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Ellin's Grove: Dragons & Demons [Game Thread]


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Guest Eliphas
Well I am glad you are interested in hearing from me because I have the following to say...




Well one Scum just posted and it is you.


Vote: djthefunkchris


Any reason why your alignment would come up evil?


Obviously no reason to distrust this.


Guys, this is not the way to go. I've obviously been framed right off the bat.


I guess this is the only thing I can do.


Keenan Quallis, Ellin's Grove Aligned Templar.


I do go out, and I have a one-shot that can be very useful.


I know it's bad timing, but I have to go to work right now. I will be back in about 10 hours.


Did not know, and honestly still don't know what to make of the "I was framed" defense right off the bat.


I'm not being coy. I am sure I TRIED to use it, but I still have it because it wasn't needed. I was going to try to ress lukes, I have a 50/50 shot of it working. I seen him ressed and thought I did it at first, but I now know that my ability wasn't needed, and so I still have it.


But he claimed his ability and willingness to use it.

The only thing here is just clarification; you are saying that you put in to raise lukes(now michgcs)? but got it back as not needed? Or you were going to and saw that it was not needed?


Leion has been brought back to life!


And used the ability successfully. Thus getting us the back the two townsfolk that we had lost night one.


Part of me questions the fact that here it is day 2 and we have had 2 successful resurrections, makes me wonder how many times this will be available in a game this small. And tinfoil if both are town abilities. This is offset slightly by the mention of the possibility of resurrections in the posts at the beginning by Rayelek.


Atp, I will accept the positive of the town being made whole again and that on the surface things are as they appear to be. But will keep the events in mind going forward.

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Fair enough, do you have other potential directions to go if not DJ?



Well, the Sheriff is dead, which means we may have lost our vig or jailer.


My first thought when I saw Innocent Child was a beloved princess role. I'm glad to see i was wrong.


Vote: djthefunkchris


A scum read is a good read to me, and I'm about to head to bed and dont wanna miss out taking one down.



That seems like a good place to start. Not all of my posts have been quality but I've been trying. Deadceleb strikes me as a 'bare minimum effort' townie at best and a 'lay low' scummy at worst.



Got a good town read so far on you, Zergon. You've been trying yourself and it shows.



Slight town lean on bak, I fully trust BHK and I trust DJ for now. Fine with Leion and lukess.


Could go either way on Spartan or Phenom at the moment.


Still figuring out the rest.


Even though it's almost certainly too late now, I'm going to back the mack.


Vote: deadceleb

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ok, I've caught up (I think). not sure what to think of the whole bhk-dj thing. successfully recruiting leion doesn't necessarily mean he's town, though. doesn't mean that bhk isn't making up his result, either.


thanks for bringing me back to life, whoever you are. hopefully it won't be a waste.

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Day Phase 2


The town of Ellin's Grove gathered in the tavern as common at the end of the evening. While mourning had begun in earnest, through great magic, both the sheriff and the child had returned to the land of the living. As the day wore on, accusations grew over the murders the evening past, focused upon an accused evil one. However the resurrections brought a halt to the proceedings, and a restored town did not find an alternate direction to take on the day.


It is now Night Phase 2. Please send all PMs to Rayelek by 10am EST (3pm GMT) on Thursday, June 27th.

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So, seems like resurrect did happen and that was enough to stop the lynch, which is fair and understandable.


That seems like a good place to start. Not all of my posts have been quality but I've been trying. Deadceleb strikes me as a 'bare minimum effort' townie at best and a 'lay low' scummy at worst.



Got a good town read so far on you, Zergon. You've been trying yourself and it shows.



Slight town lean on bak, I fully trust BHK and I trust DJ for now. Fine with Leion and lukess.


Could go either way on Spartan or Phenom at the moment.


Still figuring out the rest.


Even though it's almost certainly too late now, I'm going to back the mack.


Vote: deadceleb


Thanks for the answer and current reads Rabbitman, always useful to see what other people think.

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Part of me was surprised to see the resurrect happen. I don't think I've ever been in a predicament where both the deceased N1 were resurrected after the phase. I was half expecting to get this lynch done on DJ already.


I'm guessing the amount of total ressurections are extremely limited and chances are we probably used most of them up by now. This may depend whether it was worth using them so early, but of course if it involves clearing a townie then the ends justify the means. Hopefully that doesn't turn against us later on, fortunately to some degree scum have to regroup upon these developments.

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Hi all, I missed the end of the day phase because I went out and got steaming drunk and have been suffering all day today. It's good to see that DJ was able to revive Leion but as with lukesss now michgs I'm still not counting any one as a confirmed townie.
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Night Phase 2


The crowd left the tavern, with small groups breaking off for conversation. Slowly the moon rose over Ellin's Grove, lighting the night for all sorts of trouble and tribulation.




Standing outside the church, a man clad in armor and wielding a mace looked for someone. His spell having been cast back at the tavern, he had only 1 more task. Looking up at the sky, he saw a terrifying flying beast. The beast landed, and snarled. With no hesitation, he took up his mace and shield, charging the creature. A blast of green acid met the shield, and the shield melted into goo. The mace struck the soft underbelly of the creature, and another roar echoed across the night. Unfortunately, another blast of acid was the warrior's undoing, and the beast flew off into the night.




A few lingered back at the tavern, where a man stayed, playing on a lute and telling tales of the land. In the back stood a man getting drunk, none paid him any mind. Among the dwindling crowd, a man steals from spectators with none the wiser. A towering man storms into the tavern. Axe in his hand, a shouting match begins with the performer. The topic isn't clear, but the axe swings before long, in a fit of anger. The first swing cleaves the lute in two, and the performer steps back, a spell being cast. The cast doesn't finish though, as the axe strikes true a second time, caving in the artist's chest. Looking at the shocked onlookers, the brute shrugs and leaves out the door.




A hooded man walks through town, stopping outside an ornate building. Opposite him stands a man clad in full plate armor, a sword radiant in his hand. A burst of dark energy flies from the hooded man's finger, but it deflects off of a shield. The armored man is ready for this fight. In no time at all, the glowing sword slides through the robes and slices the hooded man in twain. With his death, dark energy swirls around the fallen man, before blasting off in all directions, striking the man who struck him down, shattering the radiant armor and, in great tragedy, taking the man's life with him.


BHK1978 is dead. He was Isaak Karyth, Ellin's Grove Aligned Adventurer's Guild Cleric.

Imarevenant is dead. He was Jack Rivers, Ellin's Grove Aligned Adventurer's Guild Bard.

djthefunkchris is dead. He was Keenan Quallis, Cult of Ralkdos Aligned Warlock.

DeadCeleb is dead. He was Tobais "The Thunderchief" Ryder, Ellin's Grove Aligned Adventurer's Guild Paladin.

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Guest Eliphas
Well the dj flip confirms BHK1978's result. Unfortunately, his death prevents more results. But it also raises the question of Leion's alignment. Thoughts?
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Hmm...Leion? How many cult are left with you?


Wish a protector had stayed with BHK.


Did you have a good night? Looks like I was right about the group being a bit culty, I mentioned that during the first day. I doubt the cult would have the ability to bring someone back if it didn't turn them cult, so Leion may be the way to go today.

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Did you have a good night? Looks like I was right about the group being a bit culty, I mentioned that during the first day. I doubt the cult would have the ability to bring someone back if it didn't turn them cult, so Leion may be the way to go today.


Not as good as I would have liked. I lost three friends.

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