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On 7/22/2024 at 6:34 AM, Matt_Black said:

Oh, yeah, not all anything to do with MJF....

Osprey's segment was the highest-rated segment last week too. He definitely appears to be a ratings draw for them -- not to mention, the fans love Osprey. 

AEW's (relatively) home grown stars outdrew the ex-WWE talent last week significantly. That's a good thing. 

Whatever the stipulation, that Osprey-MJF match at Wembly will be huge.

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AEW may be in a bit of a slump but the MJF vs. Osprey is one of the best stories the company has told.

Loved MJF's look here, He's put some nice touches on the outfit, it really fits the gimmick well. 

Overall, this was a great promo. MJF does have a tendency to get a little cheesy with the material, but his delivery here was excellent. Really entertaining. 

MJF's heel "Patriot" gimmick probably is the best way to get fans to boo him. That match with Will Osprey at All In will have more heat on it now. 

He has to be careful not to take the gimmick "too far" -- you don't want to hurt someone with this gimmick. But I do trust MJF not to take things too far here.

Love the AEW "American" Championship angle. Hope Will Osprey gets to call the belt the UK Title after All In, would make the win even sweeter. 

Osprey was brilliant here, probably the best promo I've seen from him. Thought Will looked like an absolute star here too -- his outfit and persona has really come together. 

MJF vs. Osprey should main event All In. I know it's not the world title, but it's the hottest angle AEW has right now. 

Edited by ColdBloodedSausageMaker
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Even though it basically had the same basic finish as last year, I think this year's Blood & Guts worked much better for a variety of reasons. First, even though the babyfae team felt a bit more random and their rivalry with the Elite not quite as involved in some cases, I think everyone did their best at coming together.

Second, the finish. Threatening to torture Jack Perry works because, love him or hate him, he's proven to be able to get a reaction the past year or so. Last year, when the Elite threatened to torture Wheeler Yuta, well, who cares?

The staple gun spot was terrific, as was Darby's coffin drop.

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7 hours ago, GooseRobb said:

So what do we think about Shane and Khan being photoed together? I think this could be a very interesting future development and hopefully help the company in multiple roles.

We are talking about the same guy who tried to book a Royal Rumble Match to be all about himself, yeah?

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1 hour ago, Dawn said:

We are talking about the same guy who tried to book a Royal Rumble Match to be all about himself, yeah?

In his defense, he had already agreed to a match with Rollins, that was said they both wanted. So if you're going to face one of the top guys in the company you need to make yourself look strong. He wasn't trying to make himself win or anything, just thought he needed to put himself over by eliminating a few people and making it to the final four, which would cement him to face someone like Rollins.

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I think the only value Shane has to AEW is his last name. I liked his smoke & mirrors matches in the attitude era, and he's a good heel performer, but he was never a real wrestler and should never have been positioned as one. From the sounds of it, his creative/business ideas never came to much either. There's a reason he wasn't in the picture when Vince stepped back/down.

A McMahon appearing on AEW as a token authority figure would do headlines for a few weeks, and Shane would probably do well in that role. He can talk. He knows how to be on TV. And he can get physical if he needs to (I think, he's got to be nearing 50 by now). I don't think it would be any more than that. 

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I only managed to catch the start of Dynamite with my family tonight before heading out to meet friends. But oh boy, that Ospreay and MJF promo that opened the show was bad. Then the Kyle Fletcher promo was really good and he said exactly what Ospreay should have been saying and delivered it in the manner Ospreay should have been delivering it! Brilliant stuff from the young Aussie.

I like Ospreay the wrestler. He's obviously fantastic. But the rest needs work and AEW are smart keeping him away from the tippy top of the show whilst he hones the rest of his game.

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  • 3 weeks later...

AEW really booked this moment to perfection. MJF and Ospreay did their part and delivered in one of the best AEW segments.

The audio setup wasn't great here, and it definitely took away from the overall angle at times. AEW's production values definitely still need work.

The fans were absolutely electric for Ospreay here. MJF had nuclear heat with this crowd. The atmosphere was so electric you're going to struggle a bit to hear the wrestlers talk. It's like watching The Rock cut a promo with Stone Cold in WWE but with worse audio -- quite the experience.

Ospreay really hit with the Welsh fans with the pop culture references. I felt like I got them even when I had no idea what Ospreay was talking about.

That crowd at Wembley will (probably) feel like the Attitude Era WWF out there for the MJF and Ospreay match. 

Ospreay's promos are inconsistent. Even here, Osprey had a few lines that fell flat. But his good work is really good. His response to MJF around 14:50 was one of the best I've heard in AEW.

Ospreay has terrific charisma and can really connect with the crowd. His gimmick isn't for everyone, but Ospreay has definitely gotten the "Chav Soccer Holligan" over with the fans in person like few others.

He's over.

AEW needs to run the UK more often.

MJF has leaned into the "right-wing heel" gimmick perfectly.

He broke out the far-right bigot line "Facts Don't Care About [Your] Feelings" at the exact right time -- it's the right line to borrow from right-wing media -- as it's been around long enough and is prevalent enough in media most people will get the memo.

Personally, MJF busting out that heinous quote definitely made me personally hate him more. For me, it doesn't happen often in wrestling given how much cheap heat there is.

MJF was in his element here. Probably the best work from him I've seen -- he was better here than he was with Punk. 

I don't usually like the AEW Announce team, but everyone did a good job here.

Thought the segment ending was booked perfectly. The gravity of the situation was definitely clear and the story told here was terrific. Even the security break-up was timed perfectly! All around great booking.

MJF and Ospreay definitely have chemistry. Interested to see how they top this at Wembley.

Absolutely a must-watch promo.

Edited by ColdBloodedSausageMaker
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All In absolutely ruled.

Jamie is back YESSSSS MY GIRL MY BABE! I'm so glad she's returned.

The Casino Gauntlet was crazy fun, Nigel McGuinness was awesome. Zack Sabre Jr. was superb. Not sure about Christian winning but, eh, it was probably match of the night for me...

Until the main event. Which was absolute cinema. What a show overall! Brilliant stuff!

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Only saw clips, but it looked like a great show. But they've got to stop booking Wembley. It's too big for them, and with the money saved they can erect a couple more screens so people in the crowd can actually see what's going on.

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15 minutes ago, eayragt said:

Only saw clips, but it looked like a great show. But they've got to stop booking Wembley. It's too big for them, and with the money saved they can erect a couple more screens so people in the crowd can actually see what's going on.

Apparently rent for Wembley is only like 400k. So if they sell 20k tickets they are making profit. As long as that is actually the price for renting, then it wouldn't make sense to go other places. I also do think switching Forbidden Door out next year is going to help in 2025 AND when they return in 2026.

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Reception for the PPV seems to be really good. Pretty much everything I've read says Swerve vs. Danielson was match of the night. 

I was a bit disappointed by MJF vs. Ospreay. It was still a really great match and you should watch it, but the match felt a bit overbooked -- I don't think that match needed a referee bump, a cameraman bump and interference. All three were really unnecessary given the participants involved. 

I think the in-ring psychology was a little bit off. There were too many double downs and rest spots -- both took me out of the match some. I also thought sometimes the focus was on big high spots and not on realistic fighting. Both those critiques are definitely nit picks on what was a well-planned and well-executed match. 

The crowd was definitely electric for the match, they were really behind Ospreay.

I'm looking forward to Mariah May vs. Toni Storm too -- I've enjoyed what I've seen of their feud. 

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I dont want to go in deep with the matches. But what an afternoon/evening/night was yesterday. All the emotions of seeing pro wrestling conveying into one show. From shock, to awe, to rage and finally joy. Joy of watching someone who loves profesional wrestling as a fan, but at the same time its by chance one of the true candidates to be consider the GOAT of this buisness. I do mean it when i say that i choke watching all Bryan entrance, from the video package with all his journay, to the 50000 plus people in Wembley singing "The Final Countdown", something i just wonder how many time that man dream about it when he was in front of a couple of hundreds in those first years in ROH.

I want to thank WWE for give that. I dont follow the company this days, not in a bad way, but it didnt apeal to me. I hope that always goes great for it, because i´ll always be thankful for those Smackdown shows with a month of delay in 2007, all those saturday and sunday mornings to make me interested in this sport. Since then, i get to know a lot of different types of wrestling, made me feel in love with thing like NOAH, like ECW, like ROH or even TNA. Made knew storys like Nigel McGuiness or Jeff Jarrett, who made me even more happy seeing the reaction of the people in Wembley.

Yesterday was a great show for those who love pro wrestling with a good heart. I know this days its better to be always a cinical in your opinions, not letting that love and joy be the thing that gides you in your critical of a company, either way goes from people who likes AEW to people who prefers WWE or the other way around. But a night like yesterday it´s a good night for those who wants to enjoy all the emotions that a event like this could bring.

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It was a great show - one thing though - there feels like there are just TOO MANY belts.  Trios, AEW Womens, FTW, AEW Tag, AEW American/International, TBS, TNT, AEW World were all up for grabs and then there are things like the ROH belts that they have on the shows regularly too.  Half of them sort of feel like props rather than meaning anything.  It's sort of the old saying "If everyone is a star then nobody is"

Edited by alpha2117
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On 8/27/2024 at 7:10 AM, alpha2117 said:

It was a great show - one thing though - there feels like there are just TOO MANY belts.  Trios, AEW Womens, FTW, AEW Tag, AEW American/International, TBS, TNT, AEW World were all up for grabs and then there are things like the ROH belts that they have on the shows regularly too.  Half of them sort of feel like props rather than meaning anything.  It's sort of the old saying "If everyone is a star then nobody is"

But i also feel like every "Division" has to be something to fight for. It´s like saying UFC has too many belts, i dont really agree with that. For me, the only one who can really, reaaaaaaallly be remove its the FTW. Because it was bringed at a time that AEW doesnt have as much titles as today, and also it´s booking it wasn´t the strongest to be honest. Nowadays to me it´s the perfect representation of a prop more than a legit championship, even more having in mind that it´s legacy was that it´s LITERALLY something Taz put out of his ass back in ECW 🤣.


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