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A new generation.....a new attitude?

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<p><strong>Scott Hall</strong> vs. Brian Pillman</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Chris Jericho vs. <strong>Kane</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

WWF Tag Team Championship Match</p><p>

<strong>The Hart Foundation </strong>vs. Billy Gunn & Jesse James</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Marc Mero</strong> vs. Ahmed Johnson</p><p>

Comments: <strong>DQ</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Al Snow & Chris Candido</strong> vs. Southern Justice</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

WWF Light Heavyweight Championship Match</p><p>

<strong>Billy Kidman</strong> vs Brian Christopher</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Overall thoughts on Wrestlemania</p><p>

Comments: <strong>Awesome! Kinda pissed that my PC didn't work before I could give my predictions.</strong></p>

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<p><strong>Scott Hall</strong> vs. Brian Pillman</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Chris Jericho vs. <strong>Kane</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

WWF Tag Team Championship Match</p><p>

<strong>The Hart Foundation</strong> vs. Billy Gunn & Jesse James</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Marc Mero vs. <strong>Ahmed Johnson</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Al Snow & Chris Candido vs. <strong>Southern Justice</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

WWF Light Heavyweight Championship Match</p><p>

<strong>Billy Kidman</strong> vs Brian Christopher</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Overall thoughts on Wrestlemania</p><p>

Comments: Excellent. Looking forward to what the Wolfpack do.</p>

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<p>Scott Hall - <em>The new Wolfpac needs to establish themselves, so what better way than having Hall pick up a big win?</em></p><p>


Hart Foundation - <em>While I'm sure the Outlaws are going to be picking up the titles soon, I can't see this being a one day reign.</em></p><p>

Ahmed Johnson</p><p>

Southern Justice - <em>As a new stable arises, the JOB Squad.</em></p><p>

Brian Christopher - <em>This one I could totally see being a 24 hour reign.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Great job with Mania, so many shocks and surprises, and even some surprises that I wasn't shocked at like Hall and Waltman. At this point I almost wouldn't be surprised to see Steiner join the Wolfpac as well, but at the same time I'd like to see you work with a single face champion instead of someone in a stable again, because we've kinda seen that over the entire past year. Ahmed's turn I felt was pretty telegraphed from the beginning of the night, but I didn't expect to see him join up with Corny! That should really help him, and who knows; give him until like Summerslam and he could still totally become our next WWF champion. But for now, the biggest question I'm left with is what happens with the IC belt?</p>

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Week 1, April 1997

University Arena (Albuquerque, New Mexico)

ATT: 17,289

TV: 27.85



We are just 24 hours removed from the biggest event of the year, and the show opens, not only with a still shot montage of the trials and tribulations from Wrestlemania, but a brand new logo as well.....because make no mistake.....after the events that transpired last night.....Raw is indeed, War.......




.......and as the still images conclude, first with a shot of Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and Sean Waltman raising the hand of Scott Steiner......before finally ending with a shot of Big Poppa Pump standing in the middle of the ring, Intercontinental Championship in one hand and the World Wrestling Federation Championship in the other, we go down to ringside, where Jim Ross and Rick Rude welcome us to a new era in the WWF......Ross says that the KLiQ may be dead, but Scott Hall, Sean Waltman.....and yes, Big Sexy Kevin Nash, are very much alive.....and it may well be time for the Heartbreak Kid to pay, for twelve months of misdeeds.....


......Rude argues that Shawn Michaels has already paid the ultimate price.....because last night, after one solid year at the very top of the mountain, the WWF Championship was unfairly stolen away from him.....and Hall, Nash and Waltman are very much to blame......Ross argues that Scott Steiner defeated Shawn Michaels fair and square.....just like he did back at the King of the Ring......he says that the only thing the three former KLiQ men did, was prevent Kane, Brian Pillman and Lance Storm from influencing the outcome of the match.....not one of them laid a finger on Shawn Michaels.......that was all Big Poppa Pump........



















......and speaking of Big Poppa Pump, the crowd erupts as the sound of sirens fills the arena, and the man himself emerged from the entrance underneath the brand new big screen.....(the titantron if you will).....with the WWF Championship wrapped around his waist, and the WWF Intercontinental Championship draped over his massive shoulder........


Rating: N/A






Scotty climbs into the ring and mounts the turnbuckles, flexing his huge biceps before displaying his pair of Championships proudly.....picking up a microphone he’s uncharacteristically humble, thanking the crowd for their support over the last nine months......before snapping out of it and into Big Poppa Pump mode......




.......Steiner says that as he pulled up to his hotel for the night, the freaks were lining up around the streets of DC......hollering for the Big Bad Booty Daddy........wanting to spend a night with the genetic freak




......Steiner says he’s out here tonight with a title belt in each hand and no challengers......so if there’s someone back there that thinks they can step up to the plate......























”..........no Mr. Steiner.....you are not in fact anyone’s ‘hook up’..........”







.....surprise, surprise, surprise......Vince McMahon (accompanied by his personal “problem solver” Kane), Shawn Michaels and Brian Pillman apparently have something to say on the matter......and it’s the first time in quite some time, that the Heartbreak Kid is not wearing the black and white of the KLiQ......but then, the KLiQ colours aren’t the only thing missing from the attire of Shawn Michaels.....because it’s been twelve months since the Boy Toy appeared on Monday Night Raw without that WWF Title around his waist.......


.........the pair enter the ring, and McMahon proceeds to inform Steiner that he is not ANYONE’S hook up.....because he may be holding two titles, but that doesn’t mean he makes the matches......


”.......and right now we have a problem.....because we have two Championships.....but only one Champion......and that’s just not going to work.......”


.......Vince says that if it was up to him, he’d happily let Steiner continue to walk around with two title belts......but he owes it to all the great fans of the World Wrestling Federation, to provide them with the very best action he possibly can......and that means, that a Title as prestigious as the Intercontinental Championship, it deserves to be defended regularly.......and that’s just not going to be possible, when you’re defending that WWF Title now is it? Vince says that it’s not like he can expect Steiner to wrestle twice every single night.......


.......Steiner asks why not? He was happy to let Steiner wrestle twice at the Royal Rumble......




.......Michaels looks about ready to try and Superkick Steiner’s head off, but Vince calms him down......telling Steiner that it’s really quite simple......One Championship.....One Champion......so simple that even Scott Steiner can work it out......one of those titles, is leaving this ring in the hands of Vincent Kennedy McMahon......


”.......but before you decide, let me warn you, that should you opt to hold on to that World Wrestling Federation Championship, then your very first Title defence......will be at In Your House......against none other, than the Heartbreak Kid......The Icon......The Showstopper......The Main Event.......The Reason for the Ratings......THE MAN.......Shawn Michaels.......so you might be best served to just, hand that title back to me.......keep hold of the Intercontinental Championship.....and scootch on back on down to your own level, ok pal?........”


.......Steiner smirks at that......and smirks even more when Shawn Michaels holds his hands out......telling Steiner to just give him his belt back.....problem is that the belt he gets, isn’t the belt he wants......because as Scotty pats the golden winged eagle around his waist, he lays the Intercontinental Championship into Michaels arms.....who tosses the title down in disgust.......but not before Steiner tells him that he’s already kicked Boy Toys ass twice now.....




.......obviously Shawn takes offence to that too....telling Steiner that if he likes it in threes so much......there’s three guys right here that will kick his ass, right here and right now..........
























.......and as Kane, Pillman and Shawn circle Steiner, the Wolves howl......and Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and Sean Waltman make their out from the back, still clad in their snazzy new red and black shirts.......and Kevin Nash has a microphone in his hand.......


”........hey Shawn......I’m backkkkkk.....did ya miss me buddy?......and I know it’s been a while, but I’m pretty sure that the last time I was around here, that shiny World Title was wrapped around YOUR waist......what happened there?......”


.......The red and black wearing trio start laughing at that, as Michaels screams that Nash knows exactly what happened there......Telling Nash that YOU happened there.......you and those two ungrateful jackasses next to you.....what were you even doing there......what are you doing HERE......you were fired......


........Nash pulls a lanyard out from under his sweet red and black shirt, saying that funnily enough he got a pretty good severance package when Old Vinny Mac down there fired him......bought himself the full all inclusive backstage access package to both Wrestlemania and Raw.....


”........because while the KLiQ might be dead, you’d better believe that the Wolfpac is in the house.......”


......Vince is having none of that however, informing Nash that no, the “Wolfpac” as they appear to be calling themselves are NOT “in the house”.......Scott Hall and Sean Waltman are in the house.....because they are both employed by the World Wrestling Federation.....for now anyway......and Scott Hall is competing in tonight’s main event, against the Corporate Cannon Brian Pillman......Kevin Nash however, is to be escorted out of the building by security.....”for his own safety”......because considering he is nothing more than a fan, Kane looks as though he wants some payback for last nights big boot to the face......Nash surprisingly is perfectly fine with that, holding his arms up and allowing security to lead him away, as we go to commercial after our extended opening segment.....and we have two main events booked, Scott Hall vs Brian Pillman tonight......and Scott Steiner vs Shawn Michaels at In Your House, for the World Wrestling Federation Championship.......


Rating: A*




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The first match of the evening sees the man who arguably cost the Undertaker a victory last night, Ahmed Johnson......facing off against a man in Marc Mero who he has had nothing but put downs for recently, following Mero taking the fall at the February In Your House match that saw himself, Ahmed and the LoD lose out to the Million Dollar Corporation.....Ahmed is accompanied by his brand new manager, as he turned his back on his legions if fans last night to align himself with James E Cornette of all people.......


.......and Cornette obviously has the big man fired up.......because he takes out all his frustrations on Mero.....before finishing him off with a hard Pear River Plunge for the pinfall victory.


Winner: Ahmed Johnson

Rating: B-






Sable tried to console Mero on his defeat, but he shrugs the beautiful blonde off and storms to the back, as Cornette and Ahmed remain in the ring......Ahmed could be a major player around here, he was just missing one or two things......an attitude.....and the ability to cut a decent promo.......hopefully the addition of Jim Cornette will help with both of those problems......the new pairing cut a promo here, with Ahmed saying that he’s sick of being let down by other people......first Marc Mero......then the Legion of Doom.....Ahmed Johnson is a force to be reckoned with around here......and it’s time that he started looking out for himself......and stop pandering to these pathetic fans.......and if you wanna make a name for yourself......you find the biggest and baddest guy in the yard......and you knock his punk ass out.......


”.......Undertaker......YOUR punk ass got knocked out last night.......by Ahmed Johnson.......and if you’ve got a problem with that Deadman, you know where to find me......out here, kicking ass and taking names.......”


Rating: A





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The Light Heavyweights are in action now......and it’s the man who shocked the world last night when he was victorious in the six man light heavyweight ladder match, brand new Light Heavyweight Champion Billy Kidman......and I say shocked the world because he was a virtual unknown walking into this match.....so unknown in fact that Scorpio was absolutely livid about his victory......but then that is part of the problem with the light heavyweight division right now, the huge gulf between the Scorpio’s, Mysterio’s and Daniels’s.....and everybody else who’s after a shot at the title......I’m hoping we can rectify that, especially when you consider that while Scorpio had some name value before he captured the title, both Mysterio and Daniels were relative unknowns.......and so was Chris Jericho, and he’s a genuine main event player now.......


........Jerry’s Kid is bursting with talent, in fact some would call him a bit of a hot prospect.....unfortunately his sometimes s*itty attitude means I’m reluctant to sign him to anything more than a Pay Per Appearance deal......


.......both men do well here, despite their limited fan base....and it’s a credit to Kidman that he can walk today, let alone wrestle after that gruelling Ladder match last night.....but not only can he wrestle, he can win too.....putting Christopher away with a beautiful Shooting Star Press to make defence number one of his Championship.


Winner: and Still WWF Light Heavyweight Champion.....Billy Kidman

Rating: C+






We head backstage now, where Dok Hendrix is standing by with the owner of the WWF, Vincent Kennedy McMahon.....who has the Intercontinental Championship draped over his shoulder......Dok asks the obvious question......what happens now with the Gold? Vince says that he’s been thinking about it, and he has just the idea......he says that since January, we have seen a Royal Rumble.....a Battle Royal.....a tournament to crown a European Champion......and just last night, a Ladder Match......so how about......an elimination match? A four way elimination match at In Your House, to crown a brand new WWF Intercontinental Champion......












”.........you know what Vic, that sounds like a great idea......and I’ve got the first entrant for you right here.........me........”











.......and “me” appears to be young Lionheart Chris Jericho.......except he doesn’t look like the Chris Jericho of old.....he’s got a bit more swagger about him than usual......a spring in his step......telling “Vic” that after last nights historic victory over Lance Storm, he is the dead set first pick to be entered into that Intercontinental Match.......in fact, we could just cut out the middle man, and just announce The Ayatollah of Rock n Rolla the new Champion right now.......


.......Vince says that no, we won’t be doing that....in fact Vince is glad to have bumped into Jericho.....he directs both Jericho and Dok’s attention to a nearby monitor.....before showing the alternate camera angle to last nights Jericho/Storm match......which clearly shows Lance Storm get a shoulder off the mat, while Chris Jericho’s were down......


......Vince says that while the referee’s decisions are final here in the WWF......clearly, Chris Jericho did NOT deserve that victory last night.....


”.........but the referee’s decision is final right?........”


“........that’s correct......but.........”


“..........so I won......I’m in.......yeah baby.......the Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla, your next WWF Intercontinental Champion......and that belt is gonna look so good around my sexy waist..........”


........Vince attempts a number of times to interrupt Jericho.....but the man is on a tirade about what an amazing calibre of athlete his is, the greatest victory in Wrestlemania history......the face of the future......etc, etc, etc......until Vince has finally had enough, screaming at him to shut up........


......Jericho tells him to calm down before he gives himself an aneurysm....telling “Vic” that he didn’t have to shout.......Vince says that NO ONE is walking into the Four Way Elimination match......they will have to earn it, and there will be four qualifying matches starting next week........he tells Jericho that if he just shuts up then he can be involved in one of those matches.......


.......Jericho is thrilled and goes on another over enthusiastic rant......until McMahon has finally had enough......telling Chris that yes, he’s going to have the chance to qualify for the Intercontinental Championship match......but that all starts next week......but tonight......


”........because you’ve p*ssed me off......you’ve caused me a problem.......and I’ve got my own personal problem solver who takes care of things like that.........”















........Vince points behind the excitable Canadian, who turns around, right into the chest of Kane........McMahon says that once Kane has done beating a little respect into Jericho tonight, maybe he’ll think twice about opening his big mouth.


Rating: A







We go back down to ringside now, where Billy Gunn and Jesse James are stood beside Justin Bradshaw......well I say beside.....Bradshaw is doing more pacing around the ring than anything else.....Jesse James takes the mic, being the most prolific talker of the bunch.......and basically says what everyone has already figured out.....that they are done with Mr. Not so Perfect......saying that he and Billy thought that Perfect would be beneficial to their careers.....but it turns out, kicking Perfect to the curb is gonna be much more beneficial......because the fossils of the World Wrestling Federation need to step aside and realise that it’s a new day around here.....this ain’t your Saturday morning cartoon characters.....this ain’t barbers....or sons of plumbers.....and there certainly ain’t no Mania running wild brother......there’s no trash collectors, no hockey goons, no dentists or pig farmers.....


”.........and just like Barry Windham found out last night, there sure as hell ain’t no cowboys around here......me and Billy, we’ve been there, done that......this ain’t the Ok Coral, and Billy the Kid is long dead......he ain’t no Smoking Gunn......and The Roadie, well he’s off alone with his baby tonight......because this is Bad Ass Billy Gunn.....and you can call me the Road Dogg Jesse James.......we ain’t cartoon characters.....we ain’t cowboys, we’re Outlaws.....we’re the New Age Outlaws.......”


.........James continues by saying that they may have they ditched the baggage that is Mr. Perfect, but tonight, the New Age Outlaws are gonna be picking up something even better.....the WWF Tag Team Titles.......


.......Bradshaw takes the mic briefly, saying that he’s done playing second fiddle to Barry Windham.....he says that these old timers need to realise that it’s time to step aside, before they get put out to pasture for good......


.......he throws down his cowboy hat and bullrope, saying that Gunn and James might be the New Age Outlaws, but he’s his own man......he’s no outlaw.....he’s no cowboy.....and he doesn’t need anyone.....especially a washed up old never was like Barry Windham....to get ahead around here......and it’s time that everyone learnt the name Bradshaw......because they’re gonna be hearing it a lot around here......


......with that he drops the microphone and heads to the back, leaving the newly christened Outlaws in the ring, generally horsing around as we go off to commercial.


Rating: A






We come back from commercial and we go straight backstage, where Dok Hendrix is standing by with a beaming Al Snow (Head in hand) and a less enthusiastic looking Chris Candido.....Dok says that last night, the unlikely duo teamed up last night, however were unsuccessful in their first outing as a team.....will they fare any better tonight against Southern Justice?......


........Candido stops Dok right there....telling him first of all, this isn’t a team.....this is two guys who were shoved together by Vince McMahon.....Candido says he SHOULD have been competing in the Light Heavyweight Ladder Match last night.....instead he had to babysit Al Snow, just to make sure he didn’t get lost on his way to the ring........


”.........woah, woah, woah......now wait one moment there Skippy.....I have never got lost a day in my life, I’m always exactly where I need to be.......what?.....”


......Al pauses for a moment to address Head, who clearly has something to say on the matter......


”.......well I wasn’t lost was I.....YOU were lost.......I did not lose you.......I knew exactly where you were........I knew you were there, I just forgot.....it’s not my fault, it’s the men’s room, I had to put you down to wash my hands, that’s basic hygiene, something YOU could look to improve.......yes you could, look at the dirt on your face.......well it’s a men’s room, what did you expect to see.......you could have covered your eyes.........well shut your eyes than...........it did not traumatise you.........no..........NO........you do not need to see a therapist......look how well that went for us last time..........”


.........Candido and Hendrix exchange a look as Al and Head continue their conversation.....Candido says this is exactly the problem......he could have been the one challenging Billy Kidman tonight, but no......instead he has to deal with this moron. Candido shakes his head and walks off.......


”.......now look what you’ve done......Skippy.....Skippy, wait for us......it was your fault, it’s always your fault......you constantly embarrass me.......come on, we need to go, Snow and Skippy have a match......see ya later Betty........”


......Dok just watches on as Al and Head run off after Candido, before he mutters to himself that he needs a raise......if it’s not Steiner, it’s Al Snow.......he’s surrounded by lunatics.....


Rating: B+




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So it’s the reluctant pairing......well, reluctant on the side of Chris Candido anyway.....of Candido and Snow, facing off against Ted DiBiase’s Southern Justice......Snow and Skippy didn’t have much luck last night, while the Million Dollar Corporation picked up a huge win......and Canterbury and Knight are certainly the more experienced team, with their opponents only having a whopping one match together under their belts......


.......granted, Snow and Candido might not have a huge amount of experience teaming together, but Chris does have tag team experience from back in his Bodydonnas days......granted he had Sunny in his corner back then......tonight he has Head in his corner......unfortunately this gives Southern Justice somewhat of a sense of false security......especially when their opponents spend a good portion of the match bickering.......but while Head might not be Sunny, she still brought something to the table tonight........because the moment the official turned his back, Candido picked the decapitated mannequin up, and nailed Dennis Knight right across the skull with her......much to Snows horror.......who quickly runs to check on Head as Candido makes the cover for the one, the two.......and the three.


Winner: Al Snow & Chris Candido

Rating: B






Following that victory from the surprising pairing of Candido and Snow, we are shown a quick highlight package of still images, featuring Steve Austin defeating Brian Pillman at last nights Wrestlemania, before we see the sickening aftermath of Brian Pillman attempting to snap Austin’s leg clean in half.......before we go down to ringside, where Jim Ross is ready to conduct a satellite interview with Stone Cold, live from his home in Texas.......


Jim Ross says that Austin’s victory last night must seem pretty bitter sweet about now, before asking him how his leg is holding up.....


”......how’s my leg? How do you think my damn leg is son.....after Brian Pillman wrapped it in a steel chair and bounced his scrawny little ass up and down on it a few times, it ain’t doing so good.......


......Stone Cold lifts up his leg and sets it down on the table in front of him, and from about halfway down his calf is a plaster cast boot that goes all the way down covering the foot.......


”.......I got this stupid ass boot on.....it itches like a son of a bitch.....and I’m pretty p*ssed off......in fact, I’m so p*ssed off, that the only reason I’m not there right now, shoving one of these crutches straight up Brian Pillman’s ass, is because the Doctors won’t let me fly......but I’ll tell ya this......one way or another, be it plane, train or damn automobile, Stone Cold Steve Austin ain’t one for sitting on the sidelines, and when I get hold of Brian Pillman, he’s gonna need more than a plaster cast to put him back together........”


......Jim Ross wants to know if Austin has a time frame for when he’ll be back.....he does......the time to come back will be, when Steve Austin says it’s time to come back......because there ain’t no doctor in the world gonna stop Austin from getting his hands on Brian Pillman......


”.......and as for your stupid little questions, I’ve answered about enough of them.....Brian Pillman, you think you’re some kind of loose cannon with your stupid little laugh and your beady little eyes.....hopping up and down like some damn jackrabbit in heat.....you should have took your ass whooping like a man and just walked away, because I guarantee son, when the clock hits 3:16, and Steve Austin is staring you in the face, you ain’t gonna be walking anywhere for a long time, and that’s the bottom line.....because Stone Cold says so.........”


.......Jim Ross tries to keep the interview going, but Austin has already torn his microphone off and tossed it at the camera man.....telling the poor worker to get the hell out of his house, before he hops over there and throws him out.


Rating: A





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It’s the newly crowned WWF Tag Team Champions The Hart Foundation now, going up against the newly christened New Age Outlaws.....Bad Ass Billy Gunn and the Road Dogg Jesse James.......and if there is one thing we have learned over the years, ever since his very first Intercontinental Title victory back in 1991, Bret Hart is nothing if not a fighting Champion.....which is why it comes as no surprise that he and Owen are putting the gold on the line just 24 hours after capturing the belts.......


......this is a fun little match.....the Outlaws have been putting out some very well received segments as of late, thanks to a combination of the Road Dogg’s mic skills, coupled with Billy Gunn’s bigger name value means the pair really compliment each other, but when it comes to in ring the two are still finding their feet as a team....although being in there with the Hitman is always going to improve you.......


..........the Harts do a great job at making The Outlaws look like real threats to their titles.....and eventually and old nemesis of the Hitman’s is the difference maker in the match........







........when Mr. Perfect makes his way to ringside......and while he doesn’t directly get involved in the match, he’s able to cause enough of a distraction that Bret is able to surprise the Road Dogg with a quick school boy for the one, two, three.......and the Harts first successful title defence.


Winner(s): and Still WWF Tag Team Champions.....The Hart Foundation

Rating: B






As the Harts celebrate, we head to the back, where Dok Hendrix is standing by once again.......and he’s gone from the strange in Al Snow, to the downright deranged in Cactus Jack......Cactus still bears the battle scars from last nights brutal encounter with Raven.....as small cuts and bruises are scattered all over his arms.......and across his forehead he has a large white bandage.....Hendrix tells Cactus, that despite all the pain he is undoubtably in, he must be feeling pretty great about now.....after finally severing ties with Raven last night, in the most brutal of circumstances.......


.......Cactus tells Hendrix that physical pain has never been an issue for him.....broken bones, knocked out teeth......an ear damn near ripped clean off his head......he says that he has suffered more lacerations and injury’s in a month than most wrestlers will experience in a lifetime.......


”.......but the worst pain I’ve felt in my pitiful existence, was the pain of seeing the look of terror and torment on the face of my wife, as Raven bound and gagged her in a chair.......while my children cried out from their rooms........my wife.......MY CHILDREN.........make no mistake, I’ve always been a little bit fractured upstairs Dok.....it’s been hard work to stop the lines between where Mick Foley starts and where Mankind and Dude Love ends from blurring......but Cactus Jack......Cactus Jack has ALWAYS been kept separate from the Foley home.......he’s too unstable......too violent.....he doesn’t play well with others......but those fans last night.....they didn’t shy away from the maniac......they didn’t shun.....or hide away from the monster........they embraced him........I never thought there would come a day when Cactus Jack would be accepted.......so maybe, even after everything......there is ONE thing I need to thank Raven for.......because after years of searching.....out there, in that ring, in front of those fans......Cactus Jack......has finally found.......a home.........”


















.......suddenly a golden blur crashes into the back of Cactus.......as Goldust begins beating the life out of the already damaged Cactus. Jack tries to fight back, but he’s really in no condition to fight after last night, and Goldust already has the upper hand with the sneak attack.......The Bizarre One finally grips hold of the hair of Cactus, before delivering a hard Curtain Call, right in the exposed concrete floor........before squatting down beside his victim and staring at him for a moment........



”......Cactus, Cactus, Cactus.......They're going to make you one of them my little peacock.....Freaks: 1932........you can’t let them tame you my little wild wonder......those fans......all those boys and girls........you’re better than them......you’re a freak.......and Jackie.....from one freak to another.......there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.......you don’t need their acceptance......their approval......they are sheep, lost in a sea of conformity.......we, the freaks of the world......we have transcended that......we.....are......better.......and it’s them......who should be begging us.......for OUR attention........you might have a face for radio Cactus.......but Goldust......will still make you ready......for your close up......”


........Goldust sucks in a deep breath, before snarling down at Cactus and walking off......leaving Dok Hendrix to attend to his fallen guest.


Rating: A




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It’s time for Chris Jericho to now face the consequences of ego......because as punishment for running his mouth to the boss, Vince McMahon has booked him in a match against the owner of the WWF’s personal problem solver.....Kane.....


.......this was Kane’s first outing without Jim Cornette in his corner......and while I wasn’t expecting a five star classic from these two, I definitely expected more than we got.....granted it was a match built more around story telling......with the story being that Jericho was doing everything in his power to stay out of the grasps of the Big Red Monster......and while Jericho has improved in leaps and bounds in the last twelve months, there was still a definite lack of psychology shown which hurt the match a little bit too......


......regardless, the match was what it was......Jericho ducking and weaving but still not being able to quite keep out of Kanes grasps.......until finally simply walking out of the match.....telling a nearby camera that he’s got Intercontinental Gold in his future.....and he can’t risk injury by being in there with a bumbling baboon like Kane.....before walking to the back and handing his opponent a count-out victory.


Winner(s): Kane (via Count-Out)

Rating: B-






We head backstage now, where Scott Hall is limbering up ahead of his upcoming match with Brian Pillman.....with Sean Waltman there to offer words of encouragement.....Waltman tells Hall that he’s got this......he says the big guy is back and the band is back together.....but more importantly, the Wolfpac is in the house......before telling Hall to go out there and take care of Pillman......and don’t worry, Kevin Nash might have been ejected from the building, but if Shawn Michaels wants to stick his nose in the match tonight, Waltman will be there to make sure it doesn’t happen......Hall slaps him on the back, before the pair exchange a “too sweet” exchange.....(which looks remarkably like a wolfs head pose)......and Hall heads out of room to make his entrance for his match........

























........which is when Shawn Michaels comes bursting into the room behind Waltman, beating the crap out of his former KLiQ running buddy......he bounces the Kid’s head off the wall a number of times, before throwing him across the room, Irish Whip style.......and as Waltman smacks into the opposite wall and then groggily turns around............Michaels takes his head off with some Sweet Chin Music.......


......Shawn stands over Waltman, before furiously tearing the red and black Wolfpac shirt off him and tossing it across the room, before crouching down and telling him that Nash is already down the street cashing his unemployment cheque.....and the only reason Hall and Waltman aren’t right there next to him, is because the Heartbreak Kid isn’t finished with them yet.......before slapping Waltman across the face and exiting the room.


Rating: A




zDiEZgK.jpg VS. iXAv5bk.jpg


It’s main event time......and it’s Scott Hall taking on Brian Pillman......and if it wasn’t bad enough that the Chris Jericho/Kane match just moments ago was a disappointment, then this one wasn’t much better either.......it doesn’t help that not only is Hall still working through a tendon injury, but he’s clearly starting to feel the effects of Father Time catching up with him.....granted he’s only 38, but he’s put that body through a lot of abuse over the years.......and I don’t just mean in the ring......we’ve managed to hide both of these factors in the last six months or so by featuring Scott in mainly Tag Team action, but out there without a partner, it’s painfully obvious that Hall isn’t at his best.......


........Pillman did his best to carry the match on his end......and it wasn’t a horrible match by any stretch of the imagination.....it was certainly better than the Kane and Jericho, but still......the finish probably didn’t help the match either to be fair......because with Hall firmly in control, The Reason for the Ratings, Shawn Michaels slid into the ring and pounced on Hall, just as he pounced on Waltman a few minutes ago.....and we have our second cheap finish of the match, as the official has little choice but to call for the bell.......


Winner(s): Scott Hall (via Disqualification)

Rating: B






......not that either Michaels or Pillman look too disappointed at handing Hall the victory......because the pair simply continue their assault.......and despite Waltmans insistence that he’d he there to watch Halls back, the Heartbreak Kid has already taken care of that problem......and The Bad Guy is all alone.......













......at least until the sirens blare through the arena, and the WWF Champion, Scott Steiner makes his way out, emerging under the giant titantron......Michaels sends Pillman up the aisle to head Scotty off at the pass, and Big Poppa Pump and the Loose Cannon begin brawling on the ramp, as Michaels continues his assault on Hall.......and that’s when the crowd erupts...........























........because regardless of the fact that he was ejected from the building earlier in the evening, Big Sexy Kevin Nash is stepping one long leg over the safety rail, as he emerges from the crowd.......


........he climbs into the ring behind Michaels, and stands their taking aim at the oblivious Boy Toy.......until the Heartbreak Kid finally turns around........and Nash waves.........kicks him in the gut...........


.......and then plants him with a Jacknife Powerbomb that’s been months in the making......and with Steiner and Pillman still brawling in the aisle, the show comes to a close with Kevin Nash standing tall over his former friend Shawn Michaels.


Rating: A*


Final Rating: B+



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Well that was a disappointing show......although it could have been much worse if we hadn’t turned it around with some really hot angles, because the matches were pretty average at best......and that’s being generous.....obviously anything involving the former KLiQ members, angle wise, is still gold.....likewise with Scotty Steiner, who’s really grown in confidence when it comes to his mic work since his metamorphosis into Big Poppa Pump.......Cactus and Goldust had a great little segment, but then Goldust has always performed......the pair I’m most impressed with are the newly christened New Age Outlaws.......Jesse James isn’t up to Billy Gunn’s level yet, but on the microphone he’s head and shoulders above his partner....with his promo skills and Gunn’s overness carrying their segments, producing results that neither man would probably see on their own......


......Bruce Hart has decided to re-open Stampede Wrestling......at press time that’s as far as he’s got.....because he yet to sign anyone, talent or backstage.....I think Bruce has always been a little bitter that he never made it to the big leagues in the same way that Bret and Owen did......in reality though, he’s probably the worst Hart brother in ring wise.....with the worst attitude to boot. Stampede has produced some great talent over the years though, so I’m rooting for him to succeed.....only if it means we can poach some of his more talented names when the time comes......



Preview for Monday Night Raw, Week 2, April 1997


Sean Waltman vs. Shawn Michaels



WWF European Championship Match

The British Bulldog vs. Goldust



Barry Windham vs. Billy Gunn



Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier

Chris Jericho vs. Bradshaw



Al Snow & Chris Candido vs. The Harris Boys



Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier

Marc Mero vs Faarooq




Great job with Mania, so many shocks and surprises, and even some surprises that I wasn't shocked at like Hall and Waltman. At this point I almost wouldn't be surprised to see Steiner join the Wolfpac as well, but at the same time I'd like to see you work with a single face champion instead of someone in a stable again, because we've kinda seen that over the entire past year. Ahmed's turn I felt was pretty telegraphed from the beginning of the night, but I didn't expect to see him join up with Corny! That should really help him, and who knows; give him until like Summerslam and he could still totally become our next WWF champion. But for now, the biggest question I'm left with is what happens with the IC belt?


Only crackerjack knows the answer to that one.....well, and me of course.....since his prize was to determine the fate of the Intercontinental Championship........although the plan was put in motion on this weeks show, so we won't have to wait for long to find out

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<p>Sean Waltman vs. <strong>Shawn Michaels</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

WWF European Championship Match</p><p>

<strong>The British Bulldog</strong> vs. Goldust</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Barry Windham vs. <strong>Billy Gunn</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier</p><p>

<strong>Chris Jericho</strong> vs. Bradshaw</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Al Snow & Chris Candido</strong> vs. The Harris Boys</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier</p><p>

Marc Mero vs <strong>Faarooq</strong></p><p>


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<p>Sean Waltman vs. <strong>Shawn Michaels</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

WWF European Championship Match</p><p>

<strong>The British Bulldog</strong> vs. Goldust</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Barry Windham vs. <strong>Billy Gunn</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier</p><p>

<strong>Chris Jericho</strong> vs. Bradshaw</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Al Snow & Chris Candido</strong> vs. The Harris Boys</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier</p><p>

Marc Mero vs <strong>Faarooq</strong></p><p>


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<p>Sean Waltman vs. <strong>Shawn Michaels</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

WWF European Championship Match</p><p>

<strong>The British Bulldog</strong> vs. Goldust</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Barry Windham vs. <strong>Billy Gunn</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier</p><p>

<strong>Chris Jericho</strong> vs. Bradshaw</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Al Snow & Chris Candido</strong> vs. The Harris Boys</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier</p><p>

Marc Mero vs <strong>Faarooq</strong></p><p>


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<p>Shawn Michaels</p><p>

British Bulldog</p><p>

Billy Gunn - <em>Kinda glad to see the NAO start to ride, though I was feeling pretty sure that you were going to make them a trio with Bradshaw. I'm not upset at how it's going though, so I look forward to seeing what you do with him. Gold is likely around the corner for Gunn and Dogg, but Bret gets his run with the titles first.</em></p><p>

Chris Jericho - <em>The metamorphosis into WCW heel Jericho is nearly complete.</em></p><p>

Snow and Candido - <em>These two seem like a fun comedy team, especially with Chris not wanting to be a comedy player.</em></p><p>


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<p>Sean Waltman vs. <strong>Shawn Michaels</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

WWF European Championship Match</p><p>

<strong>The British Bulldog</strong> vs. Goldust</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Barry Windham vs. <strong>Billy Gunn</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier</p><p>

<strong>Chris Jericho</strong> vs. Bradshaw</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Al Snow & Chris Candido </strong>vs. The Harris Boys</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier</p><p>

Marc Mero vs<strong> Faarooq</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Loving that you put the belt on Billy the Kidman before he even had popularity. He is worth the gamble, could be a Rey or Y2J if you remove that glass ceiling he had irl, and treat him right. Good start and I like it. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> The Wolfpac stuff was a bit of a nice surprise, and I'm still digging Ahmed Johnson more than anyone else haha. Scotty is really the one to watch though.</p><p>



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<p>Just got a chance to read through Wrestlemania and the show after, great read! Excited to see where the dynasty goes from here.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sean Waltman</strong> vs. Shawn Michaels</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

WWF European Championship Match</p><p>

<strong>The British Bulldog</strong> vs. Goldust</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Barry Windham vs. <strong>Billy Gunn</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier</p><p>

<strong>Chris Jericho</strong> vs. Bradshaw</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Al Snow & Chris Candido</strong> vs. The Harris Boys</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier</p><p>

Marc Mero vs <strong>Faarooq</strong></p><p>


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<p>Sean Waltman vs. <strong>Shawn Michaels</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

WWF European Championship Match</p><p>

<strong>The British Bulldog</strong> vs. Goldust</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Barry Windham vs. <strong>Billy Gunn</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier</p><p>

<strong>Chris Jericho</strong> vs. Bradshaw</p><p>



Al Snow & Chris Candido</strong> vs. The Harris Boys</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier</p><p>

Marc Mero vs <strong>Faarooq</strong></p><p>


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<p>Shawn Michaels</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

WWF European Championship Match</p><p>

The British Bulldog</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Billy Gunn</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier</p><p>

Chris Jericho </p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Al Snow & Chris Candido </p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier</p><p>



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<p>Preview for Monday Night Raw, Week 2, April 1997</p><p> </p><p>

Sean Waltman vs. <strong>Shawn Michaels</strong></p><p>

Comments: I'm actually predicting by DQ here.</p><p> </p><p>

WWF European Championship Match</p><p>

<strong>The British Bulldog</strong> vs. Goldust</p><p>

Comments: REVENGE!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Barry Windham</strong> vs. Billy Gunn</p><p>

Comments: Perfect is going to cost Billy the bout here.</p><p> </p><p>

Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier</p><p>

<strong>Chris Jericho</strong> vs. Bradshaw</p><p>

Comments: Barry is probably going to be a distraction here, which will tie in through an angle for our next match.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Al Snow & Chris Candido</strong> vs. The Harris Boys</p><p>

Comments: The odd couple proves their worth as a duo with another win.</p><p> </p><p>

Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier</p><p>

<strong>Marc Mero</strong> vs Faarooq</p><p>

Comments: Be a nice way to give Mero something to do and Farooq more to complain about before a rematch against the Harts.</p>

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<p>Sean Waltman vs. <strong>Shawn Michaels</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

WWF European Championship Match</p><p>

The British Bulldog vs. <strong>Goldust</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Barry Windham vs. <strong>Billy Gunn</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier</p><p>

<strong>Chris Jericho</strong> vs. Bradshaw</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Al Snow & Chris Candido vs. <strong>The Harris Boys</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier</p><p>

Marc Mero vs <strong>Faarooq</strong></p><p>


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<p>Sean Waltman vs. <strong>Shawn Michaels</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

WWF European Championship Match</p><p>

<strong>The British Bulldog</strong> vs. Goldust</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Barry Windham vs. <strong>Billy Gunn</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier</p><p>

<strong>Chris Jericho</strong> vs. Bradshaw</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Al Snow & Chris Candido </strong>vs. The Harris Boys</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier</p><p>

Marc Mero vs <strong>Faarooq</strong></p><p>


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<p>Sean Waltman vs. <strong>Shawn Michaels</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

WWF European Championship Match</p><p>

<strong>The British Bulldog</strong> vs. Goldust</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Barry Windham vs. <strong>Billy Gunn</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier</p><p>

<strong>Chris Jericho</strong> vs. Bradshaw</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Al Snow & Chris Candido</strong> vs. The Harris Boys</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier</p><p>

Marc Mero vs <strong>Faarooq</strong></p>

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Week 2, April 1997

Fleetcenter (Boston, Massachusetts)

ATT: 17,201

TV: 28.87



It’s Monday Night......it’s prime time......and you’d better believe that Raw is War......especially following the events of last week.....because despite the fact that he’s no longer an active competitor on the roster......or even an employee of the World Wrestling Federation.....AND he was ejected from the building last week.....Kevin Nash still managed to find a way to make it back to the ring.....where he crushed the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels with a hard, hard Jacknife Powerbomb.......







........and it looks as though the man himself has something to say on the matter.....because the Reason for the Ratings himself is out to open the show.....and as well as having the beautiful Sunny on his arm, it looks like he has something on his mind.......


......he tells the crowd that it’s funny how short some people’s memory’s around here are.....he says he’s only been without the WWF Championship for two weeks now, and already people seem to have forgotten that he is THE man around here.....but that ok, because in a further two weeks time, everything is going to be back to the status quo.....the birds will be singing, the sun will be shining.......and the Heartbreak Kid will once again, be your two time World Wrestling Federation Champion......


”.......because Scott Steiner, make no mistake......you’re walking around with an honest to god miracle wrapped around your waist.....the whole world and his dog knows, that without my three so called “friends” stabbing me in the back, the only thing you’d be wearing right now, would be a neck brace, after I kicked your head off your shoulders......”


.......Shawn tells Steiner to make the most of the belt for the short time that he’s going to have it.....because make no mistake, while Scott Steiner needs that Title to be relevant, it was the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels that made that Title relevant to begin with.....and at In Your House, the gold is going home, to Shawn Michaels house.....


”.......but that’s in two weeks time, because good things come to those who wait.....but I’ve got one more good thing to share with everybody tonight........so Kevin Nash......I know you’re in the building somewhere.....because regardless of whether you’re being paid or not, like a bad penny you just keep showing up.......so bring yourself out here, you Hall, Waltman, the whole little Puppy Pack or whatever the hell you're calling yourselves, because the MAN has got something to say to his boys.......”








......ask, and you shall receive......because as the howls echo out through the arena, The. Wolfpac do indeed make their way out from the back.....they walk onto the entrance way, and begin to make their way down the aisle.....but before they do, Shawn tells them to stop......before pulling a piece of paper out from his jacket.......


”.......woah, woah, woah, stop right there......you can hear what I’ve got to say just fine where you are.......in fact, Kevin Nash, where you are, is as close as you’re ever going to get to me again.......”


.......Shawn waves the piece of paper at Nash, telling him that last week, he came into this ring.....and he (a fan) assaulted a paid employee of the World Wrestling Federation.....and that just doesn’t fly.....Shawn says he could have pressed charges......had Nash hauled off down to the cells.....but he’s a bigger man than that......


”......however.....it is my constitutional right to protect myself against all the crazies, stalkers.....and over enthusiastic fans of the world, who think they can get up close and personal with the Heartbreak Kid, just because they see me on TV every week.......”


.......Michaels tells Nash that what he has in his hand........is a restraining order......a restraining order that says Kevin Nash can’t come within 50 feet of World Wrestling Federation employee, Shawn Michaels......so where Nash is standing right now? That’s as close to the Heartbreak Kid as he’s going to get again......


.......the Wolfpac don’t look impressed, but Shawn tells them not to worry......because Hall and Waltman can get as up close and personal as they like.....because tonight, the Heartbreak Kid is going to finish what he started last week......by swatting that little pip-squeak Sean Waltman.......and if he thinks that either Scott Steiner or Scott Hall are going to be there to save his scrawny little ass......well let’s just say that the main event is a long time away......and a lot can happen between now and then......


Rating: A




xsr2jxl.jpg VS. lrss6Dn.jpg


Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier


It’s time to see if Chris Jericho is really as good as he claims to be, or if he’s all talk......last week he was all talk, because when the going got tough against Kane, the young man bailed, citing tonight’s match as the reason why.......and while he was in the ring with a bonafide Monster last week, his opponent tonight is no small fry......


.......and it’s Bradshaw's first outing as a singles competitor following his less than amicable separation from Texas Long Rider partner Barry Windham......and while he may have joined forces with Billy Gunn and Jesse James to make his point, this Big Texan claims he’s his own man, and he’s out to make a name for himself.......and he does just that here.......because Jericho struggles to control the match against his much larger opponent......and at one point looks to be considering bailing from the match again.....until he remembers what’s at stake........

















......Barry Windham knows what’s at stake too.......an opportunity to become the next WWF Intercontinental Champion......and he hasn’t forgotten that it was Bradshaw who cost Windham the opportunity to become the very first WWF European Champion when he unintentionally got his then partner disqualified.....although with the way things have unfurled since then, you have to wonder just how unintentionally that really was.......probably about as unintentional as when Barry Windham came running down to the ring for this one......before sliding under the bottom rope.......and punching Jericho square in the face, before giving Bradshaw the universal “up yours” sign......rolling back out of the ring and heading to the back.......and no matter how much the big Texan protests, the official has little choice but to call for the bell.


Winner: Chris Jericho (via Disqualification)

Rating: B






Most people would be pretty annoyed if they just got sucker punched out of nowhere.....but Chris Jericho is celebrating like he’s just WON the Intercontinental Championship, instead of simply qualifying for a shot at it........and as Bradshaw looks on (with a pretty p*ssed off expression in his face) he runs around the ring, hopping and jumping for joy......and while a few months ago, the crowd would have been there screaming with him, it appears that young Jericho’s recent attitude is starting to rub them the wrong way......because they are far less enthusiastic than he is.......so unenthusiastic in fact, that when obvious heel Bradshaw charges across the ring and turns the Ayatollah of RocknRolla inside out with what Jim Ross declares is a “Clothesline from Hell”, they actually give a little pop to the Texan......who shuts them right down by flipping them off and heading to the back......and he’s not in a good mood.


Rating: B







We head to a very crowded backstage area now, as Dok He Eric is standing by with his first assignment of the night.....and that’s conducting an interview with the Nation of Domination......Dok asks what happened at Wrestlemania? He says that the Nation claimed to only need ONE shot at the WWF Tag Team Championships......and yet one shot later, it’s the Hart Foundation that holds the gold?.....


......Faarooq tells Hendrix to shut his damn mouth, before the Nation shuts it for him......he says that the Nation of Domination did only need one shot......one FAIR shot......because it wasn’t Faarooq that lost that match.......it wasn’t the Rock.......Sean Waltman lost that match, and there was nothing the Nation of Domination could do about that.......just like when he lost his Intercontinental Championship......HE never got pinned then either......in fact it was tonight’s opponent, Marc Mero that lost that match......


”........but fortunately, after I defeat Marc Mero tonight, and move onto the Intercontinental Championship match at In Your House, I don’t have to worry about no idiots losing the match for me.......because it’s gonna be under elimination rules......four men enter, one man leaves.......and you can be damn sure that one man, is gonna be me.......”


.......Faarooq says that he’s held that title before......and he won it then by defeating both Ahmed Johnson and Savio Vega in a triple threat match......and it In Your House, he’s going to go one better, by beating three other wannabe’s, to become the two time World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Champion.


Rating: A




<img style="max-width:10%;

"src="https://i.imgur.com/5ARJfr6.jpg">wdkMubP.jpg VS. FOurmAt.jpg


Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier


Marc Mero hasn’t been having the best of time as of late......his win loss record is hardly stellar.....he was relegated to the pre-show of Wrestlemania......Ahmed Johnson first spent weeks running him down, then just last week decisively pinned him right in the middle of the ring......he could really do with a win.......and a win here would propel him to a high profile match at In Your House, with Championship repercussions......


.........he’s not the only one with dreams of Title glory however......as Faarooq has been chasing gold........ANY gold......for over twelve months now......ever since he lost the Intercontinental Championship to Hunter Hearst Helmsley......although, as Faarooq rightly pointed out, it was actually Marc Mero that ate the fall in that multi man match......and while Jim Ross says that he’s not buying into the conspiracy theory’s that the Nation are quick to use as reasons for their failings, he does reluctantly have to concede that Faarooq does kind of have a point......when it comes to Championship matches, rarely is it the Nation man with his shoulders pinned to the mat......


.......it wasn’t the Nation man with his shoulders pinned to the mat here tonight either......because despite Mero’s best efforts, he was still unable to avoid the Dominator, which gave Faarooq the pinfall, AND a spot in the Intercontinental four way at In Your House.


Winner: Faarooq

Rating: B






From there we head to the back, where Ahmed Johnson appears to trying his best to display his new found bad attitude.....by battering the crap out of some poor backstage sound guy with the same length of lumber that he used to cost the Undertaker his match at Wrestlemania......the poor worker goes down, and a small army of security guards come running into shot to try and restrain Ahmed.......one by one however they all get taken out.......and all the while this is going on, Jim Cornette is standing front and center, looking directly into the camera without even a cursory glance over his shoulder at the carnage unfolding.....


.......he basically cuts a promo for the entirety of the time Ahmed is doing his thing......he says that a lot of people thought he was crazy for relinquishing the rights to manage the Big Red Monster, Kane.......but Cornette says that all he did really, was swap one monster for another......it just so happens that THIS monster required some gentle prodding and poking to finally unleash all that pent up frustration......but once the fuse was lit, oh boy......step back, because Ahmed Johnson is just about ready to explode.....


.......there is a loud splat of skin on skin as Ahmed overhead presses the nearest Security guard, before tossing him like a dart at a group of oncoming men, followed by an even louder crash, as another security guard gets bounced off a nearby door.....but still Cornette continues to talk directly into the camera.......he says Ahmed made a huge impression at Wrestlemania when he assaulted the Undertaker.......well now, he wants to make an even bigger impression, by taking the Deadman out for good.......Cornette wraps it up by telling the Undertaker that Ahmed Johnson isn’t hard to find........he’ll be the one standing over a pile of unconscious bodies......and with that Cornette simply walks out of shot, to reveal exactly that.......an angry looking Ahmed Johnson, surrounded by a mass of knocked out guards.....as we go to commercial break.......


Rating: A






.....and we’re back......and we’re back IN the back, with a Dok Hendrix who appears to be bracing himself for another interesting instalment of “how crazy is Al Snow today”......because he’s joined by Al.....Head......and Snow’s reluctant partner Chris Candido.......and for once, Al isn’t his usual jovial self......and he has Head cradled even closer than usual.......


Dok says that last week, this duo picked up their first win as a team.....tonight they’re in action against the Harris Boys......can they repeat the success of last week? Candido says that first of all, they’re NOT a team.....and the only reason they won ANYTHING last week, was because Chris Candido went out there and did the work of two men, while Snow sat and played make believe with his stupid dolls head........


”.........HEY!!.......Head isn’t stupid.......she’s a highly intelligent............yes I’m telling him.........shes a highly intelligent wom...........what? Ok, ok.........she’s a highly intelligent independent woman...........and she don’t need no man placing his hands on her..........except for me obviously........what she is NOT......is a weapon.......do you know how hard those Southern Justice Boys skulls are?..........that’s right, you could.....she could have been concussed..........and we are seriously reevaluating this whole “Tag Team” scenario...........”


“.........ok Al......first of all, she isn't a real.........”


.......Candido stops himself there, before shaking his head and correcting himself, telling Al that IT isn’t a real person.......it’s a hard, plastic, mannequin head......he goes to rap on the top of Head with his knuckles to emphasise his point, but Al snatches her away........


”.......and second of all, you can reevaluate all you want.......I don’t even wanna be in this stupid team.....pairing.......whatever the hell we are.......so you reevaluate away, and I’ll go back to concentrating on what I should be concentrating on, the Light Heavyweight Championship.......”


......with that Candido shrugs his shoulders and walks away, as Al and Head stare at each other........


”........well now look what you’ve done..........me? How is this my fault? I did exactly what you said........that WAS tough love..........well maybe you misread the situation............are YOU going to be my partner?.........I know we don’t have inter-gender matches in the WWF, but you did pretty good against Southern Justice last week..........I do NOT just want to see you get hurt, how can you say that..........I didn’t..........I didnt.........I dropped you ONCE, can we just move on from that........look, we have bigger things to worry about right now...........”


......and with that Al simply wanders out of shot, still muttering away at Head, without so much as a goodbye for Dok, who simply sighs and sends us back down to ringside.


Rating: B




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It’s straight down to ringside now for some Tag Team action.......or is it? Because after Al’s suggestion that he and Head were re-evaluating even teaming with Chris Candido, Candido hasn’t even bothered to turn up for the match.....meaning Al Snow is out there alone......and to be fair to him, he may still have a chance in this one, because his opponents, Ron and Don Harris, haven’t exactly been tearing it up lately......


.......in fact The Harris Brothers have slipped so far down the pecking order over the last twelve months its not even funny......they were originally bought in to bolster a pretty poor Tag Team division......and to their credit, they WERE useful briefly......very briefly......unfortunately for Ron and Don they have one fundamental flaw.........they suck.......both of them......and as the Tag division grew, their usefulness shrunk......


........it looks as though they might be getting a resurgence here though, because when it’s two on one, even the Harris Boys can dominate......so much so that Snow has to roll out to ringside and grab a house mic, telling Skippy that he’s sorry......it was all Head’s fault.....he still wants to Tag.......unfortunately “Skippy” doesn’t show, and Ron and Don begin to brutalise poor Al........until it looks like he can’t take anymore.........that’s when Candido, very reluctantly.....and very slowly.......makes his way down the aisle and finally climbs up onto the apron to extend his hand.......


.........Snow eventually manages to make it over to his corner, and the crowd are pretty hot for the Tag considering these two haven’t been teaming for more than a few weeks......and eventually, the Harris Boys did what the Harris Boys do.......the job.......and Snow and Candido pick up another victory......and they didn’t even need Head to do it.


Winner(s): Al Snow & Chris Candido

Rating: B-






We hear from Raven now for the first time since his defeat at the hands of Cactus Jack at Wrestlemania........Raven comes to the ring......alone, surprisingly.......and says that regardless of his loss......regardless of the pain and suffering, he regrets nothing.......


”........because there is nothing more honest that pain......you can hide your pain from others, but you can never hide it from yourself.......pain can warn you of danger......or it can teach you the price of your own stupidity.......sometimes we need to feel pain in order educate us......step to close to the flame and you soon realise that fire hurts.......sometimes the pain is real......the fire burns.......but sometimes, we just need to burn everything to the ground, regardless of the pain.......so that the new can rise from the ashes......


........since Wrestlemania I’ve heard the same misguided scorn and mocking from everyone I’ve seen.....’you wanted the monster......and the monster destroyed you’.......so predictable......so naive.......so wrong..........for a star to be born, a nebulous must collapse........collapse or crumble, Wrestlemania was not my destruction.......Wrestlemania was my rebirth......for too long I have been obsessed with the minds of the damaged......but that was where I went wrong.......a fractured mind is fun to play with........but a broken mind......there lies the true euphoria......for beyond evil, lies insanity........but beyond insanity............there is me............I’m coming for you..........Quote the Raven........Nevermore........”


Rating: A






From there we go to the back, and to Dok Hendrix, who tells us that as usual, Raven leaves us with more questions than answers, before speculating about who “you” could be.......before he’s rudely interrupted by the arrival of the Bad Ass Billy Gunn and the Road Dogg Jesse James, The New Age Outlaws.......


”........Dok, never mind about the “who” and the “you”........it’s all about the “he” and the “me”, the D....O....Double G........”


........Road Dogg says that he and Billy may have come up short in capturing the WWF Tag Team Titles last week, but that was only because a little bit of unfinished business caught up with them.......but that’s ok, the New Age Outlaws can understand that, after all, no one likes being left out in the cold, no matter how perfect they think they are.....so it goes like this, tonight, the Bad Ass Billy Gunn is gonna take care of the Old Ass Barry Windham, then next week, if Mr. Thinks he’s Perfect is feeling froggy, he can jump on up with the Road Dogg......but make no mistake, Big Brother Bret and Baby Sister Owen, they’re only keeping the titles warm, because once we’re done with Old Timers Day, it’s gonna be a New Day, and those Tag Team Titles, they’re coming home with the New Age Outlaws.


Rating: B




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We’ve already seen Barry Windham once this evening, making an impact on his former partner Bradshaw’s Intercontinental Championship aspirations......this is the first time we’ve seen him in action however, and it’s against New Age Outlaw member Billy Gunn. The Bad Ass and the Road Dogg don’t appear to have a great deal of respect for the stars that paved the way for them, first turning on their mentor Mr. Perfect, before convincing Bradshaw to do the same thing to Windham on the very same night.....


........in defence of (as the Road Dogg calls him) The Old Ass Barry Windham.....he ain’t actually that old.....Barry is a few months away from 37, while Scott Hall and Mr. Perfect are 38 and 39 respectively......even our WWF Champion is only two years younger than Windham as Scotty Steiner is 35 too.......”Old Ass” Barry isn’t actually as old as the Outlaws would have you believe......he just broke into the business at a very young age and has a near twenty year career under his belt........


........of course the assumption that Windham is some washed up old has been meant that both Billy (and the Road Dogg, who accompanied his partner to ringside) seriously underestimated the man from Sweetwater Texas.....and both Outlaws get a taste of the big mans boots.....of course there were still two of them and one Barry Windham..........

















..........at least that is until Mr. Perfect makes his way down the aisle, and begins laying into Road Dogg on the outside, evening up the sides..........


















.......or at least they WERE even.......because it rapidly turns into two in three when a p*ssed off Bradshaw comes charging down the aisle, straight into the ring........where he instantly begins to assault his former partner.......and we all know what that means boys and girls........it means Bad Ass Billy Gunn is disqualified.


Winner: Barry Windham

Rating: B






Most people would be upset that they had just been cost a victory, but Billy Gunn doesn’t look too concerned......instead he simply hops to the outside to join the Road Dogg in his fight with Perfect.......Bradshaw backs up and waits for Windham to get back to his feet, before charging the length of the ring and almost taking his head off with the same Clothesline from Hell that Jericho received earlier.........


........the Outlaws manage to over power Perfect on the floor, before rolling him back into the ring, where Bradshaw is waiting with another huge Clothesline......and just like at Wrestlemania, Mr. Perfect and Barry Windham have been laid out, by the New Age Outlaws and Bradshaw.


Rating: B+






Dok Hendrix has been busy tonight (we could really do with finding a second interviewer around here) and he’s here again with the World Wrestling Federation Champion Scott Steiner......Dok looks a little bit apprehensive about questioning Scotty, knowing full well how these things usually work out for him, but he’s got a job to do.......he asks Steiner if he heard Shawn Michaels promo earlier, where the Heartbreak Kid claimed that not only was it a miracle that Big Poppa Pump is wearing the WWF Title......but it’s a miracle that’s going to be short lived, because at In Your House, Shawn is taking the belt back.........Steiner laughs at that, telling Dok maybe it is a time for miracles.....after all, it is Easter......what better time for a miracle........





“.........I dread to ask.........”






“...........alright, stop......we know exactly what you’re saying..........”






“........enough with the sexual innuendos......”






“.........ok.......sorry........I just presumed........”






.......Dok simply shakes his head, saying he should have known......as Big Poppa Pump turns and walks away.............



























...........straight into some Sweet Chin Music from The Heartbreak Kid........


...........Brian Pillman drags Steiner to his feet and holds him in place, so that Michaels can grip his face and force his head up, telling him that all the d*ck humour in the world just goes to prove Shawn’s point......that Scott Steiner is nothing more than a joke with an over inflated body.......he tells Scotty that he’s nothing more than an embarrassment to the company, and an embarrassment to the World Wrestling Federation Championship......but at In Your House, all the laughing is going to stop......


.......he then proceeds to pepper Steiner between the eyes with a number of stiff fists, before shaking his hand in pain and telling Kane to finish the job, because Shawn has a match to prepare for.........


........and with that Michaels walks off, but not before telling the pair to ”......make sure he’s in no condition to come out later......” and Kane does just that.......wrapping a huge hand round the throat of the WWF Champion, and bouncing his skull off the concrete floor with a huge Chokeslam, as Jim Ross screams that we need some help back there, before sending us to commercial.


Rating: A





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It’s time for the British Bulldog to put his newly captured European Title on the line.....against a man funnily enough, that he defeated in the semi-finals of the tournament to win that Championship to begin with.....Goldust.


.......these two men had a pretty good match back then, and this one isn’t a letdown either......it’s nice to get Dustin some TV time......and since the Bizarre One has taken a.......well, bizarre mission to antagonise Cactus Jack, you’ve got to think that we’re going to be seeing quite a bit of the Golden One in the coming weeks.......we just won’t be seeing him wearing the European Championship......
























...........because Cactus Jack makes his way out from the back........and begins stalking Marlena at ringside........who’s scream of fear distracts the Bizarre One just long enough for Davey Boy to catch a hold and hoist him onto his shoulder, before driving the wind out of him with a huge Running Powerslam for the three count.


Winner: ......and STILL WWF European Champion......The British Bulldog

Rating: B






Cactus climbs into the ring with a microphone in hand.....before squatting down beside Goldust, much as the Bizarre One did to Cactus last week.......he tells Goldust not to worry.......he COULD destroy him right here and right now.......but he doesn’t want to do that.......he’s trying to be a better man.......a more stable man.......a less psychotic man.......


”........but it’s hard Goldie......so very hard......you’re right, I am a freak.......right now, all I’m thinking about is whether I could peel the skin right off your skull, without smudging that gold paint......and do you know what, I think I could.......think long and hard about what you’re letting yourself in for........you’re a freak Goldust......and birds of a feather may flock together, but you’re not a freak like me......there’s no glitter and gold in the world of Cactus Jack......only suffering and pain.......go back to the world of silver screens and make believe......and let the beast lie........”


.......with that Cactus simply drops the mic beside the wide eyed Goldust and heads to the back.....as Marlena quickly gets out of his way, before heading to check on her man.


Rating: B+






After that somewhat civilised display by Cactus Jack, we head backstage......where just like last week, Scott Hall and Sean Waltman are preparing for a match.......last week it was Hall’s match with Brian Pillman, this week it’s Waltman’s match with the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels.......


.......Hall tells Waltman that Scott Steiner has already been taken out of the equation......Nash can’t go within 50 feet of Michaels.......that means it’s just the two of them tonight.......but don’t worry......because the Bad Guy’s got his back.......Waltman says that he knows that......and when he’s done kicking Shawn’s teeth down his throat after the assault he delivered last week, Shawn Michaels is gonna know.......that the Wolfpac is in the house......


........the pair exchange a “too sweet”, before heading towards the ring for tonight’s main event.......before they get there however, a backstage worker catches up with them, telling them that Scott Hall has a phone call from a Mr. Nash. Waltman pats Hall on the back, telling him to go take the call, the big guy is probably just checking in......before continuing on to the ring, as Hall follows the worker around a corner.........






















.........straight into the duo of Kane and Brian Pillman.......Pillman pounces on Hall, bouncing him off a nearby door and generally attacking him like a savage animal......before tossing him into the waiting arms of Kane.......who much as he did with Scott Steiner, delivers a sickening Chokeslam to Hall........and it looks like (much as Shawn Michaels promised) Sean Waltman is going to be all alone tonight after all.


Rating: A




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It’s time for the battle of the KLiQ now.....as Shawn Michaels goes one on one with former friend Sean Waltman......and usually when one friend turns on another it would make THEM the bad guy, but in reality, after the way HBK has treated his KLiQ running buddies over the last twelve months, can anybody really have any sympathy for him? Because the fans here tonight sure don’t.....


......Michaels was good on his word however.....he said that he would make sure that neither Scott Hall or Scott Steiner would be here tonight to help Waltman out.....and Rick Rude tells us that by the look of how tonight’s gone, the only thing the pair of Scott’s will be doing, is sharing a hospital room.....


.......in Waltman’s defence, he doesn’t appear to need any help to go toe to toe with the Heartbreak Kid, because after twelve months of put downs, bad mouthing and generally using Waltman and co for his own benefit, the former 123 Kid has plenty of incentive to put up a good fight, and a good fight it is.......Shawn rarely has a bad match.....and everyone knows he turns it up a notch when he’s in there with the KLiQ, so what we have here is a great main event......with the most surprising aspect of all......a clean finish.......


.......because while the Kid puts up a good fight.....and he certainly has Michaels on the ropes a number of times, in the end all it takes is one Sweet Chin Music from the former WWF Champion, and Waltman is done.


Winner: Shawn Michaels

Rating: A







No sooner has the bell rung, than Kane and the Corporate Cannon make their way down to ringside....and Shawn is practically rubbing his hands in glee at the fact that the three of them have Sean Waltman all alone.....he tosses the Kid to Pillman, who takes great delight in pouncing on the helpless Waltman, hammering him merciless with blows, before tossing him towards Kane, who delivers a brutal Chokeslam.....


......Shawn sends Pillman to the floor, where he collects a steel chair, bringing it back into the ring, and just like he did to Steve Austin at Wrestlemania, he opens the chair up and slides Waltman’s leg into it.......Jim Ross is going crazy, screaming that he’s gonna break the Kid’s leg, just like he did to Stone Cold...........























........and that’s when the wolves howl.....because restraining order or not, Kevin Nash is not about to stand back and watch his buddy get his leg broken in half.....he walks out onto the entrance ramp, but Shawn Michaels already has a microphone in hand......telling Nash that he knew he wouldn’t be able to stay away......which is why the Heartbreak Kid came prepared.......


.........Michaels waves to the back and a sea of police officers come storming out from the back and surround Nash, ordering him to stay back 50 feet away from Shawn......Nash goes to shove one officer aside, but these aren’t your rinky dink security guards......these are some genuine bonafide police officers......and they’re armed......and while they don’t actually unholster their weapons, their hands certainly move in that direction.....and the threat is enough to stop even the seven foot Kevin Nash in his tracks.......


.......Michaels laughs, telling Nash that’s he’s not so tough now, is he........before saying that since he and Kev are such good pals, he’ll do him a solid right now.......they won’t break the Kids leg.......


”........but you can sure as hell stand there and watch, as I break his face.........”


.......and with that he pulls the chair off of Waltman’s leg and tosses it to Pillman, before telling Kane to drag that little punk to his feet......Kane does exactly that, and Pillman holds the steel in front of Sean Waltman’s face, as Michaels steps back.....blows a kiss to Nash.......and tunes up the band......before unleashing some Sweet Chin Music that crushes the steel against the skull of Waltman.....who collapses in a heap to the mat, with an angry looking gash opened up between the eyes......


........Nash looks about ready to explode, but there is absolutely nothing he can do, as Shawn grabs Waltman’s red and black Wolfpac shirt from ringside and shoves it into the mouth of the bloodied Kid......and the show comes to a close on a close up of the seething Nash, screaming at Shawn that he’s a dead man.......


”........all three of you.......you’re dead men walking........”


Rating: A*


Final Rating: A*



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Other than the fact that the show was very well received this week, there’s not really a lot of news to tell.....Shawn and Waltman far exceeded my expectations in the main event, but then I’ve slowly come to realise that no matter who you put Shawn Michaels in there with, he’s going to blow any expectations out of the water. The year long reign as “the man” around here seems to have really matured the Heartbreak Kid as both a wrestler and a human being as a whole. Shawn Michaels was a world class ass when I first took this job....a first class ass and a pain in mine, but over the last six months he’s really been a model employee.....I think Shawn’s biggest problem, was the fact that he was walking around with a monumental chip on his shoulder, because he knew how good he was and what he could offer to the business, maybe all it took was a little bit of validation that actually, WE know how good Shawn is too, and we gave him the opportunity to prove it......don’t get me wrong, he can still be an arrogant ass at times, but considering how far he’s come, I’ll take the odd outburst.....


.......the New Age Outlaws continue to impress, and Jesse James’ stock is really rising in this role, to the point that it won’t be long until he and Billy are finally looked at as being on the same ‘level’.....they have really struck gold with each other......


.......the Harris Boys made their highly anticipated return to Raw.......after the show I had at least six guys come up to me to ask what the hell I was thinking, saying that both men really need to be shown the door.....I agree with them, they really do suck.....but they served their purpose this week.....back to Superstars you go for now Boys.....


......Stampede have made their first signings......really a bunch of nobodies.....nobodies and children, with both TJ Wilson and Teddy Hart signing on.....both men look to be pretty good prospects, but Wilson is only 16 years of age....while Hart has literally only just turned 17.......although Wilson is one of the final graduates from the Hart Dungeon.....and Teddy Hart is......well, a Hart.......I guess nepotism is still going strong in the great white north......which is probably why Bruce hired his brother Keith as the head booker, although if I’m honest, from what Bret has told me about Bruce, he’ll probably be having a lot of input in the storylines going forward.......



Preview for Monday Night Raw, Week 2, April 1997


WWF Tag Team Championship Match

The Hart Foundation vs. Brian Pillman & Kane



WWF European Championship Match

The British Bulldog vs. Ahmed Johnson



Mr. Perfect vs. The Road Dogg Jesse James



Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier

Psycho Sid vs. Rich Steiner



Al Snow & Chris Candido vs. Edge & Christian



Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier

Rey Mysterio vs Lance Storm



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WWF Tag Team Championship Match

The Hart Foundation vs. Brian Pillman & Kane



WWF European Championship Match

The British Bulldog vs. Ahmed Johnson



Mr. Perfect vs. The Road Dogg Jesse James



Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier

Psycho Sid vs. Rich Steiner



Al Snow & Chris Candido vs. Edge & Christian



Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier

Rey Mysterio vs Lance Storm


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Shawn Michaels

British Bulldog

Billy Gunn - Kinda glad to see the NAO start to ride, though I was feeling pretty sure that you were going to make them a trio with Bradshaw. I'm not upset at how it's going though, so I look forward to seeing what you do with him. Gold is likely around the corner for Gunn and Dogg, but Bret gets his run with the titles first.

Chris Jericho - The metamorphosis into WCW heel Jericho is nearly complete.

Snow and Candido - These two seem like a fun comedy team, especially with Chris not wanting to be a comedy player.



It’s good to finally have the Outlaws as the Outlaws, I’ve been looking forward to their “coming out” party as it was for a while now, I don’t like to just abruptly change someone’s character though, hence why Steve Austin took about 5 months to become Stone Cold, and then another six months to become babyface Austin lol.......Bradshaw I actually have high hopes for, he’s got pretty high star quality and isn’t terrible in the ring, he’s up there on the hot prospect list.


Sean Waltman vs. Shawn Michaels



WWF European Championship Match

The British Bulldog vs. Goldust



Barry Windham vs. Billy Gunn



Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier

Chris Jericho vs. Bradshaw



Al Snow & Chris Candido vs. The Harris Boys



Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier

Marc Mero vs Faarooq



Loving that you put the belt on Billy the Kidman before he even had popularity. He is worth the gamble, could be a Rey or Y2J if you remove that glass ceiling he had irl, and treat him right. Good start and I like it. :) The Wolfpac stuff was a bit of a nice surprise, and I'm still digging Ahmed Johnson more than anyone else haha. Scotty is really the one to watch though.




The Light Heavyweight division really needed a shake up, there was a huge gulf between the top players and everyone else....even Kidman, he’s being pushed as a lower midcard, but in reality he’s an opener at best....and before winning the title he was literally at enhancement level.......as for Scotty, he’s got a mouth on him that’s for sure


Just got a chance to read through Wrestlemania and the show after, great read! Excited to see where the dynasty goes from here.



Sean Waltman vs. Shawn Michaels



WWF European Championship Match

The British Bulldog vs. Goldust



Barry Windham vs. Billy Gunn



Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier

Chris Jericho vs. Bradshaw



Al Snow & Chris Candido vs. The Harris Boys



Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier

Marc Mero vs Faarooq



Thanks, so am I lol

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WWF Tag Team Championship Match

The Hart Foundation



WWF European Championship Match

The British Bulldog

Comments: DQ


Mr. Perfect



Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier

Psycho Sid



Edge & Christian



Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier

Lance Storm


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<p>Monday Night Raw, Week 2, April 1997 </p><p> </p><p>

WWF Tag Team Championship Match</p><p>

<strong>The Hart Foundation</strong> vs. Brian Pillman & Kane</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

WWF European Championship Match</p><p>

<strong>The British Bulldog</strong> vs. Ahmed Johnson</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mr. Perfect</strong> vs. The Road Dogg Jesse James</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier</p><p>

Psycho Sid vs. <strong>Rich Steiner</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Al Snow & Chris Candido vs. <strong>Edge & Christian</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier</p><p>

<strong>Rey Mysterio</strong> vs Lance Storm</p><p>


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<p>WWF Tag Team Championship Match</p><p>

<strong>The Hart Foundation</strong> vs. Brian Pillman & Kane</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

WWF European Championship Match</p><p>

The British Bulldog vs. <strong>Ahmed Johnson</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Mr. Perfect vs. <strong>The Road Dogg Jesse James</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier</p><p>

<strong>Psycho Sid</strong> vs. Rich Steiner</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Al Snow & Chris Candido vs.<strong> Edge & Christian</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier</p><p>

Rey Mysterio vs<strong> Lance Storm</strong></p><p>


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<p>WWF Tag Team Championship Match</p><p>

<strong>The Hart Foundation</strong> vs. Brian Pillman & Kane</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

WWF European Championship Match</p><p>

<strong>The British Bulldog </strong>vs. Ahmed Johnson</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Mr. Perfect vs. <strong>The Road Dogg Jesse James</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier</p><p>

<strong>Psycho Sid </strong>vs. Rich Steiner</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Al Snow & Chris Candido vs. <strong>Edge & Christian</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Intercontinental Title: Four Way Qualifier</p><p>

<strong>Rey Mysterio</strong> vs Lance Storm</p><p>


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