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35 minutes ago, djskeemask said:

Didn't expect Mox to take the match. Anyone know if that was a real injury or not? It looked real to me.


I was wondering that too. There has been so many instances of good selling and story telling around an in-ring injury in AEW, that I often find it difficult to tell.

35 minutes ago, djskeemask said:

Also, glad all of you that don't follow New Japan got to see Will Ospreay again. This man is incredible. I've been a fan for a few years now. I don't think he is pushed as far as he should be though in New Japan.

I have never seen Ospreay before. He is amazing! I'm a big fan 😀

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2 hours ago, djskeemask said:


Also, glad all of you that don't follow New Japan got to see Will Ospreay again. This man is incredible. I've been a fan for a few years now. I don't think he is pushed as far as he should be though in New Japan.

He's a recent former world champion in NJPW and was just this month the runner up in the G1 Climax, the top tournament the company has.  It's hard to push him much more than that short of giving him a long top title reign, and as a foreigner in Japan it's hard to push him a lot more than that, especially when he wants to do things elsewhere a lot too.  Plus... he's not known for being the best of people..... that said, he is incredible in the ring for sure, a world level talent.

So.... all the reports of the AEW backstage being chaos, anarchy, of management losing control, of booking being "bad", of talent management being bad.... MJF is returning next week, right?  He told us all of this would happen, he beat Punk (so many times!) and Mox had to cheat to beat him before.  MJF is primed to walk in, take the top spot and crown himself as champion on the biggest stage the company has.  Cos he's better than us, and we know it ;) 

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- JAS segment was good but typically long.
- Dax vs Lethal was good. MCMG! Foreshadowing for FTR belt collecting in Impact?
- Thunder Rosa :( Crazy amount of injuries recently. Storm is my pick for Interim Champion.
- Colten vs Billy was solid. Acclaimed getting a push.
- DMD vs King was solid. All Elite graphic for KiLynn incoming.
- Mox (c) vs Punk (c) was off to a fun start.... then it was over. Bold move to keep the feud running until All Out. Or maybe Punk is still healing up so TK gave Mox the nod and he'll face someone else at the PPV.
- Good Christian promo. Ricky killing it right now.
- United Empire vs Death Triangle was a MOTY Contender. Kip! I knew it wasn't him when they did the close-up. That SF match is going to awesome.

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10 hours ago, CGN91 said:

There is some rumbling that Rosa isn't injured and she's just doing a break to cool things off after a dispute with Hayter and Britt. I have the feeling that he backstage atmosphere during the last months went from very good to abysmal. Fingers crossed things will get better tho

SRS and others have confirmed it's a legit injury (disc problem) she's been dealing with lately.

This is the real backstage drama:


Edited by milamber
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9 hours ago, djskeemask said:

Didn't expect Mox to take the match. Anyone know if that was a real injury or not? It looked real to me.

Also, glad all of you that don't follow New Japan got to see Will Ospreay again. This man is incredible. I've been a fan for a few years now. I don't think he is pushed as far as he should be though in New Japan.

I have to second Derek B on Ospreay being pushed as far as a gaijin wrestler will get pushed in a Japanese company unless they start living in Japan full-time, speak fluent Japanese and marry the daughter of a (probably) yakuza who (definitely) funds New Japan. They're also going to be a bit gun shy on pushing another westerner after Omega jumped ship.

Edit: Totally willing to eat crow on my assumption that Punk would win after that promo last week. That's what growing up on late 2000s TNA does to a man's brain.

Edited by The Swanton825
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On 8/25/2022 at 3:54 PM, CGN91 said:

There is some rumbling that Rosa isn't injured and she's just doing a break to cool things off after a dispute with Hayter and Britt. I have the feeling that he backstage atmosphere during the last months went from very good to abysmal. Fingers crossed things will get better tho

I have read that, but there is a noticeable downturn in the amount of matches she has been wrestling recently.

3 in August, 3 in July, 3 in June, 1 in May, 3 in April, 5 in March, 6 in February, 7 in January, 8 in December, 7 in November...

And her last match was that trios match on Dark that ran like 3 minutes. It's intriguing too that she hasn't been on Mission Pro cards either and I remember her being very passionate about working there, it is pretty much her promotion and they just run shows without her booked now. 

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Claudio vs Dustin was quite good. They work well together. I hope the ROH brand gets up and going soon tho. I could easily see Dustin getting a ROH title run down the line. 

Dustin is also talking about opening a promotion down in Texas in addition to his so far well reviewed school. The dude is just so passionate about pro wrestling. 

I know it won't happen, but I hope Hayter wins the Interim(stupid) women's title at All Out and have Toni chase go on the chase. I just don't want to see Shida or Baker getting another title run yet. 

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- House of Black vs Dark Order was good but the crowd was muted. Strange choice to tape it right after the Dynamite trios banger. I'm happy Dark Order advanced. Darby & Sting teaming with Miro should be fun.
- Should have opened the show with Wardlow popping the crowd.
- Private Party babyface turn incoming?
- Hobbs squash was OK. Ricky taken out by the Factory Mafia.
- Jade/Athena finally confirmed for All Out.
- Tay & Sammy vs Ruby & Ortiz was good. They slipped in a few intergender spots.
- Dustin vs Claudio (c) was my MOTN. Shame about the botch. "I'd like to smother you in custard" lol.

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17 hours ago, Jaysin said:

I know it won't happen, but I hope Hayter wins the Interim(stupid) women's title at All Out and have Toni chase go on the chase. I just don't want to see Shida or Baker getting another title run yet. 

Toni is probably the best idea. I would have her beat Baker and Hayter in her two title defences and then unify the belts against Thunder Rosa when she's back. 

I wouldn't be booking Rosa against Baker or Hayter any time soon if the SHEETZ are right about the backstage heat.

But, even so, there's no getting around it that Toni Storm feels cold. She's not especially over. They should have done this title switch at Forbidden Door instead of having Toni get beat.

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I think the point where she started losing steam was when she lost to Britt in the Owen tournament. Of course, I found the booking for that whole thing suspect at best on both sides, but the women's side was especially prone to making me go "... Huh?!?" (though it was STILL better than the fiasco that was the Queen's Crown tournament in WWE).

It's funny how often you can say, "You know, they were on a roll until that match with Britt..."

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At the end of the day the womens division has been booked horribly since the inception of AEW . They have so many talented ladies but have done nothing to bring excitement to the division. It’s formulaic now. A woman wins a match or is in a promo and gets assaulted they brawl they wrestle assault wrestle assault wrestle. Can we just get promos or video that make us care about the women individually and not have constant assaults and promo interruptions. 

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I'm hyped because I know the big shows always deliver to a high standard, but I'm less specifically hyped than I should be about any particular things on the card.  Hoping for MJF to show up on Dynamite and add to the general chaos that is going on, but in a fun way :)

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Good show last night. Despite the spotty build up (seriously, AEW, you have 3 months between PPVs, why does everyone feel like it's thrown together at the last minute?!?) last night was a solid "go-home" show.

The weakest part was probably the Pinnacle 6-man tag, and even that was fun for what it was.

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- Mox handling the Chicago crowd with ease. Accusing Punk of faking the injury lol.
- I bet Garcia goes solo after Jericho loses at All Out.
- Danielson vs Hager was good. Cool Hand & Daddy Magic with the sports entertainment air punches lol.
- JD Drake with Wingmen after he said he was focusing on Workhorsemen on Dark... Morrisey WTF. Stoke mad lol. Should have saved this for after the PPV.
- DMD & Hayter vs ShidaStorm was good. Hayter's face keeps getting rocked.
- Fun promos from Kip, Miro, Darby & Sting.
- Punished Punk is compelling. MJF-style crowd shaming followed by a lame apology... Good use of Ace Steel. Crowd was red hot.
- Solid promos from Christian & Jack Perry.
- FTR & Wardlow vs Jobbers was a solid squash.
- Mox fired up. Andrade destroying Dark Order backfired with Hangman stepping in. Jose with the taser!
- Dante vs Rush vs Fenix vs YUTA was great.
- United Empire vs Elite was my MOTN. LOL at Omega's entrance.

Great show to hype up All Out. Sign of the week: "Just enjoy wrestling."

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Ace Steel dropping the F-bomb was a great instance where using a curse/cuss word enhanced a promo. I hope he's one of the coaches helping with the younger talents' promos because in a weird twist of fate, he had a better promo performance than Punk. Punk's promo felt hardcore rehearsed whereas Ace felt like he was speaking from the heart. 

I was always a huge Ace Steel fan. The old video sharing wrestling group I was in back in the early 2000s had a lot of his stuff. 

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