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Next week is stacked!


* Best Friends/Orange Cassidy/Jurassic Express vs. Inner Circle

* Kenny Omega & Hangman Page vs. Dark Order - Tag Titles

* Jon Moxley & Darby Allin vs. Ricky Starks & Brian Cage - Tornado Tag

* Hikaru Shida vs. Diamante

* Cody Rhodes Open Challenge (possibly Warhorse).



Jericho and OC are getting mainstream coverage




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I thought Ivelisse vs Diamante was sloppy as hell. The announcers talked about how they've faced each other a ton and knew each other well but it looked like they had zero chemistry.


I know both are good workers so I was very let down by the match.


I popped for Eddie Kingston.


Ricky Starks pairing up with Taz and Cage is a little odd because he's great on the mic. Hopefully he gets some spotlight to himself.


As soon as Serpentico got involved I knew it was Sammy. Great return though.


Best Friends and Jurassic Express vs Inner Circle should be a blast.

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Eddie Kingston about to give birth soon? That belly :D


It's weird that they make Cody look so weak during the past weeks. He should squash guys like Kiss and Kingston. And the match wasn't anything special either.


MJF on the mic and match and Taz on the mic were the only good things on a pretty boring show imo.

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<p>They just announced Warhorse as next week's challenger and Cody said it won't last 5 minutes. I would be OK with Kingston interfering so we get Kingston vs Warhorse and a Kingston/Cody rematch.</p><p> </p><p>

But I hope Scorpio Sky gets the title shot at All Out unless they plan to circle back to Archer.</p>

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I was just reading an article about Chris Jericho being in Kevin Smith's new horror movie. The article made me laugh because it had Jericho listed as a former wrestler. I guess that shows how mainstream AEW is and how much brand awareness they have with normies.
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Cardona(Zack Ryder) is in amazing shape!!


I love him and I'm happy to see him in AEW, but wtf was that debut? That was the most forced angle in AEW's history so far. Two Dark Order goons attack Cody for literally no reason, literally for the sole purpose of having Cody be saved.


Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to see Cardona here, but man oh man if there's not some sort of follow up between Cody and the Dark Order then that may be the worst debut ever.


EDIT: Well I'm happy to say that my dreams have come true and Tony Khan read my comment :D

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I really hope AEW hasn't actually signed Ariane to a contract. She was so bad in WWE and she has zero name value. I forgot she existed until tonight.


I loved the Lethal Lottery style tournaments WCW did, so the Deadly Draw should be fun.


Diamante and Shida had negative chemistry. I don't know if there's a language barrier or just a clash of styles, but just not a good showing for either woman.


I know Diamante is capable of good matches though so hopefully she finds her stride soon.


I don't see the appeal of Warhorse at all. He's a mediocre talent that randomly headbangs and looks like a goofball. Decent enough match, but Cody can get that out of damn near anyone


The finish of the main event made me cringe in a good way. Starks's back got messed up! Hopefully they let Starks talk more. He's such a good promo.


MJF vs Mox at All Out should be fun, but I just don't see MJF really standing a chance of winning. He's a star in waiting, but I don't think it's his time yet.

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- Inner Circle vs Best Friends, OC & Jurassic Express was a fun cluster**** but could have been a lot better. Wasn't expecting Hardy to interfere.

- WARHORSE vs Cody © was good but still one of Cody's weaker title defenses. LOL Reynolds & Silver. I was hoping Kingston would show up. Didn't recognize Cardona at first.

- Son of el bitch! An actual legit looking contract signing.

- Dark Order vs Page & Omega © was great. LOL at Page fighting during Kenny entrance. Anna Jay is back with a Domino mask! The paper beatings from BTE made Dynamite!

- Dr. Britt still ducking Swole.

- Diamante vs Shida © was solid but sloppy. Diamante still needs a lot of polish.

- Nyla will have to do the heavy lifting for her tag team.

- MJF with the entourage and branding LOL. Classic promo.

- Mox & Darby vs Cage & Starks was good even though it didn't last long. Taz's commentary helped sell the action. Love to see Starks getting mic time.


Last week was better but still an entertaining show.

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MJF stole the show, what a promo! I liked quite a bunch of matches on the show, namely Cody vs Warhorse, Omega and Page vs Dark Order (the aftermath was hot garbo though) and the main event.


All in all a good show.


btw: Taz instead of Excalibur makes the commentary A LOT better imo.

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Stu Grayson is bloody good isn't he?


I'm glad the Dark Order as a whole has actually turned out quite entertaining after they're really lame start. The Colt stuff is fun. Anna Jay is a cutie.


Taynara from NXT is in the Deadly Draw tag tournament

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What an insanely weird episode of Dynamite


Lots of good, some bad. Most of the bad has to do with the weird segues between segments. It was so obvious it was pre-recorded, and what in the world was that fake crowd noise?


Spoiler in white:

Bischoff was a shock. Don't like him much so I hope its a one-off unless they have a plan that involves him staying as far away from booking plans.


Cardona coming out before Cody in Cardona's debut is peak Cody, as much as I am a Cody apologist. It just reeks of HHH.


Loved the debate, loved the main event, enjoyed the 12 man tag, I even enjoyed Reba/Swole.


But the fake crowd noise and awful transitions between segments is hard to overlook. I might be the biggest AEW fan on the board (I have a freakin dynasty of em) but even I can't shake the feeling of tonight feeling "bleh." But my expectations are sky high every week.

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12 man tag was a fun trainwreck. Ignoring the tag rules still annoys the hell out of me though.


Good Mox promo.


Santana & Ortiz should have won, but destroying the van was nice revenge.


The MJF presidential campaign is stupid as hell. Especially the poll. He's a great talker, but that angle was just idiotic.


I'm intrigued by the Hardy/Sammy feud. Matt looked like he got busted open the hard way. So much blood.


Cardona and Cody obviously won, but Silver and Reynolds looked good in defeat. If the tag division wasn't so stacked I feel they'd be higher on the food chain.


The debate between Jericho and Orange was far more fun than it had any right to be. Orange's promo skills were better than I expected. Really hope he picks up the win next week.


Swole is awful. Reba is awful. Ugh


Mox and Darby put on a pretty solid main event.


Next week should be fun. Scorpio vs Cody should be a blast and if Jericho vs Orange is even half as good as their previous match, we're in for a treat.

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- The Elite & FTR vs Dark Order was a MOTY Contender. Smart choice to make it fast-paced so everyone could get a bit of shine. I got worked by the injury until Page went backstage with FTR. Dark Order have the momentum to take the tag titles at All Out.

- Mox giving Darby the rub with that promo.

- PnP vs Best Friends was great but they were put in a difficult spot following the opener.

- LOL MJF. Sammy/Hardy feud off to a crazy start. No not Sue's mini-van!

- Silver & Reynolds vs Cardona & Cody was great. Scorpio!

- OC/Jericho debate was fun. Bischoff was used perfectly.

- Reba vs Swole was a nothing match but worked well enough as an angle.

- Darby vs Mox © was another MOTY Contender. Shoutout to Minoru Suzuki with the Gotch Piledriver.


Fantastic show, especially for tag team wrestling.



Exclusive Mox post-match promo:

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Better show than usual, but that Mox-Allin promo was just a perfect example of why the Jon Moxley character is lacking something to set it apart from all the other hardcore S&M freaks that liter the Hardcore wrestling world. And that Allin is basically the exact same character but with more depth and a more entertaining style.


The Reba vs. Swole thing was probably the most TNA booking I've seen in a while. Successfully helped absolutely nobody and made the star heel look like an idiot that gets laughs. Big no-no.


Everything else was fine, the old guys coming back every other week is getting old probably should lean on that a bit less, especially with where they're shooting and the state of the world.

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