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Until someone joins the Dark Order and starts winning, the whole stable means very little.


I liked Cody vs Jungle Boy, but the table spot was dumb. They got up incredibly quickly and went to the finish, which was just a wrestling move. No drama. No purpose. Just a bump to be a bump.


Get Spears away from Tully. Spears is a goofy guy. Not a serious threat.


Bryan Cage does my favourite squashes. He doesn't just hit one clothesline and make mean faces. He swarms them immediately.


Plus the Drill Claw is freaking awesome.

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You have some pretty good ideas Dalton. I'm a bit iffy on turning Cody heel so soon, especially when he's permanently out of the AEW Championship scene, which for now is still considered the main event. But if they give Scorpio Sky a big solo push and split Omega/Hangman that would give them enough top babyfaces to balance Cody's turn.
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You have some pretty good ideas Dalton. I'm a bit iffy on turning Cody heel so soon, especially when he's permanently out of the AEW Championship scene, which for now is still considered the main event. But if they give Scorpio Sky a big solo push and split Omega/Hangman that would give them enough top babyfaces to balance Cody's turn.


I am so torn on Cody turning heel. He is so damn good at being both a face and a heel, and before the pandemic was easily getting a top three babyface reaction in AEW. He is also cutting the best babyface promos we've heard in a long time.


That being said, he is clearly shifting a bit towards the middle of the face-heel spectrum. His promo on the Dynamite after DoN was heelish and egotistical. In the match with Jungle Boy he clearly played the heel, but that may just be because he wanted to put over Jungle Boy as the sympathetic underdog.

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<p>Dark was an okay show this week. Some thoughts:</p><p> </p><p>

- I liked that Lee Johnson got some more time to show what he can actually do. His match with 5 was rock solid.</p><p> </p><p>

- The QT Marshall and Allie storyline is fun and the match this week with Zack Clayton (I'm sure I got this wrong) was a pretty decent affair. Clayton is worth having another look at.</p><p> </p><p>

- Sonny is getting there. Hopefully they tag him with Janela since he's not really doing anything now the Sabian feud is over.</p><p> </p><p>

- The main event is neither here nor there for me. Maybe it was too long but I liked how that played into the story with Brian Cage watching and Taz on commentary.</p>

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<p>I loved Dark. They are doing a good job of building undercard stories and giving indie talent exposure.</p><p> </p><p>

- I think it's time for SCU to break up. Daniels and Kaz should turn on Scorp.</p><p>

- I hope they do a Dark Order power struggle when Uno and Grayson return.</p><p>

- PnP know how to make their squash matches entertaining.</p><p>

- Anthony Catena is the son of Dick "The Destroyer" Beyer (aka Dr. X) of NWA, AWA and All Japan fame who died last year age 88.</p><p>

- Allie's shirts LOL. Loved her on commentary and her ringside antics. Zack Clayton has potential.</p><p>

- Sonny vs Daniels was good. Daniels getting frustrated was a nice touch.</p><p>

- Cutler & Avalon vs Jurassic Express was good.</p><p>

- Anthony vs Mox was great. Didn't expect Cage to be on Dark. Taz with the A+ hype and analysis game.</p>

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<p>I can admit to jumping the gun on disliking The Butcher and the Blade. Blade's bleached hair really improved his look. </p><p> </p><p>

Very solid showing against FTR.</p><p> </p><p>

It's also nice that they're following tag rules for once.</p>

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- Jerigoat back on commentary. Butcher & Blade vs FTR was good. I love the attention to detail with a sullen Spears sitting apart from Tully. Post-match was a reminder of how stacked the tag division is.

- Love the Allie/Nightmare Family storyline.

- Ford & Nyla vs Statlander & Shida was good. Sick Double Knee Drop from Nyla. Huge win for Ford.

- They should get Tony Hawk ringside for Darby's next big match.

- Inner Circle vs Best Friends & OC was good. OC got juiced :o

- Classic MJF promo.

- Sammy vs Colt was solid. Dark Order Unite! LOL Hardy.

- Janela and Kiss back together. Mox with the fire. Nice preview for the Fyter Fest match with Cage.

- Quen vs Cody © was my MOTN. Great selling from Quen. The Corkscrew DDT and 450 to the ramp were impressive. Brawl!


Very entertaining show.

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Wasn't much of a fan of the ME, Quen really is one of those goofy guys that has to flip and fly all the time.


The women's match ... we literally have seen these 4 women fight each other in all kinds of variations by now, it's getting annoying. Having a women's division just for the sake of having one isn't a good idea imo, especially if the majority of matches are just bad. If they wouldn't have Britt Baker I'd say they should just scrap that division. Getting quality female talent should be AEW's #1 priority if they wanna have the women on their main show.


Matt Hardy's gimmick(s) not working for me. The broken gimmick was great back in TNA but now this variation of all kinds of gimmicks ... just no. Delete Matt Hardy from AEW please.


The Dark Order ... they better do something to spice up their storyline soon, this has been a joke right from the start. Sucks that they bury Brodie Lee in this god-awful stable. Cabana potentially joining them won't do anything aside of making Cabana look bad.


About Allie and the Nightmare Family: I'm not watching Dark, so did we ever get an explanation why she left The Butcher and The Blade?

(Now that I think about this: what happened to Awesome Kong and the Nightmare Collective? Did they ever give us an explanation why they just disappeared?)


I really liked the FTR match, Jericho on commentary is gold, MJF on the mic is always entertaining, Mox/Cage angle was great, Inner Circle beating up OC was what I wanted to see for weeks :D


I like the Tully - Spears tension, I really hope they use Tully more in the future. He's great in the manager role, much better than Arn imo.



All in all a good show. One of the better Dynamites during the "Corona season".

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Dynamite thoughts!


- FTR's debut was rock solid. I was a little concerned that the beginning of the post-match was them building to Young Bucks vs FTR and I'm glad I was wrong. They better have a crowd in the building for that.


- Penelope Ford getting the fall was an interesting development. Maybe she's Shida's challenger at Fyter Fest? I'm looking forward to seeing how she does in a bigger match since she's mostly been used as enhancement so far.


- Colt Cabana has been very good in AEW, he's taken to the whole wrestling on national TV deal like a duck to water. Very excited to see what he does with The Dark Order. CULT CABANA!


- What on earth was Brian Cage wearing? I'm really having a hard time buying into him and Taz. Worst of all, I could see Brian Cage winning just so they can promote Mox trying to regain the title on one of the shows when crowds return. They don't really lose anything by having Cage win it, if you catch my drift...


- Marc Quen knocked it out the park in the main event. I'm on the fence about Hager challenging for the TNT Title because I feel like he has to lose and I don't know if that's the smartest thing since he lost his last big singles match against Mox. But I understand that Cody needs a credible contender they can build towards.


Good show this week. Slightly disappointed for them because I hear the ratings weren't great, but then again not much was really promoted for the show.

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Heard a rumor that Ricky Starks from NWA might answer Cody's open challenge on Dynamite next week. That would be amazing. Starks was one of the big highlights on Powerrr and I miss watching him.


Never seen him wrestle but heard good things. These 2 videos highlight his charisma and promo skills. Given his young age AEW would do well to lock him up before NXT does.


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Never seen him wrestle but heard good things. These 2 videos highlight his charisma and promo skills. Given his young age AEW would do well to lock him up before NXT does.



It would be very bittersweet if Starks got signed by AEW. It would give him a bigger platform to further his career, but he fits in so well with the new NWA and seems like a star in waiting. It'd be great if he was able to find that fame with the NWA since they're the first major company to give him a shot.


Still though, Cody vs Starks would be great if he indeed does show up. If he's still champ post July 15th, I expect guys like Heath Slater to get a shot too.

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Never seen him wrestle but heard good things. These 2 videos highlight his charisma and promo skills. Given his young age AEW would do well to lock him up before NXT does.




Cody did comment on that second video on Twitter when it was released. Nick Aldis twice on Power (once as a heel and once as a face) said that Ricky Starks would be his #1 draft pick. I haven't seen him work outside of NWA which has a VERY old school in ring style, so I don't know how he'd fit in AEW. But he has awesome charisma and is a great talker. Stroke Daddy is a lovable d-bag.

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Saw a post on reddit saying Ricky Starks signed with AEW. Like I said before, its kinda bittersweet. I'm happy for him for signing with a major company, but I'm going to miss him in NWA.


Great pick up for AEW. The kid has talent and charisma out the wazoo.

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Saw a post on reddit saying Ricky Starks signed with AEW. Like I said before, its kinda bittersweet. I'm happy for him for signing with a major company, but I'm going to miss him in NWA.


Great pick up for AEW. The kid has talent and charisma out the wazoo.


I've seen some random Twitter accounts say this, but haven't been able to find a real source yet.


You're probably right though. I could definitely see him answering Cody's open challenge this week.

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<p>Kris Statlander is out with an ACL after diving on to Kip in the tag match. Didn't look that bad on the replay but she was clutching it immediately.</p><p> </p><p>

They can focus on Shida and Ford for now. After Fyter Fest Swole, Jaynes, Allie and Jay are going to have to wrestle on Dynamite. They should be begging Priscilla Kelly to sign at least short term. She's got some name value and is solid in the ring.</p>

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As someone not very well versed in women's wrestling outside of major names, who are some names they could bring in to bolster the women's division? I just saw a tweet from Anna Jay that she's having a match tonight. She seemed like she could go in her first match but I don't remember much. She's 21 too so that's a huuuuge plus. I hope Bea Pristley comes in long term. I don't know many others tbh
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As someone not very well versed in women's wrestling outside of major names, who are some names they could bring in to bolster the women's division? I just saw a tweet from Anna Jay that she's having a match tonight. She seemed like she could go in her first match but I don't remember much. She's 21 too so that's a huuuuge plus. I hope Bea Pristley comes in long term. I don't know many others tbh


Names I'd like to see:

Tessa Blanchard

Thunder Rosa

Cheerleader Melissa

Allysin Kay


Jamie Hayter

Bea Priestly

Priscilla Kelly

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Names I'd like to see:

Tessa Blanchard

Thunder Rosa

Cheerleader Melissa

Allysin Kay


Jamie Hayter

Bea Priestly

Priscilla Kelly


Jamie Hayter and Bea Priestly are already signed but unavailable. Ivelisse is problematic. Tessa has fallen out with IMPACT now so she's super problematic.


Priscilla Kelly, Cheerleader Melissa, Allysin Kay, Madison Eagles, Nicole Savoy, Thunder Rosa (when her NWA contract runs out if it hasn't already) and Solo Darling would be the best stateside talent to sign up. Most of them are super experienced.

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