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Playthrough of Global Number 1 Challenge #1: QAW

Playthrough of Global Number 1 Challenge #1: QAW  

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  1. 1. Playthrough of Global Number 1 Challenge #1: QAW

    • Integrate the company, do what you need to do
    • Stay Womens Only, Integrating cheapens it.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="EBEZA" data-cite="EBEZA" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46926" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Wow, that progress! <img alt=":eek:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/eek.png.0e09df00fa222c85760b9bc1700b5405.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> Is there an actual known reason for the miscellaneous expense increase? <img alt=":confused:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/confused.png.d4a8e6b6eab0c67698b911fb041c0ed1.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It depends on how much you make but even then its completely random and by insane degrees.</p><p> </p><p> You can prove this theory by disabling autosave and simming the last day of the month over and over, sometimes the difference is astonishing. 1.3 million on one save then 500k on the reset.</p><p> </p><p> It seems entirely arbitrary.</p>
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<p><span style="font-size:24px;">SEPTEMBER</span></p><p> </p><p>

Signings: <strong>PERFECT Higa(Fuyiko Higa), HEART Saitoh, PSYCHO Hashimoto (Yu Hashimoto) aka the Magnificent 3</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Releases: <strong>Dunton Hall, Ellie May Walton</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="hjNtMpM.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/hjNtMpM.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

So I had mentioned before about a legitimate workaround tactic to utilize foreign talent, this is going to be the first time this tactic is used in this diary to strengthen my roster and build a mini dynasty for the future. As stated previously, all roads for womens wrestling go through Little Miss Perfection and I decided now was an opportune time to establish a connection with 5SSW before I pissed everyone off by expanding too much and that option became closed off to me. From here I simply exchanged about 5,000 cash for Yu Hashimoto and HEART Saitoh. Fuyiko Higa already is eligible to work in the US so I simply signed her to a regular pay per appearance deal.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="9HgpMgQ.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/9HgpMgQ.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Now when you loan a worker, you <strong>MUST USE THEM ON THE SHOW.</strong> If the worker is not used, the new area will not become available. I used both Hashimoto and Saitoh on a Live show, and once the show was over, they became eligible to work in the USA where I signed them to long term deals.</p><p> </p><p>

The Magnificent 3 are the 3 protegees of the Magic 3. PERFECT Higa the protegee of Thunder Hike, HEART Saitoh the protegee of me, Sensational Ogiwara, and PSYCHO Hashimoto the protegee of Crusher Ichihara.</p><p> </p><p>

Not much to say about the releases, Dunton Hall was not useful and Ellie Marie Walton was released due to poor skills and her partner Jane Marie Bowen will be converted into a singles wrestler.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="5QXXzRJ.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/5QXXzRJ.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Couple of notes here for the first show of the month, first of all mostly very generic stuff here, but Team RIOT is the new team of Hashimoto and Saitoh. They were thrown into a multi tag match with veterans so they wouldn't be too badly exposed. They also arrived before Higa did because Loans are instant and contracts are not.</p><p> </p><p>

Joanne Rodriguez of course demanded protection to lose to Sweetheart, but the match was still amazing in spit of that. And from there we segue into a Ronin 3 feud with the new Strong + Ogiwara team and the champion Danielle Sweetheart being dragged along for the ride.</p><p> </p><p>

In general, my booking of QAW this is really common, the shows revolve around the top stars because they grade the best, the champion may or may not be lucky enough to be featured in all of the big main events depending on logistics, but I don't build around my world title as much as the workers themselves because I don't need to, the title prestige has consistently stayed maxed anyway.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="O0W4oi8.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/O0W4oi8.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Finally selling out the Friedman Building!</p><p> </p><p>

You may notice I occasionally do random mishmash tag matches, that's usually just me fishing for tag chemistry, that being said, I haven't found any in the midcard or blow since gamestart, so that's a little unlucky although I feel bad complaining when I already have 4 tag teams with good chemistry and now a 5th with Joanne + Jarvis.</p><p> </p><p>

The "Alliance" angle is just a group promo, there's no default group promo for more than 2 people and I'm too lazy/It was faster to do this instead.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="1BCsati.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/1BCsati.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

The Magnificent 3 debut as a group and take down the legend. This is by the way, why I always pick a wrestling avatar, not necessarily an active one, but one that is CAPABLE of wrestling. You essentially become a giant overness farm, being able to job yourself out with impunity and then just get it all back again. At this point, my avatar Ogiwara is in the 80s in pop in the Mid South, so she can give any prospect I deem fit the rub without the normal morale hits associated with it.</p><p> </p><p>

Other things of note, first time I've done a main event 5 v 5, but there has been a lot of shows in a short period of time and sometimes you just get low on ideas. Basic idea is constantly face the main eventers against each other with varying wins and losses and they will always grade top notch and keep their momentum. Just don't have them lose a bunch of matches in a row and occasionally have them beat midcarders.</p><p> </p><p>

Also I'm back to charisma training Connie Morris because I had stopped doing that for a while and she's already in the 50s for all of her entertainment skills.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="jUn4r6b.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/jUn4r6b.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Another named event, I switched to the Ranch because it's a hotbed and it actually ruined my streak of sellouts. Weird.</p><p> </p><p>

I'm eventually planning to make this my season finale, but for now it probably wasn't booked like once since there is still continuity on this show. For the first year, Crowning the Queen starts as the Season finale by default so I just left it until I stopped liking the idea of having a tournament as my season finale.</p><p> </p><p>

Gorgon ends the 6 or so month reign of Dannielle Sweetheart, and becomes a double champion in QAW.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Lora Washingtons strip gimmick is still going on, and she actually is driving some of the first midcard storylines I've used in this save, which is now much easier that everyone is fairly over and skilled.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="ZbOwW2f.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ZbOwW2f.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Yet another one of my aborted storyline arcs, originally Lora Washington and Foxxy were supposed to be a tag team but then I realized if I did that I wouldn't have enough solo heels so this never took off running. ESPECIALLY since later in the show I turned Anderson and Snyder babyface after an emotional match with Sweet and Sour. </p><p> </p><p>

Ultimately I ended up keeping Tamara in a feud with Foxxy and had Lora with a proper feud with Sweet and Sour as a solo entity.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="wcCkXom.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/wcCkXom.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Still pumping away here at 4 pop per month, obviously in 11 more months we'll be 100 overness, because that's how that works.</p><p>

It's not like it gets harder or anything.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="OWb5I9u.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/OWb5I9u.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

So last month was basically almost literally the same as this month, except whoever embezzled 300k from us last month didn't this time. How nice of them!</p><p> </p><p>

Making close to a million dollars per month is pretty insane, and we'll hit our goals sooner rather than later as we are only getting more popular and richer by the week.</p>

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Signings: Crusher Ichihara, Kuniko Matsura, Pee-Wee Germaine, Playboy Jake Sawyer, Lauren Easter, Vinny Cruz, Houston Handley, Teresa Perez, Melody, Ginko Kuroda


Releases: Concepcion Gomez



I... may have overdone it on the signing spree. I don't even know why I signed so many people, but I will try to explain most of them HERE GOES.


Crusher Ichihara was brought in to mentor PSYCHO Hashimoto, I will eventually be bringing in Thunder Hike and have the full Magic 3 in backstage rolls when I get the chance. Now if you notice, her and Kuniko Matsura are both Japan only, but I went and did a local show in Kanto and hired them as local and used them on the show to bring them to the US. Matsura is an extremely positive backstage influence and should be a solid worker in time.



Pee-Wee Germaine was brought in because I got tired of having only one referee, even if she is now some super referee with like 98 refereeing. It's not necessary or even efficient, but Lawrence could die or something, plus Pee Wee is a nice guy. Extremely positive influence and I'll about spamming backstage bonuses.




Playboy Jake Sawyer is male valet im using to maybe develop another relationship backstage for more bonuses, plus he's a manager and managers are honestly pretty good in this game. They give bonuses to segments and matches without having to do anything "for having managerial help", even moreso if you find one with chemistry. Overall, charisma/mic and all that is just a bonus.



Lauren Easter is very good. Not much to say about her. She isn't over at all yet but she'll get a push once I get on TV, shes one of the best workers in the world.


Vinny Cruz gets a shot at redemption, Im going to try to put him on J-Ro so he can have a loose affiliation with Ronin 3 again.


Tex-Mex gets rehired because I felt bad about canning them and need a heel tag team to replace the departing Vanguard.


Melody is a main eventer in her prime whos contract expired. USPW literally didn't even bid for her so I got her on the cheap.


Ginko Kuroda I don't know. I just signed her impulsively, don't judge me.




Also this happened












You may notice these are some pretty astronomical contracts, chalk that up to NOTBW attempting to raid me heavily. Of course, I simply rebuked them by trumping their offers with massive deals. Now you may think, wow those are some really high numbers for a regional company. Well here's the thing, I have like 2.5 million dollars in the bank, these three contracts don't even total 100k a month of my massive profits.


Two, and most importantly, I'm running about 15 shows per month. Quick maffs on the Alicia Strong deal 2980 per appearance x 15 = 44,700.


So basically I'm already paying all 3 workers more than what they are making on this downside to beat out NOTBWs offer, plus the extra perks I through in for Strongs contract (for some reason the AI was abnormally aggressive and persistent with her in particular) don't even matter because even in some world I was massively depushing Strong(lol) I'd just renegotiate her contract as she's on a PPA. Same for her having Creative Control. Which I don't care about either because she will never fail to be protected in a loss anyway.






At this point we are literally the best company in the world. 96 show rating is ridiculous and I rarely hit this even in my other PSW game, mostly due to how OP Perf = Pop is. It allows you to abuse good stats better than almost every other company type.


Main feuds at this point are Alicia Strong/Sensational Ogiwara and Featured Attraction feuding with Ronin 3. Foxxy and McFly and Lora Washington vs Sweet and Sour.







Couple of things, regarding the Magnificent 3, I'm slowly getting them wins on lower carders, but don't expect a real push. I'm just slowly grinding stats, experience and keeping their recent fortunes and momentums high for their eventual push. I have big plans for all 3, but there is not advantage of pushing them early. I don't want them to be hugely popular in the Mid South and nowhere else, plus I would like to keep wages down for when I hit Cult and give everyone Writtens. Money will not matter for quite a bit in the mid game of this playthrough, however it will eventually be used to hit Global so it still very important.


Short title run for Strong/Ogiwara. One because I(Sensational Ogiwara) am old, and two because Ronins (Jarvis and Rodrigues) have tag chemistry and I wanted to put them in a position of prominence on the cards.


Plus Strong is more of a singles worker given shes the absolute top talent in the company by a decent margin. Granted at this point, Strong has like a 99 in Psychology due to artificial stat pumping by my avatar whos is her mentor, if I were to stop running shows completely for 2-3 months or she'd get hurt shed go all the way down, but until she gets injured she will maintain her superhero status even if I dramatically decreased my show output.


Seriously I could switch right now to 5 shows month and it would take her a very long time to normalize.





Money Inc is the team of Ms Melanie Flyman and Concepcion Gomez, managed by Playboy Jake Sawyer. No chemistry at all for the group, so overall pretty meh. I'd fire Concepcion for being mediocre and a bad influence later in the month so it was a short lived group.


I'm flying through the venues here, as I'm gaining crazy pop per show based on my sky high show grades. Moved to another generic venue to maximize economy, as the 10k seater loses a few tickets.


Alexis Lee Littlefeather is the new Shockwave champion, this was done for no reason other than to give me an excuse to prolong certain feuds.





A scouting trip, rather than a genuine attempt at expanding. I likely will not bother trying to expand like this, as it is inefficient, extremely so. What I will do is either attach them on to my broadcaster eventually or I will buy out a company from those locations I wish to expand to and absorb their pop. In Japan its super easy, as a combination of the Tsunami and their weird obsession with inefficient touring schedules consistently bankrupts half the companies in glorious Nippon and you can just buy them out and take their beds.


I booked this card like a fanservice special card where Ichihara attacks Ogiwara at the end of the show as a nod to olden times. I couldn't do an actual match as Ichihara is apparently totally shot unlike Ogiwara and Hike and no longer has wrestling stats.






Probably one of my worst shows in a while, I took this as like a TV/setup event rather than having big matches here. Breaks the monotony up plus its convenient as it allows you to get your main eventers wins by booking them against people lower on the card. Ronins/Flower Power have had an excellent series of matches in there min-feud. Ultimately, this first venture into Clover Fields is almost marginally profitable vs a generic venue due to how many seats are still needed to sell out, but it's a good start and we are still making money.





Very close to a sellout near the end of the month! This is Lauren Easters first big match in QAW and you can already see how good she is despite not being over at all, I think at the time she was in the 30s in pop in Mid South and still tore it down.


Tex-Mex were brought in to job to my other better tag teams, and are doing the job at least decently, albeit they have very low relative stats due to not being in my crazy ecosystem very long.


Ultimately another much slower show where main eventers aren't flying at each other in multi (wo) man matches, but the event was salvaged by yet another world class match between the Missouri Bruisers and Alicia Strong + random fill in.


jk Tamara you are great.






Continuation of the Strong/McFly Bruisers feud but in separate singles matches. Strong vs Morris was one of the worst matches of Strongs QAW career thus far, but it received a huge penalty for storyline heat for some reason.


Yes I had poor Matsura shoot tshirts, shes not very good and is an enhancement talent and I had no match for her. :p


Actually went through a run after being white hot for most of September in October with relatively mediocre shows, this min event is just another example of that. What's happening is the expectations due to the intersection of stats and overness is not meeting the match quality, generally due to limitations of the workers.


What does that mean? It means an 80/80/80/80/70 as an example, Gorgon with 70 pop vs an 80/80/80/80/70 McFly with 60 pop is received much differently than the same stats on 90 and 80 pop workers. As popularity increases expectations do as well, which does make sense. They are graded and penalized more heavily for psychology and selling, neither of the two are exception in this regard although they are definitely good enough.


The end result is they have worse graded matches than when they were less popular. This is yet another reason under most normal circumstances, it's very important to control and limit overness of sub National employed workers.




As we're getting into the 90s with fair regularity, our jumps are getting even higher and we get 5 overness this month. On pace for near global levels of pop in the Midsouth by next year. We're also slowly getting pretty noticeable spillover into the other regions, which is nice as it will slightly speed up our progress to Cult.




Random miscellaneous cost, I shake my fist at you!

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Signings: None


Releases: Vivian Howard (Fired)



You may have noticed "Cousin Viv" hasn't appeared on a card in ages, I neglected to mention she broke her neck a few months ago and is out for a year. I've been holding onto her because she's well beyond her years in the ring, but she has no SQ and I tried to get her up in weight and she just got Flabby and lost what little SQ she had so I fired her. I may resign her like 3 years from now when she can lose the weight again, besides she's still out for almost another 9 months.




It's official we're washed up. Ogiwara more out of touch than Vince McMahon. QAW is on the decline. Time to watch NXT.



On a serious note, I had started getting a lot of weak show grades. The reason is Overuse Penalties .


These may not look like much but through extensive testing I've seen as much as 5-6 points knocked off a show grade just because an Opener was used in too long of a match, this is essentially what happens here, as I had used my lower carders and jobbers in matches with upper carders to get them experience and good grades in their matches.


This can be circumvented by booking these matches as 9 minute squash matches, as anything over 10 minutes will tank your show grade.


Also please do not adjust your monitor, I actually used a manager for once. This isn't something I will be consistent with, I just did it, pretended I'd keep doing it, then didn't do it again. Maybe some day.






There's a lot going on here, not only did I sign way too many new workers, a couple of injured ones including Amber Allen came back. Im in a decent pickle here, as ""QAW Live" is essentially one show, and due to my massive grades under this show name, it's now risen to Legendary show status.






Now this is basically a double edged sword. On one hand, the fact that it is a Legendary event brings me often 2-5 thousand more fans than I should be getting per show, which is an insane amount of monthly revenue. On the other hand, because the event is so important, literally everyone including the managers and enhancement talents will be furious about not being on the show. Obviously, the lower the position on the card the less angry, Main Eventers will be outright furious while jobbers and managers will be annoyed.


This adds basically a lot of pressure to use everyone every show, which normally wouldn't be a huge deal, but given it is one of my few house rules to book at least somewhat realistically, its a big problem with creativity and general booking fatigue. Obviously otherwise I'd just run a battle royale every show, instead of running it once a month or so as I do now.


It's an even bigger problem now that my roster is bloated, but I would rather continue to gain the extra revenue than start at Normal again and have less strict booking, because ultimately the main goal here is to get the huge amount of cash I need to get the TV deal rather than be an awesome e-booker who makes compelling storylines and awesome e-cards.


While the suspension of belief is already teetering on the edge when we are realistically looking at 15 thousand people coming to see a womens only promotion that never leaves the Mid South and isn't on TV almost 15 times a month, the general idea, again, is that you should be able to look at the numerous cards I've posted here and believe they could actually be real wrestling cards you'd pay to see. Meaning they have some semblance of coherence, consistency and booking logic.







Moved on to the generic venue at this point since we are consistently selling out Clover Fields.


Also of note, to solve the conundrum above I have started to integrate more usage of pre and post show since I find these to be realistic and logical place to have my myriad of throwaway matches without polluting the general vibe of the main card.


Notable, Melody debuted fairly recently for my company and remains the only one on the roster who can take a win off Strong without her being obscenely angry, Strong dwarves almost everyone other than Melody in National popularity and is consistently among the most popular or the most popular in the Mid South. Melody is a mentor of Ariel Breaks, which gives me yet another backstage relationship, and more potential for game-y stat boosting via backstage incidents.





Look at all those extra fans! Alas we see the benefits of having and abusing a legendary event, 19k in a generic venue which is almost +3000 what we are expecting.


That's big money and will reflect in our monthly finances report.


Alicia Strong wins the monthly obligatory battle royale, only this one is for a storyline number 1 contender spot. Alicia Strong vs Gorgon is set for early December... you can guess who's going over.


Connie Morirs takes the strap off Lora Washington who no longer is going to be used to defile attractive midcarders, instead I'll likely be giving her an actual feud with a main eventer given shes been a consistent main eventer since she joined the company shes just been used more like a midcarder who wins a lot.


Morris is solid and can make the most of throwaway matches, plus there's feud potential there to make the Shockwave title implications a little less boring and static. Connies essentially been consistently involved with feuds and storylines since joining the company.


Ronin 2 is the team of Jillian Jarvis and Juana Hurrican who I was furious to find out had tag chemistry together. The reason this agitated me so much was because I had tried out Parisi and Jarvis in a match and never did Juana, I could've replaced Ronin 3 a long time ago and not waited until J-Ro came along, although it arguably makes more sense now with the current power structure, as Jarvis is essentially the second in command to J-Ro rather than the faction leader.






I'm actually not sure why, but I'm gaining now a huge 6 overness per month now. Now I had, since I started the save updated to a more recent patch, which may have affected the growth rates for smaller companies or in general.


It may also have to do with my usage of a legendary show so persistently, granted the entire run was not on shows of high importance, far from it. The first few months after getting the importance up I swapped it to my Crowning the Queen event, then the second time I swapped it to Sweet September Summit. Recently is the first time I've consistently run on this event, and it may be affecting pop gains, this isn't something I have thoroughly researched though and is just speculative.


Either way, it's pretty insane now, as I probably will be selling out 30k arenas soon.


Also I now realize I was representing my popularity incorrectly, me being stupid I forgot that in order to show your pop at the end of a given month you'd show the start of the next month's pop, not that current month's pop.


At least I finally fixed it.






And here we see one of TEWs quirks. Money comes in bunches, you are either making a little of it or a LOT of it very little in between. Once you start making money it snowballs to extreme heights, it's only going to get crazier from here.



And this unknown miscellaneous cost will get crazier right with it. :mad:

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Awesome to see Easter in action! Great work with this.


Thank you, she's another one who obviously will permanently be a big part of QAW but one who I am in no big rush to push, at least until the next "stage" of the playthrough in a sense, where a lot of the old guard will be not so much pushed out but rotated in a sense, some will fall to be permanent midcard fixtures or tag team specialists.


It's sad in a sense, this is LIKELY the avenue that a QAW legend like Jillian Jarvis is headed to, because she lacks star quality, charisma and overall big main event qualities that some of the workers on my roster lying dormant currently have (PERFECT Higa being the most obvious but also true for Kate Sour, Charity Sweet, Amber Allen and of course Lauren Easter herself).


That being said, at least in QAW and generally how I book tag wrestling in accordance to how somewhat mechanically OP it is in TEW, there is no shame in being a tag specialist in TEW especially when you develop chemistry and experience these matches as you see are usually among the best matches on the card.


It's definitely a space where the likes of the Missouri Bruisers, Ronin 2 and so on will reside and dominate for years(at least until the Bruisers) hit decline which probably will be towards the end of the playthrough, both Bruisers are quite old)

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This is insane :p Makes me ashamed of my AAA diary :eek:


Nah just a different style.


Although I may or may not have a narrative diary planned after this using this same save game once Global is reached.



Look out for it I’m mapping everything out in my head and it should be pretty fun.

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Signings : None


Departures: Teresa Perez(Fired), Ginko Kuroda(Fired), Hellcat (Signed to NOTBW), Lora Washington (Signed to NOTBW)


Perez and Kuroda should've never been signed in the first place, they just were signed because of why not reasons, this ultimately came back to bite me when actual assets became available later like Melody and Lauren Easter who are must haves for my company, this is also a good example and lesson on why not hiring workers just because you appear to have the space for them is important. Hiring workers forgoes opportunity costs for when truly valuable workers become available and leads to roster bloat, and roster bloat is not only a real problem at the booking screen, it's very much a save killer, coming from personal experience.


Hellcat and Washington could've been saved, I simply didn't care to outbid NOTBW for them, they are actually on the lower end on the company hierarchy and likely would've been demoted to extra soon anyway.





21k is a company high! Woo!


As you can see, even before they left the company, Hellcat and Lora weren't up to anything too remarkable. Just working general midcard fodder matches.


Sweet And Sour have been promoted to having actual feuds for a while now, even though they usually end up losing. Baby steps.


Ronins drop the title, mainly because I can't have two of my best heel singles workers tied up in a tag team too long, especially when Joanne is still essentially the companies top heel. Featured Attraction sort of get the rub here by default, as fairly standard and over babyface team, its there second title run in a year, so they are well on their way to being a pretty historically important tag team.


The Tag Titles have changed hands quite often and probably will continue to do so as the nature of the division, but my World title has only changed hands twice this year in spite of my single months being closer to half a year for most companies. A 6 month reign in QAW is borderline 2 years in a normal company.




So couple of things here, most important is the location here. The Zenith Arena is a custom venue I created using the investments tab. Any venue under 30k seats is ridiculously cheap especially relative to my income at this point. By using my own 25k seat venue I'm essentially paying a third of the normal hiring cost for the venue.


Furthermore, once it's time to expand and move up to the next venue, I can sell this venue and recoup about 500k of the 750k I used to buy it in the first place, meaning it's just purely profitable at this point to do so, it also classifies as a "Hotbed" as all created venues are, and gives you a small attendance bonus.


Our main event here has Alicia Strong taking her first QAW World title, and the setup is that Connie Morris was trying to cheat for Gorgon but Featured Attraction intervened, setting up a main event tag title feud between Featured Attraction and the Missouri Bruisers. The old tried and true. The New Day/Usos of QAW.


We've also pivoted to using the new Ronin 3 team of Juana Hurrican and Jillian Jarvis, who again have chemistry together, which frees up company ace heel Joanne Rodrigruez to ace heel things.




First sell out of the new arena! 25k strong and massive money lining our pockets.



Hell Cat gets to leave QAW on her back, over and over. She jobs about 3-4 times straight to Perfect Higa, both grooming the young future star as well as jobbing her out on the way to Canada. Honestly the lost overness doesn't even matter, as it wont be used in Canada. Higa's overness is also locked currently and she didnt get any overness from any of the wins over Hellcat, so she'll likely need some heavy farming of recent fortunes and/or a turn.


She was pretty mad about losing without any protection so much, but by the time she comes back to QAW, if ever, she'll have forgotten by then so I cant be bothered to care.



Melody gets her first main event feud with Strong after a big setup, Melody has been pretty stagnant, as most of my workers have been. I am unsure what causes this weird overness lock where people don't gain overness the traditional way of beating more popular stars. It happens seemingly at random and for no reason in particular. That being said, we've worked around it by abusing angles, the old tried and true.


This also marks Connie Morris as the first dual champion in the save, holding both the Tag and Shockwave titles.





For when you really have nothing foor your workers, bust out the rare bikini contest! Hey QAW may be about womens wrestling and not sleezy T and A, but that doesn't mean the Queens arent body positive and sexy!






Despite running the same amount of shows I've managed a whopping 7 overness points off the starting pace of 4 per show set in the original days. At this point, I sell Zenith Arena and create the Queendome, a 30k seater, as this is essentially where I'll be indefinitely barring and continued crazy rates of growth. Mind you, at high levels of overness that 5 percent better becomes increasingly difficult, and soon even low 90s won't cut it for pop advancements.






The takeover is real! By this rate, we'll likely be nationally broadcasted by March, then the next phase of the journal starts as we approach the ever tricky mid game. QAW has a trickier mid game than most due to being a pop = perf company and having higher rates of organic pop growth.


The main goal of the mid phase is to reach Cult with a good bankroll and with our workers just popular enough that they don't refuse to sign written deals with us due to being too popular, which most of our main event would currently fail if their mid south popularity mirrored their national popularity. Meaning, as it stands, if national pop caught up to pop in Midsouth for most of my main players, I'd lose the majority of my Main event by contract end, and even worse, wouldnt be able to bid on hem if NOTBW or USPW came knocking.


For a lot of the regional male companies, especially those with Pop >> Perf or Pop > Perf , I work around this by only pushing old workers in decline, but for a company like QAW this is impossible, not only because its Perf = Pop but there aren't actually enough geriatric women workers in the database.

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We are literally the best, thus we deserve massive amounts of exposure and money.


Authors side note, never managed company of the year my first year with company before, but this speaks to how ridiculous QAWs early game is, not to mention, and more importantly, I had access to the two ace womens workers in the entire database completely organically, something that is extremely untrue for pretty much any male company, even companies of National size due to contracts. The end result is you have disproportionate amounts of talent only focusing on womens workers than a similar size male companiy working off literally the scrapyard. Sure by the time you are National you can still get enough pure talent to replicate this, but rarely do you get them so immediately.




You did it Connie! You showed them all! They said you were a washed up journy(wo)man at the end of her career, and you took home Tag Team of the Year after coming off the Unemployment line!


As an aside this is what Connie (and several others) look like after a year of QAWs extreme schedule.






Static Star Quality :mad: this is the last year I deal with you!





J-Ro narrowly edges Strong, but I think only because she got here first.

J-Ro finished 2nd In Power 500 and Strong finished 3rd. 1st was the late Sean McFly who took him his final Wrestler of the Year award posthumously, he actually died in May and only wrestled 18 matches.


Next year assuming no one dies again, Alicia should have the award locked down as well as Female Wrestler of the Year.





Obviously. I will also probably get this virtually every year except towards the very end. Company of the Year the same.





Before I signed another ref she reffed basically all my matches for my shows and got super buffed, shes like a 98 refererring now. I ended up signing another ref worried she might die or something and Id be screwed, but shes the best ref in the world by far.





I have no idea which show this was. Perhaps I should've numbered them. Honestly I really don't even care, they basically are all the same to me. They aren't even shown on television, after broadcast my shows will actually feel alive and I can care about giving them names.




I did it! Never sleep on Grandma Ogiwara! I'm the best old-timer ever, the baddest woman in the nursing home. You whipper snappers! I'll put you in the feared Toe Hold! Oh wit that's just a regular move these days....






We cleaned up in general this award season.



Also, this happened around this time.






Hmm....you know Lauren your personal life is your own but uh.... yeah.

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Acquisitions: None


Departures: Ms Melanie Flyman(Golden Delicious)(Fired) Houston Handley (Fired) Playboy Jake Sawyer(Fired), Eve Runcord (Contract Expired)



More downsizing, none of these workers were anything spectacular, Sawyer was fired after Flyman was because he was her manager. I actually didn't want to fire Melanie in particular, I had kept Houston around because Melanie and her were friends, but instead I just decided to fire them both and be done with it.


Runcord will likely be brought back at some point, but she wasn't doing anything and I didn't feel like resigning her.



Overall January I took the month off, let some skills settle down, let some contracts run out, and only ran 4 shows.


Still made a ton of money.












This also goes to show how useless running a "normal" schedule is in TEW, in TEW you don't get over by developing a ton of marketable stars, or running the best shows in the world, you do by running sheer quantity, thus any gameplay strategy that does not revolve around this is invalid.

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Acquisitions: Queendome (Venue), Zenith (Broadcaster) Shiori Jippensha, Sally Anne Christenson


Departures: Charity Sweet (Fired), Zenith Arena(Sold and upgraded)




Couple of things, Zenith Arena was sold for about 60 percent of what I paid for it, and then upgraded to a full 30k seater, it still sells out so its strictly more efficient. Jippensha and Christenson were hired just because they are good and I lost a bit of talent recently.


Zenith broadcaster is ultimately the goal we were shooting for, selling out 15 shows of 30k seats netted me nearly 11 million dollars in a month, which I used at the very end of February to avoid the most amount of taxes and misc random embezzlement costs.


Overall I spent 22 million dollars on a Free to Air Medium broadcaster in US and Very Small in Mexico. The reason for the Medium broadcaster is because I had extra money and I dumped it into the broadcaster rather than lose it to taxes anyway.



The Charity Sweet situation is insanely sad, not only because she was an amazing worker due for an instant push as soon as TV came, not only because she was a feature in one of my best headline tag teams for the length of the save, but also because she has a very positive personality as well. She was essentially my prized prospect, and totally homegrown. Ultimately she ended up getting a 3 week or so injury with a Swollen Maritime Elbow early in February, by the time she came back she suddenly developed an insane crippling painkiller addiction so I am forced to release her and she will probably never work again despite being one of the best in the database.


Unlike 2013 or any previous games, drug habits in 2016 are basically non-negotiable, they essentially function as de factor career ending injures, and reclamation projects are no longer possible. I've actually put in the tech support for this to be looked at as a bug, since it is so incredibly unintuitive of a feature especially how nicely this used to work, workers who have drug habits will never reform in this version of the game, and the rehab feature specifically designed for this game is completely worthless due to how inefficient it is.


I took a look at the editor(without adjusting or saving anything) apparently Sweet developed a painkiller addiction of 84 within 3 weeks of a fairly minor injury. She has almost no negative personality markers that would cause this, its purely bad RNG. Now even if I had access to rehab, she'd essentially be gone about a year for some 4-5 percent improvement from what I've observed. Meaning it would probably take about 30 years for her to get even remotely clean. Meanwhile, what I have notice, and again, this is probably in line with how seemingly buggy this feature is as a whole, is that any slightest drug habit will spiral out of control extremely quickly, going up and up with no rhyme or reason.


The last time I observed this was a long game where I tried to use the dirty doctor, only for half of my lockeroom (especially the females for some reason) to develop debilitating soft drug addiction. In 6 months like 7-8 people were near the 50 percent threshold for soft drug abuse, and I had about 4 people in rehab which did virtually nothing.








First show in the Queendome, sold out 30k immediately.



Melody had taken the Shockwave title off Connie just to give her something to do. Foxxy is also working on a heel turn.








Somewhat arbitrarily changed my show mainly so I didn't have to deal with the BS that comes with booking Legendary importance shows all the time. At this point I will sell out 30k even with a regular normal importance event so there is no need for the big event.



The plan was originally to have Charity Sweet come back and help Kate in her feud with the newly turned Foxxy LaRue, who's heel turn was caused by Kate beating her in a swimsuit contest and being viewed as more attractive by the fans. Unfortunately Charity is now a junkie of some sort and will no longer be wresting, press F to pay respects.







The 3x Tag Champions!






As of March 1st, I now have a TV show called "QAW: Ladies Night" that will air every Monday. From there I will run 2 additional sub-shows + 1 annual event for a total of 13 shows a month. A little less than the 16 I had been running, but it's no longer necessary to run as many with the infrastructure we have set up.


























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At this point in the play through, we've now move to phase 2, which is the mid game of the challenge, at this point we will be slowly building our stars up, managing their popularities to not be too high, then signing them to Written deals when Cult is achieved.


After Cult is achieved and we continue to grow nationally, we will likely start to get picked up by PPV broadcasters in both the US and Mexico, at this point we can continue operating out of the Queendome until we make enough with PPV and Live Gate to make a GLOBAL broadcaster which covers the entire world.


From here, it simply a matter of continuing to produce good shows, and the tricky part, which will be winning National Battles against the top male companies without access to established workers or a high pool of Star Quality.



I will attempt to also mitigate this by creating a 100 reputation dojo as soon as possible with only female graduates. New gen is set to high so its possible I get lucky. I only need one or two women to generate with 90+ star quality as I can simply brute force them to the top regardless of what their other stats or even overness cap is so I can win the National Battle and not take the popularity hits.



At very high level of popularity, particularly those required to hit Global(greater than 85 in the entire US) the types of hits you will get from National Battle defeats simply isn't sustainable, since rate of growth around 90 overness is basically slowed to a crawl, unless you can sustain 95 rated shows almost all of the time(unlikely unless you angle cheese).

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<p>Correction to some earlier posted content.</p><p> </p><p>

It is possible still to save Charity Sweet, what I’d need to do is comprehensive test her and then fine her enough times she eventually went all the way down, of course this would probably singlehandedly tank my lockeroom to zero so I won’t do it, it’s also highly RNG at the stage she’s at.</p><p> </p><p>

Anyway the confusion was due to a bug where the worker habit never improves after “wrestling high” incidents, thus giving the illusion the worker cannot be saved. This is accurate but only because you need to test the worker personally to reduce habit for some reason(probably a bug)</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Self" data-cite="Self" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46926" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Very interesting read. I try to play realistically, but it's nice to see where the the system works and where there are workarounds and power-gamey aspects.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> Thank you. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Good to see people are following along</p>
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