously makes his way to his match. [color="blue"]C+. Ok, ok, I can handle this. It was unexpected, and the faces were attacking. I can see how the crowd wouldn't like it. Moving on.[/color] [b]Raul Darkness -vs- Kid Toma[/b] The second of two preview matches for the tag team matchup at "Angels", Raul seemed overly concerned about the condition of his brother, who was still being watched carefully by Akima Brave. Toma easily dominated the matchup, hitting a Tornado DDT for the victory in 5:01. After the matchup, the two teams joined up again, and as Raul was looking over his brother, the Wildboyz got on the mic. "Ah, just as we thought. Without Jay, the team is nothing. Victory at Angels is a given." [color="blue"]Ahhh!!!! We're going the wrong way, guys! C for the match, and the taunt. Don't be going down. Go up, higher ratings! Work harder, faster! I feel my pay raise going down the drain.[/color] Paul Steadyfast is walking backstage, showing off his new All Action title belt to anyone who will listen. Chance Fortune comes out of nowhere, and attacks the new champ, dropping him hard to the ground. He shouts something that the cameras barely pick up, something like "How's it feel to be blindsided?" [color="blue"]At this rate, Cornell/Rahn is going to get an F. C-, and that's all I need to say. [/color] A graphic for "Where Angels Fear to Tread" comes up, and the announcers use it to hype up Joey Minnesota versus Rick Law in a non-title match where Rick Law must win or leave TCW! [color="blue"]Finally, some forward progress. C+.[/color] [b]Liberty -vs- Nation of Filth[/b] [i][color="red"]Handicap Match[/color][/i] The Nation took it to their opponent for most of the match, and Liberty had all he could handle just avoiding the double team attacks that the Nation kept trying to pull off. The end would come with a sudden and completely unexpected Liberation Slam on Stink, where Liberty was able to hold on for a fairly quick 3-count in 10:53. Though you could expect a beatdown here, the Nation actually left quite peaceably, while a graphic popped up on the screen. The announcers hyped the fact that with this win, Liberty versus General Doom was official for Where Angels Fear to Tread, in a [i]Hired or Fired[/i] match--Liberty's job versus those of Madman Boone and Stevie Grayson! [color="blue"]As usual, the Nation was getting tired by the end of that match. What's worse is that Stink...well, stunk out there. He just couldn't seem to get anything right. Even with that, though, we continue to move in the right direction, getting a B- for the match, and the hype.[/color] They move into another graphic, announcing a match just signed. Chance Fortune gets a rematch against Paul Steadyfast for the TCW All Action Championship in a straight up match. [color="blue"]Yeah, I probably should have put this earlier. I knew how little people cared about this fued. C-.[/color] Troy Tornado makes his way to the ring. "I've had it. Not even up to here, but all the way up. I am so fed up that it would fill this entire arena. Puerto Rican Power has made my life a living hell, and I intend to end it. Power, I want to face you one on one at 'Angels.' And I won't take no for an answer!" [color="blue"]C+. I really thought Tornado has some entertainment skills. I wonder where they went.[/color] We go backstage, where the Demons of Rage are set up for an interview. "Hell is coming. The Demons are coming. Where Angels Fear to Tread? That's home for us. And when we're home, we will claim the World Tag Team belts. Fear Us!" [color="blue"]Fear Us? One of the writers is trying out new catchphrases, I guess. C+ for the promo.[/color] [b]Leon Hannigan -vs- Peter Valentine[/b] Leon make their live show debuts against the gambler Peter Valentine. Valentine gamely plays with the former football star, thinking the match a pushover. Hannigan would prove otherwise though, as he locks in a deadly submission move that try as he might, Valentine can't break. Valentine has to tap out to Hannigan in 6:40. [color="blue"]And the crowd goes silent. No manager yet for Leon, but he didn't need one today. C- match, hurt in part by the fact that Valentine was tiring by the end of the short match. Not only that, but he didn't like the result, and it showed by the complete absence of any selling or psychology. Not only that but the match just dragged. In fact, the only good thing about the match was the commentators were actually able to keep up with it. The victory was enough to get Hannigan noticed, though.[/color] Ricky Dale Johnson makes his way to the ring. "I am still the wrestler with the best time. And if I do say so myself, I highly doubt that Mr. Rahn will be able to best my time. How could he? If he beat my time, he'd earn a draw. And we all know that Tommy always wins. Until Sunday, at least. At Sunday, I plan to finally be the one to take him down. Sunday will end Tommy's wonderful 37-defense, 77-win streak. On Sunday, the titles coming home to Texas. Southern Justice will prevail. So Tommy, enjoy your last successful title defense." [color="blue"]I breathe a sigh of relief. Maybe this show will be ok after all. Great A rated promo from RDJ.[/color] [b]The Tag Team Specialists -vs- The Young Guns[/b] The Specialists have the poor fortune to be the only one of the 4 tag teams scheduled to compete for the title on Sunday to have a match on International today. That doesn't slow them down though, as they are able to easily contain the Guns for the most part. Gumble gets a hot tag at the end though, and completely cleans house, getting the crowd completely behind the Young Guns...until Oxford sneaks in and nails the low blow. Five seconds later, Gumble was tapping out, giving the Specialists the victory in 9:43. As Allen and Gumble make their way out, the Specialists grab a microphone. "Tonight you've already heard from the pithy Idol, Inc. You've already heard from The Demons of Rage. And now you hear from us. Unlike the others, we'll make it simple. Those title aren't going anywhere except around our waists. On Sunday, there *WILL* be a new champion, and that champion will be the Tag Team Specialists." [color="blue"]B- for the match, though I had expected better. C+ for the promo. I really expected better for that. Eh. Let's get the Main Event started.[/color] [b]Tommy Cornell(c) -vs- Genghis Rahn[/b] [i][color="red"]for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship[/color][/i] Finally, the rematch from Just Another Day hits the airwaves, and the crowd loves it. Cornell doesn't back down at all, even with Doom at ringside, and he takes it to the challenger. By three minutes in, Rahn has to retreat to the floor to avoid the flurry and the numerous near falls he's already taken. He is able to regain the momentum, though, and the match continues in a much more even manner. Once again, as the twenty minute mark is passed, the crowd goes nuts. As the 25 minute mark is passed, RDJ comes out to the top of the ramp. It would not prove to be Rahn's day, however, as a previously exposed turnbuckle proved his undoing, Cornell driving his face into the corner before going for the victory. Cornell gets the pinfall in 28:57, making his 37th successful defense. The crowd pauses for a minute, looking at the time before realizing that Ricky Dale Johnson is in fact the #1 contender. They go wild while Tommy gets a mic. Slumping against the corner, he nevertheless manages to eke out a few words. "Ricky, you nearly took me to the limit last time. It won't happen again. You and me, when we meet at Where Angels Fear to Tread...it'll be merciful. You'll fall quickly." [color="blue"]The commentators couldn't keep up with the pace of the match, but then, neither could Rahn, who was exhausted by the end of the match. Strangely, Tommy came up to me afterwards, and he wasn't even winded. Ah well, that's the way it goes sometimes. I give the match a B, and the promo? Ratings gold with an A*. Unfortunately, the lack of hot storylines really seemed to set with the local crowd, and from the comments I heard on the way out, they didn't seem to enjoy the show. C+ at best, really. I don't get it. Hannigan/Valentine couldn't have thrown them off that much, could it? I guess we'll see at the Pay-Per-View.[/color] [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] [i]Dark Matches[/i] Demons of Rage defeat Lucky Dogs (B-) Nevada Nuclear defeats Masked Cougar (D) [i]Live Show[/i] Kid Toma defeats Raul Darkness (C) Liberty defeats The Nation of Filth (B-) Leon Hannigan defeats Peter Valentine (C-) The Tag Team Specialists defeat The Young Guns (B-) Tommy Cornell defeats Genghis Rahn (B) TCW International (C+) [/QUOTE]
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[b][size="3"]Preview for "Where Angels Fear to Tread"[/size][/b] [i]Don't miss it, only on Pay-Per-View, Sunday Week 4 April 2006![/i] [b]Paul Steadyfast (c) -vs- Chance Fortune[/b] Chance has invoked his rematch clause to be used at Where Angels Fear to Tread, and the match was made. Bad blood between these two has built up ever since Paul tried to demand a spot in Chance's invitational tournament and was refused. After forcing his way in, Paul was able to come out on top, and beat Chance in a ladder match to win the title. Can Chance win the All Action belt back, or will Paul come out on top once more? [b]Doug Peak (c) -vs- Tim Westybrook[/b] Westybrook has managed to win three straight from the champion to go up 3 matches to 2 in the 7-match series. If he can win this match, he'll go home with the Hardcore Championship; if not, he still gets one more shot. But this will be a match to test the endurance of both men, as it will take place within the confines of a Steel Cage! [b]The Darkness Warriors -vs- The Samoan Wildboyz[/b] A simple miscommunication started a bitter fued between these two teams, but as of late, it seems as though that miscommunication has started to build up between the Darkness Warriors. Raul has taken the loss in every match between these two teams, can he up his game for this match to help the Darkness Warriors come out of this win a team victory, or will Jay's win over Akima Brave in solo competition remain the only victory in the series? [b]Wolf Hawkins and Melody Cuthill -vs- The Nation of Filth[/b] General Doom's tag team enforcers were put in this match by the request of Wolf himself. Whether or not this will prove to be a deadly mistake by the mentor of the young Cuthill will be proven on Sunday. Can the young team take it to the veterans and get the victory, or will the enforcers come out on top? [b]Liberty -vs- General Doom[/b] Liberty has fought through every member of Doom's Army to earn this match, and the stakes are incredibly high. Being called a "Hired or Fired" match, the very careers of three huge superstars are at stake. If Doom is able to get the pinfall, he can fire Liberty. If Liberty wins, Doom is forced to re-hire Liberty's allies, Madman Boone and Stevie Grayson. Liberty is being forced to work alone while Doom has his entire Army at his side--can Liberty overcome the odds to get his friends jobs back? JUST CONFIRMED! [b]Troy Tornado -vs- Puerto Rican Power[/b] The last time these two men met in the ring, Ronnie V. Pain interfered on Power's behalf. Power has revealed himself as the 'mastermind' behind the mind games being played against Painful Procedure, not the least of which was the kidnapping of that same Ronnie V. Pain. Pain will undoubtedly be the wildcard in this matchup, as he will be at ringside. Who will reign supreme in this grudge match? [b]Rick Law -vs- Joey Minnesota[/b] Minnesota won the TCW International Championship from Law at Just Another day, but this match is non-title. Instead, Law has agreed to walk away if Minnesota can defeat him cleanly. The champ has managed to stay one step ahead of the Law for a while, attacking from hiding numerous times, but when they meet on Sunday, there won't be anyplace to hide. Will Law keep his job, or will he be forced to walk away? Tune in to find out! [b]Painful Procedure(c) -vs- Idol Inc -vs- The Demons of Rage -vs- The Tag Team Specialists[/b] A four-team elimination matchup for the World Tag Team Championship. All three of the challengers have been after the tag straps for some time, fighting to a draw at Just Another Day to determine the #1 contenders. After a series of attacks on the champions by each of the challengers, this special match was made. Only two men will be in the ring at a time, but any fall eliminates that team. In the end, only one team will remain in the ring, and they will be the new champions! [b]Tommy Cornell(c) -vs- Ricky Dale Johnson[/b] These two men put on a 30-minute classic in the first Presents of April, and now they go at it again. Cornell has promised a quick victory, but Johnson has claimed Southern Justice will prevail. Can RDJ overcome a huge 77 win streak that Tommy Cornell is riding though, or will he prove to be just another notch to hang on the belt? Plus, in a special for those audience members lucky enough to be at The Dust Bowl, the wedding of Remmy Skye and Jemma Griffiths! Cake and presents for everyone! Buy your tickets today! [i]As always, comments or predictions are welcome. I look to post the show later tonight, or early tomorrow.[/i]
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[CENTER] [SIZE="6"]Where Angels Fear to Tread[/SIZE] [/CENTER] [i]Live, from the Dust Bowl in the South East area, with 13,313 attending[/i] [i]Sunday, Week 4, April 2006[/i] [color="blue"]Say it with me folks. Pay-Per-View. A-rated show. I will get an A-rated show. Yeah, I don't believe it either. But hey, I don't think I'll do as bad as Wednesday's show at least. I settle myself in a front-row seat this time. I want to hear the crowd's reaction to everything as we kick off the 150-minute long supercard.[/color] [b]Marc Speed -vs- Remmy Skye[/b] Skye was given a match before his wedding to loosen him up, and Marc seems to do that job well. A passable match that had a number of momentum changes, with Skye picking up the win in 7:03 after hitting the Skye Driver. After the match, Skye cleared the ring of his opponent, and brought up his fiancee Jemma Griffiths, as well as a random priest. The ceremony was short and sweet, and the live crowd was made part of the act during the bouquet toss. As the happy couple kissed at the top of the ramp on their way out, the fireworks exploded indicating the opening of the main show. [color="blue"]Well, the match was tolerable, giving a C rating. The wedding though--the crowd went and got refreshments. E. At least I had the good sense to make it a dark segment rather than part of the card proper. And if I have my way, Jemma will never make the live show again. I did like the image of the two of them on the ramp as the pyros went off though. Good stuff. Too bad the cameras didn't catch them.[/color] [b]Chance Fortune -vs- Paul Steadyfast(c)[/b] [i][color="red"]for the TCW All Action Championship[/color][/i] Even without a ladder in the ring, the rematch was every bit as exciting as the original, with mad spots from both men. A reclamation of the belt was not to be, however. Paul Steadyfast nailed Chance Fortune with the belt after the ref had been accidentally knocked out of the ring, and made the cover as the ref slid back in. The third slap on the mat came in 6:03. Paul Steadyfast makes his 1st successful defense. [color="blue"]I still haven't convinced the records guys that what was said up there is true. They think he just won it. Ah well. Whatever. At least everyone out there knows the truth. Oh yeah, the match. It was ok, I guess, getting about a C.[/color] A video plays, hyping the hardcore championship series being had between Tim Westybrook and Doug Peak. The final blows of all five matches thus far are shown rapid fire at the end, ending with the current score. Westybrook 3, Peak 2. [b]Tim Westybrook -vs- Doug Peak(c)[/b] [i][color="red"]Cage Match for the TCW Hardcore Championship[/color][/i] The hardcore series makes it to the cage, and as it closes around these two men, the announcers hype the history of the cage. For this match, escape is not an option, as it was considered too soft, so the only results are pinfall or submission inside the cage. Westybrook starts the offense, and before long has Peak bleeding from a number of scrapes and scratches. Peak reverse the momentum, though, taking it to the rookie in a devastating fashion. Peak would get the victory in 6:02, after a move that looked like it nearly tore off the youngsters foot when he got it stuck in the cage. Peak makes his 3rd successful defense, and evens the hardcore series at 3 matches a piece. [color="blue"]Ok. The video actually turned out better than I thought it would, pulling in a C-. And the match was even better (if you can call it that), rating a C. I was actually worried for Westybrook for a moment in that match, but it seems the kid is actually learning how to sell.[/color] We go backstage, where Ronnie V. Pain is sitting in a dark corner. He has a lit cigar in his hand, and as the camera watches, he presses it to his skin, laughing out loud. He pulls back, then does it again in a different place. He gives the camera a sickening grin. [color="blue"]For that, the crowd...well, was pretty much dead. C+, I guess. I liked it, even if no one else did.[/color] Another video plays, this one going over the history of the fued between the Darkness Warriors and the Samoan Wildboyz. By now, you all know the history, so fill in the blanks. [b]Darkness Warriors -vs- Samoan Wildboyz[/b] The Darkness Warriors try a new tactic this time, letting Raul start the match instead of Jay. As expected, the younger man gets worked over by the Wildboyz for a time before he is finally able to make the hot tag to Jay. Jay cleans house, taking out both of his opponents for a while, until he is attacked by both men at once. Raul makes the save, and chaos rules. When the smoke clears, Akima Brave and Raul Darkness are the ones left in the ring. Neither men are truly the legal men, but when Brave nails the Suicide Headbutt and covers, the referee makes the three count, giving the Wildboyz the victory (again) in 8:59. [color="blue"]I let Sam decide who won that one, and he actually surprised me. C+ matchup between the two teams.[/color] Jay pulls his way back into the ring, looking shocked that the bell has rung. He helps Raul to his feet, and talks to him for a little bit under his breath. Suddenly, Jay pulls back and decks his brother, knocking Raul to the ground. He looks at him for a bit, then pulls him back up, and the two of them make their way up the ramp and out of the arena. [color="blue"]C for the argument. And at this point, I think the crowd knows that the storyline has moved on from the fued with the Wildboyz. At this point, I'm realizing that this show is barely making the average range. The boys in the back have got to step it up if we're going to make an A-rated show. I take a walk to give them a pep talk.[/color] We go backstage, where Wolf Hawkins and Melody Cuthill are walking to the ring. "Don't worry about it, Melody. I've been shown the ropes once or twice myself. Tonight, I guarantee you'll get your first win in TCW. Guarantee!" [b]Wolf Hawkins and Melody Cuthill -vs- The Nation of Filth[/b] Hawkins had Cuthill start, and as usual, she shows promise by keeping up with her opponent, this time the much bigger Grunt. The match as a whole proves to be quite a balanced affair, the younger and faster team of Hawkins and Cuthill able to dodge away from the other teams maneuvers, but when they got caught it would prove devastating. Hawkins barely gets the victory, slipping out of a powerbomb attempt and nailing the Full Moon Rising in 9:54, holding on for the win. [color="blue"]C- for the pumping up backstage, C+ for the match. I had actually hoped for better, but considering I put an opener in the middle of the show, it worked fairly well.[/color] We go to a split screen. On the left, Liberty. On the right, Boone and Grayson are seen being kept out of the building by security. A moment later, it focuses just on Liberty. "Dudes and Dudettes. Tonight, yours truly puts his life, his liberty, his career on the line in a match against the treachorous General Doom. Should I win, my friends Madman Boone and Stevie Grayson get their rightful positions in TCW back. Should I lose...what am I saying? There's no way that I, that Liberty, can ever lose! Liberty is everything, and will emerge victorious! [color="blue"]Well, that went...worse than I thought, but not horrible. B-. It must have been the idea of a match with Doom that brought it down.[/color [b]Liberty -vs- General Doom[/b] [i][color="red"]Hired or Fired Match[/color][/i] Doom came to the ring with most of his Army behind him, the only absence being Genghis Rahn. That didn't slow down Liberty, though, who attacked through the ropes before pulling his opponent into the ring with him, officially starting the match. A good match that went back and forth numerous times, nobody seemed to know who was going to win. Except Liberty, apparently, who appeared supremely confident through the entire match. Eventually, he was able to counter an attempt at a German suples into a Liberation Slam, and covered for the pinfall, running from the oncoming Army directly afterwards. [color="blue"]We didn't have time for the desired attack and save here, so we just had Liberty run away. B- matchup, which I guess is better than I'd expected.[/color] Puerto Rican Power has apparently found Ronnie V. Pain, and the two of them are making their way to the ring together. The announcers claim that this doesn't bode well for Power's opponent. [b]Troy Tornado -vs- Puerto Rican Power (w/Ronnie V. Pain)[/b] Once again, Troy didn't hold back anything, attacking Power as soon as he got into the ring. The match started, and Troy stepped up the attack. In as quick as anyone could have guessed, Troy had Power covered for the three...but was dropped hard by Ronnie V. Pain who had entered the ring. The ref spent some time trying to get Ronnie out of the ring, allowing both Power and Tornado to get to their feet. At this point, Pain got past the ref, and took out both competitors with simultaneous clotheslines that knocked both of them out of the ring. The ref, though exasperated, ignored Pain and counted both men out, calling for the bell in 5:17. Pain looked confused, and made his way up the ramp and out, scratching his head the entire way. [color="blue"]And again, the lack of chemistry between Troy and Power was painfully obvious to me. Even with that, though, the match managed to rate a B-. Better than some could do with poor chemistry, I'd wager. The pre-segment though, of Power and Pain walking together, rated only a C+. That's going to bite us in the end, I think.[/color] Rick Law has made his way to the ring. "I have done everything legal to prove my point, to prove that given a fair set of circumstances, I CAN BEAT Joey Minnesota. Tonight, I get that fair shake, and tonight, one thing will be proven once and for all. I believe that I will emerge with the W. I have to, because if I don't, then I have to walk away. A win, or a quit. And we all know that the Law never rests." [color="blue"]Writers playing with catch phrases again, I guess. At least "The Law never rests" wasn't too horrible. B- promo. I can't wait for Law to fued with somebody higher up the card than he is, it should be great stuff.[/color] [b]Rick Law -vs- TCW International Champion Joey Minnesota[/b] [i][color="red"]Non-Title, Career Match[/color][/i] Minnesota did all he could to cheat and bring the match to his side, using guardrails, low blows, thumbs to the eye, grabbing the tights, using the ropes. Everything in his arsenal and more, but Law was having none of it, and managed to kick out of everything. Minnesota was obviously getting frustrated by the lack of results his efforts were getting, and blindly walked right into a Squad Car Slam, to which Law held on for the three count, getting the victory in 9:54. [color="blue"]Law finally gets his wins back, pulling the champ to a B- matchup. I had hoped for at least a B, but sometimes you gotta take what you can get. At this point, I've given up on the A-rated show, but I'm still hoping for the B+.[/color] [b]Painful Procedure(c) -vs- Idol, Inc. -vs- The Demons of Rage -vs- The Tag Team Specialists[/b] [i][color="red"]for the TCW World Tag Team Championship[/color][/i] Two men in the ring at a time, elimination matchup. The referee randomly determined that The Demons and Painful Procedure would start the matchup. Hopkirk and Rage circled for a while, then Rage tagged in Freddy Huggins. Huggins shrugged, and went right at the champion. Fast and furious, the pinfall came quickly, and Idol, Inc. was eliminated. Three teams hit the ring, and the referee lost complete control, and his conciousness. By the time he was back in the ring, the Demons and the Specialists had squared off in the ring, and were keeping each other fairly active. Oxford would grab the next pinfall, getting Spite to stay down for the three. Shearer hit the ring immediately, but the match would last a while longer before Bryant was finally held down by Hopkirk for the three-count in a final time of 12:09. Painful Procedure makes their 3rd successful defense. [color="blue"]For a match that long, I probably should have told them to go all out. Not to mention that Anger just seemed out of it today--must have a cold or something. With Spite, Shearer, and Thatcher tiring by the end of the match, it's lucky to pick up the B rating that it did.[/color] Tommy Cornell's music hits, and the crowd goes wild. The man himself makes his way to the ring. He picks up the mic, and the crowd cheers again. It takes a few minutes before he can even get any words out. "Tonight, I face one of my toughest challenges. Yes, Ricky Dale Johnson is an impressive athlete. Which makes the feat that I am about to perform all the more impressive. I will get the victory tonight, folks, and I will walk out of here your winner and STILL! TCW World Heavyweight Champion." [color="blue"]I don't think I even need to say it. A*. Tommy is gold on the mic. I really should have him stick around longer.[/color] [b]Tommy Cornell(c) -vs- Ricky Dale Johnson[/b] [i][color="red"]for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship[/color][/i] The crowd was into this match the whole way. These two men went out there and put on a wrestling clinic that had the crowd on their feet. Cornell started out strong, nearly pinning RDJ within two minutes. Johnson kicks out at two, and Cornell mocks him. They lock up again, and this time RDJ gets the better of it, nearly pinning Cornell. He returns the mocking, and the two nod at each other respectfully before really going at it. Full of twists and turns, numerous near falls, Johnson finally nails Cornell with Southern Justice. Then Genghis Rahn hit the ring. It was quick enough that the referee, checking on Cornell, never even noticed. In, nailing RDJ with what looked to be a billy club, of all things, and back out. RDJ fell to the ground, and the ref was forced to start a knockout count. Cornell made it to his feet first, and was able to hit the Rough Ride and hold on for the three count, getting the victory in 13:53. Cornell makes his 38th successful defense. [color="blue"]And the rating? A. These two put on an amazing match. I expect to see RDJ wearing gold in the ring before too much longer. There wasn't a lot of selling between these two, or much good stuff in the way of announcing. It's a shame really, I would have loved to see what they could do given good backup.[/color] RDJ staggers back to his feet, noticing Genghis Rahn laughing outside the ring for the first time. Surprisingly, Johnson launches himself over the top rope at Rahn, and the brawl begins. It spills back into the ring, and a wild punch nails Cornell, who is still celebrating with his newly retained belt. Doom's Army rushes the ring, and an all-out brawl explodes, Rahn and Johnson in the center of it, as we fade to black. [color="blue"]That's a shame. Only a B+ for the show-ending brawl. I had hoped for another A rated segment to take us out. It's too bad, too, because I think this last bit is what brought the show down to the piddly B rating it got. But I think it's still good. Next up? Total Mayhem, bringing in the Mayhem Matchups, TCW's annual 'showcase as many of our talent as we can' event. Oh, and the 8-show buildup to that, of course.[/color] [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] [i]Dark Match:[/i] Remmy Skye defeats Marc Speed (C) Paul Steadyfast defeats Chance Fortune (C) to retain the TCW All Action Championship Doug Peak defeats Tim Westybrook (C) in a Cage Match to retain the TCW Hardcore Championship Samoan Wildboyz defeat Darkness Warriors (C+) Wolf Hawkins and Melody Cuthill defeat The Nation of Filth (C+) Liberty defeats General Doom (B-) Troy Tornado and Puerto Rican Power (B-) fought to a double countout Rick Law defeats Joey Minnesota (B-) Painful Procedure defeats The Tag Team Specialists, The Demons of Rage, and Idol, Inc. (B) to retain the TCW World Tag Team Championship Tommy Cornell defeats Ricky Dale Johnson (A) to retain the TCW World Heavyweight Championship Where Angels Fear To Tread (B) [/QUOTE]
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  • 2 weeks later...
[b]Monday, Week 1, April 2006[/b] So, after my bookers sat down with me and we went through our list of workers, I called each worker into my office one by one. Some interesting items cropped up. TCW's two newest Major Singings, well ok, Moderate Signings...ah, who am I kidding? One moderate signing and one sort-of-moderate signing, who have been with the company for less than a week are upset with how little they've been used. I just shake my head in disbelief. Peter Valentine and Doug Peak don't like how often they've been booked to lose. Well, guys, you're bringing up younger talent. It happens. Valentine's really gets me though--it must be the loss to Hannigan that got him. A number of workers don't like how little they've been used; Bubb leads the pack, but right behind him is JD Morgan, who came into my office with his blood boiling. Upset might be the wrong term--I think murderous would be better suited. I promise them all uses in the near future, and for most of them I mean it. With each of them, I outline upcoming storylines, merging some others as needed. I had to switch around the Wolf/Melody storyline, but really, the third member of it doesn't matter--he/she was just there. I like the direction we're going in though. I have high hopes for Total Mayhem. The Ultimate Tournament. Four teams of four meet in a pair of matches. The winners of those matches meet. The winning team then randomly splits into tag teams, who face each other. The winning tag team then faces each other--the final winner gets a chance to be the man in charge for one day. It was always the highlight of past years viewing, and I think that this year we're going to tear the roof off the arena. [i]OOC: Ok, finally got the new storylines input and ready to go. The first TCW Presents should be up sometime today.[/i]
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[CENTER] [SIZE="6"]TCW Presents[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]Total Wrestling[/SIZE] [/CENTER] [i]Live, from the Laurent Ballroom in the New England, with 5,000 attending[/i] [i]Tuesday, Week 1, May 2006[/i] [color="blue"]Exactly one month after I was last here, I set myself in the trailer, content to watch the action tonight. I think the show tonight is going to come through for us, and I'm looking forward to watching what goes on out there.[/color] [b]The Tag Team Specialists -vs- The Samoan Wildboyz[/b] The Wildboyz are fresh of a strong sequence of wins against the Darkness Warriors, and the Specialists from a shot at the Tag Team Championship. A well fought, strong match between these two teams that ended when Joel Bryant grabbed a handful of tights and got the three count on Akima Brave in 10:29. [color="blue"]The dark matches today are brought to you courtesy of just wanting to have a damned good show. B rating for the first of the dark matches, and hopefully I can carry that momentum through the entire show.[/color] [b]BLZ Bubb -vs- Rick Law[/b] The crowd loved the fact that they were getting a match of this caliber as a special bonus. Bubb and Law brought a lot to the table, but the match ended rather quickly, with Bubb going over in 6:29 after using a ref bump to nail Law with a chair. [color="blue"]I'm actually disappointed in this one. While I have to give it a B, I was really really hoping for more. Ah well.[/color] Peter Valentine walks to the ring as the opening pyros go off and the music plays. He gets into the ring, and as soon as the announcers are done welcoming us to the show, he launches into a tirade. "I go out there, and I gracefully agree to give some...nobody, some football player who wants to run with the big boys. I agree to a tryout match with him. I figure, I'll go in there, wipe the mat with him, and he'll go home. Well, it obviously didn't happen." The crowd starts chanting "You Tapped Out." This obviously upsets Valentine. "Well, I'm not having it. He got lucky. He got lucky once, and it won't happen again. And to prove it, I'm calling you out. A rematch between myself and Leon Hannigan. Just name the date and time, and I'll be there. And this time, I'm going to kick your..." The microphone cuts out, and Valentine stalks out of the ring. [color="blue"]Well, either Peter Valentine sucks on the mic (which, I'll admit, he does a little), or the crowd just doesn't care, because the challenge only got a C+ reaction out of them. Not a good start.[/color] The announcers talk over a small graphic, announcing a match that was just revealed. Tonight, the main event will be Tommy Cornell defending his World Heavyweight Championship once more against Genghis Rahn! [color="blue"]And as expected, this gets an A* rating, as we go to our first commercial.[/color] When we come back from commercial, the ring is set up like a mini casino. A row of slot machines line one side, and a blackjack table dominates the center of the ring. Chance Fortune walks out. "Welcome, one and all, to the newest part of TCW. The 'Game of Chance'. This is where I bring out the guest of the moment, and like all talk shows, something strange usually happens. So more than just being a play on my name, all my guests are taking a chance by coming on. But enough about that, let's bring out our guest for the night. This is a man whom I have had the pleasure of seeing wrestle elsewhere, and tonight, he makes his debut right here in TCW. I present to you...Nevada Nuclear!" The crowd reacts wildly, but it soon dies down when they realize that they don't really know who this fiery-haired man is. Nuclear makes his way to the ring, stepping in and glowering at Chance. "Now, there big man. Welcome to TCW. Tell me, what is it YOU are here for?" Nuclear smiles, then grabs the microphone. "I'm here to unleash my raw fury on everyone in that locker room. Armageddon is coming, and I am the prophet." Chance has gotten another microphone. "Is that so? Well then, big man. Let me be the first to put you to the test. I challenge you to a match. Just you and me. What do you say?" "Your death will not rest easy on my conscience, but I accept." Chance looks like he's going to say something, but just stares at the back of Nuclear, as the man leaves the ring area. [color="blue"]Two debuts in one segment--the Game of Chance, and Nevada Nuclear, who finally has made an appearance on television. And in the end, it almost was as good as the first challenge of the evening, pulling in a C rating.[/color] [b]The Darkness Warriors -vs- Idol, Inc.[/b] Jay enters the arena in a different outfit, seemingly having abandoned the goth look that has gotten him this far; instead, he is dressed almost aristocratically. That doesn't really affect the match, however, as he is able to work on Idol, Inc. for a while before Raul eventually makes a blind tag. Raul rushes in and immediately gets nailed with a low blow by Huggins, who rolls him up and uses the ropes for the three count in 7:31. Huggins and Thatcher make their way from the ring when Jay grabs a microphone. "I've had it. Every match we've lost has been because of you. As for this moment, we're through. From now on, I am a solo wrestler. And I'm going to start with you!" Jay immediately launches a punch at his brother, who covers up and doesn't fight back. Jay is merciless, pounding on Raul with everything he's got. When he grabs a chair, though, Idol, Inc. rush the ring. Charlie checks on Raul, while Huggins grabs his own chair, and stares down Jay. Jay yells something at Raul, who glares out with anger in his eyes. [color="blue"]Well, two gimmick changes and three face turns at once, and amazingly, they all went well. Too bad that the all-out matchup between the two teams exhausted Thatcher completely. I think that hurt the match, which only pulled in a C+. Of course, so the break up, and the rescue. C+, C+, C+. Great. So much for that amazing show which completely kill's SWF's momentum.[/color] We go backstage to where Puerto Rican Power has cornered Ronnie V. Pain. "What the hell happened at Angels, man? You attacked me! It's completely your fault that Troy is still up and running his mouth. We should be done with this now. You had agreed to work with me, and now this? You're messed up, man." Pain stares at Power for a while, then just storms away. [color="blue"]Care to guess what this one got? Yep, good guess. C+. I have to hope that the rest of the show, which I believe to be the strongest part, brings us up.[/color] [b]JD Morgan -vs- Harry Allen[/b] Allen is normally a tag team wrestler, but has been getting a little bit of a singles push lately. JD Morgan is a wrestling machine who never backs down from a fight. The two put on a decent technical matchup for some time, with JD Morgan getting the pinfall while using the ropes for a bit of extra leverage, in 9:52. [color="blue"]B-. At least we've jumped up a notch, and Morgan gets used and a victory. Hopefully that'll help placate him.[/color] Morgan starts to walk out of the ring after his match, but stops and looks back at Allen, who is just getting to his feet. Morgan shakes his head and gets back into the ring, and starts attacking Allen. He doesn't get much offense in, though, before the crowd goes wild and running to make the save is...SAMMY BACH! Sammy Bach is in TCW! Bach rushes the ring, and quickly throws Morgan out, then backs him away while Allen is able to recover from the attack. Bach grabs a microphone as Morgan finally disappears through the curtains. "Yes, it's true! Sammy Bach is here! And let me tell you why, my friends. I am here for one reason, and one reason only. That reason is JD Morgan. See, Morgan is one heck of an athlete. He's got it in him, that little thing that lets you know someone can go far. But the problem is that he just can't seem to control his rage. So I am here to bring Morgan back to himself. I will help you, and make you a much more focused athlete. With that focus, you will be able to skyrocket through the ranks. I look forward to the day I can see that." [color="blue"]We cut to commercial, and I watch Bach make his way to the back. C+ on the attack and save, and a B- for the respect Bach shows to the other former DaVE star. I'll have to compliment him on his mic work for his first show in. Hopefully he can get even better as we move on.[/color] Back from commercial, we go backstage, where Melody Cuthill is opening a bottle of champagne. "We won, Wolf! We did it!" Wolf Hawkins walks on screen, a pair of wine glasses in his hands. "That we did. It's just the first step on your path, but for now, lets celebrate." [color="blue"]Ugh. I think I just died. I know the crowd did, and we get a D. I knew I shouldn't have thrown Melody in this late in the show, but I had hopes that she'd do ok. False hopes it seems. Damn.[/color] [b]Nation of Filth -vs- Painful Procedure(c)[/b] [i][color="red"]for the TCW World Tag Team Championships[/color][/i] The Nation wasn't one of the teams that got their shot at 'Angels', so the announcers tell us that General Doom gave them a title match today. The match was intense, with the offense and the momentum of the match changing sides numerous times. After a number of near falls on Shearer, Hopkirk gets the hot tag and clears house, hitting the Randallism on Stink and covering for the pinfall in 9:08. Painful Procedure makes their fourth successful defense of the World Tag Team Championship. Grunt rushes the ring right after the match is over, and the attack is on, as the Nation of Filth lays into the champions. The referee gets the bell rung repeatedly, but it doesn't stop the Nation, who only give up after their opponents are a bloody mess on the mat. [color="blue"]Well, BJ Shearer was off his game tonight, and Randall was the only member who still looked like he was ok at the end of the match. Nevertheless, I have to give it a B-, as they worked the crowd really well. I just wish that Grunt and Stink had a little higher stamina. The attack afterwards was kind of affected by the fatigue as well, pulling in it's own shiny B-.[/color] We go backstage to a cheer, as we see Liberty giving a hug to Madman Boone and Stevie Grayson. "Glad to see you two dudes back where you belong. I'm really sorry I got you into that." Boone tries to say something, but Liberty cuts him off. "No, listen to me, dudes. I had no right to bring you into this fight. This is Liberty's fight. I have to go against Doom, and I had no cause bringing you into it. And because I did, you nearly lost your jobs. Liberty's job, I can handle losing, but not those of others. That's not what this fight is about. So I'm going it alone from now on. No, don't try to change my mind, Stevie. I've already decided." Liberty walks off as Grayson and Boone look at each other, confused and upset. [color="blue"]Well, the B lost it's minus as we move on, and I couldn't be happier. No, that's not true. I would have liked an A, but the B is good enough for this bit.[/color] Genghis Rahn is backstage, where Jason Azaria has caught up with him. "I said that nobody would be getting my shot at Angels, and I meant it. How's it feel, Ricky, to know that you lost your shot? How's it feel to know that your chance to become champion is past, and I get my shot now? You are a loser, and that's all you will ever be. You will never be champion, not so long as I am around. You are a bug to be squashed, and I will squash you. Just watch my match tonight, and you will see just how quickly I can squash even the big bugs, let alone the little ones like you." [color="blue"]Yeah, he went a little weird on that one, but the crowd seemed ok with it. B.[/color] Tommy Cornell has made his way to the ring, and he grabs a microphone. "It's true that I am out here to fight Genghis Rahn. But am I worried? Not really. I've fought for and kept this title often enough that I know how to do it. Tonight? It's just another match. Rahn says that he's going to squash me like a bug? I don't even know how to respond to something as foolish as that. No, tonight is just another stop on the Cornell Winning Streak Train, and Rahn is the tracks. So get ready, because in about...oh, fifteen minutes or so, I'd say, I'll be raising this belt above my head, still your TCW World Heavyweight Champion. [color="blue"]I love listening to that man talk sometimes. A.[/color] [b]Tommy Cornell(c) -vs- Genghis Rahn[/b] [i][color="red"]for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship[/color][/i] The crowd really got into this match, with Tommy definitely playing the face for the matchup. Both men got a decent amount of offense, and Rahn even pinned the champion for a good 5-count at one point, but unfortunately it was after a ref bump and didn't get counted. Cornell would get the victory in 14:43, forcing Rahn to submit after a good long choke make Rahn run out of air. Cornell makes his 39th successful defense. [color="blue"]As the show goes off the air, I make my way backstage where I congratulate Cornell on the A-rated match, his second in a row. The man can really work, that's for sure. Unfortuantely, I think I made it a bit too long, because Rahn was tiring out by the end. I have to wonder if it would have made A* if it had been but two minutes shorter...or had better selling, or better commentary. Whatever, it still made an A match, and I'm happy with that. Wasn't enough to quite counteract the D-egg laid by Hawkins and Cuthill earlier, though, that sour taste was enough to bring the show down to a solid B. And as usual on Tuesdays, I sit down and watch Ring Wars and Supreme TV. Both of them remain solid Bs, but Ring Wars really was boring. No title defense or anything. Supreme TV had three defenses--Sexual Aggression defeated the Warriors of the Deep to retain the Tag Team Titles, and Randy defeated Henry Lee to remain North American champion. His brother Zimmy, though, lost the Shooting Star title to, of all people, Flex. And that got a B? Disgusting.[/color] [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] [i]Dark Matches[/i] The Tag Team Specialists defeat The Samoan Wildboyz (B) BLZ Bubb defeats Rick Law (B) [i]Live Show[/i] Idol, Inc. defeats The Darkness Warriors (C+) JD Morgan defeats Harry Allen (B-) Painful Procdure defeats The Nation of Filth (B-) to retain the TCW Tag Team Championship Tommy Cornell defeats Genghis Rahn (A) to retain the TCW World Heavyweight Championship TCW Presents (B) [/QUOTE]
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[CENTER] [SIZE="6"]TCW International[/SIZE] [/CENTER] [i]Live, from the Shakeshaft Auditorium in the Great Lakes, with 5,000 attending[/i] [i]Wednesday, Week 1, May 2006[/i] [color="blue"]I settle myself as one of the stage crew tonight, trying to get a closer look at the action. Hopefully I can pick up something that I wouldn't get from the trailer. I'm not expecting much, but hoping to maintain pace with SWF's consistent B-rated shows.[/color] [b]Tim Westybrook -vs- Ricky Dale Johnson[/b] Westybrook is still in the middle of a series with Doug Peak for the Hardcore Championship, and RDJ just had a failed attempt at the World Heavyweight Championship. Together, the should put on one heck of a dark match. Which is just what they do, going back and forth for nearly 18 minutes before RDJ hits his third Southern Justice of the match to get the pinfall in 17:55. [color="blue"]B. Good start to the show, considering this took up the entire dark time. Ricky was definitely getting tired by the end, which is unfortunate. I think an A-rated match could have propelled Tim to new heights.[/color] The opening pyros go off, and we are officially welcomed to TCW International. The announcers riff for a bit before Remmy Skye's music plays. Skye makes his way to the ring with manager in tow. Fortunately for everyone, it seems that Griffiths is content to stay silent in the background. Remmy gets on a microphone. "I am here to officially present a challenge to Paul Steadyfast for the All-Action championship. Last month, he attacked me from nowhere, and claimed *MY* spot in the tournament. Well, it's time for revenge. Paul, I'm coming for the belt, so hold on tight." He is interrupted by Marc Speed's music. Speed makes his way halfway down the ramp, and already has a microphone. "You deserve a shot? Please, that belt was mine to win before Steadyfast interfered. If anyone deserves a chance at that belt, it's me." Remmy looks confused. "Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but didn't you lose your first match? BEFORE Steadyfast attacked me? Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's the case." He doesn't get any more out before Speed hits the ring and starts attacking Skye. They brawl for a couple minutes before a referee hits the ring, and calls for the bell. [b]Remmy Skye -vs- Marc Speed[/b] The announcers hype the impromptu matchup that this is, while the two men in the ring go at it with a vengeance. In the short time that they're in the ring, we're treated to a decent high-flying match before Paul Steadyfast hits the ring, nailing both men with vicious clotheslines. The referee calls for the bell in 3:05 of the official match, as Steadyfast gloats over both of the fallen men with his belt in hand. [color="blue"]Well, there's one good thing to say about that bit. It only took 13 minutes all told. C- for Skye's challenge, D for Speed's. The brawl gets a C-, and the match itself pulls off a C. For openers and enhancement talent, I can't be disappointed. Especially since both Speed and Skye seemed a bit out of it in the ring.[/color] As the ring is cleared, Tim Westybrook's music plays, and the man himself appears on the big screen. "I've been thinking about our series of matches. Thus far, we've both agreed to the stipulations for each match. We've had Hardcore, we've had tables, we've had first blood. We've had No Holds Barred, and we've even had a Cage match. But for the last match in our series, for the Hardcore Championship? I think I'm going to let you make the decision all by yourself Doug. Our match at Total Mayhem, for the Hardcore Championship, it's all you. Make your choice wisely. [color="blue"]Not bad. C. The kid's coming along nicely.[/color] We cut backstage to where Wolf Hawkins is demonstrating a new move to Melody Cuthill. They're using a training dummy, and the move he's showing her appears to be some variation of a DDT. [color="blue"]And once again, the crowd doesn't care. I may have to end this storyline early, since these two just can't seem to get the crowd into it.[/color] [b]JD Morgan -vs- Kid Toma[/b] Toma gets only his second singles match, and he makes the best of it. The match is fairly open, and Toma gets the first few near falls before JD powers out of one and takes it to the kid. Toma is able to recover momentum, though, and just as he's going for one more pinfall, Morgan nails him in the boys. As Toma's still trying to recover his breath, Morgan locks him in a submission hold, and Toma taps out in 5:35. The match is over, but Morgan doesn't let go of the hold. The referee calls for the bell numerous times, and Toma is tapping like crazy, but Morgan continues to wrench on the hold, threatening to rip Toma's arm right off. Then he sees Sammy Bach rushing the ring, and he lets off the hold and scampers out of the ring. Bach checks on Toma, then he and Morgan point at each other as we go to commercial. [color="blue"]B- for the match, which is honestly about what I was expecting. I really wish the attack/save angles would work better though, as it only got a C+. I don't know what happened there, it seemed ok to me, but the crowd seemed, well, dead.[/color] [b]Joey Minnesota(c) -vs- Stink[/b] [i][color="red"]for the TCW International Championship[/color][/i] General Doom made this matchup earlier today, as Stink makes a grand entrance into singles competition by going for a championship. He certainly seems to be doing fairly well at it, taking the champ to the limit. Minnesota definitely knows his stuff, though, and he is able to get the pinfall in 5:35 by using the tights of his opponent. Joey Minnesota makes his 2nd successful defense. [color="blue"]And a C+. I actually wanted the match to go a little longer, but I was worried about Stink not being able to survive the length. But since the match stunk anyway (no pun intended), I shouldn't have worried about it.[/color] BLZ Bubb starts to make his way to the ring for his match, when the Big Screen lights up, and a music video plays hyping him. The entire time, there seems to be fire playing along the outside, and it shows much of the highlights of his career, going back at least as far as 1998, when he was the TCW World Heavyweight Champion. Bubb certainly looks confused when the video ends. [b]BLZ Bubb -vs- Randall Hopkirk[/b] Hopkirk is still 1/2 of the World Tag Team Champions, but tries to set himself up in a bigger title scene, hoping for a win against Bubb. He certainly gets in the offense early, taking it to the former champion for quite some time, as Bubb still seems confused by the video, and even stops at one point to stare at the now blank screen. After a time, though, Bubb snaps out of it, and it doesn't take him long to send Hopkirk into a newly-unpadded turnbuckle and rollup for the pin in 9:47. [color="blue"]The hype video gets a B, and the match a B-. Again, I was hoping for more out of the match, but other than the Speed/Skye match, that seems to be a trend for the night. Disappointing, really. I liked Bubb playing up the confusion.[/color] Ricky Dale Johnson's music hits, and the man makes his way to the ring. The announcers play up their confusion as to why he is out here, briefly mentioning the main event of the evening as what was supposed to be next, but they cut off as he takes a microphone and starts to speak. "Genghis Rahn had the gumption to come out here yesterday, and brag about how I lost my title shot at Where Angels Fear to Tread. And of course, since he's buddy-buddy with the General, he gets his own shot that night. Well, Genghis, I don't care what you say. Yes, I lost my shot because of your interference. But you lost yours...all three of them, come to think of it, fair and square. But that's not why I'm out here right now. See, what I want, what I really want, is a rematch. Ricky Dale Johnson versus Tommy Cornell for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship. I believe I was cheated out of my shot, Tommy, and I think you're man enough to let me back in the ring with you because of that." He is interrupted by Rick Law's music. Law makes his way to the ring, taking his own microphone as he goes by the announcers booth. He nods to Ricky for a moment before speaking himself. "No disprespect to you, Ricky, but you had your shot. I think it's time for another to step up to the plate, and I think that someone is me. So what do you say, Tommy? Feel like putting the belt against the Law, and seeing who comes out on top?" Not to be outdone, of course, Liberty's music plays and he makes his own way to the ring. "Liberty's sitting backstage, and he likes what he hears. RDJ, Rick Law, both of them going after the belt. But what I really need, what I want, is my own shot at the belt. I was the last person to hold it before Tommy, after all, and it's been almost a year since I've had that belt around my waist. And with my going solo now, it's time for a little backup, if you know what I mean." His monologue is interrupted as the champ himself, none other than Tommy Cornell, makes his way to the ring. He grabs the microphone from Liberty's hand, and gives his trademark smirk to the crowd. "Well well well. What have we here? Three pretenders to the throne." The crowd boos, as expected. "Three men who want a chance at what's around my waist, who want this belt. Well, I'll tell you what. I've always said I'm a man who'll defend the belt with my last breath. And Ricky, as you said, you were screwed out of your rightful shot. So next Tuesday, on TCW Presents Total Wrestling, I'll give you another chance. RDJ and Tommy Cornell for the World Heavyweight Championship. You others..." He is interrupted in turn by General Doom, who comes out with no music. "Hold on, Tommy. I, too, like what I see. Only, I think I see something different than you. What I see is a chance to have the two biggest thorns in my side beat up on each other. So next Tuesday, sure, you can have your match. But also, we'll have Liberty taking on none other than Rick Law. And for the hell of it, because I think it'll make the two of you beat on each other even more, I'll give the winner a shot at the champion come Total Mayhem, whoever it happens to be. Now, let's clear the ring. I believe Liberty has a matchup next?" [color="blue"]Well, that was fun. And a good half hour of angles. Gotta love it sometimes. B+ for RDJ's challenge. B- for Law's. B for Liberty's. Guess we know who the crowd wants to have challenge Cornell. Cornell's acceptance of Ricky's challenge pulls off an A, as the cheers fill the auditorium. And then Doom spells out the doom, pulling in a C+. I've got to find someone else to take over that role.[/color] A video is played as we come back from commercial, showing the entire scene from Presents where Liberty cut loose his partners in the Liberation Front. [color="blue"]Yeah, it did better yesterday. B-.[/color] [b]Liberty -vs- Peter Valentine[/b] These two men put on a show for quite a while before a ref bump. During the bump, Liberty takes it to Valentine, laying out his opponent, then playing to the crowd. He doesn't notice the Nation of Filth and General Doom slipping into the ring behind him. He gets nailed by all three, and Doom pulls Valentine over Liberty. The ref wakes up and starts making the three count, but Liberty kicks out at 2. Both men stand, and Liberty gets the Liberation Slam out of nowhere, holding on for the victory in 17:44. [color="blue"]Well, no Tommy wrestling today, but I think the number of challenges to him and the whole long angle at the end certainly helped. B rated match from Liberty and Valentine, even with Peter looking absolutely exhausted by the end of the match, caps off a B rated show. Though I did hear some grumbling from the crowd that Marc Speed was overused. Well, too bad. It's not like you see him every day or anything. Personally, I think the highlight was the dark match, which is really kind of sad.[/color] [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] [i]Dark Match: [/i]Ricky Dale Johnson defeats Tim Westybrook (B) Marc Speed and Remmy Skye (C) no contest JD Morgan defeats Kid Toma (B-) Joey Minnesota defeats Stink (C+) to retain the TCW International Championship BLZ Bubb defeats Randall Hopkirk (B-) Liberty defeats Peter Valentine(B) TCW International (B) [/QUOTE]
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[CENTER] [SIZE="6"]TCW Presents[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]Total Wrestling[/SIZE] [/CENTER] [i]Live, from the V. Thompson Arena in the Southwest, with 4,892 attending[/i] [i]Tuesday, Week 2, May 2006[/i] [color="blue"]Ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch. We were coming home, had some decent matches prebooked, everything lined up for a good show. So I went with a larger venue. And we wouldn't have even filled up the Gorski. I bang my head on the table in the trailer repeatedly before the opening match starts up.[/color] [b]Tim Westybrook -vs- Genghis Rahn[/b] Westybrook continues his dark match education with a good match against Rahn. The rookie controlled much of the match, but Rahn was always there with some veteran move to slow the momentum down. The last of these was sending Westybrook tumbling to the outside, and then pummelling him for a good 9-count before Rahn rolled back in. Westybrook is unable to get to his feet in time to meet the count, giving Rahn the countout victory in 10:32. [color="blue"]I wanted to make the match longer, but I was pretty sure that Rahn would be getting tired after ten minutes. Turns out I was right. Nevertheless, a C+ match out of the two. Now, something to get the crowd going with the remaining dark time.[/color] Freddy Huggins comes out to the ring alone. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"Tonight, I have the pleasure of hosting a bikini contest. Allow me to introduce the competitors tonight--first, the Blonde Bombshell!"[/COLOR] The crowd suitably cheers as she makes her way to the ring. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"Then, Ms. Jemma Griffiths-Skye!"[/Color] Another suitable cheer. The two women drop their robes, revealing the bikinis they are wearing. Huggins goes back and forth between the two, listening for crowd applause. Finally, he grabs Jemma's arm and raises it in victory. [color="blue"]As expected, the live crowd got into it. Hopefully that'll help our early matches as we go on tv. A.[/color] Our opening pyros go off, and we are immediately thrust into action. [b]Melody Cuthill w/Wolf Hawkins -vs- Hell Monkey[/b] As seems to be typical of Cuthill matches lately, she controls the action but can't get the job done. Monkey spits fire in Cuthill's face when the ref's back is turned, and quickly rolls her up for the pinfall in 2:45. [color="blue"]C- match. About what I expected, which is why I made it so short.[/color] We cut backstage where Raul Darkness is standing. [COLOR="Lime"]"Jay, Brother. I don't know what you were thinking when you turned on me, but I'm guessing it'll be the worst mistake of your life. You and me, we've got unfinished business. I want a match with you, and I will prove to you that I mean to take care of that business."[/COLOR] [color="blue"]Yeah, so he's not great on the mic. C- again.[/color] [b]Chance Fortune -vs- Nevada Nuclear[/b] Chance starts out slowly, testing the newcomer's strength and talent before launching into a flurry of offense. Nuclear manages to withstand most of it, but eventually succumbs to the Stroke of Luck in 5:56 to get the pin. [color="blue"]I really wasn't sure who to have win this match, since the result of this particular bit wasn't that important. So I let Sam choose. I think he did well, and the pair gets a C rated match. Movin' on up![/color] Backstage in Doom's office, three teams are waiting, talking excitedly to one another. The Tag Team Specialists, the Young Guns, and the Samoan Wildboyz are all there, and all are convinced that Doom is about to name one of them Tag Team Champions. Finally, General Doom walks in. [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Gentlemen, sorry to keep you waiting. Allow me to get right to the point. The time has come to name the team captains for Total Mayhem. I have decided that they come from this room. At Total Mayhem, we will have Team Toma taking on Team Bryant in the first round."[/COLOR] Kid and Joel nod and look at each other cautiously. [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Also in the first round, Team Allen will be facing off against Team Oxford. Now if you'll excuse me gentlemen, I have some other business to attend to." [/COLOR] As they start to file out, Bryant has some whispered words to Oxford, who nods, and turns back into the room. The door closes. [COLOR="Orange"]"Excuse me, sir?" [/COLOR]Doom looks up. [COLOR="Orange"]"Only the best for my team, General. I want you on it."[/COLOR] Doom thinks for a moment, then nods. [COLOR="DarkRed"]"You got a deal."[/COLOR] [color="blue"]C+ for the captain naming, C for the first membership. And the announcers properly put over the fact that Oxford said nothing about the Specialists being split up for the Mayhem matchup.[/color] As the Demons of Rage make their way to the ring for their matchup, a video plays, hyping their history in TCW, including shots from all of their title reigns. They look a little confused, but shake it off and get down to business. [b]The Demons of Rage -vs- The Young Guns[/b] The Demons were obviously confused by the video playing, and the lack of communication cost them in the end. Spite wanted the tag, but Anger wasn't able to make it, and fell prety to a Flying Sunset Flip, giving Harry Allen the victory in 7:55. After the match, Allen and Gumble talked to each other quietly in the corner for a bit, then hugged briefly. Allen raised Gumble's hand as the pair shared the spotlight. [color="blue"]The strange videos continue, and I really thought the Demons were more over than that. C+, and remind me to fire the video department. Again. The match was tolerable, and pulls in another C+, though I was honestly hoping for much more. And the unity of the team members gets a C+ as well. Not much more I could have done with that, though, I suppose.[/color] [b]Leon Hannigan w/Cat Jemson -vs- Peter Valentine[/b] Cat Jemson makes her debut in TCW as Hannigan's manager, two weeks after leaving DaVE. Valentine looked suitably pissed at the rookie, and took control of the match from the start. It would not be enough, though, as Hannigan would gain the upset again, nailing a spinebuster and getting the pinfall in 5:23. Hannigan and Jemson celebrate in the ring their victory, when Valentine gets to his feet. He grabs Hannigan and starts throwing punches, quickly dropping the former football star to the mat. Once there, kicks are thrown, as the referee tries to stop him. Eventually, Valentine gets bored and walks out of the ring to a chorus of boos. [color="blue"]No selling, no psychology. Those seem to be hallmarks of Hannigan's matches thus far. Maybe I shouldn't have put him up against a Main Eventer yet, but he was already popular, and had nothing for Valentine, so it wrote itself. Regardless, a C matchup. Again, I was hoping for more, at least a B-. Maybe next time. Like the beatdown. That's what it got.[/color] [b]The Nation of Filth -vs- Raul Darkness and Matt Sparrow[/b] Typically squashes take less time than this, but the Nation used a lot of time showboating. The inevitable result took 8:51, and came when Grunt pinned Sparrow after the Dump Truck. After the matchup, Grunt and Stink looked at each other, nodded, and then laid the boots into their fallen opponents. With both men bleeding now, the Nation smiles as they make hteir way to the back. [color="blue"]C match, with the Nation tiring, as usual. I swear, a five minute match seems to be the longest they can do and remain fresh. Which is silly for a tag team. C- for the attack afterwards, and the downhill slope continues. God I hope our main events bring the show up.[/color] JD Morgan comes to the ring. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"My last few matches have had some...annoying interruptions. So right now, right here, I have one thing to say. Sammy, you want to take me on, get yourself out here right now!"[/COLOR] Sammy's music hits, and he comes out on to the ramp. He shakes his head no, but slowly makes his way to the ring anyway. That's when Joey Minnesota launches himself out of the crowd, nailing Sammy with a right hand, and then quickly an Empire Spiral onto the steel ramp. Morgan quickly joins him, and the two take turns beating on Bach for some time before Morgan bends down and yells something in Bach's face, and then Morgan and Minnesota back out of the arena. [color="blue"]I know there's a lot of attacks in this show. It didn't feel like that many when I was writing it. But the storylines are just getting started, and I have high hopes for their futures. C+ for this attack.[/color] [b]Liberty -vs- Rick Law[/b] [i][color="red"]for the #1 Contender spot[/color][/i] The match starts out great, as the two men shake hands in respect, then lock up immediately. They go slowly, with lots of chain wrestling, some quick falls and rollups, and then Liberty tries for an early Liberation Slam. Law slips out of it, and with a grin, the two go at it full force. Lots of momentum shifts, good pyschology. Finally, at around the seven minute mark, Liberty finally nails the Liberation Slam. Law looks to be out of it, and Liberty takes a moment to recover before going for the cover. That's when two masked men enter the ring, nailing Liberty with a suplex-neckbreaker combo, then darting back out. The ref never sees it, but starts the knockout count when he sees Liberty is down. Both men back to their feet, but Law gets the advantage and hits the Long Arm, getting the pinfall in 7:45. The masked men rush back in the ring, taking out both competitors this time, before they can even get back to their feet. Finally, with Law and Liberty both laid out and bleeding in the ring, they go to remove their masks, but are interrupted by General Doom's music, as the General rushes the ring. [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Now hold up there a bit boys. Yes, it's true, ladies and gentlemen. These men are the newest recruits to Doom's Army. The future of wrestling. Not only that, but these men are the future TCW World Tag Team Champions--their match against Painful Procedure at Total Mayhem has already been signed. Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present to you..."[/COLOR] The men remove their masks, and the announcers gasp. [COLOR="DarkRed"]"The Liberation Front!"[/COLOR] Stevie Grayson and Madman Boone have joined Doom's Army! [color="blue"]I really need to work on Doom's overness. He always brings down segments. The beatdown (I promise it's the last one) gets a B-, and would have been better I think if they had taken off their masks earlier. As it was, they were a little underwhelming. The alliance announcement was a C+, as was the match announcement. Both with Doom in them. The man's a curse, I swear.[/color] [b]Tommy Cornell(c) -vs- Ricky Dale Johnson[/b] [i][color="red"]for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship[/color][/i] A good, all out match between two championship-caliber men. So good that the announcers couldn't keep up with it, and eventually just lapsed into silence as we watched the clinic being put on. After an amazing show, Ricky Dale Johnson nails the Southern Justice, and covers for the pin. It would have gotten a three-count, except for Rahn running down and pulling the referee out of the ring. As Johnson and the ref confronted him, Cornell got back to his feet, and with a quick rollup, scored the victory in 9:39. Tommy Cornell makes his 40th successful defense of the TCW World Heavyweight Championship. [color="blue"]Hey, I never promised it was the last run-in, just the last beatdown. And I was right, wasn't I? Anyway, the last match pulls an A, and saves the show, which overall rates a B. Only two segments on the show rated above that, and they were the co-main events. So I guess I can't complain that much. On the SWF Front, both of their shows this week were B rated as well. Flex defends the Shooting Star title twice, which by my reckoning means he's got 5 matches left before he loses it, since they seem to always defend it 8 times before they lose it. I wonder if other people have noticed that yet? Sexual Aggression defeated the Warriors again to retain, and it looks like the Remo/Runaway Train fued might be restarting, as Remo retains the World Title.[/color] [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] [i]Dark Match:[/i] Genghis Rahn defeated Tim Westybrook (C+) Hell Monkey defeated Melody Cuthill (C-) Chance Fortune defeated Nevada Nuclear (C) The Young Guns defeated The Demons of Rage (C+) Leon Hannigan defeated Peter Valentine (C) The Nation of Filth defeated Raul Darkness and Matt Sparrow (C) Rick Law defeated Liberty (B+) for the #1 Contendership Tommy Cornell defeated Ricky Dale Johnson (A) to retain the TCW World Heavyweight Championship TCW Presents (B) [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [b]TCW Announces New Show[/b] Total Championship Wrestling, in conjunction with ACE Entertainment, have announced a new show to debut next season. It is currently scheduled to air Friday nights from 10 to 11 pm. TCW claims that they will be using the show to further expand their audience for their flagship show, which will remain TCW Presents Total Wrestling for the time being. [/QUOTE] [i]I'm experimenting with different colors for different people, taking from the best diary's I've read here. Thoughts?[/i]
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[color="blue"]In a break from the norm, the author takes over for the booker as the editor and commentator of this show.[/color] [CENTER] [SIZE="6"]TCW International[/SIZE] [/CENTER] [i]Live, from the Missouri State Armoury in the Mid West, with 4,975 attending[/i] [i]Wednesday, Week 2, May 2006[/i] [color="blue"]For starters, this is the second show in a row that TCW hasn't managed to sell out a SMALL arena. I don't know why. For second, the preshow tonight is totally not what I had originally intended. Original intent was to have Billy Russell vs Ice Man CA, since both of them are complaining about not being used and I have nothing else for them, as well as Tim Westybrook losing to BLZ Bubb to give the youngster more experience. As you will soon see, that's not what happened. About half way through making the show, I noted that my biggest storyline, using 8 people, 4 of them main eventers...well, only one plot point was listed as complete. Since I was expecting to go through plot points 7-10 in tonights show, I needed to catch up. Cue the dark segments.[/color] Liberty comes to the ring. "General Doom, regardless of what may have happened before, you know that I deserve the title shot. So why don't you come on out here and name me the #1 contender?" Doom does indeed come out. "Sure, I'll name you #1 contender. But not without some blood. You'll have to face Rick Law, and you'll face him next. The winner will be the #1 contender." [color="blue"]Ok. B-rated segment. Not bad. Look at the Road Agent Notes. Swear up a storm. Literally--my wife yelled at me for my language. For some reason this segment STILL didn't move the storyline. Which means that after tonight's show, I'll be on plot point ELEVEN, and have the game still think I'm on 2. What's worse is that I checked the point. Then I double checked it. Then I triple checked it. The only thing I can think of (which I haven't checked since I ran the show--I was too frustrated at the end of this to do anything else) is that one of the participants in the angle was listed as a Minor rather than a Major. Anyone, enough gripe about that segment...Let's get through the rest of the completely useless dark segments... *sigh*[/color] [b]Rick Law -vs- Liberty[/b] By now, you should all be able to guess the end result of this match. Law gets the victory in 7:43 with the Long Arm of the Law. After the match, Grayson and Boone rush out to the ring, and attack the two of them. It doesn't take long before Liberty and Law are down and bleeding. Doom, who never truly left ringside comes down to the ring and raises Liberation Front's arms in triumph. Then a graphic is shown on the big screen hyping Liberation Front -vs- Painful Procedure for Total Mayhem. [color="blue"]Good, the completely useless stuff is out of the way. The match gets an A (which unfortunately will prove to be the HIGHLIGHT of the show), the beatdown and alliance C+'s, and the hype a C. On to the main show.[/color] Paul Steadyfast starts out the show in the middle of the ring. "One week ago, Remmy Skye and Marc Speed got into a little altercation out here in this ring. And yes, it's true. I did interfere in the matchup that resulted. But the fact is that neither of you are going to lay a hand on this belt. The All Action belt is mine, and there's nothing you can do about it." [color="blue"]And it gets the D I expected. Ok, fine, I was hoping for a C-, but still. At least this one actually moved the storyline along.[/color] [b]Robert Oxford -vs- Harry Allen[/b] Billed as a preview match for the Mayhem Matchup, this match featured two team captains. The match would end in 9:35, when both men were counted out of the ring. [color="blue"]And a B-. At this point in the show, I'm still hoping I get something good out of it. When my opening matchup is a B-, I'm fairly happy. Still frustrated about the lack of angle movement for the Liberty segment earlier, but ok, I can get past that.[/color] We cut backstage, where Wolf Hawkins is busy training Melody Cuthill. [color="blue"]And as expected, it gets a D. Time to drop this storyline. Fortunately, it's currently an unchained, because one of the workers I had it the original had to move on to a different storyline, and I didn't want to restart it. Makes it easy to forget about and move on.[/color] BLZ Bubb and the Demons of Rage are backstage. They talk about the weird videos that have accompanied them to their matches of late, and agree that none of them know who might be behind it, but that they have to take care of it. [color="blue"]C+. I thought these guys were better actors than that.[/color] Troy Tornado is backstage, where he is quite obviously depressed. The announcers do a decent job of putting over the fact that Tornado is probably upset about the whole Ronnie V. Pain situation. [color="blue"]And another C+. Hell, at least I'm consistent. And the rest of the show on paper looks like it's only going to get better.[/color] A graphic is shown, hyping the main event tonight. Apparently in an effort to return the favor, Peter Valentine got a match booked--Peter Valentine and Tommy Cornell taking on the team of Leon Hannigan and Ricky Dale Johnson. [color="blue"]Hey, a B+. Though, I had hoped for more.[/color] Tommy Cornell makes his way to the ring. "So, at Total Mayhem I fight Rick Law. Well, Rick, I've taken you on before. And as before, I will completely dominate the matchup. I don't even know why they try. See, Rick, there is nothing you can do to me. Nothing I do wrong. There's a reason I've made 40 successful defenses of this belt, why I'm approaching 100 consecutive wins. And at Total Mayhem, you'll see why. [color="blue"]As usual, Tommy gets an A. I had been hoping to build some momentum moving into the next segments, but it turns out that I needn't have worried.[/color] Sammy Bach is backstage. "JD Morgan is one hell of an athlete. And here he is in TCW, working the thug angle. Well, JD, I think you've got it in you to be great. You don't need that. You're an athlete, a purist. I think if you consider it, you can get what you need all on your own. But I have another reason that I'm on camera. See, what should have been a simple 1 on 1 confrontation was complicated. Joey Minnesota felt the need to put his nose in where it didn't belong. So, Joey, I'm calling you out. You, Me, International Championship. I expect to see you in the ring. [color="blue"]B- for the respect, B for the challenge. Hey, at least I'm moving forwards.[/color] [b]The Nation of Filth -vs- The Lucky Dogs[/b] A fairly open match between these two teams that saw Grunt get the victory after Chance Fortune is disqualified in 7:52...Grunt never knew though, because the run-in of Idol, Inc. took him completely out of the picture. After the match, The Nation gets up and lays into Idol, Inc. [color="blue"]Crap on a stick. Sure, the match went well. Aside from the inevitable notes that even with just 4 minutes of 'work the crowd' mat time each, both Grunt and Stink were visibly tiring. I really hope the crowd starts to hate them soon so I can drop them back down the card. C+ for the match, I guess. The attack...well, it was supposed to be the other way around. I don't know what I did. Must have misread the angle, or used the wrong one, or something. Sure, it gets a C+, but it's not what I was expecting. Oh well, at least it's not 9 plot points, just 1.[/color] Randall Hopkirk and BJ Shearer are backstage, their Tag Team Championships over their shoulder. "General Doom's got himself a new pair of lackeys. And they want our titles. Well, gentlemen, come Total Mayhem, you're in for the fight of your lives. These belts are staying with the band." Liberty finds Rick Law backstage. "Rick, I want a rematch. Boone and Grayson--I don't know what they were about, but they completely ruined the match. You know it, I know it. What do you say, pal?" Rick nods for a bit, then hesitates. "Liberty, I know I should. I want to say yes. But we both know that Doom wouldn't hesitate to interfere again, and well...I kinda like the idea of being champ, too. But if you can convince me that Doom's Army won't get involved, I'll do it." [color="blue"]That was 8-10 there. Cornell's promo earlier was 7. So en the useless segments of the night. C+, B+, and B+ respectively. Thus far, even with the screwups, it's looking like a B rated show at least.[/color] Ricky Dale Johnson hits the ring. "Ok, Rahn. Enough is enough. That's twice now you've interfered in my title shots. No, I'm not going to try again just yet. I need to take care of you first. So why don't you man up and meet me in the ring?" Rahn steps out on the top of the ramp. "I think not. I'm having much more fun from back here." RDJ is furious, but the camera follows Rahn as he walks backstage. He catches up with the Nation of Filth, who are getting their customary checkout after their match. He talks to them quietly for a minute before Joel Bryant appears. "Just the three men I wanted to see. I need three for a team at Total Mayhem. And I think you're just the three to take Team Bryant to the top. What do you say?" Rahn considers for a bit, then nods. Grunt and Stink just shrug. Finally, Rahn responds. "You've got your team." [color="blue"]And we're winding down. B+ challenge, B+ response...C+ recruitment. Ok, one slip. Too bad it was so late. I still think we'll get the B.[/color] Peter Valentine takes over RDJ's spot in the ring. "Tonight, all of you hear in Missouri get a treat. You get to see the first loss in Leon Hannigan's wrestling career. Yes, tonight, he will be defeated--nay, he will be dominated in the ring. RDJ, you're not going to be able to help him. Hannigan is going down. [b]Peter Valentine and Tommy Cornell -vs- Ricky Dale Johnson and Leon Hannigan w/Cat Jemson[/b] Valentine can't quite live up to his word on the domination, as these two pairs put forth a fairly even matchup. He does however, meet the victory boast and claims the pinfall in 16:44 with the Heart Breaker. [color="blue"]B- for the taunting, and B+ for the match. As usual with Hannigan, there wasn't enough Selling shown...but the Psychology was there this time, at least. Jemson helped out at ring side, the announcing was bad...Oh, and Peter Valentine was exhausted at the end of the matchup. Hell, he's got Nation-stamina. So anyway, the show is over, and I click the 'Finish Show' button, expecting to see that teal B, or the bright green B+. ... ... ... C. The orange C stares back at me. Apparently, there were too many segments and not enough wrestling. Oh, and we're lacking hot storylines. I'm told this probably hurt our popularity. No, really? I mean, yeah, I know we were high on segments for this show, but the way the storylines worked out I kind of had to be. I still had 41 minutes worth. I usually aim for 60 minutes. The last two shows had 57 and 63 respectively. I guess 41 is just too low. But really, the 10 total storyline segments I have to redo is what's really killing me. What's worse, is when I get back to the main screen, I get a message. TCW has fallen to CULT size. Cult? WTF? I've had 4 straight shows that I was told raised my popularity, have one back one, and I fall from International to Cult? The only reason that I didn't just abandon the game at this point is that I'm hoping that my prestige loss was low and that my gain when I return to International (which I WILL do!) will be high--maybe I could steal some SWF talent then, since none of them will even speak to me now. B+ vs A just doesn't cut it, I guess. I haven't checked my prestige yet since the show...as I said above, I was so frustrated after the show that I just walked away. Enough ranting. Thanks for reading, if you did.[/color] [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] [i]Dark Match:[/i]Rick Law defeats Liberty (A) Robert Oxford and Harry Allen (B-) fight to a double countout Nation of Filth defeats The Lucky Dogs (C+) Peter Valentine and Tommy Cornell defeat Leon Hannigan and Ricky Dale Johnson (B+) TCW International (C) TCW Falls to Cult [/QUOTE] [i]And something I'll probably do, but not guaranteed yet...[/i] [QUOTE] [b]TCW Take 3[/b] TCW presents a super house show! Don't miss it--currently scheduled to be on the card are the following matches. [i]Paul Steadyfast -vs- Melody Cuthill[/i] (Non-Title) [i]Ice Man, CA and Tim Westybrook -vs- Jay Darkness and JD Morgan[/i] [i]The Lucky Dogs -vs- Doug Peak and Billy Russell[/i] [i]Madman Boone -vs- Freddy Huggins[/i] [i]Liberty -vs- Rick Law[/i] [i]Tommy Cornell -vs- BLZ Bubb -vs- Troy Tornado[/i] (Non-Title) [/QUOTE]
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[CENTER] [SIZE="6"]TCW Take 3[/SIZE] [/CENTER] [i]Mega-House Show in the Lowe Ballroom in the Northwest, with 5,000 attending.[/i] [i]Sunday, Week 2, May 2006[/i] [b]Paul Steadyfast -vs- Melody Cuthill[/b] The chemistry between these two showed in a fast paced non-title matchup. Steadyfast got the victory in 7:24, defeating Cuthill by countout after avoiding a high-risk suicide plancha. He has barely gathered his belt, though, when Remmy Skye runs from one side, and Marc Speed the other. The two of them lay into Steadyfast, then notice they're helping each other. Both men back off slowly, making a motion that they'll win the belt. [color="blue"]C+ matchup, D attack. This went on while the crowd was still coming through the doors though, so no big deal.[/color] After Jason Azaria got into the ring and thanked everyone for coming to the supershow, he took his seat for the announcing job. [b]Ice Man, C.A. and Tim Westybrook v-s- Jay Darkness and JD Morgan[/b] The end result of this match was known from the announcement, but Ice and Tim certainly made it tough on the upper carders. Jay-D would get the pinfall on Tim Westybrook in 4:34 after hitting a Fade to Black. Westybrook is just getting to his feet after the match when Doug Peak hits the ring. He doesn't even hestitate, but goes after his Hardcore foe, but Doug has the advantage on this one. After a quick two minutes, Westybrook is down and bleeding on the floor. He would make his exit half way through the next match. [color="blue"]C+ for the match, C- for the attack. I'm actually impressed with the rating of the attack--Early ones in this series were in the D range.[/color] [b]The Lucky Dogs -vs- Doug Peak and Billy Russell[/b] Wolf and Chance went all out, and the crowd loved their high flying. Peak and Russell would manage to ground them eventually, though, and Doug Peak would get the submission victory over Chance Fortune in 3:54. [color="blue"]And it gets a C+. I don't really have anything further to say on this matter.[/color] Freddy Huggins comes out a little early for his next match. "Ladies and Gentlemen. Tonight, I have the great honor of hosting a wonderful Bikini Contest. The contestants tonight--Cat Jemson, TCW's newest employee, Blonde Bombshell, and Jemma Griffiths!" The ladies come out and strut their stuff. Based on audience applause, Freddy declares Cat to be the victor. [color="blue"]So sue me, it's filler. A rated filler, at that.[/color] [b]Freddy Huggins -vs- Madman Boone[/b] Freddy takes off his emcee outfit, and focuses on his opponent. Boone would bring his A game as well, though, and the two of them went at it for over seven minutes. Huggins would get the pinfall in 7:07, though Boone would insist that hs shoulder was up afterwards. [color="blue"]B. It helps that I booked people together that I already knew had good chemistry, I guess. [i]Authors Note: And now onto the reason for Take 3...[/i][/color] Liberty finds General Doom in his office. By now, we all the gist of it. He wants a shot at Cornell, but is told he has to defeat Law first, with the winner of the matchup getting the title shot. [color="blue"]B-. [i]Authors Note: IT MOVED! Turns out the angle I was using did in fact have one of the participants as a Minor instead of a Major. That has been corrected.[/i][/color] [b]Liberty -vs- Rick Law[/b] Law gets the victory after interference by masked men in 7:32. The masked men beat down Law and Liberty, then take off their masks to reveal that they're SURPRISE! the former members of the Liberation Front. Doom comes down and welcomes them to his army, then points to a screen which shows a graphic announcing Liberation Front -vs- Painful Procedure for the TCW World Tag Team Championship at Total Mayhem. [color="blue"]We speed through things now. B rated match, B- rated beatdown, C+ rated alliance, and C+ rated hype.[/color] [b]Tommy Cornell -vs- Troy Tornado -vs- BLZ Bubb[/b] [i][color="red"]in an Elimination Match[/color][/i] The match started slow, as Bubb looked to the screens as if expecting another video to play, and Tornado seemed to want to mope in the corner rather than wrestle. Cornell got them involved, though, and the match was underway. Troy never truly got into the match, though, getting eliminated in 7:14 by Cornell. Bubb would last until 10:04, falling prey to the winning streak as well. [color="blue"]In retrospect, this should have been the last match. The commentary wasn't quite up to snuff, but the match gets an A.[/color] Cornell grabs a microphone, and addresses the crowd. "You all love your #1 contender, don't you? Well, it's up to you to give him the support he needs come the first of June, because this strap's not going anywhere." He walks out, and is quickly replaced by the tag champs, Painful Procedure. "It's painfully obvious to us just how contrived this matchup is. First off, our opponents next are the other tag team in the Army. It's obvious that Doom is gunning for our belts, but we don't know why. It doesn't matter though, because at the end of Total Mayhem, we will still be champions!" [color="blue"]A and C for the promos. Bah.[/color] [b]Painful Procedure -vs- The Nation of Filth[/b] [i][color="red"]for the TCW World Tag Team Championship[/color][/i] In truth, this felt like a squash. Though Grunt and Stink made a good show of it, Stink would lose the pinfall to a Rhythm and Bruise in 5:46. Painful Procedure makes their fifth successful defense. Painful Procedure is already walking out of the ring when Idol, Inc. streams by, and attack the downed Nation of Filth. It didn't take long. [color="blue"]B- matchup, and amazingly, the Nation wasn't tiring. Guess they can handle six minute matches. Whee, call the presses. As an aside, Shearer and Grunt were both off their games tonight, so a B- is pretty impressive. The attack only got a C+ though.[/color] We go backstage, where Liberty has found Rick Law. The wording is verbatim from Wednesday night. "Rick, I want a rematch. Boone and Grayson--I don't know what they were about, but they completely ruined the match. You know it, I know it. What do you say, pal?" Rick nods for a bit, then hesitates. "Liberty, I know I should. I want to say yes. But we both know that Doom wouldn't hesitate to interfere again, and well...I kinda like the idea of being champ, too. But if you can convince me that Doom's Army won't get involved, I'll do it." [color="blue"]Well, the first bit was a B+ still, the second bit fell to a B though. And that was the show. End result? B. Master of Puppets aired this week, too. Lot's of matches, with an overall B rating. Randy Bumfhole retained the North American title against T-Rex, Sexual Aggression the Tags against the Warriors of the Deep, Flex over Brett Biggz to retain the Shooting Star. And a title change. Remo loses the SWF World Heavyweight Championship to none other than...Eric Eisen. It also turns out that we had a pair of late workers, Masked Cougar and Leon Hannigan. I made some innuendos when they arrived together, but since neither of them were booked tonight, I otherwise let it slide. [i]Authors Note: I checked some stuff. The fall to cult dropped my prestige to 66% or so. SWF remains at 90%. That's going to hurt. I also checked popularity. Since this show wasn't aired anywhere else, I more did it to regain my personal momentum and storyline position then anything else, it only affect the popularity in the northwest. Northwest after this show: 64.6%. Everywhere else in the US (Except Southwest and TriState): 64.7%. This show actually *hurt* our popularity a little bit. So I checked the FAQ. Cult: 45% or more in two or more regions. Fair enough, I shouldn't drop below this anytime soon, thankfully. National: Over 65% in 75%...yep, I'm below that. Here's the issue. B is a 66.1% - 74%. By my reckoning, this B rated show should have been at least a 66.1%, and should have *raised* my popularity. Otherwise, there's no way that SWF wouldn't have fallen or be close to falling already (their popularity is in the B+ (75ish) range, and they're doing B shows). Am I missing something? Since I apparently need to bet B+ shows from this crew, and I can't seem to do it, anybody have any advice? Ok, Authors note over.[/i][/color] [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] [i]Dark Match:[/i] Paul Steadyfast defeated Melody Cuthill (C+) Jay Darkness and JD Morgan defeated Ice Man, C.A. and Tim Westybrook (C+) Doug Peak and Billy Russell defeated The Lucky Dogs (C+) Freddy Huggins defeated Madman Boone (B) Rick Law defeated Liberty (B) Tommy Cornell defeated Troy Tornado and BLZ Bubb (A) in an elimination matchup Painful Procedure defeated The Nation of Filth (B-) to retain the TCW World Tag Team Championship TCW Take 3 (B) [/QUOTE]
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  • 4 weeks later...
[i]Looking to get back into this now that life has calmed down again, and decided to post a preview.[/i] [QUOTE] [b]TCW Presents for Tuesday Week 3 May 2006[/b] Rick Law has been named the number one contender to Tommy Cornell's World Heavyweight Championship, and the road to Total Mayhem begins here, where the two of them face off in non-title action. Also not to be missed, Sammy Bach gets a chance at revenge when he goes after Joey Minnesota's International Championship! We expect to hear from Doug Peak as he responds to Tim Westybrook leading up to their Hardcore Championship match at Total Mayhem. Also, can Ronnie V Pain hold off his seeming madness long enough to take on Troy Tornado? All this and more when TCW Presents hits the airwaves. Be sure not to miss it. [/QUOTE]
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[CENTER] [SIZE="6"]TCW Presents[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]Total Wrestling[/SIZE] [/CENTER] [i]Live, from the McGaw Arena in TriState, with 5,000 attending[/i] [i]Tuesday, Week 3, May 2006[/i] [color="blue"][i]Back in the saddle. The author would like to thank those who are still reading, and encourage you to give comments and/or suggestions. Regarding the issues I've been having with popularity lately, I checked the gaming world. The economy is rising, the industry falling, both of them in the C+ to C- range at the moment. I suppose that could have something to do with my issues. So I guess...TCW The Cult Era should become my staple for a bit.[/i] Back in the TriState area, I set myself backstage to watch the show. I'd been feeling a bit down lately, and Cornell was breathing down my neck still about the disaster that was the last few shows. I had a feeling today's show would be a little better though. At least, that was the hope. But Westybrook's music hit, and the preshow begain.[/color] [b]Tim Westybrook -vs- Liberty[/b] These two men obviously got along well in the ring, and put on a very good match for nearly twelve full minutes as the crowd was filtering in. It would end on a Liberation Slam in 11:55, giving Liberty the pinfall over the youngster. [color="blue"]Westybrook's dark-match education continues, and gloriously, I found a good chemistry mix. Already the ideas start whirling for what to do after Mayhem...Oh, and the match was a solid B.[/color] The live show opens up, and we are welcomed to the TriState area. Our first match happens immediately, as Melody Cuthill makes her way to the ring. [b]Melody Cuthill -vs- Billy Russell[/b] As all of Melody's matches have been doing lately, it's a nice open match between the two competitors, ending with a big move being countered. This time, though, it's Melody doing the countering, as she locks the MMA artist into a solid arm submission moves as he went for a roundhouse. Russell had no choice but to tap out, and Melody gets her first singles victory in 3:36. Melody realizes she won, and dances about the ring for a bit, playing to the crowd. [color="blue"]Russell didn't want to do the job, but I really don't care. He came in to fill a void at one point, and I'm already thinking of releasing him. Haven't decided yet, though. C match, probably due to Russell's unhappiness with the result. The celebration, though, really...the crowd hated. E.[/color] We cut backstage, where Remmy Skye is in General Doom's office. "General, you know as well as I that I should have been in that tournament last month. Do what's right, and give me a title match against Paul Steadyfast?" Doom looks up from his papers with a considering look. "I've already been considering it. I'll let you know what I decide." [color="blue"]C+ segment, so I guess that wasn't bad. Considering how much Doom tends to bring down the segments, and the fact that Skye is so far down the card, I'm impressed.[/color] [b]Zeus Maxmillion -vs- Nevada Nuclear[/b] These two newcomers to the TCW stage went out there and did their best to take out the other, neither of them holding back anything. The match was quick and brutal, ending as Zeus nails the ThunderBolt to get the pinfall in a short 2:36. [color="blue"]And it did pretty much what I wanted it to. C- match, though, did bring the crowd down a little. But we're still doing ok, I think.[/color] Doug Peak makes his way to the ring. "So the kid gets a couple of lucky breaks, and think's he's a hot shot. He's giving me the opportunity to pick the type of match for our final meeting. Well, Tim, that may just be your final mistake in TCW. When we meet at Total Mayhem, when we finally get to destroy each other one last time? It will be a Texas Death match!" [color="blue"]And just like that, he's gone. C+, and we've got a third confirmed match for TM.[/color] We cut backstage, where this time Marc Speed is talking to General Doom. "General, sir. Do you really think a degenerate like Skye would make a good champion? No, sir, he wouldn't. I'm here to tell you the right thing to do would be to put me in that championship match against Paul." Doom interrupts him. "I'll tell you the same thing I told Remmy. I'm thinking about it, and I'll let you know when and what I decide. Now is there anything else?" Speed shakes his head and walks out, looking frustrated as we cut to commercial. [color="blue"]C, which is what I expected considering the first bit in that one. All in all, a solid performance from two typical underperformers.[/color] We come back from commercial to find the ring set up as a casino again, with Chance Fortune lying across a craps table. "Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome once again to the highlight of hightlights, the Game of Chance! Tonight, my guest is a phenomenal athlete, aiming for the biggest prize in the world today. Put your hands together for the #1 contender, Rick Law!" Law makes his way to the ring, and shakes hands with Chance. Chance picks up the mic to ask another question, but just as he does, Zeus Maxmillion's music hits, and the bronzed god himself makes his way out to the ramp. "Chance, Chance, Chance. I thought you'd realize your mistake after I beat Nevada today. But no, you had to go and invite Rick Law on the show instead? No offense to Rick, but he's already reached the top, and you claimed when you brought Bomb-boy on that you thought he was something special. But no, Chance, he's not. *I* am something special? Why haven't you brought me on your show yet?" Law goes to speak, but Chance puts his hands up. The two whisper for a moment, then Law nods, and backs out of the ring. Chance looks up the ramp towards Zeus. "Fine. You got what you wanted. You're on the show. Now, I'll made you the same offer I made Mr. Nuclear. You claim you're so good, let's see you put your talent where your mouth is. You and me, tomorrow night on International. We'll see who's good then." Chance drops the microphone, and stalks out of the arena, shaking his head. [color="blue"]C+. Law didn't get anything done, but I think just his presence helped us out a bit.[/color] As we cut to commercial, a graphic appears, and we are awarded a 'Just-Signed' match notification. Tonight, we will see Troy Tornado taking out his frustrations against his erstwhile bandmade, Ronnie V Pain! [color="blue"]C. Ugh. I really thought that one might get a better rating.[/color] We come back, and the Samoan Wildboyz have found Chance Fortune backstage, still shaking his head at the antics of Zeus earlier. Toma takes the lead. "Chance, we would like to present you with a golden opportunity. Team Toma needs another shining star in it. And we want you on the team. You in?" Chance looks at them for only a moment before nodding. "I'm in." [color="blue"]C+ for the recruitment. It's good to see the Wildboyz getting their voices, and I'm hoping that some of it rubs off on Chance. He's got huge potential, I think.[/color] [b]Liberation Front w/General Doom -vs- Painful Procedure[/b] A non-title matchup billed as a preview for Total Mayhem. The match was quite even between the two teams, but Painful Procedure was able to get a slight advantage when Liberty appears on the ramp, staring down at the ring. The advantage didn't last long though, as Doom was able to distract the band right back...but neither he nor the ref saw Liberty charging the ring, nailing Boone with the Liberation Slam. By the time the 3 was counted in 7:44, Liberty was already in the audience with a microphone. "Rick Law won't give Liberty a rematch, because he's afraid of what your goons will do. So, Liberty does what Liberty has to. So you will give Liberty a rematch against Law for the #1 Contendership, and you will ban your goons from ringside. Do it, or else!" Doom actually chuckles in a rather...uneasy manner. "Liberty, you of all people should know just how much I enjoy watching you and Law beat up on each other. But I've also got a business to run, and that match just wouldn't be good business again just yet. But I'll tell you what. My goons, as you call them, have been itching to get their hands on you again. If you can beat Grayson and Boone in singles matches, then I'll give you your rematch. If you lose to them...well, just imagine what I can do to you. No get out of my office." [color="blue"]C+ for the matchup, made worse by BJ Shearer tiring towards the end of it. You'd think he could survive an 8 minute matchup. B for the demand, C+ for the gauntlet. I curse you, Doom![/color] [b]Sammy Bach -vs- Joey Minnesota(c)[/b] [i][color="red"]for the TCW International Championship[/color][/i] Minnesota accepted Bach's challenge off camera, and so this match is on. Bach takes the fight right to the young champion at the beginning, and dictates the pace for much of the match. He's not able to keep up the pace though, as a painful spinebuster slows his momentum down. After that, it's only a matter of time before the Minnesota Salute gets the duke in 7:36. Joey Minnesota makes his 3rd defense of the TCW International Championship. After posing with his belt for a moment, Joey sees Sammy rolling out of the ring, and tracks him down, nailing an Empire Spiral on the ramp. He continues the assault for a minute before walking out, laughing and shouting insults at the fallen wrestler. [color="blue"]And a B- match, another that I'd hoped would be higher. But I guess, what can you do? The assault...was even worse, getting a C+. And to think that I was hoping to be ramping up for the main event already.[/color] BLZ Bubb is making his way to the ring for his match when another video airs, showing highlights of his viciousness and ruthlessness. Hades Bomb's galore rule the video, most of them out of the ring, onto steel steps, from the top rope. When the video cuts off, Bubb looks extremely angry. [b]BLZ Bubb -vs- Ricky Dale Johnson[/b] RDJ is cautious at the beginning of the matchup, seeing the anger in Bubb's eyes, but the match quickly ramps up into a slugfest between the two bruisers. As we near the ten minute mark, Bubb has lost most of his fight, and Johnson looks primed for the victory when Genghis Rahn leaps the railing and into the ring, slamming a steel chair into RDJ's back. He makes it out of there before the ref is able to notice his appearance. Starting the ten count is the ref's only recourse, and Bubb makes it to his feet first. Hades Bomb, Pinfall is academic in 10:26. Bubb rolls out of the ring and starts making his way up the ramp when suddenly the entire ramp is engulfed in fire. Bubb backs away, then turns to go back down the ramp and find another way out when his way is again barred with fire. Mysterious laughter comes over the loudspeakers, as we cut to commercial. [color="blue"]B+ for the video. Could have been worse, I guess. The match gets a B, which was pretty good considering the fact that Bubb and RDJ just don't click out there. And the fire wall, the crowd liked it. B+ for that as well.[/color] We find ourselves in Doom's office once more after the commercial break, this time with RDJ in it, rubbing his back. "Rahn is going overboard. I want a match with him, and I want you to make it." Doom looks up, seemingly angry at the interruption. "Let me think...no. Not going to happen. Go." [color="blue"]Oh my god, Doom didn't kill a segment. B rating for the request and denial.[/color] [b]Troy Tornado -vs- Ronnie V Pain w/Puerto Rican Power[/b] Troy didn't look too happy to see PRP at ringside for this match, and the distraction showed through the entire matchup. Power never got involved, but just his presence was enough to provide Pain with the opening he needed, nailing the Pain Killer for the victory in 10:08. [color="blue"]B- matchup. I don't really know what else to say about this one.[/color] [b]Samoan Wildboyz -vs- Joel Bryant and Genghis Rahn[/b] Another preview matchup for Total Mayhem, this features two members of two different Mayhem teams. The match ends quite suddenly, though, when Kid Toma, the legal man against Genghis Rahn, sees RDJ making his way to the ring. Expecting interference, he darts out of the ring to stop Johnson. He is unable to get back to the ring for the 10-count, and gives Rahn the victory. RDJ looks frustrated and starts to walk out of the arena when Harry Allen and Steve Gumble appear. "RDJ. You want a shot at Rahn? Join Team Allen. It'll give you an opportunity to meet him in the ring." Johnson looks pensive, shoots a look at Rahn still in the ring, then sticks out his hand for the shake. [color="blue"]B for the match, B+ for the recruitment.[/color] [b]Rick Law -vs- Tommy Cornell[/b] Another non-title preview matchup, this one blew by the commentary. Unable to keep up, all they were able to do was stammer as these two men went all out, livening up the crowd at every moment. Law was completely set for the Long Arm, when Cornell sneaks a rollup and grabs the tights. 1,2,3, and the match is over in 10:07. [color="blue"]And just like that, our main event is an A. And on the strength of that main event (and only that main event methinks), the show managed a B. Heard from the crowd as it was leaving that they were surprised Zeus Maxmillion was used for so much time, but nobody really seemed to mind. On the SWF front (perhaps I should start watching DaVE events instead), Ring Wars and Supreme TV both got Bs as well. The latter had three title matches, with Randy Bumfhole retaining the North American title against Black Hat Bailey, Flex over Calamari Kid to retain the Shooting star, and Eric Eisen defeating Joe Sexy to retain the World Title. I got the overnights, and things don't look so good. Access Coast West lost 31,000 viewers in one week; CANN lost 108,000!, and East Coast Today lost 85,000. It's devastating how much one bad show can cost you. All three of the networks sent me a warning in email today. Time to really put on a few beauties of shows. [/color] [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] [i]Dark Match:[/i] Liberty defeats Tim Westybrook (B) Melody Cuthill defeats Billy Russell (C) Zeus Maxmillion defeats Nevada Nuclear (C-) Painful Procedure defeats Liberation Front (C+) Joey Minnesota defeats Sammy Bach (B-) to retain the TCW International Championship BLZ Bubb defeats Ricky Dale Johnson (B) Ronnie V Pain defeats Troy Tornado (B-) Joel Bryant and Genghis Rahn defeat The Samoan Wildboyz (B) Tommy Cornell defeats Rick Law (A) TCW Presents (B) [/QUOTE]
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[CENTER] [SIZE="6"]TCW International[/SIZE] [/CENTER] [i]Live, from Irvine Hall in the Mid South, with 4,198 attending[/i] [i]Wednesday, Week 3, May 2006[/i] [color="blue"]We didn't sell out tonight, but as a Cult federation, that's really not surprising. I'm dreading the upcoming sponsorship money, I think it's going to hurt us badly. TCW really needs to bump up it's production value, and I'm not really sure how to do that. I'm hoping I can last through the end of the month, hopefully get at least the storylines I have running done before I have to worry about money. Regardless, I've settled myself backstage as usual. The crowd coming in early got a hell of a treat though.[/color] [b]Tim Westybrook -vs- Tommy Cornell[/b] Tim really took Tommy to the wall here, forcing the champion on the defensive early and often. It would not be enough though, as Cornell would hit the Guilt Trip in 17:50 for the submission victory. [b](B+)[/b] As the pyros (noticably diminished) go off and the competitors for the first match enter the arena, Jason Azaria notes that our main event tonight was just signed by our General. Tonight, we will see Joey Minnesota defending his International Championship against Genghis Rahn. [b](B-)[/b] [b]Remmy Skye -vs- Marc Speed[/b] Announced as a #1 contenders match for the All-Action title, these two went out and put on a number of high spots. It was impressive for a match as short as it was, but the end was marred. Skye had Speed down for the count when Paul Steadyfast hit the ring, taking out first Remmy Skye, and then Marc Speed. The referee had no choice but to call for the bell, ending the match in 3:41. [b](C)[/b] We cut backstage, where Melody Cuthill has tracked down someone with a microphone and a camera. "I won! Yesterday, I won! I got Billy Russell! I think I need to take on somebody else, and continue my winning streak? I dunno though, how about...Ice Man? How about it, guy?" [b](C-)[/b] She's interrupted by Wolf Hawkins, who walks into frame. "Careful, Melody. Don't get ****y, or you're going to end up losing all the momentum you just gained." Melody stares at him for a moment before answering. "Wolf, you know I'm grateful for all you've done for me, but I've got to do this. I have a feeling things are about to take off, and I need to have this match." Wolf just shrugs, and walks off. [b](C)[/b] In the ring, Chance Fortune has arrived, and he has a microphone. "So folks, you don't get a Game of Chance today. No, because yesterday I was rudely interrupted by Zeus Maxmillion. Now, Zeus, if you want to put your money where your mouth is, get out here right now!" [b](C)[/b] Zeus answers by charging the ring, getting there almost before his music starts. The bell rings, and the match is underway. [b]Chance Fortune -vs- Zeus Maxmillion[/b] Zeus got the early advantage, the suddenness of his arrival and attack driving Chance to the ropes. Chance proved his ring savvy quickly though, and the end result was almost inevitable. Stroke of Luck gets the pinfall in 3:48. [b](C-)[/b] Returning from a commercial break, we are backstage, where Ronnie V. Pain and Puerto Rican Power are in each other's faces. No microphone is near enough to hear anything, but that's fine as it appears the two aren't speaking anyway. [b](C+)[/b] Finally, it seems that Ronnie has enough, and he decks Power. He hits the Pain Killer on the hard cement floor. [b](B-)[/b] Troy Tornado comes around the corner just as the Pain Killer is hit, his own camera in tow. "Awesome buddy! I knew you'd come around eventually!" Ronnie's head snaps up, and he lunges at Troy, dropping him with another Pain Killer. He walks away, leaving Troy and Power both down and groaning. [b](C+)[/b] We cut to another section of the backstage area, where Sammy Bach is walking. He turns a corner to find himself face to face with JD Morgan. "I don't know what you're playing at, Bach, but you'd better watch where you step." Bach flashes a grin. "What I'm playing at, JD, is that you're not going about things the right way." "And I'd bet you'd like to show me the right way." Bach considers for a moment. "Sure thing. How about next week, TCW Presents." Morgan nods in agreement, and stalks off, with Sammy Bach looking after him with a little smile. [b](C+)[/b] [b]Jay Darkness -vs- Raul Darkness[/b] Jay comes out to his new pompous music, pandering to the crowd who thoroughly boos him. Raul rushes out when his music starts, and the match starts right away. Unfortunately for Raul, it's all Jay. After about four minutes, Jay-D plays with his brother, finally hitting the Fade to Black in 7:16. [b](C)[/b] The match over, Jay-D starts to walk out, but then looks back at Raul. He returns to the ring, picks up Raul, and drops him behind the turnbuckle onto the steel steps. Climbing out of the ring, he continues the assault, driving Raul into the announce table, the ramp, and the guardrails. [b](C)[/b] He's only interrupted when Robert Oxford's music hits. The tag specialist walks about halfway down to the ring with a microphone. "Now that is just the kind of vicious drive I need on my team. How about it kid? Join team Oxford for the Total Mayhem Matchup?" Jay smirks, kicks Raul one last time, then walks up to Oxford. The two of them raise each other's hands as they walk out of the arena. [b](C+)[/b] Demons Anger and Spite are found about to enter a weight room backstage. Suddenly Anger puts a hand out, and the two of them start to look around. After a minute or so, they give up, and enter the room. Then, a shadowy figure emerges from darkness, and scuttles off. [b](C)[/b] Someone gave Joey Minnesota a microphone, and he's going to use it. "Oh, absolutely hilarious. Sammy Bach loses to me, and he thinks he's going to be able to take on JD Morgan? I've never seen such a laugh riot. Man, I'm going to enjoy watching you lose next week." He breaks into laughter, so much that he just waves his hand at the camera, and walks off, the International belt over his shoulder. [b](C+)[/b] [b]Liberty -vs- Madman Boone[/b] Liberty's had a few gauntlets lately, and he's done pretty well. Now, though, he gets to go one on one with a former partner in an attempt to get another shot to...well, get a shot at Cornell's title. They went out there, and each tried to one-up the other the entire match. Finally though, Liberty managed to hit the Liberation Slam on the tiring Boone for the pinfall in 11:48. [b](B+)[/b] A video plays on the TotalTron as the Demons of Rage make their way to the ring. The two of them stop about halfway down the ramp, and turn to watch the video themselves. Then they look at each other in confusion, and continue to the ring. [b](C)[/b] [b]The Demons of Rage -vs- Idol, Inc.[/b] The Demons started out with the advantage, no-selling the moves thrown by Huggins and Thatcher. It wasn't long, though, before the fast pace that Huggins set started wearing down the others, and he was able to land the Huggin's Kiss on Demon Spite for the victory in 9:41. [b](C+)[/b] Idol, Inc. has already left the ring, and the Demons are starting to get back to their feet. The lights go out...and back on. When they come back on, the Demons are laid out in their own blood. [b](C+)[/b] Idol, Inc. is cornered by Jason Azaria backstage. Huggins takes over the microphone. "What we just saw out there, combined with what's been happening. It's too much. The Nation of Filth must be stopped! Grunt, Stink, meet us in the ring, and face somebody who's good enough to take you on!" [b](B)[/b] [b]Genghis Rahn -vs- Joey Minnesota (c)[/b] [i][color="red"]for the TCW International Championship[/color][/i] This would prove to be a fairly even match, Joey showing that he deserves the belt he wears. A number of near falls on both sides, but neither man would be able to close the deal on their own, for Ricky Dale Johnson hit the ring briefly to nail a quick piledriver on Genghis Rahn. That gave Minnesota just enough time to recover and nail an Empire Spiral for the pinfall in 12:24. Joey Minnesota makes his 4th defense of the TCW International Title. [b](B)[/b] [color="blue"]Instead of putting notes as the show progressed, I thought I'd give a quick rundown of my thoughts at the end. The dark matches I've put Tim Westybrook through lately have been doing their job, as he seems to be learning loads from the best workers. I was expecting Cornell to carry him to a slightly better show tonight, but I'll take the B+. On the opposite end, I wasn't expecting Skye/Speed to come out as well as it did. The midcard, on the whole, was quite disappointing, with the only bright spot being the discovery that Boone and Liberty have good chemistry in the ring. And most disappointing of all, I didn't manage a single A-rated segment through the entire show. And, there was the fact that the Demons storyline bits (all four segments of them) didn't advance the plot I'd intended it to do. Looks like my planned dark match next week isn't going to happen, as I need to recover from that. Ah well. On the plus side though, I've heard that this show increased our popularity. Might I be recovering already? Looking for those A segments though. And a new friendship of the oddest sort has formed. Randall Hopkirk and Genghis Rhan seem to be getting along quite well. I wonder what I can do with that?[/color] [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] [i]Dark Match:[/i] Tommy Cornell defeats Tim Westybrook (B+) Remmy Skye and Marc Speed No Contest (C) Chance Fortune defeats Zeus Maxmillion (C-) Jay Darkness defeats Raul Darkness (C) Liberty defeats Madman Boone (B+) Idol, Inc. defeat Demons of Rage (C+) Joey Minnesota defeats Genghis Rahn (B) to retain the TCW International Championship TCW International (B-) [/QUOTE]
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