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The All Elite Wrestling Discussion Thread


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- Enjoyed the JAS members getting promo time but the segment went a bit long. Steen shoutout!
- Young Bucks vs Hardys was solid. Should have been a #1 Contender match so it had some heat.
- Women's Tournament is a nice idea but it's completely predictable. What about Riho & Emi?
- MJF & Cole segments never miss. BCC should be going after Trios or Tag gold.
- Perry (c) vs RVD was good.
- Giving away MJF & Cole vs Aussie Open for free 😮 Roddy in shambles again. This should end with The Kingdom being a big stable lead by Cole.
- BCC vs Lucha Bros was good. Claudio in the mask lol.
- I hope Mogul Embassy win at All In.
- Jay vs Shida (c) was solid but the ending was rushed. Women main eventing again was nice.

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I wish they'd bring back Brick Aldridge and Nick Comoroto. They seemed to disappear after Cody went back to WWE, so I wonder if them being Nightmare Factory students of Cody's is why they stopped showing up? Brick told me on Instagram that he and Nick are trying to schedule some team bookings. I told him they reminded me of Hercules Hernandez and Scott Norton teaming together. I thought for sure Brick could be a real good mid carder down the line. 

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- Ricky is the damn show. Great promo.
- Acclaimed vs Iron Savages was solid.
- BCG rock. So does Lexy (aka Toots).
- Staturday Nightingale vs Martinez & Diamante was good.
- Toni developing more of a character.
- Joe (c) vs Everett was a fun squash.
- Christian with another heel promo clinic.
- Brock vs Luchasaurus (c) was solid.
- Hobbs & Miro both needed an interesting feud.
- CMFTR vs HoB (c) was my MOTN. Black vs Punk would be a PPV level match.

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The promos yesterday were really good. Starks is amazing, Toni Storm has shown more character in this promo than ever before and even Joe's quick promo after the squash was pretty good. Christian has become one of my favorites since turning heel. Hated him as a face, love him as a heel. Unfortunately Arn and his son showed up and I turned the TV off.

Collision's pace is perfect imo. Less matches and more time to breathe. On Dynamite everything feels rushed all the time.

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Watching Collision now, and Christian saying Lebron is the GOAT cracked me up. Next time he's in Cleveland, he should cut a similar promo and say Jordan is the GOAT for more heel behavior. Here in NE Ohio, people take their Lebron love way too seriously, so it would be hilarious to me. 

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On 8/13/2023 at 1:19 AM, Jaysin said:

I wish they'd bring back Brick Aldridge and Nick Comoroto. They seemed to disappear after Cody went back to WWE, so I wonder if them being Nightmare Factory students of Cody's is why they stopped showing up? Brick told me on Instagram that he and Nick are trying to schedule some team bookings. I told him they reminded me of Hercules Hernandez and Scott Norton teaming together. I thought for sure Brick could be a real good mid carder down the line. 

Nick has been on collision in the Miro-Factory feud.

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43 minutes ago, The Blonde Bomber said:

Collision felt below average this week. Which makes sense coming down from HIGH of last week but I was disappointed nonetheless watching live.

Very storyline heavy this week and less focus on quality matches. Lots of matches to setup for the PPVs.

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Just now, milamber said:

Very storyline heavy this week and less focus on quality matches. Lots of matches to setup for the PPVs.

I was looking forward to the ladies tag. But felt sloppy to me. Feel like Mercedes and Diamente have a good look together, but Mercedes could be a dominant force in the division but TK obviously is missing that.

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So apparently CM Punk is being CM Punk and creating more drama backstage. This is reaching Hogan levels of politicking.

I'm so done with all that that it's starting to sour the product for me.

This quote in the report is particularly embarrassing:


When Punk first returned earlier this summer after his hiatus dating back to the prior year’s All Out media Q&A, Khan stood up backstage in the gorilla position with his headset on and started pumping his fist and chanting “C.M. Punk!” enthusiastically as Punk walked by. The feeling backstage among wrestlers not in a position of power with a big contract is to lay low when it comes to Punk because you don’t want to be on what is essentially his enemies list.


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Yeah the Hangman thing seems overblown (although the post-show promo still was a bit petty and stupid for my taste) - although there seems to be a lot of other information that he's acting like a dick again. Seems to come from many different sources so either they've decided to gang up on him (you can't deny Punk drama gets clicks) or there's something there.

Shame, but of course, if you don't follow the dirt sheets you wouldn't know about this at all, so I guess it's only a problem for a (in the grand scheme of things) small portion of the viewers.

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There was drama with Punk in TNA. There was drama with Punk in WWE. There was probably drama with Punk in ROH (I don't know, I never followed it and you can't make me). MAYBE completely different groups of people each decide to collaborate and torment this poor misunderstood wrestling genius, or more likely, Punk is just a jerk.

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