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The All Elite Wrestling Discussion Thread


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You don't understand what was originally said and I'm not going to get into it out of respect for Jaysin.


I do understand what you were saying, and respect your decision not to get into it.


but It still does not remain anti - representation to say "this person is not very good at their job"


At no point in this thread has anyone come close to saying anything anti LGBT. We said Nyla Rose is not very good at her job, and doesn't justify the push she gets, and you then added context we never stated that we were saying she only has her Job because Tony Kahn is trying to be "woke" or some nonsense.


There are plenty of people who i think aren't as talented as they are pushed in wrestling . Cole, Adam would be another one for me (and yes, I know I'm in the VAST minority here. He's very good, but just not at the level to me he's pushed at)

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At no point in this thread has anyone come close to saying anything anti LGBT. We said Nyla Rose is not very good at her job, and doesn't justify the push she gets, and you then added context we never stated that we were saying she only has her Job because Tony Kahn is trying to be "woke" or some nonsense.


Hey, clownsy, here's what happened: Jaysin said something. I made a post saying that was wrong. He recognized it, apologized, and edited it out.


Stop. Seriously.

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Hey, clownsy, here's what happened


Stop. Seriously.


Not trying to police the threat but reshaping someone nickname to ridiculize them and the general aggressive tone of your post... Not cool. His post was respectful to you and eventual others involved in the discussion. Seems to me he's just clarifying things, completely according to the rules of the forum.


It's a fact that some people who are pushed aren't as talented. It's about politics and it's our right to call this out on message boards (you've played TEW right? Surely you must've done the same thing). The fact that you are blocking this talk because of sexual orientation, gender or whatever shouldn't happen.


Did someone assume someone was hired because of a certain trait? We can speculate, right? It's all heresay or opinions as none of us are involved with the big promotions in pro wrestling.


A long long time ago I made some comments about Ashley Massaro on forums that can be paraphrased as basically "she sucks", and was called out about it and forbidden to speak about it further. Someone else called her "trashley". Maybe that's not good behaviour but we were younger than we are now and the forum was a closed space so she wouldn't have seen it anyway. And this sort of frustration stems from the disgruntled viewers who see someone with much less talent (I learned to speak in relative terms now) than other workers get the spotlight. The workers who are the blunt of these jests should learn to view it as such. It's not a personal attack, but she was the embodiment of the Diva.


In fact, just now I read up on an interview with Massaro and it baffles me that I just learned about the Kuwait trip and the - allegedly in the words of Vince - "one bad experience" she suffered there. If it's true, and why wouldn't it, this is beyond disgusting. Did anybody know about this? I was not following wrestling when she tragically died (RIP), but this should've gotten more attention as it could've explained her death. I liked her as a personality. But no need to discuss it in this thread.


For Nyla rose, people badmouthing her is probably the same thing. Less talented than the others in the roster, and she's getting relatively a lot of TV time compared to some. Hence the frustration. But for what it's worth: I think she's decent enough that she "belongs" and her "look" is indeed unique enough to at least stomach her in the occasional squash match. Injuring people can be helped but with her size there's just an increased risk. Her trainers should give some speficic instructions for the dangers.


Anyhow, as I only watch Dark I'm getting more impressed with Statlander. Her look is great now, and I'll commend her for saving the match against Julia (with the eye patch) that started off simply horrible, but she worked past it. She deserves a title run somewhere down the line, perhaps even next.

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Not trying to police the threat but reshaping someone nickname to ridiculize them and the general aggressive tone of your post... Not cool. His post was respectful to you and eventual others involved in the discussion. Seems to me he's just clarifying things, completely according to the rules of the forum.


It's a fact that some people who are pushed aren't as talented. It's about politics and it's our right to call this out on message boards (you've played TEW right? Surely you must've done the same thing). The fact that you are blocking this talk because of sexual orientation, gender or whatever shouldn't happen.


Did someone assume someone was hired because of a certain trait? We can speculate, right? It's all heresay or opinions as none of us are involved with the big promotions in pro wrestling.


A long long time ago I made some comments about Ashley Massaro on forums that can be paraphrased as basically "she sucks", and was called out about it and forbidden to speak about it further. Someone else called her "trashley". Maybe that's not good behaviour but we were younger than we are now and the forum was a closed space so she wouldn't have seen it anyway. And this sort of frustration stems from the disgruntled viewers who see someone with much less talent (I learned to speak in relative terms now) than other workers get the spotlight. The workers who are the blunt of these jests should learn to view it as such. It's not a personal attack, but she was the embodiment of the Diva.


In fact, just now I read up on an interview with Massaro and it baffles me that I just learned about the Kuwait trip and the - allegedly in the words of Vince - "one bad experience" she suffered there. If it's true, and why wouldn't it, this is beyond disgusting. Did anybody know about this? I was not following wrestling when she tragically died (RIP), but this should've gotten more attention as it could've explained her death. I liked her as a personality. But no need to discuss it in this thread.


For Nyla rose, people badmouthing her is probably the same thing. Less talented than the others in the roster, and she's getting relatively a lot of TV time compared to some. Hence the frustration. But for what it's worth: I think she's decent enough that she "belongs" and her "look" is indeed unique enough to at least stomach her in the occasional squash match. Injuring people can be helped but with her size there's just an increased risk. Her trainers should give some speficic instructions for the dangers.


Anyhow, as I only watch Dark I'm getting more impressed with Statlander. Her look is great now, and I'll commend her for saving the match against Julia (with the eye patch) that started off simply horrible, but she worked past it. She deserves a title run somewhere down the line, perhaps even next.


Thanks Blackman, I'll let your well reasoned and very on point response serve as "clownsys" response to Brokencycle.

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I said something stupid, was called out on it, I apologized and edited out what I had said. We can move onto other things now. No reason to keep going back and forth.


Nice to see Takeshita back. He and Cutler had a fun match on Elevation. Didn't expect to see him, so it was a nice surprise.


Max calling Alex "Count Chocula" had me rolling on the floor. Shame he recycled his "grown men going through a goth phase" stuff though.


Really excited about Dax vs Cash tonight. I don't go to dirt sheets anymore, but my buddy told me there's a rumored stable of Punk, FTR, and Bret Hart being tossed around and Punk being on commentary for this match seems to lean in that direction. Could be a fun unit.

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Did someone assume someone was hired because of a certain trait? We can speculate, right? It's all heresay or opinions as none of us are involved with the big promotions in pro wrestling.


... Yes.


... They did.


... They literally said what-- ahem-- crownsy said that nobody said.


I made a post about it. The point of that post was that speculating that anyone of a marginalized group is hired to "check boxes" is wrong and severely damaging, not only to that specific person but in general.


They recognized it was bad and they edited it out.

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FTR's Hart Foundation tights were dope as hell.


Hell of a match too. They beat the crap out of each other.


Man, Punk vs Hangman at Double or Nothing. Are we gonna get AEW World Champ Punk vs IWGP World Champ Okada at Forbidden Door?!


Deonna vs Mercedes next week on Dynamite!!!!!

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- Dax vs Cash was great. Loved the dual tunnel entrance and all the homage spots.

- Walk 'n Talk with Punk. Throwing shade at Kingston lol. Good promo from Sky.

- Factory vs BCC was good.

- Ruby with a rare chance to talk. Thought Christian was turning on Jungle Boy for a second. Funny joke from MJF.

- Archer vs Wardlow was good. Was that the 1st ever kickout of the Blackout? 4 powerbombs on Archer was impressive.

- JAS/Kingston's Crew segment was highly entertaining. AEW Galaxy lol.

- Deeb vs Shida street fight was great. I popped for the powder spot. Deeb vs Rosa is locked in.

- Poor Lindsey... I mean Lexy. Did MJF hire Morrissey?

- PAC & Fenix are back! Perfect way for Alex to drop his Vampiro cosplay. These early Owen Cup match-ups are crazy.

- 10-Man Tag was solid but rushed.

- Fireball! Rampage card looks fun. Deonna finally in AEW.

- Sky vs Sammy © was great. Lots of spots to pop the crowd. I actually thought Sammy was going to win. Now they need to let Sky make a few defenses before dropping to Andrade.

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I just love that the crowds want Sammy/Tay to go away so bad that it turned Dan Lambert the mega jerk into a face.


I don't even want to see Sammy lose matches. I just want him to go away. He's so cringey and seems like such a scumbag. I'll never understand why anyone tried to make him a face in the first place. He doesn't come across as remotely likable.


It's a shame that Tay is roped into him now too. I don't care if they're together, but making them together on camera is hurting Tay in my opinion.

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It's a shame that Tay is roped into him now too. I don't care if they're together, but making them together on camera is hurting Tay in my opinion.


I think it's cool because she actually has a character now. I will always be a fan because I'm also brazilian but she was so bland as a character. She was just Anna Jay's friend that would smile too much and have bad acting skills. Hope she uses this to improve her out of ring skills.

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I think it's cool because she actually has a character now. I will always be a fan because I'm also brazilian but she was so bland as a character. She was just Anna Jay's friend that would smile too much and have bad acting skills. Hope she uses this to improve her out of ring skills.


Agreed, so long as she doesn't get sidelined from actually wrestling. I thought Garcia was miscast in JAS at first but it's a chance for him to show personality and improve at promos. Joining BCC wouldn't have helped him much at this stage because he's already a good agressive wrestler.

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I think it's cool because she actually has a character now. I will always be a fan because I'm also brazilian but she was so bland as a character. She was just Anna Jay's friend that would smile too much and have bad acting skills. Hope she uses this to improve her out of ring skills.


It's not really a character. They tried to push them as a face couple and the crowds flat out rejected them. The audience thinks so negatively of them it turned Dan Lambert face. They're completely cringey and not in a "I wanna see them get beat up way". It's more of a "if a non wrestling fan sees this, ugh" kind of cringe.

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It's not really a character. They tried to push them as a face couple and the crowds flat out rejected them. The audience thinks so negatively of them it turned Dan Lambert face. They're completely cringey and not in a "I wanna see them get beat up way". It's more of a "if a non wrestling fan sees this, ugh" kind of cringe.


Still not as bad as that time Brandi and Lambert tried cutting promos on each other. *Shudder* I'm getting nauseous just thinking about it.

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- Swerve vs Darby was great. Would have preferred Swerve get the push but it makes sense to stack the Owen Cup with established stars.

- Fun Spears promo. Jericho lol. Santana on-sight!

- Blue, Willow & Adora vs The Baddies was solid. A lot of potential in the ring.

- Colten vs Lee was solid.

- Super Elite feeling themselves. Jeff better win.

- Hookhausen segment was fun. Nice ambush from Nese & Sterling while it lasted. Gunn Club & Acclaimed work well together.

- Trent vs Joe © was my MOTN. Brawl!

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I wouldn't have had Nick Comoroto pinned in the trios match. I think he's got some upside as a big man. BCC need a storyline and should be feuding with the Best Friends over Yuta, not just winning meaningless trios matches.


I don't like JAS being an inside, or rather, outside joke towards WWE. I think it's minor league to do that when the competition aren't even acknowledging your existence.


Wrestler stands backstage and watches a TV at an awkward angle was something I never wanted AEW to steal from WWE but here we are. They once took the piss out of that. I'm sure they could put their heads together and shoot something superior that's also an original convention.


Second half of the ladder match main event was good, it's just a real shame about the first half. No idea what Sammy G was even doing with that 630 thing. Very Jack Evans of him to just shoot and do a dive that nobody is going to catch you on.

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Aside from all those times they've acknowledged their existence.

AEW do it as a fundamental part of their creative, WWE do it on conference calls. The brass ring, for example, for the winner of the Face of the Revolution ladder match... I just think it's low hanging fruit and I would rather they put on better shows than try to pop the marks.

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AEW do it as a fundamental part of their creative, WWE do it on conference calls. The brass ring, for example, for the winner of the Face of the Revolution ladder match... I just think it's low hanging fruit and I would rather they put on better shows than try to pop the marks.


Sami Zayn literally said "AEW" on an episode of Monday Night RAW.

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