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The All Elite Wrestling Discussion Thread


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Good show. Not the "OMG WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT" you might hope for in a landmark 200th episode, but two very shocking (to me, anyway) wins.

The bit with MJF and Cole was great stuff, as always. "You're OUR scumbag!" I swear, 2023 has had the BEST chants in wrestling history.

The only match that didn't work for me was the ROH tag title match. Some great spots, but ultimately, these were champions I don't care about one way or the other defending against a team that you know wasn't going to win.

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- Jericho & Takeshita vs Sammy & Garcia was solid. Excalibur dropping DDT lore on FITE.
- Nice recap video.
- RVD! Perry running scared. Shida/Toni hype.
- Trent vs Penta vs Mox was good.
- Storytime with MJF baybay. Max is going to be even more over when Cole turns on him.
- The Elite vs JJ, Lethal & Satnam was solid.
- AR Fox in the spotlight. Nick Wayne already in one of the best storylines.
- Aussie Open (c) vs Vikingo & Kommander was great.
- Shida vs Storm (c) was my MOTN. Nice to see the women main event. 2 Time Champ! Now they need to get the Outcasts/Homegrown story moving again. They can't wait for Hayter to return.

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16 minutes ago, milamber said:

- Shida vs Storm (c) was my MOTN. Nice to see the women main event. 2 Time Champ! Now they need to get the Outcasts/Homegrown story moving again. They can't wait for Hayter to return.

Absolutely agree. AEW has delivered many good moments in the division only to blow it by not following up on the momentum. Kris Statlander made a shocking return and ended Jade Cargill's unprecedented winning streak... and then she hasn't done much of note, defending her title against people no one expected to win.

Willow Nightingale won the Owen, and then... jobbed out on the C-show PPV and has had only one brief TV appearance since, whereas the winner of the men's side of the tournament has been on TV every week in a program with one of the company's biggest stars.

Those are just the two most recent examples. Hopefully, they have something meaningful planned for Shida, unlike her last reign, where it often felt like her matches were an afterthought, having a lower priority than whatever Britt Baker was doing.

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That is really all I have to say about this weeks Dynamite because it was (for me) the single greatest moment on the show. Dunno if I made it clear with that but... I'm a Hikaru Shida fan. 😄

I enjoyed the rest of the show, Mogul Embassy/Nick Wayne segment was brutal!


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Swerve's segment was the high point of the show for me. Just incredible. This storyline just went up a notch.

It's good that they took the belt off Toni Storm. She's a good wrestler but this Outcasts thing is just not working. I hope that they try something else instead of just erasing her from TV for a while like they usually do when someone loses their belt.

And finally All In is on Fite!

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I'm just scratching my head as to why they weren't initially advertised as a bundle or some sort of package deal. Why could you buy All Out for about two weeks before you could buy All In when the latter is happening a week before the former? Weird business here that we will 100% hear nothing about even though the consumer does deserve an explanation as to why they're being skewered.

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I really hope Ian replaces Kevin Kelly full time on Collision and that TK hires Joe from MLW to replace Ian on ROH. Ian and Nigel are a treat together and Joe elevates any commentator he's sitting next to and Caprice needs the help. Not saying Caprice is bad, because he's not, but there's a clear reason he's on the developmental brand lol

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- Big Bill & Cage vs FTR (c) was good. Big match set for Wembley.
- Cardblade lol. BCG killing it.
- Martinez vs Statlander (c) was good. I predicted before the match Martinez would team up with either Diamante or Emi for a future tag match.
- Toni freaking out. She looked like she just came off the set of Queen of the Ring.
- Will Punk vs Joe be for the ROH TV Title?
- HoB (c) vs Darius, Andretti & Shotty was good.
- Hobbs doesn't need a manager. Christian has no shame lol.
- Metalik vs Jay was a fun squash.
- Solid promo from Anna. The more segments the women get the better.
- Ricky vs Punk (*c) was my MOTN. I thought Starks was going to be a tweener not a full heel 😮 Either way I'm enjoying the push.

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I don't want to get too excited, but the women have been booked a bit better since that sign in the audience went viral. Not perfect, and I'm not getting too excited as we've been let down by pro wrestling numerous times, but it's been nice. 

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8 minutes ago, milamber said:

I really hope we get Emi vs Shida at Wembley. Easy to put together promos and a hype video of their history and Emi's Queen gimmick is perfect for an England show.

And give them 10-15 minutes at least to tell a good in ring story and the crowd will be won over by the end. Plus, I imagine Emi could get the whole crowd doing the clap clap stomp gimmick even as a heel and that would be rad. 

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The ladies main eventing back to back Dynamite would be a great sign of change that looks like the future looks bright for the division... 

Is what I would say, if it didn't come from both critics and responses. It's not organic and feels like it's all a response. Nothing is being built, nothing is really going forwards, and it's all the status quo. The women's world and TBS champions have changed, but their booking and lack of direction hasn't.

Edited by FellaLibby
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Things are slightly better on the Collision side of things. When in doubt, just send Mercedes Martinez out there. It still needs a LOT of work, but things are slowly progressing.

What they NEED to do (aside from, you know, only having one women's singles match per show) is capitalize on the fact that Julia Hart and Harley Cameron are getting a lot of exposure from their associated factions. Either one would be a perfectly fine challenger for Statlander at All-In. The former in particular opens up some possibilities...

"Buddy is distracting the ref and... NO! Julia Hart just spit the black mist at Statlander! The House Of Black is going to steal this one and.... Wait, the lights went out! This can't be part of the House Of Black's plan, can it? The light are going back on, it's..."



"IT'S DANHAUSEN! Danhausen just took out Buddy with a shot down below! Julia Hart is beside herself! SHE'S JUST BEEN CURSED! And she walks right into Saturday Night Fever from Statlander!"

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4 minutes ago, Matt_Black said:

Things are slightly better on the Collision side of things. When in doubt, just send Mercedes Martinez out there. It still needs a LOT of work, but things are slowly progressing.

What they NEED to do (aside from, you know, only having one women's singles match per show) is capitalize on the fact that Julia Hart and Harley Cameron are getting a lot of exposure from their associated factions. Either one would be a perfectly fine challenger for Statlander at All-In. The former in particular opens up some possibilities...

"Buddy is distracting the ref and... NO! Julia Hart just spit the black mist at Statlander! The House Of Black is going to steal this one and.... Wait, the lights went out! This can't be part of the House Of Black's plan, can it? The light are going back on, it's..."



"IT'S DANHAUSEN! Danhausen just took out Buddy with a shot down below! Julia Hart is beside herself! SHE'S JUST BEEN CURSED! And she walks right into Saturday Night Fever from Statlander!"

Danhausen is missing from AEW and needs to come back to fix things. He is the true GOAT and you cannot change my mind.

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The Cleveland, Ohio indie AIW just announced Eddie friggin Kingston for their JT Lightning Invitational Tournament next month and I'm losing my mind. I'll actually get to see AND MEET THE MAD KING HIMSELF. 

I am losing my mind. Hoping he has the Strong title with him so I can say I've seen a New Japan title in person lol

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1 hour ago, Jaysin said:

The Cleveland, Ohio indie AIW just announced Eddie friggin Kingston for their JT Lightning Invitational Tournament next month and I'm losing my mind. I'll actually get to see AND MEET THE MAD KING HIMSELF. 

I am losing my mind. Hoping he has the Strong title with him so I can say I've seen a New Japan title in person lol

That's awesome! Hope you end up having a great time and upload some pics for us! :D


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10 minutes ago, Sisma said:

That's awesome! Hope you end up having a great time and upload some pics for us! :D


Thanks! Psicosis, Paul London, and Filthy Tom Lawlor are in the tournament itself, so hoping they make it to day two as well as that's the day Kingston is there.

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