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[RockVerse] Chi-Town Urban Combat

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Jaded said:
Will predict when I’m at a computer, but just wanted to say amazing show, especially the last couple of matches!

Appreciate it!



alpha2117 said:
Well no surprises that the Sins and Devils Playthings worked or that the word Jigglefest is now trending in the Dynasties board.

Clearly, Calvin and Jerry are fans of W_SX



alpha2117 said:
CTUC is getting more and more like a Bizzaro ECW/CHIKARA hybrid cross by the show and weirdly that's a good thing.

I like to think of it as a post-harcore product, with a lot of smarky comedy on top of the graphic violence. Knowing that wrestling is scripted and signing up for some graphic violence, you might as well push some insider jokes and over the top stuff. Having the show presented by Calvin and Jerry helps get that vibe across too. I'm trying to build them some character of their own too, with Calvin being the babyface "this is weird and silly but intriguing and fun" type while Jerry is the more facepalm and eyeroll kind.



alpha2117 said:
The recap guys got so distracted by the women's match they forgot to tell us who won (the winner of course was wrestling)

Exactly. Besides, it's not like I'm doing a prediction contest or anything, right? :D For those who may lose sleep over this though, it was the Devil's Playthings who won. Arabelle denied any involvement in the finish.



alpha2117 said:
the chick in the gimp suit

Oh you'd wish that was a gimp suit... This is, by far, the most insane and violently offending character I've ever come up with. Speaking of which...


Me: I want to present Abominatrix as this character

Network: No way, this is too extreme and offensive, not on our network!

Also me: I want to have two religious lunatics and a guy in a chupacabra suit fight inside a cage made of barb wire, on top of having the ring's ropes wrapped in barb wire.

Network: Okay

Edited by DarK_RaideR
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Main Event

Strip the Flesh match

Abominatrix vs Lust


Semi Main Event

Three Way Tag Team Casket match

Killboy Powerhead vs The Bonechillers vs The Chi-Church Cult


Six Persons Tag match

Three of the Seven Deadly Sins (Gluttony, Sloth & Wrath) vs Club Exotico


Opening Contest

Dr. Funkenstein vs "The Ghetto Cowboy" Tyrell Starr

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Main Event

Strip the Flesh match

Abominatrix vs Lust


Semi Main Event

Three Way Tag Team Casket match

Killboy Powerhead vs The Bonechillers vs The Chi-Church Cult


Six Persons Tag match

Three of the Seven Deadly Sins (Gluttony, Sloth & Wrath) vs Club Exotico


Opening Contest

Dr. Funkenstein vs "The Ghetto Cowboy" Tyrell Starr

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Main Event

Strip the Flesh match

Abominatrix vs Lust


Semi Main Event

Three Way Tag Team Casket match

Killboy Powerhead vs The Bonechillers vs The Chi-Church Cult


Six Persons Tag match

Three of the Seven Deadly Sins (Gluttony, Sloth & Wrath) vs Club Exotico


Opening Contest

Dr. Funkenstein vs "The Ghetto Cowboy" Tyrell Starr

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Read the following at your own risk




Calvin: "Darkness Falls" also happened this Sunday...


Jerry: It's that time of the show again, isn't it?


Calvin: You bet it is and I'll admit I was pretty curious to see what they'd pull off this time with the move to a new time slot after midnight. I mean, last time they added women's wrestling out of nowhere...


Jerry: I think "out of nowhere" describes their booking and presentation in general, but let's not get ahead of ourselves...




Calvin: So opening contest, Dr. Funkenstein versus Tyrell Starr in another two star match like the ones CTUC has us used to... nothing special, but fans seemed to be into it and both men were having a lot of fun being silly, so it put some smiles on faces and got things going on the right foot...


Jerry: And No one got injured, though quite a few black people were probably offended with all the stereotypes on display...


Calvin: It's a lot of tongue in cheek stuff, they're treading a fine line before being outright offensive...


Jerry: And Starr got the win...


Calvin: Starr got the win, which he needed if he was to salvage any credibility and just to point out what a threat he is after beating a disco dancer...




Jerry: Mikey Malice attacked!


Calvin: Which actually makes no sense, because Malice beat Starr and it's not like they're scheduled to wrestle again...


Jerry: Like I said Calvin, out of nowhere...






Calvin: Once that was over with, we had a six... person tag match between Club Exotico and the males of the I-don't-know-how-many-sins group...


Jerry: Another solid two-star bout, as per CTUC's high quality standards...


Calvin: Can't say anyone really stood apart here, either as great or terrible...


Jerry: Except maybe Tiffany Poe at ringside...




Calvin: Speaking of Tiffany, I figured she'd be the target once "Vanity" Ugly Bob showed up in the middle of the match, but apparently he was after Sloth...


Jerry: I think they're playing up the after-effects of last month's tag team match, plus if he did anything to Tiffany Poe, that would fire up Wrath and the Sins would lose the match. They were penciled to win, so he went for Sloth to keep the feud going but not cost the Sins the match.


Calvin: Well they did pull that angle off, just not as part of the match, because there was a post-match brawl between the Sins and Vanity. Which I loved, by the way, because they all ganged up on Vanity and who showed up to make the save?






Calvin: Which made absolutely no sense at first, but then they did that spot after the brawl where he and Vanity slowly turned around to face each other...


Jerry: Like a cat staring into a mirror for the first time...


Calvin: That was comedy gold... Easily the best angle on the show to not feature sexualized women... I hope they're going somewhere with that angle, maybe turn them into a tag team or something...


Jerry: Well their interaction seemed to get a pretty good reaction from the fans, but they had a post-show dark match from what I heard and it was dreadful... Their timing was all over the place and one of them gave an opponent a minor head injury, so...








Calvin: Well that makes two, because I heard of another injury in the following match, which by the way didn't even make it past the two start threshold, if we're being honest...


Jerry: I'd be surprised if it did, if we're talking actual wrestling, Moxley's the only one in that match who can go... maybe Orcus too.


Calvin: Let me just say first, the setup was a mess to begin with. Like, how does a casket match work with a tag team? Do you have to trap both members or is it over as soon as one is in the casket? Then you make it a three way, so it's like... elimination rules? What is even going on here?


Jerry: That's what I'm wondering throughout the entire show, Calv. Welcome to my headspace.


Calvin: I'm guessing they tried to cover up that mess by having all six brawl around the entire venue, which is right up Powerhead's alley...


Jerry: I thought that spot where Skullsy grinded his skateboard down a stairway railing to attack Orcus was creative... but clearly Skullsy botched it because Orcus caught him at an odd angle and I think he hurt himself during the landing...


Calvin: Yeah so explain me this... Powerhead ends up picking up Killboy and throwing him onto some opponent's general direction, but he lands straight through a casket... so technically he was in the casket but he wasn't trapped in the casket... because, well, after that there was no casket...


Jerry: I was confused by the finish too, but apparently so was Powerhead by whatever explanation the masked lucha referee provided him off the mic...


Calvin: Think that was an accident so they had to improvise?


Jerry: Perhaps we'll never know, thing is Powerhead goes even madder, he hits the ref and then he smashes all the remaining caskets, so now there's no way for the match to finish...


Calvin: And this is where it gets even weirder...


Jerry: Yes! Because the ref disqualifies Killboy Powerhead...


Calvin: A DQ... in a casket match!


Jerry: Which is worse than a DQ in say, a Hell in a Cell match, because in that case you know one man lost and the other man won... now Killboy Powerhead get disqualified, so who the hell won?


Calvin: They did announce that the Bonechillers had won, but I don't know on what grounds... presumably because Orcus was injured and couldn't continue?


Jerry: I didn't see him struggle though... whatever he had sustained, he was still able to wrestle and it didn't seem to hold down his performance!


Calvin: Aaaaaaaand if you think that was odd and made no sense...




Jerry: Holy crap, that main event... where to begin?


Calvin: So we've established what the deal with Lust is... They call this is a "Strip the Flesh" match which sounds pretty gory, but turns out it's actually a bra and panties match... involving a transsexual person that probably no one wants to see in their underwear...


Jerry: Well, that no one will publically admit it, at least...


Calvin: And then there's her opponent... who comes out in a f***king gimp suit... doing the f***king duck walk as she marches to the ring...


Jerry: That was... geez, that took offensive to a whole new level...


Calvin: So her outfit is styled after an SS uniform but without the insignia... her music theme is grandiose and militaristic... she does the march but not the salute... It's like, we all know what this is supposed to be, but there's no outright connection...


Jerry: It's like they're trying to dance around a copyright infringement lawsuit... filed by Hitler


Calvin: Damn... I mean, Abominatrix was already hands down one of the most offensive gimmicks and characters, but her CTUC version...


Jerry: Calvin? Calvin, you just mentioned her CTUC version and it dawned on me...


Calvin: What, Jerry?


Jerry: If Abominatrix is this kind of character and the promotion is supposed to be based in Chicago... does that make her...?


Calvin: I don't know, Jerry... by this point? I wouldn't be surprised if Ugly Bob and his masked monster friend were supposed to come in dressed as the Blues Brothers and feud with her...


Jerry: Whoever's booking this company is clearly on drugs. Or mentally ill. Or both.


Calvin: Anyhow, back to the match that no one wanted to see: a transsexual and... that thing, in a bra and panties match...


Jerry: Which still got the best reaction out of all that show's matches... should tell you a thing or two about the kind of people who are into CTUC...


Calvin: This was the oddest mix of hardcore wrestling and eye candy stuff they could possibly come up with and it clearly overstayed its welcome... way over ten minutes, it was like what, twelve? Fourteen?


Jerry: It was... way longer than it should have been. Assuming this match should have been in the first place...


Calvin: Including the long-overdue finish, because of course we did end up seeing Lust in his/her/their lingerie after all...


Jerry: But that didn't stop Abominatrix, who apparently took the subtitle of the match a bit too literally and grabbed her knife to literally "strip the flesh" off from Lust...


Calvin: Speaking of which, that's an actual, working knife and not a prop...




Jerry: Which is the cue for a new character to show up, Annabelle The Canni-belle...


Calvin: Presumably drawn by the scent of flesh and blood, because cannibal... then she has the fight with Abominatrix over who's gonna eat Lust alive or something...




Jerry: Then the rest of the Sins' females arrive in the form of Pride and Envy to save Lust and chase away the other two and the show fades to black...


Calvin: And we're both staring at the screen like 'what the hell did we just watch'?


Jerry: That was you, Calvin. I was like that way before the show went off the air.


Calvin: I'm amazed this promotion still exists... I'm amazed any network let them pull off stuff like that... I'm amazed wrestlers agreed to do any of this... I'm amazed people watched that show, some of them even paid to see it live...


Jerry: I'm amazed we're still covering their shows...


Calvin: I mean... has no one taken action against this kind of stuff? Is this the wrestling we want?


Jerry: So far, it's just been some hostile announcement from Lone Star in Texas and Left Coast UV... which is worse, because it means Chi-Town Urban Combat is actually making waves... if they're not threatened by it, it does at least register as a blip on their radar...


Calvin: I don't know... it's been quite some time since I felt uncomfortable watching a wrestling show. I know they've announced CTUC Bad Obsession for next month, but if that's the kind of stuff they're producing, I'm not looking forward to it.


Jerry: It's kind of a Bad Obsession though, like a train wreck you can't take your eyes away from.


Calvin: It's just bad taste, Jerry. Some lines you just don't cross.


Author's Note: Won't lie, putting Abominatrix under such an offensive gimmick was a big decision, but I wanted to portray her in a different light than her usual "murderous psychopath" schtick and really get across that CTUC isn't scared to push the envelope. Not trying to promote or even normalize what her character is supposed to be associated with, I'm actually very strongly against it, but wanted to make all this perfectly clear. I try to think of her character as the wrestling equivalent of what Marilyn Manson did around his peak, but she's still pretty hard to write out so I might consider switching her gimmick, especially if readers here have issues with it
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So if Abominatrix is running the gimmick will we also be seeing the guys that actually do wear the German uniforms showing up? They are totally free agents in the mod.


The gimmick is totally offensive but it's meant to be. Rotunda is running around doing a take on mix of Schizophrenia and god knows what on WWE TV, Chris Jericho has set out to offend anyone watching AEW and that incompetent maniac Sami Callihan is the Impact champion. Wrestling ideally should be at some level somewhat offensive if it's working. Heels have to get heat and whether it's putting the locals down or having a gimmick which is in bad taste it's all part of the package. Watchmen is on tv doing stories about Lynchings, Walking Dead has people skinning people and wearing their skin and putting heads on spikes, Game of Thrones had N A Z I Imagery galore when Dany took Kings Landing - all that stuff is offensive on some level but also necessary - it cant all be The Muppet Show sometimes it's going to be Meet the Feebles.

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I'm loving this so far and I agree with Alpha that you shouldn't change Abominatrix's gimmick. Wrestling is full of offensive material. WWF had their biggest show of the year main evented by a match representing an actual war for crying out loud. And it's pretty obvious that she's supposed to be a heel, it's not like she's being positioned as a Babyface. I say it's fine.
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Just catching up as I've been pretty busy the last couple weeks but I absolutely love what you're take on abominatrix. It's always nice to see a psycho with layers

Even if they end up being a ****. Theres always one messing about and ruining all the fun.


And I agree, change nothing. The product is supposed to be somewhat offensive.

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And I agree, change nothing. The product is supposed to be somewhat offensive.

Actually, I plan to change my broadcaster so I can present the product in an even more offensive way :D


Appreciate the support everyone, just wanted to put that out for better or worse. Should have the card for the next show up by Friday probably.

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Aurora said:
Love those renders so much. Love how weird this one is. Looking forward to reading more.

Thanks. I've thought of the term "weirdcore" to describe the product, couldn't fit the comedy part in but I guess it falls under the 'weird' part.




CTUC Bad Obsession card

Sun W2 May 2016


Main Event

Tyrell Starr & Dr. Funkenstein vs Mikey Malice & Frankie Petruzzi


Probably what should be the Main Event

Pride & Envy vs Abominatrix & Anabelle the Canni-belle


Let's pretend this hasn't been announced yet

Skullsy the Skatertron vs EL CHUPACABRA!


Opening Contest

Carlotta vs Vanity



Edited by DarK_RaideR
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CTUC Bad Obsession card

Sun W2 May 2016


Main Event

Tyrell Starr & Dr. Funkenstein vs Mikey Malice & Frankie Petruzzi


Probably what should be the Main Event

Pride & Envy vs Abominatrix & Anabelle the Canni-belle


Let's pretend this hasn't been announced yet

Skullsy the Skatertron vs EL CHUPACABRA!

Opening Contest

Carlotta vs Vanity


So my decisions are based from purely a booking perspective. Starr & Funkenstein winning would give you a reason to book matches against Malice ... so I see Petruzzi taking the pin here. Pride & Envy are talented while A&A are a little more problematic, you are a Hardcore fed with Eye-Candy thrown in and unless it says Hardcore then I think the best booking is with the good-looking talented girls.. EL CHUPACABRA is a star if only for the way he's written in the write ups - the Skaterton is not. Carlotta has some skill but Vanity (Ugly Bob) has the more interesting storyline going so I can see him getting a win here but he's also a bit of a loser so it could go the other way and still further that (especially if Sloth or any of the Sins attack him) so it's the most difficult to make a call on.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="alpha2117" data-cite="alpha2117" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47038" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> Pride & Envy are talented while A&A are a little more problematic, you are a Hardcore fed with Eye-Candy thrown in and unless it says Hardcore then I think the best booking is with the good-looking talented girls.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> 7 Deadly Sins no more, after this match there will only be 5. Those two have no idea the world of pain A&A are about to put them through! (Not saying they will win the match just that they will be sent to a brand new world, a world that is way more painful than this world, basically a world made up completely of pain!)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Also this world needs more Mr. Mosca, are just some Mr. Mosca since right now this world has zero Mr. Mosca. I'm sure you can hire him DR, I doubt he's super conservative or anything, he does vomit on his opponents in the ring regularly.</p>
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willr0ck said:
Also this world needs more Mr. Mosca, are just some Mr. Mosca since right now this world has zero Mr. Mosca. I'm sure you can hire him DR, I doubt he's super conservative or anything, he does vomit on his opponents in the ring regularly.

I aim to please: the women's division became a thing by popular demand, I'm probably bringing in ze Germanz for an short angle with Abominatszschi and I'm pretty sure the weircore world of CTUC can accomodate a guy in a giant fly suit. Maybe put him in a team with EL CHUPACABRA! since the project of him and Vanity flopped. Thing is, I'm trying to keep the roster down to a managable size so that everyone gets enough time to shine (not easy since I brought in the female workers) while also staying alive financially. Playing the game with 2 shows a month to make for the Regional Wars pop losses is not something I'd like to do, same with using the editor to bump up my available funds.


Here's a little quiz for you all while you're waiting for the next show: who do you believe is the owner of CTUC and who is my user character? Guess right and you might have the chance to be featured on a future episode of the Calvin & Jerry Podcast!

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Aurora" data-cite="Aurora" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47038" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>EL CHUPACABRA! only a monster would own this <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That's funny … I'd love it if it was Mr Mosca!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <img alt="K8PG1Vd.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/K8PG1Vd.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Rockverse is still in dev and has relatively few characters not already employed. Mikey Malice would be the logical choice as he is a potential owner/booker with decent skills and his personality means he would naturally push himself above anyone else so I'm going with him.</p>
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Jerry: So apparently any publicity is good publicity and we weren't the only ones offended by certain characters in Chi-Town Urban Combat's show last month, some people were willing to pay hard cash in order to voice their opinions in person last night when CTUC held their Bad Obsession show.


Calvin: Controversy creates cash, as the saying goes, Jerry. Apparently it did create some cash for CTUC too, they've set out to surpass both New Horror and Left Coast when it comes to pushing boundaries and offending people.


Jerry: Should come as no surprise given the man in power, which by the way we set up as a question for our listeners, but more on that later.







Calvin: So the show begins with Dr. Funkenstein and Tyrell Starr, who were opponents last month and Funkenstein's trying to convinve Starr they should join up against Mickey Malice, even though they're actually booked to wrestle together as a tag team in the main event...


Jerry: Yeah Malice attacked Starr after that match which probably led to them all being in a tag match, but obviously Dr. Funkenstein never got the memo...


Calvin: Shades of R-Truth there, but with disco instead of rapping. By the way, Funkenstein was freestyling all over the place and fans loved it, which is exactly what a character like that should be doing by the way. More talking, less wrestling.







Jerry: They are interrupted by a pair we haven't seen in a while, Frankie Petruzzi and Summer Whitley, uhm, excuse me... Mariah Milan. That's her CTUC name.


Calvin: I know, Jerry, I know. So anyway, Summer/Mariah gets on the mic and she says that, shock of shocks, there will indeed be a tag team match tonight! And because it seems Mikey Malice hasn't got a lot of friends in the back, he made a "special arrangement" with them in order to secure Petruzzi's services as a teammate for that match. Which was basic, but it set the stage, I guess.


Jerry: It would work best in a TV show probably, where you don't have a card announced. Given the circumstances it was pretty silly, but then again, CTUC aren't far from silly at all times...







Calvin: Speaking of which, next was the start of the show's arguably longest and silliest angle... so the tag team champions hit the ring with Tiffany Poe and cut a promo on last week's attack by Vanity and EL CHUPACABRA!


Jerry: Which would probably set up a match for the titles, if those two hadn't been all over each other's toes when they tried it out in a dark match, so I'm watching this and wondering are they still gonna do it? Are they gonna can the whole thing?







Calvin: Back to silly now, the skeletony duo interrupts and I gotta give pros to Tiffany Poe here, she sold this like she'd seen Death itself!


Jerry: I mean, you always know things are gonna get a little silly when these guys are around, so she really ran with it and oversold their presence. Good call.


Calvin: And then comes the save, Skullmageddon says he and himself from this dimension will take care of those two but afterwards will return for the tag team titles!


Jerry: I gotta say, Skullsy looked a little beefier than last month, so that kiiiiiinda made the whole thing feel a bit more credible?







Calvin: And then we get a match at last! But just so we don't forget this is a CTUC show we're watching, it's Carlotta the Exotico versus Vanity a.k.a. Ugly Bob and of course they play this up for laughs.


Jerry: Which is kind of a shame, because they seemed to not only have some actual wrestling skill, they also seem to have some pretty good chemistry between the ropes. And Carlotta's put on some pretty exotic muscle too, taking that feminine drag schtick straight into hard transgender territory.


Calvin: I'm not sure a comedy bout was what the show needed at that point, but again they had this long ongoing comedy angle across most of the show and this match was part of it so they stuck to the same tone I guess.


Jerry: Right, so Ugl... I mean, Vanity won clean with the Ugly Bomb... which of course has also been renamed into the Vanity Bomb, nothing to write home about in this star-and-a-half match and then...







Calvin: Skullmageddon attacks!


Jerry: Skullmageddon attacks, making good on his words earlier and he beat down Vanity to a pulp!


Calvin: Poor Vanity, the creative is not kind to his character, are they?


Jerry: When was any creative kind on the Ugly Bob character?







Calvin: And then of course because God forbid we get to see some wrestling, even the comedy nonesense that was on display earlier, we get another promo, this time from the Chi-Church Cult, basically requesting a tag match against Killboy Powerhead because of the mess they made last month in that mockery of a casket match.


Jerry: You know, at the time I wondered why the Bonechillers weren't part of this but I guess it's because they won that casket match? And they were busy doing other stuff this month too, obviously.







Calvin: Speaking of which, we got Skullsy the Skatertron next, in a match against none other than EL CHUPACABRA!


Jerry: A Chi-Town Deathmatch, no less!


Calvin: So of course everyone watching's like "but why?" but apparently Skullsy's out to murder the beast, only for the beast to murder him instead of course...


Jerry: Kudos to Skullsy though, him being bulked up made this match feel less of a squash and more like an actual contest. Plus he got whacked across the face with his own skateboard. Textbook underdog beating.


Calvin: It was the Silencio de los Cabras that put him down for the ten count, another CTUC classic barely failing to hit that two-star mark but it told the story it was supposed to: Skullmageddon played it smart and took out Vanity with a post match attack, while the naive Skullsy booked himself in a match only to get destroyed.


Jerry: Not too bad overall, but probably dragged too long in execution. Made the joke too complicated for no reason.







Calvin: With that done, we go to another talk segment, this time it's Pride & Envy being initerviewed by Michelle Lawless, who left her seat at the announcers' table for this...


Jerry: Not that she was doing such an amazing job there anyway to begin with...


Calvin: Real basic hype promo there, vengeance for last month, we're gonna beat you, whatever, not a lot of fans were responding to the words as much as the looks, but I guess that was as good a lead as any for...


Jerry: Jiggle jiggle, Calvin!







Calvin: Oh man... once again, the best match on the card, a three star bout technically given its context, was a bra & panties match between these four characters and if that doesn't tell you what CTUC is all about, I don't know what will.


Jerry: We're all terrible human beings for being a part of this in any way and apparently that character has really sparked up fans' creativity with chants of "Feminatrix" and "AbomiNZ"


Calvin: What is the world coming to... so let's run through this match real quick, Envy apparently went for looks over practicality and that green dress was mighty fine, but three seconds into the match and a strong pull from Annabelle, it all came off in one piece to essentially eliminate her from the match.


Jerry: I think that single spot, that pull-and-reveal stuff, that got the biggest pop of the night.


Calvin: So Envy's immediately eliminated, Annabelle sees flesh and goes bezerk, she chases off a half-naked Envy out of the ring and we get a one on one situation between Abominatrix and Pride...


Jerry: Lots of gimmickry and character showcasing, heels really wasting their numbers advantage by that point.


Calvin: But it was also a chance for Pride to do some actual wrestling, which is a part of why the match ended up being entertaining despite the overall jiggling left and right. It was a smart thing to have her put Abominatrix in submission holds and slowly unzip the back of her gimp suit.


Jerry: It also set up a sick hardcore spot for that spinebuster... drove her naked back flesh first onto some thumbtacks.


Calvin: Which I guess was the cue to drag Annabelle The Canni-belle back into the match. Smell of blood and all...


Jerry: And her ring outfit is pretty revealing to begin with...


Calvin: Yeah she's got that caveman prehistoric woman deal going on to make her look more savage or something... which means her wardrobe looks like it probably consists of clothes stolen off the set of a Flintstones porn parody.


Jerry: Meaning Pride had an easy time finishing her off.... No pun intended.








Calvin: Good luck following that up and spoiler alert, the main event didn't... another two-star CTUC classic, which probably would have been better if it wasn't coming off after such a semi main event. Or, you know, if the people involved could actually pull off the stuntshow they tried to execute without looking so sloppy.


Jerry: I almost injured my eyes watching that match, I'm surprised they didn't injure each other in it and it went on for what, ten minutes?


Calvin: Ten minutes and eighteen seconds, to be exact. It's a shame Tyrell Starr didn't win it because he was an absolute star, no pun intended. Probably the only man in that ring who held his stuff together from bell to bell.


Jerry: Dr. Funkenstein was probably the worst, but I guess you'd not expect much from a man under such a gimmick in the first place. At least him taking the fall felt right the best call and he did so by going through a table too.


Calvin: Yeah Mariah Milan flashed him for a pop that probably equalled that of Envy getting stripped, he fell off the top rope though the table...


Jerry: ...on his own...


Calvin: Yeah that was a funny spot, and then Petruzzi covered him for the pin. Which kinda made the whole story of Mikey Malice recruting him have some meaning.


Jerry: Yeah when the match was announced, he was the odd man and I could see him taking the pin, but now he scored the pin and the show ended with him talking to Mikey Malice, presumably about their "special arrangement"...


Calvin: And in true CTUC fashion, that "special arrangement" was left intentionally vague so it might be suggesting some intimacy involving Mariah Milan...


Jerry: I would not be surprised if Malice pulled that off, he's been talking about opening his own promotion for a while to, quote, "show those @#%)wads how it's done" and if Whitley wasn't dating PWU's Carson Cage, I'm sure this angle would go down a much more risque path...


Calvin: Speaking of which, that's a perfect segway from wrapping up this two star show into our weekly competition. We asked you fans to guess who's behind Chi-Town Urban Combat and it was a listener by the alias of alpha2117 who got it right, it's Mikey Malice both running and booking this mess!


Jerry: Congratulations alpha2117, send us your question, comments or whatever for use in our next podcast when we return to talk about CTUC's next show...


Calvin: Hiiiiiighwaaaaay toooo the Danger Zone!




CTUC Danger Zone card

Sun W2 June 2016


Main Event

Ladder match for the Nation of Violence title

Mikey Malice © vs Frankie Petruzzi


Bound to get a better grade than the main event

The Devil's Playthings vs Three of the Seven Deadly Sins


Deadly Duo titles match

Gluttony & Sloth © vs The Bonechillers


Opening Tag Team match

Chi-Church Cult vs Killboy Powerhead



Edited by DarK_RaideR
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<p>From the info other people have given the Sin people are potentially great so I can see why Pride got that win and I loved the write up. Good to see EL CHUPACABRA getting the win. </p><p> </p><p>



Gluttony and Sloth</p><p>

CCC</p><p> </p><p>

no EL CHUPACABRA <img alt=":mad:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/mad.png.69834f23b9a8bf290d98375f56f1c794.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt=":confused:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/confused.png.d4a8e6b6eab0c67698b911fb041c0ed1.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt=":eek:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/eek.png.0e09df00fa222c85760b9bc1700b5405.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<p>Now you are really hitting your stride. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>CTUC Danger Zone card</p><p>

Sun W2 June 2016</p><p> </p><p>

Main Event</p><p>

Ladder match for the Nation of Violence title</p><p>

<strong>Mikey Malice ©</strong> vs Frankie Petruzzi</p><p> </p><p>

Bound to get a better grade than the main event</p><p>

The Devil's Playthings vs <strong>Three of the Seven Deadly Sins</strong></p><p><strong>


Deadly Duo titles match</p><p>

<strong>Gluttony & Sloth ©</strong> vs The Bonechillers</p><p> </p><p>

Opening Tag Team match</p><p>

<strong>Chi-Church Cult</strong> vs Killboy Powerhead</p><p> </p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

My take: So Malice is booking this - he's going to be like Moolah - that belt is never leaving his waist. The Sins against the Playthings … I assume we might get Avarice (which another of willr0cks great renders) as it's going to be eye candy. Lust is really designed more for tags with Wrath than that although her looks do make her useable in those angles with a penalty. The hardest thing with the Women of CTUC is everbody is a natural heel - in terms of talent obviously pushing Pride is the best choice as she's basically Charlotte Flair crossed with Chyna in that she's 6'4 but has beauty and skills to be the biggest star in this or any other fed with a little luck. Now the Bonechillers could get a win over Gluttony & Sloth but really shouldn't - they are actually working pretty well so far and the size increase will help them long term but in terms of ability they are still very much a work in progress - the Sin boys are easy to deal with backstage and both bring enough in ring to make their matches watchable - and they will only get better. Killboy & Powerhead will of course get destroyed - the Chi-Church Cult are close to good and likely to get better (Moxley is like the Sins in that he is really young and already showing real potential) their opponents are not particularly good and may well stay that way.</p>

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<p><strong>CTUC Danger Zone card Predictions:</strong></p><p><strong>


Main Event</p><p>

Ladder match for the Nation of Violence title</p><p>

<strong>Mikey Malice ©</strong> vs Frankie Petruzzi</p><p> </p><p>

Bound to get a better grade than the main event</p><p>

The Devil's Playthings vs <strong>Three of the Seven Deadly Sins</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Deadly Duo titles match</p><p>

<strong>Gluttony & Sloth</strong> © vs The Bonechillers</p><p> </p><p>

Opening Tag Team match</p><p>

Chi-Church Cult vs <strong>Killboy Powerhead</strong></p>

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  • 3 weeks later...






Calvin: Hiiiiiighwaaaaay toooo the Danger Zone!


Jerry: Oh dear...


Calvin: It's that time of the show, where we get to comment on CTUC's craptastic June show, Danger Zone!


Jerry: Once again coming from Alberta Lea, Minesotta and decidedly not Chicago, with a somewhat lower attendance than last month... Looks like the good people of Alberta Lea are starting to develop some standards in taste when it comes to pro wrestling...








Calvin: We kick off with a match no one asked for as Killboy Powerhead took on the Chi-Church Cult, Orcus and Chris Moxley!


Jerry: I'm calling it now, at just 19 years of age, Moxley is CTUC's Joey Janella. He's too good to be wrestling these garbage hardcore matches.


Calvin: It was a pretty chaotic match, yeah, but that's what happens when you gotta distract fans from realizing that some of the participants can't really wrestle. Though I always enjoy that spot where Killboy uses Powerhead as a human projectile to be hurled at the opposition.


Jerry: Scarlett Church was also another distraction and for all her good work, she wasn't involved in the finish. Which is a good thing for me, because if you need that assist to beat a team like Killboy Powerhead, it really kills your credibility.


Calvin: I thought maybe they wanted to set up a match for Orcus' title but he hit the Sin List on Killboy and won clean, though the match itself shouldn't even make it to the two star threshold. What I'm guessing they want to do is build up the group, maybe give them a shot at the tag titles too.


Jerry: They did seem to imply that in their post-match speech, which by the way was tons better than the match itself.


Calvin: Speaking of the tag titles...









Calvin: ...we got a match for them next, as Gluttony & Sloth put their Deadly Duo titles on the line against The Bonechillers!


Jerry: You know, I did notice in these first two matches how some folks seem to be really taking their CTUC careers seriously. Orcus used to be a real blob, but this month he reminded me more of a sumo wrestler with more muscle than fat under the hood. Same for Skullmageddon, who put some meat on that wiry frame of his.


Calvin: It certainly helps his character come across as less of a joke, because Skullsy's supposed to be the joke here.


Jerry: Yeah and he's the one I see a future in. Slighty better in the ring, somewhat more over with the fans...


Calvin: Not that it did them much good though, they still lost the match but the important thing here was...







Calvin: ...Vanity, who I should stop thinking of as Ugly Bob, showing up to attack Skullmageddon to set up the Spear from Gluttony and subsequent pin.


Jerry: I'm usually critical of all things CTUC, but this one was pretty solid storytelling. Vanity's ongoing struggle to be accepted by the Sins, plus payback for Skullmageddon's post match attack last month.


Calvin: Yeah and I think this title match was also set up by all those interacting in last month's show, can't remember the details. What I can remember is this was another two star classic in the books and defense number one for the champions. Took them long enough.







Jerry: Then we had Tyrell Starr's promo...


Calvin: Which was good, just not as good as the Chi-Church Cult earlier on.


Jerry: Pretty formulaic too. I lost because of my tag partner, I want another shot, yadda yadda, no one cares...


Calvin: You know what people cared about? The following match.









Jerry: Oh yeah. That match...


Calvin: Sex sells and make no mistake, this was the match that sold tickets. You talked about Moxley before, how about all these six being held down as nothing more than eye candy?


Jerry: Fair point, though at least we were spared of the silly stipulations this time. They still showed plenty of flesh, but at least they pretended they were aiming for a pinfall, not stripping someone down to their underwear or something.


Calvin: You now what else we were spared of? Abominatrix and Annabelle the Canni-belle. If you count the absence of EL CHUPACABRA!




Calvin: Yeah, so I was saying, when it comes to beasties and creepers, fans got a little shortchanged by this show.


Jerry: It's CTUC, Calvin. As soon as they buy a ticket, they've already sold themselves short.


Calvin: Gotta say though, I was pretty impressed by Pride's finishing move and calling it the Divastator only made it more awesome.


Jerry: Match of the night at three and a quarter stars, which tells you all you need to know about this company's shows.







Calvin: Next, we got Mariah Milan being obnoxious and talking down the audience for about five minutes...


Jerry: While hornyed-up fans shouted at her to flash her tits again...


Calvin: I think you're expected to check your decency and standards at the door before entering the venue. Kudos to her though, following up after that six woman match wasn't easy and she did a great job working with the fans' reactions.


Jerry: Yeah it was clear she was going off script, if she ever had one to begin with.









Calvin: So finally she introduced Frankie Petruzzi and we got down to the night's main event.


Jerry: Speaking of which, alpha2117 was right about Mikey Malice being the owner and booker of CTUC, we're still waiting to hear from you for winning the prize of our little contest. Now that you got all the predictions for this show right too, I'm even more intrigued for your input.


Calvin: Mikey Malice put his title on the line to pay back Petruzzi for teaming with him last month and it was another Ladder match for the belt, though not as crazy as we're used to.


Jerry: I thought the ladies before were tripping when it came to the flow of the match, which is crazy to think that psychology was a thing in an eye candy match in the first place, but this...


Calvin: Flow and psychology is one thing, as is packing a match with spots and stunts. It's not just that, I think Malice and Petruzzi felt awkward wrestling each other.


Jerry: Only stunt I can recall from the top of my head was Mariah pushing the ladder to send Mikey Malice crashing down to the outside.


Calvin: Malice was lucky to walk out of that match without an injury, because Petruzzi blew more spots than he actually hit. Probably worst match of the night, together with the opener, but you expect openers to not be perfect. When your main event is like that...


Jerry: The women's match had some potential of taking the show above its usual two stars, but the finish left a bitter taste in everyone's mouth so two stars it is for CTUC's Danger Zone show. No wonder they were moved to the Graveyard slot.


Calvin: Which, again, I didn't feel like they took full advantage of. No creepy crawlers, no buckets of blood...


Jerry: Well they seem to have noticed, Calvin, as well as the fact that it's the women's matches that get the best reactions, which is why they announced today on social media they'll be introducing an all new title for the CTUC ladies!


Calvin: What?!


Jerry: That's right, so fans, let us know not just what you think of the show but also who do you think should be the first ever holder of that title among CTUC's women?

Edited by DarK_RaideR
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