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I just wanted to be a manager, or a mouthpiece, for a wrestler who doesn't know how to cut a promo. I knew I didn't have the body or the health to be a star performer of my own, so I thought that being a manager would be a great way to break into the business. Lo and behold, by the time 1998 came around, managers were no longer needed in the national landscape. Alas, there went my dream, although now in the year 2020, the role of the manager/mouthpiece seems to be making a slight comeback.
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Every PPV, I used to stay up at my friend's house and watch them until 5am.


My all time favourite moment was when the Undertaker returned as the American Badass at Judgement Day 2000 and laid waste to DX.


Unbelievable "goose bump" moment for the both of us that I'll never forget.

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Hey guys, I've been a part of this great community for quite some time now, and I just wanted to do something to give back to the community. I don't have the talent/time/wrestling knowledge to make a mod or anything so I thought I would do a giveaway for TEW 2020!


All you gotta do to enter is post in this thread. To keep the thread interesting lets just say you have to post what your favourite wrestling moment of all time is. The only restriction I'm going to place is that accounts must be at least 2 weeks old and should have a minimum of, lets say, 10 posts. Just to make sure people don't enter with a bunch of alts. I'll announce the winner the day the game comes out. Good luck!


This is very hard. Hogan's NWO turn was wonderful. Another one was the ECW Invasions of RAW in 95-98 on and off. My favorite moment? I will be lambasted, I am sure - it's a toss between Kenny winning his IWGP Heavyweight Championship, and the All Out PPV, which I attended live. It proved AEW's promise to offer a real alternative in a big arena. Have they lived up to it? I mean, it took TNA several years to reach their peak ratings. Even then, they struggled to sell PPVs. AEW with just a year in, Dynamite not being one year yet, has already matched the highest TNA PPV sales and I think they will pull through the next few rough years just fine.


So for me - it's All Out, the event itself.


I was also a big fan of Vader vs Cactus Jack in WCW, that was ECW before there was ECW. There was also a show I attended as a kid where Ox Baker took on Terry Funk. Ox worked as the face!


I also met Dick the Bruiser at a signing when I was a wee lad.

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It's really awesome of you to do this Bonafide. Hope a lot of good will floats your way. I also loved reading everybody's favorite moments, especially those ones that have a personal commentary on them.


So, mine is, and I can't believe it took 10 pages for someone to mention the clear best moment in professional wrestling history.


So my favourite moment aside from that was Christian winning his first WWE Heavyweight Title. A wrestler who was around so long and was putting on great match after match... but never got pushed. Finally he won. And the moment, even though it ended so quickly... was absolutely perfect. I had tears in my eyes as I celebrated. Just phenomenal.


Christian was my favorite wrestler, taking the place of Benoit after he did a Benoit. I didn't watch TNA as a whole at the time, but I did follow what guys like Christian, Kurt Angle, and AJ Styles did. I bought DVDs of PPVs that they were a major part of. Then, in 2009, Christian returns to WWE and proceeds to put on fantastic matche after fantastic match with midcarders in ECW.


Skip forward to 2011 and one of my all time favorites in Edge retires. It was upsetting, but there was a bright side. Christian was entered into a world title match that I was sure he would lose.


2011 was also a really interesting year in my life. It was my last semester of community college, I crashed my car in a snowstorm in December and was without a car for two months and bruised my shoulder in the process. Later in the year, I injured my knee from falling on ice. I stayed with some friends frequently because I didn't want my mom to make two 2 way trips every day. The used car we got was a gas hog and had a ton of things already wrong with it, but it was $1200. In April, we had our electric and water shut off at home and in my mom's store, so we had to rely on friends and family to help us in that time as well. I graduated community college and got 2 awesome jobs that I loved doing. Then, I moved in August and started my long tenure at university. So, 2011 was a year of ups and downs for me.


As I mentioned, Christian was my all time favorite by the time 2011 came around for me. I was speechless and in tears when I read the Extreme Rules 2011 results because I had fully expected Del Rio to win, but WWE does the right thing in a lot of situations, but the wrong thing in a lot as well. But, I was ecstatic and emotional. And then 2 days later, I was speechless and in tears when I read the Smackdown spoilers of Christian losing the World Heavyweight Championship to Randy Orton.


My feelings in that 2 day span of wrestling in 2011 pretty much summed up my personal life in 2011.

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no worries you’ll be in the giveaway :)


Hey thanks I appreciate it, but I have to decline because not only am I still working but I am actually doing overtime. Because of that I think it would be better to give it to someone else who maybe isn't working and can't afford to get it otherwise. I just wanted to share my story but thanks for making an exception!

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I've only watched wrestling sporadically over the decades, but something that really sticks out in my mind was AEW Dynamite, Darby Allin vs. Chris Jericho when Jericho tied Darby's arms behind his back and he was still climbing the turnbuckles and hitting those high-flying moves. Just Wow.
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Being perhaps the biggest Mark Henry mark in the world, it's either his coronation as World Champions (the Hall of Pain run ruled and brought me back to Smackdown after Christian lost the World Title to Orton) os the fake retirement. I was legit tearing up and then he slams Cena. I woke up the entire house. It sucks that he did not get a run with the WWE Title, but Bryan v Cena had to happen
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My favorite moment wasn't necessarily a match but it was when I went to my first live show. It was WCW Monday Nitro in November 1999. You may remember a couple of moments from that show;


The debut of Se7en only for Dustin Rhodes to crap on the gimmick and say he was just going to be him. That entrance was probably the coolest one I've ever seen.


The WCW world title tournament was going on which saw Chris Benoit take on Madusa.


I know this show was in the down times of WCW, but it was totally on fire and the crowd was completely into the entire show. The atmosphere was nothing like I'd ever experienced. I got to see so many stars and future stars, everyone I loved as a kid. I got to see Bret Hart, Sting, Goldberg, Sid, Hall, Nash, Eddie Guerrero, Benoit, Rey Mysterio, Torrie Wilson (who is insanely gorgeous) and so many others. My only disappointment was I missed out on getting to see Hulk Hogan live by just a couple of weeks. This show was right after Halloween Havoc.


I attended a Monday Night Raw a few years later and also got to see many greats. Steve Austin riding his ATV around and saw Benoit again (this time world champion). Still though, it didn't compare to the aura of that Nitro.

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My greatest wrestling moment is also my saddest.


It's the main event of Wrestlemania XX when HHH tapped out. I have never marked out more than that as an adult.


The problem, of course, is that HHH tapped out to "he who shall not be named."


I can never forget that memory. But now it will tear me apart to think of it.

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This has been a great thread. It's really cool that these favourite moments span from the early 80's all the way to the past few years.


Trying to come up with an absolute favourite is really hard, so I'll just talk about a few of them.


DBD's Mania 30 win and Christian's title win are moments that will stay with me forever, even with botched follow-ups (I think 2 Days is the start of my never-ending skepticism towards WWE). These two have been talk about in this thread, and for good reason, so let me talk about other moments that really resonated with me.


Chuck Taylor had been one of my favourite PWG ever since I started watching PWG stuff in 2012 (with Threemendous III). Five years later, he was pretty much the only one left of that generation of independent wrestlers. His friends and peers had mostly left and signed elsewhere. But Chuckie T was still there. And he hadn't won a major singles title anywhere. Sure, he had some success in teams, having won DDT4 and King of Trios. But that singles glory eluded him.


Until he got the push.


The moment when Chuckie planted ZSJ with the Awful Waffle after a tremendous contest, hooked the leg and won the PWG World Title, I almost cried. A stupid grin rose on his face as Reseda exploded and Excalibur screeched his voice out. I sat on my bench and smiled from ear to ear.


The other moment I want to bring up is even more recent. Last year me and four of my friends hopped on a plane in Finland and went to London for a weekend of wrestling. Two RevPro shows, All Out live in a bar and, of course, New Japan's Royal Quest.


Seeing Minoru Suzuki in two matches and having the chance to yell Kaze Ni Nare aloud with 7000 drunk britbongs was an unforgettable experience. I'll never forget the arena SHAKING as we demanded Suzuki to keep murdering Okada. If he had actually won, Copper Box might've actually crumbled from the pop.


After the show, me and one of my friends managed to get out before the rest of our group, so we waited outside at the smoking place. A gentleman named Simon approached and started conversation by saying: "What a show, eh lads?"


My voice was shot, so I probably managed to gurgle something resembling a "yeah."


Awesome night, awesome match.

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First off, I've already posted earlier so please don't accidentally add my name to the list twice.


Second, I've been coming back to this topic every day since it was posted and reading everyone's favorite moments and I just wanna say it's beyond awesome seeing everyone share wrestling moments that meant something to them, even if they're not "cool". And nobody's made fun of anyone or tried to start an argument, which makes this easily the most positive experience I've ever had on a wrestling board since I started visiting them in 1999. So, with that in mind, I wanted to share another cool moment with you guys.


Me and my husband (then boyfriend) went to WrestleMania 29 in the "NY/NJ Metropolitan Area" (aka New Jersey...). It was a pretty bad show, and very forgettable for a WM (especially considering the one that followed) but we also went up early to see the CHIKARA WM weekend show. We live kind of far away, so we got up at like 6 in the morning and, since I was the only one with a license at the time, I drove the whole trip, a little over 8 hours. By the time we got there and checked in, I was exhausted, but we didn't have too much time before the show started, so no nap for me. It was a fun show. This was right when CHIKARA was really hot, before they pretended to shut down and did their weird "Wrestling Is..." thing that I never really liked or got. We were three rows from the ring, right on the opposite side from where the entrance ramp was set up, so we had good seats. I was about ten feet away from Missile Assault Ant, who to this day is still my favorite Ant, and unlike most wrestlers he actually looked a lot bigger in person than he did on "TV".




Like I said, it was a fun show and it had all the CHIKARA mainstays, but I was so exhausted. By the time the main event rolled around, all I wanted to do was eat and pass out for 12 hours. The main event was Mike Quackenbush and a mystery partner going up against Jigsaw and The Shard, which was...less than appealing to me, even if I was well rested. At this point, the only reason I wasn't begging my husband to leave early was because I didn't want to ruin the show for him more than I already had with my tired whining. So Jigsaw and The Shard come out. I'm barely awake. Quack comes out. I try to pretend I care. Then it's time for Quack's mystery partner. I'm almost paying attention.


Jushin Liger's music hits.


Full disclosure, at this point in my life I was barely aware Japanese wrestling even existed, but I'd been on enough wrestling forums to know who Liger was and to have seen why people like him so much. So he was always in the back of my head as a Big Deal, even if I never really knew most of his history or watched any of the promotions he was a part of. Once I realized what was going on, it was like that scene in Pulp Fiction where John Travolta stabs Uma Thurman in the heart with the shot of adrenaline. I was out of my seat, screaming and losing my mind along with everyone else. The match was great too, and everyone was super into it. I got to see Jushin Thunder Liger wrestle less than fifteen feet away from me and it was one of the best live moments I've ever been present for at a wrestling show. Totally made the whole weekend worth it even though Mania sucked and the car broke down on the highway that led from NYC back into Jersey on the way back from the CHIKARA show, lol

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Second, I've been coming back to this topic every day since it was posted and reading everyone's favorite moments and I just wanna say it's beyond awesome seeing everyone share wrestling moments that meant something to them, even if they're not "cool". And nobody's made fun of anyone or tried to start an argument, which makes this easily the most positive experience I've ever had on a wrestling board since I started visiting them in 1999. So, with that in mind, I wanted to share another cool moment with you guys.


Me too, and I fully agree with that. This is the best wrestling forum on the net, and this thread has been superb from start to finish. Your story about Liger is awesome too :D


I picked Tazz's WWE debut and nobody had anything bad to say about my pick being not 'cool' or anything like that either.


Bravo Bonafide Bluffa for setting this up, and keep your favourite moments coming. I'm enjoying reading them all! :)

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The Lloyd" data-cite="The Lloyd" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47448" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Me too, and I fully agree with that. This is the best wrestling forum on the net, and this thread has been superb from start to finish. Your story about Liger is awesome too <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I totally agree, this topic is awesome! I'm back on page 1, but I still want to post more stories!</p><p> </p><p> I also got to see Jushin Liger live in Massachusetts at an ROH show a couple of years ago. That was amazing, I never thought I'd get that opportunity.</p><p> </p><p> Regarding somebody I got the chance to meet, my parents took me to a WCW signing when I was like 5 or 6. Miss Elizabeth, Bobby Heenan, and then-WCW United States Champion Bret Hart, my childhood favorite. My parents still have a picture with his arm around me and the title on the table in front of us.</p>
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My favourite memory would be Triple H vs Cactus Jack match at Royal Rumble around 99/00 sort of time I think, I remember having just moved out of my parents house, had to wait a couple of days for the virgin installer to visit. In those first few days I felt like it was dawning on me it might not be so fun living on my own, but on the day of the new virgin installation I saw an advert for Royal rumble which was a couple of days away if I remember rightly. And I sat and watched it with that match leaving me in awe of what they put their bodies through. I am a big boxing fan and around the same sort of time was Mike Tysons either comeback fight or first fight in the Uk or something.. which he won inside the first round. I remember feeling like the WWF PPV had given much more value for my money than the Tyson PPV had, which I think may have not even had the undercard on, literally just the main fight which lasted around a minute at the most
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As crazy as it sounds my favorite moment of all time was the reaction Hulk Hogan and The Rock got for the match at WM X8. If no one cares and I could post extra moments I loved the HHH vs. Taka match in 2000 on RAW, Hulk Hogan turning Heel and joining the NWO, Steve Austin in ECW, and Steamboat's throat being crushed by Savage would probably complete my Mount Rushmore of random wrestling events I enjoyed and just came to my head.
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one of my first shows. andre the giant vs. the masked superstar. masked superstar was a fave of mine but we all knew he wasnt beating andre!! watching roddy piper smash jimmy snuka with the coconut was awesome as well. loved afa and sika aka the wild samoans. watching hulk hogan come out to the ring with eye of the tiger blaring and destroying the iron sheik in about 30 seconds!! just a few as i grew up in the 80's so was lucky to follow a lot of the regional promotions.
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Regarding somebody I got the chance to meet, my parents took me to a WCW signing when I was like 5 or 6. Miss Elizabeth, Bobby Heenan, and then-WCW United States Champion Bret Hart, my childhood favorite. My parents still have a picture with his arm around me and the title on the table in front of us.


I remembering meeting Big John Studd at a 7-Eleven in Providence, Rhode Island when I was a kid. He was there signing autographs and I was scared crapless to meet him. I don't recall how old I was but I think it was during his hiatus from the WWF.


I was scared because he had been a heel for all those years and so as a kid I was not sure I wanted to meet him. I recall there was this kid waiting outside in line to meet him when I was next in line. This kid (I would say he was a teenager) pressed his face up against the glass of the store window and John put his hand on the other side and his hand had to be twice the size of the kid's face. When I finally got to meet him, he must of realized I was scared of him because he stood up and knelt down next to me to sort of talk on my level (he was sitting at a table most of the time).


I honestly do not remember what he said, but whatever it was made me no longer scared of him.

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