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Public Access

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So, when I think of Public Access television, I think of a local network, usually pay per broadcast, but one that will basically let everyone on.


In TEW (Cornellverse), though, Public Access Select is a Multi-national broadcasting company with coverage throughout all of the US and Canada; and it requires at least decent popularity throughout much of that area.


That feels weird to me. Is this network NOT supposed to simulate the public access I talked about above?

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So, when I think of Public Access television, I think of a local network, usually pay per broadcast, but one that will basically let everyone on.


In TEW (Cornellverse), though, Public Access Select is a Multi-national broadcasting company with coverage throughout all of the US and Canada; and it requires at least decent popularity throughout much of that area.


That feels weird to me. Is this network NOT supposed to simulate the public access I talked about above?


I've thought about this as well, Brother Steev and what it appears to come down to is that public access broadcasting doesn't fit the current economics of TEW. The companies that would appear to most benefit from the exposure of public access TV typically lack the funds to pay for it. In one of my training fed games, I typically would because I overfund those games. That way I can sandbox storylines and just worry about getting guys to learn skills. But most micropromotions in the C-Verse are funded on a dwarf's shoestring. So it would appear either public access in not a thing in the C-Verse or the stations are just particularly greedy there. All I know is that it would be cost prohibitive in the game world as it currently exists.

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