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One women's match that didn't go past the commercial break, no women's match announced for Rampage, no women's match announced for Collision. It's like they're actively trolling us at this point.

To point out the disparity further....

On the Twitter/ X bio for the TNT network account, they list whoever the TNT champion is.

On the bio for TBS, they have the catchphrase from a sitcom that ended nearly two decades ago.

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AEW should really make a division centered around the Joshi talent. They work a different style than the American workers and should be in a different place on the card.

Ideally, AEW would use the Joshis a lot like the cruiserweights in WCW -- to warm up the fans with fast-paced heavy workrate action.

You could make an AEW Women's Junior or an AEW Cruiserweight division. Most Joshis trend towards being smaller and you can always kayfabe the billed height and weight when matchmaking.

The really green US Women's Talent like Jade Cargill could then be protected in the less workrate-heavy main division.

Of course, AEW would merge the AEW TBS and AEW Women's Titles for this. I always thought the two belts were redundant especially since Jade dropped the TBS Title.


Edited by ColdBloodedSausageMaker
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5 hours ago, Matt_Black said:

One women's match that didn't go past the commercial break, no women's match announced for Rampage, no women's match announced for Collision. It's like they're actively trolling us at this point.

To point out the disparity further....

On the Twitter/ X bio for the TNT network account, they list whoever the TNT champion is.

On the bio for TBS, they have the catchphrase from a sitcom that ended nearly two decades ago.

AEW has the women's talent to run more matches. They just aren't pushing the right women in the division.

Skye Blue could be a huge star for AEW. She reminds me a lot of Bayley. However, AEW uses her as an enhancement talent.

Tony still relies on former WWE talent pretty heavily in TV main events because they tend to still draw better ratings. He has way more former male WWE stars than female ones. I get that.

Even then, there's no reason that Dynamite can't have at least three women's matches on an episode.


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MJF absolutely is the top babyface star in AEW. He's an anti-hero babyface much like Ric Flair in 1993 -- the fans will cheer for just about anything MJF does but especially love it when MJF cheats.

They went ecstatic after he hit a low blow on Samoa Joe last night.

The crowd reaction to MJF in AEW right now is unreal.

With Punk gone, they should be running New York or New Jersey more for PPVs to capitalize on that.


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14 hours ago, Mootinie said:

At this point I've faced the music, this is just how Tony Khan books wrestling. For better or worse, he clearly doesn't want Takeshita, Hangman or Jay White fighting for the belt and he doesn't want to pin them either.

I'm not entirely sure Joe needs to win a tournament for a title shot either. Roddy Strong, sure. But Joe is basically bulletproof at this point.

I agree with your point. This is how TK views wrestling and it's not going to change. But I personally don't like it.

Specially when you're the #2 company, you should try to be firing on all cylinders. Showcase your best talent. Protect two guys at a time, tops. The big names are too protected, to the point that it's sacrificing their own TV time. Even whey they do lose, there's a ref distraction most of the time. It's Pro Wrestling. People are going to lose. It's fine, as long it's not overdone.

One of the things that made me love this company was because they shredded all the common wrestling tropes, like when Cody said "that there is no invisible wall and I could just go up there and kick your ass".

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- Another award-winning promo from OC.
- Fox vs Mox (c) was good. Christian trying to poach all the orphans.
- Statlander (c) vs Emi was good but should have been longer. Women in the 1st hour [face_shock]
- Callback to Roddy's NXT documentary.
- Le Sex Gods vs Aussie Open was good. Sammy is finally being cheered so I hope they don't turn him heel again.
- Ricky cutting promos on both shows is best for business.
- Never thought MJF the workhorse babyface champion would work but he's killing it. Good segment with Joe aside but the fat jokes were lame.
- Roddy vs Trent was good.
- Toni Monroe every week is a delight.
- Hangman/Swerve feud off to a great start.
- Darby vs Wayne was good.

Good follow-up to All Out. A few idiots in the crowd almost ruined the promo segments.

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On 9/6/2023 at 3:18 PM, Jaysin said:

Finally got to finish All Out and man, for a show that was mostly last minute booked, it was fun on a bun. 

Mox vs Orange was incredible imo 

The entire Orange Cassidy run has been wonderful and told such a good story. 

Despite losing, Orange comes out of this looking fantastic for hanging with one of the top guys yet again. Mox imitating the pocket stuff was hysterical. 

I'm confused on the alignment of BCC. It's like Mox is a tweener, Bryan is a face, and Yuta and Claudio are heels. Interesting dynamic that I can't really recall happening before. 

I love that BCC and Best Friends walked out with Mox and Orange too. It shows unity within both factions. 

I'm loving the Adam Cole/MJF storyline, but kinda wish the ROH tag titles weren't involved. I guess at least they didn't have Cole and MJF dethrone FTR

I think it made the match look even more massive. It had that HBO boxing/UFC main event feel, and then the whole announcing when they were inside the ring turned the thing a whole notch up.

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On 9/8/2023 at 1:29 AM, aXminster said:

I agree with your point. This is how TK views wrestling and it's not going to change. But I personally don't like it.

Specially when you're the #2 company, you should try to be firing on all cylinders. Showcase your best talent. Protect two guys at a time, tops. The big names are too protected, to the point that it's sacrificing their own TV time. Even whey they do lose, there's a ref distraction most of the time. It's Pro Wrestling. People are going to lose. It's fine, as long it's not overdone.

One of the things that made me love this company was because they shredded all the common wrestling tropes, like when Cody said "that there is no invisible wall and I could just go up there and kick your ass".

Yeah, right now it feels a lot like boxing, you have guys always being ducked from big matches to protect them from losses. Like, the only guys that should be heavily protected are either monsters or the creme of the crop guys. Anyone in any given day could lose to another top talent, no need to keep guys like Andrade and etc from eating a loss against a guy like Danielson.

Like, you have a lot of big talent that could eat a loss, why in 2021 or wtv did TK put Miro jobbing for Bryan in a tournament after him losing the TNT belt and a great run with it? Super inconsistent.

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12 hours ago, Matt_Black said:

You know, it's impressive that Roderick Strong has enjoyed a two decade plus career in pro wrestling despite being dull as dishwater.

Well, for a long time he was in promotions that leaned heavily workrate. I think he would have fit in the Dean Malenko role in a more entertainment focused setting if he just leaned into the less expressive side. I've enjoyed his work, but it has its limitations.

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- Mox (c) vs Andretti was solid.
- Justice for Roddy.
- Statlander (c) vs Robyn was solid. Jade!
- Shida or Toni would both be good opponents for Saraya. Claudio doesn't even need to talk to get under Eddie's skin.
- BCG vs Gravity, Aerostar & Inframundo was solid. Cardblade subbing in. Luchablog shoutout. Andrade should start his own lucha faction.
- Best promo of CJ Perry's career. Dark Order Recruitment video lol.
- Fenix vs Angelico was solid. Didn't play Angelico's chill vibe theme :(
- Strong vs Darby was my MOTN.
- Keith "The One Piece Collider" Lee. I guess DO & Righteous aren't merging.
- Will Danielson get a singles title run before he winds down? Dragon/ZSJ hype. Ricky thinks he's too good for BCC.
- Joe vs Penta was good.


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13 hours ago, Matt_Black said:

I think it is a big mistake to immediately put Jade Cargill back in the TBS title picture. 

Perfect match up for GrandSlam or WrestleDream since they never had a proper match. Give them 10 minutes and Jade loses. Maybe they shake hands in respect afterwards and Jade can mix it up with the Outcasts. Just don't waste precious matches on building Jade back up. The women already had 2 squash length matches this week after TK avoiding them for a couple of months.

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I'm just concerned that Jade, at least up to this point, drags EVERYBODY down. No one, NO ONE, has come out of a program with her looking better for it. Say what you want about Britt Baker (and you can say a LOT), but she got at least two people very over, Thunder Rosa and Jamie Hayter. The only person Jade has gotten over is Jade. Someone once said that other people getting over wasn't the priority, and I could buy that her first six month, maybe the first year. But after two and a half years and the vast majority of the women's division being fed to her, yeah something needs to change.


At least she came back. Unlike Paige VanZant, who ate up a lot of TV time, tanked the credibility of at least 3 wrestlers AND the TNT title, got a match and then... just left.

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Jade has been saddled with a horrible winning streak that after a certain point did her no favors. I am cautiously optimistic to see Jade mix it up with the better wrestlers in the division since she can actually take losses now. An good match versus Statlander (where she hopefully puts her over again) could do more for Jade than the majority of her TBS title wins. Statlander made Marina Shafir look like a future star in a try out match on Dark, I'm expecting a great rematch.

There is no universe where Jade should have done anything BUT confront Kris on her return. A lot of things to complain about with the women's division and Jade, but not this. If she did anything but go after the first person to beat her in her career who took her title in a impromptu match after she just had a defense it wouldn't make any sense at all.

At least some things make sense... I thought AEW was better than this, but they seriously put Anna Jay on the same tag team as The Bunny (with Penelope at ringside too!) just because they are heels? I've felt the same way about Kris teaming with Britt, though less so. I hate the WWE "all heels are friends and all babyfaces are friends" lazy booking and this just feels like more of that. At least they are getting to wrestle on TV...

Edited by John Lions
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11 hours ago, John Lions said:

There is no universe where Jade should have done anything BUT confront Kris on her return. A lot of things to complain about with the women's division and Jade, but not this. If she did anything but go after the first person to beat her in her career who took her title in a impromptu match after she just had a defense it wouldn't make any sense at all.

Wouldn't be the first time they did something with Jade that didn't make sense. "Why is Red Velvet in the Baddies? I thought she and Jade hated each other?" Which is why when Red Velvet turned without explanation, I didn't mind, because there was never any explanation to begin with. My personal head-canon is that she got bonked on the head backstage, Fred Flintstone style.

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All In - 192,000 buys. 2nd highest buys after All Out 2021. $19-20 million gross (ticket sales, buys & merch sales)

All Out - 73,000 buys

Can't see WrestleDream (aka Forbidden Door 2.5) doing big numbers. I think TK should go quality over quantity with the card... book 8 matches max and make sure they are all potential bangers.

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So apparently Jade Cargill is leaving to go to WWE lol
What a waste of time by the company. Over a year overprotecting her, having jobbers losing in meaningless matches and now she's done.

Last night's card was so bad that I had no desire to watch. Next week is the Grand Slam and tickets aren't moving well. The booking needs to improve FAST.

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- Mox (c) vs Big Bill was good. Toni... I mean Ricky with the shoe!
- Another classic painting. Konosuke Alpha vs Kota Ibushi! Kenny the Cuck in tears.
- Toni vs Shida vs Nyla vs DMD was solid but the pacing felt off. Didn't expect Toni to challenge yet. Mercedes Mone challenging at WrestleDream perhaps...
- Le Sex Gods was fun but they need to split after the match.
- MJF maths lol. The numbers don't lie and they make more sense than the math used to book the women's division.
- Cage vs Page was my MOTN.
- Garcia teaming with Takeshita or feuding with him would be fun. Big women's match for Rampage.
- Darby & Wayne vs Magic & Ang was solid. Christian's promos never miss. My regular partner...
- Roddy vs Joe was good. Roddy playacting lol.

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