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Mark Sterling is more consistently entertaining than Jade.


He's such a lovable heel. Which I admit is sort of an oxymoron, but even when he fails, he's entertaining.


Jade has all the potential in the world, but ugh, horrible pick for first TBS champion

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Mark Sterling is more consistently entertaining than Jade.


He's such a lovable heel. Which I admit is sort of an oxymoron, but even when he fails, he's entertaining.


Jade has all the potential in the world, but ugh, horrible pick for first TBS champion


Yeah. Her in-ring skills aren't nearly where they need to be, and for all that some fans laud her for her mic skills, she's needed TWO mouthpieces.


She's good at making herself look good, and that's about it.

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- Danielson & Mox doing a good job hyping up FD and B&G. Hoping for Gargano or Cesaro as Danielson's replacement against ZSJ but Gresham or Moriarty would be fine.

- OC & Roppongi Vice vs United Empire was my MOTN.

- Sonjay loves his pencils lol.

- Christian looking like a low-rent villain. He went scorched earth on Jungle Boy and his family. Luchasaurus scared of being let go like Marko was nice continuity.

- Black vs Penta was great.

- Young vs Hangman was solid but too long. RAINMAKER!

- Keep it PG bitches. Stat and Athena lol.

- Shafir vs Storm was solid. Shafir could learn a lot from Nyla.

- Shingo & Hiromu with Darby & Sting!

- Jericho & Archer vs Tanahashi & Mox was solid. Brawl!


Ishii is out injured so Clark Connors takes his place. Scorpio Sky, Kyle O'Reilly, Buddy Matthews, Lee Johnson, The Bunny and Skye Blue are also on the growing injury list.

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So it kills me to do this, but...I have 2 tickets for Forbidden Door. I have to sell them, my transportation and buddy backed out. They are currently on Ticketmaster resale. Amazing seats. 9th row. If you are facing backstage they are on the left, on the right if you are facing the ring. Seats 7 & 8. So there are 6 people between the seats and the guardrail for the entrance ramp. Best seats I've ever had and this event is the one I've been most hyped about ever. If anyone is interested and can make it to Chitown, message me and I will give you the seat info to see if you can find them on Ticketmaster's site. Really don't want them to go to waste AND be out that much money.
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Ishii is out injured so Clark Connors takes his place. Scorpio Sky, Kyle O'Reilly, Buddy Matthews, Lee Johnson, The Bunny and Skye Blue are also on the growing injury list.


And also Darius Martin, who was in a car accident a few weeks ago. He can't seem to catch a break.

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So it kills me to do this, but...I have 2 tickets for Forbidden Door. I have to sell them, my transportation and buddy backed out. They are currently on Ticketmaster resale. Amazing seats. 9th row. If you are facing backstage they are on the left, on the right if you are facing the ring. Seats 7 & 8. So there are 6 people between the seats and the guardrail for the entrance ramp. Best seats I've ever had and this event is the one I've been most hyped about ever. If anyone is interested and can make it to Chitown, message me and I will give you the seat info to see if you can find them on Ticketmaster's site. Really don't want them to go to waste AND be out that much money.


Your best bet to sell them would be Resetera. There's an AEW and general wrestling thread with lots of users.



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- Fenix vs Andrade was my MOTN. Banger as expected. Rush! La Faccion Ingobernable! Enough with the low blows.

- Typically great Eddie promo. Swerve lol.

- Deeb & Martinez are a fun team.... until Deeb decides she wants the ROH Women's title.

- Looks like an ROH TV show is getting closer.

- Hook vs DKC was a solid squash. No Danhausen and no Japanese excursion for the Ass Boys.

- Cobb vs Cash was great. Brawl!

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Anybody watch Forbidden Door? So sick of Jay White and pretty much all of Bullet Club. Or should I say nWo rip-off. Aside from Gedo needing to reunite with Jado, and EVIL, SHO, and Kenta having potential, they are all overrated and lack any kind of charisma and/or talent. Jay White needs to go back to New Zealand and find Russel Crowe so they can go punch kangaroos instead of wasting peoples time in the wrestling world. El Phantasmo and Chase Owens are garbage, nothing to make them stand out, even their taunts are lame, Chase with finger guns, and El Phantasmo doing the DX suck it. I mean, come on. Bad Luck Fale seems just wanders around the ring no-selling, and standing on people when they are on the mat near the ropes in the "massage parlor"....

Ooops....idk where that came from. The PPV was good from head to toe though. Every match had some kind of story or importance to it. All of the matches satisfied. I'm so glad it was Cesaro. Him and ZSJ were the dream match that stole the show. The dream match I never knew I wanted to see. EPIC show!! :)

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That's a little harsh on Jay White, I think. He's not perfect, but I think he's very skilled, especially considering his age. Certainly, I think he's better than Adam Cole, who I find terribly overrated.


You know, I wouldn't mind if AEW did a similar event with AAA. There's been some crossover, but so far no joint card. Certainly, I think the AEW women's division would benefit from an event like that more than last night's show, as AEW and AAA both have good women's rosters and you could do one or two trios matches in addition to have some of the belts on the line.

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Anybody watch Forbidden Door? So sick of Jay White and pretty much all of Bullet Club. Or should I say nWo rip-off. Aside from Gedo needing to reunite with Jado, and EVIL, SHO, and Kenta having potential, they are all overrated and lack any kind of charisma and/or talent. Jay White needs to go back to New Zealand and find Russel Crowe so they can go punch kangaroos instead of wasting peoples time in the wrestling world. El Phantasmo and Chase Owens are garbage, nothing to make them stand out, even their taunts are lame, Chase with finger guns, and El Phantasmo doing the DX suck it. I mean, come on. Bad Luck Fale seems just wanders around the ring no-selling, and standing on people when they are on the mat near the ropes in the "massage parlor"....

Ooops....idk where that came from. The PPV was good from head to toe though. Every match had some kind of story or importance to it. All of the matches satisfied. I'm so glad it was Cesaro. Him and ZSJ were the dream match that stole the show. The dream match I never knew I wanted to see. EPIC show!! :)


I guess it's a good thing that Jado, EVIL, SHO, KENTA, Chase Owens, and Bad Luck Fale weren't on the show then, and thus shouldn't really impact your enjoyment of it.


Jay White is a top-tier level talent and is quite easily my favorite wrestler on the planet right now.

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I guess it's a good thing that Jado, EVIL, SHO, KENTA, Chase Owens, and Bad Luck Fale weren't on the show then, and thus shouldn't really impact your enjoyment of it.


Jay White is a top-tier level talent and is quite easily my favorite wrestler on the planet right now.


It never fails to amuse me how much Chase Owens would talk up his friendship with The Young Bucks while training people and yet he got left behind in Japan, never to see an AEW card.

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That's a little harsh on Jay White, I think. He's not perfect, but I think he's very skilled, especially considering his age. Certainly, I think he's better than Adam Cole, who I find terribly overrated.


You know, I wouldn't mind if AEW did a similar event with AAA. There's been some crossover, but so far no joint card. Certainly, I think the AEW women's division would benefit from an event like that more than last night's show, as AEW and AAA both have good women's rosters and you could do one or two trios matches in addition to have some of the belts on the line.


I want an AEW x DDT/NOAH/TJPW/Gatoh Move show with at least 4 women's matches. They really got screwed with Forbidden Door.

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- Factory vs Yoshi-Hashi & Goto - *** 1/4

- Comoroto vs Archer - ** 3/4

- Desperado & Kanemaru vs Swerve in Our Glory - Bonus Ricky & Hobbs promo. - *** 3/4

- LA Dojo vs Billy & Caster - Funny Caster rap. Danhausen chicanery. - ***

- Le Sex Gods & Suzuki vs Kingston, Yuta & Shooter - Shota got over huge. **** 1/2

- Roppongi Vice vs Cobb & O-Khan © vs FTR © - Dax injury had me worried. Only 1 more title for FTR to win. **** 1/4

- Juice cameo!

- Connors vs PAC vs Black vs Miro - Connors did well subbing in for Ishii. PAC was due a title. I hope he has a work visa for Japan. - **** 1/4

- Shingo, Darby & Sting vs Bullet Club - Sting fakeout daredevil spot lol. Only 2 nuts shots the entire show :o - ****

- Jericho shooting on Shooter with a fireball!

- Storm vs Rosa © - Loved Rosa's ring gear. Her title reign needed a win of this caliber. I hope Hayter gets a title shot soon. **** 1/2

- Cassidy vs Ospreay © - My MOTN and a MOTY Contender. RIP turnbuckle camera. Shibata! *****

- ZSJ vs Claudio - **** 1/2

- Cole vs Hangman vs Okada vs White © - Shame they had to call an audible on the finish. **** 1/4

- Mox vs Tanahashi - I hoped Tana would win and Mox would replace him in the G1. Ended with a Dynamite brawl lol. - **** 1/2


I expected at least a fun show with some fresh match-ups despite all the missing wrestlers. Instead it was one of AEW's best PPVs.

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I want an AEW x DDT/NOAH/TJPW/Gatoh Move show with at least 4 women's matches. They really got screwed with Forbidden Door.


They did make out better than the first Full Gear event which, if I recall correctly, had no women's matches on the main card and just Britt and Bea Priestly on the Buy-In.


But seriously, all those trios matches and they couldn't squeeze in a women's trios match?

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- Factory vs Yoshi-Hashi & Goto - *** 1/4

- Comoroto vs Archer - ** 3/4

- Desperado & Kanemaru vs Swerve in Our Glory - Bonus Ricky & Hobbs promo. - *** 3/4

- LA Dojo vs Billy & Caster - Funny Caster rap. Danhausen chicanery. - ***

- Le Sex Gods & Suzuki vs Kingston, Yuta & Shooter - Shota got over huge. **** 1/2

- Roppongi Vice vs Cobb & O-Khan © vs FTR © - Dax injury had me worried. Only 1 more title for FTR to win. **** 1/4

- Juice cameo!

- Connors vs PAC vs Black vs Miro - Connors did well subbing in for Ishii. PAC was due a title. I hope he has a work visa for Japan. - **** 1/4

- Shingo, Darby & Sting vs Bullet Club - Sting fakeout daredevil spot lol. Only 2 nuts shots the entire show :o - ****

- Jericho shooting on Shooter with a fireball!

- Storm vs Rosa © - Loved Rosa's ring gear. Her title reign needed a win of this caliber. I hope Hayter gets a title shot soon. **** 1/2

- Cassidy vs Ospreay © - My MOTN and a MOTY Contender. RIP turnbuckle camera. Shibata! *****

- ZSJ vs Claudio - **** 1/2

- Cole vs Hangman vs Okada vs White © - Shame they had to call an audible on the finish. **** 1/4

- Mox vs Tanahashi - I hoped Tana would win and Mox would replace him in the G1. Ended with a Dynamite brawl lol. - **** 1/2


I expected at least a fun show with some fresh match-ups despite all the missing wrestlers. Instead it was one of AEW's best PPVs.

This is exactly how I feel too.

They did make out better than the first Full Gear event which, if I recall correctly, had no women's matches on the main card and just Britt and Bea Priestly on the Buy-In.


But seriously, all those trios matches and they couldn't squeeze in a women's trios match?

Full Gear 2019 did have Riho vs. Emi Sakura for the AEW Women's title. I think there have been some other AEW PPVs with only one women's match on the main card and zero on the Buy In though.


Tony Khan said in the media scrum post-Forbidden Door that he wanted STARDOM talent on the show, but due to a lack of visas and talent already being booked, nothing worked out. I think he said next time they will have enough time to figure it out, or something like that.

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Tony Khan said in the media scrum post-Forbidden Door that he wanted STARDOM talent on the show, but due to a lack of visas and talent already being booked, nothing worked out. I think he said next time they will have enough time to figure it out, or something like that.


I was really holding out for a post-match appearance from someone from Stardom after the women's title match, would have been great. Good to know there may be a possibility in the future.

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The Blood & Guts match delivered in a big way. Eddie's frustration with Claudio winning was a great touch, great character work and continuity for long time fans that know their history.


I hope Eddie isn't hurt. Claudio tried to help him up and it looked like he said his back is messed up but "he's okay tho". It was hard to hear because of the crowd and music.


Claudio won and the crowd still cheers for the Mad King.


War Games/Blood & Guts is one of my favorite match types and I am so happy I get to see it in two different promotions done two different ways.



AEW has so many talents that could easily slot into the main event scene with very little effort from the booking team.


I remember seeing an ad saying Pac would be wrestling on the show, but maybe I imagined that?


I would have repackaged Luchasaurus without the dino gimmick as Christian's client, but Christian is good enough to make it work regardless. Christian is already killing it in his heel role. He's a good plucky babyface, but his bread and butter has always been the smug, evil bastard. His promo was excellent.

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Orange versus Page was fun. The 6-Man tag was great. I was surprised to find that I enjoyed the Jade Cargill match; true, it wasn't anything we haven't seen from her many, MANY times before, but I thought the post-match stuff was very interesting.


Blood and Guts was just bonkers. Much better than the first one, and I already thought the first one was pretty good. I hope Santana is okay; he looks like he got hurt badly. It's a testament to how stacked the roster is that the wildly popular (interim) World Champion was only the 4th or 5th most important person in the match.

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- Cassidy vs Ethan was good. Jane cleared for TV use but I prefer the Pixies song. Lambert smart to get rid of Best Friends. Juice-powered body slam!

- Christian doubling down. Luchasaurus with the Kane entrance! Poor Serpentico.

- Some much needed Sky/Wardlow build. Street Fight means Wardlow isn't guaranteed a win.

- AssClaimed vs Danhausen & FTR was solid. How long has Bowens been faking? Billy has new sons lol.

- Sonjay is a good promo.

- Leila Grey wants to be a baddie. I think she'll end up in ROH eventually.

- Blood & Guts match was my MOTN. JAS boy band outfits were hilarious. Hope Santana's injury isn't bad. Wild Ruby! Nice setup to get Conti wrestling again. Claudio stealing Eddie's thunder :o

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A bit late on this but just chiming in to say I went to Forbidden Door with a buddy of mine and it was the best live wrestling show I've ever attended by a wide margin. There were a couple of hiccups but I don't think I've ever been in a crowd that was so pumped for everything. I also went to the Warrior Wrestling show prior, which was literally across the parking lot.


Over twelve hours at wrestling and about a 10 hour drive home the next day left me exhausted but man was it worth it. I may have to make it an annual voyage if they keep doing these.

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