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The All Elite Wrestling Discussion Thread


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Is there a worker that has improved as much as Yoshi Hashi? If you look at my post history you'll see that I couldn't stand him for years. Teaming with Goto has really helped him improve all around. Getting good looking gear helps him look less like a dork too. He still has a derpy face, but he has grown immensely as a worker and I love it. I always enjoy when a worker does a 180.


Also, Gresham needs more mic time. Short, but sweet promo.


Brody King winning the battle royal was a surprise. Him and Mox should have a real fun brawl match.


Bucks vs Goto and Yoshi was a lot of fun and the finish was dope as hell.


I read that Io Shirai's contract is up next month and she has yet to resign with WWE. I know AEW's roster is stacked, but man, Io is just way too good to pass up. She's one of the best workers in the world regardless of gender. I'd have her take the belt off Jade so that we can have a credible champion.


Jade doesn't seem to improve much at all no matter how much she works. I want to like her, but ugh.

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le Dynamite star ratings and thoughts! We all love these.


OC vs. Page: I want to like ALL EGO but he is such a boring wrestler that never tries to win a match when getting the heat, there's just zero urgency or intensity to this guy. He gets overwhelmed by Dan Lambert and they are not a good pairing. Makes sense that he's losing to a body slam. *3/4


Luchasaurus vs. Serpentico: Christian's promo was strong stuff but the match was a waste of time if we're being totally honest. Not even a good squash match and it did nothing to really showcase the new Dark version of Lucha. DUD


FTRHausen vs. Assclaimed: A reasonably solid match. Colten is better than Austin, that neckbreaker bit on Dax looked rough. FTR are great. It would be a shame if they split the Assclaimed up now as they're plenty fun as a group. **


Jade vs. Leila: I have no idea why this company continues to hold off on putting Jade in the ring with Athena or Kris Statlander. It's been 4 weeks now, Athena debuted for this company in May and they have done nothing with her. Her music hits, she runs down, sometimes she gets the upper hand, sometimes she gets beat up. 4 weeks of this, what on earth are they waiting for? People talk about this company signing Io Shirai or Sasha Banks or whatever but why do they even have faith that this company would know how to use them? This division is awfully booked. Years ago, the problem was talent, it needed bodies. Now there's no excuse. We've been out the pandemic for a good year now and here they are, putting a squash match on TV and spinning wheels with the talents. Jamie Hayter never wrestles. They bring in Riho and Yuka, what do they do with them? The will is just not there and I wonder if it ever will be with the AEW's Women's Division. This match was nothing, the post-match was nothing, will they even follow up on it? Is Leila Grey signed? Probably not. I have no idea. Just put the goddamn talents in the goddamn ring and let them wrestle, why is that so hard? It just sucks. It really sucks. -** for wasting my bloody time.


Blood & Guts: I kept waiting for this match to have some sort of rhythm to it and it never did, I don't know if that's because of Santana's injury but it didn't flow very well and it felt really messy and disjointed. They tore up the mat but I missed the move that was done on it because the camera was focusing on some action in the other ring. A few times the camera caught some really weak looking strikes. Claudio did a big boot near the ropes that missed by inches but the other wrestler sold it anyway. Looked so bad. Just poor production at times here, a really sloppy presentation that erred between being the sort of knock down drag out affair these matches are supposed to be or just amateur hour pro wrestling. It was a perfectly acceptable WarGames match but it was leagues away from any of the truly great matches. Dave giving it such a high rating is hilarious. This was fine but, really, nothing special. ***

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- Royal Rampage was fun. Marked out for Takeshita. Unexpected winner.

- Alex needs to step up his interview game.

- Goto & Yoshi-Hashi vs Young Bucks was good. Started slow but loved the finish.

- Strong Gresham promo.

- Nyla vs Storm was my MOTN. Nyla should get more promo time. I'd be surprised if she didn't get a title shot soon despite the loss.

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Jade doesn't seem to improve much at all no matter how much she works. I want to like her, but ugh.


This has got to be a confirmation bias. This is simply not true... You're making this point after she wrestled a 2 minute match. I know you probably also hated her real matches, but she absolutely has improved.


Jade is a perfectly fine, mediocre in-ring wrestler with about 15 other reasons to like her. She's hot. She's tall. She has giant muscles. Her entrance is dope. She's hot. She dresses in cool costumes sometimes. Her theme is awesome. She has big muscles. She is capable of cutting great promos, and most of them are pretty good to good. She has big muscles. She has the best manager in pro wrestling.... I could go on. She's also hot.

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I personally haven't seen much improvement in any of her matches. She's had some mediocre to decent matches, but nothing to indicate that she's the right call to be the first champion.


I feel like the first person to hold a title should set a standard everyone else needs to work up to and most of the locker room are far better than she is in the ring. I understand that she's hot and has a great look, but her in ring stuff leaves a lot to be desired and she looks like she's going to give people concussions everytime she does the pump.kick.

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I think Jade just needs to wrestle more. 35 matches in the 16 months of her career so far doesn't sound like nearly enough, especially when you factor in the match times. She's okay at what they ask of her but she's been pretty exposed in the longer match format because she has no experience in that environment. I have no idea what goes on behind the scenes but I think she needs to get out of the AEW bubble, go to Mission Pro, go to CCW, see if Beyond will book her, try and get some bookings from Zelo Pro. Get some reps, work with some different styles, get under the learning tree and come back to global television with a more diverse skillset.
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I agree with pretty much everything everyone has said. Jade has improved, and she has potential, but she is nowhere near the level she needs to be to be one of the figureheads of the company, which is essentially what AEW is presenting her as. Her in-ring work is lacking, her character is little more than "generic arrogant heel", she no-sells both in the ring and during angles, and her mic skills are so lacking that they've given her TWO managers AND a stable to cover up how mediocre she is. Hint for AEW: using profanity does not equal a good promo.
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I like Jade and my expectations on her match quality are based on her experience level... mostly decent, a few good matches and a few clunkers. I expect Statlander will take the title off her either on TV soon or at All Out. I imagine she will then be rotated off TV awhile and she could work the indies if she wanted.
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As people have said, Jade just needs to build experience but until she is booked to lose a match it's hard to unleash her anywhere else because they'd have to book her to win, which is limiting at best for what anyone else could do. Like others, I assume she will lose the TBS title soon enough and then take a break from TV shortly after that in order to go work the indy scene and gain the experience she obviously needs in a less high pressure environment. I also assume she's working an extensive number of practice matches behind the scenes, which obviously aren't quite the same thing as real practice but have ensured that she still looks a lot better than most people who have only had 35 matches.


I hope Anna Jay is also getting a lot more match practice outside of AEW when possible, she's legitimately one of the most naturally talented youngsters I've ever seen and when I fist saw her in AEW I had no idea she'd only had a few matches. One of the future, I can't wait to see how good she can get :)

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I think Jade just needs to wrestle more. 35 matches in the 16 months of her career so far doesn't sound like nearly enough, especially when you factor in the match times. She's okay at what they ask of her but she's been pretty exposed in the longer match format because she has no experience in that environment. I have no idea what goes on behind the scenes but I think she needs to get out of the AEW bubble, go to Mission Pro, go to CCW, see if Beyond will book her, try and get some bookings from Zelo Pro. Get some reps, work with some different styles, get under the learning tree and come back to global television with a more diverse skillset.


I second this. There was a trainer at a seminar who explained it really well to me that you need to measure your experience in the number of matches you've worked, not years in the business. Back in the day you could, but back then most people worked somewhere around 200-300 matches a year. Jade could easily become as good as the booking treats her, but she needs to work so many more matches.

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So to recap, all the Jade Cargill talk...

What I'm hearing is give the belt to Toni Storm, let her thrive. Then, in the meantime, Jade hones her craft, comes back and challenges for the title?


Statlander. Storm looks like she might be the one to take the belt off of Thunder Rosa.


And absolutely agreed about Anna Jay. That street fight with Tay against Ford & the Bunny was PHENOMENAL. Speaking of people who've improved by leaps and bounds, Ford is also really good, and it's a shame they've thrown her on the back burner. Though her back flip into the cutter/ stunner always looks like crap.

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Statlander. Storm looks like she might be the one to take the belt off of Thunder Rosa.


And absolutely agreed about Anna Jay. That street fight with Tay against Ford & the Bunny was PHENOMENAL. Speaking of people who've improved by leaps and bounds, Ford is also really good, and it's a shame they've thrown her on the back burner. Though her back flip into the cutter/ stunner always looks like crap.


I knew that. I was just reinstating my enthusiasm for Toni. I can't get enough of her. Whenever I see her I turn into a teenage boy with the clap. Insatiable. :o

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Whenever I see her I turn into a teenage boy with the clap. Insatiable. :o


... :eek:


On a completely different topic, they need to do something with Kip Sabian. Having him sit prominently in the front row, especially in the corner where brawling often takes place when it spills to the outside, makes me think he's going to finally take that box of his head and get involved. But he doesn't. It's driving me crazy!

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... :eek:


On a completely different topic, they need to do something with Kip Sabian. Having him sit prominently in the front row, especially in the corner where brawling often takes place when it spills to the outside, makes me think he's going to finally take that box of his head and get involved. But he doesn't. It's driving me crazy!


That's what that is?!?! I wondered about the identity and why they are there every week. You sure that's who the person is? It reminds me of the guy that used to be at all the WWF tapings. He kinda looked like Diesel. Had long black hair and a beard. Wore sunglasses.

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That's what that is?!?! I wondered about the identity and why they are there every week. You sure that's who the person is? It reminds me of the guy that used to be at all the WWF tapings. He kinda looked like Diesel. Had long black hair and a beard. Wore sunglasses.


Yes it's Kip Sabian. Right before box head showed up they released a Sabian shirt that said the same thing that's written on the box.

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... :eek:


On a completely different topic, they need to do something with Kip Sabian. Having him sit prominently in the front row, especially in the corner where brawling often takes place when it spills to the outside, makes me think he's going to finally take that box of his head and get involved. But he doesn't. It's driving me crazy!


I know what you mean. Before Miro returned, everybody was prattling on and on about how we needed him and his hollow cult leader without any followers nonsense back. Kip's the guy we need back. With all the grunting and groaning we hear these days about AEW = All Ex WWE, we could use a big return from a guy who was prominent before all the big name hunting started. Kip jumping back in the fray would be perfect for that. Not to mention the opportunity it would give him to prove his point about how underrated he was all along. There's too much good in Kip's return for him to just continue sitting around with a box on his head.

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I think Jade just needs to wrestle more. 35 matches in the 16 months of her career so far doesn't sound like nearly enough, especially when you factor in the match times. She's okay at what they ask of her but she's been pretty exposed in the longer match format because she has no experience in that environment. I have no idea what goes on behind the scenes but I think she needs to get out of the AEW bubble, go to Mission Pro, go to CCW, see if Beyond will book her, try and get some bookings from Zelo Pro. Get some reps, work with some different styles, get under the learning tree and come back to global television with a more diverse skillset.


The problem here is she's worse than 90% of the girls on the indies right now. It would expose her working there. AEW is doing everything it can to protect her, and she's still forgetting spots in 4min squashes. I don't know what you do with her. The worst sin in AEW is to be boring. And god is she boring.


She can't get in with Rosa or Britt, that would have to be a 15min match, and she'd absolutely forget her spots and botch like crazy. You can't keep having her squash all of your much, much better talent. Because that destroys the pipeline to Rosa and Britt.


You're just stuck now. Maybe you do a feud with the Dork Order or something for a few months and hope for the best? I dunno. But it's become untenable watching at this point. She's instantly fast-forwarded on the DVR right now. And you can tell its eating up feud time that should be going to Rosa.


If anybody needs to jump to Vinceland, it's her. It's the only place she makes long-term sense to me.

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The worst sin in AEW is to be boring.


Unless, of course, you're Adam Cole.


She can't get in with Rosa or Britt, that would have to be a 15min match, and she'd absolutely forget her spots and botch like crazy.


I mean, she's BEEN in a match with Thunder Rosa, and it was the first Thunder Rosa match I saw where I said, "... This isn't very good." It wasn't bad, but the whole thing just felt off, and not nearly up to the standards of some of Rosa's other matches.

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