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WWE: The NXT Generation

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<p>NXT Championship</p><p>

Bobby Roode © vs. Roderick Strong vs. Drew McIntyre</p><p>

Prediction: <strong>Roddy Strong</strong></p><p>

Reason: Though I am leaning a bit toward McIntyre winning here and Roddy staying in the hunt. But I'm pulling for him!</p><p> </p><p>

NXT Women's Championship</p><p>

Asuka © vs. Ember Moon</p><p>

Prediction: <strong>Ember Moon</strong></p><p>

Reason: I really don't like picking Ember cause Asuka is so tough to predict with her winning streak. </p><p> </p><p>

NXT Tag Team Championships</p><p>

The Authors of Pain © vs. SAnitY</p><p>

Prediction: <strong>SAnitY</strong></p><p>

Reason: I feel like SAnitY needs a championship win here to keep going as a unit.</p><p> </p><p>

Aleister Black vs. Hideo Itami</p><p>

Prediction: <strong>Black</strong></p><p>

Reason: Love both guys, but Black is just the next big thing.</p><p> </p><p>

Andrade "Cien" Almas vs. Johnny Gargano</p><p>

Prediction: <strong>Gargano</strong></p><p>

Reason: It's really easy to always pick against Almas because he is the punching bag for the new guys, but I wouldn't be surprised if he pulled off an upset.</p>

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<p>NXT Championship</p><p>

<strong>Bobby Roode ©</strong> vs. Roderick Strong vs. Drew McIntyre</p><p>

Reason: <em>I hate that Strong made it in the match, but I think it gives Roode an easier path</em></p><p> </p><p>

NXT Women's Championship</p><p>

Asuka © vs. <strong>Ember Moon</strong></p><p>

Reason: <em>Gotta pull the trigger some time, right?</em></p><p> </p><p>

NXT Tag Team Championships</p><p>

<strong>The Authors of Pain ©</strong> vs. SAnitY</p><p>

Reason: <em>I don't know. This needs a bit more build up though I have a feeling SAnitY can pull it off </em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Aleister Black</strong> vs. Hideo Itami</p><p>

Reason: <em>Much as I like Hideo, Black's on another level right now</em></p><p> </p><p>

Andrade "Cien" Almas vs. <strong>Johnny Gargano</strong></p><p>

Reason: <em>Gargano needs this</em></p>

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<p>NXT Championship</p><p>

Bobby Roode © vs. Roderick Strong vs. Drew McIntyre</p><p>

Prediction: <strong><em>Drew McIntyre</em></strong></p><p> </p><p>

NXT Women's Championship</p><p>

Asuka © vs. Ember Moon</p><p>

Prediction: <strong><em>Ember Moon</em></strong></p><p> </p><p>

NXT Tag Team Championships</p><p>

The Authors of Pain © vs. SAnitY</p><p>

Prediction: <strong><em>Authors of Pain</em></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Aleister Black vs. Hideo Itami</p><p>

Prediction: <strong><em>Aleister Black</em></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Andrade "Cien" Almas vs. Johnny Gargano</p><p>

Prediction: <strong><em>Johnny Gargano</em></strong></p>

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Nxt Takeover: Brooklyn Iii


August 19th, 2017

After the signature WWE intro, the opening video of NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn III slowly opens from black with a slow-motion clip of Finn Balor hitting Kevin Owens with a Coup de Grace from the top of a ladder, that clip fading to a clip of Bayley connecting with a Bayley-to-Belly Suplex on Sasha Banks and going for the cover. The two clips blend together as it shows both Finn Balor and Bayley celebrating with the NXT Championship and the NXT Women’s Championship, respectively. The video then fades into a frame split three ways showcasing The Revival holding the NXT Tag Team Championships over a downed #DIY, Asuka holding the NXT Championship high in the sky, and of Shinsuke Nakamura besting Samoa Joe to win the NXT Championship. That clip then hits static, “That was then… and now we takeover Brooklyn again.” declares a voiceover as shots of Bobby Roode, Roderick Strong, Drew McIntyre, Asuka, Ember Moon, and of the other NXT Superstars flash across the screen in rapid succession. “Poison Pens” by Creeper engulfs the soundwaves as the video transitions to the ever-growing feud between Asuka and Ember Moon, both women vying for the NXT Women’s Championship. “Young and numb, sleepless with back patches. There's this pool of angst I'm drowning in.” The video continues showing the recent attacks by SAnitY on The Authors of Pain, including the vicious beatdown of Paul Ellering with a lead pipe by Eric Young. The video’s soundtrack is then switched to “Bleeding In The Blur” by Code Orange as individual shots of Roderick Strong, Drew McIntyre, and NXT Champion Bobby Roode are shown highlighting each men’s NXT careers. “You're bleeding in the blur. You're dying in a ditch. Paint the picture how you want it. It's yours to make fit.” finishes the lyric to a shot of Roderick Strong standing tall in the NXT ring, Drew McIntyre standing outside of it, and Bobby Roode standing on top of the stage with the NXT Championship slung over his shoulder. The video then fades to black.


“And now… WWE Network presents… NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn III!” The cameras pan the sold-out Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York as thousands upon thousands of fans chant “NXT! NXT!” in unison. “No Fear” by Phil Adé plays inside the arena as the commentary trio of Mauro Ranallo, Percy Watson, and Nigel McGuinness are hyped as all hell for tonight’s epic card. “I promise you this, tonight is going to be litter than lit.” yelled Mauro as Watson agreed. “Tonight, the men and women are going to put it all on the line as they takeover SummerSlam weekend. Bobby Roode. Roderick Strong. Drew McIntyre. All three men looking to cement their place in history as NXT Champion. Asuka vs Ember Moon. SAnitY vs The Authors of Pain. Aleister Black vs Hideo Itami… now that one is my personal pick for match of the night.” proclaimed Nigel as the commentators continue to display their hype, before throwing it to Mike Rome, who’s in the ring and ready to announce the first contest.




The NXT universe here in the Barclays Center nearly exploded as “The Rebel Heart” Johnny Gargano jumped out on stage with a smile on his face. The entrance shook the building as “Johnny Wrestling” was absolutely loved here in Brooklyn. Even before his opponent could make his entrance, “Johnny Wrestling” and “Screw You Ciampa” chants filled the air in support of Gargano. The chants soon died down as the stunning Zelina Vega emerged from backstage with a microphone in hand demanding the Brooklyn crowd to be “Tranquilo!”. Soon thereafter, the money-making Mexican star Andrade “Cien” Almas made his way down to the ring with a face that signalled he was all business. With Zelina by his side, Almas was ready as the match is underway. As the bell rings, Gargano and Almas engage in the traditional feeling out process, but Almas immediately slips out and slaps the taste out of Gargano’s mouth before taunting the crowd by laying on the ropes. Gargano retaliates by dropkicking Andrade to the outside of the ring where Vega coaches her client. The match continues as Andrade and Gargano split the momentum fairly, until Almas scores the upperhand with a double leg takedown followed by a slap to the back of the head. “The always cocky Almas is just toying with Johnny Gargano right now.” exclaimed Mauro. Gargano soon regrouped outside the ring, but his focus was then shifted to a loud chorus of boos as Gargano’s arch-enemy Tommaso Ciampa hobbled out to ringside on crutches flanked by security guards. “Just look at the chance of expression on Gargano’s face after seeing the man who nearly ended his career… he’s losing focus on the match.” said Watson as Almas blasts Gargano from behind as Johnny was too busy staring across from Ciampa. Almas throws Gargano into the ring steps and throws Gargano back into the ring. Almas goes for the cover, only to get a nearfall. Almas and Gargano trade offence once again, now with Gargano getting the upperhand following a slingshot spear. Gargano’s focus is one again shifted as Ciampa stands up in the front row and begins to insult Johnny. Gargano leaves the ring and comes face to face with Tommaso at ringside. Almas takes control of the situation as he flies out of the ring with a tope suicida, but Gargano jumps out of the way and Almas eats the guardrail. Gargano mouths off with Ciampa once more, allowing Almas to recover and push Johnny into the ring post. Almas rolls Gargano into the ring and gets another nearfall. Both men trade offence once more, with Almas connecting with an enzuigiri. Almas went up top looking for a moonsault, but Gargano rolls out of the way! Gargano capitalises by locking in the Gargano Escape as Almas yells out in pain. However, Tommaso Ciampa hops the guardrail and climbs up on the ring apron, causing the distraction that forces Gargano to release the hold. Gargano and Tommaso come face-to-face once again, with Ciampa slapping Gargano across the mouth, but before Johnny can retaliate against his former tag partner, Andrade picks him up and drops him to the mat with the Sombra Driver for the coveted one-two-three!



Boos rained down on the Barclays Center as Tommaso Ciampa’s face is painted with a smile at the sight of his fallen foe. Ciampa climbs down from the ring apron as Gargano reaches out for him while remaining on the ring mat. Tommaso sarcastically waves Johnny goodbye before hobbling back over the guardrail and out of Brooklyn. While Almas and Vega celebrate the win from the stage, Johnny Gargano remains in the middle of the ring, visibly hurt on the inside and on the outside, having lost the match and having been screwed over once again by his former best friend.


An ad is shown promoting the upcoming WWE 2K18 video game. If you preorder now, you get to play as Kurt Angle. The deluxe edition also allows you to play four days early. You can preorder the game now wherever video games are sold.


The NXT commentary trio take the time to thank the #NXTLoud bands for the epic theme songs of NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn III. Code Orange for their hit “Bleeding In The Blur”, Creeper for “Poison Pens”, and Phil Adé for “No Fear”. Check out all these great tunes on Spotify and Google Play.




It was controlled chaos here inside the Barclays Center as the Eric Young-led stable walked out infront of the sold-out crowd. Slowly making their way to the ring, both Killian Dain and Alexander Wolfe were looking intense for this contest. As SAnitY remained in the ring, the NXT Tag Team Champions Akam and Rezar came out on stage with a beat-up and battered Paul Ellering by their side. These two hoss teams stood face-to-face in the middle of the ring as Mike Rome did the usual championship introductions. As soon as the bell rung, all four men went at it in a hard-hitting brawl that spilled outside the ring. Dain and Akam pummeled one another with ferocity while Rezar got the upperhand on Wolfe. Rezar and Wolfe both became the legal men when they entered the ring, still attacking each other with heavy strikes. With some underhanded tactics, Alexander got the advantage and he tagged in the “Belfast Bruiser” Killian Dain, who dropped Rezar with a running front dropkick that made the champion fly into the turnbuckles. A quick tag later, Alexander Wolfe ascended the turnbuckles and connects with an elbow drop from the top-rope for a one count. SAnitY kept control of the match with Eric Young and Nikki Cross barking orders from ringside, often beating down Rezar and Akam with double-team moves. However, after a missed splash in the corner from Dain, The Authors of Pain regained control of the match as Rezar unleashed a fury of offence that took out both Dain and Wolfe inside the ring. Eric Young decides to hop on the ring apron to provide a distraction, but Rezar launches him into the ring as well, allowing the NXT Tag Team Champions to take him out with The Last Chapter! With Young out of the equation, The Authors look to finish things with the Super Collider, but Dain and Wolfe reversed it with two impressive-looking hurricanranas, displaying SAnitY’s agility. The match continues, as both teams scramble for control throughout with devastating strike after devastating strike. After a little while, Dain gets the upperhand over Akam and drives him to the mat with the Ulster Plantation, but the strong Author of Pain kicks out at the last second and SAnitY cannot believe it! Amidst the chaos, Akam is able to get the hot tag to Rezar, who comes in and just kicks ass. Rezar clotheslines Dain out of the ring and then beats the living hell out of Wolfe. Rezar plants Wolfe with a huge ring-shaking powerbomb, but the cover is broken up by Dain, allowing SAnitY to once again get the advantage momentum-wise in the match. Dain works over Rezar once more, that is until Akam comes too and all hell breaks loose once again! All four-men beat the daylights out of each other in the ring and outside of it, with a highlight being Rezar spearing Dain through the guardrail to huge “Holy sh*t!” chants from the Barclays Center. In the ring, Nikki Cross grabs referee Darrick Moore’s foot, providing the distraction. Eric Young then pops up to slide into the ring and hands Wolfe a lead pipe. But before Wolfe can hit the crushing blow, Paul Ellering low blows Young and grabs the pipe from Wolfe’s hands! Ellering throws it out of the ring before exited himself, allowing Rezar time to come back into the ring and finish things. With Wolfe all alone, The Authors of Pain line him up and take him out with The Last Chapter, allowing enough time for the three count for the victory.



Visibly in pain, The Authors of Pain sit up inside the ring as Paul Ellering hands them the NXT Tag Team Championships. Akam and Rezar grimace in celebration, as SAnitY slowly walks back up the ramp having been defeated this time. The AOP hold their championships up high, as they remain on top of the NXT tag team mountain.


An ad is shown promoting the epic four-hour SummerSlam event that takes place tomorrow night from the Barclays Center. WWE SummerSlam streams live on WWE Network tomorrow with a special start time of 7ET/4PT. Also, don’t miss the WWE SummerSlam Kickoff which streams live at 5ET/2PT on WWE Network!


Coming back to the live crowd here in Brooklyn, multiple guests are shown at ringside. Dignitaries such as WWE Hall of Famer Pat Patterson, Paul Heyman, former NXT Champion Seth Rollins all sit ringside to enjoy the action of NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn III! Also sitting ringside is a former Ring Of Honor World Champion… Adam Cole! Upon seeing Cole on the big screen, the NXT faithful pop huge as Adam keeps a smile on his face. “Is he here as a fan or is there something more to this?” questioned Mauro Ranallo.




Hideo Itami came out first, the sounds of his now iconic NXT Theme Music blaring throughout the Barclays Center as his face was one of stone. Itami was stoic and ready for this contest, knowing full well that if he put a stop to Aleister Black’s tear on NXT, he would get the respect he thinks he deserves. As Itami warmed up inside the ring, getting loose, the NXT Universe waited with anticipation as the lights in Brooklyn shut down, as Aleister Black soon rose from the ground. “No man is ever truly good! No man is ever truly evil!” echoed through Barclays as Aleister Black may have been the most over guy in the entire damn company with this entrance. His always cool, calm, and collected attitude poured through his body as his veins remained cold as ice. Once he got in the ring, he sat across from Itami, and the crowd was about to burst with excitement. “Ally, Ally, Ally f*ckin’ Black” chants shook the arena as Hideo Itami stood still, unfazed by the atmosphere. Both men stood face-to-face in the middle of the ring, just staring into each other’s eyes. Referee Drake Wuertz called for the official start of the contest, with the bell ringing. Black and Itami stood still, waiting for the other to strike. Itami eventually went for a kick, but Black ducks and plants him with the Black Mass kick! Itami falls limp onto the mat, completely motionless, as Black goes for the cover. Drake Weurtz counts to one… he counts to two… he counts to thre… wait a second, Itami kicks out at the very last second! The NXT crowd can’t believe it, and Aleister Black simply shrugs it off and sits down cross-legged beside his opponent. Itami struggles to get back up to his feet, but he manages to find some Fighting Spirit inside of him as he nearly kicks Black’s head off when he returns to a vertical base. And the fight is on! Both Black and Itami land strike after strike, each hit echoing throughout the Barclays Center. Itami got the upperhand after using a knife-edge chop onto the throat of Black, following it up with a Tornado Rope Cutter, once again attacking the windpipe of Black. Itami continued the assault, kicked Aleister at every opportunity with viciousness, and then scoring a nearfall after a devastating corner high knee strike. After Itami got back up, he signalled for the end as he lifted Black up onto his shoulders for the Go 2 Sleep, but Black countered and planted Hideo with a mind-crushing DDT! Black continued his momentum by locking in the Anti Cross, a beautiful modified octopus hold. Itami was writhing in pain in the middle of the ring, but he eventually managed to escape the hold by literally biting the hand of Black. Both men returned to a vertical base and teed off with strikes once again, connecting with kick after kick after kick. Both men’s chests became beet red as a huge “This is awesome!” chant breaks out within the NXT Universe here in Brooklyn! Itami ducked another Black Mass kick and then kneed Black in the head, forcing “The Dutch Destroyer” to crumble to the mat. Itami only scores a nearfall before clutching in an omoplata crossface. Black’s head was being wrenched back so far that the pain was visible on his usually calm face, but “The Root of All Evil” managed to claw his way to the bottom rope to force the rope break. “Anata wa tawagoto no ichibu o seiko” yelled a visibly upset Itami as he continued to kick the downed Black, forcing referee Drake Wuertz to step in and break it up. Black eventually regained his base, as he and Itami came face-to-face once more, Itami visibly angry and Black with a cocky smile on his face. Itami slapped Aleister Black, so hard that it wiped the smile off of Black’s face, and then headbutted him, literally cracking their heads together. Black looked down for a second, and Itami knew what may happen next, so he bailed outside the ring. Black rushed off the opposite set of ropes, jumping up and bouncing off the second rope to do a back flip into a cross-legged sitting position. Itami took the moment to rush into the ring and connect with a Busaiku Knee to the sitting Aleister. Itami goes for the cover once more, once again only getting a two-count! The NXT Universe cannot believe it, and neither can Itami… who then picks Black up and connects with a Go 2 Sleep! With Black out, Hideo once again hits the mat for a cover… once again with Aleister Black kicking out at the last possible second! “This man is not human…” exclaimed a bewildered Percy Watson from commentary. Itami wastes no time as he brings Black up for another Go 2 Sleep, but Black manages to wriggle free and drops Itami with the Black Mass kick! Itami is out, but Black collapses before he can go for the cover. With both men down, referee Wuertz has no choice but to start his count, with the arena completely buzzing. At the count of eight, both men manage to get back up to their feet as a “Fight forever!” chant breaks out. Black stretches out his jaw, requesting that Itami hit him. Hideo obliges and nearly knocks the lights out of Black. Itami smiles, then cockily sticks out his jaw, sarcastically asking for his receipt… which Black gives to him in the form of another Black Mass Kick! This one ends it as Black goes for the cover, the referee successfully counting to three, even though he could have counted to one hundred.



Aleister Black sits in the middle of the ring in his signature cross-legged position, looking as calm can be when visibly in pain. Hideo Itami lays motionless on the ring mat, as referee Drake tries to peel him off the canvas. “What a match! These two are going to be a force to be reckoned with in their respective blocks in the upcoming NXT Series.” announced Mauro Ranallo, in awe of this hard-hitting bout. “Ally, Ally, Ally f*ckin’ Black” chants echo through the Barclays Center once more as Black rises to his feet and leaves the ring, continuing his undefeated streak here tonight in Brooklyn.


A video package is shown highlighting the recent announcement on Twitter: starting right after NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn III, the NXT Series starts. This round-robin tournament will consist of two blocks of competitors where the winner will earn a shot at the NXT Championship at NXT TakeOver: Philadelphia in January. Do not miss a special #NXTSeries Press Conference this upcoming Tuesday live on WWE Network, Facebook, YouTube, and wwe.com when it occurs live at 12ET/9PT! Hear what every competitor has to say, including all the hot takes of the NXT superstars.


Backstage, Roderick Strong, one of the challengers in tonight’s NXT Championship Match, is stretching ahead of his second chance at becoming NXT Champion. Beside him his is wife and newborn child, providing him with the moral support before the match. However, this family time is put to an end as “The Chosen One” Drew McIntyre walks in and has a few words for his opponent for the night. “Listen Roddy, I’m not coming in here to cause trouble. I wanted to congratulate you on your win this past Wednesday… but don’t get too used to the feeling of winning. I came to NXT to be the best wrestler in the company and to become NXT Champion. I plan on doing that tonight… now I’m not saying lay down or anything, but after we take out Bobby Roode, I will prove that Wednesday night was a fluke.” stated McIntyre before walking out, his words stinging both Roderick Strong and his wife.




“The War Goddess of NXT” Ember Moon is the first one out here tonight as she comes out looking ready for a war. With her eyes glowing red, the challenger entered the ring and stood there confident and ready for the arrival of the champion. The lights in the Barclays Center quickly shut off, as a lone spotlight shines over the top of the entrance ramp. Out from the back are about a dozen women all donning an Asuka-like robe and with a Wakaonna mask, with red blood streaks flowing down from the eyes painted on the mask. The women form two lines on each side of the entrance, as Asuka’s theme music begins playing to signify the official entrance of the NXT Women’s Champion. Asuka walked out on stage with a robe that at least had an extra eight feet dragging on the floor, and she showed the world that she is the champion. Mike Rome handled the formal ring introductions for this championship match, with Asuka being the heavy crowd favorite. As soon as the bell rung, Ember came out like a bullet out of a chamber with a dropkick that knocks Asuka out of the ring. Moon follows up with a suicide dive, followed up with a second suicide dive. Moon, wasting no time, rolls Asuka back into the ring and goes for the quick pin, with Asuka kicking out immediately. Asuka and Ember both return to their feet and Asuka tries a kick but Moon ducks and connects with a scoop powerslam and goes for the pin. “The Empress of Tomorrow” kicks out immediately once again. Moon tries to kick Asuka when she’s down, but Asuka moves and rolls her up for a count of one. Both Asuka and Ember once again are face-to-face in a stalemate in the middle of the ring. The actions continues for a few minutes, with both Asuka and Ember Moon trading the momentum with different bursts of offence. Asuka eventually gets the upperhand and tries to wear Ember down with a seated Fujiwara armbar. Moon eventually escapes by picking Asuka up and powerbombing her onto the mat! Moon with strikes to send Asuka outside, then slides outside, Asuka dodges, Hip Attack knocks Moon off the apron and into the barricade. Asuka lets Moon come into the ring then knocks her down with kick, after kick, after kick to the chest. Asuka then bounces off the ropes and nearly decapitates Ember with a Shining Wizard, only to get a nearfall. Moon dodges a Hip Attack and nails a kick to Asuka’s midsection, bit Moon is too weary to follow up. Asuka regains control with some more kicks to Ember Moon, cutting her down like a tree. Asuka remains in control for a few minutes, until Ember Moon manages a comeback after ducking a roundhouse kick and connecting with a double underhook suplex. As Asuka remains on the mat, Ember gingerly climbs the turnbuckles and waits for the perfect opportunity to end things. As Asuka stands up, Ember flies off the top rope looking for the Eclipse, but Asuka moves out of the way! Ember lands with a thud on the ring mat and Asuka immediately capitalises with the Asuka Lock! Ember tries to wiggle out of the submission, but Asuka clinches it in tight as Ember soon fades away. With no other choice, Ember Moon is forced to tap out in the middle of the ring, allowing Asuka to successfully retain the NXT Women’s Championship.



As the bell rings, Asuka lets go of the dangerous maneuver as referee Eddie Orengo checks up on the challenger. Asuka stands tall with the NXT Championship slung over her shoulder and a smile on her face. Asuka’s historic reign as champion is now at 505+ days. “Is there anybody in this entire world that can defeat Asuka?” questioned Nigel McGuinness as Asuka continued her celebration.


A video takes over the feed of a clock spinning slowly, with an overlay of gears spinning in the opposite direction. “Time is free, but it’s priceless. You can’t own it, but you can use it. You can’t keep it, but you can spend it. And once you’ve lost it, you can never get it back…” states the voiceover, as the video switches to footage of airplanes leaving an airport. “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future…” adds the voice, as pictures of former NXT Champions like Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn, and Shinsuke Nakamura are shown when he mentions past, as well as pictures of NXT Champion Bobby Roode, Roderick Strong, and Drew McIntyre are shown at the mention of present. “Consider your time up…” continues the voice as the video now shows a man putting on a suit jacket, showing him from behind to hide his face. “… It’s my time now!” finishes the voice as the man turns around to reveal himself as “The Man of the Hour” Lio Rush! Rush winks to the camera as the video soon fades to black…


The cameras pan the NXT Universe here in Brooklyn once more, looking out for very special guests here in the Barclays Center. Sitting together at ringside are two competitors in the NXT Series, Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly. Also shown are some competitors in the Mae Young Classic, including Kairi Sane, Shayna Baszler, Candice LeRae, and Dakota Kai. The final guest shown is none other than NXT Series competitor Kota Ibushi, who received a huge pop from the Brooklyn crowd! They are all here to experience NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn III!




The Barclays Center stood on their feet as NXT TakeOver gets taken to the “Next Level” as “Mr. NXT” Roderick Strong walks out on stage and he is hyped for this second chance at becoming NXT Champion. Strong is greeted with lots of cheers from the NXT Universe. Strong’s wife has made her way to ringside to sit next to her friend Shayna Bazsler, and Roddy quickly leaves the ring to give her and their child a kiss before returning to the ring for tonight’s main event. As the crowd calms down, the bagpipes of Drew McIntyre’s music plays throughout the Barclays Center and the theme plays for a good moment but nobody comes out. Eventually, the theme is cut and then it is replaced by another. “What's that metronome I hear. Perhaps the end is drawing near. You never hear the shot that takes you down.” And to a good reaction from the Barclays Center, Drew McIntyre walks out on stage with his old entrance music and he is also fired up. This is his first shot at becoming NXT Champion, and McIntyre is ready to show the world why he was and always will be “The Chosen One”. As McIntyre enters the ring, he and Strong come face to face while the theme continues to play, “Out of time, so say goodbye. What is yours, now is mine. And I dream broken dreams”. As the theme fades out, both Strong and Drew trade words in the ring as the Barclays Center waits in anticipation for the entrance of the NXT Champion. The anticipation grows as a large choir and two pianists walk out on stage as they begin chanting the theme of “The Glorious One”. As the chant dies down, the NXT crowd comes to life when “GLOOORRRIOOUUSSS” blasts around the walls of the Barclays Center as the NXT Champion walks out on stage with a smile on his face while wearing an expensive robe and proudly wearing the NXT Championship around his waist. The entire city of Brooklyn sung along to the glorious entrance theme of Bobby Roode as he basked in his glory. As all three men stood in the ring, NXT announcer Mike Rome handled the formal championship introductions, with Roderick Strong being the heavy crowd favorite in the match. As the bell rung, all three competitors looked at one another in the middle of the ring, the NXT universe buzzing already. Both Strong and McIntyre look at each other and then nod their heads, followed by both of them blasting Roode with a double clothesline! And we are off! The Champion rolls out of the ring to safety as Roderick and Drew trade strikes in the ring, allowing Drew to get the upperhand by putting Strong down with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Drew goes for the quick cover, but Roode is in the ring to break it up. All three men trade offence for the next few minutes, but eventually Roode got the advantage after he clotheslines McIntyre out of the ring. Strong followed it up by booting Bobby right in the face, forcing him to leave the ring as well. Strong follows it up, to the delight of the hot crowd, with a tope suicida that levels both McIntyre and Roode. Roddy rolls Roode into the ring, and only gets a one-count on his pinfall attempt. Strong doesn’t stop there as he isolates Bobby Roode in the ring and just goes to town with multiple backbreaker variations with malice. Roode screams in agony but Strong cannot secure a pinfall as McIntyre reenters the ring and cuts him off with a big boot. McIntyre launches Strong outside the ring and goes for the cover on Roode, but the champion kicks out at two. Drew continues his offence on both men for a good minute, until Roode lowblows him to swing momentum his way. The NXT Champion takes control of the match connecting with a spinebuster on McIntyre, followed by a spinebuster on Strong. Roode keeps control by beating down Strong while McIntyre lays in the corner trying to regroup himself. Roode and Roddy fight to the corner, where Strong gets the advantage for a quick moment by chopping the chest of the champion. Upon trying another chop, Roode gets out of the way and drives his shoulder into Roddy’s sternum! Bobby lifts Strong up onto the top turnbuckle and signals for a superplex, but Roode is intercepted by Drew McIntyre who places himself into a prime powerbomb position. McIntyre pushes off as he powerbombs Roode who superplexes Roderick Strong! All three men are down on the mat as the Barclays Center erupts with a huge “This is awesome!” chant. McIntyre goes for the cover on Roode, only to get a nearfall. He then tries for the cover on Strong, with Roddy kicking out at the last possible moment. McIntyre becomes angry as he lifts Strong up and plants him with the Future Shock DDT and goes for another cover, but Roode breaks it up. Strong rolls out of the ring as Roode and McIntyre trade moves inside the ring, with McIntyre eventually getting the advantage and connecting with the Claymore. McIntyre drops down and goes for the pinfall. Count of one… count of two… count of thre… but Strong jumps in and breaks the pinfall! At this point, McIntyre becomes frustrated, knowing he had the match won had it not been a triple threat match, and he unleashes severe punishment on Strong, while taunting Roddy’s wife in the front row. The actions of “The Chosen One” are not doing him any favours in the eyes of the Brooklyn crowd. McIntyre tries to connect with another Future Shock DDT on Strong, but Roode intercepts it with a huge clothesline taking down the Scot. Roode follows that up with Glorious Bomb on McIntyre, and goes for the cover, but Drew kicks out at two! Roode can’t believe it, but he has no time to react as Roderick Strong comes in hot with a shining wizard to Bobby’s face! Strong goes for the cover, but Roode kicks out at two. Strong picks Roode back up and hits him with the End of Heartache! Strong drops down and goes for the pin, getting the one, the two, and the thr… but McIntyre breaks up the pin and plants Strong with the Future Shock DDT! Drew throws Roode out of the ring and then plants Roderick with a second Future Shock DDT. Instead of going for the cover, McIntyre simply smiles and winks towards Strong’s family, before connecting with a third and final Future Shock DDT! With Strong down and out, McIntyre drops down and secures the pinfall to become the new NXT Champion!



Bobby Roode couldn’t believe the result of the match as he sat against the guardrail outside the ring, he is no longer the NXT Champion and he wasn’t even involved with the result. Meanwhile, Drew McIntyre was all smiles inside the ring as his earlier cheers turned to boos as he is handed the NXT Championship. Broken Dreams blares throughout the Barclays Center as Roderick Strong remains motionless in pain inside the ring. “Drew McIntyre is the new NXT Champion, and he just broke all the dreams of Roderick Strong.” claims Mauro as McIntyre takes his time to celebrate the victory. Welcome to a new era of NXT.


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#WeAreNXT Prediction Contest




With NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn III in the books, we now advance to stage 2 of the #WeAreNXT Prediction Contest. I would like to thank all of those who predicted TakeOver, and I hope more people jump on board this prediction contest. We have some great prizes for this inaugural contest.


With that being said, he are the current standing for the #WeAreNXT Prediction Contest...


T-1 -




5 -

6 -




Thank you all!


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August 23rd, 2017 | Barclays Center in Brooklyn, NY | only on WWE Network

Only four days removed from the historic and awe-inspiring NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn III, the entire landscape of NXT changes tonight with the official start of the NXT Series! Split between two blocks, sixteen NXT superstars will compete for a chance of becoming number one contender for the NXT Championship, the eventual winner earning a championship opportunity at NXT TakeOver: Philadelphia come January.

Both blocks will be represented in tonight's action, as the A Block will be represented by a bout between "NXT's Knockout Kid" Kassius Ohno and "NXT's Best Kept Secret" Buddy Murphy. Meanwhile, the B Block will feature a sure-to-be-lit brawl between SAnitY's Eric Young and "The Boston Bruiser" Oney Lorcan. Who will walk out of Brooklyn with the very first points in the NXT Series?

All this and much more tonight on WWE NXT! Streaming live on WWE Network tonight at 8ET!


NXT Series
| A Block
Buddy Murphy vs. Kassius Ohno

NXT Series | B Block
Eric Young vs. Oney Lorcan

With the announcement that he is going to the main roster in the backstage Superstar Shakeup, have we seen the last of Bobby Roode in NXT?
Yes or No? Why?

How have y'all been liking the diary so far? Do you have a 
favorite match from the diary so far? Or a favorite character?

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NXT Series | A Block

Buddy Murphy vs. Kassius Ohno

Prediction: Kassius Ohno



NXT Series | B Block

Eric Young vs. Oney Lorcan

Prediction: Eric Young




With the announcement that he is going to the main roster in the backstage Superstar Shakeup, have we seen the last of Bobby Roode in NXT?

Yes or No? Why? He still wants to get one more title match.

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NXT Series | A Block

Buddy Murphy vs. Kassius Ohno


NXT Series | B Block

Eric Young vs. Oney Lorcan



With the announcement that he is going to the main roster in the backstage Superstar Shakeup, have we seen the last of Bobby Roode in NXT?

Yes or No? Why?- He still wants revenge on McIntyre


I'm loving this dynasty and I'm very excited to see where the NXT Series will go.

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<p>NXT Series | A Block</p><p>

Buddy Murphy vs. Kassius Ohno</p><p>

Prediction: Kassius Ohno</p><p>

Reason: My boi</p><p> </p><p>

NXT Series | B Block</p><p>

Eric Young vs. Oney Lorcan</p><p>

Prediction: Eric Young</p><p>

Reason: Really want to pick Oney, but ehhhh</p><p> </p><p>


With the announcement that he is going to the main roster in the backstage Superstar Shakeup, have we seen the last of Bobby Roode in NXT?</p><p>

Yes or <strong>No</strong>? Why? Due for a rematch.</p>

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<p>NXT Series | A Block</p><p>

<strong>Buddy Murphy</strong> vs. Kassius Ohno</p><p>


Reason:</p><p> </p><p>

NXT Series | B Block</p><p>

<strong>Eric Young</strong> vs. Oney Lorcan</p><p>


Reason:</p><p> </p><p>


With the announcement that he is going to the main roster in the backstage Superstar Shakeup, have we seen the last of Bobby Roode in NXT?</p><p>

Yes or <strong>No</strong>? Why? <strong>He will have a title rematch</strong></p>

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<p>NXT Series | A Block</p><p>

Buddy Murphy vs. Kassius Ohno</p><p>

Prediction: <strong><em>Kassius Ohno</em></strong></p><p> </p><p>

NXT Series | B Block</p><p>

Eric Young vs. Oney Lorcan</p><p>

Prediction: <strong><em>Eric Young</em></strong></p><p> </p><p>


With the announcement that he is going to the main roster in the backstage Superstar Shakeup, have we seen the last of Bobby Roode in NXT?</p><p>

Yes or <strong><em>No</em></strong>?</p><p> </p><p>

Overall, love the layout and intrigued to see where you go from here</p>

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<p>NXT Series | A Block</p><p>

Buddy Murphy vs. <strong>Kassius Ohno</strong></p><p>

Reason:</p><p> </p><p>

NXT Series | B Block</p><p>

Eric Young vs. <strong>Oney Lorcan</strong></p><p>

Reason:</p><p> </p><p>


With the announcement that he is going to the main roster in the backstage Superstar Shakeup, have we seen the last of Bobby Roode in NXT?</p><p>

Yes or No? Why?</p><p>

<strong>Yes, I hope so. He doesn't need to be in NXT</strong></p>

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WWE NXT: August 23, 2017


August 23rd, 2017 – A video package is shown highlighting the events of the historic NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn III event from this past Saturday in the Barclays Center. Set to the tune of “No Fear” by Phil Adé, the video focuses on the three championship matches during the weekend extravaganza. The Authors of Pain retained their Tag Team Championships against SAnitY’s Alexander Wolfe and Killian Dain, Asuka continued her historic NXT Women’s Championship reign by defeating Ember Moon, plus Drew McIntyre ushered in a new NXT era when he dethroned Bobby Roode to become the new NXT Champion!


“And tonight, WWE history is made, as the Superstars of NXT kick off the NXT Series, a 16-man round robin tournament to crown the number one contender for the NXT Championship.” states a voiceover as the video transitions to shots of all the NXT Series competitors in action, with “Born For Greatness” by Papa Roach playing in the background. This NXT Series features Aleister Black, Buddy Murphy, Johnny Gargano, Kassius Ohno, Kyle O’Reilly, Luke Harper, Roderick Strong, and The Velveteen Dream in the A Block. And featured in the B Block is Andrade “Cien” Almas, Bobby Fish, Dolph Ziggler, Eric Young, Gran Metalik, Hideo Itami, Kota Ibushi, and Oney Lorcan! And the Series kicks off up next! The cameras then cut to Mauro Ranallo, Percy Watson, and Vic Joseph who are once again in the Barclays Center here in Brooklyn for another night of NXT action!


NXT SERIES | BUDDY MURPHY (2) DEF. KASSIUS OHNO (0) – In his quest to use the NXT Series as his coming party to the NXT Universe, “NXT’s Best Kept Secret” Buddy Murphy took on Kassius Ohno in a great match to kick off the NXT Series. Ohno and Murphy tore the house down with Ohno almost getting the victory with a huge discus big boot that echoed around the Center. But in the end, Buddy Murphy secured the first upset of the NXT Series by dropping Kassius with the Murphy’s Law running brainbuster followed by a beautiful Shooting Star Press to secure the pinfall.


The NXT Universe cannot believe it as Buddy Murphy rises to his feet, clutching his stomach, and celebrates the win. Ohno eventually stands back up with help from the ropes and the two meet face-to-face in the middle of the ring. Kassius extends his hand to the victor, who after waiting for a quick second, he accepts the handshake. Ohno raises Murphy’s hand in the air, signalling who the better man was here tonight.


An ad is shown promoting the upcoming WWE 2K18 video game. If you preorder now, you get to play as Kurt Angle. The deluxe edition also allows you to play four days early. You can preorder the game now wherever video games are sold.


A graphic is shown showcasing the current standings in the A Block of the NXT Series.


A video package is shown highlighting the NXT career so far of Aleister Black. This man is not a good person, nor is he an evil person. He is the perfect balance of true good and pure evil, allowing his violent side to show in the ring as NXT’s resident Hellion. Aleister Black is one of the sixteen competitors in the NXT Series.


In a WWE.com exclusive, an irate Bobby Roode walks around the Barclays Center, this video having been shot immediately following his loss in the NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn III main event. Roode demands for NXT General Manager William Regal. Regal is on the other side of the hall, speaking to some NXT prospects about the company. Regal’s attention is diverted by the angry Roode interrupting his speech, the former NXT Champion demanding the result be reversed because he was not involved in the winning fall. Regal refused, but did have a proposition, that he made official right then and there… in three weeks, Bobby Roode will receive a rematch against Drew McIntyre for the NXT Championship!


An ad is shown promoting the release of the first round of the Mae Young Classic, being released on WWE Network on August 28th! Do not miss this chance to see the future of women’s wrestling as competitors like Abbey Laith, Shayna Baszler, Sarah Logan, Candice LeRae, Toni Storm, Jazzy Gabert, and Kairi Sane all vie to become the winner of the first-ever Mae Young Classic!


A video takes over the feed of a clock spinning slowly, with an overlay of gears spinning in the opposite direction. “Time is free, but it’s priceless. You can’t own it, but you can use it. You can’t keep it, but you can spend it. And once you’ve lost it, you can never get it back…” states the voiceover, as the video switches to footage of airplanes leaving an airport. “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future…” adds the voice, as pictures of former NXT Champions like Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn, and Shinsuke Nakamura are shown when he mentions past, as well as pictures of NXT Champion Drew McIntyre are shown at the mention of present. “Consider your time up…” continues the voice as the video now shows a man putting on a suit jacket, showing him from behind to hide his face. “… It’s my time now!” finishes the voice as the man turns around to reveal himself as “The Man of the Hour” Lio Rush! Rush winks to the camera as the video soon fades to black…


Next week, the A Block in the NXT Series will be action with three huge matches. The Velveteen Dream faces Kyle O’Reilly, Johnny Gargano takes on Buddy Murphy, and in his NXT return Luke Harper faces Kassius Ohno in the main event! Who will get their all-important points in this tournament of championship contenders?



With SAnitY by his side, Eric Young managed to secure himself two points here in the NXT Series, by coming out victorious in this wild brawl with “The Boston Bruiser”. Lorcan was no slouch in the ring, putting in an effort worthy of his spot here in the Series. Oney almost got the points, but following a distraction from Nikki Cross, Eric Young was able to connect with the Youngblood for the win.


A graphic is shown showcasing the current standings in the B Block of the NXT Series.


In the closing shot of this week’s edition of WWE NXT, the WWE cameras are zoomed in on a shot of the nameplate on a door signalling it as General Manager William Regal’s office. Soon, a man with a cocky smile dressed in a suit with his hair slicked back in a ponytail walks by the cameras and stands in front of the door. The man turns his head around, revealing himself as Adam Cole, and winks at the camera before walking into the office of the General Manager.

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Well guys, it looks like my imgur glitched and purged nearly all of my images from my account. I tried to recover them to no avail. Not sure what happened to everything, but alas I do not feel like redoing all of my graphics and reformatting everything. So WWE: The NXT Generation is dead in the water, I guess. :/. Going to take a hiatus from doing diaries.


Quote this if you wanna know the plans for your favourite NXT stars and I'll respond. I'll also upload the NXT Series finals standings and results.


This freaking sucks.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Hollywood" data-cite="Hollywood" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="44050" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;">Well guys, it looks like my imgur glitched and purged nearly all of my images from my account. I tried to recover them to no avail. Not sure what happened to everything, but alas I do not feel like redoing all of my graphics and reformatting everything. So WWE: The NXT Generation is dead in the water, I guess. :/. Going to take a hiatus from doing diaries.</div></div></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div></div></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> Quote this if you wanna know the plans for your favourite NXT stars and I'll respond. I'll also upload the NXT Series finals standings and results.</div></div></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div></div></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> This freaking sucks.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Damn man that sucks. I once had the same happen to me actually but it only deleted half of my imgur images for some reason. I really thought this was one of the best Dynasties running on the board so I'm bummed out to see it die and with it perhaps your passion for diaries. Hoping to see you bounce back with another classic.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Rainmaker" data-cite="Rainmaker" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="44050" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Damn man that sucks. I once had the same happen to me actually but it only deleted half of my imgur images for some reason. I really thought this was one of the best Dynasties running on the board so I'm bummed out to see it die and with it perhaps your passion for diaries. Hoping to see you bounce back with another classic.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I may have something else brewing, but it may not debut for another couple months. My passion for diaries isn't dead, just taking a small hiatus... <span style="font-size:8px"><span style="color:White">to </span></span><span style="font-size:8px"><span style="color:White"><em>perhaps </em></span></span><span style="font-size:8px"><span style="color:White">plan out my next project in great details</span></span>.</p><p> </p><p> <img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png"></p>
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