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Came to say the same thing.


I'm very interested to see how people react to Cody's promo though. I feel like it's going to be super polarizing.


Yeah, they can't ignore the boos forever. John Cena powered through it back in the day, but John Cena is massively talented and charismatic. Cody's good, but he's no Cena. He either needs to tweak his shtick beyond the "classic white meat babyface" to have a bit more depth and edge, or he needs to turn heel.


Also, "I don't have a heel bone in my body" said the guy who also said that Tom Brady was his favorite football player.

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- Punk vs Fish was good.

- The House of Black always wins. MJF squash and promo were fun. Crowd went nuts for Sting & Darby.

- Ego vs Sammy © was great. Could have done without the masturbation joke.

- Kingston & Danielson two of the best promos in the business. Fire promo from Lucha Bros & Alex.

- Deeb vs Shida was my MOTN. It was like a fast-paced Joshi match. Deeb leaning into the Bret Hart comparisons. I'm surprised Shida won. With Deeb out, Jade or Ruby will probably win the tournament.

- Lio Rush already more interesting than Hardy and his HFO.

- 10 vs Mox was a solid squash. Hard to turn someone as popular as Mox but they're trying.

- Great FTR promo. Cody going in real hard on the "not turning" narrative... I'm willing to see how it plays out. It's good they had faith in Andrade to cut a live promo. The tag match at Full Gear should be great.

- Dark Order vs Elitebusters was great. Fun costumes. Budge! Marshmallow Cowboy!

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According to reports Jon Gresham, Jay Lethal, Dalton Castle, Brody King, Danhausen, Dragon Lee, Bandido, Rush, EC3, and the Briscoes have all signed with AEW.


Haven't seen anything official yet though, so take that with a grain of salt


If you're referring to the dude who tweeted out "[WON] Wrestling News reported blaw.." that tweet was fake and he simply said afterwards "Yeah it’s mostly not true but I really want see how everyone would react if it was Hypothetically true." :D


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If you're referring to the dude who tweeted out "[WON] Wrestling News reported blaw.." that tweet was fake and he simply said afterwards "Yeah it’s mostly not true but I really want see how everyone would react if it was Hypothetically true." :D



Yeah I saw screen shots circulating with that tweet. I'm not a Twitter user, so didn't even know who he was

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Rampage was a lot of fun tonight.


Bryan vs Kingston was phenomenal. Two of the best around.


Dante vs Sydal was a lot of fun and change of pace. Dante being able to sit under the learning tree that is Sydal and Lio Rush will do nothing but help him develop. He improves literally every match. Sydal has improved so much after leaving WWE. He's just such a good all around worker now.


Abadon vs Britt was a fun little brawl. Abadon is still green, but her character work is fantastic. She looked good even in defeat.

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- Danielson vs Kingston was my MOTN. Bryan must be practicing for next year's G1 taking all those chops. Just as violent as the Suzuki match. Nice timing on the meat commercial lol.

- Loved the Punk/Kingston segment.

- Sydal vs Dante was great.

- DMD vs Abadon was short but fun. The table was the real winner lol.

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Moxley checked himself into alcohol rehab. Blade opened up about suffering with anxiety and depression, which is why he's been missing lately. I remember his partner Allie talked about her own depression on the Unrestricted podcast.


It's good they are asking for help and getting support from AEW.

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They really need to... uh... go or get off the pot as far as this Orange Cassidy/ Matt Hardy feud goes. If they're waiting for the no-compete clause for YOU KNOW WHO to expire, that's one thing, but in the meantime, there needs to be something more meaningful than Hardy glowering at Cassidy. There's "slow burn" and then there's "dragging things out".
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They really need to... uh... go or get off the pot as far as this Orange Cassidy/ Matt Hardy feud goes. If they're waiting for the no-compete clause for YOU KNOW WHO to expire, that's one thing, but in the meantime, there needs to be something more meaningful than Hardy glowering at Cassidy. There's "slow burn" and then there's "dragging things out".


The no compete time period is over. All of this foolishness of "he's going to opt out and debut (fill in the date)" and now he's free to sign...and he's still not.

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The no compete time period is over. All of this foolishness of "he's going to opt out and debut (fill in the date)" and now he's free to sign...and he's still not.


Full Gear or the Dynamite right after I bet if he's going to sign at all.


I kinda wish they'd just pull the plug on Pinnacle. FTR is rarely seen doing anything with Spears/MJF/Wardlow.


I was very excited for Samuray Del Sol debuting, but that much was such a clunker all around. They kept trying to salvage it, but it just kept clunking away.


Andrade vs Cody was fun though. Really enjoyed that one.


Miro vs Bryan should be fun.

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Full Gear or the Dynamite right after I bet if he's going to sign at all.


I kinda wish they'd just pull the plug on Pinnacle. FTR is rarely seen doing anything with Spears/MJF/Wardlow.


I was very excited for Samuray Del Sol debuting, but that much was such a clunker all around. They kept trying to salvage it, but it just kept clunking away.


Andrade vs Cody was fun though. Really enjoyed that one.


Miro vs Bryan should be fun.


I really felt like Samuray Del Sol was fine though, it seemed like Aerostar was the one who was out of sync the whole match.


Either way, good Dynamite. I'm definitely looking forward to Full Gear.


Belt The Hangman!

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Full Gear or the Dynamite right after I bet if he's going to sign at all.


I kinda wish they'd just pull the plug on Pinnacle. FTR is rarely seen doing anything with Spears/MJF/Wardlow.


I was very excited for Samuray Del Sol debuting, but that much was such a clunker all around. They kept trying to salvage it, but it just kept clunking away.


Andrade vs Cody was fun though. Really enjoyed that one.


Miro vs Bryan should be fun.


Re: FTR and the Pinnacle, I agree. It's like they just did this group for the inner circle fued, and now they don't want MJF to be "overpowered" vs. Darby so for some reason only Wardlow and Spears are allowed to participate there lol.


It feels like they are just dragging Pinnacle along until Wardlow punches MJF in the face so they have more bodies for that fued.


AEW does have this bad habit of adding things that don't really need to be there. Example is the stip in Sammy vs. Page. Sammy has to leave the inner circle on top of losing the belt?


Unneeded and leads to me sitting there trying not to follow the threads of that every time Excaliber brings it up


"How would Page have this power? How would it be enforced? If Sammy saved the inner circle from a beat down, would he be fined? What is going on?"


and it was uneeded. We all knew (and approved of) sammy not losing to Page there. Like them adding that on to the title match didn't make me go like "WOAH! they might have sammy lose here!" I just wrote the match off aside from the post match angle even more, cause I knew there was truly no shot of an upset.

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I really felt like Samuray Del Sol was fine though, it seemed like Aerostar was the one who was out of sync the whole match.


Either way, good Dynamite. I'm definitely looking forward to Full Gear.


Belt The Hangman!


Yeah I wasn't trying to blame Del Sol, was just let down about the match as a whole.


They should have brought in Cinta De Oro instead of Aerostar. A Lucha Dragons reunion would have been much better.

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As a long time Eddie Kingston fan, it's so satisfying and heartwarming hearing an arena chant his name while he's in the ring with guys like Danielson and Punk.


Eddie is a special talent and in a world of fake personas and characters he comes off real as real can be.


I haven't been able to watch Cole vs Silver yet, but Bryan vs Bowens was real solid.


Velvet vs Bunny was instant forgettable. I like both women, but meh, not a bad match, just an average one.

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I think audiences connect with Kingston, in part because of his ability in the ring and on the mic, and in part because I think we all know someone who's JUST LIKE Kingston. And I mean literally. After the first time I saw him, I was, "I SWEAR I've sat next to that guy at a bar or party somewhere."
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Cole vs Silver was fun for the most part, but the fake.concussion stuff is dumb and really detracted from another wise good match.


Brain injuries are too serious of an ordeal to be made light of.


Yes, almost any injury can be life changing, but when WWE had done similar angles in the past it was torn to shreds by the same people that are praising AEW for it now.

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