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The All Elite Wrestling Discussion Thread


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- Swole Family vs Nightmare Sisters was solid. Cue people bitching about Brandi being in the Final... even though it's good for Allie and Swole is already in a storyline.

- TayJay vs Ivelisse & Diamante was good. Conti has improved a lot since she was last on NXT.

- Nice post-match promos.

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<p>THIS ending is everything that that ending should've been back in December, if you all remember. </p><p> </p><p>

The Dark Order is a THREAT. Cody was 18-1 going in with his only loss being a dirty one to MJF at Revolution six months ago.</p><p> </p><p>

I am so happy. I have no idea where this story is headed!</p><p> </p><p>

All in all, definitely one of the best Dynamites in a long time, and think of the ground that covers.</p>

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- FTR vs Private Party was great.

- Another classic Mox promo.

- MJF mad. LOL at Nina trying to smile the whole segment. The lawyer is a great promo. Stipulation match incoming.

- Natural Nightmares & Jurassic Express vs Butcher/Blade & Lucha Bros was great. Pentagon reminding me of Lucha Underground with those stiff kicks to Dustin. Oh crap, Eddie just grabbed himself a stable like a Boss. I hope he turns on them and recruits PnP.

- Dr. Britt is smart.

- Mimosa Mayhem hype! Champagne beatdown.

- Dark Order 3,4 & 5 vs The Elite was great.

- FTR playing Hangman like a fiddle.

- Darby vs Hobbs was solid. Ricky Allin!

- Sweet revenge for Hardy.

- Yes, the Thunder Rosa rumor was true!

- Diamante & Ivelisse vs Nightmare Sisters was good. I'd like to see Diamante & Ivelisse feud with TayJay.

- Brodie vs Cody © was a good squash reminiscent of Lesnar vs Cena. I thought it would go to TV time remaining with a rematch at All Out. The whole Nightmare Family got rekt. Shocking result :o


Fantastic tag team wrestling and a killer ending.

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What is most astonishing about Brodie Lee is that WWE thought he was better placed sitting at home or in catering than on television every single week - he is convincing in a way that very few are in AEW and I am very happy he's being given the platform he deserves now.
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As someone who can’t sit through anything the WWE creates these days, I’m thoroughly enjoying what AEW is producing these days!


I'm watching SummerSlam right now. It gives me much appreciation for everything AEW has done.


The best description is that WWE feels so "corporate" in that everything is forced and "sleek." AEW is grittier and has a sense of reality to it.

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I'm watching SummerSlam right now. It gives me much appreciation for everything AEW has done.


The best description is that WWE feels so "corporate" in that everything is forced and "sleek." AEW is grittier and has a sense of reality to it.




I'm a firm believer that pro wrestling, at least SE in America, should have a more rigid feeling. In a way, it should feel like a mixture of rock-n-roll and live action movies. I'm not a fan of sanitized nature of wrestling in the WWE right now. I get why they do it... just not my thing.

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Dynamite was a fun show tonight. Main Event seemed rather rushed though. I don't think it even cracked 7 minutes.


Seems like Tay Conti is the newest member of the Dark Order. Her and Anna Jay worked quite well together in the tag tournament so looking forward to them teaming up some more.

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I'm watching SummerSlam right now. It gives me much appreciation for everything AEW has done.


The best description is that WWE feels so "corporate" in that everything is forced and "sleek." AEW is grittier and has a sense of reality to it.


Yeah because nothing says gritty like a mimosa match. Also, a dude who fights with his hands in his pockets does not scream reality.


I caught the last hour of the show tonight and it was not very good. The Young Bucks yelling at Adam Page for being a drunk was just horrible. They should not quit their day jobs and try to become actors because that was not convincing at all.


Jericho on commentary was pretty annoying. Small doses he is fine but I do not think he should do every match and this is coming from someone who has been a fan of his since his Smokey Mountain days.


I thought the main event had potential to be very good and it was not bad or anything but it was way too short. They probably could have cut back on the Brodie Lee segment.

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- Tag team gauntlet was good except the finish felt too sudden. LOL at Jericho ruining the start of the match with his entrance. I thought the booking would be predictable here, forgetting they planted seeds for Hangman to screw the Bucks over. Best to save FTR vs Bucks for a time when it can get the hype it deserves.

- Darby is a legit daredevil. Archer back on Dynamite. RIP Maluta (who I thought was still in WWE). Casino Battle Royale getting some build and it's stacked with talent.

- Thunder Rosa/Shida hype. I never watched NWA but an unofficial partenership would be smart.

- Loved the MJF/Mox contract signing. A smart babyface... what a concept! Mox would never have topped the PWI list in WWE.

- Good promos from PnP and Kingston.

- Kiss/Janela & Griff/Pillman vs Lucha Bros & Butcher/Blade was good.

- Silver and Uno didn't get high-fives LOL. I marked out for Brodie knocking out Silver... nice bit of BTE continuity. Great promo from Brodie. All hail #99, The Great One, The Queen Slayer, Anna Jay! Sky and Cardona coming out was interesting.

- Hangman finally got called out for being a drunk.

- Swole vs Ford & Reba was an entertaining angle but a poor match. TayJay sticking together.

- Sammy vs Hardy Tables match was short but (bloody) good. Who knew Cassidy could run so fast!


Good show with lots of All Out build. Commercial break timing was questionable. Always nice to have Jericho on commentary.



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I'm watching Dynamite on FITE TV and, for some reason, all of the commercial breaks were cut out. Anything was picture in picture was removed from the broadcast. It ruined the show as I missed approximately 27 minutes of it and I ended up re-watching the main event on the Spanish broadcast, which wasn't cut but was full of little production errors and visual glitches.


Hard to rate the episode because of this - but I thought it was pretty poor.


The gauntlet just ended, the commentators were probably not cued in that the leg-lock was the finish but it was an underwhelming way for FTR to win a match with such high stakes.


The Hangman Page stuff is overdue, I was surprised it wasn't all over the broadcast more with four or five segments. The Young Bucks are normally bad actors but Matt was very good in the segment later in the show. Kenny was conspicious in his absence - I don't much care about The Elite and the soap opera but hopefully it leads to Hangman breaking out as a singles star.


MJF is a good promo, but not a dynamic promo. He spoke about at least five minutes but he didn't say anything we haven't heard before and he found it difficult to pick holes in Moxley and score a par against him. What can you say about the man who left WWE of his own accord, makes loads of money, holds the title, is the company's biggest draw, trains in MMA, runs regularly, is legit tough and has a smoking hot, beautiful and successful wife? How can you possibly score points against such a man?


The Women's match was embarrassing. It was so bad on every single level. Penelope Ford has gone from a good, competitive match with Shida to working comedy stuff that will give Maffew a field day. That's all I'll say about it. Thankfully it was short.


If it wasn't for my eagle eyes, I wouldn't have even spotted that they've announced an eight-man tag for All Out featuring the Dark Order against Cardona, Sky, Dustin Rhodes and QT Marshall. Because JR either wasn't queued in by production that the graphic was coming up or he jumped the gun and started talking about Shida vs. Thunder Rosa when Schiavone was supposed to be talking about the eight-man tag.


An off-week of a show for me, hopefully next week is better.


On a more positive note, Brodie Lee was brilliant. He is remarkable and I am still baffled by what WWE did not see in the guy as he has absolutely everything that a villianous professional wrestler should have.

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Tony Khan is teasing something big and exciting for All Out and next week's Dynamite.


The only two big things I can think of are Rusev finally signing or Lesnar showing up.


I hate Lesnar and his lack of passion for wrestling, but he's a big name and I'd be interesting to see how they'd book him. That said, if I was booking him, I'd have Mox retain against MJF(I don't think MJF is ready personally) and following the match, Lesnar shows up and destroys Mox to end the show.


Rusev would probably come in as a face, because I don't anyone would boo him regardless. He's just way too likable.


Anyway, All Out prediction time!



Britt Baker vs Big Swole- Baker probably wins, but I'd prefer if the match got canceled and these two shown to the unemployment line. Big Swole is annoying as hell and Baker has go away heat for me.


Main show

Matt Hardy vs Sammy Guevara in a Broken Rules Match- Essentially a last man standing match, but if Matt loses he leaves AEW. I doubt Matt leaves unless he retires and moves to a backstage position. He'd be a good producer for tag matches and maybe even get the tag teams to stop breaking the rules.


Jurassic Express vs Young Bucks- There's no chance the Young Bucks lose


Dark Order(Brodie, Colt, Evil Uno, and Stu Grayson) vs Cardona, Scorpio, and the Natural Nightmares- I can see this going either way, but Dark Order finally has a real direction so I think they'll pick up the win.


Casino Battle Royale- I think Archer wins...or Rusev shows up as the final entrant and wins.


Shida vs Thunde Rosa- As much as I want Rosa to win, I doubt any outsider is going to win the belt. Rosa is a much better worker than Shida, but I can see this being a potential match of the night.


Omega and Hangman vs FTR- FTR wins and Omega turns heel


Jericho vs OC in a Mimosa Mayhem match- OC should win. Both of their previous matches were awesome and made Cassidy look like a star, so this should complete his star making run


Moxley vs MJF- Like I said before, I don't think MJF is ready. He's great on the mic, but his promos go too long and he tries too hard sometimes. He's gotta find the right balance. I'm very interested in this match though as it could cement MJF as a star whether he wins or loses.

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For what it's worth, Miro (Rusev) did state on his Twitch stream that he's effectively retired from the business. Which I mean, yeah it's not exactly Wrestling Observer over here, but it is words directly from the man's mouth. Why break your back when you can just play FIFA, y'know? So I think for him it's a hope he's working you, but don't hold your breath situation.


As for Lesnar? I feel he's a bit more passionate than people give him credit for. He just is like Kevin Nash where money is important. But you also see him doing stuff like emoting majorly for Keith Lee's Rumble debut basically putting the guy over without having to even take a bump. The Khan's can certainly pay off his wages, but I feel like Brock will have some loyalty to Vince. I'd go as far as to assume him being a free agent is just pee-cocking just to see if he can get Vince to pay him slightly more, but he intends to resign anyway. I could be wrong, but I don't see Brock going where Paul Heyman isn't.


I'd love to see the big surprise to be that NJPW and AEW finally worked out their differences and, to quote Tanahashi - they've opened the "forbidden door".

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<p>As much as I miss seeing New Japan guys, with the pandemic still putting travel bans on traveling out of the US I don't think we'll see any New Japan people in AEW.</p><p> </p><p>

Except maybe Jeff Cobb or Kenta or heaven forbid Chase lame ass Owens since they all live state side.</p><p> </p><p>

Cobb already had a couple appearances and they haven't mentioned him since, but Kenta would be a cool guy to show up for a few shows.</p>

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Jay White could be interesting. He could use AEW to build up his fan following while he's unable to return to Japan. Possibly even have him beat Moxley for the belt so when he can return you can run almost a sort of "I didn't agree to EVIL joining Bullet Club, so now you have to deal with my Bullet Club" situation where Jay and a few AEW guys "invade" NJPW for a bit a'la the NWA invasion storyline they had with Satoshi Kojima a while back.
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<p>I completely forgot about Jay White. He could be a fun addition. I'd still prefer Kenta, but Jay is definitely a good pick.</p><p> </p><p>

As long as Chase never shows his stupid face in AEW I'm happy though. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<p>- PnP vs Best Friends was great aside from the 3 count botch.</p><p>

- SCU & Private Party vs Jurassic Express & Young Bucks was good. Young Bucks acting more heelish.</p><p>

- Nice shoutout to Hana Kimura. I'm so hyped for the Tag Title match. Almost time to unleash The Cleaner.</p><p>

- Turning Janela vs Jericho into a quick angle was a smart choice. It's refreshing to get an actual build to a Battle Royale.</p><p>

- Serena vs Thunder Rosa was good. Nice to see them get so much time but a face off with Shida would have capped it off. I hope they sign both women in some capacity. Bonus points for Excalibur repping the TJPW International Princess Championship.</p><p>

- Another classic Mox promo. Dr. Britt is walking... it's a miracle!</p><p>

- Sterling vs Mox was fun. Good promo from Sterling. Hilarious ring gear.</p><p> </p><p>

Solid go-home show but some of the All Out build felt repetitive.</p>

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All Out thoughts


Big Swole vs Britt Baker- Absolute trash from two awful and annoying workers. There was zero redeeming qualities in this one


Jurassic Express vs Young Bucks- Jungle Boy continues to impress me. He has such a huge upside as long as he can stay healthy. He's so fluid in his movements. It was obvious Young Bucks were going to win, but it was still a fun and competitive match.


Casino Battle Royale- Very disappointed that the Wild Card was Matt Sydal. His third eye gimmick is stupid as hell and he botched his first move of the night Thankfully he's okay, but I just don't care about him. I wanted Penta or Ricky Starks to win, but Archer vs Mox was good in New Japan so hopefully they can meet the expectations.


Matt Hardy vs Sammy Guevara- I thought Matt Hardy legit died taking that bump off the scissor lift. I'm glad Hardy won as I've really enjoyed Matt in AEW. Match was super rough though.


Hikaru Shida vs Thunder Rosa- I really, really wanted Rosa to win, but this was my match of the night. Very good match. I hope Rosa sticks around.


Dark Order vs Cadona, Sky, and the Natural Nightmares- Genuinely shocked Dustin picked up the win. Very fun 8 man tag.


Omega & Page vs FTR- Awesome match all around. FTR are just so damn good. I expected Omega to turn on Page, but looks like they're delaying that for Dynamite.


Jericho vs OC- Another great match between them. I'm super happy OC won.


Moxley vs MJF- Good match with a very clever finish. MJF is a future world champ, but I just don't think he's ready.

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